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Developments in Geotectonics 25

Edited by
GCS International
1029 187th Place, SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036, U.S.A.

a Publication No. 264 of the International Lithosphere Program

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Developments in G e o t e c t o n i c s 25


1. J. Aubouin - GEOSYNCLINES


3. A. Sugimura and S. Uyeda -ISLAND ARCS

4. A.R. Ritsema (Editor) -THE UPPER MANTLE


6. X. Le Pichon, J. Francheteau and J. Bonnin - PLATE TECTONICS

7. R.W. Girdler (Editor) -EAST AFRICAN RIFTS


9. N. Pavoni and R. Green (Editors) - RECENT CRUSTAL MOVEMENTS


11. A.M. Johnson - STYLES OF FOLDING


13. C.A. Whitten, R. Green and B.K. Meade (Editors) - RECENT CRUSTAL MOVEMENTS, 1977

14. M.N. ToksSz, S. Uyeda and J. Francheteau (Editors) - OCEANIC RIDGES AND ARCS


16. P. Vyskocil, R. Green and H. M#lzer (Editors)- RECENT CRUSTAL MOVEMENTS, 1979


18. E. V. Artyshkov - GEODYNAMICS

19. P. Morgan and B.H. Baker (Editors)- PROCESSES OF CONTINENTAL RIFTING

20. P. Vyskocil, A.M. Wassef and R. Green (Editors) - RECENT CRUSTAL MOVEMENTS, 1982

21. F.-C. Wezel (Editor) - THE ORIGIN OF ARCS

22. W. Manspeizer (Editor) - TRIASSIC-JURASSIC RIFTING

Continental Breakup and the Origin of the Atlantic Ocean
and Passive Margins, Part A and Part B

23. D.M. Fountain, R. Arculus and R.W. Kay- CONTINENTAL LOWER CRUST
Frontispiece: This spectacular photograph shows a southward view of the Rio Grande rift from the southern San Luis Valley of
Colorado to the boIsons of west Texas and Chihuahua (near top), a distance of over 700 kin. The Sangre de Christo Mountains, part
of the Southern Rocky Mountains, and the Great Plains lie east of the rift. The gypsum dunes of White Sands National Monument
are prominent near the middle of the upper (southern) block. The Colorado Plateau lies west of the of the northern and central
segments of the rift. Farther south and west, the Basin and Range Province stretches across southern New Mexico, southern
Arizona and northern Mexico to the Gulf of California and Baja California, visible near the Earth's limb. The cross section showing
crustal layers and upper mantle structure (see color Plate 6-9 of Chapter 6, "The Rio Grande Rift"), is constructed through
Albuquerque, New Mexico. At this latitude (35~ the vertical and horizontal scales are approximately the same. For conven-
tional map views of the area see Figure 6-1 and Color Plate 7-1. This photograph is number STS40-151-23, taken with the Linhof
camera from the Space Shuttle Columbia on 7 June 1991, at a nominal altitude of 287 km.

Continental rifling and associated processes of sonal and professional contact regarding rift research
lithospheric extension have been among the most problems, the authors strongly felt a need for more
active research frontiers in the Earth sciences over extended discussions with other colleagues from
the past four decades. These subjects cover a wide various riffs around the world and for detailed com-
range of interconnected fundamental processes oc- parisons of data and interpretations beyond the ex-
curring in an important part of the Earth for man- change of research papers or brief individual dis-
kind--the continental crust and lithosphere--and cussions. In the early 1980s, the time was ripe to
have captured the interest and attention of research- take a fresh look at research opportunities in many
ers from a wide spectrum of disciplines in the solid- fields due to the development and increased avail-
earth sciences. These disciplines range from classi- ability of greatly improved geophysical instrumen-
cal field geology through newly developed tech- tation and analysis technology. (In the United States,
niques and capabilities for seismological and elec- these initiatives have now evolved into the IRIS-
tromagnetic probing of the Earth, to sophisticated PASSCAL Consortium.) Also, about 1980, several
and realistic dynamical modeling with high-speed of the authors began the process of planning and
supercomputers. For more than 30 years, working seeking funds for a major international research pro-
groups and study committees composed of interna- gram to delineate in detail the deep lithospheric
tional researchers focusing on the problems of the structure of the Kenya segment of the East African
Earth's rift zones have been organized under the ae- rift s y s t e m ~ a system long considered to be the
gis of programs promoting international cooperative world's type continental rift. Ironically, the Kenya
research in the geosciences, such as the International rift had almost no modern deep geophysical data
Upper Mantle Project, the Geodynamics Project, and available because the costs and logistics of modern
the International Lithosphere Program. research programs were beyond the resources of any
Rifting and lithospheric extensional tectonics single national research group. To plan a compre-
have been the subjects of vigorous research and dis- hensive multidisciplinary program for East Africa,
covery, and, as such, have been extensively discussed it was necessary to review and reevaluate the results
and debated at meetings and symposia, and in many of recent deep crustal and lithospheric-scale research
books, technical monographs, and special issues of for a wide variety of other continental rift systems.
research journals documenting the rapid and con- Ultimately, the organization, funding, and field op-
tinuing progress in these fields. So why publish yet erations for the Kenya rift program (known as the
another book on the subject? Despite the extensive Kenya Rift International Seismic Project, or KRISP)
literature, the authors of this book felt that a were successfully carried out with results currently
multidisciplinary overview of continental rifting being published. This book features a synthesis of
with a principal focus on lithospheric-scale processes key results of the ongoing KRISP program.
would be significantly useful for students and expe- About 1984, an informal, "grass-roots" study
rienced researchers alike in assessing the current group was initiated to compare individual research
state of knowledge and in serving as a framework results and to explore in greater depth the apparent
for future research. differences and similarities in the interpretations
This multi-authored book was prepared by a work- from various rift systems. The group became known
ing group of geoscientists from Europe and North as the CREST working group, an acronym of Conti-
America who had been individually active in rift nental Rifts: Evolution, Structure, and Tectonics,
research problems since the late 1960s. Although which not surprisingly became the title of this book.
some members of the group had long been in per- In organizing CREST, the group was faced with a
vi Preface

dilemma. On the one hand, it was extremely impor- periods devoted to planning, outlining, and prelimi-
tant to include as wide a representation of nary drafting of several chapters. The various stages
multidisciplinary expertise as possible, as well as of draft chapters and proposals were circulated
first-hand researchers from a variety of major rift among all members for critical comments and sug-
systems. Conversely, the number of participants had gestions. In a few instances, "guest" authors were
to be limited to maintain the continuity and effi- invited to participate to achieve better balance and
ciency of working members for several one-to-two- completeness. Although this book may focus more
week-long workshops over the several years that on review than on new research, all authors firmly
would be necessary to complete planned objectives. agreed that the entire book should meet the standards
The problem was that at least 50 to 100 active re- of final external peer-review.
searchers who could be expected to make valuable This book attempts to present an overview of the
contributions came to mind, but such numbers were present state of understanding and knowledge of the
counterbalanced by the sobering realization that the processes of continental rifting from a
organizing, scheduling, and funding problems for multidisciplinary, lithospheric-scale perspective. The
such an extended-duration working group would be authors have tried to structure the chapters on each
insurmountable. (The organizational complexity and rift system in approximately the same synoptic se-
"entropy" of any long-duration working group prob- quence, so as to facilitate inter comparisons by the
ably is proportional to something like exp(+n!), reader. The book should complement its many pre-
where n is the number of participants! We possibly decessors by attempting a more "unified" picture,
should apologize to many of our colleagues who may with fewer possible omissions and imbalances than
have felt left out--but, on the other hand, they were the usual somewhat 'random' collection of volun-
spared a great deal of hard work!) Although perhaps teered papers. In initial stages of planning for the
appearing somewhat arbitrary, in the end the nucleus book, an ideal list of rift systems and discussion top-
of the CREST group was created mainly from the ics were outlined almost double what survived. As
principals involved in organizing the KRISP project. with many long-term cooperative studies of this na-
The survivors of this selection and the much longer- ture, the initial enthusiasm of the members surpassed
than-bargained-for CREST working and writing pro- abilities to devote as much time and effort to the
cess are listed on following pages. project as might have been wished for when faced
The main workshop activities of the group were with other important responsibilities, commitments,
accomplished during five intensive discussion and and deadlines. Nevertheless, the authors feel the
writing sessions held near Karlsruhe, Germany in book succeeds in presenting the status of a repre-
1987, 1989, and 1990 (hosted by the Institute for sentative majority of the continental rift systems that
Petrology-Geochemistry and the Institute for Geo- have been at the forefront of recent research. Al-
physics of Karlsruhe University) and at Los Alamos, though the entire effort took longer than anticipated,
New Mexico in 1987 and 1988 (hosted by the Los there were several "spin-off" technical papers along
Alamos National Laboratory branch of the Univer- the way that resulted directly from the CREST col-
sity of California's Institute of Geophysics and Plan- laboration. Because of external time constraints on
etary Physics [IGPP]). Each of the five major work- various authors, individual chapters were completed
shops lasted between one and two weeks and were over a period of more than one year. We recognize
convened in comparatively isolated surroundings that in any complex, rapidly advancing subject such
without the usual daily academic and work distrac- as this, one can never hope to be completely up-to-
tions. The workshops began by formulating the gen- date, but we nevertheless hope that students and ac-
eral objectives and style of the book, identifying top- tive researchers will find our efforts of value in ad-
ics requiring special attention, and assembling the vancing new efforts and understandings.
sub-teams of authors to be responsible for specific Although we may take some satisfaction that
chapters. Workshops were a mixture of informal but much of the time and effort spent by the authors of
vigorous discussion and debate, interspersed with this book were driven primarily by deep personal
Preface vii

and professional interest, we could not have achieved President of the Inter-Union Commission on the
the result without some financial support. Early dis- Lithosphere (ICL) during 1985-1990, made many
cussions with, and a proposal to, the Division of valuable suggestions as to how we could merge our
Earth Sciences of the U.S. National Science Foun- objectives with those of the International Lithosphere
dation (NSF) resulted in a modest grant from the Program (ILP). In the matter of coordination with
Continental Geodynamics Program office mainly to ILP activities, we also acknowledge the help and
help defray travel expenses for U.S. members. Dr. advice of Dr. Peter Ziegler, Binningen, Switzerland,
Leonard Johnson, NSF Program Director for Conti- who was Chairman of Working Group 3 ("Intraplate
nental Geodynamics, also kindly arranged for the Phenomena") of the Inter-Union Commission on the
International Programs office of NSF to contact the Lithosphere (ICL-WG-3), 1985-1990. Although the
NSF-equivalent funding agencies of several Euro- CREST project was an independent group and not a
pean countries to encourage financial support for formal component of ILP, several CREST members
European CREST members. Thus, it turned out for also served as participants in ILP working groups.
most members that their 'additional' participation Last, but certainly not least, we would like to ex-
in CREST activities was approved and partly fi- press our deep appreciation to Dr. Charles F.
nanced by their respective national funding organi- ("Chick") Keller of Los Alamos National Labora-
zations as a component of already-funded research tory, Director of the Institute of Planetary Physics
grants provided by the various national lithospheric (IGPP) of the University of California, Los Alamos
studies programs. In special instances, occasional branch. Not only did he provide travel support for
travel assistance was supplemented by a participant's the Los Alamos members, and organizational and
university department. CREST members thus wish funding help for the meetings held at Los Alamos,
to gratefully acknowledge support from the follow- but he has expressed continued encouragement and
ing institutions and agencies: The German Research interest in seeing the CREST book come to fruition.
Society (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft); The May others be as fortunate in their 'choice' of an
National Environmental Research Council, The enlightened research grant administrator.
Royal Society, the departments of geology of The editor would like to express his thanks to the
Durham University and Leicester University in the authors for devoting so much time and care to this
U.K.; The Norwegian Research Council for Science project. Although we all initially expected it would
and the Humanities (Norsk Allmenvitenskapelig only take a "year or so," I wish to express my appre-
Forskningsrad) and University of Oslo in Norway; ciation for the patience and perseverance shown by
The Swiss National Science Foundation and the all. The editor would especially like to thank his
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH); The friend and valued colleague, Dr. Scott Baldridge, not
U.S. National Science Foundation and the Institute only for technical discussions, but also for sharing
of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP)/Los his enthusiasm and ideas for improving the organi-
Alamos Branch. zation and style of the book.
Because the CREST project was a somewhat un-
conventional experiment in international research Kenneth H. Olsen
collaboration, we sometimes wondered if it would Lynnwood, Washington
ever be completed successfully. For their continu- July 1995
ing and steadfast interest, encouragement, enthusi-
asm, and advice over the years, we are especially
grateful to four friends and colleagues: Particularly
for his efforts in helping launch the project, we thank
Dr. L.E. Johnson, National Science Foundation, Di-
vision of Earth Sciences and Director of the Conti-
nental Geodynamics Program. Professor Karl Fuchs,
Geophysical Institute, University of Karlsruhe, and
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The CREST International Research Group

RAINER ALTHERR Mineralogisches-Petrographischeslnstitut, Universitgit Heidelberg,

lm Neuenheimer Feld 236, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany

W. SCOTT BALDRIDGE Geology~Geochemistry, EES-1, MS-D462, Los Alamos National

Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, U.S.A.

MARTIN H. P. BOTT Department of Geological Sciences, University of Durham, Science

Laboratories, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom

LAWRENCE W. B RAILE Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University,

West Lafayette, IN 47907, U.S.A.

VOLKER HAAK Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, Potsdam, D-14470,


WILLIAM J. HINZE Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University,

West Lafayette, IN 47907, U.S.A.

G. RANDY KELLER Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso, El

Paso, TX 79968, U.S.A.

M. AFTAB KHAN Department of Geology, University of Leicester, University Road,

Leicester, LE1 7RH, United Kingdom.

PAUL MORGAN Department of Geology, Northern Arizona University, P.O. Box 4099,
Flagstaff, AZ 86011, U.S.A.

STEPHAN MUELLER lnstitut fiir Geophysik, ETH - H6nggerberg, Ziirich, CH-80903,


ELSE-RAGNHILD NEUMANN Mineralogical-Geological Museum, University of Oslo, Sarsgate 1,

Oslo-5, N-0562, Norway

KENNETH H. OLSEN GCS International, 1029 187th Place SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036
Formerly: Geophysics, ESS-3, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los
Alamos, NM 87545, U.S.A.

CLAUS PRODEHL Geophysikalisches lnstitut, Universiti~t Karlsruhe, Hertzstrasse 16,

Bau 42, D-76187, Karlsruhe, Germany
The CRESTInternational WorkingGroup

GEORGE A. THOMPSON Department of Geophysics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305,


RICHARD F. WENDLANDT Department of Geology, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO

80401, U.S.A.
List of Collaborating Authors

DAVID J. ALLEN Exxon Exploration Company, P.O. Box 4778, Houston, Texas 77210,

DIANE I. DOSER Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso, El

Paso, TX 79968, USA.

GEORGE R. JIRACEK Department of Geological Sciences, San Diego State University, San
Diego, California 92182 USA

JOHN MARIANO Exxon Exploration Company, P.O. Box 4778, Houston, Texas 77210,

TOM PARSONS United States Geological Survey, MS 999, 345 Middlefield Road,
Menlo Park, California 94025, USA

ERIC D. WENDLANDT Montgomery Watson, 365 Lennon Lane, Walnut Creet, California
94598, USA
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List of peer reviewers

We greatly appreciate the efforts of our colleagues below who made time in their busy schedules to pro-
vide thoughtful peer-reviews of the chapters of this book:

Dr. J. Ansorge ETH, Honggerberg, Switzerland

Dr. R. E. Denison University of Texas at Dallas, USA

Dr. A. B. Dickas University of Wisconsin at Superior, USA

Dr. J. D. Fairhead University of Leeds, England

Dr. J.-I. Faleide University of Oslo, Norway

Dr. C. Froidevaux Ecole Normale Superieure, France

Dr. J. C. Green University of Minnesota at Duluth, USA

Dr. N. J. Kusznir University of Liverpool, England

Dr. J. McCarthy United States Geological Survey, USA

Dr. W. D. Mooney United States Geological Survey, USA

Dr. A. Myhre University of Oslo, Norway

Dr. A. Nyblade Pennsylvania State University, USA

Dr. E V. Perry Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Dr. B. Sundvoll University of Oslo, Norway

Dr. G. A. Thompson Stanford University, USA

Dr. G. WoldeGabriel Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Dr. P.E. Wannamaker University of Utah, USA

Dr. H. Zeyen University of Karlsruhe, Germany

xiv List of Peer Reviewers

Dr. P. Ziegler Binningen, Switzerland

Dr. M. L. Zoback United States Geological Survey, USA


Preface ........................................................................................................................................................................................ v
The CREST International Research Group ............................................................................................................................ ix
List of Collaborating Authors ................................................................................................................................................... xi
List of peer reviewers .............................................................................................................................................................. xiii
Contents .................................................................................................................................................................................... xv

Part I. Introduction and Overview

C h a p i e r 1. I n t r o d u c t i o n : P r o g r e s s in U n d e r s t a n d i n g C o n t i n e n t a l Rifts
K.H. Olsen and P. Morgan

1.1. Terminology and classifications ......................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1.1 D e f i n i t i o n - What is a rift? ........................................................................................................................................3
1.1.2. Closely related extensional structures ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.3. "Pseudorifts" and other thermo-tectonic structures with only some rift-like characteristics ........................... 8
1.2. Significance of continental rifts ....................................................................................................................................... 12
1.3. Some historical highlights of continental rift studies .................................................................................................... 13
1.4. A bibliography of major recent monographs and compilations on rifting ................................................................... 17
1.5. Purpose of this book .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
1.6. References ...........................................................................................................................................................................21

C h a p t e r 2. M e c h a n i s m s o f R i f t i n g : G e o d y n a m i c M o d e l i n g of C o n t i n e n t a l R i f t S y s t e m s
M. H. P. Bott.

2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 27

2.2. Initiation ..............................................................................................................................................................................27
2.3. Origin of anomalously hot upper mantle (hot spots) ...................................................................................................... 29
2.4. Origin of lithospheric tension ...........................................................................................................................................31
2.4.1. Extensional stress of distant origin (passive hypotheses) .................................................................................... 31
2.4.2 Local extensional stresses caused by hot spots (active hypothesis) ..................................................................... 32
2.4.3. Discussion .................................................................................................................................................................32
2.5. Modeling lithospheric extension ...................................................................................................................................... 32
2.6. Thinning of the lithosphere without extension ............................................................................................................... 36
2.7. Mechanisms of crustal faulting and graben formation ................................................................................................... 37
2.8. Flank uplifts ........................................................................................................................................................................40
2.9. Summary and conclusions .................................................................................................................................................41
2.10 References ..........................................................................................................................................................................41

Part II. Methods of Investigation" Multi-disciplinary Perspectives.

C h a p t e r 3A. P e t r o l o g y , G e o c h e m i s t r y , I s o t o p e s
R.F. Wendlandt, R. Altherr, E.-R. Neumann, and W.S. Baldridge

3A.1. Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................................47

3A.2. Magma genesis and eruption .........................................................................................................................................47
3A.3. Chemistry of igneous rocks ...........................................................................................................................................49
xvi Contents

3A.3.1. Major, Minor, and Trace Elements ...................................................................................................................... 49

3A.3.2. Compatible vs. Incompatible Elements .............................................................................................................. 50
3A.4. Processes of magmatic evolution .................................................................................................................................. 51
3A.5. Experimental studies ....................................................................................................................................................... 53
3A.6. Isotopes ................................... ......................................................................................................................................... 55
3A.6.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 55
3A.6.2. Isotopes as tracers of geochemical differentiation ............................................................................................. 56
3A.6.3. "Enriched" versus "Depleted" sources ................................................................................................................ 57
3A.6.4. Isotopes as tracers of magma sources ............................................................................................................... 57
3A.7. Xenoliths and thermobarometry .................................................................................................................................... 58
3A.8. References ........................................................................................................................................................................ 59

C h a p t e r 3B. S e i s m i c T e c h n i q u e s
L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, S. Mueller, and C. Prodehl

3B.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 61

3B.2. Reflection Profiling ......................................................................................................................................................... 67
3B.3. Refraction (Wide Angle) Profiling ................................................................................................................................ 68
3B.4. Teleseismic Techniques .................................................................................................................................................. 70
3B.5. Studies of Local and Regional Earthquakes ................................................................................................................. 72
3B.6. Analysis of Surface Waves ............................................................................................................................................. 72
3B.7. Seismicity Studies ........................................................................................................................................................... 73
3B.8. Seismic velocities in rift zones - Information from laboratory studies of rock properties ..................................... 73
3B.9. Crustal seismic velocity structure of continental rifts - a statistical analysis of data from North America .......... 78
3B.10. Conclusions .................................................................................................................................................................... 87
3B.11. References ...................................................................................................................................................................... 87

C h a p t e r 3C. P o t e n t i a l F i e l d M e t h o d s
M.H.P. Bott and W.J. Hinze

3C.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 93

3C.2. The gravity method ......................................................................................................................................................... 93
3C.3. Interpreting gravity anomalies ....................................................................................................................................... 94
3C.4. The magnetic exploration method ................................................................................................................................. 96
3C.5. Interpretation of magnetic anomalies ............................................................................................................................ 97
3C.6. References ........................................................................................................................................................................ 97

C h a p t e r 3D. H e a t F l o w in R i f t s
P. Morgan

3D.1. Discussion ........................................................................................................................................................................ 99

3D.2. References ..................................................................................................................................................................... 101

C h a p t e r 3E. Pract~ M a g n e t o t e l l u r i c s in a C o n t i n e n t a l R i f t E n v i r o n m e n t
G.R. Jiracek, V. Haak, and K.H. Olsen

3E.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 103

3E.2. Magnetotelluric measurements .................................................................................................................................... 105
3E.3. Basic magnetotelluric principles .................................................................................................................................. 106
3E.3.1. H o m o g e n e o u s half-space .................................................................................................................................... 107
Contents xvii

3E.3.2. M e a s u r e m e n t s at the surface of a homogeneous half-space ............................................................................ 108

3E.3.3. L a y e r e d earth ........................................................................................................................................................110
3E.3.4. Multi-dimensional earth ......................................................................................................................................112
3E.3.5. T w o - d i m e n s i o n a l earth ........................................................................................................................................113
3E.4. Introduction to magnetotelluric interpretation ...........................................................................................................115
3E.4.1. O n e - d i m e n s i o n a l interpretation ..........................................................................................................................115
3E.4.2. T w o - d i m e n s i o n a l interpretation ..........................................................................................................................116
3E.4.3. T h r e e - d i m e n s i o n a l interpretation .......................................................................................................................120
3E.5. M i d - t o- l owe r crustal conductive zones .......................................................................................................................123
3E.5.1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................123
3E.5.2. Sources of crustal conductors .............................................................................................................................123
3E.5.3. Intergranular aqueous fluid-dihedral angle control ......................................................................................... 124
3E.5.4. C on s e q u e n c e s of intergranular aqueous fluid ...................................................................................................126
3E.6. References ......................................................................................................................................................................127

Part III. Modern Rifts

C h a p t e r 4. The European Cenozoic Rift System

C. Prodehl, St. Mueller, and V. Haak

4.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................133

4.1.1. Description and Location .......................................................................................................................................133
4.1.2. Recognition as a rift ...............................................................................................................................................134
4.1.3. Regional tectonic framework ................................................................................................................................136
4.2. Significance ......................................................................................................................................................................138
4.A. The southern section of the Central European rift in south-central France .............................................................. 138
4.A3. G e o l o g i c a l information .................................................................................................................................................138
4.A3.1. Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................138
4.A3.2. Sedimentary record ............................................................................................................................................139
4.A3.3. Igneous activity ....................................................................................................................................................141
4.A3.4. Xenolith studies ...................................................................................................................................................141
4.A4. G e o p h y s i c a l surveys and results ..................................................................................................................................142
4.A4.1. Seismic studies ...................................................................................................................................................142
4.A4.2. Gravity ..................................................................................................................................................................148
4.A4.3. Magnetic anomalies .............................................................................................................................................149
4.A4.4. Seismicity .............................................................................................................................................................149
4.A4.5. Stress pattern .......................................................................................................................................................149
4.A4.6. Heat flow ..............................................................................................................................................................150
4.A4.7. Geodetic data .......................................................................................................................................................150
4.A5. Structure and interpretation .........................................................................................................................................151
4.A5.1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................151
4.A5.2. Near-surface rift structures .................................................................................................................................151
4.A5.3. Deep crust ............................................................................................................................................................151
4.A5.4. U p p e r mantle ........................................................................................................................................................152
4.B. The Rhinegraben ..............................................................................................................................................................155
4.B3. Geologic information ....................................................................................................................................................155
4.B3.1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................155
4.B3.2. Sedimentary record ..............................................................................................................................................155
4.B3.3. Igneous activity ...................................................................................................................................................156
4.B3.4. Xenolith studies ...................................................................................................................................................158
4.B4. G e o p h y s i c a l surveys and results ..................................................................................................................................159
xviii Contents

4.B4.1. S e i s m i c studies ..................................................................................................................................................... 159

4.B4.2. G r a v i t y .................................................................................................................................................................. 163
4.B4.3. M a g n e t i c a n o m a l i e s ............................................................................................................................................. 165
4.B4.4. S e i s m i c i t y ............................................................................................................................................................. 165
4.B4.5. Stress pattern ........................................................................................................................................................ 165
4.B4.6. H e a t flow ............................................................................................................................................................... 166
4.B4.7. G e o d e t i c data ........................................................................................................................................................ 166
4.B4.8. E l e c t r o m a g n e t i c studies ................................................................ , .................................................................... 167
4.B5. Structure and interpretation .......................................................................................................................................... 167
4.B5.1. I n t r o d u c t i o n .......................................................................................................................................................... 167
4.B5.2. N e a r - s u r f a c e rift structures ................................................................................................................................. 170
4.B5.3. D e e p crust ............................................................................................................................................................ 170
4.B5.4. U p p e r m a n t l e ........................................................................................................................................................ 172
4.C The two northern branches: The Rhenish Massif/lower Rhine e m b a y m e n t and the H e s s e n d e p r e s s i o n ................. 174
4.C3. G e o l o g i c i n f o r m a t i o n .................................................................................................................................................... 174
4.C3.1. I n t r o d u c t i o n .......................................................................................................................................................... 174
4.C3.2. S e d i m e n t a r y record .............................................................................................................................................. 174
4.C3.3. I g n e o u s activity ................................................................................................................................................... 176
4.C3.4. X e n o l i t h studies .................................................................................................................................................. 178
4.C4. G e o p h y s i c a l s u r v e y s and results .................................................................................................................................. 180
4.C4.1. S e i s m i c studies ..................................................................................................................................................... 180
4.C4.2. G r a v i t y .................................................................................................................................................................. 182
4.C4.3. M a g n e t i c a n o m a l i e s ............................................................................................................................................. 183
4.C4.4. S e i s m i c i t y ............................................................................................................................................................. 183
4.C4.5. Stress pattern ....................................................................................................................................................... 184
4.C4.6. H e a t flow ............................................................................................................................................................... 184
4.C4.7. G e o d e t i c data ........................................................................................................................................................ 187
4.C4.8. E l e c t r o m a g n e t i c methods .................................................................................................................................... 187
4.C5. Structure and interpretation .......................................................................................................................................... 188
4.C5.1. I n t r o d u c t i o n .......................................................................................................................................................... 188
4.C5.2. N e a r - s u r f a c e rift structures ................................................................................................................................. 188
4.C5.3. D e e p crust ............................................................................................................................................................. 190
4.C5.4. U p p e r m a n t l e ........................................................................................................................................................ 192
4.6. Tectonic e v o l u t i o n of the E u r o p e a n C e n o z o i c rift system ........................................................................................... 193
4.6.1. R o l e of pre-existing geologic features ................................................................................................................. 193
4.6.2. Origin and E v o l u t i o n of stress field ..................................................................................................................... 193
4.6.3. G e n e r a l i z e d e v o l u t i o n a r y stages ........................................................................................................................... 193
4.6.4. R e a c t i v a t i o n ............................................................................................................................................................ 196
4.7. G e n e r a l c o n c l u s i o n s ......................................................................................................................................................... 196
4.7.1. K e y questions and p r o b l e m s .................................................................................................................................. 196
4.7.2. S e q u e n c e of events ................................................................................................................................................. 198
4.7.3. L i t h o s p h e r i c thinning and rifting .......................................................................................................................... 199
4.8. R e f e r e n c e s .........................................................................................................................................................................201

C h a p t e r 5. The East African Rift System

L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, R.F. Wendlandt, P. Morgan, and M.A. Khan

5.1. I n t r o d u c t i o n ......................................................................................................................................................................213
5.2. S i g n i f i c a n c e ...................................................................................................................................................................... 213
5.3. G e o l o g i c a l f r a m e w o r k ..................................................................................................................................................... 214
5.3.1. O v e r v i e w .................................................................................................................................................................. 214
Contents xix

5.3.2. I g n e o u s activity .......................................................................................................................................................214 Western rift ....................................................................................................................................................214 K e n y a rift ....................................................................................................................................................... 215 E t h i o p i a n rift ................................................................................................................................................. 215 C o m p a r i s o n s / C o n t r a s t s ................................................................................................................................. 216
5.4. G e o p h y s i c a l surveys and results ..................................................................................................................................... 216
5.4.1. K e n y a rift ................................................................................................................................................................. 216
5.4.2. Western Rift ............................................................................................................................................................218
5.4.3. E t h i o p i a n rift ........................................................................................................................................................... 220
5.4.4. Other G e o p h y s i c a l Data ......................................................................................................................................... 220
5.5. Basin structure ..................................................................................................................................................................222
5.6. E v o l u t i o n ..........................................................................................................................................................................225
5.7. C o n c l u s i o n s ......................................................................................................................................................................226
5.8. R e f e r e n c e s ........................................................................................................................................................................227

C h a p t e r 6. The Rio Grande Rift

W.S. Baldridge, G.R. Keller, V. Haak, E. Wendlandt, G.R. Jiracek, and K.H. O l s e n

6.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n ........................................................................................................................................................................233
H i s t o r i c a l Note ...................................................................................................................................................................233
6.2. R e g i o n a l setting ................................................................................................................................................................234
6.3. C e n o z o i c e v o l u t i o n .......................................................................................................................................................... 236
6.4. P r e - r i f t s e d i m e n t a r y rocks .............................................................................................................................................. 237
6.5. G e o l o g y of the rift ........................................................................................................................................................... 237
6.5.1. G e o l o g i c a l M a p s ..................................................................................................................................................... 237
6.5.2. Structure ..................................................................................................................................................................238
6.5.3. K i n e m a t i c s ...............................................................................................................................................................238
6.5.4. S y n - r i f t s e d i m e n t s .................................................................................................................................................. 239
6.5.5. M a g m a t i s m ..............................................................................................................................................................242 Late O l i g o c e n e to Early M i o c e n e ................................................................................................................ 242 M i d d l e M i o c e n e to H o l o c e n e .......................................................................................................................243
6.5.6. X e n o l i t h Studies .....................................................................................................................................................248 M a n t l e xenoliths ............................................................................................................................................248 C r u s t a l X e n o l i t h s .......................................................................................................................................... 249
6.6. G e o p h y s i c a l surveys and results ..................................................................................................................................... 250
6.6.1. S e i s m i c R e f r a c t i o n .................................................................................................................................................250
6.6.2. S e i s m i c R e f l e c t i o n ..................................................................................................................................................253
6.6.3. Surface Wave D i s p e r s i o n ....................................................................................................................................... 254
6.6.4. T e l e s e i s m i c D a t a ..................................................................................................................................................... 254
6.6.5. G r a v i t y D a t a ............................................................................................................................................................ 255
6.6.6. A e r o m a g n e t i c D a t a ................................................................................................................................................. 256
6.6.7. H e a t F l o w ................................................................................................................................................................ 256
6.6.8. E l e c t r o m a g n e t i c Techniques .................................................................................................................................. 256
6.6.9. S e i s m i c i t y ................................................................................................................................................................258
6.6.10. Stress M e a s u r e m e n t s ............................................................................................................................................ 260
6.6.11. R e c e n t Crustal M o v e m e n t s .................................................................................................................................. 260
6.7. Structure o f the lithosphere ............................................................................................................................................. 260
6.7.1. Crust ......................................................................................................................................................................... 260
6.7.2. M a n t l e ...................................................................................................................................................................... 261 F r o m P h y s i c a l Studies ..................................................................................................................................261 F r o m Isotopic Studies ................................................................................................................................... 264
xx Contents Thinning Processes .......................................................................................................................................264

6.8. References ..........................................................................................................................................................................265

C h a p t e r 7. The Basin and Range Province

T. Parsons

7.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................277

7.1.1. Tectonic Cycles in Western North America .........................................................................................................279
7.1.2. Timing and Styles of Basin and Range Extension ..............................................................................................279
7.2. Significance of the Basin and Range Province in reference to worldwide rifting ................................................... .280
7.3. Geologic Observations ....................................................................................................................................................281
7.3.1. Topography ..............................................................................................................................................................281
7.3.2. Sedimentary R e c o r d - Two Example Basins ....................................................................................................... 281
7.3.3. Igneous Activity ......................................................................................................................................................283
7.3.4 Xenolith Studies .......................................................................................................................................................285
7.3.5 Isotope Geochemistry, Major and Trace Element Studies ................................................................................... 287
7.4. Geophysical Observations ...............................................................................................................................................288
7.4.1. Seismicity ................................................................................................................................................................288
7.4.2 The State of Stress ...................................................................................................................................................290
7.4.3 Strain Rate from Geodetic and Other Observations ............................................................................................. 292
7.4.4. Crustal and Upper-Mantle Structure from Seismic Observations .................................................................... 293 Seismic Reflection Profiling in the Basin and Range Province ............................................................... 293 Seismic Refraction Studies: The Crustal Velocity Structure of the Basin and Range ............................ 297 Upper-Mantle--Velocity Structure from Earthquake-Source Studies ...................................................... 297
7.4.5 Potential Field Studies ...........................................................................................................................................300
7.4.6 Heat Flow and Magnetotelluric Studies ............................................................................................................... 301
7.5. Structure and Interpretation ............................................................................................................................................302
7.5.1 Low-Angle vs. High-Angle Normal Faulting ....................................................................................................... 302
7.5.2 Basin and Range Crustal Extension and Thickness ............................................................................................. 304
7.5.3 Isostatic Constraints on the Basin and Range Upper Mantle Structure ............................................................. 307
7.6. Tectonic Evolution: Sources of Basin and Range Extensional Stress ........................................................................ 309
7.6.1 North A m e r i c a - Farallon Plate 9Back- and Intra-Arc Extension ...................................................................... 309
7.6.2 Extensional Spreading Resulting from Orogenic Over-thickening .................................................................... 310
7.6.3 Basin and Range Rifting as a Result of Pacific- North American Plate Divergence ...................................... 310
7.6.4 Role of Yellowstone Plume in Basin and Range Extension? .............................................................................. 312
7.7. Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................313
7.8. References .........................................................................................................................................................................316

C h a p t e r 8. T h e B a i k a l Rift S y s t e m
G. R. Keller, M. H. P. Bott, R. F. Wendlandt, D. I. Doser, and P. Morgan

8.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................325

8.1.1. Description and Location .......................................................................................................................................325
8.2. Significance ......................................................................................................................................................................326
8.3. Geological information ...................................................................................................................................................326
8.3.1. Basin sructure .........................................................................................................................................................326
8.3.2. Basin sedimentation ...............................................................................................................................................327
8.3.3. Distribution of volcanics .......................................................................................................................................328
8.3.4. Compositions of volcanics ............................. ........................................................................................................328
8.3.5. Xenolith studies .......................................................................................................................................................330
8.4. Geophysical surveys and results .....................................................................................................................................330
Contents xxi

8.4.1. Seismic studies of crustal and mantle structure .................................................................................................. 330

8.4.2. Gravity anomalies ................................................................................................................................................... 332
8.4.3. Magnetic anomalies ................................................................................................................................................ 332
8.4.4. Heat flow studies .................................................................................................................................................... 332
8.4.5. Electromagnetic studies ......................................................................................................................................... 334
8.4.6.Seismicity, focal mechanisms, and stress field ..................................................................................................... 334
8.5. Structure and interpretation ............................................................................................................................................ 336
8.6. Tectonic evolution ............................................................................................................................................................ 337
8.7. Origin and development .................................................................................................................................................. 338
8.8. References ......................................................................................................................................................................... 339

Part IV. Paleorifts

C h a p t e r 9. The Oslo Rift

E . - R . Neumann, K. H. Olsen, and W. S. Baldridge

9.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 345

9.2. Significance ...................................................................................................................................................................... 345
9.3. Geological information .................................................................................................................................................. 347
9.3.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 347
9.3.2. Sedimentary record ............................................................................................................................................... 348
9.3.3. Igneous activity ..................................................................................................................................................... 348
9.4 Geophysical surveys and results ...................................................................................................................................... 352
9.4.1. Seismic crustal studies (reflection, refraction, teleseismic) .............................................................................. 352
9.4.2. Upper mantle structure ........................................................................................................................................... 357
9.4.3. Gravity ..................................................................................................................................................................... 358
9.4.4. Magnetic anomalies ................................................................................................................................................ 361
9.4.5. Seismicity ................................................................................................................................................................ 362
9.4.6. Heat flow ................................................................................................................................................................. 362
9.5. Structure and interpretation ........................................................................................................................................... 362
9.5.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 362
9.5.2. Near-surface structures .......................................................................................................................................... 363
9.5.3. Deep crust and upper mantle ................................................................................................................................. 363
9.6. Tectonic evolution ............................................................................................................................................................ 366
9.7. Conclusions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 368
9.8. References ......................................................................................................................................................................... 368

C h a p t e r 10. T h e M i d c o n t i n e n t R i f t S y s t e m , U . S . A 9A M a j o r P r o t e r o z o i c C o n t i n e n t a l R i f t
D. J. Allen, L. W. Braile, W. J. Hinze, and J. Mariano

10.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 375

10.2. Geologic framework ...................................................................................................................................................... 376
10.2.1. L o w e r igneous sequence ...................................................................................................................................... 377
10.2.2. Upper sedimentary sequence ............................................................................................................................... 378
10.2.3. Structural elements ............................................................................................................................................... 379
10.3. Geophysical surveys ...................................................................................................................................................... 380
10.3.1. Gravity and magnetic surveys ............................................................................................................................. 380
10.3.2. Seismic surveys .................................................................................................................................................... 381
10.4. Structure of the Lake Superior basin ........................................................................................................................... 382
10.4.1. Western Lake Superior ......................................................................................................................................... 382
10.4.2. Central Lake Superior .......................................................................................................................................... 384
xxii Contents

10.4.3. Eastern Lake Superior .......................................................................................................................................... 385

10.5. Structure of the western and eastern limbs of the rift ................................................................................................ 387
10.5.1. Western limb ......................................................................................................................................................... 387
10.5.2. Eastern limb .......................................................................................................................................................... 392
10.6. Regional rift structures .................................................................................................................................................. 393
10.7. Rock volumes, ages, and rates ...................................................................................................................................... 394
10.8. Origin of the Midcontinent Rift System ...................................................................................................................... 395
10.9. Evolution of the Midcontinent Rift ............................................................................................................................. 396
10.9.1. P r e - K e w e e n a w a n influences upon the evolution of the MCR ......................................................................... 396
10.9.2. K e w e e n a w a n evolution of the MCR ................................................................................................................... 397
10.9.3. P o s t - K e w e e n a w a n evolution of the MCR ......................................................................................................... 399
10.10. Conclusions .................................................................................................................................................................. 400
10.11. References ..................................................................................................................................................................... 401

C h a p t e r 11. Rifted Passive Margins

M. H. P. Bott

11.1. Introduction ......................................................................... ........................................................................................... 409

11.2. Significance .................................................................................................................................................................... 409
11.3. Geological features ........................................................................................................................................................ 410
11.3.1. Sediments .............................................................................................................................................................. 410
11.3.2. Sediment structure ................................................................................................................................................ 410
11.3.3. Igneous activity ..................................................................................................................................................... 411
11.4 Geophysical surveys and results .................................................................................................................................... 412
11.4.1. Seismic ................................................................................................................................................................... 412
11.4.2. Gravity ................................................................................................................................................................... 413
11.4.3. Magnetics .............................................................................................................................................................. 413
11.4.4. Heat flow and thermal state ................................................................................................................................. 414
11.4.5. Seismicity and state of stress .............................................................................................................................. 414
11.5. Structure and development ............................................................................................................................................ 415
11.5.1. North Biscay margin ............................................................................................................................................ 415
11.5.2. U. S. Atlantic continental margin ........................................................................................................................ 417
11.5.3. Hatton Rockall margin ......................................................................................................................................... 418
11.6. Other rift structures near passive margins ................................................................................................................... 419
1 1.6.1. Tucano-Gabon graben system, South Atlantic ................................................................................................... 419
1 1.6.2. North Sea rift system ............................................................................................................................................ 420
1 1.6.3. Rockall Trough .................................................................................................................................................... 421
11.7. Evolution ......................................................................................................................................................................... 422
1 1.7.1. Normal (inter-plume) margins ............................................................................................................................. 422
1 1.7.2. Plume passive margins ......................................................................................................................................... 423
1 1.7.3. Origin of passive margins .................................................................................................................................... 423
11.8. Passive margin rifting compared with present day continental rifting ..................................................................... 423
11.9. References ....................................................................................................................................................................... 424

C h a p t e r 12. The Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen

G. R. Keller and W. S. Baldridge

12.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 427

12.2 Significance ..................................................................................................................................................................... 427
12.3. Geological information ................................................................................................................................................. 427
12.4. Geophysical surveys and results .................................................................................................................................. 428
Contents xxiiJ

12.5. Structure and interpretation .......................................................................................................................................... 434

12.6. Tectonic evolution .......................................................................................................................................................... 434
12.7. Conclusions .................................................................................................................................................................... 434
12.8. References ....................................................................................................................................................................... 435

C h a p t e r 13. West and Central African Rift System

G.R. Keller, R.F. Wendlandt, and M.H.P. Bott

13.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 437

13.2. Significance .................................................................................................................................................................... 437
13.3. Geologic Information .................................................................................................................................................... 438
13.3.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 438
13.3.2. Igneous activity ..................................................................................................................................................... 440
13.4. Geophysical surveys and results .................................................................................................................................. 441
13.5. Structure and interpretation .......................................................................................................................................... 443
13.6. Evolution ......................................................................................................................................................................... 446
13.7. Conclusions .................................................................................................................................................................... 446
13.8. References ....................................................................................................................................................................... 446

Part V. Epilogue

C h a p t e r 14. Continental Rifting: A Final Perspective

W. S. Baldridge, G. R. Keller, and L. W. Braile

14.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 453

14.2. Magmatism and mantle plumes .................................................................................................................................... 453
14.3. Short- and long-term effects on continental lithosphere ............................................................................................ 454
14.3.1. Crustal effects ...................................................................................................................................................... 454
14.3.2. Long-term effects on mantle .............................................................................................................................. 456
14.3.3. The Moho ........................................................... .................................................................................................. 456
14.4. T i m i n g 4 5 6
14.5. Rupture of lithosphere ................................................................................................................................................... 458
14.6. W h a t ' s next? ................................................................................................................................................................... 458
14.7. References ....................................................................................................................................................................... 459

S u b j e c t I n d e x ....................................................................................................................................................... 461
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Chapter 1

