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_ MYSTICAL LANGUAGES OF _UNSAYING Michael A. Sells The Unive of ‘Beare erence roc tat tn {Cosegy The Later of Ca ‘Mee Uniden sano 7707 (at) Benes) ity Conese agin Pbon Dat a nse esi Me Sete Petey Me gm 0-10 2, Rt — Ce sont ceubx qui rvont en tere ne honte ne honnour ne crainte pour chose que adviengne. Telles gens, dit Amout, sont segurs, ets sont leurs portes ouvertes, et sine les peut nul grever “They have no shame, no honor, no fear for what is to ‘come. They are secur, says Love. Their doors are open. No fone can harm them,” ‘The Mirror ofthe Simple Souls ite Porete (4. June 1, 1310, Place de la Greve, Paris) ACeNOWLEDCAENTE Invroduction/Unseying 1 1 Awakening without Awakener: Apophass in Plotinas 14 2 The Nothingness of God in Joi the Scot Eriugena 3 3. Ton Arabis Polished Miror: dentiy Shit and ‘Meaning Event 63 4 bn