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FabSuite 4.4.

The General Users Guide

Copyright 2004-2007, FabSuite LLC. All rights reserved.

Revised and reissued: 03JUN2010.
Table of Contents

Login Guide with Program and Application Conventions ..................................................................... 1

Introduction to the FabSuite Windows Version .................................................................................... 1

Mouse Operations .............................................................................................................................. 1
Windows Controls............................................................................................................................... 1
Application and Manual Conventions ..................................................................................................... 2
Application Conventions ..................................................................................................................... 2
Manual Conventions ........................................................................................................................... 6
Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite Module ................................................................................ 6
Exiting FabSuite ................................................................................................................................. 9

Chapter 1: The FabSuite Combining Module ........................................................................................ 11

Opening, Adding, or Editing Jobs ......................................................................................................... 11

Opening an Existing Job ................................................................................................................... 11
Adding a New Job ............................................................................................................................ 12
Editing a Job ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Materials on Current Job .......................................................................... 15
Adding a Single Item ........................................................................................................................ 15
Adding Multiple Items ....................................................................................................................... 15
Editing Materials ............................................................................................................................... 15
Deleting Materials ............................................................................................................................. 16
Performing Combining Runs................................................................................................................. 16
Combining Menu Functions .................................................................................................................. 16
Copying Pages ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Generating Purchasing Forms .............................................................................................................. 17
Managing Reports ................................................................................................................................ 17
Job Maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 17
General Use Utilities ............................................................................................................................. 18
Making Global Changes ................................................................................................................... 18
Filtering Materials ............................................................................................................................. 18
Switching Between Metric and Imperial Units ................................................................................... 18
Exporting Data .................................................................................................................................. 18
Viewing a List of Changes ................................................................................................................ 18

Chapter 2: Estimating Module ............................................................................................................... 19

Steel Management Software

Opening, Adding, or Editing Jobs ......................................................................................................... 19

Opening an Existing Job ................................................................................................................... 19
Adding a New Job ............................................................................................................................ 20
Editing a Job ..................................................................................................................................... 21
Using the Estimating Item Window ....................................................................................................... 22
To Add Labor .................................................................................................................................... 23
To Add Clips ..................................................................................................................................... 24
To Edit Labor Entries ........................................................................................................................ 24
To Edit Clips Entries ......................................................................................................................... 24
To Delete Labor ................................................................................................................................ 24
To Delete Labor ................................................................................................................................ 24
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Materials on Current Job .......................................................................... 24
Adding a Single Item ........................................................................................................................ 24
Adding Multiple Items ....................................................................................................................... 25
Editing Materials ............................................................................................................................... 25
Deleting Materials ............................................................................................................................. 25
Performing Combining Runs................................................................................................................. 26
Estimating Menu Functions .................................................................................................................. 26
Using Accessories ................................................................................................................................ 26
Using Assemblies ................................................................................................................................. 27
Adding an Existing Assembly to the Estimate .................................................................................. 27
Editing an Existing Assembly ........................................................................................................... 28
Creating a New Assembly ................................................................................................................ 29
Adding Parametric Assemblies to the Job ............................................................................................ 30
Copying Pages and Selected Items ...................................................................................................... 31
Copying Pages ................................................................................................................................. 31
Copying Selected Items.................................................................................................................... 32
Loading Materials ................................................................................................................................. 33
Loading All Materials from One Estimate into Another ..................................................................... 33
Loading Selected Materials from One Estimate into Another ........................................................... 35
Loading All Materials from An Estimate into a Production Control Job ............................................. 35
Loading Selected Materials from An Estimate into a Production Control Job ................................... 35
Sub-Category Multipliers ...................................................................................................................... 36
Changing Sub-Category Multipliers .................................................................................................. 36
Changing Multipliers for Selected Items ........................................................................................... 36

Table of Contents

Managing Proposals ............................................................................................................................. 37

Setting Up a New Proposal .............................................................................................................. 37
Opening an Existing Proposal .......................................................................................................... 40
Setting the Order of Sections for an Existing Proposal ..................................................................... 41
Deleting a Section from an Existing Proposal ................................................................................... 41
Editing Sections for an Existing Proposal ......................................................................................... 41
Editing the Estimating Proposals Window ........................................................................................ 42
Deleting a Proposal .......................................................................................................................... 43
Generating Purchasing Forms .............................................................................................................. 43
Managing Reports ................................................................................................................................ 43
View Labor Details ................................................................................................................................ 43
Determining Material Costs .................................................................................................................. 44
Calculating the Material Cost Estimate ............................................................................................. 44
Recalculating the Material Cost Estimate ......................................................................................... 44
Job Maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 45
General Use Utilities ............................................................................................................................. 45
Making Global Changes ................................................................................................................... 45
Filtering Materials ............................................................................................................................. 45
Switching Between Metric and Imperial Units ................................................................................... 45
Exporting Data .................................................................................................................................. 45
Viewing a List of Changes ................................................................................................................ 45

Chapter 3: FabSuite Inventory Module.................................................................................................. 47

Reserving and Un-reserving Inventory Items........................................................................................ 47

Reserving Materials .......................................................................................................................... 47
Un-reserving Materials ..................................................................................................................... 48
Taking and Returning Inventory Items .................................................................................................. 48
Taking Materials from Stock ............................................................................................................. 48
Returning Materials to Stock ............................................................................................................ 49
Receiving Inventory Items .................................................................................................................... 49
Viewing, Adding, Editing, or Deleting Materials in Inventory ................................................................. 50
Adding One Item............................................................................................................................... 50
Adding Multiple Items ....................................................................................................................... 51
Editing Materials ............................................................................................................................... 51
Deleting Materials ............................................................................................................................. 51

Steel Management Software

Inventory Menu Functions .................................................................................................................... 52

Switching to Manual Combine Mode .................................................................................................... 52
Switching to Input Mode ....................................................................................................................... 52
ORD/PCD TFS ..................................................................................................................................... 53
Order Entry TFS Reports Only ...................................................................................................... 53
Order Entry TFS Selected ............................................................................................................. 53
Production Control TFS Reports Only ........................................................................................... 53
Production Control TFS Selected .................................................................................................. 53
Calculating a Valuation for the Inventory .............................................................................................. 53
Calculating a Valuation by Date ....................................................................................................... 53
Calculating a Valuation from Archive ................................................................................................ 54
Developing an Inventory History ........................................................................................................... 54
Viewing the Inventory History ........................................................................................................... 54
Adding a Single Item to Inventory History ......................................................................................... 55
Adding a Multiple Items to Inventory History .................................................................................... 56
Adding an Item from the Inventory Window ...................................................................................... 56
Editing Information in the Inventory History ...................................................................................... 56
Deleting Information in the Inventory History .................................................................................... 56
Changing the Display Units .................................................................................................................. 57
Preparing a Work Order........................................................................................................................ 58
Exporting Data ...................................................................................................................................... 58
Managing Reports ................................................................................................................................ 60
General Use Utilities ............................................................................................................................. 60
Making Global Changes ................................................................................................................... 60
Filtering Materials ............................................................................................................................. 60
Switching Between Metric and Imperial Units ................................................................................... 60
Exporting Data .................................................................................................................................. 60
Viewing a List of Changes ................................................................................................................ 60

Chapter 4: The Project Management Module ....................................................................................... 61

Adding and Opening Projects ............................................................................................................... 61

Adding a Project to the Select Project List ........................................................................................ 61
Opening a Job on the Select Project List .......................................................................................... 63
Project Management Menu Functions .................................................................................................. 64
Managing Reports ................................................................................................................................ 65
Data Exchange ..................................................................................................................................... 65

Table of Contents

Job Maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 65

The Project Management Sub-Modules ............................................................................................... 65
Opening the Sub-Modules ................................................................................................................ 65
Navigating Among Sub-Modules ...................................................................................................... 66
Managing Design and Detail Drawings on a Job .................................................................................. 67
Manually Adding Drawings ............................................................................................................... 67
Adding Drawings in Batches ............................................................................................................. 68
Editing Existing Drawing Information ................................................................................................ 69
Global Editing Existing Drawing Information ..................................................................................... 69
Deleting Drawings from the Item List ................................................................................................ 70
Managing Drawing Revisions ............................................................................................................... 70
Recording Drawing Revisions .......................................................................................................... 70
Editing Drawing Revisions ................................................................................................................ 71
Deleting Drawings Revisions ............................................................................................................ 71
Drawing Log Menu Functions ............................................................................................................... 71
Drawing Files .................................................................................................................................... 72
Copy Latest Revision Drawing Files ................................................................................................. 72
Issue History Selected ................................................................................................................... 73
Refresh ................................................................................................................................................. 74
Production Control ............................................................................................................................ 74
Managing Transmittals ......................................................................................................................... 75
Adding Transmittals .......................................................................................................................... 75
Editing Existing Transmittal .............................................................................................................. 76
Attaching Drawings to the Transmittal .............................................................................................. 77
Deleting Transmittals from the Item List ........................................................................................... 77
Transmittal Menu Functions ................................................................................................................. 77
View Selected Transmittals .................................................................................................................. 77
Print Selected Transmittals ................................................................................................................... 78
Managing Requests for Information ...................................................................................................... 79
Adding RFIs ...................................................................................................................................... 79
Editing RFI Information ..................................................................................................................... 80
Attaching Files to the RFI ................................................................................................................. 81
Deleting RFIs from the Item List ....................................................................................................... 81
Request for Information Menu Functions .............................................................................................. 81
View Selected RFIs .............................................................................................................................. 82

Steel Management Software

Print Selected RFIs ............................................................................................................................... 83

Data Exchange Importing Files...................................................................................................... 84
Data Exchange Exporting Files ..................................................................................................... 84
Email Selected RFI ........................................................................................................................... 85
Make Word Document ...................................................................................................................... 86
Managing Journals ............................................................................................................................... 87
Adding a Journal............................................................................................................................... 87
Editing Journal Information ............................................................................................................... 89
Deleting Journals from the Item List ................................................................................................. 89
Journal Menu Functions ....................................................................................................................... 89
Managing Change Orders .................................................................................................................... 90
Adding a Change Order.................................................................................................................... 90
Editing Change Order Information .................................................................................................... 91
Deleting Changes Orders from the Item List .................................................................................... 91
Change Order Menu Functions ............................................................................................................ 92
View Selected Change Orders ............................................................................................................. 92
Print Selected Change Orders .............................................................................................................. 93
Managing Task Lists ............................................................................................................................. 94
Adding a Task List ............................................................................................................................ 94
Editing Task List Information ............................................................................................................ 95
Deleting Task Lists from the Item List............................................................................................... 95
Task List Menu Functions ..................................................................................................................... 96
Managing Check Lists .......................................................................................................................... 96

Chapter 5: The Production Control Module .......................................................................................... 99

Opening, Adding, and Editing Production Control Jobs ........................................................................ 99

Opening Jobs ................................................................................................................................... 99
Adding a New Job .......................................................................................................................... 100
Editing a Job ................................................................................................................................... 101
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Materials on Current Job ........................................................................ 102
Adding a Single Item ...................................................................................................................... 102
Adding Multiple Items ..................................................................................................................... 102
Editing Materials ............................................................................................................................. 103
Deleting Materials ........................................................................................................................... 103
Performing Combining Runs............................................................................................................... 103
Production Control Menu Functions ................................................................................................... 103

Table of Contents

Tracking the Process by Load ............................................................................................................ 104

Adding Loads ................................................................................................................................. 104
Editing Loads .................................................................................................................................. 105
Deleting Loads ............................................................................................................................... 105
Load Tracking ..................................................................................................................................... 105
Adding Load Tracking Information .................................................................................................. 105
Editing Items Being Load Tracked .................................................................................................. 107
Removing Items from Being Load Tracked .................................................................................... 107
Tracking Process by Piece ................................................................................................................. 107
Adding Piece Tracking Information ................................................................................................. 107
Editing Items Being Tracked by Piece ............................................................................................ 108
Removing Items from Being Tracked by Piece ............................................................................... 108
Production/Shipping Entry .................................................................................................................. 108
Production Status ............................................................................................................................... 109
TFS Entry ........................................................................................................................................... 109
Loading All Selected Items ................................................................................................................. 110
Sequencing All Selected Items ....................................................................................................... 111
Un-sequencing All Selected Items .................................................................................................. 111
Copying Drawings .............................................................................................................................. 111
Generating Purchasing Forms ............................................................................................................ 113
Linking Jobs, Unlinking Jobs, and Verifying Job Links........................................................................ 113
Linking Jobs ................................................................................................................................... 113
Unlinking Jobs ................................................................................................................................ 114
Verifying Links ................................................................................................................................ 115
Preparing Purchasing Reports............................................................................................................ 116
Viewing Taking from Stock Summary ................................................................................................. 117
Finalizing the Current Job ................................................................................................................... 118
Comparing Jobs ................................................................................................................................. 119
Compare to Estimating Job ............................................................................................................ 119
Compare to Combining Job ............................................................................................................ 121
Exporting to CIS/2 Model .................................................................................................................... 123
Managing Reports .............................................................................................................................. 123
Job Maintenance ................................................................................................................................ 124
General Use Utilities ........................................................................................................................... 124
Making Global Changes ................................................................................................................. 124

Steel Management Software

Filtering Materials ........................................................................................................................... 124

Switching Between Metric and Imperial Units ................................................................................. 124
Exporting Data ................................................................................................................................ 124
Viewing a List of Changes .............................................................................................................. 124

Chapter 6: The Purchasing Module ..................................................................................................... 125

Creating and Editing Requisitions ....................................................................................................... 125

Creating New Requisitions ............................................................................................................. 125
Editing Requisitions Standards ....................................................................................................... 126
Managing Materials Listed in a Requisition ........................................................................................ 126
Opening a Requisition to View the Materials .................................................................................. 127
Adding Material to a Requisition ..................................................................................................... 128
Adding Material to Requisition by Copying ..................................................................................... 128
Editing Materials in a Requisition.................................................................................................... 128
Deleting Materials from a Requisition ............................................................................................. 128
Performing Combining Runs for Requisitions ..................................................................................... 129
Manually Adding and Removing Materials from Combining Runs ...................................................... 129
Adding Materials to Combining Runs ............................................................................................. 129
Removing Materials from Combining Runs .................................................................................... 131
Requisition Menu Functions ............................................................................................................... 131
Purchase Order Menu Functions ........................................................................................................ 131
Loading Material from Requisition to Purchase Order ........................................................................ 132
Moving All Materials into Purchase Order ...................................................................................... 132
Moving Selected Materials into Purchase Order............................................................................. 134
Creating and Editing Purchase Orders ............................................................................................... 134
Creating New Purchase Orders ...................................................................................................... 134
Editing Purchase Order Standards ................................................................................................. 135
Managing Materials Listed in a Purchase Order ................................................................................. 136
Opening a Purchase Order to View the Materials .......................................................................... 136
Adding Material to Purchase Order ................................................................................................ 137
Adding Material to Purchase Order by Copying ............................................................................. 137
Editing Materials in a Purchase Order ............................................................................................ 138
Deleting Materials from a Purchase Order ..................................................................................... 138
Sending Materials from a Purchase Order to a Requisition ............................................................ 138
Finalizing Materials ............................................................................................................................. 138
Finalizing All Materials Listed ......................................................................................................... 138

Table of Contents

Finalizing Selected Materials .......................................................................................................... 138

Exporting Purchase Orders ................................................................................................................ 139
Managing Received Materials ............................................................................................................ 139
Rejecting Materials ......................................................................................................................... 140
Canceling Materials ........................................................................................................................ 140
Receiving Selected Materials ......................................................................................................... 140
Receiving All Materials ................................................................................................................... 141
Undoing Incorrect Category Assignments ...................................................................................... 141
Managing Reports .............................................................................................................................. 142
Requisition Maintenance .................................................................................................................... 142
General Use Utilities ........................................................................................................................... 142
Making Global Changes ................................................................................................................. 142
Switching Between Metric and Imperial Units ................................................................................. 142
Viewing a List of Changes .............................................................................................................. 142

Chapter 7: Order Entry Module ............................................................................................................ 143

Creating and Editing Quotes............................................................................................................... 143

Creating New Quotes ..................................................................................................................... 143
Editing an Existing Quote ............................................................................................................... 144
Managing Materials Included in a Quote or Order .............................................................................. 145
Opening a Quote or Order to View the Materials ............................................................................ 145
Adding New Materials to a Quote ................................................................................................... 146
Adding New Materials to the Quote by Copying ............................................................................. 147
Editing Materials Included in the Quote .......................................................................................... 147
Deleting Materials from a Quote ..................................................................................................... 147
Order Menu Functions ........................................................................................................................ 148
Importing Materials into a Quote from another Quote or Order .......................................................... 148
Listing Materials Available from Inventory .......................................................................................... 149
Moving Uncombined Materials into another Quote ............................................................................. 151
Moving All Uncombined Materials into another Quote .................................................................... 151
Moving Selected Uncombined Materials into another Quote .......................................................... 152
Creating, Viewing, and Printing the Finished Quote ........................................................................... 153
Creating and Viewing a Customer Quote ....................................................................................... 153
Converting a Quote into an Order and an Invoice .............................................................................. 155
Converting a Quote into an Order................................................................................................... 156

Steel Management Software

Viewing and Printing an Existing Invoice ........................................................................................ 157

Selecting Units of Measurement for a Specific Quote ........................................................................ 159
Generating Purchasing Information .................................................................................................... 160
Loading All Uncombined Material into a Requisition....................................................................... 160
Loading Selected Uncombined Material into a Requisition ............................................................. 163
Loading All Uncombined Material into a Purchase Order ............................................................... 163
Loading Selected Uncombined Material into a Purchase Order ..................................................... 165
Performing Combining Runs............................................................................................................... 166
Managing Reports .............................................................................................................................. 166
General Use Utilities ........................................................................................................................... 166
Switching Between Metric and Imperial Units ................................................................................. 166

Chapter 8: Job and Requisition Maintenance .................................................................................... 167

Deleting Jobs or Requisitions ............................................................................................................. 168

Copying Jobs or Requisitions ............................................................................................................. 168
Renumbering Jobs for All Pages ........................................................................................................ 169
Renumbering Jobs for Selected Pages .............................................................................................. 170
Exporting Jobs .................................................................................................................................... 172
Merging Jobs ...................................................................................................................................... 173
Setting Job Groups: Creating New Groups......................................................................................... 173
Setting Job Groups: Creating Secondary Groups ............................................................................... 174
Recalculating a Job Estimate ............................................................................................................. 175

Chapter 9: Managing Reports .............................................................................................................. 177

Generating and Viewing Reports .................................................................................................... 177

Filtering Information Included in Reports ........................................................................................ 180
Printing Reports .............................................................................................................................. 181
Managing Custom Report Lists .......................................................................................................... 183
Creating Report Lists ...................................................................................................................... 183
Deleting Report Lists ...................................................................................................................... 185

Chapter 10: Performing Combining Runs........................................................................................... 187

Creating a New Combining by Multing, Nesting, or Both ................................................................ 187

Opening Existing Combining Runs ................................................................................................. 190
Copying Combining Runs ............................................................................................................... 191
Deleting Combining Runs ............................................................................................................... 192

Table of Contents

Recombining Saved Combining Runs ............................................................................................ 192

Viewing Filters Applied to Combining Runs .................................................................................... 194
Comparing Previously Saved Combining Runs .............................................................................. 195

Chapter 11: Generating Purchasing Forms ........................................................................................ 199

Loading Materials into Requisitions and Purchase Orders ................................................................. 199

Loading All Material from Current Job into a Requisition ................................................................ 199
Loading Selected Material from Current Job into a Requisition ...................................................... 202
Loading All Material from Current Job into a Purchase Order ........................................................ 205
Loading Selected Material from Current Job into a Purchase Order .............................................. 209
Changing Selections Made in the Requisition Edit Window................................................................ 213
Deleting a Requisition from the Select Requisition Window ............................................................... 215
Changing Selections Made in the Purchase Order Edit Window ........................................................ 216
Deleting a Requisition from the Select Purchase Order Window ........................................................ 219

Chapter 12: Using the Address Book .................................................................................................. 223

Using the Address Book - Contacts ................................................................................................ 226

Chapter 13: General Use Utilities ........................................................................................................ 229

Making Global Editing Changes ......................................................................................................... 229

Performing a Global Edit ................................................................................................................ 229
Performing a Global Edit Selected.................................................................................................. 231
Performing a Global Edit by Shape ................................................................................................ 231
Performing a Global Edit Selected by Shape ................................................................................. 231
Viewing a List of Changes .................................................................................................................. 231
Exporting Data .................................................................................................................................... 233
Switching Between Metric and Imperial Units ..................................................................................... 233
Filtering Materials ............................................................................................................................... 234

Chapter 14: Administration .................................................................................................................. 237

Connecting to the database ................................................................................................................ 237

Adding Stations, Users, and Passwords ............................................................................................. 238
Setting Permissions ............................................................................................................................ 239
Log Tables .......................................................................................................................................... 241
Recovering Deleted Jobs.................................................................................................................... 241
Recovering Import Backups................................................................................................................ 241

Steel Management Software

Check / Repair Tables ........................................................................................................................ 242

Optimize Tables.................................................................................................................................. 242
Automatic Backup ............................................................................................................................... 242
Automatic Inventory Archive ............................................................................................................... 243
Users Currently Logged In .................................................................................................................. 244
Users Permission Report - All............................................................................................................. 244
Users Permission Report - Selected................................................................................................... 244

Appendix A: Field Descriptions and Controls for FabSuite Modules............................................... 245

Combining Module .............................................................................................................................. 245

Combining Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 245
Combining Job Edit Window Detail Form Field Descriptions .......................................................... 246
Estimating Module .............................................................................................................................. 248
Estimating Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 248
Estimating Job Edit Detail Form Window Field Descriptions .......................................................... 250
Assembly Maintenance Window Detail Form Field Descriptions .................................................... 252
Inventory Module ................................................................................................................................ 254
Inventory Window Detail Form Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 254
Inventory History Window Detail Form Field Descriptions .............................................................. 256
Project Management Module .............................................................................................................. 259
Project Management Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ........................................................ 259
Project Management Add Window Field Descriptions .................................................................... 259
Design Drawing Log Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ......................................................... 260
Detail Drawing Log Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ........................................................... 262
Transmittals Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 263
Request for Information Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.................................................... 264
Journal Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 265
Change Orders Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ................................................................ 266
Task List Window Detail Form Field Descriptions........................................................................... 268
Check List Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 269
Production Control Module ................................................................................................................. 270
Production Control Detail Form Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 270
Production Control Job Edit Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ............................................. 271
Trucks Window Detail Form Field Descriptions .............................................................................. 273
Combining Maintenance Window Detail Field Descriptions ............................................................ 275
Purchasing Module ............................................................................................................................. 276

Table of Contents

Purchase Order Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ................................................................ 276

Purchase Order Edit Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ........................................................ 277
Purchase Requisition Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ....................................................... 280
Requisition Edit Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ................................................................ 281
Order Entry Module ............................................................................................................................ 282
Quote Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 282
Add Quote Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 284
Edit Quote Window Detail Form Field Descriptions ........................................................................ 285

Introduction to FabSuite

Login Guide with Program and Application

This General Users Guide is created to assist those who are using this application
as a productivity tool to support various aspects of steel management. Procedures
and functionality for setting up and managing the program itself are described in the
separate publication The Administrators Guide.

Introduction to the FabSuite Windows Version

This section is provided for those who may be unfamiliar with the Windows operating system or who
have used Windows, but would like to review the basics of mouse operations and the Windows controls
encountered when using FabSuite. If you are familiar with the Windows operating system, skip ahead to
the next section of this manual, Application and Manual Conventions.
Mouse Operations
Operation Procedure

Generally used with button type controls. Place the cursor over the control. Depress
and release the primary mouse button (usually the left) once rapidly.

Select Generally used with lists. Place the cursor over the item to be selected, and click.

Generally used with menu titles. Place the cursor over name of the menu to be
opened, and click as described above.

Double-click Place cursor over the item or control and click twice rapidly.

Windows Controls
Control Function
Windows are screens used to control the application. When windows display inside
Window other windows, there is usually an OK or similar button provided to close the
second window and return to the first.

The title bar is located at the top of a window. It displays the name of the window,
Title Bar
and may display icons for closing, maximizing, or minimizing the window.

FabSuite contains only one menu bar, located below the title bar in the applications
Menu Bar
main window. The menu bar displays all menus available for the application.

To open a menu, select the menu name. The FabSuite application has four permanent
menus: File, Maintenance, About, and Windows. Whenever a module is open and
Menu active, a fifth menu displays that is associated with that module. (The Combining
module displays a Combining menu, the Estimating module displays an Estimating
menu, etc.)

Steel Management Software

Control Function
Each menu contains a list of options. Selecting an option either executes a command
Menu Item or, if the option ends with a right-facing arrow, opens a submenu of additional
options related to the option selected. A dimmed-out menu item is unavailable.

An icon is a graphic representation of a control. Double-clicking on an icon executes

the indicated command.

A field is an open rectangular area used for data entry. Enter data by moving the
cursor into the field, clicking to set the insertion point, and entering the data.

A drop-down list is a field with a downward facing arrow. Clicking the arrow
Drop-Down displays a list of entries. Clicking any listed entry places that entry into the field. If
List the number of selections exceeds the length of the list, scrolling arrows display.
Scroll the list using these arrows, or the Up and Down arrow keys on your keyboard.

A list box is a list of items with a scroll bar on the right hand side. Scroll the list
List Box using the scroll bar arrows, or by using the Up and Down arrow keys on your
keyboard. To select an item from the list, click on it with your mouse.

A button is a graphic simulation of a physical button. It is typically a rectangular

Button shape displaying text or an icon to indicate its function. To execute the buttons
command, click on it.

A radio button is one of a group of two or more identical buttons. It is configured as

a circle placed adjacent to text that describes an option for selection. When clicked, a
Radio Button black dot displays at its center indicating that it is the active radio button. In a group
of radio buttons, only one can be active at a time. Selecting any one of the group,
deselects all others in the group.

A check box is a square adjacent to text that describes an option for selection. A
Check Box selected check box contains an X or a checkmark. A deselected box is empty.
Clicking on a check box selects or deselects it.

Application and Manual Conventions

To simplify the transition of former DOS users to the Windows version, much of the keyboard
functionality and screen content was retained in the Windows version. The section below, Application
Conventions, should be reviewed by users both familiar and unfamiliar with the Windows operating
system. Reviewing the Manual Conventions paragraph given below, will help you understand how
concepts and procedures are presented in this manual, enabling you to more quickly learn the application.
Application Conventions
Use of F1 through F12 Function Keys: Throughout this manual, you are directed to click on buttons to
execute a function. For former DOS users, use of the F1 through F12 keys has been retained. The function
key corresponding to the button click is displayed on the button. Either may be used interchangeably.
Use of Tab and Enter Keys: Within a window or section of a window, you can use either the Tab or
Enter key to move between fields. The Tab key is used to move between fields in Windows, former DOS

Introduction to FabSuite

users may be more comfortable using the Enter key. Individual fields can also be accessed by clicking on
them directly. The Shift-Tab key combination moves the cursor to the previous field.
Main Window Areas Common to Each Module: All module main windows, although different in
content are identical in layout. The commonly referenced areas are shown and described below.

Category Tree: The category tree has an upper and lower area. The upper area displays materials limited
to size, grade by size, or dimension by size. The lower area displays items listed on the selected page.
Clicking a (+) expands the tree branch. Clicking a (-) collapses the branch.
Using the Find Shape/Size Button: The Combining, Estimating, Inventory, and Production Control
modules display a Find Shape/Size button adjacent to the summary grid. This button enables the
selection of materials displayed in the Item List.

To select the materials to be displayed:

1. Click the Find Shape/Size button to display the Find window shown above.
2. Select a shape from the Shape field drop-down list.
Note: The Grade and the Size fields display default selections.