Introduction: Progress in understanding continental rifts

K.H. Olsen and P. M o r g a n

I.I. Terminology and classifications Burke (1977) defined rifts as zones along which
the entire lithosphere has ruptured in extension. This
1.1.1 Definition - What is a rift? definition was used in modified form by the Ameri-
Early studies defined rifts as major elongate tec- can Geological Institute (AGI) Glossary of Geology,
tonic depressions bounded by normal faults, with no which defines rift in a tectonic context as: "(a) A
implication for the mode of development or for the long, narrow continental trough that is bounded by
mechanism of formation of these depressions (e.g., normal faults; a graben of regional extent. It marks
Gregory, 1896, 1921; see also t~lie de Beaumont, a zone along which the entire lithosphere has rup-
1827, 1830, 1844, 1847; Suess, 1880, 1891; de tured under extension. Cf: paar. (b) A belt of strike-
Martonne, 1897; de Lapparent, 1898; Uhlig, 1907, slip faulting of regional extent" (Bates and Jackson,
1912; Obst, 1913; Verweke, 1913, Krenkel, 1922; 1980). The subject of this book falls basically under
Willis, 1928, 1936). After many years of debate con- the first of these definitions, but to clarify and de-
cerning compressional versus extensional modes for fine the scope of the following chapters some elabo-
their origin (e.g., Krenkel, 1922; Willis, 1936; ration and modification of this definition is required.
Bullard, 1936), rifts are now generally accepted to (Note that AGI definition [a] invites comparison with
be extensional features, although they may be asso- the term, paar, which will be elaborated upon below
ciated with earlier, contemporaneous, or later com- when discussing the basic contrasts between oceanic
pression. Morphologically, they are well defined as rift valleys and continental rifts.)
elongate depressions bounded by normal faults (e.g., The Burke/AGI definition incorporates the fun-
Mohr, 1982; Ramberg and Morgan, 1984; Rosendahl, damental interactions associated with rifting, but in
1987). However, the common association of rifts most rifts no simple tests exist to define rupture,
with volcanism, high heat flow, anomalous crust and which we take to mean a complete breaking through
upper mantle structure, and seismicity provides com- of the lithosphere. Models of rock deformation sug-
pelling evidence that rifts are not confined to upper gest that the lower crust and/or the lower lithospheric
crustal levels, but that they are linked to dynamic mantle more likely deform in a ductile manner (e.g.,
processes in the lithosphere and asthenosphere. The Lynch and Morgan, 1987), and that lithospheric rup-
term taphrogenesis, introduced by Krenkel (1922) ture may not occur until dike intrusion progresses
to ascribe an extensional origin to the East African to a stage of sea-floor spreading, i.e., until all crustal
Rift, is essentially synonymous with rifting in mod- extension is accommodated by the intrusion of new,
em usage. mantle-derived basaltic crust. Perhaps a more real-
istic definition of rifts therefore should emphasize
K.H. Olsen and P. Morgan

the modification in extension of the entire lithos- logical and/or near-surface geological data alone.
phere. Lithospheric deformation may not be uni- Extensive, detailed deep geophysical investigations
formly distributed in a vertical column (e.g., may be required before clear-cut differentiation is
Wernicke, 1985), but the entire lithosphere must be possible. (c) Often--but not always~specific rifts,
involved in the deformation to meet the criteria used HETS, or rifted margins may have developed as
here to define a rift. stages in an evolutionary sequence and a careful
For the purposes of this book, we have modified study of their similarities and differences contrib-
the definition of a continental rift to be "an elongate utes to the fundamental understanding of larger as-
tectonic depression associated with which the entire pects of continental extension.
lithosphere has been modified in extension." A rift
system is defined as a tectonically interconnected 1.1.2. Closely related extensional structures
series of rifts. These definitions implicitly include
the transient thermal as well as the permanent struc- The terms graben and rift valley are not neces-
tural/compositional modification of the lithosphere sarily synonymous. The classical definition of rift
during extension. Note that not included in the strict valley incorporated essentially the same criteria now
interpretation of this definition are: (1) small exten- used for graben: "an elongate, relatively depressed
sional features, or simple grabens, in which the en- crustal block bounded by faults on its long sides".
tire lithosphere is not modified by extension, (2) Indeed, two of the oldest known examples of conti-
highly extended terranes (HETs), in which no elon- nental rifts, the Rhinegraben segment of the Central
gate tectonic depression is formed, or (3) rifted pas- European rift system and the Oslo Graben, histori-
sive continental margins, where the initial tectonic cally were first recognized and so named because of
depression develops into an ocean basin. The rea- their graben-like topographic features. Rift valley
son that these features are different from continen- grabens (or more commonly, half-grabens, most of
tal rifts, narrowly defined above, may be in part gov- which display alternating polarity along the length
erned by the magnitude of extension; e.g., a small of the rift) are the dominant surface expression of
absolute amount of extension, perhaps less than 5 % many continental rifts and typically have widths on
extension over a 100-km-wide zone, may be insuf- the order of 20-50 k m ~ a scale characteristic of the
ficient to modify the entire lithosphere, and thus re- thickness of the brittle upper continental crust. In
suits only in one or a few simple grabens. On the contrast, simple grabens are minor structural depres-
other hand, a large extensional strain, perhaps greater sions, usually having scales of a few meters to a few
than 100% extension, may require such extensive km, and are created by small near-surface extensional
lithospheric modification that the elongate tectonic strains rather than by deeper lithospheric strain.
depression appears to be lost. Highly extended terranes are characterized by
We recognize the arbitrariness of this limited defi- upper crustal extension of the order of 100%, per-
nition of rift, and that the processes responsible for haps an order of magnitude greater than is typical in
all these tectonic features may be similar. Indeed, rifts. This extension is typically associated with the
they may all represent different stages in a spectrum formation of broad, shallow basins (e.g., McKenzie,
of lithospheric extension. Therefore, in this book we 1978), in contrast to the relatively deep, narrow ba-
discuss in some detail examples of both HETs and sins characteristic of rifts. In places, HETs are ex-
rifted passive margins. There are several reasons for posed in domal uplifts, with minor or no associated
this: (a) Definitions and classifications adopted here basins, but it is not clear whether these uplifts are
should be used mainly as idealized models to aid primary or secondary features associated with ex-
understanding of fundamental processes. (b) "True" tension (e.g., Okaya and Thompson, 1985, 1986).
continental rifts, HETs, and rifted passive margins In addition, HETs do not always appear to be asso-
are arguably genetically related varieties of conti- ciated with major modification of the crust and litho-
nental extensional structures, but often it may not sphere (Keller et al., 1990). It is possible that inter-
be possible to distinguish between them by morpho- actions between the crust and mantle are distributed
Introduction: Progress in understanding continental rifts

Fig. 1-1. Major terrane styles associated with continental extension.

over a wider area in HETs than in rifts, and there- make the crustal signature of HET difficult to iden-
fore do not result in prominent geophysical anoma- tify through the superposed rift signature. Whatever
lies and volcanic signatures. Alternatively, individual the reasons for the differences among HETs and rifts,
basins within HETs may be associated with through- however, both structural features are obviously ge-
going crustal or lithospheric shears, which offset netically related through extension, but they have
deep extension from shallow extension (Wemicke, generally been studied in isolation of each other be-
1985). Continental rift extension may be superposed cause of their superficial differences.
upon HET, as has apparently occurred in two phases Passive continental margins, the products of suc-
of Neogene extension in much of the Western U. S. cessful continental separation, are heterogeneous,
(e.g., Morgan et al., 1986). This superposition may and examples can be found which support their ori-
K.H. Olsen and P. Morgan

Terms commonly used to describe continental rifts.

Term Short definition Suggested References

Continental rift Elongate tectonic depression associated with which This book
the entire lithosphere has been modified in

Rift system Tectonically interconnected series of rifts. This book

Modern rift Rift tectonically and/or magmaticaUy active, and/or Morgan and Ramberg (1987)
with remaining transient thermal phenomena.

Paleorift Dead (or dormant) rift with no remaining transient Neumann and Ramberg (1978);
thermal phenomena. Ramberg and Neumann (1978);
Morgan and Ramberg (1987)

Failed ann Branch of a triple junction not developed into an Burke and Dewey (1973);
ocean basin. Burke (1977, 1980)

Aulacogen Paleorift in ancient platform that has been Shatsky and Bogbanov (1961);
reactivated by compressional deformation. Milanovsky (1981)

Active rifting Rifting in response to thermal upwelling of the Neumann and Ramberg (1978);
asthenosphere. Sengor and Burke (1978);
Baker and Morgan (1981)

Passive rifting Rifting in response to remote stress field. Morgan and Baker (1983);
Ramberg and Morgan (1984)

gins as continental rifts or as HETs. As these con- The definitions of major extensional features are
trasting examples can sometimes be found along illustrated in Figure 1-1. A more comprehensive and
strike from each other on the same margins, a close detailed terminology of the architecture of continen-
relationship between rifts and HETs is suggested. tal rifts has been developed by Rosendahl (1987),
Perhaps the fundamental difference between rifts and primarily for use in describing the shallow structure
HETs is simply the magnitude of extension, i.e., of rifts. As the focus of this volume is predominantly
HETs are high-strain rifts. However, the interpreta- in the understanding of rifts on a lithospheric scale,
tion that some rifts develop into continental margins Rosendahl's detailed terminology is not adopted
without passing through the HET stage suggests that here, but it is recommended for detailed studies of
magnitude of extension is not the only basic differ- upper crustal rift structure.
ence between rifts and HET. We are drawn to the Important terms associated with continental rifts
conclusion that rifts and HETs represent different are summarized and defined in Table 1-1. Many fea-
modes of extension, but that a continuum between tures characteristic of continental rifts appear to be
these modes exists. This continuum is represented associated with transient thermal phenomena related
by along-strike variations in volcanic and structural to the processes of lithospheric extension, and this
styles of passive continental margins. gives a primary division of rifts into modern rifts
and paleorifts. A modern rift is defined as a rift which
Introduction: Progress in understanding continental rifts

Fig. 1-2. Highly simplified end-member models of the causative or initiating mechanisms of continental rifting.

has active extension-related tectonic or magmatic paleorift (sometimes also called a "fossil" rift) is
activity, and/or has transient thermal phenomena defined as a dead (or dormant) rift with no remain-
(high surface heat flow, thermal uplift, shallow Cu- ing transient thermal phenomena (Neumann and
rie isotherm, low upper mantle seismic velocities, Ramberg, 1978; Ramberg and Neumann, 1978;
etc.) remaining from extensional perturbation of the Ramberg and Morgan, 1984). Two further subdivi-
lithosphere (Ramberg and Morgan, 1984). A sions of paleorift are useful: A failed arm, which is
K.H. Olsen and P. Morgan

a paleorift which formed as a branch of a ridge- the lithosphere in zones of lithospheric thinning as
ridge-ridge (three-spreading-arm) triple junction, a result of the lateral density instability created by
but which did not develop into an ocean basin (Burke the juxtaposition of the hotter lower-density astheno-
and Dewey, 1973; Burke, 1977, 1980); an aulacogen sphere with cooler higher-density lithosphere in the
which is a paleorift in an ancient platform that has zone of lithospheric necking (Keen, 1985; Buck
been reactivated at some stage in its history by com- 1986; Moretti and Froidevaux, 1986). Alternatively,
pression (Shatsky and Bogbanov, 1961; Milanovsky, this same density anomaly may cause delamination
1981). of the mantle portion of the lithosphere (Bird, 1979;
The causal or initiating mechanisms of continen- Turcotte and Emerman, 1983). These two processes
tal rifting have long been in the minds of rift geosci- both tend to thin the lithosphere, and to broaden the
entists (e.g., 1~lie de Beaumont, 1827; Suess, 1891, zone of thinned lithosphere in addition to thinning
1904-1909) and have often been described by two caused by the primary stress field. Upwelling of the
end-member models, active rifting and passive rift- asthenosphere and lithosphere and heating of the
ing (Neumann and Ramberg, 1978; Seng6r and lithosphere preceding and during rifting commonly
Burke, 1978; Baker and Morgan, 1981; Morgan and result in generation of significant volumes of mantle-
Baker, 1983). Active rifting is defined as rifting in derived magmas which are added to the crust. The
response to a thermal upwelling of the asthenos- chemistry of the mantle lithosphere may also be
phere, where the causative stresses for rifting are modified by this process. Volumetric strain relations
directly or indirectly associated with lateral thermal associated with crustal and lithospheric extension
density variations in the lithosphere and the under- may be significantly modified by this process.
lying asthenosphere. In active rifting the lithosphere
is thermally thinned by heating and absorption into 1.1.3. "Pseudorifts" and other thermo-tectonic
the asthenosphere, in addition to necking in response structures with only some rift-like characteris-
to extension, and hence the volume of asthenosphere tics
rising into the lithosphere exceeds the volume of
lithosphere displaced laterally by extension. All Several types of major thermo-tectonic features
modern rifts are of Cenozoic age, i.e. younger than display some rift-like characteristics suggestive of
65 million years (50-100 m.y. is approximately the a genetic association with continental rifts and some-
time scale for a large thermal perturbation, or 'pulse,' times may be confused with rifts. However, many
at the depth of the continental lithosphere to expo- of these are not generally classified as rifts because
nentially decay due to conductive heat transfer pro- they fail to meet one or both of the two principal
cesses). Passive rifting is defined as rifting in re- criteria distinctive of 'true' rifts as defined in sec-
sponse to a regional stress field, usually assumed to tion 1.1.1" (1) a major extensional depression, and
originate from remote plate boundary forces. In pas- (2) significant modification of the entire thickness
sive rifting, the lithosphere is thinned only in re- of the lithosphere. As noted previously, this category
sponse to extension. These two contrasting causative possibly should include highly extended terranes and
mechanisms are illustrated in Figure 1-2a, and the passive margins, but, because of their close relation-
most direct implications of the two model mecha- ship with basic rifting processes and evolution, we
nisms for evolution of the lithosphere/asthenosphere have felt it necessary to discuss these above (Fig.
boundary are shown in Figure 1-2b. 1-1, and section 1.1.2.) as well as in greater detail
The causal mechanisms of rifting are not the only in later chapters. Three of the more clear-cut mem-
mechanisms responsible for the final lithospheric bers of the "pseudorift" category include pull-apart
structure resulting from rifting. A number of sec- basins, volcano-tectonic depressions, and continen-
ondary processes may modify the lithosphere in re- tal flood basalt provinces (Fig. 1--4). The other some-
sponse to active or passive lithospheric thinning. times misclassified members of this category are the
Some of these processes are illustrated in Figure 1- so-called oceanic rifts. Unfortunately, due to lack
3. Secondary convection may occur at the base of of space, detailed discussions of examples of these
Introduction: Progress in understanding continental rifts

Fig. 1-3. Secondary processes modifying the lithosphere in response to lithospheric thinning.

latter pseudorift structures cannot be included in this axis of extension associated with the system. In a
book even though this would considerably broaden rift the axis of extension is roughly perpendicular to
our general understanding of rifts and rifting pro- the axis of the structural depression, whereas for a
cesses. However, brief summaries of a few basic pull-apart basin, the axis of extension is parallel or
characteristics are given below. sub-parallel to the axis of the depression. These two
Pull-apart basins (sometimes called structures also originate in contrasting tectonic en-
'rhombochasms,' or 'rhombograben') customarily vironments: Rifts are associated with an extensional
are distinguished from rifts primarily through the stress field; pull-apart basins are associated with en
10 K.H. Olsen and P. Morgan

echelon offsets in transform faults where the offset "normal," steady-state seafloor spreading at
has the same sense as the fault displacement (Fig. midocean ridges. Oceanic LIP examples include
1--4). Thus, pull-apart structures commonly occur in oceanic plateaus, ocean basin flood basalts, volca-
regions of predominantly transform faulting such as nic passive margins, submarine ridges, and seamount
the San Andreas fault system, the Gulf of Califor- groups. Continental flood basalt provinces
nia, and the Dead Sea. However, from the criteria (Macdougall, 1988; 1992) are generally vast, later-
adopted in this book, the key factor distinguishing ally extensive volcanic plateaus which are commonly
pull-apart basins from true rifts is not so much the associated with a regional extensional stress field
orientation of the extension axis but rather that these as evidenced by dikes and vent alignments, but lack
features are not through-going, lithospheric-scale obvious major elongate tectonic depressions. De-
structures. Again, as in discussions above regarding pressions within these provinces are generally due
fine distinctions between grabens, rifts, and HETS, to gravitational loading by the extensive surface
we must reemphasize that the brief definitions flows. Although continental flood basalt provinces
adopted here are in some ways arbitrary and that are not usually included as a common branch of rift-
some large tectonic features may be difficult to clas- to-ocean evolution, they undoubtedly are products
sify due to present incomplete knowledge of associ- of continental extension and often appear in obvi-
ated deep lithospheric structure. Some would argue ous close associations with rift systems, highly ex-
that, in the Dead Sea transform system for instance, tended terranes, and other manifestations of conti-
the large basins of the Gulf of Elat (Aqaba) may be nental breakup. Examples are the Columbia River
true rift basins, but this cannot yet be proven be- Plateau extending northward from the Basin and
cause of the uncertainty about the deep lithospheric Range province, the Ethiopian Flood Basalt Prov-
structure beneath these basins. ince embracing the Afar triple-rift junction where
Volcano-tectonic depressions are typically asso- the East African Rift system joins the Red Sea and
ciated with the migration of major volcanic centers Gulf of Aden sea-floor spreading zones, and the Ju-
which leads to major magmatic modification of the rassic-Cretaceous basalts of South America, South-
crust and subsidence of the surface. In this case, sur- ern Africa, and Antarctica associated with the
face subsidence is due chiefly to post-magmatic- breakup of Gondwana. Because huge volumes of
event lithospheric cooling, widespread collapse of basalt cover such vast continental areas, detailed
large calderas, and surface loading by the extensive geophysical and geological exploration of the struc-
volcanic flows rather than to extensional stresses in ture and history of the underlying crust and lower
the crust and/or lower lithosphere. There is no ma- lithosphere in these areas has been slow and diffi-
jor extension either parallel or perpendicular to the cult. Thus, many possible similarities and associa-
depression and usually no apparent thinning of the tions between rifting processes and continental flood
underlying crust. A well known example is the East- volcanism are masked and remain unclear.
ern Snake River Plains region of Idaho which is the A fundamental distinction exists between "oce-
track of the 15 m.y. migration of the mantle hot-spot anic rifts" and continental rifts. In the early days of
now underlying the Yellowstone area. development of concepts of ocean-floor spreading
Continental flood basalt provinces are the princi- and the plate tectonics paradigm, it was recognized
pal continental members of immense crustal em- that the world-girdling mid-oceanic ridge system was
placements of predominately mafic extrusive and clearly associated with, and obviously connected to,
intrusive rocks known as Large Igneous Provinces major rift valley systems on the continents (e.g.,
(LIPs) that have been erupted over relatively short Heezen, 1960, 1969; Girdler, 1964). This global
spans of geological time (Coffin and Eldholm, 1994). "fracture pattern" became popularly known as the
Both continental and oceanic varieties are commonly "World Rift System." The initial discovery of mid-
attributed to mantle plumes or hotspots, but many ocean ridges in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans was
details are poorly understood at present. Oceanic based chiefly on bathymetric observations and fo-
LIPs appear to originate by processes other than cused on what appeared to be a tectonically active,
Introduction: Progress in understanding continental rifts 11

Fig. 1--4. Other tectonic and magmatic structures with rift-like characteristics.

continuous, median valley along the ridge crests. continental extensional processes. In current usage,
Subsequent research has considerably broadened oceanic rifts are commonly understood to be the
understanding of extensional tectonism and volcan- troughs along the crests of the mid-ocean ridges
ism of oceanic lithosphere as contrasted with the where new oceanic crust is generated from mantle-
somewhat different and considerably more complex derived magmas during sea-floor spreading. In a
12 K.H. Olsen and P. Morgan

sense, the walls of oceanic rift valleys are not faults sis on continental rifts as the possible sites of in-
bounding a down-dropped block of pre-existing cipient lithospheric separation and new oceans.
crustal rock (as in definitions which emphasize mor- Highly extended terranes, which share many of the
pho-tectonic criteria, particularly graben-like char- characteristics of rifts but which may fall outside
acteristics, for continental rifts), but rather are more the narrow definition of rifts above may also be fore-
akin to volcanic crater rims which contain upwelling runners of new oceans. Suture zones are the coun-
lavas. Thus, oceanic rifts more closely fit within the terparts of rifts in the process of convergence (Burke
AGI Glossary definition ofpaar: "A depression pro- et al. 1977; Dewey, 1977).
duced by the moving-apart of crustal blocks rather Rifting is associated with permanent modification
by subsidence within a crustal block. It is floored of the continental crust, and perhaps the whole thick-
with upper-mantle igneous rocks and is essentially ness of the continental lithosphere, even where ex-
devoid of crustal material. Examples are the Gulf of tension does not progress to continental separation.
California and the Dead Sea. Entymol: Hebrew." Magmatic activity in some rifts adds a significant
(Bates and Jackson, 1980). volume of mantle-derived basaltic intrusive and
extrusive material to the continental crust, resulting
in a crust that is not thinned in proportion to the
1.2. Significance of continental rifts amount of extension. Additional processes for in-
There are a number of important reasons for study- teractions between the subcontinental lithosphere
ing rift zones and rifting processes: and the convecting upper mantle have been sug-
1) Rifting is one of two fundamental tectonic pro- gested. These are topics of much current research--
cess affecting the continents, the other being colli- particularly by numerical modeling techniques--but
sion; may be difficult to quantify because interpretations
2) Rifting causes permanent modification of the of possible evidence (e.g., isotope ratios, lithosphere-
continental lithosphere and may be important in add- asthenospheric structures inferred from seismic
ing material to the lithosphere and in recycling con- tomography studies) may still lack adequate spatial
tinental mantle lithosphere back into the convecting resolution. Lithospheric thinning exclusively by
upper mantle; ductile processes and consequent asthenospheric
3) Through igneous processes, rifting provides a upwelling does not transfer material from the litho-
'window' into the physical-chemical state of the sphere to the asthenosphere, but "second-order" ex-
mantle; changes at the boundary layer (small-scale convec-
4) A variety of natural resources are associated tion, lithospheric melting, underplating, "delamina-
with rift environments; tion" of the subcrustal lithosphere, and other pos-
5) Rifts can be the sites of natural hazards such sible forms of subcrustal lithospheric stoping) in-
as earthquakes and volcanism. deed probably contribute to recycling of the lithos-
It is generally accepted that rifts represent the phere. Rates and the quantitative significance of sub-
initial stage of continental breakup and the start of rift interactions to the global lithospheric-
the Wilson cycle of plate tectonics (ocean opening asthenospheric recycling (material-exchange) bud-
and closing). Plate tectonics requires that new ex- get remain unknown. Certainly the reverse process
tensional plate boundaries be formed throughout probably happens; as asthenosphere moves upward
geologic time in order to maintain a multi-plate re- and cools, it is converted to lithosphere.
gime in dynamic equilibrium with subduction zones. Through igneous processes, rifts and other major
These new extensional plate boundaries form pref- magmatic systems provide an opportunity to study
erentially in continental lithosphere because it is the chemical composition, physical conditions, and
weaker than oceanic lithosphere with a similar evolution of the sub-continental mantle. Detailed
geotherm (Vink et al., 1984; Lynch and Morgan, interpretations of geochemical and isotopic charac-
1987), and plate tectonics has placed a new empha- teristics, including radiometric ages, of both
extrusive and intrusive rocks provide unique insights
Introduction: Progress in understanding continental rifts 13

into rifting processes, in part by helping to delin- stored in the lithosphere to be released in an earth-
eate regional variations in upper mantle properties quake is related to the thermal structure of the litho-
which may be invisible to geophysical techniques. sphere, and a weak inverse correlation exists between
Xenoliths entrained in magmatic rocks represent the seismic energy release and the amount of volca-
samples of the continental lithosphere and provide nism~larger earthquakes typically being associated
direct access to portions of this lithosphere. with non-volcanic rift segments. One still puzzling
Several economically important resources are of- aspect of rift-related seismicity is the fact that some
ten generated as a direct consequence of both ther- paleorifts, such as the New Madrid rift (not treated
mal and structural processes of rift evolution. Some in this book) in the central U.S.A., appear to be
resources are formed within rifts, whereas others are closely associated with potentially dangerous earth-
created in earlier geological environments and are quake zones (Johnston, 1989; Johnston and Kanter,
only later exposed or transported to the near-surface 1990). This seismicity is possibly due to reactiva-
as a consequence of rifting. Largely thermally-as- tion of buried faults and old zones of weakness that
sociated resources include geothermal energy and resulted from extensive crustal modification due to
mineral deposits of hydrothermal/magmatic origin, the ancient rifting event. A variation on this hypoth-
such as molybdenum, some hydrothermal copper, esis is that now-cold massive igneous intrusions or
and magmatic copper-nickel deposits. Sedimentary mafic residues in the deep crust, emplaced during
rift basins provide nearly-ideal habitats (reservoirs) ancient rifting, may help localize contemporary deep
for hydrocarbon resources, and extensive evaporite crustal stresses and zones of seismic energy release.
deposits are characteristically found in basins asso-
ciated with the late stages of rifting just prior to con-
tinental splitting (e.g., Afar). Increasingly, ground- 1.3. Some historical highlights of continental
water is becoming a critical resource, especially for rift studies
developing large urban population centers. Rifts can
As has been alluded to previously in this chapter,
affect or even control regional hydrology in very
the early recognition of continental rifts as major
significant ways. For example, the Albuquerque ba- tectonic features and the development of many rec-
sin in arid New Mexico is one of the largest and deep-
ognizably modern concepts and ideas about their
est sedimentary basins within the Rio Grande rift
character can be traced back to the early 1800s. As
(Chapter 6). The porous, syn-rift Neogene sediments
yet there has been no in-depth study specifically
of the Albuquerque basin have a total pore-fluid
focused on the historical development of observa-
volume of about 1900 km 3(equivalent to 12,000 bil-
tions and theories of rifting--although rifting some-
lion barrels (bbl.)[1.2 x 1013], o r 1 , 5 0 0 million acre-
times receives attention in historical treatments of
feet. [1.5 x 109].), which represents an extremely
plate tectonics, seafloor spreading, and continental
large hydrological resource (Birch, 1982). Lake
drift (e.g., Hallam, 1973; Wood, 1985). Rosendahl
Baikal, the principal rift valley at the heart of the
(1987) and Mohr (1991) briefly sketch the origins
Baikal rift system (Chapter 8), contains -7400 km 3,
of several major concepts, terminology, and theo-
approximately one-fifth of the Earth's fresh surface
ries developed by early rift pioneers principally in
the East African rift system. Mohr's (1991) list of
Rift-related hazards are consequences of en-
references is particularly useful not only because it
hanced tectonic and/or magmatic activity in rift ar-
is arranged in chronological order of publication, but
eas. Volcanic hazards may include explosive volca-
also because he attempts to include a more balanced
nism at large intermediate-to-silicic volcanoes and
selection of "early" (~pre- 1960) papers published in
fissure flows within and on the flanks of rifts. Earth-
languages other than English. Drake and Girdler
quakes result from the abrupt failure of the lithos-
(1982) give an overview history of rift studies be-
phere in the extensional and trans-tensional settings
fore 1970 that particularly emphasizes oceanic rifts.
of rifts. The amount of elastic energy that can be
14 K.H. Olsen and P. Morgan

Some historical background to the development of processes (Greene, 1982). By 1836, he had recog-
concepts and ideas on processes of rifting is pre- nized that the Vosges and Schwarzwald form an
sented by Ruppel (1995). arched uplift broken along its crest by a subsided
The structural geologist, Bailey Willis (1857- block underlying the upper Rhine valley (l~lie de
1949), longtime professor of geology at Stanford Beaumont, 1827, 1841, 1844). Later European work-
University and vigorous opponent of Wegnerian ers, including de Lapparent (1887, 1898) and espe-
ideas of continental drift, made a wide-ranging tour cially Suess (1891)elaborated on the Rhinegraben
of East Africa in 1929-30 and published an exten- structure. Indeed, it was Suess who first proposed
sive discussion and interpretation of his observations the term "graben" in an early (~1883) German edi-
(Willis, 1936). Willis, in the first chapterr of his 1936 tion of his 4-volume treatise, The Face of the Earth
book (partially reprinted in Quennell, 1982), traces (Suess 1904-1909).
the history of ideas on rift valley formation from the As pointed out by Mohr (1991), for geographic
early 1800s up to 1930, and supports his discussion and historical reasons the Afar depression of Ethio-
with key quotations (in English translation) from pia and the Ethiopian Plateau were explored and
original papers published by the chief pioneers of geologically investigated earlier (beginning ~ 1830)
rift studies in both East Africa and the Rheingraben than the true rift valleys to the south (in present-day
area of central Europe. Willis' 1936 discussion is Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, etc.). However, it was not
probably the best single English-language summary until deeper explorations into East Africa, notably
of pre-1930 ideas and debates about continental rift- by Richard Burton and John Hanning Speake begin-
ing, although, inevitably, it is colored by his own ning in the western rift area in 1857, by Joseph Th-
opinions and preconceptions in regard to causative ompson and Gustav Fischer in the central region of
mechanisms. (At this point late in his career, Willis present-day Kenya, and especially by the Hungar-
had come to favor mainly compressional mecha- ian Count Samuel Teleki in the Lake Baringo-Lake
nisms for the origin and development of rift valleys.) Turkana area during 1887-88, that it was realized
As our main objective in this section is to set the that many of the great lakes of the region were con-
stage for an overview of progress in continental rift fined in "long, narrow troughs." This observation
research since about 1960, we can provide here only eventually led Suess to term such downfaulted val-
the briefest sketch of the accomplishments and key leys as Bruche (= fractures, breaks; note this Ger-
concepts by the more prominent rift investigators man term is closer in meaning to the English term,
prior to 1930. Thus, students of the history of rift "rift" than is "graben"), and to relate them to the
research in this early period are here largely on their "graben" type of structure observed in the Rhine
own but can profitably begin their searches guided valley. It was Eduard Suess (1831-1914), a Viennese
by the excellent bibliographies listed in Willis professor of geology justly famous for his monu-
(1936), Rosendahl (1987), Mohr (1991), and the two mental treatises on world geology (Suess 1904-
reprint volumes by Quennell (1982, 1985). 1909) as well as the structure of the Alps, who pro-
While the recognition of the basic morphology vided what is considered the classic foundation pa-
of rifts and of rifting as an important process in the per on the geology of rift valleys (Suess, 1891), but
development of the Earth's surface features is usu- the remarkable fact is that Suess himself never vis-
ally credited largely to the publications and synthe- ited East Africa nor directly observed the spectacu-
ses of Suess (1891, 1904-1909) and of Gregory lar geology that he described so perceptively (Mohr,
(1896, 1921) on the East African system, many key 1991; 1992)! The outline of this astonishing story is
ideas and concepts had been derived in the early that the second-in-command of Teleki's 1887-1888
nineteenth century from interpretations in the expedition to East Africa was Ludwig Ritter von
Rheingraben. L6once l~lie de Beaumont (1798-1874) HOhnel, an Austrian naval officer with a talent for
was an exact contemporary of Charles Lyell and one perceptive and diligent scientific observation. On his
of the first European geologists to propose a global return to Europe, von HOhnel first published a geo-
tectonic synthesis emphasizing mountain building graphical account and then collaborated extensively
Introduction: Progress in understanding continental rifts 15

with Suess and the petrologist August Rosiwal to A listing of the more important and productive
extensively update the geological knowledge of East geological pioneers in East African rift system dur-
Africa (von H0hnel et al. 1891). This, in turn, in- ing the first half of the 20th-century must include
spired Suess to undertake the masterful review and C. Uhlig, E. Krenkel, F. Dixey, B. Willis, R.B.
synthesis of the geology of the entire graben system McConnell, and B. Baker (for more references see,
of eastern Africa from the Zambesi via Afar to Pal- e.g.: Willis 1936; Rosendahl 1987; Mohr 1991;
estine (Seuss, 1891), which was to have a profound Quennell 1982, 1985). Krenkel (1922, 1924) first
influence on so many students of the Earth to fol- set forth detailed field arguments ascribing a tensile
low. origin for the East African rift and coined the term
The Scotsman John W. Gregory (1864-1932) taphrogenesis for this process. Hans Cloos (1939)
probably more than anyone else is responsible for usually receives the credit for experimentally estab-
first making the African rift valleys scientifically lishing the mechanical validity for tensile origins of
famous and for establishing many of the basic field rifts through clay modeling studies, although the
concepts still used in continental rift studies. Deeply basic idea had been extensively discussed by t~lie
impressed by Suess' 1891 monograph, the 28-year- de Beaumont, Suess, Gregory, and others. Only by
old Gregory, then employed at the British Museum 1936 was it possible for Edward Bullard to apply
of Natural History, in late 1882 was asked on very the first significant geophysical study--gravity sur-
short notice to be the naturalist for a private British veys in the East Africa rift area (Bullard, 1936;
expedition to the one as yet unexplored part of the Girdler, 1964)--to begin to better understand the
Rift Valley between Lake Rudolph (now Lake subsurface structures of rifts. Arthur Holmes in his
Turkana) and the Red Sea. Gregory, delayed await- textbooks (1944, 1965) not only synthesized much
ing approvals for a leave of absence and to collect of the early work to present the basic picture of the
essential scientific equipment, joined the already East African rift system that is in use today, but also
departed expedition in Aden. The original expedi- outlined many unsolved problems that subsequent
tion soon failed due to poor planning and logistics, researchers have pursued in other continental rifts
last minute changes in point of entry and area of in- as well as the East African system.
vestigation, and illness and even some deaths of ex- Most prominent 19th and early 20th century Earth
pedition members in the unhealthy territory. To re- scientists concerned with questions of global
cover from this disaster, Gregory organized his own geodynamics--including I~lie de Beaumont, Suess,
detachment and during March-August 1893 lead an and Harold Jeffreys (1929)malmost universally re-
energetic investigation of the central part of the jected extensional mechanisms as the ultimate driv-
Kenyan rift(Gregory, 1894). Gregory confirmed in ing forces for large-scale rifting. Instead, they at-
the field and further elaborated upon many of Suess' tempted to fit abundant observational evidence for
geological ideas as well as reported his experiences extensional deformation into global models in which
with the natives and observations of the fauna and extensional regions were secondary consequences
flora of the region in a popular travelogue-format (e.g., geosynclines) of complex, but net-compres-
book, The GreatRift Valley in 1896 (Gregory, 1896). sional, interactions on a perpetually contracting out-
After a quarter century of teaching, lecturing, and ermost layer (crust) of an Earth cooling by conduc-
pioneering geological explorations in many other tion. Alternative theories, including expanding Earth
parts of the world, Gregory returned to the Kenyan theories such as that advocated by Holmes (1965),
rift in 1919 for further, mainly geological studies. still were unable to account satisfactorily for non-
The result was a comprehensive and clearly reasoned uniform patterns of zones of tectonic deformation,
treatment of the geology and petrology of Kenya and nor could they begin to explain the episodic nature
surrounding territories leading to his classic book, of tectonism during the Earth's history (Ruppel,
The Rift Valleys and Geology of East Africa (Gre- 1995). By about 1950, however, there were an in-
gory 1921; see also Gregory 1920; 1923). creasing number of key studies proposing new
mechanisms and interpretations--notably the clay
16 K.H. Olsen and P. Morgan

modeling results of Cloos (1939) and the gravity- benefit from the new technologies and soon launched
isostasy analysis of Venning Meinesz (1950)--that into a detailed exploration of the ocean floors, which
began to tip the balance away from compressional were virtually unknown before 1940. With the addi-
theories towards extensional mechanisms. But un- tional spur to research deriving from the Interna-
doubtedly the deciding factor leading to the modern tional Geophysical Year (IGY) (1957-1958), by 1960
plate-tectonic interpretations was the massive accu- oceanographers had succeeded in constructing
mulation of ocean-floor geophysical data in the greatly detailed physiographic maps of the sea floor
1950s that forced widespread recognition of large- comparable to those available for the continents (e.g.,
scale crustal extension on a nearly world-wide ba- see Hallam [1973] for a general review, Drake and
sis. Girdler [ 1982] for aspects focusing on rift studies).
The style of rift studies underwent a major change Perhaps the most remarkable result of the postwar
after the Second World War (WW II). Prior to 1945, ocean floor topographic work was the discovery of
field studies were pursued principally by individu- a world-wide undersea mountain range with a
als or small groups using classical methods of geo- seismically active median rift valley along its crest
logic mapping and petrologic techniques. Gravity that was clearly connected to major continental rift
measurements were sparse and radioactive dating systems such as the East African-Red Sea system
was in its infancy. Since rifts were recognized prin- and to extensional structures in the Western United
cipally by their topography, active Cenozoic rift sys- States (e.g., Heezen, 1960, 1969; Girdler, 1958,
tems constituted most of the known examples. Prin- 1964; Illies, 1969; Drake and Girdler, 1982). The
cipal investigators were mostly academics or were recognition of this "world rift system" with its con-
employed by local or national geologic surveys and tinental and oceanic interconnections has been one
often devoted major portions of----or entire----careers of the central elements in the development of subse-
to a single rift. For those interested in large-scale quent global tectonic theories.
regional or global generalizations and theoretical The highly successful IGY was, however, princi-
"modeling," inductive methods of reasoning tended pally devoted to global studies of the Earth's atmo-
to dominate. sphere, hydrosphere, and ionosphere particularly in
After WW II, an interdisciplinary team approach relation to the polar regions. In order to build upon
to certain problems in the Earth sciences became the new spirit of international cooperation and to
more common. Coordinated interdisciplinary teams extend the new instrumental and analytical capabili-
gathered massive data sets over large regions of both ties to studies of the solid earth, the Russian geolo-
land and sea, and often at a global-scale. At first, a gist/geophysicist, V.V. Beloussov, at the 1960 Gen-
great deal of this work was of a reconnaissance na- eral Assembly of the International Union of Geod-
ture. This comparatively well-funded "big science" esy and Geophysics (IUGG) in Helsinki, proposed
style, characteristic of the latter half of the 20th- organization of an International Upper Mantle
century, was due largely to the unparalleled prestige Project (lUMP, or UMP). The goals of the UMP were
and power that science and technology derived from to apply cooperative techniques pioneered during the
the development of radar, nuclear weapons, and simi- IGY to a detailed investigation by all possible meth-
lar rapid technological advances during the war. ods (i.e., a coordinated, interdisciplinary study) of
Mainly as a result of wartime developments, many the Earth's upper mantle. By the next IUGG Gen-
new instruments became available (including mag- eral Assembly in Berkeley in 1963, a 7-person in-
netometers, gravimeters, echo sounders, seismic in- ternational "steering" bureau, the Upper Mantle
struments and new types of seismic energy sources, Committee (UMC), was in place and ten disciplin-
radio navigation aids, electronic equipment for prob- ary Working Groups (e.g., seismology, physics and
ing the atmosphere and ionosphere) which allowed chemistry, gravity and geodesy, deep drilling, etc.)
rapid accumulation of chiefly geophysical data that had been set up to help coordinate the wide scope of
were to shed new light on a wide variety of prob- UMC plans (Bhth 1964). Several countries also
lems. Oceanographers were the among the first to formed national UMP committees to further coordi-
Introduction: Progress in understanding continental rifts 17

nate national efforts in support of the project. The Illies and Mueller 1970) as well as in many separate
IUMP was designed to expire at the end of the 1960s, journal articles. Thus, the lUMP established a pat-
but the basic coordinating committee and working temmparticularly in the area of rift research--which
group structure has been adopted and improved for has been successfully followed in subsequent de-
various successor projects such as the International cades by its successors, the Geodynamics Program
Geodynamics Program (also known as the Inter- and the ILP: These international unions serve the
Union Commission on Geodynamics--IUCG) important functions of encouraging broadly-based
(1970--1980) and the International Lithosphere Pro- international cooperation in research and providing
gram (ILP) (1980-1990). Upon review by the Inter- forums for topical seminars and for publication of
national Council of Scientific Unions [ICSU], the volumes of collected contributions which supple-
formal closing date for ILP has now been extended ment individual research papers. For more than 30
through the 1990s. years now, rift research has remained one of the prin-
One of the first orders-of-business of the UMC cipal areas recommended for international studies
in 1963 was to recommend three broad problems by the working groups and coordinating committees
which should receive special emphasis for interna- of the IUMP, IUCG, and ILP.
tional studies"
(1) Study of continental margins and island arcs.
(2) Study of the world-wide rift system. 1.4. A bibliography of major recent mono-
(3) Gravity earth-tide studies of viscosity and graphs and compilations on rifting
mechanical behavior of the upper mantle. In this section, we attempt to provide a biblio-
The inclusion of item (2) was the direct result of graphical listing of significant collected works on
the great public as well as scientific interest in the rifting published since the beginnings of IUMP-style
seafloor mapping discoveries of the 1940s and multi-disciplinary research, but organized on a re-
1950s, and the feeling that coordinated studies of gional and topical basis. This list is evidence of the
the spectacular East African rift system using newly- great intensification of rift studies during the past
available research tools on land would yield results 30 years, but it is sobering to realize that these sym-
of comparable significance to the oceanic studies. posia volumes represent only the "tip of the iceberg."
From the start it was recognized that oceanic and Probably at least an equal volume of individual pa-
continental rifts were different in several important pers of significance to rifts and rifting processes is
characteristics, so, over time, field projects and topi- widely scattered throughout the world scientific lit-
cal research conferences tended to separate into two erature.
loosely-linked communities. With financial assis- Many key references have been published during
tance from UNESCO, the first of many international the past three decades which have focused upon rift-
"rift-seminars" was convened in Nairobi in April related studies. In this abbreviated bibliography, we
1965 (Anonymous, 1965a; 1965b). The 1965 Nairobi are concerned mainly with collected papers and sym-
conference summarized the status of knowledge of posia proceedings published together in single vol-
the East African rift system and suggested a broad umes. Although most of these can be found in the
program for future research (Anonymous 1965a); reference lists of the individual chapters of this book,
detailed reviews of regional and disciplinary topics their collection here may serve as a convenient and
were presented in an accompanying report (Anony- more concise guide intended especially for students
mous 1965b). With the encouragement of the UMC, and researchers new to the field. As noted above,
two more symposia dealing with a more world-wide there are also many important individual papers
selection of rifts soon followed (Irvine 1966; widely scattered throughout the literature which are
Knopoff et al. 1969). During the late 1960s, the long- more difficult to tabulate en masse. Serious students
running research program in the Rhinegraben was may wish to start searching for topics of particular
initiated and began to be reported collectively in
lUMP-sponsored publications (e.g., Rothe 1967;
18 K.H. Olsen and P. Morgan

individual interest by scanning the reference cita- IUCG Working Group 4 on "Continental and Oce-
tions and lists in the other chapters of this and simi- anic Rifts", edited by Palmason (1982). More re-
lar recent books. cently, this sequence has continued with Froidevaux
and Tan (1987), Manspeizer (1988), Lucchitta and
Recent overviews and semi-popular articles. Morgan (1990), Gangi (1991), Brunnacker and Taieb
Shorter introductions to rifts and rifting processes (1992), and Ziegler (1992a, 1992b, 1992c). In this
have appeared in encyclopedias and annual review- category should be added several books dealing more
type publications devoted to the Earth-sciences. In generally with fundamental processes important in
this category we note the articles by Burke (1977, rifting such as extensional tectonics: Mayer (1987),
1980), Ramberg and Morgan (1984), Quenell (1987), Coward et al. (1987), and Cloetingh et al. (1994);
Bond and Kominz (1988), Rosendahl (1989a, and magmatism in extensional continental settings"
1989b), Williams (1989), Olsen (1992), and Ruppel Basaltic Volcanism Study Project (1981), Leeman
(1995). Semi-popular articles for more general au- and Fitton (1989), Kampunzu and Lubala (1991),
diences include Bonatti (1987), White and McKenzie Storey et al. (1992), and Pritchard et al. (1993).
(1989), and Baldridge and Olsen (1989). Individual grabens and rift systems have been fea-
Surprisingly, there exists no satisfactory recent tured in special volumes of various research jour-
comprehensive listing~nor published global map-- nals; we subdivide them somewhat arbitrarily as fol-
showing all continental rifts currently recognized or lows:
under study. Indeed, one of the important lessons
from rift studies over the past 30 years is that conti- The Rhinegraben and associated Central Euro-
nental rifts are very numerous and have developed pean rift system. Beginning with Upper Mantle
within a range of plate-tectonic settings (but domi- Project-related reports, these include: Rothe and
nantly extensional). Rifts are found on all continents Sauer (1967), lilies and Mueller (1970), and Illies
and range in age from Archean to Recent. Probably and Fuchs (1975).
there are more than two hundred proven and postu-
lated significant continental and intercontinental The East African rift system and other, older rifts
(e.g., the Red Sea) rift structures on Earth~and new on the African continent. See Anonymous (1965a,
candidates are added yearly. Burke et al. (1978) com- 1965b), Baker et al. (1972), Girdler (1972), Bishop
piled a still-useful, continent-by-continent, "recon- (1978), Anonymous (1980), Frostick et al. (1986),
naissance" survey and global map of candidate con- Rosendahl et al. (1989), and Prodehl et al. (1994).
tinental rifts which included bibliographies of then-
available publications for each. Ramberg and Mor- The Red Sea and Gulf of Suez. Although the Red
gan (1984) modify the Burke et al. map and present Sea-Gulf of Suez system, a nascent ocean basin, is
expanded views of rift systems within selected con- not discussed in this book due to lack of space, there
tinental areas. Milanovsky (1983) suggests that exists an extensive literature on this important com-
structural and evolutionary styles of global rifting ponent of the Afro-Arabian rift complex: Falcon et
have varied at different epochs of Earth history. al. (1970), Gass (1978), Bonatti (1988), Le Pichon
and Cochran (1988), Makris et al. (1991), and Altherr
Collections with a global perspective. Many of (1992).
the rifting conferences and seminars sponsored by
IUMP, IUCG, and ILP have been documented by The Afar region. Although the Afar region is of-
volumes of collected papers. These publications in- ten classified as a part of the Afro-Arabian com-
clude conference proceedings edited by Irvine plex, it occupies a unique transition region between
(1966), Knopoff et al. (1969), Neumann and continental and oceanic styles of rifting. It thus has
Ramberg (1978), Ramberg and Neumann (1978), been the subject of intense multi-disciplinary stud-
Illies (1981), Ramberg and Morgan (1984), and ies documented by Pilger and ROsier (1975, 1976).
Ramberg, et al. (1987), and the final report of the
Introduction: Progress in understanding continental rifts 19

