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6 vee th en Rane PHIEU CHINH DINH ROLE VA THIET BI TU’ DO! TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA 86 phiéu: EVNNLDC TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG DIEN MIEN TRUNG M6 ta chung: ‘Thiét bi duge bao vé: XT 271 di SéSan 4 | Kiéu bao’ Tram: 500kV PLEIKU 2 Bio vé khoding cdch hop 4 May cit: 271 (200) Tén rote: SEL421_[Phién ban ro-Ie So do danh sé: 535/BPMT-DB, 22/04/2016 04212611 AOBSH64525. | Ty 86 bién dong dign: 1200/1 SEL. Ty 36 bin dign dp: 2010.11 ‘Nam lip dat: 2016 6 higu ban vé mot soi: Phin mém: —_AcSELerator QuickSet [Phién ban 5.0.4 Ti bio vé ‘Mach bao vé: Mach 2 Nguyén tic hogt dng ciia cde chire ning bao vé chinh trong role: Chie | Cap ning | bao ve Neuéng chinh dinh ac dé Thos gan pee [Ving 1 ZiD = 0.05 > (Mane? Zar-Zamc=Xog = 13.740 | 22D =0.3s Ving 3 ZaymZy Z3D =3.6s Ving 4) | Zer=Zaac=Xao, 25.180 | Z4D=3.6s 35 ‘Comm.Scheme = POTT2 Truyén oft phia di dign oo 67 | Capt ‘SOPIP = 1.90. A 395 ‘Cap 2 40.A 0.9 GIN | Cép1 3.95, Cap 2 0.95 Inter Trip Tir SOBF/27x a6; dig 25 254, 25ANG) O° 25SF (Af)=0.20Hz | TCLOSD Breaker Close Time = 0.16s 79 | Tian SPOID 1-Pole=T.2s |Kiém tra: - DL/LB Dong ty dong MC SPOID! 3-Pole=1.1s| - LLIDB Lun yi: ‘Nguyén nhin thay 40i chinh dink: Dong dign vin hinh tram SOOKV Pleiku 2. ‘Yeu cfu cia Trang tim Digu a6: ~ Lénh elt 1 pha ti ede chite ning bio ve F8TL (GELATIL), Ai, 22, F85 te dong 1 pha (SEL421) khi cé sy cé 1 pha. Sy cd nhiéu pha thi taf cd cdc bao ve eu cét c& 3 pha. Tée dng ciia ving F87L, Z1, Z2, POTT mot pha hoi ba pha s& khdi tao AR 1 pha hode 3 pha tuong im; = Khi déng xung kich MC 271 dé aghj chit éng xung kich xong chinh Iai tl - Khi ding MC 200 thay thé 2 cia phigu nay. fo chi 67P1D va 67GID = 25. Neudi lap phiéu dy Hoang Minh Ha | Giam d6e Dign thogi/Fax: 0511 363034170311 3630338 | TTDD HT! Nay ban hank: 27/05/2016 ‘Naay gid chinh dinh: Neuoi chink dinhs po HRD 4/6/2016 Nasi Note det Yikién ela Don vj tham gia Gund 7 9c AS OSB) = 2 64PATC - Zap BM,02.HT.PT.03.43 3-02-2016/PK2500 Trang: 1/8 PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE & TB Ty BONG Bao vé khoding cach 271 di Sesan 4 fe: SELA21 EVNNLD ‘Tram: 500kV PLEIKU 2 ‘86 phiéu: A3402-2016/PK2500 Pert Trang: 218 TRI SO CHINH DINH CHI TIET Global Setting Description Range Value i ch enn Range = ASCII string with sID Station Identifier (40 characters) maximum length of 40, Pleiku 2 S/s e Range = ASCII string with RID Relay Identifier (40 characters) a maximum length of 40. SEL421 NUMBK Number of Breakers in Scheme Select: 1,2 2 a er (40 characters) Range = ASCII string with BIDI Breaker | Identifier (40 characters) ‘a maximum length of 40. 