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Platinum Metals Rev.

, 2011, 55, (1), 2027

The Role of Process Parameters in

Platinum Casting
Investigation of optimised casting parameters for two platinum jewellery alloys


By Ulrich E. Klotz* and Tiziana Drago Platinum is a challenging material for casters because
The Research Institute for Precious Metals and
of its physical properties, which result in possible cru-
Metals Chemistry (FEM), Katharinenstrasse 17, cible and flask reactions during melting and casting,
D-73525 Schwbisch Gmnd, Germany; high shrinkage porosity and difficulties in filling of
mail: klotz@fem-o filigree items. This paper summarises the results of a
collaborative research effort by several industrial part-
ners and FEM on the influence of casting process
parameters. Two common platinum jewellery alloys
(platinum with 5 wt% cobalt and platinum with 5 wt%
ruthenium) and four different investment materials
were used for casting experiments with variation of
atmosphere, casting and flask temperature, tree design
and centrifugal machine parameters. Detailed sample
investigation found shrinkage porosity and surface
defects to be the main problems. Optimised process
parameters for heavy and filigree items were identi-
fied. Future research on platinum casting should focus
on casting simulation in order to reduce experimental
effort and costs.

In recent years articles on the casting properties of
platinum have been published (1, 2). Different
aspects such as suitable alloys for casting (36), tree
design (710) and investment reactions (11, 12) have
been discussed, as well as the effect of centrifugal
casting parameters for different alloys and invest-
ments (1214). Platinum with 5 wt% cobalt (Pt-5Co)
was identified as a very versatile casting alloy,
showing excellent form filling of filigree parts even
for flask temperatures as low as 100C (12). Platinum
with 5 wt% ruthenium (Pt-5Ru) on the other hand
showed poor form filling of filigree parts for flask
temperatures below 800C (12). Besides casting pro-
perties, functional alloy properties such as colour,
hardness, ductility and magnetic properties have to
be taken into account for jewellery. In this regard
Pt-5Ru is more versatile compared to Pt-5Co or plat-
inum with 5 wt% copper (Pt-5Cu), and can be used
for all jewellery applications.

20 2011 Johnson Matthey

doi:10.1595/147106711X540373 Platinum Metals Rev., 2011, 55, (1)

The present project focused on Pt-5Ru and Pt-5Co The as-cast samples were evaluated in terms of
as the most commonly used jewellery alloys. surface quality, shrinkage porosity and investment
Investment casting experiments were carried out as reactions by optical microscopy, metallography and
part of a research project commissioned by Platinum scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Guild International (PGI), USA, in cooperation with
several industrial partners and FEM. This paper sum- Results and Discussion
marises the results given in a presentation at the 24th Alloy Properties
Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing The alloys differ in their dendrite morphology,segrega-
Technology in 2010 (15). tion behaviour and melting temperature. Solidus and
liquidus temperature were calculated using the
Experimental Thermo-Calc software package with the Scientific
Casting experiments were carried out using a TopCast Group Thermodata Europe (SGTE) noble metal alloys
TCE10 vacuum centrifugal casting machine with database (SNOB1), and are in accordance with
induction heating and a power of 10 kW and a work- Reference (16). The calculated phase diagrams give
ing capacity of 1500 g. Metal temperature during the same melting range for both alloys, but due to seg-
heating and melting was monitored using a quotient regation the melting range of Pt-5Co is actually about
pyrometer. Most of the casting trees used a diablo twice that of Pt-5Ru.This is one possible reason for the
type setup. A typical tree containing some standard better form filling ability of Pt-5Co. However, segrega-
items (ball rings and grid) is shown in Figure 1. Four tion of Co to the melt promotes oxidation of Co and
different investments from different suppliers were investment reactions, even for vacuum casting.
tested. Table I gives an overview of the properties of
the investments and briefly describes the experience Form Filling
of working with them. Form filling is a critical issue for filigree items and was
A number of casting experiments were carried out determined on standard grids (Figure 2). Pt-5Co
to analyse the influence of casting parameters (melt clearly has superior form filling ability to that of
temperature, flask temperature, casting atmosphere, Pt-5Ru and shows excellent results for a flask temper-
casting machine type), alloy and investment material ature of 850C. For Pt-5Ru, form filling considerably
by using standard sample geometries such as ball increases with increasing centrifugal speed and flask
rings and grids. The grid represents filigree items and temperature. Its optimum flask temperature is 950C
demonstrates form filling ability. The ball ring repre- for filigree items. Vacuum casting allowed complete
sents heavy section pieces. With the large ball acting filling of filigree items with two-part investments for
as a hotspot it was expected to provoke investment both alloys, as did overheating of the melt for Pt-5Ru.
reactions and to be prone to shrinkage porosity. However, this also promoted investment reactions.

