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review article

current concepts

Diverse Causes of Hypoglycemia-Associated

Autonomic Failure in Diabetes
Philip E. Cryer, M.D.

From the Division of Endocrinology, Me-

tabolism, and Lipid Research, the General
Clinical Research Center, and the Diabetes
Research and Training Center, Washington
University School of Medicine, St. Louis.
Address reprint requests to Dr. Cryer at
Campus Box 8127, Washington University
i atrogenic hypoglycemia is the limiting factor in the glycemic
management of diabetes.1,2 It causes recurrent symptomatic and sometimes, at
least temporarily, disabling episodes in most people with type 1 diabetes as well as
in many with advanced type 2 diabetes, and is sometimes fatal. Furthermore, iatrogen-
ic hypoglycemia precludes maintenance of euglycemia during the lifetime of a person
School of Medicine, 660 S. Euclid Ave., St. with diabetes and, thus, full realization of the well-established benefits of glycemic
Louis, MO 63110, or at control.3-5
In this article, I discuss the clinical problem of hypoglycemia in diabetes from the
N Engl J Med 2004;350:2272-9.
Copyright 2004 Massachusetts Medical Society. perspective of pathophysiology. First, the syndromes of defective glucose counterregu-
lation and hypoglycemia without warning symptoms (known as hypoglycemia un-
awareness) are described, followed by the unifying concept of hypoglycemia-associ-
ated autonomic failure the idea that recent episodes of hypoglycemia cause both
syndromes. Next, the notion that there are additional forms of the phenomenon of hy-
poglycemia-associated autonomic failure is introduced. These forms are exercise-relat-
ed and sleep-related hypoglycemia-associated autonomic failure. Finally, the implica-
tions for clinical management of these conditions are discussed.
Although current pharmacologic approaches to the glycemic management of dia-
betes are improving steadily, they are still far from ideal. Nonetheless, it is now possible
both to improve glycemic control and to reduce the frequency of episodes of iatrogenic
hypoglycemia in many people with diabetes. These are worthwhile goals.3-5 However,
lifelong maintenance of euglycemia is the ultimate goal. Such maintenance would
probably eliminate the risk of microvascular complications that are specific to diabetes
retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy and might also reduce the risk of mac-
rovascular complications to the level among nondiabetic persons.

defective glucose counterregulation

and hypogly cemia unawareness

Decrements in insulin, increments in glucagon, and in the absence of the latter, incre-
ments in epinephrine stand high in the hierarchy of redundant glucose-counterregula-
tory factors that normally prevent or rapidly correct hypoglycemia.6 Glucose is an obli-
gate metabolic fuel for the brain under physiologic conditions. Blood-to-brain glucose
transport, facilitated by GLUT-1, across the capillary wall is thought to occur largely in
astrocyte podocytes that surround the capillaries.7 Within astrocytes, glucose can be
stored as glycogen, or it can be glycolyzed to lactate, which is then exported to neurons,
where it serves as an oxidative fuel. Because the brain cannot synthesize glucose or store
more than a few minutes supply as glycogen, it is critically dependent on a continuous