The Dead Sea. Similarly to the Afar region, the The Basin and Range province. There is an ex-
Dead Sea rift is considered to be a part of the Afro- tensive geological and geophysical literature on the
Arabian system, but it also possesses some extremes Basin and Range province. The key collected vol-
of tectonic style that has attracted numerous geo- umes emphasizing rift studies are: Smith and Eaton
logical and geophysical investigations seemingly out (1978), Newman and Goode (1979), and Wernicke
of proportion to its size: Freund and Garfunkel (1990).
(1981), Ben-Avraham (1987), Kovach and Ben-
Avraham (1990). The intra-continental North Sea basin. See Ziegler
(1990), and BlundeU and Gibbs (1990).
The Baikal rift. There are a number of Russian-
language monographs dealing with the Baikal sys- Passive margins. Thematic books and special
tem of rifts, but we restrict this listing to more readily journal issues containing collections of papers deal-
available English language collections: Logatchev ing with passive (rifted, extensional) margins often
and Mohr (1978), Logatchev and Zwart (1990). also include papers on active (compressional) mar-
Since the mid-1980s, a number of international co- gins, especially subduction zones. Significant col-
operative field study projects have been initiated lections dealing with continental margins in general
between geoscientists of the Former Soviet Union include: Burk and Drake (1974), Bott (1976), Bally
and Western scientists in order to better address the (1979), Watkins et al. (1979), Scrutton (1982),
important Baikal system in relation to other major Morton and Parson (1988), Raleigh (1989), Sheridan
world rift systems. See Lipman et al. (1989) for a and Grow (1988), and Barr (1992).
preliminary multi-disciplinary comparison of the
Baikal and the Rio Grande rift systems. Yet, despite the very great progress during the past
three decades in both theoretical and field studies
The Oslo Graben. Historically, the Oslo region reflected by these extensive bibliographies, there is
was the first paleorift to be recognized. Books in- still a surprising lack of consensus about many fun-
clude Ramberg (1976), and Dons and Larsen (1978), damental questions related to rifting, such as: the
but works edited by Neumann and Ramberg (1978), relationship of continental rifts to continental mar-
Ramberg and Neumann (1978), Neumann (1990) gins (why do some extensional features continue to
also contain many papers devoted to this system. the oceanic stage whereas others stop in the conti-
nental rift stage); what is the significance of differ-
The Midcontinent Rift system and other North ent volumes and compositions of magmatism in rifts;
American paleorifts. In recent years, several largely- are there any predictable trends to rift evolution; and
buried paleorift systems in central and eastern North how are the causal mechanisms of rifting related in
America have been recognized and intensively stud- detail to plate tectonics and mantle convection?
ied mainly by geophysical means. The Midcontinent Many of these questions may not have a single an-
Rift system stretching from the Lake Superior re- swer. Existing compilations of rift studies, although
gion into Kansas and perhaps Texas is probably the very impressive and useful, do not yet provide clear
most impressive of these. Collected papers on this answers to most of these basic questions.
region appear in volumes edited by S teinhart and
Smith (1966), Wold and Hinze (1982), Gibb et al.
(1994), and Ojakangas et al. (1995). 1.5. Purpose of this book

This book focuses upon a worldwide selection of

The Rio Grande rift. Books and special journal
continental rifts including the "major four" late
issues include: Riecker (1979), Baldridge et al.
Cenozoic rifts, the East African, the Central Euro-
(1984), Keller (1986), and Keller and Cather (1994).
pean, Baikal, and the Rio Grande rifts. We recog-
A detailed field guide to the entire Rio Grande rift
nize that within the rather strict definitions adopted
was edited by Hawley (1978).
in this book, 'true' rifts occupy a small portion of
20 K.H. Olsen and P. Morgan

the spectrum of continental extensional features. Part II give brief discussions of important aspects
While not wishing to de-emphasize the importance of the principal geological, geochemical, and geo-
of other types of extensional features, we have con- physical methods by which continental rifts are in-
fined our principal discussion to continental rifts in vestigated-including the inherent uncertainties or
order to place a finite boundary on the scope of this limitations of these methods. Understanding the ba-
book. We believe our chosen set of representative sic techniques as well as their limitations is an es-
rifts offers as broad an overview as possible, because sential need precisely because investigation of con-
these rifts comprise the most intensely studied ex- tinental rifting is such an interdisciplinary endeavor.
amples of their class and because the authors have Few, if any, individuals are likely to possess the train-
considerable first-hand research experience in these ing and experience required to fully understand all
specific systems. As our main goal is an improved techniques. Our own experiences as a Working
understanding of the fundamental lithospheric pro- Group are that we have often struggled with each
cesses of rifting, we have focused primarily on deep others' terminology, experience, and viewpoints
structures and processes associated with rifting, and while attempting to share hypotheses, models, un-
have not attempted to elaborate upon near-surface derstandings, and conclusions about complex pro-
geological details and upper crustal extensional cesses. We hope that inclusion of these short "tuto-
styles for which there is a large and rapidly growing rials" may provide insight into, and convenient ref-
literature---particularly for petroleum exploration erences about, techniques outside one's own area of
applications (e.g., Katz [1991]; Nelson et al. [1992]; expertise.
Landon [ 1994]; Lambiase [ 1994]). A few other note- Continental rifts are divided into modern rifts and
worthy examples of tectonic studies of rift develop- paleorifts in Parts III and IV, respectively. Modern
ment that concentrate upon details of surface fault- rifts selected for detailed presentation include three
ing, basin evolution, and stratigraphy include: major segments of the Central European rift system
Courtillot (1982), Ebinger et al. (1987), Burgess et in Chapter 4 (the Massif Central-Rhone-Limagne
al. (1988), Ebinger (1989a, 1989b), and Rosendahl system in south-central France, the Rhinegraben
et al. (1992). proper, and the Rhenish Massif-Lower Rhine sec-
Geological, geochemical, and geophysical data tion in northwestern Europe). As noted above, sev-
have been compiled from selected rift zones in as eral important characteristics of continental rifts
uniform a format as possible in order to present a were first recognized in the Rhinegraben area early
unified comparison of these rifts. Some discussion in the nineteenth century. Chapter 5 treats the East
of highly extended terranes, passive margins, and African rift system, with primary focus on the Kenya
other geologic terranes with rift-like characteristics (Gregory) rift, which has been the area of much re-
are included for comparative purposes. These com- cent deep geophysical research. Again, as sketched
parisons are made in order to contribute to an im- in the historical section above, the East African rift
proved understanding of the basic processes of rift- system was the locale where continental rifting as
ing. These processes include the initiating and ter- an important global process was first recognized at
minating mechanisms of rifting, the response of the the end of the nineteenth century and the early de-
lithosphere to rifting, and the relationships among cades of the this century. It is perhaps ironic that the
rifts, highly extended terranes, and passive continen- East African system, long considered to be the type
tal margins. continental rift after the pioneering geological ef-
The organization of this book is designed to be of forts of Suess and Gregory, has had to wait for nearly
use to general students of tectonics, to research work- a full century until large-scale, multidisciplinary
ers interested in specific rifts, and to geoscientists geophysical research efforts could be brought to bear
interested in continental rifting as a global geologi- on its mysteries. The Rio Grande rift, the site of con-
cal process. Before data for specific rifts are pre- siderable research by U.S. rift scientists over the past
sented, Chapter 2 examines the causal or initiating two decades is discussed in Chapter 6. Chapter 7
mechanisms of rifting, and the five subchapters of summarizes the important Basin and Range prov-
Introduction: Progress in understanding continental rifts 21

ince, including the highly extended terranes of this cuss a few broad topics pertaining chiefly to funda-
zone. The Baikal rift in southeastern Siberia is mental processes of continental rifting worldwide
overviewed in Chapter 8. Because of new opportu- which still challenge our understanding.
nities for cooperative research between rift special-
ists in Russia and the 'Western' nations, we would
not be surprised if the Baikal rift system became the 1.6. References
center of many of the exciting new discoveries and Altherr, R., (Editor), 1992. The Afro-Arabian rift system (spe-
insights in rift research over the next couple of de- cial section). Tectonophysics, 204: 1-110.
cades. Anonymous, 1965a. Report of the UMC/UNESCO Seminar on
The importance of paleorifts is that they display the East Africa Rift System (I.U.M.E Sci. Rept. No. 6). Uni-
versity Press, Nairobi, 145 pp.
the entire range of processes associated with lithos- Anonymous, 1965b. Report on the Geology and Geophysics of
pheric extension, and are typically eroded to deeper the East Africa Rift System (I.U.M.E Sci. Rept. No. 6). Uni-
crustal levels. Several examples of paleorift systems versity Press, Nairobi, 117 pp.
are discussed in Part IV. The Oslo graben (Chapter Anonymous, 1980. Geodynamic Evolution of the Afro-Arabia
9) was the cradle of many important concepts in Rift Systems - International Meeting Rome 1979. Accademia
Nazionale dei Linceii, Rome. Atti No. 47, 705 pp.
mineralogy, geochemistry, and igneous and meta-
Baker, B.H., EA. Mohr, and L.A.J. Williams, 1972. Geology of
morphic petrology even before it was recognized as the Eastern Rift System of Africa. Geol. Soc. America, Spe-
a paleorift. The U. S. Midcontinent rift system cial Paper 136, 67 pp.
(Chapter 10) is an ancient rift that was discovered Baker, B.H., and E Morgan, 1981. Continental rifting: progress
by its geophysical signature. It displays some of the and outlook. Eos, Trans. Am Geophys. Un., 62: 585-586.
Baldridge, W.S., EW. Dickerson, R.E. Riecker, and J. Zidek (Edi-
Earth's most intense and sharply defined regional tors), 1984. Rio Grande Rift: Northern New Mexico. New
gravity anomalies which are caused by massive vol- Mexico Geol. Soc. Guidebook, 35th Field Conf. 380 pp.
umes of extrusive mafic rocks constituting nearly Baldridge, W.S., and K.H. Olsen, 1989. The Rio Grande rift.
two thirds of the thickness of the crust. Some ex- Amer. Scientist, 77: 240-247.
amples of one of the possible 'end-points' of conti- Bally, A.W. (Editor), 1979. Continental Margins, Geological and
Geophysical Research Needs and Problems. National Acad-
nental rift evolution, rifted passive margins, are
emy of Sciences, Washington, 302 pp.
treated in Chapter 1l~including aspects of the North Barr, D. (Editor), 1992. Passive continental margin subsidence
Sea rift zone. The Southern Oklahoma aulacogen (special section). J. Geol. Soc. London, 149: 803-854.
(Chapter 12) serves as our type example of Basaltic Volcanism Study Project, 1981. Basaltic Volcanism on
aulacogens. The Central and West African rift sys- the Terrestrial Planets. Pergamon, New York. 1286 pp.
Bates, R.L., and J.A. Jackson (Editors), 1980. Glossary of Geol-
tem (Chapter 13) was created as part of the complex
ogy (2nd Ed.). American Geological Institute, Falls Church,
process that led to the separation of Africa and South 751 pp.
America in the Early Cretaceous. The Central and B~Ith, M., 1964. Seismology in the Upper Mantle Project.
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as a classic example of a failed arm of a "RRR" triple Ben-Avraham, Z (Editor), 1987. Sedimentary basins within the
Dead Sea and other rift zones (special issue). Tectonophysics,
junction and is the locale of major petroleum depos-
141: 1-275.
its. Birch, ES., 1982. Gravity models of the Albuquerque basin, Rio
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complex, highly active area of modern scientific re- Bird, E, 1979. Continental delamination and the Colorado Pla-
search, such as the processes of continental rifting, teau. J. Geophys. Res., 87: 10557-10568.
Bishop, W.W., 1978. Geological Background to Fossil M a n -
cannot claim to be even close to being uniformly
Recent Research in the Gregory Rift Valley, East Africa. Geol.
up-to-date in all areas treated. Nor can it hope to Soc. Lond., Scottish Academic, Edinburgh, 585 pp.
forecast reliably---even for the near future--key top- Blundell, D.J., and A.D. Gibbs (Editors), 1990. Tectonic Evolu-
ics that may lead to breakthroughs in our understand- tion of the North Sea Rifts. Clarendon, Oxford. 272 pp.
ing of rifting processes during the coming decade. Bonatti, E., 1987. The rifting of continents. Sci. Amen, 256
(March 1987): 74-81.
However, in Chapter 14 of Part V, we briefly dis-
Bonatti, E. (Editor), 1988. Zabargad Island and the Red Sea rift
(special issue). Tectonophysics, 150:1-251.
22 K.H. Olsen and P. Morgan

Bond, G.C., and M.A. Kominz, 1988. Evolution of thought on de Lapparent, A. 1898. Soulivements et Affaissements. Rev.
passive continental margins from the origin of geosynclinal Questions Sci., 14: 5-33.
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Bott, M.H.P. (Editor), 1976. Sedimentary basins of continental Dewey, J.F., 1977. Suture zone complexes: a review.
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314. Dons, J.A., and B.T. Larsen (Editors), 1978. The Oslo Paleorift
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and Geomorphogenesis (special issue). Z. Geomorph., No. 337, 199 pp.
Supplementband 42: 1-226. Drake, C.L., and R.W. Girdler, 1982. History of rift studies. In:
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Lambiase, S. Derksen, and N. Meader, 1988. The structural Ebinger, C.J., 1989b. Tectonic development of the western branch
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of continental rifting. In: W. Manspeizer, (editor), Triassic- 885-903.
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Chapter 2

Mechanisms of rifting: Geodynamic modeling

of continental rift systems
M. H. P. Bott

2.1. Introduction There are widely differing hypotheses on these

problems and it is important to seek critical evidence
This chapter focuses on modeling of the from geology (history of development and present
geodynamics of continental rifting and associated structure) and geophysics (structure of the crust and
plateau uplift. Over thirty years ago the central prob- underlying mantle).
lem was to determine whether rifting was compres-
sive or extensional in origin. It is now firmly estab-
lished from earthquake mechanisms and geological 2.2. Initiation
evidence that the present-day plate-interior major rift
structures are extensional. It has also been recog- The mechanism of initiation of rifting is the cen-
nized that the modem rift systems are associated with tral problem. Proposed mechanisms fall into two
major anomalous structures beneath the lithosphere. groups, active and passive (Seng6r and Burke, 1978),
These include both thinning of the lithosphere with illustrated in Figure 2-1. In the passive hypothesis,
upwelling of the asthenosphere, and regions of lithospheric tension of distant origin causes failure
anomalously low P-velocity and density within the of the continental lithosphere and consequent devel-
asthenosphere possibly extending down to the top opment of the anomalous underlying upper mantle.
of the mantle transition zone at 400 km depth. In the active hypothesis, the anomalous upper mantle
The central problem nowadays is to establish how develops first by some form of convective upwelling,
continental rifting and its associated structures are and the doming, volcanism and extension are con-
initiated. Following on from this, we are confronted sequent. Either way, gross lithospheric failure is in-
with the following problems concerning the devel- volved. Kusznir and Park (1984) have shown that
opment of rift systems: this can readily take place for realistic models of
(1) How does the anomalous upper mantle beneath the continental lithosphere and realistic levels of
the lithosphere form and develop? deviatoric tension provided that the lithosphere is
(2) How does the tensional stress system origi- relatively hot and thin.
nate? The passive hypothesis depends on the primary
(3) How does the lithosphere become thinned? occurrence of a sufficiently large deviatoric tension
(4) What is the mechanics of the extensional de- in the lithosphere to cause gross lithospheric fail-
formation of the lithosphere, and particularly how ure. The tension is not of local origin, being attrib-
does the rifting occur? utable to a mechanism external to the rift region.
(5) How do flank uplifts form? The lithosphere fails in tension and finite extension
occurs. Vertical movements then occur according to
28 M.H.P. Bott

Fig. 2-1. Idealized diagrams comparing the active and passive hypotheses for initiation of continental rifting. (1) shows the initial
stage for both hypotheses, and (2) shows a subsequent stage of development. The stippling indicates hot, low density regions of the
sub-lithospheric upper mantle; V denotes volcanism.

the McKenzie (1978) theory of sedimentary basin sidence (Watts et al, 1982); (4) different amounts of
formation, in response to gross thinning of the litho- extension of the upper and lower lithosphere alters
sphere and upwelling of the asthenosphere. Instan- the balance between stretching and thermal subsid-
taneous crustal thinning by stretching and faulting ence, and in particular greater extension of the lower
causes local subsidence, and accompanying rise of lithosphere can explain anomalously high observed
the asthenosphere and heating of the lithosphere thermal subsidence (Royden and Keen, 1980); (5)
causes uplift. Subsidence outweighs uplift except small-scale convection in the asthenosphere beneath
where the ratio of lithospheric to crustal thickness the stretched part of the lithosphere can further thin
exceeds about 7.0, that is the crust is less than about the lithosphere and also widen the asthenospheric
16 km thick for normal lithosphere or the lithosphere upbulge provided that the viscosity is less than 1020
is thicker than about 250 km for normal continental Pa s, thus simulating the effect of differential stretch-
crust. Subsequently, slow thermal subsidence occurs ing (Keen, 1987); (6) the stretched region of the
as the lithosphere cools and thickens. upper crust may be offset from the ductile stretch-
There are various modifications of the passive ing of the lower crust and mantle part of the lithos-
hypothesis as follows: (1) A finite rate of extension phere, such as in the simple shear model of Wernicke
(Jarvis and McKenzie, 1980) increases the subsid- (1985), or in a more complicated manner involving
ence during the stretching stage and decreases the detachments as reviewed by Lister et al. (1991).
subsequent thermal subsidence; (2) faulting and flex- The passive hypothesis with its modifications
ural effects modify the basin geometry (Watts et al., explains the formation of passive margins segments
1982); (3) allowing for lateral heat flow causes slight away from hot spot regions (see Chapter 11), and
transient flank uplift and reduces the thermal sub- certain rift structures possibly such as those of the
Mechanisms of rifting: Geodynamic modeling of continental rift systems 29

North Sea and the Gulf of Suez. In these examples, mal sea-level continental lithosphere to fail; possible
overall subsidence occurs in the stretched region as sources of tension are discussed later. The active
predicted, with the possibility of small flank uplifts hypothesis requires the initial development of the
developing as a result of lateral heat conduction or underlying hot spot as discussed in the next section.
small scale convection as discussed later. However, Compromises between both types of origin seem
it is not obvious how the passive hypothesis can ac- possible (see below).
count for modern continental rifts associated with The most obvious test of the initiating mechanism
doming or plateau uplift or epeirogenic uplift such is evaluation of the geological history of evolution
as western North America, East Africa or Baikal. The of the region. Where active mechanisms apply, vol-
underlying anomalous low density regions below the canism should be the first detectable event and the
lithosphere which support the regional doming are development of a low density mantle with some ini-
very much larger than would be expected for simple tial surface uplift should precede rifting; from the
lithospheric stretching. onset, the affected stretched region and its flanks
The active hypothesis explains volcanism, plateau should exhibit uplift rather than subsidence, except
uplift and rifting primarily as a consequence of the that the base of the rift depressions may subside be-
formation of an anomalously hot and low density low sea level as the rift develops as a result of sedi-
region in the underlying upper mantle - a hot spot. ment loading. On the other hand, passive mecha-
This may result from a narrow plume originating nisms require the faulting to precede the volcanism
below 400 km depth. Once the anomalous upper and regional vertical movements, and the stretched
mantle has formed, processes proceed as follows. region should exhibit subsidence at all stages even
Upwelling gives rise to partial fusion which causes without sediment loading, except for local flank
volcanism. Doming occurs as the anomalous low uplifts.
density region develops. Thus doming and/or vol- It needs to be emphasized that the active and pas-
canism should be the first detectable events. The sive hypotheses apply only to the initiation of rift
uplifted dome and its deep isostatic compensation systems, and not to their subsequent development
give rise to local deviatoric tension in the lithosphere. when complicated interaction of processes may oc-
As the lithosphere thins by heating up, the stress cur. Even for initiation, these end-member hypoth-
becomes concentrated into the relatively thin strong eses may be too simple. For example, although the
layer near the surface, with consequent stretching Baikal rift system is generally regarded by former
and faulting. The local tensional stress may be Soviet Union workers as of active initiation, never-
supplemented by regional stresses such as are caused theless northwest-southeast deviatoric tension in the
by plate boundary forces. plate probably contributed to the initiating stress
Magma generation in passive rifting occurs as a system. An even more complicated initiation sce-
result of decompression melting in asthenospheric nario probably applies to the Rio Grande rift and
material which upwells as the lithosphere thins by the Basin and Range system as discussed in Chap-
stretching, according to the mechanism of McKenzie ters 6 and 7.
and Bickle (1988). Magma generation in active rift-
ing probably predominantly occur as a result of de-
compression melting in the upper part of the rising 2.3. Origin of anomalously hot upper mantle
plume or other diapiric upwelling within the hot (hot spots)
upper mantle. It may also occur at a later stage as in Uplifted continental (and oceanic) swells are the
passive rifting, although the McKenzie-Bickle isostatic response to the development of a hot, low
mechanism may have been overemphasized in dis- density upper mantle beneath, often termed a hot
cussion of active rifting. spot. Hot spots (or hot regions) occur where the up-
Both hypotheses leave underlying problems un- per mantle extending from the base of the lithos-
answered. The passive hypothesis requires a suffi- phere (about 100 km depth) possibly to the top of
ciently large tension to cause relatively strong nor-
30 M.H.P. Bott

Fig. 2-2. Idealized sketch of the plume hypothesis of mantle convection of Loper (1985), showing the development of a relatively
wide hot spot region marked A in the sub-lithospheric upper mantle above the narrow plume.

the mantle transition zone (about 400 km depth) is How does a hot spot originate? Some sort of con-
anomalously hot by the order of 100 K average or vective upwelling in the mantle is the main possi-
more. Taking the volume coefficient of thermal ex- bility, but this could be local convection in the up-
pansion to be 2.7x10 -5 K -~, the reduction in density per mantle or deep uprising from the lower mantle.
for 100 K is about 10 kg/m 3. Assuming the thermal Upper mantle convection would only be expected
anomaly to extend from 100-400 km depth, this to redistribute the heat input by thermal conduction
would give rise to a surface uplift of about 900 m on from beneath and it is difficult to see how a large
land or 1300 m at sea assuming the hot region is heat input could occur by conduction from below
wide enough for local Airy isostasy to apply. If the over a short time period. The plume hypothesis origi-
hot spot is significantly narrower than about 1000 nating with Morgan (1971) is perhaps the most at-
km, the flexural strength of the lithosphere will re- tractive idea because the heat input into the upper
sist the uplift and cause it to be somewhat less than mantle carried by a plume rising from the lower
above. The direct effect of the raised temperature at mantle can best account for the rapid input of heat
the base of the lithosphere is to thin the lithosphere needed to explain development of hot spots over
and raise the heat flow by about 10 per cent, but this periods of 10 My or less. A useful recent review
will take about 60 My to become established by ther- dealing with plumes and hotspot volcanism has been
mal conduction, so the effects would not be seen in given by Duncan and Richards (1992).
the early stages of evolution. However, a hot spot The concept of plumes rising from a hot bound-
may give rise to more extreme local thinning of the ary layer just above the core-mantle boundary has
lithosphere by other processes as discussed in sec- received much theoretical and experimental support
tion 2.6. (e.g., Loper and Stacey, 1983; Christensen, 1984;
The thermal input to the upper mantle required to Nataf et al., 1984), and a promising view of gross
produce a hot spot is much larger than is generally mantle convection based on plumes rising to form
realized. Taking the specific heat at constant pres- asthenospheric hot spots has been proposed by Loper
sure to be 1.25 kJ/kg K, the heat input per square (1985). This model, which also involves
meter required for 100 K rise between 100 and 400 asthenospheric upwelling beneath ocean ridges and
km depths is 1.25x 1014J. This is sufficient to supply a return flow by deeply subducting slabs, is illus-
heat flow of 80 mW/m 2 for 50 My. trated in Figure 2-2. Thus the plume itself is quite
Mechanisms of rifting: Geodynamic modeling of continental rift systems 31

narrow but the laterally diverging head of heated system may have developed as a result of membrane
material in the asthenosphere may have a diameter stress in the African plate as it moved northwards
of over 1000 km. toward the equator. However, other rift systems
Hot spots may develop in the upper mantle in which have moved away from the equator (Rio
back-arc regions above subducting oceanic lithos- Grande, Rhinegraben, Baikal) could not be explained
phere, as a result of upward release of water and/or in this way. Further, membrane stress like bending
magma from the top of the subducting slab. The low stress is unrenewable and it is doubtful whether there
density upper mantle and thinned lithosphere may is sufficient extension available. This was an inter-
give rise to extensional structures such as rifting in esting suggestion, but has not been much taken up,
some back-arc regions. This type of hot spot may be probably for the above reasons.
relevant to the Basin and Range extensional struc-
tures and the Rio Grande rift. 2.4.1. Extensional stress of distant origin (passive
2.4. Origin of lithospheric tension The two main types of renewable tectonic exten-
sional stress of distant origin which have been sug-
Extensional rifting implies horizontal deviatoric gested are convective drag on the base of the lithos-
tension. Upper crustal deviatoric tension of the or- phere caused by major cellular convection currents,
der of 100 MPa is required to produce sediment filled and plate interior stress caused by plate boundary
graben of several kilometers thickness (Bott, 1976). forces. The distinction between them depends on the
Various sources of the tension have been suggested, style of convection which occurs in the mantle.
but the only two types of stress system which ap- Drag on the base of the lithosphere caused by
pear to be adequate to explain ongoing rifting are upwelling and diverging convective motion in the
lithospheric stress of distant origin appropriate to underlying upper mantle gives rise to tension above
the passive hypotheses and local loading stress the rising currents and compression above the sink-
(buoyancy stress) resulting from an underlying low ing currents. For example, Nataf et al. (1981), sug-
density upper mantle appropriate to an active ori- gested that large scale upper mantle circulation in-
gin. duced by horizontal thermal gradients may cause
The earliest suggestion was that bending stress broad continental extension which may give rise to
resulting from flexural regional doming would give rifting and break-up. However, plates are probably
rise to tension in the upper part of the elastic lithos- driven by boundary forces such as ridge push and
phere and compression in the lower part. However, subduction pull (Forsyth and Uyeda, 1975), when
Illies (1970) and others have demonstrated that there underside drag opposes plate motion and ceases to
is insufficient extension available to explain the ob- be relevant as a source of plate interior tension.
served graben subsidence. This "keystone" hypoth- However, underside drag associated with local ad-
esis is now generally regarded as inadequate. How- vective motion redistributing hot spot material may
ever, bending stresses resulting from acute bending be a significant factor, as discussed in the next sec-
of the elastic layer caused by faulting may give rise tion.
locally to massive brittle failure, greatly reducing Plate boundary forces give rise to stresses within
the effective elastic thickness of the layer (Marsden plate interiors. Notably slab pull and trench suction
et al., 1990). acting on subducting and overriding plates at sub-
Another early suggestion appealed to membrane duction zones can give rise to tension (Forsyth and
stress in the lithosphere (Turcotte, 1974). This is Uyeda, 1975). This may have been an important
caused by changes in the radii of curvature of a plate source of tension in continental lithosphere in past
as it migrates toward the equator or toward the pole times when subduction was occurring on both sides
on the surface of a spheroidal Earth. Oxburgh and of a large continental mass such as Pangaea in the
Turcotte (1974) suggested that the East African rift early Mesozoic. It may have been an important fac-
32 M.H.P. Bott

tor in continental splitting including the development are shown separately below. The increased normal
of rifts prior to passive margin formation. However, compressional stress acting on the base of the elas-
at the present time, most normal continental regions tic layer gives rise to the flexural isostatic uplift and
appear to be in compression (Zoback et al., 1989), contributes a small amount towards the extensional
although the stress system in the eastern part of the stress in the elastic layer. The most significant con-
Eurasian plate is influencing the present develop- tribution to the extensional stress, however, is the
ment of the Baikal rift system and may have been outward drag on the base of the elastic layer exerted
important at the initiation of this system as described by the buoyancy driven flow caused by the low den-
in Chapter 8. Similarly, well-documented changes sity sub-lithospheric load.
in regional stresses have influenced the development Substantial crustal thickening may also give rise
of the Rhinegraben (Chapter 4). Plate boundary ir- to local deviatoric tension and thus to graben for-
regularities may give rise to local tension, such as mation. Some high plateaus such as Tibet are due to
in the vicinity of a bend in a transform fault (e.g. crustal thickening, where the topography and its
Dead Sea rift) or opposite a sharp bend in the trend compensating root give rise to tension (e.g.
of an ocean ridge where the resulting tension may Froidevaux and Ricard, 1987). Graben formation
give rise to a failed-arm type of rift (e.g. Benue rift occurs in this situation as the gravitational energy
in Nigeria, Chapter 13). associated with the compensated uplift is progres-
sively released.
2.4.2 Local extensional stresses caused by hot spots
(active hypothesis) 2.4.3. Discussion

The sub-lithospheric loading caused by anoma- Plate boundary forces and local sub-lithospheric
lously low density upper mantle, normally of ther- loading provide the two most promising explanations
mal origin, gives rise to substantial local deviatoric of the extensional stress characteristic of continen-
extensional stress in the strong elastic core of the tal rift systems. Plate boundary forces are appropri-
lithosphere above. This type of stress system as as- ate to rifting associated with passive margin forma-
sociated with isostatically compensated crustal thick- tion and to some of the prominent Mesozoic rifting
ness variation was originally independently recog- such as that of the North Sea. Stress resulting from
nized by Artyushkov (1973) and by Bott (1971; Bott the local sub-lithospheric loading associated with hot
and Dean, 1972). Bott and Kusznir (1979) and Bott spots and surface swells, possibly supplemented by
(1992) have shown that such a stress system caused regional plate stress, is most appropriate to some of
by an anomalous low density upper mantle below the present-day uplifted continental rift systems.
the lithosphere can be concentrated into the upper Lastly, it is important to recognize that the different
strong part of the continental lithosphere of the up- types of stress system may be superimposed, and in
lifted region to produce tension adequate to cause particular stresses caused by (1) topography and
rifting. Tension of this type must occur in the crust density-depth distribution, (2) plate boundary stress
of continental rift systems associated with updoming, systems, and (3) bending and thermal stresses prob-
even if their initiation was passive. The problem is ably combine to cause the actual stresses in most
to determine whether this is the primary source of rift systems.
the tension (active origin) or not (passive origin).
The mechanism of sub-lithospheric loading is
demonstrated in Figure 2-3 which shows a model 2.5. Modeling lithospheric extension
of an incipient hot spot which gives rise to isostatic
Thinning of the lithosphere as it extends is an es-
doming of 880 m amplitude and also causes
sential feature of the passive mechanism and may
deviatoric extensional stress of about 75 MPa in the
also be relevant to active rift formation. Insight into
20-km-thick strong upper part of the lithosphere.
the mechanism of simple lithospheric extension has
The anomalous principal stresses and shear stresses
been obtained by continuum modeling, particularly
Mechanisms of rifting: Geodynamic modeling of continental rift systems 33

Fig. 2-3. The isostatic surface uplift, deviatoric stresses, anomalous principal pressures and shear stresses caused by a sub-
lithospheric region of anomalously low density in the upper mantle, representing a sub-continental hot spot. The deformation and
stresses caused by the sub-lithospheric load have been computed by finite element analysis. The fight edge of the model is a plane
of symmetry, the whole structure being 2100 km wide. The thick broken lines with a dot at the center denote tension and unbroken
lines denote compression, with only the nearest to horizontal stress being shown. A solid line denotes the base of the crust and
dashed lines denote the base of the elastic upper crust and of the lithosphere. The assumed viscosities are 1023 Pa s for the lower
lithosphere and 1021 Pa s for the asthenosphere down to 400 km depth. Anomalous densities are in kg/m 3. Further details of the
modeling are given by Bott (1992).

following on from the McKenzie (1978) model of of reality in that the brittle regions of the lithosphere
basin formation. This type of modeling falls short are treated as a plastic continuum, so that major faults
34 M.H.P. Bott

Fig. 2-4. Rheological profiles of the continental lithosphere for cold shield type lithosphere under compression and hot tectonic
type of lithosphere under tension, adapted from Ranalli and Murphy (1987). All profiles show strong brittle regions in the upper
crust and in the uppermost mantle. Models (a) to (c) assume a granitic quartz-dominated rheology for the crust and an olivine-
dominated rheology for the upper mantle, but model (d) includes a lower crustal layer of basic to intermediate composition with
plagioclase-dominated rheology. Model (b) has a much thicker crust than model (a).

in the upper crust cannot be included. However, in- with quartz-dominant rheology which fails by brittle
sight is gained into several aspect of extension in- fracture, with strength increasing with depth accord-
cluding temporal and spatial evolution. The two main ing to Byerlee's law; (2) lower crust where the tem-
approaches which have been used are the thin sheet perature may be high enough for power-law viscous
approximation and two-dimensional modeling using flow to occur; (3) uppermost mantle with olivine-
numerical methods such as finite element. dominant rheology where brittle failure may occur
The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary marks as in the upper crust if the temperature is not too
the junction between relatively strong and cool litho- high; and (4) ductile mantle lithosphere at higher
sphere from the hotter and much weaker asthenos- temperature deforming by power-law viscous flow.
phere, and it is consequently a gradational bound- Thus there may be two strong zones in the upper
ary. It is usually defined by an arbitrary isotherm crust and the uppermost mantle separated by a weak
near to the temperature of onset of partial fusion, zone in the lower crust. A further strong brittle zone
such as 90 per cent of the absolute melting tempera- may occur within the crust if quartz gives way down-
ture. wards to a plagioclase dominant rheology. The strong
In simplest terms, the rheology of the continental zone in the uppermost mantle is of particular sig-
lithosphere can be summarized in terms of four zones nificance in rifting studies as under cool conditions
in downward succession as follows: (1) upper crust
Mechanisms of rifting: Geodynamic modeling of continental rift systems 35

it offers the greatest resistance to extension. Some crustal effect dominates if the crust is anomalously
examples of rheological profiles of the strength of thick but the asthenospheric effect dominates if the
the continental mantle are shown in Figure 2-4. lithosphere is anomalously thick.
The strength of the lithosphere may be defined as The second and the third processes may cause the
the yield strength integrated with respect to depth extending lithosphere to strengthen more rapidly
across its thickness. Apart from the mineralogy, the than it is being weakened due to thinning. Such strain
two factors which influence the lithospheric strength hardening may cause the stretching to cease, either
are the temperature-depth profile and the crustal terminating the rift zone activity or causing it to
thickness. Higher temperatures and thicker crust both migrate laterally to form a wide rift zone. England
lead to reduced strength. When the applied tectonic and his co-workers (papers cited above) and Kusznir
force exceeds the lithospheric strength, wholesale and Park (1987) have emphasized the role of ther-
lithospheric failure (Kusznir and Park, 1984, 1987) mal effects in opposing stretching and giving rise to
takes place. As the applied force increases further, wide rift zones. For rapid stretching of 10-14 s -1
extension takes place at a finite rate depending on (0.316 Ma -1) or faster, the thermal strengthening is
the effective viscosity. subordinate, producing a narrow rift zone. For slow
The thin sheet approximation (e.g. England, 1983; stretching of 10-16 s-1 (0.003 Ma-1), cooling is effec-
Houseman and England, 1986; Sonder and England, tive possibly leading to lateral migration of stretch-
1989; Buck, 1991) assumes that the stretched litho- ing to form a wide rift zone. In contrast, Buck (1991)
sphere is wide compared to its thickness and that emphasized the importance of buoyancy stresses in
the strain rate is uniform across the thickness of the controlling formation of narrow or wide rift zones.
lithosphere. A rheological profile is constructed for An alternative approach to the modeling of ex-
the assumed crustal thickness and geothermal pro- tending lithosphere is by two-dimensional model-
file. The tectonic force required to give rise to a ing of a cross section using analytical or numerical
specified strain rate can then be determined from the (finite element) methods (e.g. Fletcher and Hallet,
rheological profile. Interpolation allows the rate of 1983; Zuber and Parmentier, 1986; Braun and Beau-
extension to be determined as a function of applied mont, 1987; Bassi, 1991; Christensen, 1992). This
tectonic force. approach makes it possible to study the development
There are three main processes which affect the of a necking instability resulting from a local weak-
temporal evolution of lithospheric stretching. First, ness such as a small crustal thickening. For instance,
the lithosphere becomes thinner and therefore Zuber and Parmentier (1986) used a lithospheric
weaker; in absence of opposing effects, this would model consisting of a strong layer which deforms
lead to accelerating thinning producing a narrow rift plastically, overlying a weaker viscous layer, to show
zone and possibly leading to continental break-up. how an instability grows to form a rift zone associ-
Second, following the adiabatic temperature pertur- ated with lithospheric thinning. They predicted that
bation on instant stretching, the lithosphere cools as the rift zone should be about four times the width of
the temperatures re-equilibrate, increasing the the brittle layer.
strength after sufficient time for the cooling to be An interesting application of the two-dimensional
effective because weak lower crustal material is re- methods is to study multiple necking. In most conti-
placed by strong olivine-rich upper mantle. Third, nental rift systems, there is a single zone of lithos-
the changing density-depth distribution as the litho- pheric failure, or possibly two zones as in East Af-
sphere and crust thin produces local loading (buoy- rica. A more complicated system of lithospheric fail-
ancy) stresses which modify the tectonic force caus- ures applies to the Basin and Range region of west-
ing the deformation. Crustal thinning reduces the em North America. This was modeled by Fletcher
extensional tectonic force and thus opposes the and Hallet (1983) as a series of uniformly spaced
stretching. On the other hand, the rise of the low regions of lithospheric necking, which are developed
density asthenosphere as stretching proceeds has the if a relatively strong and brittle plastic surface layer
opposite effect and enhances the deformation. The is underlain by a viscous lower lithospheric layer
36 M.H.P. Bott

which deforms by power law creep (n=3). They migration of a specified isotherm used to mark the
showed that the spacing of the lithospheric failures boundary. Spohn and Schubert (1983) assumed a 5-
is 25-60 km for a 10 km thick upper brittle layer. 10 times greater than normal heat flux into the base
This gives good agreement with the spacing of the of the lithosphere and found a time constant of about
basins and ranges as observed. The phenomenon was 10 My for thinning. The problem with this type of
named "lithospheric boudinage" by Ricard and mechanism is that conduction is a very slow pro-
Froidevaux (1986). cess for transferring heat through the lithosphere,
Lithospheric boudinage associated with more and unrealistically high temperature or heat influx
complicated rheological distributions has been stud- at the base is required to account for observed rates
ied by Ricard and Froidevaux (1986). Zuber et al. of thinning (Neugebauer, 1987).
(1986) showed that instability at two wavelengths (2) Magma injection models: the lithosphere is
occurred for a lithosphere consisting of a strong up- heated by magma injection from the underlying par-
per crust and a strong upper mantle separated by a tially fused asthenosphere, with associated stretch-
weak lower crust. Applied to the Basin and Range ing to accommodate the dikes. This can produce
structure, these more complicated models suggest rapid uplift, but Mareschal (1983) has pointed out
that the upper crust extends by boudinage with a that the amount of magma required is of the order of
wavelength of about 40 km, and the upper mantle 30 per cent by volume to cause even 1 km of uplift.
part of the lithosphere extends by boudinage at a (3) Diapiric penetration models: these involve
spacing of 150-200 km, with the Moho remaining diapiric upwelling of the relatively low density and
undisturbed. However, this may not be a good ex- low viscosity asthenosphere into the mantle part of
ample of normal continental rifting where stretch- the lithosphere, driven by buoyancy forces. There
ing is much less. have been a number of suggestions, including the
following. Mareschal (1983) demonstrated the fea-
sibility on a realistic time scale but used an unreal-
2.6. Thinning of the lithosphere without exten- istically large density contrast of 200 kg/m 3 between
sion lithosphere and asthenosphere. Turcotte and
The asthenospheric upbulge beneath modem rift Emerman (1983) assumed the impingement of a fluid
systems such as East Africa is much larger than can mantle plume on the base of the lithosphere, but
be explained by simple stretching consistent with found a rather long time scale for the erosion of the
observed upper crustal extension. This indicates that lithosphere. Neugebauer (1983) showed that diapiric
the lithosphere can be thinned by processes other thinning could occur over about 1 My for more real-
than extension. A number of mechanisms have been istic density values, but took rather low values of
suggested and some of these have been reviewed in 10TM and 1022Pa s for the viscosity of the asthenos-
detail by Neugebauer (1987). Widening of an exist- phere and lithosphere respectively. Yuen and Fleitout
ing anomalous asthenospheric upbulge by second- (1985) assumed a convective plume in the astheno-
ary convection is discussed in section 2.8. sphere which raised the temperature at the base of
Some mechanisms other than stretching which the lithosphere by 240 K, and used temperature and
have been suggested for thinning the lithosphere are pressure dependent viscosity to model thinning of
as follows: the lithosphere and uplift occurring over a time span
(1) Thermal conduction models: this mechanism of the order of 20 My (see also Fleitout et al., 1986).
involves heating of the lithosphere by thermal con- Moretti and Froidevaux (1986) incorporated non-
duction from a hot spot below which may move. Newtonian viscosity with a power law of 3 in the
Models may assume either a high temperature mantle and of 7 in the crust (to simulate brittle frac-
boundary condition at the base of the lithosphere or ture) to model thinning of the lithosphere and crust
a high heat flux into it. Crough and Thompson (1976) in active rifting, with the structure characteristically
modeled the lithospheric thinning by the upward developing over about 20 My. In all these models,
Mechanisms of rifting: Geodynamic modeling of continental rift systems 37

the time-scale is possibly rather long compared to A modification of the wedge subsidence hypoth-
the observed one unless one or more of the assump- esis worked out by Bott (1976) proposed that the
tions are extreme. fault-bounded wedge applies to the brittle upper part
(4) Magma-driven diapiric model: Neugebauer of the continental crust, with accompanying ductile
and Reuter (1987) modeled the upward migration stretching and thinning of the lower part of the crust.
of a pool of low density magma below the lithos- Calculations were based on the assumption that sub-
phere resulting from the buoyancy effects of the sidence will cease when a state of minimum poten-
magma body and of the associated asthenospheric tial (gravitational plus strain) energy is attained. It
upbulge, and showed that very rapid time-scales of was shown that significant subsidence depends on
the development of the lithospheric thinning re- low effective friction on the faults. The maximum
suited. attainable subsidence increases with the applied
There have thus been recent advances in under- deviatoric tension and with the narrowness of the
standing some possible mechanisms of lithospheric graben. Thus a 30-km-wide graben with sediment
thinning by thermal and diapiric processes, although loading has a maximum subsidence of about 5 km
further improvements in the modeling are needed. for a deviatoric tension of 100 MPa. When maximum
The most promising type of model involves diapiric subsidence is approached, further extensional activ-
upwelling, progressive conversion of lithosphere to ity would need to migrate laterally, giving a form of
asthenosphere according to a realistic temperature strain hardening additional to those discussed in sec-
and pressure dependent viscosity, and the buoyant tion 2.5.
effect of magma. For comparison of the models with The effectiveness of the wedge subsidence mecha-
observations, we need to know more about the ac- nism has been demonstrated by finite element analy-
tual time-scale of the thinning, presumably from the sis (Fig. 2-5), as described by Bott (1992) where
evidence provided by igneous rocks. At present, further detail is given. This model is driven by
these models are difficult to test. deviatoric tension in the upper crust produced by a
low density underlying upper mantle (hot spot) with
asthenospheric upbulge reaching the base of the
2.7. Mechanisms of crustal faulting and graben
crust. Superimposed on the regional swell of 1.7 km
elevation produced in absence of faulting, the gra-
The earliest extensional hypothesis was the wedge ben subsidence is 3 km without sediment loading
subsidence concept as developed by Vening Meinesz and flank uplift is 1 km. With sediment loading, sub-
(1950). A downward narrowing wedge of continen- sidence above 8 km would occur. This model and
tal crust bounded by normal faults dipping at about others described by Bott (1992) emphasize the im-
60* sinks into the underlying fluid mantle until it portance of a relatively low viscosity structure be-
reaches isostatic equilibrium, with rim uplifts form- low the fault wedge to permit it to move sufficiently
ing by flexure of the crust outside the faults. Flex- rapidly.
ure theory predicts a characteristic width of the gra- It is now known that upper crustal extension is
ben of about 40 km for a 30 km thick elastic crust normally asymmetrical, with dominance of the half-
overlying a fluid upper mantle, and with additional graben rather than the symmetrical sinking wedge.
sediment loading subsidence of order of 2 km was Half-grabens have been associated with listric fault-
calculated. The principal objection to this original ing and/or shallow detachment faults. However, the
form of the wedge subsidence hypothesis is that the general mechanical principles worked out for sym-
predicted root of deep crust projecting into the metrical wedges should also apply in principle to
mantle below the rift has not been observed in seis- half grabens and their evolution.
mic experiments, rather the opposite in many regions In the Wernicke (1985) model of crustal exten-
where the crust is observed to thin. sional faulting, upper crustal asymmetrical faulting
passes down into a detachment surface which allows
the extension of the ductile part of the lithosphere
38 M.H.P. Bott

Fig. 2-5. Finite element model of an active rift with low density upper mantle appropriate to a hot spot and an asthenospheric
upweUing extending into the crust. The vertical displacement profile and the deviatoric stresses are shown for the left half of a
symmetrical model 2100 km wide. A fault bounds a symmetrical graben; The fault displacement of about 3 km subsidence and 1 km
flank uplift is superimposed on the broad domal uplift of 1.7 km. Sediment loading has been excluded, but would increase the
subsidence by about a factor of three. An enlargement of the central region is shown below. Anomalous densities are in kg/m 3 and
other mechanical properties are as in Fig. 2-3. For further details see Bott (1992).