Fig. 1. Example of typical casting tree design

90 with diablo type setup


direction 270

21 2011 Johnson Matthey

Table I
Properties of Investments Used in the Platinum Alloy Casting Trials

Investment Manufacturers Type Base and Mixing Working Burnout Burnout Remarks
brand name liner time, min time, min time, h temperature, C

No. 1 R&R Platinum Two-part Paper base 30 1012 12.5 871 Curing does not start at room
and liner temperature, extended working
time possible

No. 2 Lane PT120 Two-part Paper base 2025 1012 12.0 870 Curing does not start at room
and liner temperature, extended working
time possible

No. 3 Gold Star Platin One-part/ Rubber base 8 57 11.5 900 Cold water required to reach
Cast fibre upper working time limit; high

No. 4 SRS Platin One-part/ Rubber base 8 57 10.0 900 Cold water required to reach
fibre upper working time limit; high
viscosity, risk of bending of filigree
parts, especially plastic parts

2011 Johnson Matthey

Platinum Metals Rev., 2011, 55, (1)
doi:10.1595/147106711X540373 Platinum Metals Rev., 2011, 55, (1)

Fig. 2. Grid filling as

function of flask temperature
100 for air casting of Pt-5Co and
Pt-5Ru (except value for
550C). Averaged values
80 of all grids per tree
Grid fill, %



20 Average Pt-5Ru
Average Pt-5Co
500 600 700 800 900 1000
Flask temperature, C

Surface of Cast Parts Investment inclusions (Figure 4) on the surface

The surface quality of cast parts is affected by invest- were observed, especially in the case of the one-part
ment reactions, inclusions of investment particles and investment No. 4. With increasing flask temperature
rough or matt appearing surfaces. Table II compares the surface became rougher and the inclusions
the behaviour of the two alloys using the different more frequent. For the two-part investments No. 1 and
investments at different flask temperatures. No. 2, inclusions were seldom observed, probably
The best surface quality was observed for Pt-5Ru. due to their lower porosity and higher stability.
This alloy did not show any investment reactions Therefore, the surface quality achieved using these
despite its high casting temperature. Investment investments was usually superior to that obtained
reactions were observed for Pt-5Co independent of with investment No. 4.
casting atmosphere and resulted in a blue layer of The cast parts often showed matt and glossy areas.
cobalt silicate (Figure 3). The matt areas showed a dendritic-like surface and

Table II
Cobalt and Platinum-R
Devesting Performance and Surface Quality for Air Casting of Platinum-C Ruthenium

Investment Devesting Surface quality of Pt-55Co Surface quality of Pt-55Ru

performance alloy at the flask alloy at the flask
temperature, C temperature, C

850 950 1050 850 950 1050

No. 1 + ++ ++ n/a +++ +++ n/a

No. 2 +++ ++ ++ + ++(+) ++(+) +
No. 3b ++ +++ +++ n/a + (cracks) + (cracks) n/a
No. 4 ++ + + n/a + + n/a
+++ (best); ++ (medium); + (worst)
No. 3 was only used for casting trials with Indutherm MC 15 tilting machine

23 2011 Johnson Matthey

doi:10.1595/147106711X540373 Platinum Metals Rev., 2011, 55, (1)


10 m

(b) (c)


Pt Si
Mg Mg
Pt Pt Co C Co
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 3. (a) Investment reactions of Pt-5Co (flask temperature 850C); (b) and (c) energy dispersive X-ray (EDX)
analysis of reaction products on position 1 (cobalt oxide) and position 2 (cobalt-magnesium silicate)

Fig. 4. Inclusions of investment

material (black) on the surface of
Pt-5Ru alloy

100 m

24 2011 Johnson Matthey

doi:10.1595/147106711X540373 Platinum Metals Rev., 2011, 55, (1)

were observed on the heavy sections (Figure 5) of the Flask temperature and casting atmosphere had lit-
affected parts. The matt surface was caused by shrink- tle influence. The investment material was found to
age of isolated melt volumes during solidification. influence shrinkage porosity and the lowest levels
were achieved with investment No. 4. This is probably
Shrinkage Porosity an effect of the lower thermal conductivity of this
Shrinkage porosity was the main problem for both investment, resulting in slower and more homoge-
heavy bulk and lightweight filigree patterns in the neous cooling of the melt.
casting trials performed. The effects of casting para-
meters and the position on the tree were found to be Effect of the Casting Machine
relatively small. A comparison of two types of casting machine, a cen-
Table III and Table IV show shrinkage porosity in trifugal (TopCast TCE10) and a tilting machine
the Pt-5Co and Pt-5Ru alloys, respectively. In general, (Indutherm MC 15, capacity 200 g), showed that cen-
shrinkage porosity was less pronounced for Pt-5Ru. trifugal casting produced superior results for form fill-
There was a significant difference in shrinkage pore ing of filigree items. Defect-free castings of the ball ring
morphology between the two alloys. Pt-5Co showed were obtained for the Pt-5Co alloy at 950C under vac-
few but large pores while Pt-5Ru often showed scat- uum using the tilting machine, which was not possible
tered pores built by intersecting dendrites (Figure 6). by centrifugal casting under comparable conditions.

