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Schumacher College- +4401803865934
Gaia University-18883162092
FES; Fundaci d'Estudis Superiors d'Olot-972262128
Mas Franch
Global Ecovillage Network -+441309692011
Iiface; Instituto de Facilitacin y Cambio- Annita
UOC; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya-online
European straw bale network(casas de paja)
European permaculture teachers partnership
Scumacher College
People from all over the world, of all ages and backgrounds, have been informed, inspired and
encouraged to act, by our 20 years of transformative courses for sustainable living.

Schumacher College has an enviable reputation for cutting-edge learning. Our work is to
inspire, challenge and question ourselves as co-inhabitants of the world, to ask the questions
we all struggle to find answers to and to find sound knowledge, intuition and wonder in our
search for solutions.

We bring together the leading thinkers, activists and practitioners internationally, to deliver a
unique brand of small group learning experiences. This learning takes place in the classroom,
the gardens, the kitchen it pervades everything we do.

Here you will discover things about yourself, make deep friendships with students from around
the world, and, like many alumni, start a lifelong connection with the College.

With a focus on interactive, experiential and participatory learning, we offer the practical skills
and strategic thinking required to face the ecological, economic and social challenges of the
21st Century.

It is precisely at this time of global upheaval that we want you to come to the College to share
with us the ways in which you are moved to live and act differently.
Scumacher College
What we believe in

Community living, working and learning together

The best learning happens in groups. All of our courses are run with a maximum of 20 participants so that you get
the best out of your interactions with each other and with your course teachers and facilitators. We employ a range
of teaching methods and facilitated processes to ensure that both group and individual learning opportunities are
maximised and that a real sense of co-creation and belonging arises regardless of the length of your stay at the

We start the day with a communal morning meeting to go through the business of the day and to allocate work
groups and tasks. All students and staff take part in daily activities of cooking, cleaning and gardening which we
find helps to foster a sense of community and is a great opportunity to mix with all members of the College.

Where possible we encourage student participation in the wider community of the College. We have regular open
evenings for the public where our short course teachers give talks, followed by a social. This is a great opportunity
for students to mingle with local residents. We also make the most of our partnership with Transition Town Totnes
the home of the international Transition Movement who are regularly invited to give talks to our students
Schumacher College
Our World-Wide-Learning programme reaches out around the globe with the intention
to make Schumacher Colleges unique learning programmes more accessible, more
affordable, more ecological and more flexible.
Our world-wide learning courses integrate cutting edge interactive e-learning
technology with facilitated residential intensives to integrate both a high academic
standard and deep experience learning.
In October 2012 we began a course in Colombia and are in the early stages of
planning extensions of this program to other regions. These courses will be a
combination of facilitated residential intensives in the host country as well as
interactive web based learning.
These courses will complement the already popular course we run from the UK using
the same model of residential plus web based learning Cultivating an Ecoliterate
Certificate in Holistic Science and Economics for Transition
A new Schumacher College Course that blends together online learning with
residential weekends in Colombia. This course brings together elements of the
Colleges highly regarded postgraduate courses in Holistic Science and Economics
for Transition and will allow you to explore these issues within a deeply transformative
educational experience. .
Fundacin Efecto Mariposa
La Fundacin Efecto Mariposa en
su calidad de fundacion privada
sin animo de lucro, promover ,
desarrollara, y trabajara en
individuos, organizaciones,
comunidades, regiones por
nuevas interpretaciones que nos
lleve a implementar acciones
sustentables a nivel local con
impacto global que permitan
cuidar la vida del planeta con
todos los seres y elementos que
la constituyen.
Fundacin Efecto Mariposa