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current concepts

supply of glucose from the circulating blood. If ar-

hy poglycemia-associated
terial plasma glucose concentrations fall below the autonomic failure
physiologic postabsorptive range, blood-to-brain
glucose transport becomes inadequate for brain The concept of hypoglycemia-associated autonom-
glucose metabolism and, ultimately, survival. ic failure in type 1 diabetes and advanced type 2
Falling arterial glucose concentrations are sensed diabetes1,2,9-11 suggests that recent iatrogenic hy-
in widespread regions of the brain as well as in the poglycemia causes both syndromes. It causes de-
hepatic portal vein and the carotid body. The most fective glucose counterregulation by reducing the
extensively characterized mechanism of glucose response of adrenomedullary epinephrine to a giv-
sensing is glucokinase-mediated sensing in pan- en level of subsequent hypoglycemia in the setting
creatic beta cells; similar mechanisms may be op- of an absent glucagon response. It causes hypogly-
erative in brain neurons.8 As arterial plasma glu- cemia unawareness by reducing the sympathoad-
cose concentrations decline within the physiologic renal response and the resulting responses, con-
range, insulin secretion decreases. This favors the sisting of neurogenic symptoms, to a given level of
increased production of hepatic (and renal) glucose. subsequent hypoglycemia. Thus, there is a vicious
As concentrations of glucose in arterial plasma fall cycle of recurrent hypoglycemia.
just below the physiologic range, the secretion of The clinical effect of hypoglycemia-associated
glucagon and epinephrine increases. Glucagon autonomic failure is well established in type 1 di-
stimulates hepatic glycogenolysis; it also favors glu- abetes. Recent hypoglycemia, even asymptomatic
coneogenesis when precursors are abundant. Epi- nocturnal hypoglycemia, reduces the response of
nephrine stimulates hepatic (and renal) glucose epinephrine and symptomatic responses to subse-
production; it also reduces the clearance of glu- quent hypoglycemia.12 Recent hypoglycemia also
cose by tissues such as muscle and mobilizes gluco- reduces cognitive dysfunction during subsequent
neogenic precursors such as lactate, amino acids, hypoglycemia12,13 and makes it difficult to detect
and glycerol. hypoglycemia in the clinical setting.13 It impairs the
All three of these physiologic defenses against glycemic defense against hyperinsulinemia.10 Fi-
the development of hypoglycemia decrements nally, the finding that in most affected patients as
in insulin and increments in glucagon and epi- little as two to three weeks of scrupulous avoidance
nephrine are compromised in most people with of iatrogenic hypoglycemia reverses hypoglycemia
type 1 diabetes and in many with advanced type 2 unawareness and improves the epinephrine com-
diabetes1,2 (Table 1). To the extent that endoge- ponent of glucose counterregulation14-17 provides
nous secretion of insulin is deficient, therapeutic compelling support for the clinical relevance of es-
insulin levels do not fall, and glucagon levels do tablished hypoglycemia-associated autonomic fail-
not rise as glucose levels fall. In addition, the re- ure in type 1 diabetes.
sponse of epinephrine to a given level of hypo- The clinical effect of hypoglycemia-associated
glycemia is often attenuated, with the glycemic autonomic failure in type 2 diabetes is less well es-
threshold for that response shifted to lower plasma tablished. However, the glucagon response to hy-
glucose concentrations. The combination of an ab- poglycemia is virtually absent in patients who are
sent glucagon response and an attenuated epineph- near the insulin-deficient end of the spectrum.11
rine response causes the clinical syndrome of Furthermore, the thresholds for the responses of
defective glucose counterregulation.1,2 An attenu- epinephrine and neurogenic symptoms to hypogly-
ated sympathoadrenal (sympathetic neural as well cemia are shifted to lower plasma glucose concen-
as adrenomedullary) response causes the clinical trations after recent hypoglycemia.11 These pat-
syndrome of hypoglycemia unawareness.1,2 Hy- terns endogenous insulin deficiency resulting in
poglycemia unawareness occurs as a result of the unregulated (exogenous) insulin levels, an absence
loss of the neurogenic (autonomic) warning symp- of glucagon, and reduced responses of epinephrine
toms (e.g., palpitations, tremor, anxiety, diaphore- and neurogenic symptoms to a given level of hypo-
sis, and hunger) that previously allowed the patient glycemia are the key features of hypoglycemia-
to recognize and correct developing hypoglycemia. associated autonomic failure in type 1 diabetes.
Both syndromes are associated with a substan- Therefore, patients with advanced (i.e., insulin-defi-
tially increased risk of severe iatrogenic hypogly- cient) type 2 diabetes are at risk for hypoglycemia-
cemia.1,2 associated autonomic failure.

