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Subject/Lesson Title/Group: Lesson start time: 9:00

Grammar/ Main and Helping Verbs/ Estimated ending time of lesson:

3rd Grade 9:30
L.3.1.a Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in
general and their functions in particular sentences.
Identify Main Verbs and Helping Verbs

Learning Goal(s): Resources/Materials:

SWBAT identify helping verbs in Smart Board
complete sentences
SWBAT explain importance of a helping
Independent Practice
Key Vocabulary:
Homework p. 77 and 78
Helping Verbs
Main Verbs
Anticipatory Set: 3-5 minutes

Compare the following sentences: (Think Pair Share)

Ms. Goetter will read Farmer Boy to us.

Ms. Goetter did read Farmer Boy to us.

**Give a hint about time if necessary.

One sentence is showing future action, the other is showing a past action.
One word can change the meaning of the sentence.
Mini-Lesson: 9-11 minutes

Helping Verbs: Sometimes sentences need a little help in order to make what
the writer is trying to say crystal clear for the readers. Verbs can always use a
little help when it comes to being specific and helping verbs do just that.
Helping Verbs: Cannot stand alone!
On their own, helping verbs dont show meaning. They dont communicate much
when they stand alone.
Helping Verbs: Give more details about time in our sentences!
Past Helps show that a action already occurred
Present- Helps show that a action is currently in the process of happening
Future- Helps show that a action is going to happen or a possibility of happening
sometime in the future
Examples of Helping Verbs:
Will, was, were
Am, is, are, can
Have, has, did
Could, would, should,
Work time: 5-8 minutes
Lets Practice!
On their white board slates students will write draw a line down the middle of
their board and label the left side HV for helping verbs and the right side MV
for main verbs. As I show sentences on the board I will have students write down
the helping verbs and main verbs in their appropriate columns. I will set a
designated time of 30 45 seconds and then I will countdown to keep the
students on a schedule. I will draw popsicle sticks to have students explain their
reasoning behind why they sorted the verbs into their designated columns on
their slates.

Ex: I am resting at home.

I will then move into a brief discussion where I will ask students if they are
noticing anything about the order in which the helping verbs and main verbs
appear in a sentence. The intent here is to help students recognize that helping
verbs always come before the main verbs in a sentence in order to help show
action. But they dont always appear immediately before the main verb.

Ex: I am finally resting at home.

Sometimes other words separate a main verb and its helping verb.

Closure: 4-6 minutes

Tips and tricks to remember about helping verbs:
They come before the main verb
They cannot stand alone
How do helping verbs help us as readers and writers? (Think Pair Share)
Explain to students:
They help us to identify when an action verb is happening (past, present, or
They help our writing sound more fluent.
They help us to add details and be specific!

Differentiation for Student Needs:

Repeat of directions
Re read the sentences
Extra time if needed

Questions: (Be sure to include Integration Areas: N/A

higher level questions. See
Blooms Taxonomy).
How did you know that verb was a
helping verb and not an action verb?
Explain your thinking
Analyze the following sentences

Formative Assessment:
Check for student understanding during work time when students are
working with slates
Thumbs up thumbs down
Pulling popsicle sticks to ensure participation during lesson

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