271 NFREQ Nominal System Frequency Select: 50, 60 50 PHROT System Phase Rotation Select: ABC, ACB ABC DATE_F Date Format Select: MDY, YMD, DMY DMY Group 1 Setting Description Rang. Value i chi CTRW Curent Transformer Ratio ~ Input W 10 50000 1200 CTRX Current Transformer Ratio Input X 50000 1200 PTRY Potential Transformer Ratio - Input Y Range ~ 1.0 to 10000.0 2000 VNOMY PT Nominal Voltage (L-L)~ Input Y Range = 60 10 300 110 PTRZ Potential Transformer Ratio = Input Z_ Range = 1.0 to 10000.0 2000 VNOMZ PT Nominal Voltage (L-L)- Input Z__ Range = 60 to 300 10 Positive-Sequence Line Impedance ZiMac yeni Range = 0.25 to 1275.00 4 ZiaNG _posiveSeuence Line Impedance Range = 5.000 90.00 830 Zero-Sequence Line Impedance kao ZOMAG Seva Range = 0.25 to 1275.00 359 ZOANG — Zero-Sequence Line Impedance Angle Range = 5.00 to 90.00 816 EFLOC Fault Location Select: Y,N Y LL Line Length Range = 0.10 t0 999,00 62.76 EZIMP Enable Mho Phase Distance Zones Select: N, 1-5 4 garxp Enable Quadrilateral Phase Distance secu, 1.5 y Zones E2IMG Enable Mho Ground Distance Zones Select: N, 1-5 4 Enable Quadrilateral Ground Distance 7 4 EIR) | ae Select: N, 15 ECVT Enable CVT Transient Detection Select: ¥,N N Enable Distance Element Common ECO ras Select: YN N ESOTF Enable Switch-Onto-Fault Select: Y,N oy ESPFTS — Single-Pole Switch-Onto-Fault Select: Y,N nd BOOS Enable Out-of-Step Select: Y, Y1,N. 7 ELOAD Enable Load Encroachment Select: Y,N yi Enable Phase Instantaneous/Definite- ESOP ‘Time Overcurrent Elements ieee NAL 2 Enable Residual Ground ES0G __Instantaneous/Definite-Time Select: N, 14 2 Overcurrent Elements BM.02.HT.PT.03.43 2013 PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE & TB TU BONG Bo ve khoding cach 271 di Sesan 4 le: SEL421 “aEynmipe Tram: SOOKV PLEIKU 2 'Sé phiéu: A3102-2016/PK2500 cna es Trang: 3/8 cram Setting Description ie Vatue Emble NegaveSoqunce 250Q _Instantancea/Defnte Tine SeleceN, 14 x Onsen Elana sis Enable Selestable Inverse Time sats 1.3 N E81 Enable Frequency Elements Select: N, 1-6 N E27 Enable Under Voltage Elements Select: N, 1-6 1 E59 Enable Over Volage Elements Selet.N. 1.6 1 E32 Enable Dretoal Con! Selec: ¥_ AUTO auto ECOMM Frable Communication Schone SRN, DCR: POTT,POTT2, pry EBFLI Enable Breaker | Failure Logic Select: N, 1, 2, ¥1, ¥2 N rasag EmbleSyckronim Geko Beker sey ne ya . E79 Enable Reclosing Select: Y, Y1,N Y EMANCL Enable Manual Closing select IN y ELOP Emble Lose Ponta Sele: ¥. YI, vi EDEM Enable Demand Metering Select N, THM, ROL x EADVS Enable Advanced Seings Select ¥1N N ZIMP Zonet Reach Range=0281052000,0FF 918 ZMP Zone? Reach Kange=0281032000,0FF 1378 Z3MP Zone 3 Reach Range=02540 32000 OFF 063 ZiMP Zoned Reach 251932000, 0FF 2518 XPI Zone 1 Reacance 281032000, 0FF 948 RPL Zone 1 Resistance 251025000 » XP2 Zone? Reactance Range 02510 32000,0FF 1374 RP2 Zone Resistance 281028000 a XPS Zone 3Reactance 2$1032000,0FF 083 RPS —_Zome3 Resisance Range 025 6250.00 5 XPi Zone 4Reactance Range=0251032000, FF 25.18 RPL zoe 4 Resistance Range = 0.28 125000 20 ZIPD. Zone 1 Time Delay Range = 2000 16000000, OFF 0.00 Z2PD Zone 2 Time Delay Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 15.00 Z3PD Zone 3 Time Delay Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 165.00 ZAP. Zone 4 Time