Steel Management Software

3. If available, select a grade and a size from the Grade field and Size field drop-down lists.
4. Click the Find Size button to close the Find window and display your selections in the item list.
Using the Find Item Button: The Combining, Estimating, Inventory, and Production Control modules
display a Find Item button adjacent to the summary grid. That button enables the selection of a specific
item on a specific page displayed in the Item List.

To find a specific item on a specific page:

1. Click the Find Item button, to display the Find window shown above.
2. Enter a page number and item number where indicated.
3. Click the Find button to locate and highlight the specific item.
Note: If the page number or item number entered does not exist, the numbers closest to your
selection will be highlighted.
Item List: The item list displays all items or records in the job. When the list exceeds the field height, a
scroll bar displays.
Summary Grid: The summary grid shows cumulative information for items in the job. The Selected row
displays cumulative information for items selected on the item list. The Displayed row displays the
cumulative information for all items displayed in the item list. The Total row displays the cumulative
information for all items in the job that are available for display on the item list.
Detail Form: Only partial information for the selected item is displayed in the item list. Complete
information displays on the detail form located at the right of the list. To view all of the details for an
item, select the item in the item list to highlight it, and to display its detailed information in the detail
Using Calendar to Enter Dates: Fields that require entering a date offer the option of selecting the date
from a drop-down calendar. Select the date as follows:
1. Click the arrow at the right side of the Date field to display the calendar, as shown below.

Note: Clicking the left or right double arrows

sequentially changes the year. Clicking the left or
right single arrows sequentially changes the

2. Select the date, changing the month and year if necessary, to close the calendar and display the
selected date in the Date field as shown below.

Introduction to FabSuite

Sorting Lists: Most lists of jobs or materials can be sorted by clicking on any column header, such as Job
Number, Job Name, or Date, shown below. You can toggle between ascending and descending sort order
by repeatedly clicking the column header. The header selected and the sort order displays above the list.

Selecting Items from Lists: Most lists permit selecting more than one line of information to be acted
upon, depending upon the function selected. Functions like Delete or Merge permit multiple selections.
Others, like copy or edit may not. This application allows multiple selections only where appropriate.
Such selections are made as follows:
1. To select one item in the item list, click the item to highlight it, as shown below.

2. To select adjacent multiple items, click the first item, hold down the Shift key, click on the last item
that you wish to select, then release the Shift key to highlight the adjacent group, as shown below.

Steel Management Software

3. To select multiple items that are not adjacent, click the first item, hold down the Ctrl key, click each
of the other items that you wish to select, then release the Ctrl key to highlight the selections, as
shown below.

Moving Items Between Adjacent Lists: In windows of the type shown below, clicking a left or right
double arrow moves the entire list from one column to the other in the direction indicated. Clicking a left
or right single arrow moves only the selected items in the direction indicated.

Manual Conventions
Conventions used in this manual are designed to make it easy for you to read and follow the instructions.
Procedures are presented in numbered steps to guide you smoothly through each task. The names of
windows, fields, buttons, menus, menu items, and other controls begin with uppercase letters, e.g., Click
the OK button in the Log In window. The manual can be read straight through to learn how to use the
application, or it can be used as a reference to look up the procedure for performing a task.
Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite Module
The FabSuite application comprises the following modules: Combining, Estimating, Inventory, Project
Management, Production Control, Purchasing, and Order Entry.
To log in to the FabSuite application and open any of its seven modules:
1. Double-click the FabSuite icon on the desktop, or select the FabSuite program selection in the
Windows Start menu.

Introduction to FabSuite

Note: The location of the FabSuite program selection is shown below for the Windows 7 operating
system. It is accessed by clicking the Windows Start button, opening the FabSuite folder, and
selecting FabSuite from the list. If you are using an older operating system, open your start menu,
scroll through the program list, and select FabSuite LLC.

FabSuite Icon FabSuite Program Selection in Windows Start Menu

2. The Log In window displays.

3. Enter your user name and password into the indicated fields, and click the OK button to display the
FabSuite main window, shown below.

Steel Management Software

4. Click the appropriate button, located along the top of the window, to open the selected module,
displaying one of the windows displayed below.
Note: Only the top-left area of the main windows are shown below for purposes of recognition. More
than one FabSuite module main window may be opened at the same time. Whenever the main
window of any module is open and active, a dedicated menu with the name of the module displays on
the menu bar, as shown below.

Introduction to FabSuite

Exiting FabSuite
To exit and close the FabSuite application:
1. Open the File menu in the FabSuite main window, as shown below.

2. Select Exit to display a Confirm window.

3. Click the Yes button of the Confirm window to exit the application.

The Combining Module

Chapter 1: The FabSuite Combining Module

Combining is FabSuites term for describing multing and nesting material. Multing is the function that
combines the lengths of like material together such as wide flange beams, angles, flat bar, round bar,
channels, and tube steel. Nesting is the combining of like plate together to form the most economical cut
for the material. Combining allows you to efficiently optimize material from your existing inventory, or
from a personally customizable Warehouse or Mill database. This module allows you to efficiently
combine large material lists to price, quote, or buy.
Opening, Adding, or Editing Jobs
Opening an Existing Job
To open an existing job:
1. Open the Combining module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Combining Job window shown below.

2. From the list of jobs, select the job that you wish to open to highlight it.
Note: If jobs are assigned to groups or subgroups, jobs displayed in the list can be limited to those in
a specific group or subgroup by selection from the Job Group field drop-down lists located at the
bottom of the window.
3. Click the Open button to display the Combining window.

Steel Management Software

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Combining window, see Appendix A:
Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Combining Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.

Adding a New Job

To add a new job with new job standards:
1. Open the Combining module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Combining Job window shown below.

2. Click the Add button to display the Combining Job Edit window.

The Combining Module

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Combining Job Edit window, see
Appendix A: Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Combining Job Edit Window Detail Form Field

3. In the Combining Job Edit window, enter a new number into the Job Number field, and
enter information in the other fields as necessary.
4. When all information has been entered, click the Save button to open the Select Combining
Job window with the new job displayed in the job list.
5. When all information has been entered, click the Save button to open the Combining window with
the new job displayed in the job list.
Editing a Job
To edit the job standards for a job before opening it:
1. Open the Combining module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Combining Job window shown below.

Steel Management Software

2. From the list of jobs, select the job that you wish to edit to highlight it.
Note: If jobs are assigned to groups or subgroups, jobs displayed in the list can be limited to those in
a specific group or subgroup by selection from the Job Group field drop-down lists located at the
bottom of the window.
3. Click the Edit button to display the Combining Job Edit window.

4. In the Combining Job Edit window, change information in the fields as necessary.
5. When all information has been entered, click the Save button to re-open the Combining window with
the changes displayed in the job list.

The Combining Module

Adding, Editing, or Deleting Materials on Current Job

Adding a Single Item
To add a single new item to the current job:
1. Select an item from the item list that is similar to the new item you wish to add, to display its
information in the detail form.
2. Click the New button at the bottom of the item list to modify the information with as much default
information as possible, and add a new item number.
3. Change or add any information required for the new item in the detail form.

4. Click the Add button at the bottom of the item list to add the new item to the job list.
Adding Multiple Items
To add more than one new item to the list: (Refer to window shown above in Adding One Item.)
1. Select the items that you wish to copy from the item list to highlight them.
2. Click the Copy button to place copies of the selected items at the bottom of the list.
3. Edit the copied items as required, as described in the following section, Editing Materials.
Editing Materials
To edit an item in the current job: (Refer to window shown above in Adding One Item.)

Steel Management Software

1. Select the job that you wish to edit to highlight it.

2. Add or change values as required in the detail form.
3. Click the Edit button to display the selected item and the changes made.
Deleting Materials
To delete one or more items from the current job: (Refer to window shown above in Adding One Item.)
1. Select the items that you wish to delete to highlight them.
2. Click the Delete button to display a Confirm window seeking a confirmation of your request.
3. Click the Yes button to redisplay the list showing the selected items removed.
Performing Combining Runs
A combining run optimizes the use of materials by multing, nesting, or a combination of both to find the
most efficient way to cut the items from available stock. This function is described in Chapter 10:
Performing Combining Runs.
Combining Menu Functions
The Combining menu, shown below, provides access to support tasks for the Combining module. Those
functions that are unique to the Combining module are described below. Those that are common to
multiple FabSuite modules are described in separate sections as referenced below.

Copying Pages
The Copy Page selection on the Combining menu allows you to duplicate all of the items on one page in
the job to another existing page in the same job or to a newly created page in the same job.
To copy a page:
1. In the category tree, click the number of the page that you wish to duplicate, to display all items on
that page on the item list, as shown below.

The Combining Module

2. Select Copy Page from the Combining menu, to display the Copy Page window, as shown above.
3. Enter a new page number into the New Page field, and click the Copy button to display the new page
number in the Category Trees list of pages.
4. Click on the new page number to display the new list of items.
Note: The selected page need not be copied into a new page. If the page entered into the Copy Page
window is the same number as the page being copied, duplicate items would be added to the Items
List for the selected page.

Generating Purchasing Forms

The Purchasing menu selection enables creating purchasing forms. This function is described in Chapter
11: Generating Purchase Forms.
Managing Reports
The Reports menu selection enables the creating, editing, and printing of selected reports. This function is
described in Chapter 9: Managing Reports.
Job Maintenance
The Job Maintenance function enables you to copy, delete, renumber, merge, export jobs, and set up job
groups. These job maintenance functions are described in Chapter 8: Job and Requisition Maintenance.

Steel Management Software

General Use Utilities

Making Global Changes
The Global Edit menu selection enables making changes that apply to all items or selected items in an
open jobs item list. This function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Making Global
Editing Changes.
Filtering Materials
The Filter menu selection enables selecting materials based upon certain characteristics. This function is
described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Filtering Materials.
Switching Between Metric and Imperial Units
The Switch to Metric/Imperial Mode selection enables the selection of the type of measurement units
displayed on a job. This function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Switching Between
Metric and Imperial Units.
Exporting Data
The Export to KISS menu selection enables exporting information for use by customers, vendors, or other
interested parties. This function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Exporting Data.
Viewing a List of Changes
The List of Changes menu selection enables generating a list of changes made to the database. This
function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Viewing a List of Changes.

The Estimating Module

Chapter 2: Estimating Module

FabSuites Estimating module offers the accuracy you need to stay competitive and profitable. This
module makes preparing bids easier, so you can bid for more jobs using the same number of personnel.
The Estimating module correctly prices all items that go into a job, from mill to warehouse. Pre-entered
data allows you to quickly include material and labor for repetitive items. Most pricing levels and labor
codes can be changed to suit your needs. Many estimate reports are available to fit the needs of your shop.
The Estimating module works with the Combining module to optimize material cutting for added savings.
Opening, Adding, or Editing Jobs
Opening an Existing Job
To open an existing job:
1. Open the Estimating module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Estimating Job window shown below.

2. From the list of jobs, select the job that you wish to open to highlight it.
Note: If jobs are assigned to groups or subgroups, jobs displayed in the list can be limited to those in
a specific group or subgroup by selection from the Job Group field drop-down lists located at the
bottom of the window.
3. Click the Open button at the bottom of the window to display the job in the Estimating window.

Steel Management Software

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Estimating window, see Appendix A:
Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Estimating Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.

Adding a New Job

To add a new job with new job standards: (Refer to window shown above in Editing a Job.)
1. Open the Estimating module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Estimating Job window shown below.

The Estimating Module

2. Click the Add button at the bottom of the window to display the Estimating Job Edit window.

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Estimating Job Edit window, see
Appendix A: Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Estimating Job Edit Window Detail Form Field

3. In the Estimating Job Edit window, enter a new number into the Job Number field, and
enter information in the other fields as necessary.
4. When all information has been entered, click the Save button to re-open the Select
Estimating Job window with the new job displayed in the job list.
Editing a Job
To edit the job standards for a job before opening it:
1. Open the Estimating module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Estimating Job window shown below.

Steel Management Software

2. From the list of jobs, select the job that you wish to edit to highlight it.
Note: If jobs are assigned to groups or subgroups, jobs displayed in the list can be limited to those in
a specific group or subgroup by selection from the Job Group field drop-down lists located at the
bottom of the window.
3. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the window to display the Estimating Job Edit window.

4. In the Estimating Job Edit window, change information in the fields as necessary.
5. When all information has been entered, click the Save button to re-open the Estimating Job Edit
window with the changes displayed in the job list.
Using the Estimating Item Window
The Estimating Item window enables the user to add, edit, or delete labor and clips.

The Estimating Module

To open the Estimating Item window, click the Edit button located in the Additional Labor section of
the Detail Form shown above, at the bottom right to display the Estimating Item window shown below.

To Add Labor
1. Click the leftmost New button.
2. Enter information into the Labor fields as necessary.
3. Click the leftmost Add button.

Steel Management Software

To Add Clips
1. Click the rightmost New button.
2. Enter information into the Clips fields as necessary.
3. Click the rightmost Add button.
To Edit Labor Entries
1. Click the line for the labor information you wish to edit.
2. Change information as necessary
3. Click the leftmost Edit button.
To Edit Clips Entries
1. Click the line for the clips information you wish to edit.
2. Change information as necessary
3. Click the rightmost Edit button.
To Delete Labor
1. Click in the line for the information you wish to delete.
2. Click the leftmost Delete button to display a confirmation window.
3. Click the Yes button to close the confirmation window and redisplay the list showing the item
To Delete Labor
1. Click in the line for the information you wish to delete.
4. Click the rightmost Delete button to display a confirmation window.
5. Click the Yes button to close the confirmation window and redisplay the list showing the item
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Materials on Current Job
Adding a Single Item
To add a single new item to the current job:
1. Select an item from the Item List that is similar to the new item you wish to add, to display its
information in the detail form.
2. Click the New button at the bottom of the Item List to modify the information with as much default
information as possible, and add a new item number.
3. Change or add any information required for the new item in the detail form.

The Estimating Module

4. Click the Add button at the bottom of the Item List to add the new item to the job list.
Adding Multiple Items
To add more than one new item to the list: (Refer to window shown above in Adding One Item.)
1. Select the items that you wish to copy from the item list to highlight them.
2. Click the Copy button to place copies of the selected items at the bottom of the list.
3. Edit the copied items as required, as described in the following section, Editing Materials.
Editing Materials
To edit an item in the current job: (Refer to window shown above in Adding One Item.)
1. Select the job that you wish to edit to highlight it.
2. Add or change values as required in the detail form.
3. Click the Edit button to display the selected item and the changes made.
Deleting Materials
To delete one or more items from the current job: (Refer to window shown above in Adding One Item.)
1. Select the items that you wish to delete to highlight them.
2. Click the Delete button to display a Confirm window seeking a confirmation of your request.
3. Click the Yes button to redisplay the list showing the selected items removed.

Steel Management Software

Performing Combining Runs

A combining run optimizes the use of materials by multing, nesting, or a combination of both to find the
most efficient way to cut the items from available stock. This function is described in Chapter 10:
Performing Combining Runs.
Estimating Menu Functions
The Estimating menu, shown below, provides access to support tasks for the Estimating module. Those
functions that are unique to the Estimating module are described below. Those that are common to
multiply FabSuite modules are described in separate sections as referenced below.

Using Accessories
An accessory is a component used that is used as an aid in completing a job, but not an integral part of the
job. This includes items such as safety rails, protective fences, etc. When necessary, such accessories are
created by a program administrator or someone with administrator permissions, and can be displayed and
accessed by the estimator using the Estimating menu, as described below.
To add an existing accessory to the list of materials:
1. Select Add Accessory from the Estimating menu shown above to display the Select
Accessory window shown below.

The Estimating Module

Note: When accessories are available, they display in the above window. If an accessory is needed
but not displayed, contact the program administrator.
2. If a needed accessory displays, select it from the list to highlight it.
3. Using the check boxes located at the bottom of the window, select the appropriate options.
4. Click the Add Selected button to display the accessory in the Estimating windows item list.
5. To close the Select Accessory window, click the X button at its top-right.
Using Assemblies
An assembly is a group of parts that are used together in a job. Using assemblies in your estimate saves
time as you need not enter the parts individually. You simply include the number of assemblies. For
example, a job may include a stair made up of three parts shown in the following table.
Quantity Shape Dimensions Length
2 C 8 x 11.5 10-0
8 CP 1/4 x 5 8-0
16 L 3 x 3 x 1/4 0-6
You can group the parts into an assembly using procedures explained below, and then add an assembly to
the estimate for each stair required. For example, if you need 27 stairs in the job, you can add 27 instances
of the stair assembly to the estimate, rather than entering the parts individually. In many cases when
preparing an estimate, you will simply choose an existing assembly.
Adding an Existing Assembly to the Estimate
To add an existing assembly to the estimate:
1. Select Add Assembly from the Estimating menu shown above to display the Add Assembly window
shown below.

Steel Management Software

Note: When assemblies are available, they display in the Assembly field drop-down list in the above
window. If an assembly is needed but not displayed, see Creating a New Assembly below.
2. Enter a number into the Quantity field.
3. Select an assembly from the Assembly field drop-down list.
4. Select a sub-category from the Sub-Category field drop-down list, if applicable.
5. Click the Add Assembly button to update the item list in the Estimating window.
Editing an Existing Assembly
To edit an existing assembly:
1. Select Add Assembly from the Estimating menu shown above to display the Add Assembly
window shown below.

2. Select the assembly to edit from the Assembly field drop-down list, and click the Edit button to
display the Name window shown below, except with the selected assembly name displayed.

3. Click the OK button to display the Assembly Maintenance window, similar to that shown below.

The Estimating Module

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Assembly Maintenance window, see
Appendix A: Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Assembly Maintenance Window Detail Form
Field Descriptions.
4. Change information as required.
5. To close the window, click the X button at its top-right.
Creating a New Assembly
To create a new assembly:
1. Select Add Assembly from the Estimating menu shown above to display the Add Assembly
window shown below.

2. Click the New button to display the Name window shown below.

Steel Management Software

3. Enter a name into the Enter Assembly Name field, and click the OK button to display the Assembly
Maintenance window, similar to that shown below.

4. Complete entries into the fields at the right side of the Assembly Maintenance window.
5. To close the window, click the X button at its top-right.
Note: After closing the Assembly Maintenance window, the assembly name displays in the Assembly
drop-down list in the Add Assembly window.

Adding Parametric Assemblies to the Job

A parametric assembly is a standard functional component assembly, such as a stairway, ladder, or
walkway that allows variation in one or more parameters, such as length, height, width, etc. These
assemblies are created by a program administrator, or one with administrator permissions, and are
displayed using the Estimating menu, as described below.
To add a new parametric assembly:
1. Select Add Parametric Assembly from the Estimating menu shown above to display the Select
Parametric Assembly window similar to that shown below.

The Estimating Module

Note: When parametric assemblies are available, they display in the above window. If an assembly is
needed but not displayed, contact the program administrator.
2. Click the OK button to display the assembly in the job estimate item list.
3. To close the window, click the X button at its top-right.
Copying Pages and Selected Items
Copying Pages
The Copy Page selection on the Estimating menu allows you to duplicate all of the items on one page in
the job to another existing page in the same job or to a newly created page in the same job.
To copy a page:
1. In the Category Tree, click the number of the page that you wish to duplicate, to display all items on
that page on the Items List, as shown below.

Steel Management Software

2. Select Copy Page from the Estimating menu, to display the Copy Page window, as shown above.
3. Enter a new page number into the New Page field, and click the Copy button to display the new page
number in the Category Trees list of pages.
4. Click on the new page number to display the new list of items.
Note: The selected page need not be copied into a new page. If the page entered into the Copy Page
window is the same number as the page being copied, duplicate items would be added to the Items
List for the selected page.
Copying Selected Items
The Copy Special selection on the Estimating menu allows you to duplicate one or more items on one
page in the job to another existing page in the same job or to a newly created page in the same job.
To copy a selected item or items:
1. From the Estimating window Item List, shown above, select the item or items that you wish to
2. Select Copy Special from the Estimating menu, shown above, to display the Copy Special window,
shown below.

The Estimating Module

3. Type a number into the Qty Multiplier field for adjusting the quantity of the selected items.
Note: The quantities of the selected items can be increased by any positive number or decreased by
any positive decimal fraction that causes any changed quantity to be a whole number. Multipliers that
attempt to create fractional quantity changes will generate an error message.
4. Type a number into the New Page # field, and click the Copy button to display the new item with
new quantity, and new page.
Note: The selected items need not be copied into a new page. Had the selection in this example been
copied to an existing page, the duplicate would have been added to the existing page selected, and
displayed at the bottom of that list.

Loading Materials
It oftentimes happens that materials used in one job are identical to materials required for another job.
FabSuite makes it easy to use copy existing material descriptions from one job into another estimate or
production control items list.

Loading All Materials from One Estimate into Another

To load all materials from one estimate into another:
1. With the Estimating window open and active, select Load Material from the Estimating menu to
display a sub-menu.
2. Select Load Material Into Estimate from the sub-menu to display the Select Estimating Job
window shown below.

Steel Management Software

3. Select the estimating job to which you wish to copy the materials information to highlight it.
4. Enter a new page number to create that page in the selected estimating job.
5. Click the OK button to display the Import Filter window similar to the following.

6. Make filtering choices if necessary, and click the Import button to display the Import Items
window, similar to that shown below.

Note: The Processed field will display a running status of the items being copied.
7. When the number in the Processed field equals that shown in the Total field, click the OK button to
close the Import Items window.

The Estimating Module
Note: The materials information will now be displayed in the items list of the estimate that was
selected to receive that information.
Loading Selected Materials from One Estimate into Another
To load selected materials from one estimate into another:
1. With the Estimating window open and active, select the materials for which you wish to copy
information into another estimate.
2. Select Load Material from the Estimating menu to display a sub-menu.
3. Select Load Selected Material Into Estimate from the sub-menu to display the Select Estimating
Job window shown above.
4. Select the estimating job to which you wish to copy the materials information to highlight it.
5. Enter a new page number to create that page in the selected estimating job.
6. Click the OK button to display the Import Items window similar to the following.

Note: The Processed field will display a running status of the items being copied.
7. When the number in the Processed field equals that shown in the Total field, click the OK button to
close the Import Items window.
Note: The materials information will now be displayed in the items list of the estimate that was
selected to receive that information.
Loading All Materials from An Estimate into a Production Control Job
To load all materials from an estimate into a production control job, follow the procedures described
above in Loading All Materials from One Estimate to Another, with the following exceptions.
1. Select Load Material into Production Control from the Estimating sub-menu.
2. Select the job into which the material shall be copied from the Select Production Control Job
window which automatically displays.
3. The information for the selected materials will display in the item list of the selected Production
Control job.
Loading Selected Materials from An Estimate into a Production Control Job
To load selected materials from an estimate into a production control job, follow the procedures described
above in Loading Selected Materials from One Estimate to Another, with the following exceptions.
1. Select Load Selected Material into Production Control from the Estimating sub-menu.
2. Select the job into which the material shall be copied from the Select Production Control Job
window which automatically displays.
3. The information for the selected materials will display in the item list of the selected Production
Control job.

Steel Management Software

Sub-Category Multipliers
Multipliers simplify entering items used repeatedly in the estimate. For example, if you have several
items that are used 15 times, you can group them into a sub-category when entering them into the detail
form, and then set the multiplier for the sub-category to 15. When the application calculates the estimate,
it will take all of the items assigned to the sub-category and multiply the quantity by the multiplier
number 15.
Changing Sub-Category Multipliers
To change a multiplier for a sub-category:
1. Select Sub-Category Multipliers from the Estimating menu, shown above, to display the
Sub-Category Multipliers window shown below.

2. From the Item List, select the sub-category multiplier that you wish to change.
3. Enter the multiplier into the Multiplier field, and click the Save button.
4. To close the window, click the X button at its top-right.
Changing Multipliers for Selected Items
To apply a multiplier to selected items on a job:
1. From the Estimating window Item List, select the items to which you wish to apply the multiplier.

The Estimating Module

2. Select Selected Items Multiplier from the Estimating menu, shown above, to display the Multiplier
window shown below

3. Enter a number for the multiplier into the Multiplier field, and click the Save button.
Note: The quantities of the selected items can be increased by any positive number or decreased by
any positive decimal fraction that causes any changed quantity to be a whole number. Multipliers that
attempt to create fractional quantity changes will generate an error message.

Managing Proposals
FabSuite simplifies the creation of comprehensive job proposals.
Setting Up a New Proposal
To set up a new proposal:
1. With the Select Estimating Job window open and active, open the estimating job with which the
proposal is associated.

Steel Management Software

2. From the Estimating menu, select Proposal to display the Estimating Proposals and Add Proposal
windows shown below.

3. Enter a revision code letter, number, or name into the Revision field.
4. Enter an appropriate proposal title into the Title field.
5. Accept the display in the Proposal Date, Firm Type, and Recipient fields, or reselect the
information from the drop-down lists.
6. Click the Add button to display the Select Sections window shown below.

Note: The Select Sections window contains the default major sections of a typical proposal. Each
section selected will subsequently display an associated window with additional selections of default
information that can be included in that section of the proposal.
7. Ensure that the sections that you wish to have included in the proposal are displayed in the Included
field, and click the OK button to display one or more of the series of windows shown below.

The Estimating Module

8. Depending upon the sections selected, one or more of the windows shown above will display. Ensure
that those attributes that you want to include in the proposal are displayed in the Included field, and
click the OK button to close the window.
Note: When the last selection window closes the Estimating Proposal Setups window displays, as
shown below.

Steel Management Software

Note: At the top of the window, a tab displays for each selection made from the Select Sections
window. Clicking on any of these tabs will display the information included in the associated Select
9. Add all required information to fields of the Main Setups tab, and click the indicated Save buttons.
10. To close the Estimating Proposal Setups window, click the X button at its top-right.
Opening an Existing Proposal
To open an existing proposal:
1. With the Select Estimating Job window open and active, open the estimating job with which the
proposal is associated.
2. From the Estimating menu, select Proposal to display the Estimating Proposals window shown

The Estimating Module

3. Select the appropriate proposal from the items list to highlight it, and click the Edit button to display
the Estimating Proposal Setups window shown below.

Setting the Order of Sections for an Existing Proposal

The Section tabs are located near the top of the Estimating Proposal Setups window. Their position,
from left to right, represents the order in which they will appear on the proposal from top to bottom.
These positions can be changed, and sections can be added or deleted.
To reposition the order of sections on an existing proposal:
1. With the Estimating Proposal Setups window open, as shown above in Opening an Existing
Proposal, select the tab of the section to be repositioned
2. Move the tab to its new position using the Move Forward and Move Backward buttons.
Deleting a Section from an Existing Proposal
To delete a section from an existing proposal:
1. With the Estimating Proposal Setups window open, as shown above in Opening an Existing
Proposal, select the tab of the section to be deleted.
2. Click the Delete button to display a Confirm window.
3. Click the Yes button to close the Confirm window and delete the section tab.
Editing Sections for an Existing Proposal
When open, each section tab displays the selections made when the proposal was initially set up as
described above in Setting Up a New Proposal. The information displayed on each tab can be modified as
described below.

Steel Management Software

To open a section for an existing proposal:

1. Click the tab for the section that you wish to edit to display a window similar to the one shown below.
Note: Although the Exclusions tab is shown below, the procedures described apply to all the section

2. To reposition an attribute up or down in the items list, select the attribute and reposition it using the
Move Up and Move Down buttons.
3. To reposition an attribute left or right in the items list, select the attribute and reposition it using the
Move Left and Move Right buttons.
4. To delete an attribute, select it from the list, click the Delete button, and proceed as indicated.
5. To edit the text of an attribute, select it from the list to display it at the bottom of the window, make
necessary changes, and click the Edit button to redisplay the attribute with changes.
6. To add a new attribute to the list, click the new button, create the text in the field at the bottom of the
window, and click the Add button to display the attribute in the items list.
Editing the Estimating Proposals Window
To edit the Estimating Proposals window:
1. With the Select Estimating Job window open and active, open the job with which the proposal is
2. From the Estimating menu, select Proposal to display the Estimating Proposals window shown
3. Select the proposal that you wish to edit to highlight it, and click the Edit button to display the Edit
Proposals Setups window shown above.