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Overall, the frequency of episodes of hypogly- Despite the clinical impact of hypoglycemia-
cemia is lower in type 2 diabetes than in type 1.1,2 associated autonomic failure, its mediators and
However, hypoglycemia becomes progressively mechanisms are largely unknown.1,2 Davis and col-
more limiting with respect to glycemic control over leagues24,25 suggested that the cortisol response to
time in type 2 diabetes,18 and the incidence of se- antecedent hypoglycemia mediates hypoglycemia-
vere hypoglycemia has been reported to be similar associated autonomic failure through actions of
in patients with type 2 diabetes and those with type cortisol on the brain. That suggestion was based
1 diabetes if such patients are matched for the du- on two findings: cortisol infusions given on one
ration of insulin therapy.19 Population-based data day reduced the responses of adrenomedullary epi-
indicate that the incidence of severe hypoglycemia nephrine and sympathetic nerve activity in the mus-
in type 2 diabetes that is treated with insulin is ap- cles to hypoglycemia on the next day (any effects on
proximately 40 percent20 or even 100 percent21 of symptomatic responses were not reported),24 and
the incidence in type 1 diabetes. Taken together, the effect of antecedent hypoglycemia in reducing
these data indicate that the incidence of iatrogenic responses to subsequent hypoglycemia was not
hypoglycemia approximates that in type 1 diabetes apparent in cortisol-deficient patients.25 Indeed,
in patients near the insulin-deficient end of the spec- marked a1-24 corticotropin-induced cortisol eleva-
trum of type 2 diabetes. This is perhaps a result of tions were found to reduce adrenomedullary and
the pathophysiological features discussed above neurogenic symptoms in response to hypoglyce-
(Table 1). mia the following day.26 However, less marked ele-
Hypoglycemia-associated autonomic failure is vations of antecedent cortisol, to levels more com-
a functional disorder distinct from classic diabetic parable to those that occur during hypoglycemia,
autonomic neuropathy. It is a dynamic phenome- were not found to reduce adrenomedullary epineph-
non that can be induced (by prior hypoglycemia) rine or neurogenic symptoms in response to sub-
and reversed (by avoidance of hypoglycemia) and sequent hypoglycemia.27 For this reason, among
is manifested clinically by recurrent iatrogenic hy- others,27 cortisol does not appear to be the major
poglycemia. In contrast, diabetic autonomic neu- mediator of hypoglycemia-associated autonomic
ropathy is a structural disorder that is manifested failure.
clinically by gastrointestinal or genitourinary symp- On the basis of a body of evidence in rodents
toms or by orthostatic hypotension. Nonetheless, showing that hypoglycemia for a period of days to
there is evidence that the key features of hypogly- weeks results in increased uptake of glucose in the
cemia-associated autonomic failure are more prom- brain and in bloodbrain-barrier GLUT-1 messen-
inent in patients with diabetic autonomic neu- ger RNA and protein,28 the hypothesis of brain
ropathy than in those without diabetic autonomic glucose transport suggests that increased blood-
neuropathy.22,23 to-brain glucose transport at a given level of hy-
poglycemia is the mechanism of hypoglycemia-
associated autonomic failure. Boyle and colleagues
Table 1. Neuroendocrine and Symptomatic Responses to Hypoglycemia reported that uptake of glucose in the brain (calcu-
in Nondiabetic Persons, Patients with Type 1 Diabetes, and Those lated from arteriovenous differences across the
with Type 2 Diabetes.*
brain and cerebral blood flow) was preserved dur-
Type 1 Type 2 ing hypoglycemia after approximately 56 hours of
Response Nondiabetic Diabetes Diabetes between-meal hypoglycemia in healthy persons29
Pancreatic islets and in patients with well-controlled (i.e., frequent-
Insulin No -No ly hypoglycemic) type 1 diabetes.30 However, using
Glucagon ~~ No ~ ~~-No ~ [1-11C]glucose and positron emission tomography,
Sympathoadrenal system Segel and colleagues31 found that global blood-
Epinephrine ~~ ~ ~~-~ to-brain glucose transport during hypoglycemia did
Neurogenic symptoms ~~ ~ ~~-~
not increase after approximately 24 hours of be-
tween-meal hypoglycemia. Furthermore, de Vries
* A single arrow denotes a smaller decrease or increase, and double arrows a et al.32 found that, in rats, at the same concentra-
larger decrease or increase. tions of blood glucose, concentrations of intersti-
Absent glucagon and attenuated epinephrine responses result in defective tial glucose in the ventromedial hypothalamus were
glucose counterregulation.
Loss of neurogenic warning symptoms result in hypoglycemia unawareness. slightly lower, not higher, during euglycemia and
hypoglycemia after three days of hypoglycemia.