Delay Range = 00001 16000000, OFF 16.00 ZIMG Zone Range=0251052000,0FF 916 MG Zone? Range =02810 2000, FF 13.74 ZMG Zone Range =028%0 32000, OFF 063 Z4MG Zone Kange~0251052000,0FF 2528 ARESE — Enable Adaptive Resistive Element Select: Y,N N XG1 Zone 1 Reacanes Range=0281052000,0FF 915 RIG Zone 1 Resistance Range 02525000 2% XG2 Zoe? Reacanee Range=0251052000,0FF 1378 R2G Ze? Resistance Range 025 1925000 2 XG3. Zoo 3 Reactanee fange=0251032000,0FF 063 RSG Zme3 Resistance Range ~028 25000 5 BM.02.HT.PT.03.43 KOMI KOAL Z1GD 2GD Z3GD z4GD ESPSTF EVRST S2AEND CLOEND SOTFD CLSMON o0sB1 o0sB2 00sB3 oosB4 osBD OSBLTCH EOOsT XxIT7 xIT6 RIRT RIR6 ZLF ZLR PLAF NLAF PLAR NLAR SOPIP 67P1D 67PITC SOP2P 67P2D 67P2TC S0G1P 67G1D 67G1TC 50G2P 67G2D 67G2TC PHIEU CHINH DINH RO-LE & TB TY BONG Tram: SOOKV PLEIKU 2 Zone 4 Resistance Zone 1 ZSC Factor Magnitude Zone 1 ZSC Factor Angle Zone | Time Delay Zone 2 Time Delay Zone 3 Time Delay Zone 4 Time Delay Single-Pole Switch-Onto-Fault Switch-Onto-Fault Voltage Reset 52A Pole Open Time Delay CLSMON or 1 Pole Open Delay ‘Switch-Onto-Fault Enable Duration Close Signal Monitor Equation Block Zone 1 Block Zone 2 Block Zone 3 Block Zone 4 Out-of-Step Block Time Delay Latch Out-of-Step Blocking, Out-of-Step Tripping Zone 7 Reactance -Top Zone 6 Reactance -Top Zone 7 Resistance -Right Zone 6 Resistance -Right Forward Load Impedance Reverse Load Impedance Forward Load Positive Angle Forward Load Negative Angle Reverse Load Positive Angle Reverse Load Negative Angle Level 1 Pickup Level 1 Time Delay Level 1 Torque Control Equation Level 2 Pickup Level 2 Time Delay Level 2 Torque Control Equation Level 1 Pickup Level 1 Time Delay Level 1 Torque Control Equation Level 2 Pickup Level 2 Time Delay Level 2 Torque Control Equation BM.02.HT.PT.03.A3 Range Range = 0.25 to 320.00, OFF Range = 0.25 to 250.00 Range = 0.000 to 10.000, AUTO Range = -179.99 to 180.00 Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF Range = 0,000 to 16000.000, OFF Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF Range = 0,000 to 16000.000, OFF Select: ¥,N Select: ¥, Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF Range = 0.500 to 16000.000 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Select: YN Select: YN Select: ¥,N Select: ¥,N Range = 0,500 to 800.000 Select: Y,N Select: N, 1, 0 Range = 0.25 to 480.00 Range = 0.25 to 480.00 Range = 0.25 to 350.00 Range = 0.25 to 350.00 Range = 0.25 to 320.00 Range = 0.25 to 320.00 Range = -90.0 to 90.0 Range =-90.0 to 90.0 Range = 90.0 to 270.0 Range = 90.0 t0 270.0 Range = 0.05 to 20.00, OFF Range = 0,000 to 16000.000 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Range = 0.05 to 20.00, OFF Range = 0,000 to 16000.000 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Range = 0.05 to 20.00, OFF Range = 0,000 to 16000.000 Valid range = The legal operators: AND ORNOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Range = 0.05 to 20.00, OFF Range = 0.000 to 16000.000 ‘Valid range = The legal operators: 45.00 ZAG \F\gen PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE & TB TY BONG Bio we ang er 9 271 Senan “efimnioe, Tram: S00KV PLEIKU 2 8 phiéu: A3}02-2016/PK2500 Pee Trang: 5/8 Group 1 Setting Description Range Value i chi ‘AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Select: VAFIM, VBFIM, VCFIM, Un . in PVBEIMVGEIN zror—_puaky voltage Element | Operating Vipiy4, VNMAXF, VNMINF, VLFIM VPMAXR, VPMINF Under Voltage Element | Level 1 : zie, votae Range = 2.00 to 300.00 509 at arrci Under Voltage Element | Torque Valid range =The legal operators: Control Equation AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG 2TPIDI ayy VNMBE Element LLevel | Range = 0.00 to 16000.00 450 tin iu Under Voltage Element 1 Level 2 5 arpire peer Votes Range =2.00 to 300.00 445 Select: VAFIM, VBFIM, VCFIM, Over Voltage Element | Operating VIFIM, 3V2FIM, 3VOFIM, $901 Quantity \VNMAXF, VNMINF, veMaxr, VIFIM VPMINF sopipy QverVolige Element Level! page 200130000 160 pba sorc1 Over Voltage Element | Torque Valid range = The egal operators: Control Equation AND OR NOT R_TRIGF_TRIG S9PID1 Over Voltage Element | Level 1 Delay Range = 0,00 to 16000.00 150 cif MC Over Voltage Element 1 Level 2 _ sopip2 a Range = 2.00 t0 300.00 85.8 DIR3 Zone/Level 3 Directional Control_—_Select:F,R R DIR4 —_Zone/Level 4 Directional Control Select: F, R F rect emt Priority Seles: Q, VL “any Combinati ORDER Ground Directional Element Priory See ev Exary _ 22"0-Sequence Voltage and Curent Valid range ~The leal operators: Enable Equation AND ORNOT R_TRIG F_TRIG EPO Pole Open Detection Select: 82, V 32 SPOD Single-Pole Open Dropout Delay Range = 0.000 to 60.000 os 3POD —Three-Pole Open Dropout Delay Range = 0.000 to 60.000 os Z3RBD Zone 3 Reverse Block Time Delay Range =0.000 to 16000.000 5 EBLKD Echo Block Time Delay Range = 0.000 to 16000.000, OFF 10 ETDPU Echo Time Delay Pickup Range = 0,000 to 16000.000, OFF 2 EDURD Echo Duration Time Delay Range 0,000 0 16000.000 4 EWFC Weak Infeed Trip Select: ¥,N, SP N pry General Permissive Trip Received Valid range = The legal operators Equation AND ORNOT R_TRIG F_TRIG serpin Pisble Dison Element Peis say, Pr SOFP1 Phase Fault Current Pickup Range= 0.10 1010.00 02 BFPUI Breaker Failure Time Delay Range = 0,000 to 6000,000 10 RTPUL —_ Retrip Time Delay Range = 0,000 to 6000,000 3 prisp1 Tiee-Pole Breaker Failure initiate Valid range = The legal operators: Equation AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG A-Phase Breaker Failure Ini Valid range = The legal operators BFIAL Equation ANDORNOTRTRIGF TRIG NA rip, B-Phase Breaker Failure Valid range = The legal operators: yyy Equation BMO2.HT.PT.03.43 AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE & TB TY’ DONG ‘Bao vé khong cach XT 271 i Sesan 4 SEL@21 vnnioe Tram: SOOKV PLEIKU 2 é phibu: A3.02-2016/PK2500 Pe Trang: 6/8 Group 1 Setting Description Range Value hi chit C-Phase Breaker Failure Initiate Valid range = The legal operators: BF i ‘ loose Cl Equation AND ORNOTR_TRIGF TRIG NA BFIDO! Breaker Failure Initiate Dropout Delay Range = 0.000 to 1000.000 1s BFISP! Breaker Failure Initiate Sealsin Delay Range = 0,000 to 1000.00 2 ENCBF1 No CurrentResidual Current Logic Select: Y,N N ELCBF! Load Current Breaker Failure Logic Select: Y,N N EFOBF1 Flashover Breaker Failure Logic Select: Y, N N BFTRI Breaker Failure Trip Equation eee sie eal operncns AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ross Falhire ty fon Valid range = The legal operators: BFULTRI Breaker Failure Unlaich Tip Equation AND ORNOTR TRIG T TRIG NA Select: VAY, VBY, VCY, VAZ, SYNCP —Synehronsm Refrence Sele Val vay 25VL_—_Volage Window Low Taresold Range = 20.010 2000 3 25VH_—Vohage Window High Threshold Range 20012000 16 SYNCSI_Synehronim Source 1 Selest VAY, VBY, VY, VAZ, yyy KSIM _Synchronism Source I Ratio Factor Range = 0.10 to 3.00 1 KSIA _Synehonsm Soue 1 Angle Shit’ Range= 01330 0 25SFBKI Maximum lip Frequency Range = 0005100500, 0FF 02 ANGIBK! Maximum Angle Difernce 1 ‘Range = 3.010800 20 ANG2BKLI Maximum Angle Range =3.010 809 30 TCLSBKI. Breaker Close Tine Range 1.0010 30.00 3 BSYNBK! Block Sychronkm Check Equation YM ange -The ea operator: yg SYNCS? _syncronsm Source 2 var ve VEY NOVAS pz KS2M. ‘Synchronism Source 2 Ratio Factor Range = 0.10 to 3.00 1 KSA Synchonsm Souce 2 Angle Shit Range~010330 0 Arne Syncroism Source 2 alae Equation a ous 25SFBK2 Maximum Slip Frequency Range = 0.005 to 0.500, OFF 02 ANGIBK2 Maximum Angle Difference | Range = 3.0 to 80.0 30 ANGDBK2 Maximum Ange Diference2 Range 3.019800 30 TCLSBK2 Breaker 2 Close Time Range = 1.00 to 30.00 8 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG NIPSHOT Number of Single-Pole Reclosures Select: N, 1-4 1 BSYNBK2 Block Synchronism Check Equation ESPRI —Single-Pole Reclose Enable-BKI SEL Logic ; N3PSHOT Number of Three-Pole Reclosures Select: N, 1-4 1 E3pr _‘Twee-Pole Reclose Enable -BK1 __Valid range = The legal operators: Equation AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ‘Three-Pole Reclose Enable-BK2 __Valid range = The legal operators: ESPR2 Equation AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG TBBKD Time Between breakers for ARC Range = | to 99999, OFF 1 BKCFD Breaker Close Failure Delay Range = I to 99999, OFF 300 Valid range = The legal operators: AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG ULCL2 —_ Unlatch Closing for Breaker 2 Equation Valid range = The legal operators: ULCLI —_Unlatch Closing for Breaker 1 Equation BM.02.HT.PT.03.A3 14-06-2013 PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE & TB TY BONG Bao ve khong eich IT 271 41 Seean 4 ole. Seve! vung Tram: SOOKV PLEIKU 2 sb pribus ages acraSeess cee Trang: 718 toa Setting Description Range Vaiue eh AND ORNOTR TRIGF TRIG loser Drive to Lockout Fauaton Valid range = The legal operators: TODTL, —RecloserDrivetoLoskow Equation XMM ange The eal operon: aq The eal operator yg SPRCD ThweePole Reclaim Time Delay Range = 11095999 9000 Valid enge = The legal operators: PRI Thee-PleReclos tation Equation Yt age =The eal operator Valid range = The legal operators: T8SKP Skip Recosing Shot Equation Ni pene he ea ta ie spicis Twee-Pole BK 1 Reclose Supervision Valid range = The legal operators: = Equation AND ORNOT R-TRIGF TRIG spacis Thee-Pole BK 2Reclose Supervision Valid range = The legal operators Eqeation AND ORNOT R-TRIGE TRIG EVCK Reclosing Voltage Check Select: Y,N Y 2TLP Deadline voltage Range = 110200 130 S9LP Live ne votage Range = 110200 450 2TBKIP Breaker | Dead busbar Voltage Range = 110200 Bo SOBKIP Breaker I Live busbar Volage Range =1t0 200 450 27BKIP Breaker | Dead busbar Voltage Range = 1 10 200 bo SOBKIP Breaker | Live busbar Voltage Range = 1 to 200 45.0 Valid range = The legal operators: ae ee rot AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Communications-Assisted Trip Valid range = The legal operators: Z2MP or TROOMM Eauation AND OR NOT RTRIGF_TRIG —XP2 or XG2 , Vali ange = The legal operators: Z2MP or TRSOTF SwithOnto-Fault Tip Equation Yaltvange="The legal operat: Z2MP of : lid range = The legal operators: DTA. Ditect Transfer Trip A-Phase Equnon Vslirange = The legal operator: q ald ange ~ The legal operators: DIB Divet Tamfer Trp B-Pase Equation Yadrange= The za operators: 4, joa Valid range The legal operators: DTC Dee Transfer Trp CPhase Equation alidrange = The ga operators: sq BM.02.HT.PT.03.A3 14-96-2013 ® PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE & TB TY BONG ‘Bao vé khong cach XT 271 ai Sesan 4 joe: SELA21 evnioe Tram: SOOKV PLEIKU 2 ‘$6 phidu: A302-2016/PK2500 SES Trang: 68 Group 1 Setting Description Range Value i chi i Valid range = The legal operators: BKIMTR Breaker | Manual Trip Equation AND OR NOTR TRIG E TRIG eens a Valid range = The legal operators: ULI sea Ea AND OR NOT R_TRIG F_TRIG DTT Valid range = The legal operators: ULMITREUnlatch Manal Tip BK Equation 81° Cae Tre et operators: =f ae Valid range = The legal operators UULMTR2_Unlatch Manual rip -BK2 Equation ANS Ont pe eel operators TOPD Trip During Open Pole Time Delay Range = 2.000 to 8000.000 6 TULO Trip Unlatch Option Select: 1-4 3 CaGTSP ze 2 Ground Distance Time Delay gece yy 3 Zone 2 Directional Nevative- one ‘Sequence/Residual Overcurrent SPT Ca a TDURID pays nmum Trp Duration Time Range = 2,000 to 8000.000 6 TDURSD Dey imum THP Duration Time Range = 2,000 i 8000.000 8 Valid range = The legal operators MET TheknsleTp began «=| cere eee espri Breaker Thee-Pole Trp Enable Valid range = The esa operators: Equation AND ORNOT R_TRIG F_TRIG Valid range = The legal operators: ER Event Report Trigger Equation AND ORNOTE Tho Ema GHI CHU: 1. Dé nghj chinh dinh 3U0, 3U2 nhu sau: 3U0 = 5.50 V, t3U0 = 120s: 90s. 2. Cac phuong trinh logic dang dé. khi ban hanh phiéu chinh thitc. BM.02. HT.PT.03.43 dat theo thu té ta tram, dé nghi phan hdi cho A3 5: 3U2 = 3.50]v, 3U2 4° Y 14-06-2013

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