Programas Actuales en los que se encuentra trabajando la Fundacin

Zona Permacultura

Programa de Permacultura Efecto Mariposa

Programa de Monedas Locales

Zona Coaching
Programa de Coaching-Running

Programa de Coaching Ontolgico

Zona Desafos Deportivos

Programa Corriendo Por Amrica

Programa de Maratones Inclusivas Efecto Mariposa

Zona de Emprendimientos

Programa de Emprendimiento CEFE

Programa de Formacin de Emprendedores Inclusivos

Programa de Emprendimientos Sociales para la Reconstruccin

Zona de Negocios Inclusivos

Programa de Desarrollo de Negocios Inclusivos

Programa de Aplicaciones Sociales WEB 2.0

Zona de Liderazgo
Programa de Escuela de Liderazgo para la Reconstruccin
Gaia University
Gaia University was founded in order to contribute significantly to growing a coherent global
worknet of action-learning, open professionals working in full-spectrum guilds as integrative
ecosocial designers, facilitators, and managers who are leaderfully engaged in a supported,
synergistic web of all-scale, all-quadrant projects designed for human transformation towards
ecological regeneration and social justice.
A primary goal for Gaia University is to co-create, with myriad partners, a thriving ecosocial
economy in which millions can make their livings independent of the current ecosocially destructive
dominant culture. Additionally, Gaia University is working to support generators and keepers of both
non-conventional and conventional knowledge focused on ecosocial regeneration.
Gaia University is accredited by the International Management Centres Association (IMC), a global
leader in action learning since 1964. IMC works with and accredits more than 60 corporations
world-wide to create recognition for, and further the impact of, action learning in the field of
business. While Gaia University has a different focus, IMC supports and accredits us because of
our dedicated use of action learning in the field of ecosocial regeneration and our strict adherence
to their quality assurance system.
IMC, through its wholly owned Revans University, is authorized by the Education Reform Act of
1988 and its amendments to grant degrees in the UK.
Gaia University
Allied Association
GALA Germany
We are actively exploring the power of blended
learning. This involves multi-modal communication
GAIA Southeast
largely through the internet (often called 'distance
learning') mixed with close-contact face-to-face
gather-ins, conferences, teach-ins, actions and
workshops. Gaia University is developing
significant skills in working via the internet and this
is the primary route for Gaia U directed content
ERES LAT America
and mentoring for degree programs. Meanwhile
we are partnering with existing and as yet to be
organized associations that work face-to-face at
GAIA Northeast
the local level and provide both informal courses
and Diplomas.
GAIA Mid Atlantic
GAIA W:Australia
Fundaci Estudis Superiors d'Olot

Treballem per oferir cursos i jornades de nivell a Olot. Formaci prpia

o en conveni amb la Universitat de Girona (UdG), la Universitat de Vic
(UVic), ESADE Business School - Universitat Ramon Llull, Universitat
Menndez Pelayo, PIMEC, Parc Natural de la Zona Volcnica, etc.

El 2013 estem diversificant la cartera de cursos i jornades per

respondre a les necessitats formatives de professionals i empreses del
nostre territori. Oferim des de sessions gratutes per a emprenedors
fins a cursos de lideratge per a mitjanes i grans empreses.
Fundaci Estudis Superiors d'Olot
La FES programa una oferta formativa mplia i variada, tant en continguts com en formats:

Curs de Direcci Financera - ESADE Business School

Postgrau en direcci estratgica i emprenedoria per a PIMEs - UVic
Postgrau en Vulcanologia - UdG i CSIC
Curs de Direcci d'Escoles Bressol
Olot Breakfast: colloquis amb empresaris
Seminari Internacional Empresa i Medi Ambient - CUIMPB
Seminaris i Cursos Empresarials
Curs d'Especialitzaci sobre Museus - UdG
Cursos intensius d'Idiomes
Cursos d'Estiu - UdG, UVic, Xarxa Vives d'Universitats
Formaci pel sector turstic de la Garrotxa
Sessions per a Emprenedors
Cursos amb l'Escola d'Art d'Olot
Cursos per a docents reconeguts pel Departament d'Ensenyament
Formaci per a manipuladors d'aliments
... i fins a un centenar d'activitats anualment.
Origens; Escola taller de
Escola Taller de bioconstrucci.

LEscola-Taller de Bioconstrucci ORGENS s un centre de formaci i dacci social on s vol donar a

conixer les diferents tcniques constructives i materials idonis per a una construcci respectuosa amb el
seu entorn i els ssers vius que shi relacionen.

Aquest projecte est format per un equip de professionals dedicat a transmetre una conscincia ms
respectuosa amb tot all que ens envolta.