(lower crust and mantle) to be offset from the sur- those main modern rift systems which have been
face rift structure. A series of more complicated adequately studied (Kenya rift, Baikal, Rio Grande,
styles of asymmetrical upper crustal extension linked Rhinegraben) appears to underlie, or nearly under-
to pure shear deformation of the underlying crust lie, the zone of rifting, rather than being significantly
and lithosphere have been documented by Lister et offset, with asymmetrical extension of the upper
al. (1991), and these are discussed further in Chap- crust almost directly overlying pure shear thinning
ter 11. As far as existing evidence indicates, the of the underlying crust and uppermost mantle.
crustal and lithospheric thinning associated with
Mechanisms of rifting: Geodynamic modeling of continental rift systems 39

Fig. 2-6. A synthetic example of the use of the flexural cantilever method of basin modeling: (a) Syn-rift basin geometry and crustal
structure resulting from imposed fault displacements of various polarities and an underlying balanced crustal structure. Flexural
isostatic equilibrium in response to the crustal and sediment loads assumes the faults are locked. The thickness of the flexing elastic
layer is taken as 3 km. (b) Syn-rift basin geometry and crustal structure after erosion and flexural isostatic rebound. (c) After 250
Ma of thermal subsidence and post-rift sediment loading. (d) As (c) but with vertical exaggeration of basin geometry. Reproduced
from Kusznir and Ziegler (1992) with permission.

The flexural cantilever method introduced by basin geometry and subsidence history if it is as-
Kusznir et al. (1991) makes it possible to model the sumed that plastic pure shear deformation affects a
flexural and thermal response of the continental region of 75 to 125 km width for each fault and that
lithosphere to planar faulting of the upper crust and the flexing elastic layer is only about 2 to 5 km thick.
distributed pure shear ductile deformation of the The method has been applied to the evolution of the
lower crust and mantle. The first stage is to impose Viking Graben by Marsden et al. (1990). A synthetic
the observed pattern of fault displacements and example is shown in Figure 2-6 to illustrate how
stretching on the upper crustal layer. It is assumed the method works.
that extension by faulting in the upper crust is ex- The flexural cantilever method imposes the ob-
actly balanced at depth by plastic deformation. The served total fault motion and thus cannot model the
method models the long term flexural isostatic equi- process of fault growth. Co-seismic slip on faults
librium resulting from thinning of the crust by fault- can be fitted to observed geodetic data on footwall
ing and plastic deformation, from evolving thermal uplift and hangingwall subsidence using an elastic
loads, from sediment fill and from erosional unload- dislocation model (Mansinha and Smylie, 1971). As
ing. The model is able to predict typical observed an example, Stein and Barrientos (1985) used this
40 M.H.P. Bott

method to model the observed ground displacement Diapiric upwelling of the asthenosphere may
profile occurring on the Lost River fault in the Ba- cause redistribution of mass within the ductile lower
sin and Range province during the Borah Peak earth- crust as well as gross stretching of the crust, thin-
quake of 1983. They showed that the data better fit- ning the lower crust beneath the rift zone by out-
ted a high angle planar fault than a listric fault. ward flow, so that slightly thickened crust occurs
beneath the flanks. This effect is shown in some of
the centrifuge mechanical models of rifting
2.8. Flank uplifts (Mulugeta, 1985). The flexural isostatic response to
The earliest explanation of flank uplifts was by the thickened crust will be to cause rim uplifts which
upbending of the "elastic lithosphere" on one or both may reach maximum elevation at some distance from
sides of the subsiding rift wedge. This idea was first the faults.
applied by Vening Meinesz (1950) to a crustal rift Flank uplifts can be caused in passive rifting, and
block, but equally well applies to wedge subsidence intensified in active rifting, by the effect of small
of the brittle upper crustal layer and to half grabens. scale convection widening the region of thinned
The cross-sectional shape of the uplift is defined by lithosphere. Keen (1985, 1987), Buck (1986) and
flexure theory, with the maximum uplift adjacent to Fleitout et al. (1986) modeled the effect of small
the rift faults and an exponentially decaying eleva- scale convection in thinning the lithosphere and par-
tion away from the rift. The occurrence of such flex- ticularly in widening the asthenospheric bulge pro-
ural flank uplifts is in excellent agreement with geo- duced by passive extension, and found that signifi-
logical observations and this mechanism is clearly cant effects could be produced over time periods of
of much importance despite the neglect of it in con- around 10 Ma. Flexural uplift occurs in response to
tinuum models of extension. However, such flank the buoyancy of the widened region of low density
uplift may be much less conspicuous when exten- asthenosphere. This type of mechanism explains the
sion is dominated by shallow dipping faults and de- formation of flank uplifts which develop signifi-
tachment surfaces. cantly later than the onset of the upper crustal ex-
Flank uplift can additionally arise from buoyancy tension and rifting, such as those bordering the Gulf
forces resulting from local regions of anomalously of Suez (Steckler, 1985).
low density beneath the immediate rift zone. The A further mechanism of relevance to passive rift-
flexural rigidity of the upper crust distributes the ing, recently modeled by Ch6ry et al. (1992), results
isostatic uplift to include the flank regions. The width from lack of local isostatic equilibrium during litho-
and prominence of the flank uplift increases with spheric extension. In particular, the Moho is char-
the flexural rigidity. Some mechanisms by which acteristically deeper than its local isostatic level
such flank uplifts are produced are briefly summa- immediately after stretching. The flexural response
rized below, the first two being most relevant to ac- of the strong upper crustal layer to the anomalous
tive rifting and the others to passive rifting. low density at the base of the crust gives rise to flank
Flank uplifts can be produced by buoyancy forces uplifts whose width and prominence depends on the
associated with a low density asthenospheric upbulge flexural rigidity.
associated with thinning of the lithosphere without In conclusion, it is emphasized that flank uplifts
stretching. This will produce doming of the rift zone may commonly be the combined effect of a broad
and its flanks; because of the reduced flexural rigid- swell associated with an underlying hot spot, a
ity of the thinned lithosphere, such doming will be shorter wavelength uplift associated with an
shorter in wavelength than that produced by an up- asthenospheric upbulge and footwall flexural uplift
per mantle hot spot beneath lithosphere of normal associated with major faulting. Other mechanisms
thickness. Maximum elevation occurs adjacent to the described above may also contribute.
rift faults as in the elastic upbending models.
Mechanisms of rifting: Geodynamic modeling of continental rift systems 41

2.9. Summary and conclusions Modeling of graben formation normally assumes

a relatively simple rheological structure of the litho-
This chapter has summarized some theoretical
sphere beneath the faulted upper crust. Despite the
studies relevant to the geodynamics of continental
predominance of asymmetrical half grabens, mod-
rifting omitting the petrological intricacies of magma
eling of symmetrical grabens has been useful in dem-
genesis and ascent. Hypotheses for the initiation of
onstrating there is a limit to maximum subsidence
rift structures depend on the primary source of ex-
which depends on the magnitude of the applied ten-
tensional stress which initiates the faulting. The pas-
sion. A finite element model is presented in Figure
sive hypothesis attributes the primary extension to
5 which shows that subsidence enhanced by sedi-
plate interior deviatoric tension of distant origin,
ment loading can reach at least 8 km in response to
such as might be produced by the trench suction plate
the local deviatoric tension resulting from an under-
boundary force, with volcanism and vertical move-
lying low density (hot spot) upper mantle of realis-
ment being a secondary response to lithospheric ex-
tic densities, demonstrating the feasibility of the
tension. The active hypothesis attributes volcanism,
active hypothesis. The flexural cantilever approach
doming and faulting to the influence of an underly-
is a further method of modeling the thermal and flex-
ing hot upper mantle (hot spot) which may be gen-
ural evolution of realistic rift structures which is il-
erated by a plume. Finite element modeling is used
lustrated in Figure 6.
to show that quite a small upper mantle hot spot gives
Flank uplifts are characteristic of most rift zones.
rise to substantial deviatoric tension in the strong
The simplest explanation is in terms of elastic
regions of the lithosphere. The present stress regime,
upbending of the footwall of the rift faults. Other
probably applicable during the Tertiary, indicates
processes which can enhance flank uplifts include
low-lying continental regions are subject to compres-
small scale convection widening the zone of lithos-
sion rather than tension; consequently the active
pheric thinning, upthrust caused by a diapiric
hypothesis may be relevant to the Tertiary rift sys-
upbulge of the asthenosphere and lack of local isos-
tems, whereas the passive hypothesis may have been
tatic equilibrium during lithospheric extension.
dominant during the more tensional stress regime of
the Mesozoic.
Failure of the continental lithosphere in extension
Acknowledgements: I am grateful to Professor
N.J. Kusznir for reading through the manuscript and
has been modeled by the thin sheet approximation
giving a number of helpful suggestions. He also
and also by numerical methods such as finite ele-
kindly provided Figure 2-6.
ment. The thin sheet approximation uses realistic
rheology but cannot include major faults, treating
brittle regions as plastic. Such modeling has dem- 2.10 References
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Chapter 3A

Petrology, geochemistry, isotopes

R.F. W e n d l a n d t , R. Altherr, E . - R . N e u m a n n , and W.S. B a l d r i d g e

3A.1. Introduction respect to the timing, composition, spatial distribu-

tion, and volume of igneous products, can limit the
The presence of magmatic rocks, a fundamental application of petrologic techniques to understand-
feature of all continental rift zones, reflects the en- ing rift evolution. For example, the geographic dis-
ergy expended in lithospheric extension and up- tribution and volume of magmatic rocks are obvi-
welling of the asthenosphere. These rocks represent ous and fundamental constraints on the usefulness
products of the crust and upper mantle, hence carry of such rocks for understanding rift processes; in-
unique physical and chemical information that can- formation can be obtained only where such rocks
not be obtained by geophysical techniques. Petro- occur. Similarly, the occurrence of magmatic rocks
logical and geochemical studies of rift-associated is not necessarily uniform in time for any given rift,
igneous rocks can provide information on pressure, hence limiting the ability to view different stages in
temperature, compositions of crust and mantle the evolution of a rift. Alternatively, the variations
sources, and processes involved in magma ascent and in magmatic occurrences may be related to funda-
evolution. Moreover, in contrast to geophysical tech- mental processes in the upper mantle or to structural
niques, which view the present state of the lithos- events that are temporally, spatially, and perhaps,
phere, magmatic rocks of different ages potentially thermally discontinuous. Investigations of rift-re-
record the evolution through time of the mantle and lated igneous rocks, therefore, may provide unique
crust beneath rifts. insight into these processes. In this review, we will
Magmatic products of continental rifts range from briefly summarize the principal petrologic tech-
basaltic through intermediate to silicic in composi- niques that have been applied to igneous rocks in
tion. Since basaltic magmas are derived from the rifts. Our objective is to provide the necessary back-
mantle (the only possibility for deriving basalts from ground for the comparative analysis of rifts that fol-
the crust is by complete melting of pre-existing ba- lows.
s a l t - an unlikely process), these magmatic rocks
are of greatest importance in understanding mantle
processes. More silicic rocks are useful for under- 3A.2. Magma genesis and eruption
standing crustal processes, since these rocks are gen-
erated from and/or acquired their evolved character Magmas can be derived by a restricted number of
within the crust. fundamental melting mechanisms (Wyllie, 1988)
Occurrences of magmatic rocks are variable both which effectively "move" a source material across
within different parts of a given rift and from one its solidus"
rift to another. This variability, which occurs with
48 R.F. Wendlandt et al

Figure 3A-1. Schematic flow diagram of magma generation and modification processes. Compositional characteristics of primary
versus evolved magmas are discussed in the text.

1) increasing temperature at a given depth or 4) mass transport of material to a lower pressure

through prograde burial metamorphism; environment by convective processes.
2) modification of source rock composition (per- Production of large amounts of magma by mecha-
haps by metasomatic processes) resulting in a de- nism (1) is mechanistically unlikely because it re-
crease in solidus temperature below the ambient tem- quires extensive heat transfer by thermal conduction.
perature; Mechanism (2) may be appropriate to reconcile small
3) local pressure decrease; and volumes of melt and melts generated by small de-
Petrology, geochemistry, isotopes 49

grees of partial melting but may not be a major pro- Johnson, 1991; Wendlandt et al., 1991). For example,
cess of magma genesis because the fraction of melt residual solid material (mantle or crust) is chemi-
that is generated is proportional to the amount of cally and mineralogically modified by depletion in
source rock compositional modification that occurs. volatiles and low melting temperature components
Mechanism 3 cannot account for large volumes of during melting and mixing processes and by enrich-
melt because it requires that either temperatures in ment in mafic mineral accumulations (cumulates)
the source region be very close to solidus tempera- during crystallization. Continental rift volcanism
tures or that pressure decreases be unrealistically will alter the lower crust toward more dense and
large. Mechanism (4) is the most effective way to mafic compositions, which will produce attendant
obtain large volumes of melt and melts requiring changes in crustal velocity structure. The extent of
large degrees of partial melting. magma and host rock modification during magma
A partial melt, representing the fusible or low ascent is variable and may occur continuously or
melting temperature components of a source rock, intermittently when the magma occupies a magma
can be erupted on the surface via any number of chamber at some intermediate level. Figure 3A-1
possible pathways as shown schematically in Fig- arbitrarily depicts two levels of magma stagnation,
ure 3A-1. A magma extracted from its solid residua at the base of the crust and at an upper crustal (shal-
that erupts on the surface virtually unchanged in low) magma chamber. It is well established, how-
composition is termed "primary". There are no gen- ever, that magma chambers can form over the range
erally accepted criteria for identifying primary mag- of crustal conditions. In Oslo rift, for example,
mas, but high Mg/(Mg+Fe) and low SiO2 values are magma chambers existed both in the deep to inter-
often used. Occurrences of primary magmas in rift mediate crust (> 18 km) and at subsurface levels (1-
environments are rare but can provide valuable in- 3 km). Significantly, the proportion of magmas in
formation about P and T of origin and source rock rifts that never make it to the surface is probably
mineralogy if their primary nature can be established. greater than the observed eruptives. The crystalliza-
Most often, magma compositions are "evolved" or tion of these magmas at intermediate depths (above
modified during ascent through the mantle and crust the region of magma genesis) can significantly
by processes involving mixing (ion exchange pro- modify crust composition and physical properties,
cesses, assimilation of wallrock or inclusions, including density, magnetics, seismic velocity, heat
magma mixing), crystallization (crystal settling, flo- flow, etc.
tation, or plating on conduit walls), and fluid sepa-
ration (liquid-fluid, solid-fluid, and liquid-liquid
immiscibilities). Evolved magmas are typically char- 3A.3. Chemistry of igneous rocks
acterized by low Mg/(Mg+Fe) and high SiO2, K20, 3A.3.1. Major, Minor, and Trace Elements
Na20, A1203,and 875r/86Sr. In a given suite of basal-
tic rocks, we generally consider the rock with high- The elements constituting a magmatic rock are
est Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratio to be the most "primitive" divided into major, minor, and trace elements ac-
(least modified during ascent). In most cases it is cording to their abundance. Major elements are those
difficult to determine if the most primitive rock in a elements which make up the bulk of a rock; their
suite represents a primary magma. For the petrolo- concentrations are given in weight percentages of
gist studying rift volcanism, a detailed understand- the respective oxides and a major element occurs
ing of the processes by which a magma is modified normally in quantities above 1 wt%. The major ox-
involves use of major element, trace element, and ides of a magmatic rock typically include SiO2, TiO2,
isotopic compositions, and application of techniques A1203, Fe203, FeO, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na:O, K20,
from both field and experimental petrology. P:Os, H20, and CO:. Minor elements are those ele-
Removal of melts from mantle source regions and ments which occur in magmatic rocks in quantities
their ascent through the crust result in compositional generally < 1 wt% and > 0.1 wt%. Although, for in-
and physical modifications of these regions (e.g., stance, K and P in rift-related basalts may occur in
50 R.F. Wendlandt et al


1:5 07 "
Fo ,te / Phooo-V \
o 9
o 7
Basan le L " L ~ndes,te \ ~ - I
S l h : : : i t Y ~ Andesite I DaciLe
------ Basaltic
P i c r o- Basalt andesit~

I i I I I I I I ! ! I ! I I I I I I I

57 41 45 49 55 57 61 65 69 75 77

Si02 wt%

Figure 3A-2. IUGS chemical classification scheme for volcanic rocks based on total alkali (Na20 and K20) and silica (SiO2)

quantities well below 1 wt.% and, thus, should be dynamic properties from relevant phase diagrams.
regarded as minor elements, they are traditionally Hence these two major basalt types convey funda-
listed among the major elements. Trace elements are mental information with regard to the conditions of
those that occur at concentrations < 0.1 wt% (1000 their formation in the mantle (for example, see Sec-
ppm). The most important trace elements in igneous tion 3A.5, below). Igneous rock classification used
petrology (from our present view point) are Cs, Rb, in this volume is that of the International Union of
Ba, Th, U, Nb, Ta, Pb, Sr, Zr, Hf, Y, Ni, Cr, Co, Sc, Geological Sciences (lUGS) Subcommission on the
and the rare earth elements (REE, e.g., La, Ce, Nd, Systematics of Igneous Rocks (Streckeisen, 1976,
Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Ho, Tm, Yb, and Lu). 1979; Le Bas et al., 1986). A simple chemical clas-
The classification of igneous rocks is based on sification scheme that the IUGS Subcommission rec-
actual (modal) mineralogy, whenever possible. ommends for volcanic rocks, based on total alkali
Where modes cannot be obtained, for example be- (Na20 + K20) and silica (SiO2), is shown in Figure
cause the rock is too fine-grained or glassy, chemi- 3A-2.
cal data are used for classification. For basalts, a
fundamental distinction is made between tholeiitic 3A.3.2. Compatible vs. Incompatible Elements
and alkalic compositions. Tholeiitic basalts are those
which have enough silica to contain the normative Those elements whose ionic radii and charges are
(or theoretically calculated) mineral hypersthene; compatible with the crystal structures of the major
alkalic basalts, by contrast, contain less SiO2, hence igneous minerals and which are, therefore, readily
have normative nepheline or leucite. This distinc- incorporated into these minerals are called "compat-
tion is not arbitrary, but rather is based on thermo- ible". Those elements, alternatively, whose ionic
Petrology, geochemistry, isotopes 51

radii and charges do not allow their ready incorpo- weathering, including Cs, Ba, F, and CI, and for these
ration into crystal structures are termed "incompat- elements, alteration by weathering is still a poten-
ible". Incompatible elements are often subdivided tial problem.
into two subgroups, high field strength (HFS) and Contamination by assimilation is a widespread
low field strength (LFS), based on ionic radius and phenomenon. Contamination of basaltic rocks by
charge. Elements in the former subgroup (e.g., Zr, crustal materials can best be tested by utilizing cer-
Th, U, Nb, etc.) are characterized by high charge tain element ratios, for example, K/P, Nb/U, and Ti/
and relatively small ionic radius, while those in the Yb, in conjunction with isotope ratios if possible (see
latter (e.g., Rb, Sr, Ba, Cs, etc.) are characterized by below). K and U are enriched and P and Nb are de-
large radius and low valence. When a mafic to inter- pleted in typical crustal materials and their deriva-
mediate composition melt is in contact with an ig- tive melts as compared to uncontaminated mantle-
neous mineral, both HFS and LFS elements will pref- derived melts, making the K/P and Nb/U ratios sen-
erentially concentrate in the melt. This behavior is sitive to assimilation of crustal materials. Crystal
described by a distribution coefficient, D, which is fractionation, on the other hand, would simulta-
defined as the concentration ratio of an element be- neously enrich the melt in K and P or Nb and U, and
tween a mineral assemblage and the melt or fluid. thus not cause significant changes in the respective
These distribution coefficients are dependent on the element ratios. Conclusions reached from Ti/Yb ra-
specific chemical compositions of the phases as well tios are not so straightforward: a low Ti/Yb ratio
as on temperature and pressure. Incompatible and does not necessarily prove that crustal contamina-
compatible elements are characterized by D < 1 and tion took place, but high Ti/Yb is strong evidence
D > 1, respectively. For any specific igneous system against additions of crustal materials (Hofmann et
(i.e., a system with coexisting minerals, melt, and al., 1986; Leeman and Hawkesworth, 1986; Van
possibly, a volatile phase), the elements can be ar- Calsteren et al., 1986; Carlson and Hart, 1987).
ranged in a "compatibility sequence" which means Most of the magmas which reach the surface have
they are arranged in the order of increasing D. been modified by crystal fractionation which can
take place at different levels and, hence, might in-
volve different pressure-dependent mineral assem-
3A.4. Processes of magmatic evolution blages. The chemical composition of the erupted lava
The chemical composition of a particular mag- will reflect this process. For example, a useful indi-
matic rock not only defines its name (Fig. 3A-2) cator of plagioclase fractionation is the presence of
but also reflects its genesis. Some of the important negative Eu anomalies visible in chondrite-normal-
factors which will influence the chemical composi- ized rare earth element (REE) patterns. These anoma-
tion of the final magmatic rock are: the chemical lies result because Eu, among the REE, can exist in
and mineralogical composition of the source rock, two oxidation states, Eu 2 and Eu 3 and plagioclase
the degree of partial melting, the temperature and preferentially incorporates E u 2 f r o m the melt rela-
pressure of melting, the mechanism and extent of tive to Eu 3` and other REE. Independent of pressure,
melt extraction, crystal fractionation, contamination the net effects of crystal fractionation from a basal-
(as, for example by wall rock assimilation), fluid tic magma will always be a decrease in Mg/(Mg+Fe,)
release and/or exchange with country rocks, and and in the contents of other compatible (with respect
weathering (compare Fig. 3A-l). When dealing with to the fractionating mineral assemblage) elements
a magmatic rock, the effects of all these processes similar to Mg, e.g., Ni, Cr, Co. This effect arises
must be taken into account. because the fractionating assemblage will always be
The possibility that the original chemistry of the dominated by mafic minerals, including olivine and
rock has changed by weathering may in most cases pyroxenes. If a suite of chemically different mag-
be ruled out by careful sampling. Some elements, matic rocks is related by crystal fractionation, one
however, are extremely sensitive to the effects of would expect that they define smooth curves in
chemical variation diagrams and that their compo-
52 R.F. Wendlandt et al


0 20 40 60 80 100






1.0 0.8 0.6 0,4 0.2 0


Figure 3A-3. Plot of incompatible (D < 1) and compatible (D > I) element behaviors during Rayleigh fractional crystallization. Ct]
Co represents the ratio of an element concentration in a daughter melt, C L, relative to that in the parent melt, Co. F represents the
fraction of melt remaining during crystallization.

sitions can be modeled by subtracting increasing tial stages of crystal fractionation, the contents of
amounts of fractionating mineral assemblages with incompatible elements in basaltic to intermediate
appropriate mineral compositions. These model cal- composition melts are enriched only moderately
culations require knowledge of the modes of frac- (Figure 3A-3). In contrast, compatible element con-
tionating mineral assemblages and of the distribu- centrations are sensitive to small degrees of crystal
tion coefficients. fractionation and will initially decrease rapidly as
Primary magmas derived by partial melting from does the ratio Mg/(Mg+Fe,) (Cox et al., 1979). The
a normal upper mantle source are expected to have approach commonly used in studying suites of re-
Mg/(Mg+Fet) > 65, Ni > 250 ppm, and Cr > 300 lated but compositionally varied rocks is to deter-
ppm. For rocks having undergone crystal fraction- mine the least evolved composition or compositions
ation that are characterized by lower values, a pri- to which more evolved basalts can be related (i.e.,
mary melt composition can be modeled by correct- parental melts). Once a primary, or at least the most
ing for the effects of fractionation. During the ini- primitive, melt composition has been established, it
Petrology, geochemistry, isotopes 53

is possible to put constraints on problems like the melts can be derived from a presumed source rock.
composition of the mantle source rock, the tempera- Depending on the assumptions regarding source rock
ture and pressure conditions of origin, the degree of composition, particularly the volatile (water, carbon
partial melting, and the mineralogical composition dioxide, etc.) composition and content that may be
of the solid residue. These problems are, however, present, the observed melt compositions and their
related to each other, and cannot be solved indepen- physical conditions of origin may (or may not) be
dently: If we are interested in the degree of partial reasonably analogous to naturally occurring mag-
melting by which a certain primary melt was gener- mas.
ated, it is necessary to make assumptions about the Experiments involving igneous rock compositions
chemical composition of the source and vice versa. (the "inverse" approach) are used to constrain pos-
Numerical methods are used to model the evolu- sible source rock mineralogy and the conditions of
tion of suites of evolved rocks, in which various genesis and evolution for that specific rock compo-
members are related to each other by assimilation, sition. For these types of experiments to be mean-
mixing, and/or fractional crystallization processes ingful, the genetic history of the composition being
(e.g., Langmuir et al., 1977; O'Hara, 1977; DePaolo, studied must be understood, including whether or
1981; O'Hara and Mathews, 1981; Hagen and not the magma in question is primitive or modified
Neumann, 1990). These modeling approaches pro- by low pressure crystal fractionation or crustal as-
vide insight into crustal processes, including esti- similation processes. While the types of information
mates of the extent to which a magma is evolved obtained from the forward and inverse approaches
(i.e., the amount of crystallization that has occurred, differ, the approaches are complementary, and inte-
or the extent of interaction between magma and sur- grating both types of studies provides the best con-
rounding rock during ascent). straints on source conditions.
In principle, a petrogenetic grid can be estab-
lished, based on experimental studies, in which
3A.5. Experimental studies magma composition is related to a unique range of
Another approach to interpreting basalt compo- pressure, temperature, water and carbon dioxide con-
sitions lies in comparison with the large volume of tents, and degree of partial melting conditions in the
data generated from laboratory experiments over a upper mantle. In practice, the rigorous application
period of more than twenty years. Comparison with of this predictive approach is limited by the uncer-
experimental petrology can be used to place limits tainties noted above regarding the compositions of
on the depth and temperature of origin of magma, magma, source rocks, the compositional changes that
mineralogy and mineral chemistry of source rocks may have occurred to erupted rocks during ascent,
as a function of depth, and eruption path processes. and by the incomplete experimental coverage of the
Experiments on a wide range of synthetic and natu- range of magma types that occur in rift environments.
ral materials have permitted the pressure, tempera- Sufficient data exist, however, to constrain condi-
ture, and compositional conditions under which tions of origin of major basalt types, tholeiitic and
melts of various composition are generated or modi- alkalic basalt, that are volumetrically important in
fied to be constrained. Experimental studies cannot, many rifts (e.g., Rio Grande, Baikal, Red Sea).
however, constrain bulk composition of the magma Experiments bearing on the origin of tholeiites
source region. indicate genesis at relatively low pressure (less than
Experimental studies can be conducted using natu- about 15 kbar) by approximately 5 to 30% partial
ral or synthetic starting materials that are represen- melting of a spinel lherzolite source composition
tative of either source rocks or observed igneous rock (Jaques and Green, 1980; Takahashi and Kushiro,
compositions. Experiments on source rocks (the "for- 1983). Figure 3A-4 depicts the composition of liq-
ward" approach) demonstrate possible pressure, tem- uids derived from partial melting of dry lherzolite,
perature, and compositional conditions for which a peridotitic rock consisting of olivine,
orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and an aluminous
54 R.F. Wendlandt et al



L 20
arnph+carb+ I
L /.
/,.~q~/ "

10 / ol+cpx+opx+ / /'~

I I I I I t
900 1100 1300 1 ~00
Temperature, oC

Figure 3A-4. Compositions of liquids derived from partial melting of volatile-absent lherzolite (dry solidus) and from lherzolite
containing small amounts of H20 and CO2 (modified from Jaques and Green, 1980, Takahashi and Kushiro, 1983, and Olafsson and
Eggler, 1983). Abbreviations: ol=olivine, cpx=clinopyroxene, opx=orthopyroxene, amph=amphibole, sp=spinel, ga=garnet,
ph=phlogopite, carb=carbonate, AOB=alkali olivine basalt, OL-THOL=olivine tholeiite, THOL=tholeiite, QZ-THOL=quartz
tholeiite, KIMB=kimberlite, CARB=carbonatite, and NEPH=nephelinite.

phase such as spinel or garnet. At low pressure (less less than about 22 kbar, carbonate (dolomite) and
than about 5 kbar) and for low degrees of partial amphibole at intermediate pressures, 17-22 kbar, and
melting, liquid compositions are relatively enriched carbonate (dolomite or magnesite) at pressures
in silica (quartz tholeiitic). With increasing pressure greater than 22 kbar (Fig. 3A-4). A consequence of
up to 15-17 kbar, liquid compositions tend to be- these minerals is that the beginning of melting of
come less siliceous and more magnesian (olivine mantle peridotite and the composition of the first
tholeiitic). Alkali olivine basalts, on the other hand, formed melt are uniquely defined for a given pres-
can be generated by small degrees of melting (less sure, temperature, and bulk composition by melting
than several percent) of anhydrous peridotite at pres- reactions involving these volatile-bearing minerals.
sures in excess of 10 kbar. The mantle solidus as determined by Olafsson and
Alternatively, small amounts of volatiles, gener- Eggler (1983) for a natural spinel lherzolite contain-
ally H20 and CO2, in the magma source region can ing small amounts of H20 and CO2 and melt compo-
promote the generation of alkali basalts at lower tem- sitions generated near this solidus are also summa-
peratures than exhibited by dry melting relations. If rized in Figure 3A--4. With increasing pressure, melts
the mantle contains volatile components, 1-120 and become increasingly alkaline and silica-undersatu-
CO2, as conventional wisdom suggests, then the be- rated. At pressures of about 25-30 kbar, melt com-
ginning of melting is fundamentally different than positions are strongly enriched in dissolved carbon-
for anhydrous conditions. The presence of CO2 and ate and resemble, in some respects, carbonatites. At
H20 stabilizes volatile-bearing minerals at still higher pressures, melts are kimberlitic. Because
subsolidus conditions in mantle compositions. These volatile components will be present in trace amounts
volatile-bearing minerals are amphibole at pressures in mantle source rocks (perhaps several tenths of a
Petrology, geochemistry, isotopes 55

weight percent), only small volumes of melt will be of overall rift features. The position of silicic, pre-
generated near the volatile-present solidus. The con- sumably crust-derived, melts in a petrogenetic grid
tinuation of melting at higher temperatures will con- is undetermined.
form to the volatile-absent phase relations of
The genesis of primary alkali basalts, therefore, 3A.6. Isotopes
can result from small degrees of partial melting in- 3A.6.1. Introduction
volving volatiles at reduced temperature or from very
small degrees of partial melting in the absence of Because different regimes of the earth have unique
volatiles at higher temperatures. Tholeiites are the major and trace element compositions, they are also
products of somewhat larger degrees of partial melt- characterized by distinctive isotopic compositions.
ing, where the effects of small amounts of volatile Isotopes of interest for petrological applications in-
components on melting relations are diluted. Experi- clude both radiogenic (i.e., formed by radioactive
mental results predict an overlap in the pressure con- decay processes from another isotope; listed in Table
ditions of origin of these two major basalt types; 3A-l) and stable (or non-radiogenic, i.e., not formed
however, this overlap does not occur when source by decay from any other isotope). Each element has
rock composition (particularly H20 and CO: con- specific geochemical attributes which makes it a
tents) is constrained. Unfortunately, documentation unique tracer of certain petrological processes. In
of basalt composition in rifts rarely reflects the this review, we will limit our discussion to radio-
source rock composition to the necessary degree, and genic isotopic systems.
therefore, assigning conditions of origin to basalt Generally, radioactive decay systems can be used
type is qualitative unless experiments have been in two different ways"
conducted on the specific composition in question. 1) for direct age determination by measuring the
It is important to note, although a detailed dis- ratio of the parent atom over the daughter atom; and
cussion is not warranted, that the volcanic record in 2) as a tracer of chemical differentiation events
rift environments is often characterized by a great in parts of the earth or the solar system based on
diversity of magma types, including many volumetri- different geochemical behaviors of parent and daugh-
cally limited and compositionally extreme types, ter atoms.
although tholeiitic and alkalic basalt types may pre- Better constrained interpretations often result
dominate. The compositionally extreme, typically from the integration of measurements of several iso-
ultra-alkaline, magmas can provide additional infor- topic systems. For example, when 143Nd/144Ndratios
mation on source rock compositions, conditions of are used in conjunction with 87Sr/86Sr, the collective
genesis and chemical/thermal processes in the mantle result is a very powerful tracer of lithosphere and
when appropriate experimental constraints are avail- magma evolution. For a general review of the ba-
able. sics of isotope geochemistry see, for example, Faure
A major gap in our knowledge exists regarding (1986).
the genesis and significance, with respect to rifting With respect to rift studies, the decay of 4~ to
processes, of silicic igneous products. This limita- 4~ is used for dating volcanic rocks whereas the
tion is particularly apparent in those rift environ- other decay systems are mainly important as
ments where extremely large volumes of relatively geochemical tracers. Dating by Rb-Sr, Re-Os, Sm-
silicic material have been emplaced or erupted (e.g., Nd, and U-Pb isotopic systems, which are charac-
the Oslo Rift and the East African Rift). In East Af- terized by very long half-lives, is only possible in
rica, for example, approximately 50,000 cubic km paleorifts where the igneous rocks are old enough
of flood phonolites and about 25,000 cubic km of to have accumulated enough daughter isotopes by
flood trachytes have been erupted (Lippard, 1973; in situ decay (e.g., Midcontinent Rift)
Williams, 1982). These volumes require a thermal
"trigger" that is significant with respect to the scale
56 R.F. Wendlandt et al

Radiogenic isotopic systems used in geochemistry.