The Estimating Module

4. Make whatever changes are necessary to the information in the Edit Proposals Setups window, and
click the appropriate Save buttons to post the changes on the Estimating Proposals window.
5. To close the Edit Proposals Setups window, click the X button at its top-right.
Note: The changes made will display in the Estimating Proposals window.
Deleting a Proposal
To delete a proposal:
1. With the Select Estimating Job window open and active, open the job with which the proposal is
2. From the Estimating menu, select Proposal to display the Estimating Proposals window shown
3. Select the proposal that you wish to delete to highlight it, and click the Delete button to display a
Confirm window.
4. Click the Yes button on the Confirm window to close it and to delete the selected proposal.
5. To close the window, click the X button at its top-right.
Generating Purchasing Forms
The Purchasing menu selection enables creating purchasing forms. This function is described in Chapter
11: Generating Purchase Forms.
Managing Reports
The Reports menu selection enables the creating, editing, and printing of selected reports. This function is
described in Chapter 9: Managing Reports.
View Labor Details
The Estimating module provides data on time per task for all labor groups. This information displays in
the Labor Details window.
To view labor details:
1. Select View Labor Details from the Estimating menu as shown above, to display the Labor Details
window shown below.

Steel Management Software

2. To close the window, click the X button at its top-right.

Determining Material Costs
Calculating the Material Cost Estimate
To calculate the cost of materials in the current job:
1. Select Calculate Material Cost from the Estimating menu, to display the Material Cost window,
shown below.

Note: The application calculates the cost of the materials in the estimate and enters a total in the
Material Cost window.
2. To close the window, click the X button at its top-right.
Recalculating the Material Cost Estimate
To recalculate the estimate:
1. Select Recalculate Estimate from the Estimating menu to display a Confirm window.
2. To recalculate the estimate, click the Yes button on the Confirm window.

The Estimating Module
Note: The job is recalculated and figures in the Summary Grid of the Estimating window are re-

Job Maintenance
The Job Maintenance function enables you to copy, delete, renumber, merge, export jobs, and set up job
groups. These job maintenance functions are described in Chapter 8: Job and Requisition Maintenance.
General Use Utilities
Making Global Changes
The Global Edit menu selection enables making changes that apply to all items or selected items in an
open jobs item list. This function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Making Global
Editing Changes.
Filtering Materials
The Filter menu selection enables selecting materials based upon certain characteristics. This function is
described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Filtering Materials.
Switching Between Metric and Imperial Units
The Switch to Metric/Imperial Mode selection enables the selection of the type of measurement units
displayed on a job. This function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Switching Between
Metric and Imperial Units.
Exporting Data
The Export to KISS menu selection enables exporting information for use by customers, vendors, or other
interested parties. This function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Exporting Data.
Viewing a List of Changes
The List of Changes menu selection enables generating a list of changes made to the database. This
function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Viewing a List of Changes.

The Inventory Module

Chapter 3: FabSuite Inventory Module

The Inventory module in FabSuite makes it easy for you to manage all aspects of maintaining your
inventory of materials. You can keep track of the items in your inventory by job numbers, as well as by
standard steel nomenclature. You can reserve items in your inventory for jobs or return them to stock if
they are unneeded for a project. You can track the history of your inventory and prepare a variety of
reports. The Stock Reorder List shows items that have fallen below a preset reorder level. A printout
shows the quantity-on-hand, the desired stock level, and the reorder quantity necessary to restore the
desired stock level.
Reserving and Un-reserving Inventory Items
You can use the Inventory module to reserve and unreserved materials for use on specific jobs.
Reserving Materials
To reserve all or a portion of the quantity of a specific item in inventory for a specific job:
1. In the Inventory window Item List, click on the item you want to reserve to highlight it, as shown

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Inventory window, see Appendix A:
Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Inventory Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.
2. Click the Reserve button located at the top of the Item List to display the Reserve window shown

3. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of items, from the quantity available, that you want to
4. Enter the number of the job for which the items are to be reserved in the Job No. field, and click the
Apply button.

Steel Management Software

Note: The reserved item will show the quantity reserved, and display the letter R in the leftmost
column. If you reserved less that the total quantity of the selected item, a duplicate item displays
which shows the quantity of the unreserved items, without the letter R displayed.
Un-reserving Materials
To un-reserve all or a portion of the quantity of a specific item in inventory that has been reserved for a
specific job:
1. In the Inventory window Item List, click on the item you want to un-reserve to highlight it, as shown
2. Click the Unreserve button located at the top of the Item List to display the Unreserve window
shown below.

3. Enter the quantity of items you want to remove from reserve status in the Quantity field, and click
the Apply button to unreserved those items as indicated.
Note: If the total quantity reserved for the selected item is unreserved, the selected item will display
as a single item in the Item List, and will not display the letter R. If a portion of the total quantity
remains reserved for another job, a duplicate item displays which shows the quantity of the reserved
items, with the letter R displayed.

Taking and Returning Inventory Items

Taking Materials from Stock
The Take from Stock (TFS) function removes material from inventory and charges it to the history file,
updating both your inventory and history file.
To take an inventory item from stock:
1. In the Inventory window Item List, click on the item you want to take from stock to highlight it.
Note: The selected item may be either reserved on unreserved.

2. Click the TFS button to display the Take From Stock window shown below.

The Inventory Module

3. In the Date field, select the date on which you want to take the item from stock.
4. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of the item that you want to take from stock.
5. In the Job No field, enter the number of the job on which the items will be used.
6. Click the TFS button.
7. If the entire piece is to be used and there will be no material to return to stock, click the Apply button.
Note: If there is material left to be returned to stock, continue to Returning Materials to Stock, below.
Returning Materials to Stock
If, after taking items from stock, you have material left over, you can return the inventory item to stock.
To return an inventory item to stock:
1. In the RTS (Return to Stock) section of the Take From Stock window, enter or change the quantity,
width, length, location to return the item to, and job number if the material should be reserved for a
particular project, and then click the RTS button.

2. Click the Apply button in the Take from Stock window to display a new item in the Item List for the
returned item.
Receiving Inventory Items
The Receive function in the Inventory module allows you to place previously on-order material into the
current inventory.
To receive material into inventory:
1. In the Inventory window Item List, click on the item you want to receive to highlight it, as shown

Steel Management Software

Note: Items that are on order will have the letter O (On Order) in the first column of the Item List and
will have the On Order checkbox checked in the Detail Form, as shown below.

Note: Items attributed to a specific purchase order, as indicated by the PO designation in the first
column cannot be received into inventory. Only items that are on order, indicated by the letter O, or
on order and reserved, indicated by the letters O-R, can be received into inventory.
2. Click the Receive button to display the Receive window shown below.

3. In the Date field, select the date on which you want to receive the item from stock.
4. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of the item that you want to receive into inventory.
5. In the Job No field, enter the number of the job on which the items will be used.
6. Click the Apply button.
Note: The items received into inventory are placed on a new line in the Item List. Remaining on-order
items remain are still shown, but with the quantity reduced as shown below.

Viewing, Adding, Editing, or Deleting Materials in Inventory

This chapter includes a discussion on the areas in the Inventory window and step-by-step procedures for
viewing, adding, editing, and deleting materials in the job.
Adding One Item
To add a new item to the current job:
1. Select an item in the Item List that is similar to the new item you wish to add to display its
information in the detail form.
2. Click the New button at the bottom of the Item List to modify the information with as much default
information as possible, and add a new item number.
3. Change or add any information required for the new item in the Detail Form.

The Inventory Module

4. Click the Add button at the bottom of the Item List to add the new item to the job list.
Adding Multiple Items
To add more than one item to the list: (Refer to window shown above in Adding One Item.)
1. Select the items that you wish to copy from the item list to highlight them.
2. Click the Copy button to place copies of the selected items at the bottom of the list.
3. Edit the copied items as required, as described in the following section, Editing Materials.
Editing Materials
To edit an item in the current job: (Refer to window shown above in Adding One Item.)
1. Select the job that you wish to edit to highlight it.
2. Add or change values as required in the detail form.
3. Click the Edit button to display the selected item and the changes made.
Deleting Materials
To delete one or more items from the current job: (Refer to window shown above in Adding One Item.)

Steel Management Software

1. Select the items that you wish to delete to highlight them.

2. Click the Delete button to display a Confirm window seeking a confirmation of your request.
3. Click the Yes button to redisplay the list showing the selected items removed.
Inventory Menu Functions
The Inventory menu displays in two slightly different configurations: one configuration displays when the
Inventory window is open and active; the second configuration displays when the Inventory History
window is open and active. The Inventory History menu present two additional menu selections. All
selections are described below.

Switching to Manual Combine Mode

Switching to the Manual Combine Mode allows you to add or remove items from combined lengths.
Switching to Input Mode
Switches back to the Input Mode from the Manual Combine Mode.

The Inventory Module

Order Entry TFS Reports Only
Allows you to view reports for the selected items if they are linked to an Order Entry job.
Order Entry TFS Selected
Allows you to Take From Stock the selected items if they are linked to an Order Entry job.
Production Control TFS Reports Only
Allows you to view reports for the selected items if they are linked to a Production Control job.
Production Control TFS Selected
Allows you to Take From Stock the selected items if they are linked to a Production Control job.

Calculating a Valuation for the Inventory

The Valuation menu item allows you to calculate the dollar value of the inventory as of a specific date or
from information in the archives.
Calculating a Valuation by Date
To calculate a value for the inventory by date:
1. Click the Valuation menu item from the Inventory menu to display the submenu shown below.

2. Select Valuation by Date from the submenu to display the Inventory Valuation window shown

3. Manually enter the date on which you wish to calculate the value, or select it from the Date field
drop-down list calendar.
4. Click the OK button to display the valuation for both in stock items and on order items, at the bottom
of the Inventory Valuation window.
5. To close the window, click the X button at the top-right.

Steel Management Software

Calculating a Valuation from Archive

To calculate a value for the inventory from archive:
1. Click the Valuation menu item from the Inventory menu, shown above, but select Valuation from
Archive from the submenu, to display the Open window shown below.

2. When you have completed calculating values, click the X button at the top-right of the window to
close it.
Developing an Inventory History
The Inventory module contains a function that allows you to track the items sold or used out of inventory
for a job. This historical information is saved for later uses such as job costing.
Viewing the Inventory History
To view inventory history:
1. With the Inventory window open and active, select History from the Inventory menu to display the
Inventory History window shown below.

The Inventory Module

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Inventory History window, see
Appendix A: Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Inventory History Window Detail Form Field
2. To return to the Inventory window, select Inventory from the Inventory menu.
Adding a Single Item to Inventory History
To add a new item to the history from the Inventory History window:
1. From the Inventory History window item list, select an item that is similar to the item that you wish
to add.
2. Click the New button to display the current date in the Original Date field in the data form.
3. Ensure that the correct information is displayed in the detail form by changing or accepting the
current values.
4. Enter the information for the new item in the detail form by either changing the existing values or
typing in new values.
5. When you have completed the detail form, click the Add button to display the new item in the item

Steel Management Software

Adding a Multiple Items to Inventory History

To add multiple new items to the history from the Inventory History window:
1. From the Inventory History window item list, select the items that are similar to the items that you
wish to add.
2. Click the Copy button to display the copies at the bottom of the item list.
3. Edit each items information in the detail field, as described below in Editing Items in Inventory
Adding an Item from the Inventory Window
To add information to the History List from the Inventory window:
1. Select Inventory from the Inventory menu to display the Inventory window.
2. From the Inventory window item list, select an item that is similar to the item that you wish to add.
3. Click the New button to display the current date in the Original Date field in the data form.
4. Ensure that the correct information is displayed in the detail form by changing or accepting the
current values.
5. Enter the information for the new item in the detail form by either changing the existing values or
typing in new values.
6. When you have completed all changes to the detail form, click the Add Hist button to display the
Add To History window shown below.

7. Type in a job number for the inventory item, and click the OK button to add the new item to the item
list of the Inventory History window.
Note: The new item will not remain on the Inventory windows item list.
Editing Information in the Inventory History
To edit an item in the Inventory History window:
1. From the Inventory History window item list, select the item that you wish to edit to display its
information in the detail form.
2. Modify the information in the detail form as necessary.
3. When you have completed the detail form, click the Edit button to display the edited information in
the item list.
Deleting Information in the Inventory History
To delete an inventory item from history:
1. From the Inventory History window item list, select the item that you wish to delete.

The Inventory Module

2. Click the Delete button to display a Confirm window seeking confirmation of your request.
3. Click the Yes button to close the Confirm window and delete the item from the item list.
Changing the Display Units
In the Detail Form of the Inventory window, the Base Price field, shown below, refers to a price per unit
measurement. The unit measurement, which is selected by the user for each material shape, can be either
Ft (feet), CFT (hundred feet), or CWT (hundredweight).

To change the display units:

1. In the Item List of the Inventory window, click on any inventory item having the shape for which
you want to change the units.
2. Select Change Display Units from the Inventory menu to display the Display Units window shown
Note: The selected shape is identified in the Display Units window.

3. Click on the radio button for the measurement unit you wish to use.
Note: If the Set As Default checkbox is unchecked, the units change will apply only to items of the
selected shape and only for this session with the Inventory window open and active. The next time
the Inventory window is opened, the default will revert back to that used before the unit
measurement change was made. If the Set As Default checkbox is checked, the next time the
Inventory window is opened, the default will be the unit measurement selected for this change.
4. If you wish to change the default for all items when the Inventory window is next opened, check the
Set As Default check box.

Steel Management Software

5. Click on the OK button to close the window and display the indicated change to the Base Price field.
Preparing a Work Order
The Inventory module includes a built-in function for preparing work orders to make the task easy.
To prepare a work order:
1. With the Inventory History window open and active, select Work Order from the Inventory menu
to display the Add to History window shown below.

2. Enter a job number or select one from the Job Number field drop-down list.
3. Enter a decimal value into the Percent Mark-Up field.
4. Click the OK button.
Exporting Data
FabSuite enables you to export the history of your jobs to a KST format. The Archive Jobs function is
available only when you are in the Inventory History window..
To archive a job:

1. With the Inventory window open and active, open the Inventory menu, shown above, and click on
History to display Inventory History window, shown below.

The Inventory Module

2. With the Inventory History window open, open the Inventory menu, shown above, and click on
Archive Jobs to display Archive Jobs window, shown below.

3. Ensure that all of the jobs that you wish to archive, and only those jobs, are listed in the Included
column, and click the OK button to display the Save As window shown below.

Steel Management Software

4. Navigate to the folder into which youd like to save the data, and type in a file name for the archived
5. Click the Save button to display a message window indicating that the export is completed.
6. To close the message window, click the OK button.
Managing Reports
The Reports menu selection enables the creating, editing, and printing of selected reports. This function is
described in Chapter 9: Managing Reports.
General Use Utilities
Making Global Changes
The Global Edit menu selection enables making changes that apply to all items or selected items in an
open jobs item list. This function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Making Global
Editing Changes.
Filtering Materials
The Filter menu selection enables selecting materials based upon certain characteristics. This function is
described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Filtering Materials.
Switching Between Metric and Imperial Units
The Switch to Metric/Imperial Mode selection enables the selection of the type of measurement units
displayed on a job. This function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Switching Between
Metric and Imperial Units.
Exporting Data
The Export to KISS menu selection enables exporting information for use by customers, vendors, or other
interested parties. This function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Exporting Data.
Viewing a List of Changes
The List of Changes menu selection enables generating a list of changes made to the database. This
function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Viewing a List of Changes.

The Project Management Module

Chapter 4: The Project Management Module

The Project Management program is used for supporting the project managers and drafting
personnel by providing complete traceability of important job and project information. The
program enables you to manage all of your important contract information for your project. You
can create Drawing Logs, Transmittals, Requests for Information (RFI), and organize job
specifications for quick and easy reference. Also, you can store project notes from conversations,
e-mails, and job site meetings.
Adding and Opening Projects
Adding a Project to the Select Project List
To add a job:
1. Open the Project Management module as described in Starting and Logging into Any
FabSuite Module to display the Select Project window shown below.

2. Click the Add button to display the Project Management Add window.

Steel Management Software

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Project Management Add window, see
Appendix A: Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Project Management Add Window Detail Form
Field Descriptions.
3. Enter a job number or name into the Job Number field.
4. Enter all other appropriate information required, and click the Save button to close the Project
Management Add window and to display the Project Management window containing the
information for the new job.

The Project Management Module

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Project Management window, see
Appendix A: Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Project Management Window Detail Form
Field Descriptions.
5. To close the Project Management window, click the X button at the top-right corner.
Note: The next time that you open the Project Management module, the new job will display in the
Select Project window.
Opening a Job on the Select Project List
To open an existing job:
1. Open the Project Management module as described in Starting and Logging into Any
FabSuite Module to display the Select Project window shown below.

Steel Management Software

2. From the list of jobs, select the job that you wish to open to highlight it.
Note: If jobs are assigned to groups or subgroups, jobs displayed in the list can be limited to those in
a specific group or subgroup by selection from the Job Group field drop-down lists located at the
bottom of the window.
3. Click the Open button to display the Project Management window for the selected job.

Project Management Menu Functions

The Project Management menu, shown below, provides access to support tasks for the Project
Management module. Those functions that are unique to the Project Management module are described
below. Those that are common to multiple FabSuite modules are described in separate sections as
referenced below.

The Project Management Module

Managing Reports
The Reports menu selection enables the creating, editing, and printing of selected reports. This function is
described in Chapter 9: Managing Reports.
Data Exchange
The Data Exchange function enables you to import project management job information from another
FabSuite user.
To import a file from another user:
1. With the Project Management window open, select Data Exchange from the Project
Management menu to display a sub-menu.
2. Select Import from the sub-menu to display a Open window similar to that shown below.

3. Find and select the desired file, and click the Open button to copy the file to the Project
Management module.
Job Maintenance
The Job Maintenance function enables you to copy, delete, renumber, merge, export jobs, and set up job
groups. These job maintenance functions are described in Chapter 8: Job and Requisition Maintenance.
The Project Management Sub-Modules
Opening the Sub-Modules
In the Project Management window, shown below, there are six fields that display lists of various
documents and records that are stored with the indicated job: Drawing Logs, Transmittals, Requests for
Information (RFI), Journal Entries, Change Orders, and Task Lists. Each of these fields has an associated
button, located at the top of the field.
These buttons enable you to open an associated window used for data entry and the display of
information. There is also a button located at the bottom of the window that opens the Check List

Steel Management Software

window. The Project Management menu, which is available when the Project Management window is
open and active, also displays menu selections for opening these same windows.

Navigating Among Sub-Modules

The Task List window, shown below, is representative of all seven sub-module windows with regards to
the capability of navigating between windows. The Project Management window and all sub-module
windows, when open and active, display an associated menu on the menu bar which enables the user to
open any other module or sub-module window for reference or data entry.
Notice in the example below that with the Task List window open and active, the Task List menu displays
menu items for opening the Project Management window as well as the remaining six sub-modules. This
navigational flexibility is available regardless of which project management window is opened.

The Project Management Module

Managing Design and Detail Drawings on a Job

Notice that the Drawing Log field displays two buttons at the top of the field: a Design button and a
Detail button. The Design button opens a window for recording information about drawings received
from the customer defining the specifications and requirements for the project. The Detail button opens a
window for recording information about drawings created by your company to fulfill the requirements of
the customers specifications. With minor differences, discussed below, the following instructions apply
to both the Design and the Detail drawing windows.
Manually Adding Drawings
To manually add drawings to a job:
1. Open the Project Management window as described above in Opening a Job.

Steel Management Software

2. Click the Design button at the top of the Drawing Log field to display the Design Drawing
Log window.

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Design Drawing Log window, see
Appendix A: Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Design Drawing Log Window Detail Form Field
Descriptions. For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Detail Drawing Log window,
see Appendix A: Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Detail Drawing Log Window Detail Form
Field Descriptions.

3. Click the New button to automatically increment the number in the Drawing # field.
4. Add a description and any other information available for the drawing and click the Add
button to display the new drawing in the item list.
Note: If at the above step, every time that you click the Add button you will add a new drawing with a
new drawing number, displaying identical information. Once these duplicates have been added, they
can be edited to define different drawings as described below in Editing Existing Drawing Information.
Adding Drawings in Batches
To add a batch of drawings to a job:
1. Open the Design Drawing Log window as described above in Manually Adding Jobs.

2. Select Batch Insert from the Drawing Log menu to display the Batch Insert window.

The Project Management Module

3. If necessary, enter a prefix or suffix into the appropriate fields, and the drawing number
range limits in the Start Number and End Number fields.
4. Enter any other appropriate information and click the Add button to display the new
drawings in the item list.
Note: It is not necessary to enter a drawing description at this time. They will undoubtedly be different
for each drawing. Once the batch of drawings has been entered, each one can be edited to define
different drawings as described below in Editing Existing Drawing Information.
Editing Existing Drawing Information
In the event that incorrect information has been added to the drawing descriptions, these
descriptions can be edited as indicated below.
To edit the information for an existing drawing:
1. Open the Design Drawing Log window as described above in Manually Adding Jobs.
2. Select the drawing from the item list to highlight it.
3. Make any changes necessary in the detail form, and click the Edit button to display the
changes in the item list.
Global Editing Existing Drawing Information
When drawings have been entered in a batch, it may be more convenient to make either overall
global changes or global changes for selected items.
To globally edit the information for existing drawings:
1. Open the Design Drawing Log window as described above in Manually Adding Jobs.
2. Select either Global Edit or Selected Global Edit from the Drawing Log menu, and
proceed using the process described in the Chapter 12: Miscellaneous Utilities Making
Global Editing Changes.

Steel Management Software

Deleting Drawings from the Item List

To delete an existing drawing:
1. Open the Design Drawing Log window as described above in Manually Adding Jobs.
2. Select the drawing from the item list to highlight it.
3. Click the Delete button to display a Confirmation window seeking approval for the deletion.
4. Click the Yes button to delete the item from the item list.
Managing Drawing Revisions
Recording Drawing Revisions
Drawings are often revised over the course of a project. When new revisions of a drawing are
received, the latest revision should be the one recorded as indicated below.
To record a revision to an existing drawing:
1. Open the Design Drawing Log window as described above in Manually Adding Jobs.

2. Select the drawing from the item list to highlight it.

3. Click the Add Rev button to display the Add Revision window.

The Project Management Module
Note: The next highest revision is automatically inserted in the Revision # field. If it is incorrect,
manually enter the correct revision number or code.
4. Make whatever entries are required and click the Save button to list the record of the change
in the Revisions field item list.
Editing Drawing Revisions
To edit a revision record for an existing drawing:
1. Open the Design Drawing Log window as described above in Manually Adding Jobs.
2. Select the revision record from the Revision field item list to highlight it.
3. Click the Edit Rev button to display the Edit Revision window.

4. Make whatever changes are required and click the Save button to list the record of the
change in the Revisions field item list.
Deleting Drawings Revisions
To delete an existing drawing revision:
1. Open the Design Drawing Log window as described above in Manually Adding Jobs.
2. Select the revision from the Revisions field item list to highlight it.
3. Click the Delete Rev button to display a Confirmation window seeking approval for the
4. Click the Yes button to delete the item from the item list.
Drawing Log Menu Functions
The Drawing Log menu, shown below, provides access to support tasks for the Project Management
modules Design Drawing and Detail Drawing sub-modules. Those functions that are unique to the
Project Management module are described below. Those that are common to multiple FabSuite modules
are described in separate sections as referenced below.

Steel Management Software

Drawing Files
Allows you to view the selected drawing file by revision level.

Copy Latest Revision Drawing Files

This function displays a list of drawing numbers with the latest revisions. To generate such a list:
1. From the Project Management window Drawing Log, click the Design or Detail button, as
appropriate, to display the Design Drawing Log or the Detail Drawing Log window similar
to that shown below.

The Project Management Module

2. From the Drawing Log menu, select Copy Latest Revision Drawing Files to display the
Copy Latest Revision Files window as shown below.

Note: If the drawing quantity displayed on the Design or Detail button was zero, the following window
will not display.
3. Select the appropriate radio button to determine which drawing types to include.
4. Accept the default directory, or click the Directory button to select a different directory, and
click the OK button to display a printable report similar to the one shown below.

Issue History Selected

This function displays the history of a drawing by transmittal number and purpose. To generate
an issue history for a selected drawing:
1. From the Project Management window Drawing Log, click the Design or Detail button, as
appropriate, to display the Design Drawing Log or the Detail Drawing Log window similar
to that shown below.

Steel Management Software

2. From the Design Drawing Log or the Detail Drawing Log window, select the drawing that
you wish to track from the item list.
3. From the Drawing Log menu, select Issue History -- Selected to display the Issue History
window as shown below.

This function simply refreshes the screen display to reflect any changes that may have been
made since the window was opened.
Production Control
Opens the corresponding Production Control job.

The Project Management Module

Managing Transmittals
Adding Transmittals
To create and add a transmittal to a job:
1. Open the Project Management window as described above in Opening a Job.

2. Click the Transmittal button at the top of the Transmittals field to display the
Transmittals window.

Steel Management Software

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Transmittals window, see Appendix A:
Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Transmittals Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.

3. Click the New button to automatically increment the number in the Transmittal # field.
4. Add all of the required information for the transmittal and click the Add button to display the
new transmittal in the item list.
Note: If at the above step, every time that you click the Add button you will add a new transmittal with
a new Transmittal #, displaying identical information. Once these duplicates have been added, they
can be edited to define different drawings as described below in Editing Existing Transmittals.
Editing Existing Transmittal
In the event that incorrect information has been added to a transmittal record, these records can
be edited as indicated below.
To edit the information for an existing transmittal:
1. Open the Transmittal window as described above in Adding Transmittals.
2. Select the transmittal from the item list to highlight it.
3. Make any changes necessary in the detail form, and click the Edit button to display the
changes in the item list.

The Project Management Module

Attaching Drawings to the Transmittal

To attach one or more drawing to a transmittal:
1. Open the Transmittal window as described above in Adding Transmittals.
2. Select the transmittal from the item list to highlight it.
3. Click the Edit button to display the Select Drawings window.
Note: Ensure that all drawings that are to be attached to the transmittal are placed into the windows
Included field, and click the Add button to update the transmittal and to display the attached drawings
in the Drawing # field at the lower-right of the window.
Deleting Transmittals from the Item List
To delete an existing transmittal:
1. Open the Transmittals window as described above in Adding Transmittals.
2. Select the transmittal from the item list to highlight it.
3. Click the Delete button to display a Confirmation window seeking approval for the deletion.
4. Click the Yes button to delete the item from the item list.
Transmittal Menu Functions
The Transmittal menu, shown below, provides access to support tasks for the Project Management
modules Transmittal sub-module. Those functions that are unique to the Project Management module are
described below. Those that are common to multiple FabSuite modules are described in separate sections
as referenced below.

View Selected Transmittals

To view information about a specific transmittal:
1. Open the Transmittal window as described above in Adding Transmittals.
2. Select the transmittal that you wish to view from the item list to highlight it.
3. Select View Selected Transmittals from the Transmittal menu to display the View
Transmittal window shown below.

Steel Management Software

4. Click the View button to display a transmittal document similar to that shown below.

Print Selected Transmittals

To print information about a specific transmittal:
1. Open the Transmittal window as described above in Adding Transmittals.
2. Select the transmittal that you wish to print from the item list to highlight it.
3. Select Print Selected Transmittals from the Transmittal menu to display the Print
Transmittal window shown below.

The Project Management Module

4. Select a printer, if necessary, using the Change Printer button.

5. Click the Print button to print the information to the selected printer.
Managing Requests for Information
Adding RFIs
To create and add an RFI to a job:
1. Open the Project Management window as described above in Opening a Job.

2. Click the RFIs button at the top of the RFIs field to display the Request For Information

Steel Management Software

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Request For Information window, see
Appendix A: Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Request for Information Window Detail Form
Field Descriptions.