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current concepts

The findings above31,32 are not consistent with response to hypoglycemia of sympathetic nerve
increased blood-to-brain glucose transport induced activity in the muscles after exercise, as observed
by antecedent hypoglycemia. Thus, it may be that by Galassetti et al.,37 reflected a reduction of the
the alteration lies beyond the bloodbrain barri- more generalized sympathetic neural response,
er.33 A difference in 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose accu- one would anticipate reduced responses of neuro-
mulation in the subthalamic region of the brain has genic symptoms. However, that was not the case.37
been reported in patients with type 1 diabetes with McGregor and colleagues39 also found that exercise
hypoglycemia unawareness and those without it.34 reduced the epinephrine response to subsequent
The mechanism for the loss of the glucagon re- hypoglycemia. Again, however, responses of neu-
sponse to hypoglycemia in type 1 and advanced rogenic symptoms to hypoglycemia were not re-
type 2 diabetes is not known, but it is closely linked duced. Thus, since antecedent exercise does not re-
to insulin deficiency.1,2 There is evidence that a de- duce symptoms and does not cause hypoglycemia
crease in intra-islet insulin in rodents and in humans unawareness, hypoglycemia-associated autonom-
is normally a signal to increase glucagon secretion ic failure that is related to exercise appears to be a
during hypoglycemia.35 If so, loss of that intra-islet partial syndrome.
signal in insulin-deficient diabetes might explain
loss of the glucagon response. However, the intra-
sleep-related, hy poglycemia-
isletinsulin hypothesis remains to be document- associated autonomic failure
ed fully in humans.35
A reduced sympathoadrenal response to a giv- Sleep is a more compelling cause of the phenome-
en level of hypoglycemia is a fundamental feature non of hypoglycemia-associated autonomic fail-
of hypoglycemia-associated autonomic failure. Be- ure. Persons with type 1 diabetes have substantially
cause the neurogenic symptoms of hypoglycemia
are largely the result of sympathetic neural, rather
than adrenomedullary, activation,36 clinical hypo-
Insulin-deficient diabetes
glycemia unawareness must be largely the result of (no decrease in insulin, no
reduced sympathetic nervous system responses to increase in glucagon, im-
perfect insulin replacement)
Initially, my colleagues and I 9-11 attributed hy-
poglycemia-associated autonomic failure in dia-
betes exclusively to recent hypoglycemia; that is, Hypoglycemia
to hypoglycemia-induced autonomic failure. How-
ever, it may well be that in addition to recent hypo-
glycemia, exercise and sleep can cause the phe-
nomenon of hypoglycemia-associated autonomic Reduced sympathoadrenal
failure (Fig. 1). responses to hypoglycemia

exercise- related,
hypoglycemia-associated Decreased sympathetic Decreased epinephrine
nervous system response response
autonomic failure
Galassetti and colleagues37 found that exercise re-
duced the responses of adrenomedullary epineph-
Hypoglycemia Defective glucose
rine and sympathetic nerve activity in the muscles unawareness counterregulation
to hypoglycemia the following day. The neurogenic
symptoms of hypoglycemia are the result of the
perception of physiological changes caused by
the autonomic discharge mediated by the central Recurrent
nervous system and triggered by hypoglycemia.38
These symptoms are largely the result of sympa-
thetic neural, rather than adrenomedullary, acti- Figure 1. Hypoglycemia-Associated Autonomic Failure in Diabetes.
vation.36 Therefore, to the extent that the reduced