Radioactive parent Decay mechanism Stable daughter Approximate half-life Isotope used for
(Ga) normalization
,, , ,

4~ electron capture, 13 40Ca' 40Ar 1.3 36Ar

87Rb 13 87Sr 48 86Sr
1478m tx 143Nd 106 144Nd
176Lu 176Hf 33 177Hf
187Re 187Os 46 186Os
232Th o,, 13 208pb 14 2~
235U a, 13 207pb 0.7 2~
238U ~, 13 206pb 4.8 2~

3A.6.2. Isotopes as tracers of geochemical differen- ratios, and U and Th contents, and lower Sm/Nd and
tiation Lu/Hf than the primordial mantle. These incompat-
ibility differences have resulted in characteristic iso-
It is assumed that about 4.55 Ga ago the mantle topic signatures for the different reservoirs. For ex-
was undifferentiated and had homogeneous isotope ample, the upper crust, which is granitic in compo-
ratios. The initial isotope ratios as well as the re- sition and is believed to have formed through a se-
spective parent/daughter element ratios of this so- ries of melting processes, is enriched in Rb, U and
called primordial mantle are estimated from cosmo- Th compared to the lower crust and mantle and is
chemical and geochemical evidence. This assump- also highly enriched in 87Sr (formed by decay from
tion allows an estimate of the isotopic composition 86Rb) relative to total Sr. Similarly the crust is en-
of the present-day silicate earth (Faure, 1986; riched in 2~ and 2~ (formed by decay of U) and
DePaolo, 1988). Most geochemists agree on the as- 2~ (formed by decay of Th) and have relatively
sumption that the average upper mantle is depleted high 2~176 2~176 and 2~176 ratios.
in incompatible elements as compared to the primor- Parts of the mantle which have been involved in
dial mantle. This depletion is generally attributed to partial melting are relatively depleted in Rb, U, and
the formation of the continental crust. Independent Th and, therefore, have low Sr and Pb isotopic ra-
mass balances between continental crust, depleted tios compared to crustal rocks (e.g. Zartman and Doe,
mantle, and primordial mantle based on isotopic and 1981).
trace element data, indicate that about one-half of For many years it was assumed that oceanic and
the primordial mantle (or perhaps a bit less) has been continental basalts were derived from mixed sources
differentiated to form continental crust and depleted whereby primordial mantle was added to depleted
mantle ( O ' N i o n s et al., 1979; Jacobsen and upper mantle from below via mantle plumes. It is
Wasserburg, 1979; DePaolo, 1980; Davies, 1981; now clear, however, that there is no significant di-
Allegre et al., 1983; Hofmann et al., 1986). Hence, rect contribution of the primordial mantle to basal-
there should be at least two different chemical and tic magmas (Hofmann et al., 1986). Hence, the en-
isotopic mantle reservoirs. riched isotopic signatures shown by a considerable
Due to differences in incompatibility of the par- portion of continental basalts have to be explained
ent and daughter elements, the average depleted by more sophisticated models, including:
mantle should have lower Rb/Sr and Re/Os ratios, 1) re-enrichment of formerly depleted mantle oc-
but higher Sm/Nd and Lu/Hf ratios than the primor- curring by recycling of oceanic crust (altered basalts,
dial mantle. In contrast, the average continental crust sediments) via subduction;
should be characterized by higher Rb/Sr and Re/Os
Petrology, geochemistry, isotopes 57

2) isolation of subcontinental lithospheric mantle still show low Sr and high Nd isotope ratios that are
from mantle convection for long periods of time with normally attributed to depleted sources. Such
enrichment by melt additions from the asthenosphere decoupling of trace element and isotopic features
having different parent/daughter element ratios; and may indicate that the enrichment event took place
3) small additions from the lower primordial recently.
mantle, which may not have been completely iso-
lated through time, into the upper, more depleted 3A.6.4. Isotopes as tracers o f m a g m a sources
As all these processes may have been active dur- The isotopic compositions of magmatic rocks re-
ing most of the earth's history, a heterogeneous up- flect the composition of their source regions and of
per mantle has resulted despite the tendency for ho- any subsequent material added either as melt (such
mogenization by mantle convection. This view is as magma mixing) or as solid (such as by crustal
substantiated by recent findings on orogenic contamination). For isotopes of petrologic interest
lherzolites and on samples of mantle material (xe- heavier than oxygen (i.e., for the radiogenic iso-
noliths) brought up by basalts. It is now accepted topes), the isotopes are not fractionated by melting
that the lithospheric mantle is heterogeneous at both or crystallization processes. In principle, therefore,
a small and a large scale and there is also evidence the isotopic ratio of an uncontaminated melt reflects
for large scale heterogeneity in the asthenosphere the isotopic ratio of its source region(s). Similarly,
(e.g., Zindler and Hart, 1986; Hart, 1988). At least 5 crustal reservoirs can be characterized by either di-
isotopic compositions have been identified in basalts rect sampling of crustal rocks or by analysis of melts
and mantle-derived xenoliths (i.e. DMM, PREMA, generated from these regions. The isotopic compo-
EM I, EM II, HIMU; see Hart, 1988, for discussion). sitions of evolved melts are also informative: isoto-
An even more complex history has certainly taken pic ratios are sensitive to processes such as mixing
place within the continental crust which shows sig- of magmas (assuming different isotopic composi-
nificantly larger ranges in parent/daughter and iso- tions) and crustal contamination and, thus, are im-
tope ratios than the mantle. High grade metamor- portant for modeling of evolution processes.
phic events involving dehydration and partial melt- A major issue of continental rifting is the prob-
ing will cause transport of incompatible elements lem of asthenosphere-lithosphere dynamics or, more
such as Rb, U and Th with fluids and melts from the specifically, the way in which the lithospheric mantle
lower to the upper crust. An old lower crust which is thinned. The problem is related to the relative con-
has been subjected to repeated high-grade metamor- tributions of asthenosphere or pre-rift lithosphere as
phic events will, therefore, have lower S7Sr/S6Sr, magma sources. If extension by shear is the domi-
2~176 2~176 and 2~176 than the up- nant process, the subcontinental lithosphere is physi-
per crust. cally replaced by asthenospheric material and the
pre-rift lithospheric will perhaps not contribute to
3A.6.3. "Enriched" versus "Depleted" sources basaltic magmatism except, perhaps, by contamina-
tion. If, however, lithospheric thinning is caused by
Terms like "enriched" and "depleted", which are thermal erosion and/or conversion to asthenosphere,
used to characterize the ability of a certain mantle basaltic magmas could be derived exclusively from
source rock to give rise to basaltic melt upon partial the pre-rift lithosphere or by mixing between
melting, are still in use but their meaning has be- asthenospheric and pre-rift lithospheric material. If
come vague. We know that the mantle can no longer the subcontinental lithospheric mantle represents a
be modeled as a simple two-component mixture (ba- distinct isotopic reservoir contributing to basaltic
saltic magma and residual phases). It is now neces- magmas, then one would expect some systematic
sary to specify the components in which the mantle variations in magma compositions with tectonic set-
is depleted or enriched. For example, a lherzolitic ting (i.e. varying with thickness of underlying litho-
mantle can be enriched in basaltic components but
58 R.F. Wendlandt et al

spheric mantle as, for example, rift versus shoulder) way to the surface. These xenoliths are valuable as
or with temporal evolution (i.e. with progressive direct samples of subsurface materials and constrain
thinning of the lithosphere). the nature and evolution of the sampled portions of
In general, the following different mantle sources the lithosphere. Studies of xenoliths can provide in-
can be involved in the genesis of rift-related basalts: formation about lithosphere composition (mineral-
asthenosphere, sub-crustal lithosphere (including ogical and chemical), chemical processes (fluid-rock
former lithosphere converted thermally to astheno- interactions, enrichment and metasomatism events,
sphere), and plumes from the lower portions of the mineral equilibration, melt generation), radiometric
mantle. Whereas there is general agreement on the and model ages, and physical processes (mantle rhe-
average isotopic signature of the asthenosphere, any ology, shearing) occurring at depth. Furthermore, for
further assignment of certain signatures to either pre- selected coexisting mineral assemblages in xenoliths,
rift lithosphere or plume reservoirs is ambiguous. pressure and temperature of equilibration may be
The continental lithospheric mantle, for example, has estimated from mineral chemistry. These experimen-
been assumed to be either depleted or enriched (re- tally calibrated geothermometers and geobarometers
viewed by McDonough, 1990). Only in rifts where are potentially powerful constraints on magma
mantle-derived xenoliths are abundant can the source depth and temperature (minimum estimates,
chemical and isotopic composition of the lithosphere of course). Given sufficient number and composi-
be assessed. These studies may then allow certain tionally (mineralogically) appropriate nodules for
isotopic characteristics of basalts to be identified as analysis, a geotherm (a "trail of magma ascent") and
being derived from either a lithospheric or a crustal-mantle stratigraphy can be reconstructed.
asthenospheric source (e.g., Menzies and Geothermometers and geobarometers can be of
Hawkesworth, 1987). several types as discussed by Bohlen and Lindsley
A potential limitation to the use of isotopes as (1987). These types include univariant equilibria,
tracers takes into account the heterogeneity of the multivariant equilibria in which solid solution in one
mantle. This limitation centers on the possibility that or more phases results in a mineral assemblage be-
the isotopic composition of a primary basaltic melt ing stable over a broad range of pressure and tem-
depends not only on the average composition of its perature, exchange reactions involving the distribu-
mantle source but also on the degree of partial melt- tion of two elements (e.g., Fe-Mg, K-Na, Ca-Mg)
ing. Preferential tapping of enriched low melting between coexisting mineral phases, solvus equilib-
temperature plumes (Sleep, 1984) may occur at low ria in which mineral compositional changes across
degrees of partial melting (less than 10%) resulting a miscibility gap are temperature dependent, and
in a melt isotopic signature that does not necessar- mineral saturation surfaces in melts. Reliable tem-
ily correspond to the average isotopic composition perature and pressure estimations require previous
of that portion of the mantle which was involved in experimental calibration, knowledge of phase com-
the partial melting event. If this controversial mecha- positions, and solution models for non-ideal solid
nism accurately describes partial melting in the solution in minerals. Bohlen and Lindsley empha-
mantle, then it may be impossible to distinguish iso- size that inadequate solution modeling is the most
topically between enriched blobs in the asthenos- important source of uncertainty in the application
phere and/or lithosphere and contributions from of thermobarometers.
mantle plumes. At present, geothermometers are best defined for
lherzolitic mineral assemblages including olivine-
orthopyroxe ne-c lin opyrox en e+/-spi ne l+/-g arn e t.
3A.7. Xenoliths and thermobarometry
The most commonly used geothermometers are
Rapidly erupted magmas, exclusively alkaline based either on chemical exchange reactions or on
basaltic varieties, may entrain samples of the mantle solvus equilibria.
and lower crust through which they pass on their
Petrology, geochemistry, isotopes 59

Geobarometers are typically based on experimen- 2. Unraveling contamination and mineral

tally calibrated changes in the aluminum content of reequilibration associated with nodule incorporation
pyroxene that coexists with either plagioclase or alu- in melt and transport to the surface; and
minous garnet, a multivariant equilibria type of 3. Uncertainties associated with thermobarometer
geobarometer. Since the aluminum solubility in py- calibration, including both experiments and solution
roxene is a function of both pressure and tempera- models and with operator application of calibrations.
ture, an independent estimation of temperature is a Despite these limitations, however,
prerequisite for estimating pressure. Until recently, thermobarometry studies can provide important con-
reliable calibrations of A1 solubility in pyroxene straints for geophysical and dynamic models for
existed only for garnet-bearing assemblages. Recent continental rift structure and evolution.
experimental work, however, has resulted in cali-
bration of a new barometer based on Ca solubility
in olivine that can also be used for spinel lherzolites 3A.8. References
(Kohler and Brey, 1990). This barometer is config- Allegre, C. J., Hart, S.R., and Minster, J.E, 1983. Chemical struc-
ured to be used with a recalibration of the two-py- ture and evolution of the mantle and continents determined
roxene geothermometer (solvus equilibria; Brey and by inversion of Nd and Sr isotopic data, I. Theoretical mod-
Kohler, 1990). els; II. Numerical experiments. Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 66:
177-190, 191-213.
Reequilibration of mineral compositions in xeno- Bohlen, S.R. and Lindsley, D.H., 1987. Thermometry and ba-
liths after entrainment in melt and during ascent to rometry of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Ann. Rev. Earth
the surface poses both advantages and disadvantages Planet. Sci., 15: 397-420.
for the interpretation of temperature and pressure. Brey, G.P. and Kohler, T.P., 1990. Geothermobarometry in natu-
If compositional reequilibration is extensive, it may ral four-phase lherzolites, part II. New thermobarometers and
practical assessment of existing thermobarometers. J. Petrol.,
preclude reliable estimation of intensive parameters. 31: 1353-1378.
Alternatively, partial reequilibration may provide Carlson, R.W. and Hart, W.K., 1987. Crustal genesis on the Or-
information about dynamic changes in the state of egon Plateau. J. Geophys. Res., 92: 6191-6206.
the lithosphere. Core-rim thermobarometry of gar- Cox, K.G, Bell, J.D., and Pankhurst, R.J., 1979. Interpretation
net-bearing lherzolites and pyroxenites in the Qua- of Igneous Rocks. London, Allen and Unwin.
Davies, G.E, 1981. Earth's neodymium budget and structure and
ternary eruptive centers of eastern Kenya has been
evolution of mantle. Nature, 290:208-213.
interpreted to document the rapid ascent of lithos- DePaolo, D. J., 1980. Crustal growth and mantle evolution: In-
phere to pressures greater than approximately 10 ferences from models of element transport and Nd and Sr
kbar (32 km) with a minor corresponding decrease isotopes. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 44:1185-1196.
in temperature (about 50~ Henjes-Kunst, 1989; DePaolo, D.J., 1981. Trace element and isotopic effects of com-
bined wallrock assimilation and fractional crystallization.
Henjes-Kunst and Altherr, 1992). Uplift was suffi- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 53: 189-202.
ciently rapid that compositional equilibrium was not DePaolo, D.J., 1988. Neodymium Isotope Geochemistry. An In-
attained in the xenoliths. This lithospheric ascent cor- troduction. Springer-Verlag, New York, 187 pp.
responds to a change in geothermal gradient from Faure, G., 1986. Principles of Isotope Geology. John Wiley and
9~ to 13~ (or 60 mW/m 2 to 90mW/m2). Sons, Inc., Second Edition, 589 pp.
Hagen, H., and Neumann, E.-R., 1990. Modeling of trace-ele-
The limitations to obtaining and using
ment distribution in magma chambers using open-system
thermobarometric estimations include: models. Computers and Geosciences, 16: 549-586.
1. Rare occurrences of nodules in certain rift en- Hart, S.K., 1988. Heterogeneous mantle domains: signatures,
vironments that may be related to restrictions in genesis and mixing chronologies. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 90:
magma age, location, or volume, or to a lack of com- 273-296.
Henjes-Kunst, F., 1989. Mantle xenoliths in Quaternary basalts
positionally suitable host magmas (primary alkaline
from East Africa: Evidences of old lithospheric structures in
volcanics); a young continental rift? Symposium on the Afro-Arabian
Rift System, March 6-8, 1989, Karlsruhe, F.R.G., 51-52.
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Henjes-Kunst, F., and R. Altherr, 1992. Metamorphic petrology O'Hara, M.J. and Mathews, R.E., 1981. Geochemical evolution
of xenoliths from Kenya and Northern Tanzania and implica- in an advancing, periodically replenished, periodically tapped,
tions for geotherms and lithospheric structures. J. Petrol., 33: continuously fractionated magma chamber. J. Geol. Soc.
1125-1156. Lond., 138: 237-277.
Hofmann, A. W., Jochum, K.P., Seufert, M. and White, W.M., Olafsson, M. and Eggler, D.H., 1983. Phase relations of amphib-
1986. Nb and Pb in oceanic basalts: new constraints on mantle ole, amphibole-carbonate, and phlogopite-carbonate peridot-
evolution. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 79: 33-45. ite- petrologic constraints on the asthenosphere. Earth Planet.
Jacobsen, S.B., and Wasserburg, G.J., 1979. The mean age of Sci. Lett., 64: 305-315.
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Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 73: 287-310. heterogeneities: an alternative model to mantle plumes? J.
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Chapter 3B

Seismic techniques
L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, S. M u e l l e r , a n d C. P r o d e h l

3B.1. Introduction subsurface geometry of basins and faults, magnitudes

of velocity anomalies in the crust and upper mantle,
Seismic techniques have been of great value in and the nature of earthquake activity.
studies of continental rifts because they provide a In seismology, resolution is related to both data
relatively detailed image of lithospheric structure, quality and physical laws. The quality of a data set
including indications of seismic velocities which can is usually considered to be a function of the strength
be used to infer crust and upper mantle characteris- of the signal relative to noise (usually expressed as
tics such as composition and temperature. Ideally, signal-to-noise ratio) and the number and/or density
modern seismic studies are capable of excellent reso- of measurements which is primarily dependent on
lution to depths of several tens of kilometers. How- the numbers of sources and receivers and their rela-
ever, hundreds of instruments and a coordinated pro- tive spacing. Examples of the importance of the
gram of near-vertical angle of incidence (i.e., reflec- quantity of measurements would be the need for re-
tion), wide angle (i.e., refraction), and passive (i.e., dundant measurements in teleseismic and surface
earthquake) recordings are required to accurately wave studies and the need for closely-spaced read-
resolve all significant structural and velocity anoma- ings in reflection and refraction studies. Up to a
lies from the surface to depths of greater than 100 point, the more data available, the higher the reso-
km in the upper mantle. Therefore, because of limi- lution.
tations in instrumentation and funding, no truly com- However, physical laws limit the resolution of
plete lithospheric scale seismic study has been un- even a perfect data set. The Earth strongly attenu-
dertaken. Less ambitious programs have provided ates high frequencies so that signals which penetrate
and will continue to provide valuable but somewhat deeply into the Earth will be relatively low frequency
lower resolution information. in nature. The effects of this phenomena can be dem-
Resolution is a major consideration when discuss- onstrated using reflection and refraction signals. An
ing seismic data. However, there is such a variety of estimate of resolution can be obtained by applying
seismic techniques that general statements about the equation V = fA. (velocity = frequency x wave-
resolution are difficult. As a practical matter, reso- length). A typical crustal velocity is 6 km/s, and a
lution refers to the ability of a measurement to de- typical peak frequency of a signal penetrating deeply
tect the presence of some feature and the accuracy into the crust is 10 Hz, resulting in a typical (peak
to which this feature can be located. In rift zones, frequency) wavelength of 0.6 km. The rule of thumb
seismic measurements are often called upon to de- often used is that features smaller than 1/4 of a wave-
termine such things as the thickness of the crust, length cannot be detected. Thus, such data could not
detect features smaller than about 150 m in thick-
62 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, S. Mueller, and C. Prodehl

ness. In crustal reflection and refraction studies, sig- caused by high temperatures) associated with the
nals that penetrate to the Moho have peak frequen- rifting process. We begin with a brief description of
cies of about 5 to 20 Hz resulting in theoretical reso- seismic methods which have been used in rift stud-
lution limits of 300 to 75 m. These estimates are in ies, followed by a review of seismic properties of
fact optimistic (the resolution estimates can be rocks emphasizing effects of temperature. Finally,
thought of as measures of the ability to detect and we utilize the extensive crustal velocity data which
provide relative depth control on fine velocity struc- are available for North America to identify charac-
ture), and it would be hard to argue that any existing teristic crustal properties associated with continen-
data in continental areas can resolve the absolute tal rifts. Various seismic methods which have been
position of the Moho to better than +1 km. applied to studies of the crust and upper mantle are
In this chapter, we consider the capabilities and illustrated schematically in Figure 3B-1. A compari-
limitations of seismic methods and seismic data in son of the main characteristics of these methods is
studies of continental rifts. Substantial structural and shown in Table 3B-1 and the principal advantages
velocity variations are expected, and are commonly and limitations of the methods are listed in Table
observed, in continental rifts because of the effects 3B-2. Recently, Mooney (1989) has also provided a
of extension (faulting, basin formation, crustal thin- useful review of seismic methods for determining
ning), magmatism (intrusion and volcanism), and crust and upper mantle structure.
high heat flow (reduction in seismic velocities

Fig. 3B-1. Schematic diagrams illustrating various seismic methods which are commonly used to study Earth's crust and uppermost
mantle. These diagrams illustrate seismic wave propagation and associated data types for 2-D models, although the methods can
also be applied to 3-D velocity structures, x = distance, z = depth, V = velocity. A. Near-vertical incidence reflection raypaths.
Multiple sources and receivers are used to record large numbers of seismograms which are processed to produce a seismic reflection
record section which is an approximate image of subsurface structure. Reflections are produced by interfaces. B. Raypaths for
refracted (head wave) arrivals which provide travel-time curves which are interpreted to derive velocity and thickness values of the
layers. Homogeneous velocities and plane layers represent the simplest case, although the method can resolve velocity gradients and
can recognize dipping layers if more than one source location or recording direction is available. C. Two-dimensional velocity
variations and representative raypaths from multiple sources to receivers which provide travel-time information necessary to derive
a detailed image of velocity variations by simultaneous inversion (e.g., Zelt and Smith, 1992; Hughes and Luetgert, 1992; Braile et
al., 1994). D. Representative seismic raypaths for teleseismic arrivals with various azimuths and (generally near-vertical) angles of
incidence. Travel-time differences (residuals or delay times) can be used to determine velocity variations (V) within blocks or other
appropriately-defined regions within the model. E. Raypaths, earthquake source locations, and receivers (squares on surface)
utilized in travel-time inversion methods which simultaneously calculate 2-D (or 3-D) velocity models and earthquake location
(latitude, longitude, depth) parameters and origin time. Compressional, shear or both compressional and shear arrivals can be
included. Because of the large number of unknown parameters (velocity, location and origin time variables) and the need for
adequate raypath coverage, large numbers of stations and earthquake sources are necessary for an effective inversion. F. Schematic
diagram illustrating the various raypaths (multiples and converted phases; P = compressional waves, S = shear waves) and resulting
seismogram at the surface receiver (square) recorded from a single teleseismic source traveling at near-vertical angle of incidence
upwards through a layered velocity model generally corresponding to the Earth's crust. Waveform modeling which compares the
observed seismogram with a theoretical seismogram calculated from the model and a source wavelet is used to adjust model (and
source) parameters until a satisfactory match of observed and theoretical seismograms is achieved. G. Schematic diagram illustrat-
ing surface wave propagation through a velocity model. Plane wavefronts (vertical dashed lines) represent lines of equal phase for
surface waves propagating from the source. Amplitudes of the surface waves decrease with depth. Surface wave propagation is
dispersive; phase or group velocities vary with wave period. Amplitude versus depth curves (amplitudes relative to the vertical solid
line) are shown for two periods (LP = long period, SP = short period) for two modes (F = fundamental mode, 1st = first higher
mode) of surface wave propagation. Seismograms display dispersed surface wave signals for propagation through the (two-station)
seismograph array. Modeling of the dispersion properties of the seismograms using group and phase velocity analysis (Dziewonski
and Hales, 1972; Kovach, 1978) or waveform modeling (Lemer-Lam and Jordan, 1983; Sneider, 1988; Nakanishi, 1993) is used to
determine the 2-D or 3-D variation in seismic velocities (primarily shear-wave velocities) between and beneath the stations or
seismograph array. H. Earthquake location and mechanism (fault plane solution) deduced from seismogram recordings from arrays
or networks of seismograph stations (squares). Observations are used to infer 3-D fault geometry, earthquake slip directions and
stress directions. Arrows indicate relative stresses indicated by the (vertical plane) focal sphere diagram.
Seismic techniques 63
Table 3B-1.
Comparison of Typical Characteristics of Seismic Techniques for Crustal Velocity
Structure Studies (modified from Braile and Chiang, 1986)

Typlcal Angle d
Station Frequency / Incidence / Model Useful
Method Spacing Wavelength Phase Velocity Processing Interpretation Complexity References
Reflection Profiling 0.03- 10-30 H z / < |06 ] statlcs, velochy analysls, 2D, some 3D Brown, 1986;
0.20 km 0.2-0.6 km > 10 km/s CDP stack, geologic Klemperer and Luetgert, 1987;
deconvolution, interpretation of Matthews and Smith, 1987;
r~ migration record section Yilmaz, 1987;
Mooney, 1989
Refraction, Wide- 0.2-10 km 1-20/-Iz ] zl~-~106 ] statlcs, travel-tlme, 1D and 2D Muener and Landisman,
Angle Reflection 0.3-6 km 5-10 km/s bandpass amplitude and 1971; Braile and Smith,
Profiling filtering synthetic 1975; Cerveny et al.,
seismogram 1977; Mooney, 1989;
modeling Zelt and Smith, 1992;
Nowack and Braile, 1993
Teleseismic Delay 10-50 km 0.2-2 Hz / < 20~ / statics, cross travel -time 2D for delay Jordan and Frazer, 1975;
Times, Receiver 3-30 km > 20 km/s correlation, inversion, ;times, Aki, Christoffersson and
Functions, Converted deconvolution transfer primarily 1D Husebye, 1976;
Phases function for receiver Taylor and Owens,
modeling and functions and 1984; Owens, Zandt
inversion converted and Taylor, 1984; Davis
phases et al., 1993; Iyer and
Hirahara, 1993
Local and Regional 9 10-100km ! 2-50 Hz / " 00-90~ / station hypocenter, 1D, 2 D or 3 D Crosson, 1976;
Earthquakes 0.1-3 km 2-00 km/s corrections, origin time Benz and Smith, 1984;
filtering, phase and velocity Kissling, 1988; Iyer and
identification model inversion Hirahara, 1993; Thurber, 1993
~uface Wave 50-1000 km 0.02-0.2 Hz/ 90~ frequency- modeling and 1D, 2D or 3D Dziewonski and Hales,
Dispersion 15-200 km 2-4 km/s time analysis, inversion of with regionali- 1972; Kovach, 1978;
group and dispersion zation schemes Lemer-Lam and Jordan,
phase velocity curves, wave- 1983; Sneider, 1988;
determination form modeling Nakanishi, 1993
Seismic techniques 65

Table 3 B - 2 .
S u m m a r y o f Advantages and Limitations of Seismic Techniques for Crustal Velocity Structure Studies (modified from
Braile and Chiang, 1986)
i i |

Method Principal Limitations Principal A d v a n t a g e s

Reflection Profiling - Narrow frequency band - High resolution
- Data quality dependent on near-surface - 2-D and 3D structural interpretation
conditions - Processing and data redundancy can
- Limited resolution of deep crustal velocities enhance S/N
- Processing requires velocity information - Complete coverage possible
- Dependent on presence of relatively - Provides a direct image of the
sharp interfaces subsurface
- Coherent or random noise may
mask true reflections
Refraction, Wide-Angle - Relatively large station spacing - Relatively broadband signal
Reflection Profiling - Horizontal averaging of velocity structure - Good S/N possible due to refl./refr.
- Complex modeling required for coefficients and use of first arrivals
2-D or 3-D interpretation - Good velocity information determined
- Low resolution because of frequency of - Data from deep crust and upper
sources and horizontal averaging mantle generally obtained
- Both P and S velocities may be determined
- Travel-time, amplitude and waveform modeling
using synthetic seismograms
Teleseismic Delay Times, - Relatively large station spacing and - Single station or small array technique
Receiver Functions, long wavelength limit resolution - Both P and S velocities may be determined
Converted Phases - Limited azimuth and distance - 2-D or 3-D interpretations possible
ranges to sources with multiple stations
- Ambiguity of interpretation caused - Deep crust and upper mantle
by near-vertical raypaths velocities may be determined
- Effect of lateral heterogeneity for to depths of 200 km or more
receiver function studies - Earthquake sources, relatively
easy field operation
- Waveform modeling using synthetic
Local and Regional - Large number of unknowns - velocity - 2-D and 3-D interpretation
Earthquakes model, hypocenter locations, origin time - Both P and S velocities may be determined
- Spatial distribution of earthquakes may not - Passive technique, network operation
produce good raypath coverage - Large volume of data available
- Large volume of data required
- Depth range of model dependent
on maximum depth of events

Surface Wave - Large source required - Large depth of penetration

Dispersion - Station locations not optimum - Not dependent on existence of
- Low resolution because of long interfaces in velocity
wavelengths, large station - Can detect low velocity layers
spacing, and horizontal averaging - Cost-effective technique
- 1-D average model between stations - Sensitive to S-wave velocity structure
- 2-D and 3-D interpretation possible
66 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, S. Mueller, and C. Prodehl

Fig. 3B-2. Seismic reflection record section from the Kaisut Basin of Kenya (from Bosworth and Morely, 1994). TWTT = two-way
travel-time. A. Seismic reflection record section. B. Interpreted line drawing of A showing inferred unconformities (numbers 1-4),
rift-related (reflections between the basement and unconformity number 4) and post-rift sedimentary rocks, and basement.

An additional characteristic of modern seismic multiple types of data for the same location are be-
studies is that, increasingly, multiple methods and ing utilized in an effort to improve resolution, de-
Seismic techniques 67

crease the ambiguity of interpretations, and provide sibly misleading images. Furthermore, velocity de-
information on additional rock properties such as termination and subsequent conversion of two-way
shear-wave velocity, Poisson's ratio, density, elec- times to depth become more difficult with increas-
trical properties, seismic attenuation and anisotropy. ing depth because of the near-vertical incidence of
For example, results of coincident refraction and raypaths in reflection data acquisition.
reflection studies have recently been presented by Two main factors tend to pose potential problems
Mooney and Brocher (1987), Holbrook (1990), to data quality in reflection surveys. As a practical
Holbrook et al. (1991, 1992a) and Levander et al. matter, data quality subjectively refers to the clarity
(1994). The East African rift system has recently of the image presented in the record section. The
been extensively studied utilizing multiple seismic first of these factors is surprisingly simple and is
and other geophysical and geological methods the large variation in the near-surface seismic ve-
(Prodehl et al., 1994; Braile et al., chapter 5 of this locity. Compensation for these variations is called
volume) resulting in a substantially-improved un- the static correction which attempts to make small
derstanding of the late-Cenozoic rifting event and time shifts in the data in order to improve alignments
its effects in east Africa. during processing. The other problematical factor is
the presence of complicated subsurface geometries
and velocity heterogeneity. Migration (e.g., Yilmaz,
3B.2. Reflection Profiling 1987) is a processing procedure whose goal is to
During the past 15 years, seismic reflection pro- produce record sections in which distortions caused
filing has received a great deal of attention in litho- by structure are unraveled. Accurate migration re-
spheric studies. This technique has been the primary quires a knowledge of velocity, and velocity deter-
exploration tool of the oil industry for about 50 years. minations require reasonable knowledge of geom-
However, reflection data (especially on land) have etry (i.e., an accurate migration).
become widely available in the academic commu- Crustal reflection profiling in rift zones has been
nity only since about 1980. A classical reflection very successful in delineating shallow (0 to --, 20 km)
survey is designed to record only near-vertical, P- fault structures, the geometries of rift basins, includ-
wave reflections (Fig. 3B-1A). Thus, the distance ing grabens, associated with extension, and seismic
from the source to the most distant receiver is a frac- characteristics of the lower crust and the crust-mantle
tion of the intended maximum depth of penetration. boundary or Moho (Hale and Thompson, 1982;
The source is often Vibroseis, a truck-mounted ap- Braile and Chiang, 1986; Jarchow and Thompson,
paratus which vibrates over a carefully controlled 1989; Mooney and Meissner, 1992). A summary of
sweep of frequencies, rather than an explosion. The crustal studies using deep reflection profiling is con-
popularity of the reflection profiling technique is tained in Brown (1986). Examples of crustal reflec-
based on the fact that, in the best of circumstances, tion profiling in rift zones include experiments in
the resulting record sections look like vertical cross- the Basin and Range province (Allmendinger et al.,
sections of the Earth which are easy to interpret, and 1983; Hauge et al., 1987), the Rio Grande rift (Brown
that the relatively high frequency of the source and et al., 1980), the East African rift (Rosendahl, 1987),
dense coverage of seismograms can provide a high and the Anza rift in East Africa (Bosworth and
resolution image. The major effort after the field Morley, 1994). An example of a seismic reflection
work is in data processing which, if successful, record section is shown in Figure 3B-2. The record
makes the interpretation straightforward. The reflec- section provides a detailed image of fault structures
tion data are displayed as time sections usually in a and basin geometry and, with the addition of geo-
2-D plane. Reflected and diffracted energy from logical data, can provide the basis for interpretation
outside of this plane can produce complex and pos- of the tectonic history of a rift.
68 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, S. Mueller, and C. Prodehl

3B.3. Refraction (Wide Angle) Profiling served time-distance data T(D) into velocity-depth
functions V(z). The simplest case occurs when the
The seismic refraction technique as classically correlated travel-time curves are straight-line seg-
practiced has provided much of the data available ments. Under the assumption that the Earth's crust
on crustal thickness and uppermost mantle P-wave and upper mantle consist of layers with constant
velocities. However, many of these results have as- velocities separated by discontinuities at which the
sumed overly-simple Earth models (Fig. 3B-1B). In velocity increases discontinuously from V(i) to
the seismic refraction technique, the distance from V(i+ 1), formulas have been developed to calculate
the source to the most distant receiver is several layer velocities, depth, and dip of the corresponding
times the intended maximum depth of penetration. layers (e.g., Bullen and Bolt, 1985; Officer, 1958;
Elementary texts on seismic exploration leave the Perrier, 1973; Steinhart and Meyer, 1961). Curved
impression that only critically-refracted waves that segments can occur in first as well as in later arriv-
travel along interfaces (i.e., head waves) are inter- als. When later arrivals are fitted by concave travel
preted in such studies. When employed to study time curves, they can be interpreted as reflections
crustal structure, the term refraction survey is in fact from first-order discontinuities. Computer methods
a misnomer because many reflected phases are also have been developed to simultaneously model re-
interpreted. It is better to think of such surveys as flection and refraction arrivals from a number of
wide-angle experiments because they stress the in- sources to multiple receivers (Fig. 3B-1C). These
terpretation of waves which intersect interfaces at methods, sometimes known as seismic travel-time
angles greater than a few degrees, often greater than inversion (Zelt and Smith, 1992), are similar to seis-
the critical angle. However, wide-angle surveys yield mic tomography, but utilize backscattered rather than
results which are not straight-forward to interpret. transmitted energy (Nowack and Braile, 1993). An
The strength of such surveys is the resolution pos- example of a travel-time inversion for data from the
sible in determining velocities. The weakness is Kenya rift is shown in Figure 3B-3. Additional dis-
ambiguities which arise when complex structures are cussion of wide-angle seismic methods and examples
encountered. The first step in interpreting wide-angle of applications are included in Holbrook (1990) and
seismic data is the correlation of the observed phases. Holbrook et al. (1992b).
This subjective task may be difficult for secondary In order to include the analysis of observed am-
arrivals. To facilitate such a correlation, all seismo- plitudes and waveforms and thus check the reliabil-
grams along a profile are usually arranged into a ity of the velocity-depth models obtained by travel-
record section according to their distance from the time studies, synthetic seismogram techniques us-
shotpoint using reduced travel times. The reduced ing ray theoretical and reflectivity methods have
travel time (Tr) is defined as the observed travel time been developed (e.g., Fuchs and Mueller, 1971;
(T) minus distance (D) divided by the reduction ve- Kind, 1976; Cerveny et al., 1977; Kennett, 1983).
locity (Vr): Tr = T - D/Vr. For the investigation of These methods assume an elastic half space consist-
compressional (P) waves propagating in the crust, ing of homogeneous, horizontal and isotropic lay-
Vr = 6 km/s is a suitable and widely-used reduction ers. In the reflectivity method (Fuchs, 1968), the
velocity, while for the investigation of the upper- complete wave field is computed, including all shear
most mantle, 8 km/s is normally used for P-wave waves, converted phases (P to S or vice versa), mul-
studies. The second step, after the correlation of the tiple phases, etc. In the ray method, the wave field
recorded seismic waves, is the inversion of the ob-

Fig. 3B-3. Crustal seismic model and seismic raypaths representing the data and model parameters used in travel-time inversion.
Seismic data are from the KRISP90 experiment in Kenya (Braile et al., 1994). The travel-time data consisted of refracted and wide-
angle reflected arrivals recorded at seismographs along the 450 km profile from shotpoints at VIC, KAP, BAR, TAN, BAS, and
CHF. A. Velocity model for the shallow crust derived by inversion of refracted arrivals corresponding to raypaths shown in B. C.
Derived velocity model (numbers in model are seismic compressional wave velocities in km/s) and raypaths for deep crust and
uppermost mantle travel times across the Kenya rift.
Seismic techniques 69
70 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, S. Mueller, and C. Prodehl

is separated into elementary waves corresponding been applied by various authors to the same data sets
to groups of kinematically analogous waves. For a and the results have been compared (Ansorge et al.,
system of homogeneous and parallel layers, elemen- 1982; Mooney and Prodehl, 1984; Finlayson and
tary seismograms can be computed exactly from ray Ansorge, 1984). These results provide useful insights
theory (Mueller, 1970). However, numerical tests into the differences in velocity models produced by
have shown that an approximate ray method various interpretation methods.
(Cerveny et al., 1977) yields satisfactory results in
most applications.
The reflectivity method at present can only be 3B.4. Teleseismic Techniques
applied to one-dimensional velocity-depth distribu- Seismic reflection and refraction techniques are
tions. For the ray method, however, programs have termed "active" in that they involve manmade
been developed which allow the calculation of travel sources controlled during the experiment. Natural
times and amplitudes for rays traveling through lat- seismic events (earthquakes) also provide a wide
erally inhomogeneous structures (e.g., Cerveny and variety of information on lithospheric structure and
Psencik, 1984; Cerveny, 1985). A combination of involve "passive" monitoring, usually for extended
1D and 2D-modeling and interpretation procedures periods of time. Teleseismic techniques utilize sig-
is usually most effective. nals from distant sources that arrive at the receivers
In the last few years wide-angle interpretation at near-vertical angles of incidence (Fig. 3B-1D).
procedures have not only been applied toP-wave The travel times of such waves are compared to those
observations, but also to S-wave data which in many for standard, average Earth models. In order to cor-
cases can be correlated reliably on modern, three- rect for source location errors and deviations from
component data sets. In addition, off-line recordings the assumed average Earth model that are not in the
have also been analyzed (e.g., Milkereit et al., 1986). area of interest, a reference (base) station is usually
Another procedure to investigate data sets which established which is outside the primary area of in-
are not obtained as observations along profiles but terest. The travel time to this station is used as a
by three-dimensional arrays, is the time-term reference and travel-time differences with respect
method, which has been successfully employed by to this station (relative residuals) or delay times are
Bamford (1973, 1977). Here, delay times for a par- the actual observations which are analyzed. The spa-
ticular phase are calculated and the deviations from tial pattern of relative residuals contains informa-
an average are interpreted as changes in depth to a tion on the shape and magnitude of velocity anoma-
particular discontinuity. Under certain assumptions lies under the seismic network. Profiles or 2-D ar-
this method also allows for investigation of velocity rays of stations can be employed. Such studies in
variations at a particular boundary and possible sys- modern rifts have found that P-waves arrive 1-2 sec-
tematic azimuthal variations. For southern Germany onds late (Fairhead and Reeves, 1977; Nolet and
and the western United States, Bamford (1973) and Mueller, 1982; Davis et al., 1984, Parker et al., 1984;
Bamford et al. (1979) have predicted the presence Savage and Long, 1985; Achauer et al., 1988; Green
of anisotropy beneath the Moho using this method. et al., 1991; Green and Meyer, 1992; Davis et al.,
In special workshops of the Commission on Con- 1993; Slack et al., 1994). An example of data and
trolled Source Seismology of the International As-
modeling of teleseismic delay-time data for the
sociation of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Kenya rift is shown in Figure 3B-4.
Interior the different interpretation techniques have

Fig. 3B-4. Teleseismic modeling applied to the KRISP85 and 90 data for the Kenya rift (Slack et al., 1994). A. Average relative
travel-time residual (in seconds) for teleseismic raypaths used in delay-time inversion to determine upper mantle compressional
wave velocities. Station locations are shown by the X and late (positive) and early (negative) arrivals are indicated by the circle and
square symbols. B. Upper mantle velocity model used to fit the travel time residuals in A. Velocities below the derived smooth
surface are 7.5% lower than above the surface (modified from Slack et al., 1994). Distances are in km. The (0,0) location is the
center of the seismograph array.
Seismic techniques 71
72 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, S. Mueller, and C. Prodehl

In the absence of independent controls, ticomponent recordings are usually necessary, at

teleseismic studies involve a velocity contrast-vol- least partially so that source wavelet effects can be
ume ambiguity similar to the density contrast-vol- removed. Averaging of several seismograms or us-
ume ambiguity encountered in gravity studies. With ing the average of seismograms from a small array
crustal models from reflection and refraction stud- of receivers can improve the stability of the inver-
ies as constraints, teleseismic data provide a major sion procedure and resolution of the derived model.
source of relatively detailed information about the Because the method requires only a single 3-com-
upper mantle. However, resolution is usually only a ponent seismic station, it is very cost-effective. How-
few 10's ofkm in upper mantle studies. Both P-wave ever, 2- and 3-dimensional velocity variations, if
and S-wave velocity variations can be analyzed and present, may limit the accuracy and applicability of
attenuation (Q-~) variations have also been derived this technique.
(Slack et al., 1994). On a smaller scale, the
teleseismic approach can be effectively utilized to
study 3D-features such as magma chambers (Iyer, 3B.5. Studies of Local and Regional Earth-
1984; Sanford and Einarsson, 1982; Achauer et al., quakes
1986). For quantitative modeling of the P-residuals, Local and regional earthquakes provide informa-
a three-dimensional inversion technique developed tion about Earth structure in a variety of ways. The
by Aki et al. (1976, 1977) is used. In this technique, resolution attainable is heavily dependent on the dis-
the Earth under the seismic array is divided into rect- tribution of stations and sources. Data from networks
angular blocks. The starting model is a stack of ho- of seismographs can be interpreted in terms of crustal
mogeneous, plane, parallel layers overlying a stan- phases and analyzed in a fashion similar to refrac-
dard Earth. The velocities in the blocks are then per- tion data (e.g., Mitchell and Hashim, 1977). Wave-
turbed resulting in travel-time changes within each forms of body waves can also yield information
block, which, when summed along the raypath pro- about crustal structure (e.g., Wallace, 1986).
duces a result equivalent to the observed residuals. Data from dense networks such as exist in south-
Thus, for events from many azimuths recorded at ern California lend themselves to tomographic analy-
the stations of the network, a series of linear equa- sis of both crustal (Hearn and Clayton, 1986a, b;
tions is generated relating the observed residuals and Walck and Clayton, 1987) and upper mantle
the perturbation in each block. The equations are (Humphreys et al., 1984) structure. The tomographic
usually solved using a damped least-squares inver- approach requires a high density of both recording
sion technique. The final results are in percentages stations and recorded signals corresponding to rela-
of velocity perturbations for each block (Iyer, 1984). tively uniform raypath coverage.
In addition to the analysis of travel time anoma- An interesting approach to determining structure
lies, recent studies of broadband data (e.g., Owens within an array is to invert simultaneously for Earth
et al., 1984; 1987) show that the careful analysis of structure and earthquake hypocenters (Fig. 3B-1E).
teleseismic waveforms (receiver functions) can pro- Thus, the search is for the combination of 3D-Earth
vide reasonably detailed data on crustal structure. model and earthquake locations which is optimal in
In the receiver function method, waveform informa-
a least-squares sense (e.g., Benz and Smith, 1984;
tion contained in the seismogram is analyzed by
Roecker et al., 1987; Shedlock and Roecker, 1987;
comparing time- or frequency-domain synthetic data Kissling, 1988).
(calculated for an initial layered velocity model) with
the observed seismograms. The modeling procedure
may involve trial-and-error comparisons or an auto- 3B.6. Analysis of Surface Waves
mated (inversion) technique. Usually, shear-wave
signals and their S to P conversions and multiple Surface waves are fundamentally different from
reflections (Fig. 3B-1F) within the crust or other body waves (P and S) in that they are dispersed (i.e.,
lithospheric layers are included in the analysis. Mul- the velocity varies with period) and travel along the
Seismic techniques 73

surface of the Earth. The depth of penetration is pro- if only P-wave first motions are used in the focal
portional to the wavelength. Thus, long period waves mechanism determination, there are two nodal planes
penetrate deeper, encountering faster material and which could be the actual fault plane. This ambigu-
in turn travel faster. A useful rule-of-thumb is: the ity is removed if S-wave polarizations and/or sur-
maximum depth (in km) for which a surface wave is face wave analysis are included in the determina-
capable of resolving velocity structure is on the or- tion. Detailed source studies involving waveform
der of the longest period (in seconds) for which data modeling provide a means to compare deep-seated
are available (greater depth penetration occurs for processes to surface faulting (e.g., Doser, 1986). If
higher mode surface waves). For example, disper- an area is instrumented densely enough (a seismic
sion results which extend to periods of 50 s can re- network or array) to accurately determine hypo-
solve the velocity structure to a depth of about 50 centers, three-dimensional plots or hypocentral
km. The pattern of dispersion (group or phase ve- cross-sections can be constructed which allow the
locity versus period) is modeled (Fig. 3B-1G) in attitude of active fault planes to be delineated (Fig.
terms of horizontal layered Earth models to deter- 3B-1H).
mine average velocity structure between the source
and a single station or between two or more stations.
Kovach (1978) provides a review of these waves and 3B.8. Seismic velocities in rift zones - Informa-
their analysis. tion from laboratory studies of rock proper-
Surface waves have relatively low resolution (usu- ties
ally +3-5 km for Moho depths, for example) but are Seismic studies of rift zones provide information
important because they are primarily sensitive to on the seismic velocity structure of the crust and
variations in shear wave velocity (Der et al., 1970). upper mantle. Interpretation of these velocity deter-
The 2-D and 3-D variations of velocity with period minations is facilitated by comparisons with the ve-
(dispersion) can be analyzed using the dispersion locity structure of other regions and with statistical
curves or waveform modeling with synthetic seis- summaries, and by consideration of seismic veloc-
mograms to determine Earth structure (Lerner-Lam ity measurements on rock samples in the laboratory.
and Jordan, 1983; Nakanishi, 1993) and Q-1 (Bur- In this section, we briefly review the available in-
ton, 1974) although the procedures are complicated. formation on seismic velocity studies from labora-
Measurements in rift zones have indicated relatively tory data and their implications for the interpreta-
low shear velocities in the crust and the upper mantle tion of the crustal structure of rifts. Only velocity
(Mueller and Bonjer, 1976; Sinno and Keller, 1986) measurements for crystalline rocks which may be
beneath rifts. important constituents of the continental crust and
upper mantle will be considered. Furthermore, only
3B.7. Seismicity Studies compressional velocity measurements will be dis-
cussed because only limited shear-wave velocity in-
Studies of earthquakes in rifts also provide use- formation on the crustal structure of continental rifts
ful information that is not directly related to seis- is available.
mic velocity structure. The most commonly used A large number of laboratory velocity measure-
results from earthquake studies are focal mechanisms ments on rocks have been published beginning with
and the determination of spatial and temporal varia- the early work of Birch and Bancroft (1938), Birch
tions in seismicity which indicate characteristics of (1943, 1958, 1960, 1961), Hughes and Cross (1951),
faulting and extension (or other deformation). Fo- and Hughes and Maurette (1956, 1957). Compila-
cal mechanisms are a major source of data on stress tions of laboratory velocity data are contained in
orientations (e.g., Zoback and Zoback, 1980). How- papers by Press (1966) and Christensen (1989a). A
ever, stress orientations inferred from focal mecha- recent review of the composition and laboratory seis-
nisms have an accuracy of about +15". Furthermore, mic velocity determinations of continental crustal
74 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, S. Mueller, and C. Prodehl