3. Click the New button to automatically increment the number in the RFI # field.
4. Add all of the required information for the RFI and click the Add button to display the new
RFI in the item list.
Note: If at the above step, every time that you click the Add button you will add a new RFI with a new
RFI #, displaying identical information. Once these duplicates have been added, they can be edited to
define different drawings as described below in Editing RFI Information.
Editing RFI Information
In the event that incorrect information has been added to an RFI record, these records can be
edited as indicated below.
To edit the information for an existing RFI:
1. Open the RFI window as described above in Adding RFIs.
2. Select the RFI from the item list to highlight it.
3. Make any changes necessary in the detail form, and click the Edit button to display the
changes in the item list.

The Project Management Module

Attaching Files to the RFI

To attach one or more files to an RFI:
1. Open the RFI window as described above in Adding RFIs.
2. Select the RFI from the item list to highlight it.
3. Click the Attached Files button to display the RFI Files window.

4. Click the New button and click the Browse button to display the Windows utility for finding
and opening files.
5. Find the file that you wish to attach to the RFI, and click the Add button to add it to the list.
Repeat the process for each file that you wish to attach.
6. When you have completed selecting files, click the Add Outlook button to attach the files to
the RFI.
Deleting RFIs from the Item List
To delete an existing RFI:
1. Open the RFI window as described above in Adding RFIs.
2. Select the RFI from the item list to highlight it.
3. Click the Delete button to display a Confirmation window seeking approval for the deletion.
4. Click the Yes button to delete the item from the item list.
Request for Information Menu Functions
The Request for Information menu, shown below, provides access to support tasks for the Project
Management modules Request for Information sub-module. Those functions that are unique to the
Project Management module are described below. Those that are common to multiple FabSuite modules
are described in separate sections as referenced below.

Steel Management Software

View Selected RFIs

To view information about a specific RFI:
1. Open the Request for Information window as described above in Adding RFIs.
2. Select the RFI that you wish to view from the item list to highlight it.
3. Select View Selected RFIs from the Request for Information menu to display the View
RFI window shown below.

4. Click the View button to display a document similar to that shown below.

The Project Management Module

Print Selected RFIs

To print information about a specific RFI:
1. Open the Request for Information window as described above in Adding RFIs.
2. Select the RFI that you wish to print from the item list to highlight it.
3. Select Print Selected RFIs from the Request for Information menu to display the Print
RFI window shown below.

4. Select a printer, if necessary, using the Change Printer button.

5. Click the Print button to print the information to the selected printer.

Steel Management Software

Data Exchange Importing Files

The Data Exchange function enables you to import RFI information from another FabSuite user.
To import a file from another user:
1. With the Request for Information window open, select Data Exchange from the Request
for Information menu to display a sub-menu.
2. Select Import from the sub-menu to display a Open window similar to that shown below.

3. Find and select the desired file, and click the Open button to copy the file to the Request for
Information window.
Data Exchange Exporting Files
The Data Exchange function enables you to export RFI information to another FabSuite user.
To export a file from another user:
1. With the Request for Information window open, select the item that you wish to export.
2. Select Data Exchange from the Request for Information menu to display a sub-menu.
3. Select Export from the sub-menu to display a Open window similar to that shown below.

The Project Management Module

4. Find and select the destination for the file, and click the Save button to copy the file to the
export location.
Email Selected RFI
This function enables you to email selected requests for information. To email a selected RFI:
1. With the Project Management window open, click the RFIs button to display the Request
for Information window shown below.

2. Select the RFI that you wish to email to highlight it.

Steel Management Software

3. From the Request for Information menu, select Email Selected RFI to display the
Email:Response window as shown below.

4. Enter all the necessary email transmittal information and click the Email button to send the
RFI through your networks email system.
Make Word Document
This function enables you to create a Microsoft Word document for a selected request for
information. To create a Word document for a selected RFI:
1. With the Project Management window open, click the RFIs button to display the Request
for Information window shown below.

The Project Management Module

2. Select the RFI for which you wish to create a Word document to highlight it.
3. From the Request for Information menu, select Make Word Document to display the standard
Windows Save As window as shown below.

4. Select a folder or location to store the Word document and click the Save button.
Managing Journals
Adding a Journal
To add a journal to a job:
1. Open the Project Management window as described above in Opening a Job.

Steel Management Software

2. Click the Journal Entries button at the top of the Journal Entries field to display the
Journal window.

The Project Management Module

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Journals window, see Appendix A: Field
Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Journals Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.

3. Click the New button to automatically increment the number in the Entry # field.
4. Add all of the required information for the journal and click the Add button to display the
new journal in the item list.
Note: If at the above step, every time that you click the Add button you will add a new journal with a
new Journal #, displaying identical information. Once these duplicates have been added, they can be
edited to define different drawings as described below in Editing Journal Information.
Editing Journal Information
In the event that incorrect information has been added to a journal record, these records can be
edited as indicated below.
To edit the information for an existing journal:
1. Open the Journal window as described above in Adding a Journal.
2. Select the journal from the item list to highlight it.
3. Make any changes necessary in the detail form, and click the Edit button to display the
changes in the item list.
Deleting Journals from the Item List
To delete an existing journal:
1. Open the Journal window as described above in Adding a Journal.
2. Select the journal from the item list to highlight it.
3. Click the Delete button to display a Confirmation window seeking approval for the deletion.
4. Click the Yes button to delete the item from the item list.
Journal Menu Functions
The Journal menu, shown below, provides access to support tasks for the Project Management modules
Journal sub-module. Those functions that are unique to the Project Management module are described
below. Those that are common to multiple FabSuite modules are described in separate sections as
referenced below.

Steel Management Software

Managing Change Orders

Adding a Change Order
To add a change order to a job:
1. Open the Project Management window as described above in Opening a Job.

2. Click the Change Orders button at the top of the Change Orders field to display the
Change Orders window.

The Project Management Module

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Change Orders window, see Appendix
A: Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Change Orders Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.

3. Click the New button to automatically increment the number in the CO # field.
4. Add all of the required information for the change order and click the Add button to display
the new change order in the item list.
Note: If at the above step, every time that you click the Add button you will add a new change order
with a new CO #, displaying identical information. Once these duplicates have been added, they can
be edited to define different drawings as described below in Editing Change Order Information.
Editing Change Order Information
In the event that incorrect information has been added to a change order record, these records can
be edited as indicated below.
To edit the information for an existing change order:
1. Open the Change Order window as described above in Adding a Change Order.
2. Select the change order from the item list to highlight it.
3. Make any changes necessary in the detail form, and click the Edit button to display the
changes in the item list.
Deleting Changes Orders from the Item List
To delete an existing change order:
1. Open the Change Order window as described above in Adding a Change Order.

Steel Management Software

2. Select the change order from the item list to highlight it.
3. Click the Delete button to display a Confirmation window seeking approval for the deletion.
4. Click the Yes button to delete the item from the item list.
Change Order Menu Functions
The Change Order menu, shown below, provides access to support tasks for the Project Management
modules Change Order sub-module. Those functions that are unique to the Project Management module
are described below. Those that are common to multiple FabSuite modules are described in separate
sections as referenced below.

View Selected Change Orders

To view information about a specific change order:
1. Open the Change Order window as described above in Adding Change Orders.
2. Select the change order that you wish to view from the item list to highlight it.
3. Select View Selected Change Orders from the Change Order menu to display the View
Change Order window shown below.

4. Click the View button to display a document similar to that shown below.

The Project Management Module

Print Selected Change Orders

To print information about a specific change order:
1. Open the Change Order window as described above in Adding Change Orders.
2. Select the change order that you wish to print from the item list to highlight it.
3. Select Print Selected Change Orders from the Change Order menu to display the Print
Change Order window shown below.

4. Select a printer, if necessary, using the Change Printer button.

5. Click the Print button to print the information to the selected printer.

Steel Management Software

Managing Task Lists

Adding a Task List
To add a task list to a job:
1. Open the Project Management window as described above in Opening a Job.

2. Click the Task Lists button at the top of the Task Lists field to display the Task Lists

The Project Management Module

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Task List window, see Appendix A:
Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Task List Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.

3. Click the New button to automatically add a name to the Author and Assigned To fields.
4. Change the author and assigned to names if necessary.
5. Add all of the required information to define the task list, and click the Add button to display
the new task list in the item list.
Note: If at the above step, every time that you click the Add button you will add a new task list
displaying identical information. Once these duplicates have been added, they can be edited to define
different task lists as described below in Editing Task List Information.
Editing Task List Information
To edit the information for an existing task list:
1. Open the Task List window as described above in Adding a Task List.
2. Select the task list from the item list to highlight it.
3. Make any changes necessary in the detail form, and click the Edit button to display the
changes in the item list.
Deleting Task Lists from the Item List
To delete an existing task list:

Steel Management Software

1. Open the Task Lists window as described above in Adding a Task List.
2. Select the task list from the item list to highlight it.
3. Click the Delete button to display a Confirmation window seeking approval for the deletion.
4. Click the Yes button to delete the item from the item list.
Task List Menu Functions
The Task List menu, shown below, provides access to support tasks for the Project Management modules
Task List sub-module. Those functions that are unique to the Project Management module are described
below. Those that are common to multiple FabSuite modules are described in separate sections as
referenced below.

Managing Check Lists

To view the check list for a job:
1. Open the Project Management window as described above in Opening a Job.

The Project Management Module

2. Click the Check List button at the bottom of the window to display the Check List window.

Steel Management Software

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Check List window, see Appendix A:
Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Check List Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.

3. Select an item from the list to view the details in the detail form.
4. Change any information necessary, and click the Save button, to save the information and
close the Check List window.

The Production Control Module

Chapter 5: The Production Control Module

The Production Control module in FabSuite allows you to handle bills of materials for jobs and to track
jobs through the fabrication process in your shop easily. The application does the paperwork required to
get the job into the shop and start fabrication and gives you unrivaled control over every item in the job,
every step of the way.
Opening, Adding, and Editing Production Control Jobs
Opening Jobs
To open an existing job:
1. Open the Production Control module as described in Starting and Logging into Any
FabSuite Module to display the Select Production Control Job window shown below.

2. From the list of jobs, select the job that you wish to open to highlight it.
Note: If jobs are assigned to groups or subgroups, jobs displayed in the list can be limited to those in
a specific group or subgroup by selection from the Job Group field drop-down lists located at the
bottom of the window.
3. Click the Open button to display the Production Control window.

Steel Management Software

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Production Control window, see
Appendix A: Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Production Control Window Detail Form Field

Adding a New Job

To add a new job to the Production Control module:
1. Open the Production Control module as described in Starting and Logging into Any
FabSuite Module to display the Select Production Control Job window shown below.

2. Click the Add button to display the Production Control Job Edit window.

The Production Control Module

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Production Control Job Edit window,
see Appendix A: Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Production Control Job Edit Window Detail
Form Field Descriptions.

3. In the Production Control Job Edit window, enter a new number into the Job Number
field, and enter information in the other fields as necessary.
4. When all information has been entered, click the Save button to open the Select Production
Control window with the new job displayed in the job list.
Editing a Job
To edit the job standards for a job before opening it:
1. Open the Production Control module as described in Starting and Logging into Any
FabSuite Module to display the Select Production Control Job window shown below.

2. Click on the job that you want to edit to highlight it.

Note: If jobs are assigned to groups or subgroups, jobs displayed in the list can be limited to those in
a specific group or subgroup by selection from the Job Group field drop-down lists located at the
bottom of the window.

Steel Management Software

3. Click the Edit button to display the Production Control Edit window, shown above, with the
current job information displayed.
4. Enter the modifications into the window by either changing the existing values or typing in new
5. Click the Save button to record your changes and close the window.
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Materials on Current Job
Adding a Single Item
To add a single new item to the current job:
1. Select an item in the Item List that is similar to the new item you wish to add to display its
information in the detail form.
2. Click the New button at the bottom of the Item List to modify the information with as much default
information as possible, and add a new item number.
3. Change or add any information required for the new item in the Detail Form.

4. Click the Add button at the bottom of the Item List to add the new item to the job list.
Adding Multiple Items
To add more than one item to the list: (Refer to window shown above in Adding One Item.)
1. Select the items that you wish to copy from the item list to highlight them.

The Production Control Module

2. Click the Copy button to place copies of the selected items at the bottom of the list.
3. Edit the copied items as required, as described in the following section, Editing Materials.
Editing Materials
To edit an item in the current job: (Refer to window shown above in Adding One Item.)
1. Select the job that you wish to edit to highlight it.
2. Add or change values as required in the detail form.
3. Click the Edit button to display the selected item and the changes made.
Deleting Materials
To delete one or more items from the current job: (Refer to window shown above in Adding One Item.)
1. Select the items that you wish to delete to highlight them.
2. Click the Delete button to display a Confirm window seeking a confirmation of your request.
3. Click the Yes button to redisplay the list showing the selected items removed.
Performing Combining Runs
A combining run optimizes the use of materials by multing, nesting, or a combination of both to find the
most efficient way to cut the items from available stock. This function is described in Chapter 10:
Performing Combining Runs.
Production Control Menu Functions
The Production Control menu, shown below, provides access to support tasks for the Production Control
module. Those functions that are unique to the Production Control module are described below. Those
that are common to multiply FabSuite modules are described in separate sections as referenced below.

Steel Management Software

Tracking the Process by Load

By using the load tracking function in the Production Control module of FabSuite, you can find out the
status of items in the current job as they are loaded onto trucks. The load tracking function follows items
in the job based on their main mark, sequence, and assigned truck.
Adding Loads
Before you can set up load tracking, you must specify the trucks for the current job. To set up the trucks
for the current job:
1. Select Load Tracking from the Production Control menu to display the Trucks window shown

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Truck window, see Appendix A: Field
Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Truck Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.
2. Click the New button and enter the indicated information into the Truck #, Trailer #, Carrier, and
Capacity fields.
Note: The Shipped checkbox and Date drop-down list are not available when you are adding a truck.
They become available when you edit a truck.
3. When entries are completed, click the Add button at the bottom-left of the window to add the new
truck to the list.

The Production Control Module

Editing Loads
To edit a truck set up for the current job:
1. Select Load Tracking from the Production Control menu to display the Trucks window shown
above in Adding Trucks.
2. Click on the truck that you want to edit to highlight it.
Note: The current information for the truck displays. The Shipped checkbox and Date drop-down list,
which were not available when you were adding a new truck, are now available and allow you to state
whether shipping occurred and if so the date.
3. On the left side of the window, enter modifications by either accepting existing values or entering
new ones, and click the Edit button.
Deleting Loads
To delete a truck set up for the current job:
1. Select Load Tracking from the Production Control menu to display the Trucks window shown
above in Adding Trucks.
2. Click on the truck that you want to delete to highlight it.
3. Click the Delete button at the bottom-left of the window to display a Confirm window.
4. Click the Yes button to close the Confirm window and delete the truck.
Load Tracking
Adding Load Tracking Information
To set up tracking for an item in the current job:
1. Select Load Tracking from the Production Control menu to display the Trucks window shown

Steel Management Software

2. Select a mark from the Main Mark field drop-down list, a sequence from the Sequence field drop-
down list, and a truck from the Truck field drop-down list.
3. Enter a quantity into the Quantity field.
Note: When you select a main mark, sequence, and truck, the total number of pieces fitting those
criteria appears next to the Quantity field.
4. Check or uncheck the Load Items on Assign check box in the upper right corner of window.
Note: Checking this box assigns and loads with one entry, which eliminates the need to enter
information twice. Unchecking this box enables assigning a truck before actually loading it. For
example, some shops will assign a piece to a truck before its fabrication is complete. When
fabricated, the piece will be loaded onto the truck.
5. Click the Save button to add the information the item list at the center of the window.
6. Select the new item on the list to highlight it, and select a date from the Date field drop-down list.
7. Enter a value into the Quantity field adjacent to the Date field.
8. Click the Save button.
Note: To add additional items to be tracked, click on the Insert Mode button in the bottom center
section of the window and repeat the above steps.
9. To close the Trucks window, click the X button at the top-right of the window.

The Production Control Module

Editing Items Being Load Tracked

To edit the tracking of an item for the current job:
1. Select Load Tracking from the Production Control menu to display the Trucks window shown
2. From the list in the center of the window, select the item that you want to edit to highlight it.
3. Make necessary changes to the Main Mark, Sequence, Truck, and Quantity fields.
4. Click the Save button in the center of the window to display the changes made.
5. To close the Trucks window, click the X button at the top-right of the window.
Removing Items from Being Load Tracked
To remove an item from being tracked:
1. Select Load Tracking from the Production Control menu to display the Trucks window shown
2. From the list in the center of the window, select the item that you want to remove to highlight it.
3. Click the Delete button in the center of the window to display a Confirm window.
4. Click the Yes button to close the Confirm window and remove the item from the list.
5. To close the Trucks window, click the X button at the top-right of the window.
Tracking Process by Piece
By using the piece tracking function in the Production Control module of FabSuite, you can find out the
status of items in the current job as they travel through the stations defined in the application. The piece
tracking function follows items in the job based on their main mark, sequence, and station.
Adding Piece Tracking Information
To track an item in the current job:
1. Click on the Piece Tracking menu item in the Production Control menu to display the Piece
Tracking window.

Steel Management Software

2. Select a station from the Station field drop-down list, a mark from the Main Mark field drop-down
list, and a sequence from the Sequence field drop-down list.
3. Enter a number into the Quantity field.
4. Select the users name from the ID field drop-down list, and a completion date from the Date
Completed drop-down list.
5. Add the appropriate hours into the Hours field.
6. If applicable, enter a batch ID into the Batch-ID field.
7. Click the Save button to add the information to the list in the window.
Editing Items Being Tracked by Piece
To edit the tracking of an item for the current job:
1. Click Piece Tracking from the Production Control menu to display the Piece Tracking window
shown above in.
2. Select the item from the list that you want to edit to highlight it.
3. Make necessary changes, and click the Save button to display the updated information.
Note: When you access the Piece Tracking window for the first time, the application assumes that
you are going to enter all of the items that you want to track at one time. Each time you open the
Piece Tracking window after that, the application assumes that you want to make changes. If you
forget to enter an item that you want to track when you first open the window, you can enter an item
from edit mode by switching to insert mode. Simply, click the Insert Mode button in the window to
enter a new item.
Removing Items from Being Tracked by Piece
To remove an item from being tracked:
1. Click Piece Tracking from the Production Control menu to display the Piece Tracking window
shown above.
2. Select the item from the list that you want to delete to highlight it.
3. Click the Delete button to display a Confirm window.
4. Click the Yes button to close the Confirm window and delete the item.
Production/Shipping Entry
Allows you to add or delete items from Piece Tracking, Load Tracking, as well as Truck information.

The Production Control Module

Production Status
Allows you to view the job status by Assembly, Drawing Number, Sequence, or Lot Number.

TFS Entry
Allows you to take items from stock for this job.

Steel Management Software

Loading All Selected Items

Please note that you must have first set up the trucks for the job before using the Load All Selected
function. For more information on setting up trucks, see Adding Trucks,earlier in this chapter.
To load all of the selected items onto trucks:
1. With the Production Control window opened to a selected job, select the items that you wish to have
loaded onto the truck.

Note: The selection must include main pieces only. Accessory pieces are already combined into main
2. Select Load All Selected from the Production Control menu to display the Assign All window.

3. Check or uncheck the Load Items on Assign check box.

Note: Checking this box assigns and loads with one entry, which eliminates your having to enter the
information twice. Unchecking this box allows you to assign a truck before actually loading it. For

The Production Control Module
example, some shops will assign a piece to a truck before the piece has been completely fabricated.
Then when it is fabricated, they have to load that piece onto a truck. On the other hand, most shops
will wait until the piece has been completely fabricated, then, based upon the size and weight, load it
onto a truck that has room for it.
4. Select a sequence from the Sequence field drop-down list, and a truck from the Truck field
drop-down list, to calculate and display the loaded weight of the truck.
5. Click the Assign All button
Sequencing All Selected Items
Sequences allow you to allocate the materials in the job into different shipping sequences. Only main
items can be sequenced. Accessory items are automatically sequenced based on the sequencing of their
associated main items.
To sequence the selected items in the current job:
1. With the Production Control window opened to a selected job, select the items that you wish to
2. Select Sequence All Selected from the Production Control menu to display the Sequence All

3. Select the sequence for the Sequence field drop-down list.

4. Click the Sequence All button.
Un-sequencing All Selected Items
To change the sequence of items, you first need to unsequence the items. To unsequence the selected
items in the current job:
1. With the Production Control window opened to a selected job, select the items that you wish to un-
2. Select Unsequence All Selected from the Production Control menu to display a Confirm window.
3. Click the Yes button to close the Confirm window and un-sequence the selected items.
Copying Drawings
For some jobs, you may want to save time by copying and modifying the shop drawing rather than
entering the shop drawing from scratch. To copy a shop drawing for the current job:
1. From the Production Control windows category tree, select drawing that you want to copy.

Steel Management Software

2. Select Copy Drawing from the Production Control menu to display the Copy Drawing window.

3. Enter a new drawing number into the New Drawing Number field, and click the OK button to
display a second Copy Drawing window similar to that shown below.

The Production Control Module

4. To change any mark, select it from the item list to highlight it, enter a new mark into the New Mark
field, and press the Enter key on the keyboard to apply the change.
Note: Repeat the above step for each mark that you wish to change.
5. When you have completed all mark changes, click the Copy button to change the marks and display
the copied drawing in the Production Control windows category tree.
Generating Purchasing Forms
The Purchasing menu selection enables creating purchasing forms. This function is described in Chapter
11: Generating Purchase Forms.
Linking Jobs, Unlinking Jobs, and Verifying Job Links
If you are using FabSuites Purchase Order module to optimize your material purchasing and the
Production Control module to print your cutting lists, you will benefit by using the link function to
associate the work that has already been performed at the purchasing stage when printing your cutting
The link function ensures that the cutting list used in the Production Control module is the same as the
combining pattern used to purchase the material. Consequently, FabSuite helps you eliminate material
shortages and overages because you use each piece as it was intended to be used when purchased.
There are other benefits in using the link function. The cutting list is very specific with instructions about
the pieces to be cut. Information like purchase order number, supplier, advanced bill number, and more
can be printed right on the list. Also, because the application knows exactly which pieces are being cut, it
can remove the items from inventory automatically based on the cutting list.
Linking Jobs
To link the current job to purchase orders:
1. With the Production Control window open and active, select Purchasing from the Production
Control menu to display a submenu.
2. Select Link Items from the submenu to display the Link Items window, shown below.

Steel Management Software

3. Make filtering choices if necessary, and click the Link button to display the second Link Items
window shown below.

4. If the correct information is displayed, click the OK button.

Note: If material remains, Requisitions and Purchase Orders buttons appear at the bottom of the
second Link Items window. To load the remaining material into requisitions, click on the
Requisitions button in the second Link Items window to display the Select Requisitions window.
To load the remaining material into purchase orders, click on the Purchase Orders button in the
second Link Items window to display the Select Purchase Orders window.
Unlinking Jobs
If you have to edit material that has been linked to purchase orders, you must un-link it before any editing
can take place. This is required as a safe-guard that eliminates errors on your cutting lists, purchase
orders, and inventory because materials were modified.
To unlink the current job:

The Production Control Module

1. With the Production Control window open and active, select Purchasing from the Production
Control menu to display a submenu.
2. Select Unlink Job from the submenu to display the Unlink Items window, shown below.

3. Make filtering choices if necessary, and click the Unlink button to display the second Unlink Items
window shown below.

4. Click the OK button.
Verifying Links
To verify the links for the current job:
1. With the Production Control window open and active, select Purchasing from the Production
Control menu to display a submenu.
2. Select Verify Links from the submenu to display the Verify Links window, shown below.

Steel Management Software

3. Click the OK button to close the Verify Links window.

Preparing Purchasing Reports
Once the job or filtered portion of a job has been linked to purchase orders, you are ready to print your
cutting lists. This is done using the Reports function. Besides providing you with four types of cutting
lists, the Report function has two additional reports. One is for a shop picking list, and the other is a
material excess / shortage report.
To view or print reports:
1. With the Production Control window open and active, select Purchasing from the Production
Control menu to display a submenu.
2. Select Reports from the submenu to display the Report Filter window, shown below.

3. Make filtering choices if necessary, and click the Make Report button to display the second Report
Progress window shown below.

The Production Control Module

Note: Four cutting reports are available as described below:

4. PC/PO Cutting List and PC/PO Cutting List (Wide Carriage)
These two reports provide information from both the Production Control module and the Purchase
Order module on one report. The first selection is designed for 80 column printers. The second
selection is designed for 132 column printers. Both reports show specifications for the ordered
material on the left side, and specifications for the bill of materials on the right side.
5. Shop PC/PO Cutting List and Shop PC/PO Cutting List (Wide Carriage)
These two reports eliminate purchase order information from the cutting list leaving only production
control information. These reports also provide formats for both regular and wide carriage printers.
5. To close the window, click the X button at the top-right corner of the window.
Viewing Taking from Stock Summary
The Purchasing menu item on the Production Control menu contains a function that allows you to view a
take from stock (TFS) summary for the current job. You can view TFS summary for all or selected
materials in the job.
To view take from stock summary for the current job:
1. With the Production Control window open and active, select Purchasing from the Production
Control menu to display a submenu.
2. Select TFS from the submenu to display the TFS Filter window, shown below.

Steel Management Software

3. Make filtering choices if necessary, and click the TFS button to display the TFS window shown

4. To close the window, click the Close button.

Finalizing the Current Job
The Finalize Job function should be used once a job has been completed to perform the following tasks:
Requisitioned items assigned to the job are deleted, links between the job and purchase orders are deleted,
and inventory items reserved for the job are unreserved.

The Production Control Module

To finalize the current job:

1. With the Production Control window open and active, select Purchasing from the Production
Control menu to display a submenu.
2. Select Finalize from the submenu to display the Finalize Job window, shown below.

3. If you wish to finalize the job, click the Finalize button.

Comparing Jobs
Compare to Estimating Job
Once an estimated project becomes a job. comparing the estimate to the actual job can be performed at
anytime once the job is under fabrication in the Production Control module.
Note: All stations for the labor groups must be the same to compare estimated to actual.
To compare a job to the job estimate:
1. With the Production Control window open and active, select Compare to Estimate from the
Production Control menu to display the Select Estimating Job to Compare window shown below.

Steel Management Software

2. Double-click on a listed job that you wish to compare to open the Compare to Estimate window
shown below displaying the estimating labor groups.

3. Click the View Report button to create and display a Comparison with Estimate report, similar to
the example shown below.

The Production Control Module

Compare to Combining Job

Once an estimated project becomes a job, comparing the estimate to the actual job can be performed at
anytime once job is under fabrication in the Production Control module.
Note: All stations for the labor groups must be the same to compare estimated to actual.
To compare a job to the combining job:
1. With the Production Control window open and active, select Compare to Combining Job from the
Production Control menu to display the Select Estimating Job to Compare window shown below.

2. Double-click on a listed job that you wish to compare to open the Compare to Combining Job
window shown below displaying the estimating labor groups.

Steel Management Software

3. Click the View Report button to create and display a Compare PDC to CMB report, similar to the
example shown below.

The Production Control Module

Exporting to CIS/2 Model

The Export to CIS/2 Model enables you to export updated information to the 3-D model.
Information such as fabrication and shipping status can be shown in different colors in the model
for easy identification.

To export CIS/2 model:

1. With the Production Control window open and active, select Export CIS/2 Model from the
Production Control menu to display the Save As window and choose the location to the file.
2. Click on Save. A message window appears to verify that the file was saved. Click OK.

3. The CIS/2 window opens.

4. Clicking on View Model allows you to see the 3-D model.

Managing Reports
The Reports menu selection enables the creating, editing, and printing of selected reports. This function is
described in Chapter 9: Managing Reports.