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reduced sympathoadrenal responses to a given type 1 diabetes3 and in those with type 2 diabetes.4,5
level of hypoglycemia,1,2 and these responses are Extrapolation of the data from the Diabetes Control
further reduced during sleep.40,41 Moreover, proba- and Complications Trial suggests that maintain-
bly because of their markedly reduced sympathoad- ing euglycemia during a lifetime of diabetes would
renal responses, persons with type 1 diabetes are eliminate these complications.43
much less likely to be awakened by hypoglycemia On the other hand, despite abundant epidemio-
than are nondiabetic persons (Fig. 2).41 Thus, while logic evidence of a direct association between gly-
sleeping, patients with type 1 diabetes have both de- cemia and macrovascular disease in diabetes,44,45
fective glucose counterregulation (an epinephrine controlled trials have shown that partial control of
response that is further reduced in the absence of glycemia has limited effects on the development of
a glucagon response) and a form of hypoglycemia macrovascular disease.3-5,46,47 The relationship
unawareness (reduced arousal from sleep), which between the mean glycosylated hemoglobin con-
are the two components of hypoglycemia-associat- centration and the risk of myocardial infarction ap-
ed autonomic failure in diabetes.1,2,9-11 pears to be shifted to a lower glycosylated hemo-
globin value than is the relationship between mean
clinical implications glycosylated hemoglobin concentration and the risk
of microvascular complications.44 Thus, although
Comprehensive treatment makes a difference it is practical to reduce, but not eliminate, the risk
for people with diabetes. For example, one study of microvascular complications with available ther-
showed that an intensive approach that targeted apies to lower glucose, because of the barrier of iat-
hyperglycemia, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and mi- rogenic hypoglycemia it might not be practical to
croalbuminuria reduced the risk of microvascular hold glucose levels low enough, for a long enough
and macrovascular events by more than 50 percent period, to reduce the risk of macrovascular compli-
in patients with type 2 diabetes.42 Aggressive glu- cations in a substantial portion of patients with di-
cose-lowering therapy reduces, but does not elimi- abetes.1,2
nate, microvascular complications retinopathy, Strategies to minimize the risk of hypoglyce-
nephropathy, and neuropathy in patients with mia while improving glycemic control2 include ad-
dressing the problem of hypoglycemia at each pa-
tient contact, applying the principles of aggressive
therapy through education of patients, encourag-
Nondiabetic persons Patients with type 1 diabetes
ing frequent self-monitoring of blood glucose, set-
ting up flexible regimens of treatment with insulin
55 mg/dl 45 mg/dl
100 or other drugs and providing individualized gly-
cemic goals and ongoing professional support,
80 and considering both the conventional risk factors
for hypoglycemia and the risk factors for hypogly-
Time Asleep (%)

60 cemia-associated autonomic failure. The conven-

tional risk factors doses of insulin or insulin se-
40 cretagogue that are excessive, ill-timed, or of the
wrong type; missed meals or the overnight fast;
20 exercise; and alcohol ingestion are based on the
premise that an absolute or relative excess of thera-
0 peutic insulin is the sole determinant of risk. How-
12:0012:30 a.m. 12:311:00 a.m. 1:011:30 a.m. 1:312:00 a.m.
ever, iatrogenic hypoglycemia is more appropriate-
ly viewed as the result of the interplay of an excess
of therapeutic insulin and compromised physio-
Figure 2. Mean (SE) Sleep Efficiency during Hypoglycemia in Eight Non-
diabetic Persons and Four Patients with Type 1 Diabetes.
logical and behavioral defenses against the devel-
Sleep efficiency was measured as the percentage of time that the subject was
opment of hypoglycemia (i.e., defective glucose
asleep. Hypoglycemia was induced with a glucose clamp at 55 mg per deciliter counterregulation and hypoglycemia unaware-
(3.1 mmol per liter) and at 45 mg per deciliter (2.5 mmol per liter), as shown. ness).1,2 Established risk factors for the latter in-
Adapted from Banarer and Cryer.41 clude a marked deficiency of endogenous insulin; a
history of severe hypoglycemia, hypoglycemia un-