Table 3B.3.
References for rock properties data in Figures.
Figure Data References

3B.5 Vp-SiO2 1, 2, 6, 12, 13, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23

3B.6 dVp/dP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31

3B.7 dVp/dT 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32

3B.8 Anisotropy 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29

3B.9 Vp-Density 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

. Birch, 1960; 1961 17. Jackson and Arculus, 1983
2. Burke and Fountain, 1990 18. Kern, 1978
3. Christensen, 1974 19. Kern, 1982
4. Christensen, 1978 20. Kern and Fakhimi, 1975
5. Christensen, 1979 21. Kern and Richter, 1981
6. Christensen, 1989a 22. Kern and Schenk, 1985
7. Christensen and Fountain, 1975 23. Kern and Schenk, 1988
8. Chroston and Brooks, 1989 24. Kroenke et al., 1976
9. Chroston and Evans, 1983 25. McDonough and Fountain, 1988
10. Fielitz and Clausthal-ZeUerfeld, 1971 26. Meissner and Fakhimi, 1977
11. Fountain, 1976 27. Mooney and Christensen, 1994
12. Fountain and Christensen, 1989 28. Padovani et al., 1982
13. Fountain et al., 1990 29. Peselnick and Nicolas, 1978
14. Hughes and Cross, 1951 30. Peselnick et al., 1977
15. Hughes and Maurette, 1956 31. Ramananantoandro and Manghnani, 1978
16. Hughes and Maurette, 1957 32. Spencer and Nur, 1976

rocks is presented by Fountain and Christensen ity (dVp/dP), the temperature derivative of velocity
(1989) along with an extensive list of references on (dVp/dT), and the percentage of anisotropy. For each
rock properties. Holbrook et al. (1992a) have re- rock sample, we have classified the rock as upper
cently provided a compilation of lower crustal rock crustal, lower crustal, or upper mantle, following the
properties data including P- and S-velocities, den- descriptions and classifications (which are based on
sity, anisotropy, and Poisson's ratio. Christensen and the field location of the collected rock sample, its
Wepfer (1989) provide a discussion of laboratory composition, and the presence of pressure and tem-
methods for measuring rock velocities and limita- perature range indicators provided by mineralogy
tions of those methods. and metamorphic grade) given by the authors of the
In our compilation of laboratory values of rock laboratory studies. Although not all types of data
properties, we have collected available data from exist for each sample, our compilation contains in-
published literature (see sources of data listed in formation for over 400 rock samples which are in-
Table 3B-3) on compressional wave velocity, com- ferred to be representative of the Earth's continen-
position (a few chemical components such as per- tal crust and the uppermost mantle and which have
centage SIO2, percentage Fe203 + MgO, have been been analyzed in rock properties laboratories.
tabulated), density, the pressure derivative of veloc-
Seismic techniques 75

It is well known that the seismic velocity of rocks

is a function of confining pressure, pore pressure,
1~176 i! r Gr- Q t l Diorite J
Di0 Dio b
' '

temperature, anisotropy and composition. Because t r-I [] UpperCrustal RocksIN = 51)
continental rift zones are sites of magmatic activity
and anomalous heat flow, we expect that the most o Upper Mantle Rocks (N = 37)
important factors controlling crustal seismic veloc-
ity variations in rifts are composition and tempera-
ture. Magmatic intrusions into the crust in rifts and .O
depletion of associated upper mantle source regions o
could result in significant compositional variations
which might be evidenced by seismic velocity
anomalies. However, the volumes of extrusive or o S%o~
intrusive rocks must be substantial if measured
30 I
crustal velocities are to be significantly affected by 6.0 6'.5 7'.0 7'.5 8'.0 8'.5 9.0
this mechanism (Humphreys and Dueker, 1994). Vp (kmls) [at 600 MPa]
Thermal metamorphism caused by the anomalously
high crustal temperatures and the resulting higher
metamorphic grade, may be important in rift zones. Fig. 3B-5. Laboratory-measured compressional wave
Laboratory measurements show that the velocities velocities (Vp) for rock samples representative of crustal and
uppermost mantle rocks plotted versus percentage of SiO2 in
of rocks varies strongly as a function of bulk chemi- the samples. Data sources are listed in Table 3B-3. The rock
cal composition and metamorphic grade which af- types (Gr = granite, Gr-Dio = granodiorite, O1 Gab = olivine
fects the petrologic content. In general, the velocity gabbro) shown at the top of the diagram correspond to the
is inversely correlated with total SiO2 content, and velocity ranges (corrected to 600 Mpa) calculated for the crust
directly correlated with FeO+Fe203+MgO content and upper mantle rock types by Christensen (1965). N =
number of samples. The line through the data represents
and with increasing metamorphic grade approximate relationship of Vp and SiO2 percentage based on
(Christensen, 1965; Holbrook et al., 1992a). For the laboratory measurements on the rock samples.
crystalline igneous rocks, the seismic velocity var-
ies systematically according to SiO2 content and
therefore rock type as shown in Figure 3B-5. Note types, it is possible to account for the pressure ef-
that the velocities for the laboratory rock samples fect with reasonable confidence in interpretation and
plotted in Figure 3B-5 do not include the effect of results for all rock types (upper crustal, lower crustal
temperature. At depths of about 20 km (~ 600 MPa and upper mantle) have been combined in our com-
pressure), in situ velocities will be reduced by about pilation (Fig. 3B-6). In certain environments, pore
0.2 to 0.5 km/s depending on rock type, and tem- pressure may be an important factor controlling the
perature-depth curves which are associated with spe- seismic velocity of rocks. High pore pressures in the
cific heat-flow provinces. Further analyses of the crust can lead to significantly reduced seismic ve-
depth (pressure) and temperature effects on veloc- locities (Christensen, 1989b). A more extensive dis-
ity are presented below. cussion of these effects is contained in Fountain and
At low confining pressures (less than about 200 Christensen (1989).
MPa), corresponding to depths of about 0 to 5 km in Temperature has a strong effect on seismic ve-
the crust, seismic velocity is strongly influenced by locity and should be an important factor in control-
pressure because of the closing of cracks and pore ling the crustal and upper mantle velocity structure
spaces. At higher pressures, velocity varies approxi- of continental rifts where thermal anomalies are pro-
mately linearly with confining pressure with a de- nounced. Increased temperatures nearly always pro-
rivative of approximately 2.7 x 10-4 km/s/MPa (Fig. duce lower compressional wave velocities in rocks
3B-6). Because the effect of pressure on rock ve- which are likely constituents of the continental crust
locity is relatively constant for a wide range of rock and upper mantle. A compilation of laboratory ve-
76 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, S. Mueller, and C. Prodehl

crust would result in an expected decrease in upper

m Crustal and Upper
Mantle Rocks
mantle seismic velocity of 0.074 km/s. Combining
the pressure and temperature effects, upper mantle
N = 418
Mean = 2.942 x 10 .4 rocks in a high heat flow region with a thin crust
Median = 2.670 x 10 .4 may have a contrast in seismic velocity of a b o u t -
L_ Std. Dev. = 1.304 x 10 -4
G) (km/s/MPa) 0.35 km/s. Therefore, upper mantle beneath cratons
E with seismic velocity of 8.0 km/s may be the same
rock composition as 7.65 km/s mantle beneath a high
heat flow region. The suggestion that temperature
in the mantle is a primary control on P, velocity has
been made based on statistical analysis of North
American P, velocity data (Black and Braile, 1982).
Intrusion into the crust is an efficient mechanism
ta o m. ~. m. o m. o m . o m. o m. o m. o ta o.
to transfer heat to the crust and may result in sig-
nificant compositional heterogeneity. Mafic intru-
dVp/aP Ix10"4) [km/s/MPa] sions into the lower crust could produce no signifi-
cant seismic velocity anomaly (velocity of hot in-
truded material is approximately equal to the veloc-
Fig. 3B-6. Histogram of pressure derivative (dVp/dE ity of the surrounding lower crust) while the intru-
compressional wave velocity as a function of pressure) data
sion and crust are still hot (during and within a few
for crustal and upper mantle rock samples. Derivatives are
calculated from confining pressure measurements in the range
million years of a rifting and magmatic event), while
of 2 0 0 - 1 0 0 0 MPa. Data sources are listed in Table 3B-3. A after sufficient time for cooling, the intrusion may
summary of statistics is given in Table 3B-4. have a higher than normal velocity. Even after cool-
ing, the relatively small velocity contrast between
locity measurements of the temperature derivative
(dVp/dT) is illustrated in histogram form in Figure
3B-7. Median values of the temperature derivatives
for the three rock types shown (Table 3B-4) vary
from about-3.9 to-5.4 x 10-4 km/s/~ Such values
indicate that temperature anomalies of a few hun-
dred degrees will produce observable velocity
For example, ultramafic rocks in the uppermost
mantle in a high heat flow region could easily be at
a temperature that is 500~ higher than in an area of
normal heat flow. This temperature difference would
cause the compressional wave velocity to be de-
creased by about 0.27 km/s, assuming a derivative
o f - 5 . 4 x 10-4 km/s/~ appropriate for ultramafic
rocks (Table 3B--4). Because the crustal thickness
in high heat flow regions is often substantially less
than in normal continental areas, it is also necessary
to consider the pressure effect. Using the pressure
derivative of 2.67 x 10-4 km/s/MPa (Fig. 3B-6 and Fig. 3B-7. Histograms of the temperature derivative (dVp/dT,
Table 3B-4) and an average crustal density of 2.9 g/ compressional wave velocity as a function of temperature) for
cm 3, the pressure effect becomes 7.4 x 10-3 km/s/ laboratory samples of upper crustal, lower crustal and upper
mantle rocks. Data sources are listed in Table 3B-3. A
km as a function of depth. Thus, a 10 km thinner summary of statistics is given in Table 3B-4.
Seismic techniques 77

Table 3B-4.
Rock properties statistical summaries.

Number of Standard
Figure Property* Units Sam ples Mean Median Deviation

3B.6 dVp/dP km/s/MPa 418 2.942 10-4 2.670 10-4 1.304 10 -4

3B.7 dVp/dT km/s/~ 27 -4.192 10-4 -4.000 10-4 1.529 10-4

(u.c. rocks)

dVp/dT km/s/~ 55 -4.816 10"4 -3.900 10-4 3.423 10 -4

(1.C. rocks)

dVp/dT km/s/~ 23 -5.030 10 -4 --5.400 10 -4 2.003 10 -4

(u.m. rocks)

3B .8 Anisotropy % 102 4.13 7 2.700 3.864

(u.c. rocks)

Anisotropy % 164 4.935 3.200 4.890

(1.c. rocks)

Anis otropy % 74 4.642 3.900 3.045

(u.m. rocks)

*Vp = compressional wave velocity, P = pressure, T = temperature, u.c. = upper crust, 1.c. = lower crust,
u.m. = upper mantle.

intruded mafic rocks and "normal" low crustal ve- crustal and upper mantle rock types is shown in Fig-
locities may cause the intrusions to be undetectable ure 3B-8. A statistical summary of the data is given
on the basis of seismic velocities from crustal seis- in Table 3B--4 and the sources of data are listed in
mic data. Mafic intrusions into the upper crust will Table 3B-3. The median anisotropy for the three rock
normally produce substantial velocity anomalies. types is relatively small (2.7 to 3.9%), although some
Observations of outcrops and laboratory measure- significantly larger (> 10%) values of anisotropy
ments indicate that most rocks are anisotropic (Foun- have been observed, and the medians increase
tain and Christensen, 1989). However, in continen- slightly from upper crust to lower crust to upper
tal regions, significant anisotropy (greater than a few mantle rock types. The measured anisotropy of a rock
percent) has rarely been observed in large-scale ex- layer or volume in crustal and upper mantle studies
periments and it is likely that in most parts of the may be significantly lower (or even zero) than the
continental crust, isotropy (or at least transverse isot- laboratory samples if anisotropic directions are not
ropy) is a reasonable approximation considering the consistently aligned. Anisotropies of less than 1-2%
inherent averaging of velocities over many wave- are extremely difficult to (statistically) resolve from
lengths of the propagation path. A compilation of analysis of crustal seismic data. Nevertheless, un-
laboratory-measured anisotropy data for the com- der appropriate circumstances, it is likely to observe
pressional wave velocity of upper crustal, lower at least small anisotropy in continental crustal seis-
78 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, S. Mueller, and C. Prodehl

Fig. 3B-8. Histograms of percentage of compressional wave velocity anisotropy for laboratory samples of upper crustal, lower
crustal and upper mantle rocks. Data sources are listed in Table 3B-3. A summary of statistics is given in Table 3B-4.

mic studies. Such observations have been reported 3B.9. Crustal seismic velocity structure of
(e.g., Bamford, 1977; Bamford et al., 1979). Fur- continental rifts - a statistical analysis of data
thermore, anisotropy can be a possible explanation from North America
for discrepancies between reflection (near-vertical
raypaths) and refraction and wide-angle (near-hori- A recently completed compilation of crustal seis-
zontal raypaths) observations of velocity for data at mic models for the North American continent (Braile
the same location. Refraction and reflection data can et al., 1989; Mooney and Braile, 1990) provides data
be simultaneously modeled to determine anisotropy for comparison of seismic properties of rift areas
(Boztepe and Braile, 1994). with other regions of the continental crust. The North
Crustal and upper mantle models interpreted from American data set is particularly suited to a statisti-
seismic data are commonly checked and refined by cal analysis and comparative studies because a rea-
computing the gravity response of equivalent den- sonably large number of crustal models have been
sity models. Velocity-density relations are used, at determined and the North American continent con-
least initially, to estimate appropriate densities in the sists of a wide range of age and types of geologic
crust and upper mantle of the density model. Veloc- provinces that include both modern and paleorifts.
ity-density data from laboratory measurements of Although unable to provide detailed information
rock properties often display a linear relation al- relative to any particular rift or geographic area, a
though substantial scatter, and, therefore, ambigu- statistical analysis of crustal models has the advan-
ity in interpretation, is also observed (Barton, 1986). tage of illuminating general characteristics and
Furthermore, the velocity-density data from labora- trends, "smoothing out" random variations and dis-
tory measurements are observed at relatively low crepant points, and emphasizing representative val-
pressures and temperatures and may not be appro- ues. A complete listing of the sources of models in
priate for predicting density of molten or nearly- the crustal structure compilation, a discussion of the
melted materials such as could be present in crustal procedures, assumptions and limitations of the data
intrusions and in anomalously hot upper mantle. and compilation methods, and some statistical analy-
From our rock properties compilation, we have com- sis of the continent-wide data is contained in Braile
puted the velocity-density relations shown in Fig- et al. (1989) and Mooney and Braile (1989).
ure 3B-9.
Seismic techniques 79

8.8 I I I

Vp = 2.382Rho - 0.111
0 o
r"'q Rho = 0.352Vp + 0.523
o. r = 0.916

~ ~00
0 9

(o ~~
L_J $
E 6.e
v 6.6 *~4boe,,ee 9 [] Upper(N
= 116)Crustal Rocks
- 6.4 9 Lower Crustal Rocks
6.2 ~5 (N = 186)
6.01- '-"-o'O o Upper Mantle Rocks
5.8 9 IN = 89)
2.6 2:8 310 312 3.4 3:6 3.8
Rho (g/cm3) [at 600 MPa]

Fig. 3B-9. Plot of compressional wave velocity (Vp) versus density (Rho) for laboratory samples of upper crustal, lower crustal,
and upper mantle rocks. Data sources are listed in Table 3B-3. The line and associated equations were derived by a least squares
(linear) fit to the data. r = correlation coefficient for the fit.

one of the statistical parameters. Unfortunately, the

The crustal velocity structure compilation for number of data points for the paleorift category is
North America consists of tabulations of the crustal relatively small and thus the inferences using statis-
thickness (Hc), upper mantle compressional wave tics based on these data must be interpreted cau-
velocity (P.), and the average compressional wave tiously. A small number of data points representing
velocity of the crystalline crust (Vp). The crustal the Cenozoic volcanic provinces (a "rift-like" fea-
structure information is derived from seismic mod- ture) are included in the North America minus rifts
els from 247 seismic studies for continental North category. The data for the remainder of North
America. As an example of the utility of these data, America are considered as a group to be representa-
a contour diagram of the NorthAmerican crustal tive of the (mostly) "normal" continental crust. Ex-
thickness (Hc) data is shown in Figure 3B-10 with amples of representative crustal velocity models for
physiographic provinces identified and the locations rift and non-rift provinces for North America are
of selected rifts and other tectonic features illus- shown in Figure 3B-11. Crustal models for the "nor-
trated. The data are organized by province for ease mal" continental crust (largely the North American
of location of individual profiles on maps and to fa- craton), modern and paleorift zones, the coastal
cilitate subsequent analysis of parts of the data set. plain, and Cenozoic volcanic provinces are shown
The crustal seismic parameters for North America for comparison. A relatively thin crust and low up-
have been separated into rift and non-rift areas. The per mantle velocity characterize the modern rift
rift zones include modern rifts (Rio Grande, Basin models from North America. The crustal models for
and Range and Salton Trough), paleorifts the rift areas and average North America (Fig. 3B-
(Midcontinent Rift and New Madrid rift), and the 11), and the contrasts between these models (prima-
Coastal Plain which is the passive continental mar- rily crustal thickness and P~ velocity differences) are
gin formed by rifting of the Atlantic and Gulf of very similar to the rift and off-rift crustal models
Mexico oceans in the Mesozoic and is, therefore, which were determined for the Kenya rift area in
technically, part of a paleorift. However, the data east Africa (Braile et al., 1994). The paleorift mod-
for the Coastal Plain are considered separately be- els display anomalous upper crustal structure (as
cause they display a distinct distribution for at least
80 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, S. Mueller, and C. Prodehl

Fig. 3B-10. Contour map of crustal thickness data for North America (Braile et al., 1989). Contour interval is 5 km. Physiographic
provinces are indicated by the dotted lines (CA=Cascade Range, SN=Sierra Nevada). Specific rifts are also indicated: NM=New
Madrid, MCR=Mid-Continent, RGR=Rio Grande, ST=Salton Trough. The Snake River Plain Cenozoic volcanic terrain is indicated
by SRP.

compared with the average North America crustal The difference in the mean values of crustal thick-
models) and contain a high-velocity lower crustal ness for the active rift and "normal" continental crust
layer. suggests that crustal thinning during rifting is about
Data for four of the groups of geologic province 9 km. This thinning could be accomplished by up-
types (modern) rifts, paleo-rifts, coastal plain and lift and erosion of part of the upper crust, extension
remainder of North America are displayed in histo- (by normal faulting or ductile stretching), migration
grams in Figures 3B-12 to 3B-14. Simple statistics of the Moho by phase transition, subcrustal "ero-
for the data sets are listed in Table 3B-6. sion" (intrusion into and assimilation by melting of
Crustal thickness histograms for the rift and non- lower crustal material by the upper mantle), or a
rift regions of North America are shown in Figure combination of these processes. The coastal plain
3B-12. The crustal thickness distributions for the (passive continental rift margin) data also display a
provinces are very distinct. When the rift provinces thinner than normal crust. However, the North
data are removed from the North American compi- American paleorifts are characterized by an anoma-
lation, the distribution, which is bimodal (Braile et lously thick crustmabout 8 km thicker than the nor-
al., 1989), becomes nearly Gaussian (Fig. 3B-12). mal continental crust. Presumably, these paleorifts
Seismic techniques 81

Fig. 3B-11. Selected crustal seismic models for North America. Models are grouped as follows: Average North America and craton
models, paleorift, m o d e m rift, and Cenozoic volcanic provinces. Numbers are compressional wave velocities in km/s. ELEV. =
elevation above sea level (S.L.); Sed./Volc. = sedimentary and volcanic rocks; Meta-Sed. = meta-sedimentary rocks; Inter.Layer =
intermediate layer; High Vel 1.c. = high-velocity lower crustal rocks. Sources of models are listed in Table 3B-5.

experienced thinning of their original crust during km/s). However, this Pn velocity difference is con-
rifting, but their crusts have thickened subsequently sistent with variations in velocity due to tempera-
by subsidence and volcanic or sedimentary accumu- ture variations in the upper mantle as suggested by
lation or by intrusion into the crust or underplating. Black and Braile (1982). The depth difference (mod-
Two of the North American paleorifts show evidence em rifts compared with normal continental crust, 9
of having been thickened by these mechanisms km) and temperature difference (estimated to be
(Ginzburg et al., 1983; Allen et al., Chapter 10 of about 500~ at the Moho combine to predict a P~
this volume). velocity decrease of 0.34 km/s in rift zones caused
Histograms for the P~ (uppermost mantle) veloc- by combined pressure and temperature effects (see
ity for the North American rift and non-rift areas are previous section). This anomaly is very close to the
shown in Figure 3B-13. The P~ distribution for the 0.28 km/s observed P~ difference. The coastal plain
non-rift areas displays a strong peak with a mean and paleorift areas have slightly higher than normal
value of 8.05 km/s. Modern rift areas are character- Pn velocity. Considering the standard errors of the
ized by a significantly low P~ velocity (mean = 7.77 mean value statistics, the paleorift data are only
82 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, S. Mueller, and C. Prodehl

Table 3B-5.
Seismic Crustal Models for North America.

Velocity Model Reference Remarks

1. Average North America Braile et al., 1989 Average of structure from 247 refraction

2. Average Superior Province Braile, 1989 Average of 11 Superior Province Models

3. N. Missouri Stewart, 1968

4. Midcontinent Rift Behrendt et al., 1988; Lower crustal velocity beneath rift is
Hinze et al., 1990; uncertain
Allen et al., Chapter 10 of this

5. New Madrid Rift Ginzburg et al., 1983

6. Coastal Plain Trehu et al., 1989 Passive continental margin near

continental shelf-slope break

7. Salton Trough Fuis et al., 1984

Mooney and Weaver, 1989

8. Basin and Range Braile et al., 1989 Average Basin and Range model

9. Rio Grande Rift Baldridge et al., 1984

10. Cascade Range Leaver et al., 1984

11. Western Snake River Plain Hill and Pakiser, 1966 Intermediate velocity layer of Fauria's
Fauria, 1981 model included

12. Eastern Snake River Plain Braile et al., 1982

13. Columbia Plateau Catchings et al., 1988

marginally anomalous in P~ velocity. The P~ data for crust and the coastal plain is caused by differences
the coastal plain regions indicate that the P~ veloc- in the depth to the Moho (and, therefore, pressure
ity is substantially higher for these areas as com- differences) and differences in temperature. For ex-
pared to that beneath 'normal' crust. However, it is ample, the crustal thickness histogram (Fig. 3B-12)
likely that at least a large part of the difference in suggest a difference in depth to Moho of about 10
mean P~ velocities between normal North American km between normal continental crust (~ 38 km) and
Seismic techniques 83

Table 3B-6.
Statistics for North American Crustal Seismic Data.
Data Set Number of Mean Std. Std.
Region Observations Value Error Deviation Units

Crustal Thickness (Hc)

Non-rift Areas 260 37.8 0.6 9.8 km

Modern Riffs 42 29.1 0.6 4.1 km

Paleorifts 10 46.2 1.3 4.2 km

Coastal Plain 25 28.2 1.5 7.3 km

Upper Mantle Velocity (Pn)

Non-rift Areas 242 8.05 0.04 0.21 km/s

Modern Rifts 44 7.77 0.02 0.12 km/s

Paleorifts 10 8.11 0.02 0.07 km/s

Coastal Plain 24 8.19 0.04 0.17 km/s

Average Crustal Velocity ( Vp )

Non-rift Areas 198 6.46 0.02 0.23 km/s

Modern Rifts 29 6.29 0.04 0.24 km/s

Paleorifts 6.67 0.04 0.12 km/s


Coastal Plain 21 6.40 0.07 0.31 km/s

coastal Plain regions (-- 28 km). Temperature differ- Pn velocity as compared to "normal" continental
ences at the Moho between the normal and Coastal crust) would be about 0.12 km/s, thus approximately
Plain crusts may be approximately 350~ Using accounting for the observed (0.14 km/s) difference.
these differences in confining pressure and tempera- Histograms for the average seismic compressional
ture and appropriate estimates of pressure and tem- wave velocity for the North American continental
perature derivatives (Table 3B-4), we estimate that crust are shown in Figure 3B-14 for the rift and non-
the Pn velocity variation caused by pressure and tem- rift regions. The average crustal velocity (Vp) has
perature conditions (the thinner crust, and therefore been suggested by Smithson et al. (1981) to be in-
lower pressure, implies a 0.07 km/s lower Pn veloc- dicative of average composition of the crust. How-
ity, whereas the lower estimated temperature at the ever, Vp is also affected by temperature and pres-
Moho in the coastal plain implies a 0.19 km/s higher sure variations. In high heat flow environments, the
84 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, S. Mueller, and C. Prodehl

Fig. 3B-12. Histograms of crustal thickness data (Braile et al., 1989) for modem rift, paleorift, coastal plain and the non-rift
continental crust of North America. Statistical values are given in Table 3B-6.

temperature effect may be significant and mayac- mal North American crust and the paleorift crust,
count for much of the observed variations in Vp. the difference cannot be attributable to pressure and
For North America, there is a strong correlation of temperature effects. (The small difference in crustal
Vp with thermal age of provinces similar to the ef- thickness, and therefore confining pressure in the
fect observed by Black and Braile (1982) for Pn ve- crust, between the normal and paleorift provinces
locity. These results can be most simply interpreted could only._account for a very small fraction of the
as an effect of cooling of the crust (and lithosphere) observed Vp differences). Therefore, we conclude
with time after a thermal event and that the observed
l -
that, the crust in paleorifts has been intruded by high-
Vp variations are primarily controlled by tempera- velocity and high-density material (and some lower
ture. The Vp histograms (Fig. 3B-14) indicate that velocity upper crustal material is replaced by higher
modem_ rift regions are characterized by anomalously velocity rocks) at some stage in the formation of the
low Vp --probably as a temperature effect. Vp data paleorifts. This process, which may also involve
for the paleorifts indicate a distinct anomaly. The "underplating" (Furlong and Fountain, 1986;
Vp data are significantly higher than for the 'nor- Holbrook et al., 1992a), along with cooling with age,
mal' crust. However, because there are insignificant probably contributes to the subsidence and thicken-
temperature or pressure differences between the nor- ing of the crust in paleorifts and accounts for the
Seismic techniques 85

Fig. 3B-13. Histograms of P, velocity data (Braile et al., 1989) for modem rift, paleorift, coastal plain and the non-rift continental
crust of North America. Statistical values are given in Table 3B--6.

observed differences in Vp between paleorifts and areas, is separating the thick sedimentary section
normal continental crust. Because the coastal plain (some of which may have seismic velocities very
region is a paleorift, one might expect higher than close to those of the upper crust) from the crystal-
normal average crustal velocity. However, this is not line crust in the calculation of Vp. Mis-identifying
observed. Possible explanations include pressure and some of the sedimentary section as crystalline crust
temperature effects (because there is a substantial would have the effect of lowering the Vp data. Simi-
difference in crustal thickness) and difficulties in larly, because the passive margins grade laterally into
correctly estimating Vp in the coastal plai_n region. oceanic crust, some oceanic crustal velocities may
The temperature and pressure effects on Vp for the be included in the Vp calculations, thus increasing
coastal plain can easily be estimated and do not sug- the values.
gest a major difference. However, the temperature Comparing the data for the rift and non-rift areas
in the crust of the coastal plain region could be dif- of North America in the three sets of histograms
ferent than is currently predicted by heat flow mod- (Figs. 3B-12, 3B-13, and 3B-14), the crustal struc-
els because of the complicated lateral variations in ture parameters (crustal thickness, P~ and Vp) for
crustal structure. An additional problem in estimat- the modern rift regions are all significantly lower
ing Vp, which is more prevalent in coastal plain than for the normal continental crust. The results are
86 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, S. Mueller, and C. Prodehl

Fig. 3B-14. Histograms of Vp (average velocity of the crystalline crust) data (Braile et al., 1989) for modem rift, paleorift, coastal
plain and the non-rift continental crust of North America. Statistical values are given in Table 3B-6.

consistent with a thinning of the crust during rifting increase in Vp is a response to cooling with age af-
which averages about 9 km and with crustal and ter the main extensional (active rifting) event and
upper mantle velocity variations which are predicted associated magmatism. Except for the intrusions into
by the estimated temperature differences. For the crust in the paleorifts, the seismic velocity varia-
paleorifts, the three crustal parameters are higher tions in rift and non-rift areas could be explained by
than normal, although the Pn velocity is only slightly temperature effects alone. No significant composi-
high and the difference may not be significant. The tional variations are required to match the seismic
crustal thickness and Vp data for paleorifts suggest data. Of course, compositional variations which do
that the crust is thickened and intruded with higher not involve significant volume fractions of the crust
velocity material at some time in the process of rift would not be detected. Furthermore, large composi-
development. The coastal plain data are less clear, tional variations related to rifting (intrusion into the
but do show a thinned crust of approximately nor- crust, depletion of certain mantle elements) could
mal Vp. The crustal thickness and velocity statis- occur and not be visible in the statistical data of the
tics for paleorifts and the observation that North crustal parameters if the variations do not involve
American paleorifts (Midcontinent rift, New Madrid significant changes in seismic velocity or density.
rift, coastal plain) have been areas of substantial
subsidence, suggest that the crustal thickening and
Seismic techniques 87

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Chapter 3C

Potential field methods

M.H.P. Bott and W.J. H i n z e

3C.1. Introduction field is a good indicator of broad mantle structure

such as plume heads associated with rifts. Both sur-
Potential field methods, specifically the gravity face gravity and satellite measurements reflect the
and magnetic exploration methods, have been used ellipsoidal shape and rotation of the Earth and lat-
extensively in the study of continental rifts, both eral deviations from the ellipsoid involving surface
modern and ancient. Gravity studies have provided topography and lateral density inhomogeneities
an important input to rift studies since the pioneer- within the Earth. Geoid anomalies can be calculated
ing studies of Bullard (1936) and Vening Meinesz from gravity anomalies and vice versa, but the geoid
(1950). Subsequently, gravity has been used to de- is less sensitive to short wavelengths derived pri-
lineate hidden rifts, to determine the shape of rift marily from near-surface, local geologic sources and
troughs, including the nature of faulting, to investi- more sensitive to long wavelengths.
gate crustal and upper mantle structure in associa- Relative gravity measurements can be made to an
tion with explosion and earthquake seismology, and accuracy of a small fraction of a milliGal (1 mGal =
to ascertain the isostatic state of rifts, including flex- 10-5m s-2), which is more than adequate for rift stud-
ural studies. Magnetic surveys, although not as ies. Raw gravity measurements need to be related to
widely used as gravity in rift studies, reveal base- the world gravity network, then corrected for plan-
ment and igneous structure, map hidden rifts, and etary gravity variations related to latitude using the
have been used to estimate the depth to the Curie International Gravity Formula and for station eleva-
point isotherm. This short review aims to discuss the tion, before they can be used for interpretation. El-
applicability and limitations of these methods. evation corrections include the free air correction,
allowing for decrease of the Earth's gravity with
3C.2. The gravity method height above sea level or other datum, the Bouguer
correction correcting for the attraction of material
The lateral variations of the Earth's gravitational from the station to sea level assuming it to be a uni-
field can be determined either by measuring the ver- form slab, and the terrain correction which accom-
tical component of gravitational attraction using a modates for lateral variations in topographical
gravity meter or by using satellites to determine the height. Other minor corrections such as for tidal
variation in geoid height which is proportional to variation of gravity and deviation of the geoid from
the anomalous gravitational potential. Gravity mea- the ellipsoid are sometimes applied to specialized
surements have been used for nearly all continental gravity surveys.
rift studies, although the satellite determined geoid
94 M.H.P. Bott and W.J. Hinze

The free air anomaly is obtained when the lati- is computed by standard techniques and compared
tude and free air corrections alone are made; the free with the observed anomaly. The shape and/or den-
air anomaly reflects the vertical component of the sity distribution is repeatedly adjusted until an ac-
gravitational attraction of both the topography above ceptable fit is obtained by trial and error. This pro-
datum and lateral variations of density below it, and cess can be carried out automatically using a vari-
is useful in flexural studies and for marine work. ety of inversion techniques such as non-linear opti-
The Bouguer anomaly is determined when the mization. The main problem with the indirect method
Bouguer and terrain corrections are also applied; the is that in absence of other information on the source
Bouguer anomaly reflects lateral variations in den- body, the resulting model can never be unique. Other
sity, eliminating the direct effects of topography. It models can also be constructed to give equally good
is the most useful type of anomaly for modeling in fits. This problem is minimized by constraining the
terms of postulated mass distributions. An isostatic proposed geologic model with collateral information
anomaly is calculated by subtracting the predicted from magnetic and seismic data and drill hole logs.
gravity effect of theoretical subsurface mass varia- Furthermore, ambiguity in interpretation can be over-
tions related to surface topography according to a come provided that adequate assumptions can be
specific hypothesis (e.g., Airy or Pratt) from the made. For example, if the density contrast across a
Bouguer anomaly. This anomaly can be used to test single interface and its depth at one point can both
the model suggested by the isostatic hypothesis as be specified, as in the case of the floor of the sedi-
well as providing a broader indication of the degree ment filled trough, then the shape of the interface
to which simple isostasy applies. can be mapped from the gravity anomaly it causes.
However, errors in the observed anomaly will lead
to errors in the mapping, and horizontal resolution
3C.3. Interpreting gravity anomalies is limited to wavelengths not much shorter than the
The first step in interpreting a local gravity (or depth of the interface. If constraints are inadequate
magnetic) anomaly is to separate the local residual to ensure uniqueness as above, it may be necessary
anomaly from the regional anomaly. There are then to compute a range of possible models consistent
three main approaches to the interpretation of a re- with the observations.
sidual anomaly: (1) the indirect method (or model- A simple application of the indirect method (mod-
ing) whereby a theoretical model of the subsurface eling) relevant to rift studies is to obtain the subsur-
is fitted to the observed anomaly by a process of face shape of the floor of an outcropping sedimen-
trial and error; (2) the parametric method which aims tary graben of specified density contrast with the
to fit a simple geometric shape to an anomaly, such basement (which may vary with depth) from the
as a slab or a sphere in gravity or a dike in magnet- gravity anomaly it causes. Sedimentary troughs are
ics; this approach can be used to place limits, such characterized by large negative local anomalies (sev-
as maximum possible depth to top of the body caus- eral tens of milliGals) with steep marginal gradients.
ing an anomaly; and (3) the direct method whereby Such anomalies of shallow origin do not extend more
potential field operations such as upward continua- than a few kilometers beyond the edges of the trough.
tion are carried out. The indirect method is by far In continental rift regions, the deeper crustal and
the most widely used approach in the interpretation mantle anomalies are of longer wavelength and can
of gravity anomalies over continental rifts, although be approximately removed without serious error. In
direct methods have also been used especially in the past, such gravity interpretations have been im-
flexural studies. portant in indicating the large thickness of low den-
Gravity modeling makes repeated use of the for- sity sediments characteristic of rift troughs and con-
ward problem of calculating the gravity anomaly of firming that they are bounded by normal faults (e.g.,
an arbitrary two- or three-dimensional body. An ini- Girdler, 1964; Zorin, 1971; Kahle and Werner, 1980;
tial geologic model is hypothesized and its anomaly Keller et al., 1991). However, the gravity method
Potential field methods 95

has now been mainly superseded by seismic reflec- geophysical literature. Recent examples are the stud-
tion studies for investigating the internal structure ies of ten Brink et al. (1993) in the Dead Sea basin
and subsurface shape of rift troughs. and Burov et al. (1994) in the north Baikal rift zone.
Gravity modeling has also been effectively used A further important use of the gravity method in
to assess crustal and upper mantle structure beneath rift studies is to assess the state and mechanism of
continental rift systems. The short wavelength ef- isostasy. Other geophysical methods cannot give this
fect of shallow structure such as sediment filled information. The most obvious application is in dis-
troughs needs first to be removed (or incorporated cussion of the long wavelength negative Bouguer
in the model). The Bouguer anomaly can then be anomalies which occur over the broad domal uplifts
interpreted in terms of variation in Moho depth, den- associated with many of the present rift systems.
sity anomalies within the crust above the Moho, and Thus, the East African Plateau is 1300 km wide,
lateral variations in the density of the upper mantle. about 1200 m high on average, and has a negative
Characteristically, the Moho beneath an active rift Bouguer anomaly peaking at about-200 mGal over
system shallows as a result of crustal stretching, there the eastern rift system. The negative Bouguer
may be dense intrusions within the crust (e.g., Searle, anomaly represents the low density isostatic support
1970), and the broad domal uplift characteristic of for the elevated topography (e.g., Girdler and
active continental rifts is commonly supported by a Sowerbutts, 1970; Fairhead, 1976). The isostatic
hot, low density region in the upper mantle usually support is demonstrably not caused by crustal thick-
associated with a plume head. Although the crustal ening and must be attributed to a substantial low
anomalies are generally of shorter wavelength than density region in the underlying upper mantle which
the upper mantle anomalies, the separation of the is thought to originate as a result of the thermal ef-
two contributions cannot be done uniquely. The best fects of a plume head.
approach is to use explosion seismology to define At shorter wavelengths in rift regions such as East
the crustal thickness and its variation, and to use the Africa, the correlation between gravity and topog-
gravity anomaly to refine the crustal model and to raphy is less obvious. This is because at shorter
determine the mantle anomaly, assuming a realistic wavelengths the surface and internal loads can be
density contrast. Gravity interpretation is thus wholly or partly supported by the strength of the elas-
complementary to teleseismic seismology in deter- tic lithosphere, so that flexural compensation occurs
mining the anomalous upper mantle which charac- which is dependent on wavenumber. Ebinger et al.
teristically underlies active rift systems. Of impor- (1989) have analyzed the flexural equilibrium of sub-
tance in relating the gravity to the seismic data are regions of the East African rift system to determine
empirical relationships between density and P-wave the variations of effective elastic plate thickness
velocity, although these break down when partial within the region. In order to carry out this analysis,
fusion is involved. An early example of the use of both topography and gravity are transformed to the
gravity to infer crustal and mantle structure beneath wavenumber domain using the two-dimensional fast
the East African rift system is given by Baker and Fourier transform. The coherence between topogra-
Wohlenberg (1970). A more recent evaluation of the phy and gravity can then be determined as a func-
gravity anomaly of the central East African rift sys- tion of wavenumber. The results can then be com-
tem (Nyblade and Pollack, 1992) shows that the pared with theoretical models and thus the best fit-
anomaly is caused not only by the rift-related modi- ting elastic plate thickness can be determined. The
fications to the crust and upper mantle, but also by resulting elastic plate thickness was found to be
regional pre-rift crustal sources associated with an above 65 km in the stable cratonic regions and within
ancient suture. Numerous other examples of the use the range of 21 to 36 km below the active Ethiopian,
of gravity modeling to investigate the crustal struc- Kenya and western rift systems. Intermediate val-
ture of modern continental rifts and to speculate on ues were obtained in uplifted regions which are un-
mechanisms for rifting from the models exist in the
96 M.H.P. Bott and W.J. Hinze

faulted. The thinning of the elastic plate in the re- minerals) content in rocks within the outermost 50
gions of active rifting is attributable to the raised km shell of the Earth, and can thus be used for geo-
temperatures in the crust and lithosphere. logical purposes. Most modern mapping of the geo-
Gravity studies have also had an important role magnetic field for exploration purposes makes use
in identifying and studying the crustal structure of of aeromagnetic surveying and total field anomalies
ancient rifts (Keller et al., 1983). These rifts are com- are normally measured for simplicity. Ground sur-
monly characterized by a present-day thickened crust veys can be carried out for follow up detail or for
probably as a result of underplating during the rift- other local exploration purposes. The geomagnetic
ing process which results in a broad negative grav- field at long wavelengths can be determined by sat-
ity anomaly. This negative, at least in part, is coun- ellite magnetometry.
teracted by the positive gravity anomaly associated The geomagnetic total field value varies from
with pervasive mantle-derived intrusions into the about 20,000 nT (nannoTesla) at low latitudes to
lower crust over a region that extends well beyond about 60,000 nT in the vicinity of the poles. The
the limits of the surface graben. Such is the case in common instrument for measuring total field anoma-
the New Madrid Rift which coincides with the axis lies is the proton precession magnetometer which
of the Mississippi Embayment. The resulting broad measures absolute values. It has a typical accuracy
positive anomaly is marked by an axial negative of about 1 nT which is adequate for most purposes.
gravity anomaly caused by the less-dense sedimen- More sensitive alkali vapor magnetometers can im-
tary rocks of the hidden graben beneath the prove the accuracy by over an order of magnitude
Embayment sediments (Hildenbrand, 1985). Still for precision surveying.
other ancient rifts, such as the Midcontinent Rift Magnetometer observations need to be corrected
Systems of central North America (Hinze et al., for short period variations of the geomagnetic field
1992) are profound positive gravity anomalies due caused by ionospheric currents and associated in-
to mantle-derived mafic volcanic rocks that fill the duced currents within the Earth. This is best done
grabens and spill out beyond the margins. The inter- by setting up a base station to record the variations
pretation of these gravity anomalies is far from within the survey area. Correction for the long wave-
unique, but reflection seismic studies over the past length variations with latitude and longitude, which
few decades (Zhu and Brown, 1986; Chandler et al., include the dipole and non-dipole fields which origi-
1989; Hinze et al., 1990) show that the volcanic rocks nate within the core and in vicinity of the core-mantle
of the rifts contain numerous reflection events and boundary, can be made by subtracting the Interna-
thus these seismic data can be used to constrain the tional Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) from the
gravity interpretation. Allen et al. (1992) have shown observed total field value. The IGRF is updated ev-
that the 1100 Ma old Midcontinent Rift centered on ery five years to account for the secular variation in
Lake Superior is a broad topographic high which is the geomagnetic field. There is a small decrease of
isostatically compensated by an underplated crust the field with height, but the correction is only ap-
or depleted upper mantle associated with this ancient plied for high precision work. The resulting mag-
rifting event. The topographic feature is believed to netic anomalies reflect lateral variation in the mag-
be a vestige of a broad domal uplift that originated netic polarization within the outermost shell of the
at the time of rifting which was associated with a Earth, extending down to the depth of the Curie point
mantle plume. temperature (50 km or less), beneath which the rocks
are effectively non-magnetic.
3C.4. The magnetic exploration method
Lateral variations of the geomagnetic field on a
scale of less than a few thousand kilometers are
caused by variations in the magnetite (and related
Potential fieM methods 97