Steel Management Software

Job Maintenance
The Job Maintenance function enables you to copy, delete, renumber, merge, export jobs, and set up job
groups. These job maintenance functions are described in Chapter 8: Job and Requisition Maintenance.
General Use Utilities
Making Global Changes
The Global Edit menu selection enables making changes that apply to all items or selected items in an
open jobs item list. This function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Making Global
Editing Changes.
Filtering Materials
The Filter menu selection enables selecting materials based upon certain characteristics. This function is
described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Filtering Materials.
Switching Between Metric and Imperial Units
The Switch to Metric/Imperial Mode selection enables the selection of the type of measurement units
displayed on a job. This function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Switching Between
Metric and Imperial Units.
Exporting Data
The Export to KISS menu selection enables exporting information for use by customers, vendors, or other
interested parties. This function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Exporting Data.
Viewing a List of Changes
The List of Changes menu selection enables generating a list of changes made to the database. This
function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Viewing a List of Changes.

The Purchasing Module

Chapter 6: The Purchasing Module

Two major windows are involved in creating, editing, and opening these documents: the Requisition Edit
window and the Requisition window.
Creating and Editing Requisitions
Creating New Requisitions
To create a new requisition:
1. Open the Purchasing module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite Module to
display the Select Requisition/Purchase Order window shown below.

2. Click the Add button at the bottom-left of the window, shown above, to display the Requisition Edit
window, shown below.

Steel Management Software

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Requisition Edit window, see Appendix
A: Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Requisition Edit Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.
3. In the Requisition Edit window, enter a name or number into the Requisition Number field, and
enter additional information into the fields, as necessary.
4. After adding all necessary inputs, click the Save button to close the Requisition Edit window and
redisplay the Select Requisition/Purchase Order window with the new requisition displayed.
Editing Requisitions Standards
To edit an existing requisition to the Purchasing module:
1. Open the Purchasing module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite Module to
display the Select Requisition/Purchase Order window shown above in Creating New Purchase
2. Click the Edit button at the bottom-left of the window to display the Requisition Edit window for
the selected requisition, shown above in Creating New Requisitions.
3. After completing all necessary editing, click the Save button to close the Requisition Edit window
and redisplay the Select Requisition/Purchase Order window with the edited information.
Managing Materials Listed in a Requisition
Note: The Purchase Order window, discussed below, has two functional modes: the Input Mode and the
Receive Mode. The mode is selected using the toggle button located at the top-left of the Requisition
window. The following procedures apply when the window is in the Input Mode. Functionality of the
Receive Mode is given below in Managing Received Materials.

The Purchasing Module

Opening a Requisition to View the Materials

To open the Requisition window:
1. Open the Purchasing module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite Module to
display the Select Requisition/Purchase Order window shown below.

2. From the list of requisitions, select the requisition that you wish to open to highlight it.
Note: If requisitions are assigned to groups or subgroups, jobs displayed in the list can be limited to
those in a specific group or subgroup by selection from the P.O. Group field drop-down lists located at
the bottom of the window.
3. Click the Open button to display the Requisition window and its list of materials.

Steel Management Software

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Requisition window, see Appendix A:
Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Requisition Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.

Adding Material to a Requisition

To add new material to a requisition:
1. Open the Requisition window for the selected purchase order as described above in Opening a
Requisition to View the Materials.
2. Select a material in the list that most closely approximates the new material listing that you wish to
create, and click the New button to display that information in the details fields at the right side of the
3. Make any necessary changes in the detail form, and click the Add button to add the new material to
the list.
Adding Material to Requisition by Copying
To add new material to a requisition by copying:
1. Open the Requisition window for the selected purchase order as described above in Opening a
Requisition to View the Materials.
2. Select a material in the list that most closely approximates the new material listing that you wish to
create, and click the Copy button to duplicate the selected material and add it to the purchase order
list with a new item number.
3. Select the copy to highlight it, and edit is as described below in Editing Materials in a Requisition.
Editing Materials in a Requisition
To edit the materials information in a requisition:
1. Open the Requisition window for the selected purchase order as described above in Opening a
Requisition to View the Materials.
2. Select a material in the list that you wish to edit to display its information in the details form at the
right side of the window.
3. Make any changes necessary in the detail fields, and click the Edit button to update the information
displayed in the items list.
Deleting Materials from a Requisition
To delete one or more materials from a purchase order:
1. Open the Requisition window for the selected purchase order as described above in Opening a
Requisition to View the Materials.
2. Select one or more materials in the list that you wish to delete to highlight them, and click the Delete
button to display a Confirm window.
3. Click the Yes button to close the Confirm window and redisplay the list of requisitions with the
selected materials having been removed.

The Purchasing Module

Performing Combining Runs for Requisitions

A combining run optimizes the use of materials by multing, nesting, or a combination of both to find the
most efficient way to cut the items from available stock. This function is described in Chapter 10:
Performing Combining Runs.
Manually Adding and Removing Materials from Combining Runs
Adding Materials to Combining Runs
When the combining run results in having excess material available in the selected stock size, additional
material that does not exceed the available stock excess can be manually added to the combining run.
To manually add material to a combining run:
1. Open the Requisition window for the selected requisition as described above in Opening a
Requisition to View the Materials.
Note: Ensure that the Requisition window is displayed in the Input Mode.

2. Add the new material to the list as described above in Adding Material to a Requisition or Adding
Material to Requisition by Copying as shown above.
3. Click the Manual Combine button at the top-left of the window to change the display to Manual
Combine Mode, as shown below.
Note: If the list of combined materials does not display at the bottom right of the window, click and
unclick the Show Uncombined Items checkbox at the top left of the window.

Steel Management Software

4. Select the Combining Run into which you wish to add the new material, and click the Add Items
button to display the Add Item window shown below.

5. Click the Add button to close this window, and display the new item in the list of materials that are
combined in the selected combining run.

The Purchasing Module

Removing Materials from Combining Runs

To manually remove material from a combining run:
1. Open the Requisition window for the selected requisition as described above in Opening a
Requisition to View the Materials.
Note: Ensure that the Requisition window is displayed in the Manual Input Mode.
2. Select the Combining Run from which you wish to remove the material, to highlight it.
3. Select the material that you wish to remove from the list located at the bottom-right of the window,
and click the Remove Items button to display the Remove Item window shown below.

4. Click the OK button to redisplay the Requisition window with the removed material displayed.
Note: The removed material can now be deleted or combined with other materials in another
combining run.

Requisition Menu Functions

The Purchasing module has two separate functional components: requisitions and purchase orders. The
Requisition menu, shown below, provides access to support tasks for the Requisitions component of the
Purchasing module. Those functions that are unique to the Purchasing module are described below. Those
that are common to multiply FabSuite modules are described in separate sections as referenced below.

Purchase Order Menu Functions

The Purchasing module has two separate functional components: requisitions and purchase orders. The
Purchase Order menu, shown below, provides access to support tasks for the Purchase Orders component
of the Purchasing module. Those functions that are unique to the Purchasing module are described below.
Those that are common to multiply FabSuite modules are described in separate sections as referenced

Steel Management Software

Loading Material from Requisition to Purchase Order

Note: Materials moved from a requisition to a purchase order will be configured as displayed in the
requisition. If the materials are combined in the requisition, they will be combined in the purchase order.
Moving All Materials into Purchase Order
To move all materials listed in a requisition into a purchase order:
1. Open the Requisition window for the selected requisition as described above in Opening a
Requisition to View the Materials.

2. Select Load Material Into Purchase Order from the Requisition menu, to display the Select
Purchase Order window shown below.

The Purchasing Module

3. Select the purchase order into which you wish to move the materials, and click the OK button to
display the Import Filter window shown below.

4. Perform required edits, if necessary, and click the Import button to display the Import Items
window, shown below.

Steel Management Software

5. Click the OK button to redisplay the Requisition window with all materials removed.
Note: You can now open the Purchase Order window to verify that the materials have been
successfully moved. One or more of the materials that have been moved into the purchase order may
be moved back into the original requisition by selecting them, clicking the Send to REQ button, and
proceeding as indicated.
Moving Selected Materials into Purchase Order
To move selected materials listed in a requisition into a purchase order:
1. Open the Requisition window for the selected requisition as described above in Opening a
Requisition to View the Materials.
2. From the list of materials, select those that you wish to move into a purchase order.
3. Select Load Selected Material Into Purchase Order from the Requisition menu, to display the
Select Purchase Order window shown above.
4. Select the purchase order into which you wish to move the materials, and click the OK button to
display the Import Items window, shown above.
5. Click the OK button to redisplay the Requisition window with the selected materials removed.
Creating and Editing Purchase Orders
Two major windows are involved in creating, editing, and opening these documents: the Purchase Order
Edit window and the Purchase Order window.
Creating New Purchase Orders
To create new purchase order:
1. Open the Purchasing module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite Module to
display the Select Requisition/Purchase Order window shown below.

The Purchasing Module

2. Click the Add button at the bottom-right of the window, shown above, to display the Purchase
Order Edit window, shown below.

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Purchase Order Edit window, see
Appendix A: Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Purchase Order Edit Window Detail Form
Field Descriptions.
3. In the Purchase Order Edit window, enter a name or number into the Reference # field, and enter
additional information into the fields, as necessary.
4. After adding all necessary inputs, click the Save button to close the Purchase Order Edit window
and redisplay it in the Select Requistion/Purchase Order window with the new purchase order
Editing Purchase Order Standards
To edit an existing purchase order in the Purchasing module:
1. Open the Purchasing module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite Module to
display the Select Requisition/Purchase Order window shown above in Creating New Purchase
2. Click the Edit button at the bottom-right of the window to display the Purchase Order Edit window,
shown above in Creating New Purchase Orders.
3. After completing all necessary editing, click the Save button to close the Purchase Order Edit
window and redisplay the In the Select Requisition/Purchase Order window with the edited

Steel Management Software

Managing Materials Listed in a Purchase Order

Note: The Purchase Order window, discussed below, has two functional modes: the Input Mode and the
Receive Mode. The mode is selected using the toggle button located at the top-left of the Requisition
window. The following procedures apply when the window is in the Input Mode. Functionality of the
Receive Mode is given below in Managing Received Materials.
Opening a Purchase Order to View the Materials
To open the Purchase Order window:
1. Open the Purchasing module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite Module to
display the Select Requisition/Purchase Order window shown below.

2. From the list of purchase orders, select the purchase order that you wish to open to highlight it.
Note: If purchase orders are assigned to groups or subgroups, jobs displayed in the list can be limited
to those in a specific group or subgroup by selection from the P.O. Group field drop-down lists
located at the bottom of the window.
3. Click the Open button to display the Purchase Order window and its list of materials.

The Purchasing Module

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Purchase Order window, see Appendix
A: Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Purchase Order Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.

Adding Material to Purchase Order

To add new material to a purchase order:
1. Open the Purchase Order window for the selected purchase order as described above in Opening a
Purchase Order to View the Materials.
2. Select a material in the list that most closely approximates the new material listing that you wish to
create, and click the New button to display that information in the details fields at the right side of the
3. Make any necessary changes in the detail form, and click the Add button to add the new material to
the list.
Adding Material to Purchase Order by Copying
To add new material to a purchase order by copying:
1. Open the Purchase Order window for the selected purchase order as described above in Opening a
Purchase Order to View the Materials.
2. Select a material in the list that most closely approximates the new material listing that you wish to
create, and click the Copy button to duplicate the selected material and add it to the purchase order
list with a new item number.

Steel Management Software

3. Select the copy to highlight it, and edit is as described below in Editing Materials in a Purchase
Editing Materials in a Purchase Order
To edit the materials information in a purchase order:
1. Open the Purchase Order window for the selected purchase order as described above in Opening a
Purchase Order to View the Materials.
2. Select a material in the list that you wish to edit to display its information in the detail form at the
right side of the window.
3. Make any changes necessary in the detail fields, and click the Edit button to update the information
displayed in the items list.
Deleting Materials from a Purchase Order
To delete one or more materials from a purchase order:
1. Open the Purchase Order window for the selected purchase order as described above in Opening a
Purchase Order to View the Materials.
2. Select one or more materials in the list that you wish to delete to highlight them, and click the Delete
button to display a Confirm window.
3. Click the Yes button to close the Confirm window and redisplay the list of purchase orders with the
selected materials having been removed.
Sending Materials from a Purchase Order to a Requisition
To send materials from a purchase order to a requisition:
1. Open the Purchase Order window for the selected purchase order as described above in Opening a
Purchase Order to View the Materials.
2. Select one or more materials in the list that you wish to send to highlight them, and click the Send to
REQ button to display a Confirm window.
3. Click the Yes button to close the Confirm window, and send the selected materials to the requisition.
Note: The selected materials will be deleted from the items list. Open the receiving requisition to
ensure that the transfer was completed.

Finalizing Materials
You may finalize all materials or selected materials listed in the purchase order
Finalizing All Materials Listed
To finalize all materials listed:
1. Open the Purchase Order window for the selected purchase order as described above in Opening a
Purchase Order to View the Materials.
2. Select Finalize Displayed Items from the Purchase Order menu.
Finalizing Selected Materials
To finalize selected materials:

The Purchasing Module

1. Open the Purchase Order window for the selected purchase order as described above in Opening a
Purchase Order to View the Materials.
2. From the list, select only those materials that you wish to finalize.
3. Select Finalize Selected Items from the Purchase Order menu.
Exporting Purchase Orders
Any purchase order can be exported to either of two formats; Tab-Delimited Files or American
Contractor Format.
To export a purchase order:
1. Open the Purchase Order window for the selected purchase order as described above in Opening a
Purchase Order to View the Materials.
2. Select Export Selected Purchase Orders from the Purchasing menu to display a sub-menu.
3. Select either Tab-Delimited File or American Contractor Format from the sub-menu to display the
Save As window shown below, and proceed as indicated.

Managing Received Materials

Once a purchase order has been issued, the selected materials vendor attempts to fulfill your requirements
by shipping the materials to your warehouse. Before the materials can be accepted and placed into
inventory, they must be inspected and accepted. While most materials from reliable vendors will be found
acceptable, some materials will be deemed unacceptable for any number or reasons, while others may no
longer be required. The purchasing module provides a format for recording the status of materials that are
received against any purchase order. This functionality is available in the Purchase Order window when
in the Receive Mode.
To record the status of materials listed in a specific purchase order:
1. Open the Purchase Order window for the selected purchase order as described above in Opening a
Purchase Order to View the Materials. Ensure that the window displays in the Receive Mode.
Note: Received materials are placed into three categories: Received (for acceptable and required
material), Rejected (for unacceptable for use), and Cancelled (for acceptable but no longer needed).
The quantity materials assigned to each category is displayed at the top-right corner of the Purchase
Order window.

Steel Management Software

Rejecting Materials
To reject a material:
1. Select the material from the list and click the Reject button to display the Reject window.

2. Select of accept the quantity displayed, and click the Reject button.
Note: If a material is rejected in error, it can be reinstated as described below in Undoing Incorrect
Category Assignments.
Canceling Materials
To cancel a material:
1. Select the material from the list and click the Cancel button to display the Cancel window.

3. Select of accept the quantity displayed, and click the Cancel button.
Note: If a material is canceled in error, it can be reinstated as described below in Undoing Incorrect
Category Assignments.
Receiving Selected Materials
To receive a material:
1. Select the material from the list and click the Receive button to display the Receive window.

The Purchasing Module

2. Select or accept the quantity displayed.

3. Enter where the selected material is to be stored into the Inventory Location field.
4. If you wish to finalize the selected material at this time, check the Finalize On Receive check box.
5. Enter the required information into the Heat Number field, and click the Receive button.
Note: If a material is canceled in error, it can be reinstated as described below in Undoing Incorrect
Category Assignments.
Receiving All Materials
To receive all materials listed:
1. Select the Receive Displayed button to display the Receive Displayed window.

2. Enter where the selected material is to be stored into the Inventory Location field.
3. If you wish to finalize the selected material at this time, check the Finalize On Receive check box.
4. Enter the required information into the Heat Number field, and click the Receive button.
Note: If a material is canceled in error, it can be reinstated as described below in Undoing Incorrect
Category Assignments.
Undoing Incorrect Category Assignments
To restore any incorrectly categorized materials to the material list:
1. If any material is assigned a status in error, select the material to highlight it.
2. Select Un-Receive, Un-Reject, or Un-Cancel, as appropriate from the Purchase Order menu, to
display a window similar to the following.

Steel Management Software

3. Enter the quantity that you wish to change, and click the Un-Receive, Un-Reject, or Un-Cancel
button as indicated.
Managing Reports
The Reports menu selection enables the creating, editing, and printing of selected reports. This function is
described in Chapter 9: Managing Reports.
Requisition Maintenance
The Job Maintenance function enables you to copy, delete, renumber, merge, export jobs, and set up job
groups. These job maintenance functions are described in Chapter 8: Job and Requisition Maintenance.
General Use Utilities
Making Global Changes
The Global Edit menu selection enables making changes that apply to all items or selected items in an
open jobs item list. This function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Making Global
Editing Changes.
Switching Between Metric and Imperial Units
The Switch to Metric/Imperial Mode selection enables the selection of the type of measurement units
displayed on a job. This function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Switching Between
Metric and Imperial Units.
Viewing a List of Changes
The List of Changes menu selection enables generating a list of changes made to the database. This
function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Viewing a List of Changes.

The Order Entry Module

Chapter 7: Order Entry Module

The Order Entry program gives the service center or retailers a system for tracking the sale in
house. If you sell steel from your warehouse or shop, the Order Entry program can help you
work up a quick quote for a client on the phone or over the counter. The quote is based on the
current price of materials, handling and cutting of material, taxes, and markup levels previously
assigned to the client. If the client accepts your offer, the Order Entry program can turn your
quote into a work order, print an invoice for the customer, and reserves your inventory to reflect
the material commitment.
Creating and Editing Quotes
This chapter describes procedures for opening an existing quote or order for viewing or editing, and for
adding and working upon a new quote or order. Two major windows are involved in creating, editing, and
opening quotes: the Add Quote window and the Quote window. Both windows are described below.
Creating New Quotes
To create a new quote:
1. Open the Order Entry module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Quote/Order window shown below.

2. Click the Add button to display the Add Quote window, shown below.
Note: A quote number is automatically entered into the Quote # field. All other information remains
from the last quote created.

Steel Management Software

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Add Quote window, see Appendix A:
Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Add Quote Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.
3. In the Add Quote window, keep any previously entered information that is applicable to your new
quote, and enter any additional information into the fields as necessary.
4. After adding all necessary inputs, click the Save button to close this window and open the Select
Quote/Order window with the new quote displayed.
Note: To review the information in the Add Quote window at any time without making any changes,
click on the Edit button at the bottom of the Select Quote/Order window. When done, close the
window using the X button at the top right corner of the window.
Editing an Existing Quote
To edit an existing quote:
1. Open the Order Entry module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Quote/Order window shown above in Creating New Quotes.
2. Select the quote that you wish to edit from the displayed list, and click the Edit button at the bottom
of the window, shown above to display the Edit Quote window, shown below.

The Order Entry Module

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Edit Quote window, see Appendix A:
Field Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Edit Quote Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.
3. After completing all necessary editing, click the Save button to close the Edit Quote window and
redisplay the Select Quote/Order window with the edited information.
Managing Materials Included in a Quote or Order
Adding materials into a quote requires three distinct sets of procedures. In the first procedure descriptions
of the required materials are entered and listed into the Quote Items field. In the second procedure,
existing materials that are available from inventory, including those selected by combining material
requirements, are listed in the Inventory Items list. In the third procedure, those items that were not
available from existing inventory are placed into a purchasing queue.
Opening a Quote or Order to View the Materials
To open the Quote window:
1. Open the Order Entry module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Quote/Order window shown below.

Steel Management Software

2. From the list of quotes or orders, select the quote or order that you wish to open to highlight it.
Note: If quotes are assigned to groups or subgroups, those displayed in the list can be limited to
those in a specific group or subgroup by selection from the Show Only field drop-down lists located at
the bottom of the window.
3. Click the Open button to display the Quote window similar to that shown below.

Note: For functional definitions of each data entry field in the Quote window, see Appendix A: Field
Descriptions for FabSuite Windows, Quote Window Detail Form Field Descriptions.

Adding New Materials to a Quote

To add new material to a quote:

The Order Entry Module

1. Open the Select Quote/Order window for the selected purchase order as described above in Opening
a Quote or Order to View the Materials.
2. Click the New button to automatically display the next available item number into the Item field.
Note: The increment interval of the automatically entered Item Numbers is determined by the
selection made in the Item Increment field of the Add Quote window when creating this Quote.
3. Manually enter the desired quantity into the Quantity field.
4. Select the appropriate material shape from the Shape field drop-down list, or manually enter it.
5. Click in the Dimension field to display a window listing dimensions for all the different sizes of the
material shape selected.
6. Select the appropriate dimensions from the displayed window, and click the Close button to close the
window and display your selection in the Dimensions field.
7. Manually enter any other dimensions indicated by the displayed fields.
8. Select the appropriate grade from the Grade field drop-down list.
9. Enter a comment, if necessary.
10. Enter the appropriate code into the Piece Mark field.
Note: Piece markings are determined by the supplier for part identification, and are marked directly
onto the piece.
11. Click the Add button to list the material description in the Quote Items field.
Adding New Materials to the Quote by Copying
To add a new material in the Quote Items field by copying:
1. Open the Select Quote/Order window, as shown above.
2. In the Quote Items field, select the listed material that you wish to copy.
3. Click the Copy button to display information from the selected material in the fields located below
the Quote Items field.
4. Make any changes necessary to the displayed information.
5. Click the Edit button to display the changes to the selected material in the list.
Editing Materials Included in the Quote
To edit materials in the Quote Items field:
1. Open the Select Quote/Order window, as shown above.
2. In the Quote Items field, select the listed material that you wish to edit to display its information in
the fields located below the Quote Items field.
3. Make any changes necessary to the displayed information.
4. Click the Edit button to display the changes to the selected material in the list.
Deleting Materials from a Quote
To delete one or more materials from a quote:

Steel Management Software

1. Open the Select Quote/Order window, as shown above.

2. Select one or more materials in the list that you wish to delete to highlight them, and click the Delete
button to display a Confirm window.
3. Click the Yes button to close the Confirm window and redisplay the list of quotes with the selected
materials having been removed.
Order Menu Functions
The Order menu, shown below, provides access to support tasks for the Order Entry module. Those
functions that are unique to the Order Entry module are described below. Those that are common to
multiply FabSuite modules are described in separate sections as referenced below.

Importing Materials into a Quote from another Quote or Order

To import material from one quote or order into another quote or order:
1. Open the Order Entry module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Quote/Order window shown below.

2. From the list of quotes or orders, select the quote or order into which you wish to import materials,
and click the Open button to display the Quote window shown below.

The Order Entry Module

3. From the Order menu, select Import Material From Another Quote/Order to redisplay the Select
Quote/Order window.
4. Select the Quote from which you wish to import the materials, and click the Open button to display
the Enter Value window shown below.

Note: The quantity multiplier multiplies the quantity of all imported materials by the number entered.
5. If necessary, change the multiplier number in the indicated field, and click the OK button to display
the imported materials in the selected Quote Items field.
Listing Materials Available from Inventory
After all required materials have been added into the Quote Items list, the Quote window displays a list
similar to the following:

Steel Management Software

To list available existing materials in the Inventory Items field:

1. Select Quick Combine from the Order menu to display the Combining Run window shown below..

Note: The list displays the lengths needed that are available from inventory. To see how our finished
materials requirements have been combined in each listed material from inventory, select an item

The Order Entry Module
from the list to display a list of combined materials at the bottom left of the window. Those items that
could not be combined from available inventory, are listed in the tree shown to the left of the window.
2. Click the Save Displayed Results & Close button to display the quote window as shown below.

Moving Uncombined Materials into another Quote

It often happens that, after entering all required materials into a quote and combining materials, some of
the required materials may not combine, indicating that they are not available in inventory. The FabSuite
application makes it possible to move these uncombined materials into a separate quote, and, if you wish,
remove them from the initial quote. Moving these uncombined materials can include all uncombined
materials in the original quote, or only selected uncombined materials.
Moving All Uncombined Materials into another Quote
To move all uncombined materials into another quote:
1. Open the Order Entry module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Quote/Order window shown below.

Steel Management Software

2. Select the quote from which you wish to move the uncombined materials, and click the Open button
at the bottom of the window to display the Quote window shown below.

3. From the Order menu, select Move All Uncombined Material Into Another Quote, to redisplay
the Select Quote/Order window.
4. Select the quote into which you wish to move the uncombined materials, and click the Open button at
the bottom of the window.
Note: Open the quote into which you moved the materials to ensure that they display properly. If you
wish, you may now delete the moved materials from the original quote.
Moving Selected Uncombined Materials into another Quote
To move selected uncombined materials into another quote:

The Order Entry Module

1. Open the Order Entry module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Quote/Order window shown above.
2. Select the quote from which you wish to move the uncombined materials, and click the Open button
at the bottom of the window to display the Quote window shown above.
3. Select only those uncombined materials that you wish to move.
4. From the Order menu, select Move All Uncombined Material Into Another Quote, to redisplay
the Select Quote/Order window.
5. Select the quote into which you wish to move the uncombined materials, and click the Open button at
the bottom of the window.
Note: Open the quote into which you moved the materials to ensure that they display properly. If you
wish, you may now delete the moved materials from the original quote.

Creating, Viewing, and Printing the Finished Quote

Once a quote has been created in answer to a customer request, it must be printed for delivery to the
customer. The procedures for creating, viewing, and printing the finished quote are given below.
Creating and Viewing a Customer Quote
To create, view, and print a quote:
1. Open the Order Entry module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Quote/Order window shown below.

2. Select the quote from which you wish to move the uncombined materials, and click the Open button
at the bottom of the window to display the Quote window shown below.

Steel Management Software

3. Select Reports from the Order menu to display the Report Progress window shown below.

4. Select the quote style from the list of reports, and click the View button to view the report, similar to
that shown below.

The Order Entry Module

To print the quote:

1. Close the displayed report to redisplay the Report Progress window.
2. On the Report Progress window, click the Print button to display the Select Printer window shown

3. Select the appropriate printer, and click the OK button.

Converting a Quote into an Order and an Invoice
When the customer approves your quote and decides to place an order, you can easily convert the quote
into an Order and subsequently, an Invoice.

Steel Management Software

Converting a Quote into an Order

Note: If the quote being converted contained materials that were not available in inventory, a successful
conversion will not be completed, and an error message will display. To convert such a quote it is
necessary to place the missing materials into inventory using the FabSuite Inventory module.
To convert a quote into an order:
1. Open the Order Entry module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Quote/Order window shown below.

2. Select the quote from which you wish to move the uncombined materials, and click the Open button
at the bottom of the window to display the Quote window shown below.

The Order Entry Module

3. Select Order Details from the Order menu to display the Edit Quote window that is associated with
the selected quote, as shown below.

4. Click the Make Quote into Order button to display a Confirm window.
5. Click the Yes button to complete the conversion and display a second Confirm window.
6. Click the Yes button to include the invoice number in the Edit Quote window, and to change the
name of the Quote window to Order.
Viewing and Printing an Existing Invoice
To view and print an existing invoice:
1. Open the Order Entry module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Quote/Order window shown below.

Steel Management Software

2. Select the quote that you wish to view or print.

3. From the Order Entry menu, select Invoice-Selected Orders to display the Report Progress
window shown below.

4. Select the appropriate report type from the list, and click View to display the invoice, similar to that
shown below.

The Order Entry Module

To print the quote:

1. Close the displayed report to redisplay the Report Progress window.
2. On the Report Progress window, click the Print button to display the Select Printer window shown

3. Select the appropriate printer, and click the OK button.

Selecting Units of Measurement for a Specific Quote
1. To change the units of measurement for a specific quote only:
2. With the Add/Quote window open for the selected quote, as shown below.

Steel Management Software

3. Click the Input/Display Units button at the lower-right of the window to display the Input/Display
Units window shown below.

4. Select the required units from the several drop-down lists, and click the Save button.
Generating Purchasing Information
The Order Entry module enables you to place uncombined materials into new or existing purchase
requisitions and purchase orders.
Loading All Uncombined Material into a Requisition
To add uncombined materials into a requisition:

The Order Entry Module

1. Open the Order Entry module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Quote/Order window shown below.

2. Select the quote from which you wish to move the uncombined materials, and click the Open button
at the bottom of the window to display the Quote window shown below.

