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Running head: ARTICLE REVIEW 1

Article Review What Makes Effective Teachers Effective?

Yerang Cho

International Teachers College

Summary of the Article

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The authors of the article claims that the teachers need to improve and learn more about

their skills of planning, delivering, and assessing when they teach. Because education is

important yet considering its importance, remarkably little is known about what qualities make

an effective teacher and what constitutes effective teaching.(James H. Stronge and Xianxuan

xu). The factor that affects the most in students learning is instructional practices.

In instructional planning, effective teachers worked with other teachers as a team, uses

many different kinds of resources of the content, translates plans into actions effectively, and

always has a plan B. In instructional delivery the teachers need to practice their instructional

practices because it is directly connected with student learning. Lastly, in assessment of students

learning, effective teacher monitors the students all the time. The teacher provides feedback of

the assessment, uses differentiated assignments, and checks instructional effectiveness.

To conclude, the teacher need to plan all the details including the unexpected situations,

use many different kinds of resources, let the students know the objectives, maintain same speed

in teaching, always checks for understanding and differentiate the lesson for students with

different level or different learning styles.

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After I read this article, it made me to think to be a teacher, we need not only the

dispositions as a human but skills that can help to teach effectively. I think it can be studied and

practiced as we try different ways and methods. It is so difficult to be an effective teacher but if

we have the passion and will to always learn new things, I believe we can do it. The teachers

need to know their students about how they learn, what do they already know, and what areas do

they need more help and how to help them with the best method. I should keep that assessment

needs to be done frequently in my mind because I tend to think assessment is always at the end.

But just like the article said, assessment needs to be done regularly.

Also after the practicum, I learned that one method of delivering the lesson might not

help everyone in the class. Especially for primary students the teacher needs to adjust the content

of the lesson into their cognitive developmental level. I found it is very challenging. But again,

we can always try different ways to find out what works best for which student. Just like the

author of the article said, the teachers need to pay more attention to how to teach and how to be

effective for the whole time in their teaching.

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Stronge, H., Xu, x (2012/2013) What Makes Effective Teachers Effective?, Vol16 (#1), 6-11.

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