Fig. 5. Matt surface of a Pt-5Ru casting

with dendritic surface

100 m

Table III Table IV

Shrinkage Porosity in Metallographic Sections of Shrinkage Porosity in Metallographic Sections of
Ruthenium Alloya
Platinum-R Cobalt Alloya

Flask Casting Investment Flask Casting Investment

temperature, C atmosphere temperature, C atmosphere
No. 1 No. 2 No. 4 No. 1 No. 2 No. 4

850 Air n/a ++ +++ 850 Air + + +

950 Air ++ ++ +++ 950 Air + + +
850 Vacuum + n/a n/a 850 Vacuum + n/a n/a
950 Vacuum ++ n/a n/a 950 Vacuum + n/a n/a
a a
+++ (low = best); ++ (high = medium); +++ (low = best); ++ (high = medium);
+ (very high = worst) + (very high = worst)

25 2011 Johnson Matthey

doi:10.1595/147106711X540373 Platinum Metals Rev., 2011, 55, (1)

(a) (b)

2 mm
2 mm

Fig. 6. Different morphologies of shrinkage porosity in the sphere of a ball ring: (a) Pt-5Co; (b) Pt-5Ru

Pt-5Ru was difficult to cast in the tilting machine, determined. Benchmark experiments with sophis-
because of the low heating rate in the specific model ticated thermal recording during the centrifugal
used, which resulted in hot tearing of the parts. casting process should be performed to calibrate the
Machines with higher power and sufficiently short casting simulation results.
melting time may enable successful casting of Pt-5Ru. Investment materials were found to play an impor-
tant role in form filling and shrinkage porosity. It is
Conclusions assumed that properties such as gas permeability and
In this study shrinkage porosity was found to be the thermal conductivity are responsible for this behav-
main problem for both bulk and filigree casting pat- iour. Therefore, the influence of the water:powder
terns using Pt-5Ru and Pt-5Co alloys. The best results ratio, burnout cycle, flask temperature and casting
in terms of shrinkage porosity were obtained with atmosphere requires further investigation to under-
Pt-5Ru alloy using investment No. 4. stand how the physical properties of the investments
In order to solve the problem of shrinkage porosity, can be tailored.
sprue design and tree setup are most important. Direc-
tional solidification has to be assured. The usefulness Acknowledgements
of techniques such as increasing the flask temperature The authors are grateful for the financial support of
is limited by the thermal stability of the investment PGI, with special thanks to Jurgen Maerz. C. Hafner
materials. However, optimisation of casting behaviour GmbH and Co, Germany, provided platinum alloys,
solely by experimental means remains challenging. which is kindly acknowledged. The companies
Ransom & Randolph, USA, Lane Industries LLC, USA,
Recommendations for Future Work and Specialist Refractory Services Ltd (SRS) UK, are
In recent years, casting simulation has been demon- acknowledged for providing investment materials
strated to be a valuable tool for gold and silver casting and Indutherm GmbH, Germany, is acknowledged for
(17, 18). Sophisticated software packages are avail- casting trials. Special thanks to Dieter Ott (FEM,
able to determine form filling and shrinkage porosity Germany) for fruitful discussions of the project results
depending on alloy, tree setup, melt and flask temper- and to the staff members of the metallurgy depart-
ature, allowing optimisation by computer simulation. ment at FEM, especially to Franz Held and Ulrike
This would be especially valuable for optimising the Schindler for casting trials and metallography.
casting parameters for platinum due to its high price
and extreme casting and flask temperatures.
Detailed knowledge of the thermophysical prop- References
erties of the alloys and investments are required. 1 N. Swan, Jewellery in Britain, 2004, (19), 5
Such data are currently scarce and they must be 2 N. Swan, Platinum Metals Rev., 2007, 51, (2), 102

26 2011 Johnson Matthey

doi:10.1595/147106711X540373 Platinum Metals Rev., 2011, 55, (1)