3. From the Order menu, select Load All Uncombined Material Into Requisition, to display the
Select Requisition window shown below.

Steel Management Software

4. To load uncombined materials into an existing requisition, select it from the list to highlight it
5. To load uncombined materials into a new requisition, click the Add button to display the Requisition
Edit window, shown below. Make any necessary changes, and click the Save button.

6. Click the OK button in the Select Requisition window to close it.

Note: Your modified or new requisition will display in the Purchasing module.

The Order Entry Module

Loading Selected Uncombined Material into a Requisition

To add uncombined materials into a requisition:
1. Open the Order Entry module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Quote/Order window shown above.
2. Select the quote from which you wish to move the uncombined materials, and click the Open
button at the bottom of the window to display the Quote window shown above.
3. Select only those uncombined materials that you wish to move.
4. Select Load All Uncombined Material Into Requisition from the Order menu to display
the Select Requisition window shown above.
5. To load uncombined materials into an existing requisition, select it from the list to highlight
6. To load uncombined materials into a new requisition, click the Add button to display the
Requisition Edit window, shown above. Make any necessary changes, and click the Save
7. Click the OK button in the Select Requisition window to close it.
Note: Your modified or new requisition will display in the Purchasing module.
Loading All Uncombined Material into a Purchase Order
To add uncombined materials into a purchase order:
1. Open the Order Entry module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Quote/Order window shown below.

2. Select the quote from which you wish to move the uncombined materials, and click the Open button
at the bottom of the window to display the Quote window shown below.

Steel Management Software

3. From the Order menu, select Load All Uncombined Material Into Purchase Order, to display the
Select Purchase Order window shown below.

4. To load uncombined materials into an existing purchase order, select it from the list to highlight it
5. To load uncombined materials into a new purchase order, click the Add button to display the
Purchase Order Edit window, shown below, make any necessary changes, and click the Save

The Order Entry Module

6. Click the OK button in the Select Purchase Order window to close it.
Note: Your modified or new purchase order will display in the Purchasing module.
Loading Selected Uncombined Material into a Purchase Order
To add uncombined materials into a purchase order:
1. Open the Order Entry module as described in Starting and Logging into Any FabSuite
Module to display the Select Quote/Order window shown above.
2. Select the quote from which you wish to move the uncombined materials, and click the Open
button at the bottom of the window to display the Quote window shown above.
3. Select only those uncombined materials that you wish to move.
4. Select Load All Uncombined Material Into Purchase Order from the Order menu to display the
Select Purchase Order window shown above.
5. To load uncombined materials into an existing purchase order, select it from the list to highlight it
6. To load uncombined materials into a new purchase order, click the Add button to display the
Purchase Order Edit window, shown below. Make any necessary changes, and click the Save
7. Click the OK button in the Select Purchase Order window to close it.
Note: Your modified or new requisition will display in the Purchasing module.

Steel Management Software

Performing Combining Runs

A combining run optimizes the use of materials by multing, nesting, or a combination of both to find the
most efficient way to cut the items from available stock. This function is described in Chapter 10:
Performing Combining Runs.
Managing Reports
The Reports menu selection enables the creating, editing, and printing of selected reports. This function is
described in Chapter 9: Managing Reports.
General Use Utilities
Switching Between Metric and Imperial Units
The Switch to Metric/Imperial Mode selection enables the selection of the type of measurement units
displayed on a job. This function is described in Chapter 13: General Use Utilities, Switching Between
Metric and Imperial Units.

Job Maintenance

Chapter 8: Job and Requisition Maintenance

Most functions that are accessed through the Maintenance menu are available only to those users having
Administrator permissions. The exception is the Job Maintenance window for the Combining, Estimating,
Project Management, and Production Control functions.
The Job Maintenance windows, all similar to the one with Estimating functionality shown below, offer
similar job maintenance task options. Regardless of which module an option is displayed in, the options
function identically in all modules. The available options that are available for each module are described
in the following table.

Task Function Accessibility

Enables removing a job no longer needed.

Delete Jobs All
Caution: The job cannot be retrieved once it is removed.

Enables copying an existing job. The copy can be modified as

Copy Job All
necessary. The original job remains unaffected.

All except
Enables selecting starting number and increments in which a
Renumber Job Production
jobs item numbers are displayed.

Enables merging multiple jobs into one new job. This feature is
useful when several people enter information related to one job
from different computers. Each person can input a portion of the All except
Merge Jobs job under different job numbers. Later all jobs can be combined Production
into one containing all information from the separate jobs. Control
Caution: Before merging jobs, ensure that job standards, such as
type of marks, are set the same for all jobs to be merged.

Steel Management Software

Export Jobs Enables exporting data for the current job to KSS format. All
Set Job Groups Enables organizing jobs so that they are easier to locate. All
Calculate All Estimating
Initiates the calculating process.
button Only

Deleting Jobs or Requisitions

Note: The procedures given below apply to both Job Maintenance and Requisition
Maintenance functions.
To delete one or more jobs or requisitions:
1. With the Job Maintenance or Requisition Maintenance window open, click the Delete Jobs or
Delete Requisition radio button to display a list of jobs or requisitions similar to that shown below.

2. From the list of jobs or requisitions, select those that you wish to delete, to highlight them as shown
3. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the window to display a Confirm window.
4. Click the Yes button to delete the selected items.
5. Click the Delete Jobs radio button to refresh the list, and verify that the selected items have been
6. To close the window, click the X button at the top-right corner.

Copying Jobs or Requisitions

Note: The procedures given below apply to both Job Maintenance and Requisition
Maintenance functions.
To copy a job or requisition:

Job Maintenance

1. With the Job Maintenance or Requisition Maintenance window open, click the Copy Job or Copy
Requisition radio button to display a list of jobs or requisitions similar to that shown below.

2. From the list of jobs or requisitions, select the item that you wish to copy to highlight it.
3. Type a job number or requisition number for the copy in the New Job Number or New Requisition
Number field at the bottom of the window, as shown below.
4. Click the Copy button at the bottom of the window to copy the selected item. A blank list displays.
5. Click the Copy Job or Copy Requisition radio button to refresh the list, and verify that the item has
been successfully copied as specified.
6. To close the window, click the X button at the top-right corner.

Renumbering Jobs for All Pages

To renumber all item numbers in a job:
Note: If you wish to view the numbering scheme before you start the renumbering job, open the
associated modules main window and review the displayed list. Do not have the modules main window
opened while starting the renumbering jobs task. An error message will display.
1. With the Job Maintenance window open, click the Renumber Job radio button to display a list of
jobs similar to that shown below.

Steel Management Software

2. From the list of jobs, select the job that you wish to renumber to highlight it.
3. Enter the appropriate values into the Start Value and the Item Number Increment fields, and ensure
that the Pages field displays the word All.
4. Click the Renumber Job button at the bottom of the window to renumber the selected job. A blank
job list displays.
5. Click the Renumber Job radio button to refresh the list of jobs.
Note: If you wish to view the numbering scheme after run the renumbering job, open the associated
modules main window and review the displayed list.
6. To close the window, click the X button at the top-right corner.
Note: The item numbering for the selected job, with the Start Value and Item Number Increment given
in the above example, begin with the number 1 and be sequenced 1,6,11,16, etc.

Renumbering Jobs for Selected Pages

To renumber all item numbers for a selected page or pages in a job:
Note: If you wish to view the numbering scheme before you start the renumbering job, open the
associated modules main window and review the displayed list. Do not have the modules main window
opened while starting the renumbering jobs task. An error message will display.
1. With the Job Maintenance window open, click the Renumber Job radio button to display a list of
jobs similar to that shown below.

Job Maintenance

2. From the list of jobs, select the job that you wish to renumber to highlight it.
3. Enter the appropriate values into the Start Value and the Item Number Increment fields.
4. Click the Edit button to display the following Filter window.


5. Ensure that the Included list contains only the numbers of the page or pages that you wish to have

Steel Management Software

6. Click the OK button at the bottom of the window to display the Job Maintenance window with the
selected page numbers displayed in the Page field.
7. Click the Renumber Job button at the bottom of the window to renumber the selected pages for the
selected job. A blank job list displays.
8. Click the Renumber Job radio button to refresh the list of jobs.
Note: If you wish to view the numbering scheme after run the renumbering job, open the associated
modules main window and review selected page number numbering in the displayed list.
9. To close the window, click the X button at the top-right corner.
Note: The item numbering for the selected job, with the Start Value and Item Number Increment
given in the above example, begin with the number 1 and be sequenced 1,6,11,16, etc.

Exporting Jobs
To export one or more jobs:
1. With the Job Maintenance window open, click the Export Jobs radio button to display a list of jobs
similar to that shown below.

2. From the list of jobs, select the jobs that you wish to export, to highlight them as shown above.
3. Click the Export button at the bottom of the window shown above to display the Save As window.

Job Maintenance

4. Select a folder into which to save the data, enter a file name for the export, and click the Save button.
Note: When multiple jobs are selected for export, the Save As window redisplays until all selected
jobs are exported. Jobs are exported in the order in which they appear on the jobs list.
5. When all selected jobs are exported a message, similar to the following, displays, indicating the
directory to which the files were exported.

6. Click the OK button to close the message window.

7. To close the window, click the X button at the top-right corner.

Merging Jobs
To merge multiple jobs into a new job:
1. With the Job Maintenance window open, click the Merge Jobs radio button to display a list of jobs
similar to that shown below.

2. From the list of jobs, select the jobs that you want to merge, to highlight them as shown above.
3. Type an identifying number for the new job in the New Job Number field as shown below.
4. Click the Merge Jobs button at the bottom of the window to merge the selected jobs into a new job.
A blank job list displays.
5. Click the Merge Jobs radio button to refresh the list of jobs with the new job displayed.
6. To close the window, click the X button at the top-right corner.

Setting Job Groups: Creating New Groups

To assign selected jobs to a new group:

Steel Management Software

1. With the Job Maintenance window open, click the Set Job Groups radio button to display a list of
jobs similar to that shown below.

2. From the list of jobs, select the jobs that you wish to group, to highlight them as shown above.
3. Enter a name for the group in the left New Group field shown below.
4. Click the Set Group button at the bottom of the window to assign the selected jobs into the new
group. A blank job list displays.
5. Click the Set Job Groups radio button to refresh the list of jobs with new group displayed.
Note: To change a New Group entry, repeat the above steps with the new group entry name. To
delete a New Group entry, repeat the above steps with the New Group field left blank.
7. To close the window, click the X button at the top-right corner.

Setting Job Groups: Creating Secondary Groups

To assign selected jobs within a group to a sub-group:
1. With the Job Maintenance window open, click the Set Job Groups radio button to display a list of
jobs similar to that shown below.

Job Maintenance

2. From the list of jobs, select the jobs from a specific group that you wish to assign to a secondary
group within that group, to highlight them as shown above.
3. Enter a name for the secondary group in the right New Group field shown below.
4. Click the Set Secondary Group button at the bottom of the window to assign the selected jobs into
the new secondary group. A blank job list displays.
5. Click the Set Job Groups radio button to refresh the list of jobs with new secondary group displayed.
Note: To change a Secondary Group entry, repeat the above steps with the secondary group entry
name. To delete a Secondary Group entry, repeat the above steps with the Secondary Group field left
8. To close the window, click the X button at the top-right corner.

Recalculating a Job Estimate

To recalculate a job estimate:
1. With the Job Maintenance window open, click the Set Job Groups radio button to display a list of
jobs similar to that shown below.

Steel Management Software

2. From the list of jobs, select the job for which you wish to recalculate the estimate, to highlight it as
shown above.
3. Click the Calculate All button to display the Calculate All window as FabSuite recalculates the
Note: When the calculation is complete, the Calculate All window will display total calculations data.
4. To close the Calculate All window, click the X button at the top-right corner of the window.
5. Click the Set Job Groups radio button to refresh the list of jobs with new secondary group displayed.
6. To close the window, click the X button at the top-right corner.


Chapter 9: Managing Reports

FabSuite enables you to prepare, view, edit, or print a variety of reports. The procedures for generating,
viewing, and printing all of the available reports are explained in this section.
Note: Although the Combining module is shown in the following example, the procedures described
below apply to all five modules to which the user has access: Combining, Estimating, Inventory,
Production Control, and Purchasing.
Generating and Viewing Reports
All FabSuite modules, except for the Order Entry module, enable generating reports. The Order Entry
module provides viewing and printing reports only.
To generate and view reports:

1. With the selected modules window open and active, and its item list displayed, select the menu for
that module, and select the Reports to display the Report Filter window similar to that shown
Note: The configuration of the Report Filter window depends upon the module from which it is
accessed. The number of fields that can be edited can be as few as two or as many as ten.
Regardless of the size, all Report Filter windows function in the same manner as described below.

Steel Management Software

2. If filtering information to be included in the report is required, see Filtering Information to be

Included in Reports below.
3. If no filtering is required, click the Make Report button to display a Report Progress window
similar to the one shown below.
Note: The Report Progress window displayed differs depending upon from which module it was
selected. Regardless of the differences in appearance, however, all Report Progress windows
function in the same manner.


Note: If you wish at this time to modify your editing, you can return Report Filter window by clicking
the Change Filters button.
4. Select the report that you wish to generate from the list to highlight it, and click the View button to
display the report in a separate window, similar to that shown below.

5. To close the Report Viewer window and the Report Progress window, click the X buttons at their
top-right corners.

Steel Management Software

Filtering Information Included in Reports

When generating reports as described above in Generating and Viewing Reports, it is sometimes
required to limit the information included in the report by filtering the information before
generating the report.
Filter the information included in generated reports as follows:
Note: The configuration of the Report Filter window depends upon the module from which it is accessed.
The number of fields that can be edited can be as few as two or as many as ten. Regardless of the size,
all Report Filter windows function in the same manner as described below.

1. With the Reports Filter open, click the Edit button adjacent to any attribute for which you wish to
limit the selection of information to be included in the report, to display a Filter window similar to
the following.


2. From the list of attributes displayed in the filter, include only those that you wish to appear in the
report, and click the OK button to close the Filter window.
3. Repeat the previous steps until all desired attributes in the Report Filter have been selected.
4. When all editing has been completed, proceed as indicated above in Generating and Viewing a
Printing Reports
To print one or more reports:

Steel Management Software

1. With the Report Progress window open, as described above in Generating Reports, select the name
of a report to highlight it.
Note: When printing to a PDF file, select only on report for printing at one time, for reasons that are
explained below.
2. Using the (+) and (-) buttons at the top of the Report Progress window, enter the number of copies
that you wish to print for each report selected. Repeat for each report that you wish to print.
3. After all quantities are entered, reselect all the reports to be printed to highlight them, and click the
Print button to display the Select Printer window, similar to that shown below.

4. Select the printer to be used, and click the OK button to print the selected reports.
Note: When printing to a PDF file, the Save As window displays. This window allows only one file to
be saved at a time.
5. To close the Report Progress window, click the X button at the top-right corner.


Managing Custom Report Lists

Creating Report Lists
To create a new custom report list:

1. With the Report Progress window open, as shown above, click the Edit button to display a Report
Types window similar to that shown below.

2. Click the New button, and type in a name in the Description field, as shown below.
3. Edit the list of reports shown in the filter, shown above, to include only those that you wish to display
in the report, as shown below.

Steel Management Software

4. Click the Save button, and click the X button at the top-right corner to close it, and to redisplay the
Report Progress window.
Note: In the Report Progress window, select the new report from the Report List field drop-down list
to display the included reports. Editing Report Lists
To edit a report list:

1. With the Report Progress window open, as shown above, click the Edit button to display the Report
Types window similar to that shown below.


2. If there is more than one report list listed in the leftmost window, select the appropriate one for
3. Edit the list of reports shown in the filter, shown above, to include only those that you wish to include
in the report, as shown below.

4. Click the Save button and click the X button at the top-right of the window to close it, and to
redisplay the Report Progress window with the edited list displayed.
Deleting Report Lists
Note: The default report list can be edited, but cannot be deleted. Only user created report lists can be
To delete a custom report list:

Steel Management Software

1. With the Report Progress window open, as shown above, click the Edit button to display the Report
Types window similar to that shown below.

2. If there is more than one report list listed in the leftmost window, select the appropriate one for
3. Click the Delete button to display a Confirm window.
4. Click the Yes button to close the Confirm window and to delete the report list.
5. To close the Report Types window, click the X button at the top-right corner..
Note: In the Report Progress window, open the Report List field drop-down list to verify that the
deleted report list no longer displays.

Combining Runs

Chapter 10: Performing Combining Runs

A combining run optimizes the use of materials by multing, nesting, or a combination of both to find the
most efficient way to cut the items from available stock. The combining run function is can be accessed
from the Combining, Estimating, Production Control, Purchasing, and Order Entry modules.
Note: Although the Combining module is shown in the following example, the procedures described
below apply to all modules that provide access to the Combining Run function.
Creating a New Combining by Multing, Nesting, or Both
To perform a combining run for either multing, nesting, or both:

1. With the selected modules window open and active, and its item list displayed, select the menu for
that module, and select Combine to display a Select Combining Run window similar to that shown
Note: The configuration of the Select Combining Run window depends upon the module from which
it is accessed. Regardless of the windows appearance, all Select Combining Run windows function
in the same manner as described below.

2. Click the appropriate button (Mult, Nest, or Mult & Nest) to display the a Combining Run Filter
window similar to the one shown below.

Steel Management Software

Note: All Combining Run Filter windows are similar in design and identical in function. There are
variations is the characteristics that are filtered, depending upon from which FabSuite module the
combining function was accessed. The window will display either a Mult, Nest, or Mult & Nest button
depending upon the type of combining run requested. The INV Filter button enables you to apply
inventory filters. The Suppliers button enables you to specify the source for different materials. The
function of the Optimizations button and the Suppliers button are described in The Combining Job
Edit Window.
3. Accept or change the filtering criteria, and click the appropriate button (Mult, Nest, or Mult & Nest,
to generate the run and display the combining results information in a Combining Run window
similar to the one shown below.
Note: Regardless of which type of combining run is requested, a window similar to the one shown
below displays. The only significant difference will be that all Nest runs and those Mult & Nest runs
that include plates will display a View Nest button that enables display of the nesting configuration as
shown below.

Combining Runs

Steel Management Software

Note: When the Combining Run window displays, the Combining menu changes to the Combining
Run menu.
4. To save the run for future access from the Select Combining Run window, click the Save button at
the bottom-right of the window.
Note: If you wish, you can change the name under which the run will be saved in the Run
Description field. When saved, the text above the Save button changes from Unsaved to Saved.
5. To return to the module from which you requested the combining run, click the X button at the top-
right of the Combining Run window.
Opening Existing Combining Runs
To open a previously saved run for the current job:

Combining Runs

1. With the Select Combining Run window open, select the run that you wish to open to highlight it, and
click the Open button to display the selected run in the Combining Run window, as shown below.

Note: When the Combining Run window displays, the Combining menu changes to the Combining
Run menu.
Copying Combining Runs
To save time in performing a combining run, you can copy an existing run, which can then be modified as
necessary. The original run remains saved in the system unaffected.
To make a copy of a combining run:

Steel Management Software

With the Select Combining Run window open, select the run that you wish to copy to highlight it, and
click the Copy button to display a copy of the selected run at the bottom of the Select Combining Run
Note: The copied run can now be edited as described below in Recombining Saved Combining Runs.
Deleting Combining Runs
To delete a previously saved run for the current job.
1. With the Select Combining Run window open, as shown above in Copying Combining Runs, select
the run that you wish to delete to highlight it, and click the Delete button to display a Confirm
2. Click the Yes button to remove the selected run from the list.
Recombining Saved Combining Runs
There will be times when you are required to make changes to some aspect of the job such as the price,
quantity, or dimensions of the material or the job standards. When this occurs, you can simply recombine
a saved combining run rather than starting the combining run from the beginning.
To recombine a saved combining run:
1. Open the Combining Run window for the combining run that you wish to recombine as described
above in Opening Existing Combining Runs.

Combining Runs

2. Open the Combining Run menu as shown below.

3. To recombine by size, click a size in the category tree, and select Recombine Size from the menu.
4. To recombine by grade, click on a size or grade, and select Recombine Grade from the menu.
5. To Recombine by shape, click on a size, grade, or shape, and select Recombine Shape from the
6. To recombine all, select Recombine All from the menu.
7. To reload information and recombine all, select Reload Information & Recombine All from the

Steel Management Software

Note: Depending upon the option selected, one or more Confirm windows displays seeking a
confirmation of your request.
8. Click the Yes button to close the Confirm windows and update the Combining Run window.
Viewing Filters Applied to Combining Runs
To view a filter applied to a combining run:
1. Open the Combining Run window for the combining run for which you wish to view the filter as
described above in Opening Existing Combining Runs.

2. Open the Combining Run menu as shown below.

3. Select View Filters from the menu to display the Combining Run Filter window shown below.

Combining Runs

Note: The Combining Run Filter window displays filtering information for the selected run.
4. To close this window, click the X button at the top-right of the window.
Comparing Previously Saved Combining Runs
To compare the current run to a previously saved combining run:
1. Open the Combining Run window for the combining run for which you wish to compare as
described above in Opening Existing Combining Runs.

Steel Management Software

2. Open the Combining Run menu as shown below.

3. Select Compare With a Previously Saved Run from the menu to display the Select Combining
Filter Run window shown below.

Combining Runs

4. Select a combining run from the drop-down list, and click the Compare button to display the
Combining Run Compare window, similar to that shown below.

5. To close this window, click the X button at the top-right corner of the window.

Purchasing Forms

Chapter 11: Generating Purchasing Forms

The Combining, Estimating, and Production Control modules enable you to create requisitions and
purchase orders.
Loading Materials into Requisitions and Purchase Orders
The Combining, Estimating, and Production Control modules enable you to create requisitions and
purchase orders by loading material information from the current job into a new or existing requisition or
purchase order. The four functions discussed below can be accessed from the Combining, Estimating, and
Production Control modules. Regardless of the module from which access is gained, the procedures
described in this section apply.
Loading All Material from Current Job into a Requisition
Using the combining or estimating module, you can create material requisitions into which you can add
all materials from the current job, or you can add these materials to an existing requisition.
To create and add materials to a requisition:
1. Open the Combining window or Estimating window for the selected current job
Note: All images in this section are from the Combining module. The procedures given, however,
apply to both the Combining module and the Estimating module.

2. With the Combining window or Estimating window displayed, open the associated menu, and select
Purchasing to display the submenu shown below.

Steel Management Software

3. Select Load Material Into Requisition from the submenu to display the Select Requisition window
similar to that shown below.

Note: If you wish to create a new requisition into which to transfer the materials from the current job,
continue at Step 4 below. If you wish to transfer the materials from the current job to an existing
requisition, continue at Step 6 below.
4. Click the Add button to display the Requisition Edit window, shown below.

Purchasing Forms

5. Enter a code or number into the Requisition Number field, complete the remainder of the form as
indicated, and click the Save button to close the Requisition Edit window and redisplay the Select
Requisition window with the new requisition displayed.
Note: The newly created requisition is now available in the Purchasing module. You may now, if
necessary, edit the selections made in the Requisition Edit window, delete a requisition from the
Select Requisition window. If you wish to perform these functions at a later time, click the X button
at the top-right of the Requisition Edit window to close it.
6. From the list of requisitions, select the requisition into which you wish to transfer materials from the
current job, and click OK to display an Import Filter window similar to the one shown below.

Steel Management Software

7. Edit any attribute (Page, Shape & Grade, Mark, etc.) for which you wish to limit criteria, as described
in Filtering Materials.
Note: You can quickly set all of the criteria back to their original state by clicking the Reset button in
the Global Edit Filter window.
8. When you are done editing criteria, click the Import button to display the Import Items window
shown below.

9. Click the OK button to complete the process.

Note: The new requisition, listing all materials from the current job is now available in the FabSuite
Purchasing module.
Loading Selected Material from Current Job into a Requisition
The combining and the estimating module s enable you to automatically create a requisition for selected
materials required for the current job, or to add selected materials for the current job to an existing
To create and add selected materials to a requisition:
1. Open the Combining window or the Estimating window for the selected current job.

Purchasing Forms

2. Select all of the items in the list that you wish to add to the requisition to highlight them.
3. With the selected items highlighted in the Combining or Estimating window displayed, open the
associated menu, and select Purchasing to display the submenu shown below.

4. Select Load Selected Material Into Requisition from the submenu to display the Select Requisition
window similar to that shown below.

Steel Management Software

Note: If you wish to create a new requisition into which to transfer the materials from the current job,
continue at Step 5 below. If you wish to transfer the materials from the current job to an existing
requisition, continue at Step 7 below.
5. Click the Add button to display the Requisition Edit window, shown below.

6. Enter a code or number into the Requisition Number field, complete the remainder of the form as
indicated, and click the Save button to close the Requisition Edit window and redisplay the Select
Requisition window with the new requisition displayed.

Purchasing Forms
Note: The newly created requisition is now available in the Purchasing module. You may now, if
necessary, edit the selections made in the Requisition Edit window, delete a requisition from the
Select Requisition window, or transfer materials from the current job into an existing requisition, as
described below. If you wish to perform these functions at a later time, click the X button at the top-
right of the Requisition Edit window to close it.
7. From the list of requisitions, select the requisition into which you wish to transfer materials from the
current job, and click Import button to display the Import Filter window shown below.

8. Click the OK button to complete the process.

Note: The new requisition, listing all selected materials from the current job, is now available in the
FabSuite Purchasing module.
Loading All Material from Current Job into a Purchase Order
Using the combining or estimating modules, you can create purchase orders into which you can add all
materials from the current job, or you can add these materials to an existing purchase order.
To create and add materials to a purchase order:
1. Open the Combining window or the Estimating window for the selected current job.

Steel Management Software

2. With the Combining window displayed, open the Combining menu, and select Purchasing to
display the submenu shown below.

3. Select Load Material Into Purchase Order from the submenu to display the Select Purchase
Order window similar to that shown below.

Purchasing Forms

Note: If you wish to create a new purchase order into which to transfer the materials from the current
job, continue at Step 4 below. If you wish to transfer the materials from the current job to an existing
purchase order, continue at Step 6 below.
4. Click the Add button to display the Purchase Order Edit window, shown below.

Steel Management Software

5. Enter a code or number into the Purchase Order Number field, complete the remainder of the form
as indicated, and click the Save button to close the Purchase Order Edit window and redisplay the
Select Purchase Order window with the new purchase order displayed.
Note: The newly created purchase order is now available in the Purchasing module. You may now, if
necessary, edit the selections made in the Purchase Order Edit window, delete a requisition from
the Select Purchase Order window. If you wish to perform these functions at a later time, click the X
button at the top-right of the Purchase Order Edit window to close it.
6. From the list of purchase orders, select the one into which you wish to transfer materials from the
current job, and click OK to display an Import Filter window similar to the one shown below.

Purchasing Forms

7. Edit any attribute (Page, Shape & Grade, Mark, etc.) for which you wish to limit criteria, as described
in Filtering Materials.
Note: You can quickly set all of the criteria back to their original state by clicking the Reset button
in the Import Filter window.
8. When you are done editing criteria, click the Import button to display the Import Items window
shown below.

9. Click the OK button to complete the process.

Note: The new purchase order, listing all materials from the current job is now available in the
FabSuite Purchasing module.
Loading Selected Material from Current Job into a Purchase Order
Using the combining or estimating modules, you can create purchase orders into which you can add
selected materials from the current job, or you can add these selected materials to an existing purchase
To create and add selected materials to a purchase order:
1. Open the Combining window or the Estimating window for the selected current job.

Steel Management Software

2. Select all of the items in the list that you wish to add to the purchase order to highlight them.
3. With the selected items highlighted in the Combining window displayed, open the Combining
menu, and select Purchasing to display the submenu shown below.

