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Required documents to pre-register in a Masters Degree

Estudiantes con ttulo del EEES o ttulo extranjero homologado

Holders of a university degree issued within the EHEA or holders of a
foreign degree that has been officially validated in Spain

1.- Hoja de preinscripcin

Apllication form

2. . Fotocopia del DNI, NIE o Pasaporte

Copy of your identity document (National Identity Card, Foreigners
Identification No. or Passport)

3. Fotocopia del ttulo universitario que le permite acceso al mster o certificacin

acreditativa de su expedicin (excepto los alumnos con expediente en la Universidad
de Oviedo) Si an no ha finalizado los estudios que le dan acceso al mster, no es
necesario que presente copia del ttulo. La admisin queda condicionada a que
complete la titulacin antes de proceder a matricularse
Copy of your university degree that must authorize the holder to access
university master's degree studies (except those students with a degree issued
by the University of Oviedo). If you did not finish your degree yet, you dont
need to show a copy of your diploma, the admission is conditioned to the
completion of the degree of the diploma before registration.

4. Si el ttulo ha sido homologado, deben presentar, adems, copia compulsada de la

certificacin de homologacin
Students who submit a validated foreign degree must also attach an
authenticated copy of the validation of the foreign degree.

5. Certificacin acadmica o Suplemento Europeo al Ttulo (excepto los alumnos con

expediente en la Universidad de Oviedo)
The academic transcript of records or the European Diploma Supplement
(except students with an academic record at the University of Oviedo).

6. Curriculum vitae normalizado acompaado de la documentacin acreditativa de los

mritos indicados en el mismo
A standardized Curriculum Vitae (or Rsum) together with the documents
accrediting the merits and academic and professional background specified
Estudiantes con ttulo ajeno al EEES
Holders of a university degree issued outside the EHEA.

1.Hoja de preinscripcin
Application form
2.Copia del NIE o Pasaporte
Copy of your identity document (Foreigners Identification No. or Passport)

3. Copia del ttulo universitario que le permite acceso al mster o certificacin

acreditativa de su expedicin. Si an no ha finalizado los estudios que le dan acceso al
mster, no es necesario que presente copia del ttulo. La admisin queda condicionada
a que complete la titulacin antes de proceder a matricularse.
Copy of your university degree that must authorize the holder to access
university master's degree studies (except those students with a degree issued
by the University of Oviedo). If you did not finish your degree yet, you dont need
to show a copy of your diploma, the admission is conditioned to the completion
of the degree of the diploma before registration.

4. Documento acreditativo, emitido por el rgano competente, de que los estudios

realizados facultan, en el pas expedidor, para el acceso a enseanzas oficiales de
Mster Universitario
A certificate issued by the competent authority accrediting that the studies
completed entitle the student to access official university masters degree studies
in the country of origin.

5. Certificacin acadmica de los estudios realizados

The academic transcript of record of the previous studies.

6. Curriculum vitae normalizado acompaado de la documentacin acreditativa de los

mritos indicados en el mismo
A standardized Curriculum Vitae (or Rsum) together with the documents
accrediting the merits and academic and professional background specified

NOTA ACLARATORIA/ EXPLANATORY NOTE: En esta fase no es necesario

presentar los documentos originales ni copias compulsadas ni apostillados. Todo ello se
har en el plazo de matrcula
At this stage neither original nor certified or apostilled documents need to be
sent. This will have to be done during the registration period.

Envo de la documentacin/ Forwarding documents:

Los candidatos que residan fuera de Espaa pueden remitir los documentos exigidos
para formalizar la preinscripcin en los msteres universitarios escaneados en formato
PDF al correo electrnico
Applicants living outside Spain can scan the required documents for pre-
registration in masters degree and send them to the following e-mail:

El resto de los estudiantes deben presentarlo a travs del Registro General de la

Universidad de Oviedo o de cualquiera de sus sedes
The rest of the applicants must submit them to the General Registry of the
University of Oviedo or any of the registries
Documentacin/ Documents:
Los documentos redactados en otro idioma se presentarn en el plazo de matrcula y
deben acompaarse de la correspondiente copia compulsada con la traduccin legal al
castellano. En el supuesto de los ttulos no homologados expedidos conforme a
sistemas educativos ajenos al EEES, deben ser legalizados por va diplomtica o bien
mediante Apostilla de La Haya.
Documents written in any language other than Spanish must be sent along with
the corresponding legal translation into Spanish within the stipulated
application deadline. Regarding those qualifications issued by a country not
integrated in the EHEA and which have not been validated, they must be
legalized through diplomatic channels or through the Apostille of The Hague.

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