3 G. Ainsley, A. A. Bourne and R. W. E. Rushforth, Platinum Jewelry Manufacturing Technology 2002, ed. E. Bell,
Metals Rev., 1978, 22, (3), 78 Proceedings of the 16th Symposium in Albuquerque,
4 J. Huckle, The Development of Platinum Alloys to New Mexico, USA, 19th22nd May, 2002, Met-Chem
Overcome Production Problems, in The Santa Fe Research Inc, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2002,
Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing Technology 1996, pp. 321334
ed. D. Schneller, Proceedings of the 10th Symposium in 13 D. Miller, T. Keraan, P. Park-Ross, V. Husemeyer and
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 19th22nd May, 1996, C. Lang, Platinum Metals Rev., 2005, 49, (3), 110
Met-Chem Research Inc, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 14 D. Miller, T. Keraan, P. Park-Ross, V. Husemeyer, A. Brey,
1996, pp. 301326 I. Khan and C. Lang, Platinum Metals Rev., 2005,
5 J. Maerz, Platinum Alloy Applications for Jewelry, in 49, (4), 174
The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing 15 U. E. Klotz and T. Drago, The Role of Process Parameters
Technology 1999, ed. D. Schneller, Proceedings of the in Platinum Casting, in The Santa Fe Symposium on
13th Symposium in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, Jewelry Manufacturing Technology 2010, ed. E. Bell,
16th19th May, 1999, Met-Chem Research Inc, Proceedings of the 24th Symposium in Albuquerque,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 1999, pp. 5572 New Mexico, USA, 16th19th May, 2010, Met-Chem
6 J. Maerz, Platinum Alloys: Features and Benefits, in Research Inc, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2010,
The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing pp. 287326
Technology 2005, ed. E. Bell, Proceedings of the 16 J. C. McCloskey, Microsegregation in Pt-Co and Pt-Ru
19th Symposium in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, Jewelry Alloys, in The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry
22nd25th May, 2005, Met-Chem Research Inc, Manufacturing Technology 2006, ed. E. Bell, Proceedings
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2005, pp. 303312 of the 20th Symposium in Nashville, Tennessee, USA,
7 J. Maerz, Casting Tree Design and Investing Technique for 10th13th September, 2006, Met-Chem Research Inc,
Platinum Induction Casting, in The Santa Fe Symposium Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2006, pp. 363376
on Jewelry Manufacturing Technology 2002, ed. E. Bell, 17 J. Fischer-Bhner, Computer Simulation of Investment
Proceedings of the 16th Symposium in Albuquerque, Casting, in The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry
New Mexico, USA, 19th22nd May, 2002, Met-Chem Manufacturing Technology 2006, ed. E. Bell, Proceedings
Research Inc, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2002, of the 20th Symposium in Nashville, Tennessee, USA,
pp. 335352 10th13th September, 2006, Met-Chem Research Inc,
8 A. Nooten-Boom II, Controlled Flow = Controlled Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2006, pp. 193216
Solidification, in The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry 18 M. Actis-Grande, L. Porta and D. Tiberto, Computer
Manufacturing Technology 2004, ed. E. Bell, Proceedings Simulation of the Investment Casting Process: Widening of
of the 18th Symposium in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the Filling Step, in The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry
USA, 23rd26th May, 2004, Met-Chem Research Inc, Manufacturing Technology 2007, ed. E. Bell, Proceedings
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2004, pp. 315344 of the 21st Symposium in Albuquerque, New Mexico,
9 A. Nooten-Boom II, Dynamics of the Restricted Feed Tree, USA, 20th23rd May, 2007, Met-Chem Research Inc,
in The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2007, pp. 118
Technology 2006, ed. E. Bell, Proceedings of the 20th
Symposium in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 10th13th The Authors
September, 2006, Met-Chem Research Inc, Albuquerque,
Ulrich E. Klotz graduated from the
New Mexico, USA, 2006, pp. 387419 University of Stuttgart, Germany, as a
10 J. Maerz, Platinum Casting Tree Design, in The Santa Diploma Engineer in Physical Metallurgy
and has a PhD in Materials Science from
Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing Technology ETH Zrich, Switzerland. He is Head of the
2007, ed. E. Bell, Proceedings of the 21st Symposium Department of Physical Metallurgy at the
in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 20th23rd May, Research Institute for Precious Metals and
2007, Met-Chem Research Inc, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Metals Chemistry (FEM) in Schwbisch
Gmnd, Germany.
USA, 2007, pp. 305322
11 H. Frye, M. Yasrebit and D. H. Sturgis, Basic Ceramic
Considerations for the Lost Wax Processing of High
Tiziana Drago has a BSc in Materials
Melting Alloys, in The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry Engineering with specialisation in surface
Manufacturing Technology 2000, ed. E, Bell, Proceedings treatments from the Politecnico di Milano,
of the 14th Symposium in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Italy, and an MSc in Materials Science
from the University of Pisa, Italy. She works
USA, 21st24th May, 2000, Met-Chem Research Inc,
in the Department of Physical Metallurgy at
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2000, pp. 101116 the Research Institute for Precious Metals
12 P. Lester, S. Taylor and R. Sss, The Effect of Different and Metals Chemistry (FEM) in Schwbisch
Gmnd, Germany.
Investment Powders and Flask Temperatures on the
Casting of Pt Alloys, in The Santa Fe Symposium on

27 2011 Johnson Matthey

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