4. Select Load Selected Material Into Purchase Order from the submenu to display the Select
Purchase Order window similar to that shown below.

Purchasing Forms

Note: If you wish to create a new purchase order into which to transfer the materials from the current
job, continue at Step 5 below. If you wish to transfer the materials from the current job to an existing
purchase order, continue at Step 7 below.
5. Click the Add button to display the Purchase Order Edit window, shown below.

Steel Management Software

6. Enter a code or number into the Purchase Order Number field, complete the remainder of the form
as indicated, and click the Save button to close the Purchase Order Edit window and redisplay the
Select Purchase Order window with the new purchase order displayed.
Note: The newly created purchase order is now available in the Purchasing module. You may now, if
necessary, edit the selections made in the Purchase Order Edit window, delete a requisition from
the Select Purchase Order window. If you wish to perform these functions at a later time, click the X
button at the top-right of the Purchase Order Edit window to close it.
7. From the list of purchase orders, select the one into which you wish to transfer materials from the
current job, and click OK to display the Import Filter window shown below.

8. Click the OK button to complete the process.

Note: The new purchase order, listing all selected materials from the current job, is now available in
the FabSuite Purchasing module.

Purchasing Forms

Changing Selections Made in the Requisition Edit Window

At any time after the requisition has been created, you can change the selections made in the Requisition
Edit window.
To change selections made in the Requisition window:
1. Open the Combining or Estimating window for the selected current job.

2. With the Combining or Estimating window displayed, open the associated menu, and select
Purchasing to display the submenu shown below.

3. Select either Load Material Into Requisition or Load Selected Material Into Requisition from the
submenu to display the Select Requisition window similar to that shown below.

Steel Management Software

4. Select the requisition for which you wish to edit the Requisition Edit window information.
5. Click the Edit button to display the Requisition Edit window, shown below.

6. Make changes as necessary, and click the Save button to close the Requisition Edit window.
Note: The changes made are now incorporated into the selected requisition that is available in the
Purchasing module.
7. Click the X button at the top-right of the Select Requisition window to close it.

Purchasing Forms

Deleting a Requisition from the Select Requisition Window

At any time after the requisition has been created, you can delete it from the Select Requisition window.
To delete a requisition from the Select Requisition window:
1. Open the Combining window or the Estimating window for the selected current job.

2. With the Combining or Estimating window displayed, open the associated menu, and select
Purchasing to display the submenu shown below.

3. Select either Load Material Into Requisition or Load Selected Material Into Requisition from the
submenu to display the Select Requisition window similar to that shown below.

Steel Management Software

4. Select the requisition which you wish to delete, and click the Delete button to display a Confirm
window seeking a confirmation of your request.
5. Click the Yes button to display the Select Requisition window.
Note: The selected requisition is now deleted from the list and from the Purchasing module.
6. Click the X button at the top-right of the Select Requisition window to close it.

Changing Selections Made in the Purchase Order Edit Window

At any time after the purchase order has been created, you can change the selections made in the
Purchase Order Edit window.
To change selections made in the Purchase Order window:
1. Open the Combining window or the Estimating window for the selected current job.

Purchasing Forms

2. With the Combining window or Estimating window displayed, open the associated menu, and select
Purchasing to display the submenu shown below.

3. Select either Load Material Into Purchase Order or Load Selected Material Into Purchase
Order from the submenu to display the Select Purchase Order window similar to that shown below.

Steel Management Software

4. Select the purchase order for which you wish to edit the Purchase Order Edit window information.
5. Click the Edit button to display the Purchase Order Edit window, shown below.

Purchasing Forms

6. Make changes as necessary, and click the Save button to close the Purchase Order Edit window.
Note: The changes made are now incorporated into the selected purchase order that is available in
the Purchasing module.
7. Click the X button at the top-right of the Select Purchase Order window to close it.

Deleting a Requisition from the Select Purchase Order Window

At any time after the purchase order has been created, you can delete it from the Select Purchase Order
To delete a purchase order from the Select Purchase Order window:
1. Open the Combining window or the Estimating window for the selected current job.

Steel Management Software

2. With the Combining window or Estimating window displayed, open the associated menu, and select
Purchasing to display the submenu shown below.

3. Select either Load Material Into Purchase Order or Load Selected Material Into Purchase
Order from the submenu to display the Select Purchase Order window similar to that shown below.

Purchasing Forms

4. Select the purchase order which you wish to delete, and click the Delete button to display a Confirm
window seeking a confirmation of your request.
5. Click the Yes button to display the Select Purchase Order window.
Note: The selected purchase order is now deleted from the list and from the Purchasing module.
6. Click the X button at the top-right of the Select Purchase Order window to close it.

The Address Book

Chapter 12: Using the Address Book

The Address Book is accessible from two different locations: The Maintenance menu and the Add Quote
window in the Order Entry module. Depending upon from which location the window is opened, there
may be slight differences in the default display; however, both displays show the same information and
operate in an identical manner. The following descriptions apply to both windows.
The Address Book enables the user to create a record containing all contact information for the eleven
categories of businesses or organizations listed below:
Associate Customer Owner
Client Engineer Sub-contractor
Coating Erector Supplier
Contractor Fabricator
When the Address Book window is opened, the Address Book menu displays on the menu bar. Opening
the Address Book menu displays the following selections.
Menu Selection Function

Firm Types Displays a list of firm types along with a description of when each should be used.

Export Firms Enables the export of information on firm types to several file formats.

Export Contacts Enables the export of information on contacts to several file formats.

Import Outlook Enables the import of information on Outlook contacts.

Find Company Displays a search utility for finding listed companies.

When any category, except Customer, is selected from the Show-Only-Firm-Type field drop-down
list, the following window displays.

Steel Management Software

When the category Customer is selected from the Show-Only-Firm-Type field drop-down list, the
following window displays.

The Address Book

The only noticeable difference between the two displays it the inclusion of sales, cost, delivery, and tax
information shown when the Customer category is selected. This information is also appears in the
associated quotes, orders, and reports. The information required in all fields is self-explanatory with the
exception of the button functions described below.
Note: Information entered into the fields associated with the Ship To tab will be duplicated in the
Bill To tab. If the Bill To information is different from the Ship To information, click the Bill To
tab, and enter the correct information.

Button Name Procedure

Opens the Address Books Contacts window used for providing access
Details information for those individuals designated as company contacts. See Using the
Address Book Contacts below.

Creates a new address form, with all fields cleared, enabling the user to create a
New (F1) new address using all new information. This button is pressed before making any

Creates a new address form, but does not clear existing information, enabling the
New Keep
user to create a new address using as much of the existing information as is
applicable. This button is pressed before making any changes.

Steel Management Software

Button Name Procedure

Enables the user to make changes to the existing address that is selected and
Edit (F4)
highlighted on the list. This button is pressed after the changes have been made.

Delete (F2) Enables the user to delete the entry selected and highlighted on the list.

Using the Address Book - Contacts

The Address Book Contacts window, as shown below, is opened by pressing the Details button at the
right side of the Contact field in the Address Book window. This window enables the user to store
communications information on one or more persons that are designated as contact persons for the
companies listed on the Address Book windows.

The information required in all fields is self-explanatory with the exception of the button functions
described below.

Button Name Procedure

Creates a new address form, with all fields cleared, enabling the user to create a
New (F1) new address using all new information. This button is pressed before making any

Creates a new address form, but does not clear existing information, enabling the
New Keep
user to create a new address using as much of the existing information as is
applicable. This button is pressed before making any changes.

The Address Book

Button Name Procedure

Enables the user to make changes to the existing address that is selected and
Edit (F4)
highlighted on the list. This button is pressed after the changes have been made.

Delete (F2) Enables the user to delete the entry selected and highlighted on the list.

General Use Utilities

Chapter 13: General Use Utilities

Making Global Editing Changes
The Global Edit function is available from the Combining, Estimating, Inventory, Production Control,
and Purchasing modules.
Note: Although the Combining module is shown in the following examples, the procedures described
below apply to all five modules from which the user gains access: Combining, Estimating, Inventory,
Production Control, and Purchasing.
Performing a Global Edit
When you perform a Global Edit, any changes that you indicate will be made to all items on the list that is
currently opened.
To perform a global edit:
1. With the selected modules window open and active, and its item list displayed, select the menu for
that module, and select the Global Edit menu item to display a submenu similar to that shown below.

2. Select Global Edit from the submenu to display a Global Edit Filter similar to the one shown

Steel Management Software

Note: Because the changes will apply to all items in the list, the Shape field drop-down list is
3. Edit all of the attributes (Page, Shape & Grade, Mark, etc.) for which you wish to limit criteria.
Note: You can quickly set all criteria back to their original states by clicking the Reset button.
4. When you are done editing criteria, click the OK button to display a Global Edit window similar to
that shown below.

Note: Notice that the Shape, Dimensions, Length, and Grade fields are disabled.
5. Check the checkboxes for the items you wish to change for all listed items, and type the new
information into the field next to the checkbox.
6. When you are done specifying global changes, click the Update button.

General Use Utilities

Performing a Global Edit Selected

When you perform a Global Edit Selected, any changes that you indicate will be made only to items that
you have selected and highlighted on the list.
To perform a global edit selected:
1. From the job list, select the items to which you wish to affect the changes.
2. With the selected modules open and active, select its associated main menu, and select the Global
Edit menu item to display a submenu similar to that shown above.
3. Select Global Edit Selected from the submenu to display a Global Edit Filter similar to the one
shown above.
4. Proceed as indicated above in Performing a Global Edit.
Performing a Global Edit by Shape
When you perform a Global Edit by Shape, any changes that you indicate will be made only to items of
the shape selected from the Global Edit Filter.
To perform a global edit by shape:
1. With the selected modules window open and active, select its associated main menu, and select the
Global Edit menu item to display a submenu similar to that shown above.
2. Select Global Edit by Shape from the submenu to display the Global Edit Filter similar to the one
shown above.
3. Select a shape from the Shape field drop-down list, and proceed as indicated above in Performing a
Global Edit.
Performing a Global Edit Selected by Shape
When you perform a Global Edit Selected by Shape, any changes that you indicate will be made only to
items that you have selected and highlighted on the list.
To perform a global edit selected by shape:
1. From the job list, select the items to which you wish to affect the changes.
2. With the selected modules window open and active, select its associated main menu, and select the
Global Edit menu item to display a submenu similar to that shown above.
3. Select Global Edit Selected by Shape from the submenu to display a Global Edit Filter similar to
the one shown above.
4. Proceed as indicated above in Performing a Global Edit.
Viewing a List of Changes
In the Combining, Estimating, Inventory, Production Control, and Purchasing modules, once you
have made additions or modifications to the current job, you can view or print a report of the changes. To
view or print a list of the changes from any module:
1. With the selected modules window open and active, click on the modules associated menu, as
shown below for the Combining module, to display a menu similar to that shown below.

Steel Management Software

2. Select List of Changes from the menu list to display a Report Filter window similar to the one
shown below.

Note: It is not necessary to filter information to create a full list of changes.

3. Click the Make Report button to display the Report Progress window.

4. To view the report, click the View button.

5. To print a copy of the report, click the Print button.
6. When you have finished viewing or printing the list of changes, click the X button at the top-right
corner to close the window and to display a Confirm window.
7. To clear the list of changes, click the Yes button.
Note: If you clear the list, then next time you view the list of changes, you will see only the changes
made since the current day.

General Use Utilities

Exporting Data
FabSuite enables exporting data for the current job from the Combining, Estimating, and Production
Control modules in KSS format, and from the Inventory module in KST format.
To export data from any module indicated above:
1. With the selected modules window open and active, click on the modules associated menu, as
shown below for the Combining module, to display a menu similar to that shown below.

Note: The content of the different menus will differ, but each menu will display an entry Export to
KISS or Export to KSTK as indicated above.
2. Select Export to KISS or Export to KSTK to display the Save As window shown below.

3. Navigate to the folder into which youd like to save the data, and type in a file name for the export.
4. Click the Save button to display a message window indicating that the export is completed.
5. To close the message window, click the OK button.
Switching Between Metric and Imperial Units
FabSuite is set to use imperial measurements (feet, inches, etc.) by default. All modules, except for
Project Management, provide the option to switch between the metric and imperial measurements for
specific jobs, purchase orders, and orders. The utility is accessed through the main menu that displays
when the selected module is active.

Steel Management Software

To select the measurement mode for any module:

1. With the module open and active, select its associated main menu, and select the Switch To
Metric/Imperial Mode menu item to open one of the submenus shown below.
Note: The menus shown below display when the Combining module window is open and active. The
following procedures, however, apply for any open and active module.

This submenu display

indicates that current
measurements are in
Imperial units.

This submenu display

indicates that current
measurements are in
Metric units.

This submenu display

indicates that current
measurements are a
mix of Imperial and
Metric units.

2. Select the measurement categories that you wish to change, and observe that the change is
immediately displayed on the open job or purchase order.
Note: The submenu selections are toggles, enabling you to change all measurements to the selected
units (metric or imperial) or just the sizes, lengths, weights, or prices. After you make a selection, the
menus close and the information in the job window changes automatically. To change more than one
measurement, reopen the modules menu and submenu.

Filtering Materials
The Filter selection in the Combining, Estimating, Inventory, and Production Control menus display a
Filter window similar to the one shown below, that is used to select the items you want to view in the
Item List by limiting various criteria.

General Use Utilities
Note: The windows displayed below are from the Combining module, and they may differ slightly from
those accessed from the other modules. Their function and the procedures shown below, however, are
Select limiting criteria from each attribute as follows:

1. With the Combining, Estimating, Inventory, or Production Control window open an active, select
Filter from the associated menu, as shown above, to display a Filter window similar to the one
shown below.

2. Click the Edit button adjacent to any attribute (Page, Shape & Grade, Mark, Width, etc.) for which
you wish to limit the criteria to be included in the list, to display a second Filter window similar to
the following.

Steel Management Software

3. Move the criteria into the appropriate column (Included or Not Included).
4. Click the OK button to close the second Filter window, and redisplay the first Filter window.
5. Repeat the previous three steps for each attribute that you wish to edit.
6. To use this filtering configuration for this open session only, click the OK button to close the first
Filter window.
7. To make this filtering configuration permanent, click the Save button to close the first Filter window.
Note: Prior to clicking the Save button, you can quickly set all of the filters back to their original state
by clicking on the Reset button in the first Filter window. After clicking the Save button, it is
necessary to manually change all the filters to see all of the criteria for each attribute.


Chapter 14: Administration

This section is intended for those who have administrative permissions in FabSuite
and will cover adding stations and users, setting permissions, resetting passwords,
clearing log tables and recovering deleted jobs. In addition we will cover
Automatic Backup settings and reports that are available at the administrative

Connecting to the database

Open the FabSuite program.
1. The Log In screen is displayed as shown below.

2. Click on the Connection button to open the Database Connection window.

3. Set the IP Address. The default is localhost which is used on your own
computer in a single user environment or on the server when in the network
environment. In a network environment, client computers should be set to
either the IP address or the name of the Server.
4. Click on the Test Connection button to verify the connection to the
database. Click on OK in the Message window and again in the Database
Connection window.
5. Enter your user name and password. The default user name is admin and the
password is fab.

Steel Management Software

Adding Stations, Users, and Passwords

From the File drop-down menu select Administration to open the Administration

Adding a Station
Type in the station name below the list of stations and click the Add button. This
should be the actual computer name that is recognized on your network.

Adding Users

1. Click the New button in the Administration window and enter a user name.
The user name can only contain letters, numbers and the underscore
2. Enter the users first and last name then click the Add button.

Setting Password
The first time a user logs in, no password is required. To set a password, the user
must go to the File drop-down menu and select Change Password. The Change
Password window will appear. Since there is no password established yet, leave
the Old Password field blank, enter the desired password in the New Password
field and then re-enter it in the Confirm Password field. Clicking the OK button
will bring up a message window confirming that the password has been changed.
The user names and passwords are case sensitive.
Resetting Password


If a user forgets their password, any user that is designated as an Administrator can
go into the Administration window, click on the user name and click the Reset
Password button. You will be prompted to confirm that you really want to reset
the password. Click Yes and a window will display showing the password field
blank. When the user logs in the password will be blank and they will be able to
set a new password.

Setting Permissions
From the Administration window, highlight the users name and click the Edit
Permissions button. This brings up the User Permissions windows that allow you
to assign permissions to select, insert, update and delete information by module.
By default, no permissions are assigned initially to new users. This is an
administrative function that needs to be done as each new user is added.

Steel Management Software

A checkmark next to Select will grant the user permission to click on something,
have it display and filter the associated data. A checkmark next to Insert will
allow the user to insert or add records. A checkmark next to Update will allow the
user to make edits to existing data. A checkmark next to Delete will allow the user
to delete existing data.

Clicking on the A button next to any category will place checkmarks in all boxes
for that category. Clicking the N button will remove them all for that category.
Clicking on the module All button will place a checkmark in every box in the
module User Permissions window granting the user the broadest permissions.
Clicking on the module None button will remove all checkmarks. Using these
buttons does not affect permissions in any of the other modules.

The Select All button directly beneath the module All button will place a
checkmark in the select option in each of the categories. Correspondingly the
Insert All, Update All and Delete All buttons in that row will place checkmarks in
the select option in each of the respective categories.

Clicking on the Select All button at the very bottom of the window will place a
checkmark in each of the Select boxes in all modules. The Insert All, Update All
and Delete All buttons at the very bottom of the screen function the same way.

The All and None buttons directly above the bottom row also apply to all modules.
Clicking the All button will place checkmarks in all boxes in all modules while
clicking the None button will remove all checkmarks in all boxes in all modules.

Placing a checkmark in the Administrator box will grant the user administrative
permissions across the board. Checkmarks will be placed in all boxes in all
modules and they will be grayed out until the checkmark is removed from the
Administrator box.

Click Save to commit the settings. Once you have permissions for a user
established, you may copy those permissions when setting up another user with the
Copy Permissions From pull down box.


Log Tables
As functions are performed in FabSuite, log tables are created behind the scenes.
These tables can help resolve problems that are encountered. By default they
remain for 30 days and then are purged from the system. If you wish to clear the
Log Tables manually, go to the Administration pull-down menu and select Clear
Log Tables. Choose Yes in the confirming window.

Recovering Deleted Jobs

FabSuite allows you to recover a Combining, Estimating or Production Control job
that has been deleted. This is a safety feature built into FabSuite in the event a
backup is not made of these job types prior to deleting them. The import backups
are only kept in the system for 14 days before they are automatically purged.
1. Go to the Administration pull-down menu and select Recover Deleted Job.
2. The Recover Deleted Job window opens.
3. Highlight the job(s) to recover and click the Recover button.
4. A Message window will open stating that a KISS file will be generated.
Click the OK button.
5. Choose the location to save the export file in the Save As window and click
the Save button.
6. To bring the job back into a FabSuite Module, go to the File drop-down
menu and select Import.

Recovering Import Backups

Import Backups are created whenever you import a job into an existing job and
allows you to restore the job to its previous state before the import.
1. From the Administration pull-down menu and select Recover Import
2. The Recover Import Backups window opens.
3. Highlight the job(s) to recover and click the Recover button.
4. A Message window will open stating that a KISS file will be generated.
Click the OK button.
5. Choose the location to save the export file in the Save As window and click
the Save button.
6. To bring the job back into a FabSuite Module, go to the File drop-down
menu and select Import.

Steel Management Software

Check / Repair Tables

There are three options for Check/Repair Tables--Fast, Recommended and Slow.
As this function is performing, FabSuite checks the program against the MySQL
database and repairs any corrupt data found in the tables. As an administrator, if
an error message is encountered, you can run the Check/Repair Tables function
which often resolves the issue. From the Administration pull-down menu, select
Check/Repair Tables. The Check/Repair Tables status window will show you
the progress of the check/repair and the number of errors found.

Optimize Tables
The Optimize Table function goes through the program and optimizes the data
tables so that FabSuite runs more efficiently. From the Administration pull-down
menu, select Optimize Tables. The Optimize Tables status window will show
you the progress of the optimization, the number of tables that were optimized and
the number of tables for which no optimization was necessary. It will also
indicate if there were any errors found.

Automatic Backup
The Automatic Backup feature will direct FabSuite to automatically back up all
data within FabSuite at the interval and time specified to the default Backup
directory. FabSuite must be logged in on the server at the time the backup/archive
is scheduled to run. In order for the automatic backup to occur, none of the
modules can be open at the time.
1. From the Administration pull down menu select Automatic Backup
Settings. The Automatic Backup Settings window will open.


2. Put a in the box next to Perform Automatic Backup to enable backups.

3. Enter the number of days between backups in the box next to Days Between
Automatic Backup.
4. Set the time of day (24 hour format) the backup should start in the boxes
next to Time.
5. Select the desired compression with the sliding bar under Compression.
6. Click the Save button to save your setup.

Automatic Inventory Archive

The Automatic Inventory Archive option allows you to specify the interval at
which you want FabSuite to take a snap shot of your inventory. This includes
material in stock as well as material on order. FabSuite must be logged in on the
server at the time the backup/archive is scheduled to run. In order for the
automatic backup to occur, none of the modules can be open at the time.

1. From the Administration pull down menu select Automatic Backup

Settings. The Automatic Inventory Archive Settings window will open.

2. Put a in the box next to Perform Automatic Archive to enable.

3. Select the desired interval.
4. Set the time of day (24 hour format) the archive should start in the boxes
next to Time.
5. Choose the desired directory (if different from the default) in which the
archive will be saved by clicking the Directory button.
6. Select the desired compression with the sliding bar under Compression.
7. Click the Save button to save your setup.

Steel Management Software

Users Currently Logged In

Select Users Currently Logged In from the Administration pull down menu to
displaying a list of those users. The Users Currently Logged In window displays
the user information as well as the station ID and time logged in.

Users Permission Report - All

Select Users Permission Report-All from the Administration pull down menu to
give you a list of all users and the permissions that have been set for them for the
different functions within FabSuite.

Users Permission Report - Selected

Select Users Permission Report-Selected from the Administration pull down
menu to give you a list of the selected user and the permissions that have been set
for them for the different functions within FabSuite.


Appendix A: Field Descriptions and Controls for

FabSuite Modules
Combining Module
Combining Window Detail Form Field Descriptions
The functions of all fields in the Combining window detail form are listed in the following table.

Field Purpose

Page Displays page number on which the item is listed. Data is entered manually.

Item # Displays the items identifying number. Data is entered manually.

Mark Displays the items mark. Data is entered manually.

Quantity Displays the amount of this material to add to the job. Data is entered manually.

Displays the shape of the item, such as C for Channel, W for Wide Flange Beam, or M for
Miscellaneous Beams. Data is selected from a drop-down list.

Displays the dimensions of the item. Data is entered from a Shape window that opens
when the cursor is placed into the Dimensions field.

Steel Management Software

Length Displays the length of the item. Data is entered manually.

Grade Display the grade of the item. Data is selected from a drop-down list.

Comment Displays any comments. Use of this field is optional. Data is entered manually.

Combining Job Edit Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Combining Job Edit window detail form are listed in the following

Field Purpose

Job Date Displays the date on which the job was created.

Shipping Date Displays the date on which the job is to be shipped.

Job Number Displays a number used to identify the job.

Job Description Displays a brief description of the job.

Job Location Identifies the location where the job will be performed.


Displays the identity of the group into which the job is filed for easy locating in the
Job Group
Select Combining Job window.

Salesman Displays the name of the salesperson associated with the job.

Phone Displays the telephone number for the salesperson.

Fax Displays the fax number for the salesperson.

Company Displays the name of the company for which the salesperson works.

Contact Displays the name of the contact for the company.

Comment Displays references, comments, or remarks entered for your shop or the customer.

Size Input/
Identifies the size measurements used on this job, either imperial or metric system
Display Units

Length Input/
Identifies the length measurements used on this job, either imperial or metric system.
Display Units

Length Input
Identifies the measurement units used on this job.

Weight Input/ Identifies the weight measurement units used on this job, either the imperial or metric
Display Units system.

Price Input/
Identifies the price measurement units used on this job.
Display Units

Mark Input Displays the format selected for marking. This format cannot be changed after
Type information for a new job is saved.

Auto- When checked, allows the marks for new materials to be automatically incremented
Increment by the rightmost character.

Increment from When checked, allows the marks for new materials to be automatically incremented
Last Entered based on the last value you entered.

Allow Blank When checked, allows items not to have marks.

Allow When checked, allows marks to be duplicated. When not checked, every mark, except
Duplicate for blanks, must be unique.

When checked, automatically increments the mark in accordance with the interval
Item Increment
that you entered.

Steel Management Software

Angle, Beam,
Plate, Rod,
Identifies the selected source for each of the indicated material types. This selection
Tube, or Other
ensures calculations based upon correct pricing.

Estimating Module
Estimating Window Detail Form Field Descriptions
The functions of all fields in the Estimating window detail form are listed in the following table.

Field Purpose

Page Displays page number on which the item is listed. Data is entered manually.

Item Displays the items identifying number. Data is entered manually.

Quantity Displays the amount of this material to add to the job. Data is entered manually.


Field Purpose

Displays the shape of the item, such as C for Channel, W for Wide Flange Beam, or
M for Miscellaneous Beams. Data is selected from a drop-down list.

Displays the dimensions of the item. Data is entered from a Shape window that
opens when the cursor is placed into the Dimensions field.

Length Displays the length of the item. Data is entered manually.

Grade Display the grade of the item. Data is selected from a drop-down list.

Used for W shapes only. Indicates whether camber is to be added to the material.
When this box is blank, the application assumes that camber need not be added.

Type Identifies the type of fabrication labor to be used on the material.

Indicates the number of copes you want in each piece. Based on this number, the
time required to draw and cut the copes is calculated automatically.

Indicates the number of holes you want in each piece. Used for non-W shapes. If you
Holes use this field for wide flange shapes, the application assumes that holes are to be
drilled or punched through the thickest part of the beam, usually the flange.

Indicates the number of stiffeners you want on each piece. Entering a value in this
Stiffeners field adds costs to the estimate for the weld material, fit up, and layout time. The
plate used as the actual stiffener must be added as a separate material to the job.

Used for wide flange material. Indicates the number of holes required in top flange.
Top Fig
The time required for each hole is automatically determined and added to the

Used for wide flange material. Indicates the number of holes required in the web.
Web Holes The time required for each hole is automatically determined and added to the

Used for wide flange material. Indicates the number of holes required in the bottom
Bot Fig
flange. The time required for each hole is automatically determined and added to the

Indicates any extra manual labor time per piece, based on the labor code, that will be
added to the amount calculated automatically.

Allows overriding the pricing calculated by the application. Use this field if you
purchase items by one pricing method (such as per foot) and sell items by another
Manual Cost pricing method (such as per hundredweight). Enter the dollar value, and choose the
unit from the drop down list. If a zero displays in, then the price as calculated by the
application is used for the estimate.

Describes the finish of the material (painted, unpainted, galvanized). Select the value
from the drop-down list.

Steel Management Software

Field Purpose

Enables grouping items in the estimate for preparing reports from the application or
your own needs into categories and sub-categories. A category can be a floor,
section, or any other applicable unit. Once you enter a value in the text box, if it
displays in the drop-down list for future selection.

Main PC A checkmark in this box marks the item as a main piece in the job.

Indicates the number of hours required for erection of the job. Enter the value into
Erect Hrs
this box. Several reports use this figure.

Indicates the additional cost required for erection of the job. Enter the value into this
Erect Cost
box. Several reports use this figure.

Estimating Job Edit Detail Form Window Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Estimating Job Edit window detail form are listed in the following

Field Purpose

Estimator Displays the name of the person preparing the estimate.

Displays the actual bid date. The current date is entered automatically. To change it,
type in a date in mm/dd/yyyy format or select a date from the drop-down calendar.


Field Purpose

Job Number Identifies the job. The label can contain any combination of letters or numbers.

Job Name Provides a brief description of the job.

Location Identifies the location where the job will be performed.

Displays any applicable references, comments, or remarks. This field can be used for
any purpose.