3C.5. Interpretation of magnetic anomalies magnetic anomalies mainly (although not entirely)
reflect the structure of the pre-rift basement rocks.
Magnetic interpretation methods are closely simi- The sedimentary rift troughs generally correspond
lar in many ways to those used for gravity interpre- to negative magnetic anomalies (reflecting their
tation. This is because both gravity and magnetic weak magnetization?). Local anomalies occur over
anomalies can be derived from scalar potential fields the rift basalts. The magnetic anomalies here also
which satisfy Laplaces's equation. However, mag- indicate that the magnetic layer above the Curie point
netic interpretation is generally more complicated temperature is thinned as a result of raised tempera-
in that the basic gravitational unit is a point mass tures. The upwarped Curie isotherm beneath the Rio
(monopole) whereas the basic magnetic unit is a di- Grande Rift (Mayhew, 1982) has also been mapped
pole. This means that the causative magnetic bodies with satellite magnetic anomaly data. These satel-
are not as closely related to the anomalies they cause lite data have also been used to map aulacogens (e.g.,
as they are in gravity. Consequently the process of Longacre et al., 1982). Magnetic anomaly data have
modeling (indirect method) is less straightforward been used to map the sinistral strike-slip motion on
to apply, although this can be overcome by using the Dead Sea Rift by evaluating the displacement of
non-linear computer inversion techniques. A further magnetic anomalies across the rift (Hatcher et al.,
complication in magnetics is that the direction of 1981). Further, the buffed New Madrid Rift has been
magnetization is not necessarily along the direction mapped by the attenuated magnetic anomaly pattern
of the present Earth's field, due to the presence of over the graben and the marginal magnetic anoma-
remanent as well as induced magnetization. The lies associated with rift-related intrusives
parametric method is widely used for interpretation (Hildenbrand, 1985). Magnetic anomalies have been
of anomalies in terms of dikes, and the direct meth- especially useful in mapping buried segments of the
ods such as upward continuation apply to magnetics Midcontinent Rift System (Hinze et al., 1966; King
as well as to gravity. and Zietz, 1971) because of the strong remanent
Magnetic anomalies are nearly all caused by the magnetization of the associated mafic volcanic rocks.
presence of magnetite and related minerals in rocks, More recently (Chandler et al., 1989; Mariano and
although the presence of a few other minerals such Hinze, 1994) have successfully modeled the com-
as pyrrhotite locally also give rise to significant plex remanent magnetization of the volcanic rocks
anomalies. As most sedimentary rocks (with occa- of the Midcontinent Rift in combination with grav-
sional exceptions) do not contain significant amounts ity and seismic reflection data leading to improved
of magnetite or other magnetic minerals, these rocks structure and stratigraphic interpretation of the gra-
are usually effectively non-magnetic. Igneous rocks, bens of the rift.
especially those of mafic and ultramafic composi-
tion, are typically more strongly magnetic and may
possess strong remanent magnetization reflecting the 3C.6. References
field direction at the time of formation. Metamor-
Allen, D.J., Hinze, W.J., and Cannon, W.E, 1992. Drainage, to-
phic rocks are variably magnetic and as a result the
pographic, and gravity anomalies in the Lake Superior re-
pattern of magnetic anomalies generally reveals the gion: Evidence for a I100 Ma mantle plume. Geophys. Res.
basement strike direction even when overlain by Lett., 19: 2119-2122.
sediments. In such a situation, the depth to the mag- Baker, B.H., and Wohlenberg, J., 1970. Structure and evolution
netic basement can be estimated using simple para- of the Kenya Rift Valley. Nature, 229: 538-542.
BuUard, E.C., 1936. Gravity measurements in East Africa. Philos.
metric methods or by using the Fourier spectrum.
Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. A, 235: 445-531.
Magnetic surveys have been carried out in conti- Burov, E.B., Houdry, E, Diament, M., and Deverchue, J., 1994.
nental rift zones, although the significance of the A broken plate beneath the North Baikal rift zone revealed
resulting interpretations falls far short of the contri- by gravity modeling. Geophys. Res. Lett., 21: 129-132.
bution from gravity. An example is the application Chandler, V.W., McSwiggen, EL., Morey, G.B., Hinze, W.J., and
Anderson, R.L., 1989. Interpretation of seismic reflection,
to the Baikal rift zone (Novoselova, 1978). Here the
gravity and magnetic data across the Middle Proterozoic
98 M.H.P. Bott and Wd. Hinze

Midcontinent Rift System in western Wisconsin, eastern Min- Keller, G.R., Lidiak, E.G., Hinze, W.J., and Braile, L.W., 1983.
nesota, and central Iowa. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Bull., 73: The role of rifting in the tectonic development of the
261-275. Midcontinent, U.S.A. Tectonophysics, 94:391-412.
Ebinger, C.J., Bechtel, T.D., Forsyth, D.W., and Bowin, C.O., Keller, G.R., Khan, M.A., Morgan, P., Wendlandt, R.F.,
1989. Effective elastic plate thickness beneath the East Afri- Baldridge, W.S., Olsen, K.H., Prodehl, C., and Braile, L.W.,
can and Afar Plateaus and dynamic compensation of the up- 1991. A comparative study of the Rio Grande and Kenya rifts.
lifts. J. Geophys. Res., 94: 2883-2901. Tectonophysics, 197: 355-371.
Fairhead, J.D., 1976. The structure of the lithosphere beneath King, E.R., and Zietz, I., 1971. Aeromagnetic study of the
the eastern rift, East Africa, deduced from gravity studies. Midcontinent Gravity High of central United States. Geol.
Tectonophysics, 30: 269-298. Soc. Am. Bull., 82: 2187-2208.
Girdler, R.W., 1964. Geophysical studies of rift valleys. Physics Longacre, M.B., Hinze, W.J., and von Frese, R.R.B., 1982. A
Chem. Earth, 5: 121-156. satellite magnetic model of northeastern South American
Girdler, R.W., and Sowerbutts, W.T.C., 1970. Some recent geo- aulacogens. Geophys. Res. Lett., 9:318-321.
physical studies of the rift system in E. Africa. J. Geomagn. Mariano, J., and Hinze, W.J., 1994. Gravity and magnetic mod-
Geoelectr., 22: 153-163. els of the Midcontinent Rift in eastern Lake Superior. Can. J.
Hatcher, R.D., Jr., Zietz, I., Regan, R.D., Abu-Ajamieh, M., 1981. Earth Sci., 31: 661-674.
Sinistral strike-slip motion of the Dead Sea Rift: Confirma- Mayhew, M.A., 1982. Application of satellite magnetic anomaly
tion from new magnetic data. Geology, 9: 458-462. data to Curie isotherm mapping. J. Geophys. Res., 87: 4846-
Hildenbrand, T.G., 1985: Rift structure of the Northern Missis- 4854.
sippi Embayment from analysis of gravity and magnetic data. Novoselova, M.R., 1978. Magnetic anomalies of the Baikal rift
J. Geophys. Res., 90: 12607-12622. zone and adjacent areas. Tectonophysics, 45: 95-100.
Hinze, W.J., O'Hara, N.W., Trow, J.W., and Secor, G.B., 1966. Nyblade, A.A., and Pollack, H.N., 1992. A gravity model for the
Aeromagnetic studies of eastern Lake Superior. In: J.S. lithosphere in western Kenya and northeastern Tanzania.
Steinhart and T.J. Smith (Ed.). The Earth Beneath the Conti- Tectonophysics, 212: 257-267.
nents. Am. Geophys. Union Geophys. Monogr., 10: 95-110. Searle, R.C., 1970. Evidence from gravity anomalies for thin-
Hinze, W.J., Braile, L.W., and Chandler, V.W., 1990. A geophysi- ning of the lithosphere beneath the rift valley in Kenya.
cal profile of the southern margin of the Midcontinent Rift Geophys. J.R. astron. Soc., 21: 13-21.
System in western Lake Superior. Tectonics, 9:303-310. ten Brink, U.S., Ben-Avrahan, Z., Bell, R.E., Hassouneh, M.,
Hinze, W.J., Allen, D.J., Fox, A.J., Sunwoo, D., Woelk, T., and Coleman, D.E, Andreasen, G., Tibor, G., and Coakley, B.,
Green, A.G., 1992, Geophysical investigations and crustal 1993. Structure of the Dead Sea pull-apart basin from grav-
structure of the North American Midcontinent Rift System. ity analyses. J. Geophys. Res., 98:21877-21894.
Tectonophysics, 213, 17-32. Vening Meinesz, EA., 1950. Les grabens africains, r6sultat de
Kahle, H.-G., and Wemer, D., 1980. A geophysical study of the compression ou de tension dans la crofite terrestre? Bull. Inst.
Rhinegraben-II. Gravity anomalies and geothermal implica- R. Colonial Beige, 21: 539-552.
tions. Geophys. J.R. astron. Soc., 62: 631-647. Zhu, T., and Brown, L., 1986. Consortium for continental re-
flection profiling Michigan surveys: Reprocessing and results.
J. Geophys. Res., 91: 11477-11495.
Chapter 3D

Heat flow in rifts

P. M o r g a n

3D.1. Discussion The surface heat flow pattern in rift zones repre-
sents a number of components: 1) heat generated by
There is a superficial similarity in heat flow data radioactive decay of unstable isotopes in the crust;
from most Cenozoic continental rifts (Morgan, 2) heat conducted into the crust from the underlying
1982). They are characterized by a large scatter in mantle; 3) heat refracted in the crust by thermal con-
data, which typically range from near zero heat flow, ductivity structure; 4) heat advected into the crust
to values in excess of 150 mWm -2. Older rifts are by magmatism; 5) heat advected within the crust by
generally characterized by more uniform thermal tectonic deformation; and 6) heat redistributed in the
regimes, although anomalies located in the rifts, of uppermost crust by ground water flow. The first three
the order of + 20% background, have been reported. of these components comprise the surface heat flow
To understand the significance of these data it is in stable regions, and it is important to recognize
important to appreciate the factors which contribute that heat flow in stable regions can vary by a factor
to surface heat flow. of two or three, primarily due to variations in 1)
Heat flow data are a determination of near-sur- (Morgan, 1984). If paleo-rifts are defined as rifts in
face conductive heat flow. Temperature data are usu- which all transient thermal anomalies have decayed
ally collected in near-vertical bore holes, or in near- (Morgan and Ramberg, 1987), their heat flow anoma-
vertical probe penetrations of lake sediments, and lies are due to components 1) and 3), perhaps spa-
hence essentially only the vertical component of heat tially controlled by the rift structures. By this defi-
flow is determined. This restriction is not generally nition, paleo-rift thermal structure would be expected
important, except in regions of high relief or major in rifts which have not experienced tectonic or mag-
subsurface structure, because, to a first approxima- matic activity for at least the past 65 to 250 Ma (Mor-
tion, the earth's surface is isothermal and isotherms gan, 1984). In young rift zones, additional surface
are subparallel to the surface. Significant local de- heat flow anomalies may be expected due to a com-
partures from this approximation, and the effects of bination of increased heat flow from the underlying
changes in local surface conditions (climatic mantle, and some combination of components 4) to
changes, erosion and sedimentation), are generally 6). To understand rift evolution, it is important to be
compensated by individual data corrections (e.g., able to separate deep from shallow thermal sources
Jaeger, 1965). The most important limitation of heat for the surface heat flow. Some of this separation
flow data for analysis of rift processes is that the may be made by integration of other data sets with
data represent only the near-surface conductive heat surface heat flow, e.g., surface, seismic or electro-
100 P. Morgan

magnetic evidence for magmatism associated with tic of a deep thermal perturbation. However, heat
elevated heat flow. This section, however, deals only flow values less than about 25 mWm -2 are only ex-
with the thermal aspects of this problem. pected where there is downward advection of heat.
The first task in analysis of heat flow data associ- Heat flow values in excess of 125 mWm -2 yield
ated with rifting is to determine whether or not an steady-state conductive predictions of the geotherm
anomalous heat source is associated with rifting. that exceed the crustal solidus above the Moho, and
Although surface heat flow anomalies may be asso- can only be explained by transient thermal models,
ciated with the rift, the spatially averaged heat flow and/or models with crustal heat sources or advec-
from the rift may be indistinguishable from the spa- tion.
tially averaged regional heat flow adjacent to the rift. If anomalous local heat flow is evident, its source
If the rift floor and rift flank average heat flow val- may be evident through an examination of the spa-
ues are indistinguishable, we must conclude that ei- tial relationship of the anomaly with other features
ther no significant deep thermal source is associated in the rift. High heat flow spatially associated with
with rifting, or that the thermal source is younger young volcanism is an obvious example of an ad-
than the characteristic time for thermal conduction vective crustal heat source. Less obvious, but very
to produce a surface anomaly for the source depth. common, is the spatial redistribution of heat by
This characteristic time varies as the square of source ground water flow. This redistribution can occur in
depth, and varies from about 17 Ma for the base of a rifts with significant thermal anomalies, such as the
30 km thick crust, to about 65 Ma for the base of a Rio Grande rift (Morgan et al., 1986), or to produce
100-km-thick lithosphere (Lachenbruch and Sass, localized anomalies in rifts without significant ther-
1977). Thus, lack of an average surface heat flow mal anomalies, such as the Baikal rift (Lysak, 1984)
anomaly associated with a rift is not alone diagnos- and the Rhinegraben (Clauser, 1987). These local
tic of the presence or absence of a heat flow source anomalies of shallow origin give the Baikal rift and
at depth. the Rhinegraben a superficial thermal signature that
Spatial averaging of surface heat flow data is not is similar to the rifts with significant anomalies of
a trivial task, primarily due to incomplete, and/or deeper origin (~. Morgan, 1982). Great care must
spatially aliased coverage of the data. Bore holes are be taken to determine the sources of the anomalies
rarely drilled specifically for heat flow measure- before extrapolations are made about the deep ther-
ments, and are generally sited for alternative eco- mal structure of rift zones.
nomic reasons, such as oil, mineral, or water explo- Thermal anomalies resulting from, or accompa-
ration or production. An adequate data set may not nying tectonic deformation within the lithosphere
therefore exist for reliable spatial averaging. If the have been used to constrain the mode of rifting and
data set is inadequate, other indications of anomaly deep processes in rifting (e.g., Lachenbruch and
source depth must be used. Sass, 1978; McKenzie, 1978). These anomalies are
Information concerning the source of surface heat the most important anomalies to isolate when con-
flow anomalies can be obtained from the magnitude sidering rifting models, but the complex time-space
of the anomaly, and/or the spatial association of the interactions of deep thermal sources with the sur-
anomaly with other surface features (or from asso- face (Morgan, 1983), and the masking of these
ciation with other geological or geophysical data sets anomalies by more shallow sources, generally make
if available). Heat flow in stable regions typically these anomalies alone poor constraints upon mod-
averages from about 40 to 55 mWm -2. Heat flow may els of rifting processes (Morgan and Baker, 1983;
be as low as about 30 mWm -2 in mafic terranes with Ramberg and Morgan, 1984). Combined with other
little crustal radiogenic heat production, up to about geological and geophysical information, however,
100 mWm -2 in terranes with a thick, high heat-pro- they can place important constraints upon the pro-
duction component of granitic plutons. Thus, heat cesses of rifting.
flow inside the range 30 to 100 mWm -2 cannot, on
its own, be unambiguously recognized as diagnos-
Heat flow in rifts 101

3D.2. References McKenzie, D. P., 1978. Some remarks on the development of

sedimentary basins. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 40: 25-32.
Clauser, C., 1987. Conductive and convective heat flow in the Morgan, E, 1982. Heat flow in rift zones. In: G. Palmasson (ed.),
northern Upper Rhinegraben - can they be separated? Inter- Continental and Oceanic Rifts, Geological Society of America
national Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, XIX General and American Geophysical Union, Geodynamics Series, 8:
Assembly, Vancouver, Canada, August 9-22, 1987, Abstracts, 107-122.
v. 1, U8-18: 77. Morgan, E, 1983. Constraints on rift thermal processes from heat
Jaeger, J. C., 1965. Application of the theory of heat conduction flow and uplift, Tectonophysics, 94: 277-298.
to geothermal measurements. In: W. H. K. Lee (ed.), Terres- Morgan, P., 1984. The thermal structure and thermal evolution
trial Heat Flow, American Geophysical Union, Geophysical of the continental lithosphere. Phys. Chem. Earth., 15:107-
Monograph 7: 7-23. 193.
Lachenbruch, A. H., and J. H. Sass, 1977. Heat flow and the Morgan, E and B. H. Baker, 1983. Introduction- processes of
thermal regime of the crust. In: J. G. Heacock (ed.), The continental rifting. Tectonophysics, 94: 1-10.
Earth's Crust, Its Nature and Physical Properties, American Morgan, E, and I. B. Ramberg, 1987. Physical changes in the
Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph 20: 626-675. lithosphere associated with thermal relaxation after rifting,
Lachenbruch, A. H., and J. H. Sass, 1978. Models of an extend- Tectonophysics, 143: 1-11.
ing lithosphere and heat flow in the Basin and Range prov- Morgan, P., V. Harder, and T. H. Giordano, 1986. Heat and fluid
ince. In: R. B. Smith and G. E Eaton (eds.), Cenozoic Tec- flow in the Rio Grande rift: a possible modem thermal ana-
tonics and Regional Geophysics of the Western Cordillera, logue of a Mississippi Valley type ore-forming system. In:
Geological Society of America, Memoir 152" 209-250. R. W. Nesbitt and I. Nichol (eds.), Geology in the Real
Lysak, S. V.,1984. Terrestrial heat flow in the south of East Si- World--the Kingsley Dunham Volume, Inst. Mining and
beria. Tectonophysics, 103:205-215. Metallurgy, 295-305.
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Chapter 3E

Practical magnetotellurics in a continental rift environment

G.R. Jiracek, V. Haak, and K.H. O l s e n

3E.1. Introduction method. MT exploration of the Earth has evolved to

the status of a mature science during the past two
It is no exaggeration to say that surface measure- decades with the advent of digital instrumentation,
ments of deep electrical resistivity may hold the key real-time processing, and sophisticated, robust analy-
to understanding how continental rifts develop. This sis techniques showing increasing promise for in-
is so because low resistivities detected in the mid- terpreting complex, three-dimensional (3-D) electri-
to-lower crust in rift zones reflect conditions that cal structures in the Earth. MT and other
control the strain rate, and therefore, the style and geoelectromagnetic methods are probably the least
extent of tectonic deformation. Although low understood of geophysical techniques. This results
resistivities in active continental rifts probably are in the humorous expectation among MT practitio-
associated with fluids (either water and/or magma), ners of the "MT (empty) stare", a look on colleagues'
it is their origin, their accumulation, and their influ- faces when the conversation turns to MT results.
ence that are critical. For example, is the strength of Magnetellurics is the recording and study of natu-
the lithosphere (and its brittle-ductile profile with rally occurring electric and magnetic fields at the
depth) dominantly controlled by accumulations of Earth's surface. The object of MT is to map the elec-
high pressure H20-C02 pore fluids, and, if so, what trical properties of the Earth from the surface to
are the origins of these fluids? By better defining many tens of km and to relate these geoelectric prop-
the depth and lateral extent of conductive occur- erties to the physical state and the tectonic processes
rences in the crust and by carefully contrasting them that deform the Earth. There are many everyday ex-
with other geophysical measurements, important amples of electromagnetic (EM) radiation such as
constraints on deep physical conditions will follow. radio waves, microwaves, and visible light itself
Attempts at such syntheses are not new, e.g., Gar- (Fig. 3E-l). These common phenomena are at fre-
land (1975), Hermance (1982), Haak and Hatton quencies much higher than those used in most MT
(1986), and Keller (1989) have made this effort, but applications and, except for celestial light sources,
it is clear that many new correlations are very im- the examples above are of man-made origin. There
portant (e.g., Jodicke, 1992; Jones, 1992; Hyndman are several electromagnetic geophysical techniques
et al., 1993; Jiracek, 1995) and others will be forth- that use transmitted energy from man-made sources
coming as research continues. (so-called active sources). Indeed, there are forms
In this contribution we provide a self-contained of MT that use controlled sources; however, to probe
but brief overview of the principal technique used deep into the Earth, much more powerful energy
to derive the deep subsurface distribution of electri- sources at low frequencies are required. The sun is
cal resistivity--namely the magnetotelluric (MT) the major passive source for this application. A dis-
104 G.R. Jiracek, V. Haak, and K.H. Olsen

10 -4 10 4 10 8 10 TM 10 TM 10 20

10 TM 10 8 104 1 10 4 10 -8 10 "12

~ v


MAGNETO - " - - " - I ~ VISIBLE

Fig. 3E-1. Twenty-four decades of the electromagnetic spectrum. Abbreviations, VLF, VHF, and EHF designate very low frequency,
very high frequency, and extremely high frequency bands, respectively. The magnetoteUuric frequency range extends from about 10-
4 to 10*4 Hz.

advantage of a passive source is that it cannot be change embraces the end member processes of EM
controlled by the experimenter. For example, MT propagation, namely displacement currents and con-
measurements must depend on the uncertain energy duction currents, respectively. This chapter discusses
levels in solar emissions. the physics of these consequences and how they are
When EM fields from any source encounter an used in practice to apply the MT method. In the first
obstacle such as the Earth, some energy penetrates sections below, we try to provide a non-specialist
(transmits) and some reflects. The reflected waves geoscientist with a working knowledge of the MT
constructively and destructively interfere with the method and its terminology. Then, these basic MT
incident waves, and the transmitted waves are at- principles are applied both to synthetic and to ac-
tenuated before they reflect from subsurface tual continental rift data in order to illustrate the
discontinuities. The Earth is a much better electri- value and limitations of the method. Finally, we ad-
cal conductor than air so the total electric field mea- dress the ultimate question of what derived resistiv-
sured at the surface by MT is nearly zero because ity values may mean through a discussion of pos-
there is near cancellation of the incident field by the sible connections between the geoelectric results and
reflected field. The magnitude of the reflected elec- the rheology of continental rifts. The focus will be
tric field is a very large proportion (nearly 100%) of on findings from the lithosphere (mainly the crust)
the incident field. The consequence is that the trans- where excellent data have been accumulated during
mitted electric field is only a tiny fraction of the in- the last 15 years. Results from deeper~in the as-
cident field. Fortunately this fraction is not zero, thenosphere--are equally important, and historically
otherwise there would be no MT method. As it is, were the first to be reported. However, most recent
the wave propagation mechanism changes at the MT studies have targeted the crust where correla-
Earth's surface from that which dominates in an in- tions with other geophysical data have been particu-
sulator (the air) to that which dominates in a con- larly rewarding.
ductor (the Earth). The technical description of this
Practical magnetotellurics in a continental rift environment 105

3E.2. Magnetotelluric measurements tions between the solar wind (charged particles
ejected from the Sun) and the Earth's magnetosphere.
The MT method is a relatively new geophysical In particular, the continuous and irregular pulsations
technique. The first paper on MT was written less of the solar wind change the shape and size of the
than 50 years ago by the distinguished Soviet aca- magnetosphere and cause it to vibrate like an extra-
demician, A.N. Tikhonov (1950). Even so, the fun- terrestrial jello. The resulting complex hydromag-
damentals of the method are a direct consequence netic waves are a major source of MT energy in a
of the classical electromagnetic (EM) theory estab- broad frequency band between 1 and about 10-4 Hz
lished more than 100 years ago by the work of Am- (Fig. 3E-1). Energy in hydromagnetic waves is trans-
pere, Faraday, and Maxwell. Tikhonov's (1950) formed into propagating electromagnetic waves af-
seminal contribution was to show that, at low fre- ter passing through the electrically conductive,
quencies, the spatial derivative of the horizontal anisotropic ionosphere. This interaction forms large
component of the Earth's magnetic field (It) is pro- horizontal sheets of current in the ionosphere. In-
portional to the orthogonal component of the elec- deed, current systems of the daily variation are lit-
tric field (E) [vector quantities are shown in bold- erally of hemispherical proportions.
face]. He used previously published diurnal H data Electromagnetic energy from lightning discharges
from magnetic observatories at Tucson, Arizona, around the world propagates in an atmospheric
USA, and from Zui, USSR, to estimate the thick- waveguide formed by the Earth and the ionosphere.
ness and electrical conductivity of the crust at these This waveguide has resonance frequencies where
sites. The first western paper on MT was published energy is enhanced; e.g., the first Schumann reso-
by Cagniard (1953) in which he developed the for- nance at 7.8 Hz has a wavelength equal to the cir-
mulas relating E and H on the surface of a layered cumference of the Earth. At frequencies of about 2
medium with an incident plane wave. The works of kHz, the waveguide is absorbing and energy in the
Tikhonov and Cagniard form the basis of one-dimen- natural electromagnetic spectrum is very low.
sional (l-D) MT analysis and this is often referred The physics of the interactions of the solar wind
to as the Tikhonov-Cagniard model. with the Earth's magnetosphere/ionosphere and the
The practicality of the Tikhonov-Cagniard model propagation of energy from distant lightning dis-
of MT was soon challenged by Wait (1954), who charges is the subject of considerable research. Clear
argued that the proportionality between orthogonal introductory discussions appear in Rokityansky
E and H fields at the Earth's surface was valid only (1982) and Vozoff (1991). From the standpoint of
if the source fields do not vary appreciably over a applying the MT method, there must be sufficient
characteristic distance called the skin depth (skin energy in the MT frequency band (Fig. 3E-l) and
depth will be rigorously defined later). Madden and the incident plane wave assumption of the Tikhonov-
Nelson (1964) came to the defense of the Tikhonov- Cagniard model must be valid. The latter is a funda-
Cagniard model by showing that when the source's mental assumption in applying the MT method; its
horizontal wavelength is much greater than the skin validity depends on the location, size, and complex-
depth, as it is for the Earth, the model remains valid. ity of the source fields and their distances from the
Later, Dmitriev and Berdichevsky (1979) further observation site. For example, a location at high
proved that the horizontal magnetic field components magnetic latitudes (auroral latitudes) on the Earth's
need not be uniform, but can vary linearly over a surface would be inappropriate during times of in-
layered earth. tense magnetic storms, but a mid-latitude site might
Magnetotelluric source fields can be classified as be acceptable at the same time. Measurements taken
originating either from lightning or from solar ac- during nearby thunderstorm activity would not meet
tivity. Roughly speaking, fields below a frequency the plane wave criterion, whereas waves from dis-
of 1 Hz are caused by the Sun; above 1 Hz, fields tant lightning can be properly treated as incident
are due to worldwide thunderstorm activity. Fields plane waves.
due to solar activity result from complex interac-
106 G.R. Jiracek, V. Haak, and K.H. Olsen

therefore, that enables practical use of the MT

method is to take time measurements of E and H,
convert them into their frequency representations,
and then compute the E/H ratios. The conversion
from time to frequency domain measurements is
usually done by Fourier transforming via a computer
algorithm such as the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
Physical measurements of the E and H fields are
commonly made as shown schematically in Figure
3E-2. Orthogonal, horizontal E fields are recorded
by measuring the time-varying potential differences
(voltages) between two nonpolarizing electrodes at
the surface of the Earth. The ratio of these voltages
divided by the horizontal distances (typically a few
100 m) are approximations of the Exand Ey time-
varying fields. Three perpendicular components of
magnetic fields are normally obtained using induc-
tion coils which yield the time derivatives of the
magnetic x, y, and z fields. Upon integration, one
obtains the required Hx, Hy, and Hz time-varying
fields. Magnetic fields can be measured directly by
Fig. 3E-2. Magnetotelluric field layout with schematic SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference
incident, reflected, and transmitted propagating electromag- Device) magnetometers, as was common in the late
netic fields (redrawn from Sternberg et al., 1984).
1970s and early 1980s, but more recently, the de-
velopment of highly sensitive, low noise induction
The E and H fields measured at the surface of the coils has largely replaced SQUID measurements.
Earth are samples of a stochastic (random) process
since the solar wind and lightning activity are ran-
dom variables of time and space. Therefore, the col- 3E.3. Basic magnetotelluric principles
lection of all possible field measurements is un- Simple manipulation of Maxwell's equations
known and infinite since we have no exact spatial- (Faraday's and Ampere's laws) together with the
temporal knowledge of the underlying processes. constitutive relations for a homogeneous linear iso-
Thus, at first it appears that the best one could hope tropic medium yields the general electromagnetic
for with such measurements would be statistical es- (EM) wave equation for the time-varying vector E
timates of desired quantities. For example, only sta- field in charge-free regions (e.g., Ward and
tistical probabilities can be used to describe the fi- Hohmann, 1988),
nite, known samples in the process of throwing a
single die with six faces. If such were the case with
V2E = , / 2 0 " ~ + g tgt2 j . (1)
MT measurements, the method would be of very lim-
ited value. What is needed to derive deterministic Here, ~ is the magnetic permeability (in henrys/
quantities is a measure--or measures~that when m, H/m), tr is the electric conductivity (in siemens/
recorded now are the same as they were in the past m, S/m), and e is the electric permittivity (in farads/
or as they will be in the future. Clearly, the E and H m, F/m); these are the physical quantities that de-
fields themselves do not satisfy this property which scribe the EM properties of a material. In most geo-
is called statistical stationarity. Fortunately, there physical EM applications, p can be assumed to have
are such quantities in the MT case; they are the spec- its free space value, ~o, and, as we shall soon see,
tral ratios of the E to H field components. The "trick" the permittivity term in Eq. 1 can be neglected. This
Practical magnetotellurics in a continental rift environment 107

places the ultimate emphasis on the conductivity as

k = (-i o'/zco)1/2 = (O'jU(.0) 1/2 e'-i~14
the principal diagnostic electrical parameter for the
Earth. For purely traditional reasons geophysicists
usually report the reciprocal of the conductivity
which is the resistivity, p. Resistivity units are ohm-
meters (ohm-m) since the siemen and the ohm are The wave equation (Eq. 1) now has only a first
reciprocal units. Because, for practical reasons men- partial time derivative term. Physically, it becomes
tioned earlier, we want the E and H values as func- a diffusion equation of the same form that governs
tions of frequency, it is convenient to immediately the diffusion of heat through a solid. Electrical con-
write the equivalent of the wave equation in the fre- ductivity in the Earth measured by MT is mainly due
quency domain. This is obtained by Fourier time to ionic fluids such as saline water or magma. The
transforming Eq. 1 to yield dominant conduction currents proceed by the diffu-
sion of ions through these fluids.
(V2 + k Z ) E ( x , y,z, co)= O . (2)
This is called the Helmholtz equation where E is 9Normally incident plane wave approximation
now a function of the angular frequency co, equal to
2nf, where f is frequency in hertz (Hz). The factor k In the above preliminary discussion of MT source
is called the complex propagation "constant" or fields, it was stated that the Tikhonov-Cagniard
wave number in the medium,
model assumes that a plane wave is incident upon
the Earth's surface. We now add the requirement that
the plane wave be normally incident. This is cer-
k = co e-i # . (3)
tainly not true of waves from all sources which are
The corresponding wave and Helmholtz equations superimposed to form the resultant at a given mea-
for the vector H field are exactly as in Eqs. 1 and 2 surement site at a given time. However, because the
upon substitution of H for E. Some researchers use Earth is such a good conductor (i.e., the quasistatic
the magnetic induction, B, instead of H via the con- approximation holds), all waves, irrespective of their
stitutive relation B =/~H. incoming directions are refracted very nearly verti-
We are now prepared to state the two major as- cally (normally) into the Earth. This condition, which
sumptions of the MT method. These are: is the essence of Madden and Nelson's (1964) de-
fense of the Tikhonov-Cagniard model, validates the
9Quasistatic approximation second assumption and greatly simplifies computer
modeling of the MT response of the Earth.
The quasistatic approximation results from as-
suming that the cr term in k (Eq. 3) dominates over 3E.3.1. Homogeneous half-space
the c term. That is, o'>>oge. Physically, this states
that electrical conduction currents are always very With a plane wave normally incident on a homo-
much larger than electrical displacement currents. geneous half-space, the E and H fields are constant
Conduction currents are the familiar type as in house- in direction and magnitude over planes perpendicu-
hold wiring which give rise to so-called ohmic loss lar to the vertical, downward +z, direction of propa-
or heating. Displacement currents are loss-free, tem- gation. Taking E in the x direction and H in the y
poral variations in E fields which explain how an direction, the Helmholtz equation becomes an ordi-
EM field (e.g., light) can propagate through a nary differential equation with solution
vacuum. The quasistatic approximation states that E x (z) = E o e +-'kz . (5)
the Earth behaves as a good conductor (poor insu- Here, Eo is a constant which is the magnitude of
lator) at the frequencies used in MT. An important Ex at z = 0. The minus sign is chosen in the exponent
consequence of the quasistatic approximation is that to insure that the fields decrease with propagation
the complex propagation constant, k, now has real in the +z direction in the Earth. Therefore, in a ho-
and imaginary parts of identical magnitude, i.e.,
108 G.R. Jiracek, V. Haak, and K.H. Olsen

IEx (z=o)l values for 5, Z, and v will be calculated, but first we

Surface ---~ ~..~.~,~----~~ Ex consider the "trick", a parameter called the charac-
z = ~5= ~/2r~ m ~f~,-" teristic impedance, that allows the MT method to
llZ/5 work.
z rtS=X/2-- '1' -/
As mentioned earlier, it is the spectral (frequency
domain) ratios of the fields that are invariant (sto-
Z 2rt8 -"
chastically stationary) in MT. These ratios are the
MT response of the Earth, and in the case appropri-
ate to Eq. 5, we define the characteristic impedance,
Z, of a medium as the spectral ratio E~(co)/Hy(co).
Since the dimensions of E and H are V/m and A/m,
respectively, we see that this spectral ratio has units
Fig. 3E-3. Exponential attenuation of sinusoidal variation of of impedance, namely ohms. Using the expression
Ex as a function of propagation in the +z direction. Ex for Ex (Eq. 5) and Maxwell's "curl-of-E" equation
magnitudes are approximately 37%, 4%, and 0.2% of the
(i.e., Faraday's law) with an exp(+icot) time depen-
surface value at depths of a skin depth, 5, a half wavelength,
M2, and one wavelength, Z, respectively. dency yields
E (co) _ co 0 (8)
z(co) = H (co) - - - 7 "
mogeneous medium both the E and the H fields de-
crease exponentially, and at a depth equal to 1/lImkl The characteristic impedance of free space (cr =
the field amplitudes are reduced to 1/e of their val- 0, po=47rx 10-7 H/m, and Eo= (1/36zr) x 10-9 F/m),
ues at z = 0. This depth, where the field decreases to is the well-known result, Zo = (lao/Eo)u2 -376.6 ohms.
about 37% of the surface value, is called the skin It is also very illustrative to calculate the character-
depth, 5, istic impedance and other parameters for a typical
MT situation on a continental land surface. Conse-
5=.L 2 . (6) quently, with T = 100 s and p = 100 ohm-m, Eqs. 7,
~//(o 8, and subsequent discussion following Eq. 7 yield
In practical units, this equation becomes
Re Z = Im Z ~ 0.002 ohms
8 = o . s p ~ [kin] (7)
5--50 km
after substituting 4zr x 10-7 henries/m for Po and
co = 27r/T, where T is the period of the incident field. ~ 310 km
SI units are used on the fight side of Eq. 7, i.e., p in v ~ 3 km/s.
ohm-m and T in s, but the resulting units of 5 are At this same frequency the wavelength in free
km. The skin depth, Eq. 7, is probably the most space is 3 x 10 +7 km, or over 2000 times the diam-
widely employed practical equation in MT since it eter of the Earth!
is used to give a rough estimate of the depth of ex- We now explore the useful extensions of the con-
ploration. However, the skin depth equation is cept of characteristic impedance to surface measure-
strictly true only for a homogeneous half-space and ments where the Earth is homogeneous, l-D, and
the real Earth is never so simple. Figure 3E-3 illus- finally, multi-dimensional.
trates the spatial attenuation expressed by the skin
depth and how 5 relates to the wave length, Z, of the
downward propagating wave. Since the real and 3E3.2. Measurements at the surface of a homo-
imaginary parts of k have equal magnitudes (Eq. 4), geneous half-space
and Re k = 27r/Z for any propagating wave, this
means that l = 2pS. Furthermore, since the phase Figure 3E-4a schematically depicts a plane wave
velocity of a propagating wave is defined as v = Zf, normally incident upon a homogeneous half-space;
then v is equal to 2rcSf. Shortly, some representative the wave number k can be considered as a vector
Practical magnetotellurics in a continental rift environment 109

pointed in the direction of propagation. Superscripts

', ", and 'denote incident, reflected, and transmitted =Ex Incident W a v e Reflected W a v e
i i r H r
E and H fields, respectively. Applying the boundary E x , Hy Ex , y
conditions that tangential E and It fields must be
continuous across the boundary (surface of the Earth) Surface
it is straightforward (e.g., Ward and Hohmann, 1988) Transmitted Wave
to show that the transmission coefficient is given by a t H t
Ex , y

T(ro)=E'x ( 2Z~ ) (9)

e-S = z0 + z, '
and the reflection coefficient is

R(co) = Exr
= ( Z1-ZO ) . z=0
Pl thl
Ex Z 1 "4-Z 0
Zo and Z~ are the characteristic impedances of free
P2 h~
space and the homogeneous half-space, respectively.
Similar equations can be derived for the transmitted
PB hn ~ oo
and reflected H fields. For example, the reflection b
coefficient for the H field is {(Zo-Z~)/(Zo +Z~)}.
Reflection and transmission coefficients are very
important because they describe the amplitude and
phase of the reflected and transmitted fields. Those
familiar with linear systems will recognize Eq. 9 and Fig. 3E-4.(a) Normally incident, reflected, and transmitted,
Eq. 10 as the frequency domain representations of a plane waves at surface of a homogeneous half-space. E~, Hy,
linear system in which T(~) and R(co) take on the and the vector propagation "constant", k, form a right-handed
orthogonal set. (b) N-layered, 1-D Earth model.
roles of system response functions or transfer func-
tions. Note, also, that Z(ro) in Eq. 8 is a system re-
sponse function relating an input Hy(ro) to an output
Ex(ro). Because MT measurements are made at the
surface of the Earth we need to calculate the total E
and H fields at z = 0. This can be done using the =(CO#op)~e i'q' (12)
field representations either above (medium 0) or =lZ~le '~
below (medium 1) the surface and letting z = 0. Of
course, the total E or H fields above z = 0 have both It is customary to express surface impedance in
an incident and reflected component. The result of terms of its phase, ~,, and another quantity called
these manipulations when expressed as the ratio E~ the apparent resistivity. Solving for p in Eq. 12, a
H at z = 0 is called the surface impedance, Z,, complex quantity is avoided by defining a real quan-
tity, the apparent resistivity, Pa, as
Total E,, at z = 0
Zs = Total H~ a t z = 0 = Z~. (11)
Pa = 1 IZs 12. (13)
This important result states that the surface im- ~t0
pedance of a homogeneous half-space equals the The apparent resistivity, Pa, and the phase of the
characteristic impedance of the medium. The sur- surface impedance, q~,,as functions of frequency (or
face impedance is a complex function of frequency, period) are the MT response parameters most com-
and applying Eqs. 3 and 8, we find monly used in data presentations and interpretations.
110 G.R. Jiracek, V. Haak, and K.H. Olsen

For the case of a homogeneous half-space, these of the tanh functions. There are four asymptotic re-
quantities are equal to the to the true resistivity, p lations that contain the essential physics of the re-
and an impedance phase of 45" (from Eq. 12). sponse. These are:
Physical understanding of electromagnetic reflec- 1. For high frequencies (short periods) and/or
tion and transmission phenomena is enhanced by large h2, the response is that of the top layer. This
considering the approximate E and H relationships can be seen by noting that tanh(iklh2) ~ 1, and Eq.
at the surface of a homogeneous half-space with 14 becomes Z, ~ Z1 so p~ -~ p~.
Earth-like properties. The characteristic impedance 2. For low frequencies (long periods) and/or small
of the Earth (-0.002 ohms in the sample calculation h2, the response is that of the bottom layer, i.e., the
above) is very much smaller than that of the overly- basement. That is, tanh(ik2h2) ~ O, and Eq. 14 be-
ing atmosphere (nearly free space at 376.6 ohms). comes Z, ~ Z2 so p~ ~ P2.
In this case, the reflection coefficient (Eq. 10) is The remaining two asymptotic relations require
nearly equal to -1. A reflection coefficient o f - 1 us to make the so-called "thin-layer" approxima-
means that there is total reflection with a phase tion. This approximation hinges on the smallness of
change of zr; therefore, there would be total cancel- the argument ik~h~ of the tanh function so that the
lation of the incident electric field. If this were ex- function can be replaced simply by its argument. The
actly the case, there would be zero transmission (T product k~h~ is small if the skin depth (6~ = 1/IIm
= 0) and the MT method would be of no value for k~l) is large compared to h~. Thus, the thickness of a
probing the Earth. Similar manipulation of the equa- thin layer is small compared to its skin depth, and
tions as done here for E fields can be done for H since 6 = 2zrA,, a thin layer is one that is thin com-
fields, yielding the result that the reflection coeffi- pared to the wavelength in the layer. This approxi-
cient for H (given the discussion following Eq. 10) mation is virtually always obeyed at long periods in
is nearly + 1. This means that the total H field at the MT. Applying these limits to Eq. 14 yields:
surface of a homogeneous half-space is nearly twice 3. For highly conductive basement, a thin resis-
the amplitude of the incident H field. With the E tive upper layer (p2<<p~) is manifested by its thick-
field approaching zero and the H field twice its in- ness only, independent of its exact electrical proper-
cident value at the surface of the Earth, it is not sur- ties. Mathematically, as P2 --~ 0, IZ21<<lZ~l, and
prising that the ratio of the two (the surface imped- Z s = iCOl,toh~ , (15)
ance) is a very small quantity. with Pa*CO~0h~ ~ So Pa depends only on the value of h~,
the thickness of the layer overlying the conductive
3E.3.3. Layered earth
4. For highly resistive basement, a thin conduc-
The surface impedance of an arbitrary n-layered, tive upper layer is manifested by its h/p quotient only
1-D earth (Fig. 3E-4B) can be found by solving the (SI in this case). Neither p or h can be resolved sepa-
2n equations obtained by applying the boundary con- rately. Mathematically: as /92 --~ oo,, IZeI>>IZll and
ditions on continuity of tangential E and H fields at Eq. 14 reduces to
n interfaces (e.g., Wait, 1970). The important fea- 1 1
tures of this solution can be gleaned by examining Zs ~" c~176ik2/11 S~ (1 6)
the simplest case where n = 2. In this situation the
with p,*l/co~0s~2. $2 defines the conductance of the
surface impedance is given by
layer, which is hJpl. That is, when p 2 > > P l , Pa de-
Z S -" Z 1 Z2 q" Zl tanh(iklhl) (14) pends on the h2/p2 quotient or the conductance of the
Z 1 + Z 2 tanh(iklhl) " layer overlying the resistive basement.
It is very important to note that points 3 and 4
The apparent resistivity is, as always, given by
above not only apply to the first layer of a two-layer
Eq. 13. The response (j9 a and ~, as functions of T)
sequence; they apply to highly conductive and highly
for this case are directly dependent on the behavior
resistive layers anywhere in an arbitrary, layered
Practical magnetotellurics in a continental rift environment 111

sequence as long as the buried layers are thin. This

simple fact provides enormous practical limitations
on the resolution of MT measurements. Indeed, only
when the layers are thick can we separate p and h in
the conductive case and resolve p in the resistive
case. t
9 ~
Plots of log p, and linear ~ versus log T (called |