Les lnies dactuaci sn les segents:

La Formaci, mitjanant cursos-taller, casals de treball, cursos del Serveis Catal dOcupaci i cursos de
titulaci homologada
Els Serveis, accions dassessorament i redacci dinformes, direccions tcniques, borsa de treball, intercanvi
i voluntariat.
La Secci I+D+i, on es realitzen treballs de recerca, es disposa dun banc de dades i de proves fsiques dels
materials i les tcniques ms comuns en la construcci actual.
Postgrau en salut i harmonia
Taller de ceramica per a nens i nenes
La tecncia constructiva de la pedra seca
La fusta; encaixos
Introduccio a la geobiologia
Tecniques constructives amb terra
Estufes de massa termica
Entremats vegetals
Volta Catalana, la tecnica constructiva
Colorterapia; colors i tinys
Cal aerea en pasta
Curs d'estiu biocosntrucci
Curs per a formaci de bio-constructors
Mas Franch; PDC i Diplomes
Why do the diploma?
Completing the diploma in Applied Permaculture Design will make you a better designer, open up new work opportunities, help you
to live more sustainably, and is an opportunity to make new friends:

The process of creating and reflecting on your designs will improve your professional practice and provide an opportunity to
explore areas that interest you.

During the diploma you will develop a portolio of design work that can demonstrate your skills to future employers and potential

The diploma is also a big step towards becoming a permaculture teacher; once you have the diploma and a teaching qualification
you can award Permaculture Association's PDC Certificates.

After graduating from the diploma, you may also train to be a diploma tutor, and earn an income from guiding others on their
diploma journeys.

Many graduates of the diploma note that it is a great way to examine your own lifestyle, and to help you to lead a more sustainable

Once registered on the diploma, you are eligible to attend the national diploma gathering. This, plus local diploma support groups
are great ways to meet new paople and make friends with like-minded people.

About the course

The Diploma is a course of self-directed study that takes a minimum of 2 years. During the course, you will prepare 10 designs that
demonstrate your ability to apply permaculture ethics and principles, and show your competence at using a range of design
methods, tools and skills.

Supported & Independent Routes

You can choose to take the supported route (recommended) or the independent route. The supported route includes tutorial
support and gives you much more guidance and feedback on your design work.

The Independent route is for those people who already have an extensive body of work that they wish to get accredited.

There is more information in the diploma guidebook (see below) .

Global ecovillage network

Gaia Education and EDE

This initiative was launched at Findhorn in October 2005 by a group of

Ecovillage educators calling themselves The GEESE (Global Ecovillage
Educators for Sustainable Earth.) The key program is a UNITAR-endorsed 4
week holistic introduction to designing sustainable settlements called Ecovillage
Design Education (EDE), based on the GEN "living and learning" principle. This
program draws upon the experience developed in a network of some of the most
successful ecovillages and intentional communities across the world. In four
weeks you get an overview of all you need to know to design sustainable
settlements anywhere in the world. The The program has since been taught to
more than 3000 persons at a number of major ecovillages and other educational
institutions in over 30 countries and is growing steadily. Ross sits on the board
and Hildur is focaliser of the Communications Committee. Gaia Education
Limited is a Scottish non-profit based in Findhorn Ecovillage
Global ecovillage network
Gaia Education Design for Sustainability (GEDS)