Distance to Job Indicates the distance, in miles, to the job. Used to calculate freight charges to site.

Shop Drawing
Indicates the cost for an outside source to prepare drawings.

Shop Drawing Indicates the in-house man-hours required to prepare drawings. This cost will be
MHrs calculated and added to the estimate.

Indicates the shops efficiency percentage calculated as follows. Perform studies on

all shop activities, key that information into the Estimating module, and calculate an
Shop estimate based on 100% efficiency. Compare this estimate done with actual job
Efficiency costs. The difference between the two is the real-world percentage for shop
efficiency, which you can enter here in future estimates. Compare estimates done at
100% efficiency with actual costs for several jobs to arrive at an average.

Angle, Beam,
Plate, Rod, Indicates the type of pricing (Warehouse, Mill 1, Mill 2, or Mill 3) that you wish to
Tube, and other use for each item. These fields enable pricing materials from different sources.

Cleaning Indicates if cleaning is required.

Describes the paint details displayed in a grid into which you can add, edit, and
delete items.
To add an item, click the New button in the Paint section, complete the Paint Type,
Cost (dollar cost per gallon), Cover (number of square feet your shop can get from a
gallon including overspray), Drum Size (number of gallons in the drums of paint you
Paint Details buy), Mils (thickness of a coat of this paint in mils), and Total (total mil thickness
needed for this paint), and then click on the Add button.
To edit an item, click the item in the grid. Change the fields as required, and click the
Edit button in the Paint section. The grid updates to display the changes.
To delete an item, click the item in the grid, and click the Delete button in the Paint

Length Input Indicates the measurement units to be used for lengths for this job. The most
Type common units are feet-inches-16ths.

Steel Management Software

Field Purpose

Default Finish Describes the finish type (painted, unpainted, or galvanized).

Item Increment Indicates the interval to be used to automatically increment the item number.

Auto Clip
When checked, clip angles are automatically inserted on all shapes.

Assembly Maintenance Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Assembly Maintenance window detail form are listed in the following

Field Purpose

Item Displays the items identifying number. Data is entered manually.

Quantity Displays the amount of this material to add to the job. Data is entered manually.

Displays the shape of the item, such as C for Channel, W for Wide Flange Beam,
or M for Miscellaneous Beams. Data is selected from a drop-down list.


Displays the dimensions of the item. Data is entered from a Shape window that
opens when the cursor is placed into the Dimensions field.

Length Displays the length of the item. Data is entered manually.

Grade Display the grade of the item. Data is selected from a drop-down list.

Used for W shapes only. Indicates whether camber is to be added to the material.
When this box is blank, the application assumes that camber need not be added.

Type Identifies the type of fabrication labor to be used on the material.

Indicates the number of copes you want in each piece. Based on this number, the
time required to draw and cut the copes is calculated automatically.

Indicates the number of holes you want in each piece. Used for non-W shapes. If
Holes you use this field for wide flange shapes, the application assumes that holes are to
be drilled or punched through the thickest part of the beam, usually the flange.

Indicates the number of stiffeners you want on each piece. Entering a value in this
Stiffeners field adds costs to the estimate for the weld material, fit up, and layout time. The
plate used as the actual stiffener must be added as a separate material to the job.

Used for wide flange material. Indicates the number of holes required in top
Top Fig Holes flange. The time required for each hole is automatically determined and added to
the estimate.

Used for wide flange material. Indicates the number of holes required in the web.
Web Holes The time required for each hole is automatically determined and added to the

Used for wide flange material. Indicates the number of holes required in the
Bot Fig Holes bottom flange. The time required for each hole is automatically determined and
added to the estimate.
Indicates any extra manual labor time per piece, based on the labor code, that will
be added to the amount calculated automatically.

Allows overriding the pricing calculated by the application. Use this field if you
purchase items by one pricing method (such as per foot) and sell items by another
Manual Cost pricing method (such as per hundredweight). Enter the dollar value, and choose the
unit from the drop down list. If a zero displays in, then the price as calculated by
the application is used for the estimate.

Describes the finish of the material (painted, unpainted, galvanized). Select the
value from the drop-down list.

Enables grouping items in the estimate for preparing reports from the application
or your own needs into categories. A category can be a floor, section, or any other
applicable unit. Once you enter a value in the text box, if it displays in the drop-
down list for future selection.

Steel Management Software

MainPC A checkmark in this box marks the item as a main piece in the job.

Indicates the number of hours required for erection of the job. Enter the value into
Erect Hrs
this box. Several reports use this figure.

Indicates the additional cost required for erection of the job. Enter the value into
Erect Cost
this box. Several reports use this figure.

Quantity Indicates quantity for additional labor.

Indicates the operation for which additional labor is required (welding, burning,
drilling, punching).

Thickness The thickness that is associated with the additional labor.

Indicates the type of operation for which additional labor is required ( automatic,
semi-automatic, or manual).

Length The length that is associated with the additional labor type.

Inventory Module
Inventory Window Detail Form Field Descriptions
The functions of all fields in the Inventory window detail form are listed in the following table.


Field Purpose

Original Date Displays the date on which the job was created.

Quantity Displays the amount of this material to add to the job. Data is entered manually.

Displays the shape of the item, such as C for Channel, W for Wide Flange Beam,
or M for Miscellaneous Beams. Data is selected from a drop-down list.

Displays the dimensions of the item. Data is entered from a Shape window that
opens when the cursor is placed into the Dimensions field.

Length Displays the length of the item. Data is entered manually.

Grade Display the grade of the item. Data is selected from a drop-down list.

Indicates the purchase price of the material in dollar per CWT (i.e., per
Base Price
hundredweight or, in other words, per hundred pounds).

Steel Management Software

On Order When checked, indicates that this item in on order and not on hand.

Reserved Displays if the item is reserved for a particular job.

Job No. Displays a number used to identify the job.

Location Identifies the location where the job will be performed.

Indicates the number of items you wish to inventory. Entering information into this
field is optional.

Indicates the quantity you need to initiate a re-order for this item. Zero is entered
as a default. Entering information into this field is optional.

Displays any applicable heat number. Entering information into this field is
Heat #

Displays any applicable purchase order number. Entering information into this
P.O. #
field is optional.

Supplier Indicates any applicable supplier. Entering information into this field is optional.

Date Delivered Displays an expected delivery date. Entering information into this field is optional.

Displays any applicable references, comments, or remarks. This field can be used
for any purpose. Entering information into this field is optional.

Reference Displays a reference number, if available. Entering information into this field is
Number optional.

Displays a part number, if available. Entering information into this field is

Part Number

Inventory History Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Inventory History window detail form are listed in the following table.


Field Purpose

Original Date Displays the date on which the job was created.

Quantity Displays the amount of this material to add to the job. Data is entered manually.

Displays the shape of the item, such as C for Channel, W for Wide Flange Beam,
or M for Miscellaneous Beams. Data is selected from a drop-down list.

Displays the dimensions of the item. Data is entered from a Shape window that
opens when the cursor is placed into the Dimensions field.

Length Displays the length of the item. Data is entered manually.

Grade Display the grade of the item. Data is selected from a drop-down list.

Indicates the purchase price of the material in dollar per CWT (i.e., per
Base Price
hundredweight or, in other words, per hundred pounds).

Steel Management Software

On Order When checked, indicates that this item in on order and not on hand.

Reserved Displays if the item is reserved for a particular job.

Job No. Displays a number used to identify the job.

Location Identifies the location where the job will be performed.

Indicates the number of items you wish to inventory. Entering information into this
field is optional.

Indicates the quantity you need to initiate a re-order for this item. Zero is entered
as a default. Entering information into this field is optional.

Displays any applicable heat number. Entering information into this field is
Heat #

Displays any applicable purchase order number. Entering information into this
P.O. #
field is optional.

Supplier Indicates any applicable supplier. Entering information into this field is optional.

Date Delivered Displays an expected delivery date. Entering information into this field is optional.

Displays any applicable references, comments, or remarks. This field can be used
for any purpose. Entering information into this field is optional.

Reference Displays a reference number, if available. Entering information into this field is
Number optional.

Displays a part number, if available. Entering information into this field is

Part Number

Displays the sequence number associated with the item. Entering information into
this field is optional.

Displays the lot associated with the item. Entering information into this field is
Lot #

Identifies item groups in the estimate for preparing reports from the application or
your own needs into categories and sub-categories. A category can be a floor,
section, or any other applicable unit. Once you enter a value in the text box, if it
displays in the drop-down list for future selection.

TFS Job Displays the job number for which the material was taken from stock.


Project Management Module

Project Management Window Detail Form Field Descriptions
The functions of all fields in the Project Management window detail form are listed in the following

Field Purpose

Job Number Displays a job number for the item. Entered automatically by FabSuite.

Job Date Displays the date on which the job was created.

Displays a brief description of the job.

Location Identifies the location where the job will be performed.

Displays the identity of the group into which the job is filed for easy locating in the
Job Group
Select Combining Job window.

Project Management Add Window Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Project Management Add window detail form are listed in the
following table.

Steel Management Software

Field Purpose

Job Number Displays a number used to identify the job.

Job Date Displays the date on which the job was created.

Displays a brief description of the job.

Location Identifies the location where the job will be performed.

Displays the identity of the group into which the job is filed for easy locating in the
Job Group
Select Combining Job window.

Client Identifies name of client from drop-down list.

Title Indicates title of contact.

Ship to Addr Displays client shipping information.

Contact Identifies a contact for the client.

Design Drawing Log Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Design Drawing Log window detail form are listed in the following


Field Purpose

Drawing # Displays the identification number of the drawing.

Description Displays the description of title of the drawing.

Displays an approval code.

Drawn By Identifies the name of the person who made the drawing.

Displays the date on which the drawing was made.

Displays the date on which the drawing was received.

Category Displays the drawing category: architectural, production, fabrication, etc.

When checked, indicates that drawing needs to be resubmitted for approval.

Steel Management Software

Detail Drawing Log Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Detail Drawing Log window detail form are listed in the following

Field Purpose

Drawing # Displays the identification number of the drawing.

Description Displays the description of title of the drawing.

Displays an approval code.

Detailed By Identifies the name of the person who made the drawing.

Displays the date on which the drawing was made.

Indicates the man-hours spent to create the drawing.

Displays the date on which the drawing was received.


Field Purpose

Checked By Display the name of the person who checked the drawing.

Displays the date on which the drawing was checked.

Category Displays the drawing category: architectural, production, fabrication, etc.

When checked, indicates that drawing needs to be resubmitted for approval.

Transmittals Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Transmittals window detail form are listed in the following table.

Field Purpose

Transmittal # Displays the identifying number assigned to the transmittal.

Date Displays the date on which the transmittal was made.

Steel Management Software

Field Purpose

Recipient Displays the name of the transmittal recipient.

Attn Displays the name of the person to whom the transmittal was directed.

Title Displays the title of the person to whom the transmittal was directed.

Sending Displays how items are to be sent e.g. attached, under separate cover, etc.

Type Indicates the type of transmittal sent.

Items Indicates the number of items sent in the transmittal.

Purpose Indicates the reason for sending the transmittal.

# of Prints Indicated the number of prints sent with the transmittal.

Prints to
Indicates the number of transmitted prints that must be returned.

# of Sepias Indicates the number of sepias sent with the transmittal.

Sepias to
Indicates the number of transmitted sepias that must be returned.

Sent By Displays the name of the person sending the transmittal.

Copy To Displays the names of any who received copies of the transmittal.

Remarks Display any comments or remarks added to the transmittal.

Standard Indicates which customizable text that is setup in Transmittal Standard Text
Text Maintenance.

Return Date Indicates the date by which transmittals must be returned.

Request for Information Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Request For Information window detail form are listed in the following


Field Purpose

Originator Displays the name of the person requesting information.

Orig RFI # Displays the identifying number for the RFI.

RFI Date Displays the date on which the RFI was created.

RFI Status Indicates the progress of transmittal of RFI or response.

Request Date Indicates the date on which the RFI was sent.

Subject Describes the focus of the RFI.

Body Displays the content of the RFI.

Journal Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Journal window detail form are listed in the following table.

Steel Management Software

Field Purpose

Entry # Displays the identifying number for the Journal entry.

Entry Date Displays the date on which the journal entry was made.

Entry Time
Displays the time at which the journal entry was made.

Author Displays the name of the person making the journal entry.

Displays the firm and the contact person at that firm to which the journal entry

Subject Describes the focus of the journal entry.

Body Displays the content of the journal entry.

Change Orders Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Change Orders window detail form are listed in the following table.


Field Purpose

CO # Displays the identifying number for the change order.

CO Date Displays the date on which the change order was made.

To The recipient of the change order.

Supplier Applicable supplies related to the change order.

Subject Describes the focus of the change order.

Provides a detailed description of the changes.
Of Change

Change Has
The time impact associated with this change order.

Change Will The cost impact associated with this change order.

Change Displays the name of the person requesting the change.


Request Date Displays the date on which the change order was created.

Steel Management Software

Field Purpose

Answered The date on which the recipient responded to the change order.

Approved When checked, indicates that the recipient has accepted the terms of the change
checkbox order.

Indicates how the change order will be sent. Option are setup in Sent Via
Sent Via

Author Displays the name of the person creating the change order.

Task List Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Task List window detail form are listed in the following table.

Field Purpose

Author Displays name of person listing the task.

Assigned To Displays the name of the person assigned to handle the task.


Field Purpose

Indicates the date on which the task should be completed.

Indicates the actual date on which the task was completed.

Description Describes the detailed requirements of the task.

Check List Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Check List window detail form are listed in the following table.

Field Purpose

Displays the date on which the requirement should be met.

Status Displays the current progress toward completing the requirement.

Displays the name of the person who will be completing the requirement.

Steel Management Software

Field Purpose

Displays the actual date on which the requirement was met.

Notes Displays any associated notes.

Production Control Module

Production Control Detail Form Field Descriptions
The functions of all fields in the Production Control window detail form are listed in the following

Field Purpose

Display an code that represents the engineers approval of the drawing. The codes
mean the following:
Approval A - Approved
Status H - Hold
N - Not Approved
P - Approved as Noted

Main Mark Indicates the piece mark of the main item in the fabrication. The main item in the


fabrication must always be entered before its accessory item.

Indicates the piece mark for the accessory item. Each accessory item must have its
Piece Mark
own unique mark.

Displays the sheet number off of the detail drawing on which the item appears.

Quantity Indicates how many pieces of this item are required in the job.

Indicates the shape of the item such as C for Channel, W for Wide Flange Beam,
or M for Miscellaneous Beams.

Dimension Indicates the cross-sectional size of the item.

Length Indicates the length of the item.

Indicates the grade of the item. A36 is the default value, which means that the
application selects the grade automatically.

Finish Describes the finish of the material (painted, unpainted, galvanized).

Route Indicates which stations an item must pass through in the fabrication process.

Displays the reference number from the advanced bill of materials number.

Remark Displays any comments regarding the bill of materials.

Indicates how items are grouped in the bill of materials for preparing reports from
Category /
the application or your own needs into categories and sub-categories. A category
can be a type, floor, section, or any other applicable unit.

Indicates a customizable pay category. Entering information into this field is

Pay Category

Displays how materials in the job are allocated into different shipping sequences.
Sequence Only main items can be sequenced. Accessory items are automatically sequenced
based on the sequencing of their main items.

Production Control Job Edit Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Production Control Job Edit window detail form are listed in the
following table.

Steel Management Software

Field Purpose

Job Date Displays the date on which the job was created.

Shipping Date Displays the date on which the job is to be shipped.

Job Number Displays a number by which the job is identified.

Job Description Displays a brief description of the job.

Location Indicates the location where the job will be performed.

Displays the identity of the group into which the job is filed for easy locating in
Job Group
the Select Combining Job window.

Sold To Indicates the name and address of the customer.

Ship To Displays the name and address to where the job will be shipped.

Comment Displays any applicable references, comments, or remarks.

Size Input /
Identifies the size measurements used on this job, either imperial or metric system
Display Units

Length Input / Identifies the length measurements used on this job, either imperial or metric
Display Units system.

Length Input
Identifies the measurement units used on this job.


Weight Input / Identifies the weight measurement units used on this job, either the imperial or
Display Units metric system.

Price Input /
Identifies the price measurement units used on this job.
Display Units

Main Mark Displays the format selected for the main mark. This format cannot be changed
Input Type after information for a new job is saved.

Piece Mark Displays the format selected for marking. This format cannot be changed after
Input Type information for a new job is saved.

This control allows you to set the way the drawing numbers are sorted. Select the
format to be used from the drop-down list. You cannot change the drawing number
Number Input
input type after you save the information for a new job. Drawing numbers are
named the same as main marks.

Indicates the way the sequencing numbers are sorted. Sequence refers to any
Sequence Input means by which your shop breaks down a large job into smaller components,
Type usually for production and/or shipping considerations, so that you can get certain
portions of the job finished and shipped out first.

Main / Indicates the type of case (upper (i.e., A) or lower (i.e., a)) that you want to use to
Accessory identify the main and accessory pieces, so that they are easily distinguishable. You
Piece Case cannot change the cases after you save the information for a new job.

When checked, a piece mark keeps its identity throughout the job, regardless with
Piece Mark which main material it is associated. This setting is the default because it allows
Force Same you to simply enter the piece mark name and the quantity, without having to
Info describe the shape and size. You cannot change this option after you save the
information for a new job.

Indicates the default type of finish for this job (painted, unpainted, or galvanized)
Default Finish
from this drop-down list.
When checked, the program enters the drawing number into the drawing number
field. For example, if you enter a main piece of 1B2and the AutoCalc feature is
checked (turned on), then the program automatically pulls in the 1 as the
drawing number.

Angle, Beam,
Plate, Rod,
Indicates the type of pricing (Warehouse, Mill 1, Mill 2, or Mill 3) that you wish to
Tube, and
use for each item. These fields enable pricing materials from different sources.
Other Material

Trucks Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Trucks window detail form are listed in the following table.

Steel Management Software

Field Purpose

Truck # Displays the identifying number of the truck to be loaded.

Trailer # Displays the identifying number of the trailer to be loaded.

Shipped Indicates the date to be shipped.

Carrier Displays the name of the carrier making the delivery.

Date Shipped Indicates the actual date of shipping.

Capacity Indicates the capacity of the truck or trailer being used.

Main Mark Identifies the piece mark to be shipped.

Sequence Indicates the sequence of the piece mark being shipped.

Truck Indicates the number of the truck in which the piece mark is being shipped.

Quantity Indicates the quantity of pieces being shipped.


Combining Maintenance Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Combining Maintenance window detail form are listed in the following


Inventory Recommended for nuts, bolts, washers, and other items that have no lengths. Also,
Exact-Match when cutting is not required, this option matches exact plate and beam sizes with
(In Stock) available inventory.

Recommended for nuts, bolts, washers, and other items that have no lengths. Also,
when cutting is not required, this option matches exact plate and beam sizes on order.
(On Order)

Combines plates and beams from your inventory, generating the least amount of scrap
(In Stock)

Combines plates and beams currently on order, generating the least amount of scrap
(On Order)

Warehouse Combines plates and beams from the available material in the multing and nesting
Least-Scrap databases, generating the least amount of scrap possible.

Combines plates and beams from the available material in the multing and nesting
databases, generating the least amount of scrap possible, while giving preference to
material in inventory even if that selection generates more scrap that which would be
realized from an outside source.

Rotate Plates When checked, this box allows plates to be rotated to achieve the best use of the
for Best Fit material. Note: If a piece requires bending, if grain pattern is important, or if you are
check box working with checkered plate or grating, you may not wish to allow rotation.

Nesting Sear
Cut field Determines the shear cut used for nesting.
drop-down list

Steel Management Software

Purchasing Module
Purchase Order Window Detail Form Field Descriptions
The functions of all fields in the Purchase Order window detail form are listed in the following table.

Field Purpose

Requisition # Displays the identifying number of the requisition.

Item # Displays the identifying number of the item selected.

Job # Displays a number by which the job is identified.

Quantity Indicates how many pieces of this item are required in the job.

Indicates the shape of the item such as C for Channel, W for Wide Flange Beam, or
M for Miscellaneous Beams.

Dimensions Indicates the cross-sectional size of the item.


Length Indicates the length of the item.

Indicates the grade of the item. A36 is the default value, which means that the
application selects the grade automatically.

Indicates the purchase price of the material in dollar per CWT (i.e., per
Base Price
hundredweight or, in other words, per hundred pounds).

Displays the reference number from the advanced bill of materials number.

Date Required Displays the date by which the item is needed.

Date Promised Displays the date of delivery indicated by the vendor.

Mill Mark Indicates the mill mark for the item.

Cost Code Displays a code indicating the items cost.

Comment Displays any comments. Use of this field is optional.

Purchase Order Edit Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Purchase Order Edit window detail form are listed in the following

Steel Management Software

Field Purpose

P.O. Date Displays the actual bid date.

Reference Displays an applicable reference number, consisting of any combination of letters

Number and/or numbers.

P.O. # Displays the identifying number of the requisition.

Vendor Displays the name of the selected vendor.

Job Name Displays a summary description of the job.

Job Location Indicates the location where the job will be performed.

Mill Spc Indicates any mill specification associated with this purchase order.

Customer App Indicates any customer approval associated with this job.

Ship To Displays the name and address to where the job will be shipped.

Contact Displays the name of the contact person for this purchase order.


Displays the name of the person with whom this purchase order was confirmed.

Ordered By Indicates who is ordering the items.

If appropriate, indicates any specific group into which the P.O. is placed in order
P.O. Group
to make it easier to locate in the Select Requisition / Purchase Order window

MaximumLift Indicates the maximum lift capacity for the entity receiving the purchase order.

Indicates any specific unloading instructions of which the supplier should be aware
Unload Ins
when shipping the purchase order.

Indicates any special instructions of which the supplier should be aware when
Special Ins
shipping the purchase order.
Indicates any specific bundling instruction of which the supplier should be aware
Bundle Ins
when shipping the purchase order.

Bill To Indicates the name and address to whom the item should be billed.

Size Input /
Identifies the size measurements used on this job, either imperial or metric system
Display Units

Length Input / Identifies the length measurements used on this job, either imperial or metric
Display Units system.

Length Input
Identifies the measurement units used on this job.

Weight Input / Identifies the weight measurement units used on this job, either the imperial or
Display Units metric system.

Price Input /
Identifies the price measurement units used on this job.
Display Units

P.O. Type Indicates the type of purchase order Regular, Recurring, Blanket, or Drop Ship.

Shipping Indicates the type of shipping to be used Counter Pickup, Local Delivery, Drop
Method Ship, Parcel Post, Express Mail, UPS, UPS/Blue, Truck / Com Car, or Air Freight.

F.O.B. Indicates the type of F.O.B. Destination or Origination.

Indicates the type of payment Cash, C.O.D, Credit Card, 2%-10/net 30, 5%-10
Payment Terms
net 30, 10%-10/net 30, Net 15 days, or Net 30 days.

Indicates the percent of the discount, if any.

Tax Indicates the taxes applied.

Steel Management Software

Totals Displays the total cost.

Remarks Displays any comments entered.

Purchase Requisition Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Requisition window detail form are listed in the following table.

Field Purpose

Item # Displays the items identifying number. Data is entered manually.

Job # Displays the jobs identifying number.

Quantity Displays the amount of this material to add to the job. Data is entered manually.

Displays the shape of the item, such as C for Channel, W for Wide Flange Beam,
or M for Miscellaneous Beams. Data is selected from a drop-down list.

Displays the dimensions of the item. Data is entered from a Shape window that
opens when the cursor is placed into the Dimensions field.

Length Displays the length of the item. Data is entered manually.


Grade Display the grade of the item. Data is selected from a drop-down list.

Base Price The initial price without handling charges, shipping charges, or ancillary costs.

A nominal identification for the requisition.

Date Required The delivery date requested by customer.

Date Promised The delivery date given by supplier.

Mill Mark An in-house marking on the material used for inventory control.

Requisition Edit Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Requisition Edit window detail form are listed in the following table.

Field Purpose

Requisition Displays the identifying number of the requisition.


Steel Management Software

Requisition Displays the identity of the group into which the requisition is filed for easy
Group locating.

Size Input /
Identifies the size measurements used on this job, either imperial or metric system
Display Units

Length Input / Identifies the length measurements used on this job, either imperial or metric
Display Units system.

Length Input
Identifies the measurement units used on this job.

Weight Input / Identifies the weight measurement units used on this job, either the imperial or
Display Units metric system.
Price Input /
Identifies the price measurement units used on this job.
Display Units

Angle, Beam, Indicates the type of pricing (Warehouse, Mill 1, Mill 2, or Mill 3) that you wish to
Plate, Rod, use for each item. These fields enable pricing materials from different sources.
Tube, and
Other Material

Order Entry Module

Quote Window Detail Form Field Descriptions
The functions of all fields in the Quote window detail form are listed in the following table.


Field Purpose

Item Displays the items identifying number.

Quantity Displays the amount of this material to add to the job.

Displays the shape of the item, such as C for Channel, W for Wide Flange Beam,
or M for Miscellaneous Beams. Data is selected from a drop-down list.

Displays the dimensions of the item. Data is entered from a Shape window that
opens when the cursor is placed into the Dimensions field.

Length Displays the length of the item. Data is entered manually.

Grade Display the grade of the item. Data is selected from a drop-down list.

Comment Displays any comments. Use of this field is optional.

Piece Mark Displays the items piece mark if applicable.

Base Price The initial price without handling charges, shipping charges, or ancillary costs.

When selected, indicates that customer will be charged for the full length of the
Charge Full
material regardless of the drop length.

Steel Management Software

Add Quote Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Add Quote window detail form are listed in the following table.

Field Purpose

Customer Code Displays a pre-assigned code used to identify that customer.

Customer Displays the full customer name.

Ship To Displays the name and address to where the job will be shipped.

Bill To Displays the name and address of the person or company to whom the job will be
information billed.

Contact Displays the name of the contact person for this purchase order.

Quote# Displays a number used to identify this particular quote.


Invoice# Displays a number used to identify this particular invoice.

Quote Date Displays the date on which the quote was created.

Shipping Date Displays the date on which the job is to be shipped.

Job Description Displays a brief description of the job.

Customer PO
Displays the identifying number of the customers purchase order.

Item Increment Indicates the increments by which the sequential items are numbered.

Salesman Identifies the name of the salesman responsible for the order.

Price Level Indicates the selected price level for the order.

Indicates the shipping method selected to fulfill this order.

Payment Terms Displays the terms of payment for this order.

Total Weight Indicates the total weight of all materials ordered.

Total Charge
Indicates the total charge for the weight of materials ordered.

Labor, Cut, and
These fields display the appropriate dollar amounts associated with the
corresponding items.
costs and

Displays all taxes that are required to be added to the total cost for this order.

Edit Quote Window Detail Form Field Descriptions

The functions of all fields in the Edit Quote window detail form are listed in the following table.

Steel Management Software

Field Purpose

Customer Code Displays a pre-assigned code used to identify that customer.

Customer Displays the full customer name.

Ship To Displays the name and address to where the job will be shipped.

Bill To Displays the name and address of the person or company to whom the job will be
information billed.

Contact Displays the name of the contact person for this purchase order.

Quote# Displays a number used to identify this particular quote.

Invoice# Displays a number used to identify this particular invoice.

Quote Date Displays the date on which the quote was created.

Shipping Date Displays the date on which the job is to be shipped.


Job Description Displays a brief description of the job.

Customer PO
Displays the identifying number of the customers purchase order.

Item Increment Indicates the increments by which the sequential items are numbered.

Salesman Identifies the name of the salesman responsible for the order.

Price Level Indicates the selected price level for the order.

Indicates the shipping method selected to fulfill this order.

Payment Terms Displays the terms of payment for this order.

Total Weight Indicates the total weight of all materials ordered.

Total Charge
Indicates the total charge for the weight of materials ordered.

Labor, Cut, and
These fields display the appropriate dollar amounts associated with the
corresponding items.
costs and

Displays all taxes that are required to be added to the total cost for this order.


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