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Curriculum & 4Cs

CLIL unit: Things change

Kinga Jdrusiak
January 2017
Things change
Three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas)
Changing from one state to another
Conducting experiments connected with the
characteristics of things in different states non-
Newtonian liquid; density of liquids
Relationships between cause & effect
Lets make ice cream! story reading
Food mixtures
Good hygiene while preparing food
Polish carnival, changes in appearance
Multiplication and division
tasks to discover the photos
with the topic of the lesson
Measuring amount of
ingredients needed for the
Counting carnival balloons
Listening to the sound of
Songs: Cause and effect,
The snowman, Making
ice cream, Shake the
sillies out
Designing a flip book (topic:
cause & effect)
Drawing ice cream flavors (as a
part of self-assessment)
Designing Our Mixture Book
Decorating carnival masks
Watching videos:
States of Matter for
Kids; figure of Isaac
Scanning QR codes
Atoms game moving at the
pace connected with a
particular state of matter
Presenting gases, liquids and
solids movements
Jumping game (Ss jump on the
appropriate side of the carpet
traditions connected
with a Polish carnival
and the meaning of a
carnival in Christianity
4 Cs Mind Map for CLIL lessons

Communication Culture

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Cognition Content

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States of matter (solid, liquid, gas)
Differences between solids, liquids, gases
Experiments showing characteristics of
Changes due to heating/freezing
Describing changes
Content Relationships between cause & effect
Mathematical calculations: division and
Lets make ice cream! story reading
Fruit salad preparation
Food mixtures
Good hygiene while preparing food
Polish carnival
Lower-order thinking skills:
Remembering (e.g. recalling names of three states of
matter, giving definitions of cause and effect)
Understanding (e.g. comparing liquids and solids,
classifying things depending on their state of matter)

Cognition Higher-order thinking skills:

Analyzing (e.g. examining the influence of
temperature on the state of matter)
Evaluating (e.g. selecting favorite food mixture and
explaining the choice)
Creating (e.g. designing a project Our Mixture
Language of learning:

Key vocabulary: states of matter: solid, liquid, gas; heat, flow, freeze, melt, ice, steam, mixture, pour,
mix, add, water, oil, ink, flour, density, glass, cause, effect, relationships, then, now, cream, sugar, plastic
bags, mixture, open, closed, freezer, coffee, tea, salad, fruit, vegetables, pasta, carnival, mask, costume,
festive season, Lent, spangle, cotillion, feather, masquerade

Key structures:
This is a/an___
There is/there are___
Firstly there is__, next__, last___

Communication Then it was____, now it is____; simple past of verb to be

We wash___/We dont wash___

My favourite food mixture is___

Its a mixture of___

It has got___

Language for learning:

language for group/pair work, language for describing, asking and answering questions

Language through learning:

not planned, coming unexpected by students questions/suggestions

Noticing the complexity of the world
Becoming aware of the rules of the
meals preparation and appropriate
behaviour in the kitchen
Becoming aware of the traditions
connected with a carnival and the
meaning of a carnival in Christianity

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