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2016 Autumn Semester

Gevry 2016 Autumn Semester

Alexis Gevry

Professor Billings

ITM 309

8 December 2016


Technology & Future Employment

Robots are becoming more and more intelligent and capable. Robots are often used to do

the tedious or monotonous tasks that humans dislike. In addition, not only are these robots

completing tasks for humans, but they are doing it more efficiently, faster and with less errors.

Following the job promotions of artificial intelligence often comes human job loss. The

development of robots is typically perceived as replacement of humans. But, can the creation of

robots also create jobs? The answer is yes. Although threatened by robots, humans will never be

fully replaced by artificial intelligence. We are in control of it after all. Furthermore, history

shows that with the growth of technology also comes job growth. So, what jobs will be created

with robots?

Although robots are becoming increasingly lifelike, will they ever be able to compare to

an actual living person? Robots cannot feel emotions, they can only do what they are

programmed to do. In 2013, Oxford Universitys Oxford Martin School conducted a study that

reported 47% of current US jobs will be automated within 20 years. This is presumably true, but

there are some positions that are just irreplaceable. Jobs that involve perception and

manipulation, such as a surgeon. These types of roles include irregularities and tactile feedback.

Creativity and intelligence jobs such as designers and biological scientists. These jobs involve

variation and change over time as well as the ability to create meaningful new ideas. Social

Gevry 2016 Autumn Semester

intelligent jobs that require leadership, persuasion, negotiation, and things of that nature. These

positions include public relation specialist, event planners, psychologists, and chief executive

officers. Perhaps the greatest downfall for artificial intelligence in their comparison to humans is

their lack of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, perceive,

and manage feelings or emotions. Robots do not have the capacity to understand, let alone feel

emotions and feelings. Which also connects to effective communication. A Carnegie Foundation

report shared that personal financial success is 85% due to interpersonal skills. The same concept

can be applied to business. When more positive connections and relationships exist more success

can be expected, and artificial intelligence cannot help with that aspect.

Instinctively we feel threatened by the idea that robots can replace us in our jobs. New

technology may eventually end our current jobs, but what will happen next? History shows that

new technology is always threatening, but in the long run is more beneficial. For example, the

development of cell phones. In 1983, Motorolas mobile phones were dismissed as toys for the

rich (Juma). In addition to the miniscule 30 minutes of talk time for a 10 hour charge time, these

phones were $4,000, two pounds, and a foot tall. Now it is clear that cell phones, and mobile

devices in general have become a vital part of most peoples everyday lives. And, cell phones

have created jobs besides just selling devices or repairing and maintaining them. First, the

business of accessories. There are countless manufacturers of cases, cords, speakers, screen

protectors, stands and batteries, just to name few. Also, each mobile service providers has their

work force and all the positions it requires. And finally, mobile applications have become huge.

Over 450,000 jobs were created by the mobile app industry in just 2011 (McKendrick). Another

example is printing. The printing press may have seemed to take over scribes jobs, it also

created new positions. The press led to jobs in mass production of books, and then marketing,

Gevry 2016 Autumn Semester

selling and delivering books. And later, jobs involved with the creation of newspapers. Now, all

digitalized, jobs involve more with graphics and web design creating even more positions.

So then we can count on there being jobs. A 2011 study stated that three million jobs

were created for every one million robots. And, data showed in most of the studied countries that

the increased number of robots resulted in a decrease in unemployment (Khan). There will be

expected positions that include manufacturing, repairing, maintaining, and overall controlling. In

other words, creating these robots, fixing them when they are broken, updating them when

required, and telling them what to do or programming them. For example, a self-driving car will

require all the maintenance of a regular car, we assume, in addition to a remote controller. A

passenger may be required to act as a concierge or delivery person. A less expected job may

include writing. Artificial intelligence units that are expected to communicate with humans need

to have prepared responses. AI firms are said to be busy hiring poets ( Further,

these responses will need to be updated periodically.

Gevry 2016 Autumn Semester

Data Table

Unemployment Rate Unemployment Rate 12-Month

Year June Percent Change
2010 9.4 Year June
2011 9.1 2010 -1.1
2012 8.2 2011 -3.2
2013 7.5 2012 -9.9
2014 6.1 2013 -8.5
2015 5.3
2014 -18.7
2016 4.9
2015 -13.1
2016 -7.5

Above is data from the United States Bereau of Labor Statistics. It shows a steady decline

in unemployment. The data is based on June of each year. Also, on the right is the percent of

change each year.


US Unemployment Rate (%)

10.0 9.4
9.0 8.2
7.0 6.1
6.0 5.3
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Gevry 2016 Autumn Semester

Number of Robots || Unemployment

Above are graphs from a 2013 study by the international Federation of Robotics. The

graphs show the relationship between the number of robots purchased and the unemployment

Gevry 2016 Autumn Semester

rate. It is extremely apparent in the Germany, Brazil, and Republic of Korea that as robots

increase, unemployment decreases. It is less obvious in USA and China.


In conclusion, as technology gets more and more advanced and robots become more

intellengent, we should expect job growth instead of job loss. Although some jobs may initially

be replaced with robots, new positions should be developed soon after. History shows that

technological advances, although threatening, have a positive impact on our society in the long

run. The increase in technolgy has been a contributer to the unemployment rate decreasing.

Finally, for the future we should expect the same trend of artificial intelligence and robots

promoting new jobs as well as improving current positions.

Gevry 2016 Autumn Semester

Work Cited

"Automation and Anxiety." The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 25 June 2016. Web. 05

Dec. 2016.

Cellan-Jones, Rory. "Stephen Hawking - Will AI Kill or save Humankind?" BBC News. BBC, 20

Oct. 2016. Web. 08 Dec. 2016.

Dearborn, Jenny. "This Does Not Compute: The Human Skills Robots Can't Replace And How

To Develop Them." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 21 May 2014. Web. 01 Dec. 2016.

Gorle, Peter, and Andrew Clide. Positive Impact of Industrial Robots on Employment. Rep. N.p.:

n.p., 2013. METRA MARTECH Limited. Web. 8 Dec. 2016.

Juma, Calestous. "Why Do People Resist New Technologies? History Might Provide the

Answer." World Economic Forum. N.p., 6 July 2016. Web. 4 Dec. 2016.

Khan, Mynul. "Robots Won't Just Take Jobs, They'll Create Them." TechCrunch. N.p., 13 May

2016. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

McKendrick, Joe. "Mobile Phones Creating Entrepreneurial Culture across Globe: Report |

ZDNet." ZDNet. N.p., 19 July 2012. Web. 04 Dec. 2016.

Pierce, Stacia. "3 Human Skills That Robots Cant Replace." Fortune. Fortune, 25 Feb. 2015.

Web. 01 Dec. 2016.

"U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor

Statistics, n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2016.

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