A major innovation is 2008 was the conversion of the EDE to an on-line

version known as GEDSGaia Education Design for Sustainabilty, in
cooperation with UOC, the Open University of Catalonia in Barcelona,
Spain, one of the world leaders in distant learning. The expanded
course available since the Fall of 2008 in English and Spanish,
consists of the same four EDE modules over 8 months, and can be
done in evenings and weekends for people who are working full time or
taking another education and at a very reasonable cost. In the 2011-12
academic year, an expanded, more academic postgraduate course
was offered for the first time. Eventually, we expect to see the course
accredited for teaching at any EU university.
GEN-Gaia education
Open University of Catalonia- Virtual Gaia
Education Design for Sustainability
Findhorn Foundation College in Scotland
Middle East Technical UniversityAbant Izzet Baysal
Living Routes
Center for Creative Ecology, Kibbutz Lotan in
partnership with Living Routes and UMass Amherst
Un grupo de profesionales que trabajamos como guas de un proceso para crear un equilibrio entre
participacin y resultados. Trabajamos como facilitadores/as del consenso, la toma de decisiones, el
proceso de grupo y del ser humano en todos sus mbitos y necesidades.
Para abordar los diferentes aspectos de los procesos grupales, utilizamos diferentes tcnicas y
metodologas, que tambin aplicamos al propio grupo que formamos como profesionales. Por eso,
somos un grupo en aprendizaje e innovacin constante.
Misin y valores
El Instituto Internacional de Facilitacin y Cambio Europa (IIFAC- Europa) tiene como finalidad ser
una red de profesionales de la facilitacin para desarrollar nuestro trabajo desde la responsabilidad, el
buen hacer y la creatividad; potenciando la confianza y la comunicacin; en el camino hacia el
Los fines del Instituto Internacional de Facilitacin y Cambio Europa (IIFAC- Europa) son:
Dar a conocer la facilitacin a personas, grupos y organizaciones comprometidas con el cambio.
Apoyar profesionalmente a personas y grupos en sus reuniones y procesos (toma de decisiones,
gestin de conflictos, bsqueda de visin comn, mejora de la comunicacin interna, etc.)
Asesorar y formar en cualquiera de los temas relacionados con la facilitacin.
Investigar y experimentar nuevas herramientas y conceptos con los que dar respuesta a los retos y
necesidades de un mundo en permanente transformacin.
Trabajar en red con otras organizaciones cuyos fines tengan relacin con los de esta asociacin.
Una persona que facilita un grupo trabaja como gua de un proceso para crear un equilibrio entre la
participacin y los resultados del mismo. Y cuenta con un cdigo tico en su desempeo: La
Declaracin de valores y cdigo de tica para facilitadores/as. Adoptado el 20 de junio de 2004 por la
International Association of Facilitation (
Qu iniciativas desarrollamos
Actividades de apoyo profesional a grupos en sus reuniones
y procesos.
Asesoramiento y formacin en cualquiera de los temas
relacionados con la facilitacin, incluyendo la formacin del
Y adems hacemos investigaciones en el campo de la
facilitacin, actividades para favorecer el intercambio de
informacin y recursos con los dems grupos del IIFAC a
nivel internacional, y proyectos de cooperacin internacional
al desarrollo en el mbito de la facilitacin.
EU-PC teachers
Permaculture is a method of designing sustainable systems that has been used worldwide for the last 35 years.
It brings knowledge from various fields (horticulture, agriculture, architecture, economics etc) together under a
set of ethics and principles to enable people to create sustainable homes, neighbourhoods, farms, businesses
and more. It has a strong emphasis on practical action, personal empowerment and seeking creative solutions
to seemingly intractable problems.

The Learning Partnership aims to support the professional development of permaculture teachers. This relates
to the Leonardo programme in 3 ways:
Increasing teachers own skills for employability;

Improving the quality of vocational education & training that those teachers deliver;

Developing the capacity of organisations to deliver courses, and thereby employ permaculture teachers.

There will be 7 mobility activities during the project, serving multiple functions:

to provide a forum for exchange of best practice;

to provide teacher training/continuing professional development;
to share information about various national permaculture education systems & qualifications frameworks;

to establish a pan-European network of permaculture teachers & organisations for curriculum development;

to promote cultural exchange and celebrate the diversity within the network;

To produce a permaculture teachers handbook.

This is a large partnership, which will create project co-ordination challenges. However, the partner
organisations are united by a common ethical framework, set of guiding principles & working practices. The
individuals are united by a passion for their profession and a can-do attitude, and we firmly believe that we will
succeed in making such a large partnership work.
European strawbale network
We want ESBG 2013 to have as broad an
appeal as possible, therefore we are ready for
all kinds of cooperation. Especially, we are now
looking for: MEDIA PATRONS and
Posible pasta
Nacions unides: In the North of Scotland, the
Findhorn Foundation Ecovillage project offers training
programs for sustainability educators.
Earth day network-Green Schools Leadership Center
Leonardo da Vinci programme:The Leonardo da Vinci
Programme funds practical projects in the field of
vocational education and training. Initiatives range
from those giving individuals work-related training
abroad to large-scale co-operation efforts.
Posibles formats

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