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Cigarette- A new gate to the hell

I think cigarette is one of killer thing in the world. There are many bad effects of the cigarette
and this is for 3 reasons below.

Firstly, cigarette makes you be addicted. Cigarette consists of many substances. One of them is
nicotine. Nicotine is a substance that contains dopamine and nor epinephrine. This substance
influences a stability of the brain. Thats can make you happier and relax. When the effect of the
nicotine starts to work, your mood level and concentration will change too. Smokers may feel so
happy because of this. The changing happens so fast. Based on when a
smoker smoking, nicotine will directly go to the brain where the effect will work. Thats why
smokers like the effect of nicotine and be addicted it. In the same time, when the chemical
substance in the brain doesnt balance anymore the brain will try to balance of this. The
automatic guarding will produce anti nicotine. The chemical substance makes you depressed, and
be addicted to the nicotine when you doesnt smoke for a short or long time you will feel like
you missing of something that what you need .Nicotine, produce a complex-addiction that makes
a people want to smoke everyday every time and everywhere in their life. Even if they want to
stop it, the addiction of nicotine can be stronger day by day. Some research proves that nicotine-
addiction can be stronger than the drugs. For example, from the scientist research to two
teenagers, one of them is smoke for 2 days, and the other doesnt smoke for 2 days. The research
proves that teenager who smoke for 2 days will be addicted to the cigarette. So, thats why
cigarette is the bad thing in your life.

Secondly, cigarette is the causes of many diseases. None of organ in our body doesnt influence
of the cigarette smoke, so almost all of our body can be damaged because of cigarette. Thats
because in a one cigarette contains of 4000 chemical substances which 40 of this included toxic
or carcinogenic. Based on there are 15 diseases because of cigarette.1.Lungs
cancer. In fact 90% lung cancer case is because of smoking. That does because of the smoke of
cigarette will enter to the lungs, stimulate the cell of the lung. From the 1 until ten of smokers
will die because of lungs cancer. 2. Ovary duct cancer. Around 40% of smokers die because of
ovary duct cancer. Cigarette contains of 2-naphthylamine in a smoke can be carcinogenic that
because of ovary duct cancer.3.Breast cancer, generally this cancer is happens to the woman. The
research proves that the woman who smokes in 20 years old and 5 years before her first pregnant
will be touch with this cancer. 4. Cervix cancer. Around of 30% of dead because of service
cancer is because of smoking. When the woman smokes they will easier to touch by cervix
cancer. 5. Pharynx cancer, the smoke of cigarette damaged the DNA of esophagus cells so its
become pharynx cancer. Smoking is always be the only one reason for 80% Throat cancer can be
grow in someone body.6 Gastrointestinal cancer, despite of the smoke of cigarette enter into the
lung, but some of them can be enter to the digestion organ so will increase the risk of
gastrointestinal cancer. 7. Kidney cancer when someone smoking, the smoke of cigarette thats
contains nicotine and tobacco will enter to the body. Nicotine with CO and tar cause a changing
of heartbeat, respiration, and high-blood pressure .Carcinogenic that filtering out of the body
pass through the kidney change DNA cell and damaged kidney cell. This changing influenced the
kidney function and can be the risk of the cancer.8.Mouth cancer, tobacco is the main reason of
mouth cancer. Smokers, 6 times easier undergoing the mouth cancer than the people who dont
smoking and the people who smoking with a tobacco without a smoke 50 times easier
undergoing the mouth cancer. 9. Throat cancer, the smoke of cigarette through the throat so that
smokers may have the disease. 10. Heart attack, the smoke of cigarette causes the heartbeat faster
and increases the blood pressure. When CO takes the oxygen in the blood pumps the blood more
than usually and when the heart works harder than before can make heart attack.11. Coroner
disease, 12.Aterosklerosis, Nicotine will plug the artery with fat.13. Impotence and the other
disease come because smoking.

Thirdly, smoking is burning your money. One pack of cigarette costs around 10.000 until 12.000
rupiahs. When in a daily one people smoke with one pack of cigarette in one month at least
10.000 x 30 = 300.000 rupiahs just for cigarette. So just imagine how much of your many will
burn when one day for a years you need one pack of cigarette. It just one pack of cigarette, so
when more than one pack of cigarette you need in a daily so, how much your money will burn?
Almost all of smokers dont realize that they just burn their money for the cigarette. They just
think that cigarette is their need so, they ignored the economic cost of this. Some of them
complain why their money in a month doesnt enough for their needed. If they dont smoking
they can save their money around 300.000 rupiahs in a month or more. From the Demographic institute said the impact of cigarette consumption in a
underprivileged family they miss their important chance. Buying cigarette is 11 times much more
than to buy meat for family. Indeed, buying cigarette is 7 times much more than to buy fruits for
consumption. The underprivileged family chooses to spend their money for cigarette than for buy
meat, fruits, health, education and other main needed. So, it so strange isnt it?

From the 3 reasons above we can conclude that cigarette is bad things for your life. After you
read this text, from now on if you are a smoker please get rid off your cigarette and love your
life. Please, step by step I do believe that you can leave the cigarette from everything to your
nothing for your life. Cigarette is not for you who love your life.

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