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current concepts

awareness, or both; and lower glycemic goals, low- sue, glucose sensor with an alarm could compen-
er levels of glycosylated hemoglobin, or both. These sate for reduced arousal from sleep. In theory, such
are clinical surrogates of hypoglycemia-associated a sensor could be linked to a device that would de-
autonomic failure. liver plasma glucoseregulated insulin, a glucose-
A deficiency of endogenous insulin indicates that raising hormone (e.g., glucagon or epinephrine), an
(exogenous) insulin levels will not decrease and epinephrine-simulating drug such as the b2-adre-
glucagon levels will not increase as plasma glucose nergic agonist terbutaline,50 or a combination of
levels fall. Prior hypoglycemia causes a reduced sym- these agents.
pathoadrenal response to subsequent hypoglyce-
mia, and hypoglycemia unawareness typically im- summary
plies prior hypoglycemia, even if it has not been
recognized. Lower glycemic goals and lower levels The original concept of hypoglycemia-associated
of glycosylated hemoglobin are associated with an autonomic failure in type 1 diabetes and advanced
increased probability of prior hypoglycemia. type 2 diabetes posited that recent iatrogenic hypo-
A detailed discussion of glucose-lowering drugs glycemia causes both defective glucose counter-
is beyond the scope of this article. Briefly, the use regulation (by reducing the epinephrine response
of a long-acting insulin analogue (e.g., glargine) as in the absence of a glucagon response) and hypogly-
the basal insulin and of a rapid-acting insulin ana- cemia unawareness (by reducing the sympatho-
logue (e.g., lispro or aspart) before meals in a reg- adrenal response and the resulting response of neu-
imen of basal-bolus insulin minimizes the risk of rogenic symptoms), and thus, a vicious cycle of
hypoglycemia. A regimen of continuous subcuta- recurrent hypoglycemia. The clinical relevance of
neous insulin infusion (with a rapid-acting insulin this phenomenon is now well established, but the
analogue) that provides basal and premeal bolus mediators and mechanisms remain largely un-
replacement of insulin also reduces this risk.2,48 Of known. Recent data indicate that there are diverse
the sulfonylureas, glimepiride and glipizide are causes of hypoglycemia-associated autonomic fail-
the least likely to cause hypoglycemia. Metformin ure. In addition to hypoglycemia-induced auto-
monotherapy should not cause hypoglycemia, al- nomic failure, the disorder can be related to exer-
though it has been reported to do so.49 Monother- cise or sleep.
apy with a thiazolidinedione or an a-glucosidase The ultimate goal of lifelong maintenance of
inhibitor should not cause hypoglycemia. euglycemia in patients with diabetes remains elu-
Hypoglycemia-associated autonomic failure due sive because of the pharmacokinetic imperfections
to prior episodes of hypoglycemia is diagnosed clin- of all current glucose-lowering therapies and the
ically on the basis of a history of severe hypoglyce- resulting barrier of hypoglycemia. Achievement of
mia, hypoglycemia unawareness, or both, particu- that goal will require plasma glucoseregulated in-
larly in an insulin-deficient patient with a relatively sulin replacement or secretion. Nonetheless, it is
low glycosylated hemoglobin level. Two to three now possible both to improve the control of glyce-
weeks of scrupulous avoidance of hypoglycemia is mia and to reduce the frequency of hypoglycemia
a rational approach to correcting this problem.14-17 in many people with diabetes. These results can be
The efficacy of this approach is reflected by the re- accomplished by recognizing the problem of hypo-
turn of symptoms. Provision of less insulin action, glycemia, applying the principles of aggressive gly-
more carbohydrate intake, or both late after exer- cemic therapy, and reducing the risk factors for hy-
cise are the logical approaches to hypoglycemia- poglycemia in people with diabetes.
associated autonomic failure that is related to ex- Supported in part by grants from the Public Health Service and
the National Institutes of Health (R37 DK27085, MO1 RR00036,
ercise.2 With respect to hypoglycemia-associated
P60 DK20579, and T32 DK07120) and the American Diabetes Asso-
autonomic failure related to sleep, nocturnal hy- ciation.
poglycemia is often a problem, despite the use of Dr. Cryer reports having received consultation or lecture fees
bedtime snacks.2,50 The use of a long-acting basal from Aventis, Novo Nordisk, Takeda, and Sankyo.
I am indebted to my postdoctoral fellows and collaborators for
insulin and a rapid-acting premeal insulin in a ba- their substantive contributions; to the nurses at the Washington Uni-
sal-bolus regimen, or the use of a continuous sub- versity General Clinical Research Center for their skilled assistance
cutaneous insulin infusion with adjustments of in the performance of our studies; to Krishan Jethi, Cornell Blake,
Joy Brothers, Michael Morris, and Sharon ONeill for technical as-
the basal infusion rates, minimizes the risk of noc- sistance; and to Janet Dedeke for assistance in the preparation of the
turnal hypoglycemia. A reliable blood, or even tis- manuscript.

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