MT sounding curves) are the most widely used pre- log p a


sentations of MT data, and are the recommended .;-45 ~

plotting conventions (Hobbs, 1992). Figure 3E-5

illustrates the asymptotic relations 1 through 4 above
for two-layer models where the basement is either
perfectly resistive or perfectly conductive. In both
a log T
cases, p~ curves are asymptotic at short periods to
pl, the true resistivity of the top layer. The oscilla-
tions in the curves at intermediate periods are due to
constructive and destructive interference of waves
reflected from the top and bottom of the first layer.
This is a highly attenuated version of what in optics
literature is called "the quarter-wave effect." This
phenomenon is well-understood in the MT case (e.g.,
Zhdanov and Keller, 1994), yet it was improperly
attributed to an "artifact" by Spies and Eggers
(1986). The lack of true one-dimensionality in the
real Earth and measurement errors result in these Phase,
oscillations being rarely observed in actual MT field 45
data. Z
Rewriting the apparent resistivity relations given
after Eqs. (15) and (16) in terms of period, T, and
taking logarithms, we have 0 I

1Ogpa = - l o g T + log(2/r//o/h2), (17) b log T -I~

1Ogpa = + l o g T - log(2lr//oS12) . (18)
These are the logarithmic representations of as-
ymptotic relations 3 and 4 above. Eqs. (17) and (18)
are clearly equations of straight lines on log-log MT Fig. 3E-5. Two-layer MT sounding curves of (a) log apparent
sounding curves with slopes equal to -1 and + 1, re- resistivity, po and (b) impedance phase, ~z versus log period, T.
spectively. Thus, the sounding curves in Figure 3E- Shown are the limiting cases of perfectly resistive and
perfectly conductive basement which produce S-line and h-
5 have a slope of -45* when the basement is highly line, respectively. All other two-layer MT sounding curves
conductive and a slope of +45* when the basement would lie within these limiting cases.
is highly resistive. These straight lines in MT sound-
ing plots were named "h-lines" and "S-lines", re-
spectively, by Russian researchers (Berdichevsky ing branches can be used directly to calculate h~, the
and Dmitriev, 1976). These descending and ascend- depth to the conductive basement, and the conduc-
tance, $1, above a resistive basement using
112 G.R. Jiracek, V. Haak, and K.H. Olsen

time in the Russian literature (e.g., Vanyan et al.,

Tpo iV2 1967) and has been applied to MT analysis by Boehl
hi= 2n72~ = 357 (TPo)u2 [m], (19)
et al. (1977). It is
d~z(T)=~- ~ d(l~ (21)
4 4 d(1ogT)"
= 357 T [S]. (20)
S~= 2 nr/20Po k,P,,) Applying this relation, we expect the phase of Z,
Convenient coordinate values at which to apply to be 45* at maxima and minima (and flat portions)
Eqs. 19 and 20 on actual po sounding curves are at of Pa log-log sounding curves. The impedance phase
po = 1 ohm-m, which means that observed h and S is 90 ~ and 0 ~ corresponding to an h-line and an S-
trends must sometimes be extrapolated. line, respectively. These features are evident in the
Although the above relations are derived for a ~ sounding curves presented in Figure 3E-5. The
simple two-layer Earth, it is of utmost importance failure of the relationship in Eq. (21) to hold (in-
to appreciate that these relations hold approximately cluding impedance phase values outside the 0 ~ to
for highly conductive or highly resistive layers no 90* range) is often taken as evidence for a three-di-
matter how many overlying layers there are. This mensional (3-D) earth. The relationship (Eq. 21)
means that steeply descending branches (--h-lines) seems to hold for most (perhaps all) two-dimensional
can be used to calculate the total depth to any highly (2-D) structures, although we are not aware of any
conducting layer. Similarly, steeply ascending proof of this assertion.
branches (--S-lines) can be used to calculate the to-
tal conductance above any highly resistive layer, i.e., 3E.3.4. Multi-dimensional earth
h~/p~ + h2/p2 + ... In practice, a highly conductive
layer closely produces an h-line when its conduc- At the surface of a multi-dimensional (2-D or 3-
tance is very much greater than the total conduc- D) earth or an anisotropic 1-D earth, the simple lin-
tance of all overlying layers. A consequence of this ear relation between Ex and Hy given in Eq. (11) no
observation is the so-called screening effect, i.e., the longer holds. The Tikhonov-Cagniard model needs
response of highly conductive layers, at the surface revision. A solution to this dilemma was proposed
or at depth, will prevent the detection of deeper con- by Madden and Nelson (1964) who postulated that
ductive occurrences unless they are of much greater the E~ and Ey fields depend on both the H~ and Hy
conductance than the overlying layers. A resistive fields. That is,
layer closely produces an S-line when its thickness = z=(co), x (co) + (co)H (co)
is very much greater than the total thickness of all (22)
overlying layers. Thus, we are again reminded that G(co) = z(cO)nx(CO)+z . (co)n (co)
a thin conductive layer is manifested by its conduc- or in tensor notation
tance (point 3 above) and a thin resistive layer is
manifested by its thickness (point 4 above). Later in zxx Zxy
the Introduction to magnetotelluric interpretation LZ,x
section (w 3E.4), we will illustrate the practical ap-
plication of the four asymptotic relations above to Or, (23)
both actual and synthetic data. E=ZH.
The complex surface impedance measured on a
layered Earth can be shown to be a so-called mini- Here, the four im__pedanceelements form a 2 by 2
mum phase function. In this case the real and imagi- impedance tensor, Z The field relationships of Eqs.
nary parts of Z~ are not independent; this leads to (22) and (23) are still linear, but now each equation
interrelations between the values of p~ and ~ which represents a two-input/single-output linear system
are expressed by a Hilbert transform pair. A very (Reddy and Rankin, 1974). But, an immediate prob-
useful approximate relation has been known for some lem arises when attempting to solve Eq. (22) for the
Practical magnetotellurics in a continental rift environment 113

four impedance values. Namely, the system is 3E.3.5. Two-dimensional earth

underdetermined since there are only two equations
in four unknowns (Z=, Zxy, Zy~,Z , ). Now consider the MT response of a two-dimen-
The four impedance elements can be determined sional earth. Taking the invariant (or strike) direc-
if one can obtain four independent equations of the tion to be the y-coordinate of a 2-D earth will define
form of Eq. (22). This can be accomplished if two the geoelectric strike direction. For this coordinate
different source polarizations are used. In practice, choice,/)//)y = 0, and Maxwell's electromagnetic
however, because both E and H fields contain noise, equations separate into two independent modes or
it is statistically desirable to have many polariza- polarizations. The component of the electric field,
tions contributing to the recordings. This allows av- Ey, parallel to the geoelectric strike direction defines
eraging to reduce the effects of noise. The result is E-polarization; the component of electric field per-
an overdetermined system since there are now more pendicular to the geoelectric strike direction defines
equations than unknowns. Sims et al. (1971) devel- the H-polarization. The terms E- and H-polarization
oped techniques to derive least-squares estimates of are those recommended by the international EM in-
the tensor impedance elements that minimize the duction community (Hobbs, 1992). Alternative
sums of the squared differences between the mea- specifications of transverse electric (TE) and E-par-
sured and predicted E fields. allel are also commonly used to designate E-polar-
The main problem with impedance elements esti- ization. These terms relate to the orientation of Ey
mated in this manner is that they contain autopowers transverse (perpendicular) to the geoelectric plane
(products of identical field components, one a com- of symmetry and its parallel relationship to the
plex conjugate) that are always biased by measure- geoelectric strike direction, respectively. Transverse
ment noise. This problem can be reduced consider- magnetic (TM) and H-parallel are corresponding
ably by a technique called remote reference MT first terms used interchangeably for H-polarization. The
suggested by Gamble et al. (1979). Remote refer- E- and H-polarizations each has only three EM field
ence MT uses Hx and Hy fields recorded simulta- components. For E-polarization, where Ey is as-
neously at two separate sites, one called the base sumed, Hx and H~ are derived from Maxwell's equa-
and the other called the remote site. A substitution tions. Correspondingly, for H-polarization, where Hy
of the remote complex conjugate magnetic compo- is assumed, Ex and E~ are derived from Maxwell's
nents for the base complex conjugate magnetic com- equations.
ponents can now be made when solving the imped- In the perfect 2-D case, only two impedances are
ance equations. This works well provided the de- needed to completely describe the tensor impedance.
sired MT signal is correlated between the base and That is, the 2 by 2 impedance tensor in Eq. (23) re-
remote sites but the noise is not; this is often the duces to
case between sites separated by only a few kilome-
ters. For example, noise caused by wind vibrating (24)
the sensors may be totally different at the two sites
while the MT signal due to large-scale ionospheric where
sources is highly correlated over large distances. In z. = - = ed/-/, , <25)
a recent MT survey in Italy, an electric train power and the diagonal elements of the impedance tensor
distribution system produced noise correlated over are zero.
tens of kilometers so the base and remote sites had As in Eqs. 22 and 23, the first subscript refers to
to be separated by hundreds of km. Nevertheless, the electric field component; therefore, Zy~ and Z~y
the desired MT signals were correlated testifying to are the impedance elements for the E-and H-polar-
the validity of one of the basic MT assumptions, that izations, respectively. The corresponding apparent
of normally incident plane waves. resistivities are calculated using Eq. 11 where Zy~
and Zxy are substituted for Z,.
114 G.R. Jiracek, V. Haak, and K.H. Olsen

In the 1-D (or homogeneous) case the impedance are designated E-polarization, TE, or E-parallel and
response of the Earth is described by two numbers H-polarization, TM, or H-parallel, even though such
(parameters) at each sample period since Z, is a com- designations are strictly true only for a perfect 2-D
plex quantity. The two separate complex impedance geometry.
elements in the 2-D case (Eq. 25) yield four param- The rotation of the tensor impedance elements to
eters in the impedance description. Actually, there achieve principal directions even in a 2-D situation
are five parameters since the orientation of the rect- does not actually distinguish the E-polarization di-
angular coordinate system must also be included. rection from the H-polarization direction since there
In actual field practice, the orthogonal measuring is a 90* ambiguity in the rotation. This ambiguity is
axes (Fig. 3E-2) rarely coincide with directions ex- eliminated by using the fact that only the E-polar-
actly parallel and perpendicular to the geoelectric ization gives rise to a vertical magnetic field. Swift
strike. Consequently, the coordinate system must be (1967) defined a complex parameter called the tip-
rotated either physically or computationally to off- per function which describes a linear relation be-
diagonalize the impedance tensor to the form of Eq. tween the vertical and horizontal magnetic fields.
24. This is expressed computationally by a standard Consequently, in the multi-dimensional case,
coordinate transformation or rotation by some angle. H z = TxH x + TyHy. (26)
If the Earth were perfectly two-dimensional, there The term, tipper, is ascribed to T. Madden (Vozoff,
would be a specific angle where Z~ and Z , would 1972) who visualized the horizontal magnetic field
be identically zero. Since the actual Earth is never over a 1-D earth as being tipped into the vertical by
exactly two-dimensional, some other scheme must the effects of lateral inhomogeneities. The coordi-
be used to determine an approximate or quasi 2-D nate directions of the tipper can be rotated just as
earth geometry. Most schemes either minimize some the impedance tensor can be. For a 2-D earth, the
combination of the diagonal components of the im- tipper can thus be expressed as a function of only
pedance tensor or maximize a combination of the one principal direction, the dip direction. The easi-
off-diagonal elements, usually in a least squares est way to understand the concept of the tipper func-
sense. This analysis is often called a Swift analysis tion is to use the "right-hand rule" as learned in in-
(Swift, 1967). For a perfectly 2-D earth, the Swift troductory physics. Assuming that the right thumb
analysis yields two directions called the principal points in the direction of geoelectric strike, the fight-
directions; one is the geoelectric strike direction and hand fingers curl in a circular manner about the
the other direction perpendicular to the strike is the thumb. The direction of the thumb is that of current
geoelectric dip direction. In an ideal 2-D earth, iden- (or Ey) in the strike direction. The pattern of the fin-
tical principal directions would be calculated at all gers represents both the H, and H, magnetic field
measurement sites and at all sounding periods. directions set up by the current flow. Therefore,
The importance of the basic Swift analysis can- where the y-direction is the strike direction of a 2-D
not be overemphasized since it has been the domi- Earth, the current flow along strike produces the H~
nant MT processing scheme for over 25 years. The and H, magnetic fields; the tipper relation quanti-
analysis always produces principal directions, but fies the relation between the magnetic field compo-
they represent quasi 2-D geoelectric strike and dip nents. This discussion presents the essential physi-
directions. In nature, the directions always vary at cal nature of the E-polarization, which has only the
different periods and from site to site in violation of field components Ey, Hx, and H,. Another way of pre-
a perfect 2-D earth. Swift (1967) presented indices senting the relation between the vertical and hori-
called skew and ellipticity to quantify the degree of zontal magnetic fields is to treat the tipper as a com-
violation. Even so, the most common presentations plex vector (Tx, Ty). This permits the definitions of
of MT data are those parameters appropriate for a in-phase and out-of-phase induction vectors or in-
perfect 2-D case. Namely, apparent resistivity and duction arrows (Schmucker, 1970) as functions of
impedance phase are presented as functions of pe- frequency and location.
riod for the two principal directions. These values
Practical magnetotellurics in a continental rift environment 115

Fig. 3E-6. Sequence of E-polarization apparent resistivity versus period MT sounding curves from the Rio Grande rift. Ascending
branches (near S-lines) from 0.1 to 10 s period indicate increasing basin depth from east to west; h-lines at periods >10 s mark the
response of a midcrustal conductor. The h-line drawn yields a depth of 11 km to this conductor; the S-lines drawn yield a range of
basin conductance from 15 to 200 S.

3E.4. Introduction to magnetotelluric interpre- et al., 1991). The very fact that the curves vary across
tation the rift basin violates the 1-D assumption. But, as
shown in the next section, some multi-dimensional
3E.4.1. One-dimensional interpretation MT curves (especially E-polarization curves from a
The principles of 1-D MT interpretation are de- 2-D conductive surface environment) may yield a
tailed in the previous discussion in Layered earth (w reasonable 1-D estimate of the vertical section be-
3E.3.3) under the Basic magnetotelluric principles neath a recording site. The curves presented in Fig-
section. These principles are illustrated in Figure 3E- ure 3E-6 are such examples. There are four obvious
6, which contains four smoothed MT sounding layers expressed in these soundings. Data at periods
curves across a portion of the Rio Grande rift near shorter than 1 s reflect an increasingly conductive
Santa Fe, New Mexico (Jiracek et al., 1987; Biehler (lower resistivity) water-saturated, basin-fill with a
fresh water layer overlying a saline water zone. Be-
116 G.R. Jiracek, V. Haak, and K.H. Olsen

caused by important geochemical phenomena in the

P2 > Pl crust (section w 3E.5), is not sensed by any other
geophysical method.

,og P2 3E.4.2. Two-dimensional interpretation

Pa Pl The most important characteristics of 2-D MT
apparent resistivity sounding curves are realized by
understanding the variations in E- and H- polariza-
A B x---~
tion results on either side of a simple geoelectric
contact. Figure 3E-7 depicts such a contact with p~
representing the more conductive quarter-space to
the left of resistive quarter-space P2. The physics of
the response of this 2-D model at the two measure-
ment sites A and B is profoundly different for the
Fig. 3E-7. Variation of TE and TM apparent resistivities two polarizations.
versus distance at a single period across a vertical contact. PTE
varies smoothly within the range of Pl and P2; PTM is discon-
tinuous with values far outside the range of Pl and P2.
All three EM field components in E-polarization
(Ey, H~, and H~) are continuous across all boundaries
low these two layers is a resistive (>100 ohm-m) so the fields vary smoothly across geologic contacts.
basement of relatively dry granitic composition, like Therefore, the apparent resistivity, which is propor-
that of the mountains bounding the rift (Biehler et tional to Ey/Hx (Eqs. 11 and 13) is smoothly varying
al., 1991). Finally, there is a very prominent across a contact. Figure 3E-7 illustrates this behav-
midcrustal conductive zone whose bottom is not re- ior as measured at a constant arbitrary period. The
solved by the 800 s period data, Applying the four Pr~ curve would be sharper at arbitrarily shorter pe-
asymptotic relations from the Layered earth section riods compared to a smoother curve at longer peri-
we find: (1) The top layer resistivity is about 20 ohm- ods. This behavior is characteristic of the inductive
m; (2) The deepest layer resistivity is 2-3 ohm-m; effect, which controls the frequency response of the
(3) The depth (using Eq. (19)) to the top of the E-polarization. This effect depends on the time de-
midcrustal conductor is about 11 km using the h- rivative of the magnetic flux (Faraday's law of in-
line in Fig. 3E-6; and (4) The total conductance (us- duction) so it diminishes at lower frequencies. Note
ing Eq. (20) and the S-lines drawn in Fig. 3E-6) that the PrE response in Figure 3E-7 does not lie
above the resistive basement varies progressively outside the range defined by Pl and P2.
east to west across the basin from about 15 to 200 S.
Since the MT results are virtually identical at the H-polarization
shortest periods, i.e., the resistivity variations above
the basement are laterally continuous, the change in In H-polarization, Hy and E, are continuous across
conductance reflects increasing basin depth. The a contact but Ex is discontinuous. The discontinuity
variations in the positions of the h lines revealing in Ex follows from the continuity of the normal com-
the midcrustal conductor are thought to arise from ponent of the current density, J. The definition of J
3-D (along strike) variations rather than any signifi- results in continuity of the quotient EJp in the model
cant changes in the depth to conductor. All of the in Figure 3E-7. The electric field discontinuity at a
above geoelectric features are highly consistent with contact is due to electric charge accumulation on the
seismic and gravity interpretations (Biehler et al., contact which is the underlying cause of the galvanic
1991) except for the midcrustal conductor. This effect (Berdichevsky and Dmitriev, 1976). The gal-
strong electrical feature, which is thought to be vanic effect produces the discontinuous behavior of
Practical magnetotellurics in a continental rift environment 117

Site A Site B
192 > Pl
Pl +
P +

"- Ex, 2
E X,1~ - ++----~E
+ log T---~ log T-'-~

Fig. 3E-9. Schematic MT apparent resistivity sounding curves

Fig. 3E-8. Primary electric field, E p, normally incident on 2-D at sites A and B in Fig. 3E-7. Curve for prE is above that for
contact schematically showing surface charge accumulation, PrM on the conductive side of the contact and Pru is above PrE
secondary electric fields, ESl and ES.2, and total electric on the resistive side.
fields, Ex.2 and Ex.1. The secondary electric fields from the +
charges subtract from the primary field on the conductive side hypothetical positive test charge would move. Those
(p~) and add to the primary electric field on the resistive side directions are directed away from a positively
(P2), resulting in E~.2 > E~.I.
charged boundary as depicted in Figure 3E-8.
In Figure 3E-7, note that at locations sufficiently
removed from the contact, neither Pre or Pr~ re-
the pruresults shown in Figure 3E-7 with values fall- sponses sense the contact. This horizontal distance
ing far outside the range of p~ and Pc. The disconti- is approximately one skin depth (Vozoff, 1991). The
nuity in Pr~ (oc IEx/Hyl2) is identical to the square of curves sketched in Figure 3E-7 graphically present
the Ex,JEx,l discontinuity discussed above because the major characteristic differences between E- and
there is no change in Hy along the surface in the 2-D H-polarization MT apparent resistivity results.
case. This emphasizes the dominant role played by Namely, that E-polarization (TE) values plot above
electric field discontinuities in H-polarization appar- H-polarization (TM) results on the conductive side
ent resistivity responses. It can be shown (e.g., of a contact and, vice versa on the resistive side of a
Kaufman, 1985) that electric charges form anywhere 2-D contact. This realization, along with a basic geo-
there exists a component of electric field in the di- logic knowledge of the survey area, can be of enor-
rection of a change in resistivity. The charges are mous value when first trying to understand MT ob-
the source of secondary electric fields that modify servations.
the initial (or primary) electric fields. The resulting The characteristics emphasized above at a single
total (primary plus secondary) electric fields are period, of course, transfer to the sounding curves at
those that appear in the continuity relations for the various measurement sites. Such apparent resistiv-
normal component of J. Figure 3E-8 graphically ity sounding curves for two sites, one on either side
shows these relations for a primary electric field of the contact in Figure 3E-7, are presented in Fig-
perpendicular to a 2-D resistivity contrast. The sec- ure 3E-9. Two major characteristics of these sound-
ondary field directions and magnitudes on each side ings are: (1) both curves converge to the true
of the contact are schematically those required for a resistivities at each site location at the shortest peri-
total field increase on the resistive side and the op- ods, and otherwise; (2) Pre is above Pr~ on the con-
posite on the conductive side of the boundary. The ductive side of the contact (site A), and vice versa
determination of the surface charge polarity is made on the resistive side of the contact (site B).
by recalling that the secondary electric field direc- A convenient way to display many MT sounding
tions must be consistent with the direction that a curves along a profile is in so-called pseudosection
form. A pseudosection is a plot of contours of equal
118 G.R. Jiracek, V. Haak, and K.H. Olsen

contact X contact X --I~


log log


r r

s m o o t h TE Pa c o n t o u r s discontinuous TM Pa c o n t o u r s

a P <P2 b O<P2

Fig. 3E-10. Representative pseudosections of (a) TE, and (b) TM, apparent resistivity (13,) across a vertical contact in Figure 3E-7.
Horizontal location of contact is marked by p, vertical contours especially in TM case where values are discontinuous.

apparent resistivity, or impedance phase, where the major characteristics emphasized above. Namely, 1)
horizontal axis is linear horizontal distance (e.g., in the curves converge to the true resistivities (10 and
km) and the vertical axis is the log of the period (Fig.
3E-10). Since the shorter period data plot at the top
of the graph and the longer period data at the bot-
tom, apparent resistivity pseudosections give a rough
idea of the true-resistivity geoelectric section. How-
ever, the term 'pseudo' is highly appropriate for such
plots since they can be very misleading. For example,
the discontinuous behavior of the PrM data across a
simple contact (Figure 3E-7) plots as a false intru-
sive-like conductive zone on the low resistivity side
of a contact (Fig. 3E-10b). Such false behavior does
have a beneficial aspect since sharp vertical contours
are good indicators of the positions of lateral bound-
aries, especially in PrM pseudosections (Fig. 3E-10).
To illustrate the above 2-D MT considerations, a
hypothetical geologic-geoelectric continental rift
model depicted in Figure 3E-11 is used. Figure 3E-
12 contains the MT apparent resistivity sounding
curves for sites 1 and 2 at locations in the conduc-
tive basin and on a neighboring resistive flank (Fig. Fig. 3E-11. Hypothetical 2-D geologic-geoelectric continental
3E-11), respectively. Plotting both soundings on the rift model with conductive 10 ohm-m basin bounded by listric
faults, 500 ohm-m basement, 10 ohm-m midcrustal conductor
same graph allows a clear comparison of the two from 15 to 25 km depth, and 100 ohm-m lower crust.
Practical magnetotellurics in a continental rift environment 119

10000 - mmnlln lib I I !111~

== 1000

~,v._v2,..,v. v
>- % Y

I-- ~4~@@ 4k 4~ 4, 4k 4P 4~ ~ . v v v

100 vl~,
n- 10 , 9 4L
l-- A
z A
n- & A A ~
13. 1 . . . . . . . . SITE 1 1 - D
13. SITE 2 TE
m._ SITE21-D


0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000


Fig. 3E-12. Synthetic apparent resistivity MT sounding curves at sites 1 and 2 within and outside the conductive rift basin shown in
Fig. 3E-11. PxE curve virtually equals 1-D curve appropriate for vertical section below conductive site 1. p ~ curve agrees with 1-D
curve appropriate for vertical section below resistive site 2 only at long periods.

500 ohm-m, respectively) at the shortest periods and 1 in the basin) matches the 1-D curve. This is not
2) Pre is above PrM at site 1 and vice versa at site 2. true for results at resistive site 2 adjacent to the ba-
Imprinted on these observations are the effects of sin except at the longer periods. Note that all curves
skin depth, and a 10 ohm-m midcrustal conductive in Figure 3E-12 begin to rise at the longest periods
zone from 15 to 25 km depth. The latter is expressed shown; this is the response to a more resistive (100
as descending branches on all curves especially from ohm-m) lower crust (Fig. 3E-11).
10 to 100 s period. It is very instructive to compare Although 2-D Earth models can be constructed
the 2-D curves with the 1-D results calculated at each with very complicated responses that require care-
site as if a layered Earth with the same vertical sec- ful attention to vertical and horizontal skin depth
tion is assumed. These results (Fig. 3E-12) show considerations, the simple features discussed above
how closely the TE curve on the conductive side (site are surprisingly useful in initial interpretations.
120 G.R. Jiracek, V. Haak, and K.H. Olsen

Ell (~ TE M O D E ) E (~ TM M O D E )

2 'r E

" " 1"~ -I- +

% +

. . . I . i,,:sl SE
- +

S +
" E +


- C ..
- +

- +

- +

- +

. _ + +

a Ep b E

Fig. 3E-13. Plan view of primary electric field, Ee, normally incident on ends of 3-D conductive (C) body schematically showing
dipolar surface charge accumulation and secondary electric fields, E'. The secondary electric fields subtract from EP over the
conductive body and along its sides but add to EPoff the ends of the body in both the ~TE (a) and ~TM (b) cases. The macroscopic
effect is current channeling into the conductive body (Jiracek, 1990).

3E.4.3. Three-dimensional interpretation Electric field distortion

The MT response of 3-D Earth structures is domi- Figure 3E-13 presents a map view of a 3-D rect-
nated by galvanic effects because electric field com- angular body that is conductive relative to a sur-
ponents in the directions of resistivity changes oc- rounding layered host. A primary electric field is
cur in all directions. Now, whereas the impedance sketched both parallel and perpendicular to the long
description of 1-D and 2-D Earths required 2 and 5 axis of the body. These cases are designated Ett and
parameters, respectively, the 3-D Earth requires 8. E.L, respectively, in Figures 3E-13a and 3E-13b.
These are the real and imaginary parts of each of the There are no strict designations of E-polarization and
full 4 tensor impedance elements (Eq. 23). To illus- H-polarization for the 3-D case, hence, terms ~TE
trate the major 3-D effects, it is sufficient to present mode and ~TM mode are used in Figure 3E-13. In-
two simple examples. Both examples use 3-D rect- cluded schematically in the two examples in Figure
angular blocks, one conductive and one resistive. 3E-13 are the galvanic charge distributions and re-
suiting secondary electric field variations, W. The
polarity of the charges is such to cause a secondary
field opposing the primary field in the conductive
Practical magnetotellurics in a continental rift environment 121

Ell (~ TE MODE) E (~ TM MODE)

P2 P~

Pl + + -~2 " "

Es s


~ ~ . ~




+ R +
++++++ +

++ R -
+ + - .

a Ep b E

Fig. 3E-14. Plan view of primary electric field, Er, normally incident on ends of 3-D resistive (R) body schematically showing
dipolar surface charge accumulation and secondary electric fields, E'. The secondary electric fields add to E P over the resistive body
and along its sides but subtract from Er off the ends of the body in both the ~TE (a) and ~TM (b) cases. The macroscopic effect is
current deflection around the resistive body (Jiracek, 1990).

body. Only then can the total electric field decrease ample, the total field is reduced directly over the
in a conductive body as required to preserve the con- body and along its sides, whereas the fields are en-
tinuity of normal current density. Even though the hanced off the ends of the conductor. The overall,
total E is decreased in a conductor it is important to total effect is that of current channeling into con-
realize that the current is enhanced. This expected ductive inhomogeneties (Jiracek, 1990).
increase of current in good conductors is called cur- Figures 3E-14a and 3E-14b present the situations
rent channeling. opposite to those in Figure 3E-13, namely those of
For clarity, some details are omitted in Figure 3E- a relatively resistive 3-D inclusion. Now the second-
13 since the sketches are meant to show only the ary field must be additive to the primary field in the
major features. The important result is that there are resistive body. This single consideration enables the
galvanic charges and H-polarization-like effects for sketches in Figure 3E-14 to be made. From these it
both polarizations of the electric field. By simply is clear that the total electric field is enhanced di-
estimating the sense of the vectorial addition of the rectly over the body and along its sides, but, it is
primary and secondary electric fields depicted in diminished off the ends. Now the current channel-
Figure 3E-13, one can make a good guess of what ing is around the outside of the resistive body, an
the resulting total E field patterns will be. For ex- effect called current deflection.
122 G.R. Jiracek, V. Haak, and K.H. Olsen

are sketched in comparison to an apparent resistiv-

ity sounding curve appropriate to a 1-D Earth with
,... ,.. m m ,... ,.., ,,
the same vertical properties as the 3-D case. This
~ ! ~Dfor verticalsection shows that the 3-D sounding curves are shifted
~~~TE 1 curvesshifted downward at sites located over surface conductors
~ ' ~ T M j" downward and upward over resistors. However, at sites off to
a log T--~ the side of a conductive body, for example, the ~TE
curves would be shifted up and the ~TM curves
would be lowered. These conclusions follow from
scrutiny of the sketches in Figures 3E-13a and 3E-
Where the shifting up or down of the apparent
~ - - T M } curvesshifted resistivity sounding curves is frequency (period) in-
~TE upward dependent, the constant shift is referred to as a static
"" 1-Dfor vertical shift. The shift is constant or static when the pri-
section mary electric field is uniform over the extent of the
b log T--.- body, the galvanic magnetic effects are inconsequen-
tial, and the inductive (TE-like) effects are negli-
gible. These requirements are always met for small
3-D bodies below some frequency value, therefore,
Fig. 3E-15. Schematic apparent resistivity MT sounding
above some arbitrarily long period. As frequency
curves over 3-D conductive (a) and resistive bodies (b) in Fig. decreases, the increased skin depth in the host rock
3E-14 compared to curves appropriate to 1-D section in which eventually results in a quasi-uniform charging field
bodies are embedded. Both ~TE and ~TM sounding curves are over the depth extent of the body. At high frequen-
static shifted downward over the conductive body and they are cies the field is stronger at the top of a body, there-
static shifted upward over the resistive body.
fore, the body is charged more at the top. Such a
variation with frequency does not produce a static
shift. Inductive effects, since they depend on a time
Distortion of apparent resistivity curves derivative, always decrease with decreasing fre-
An understanding of the galvanic electric field The question of whether or not magnetic field
distortions alone often enables one to estimate the galvanic distortion can be neglected depends on the
surface effects on 3-D MT sounding curves even overall volume of the current channeling and/or cur-
though the apparent resistivity calculation (Eq. 13) rent deflection as mentioned earlier. An informed
includes both the electric and the magnetic fields. discussion of this topic has been recently presented
This is so because the 3-D galvanic magnetic field by Chave and Smith (1994) where they confirm that
distortion is determined by a volume integral of the such distortion is frequency dependent. Therefore,
current distortion, which is small for near-surface galvanic magnetic effects or significant inductive
bodies of small volume. In these cases, the apparent response from 3-D bodies oppose static shift. Still,
resistivity results are dominated by electric field it is clear to all MT practitioners that there is a sur-
variations. They are shifted upward where the total prising recurrence of static shifts in MT sounding
electric fields are enhanced and are shifted down- data. In fact, static shifts are probably the leading
ward where total electric fields are depressed. These contemporary problem in magnetotelluric process-
observations explain why the ~TE and ~TM appar- ing and modeling. Therefore, it is not unexpected
ent resistivity curves directly over isolated conduc- that many schemes have been devised to address the
tive and resistive bodies are shifted as shown in Fig- problem of static shift (a review of techniques ap-
ures 3E-15a and 3E-15b, respectively. The results pears in Jiracek, 1990). However, no method is com-
Practical magnetotellurics in a continental rift environment 123

pletely successful without auxiliary data. In actual are better developed than in stable areas. That con-
situations different static shifts from different scales tinental rifts have such features was recognized early
of inhomogeneities in the vicinity of a measurement on, e.g., by Schmucker (1964) in the Rio Grande rift.
site all superimpose. Jiracek et al. (1979) emphasized this observation for
Several well-formulated proposals have appeared four rifts (Rio Grande, Baikal, East Africa, and the
in recent years to partially address the 3-D galvanic Rhinegraben) by concluding that they are charac-
distortion problem (e.g., Groom and Bahr, 1992; terized by zones of < 50 ohm-m at depths of 10-30
Chave and Smith, 1994). The details of these are km. Jones (1992) summarized an additional 10 years
beyond the scope of this discussion. However, since of data and correctly states that no single conduc-
this is one of the most active research areas in MT, tivity model fits all rifts. In fact, there are still argu-
the main theme of these techniques is briefly pre- ments about whether or not there is a crustal con-
sented here. Namely, the measured (distorted) im- ductor directly beneath the Rhinegraben or just un-
pedance tensor is mathematically expressed in terms der its eastern shoulder (Schmucker and Tezkan,
of a background (regional) impedance multiplied by 1988; Jones, 1992; Mareschal et al., 1994). For other
tensor distortion terms. The desired regional imped- young continental rifts the question is not if, but why,
ance is assumed to be either 1-D or 2-D; the distor- there are conductive zones. Naturally, the next ques-
tion tensors allow for 3-D electric and magnetic dis- tion is what are the consequences?
tortions. The latter are complex and frequency de- The question of why the mid-to-lower continen-
pendent; the former are real, frequency independent tal crust is conductive is truly a "hot topic" as evi-
(static) distortions. Both distortions are location de- denced by a barrage of recent papers on the subject.
pendent. In practice, a low frequency assumption is Jones (1992) has a very complete summary as do
usually invoked wherein the wavelengths inside and Hyndman et al. (1993). There has also been a major
outside the inhomogeneities are large compared the effort to relate the conductive occurrences with
size of the 3-D scatterer. This, and the neglect of the crustal seismic reflectors and refractors (Gough,
magnetic distortion, produces real, frequency inde- 1986; Jones, 1987; Hyndman, 1988; Hyndman and
pendent electric field distortion tensor elements Klemperer, 1989; Hyndman and Shearer, 1989;
(Larsen, 1977; Wannamaker et al., 1984; Zhang et Merzer and Klemperer, 1992). The intent of this con-
al., 1987; Bahr, 1988; Groom and Bailey, 1989). tribution to be a practical assessment of MT in a con-
Galvanic (current channeling) magnetic effects have tinental rift environment demands a brief review of
been included in 3-D MT distortion formalisms by some of these recent results. This will be done in an
Groom and Bailey (1991), Zhang et al. (1993), and overview manner; the reader is strongly urged to
Chave and Smith (1994). All of the tensor distortion consult the above references for more details.
schemes perform tensor decomposition to attempt
to retrieve a pure, undistorted regional impedance 3E.5.2. Sources of crustal conductors
tensor. Unfortunately, an indeterminacy remains for
each method that requires the independent knowl- There are really only three possible sources for
edge of the regional impedance tensor for at least crustal conductive zones. These are water, magma,
one frequency. and conductive minerals such as graphite. Because
graphite is much more conductive (p = 10-5 ohm-m;
Duba and Shankland, 1982) than highly saline wa-
3E.5. Mid-to-lower crustal conductive zones ter (10 -2 ohm-m minimum; Nesbitt, 1994 ) which is
in turn more conductive than magma (about 0.5 ohm-
3E.5.1. Introduction m; Hermance, 1979), it requires much less graphite
It has been argued recently (Hyndman et al., 1993) to produce a conductive zone. Temperatures in the
that the deep crust is conductive everywhere. How- lower crust are above the critical temperature (374~
ever, there is a trend for tectonically active areas to for pure H20) so the term aqueous fluid is preferred
have shallower (midcrustal) conductive zones that instead of water since liquid and gaseous H20 are
124 G.R. Jiracek, V. Haak, and K.H. Olsen

The question of whether graphite, or other con-

indistinguishable. After early interpretations that
ductive minerals exist in the deep crust must also
conductive zones, especially in rift environments,
address the sources and accumulation processes
were caused solely by magma (e.g., Pedersen and
(Hyndman et al., 1993). The source of graphite is
Hermance, 1978; Banks and Beamish, 1979) the fa-
usually thought to be from the reduction of CO2-rich
vored explanations have become aqueous fluids or
fluids. CO2 itself is a nonconducting fluid. Even
conductive minerals, mainly graphite (Hermance and
though the amount of graphite needed to produce a
Pedersen, 1980; Jiracek et al., 1983; Jodicke, 1993;
conductive zone is small, there must be a connected
Hyndman et al., 1993; Katsube and Mareschal,
film (Katsube and Mareschal, 1993) on regional
1993). As stressed by Jones (1992), there is no single
scales. Intergranular graphite films are suggested to
cause for the enhanced crustal conductivities since
explain low resistivities in a 10 km deep borehole in
different effects operate in different tectonic envi-
Germany (Jodicke, 1992; Haak et al., 1991) and in
ronments and at different depths.
the deep Precambrian shield of Canada (Katsube and
For H20~to accumulate in the crust, there must be
Mareschal, 1993). Duba et al. (1994) emphasize that
both a source and a capping mechanism. Sources
a suite of conductive accessory minerals (ilmenite,
include deep circulating meteoric water, crustal
magnetite, pyrite, pyrrhotite) including graphite were
devolatization by metamorphic reactions, and flu-
measured in the German drill cores. A graphite ex-
ids released from mantle derived magmas crystal-
planation is not usually invoked in conductive rift
lizing higher up in the lithosphere. Newton (1990)
settings because a continuous supply of deep fluids
emphasized that emplacement of mantle-derived
is expected. Also, there appears to be a strong corre-
magmas in the lower crust contributes greatly to the
lation with temperature which is not expected for
thermal and volatile budgets in highly extensional
graphite. Graphite is often used as an explanation
regimes such as rifts. The magma volatile content is
where a conducting zone doesn't have a correspond-
mainly H20 and CO2 (Wilson, 1989), the solubility
ing seismic signature. This would be the consequence
of which decrease as the magma migrates upward.
for thin graphite films but it is also expected for very
The fate of ascending volatiles depends on pressure,
low water fractions (~ 1%). Such levels of connected
temperature, time, and whether crustal melting or
water saturation result in orders of magnitude change
retrograde metamorphism occurs (Thompson and
in electrical conductivity but corresponding changes
Connolly, 1990). H20 is very soluble in granitic
in seismic velocities are very small (Watanabe,
melts and retrograde metamorphism moves water
into hydrated minerals that are resistive (Olhoeft,
1981). A theoretical reason to expect trapping of
3E.5.3. lntergranular aqueous fluid-dihedral angle
aqueous fluids in cracks at the brittle-ductile transi-
tion in the crust has been presented by Bailey (1990).
The argument is that vertical fluid transport is rapid New experimental data (Holness, 1993) suggest
in the ductile crust but that it slows abruptly at the that enhanced electrical conductivity of deep meta-
brittle-ductile transition. The resulting overpressure morphic rocks is caused by water-saturated, low-
would induce horizontal fractures in which water porosity continental crust which has profound rheo-
would accumulate. Bailey's (1990) hypothesis is es- logical implications. These data concern the
pecially appealing since the coincidence of the depth interconnectivity of intergranular (not fracture-con-
to the top of crustal conductive zones and the brittle- trolled) fluids as a function of pressure and tempera-
ductile transition has been reported by several stud- ture in the ductile crustal environment. Results from
ies (e.g., Jiracek et al., 1983; 1987; Hyndman et al., Holness (1993) are simplified schematically in Fig-
1993). However, Bailey's (1990) mechanism would ure 3E-16a where the concept of dihedral angle is
operate most effectively where the principal regional also sketched (Fig. 3E-16b). The dihedral angle or
stress is horizontal (compressional) rather than ver- wetting angle (Brenan, 1991) is the angle subtended
tical as it is in extensional rift environments. by intersecting grain walls at pore corners in a re-
Practical magnetotellurics in a continental rift environment 125

Fig. 3E-16.(a) Schematic pressure, temperature, dihedral angle plot for crustal conditions. Pattern of dihedral angle contours
follows those of quartzite-H20 system presented by Holness (1993). Shaded region is where aqueous fluids reside in isolated pores
and the rock is impermeable to fluid flow (0>60*). At dihedral angles 0<60 ~ the rock has an interconnected fluid phase and is
permeable to grain-edge fluid flow. High and low dT/dz geothermal gradients illustrate situations where interconnected aqueous
fluid would be trapped beneath an impermeable cap (shaded region). Notice that for various values of high dT/dz, the depth to the
trapped fluid would vary but the temperature would be nearly constant following an isotherm. (b) Schematic single grain aqueous
fluid distribution as a function of value of dihedral angle (60~176 table of implications in deep crustal metamorphic rocks.

crystallized rock at equilibrium conditions. The val- major features of a plot embracing the ductile por-
ues of dihedral angle define the 3-D continuity, there- tion of the crust are what we want to emphasize. Two
fore, interconnectivity of the grain-edge porosity. hypothesized geothermal gradients are sketched in
Interconnectivity can only exist if the angle is less Figure 3E-16a. These illustrate that two regions of
than a critical value which is about 60* for 1% po- fluid connectivity may exist in the ductile crust un-
rosity (Hyndman, 1988). Total grain-edge wetting der an impermeable cap (0 >60~ For high geother-
is achieved at 0 ~ dihedral angle. Dihedral angle im- mal gradients, fluid interconnectivity would occur
plications on crustal conductivity have been dis- at a near-constant temperature irrespective of the
cussed (e.g., Hyndman, 1988; Marquis and actual value of the geothermal gradient. The tem-
Hyndman, 1992). However, the data were not ad- perature is defined by the near-vertical contour of 0
equate to define a pressure (depth)-temperature-di- = 60 ~ which is almost parallel to the rock melting
hedral angle plot as was done by Holness (1993). curve (Fig. 3E-16a). For lower geothermal gradi-
The published plot is for a pure quartzite-H20 equi- ents, the region of interconnectivity is at lower tem-
librium system where the wet melting temperature perature nearer the brittle-ductile transition. The tem-
is about 1100~ Presumably this temperature would perature at the top of the zone would vary consider-
be near 640~ for a wet crust of granitic composi- ably depending on the intersection of the geother-
tion. Therefore, actual pressure and temperature val- mal gradient with the non vertical 0 = 60* contour.
ues have been omitted in Figure 3E-16a since the Note that if the geothermal gradient is very low, the
126 G.R. Jiracek, V. Haak, and K.H. Olsen

YIELD STRESS (MPa) quartzite with CO2-H20and solutes of NaC1 and

0 200 400 600 other salts. Their results are appropriate to condi-
0 I I I 1
tions in the deep crust and upper mantle (950-1105~
temperature and 1 GPa pressure) with a low percent-
age of aqueous brine solution. The major findings
were that the effect of saline solutions was to de-
Pf = Pore Fluid P r e s s u r e
crease the dihedral angle to as low as 40* for the
quartz-fluid system but there was no change in the
BRITTLE high dihedral angle (0 >>60*) in dunite with, or with-
out, salts. This implies that aqueous solutions are
more likely to be interconnected in the ductile crust
dc/dt = Strain Rate if the aqueous solution is saline but not so in the
a 20 d T / d z = Geothermal Gradient mafic mantle. The latter result agrees with a similar
H 2 0 = Water Content study reported on clinopyroxene-rich rocks (Watson
Quartz = Mineral Composition and Lupulescu, 1993).
Feldspar Ratio

3E.5.4. Consequences of intergranular aqueousfluid

Watson and Brenan (1987) suggest that it is tempt-
ing to conclude that the dihedral angle-controlled
Fig. 3E-17. Synoptic diagram of crustal rheological behavior fluid distributions apply to any conditions in the
showing the effects of increasing pore fluid pressure in the Earth where recrystallization has occurred, i.e, any
brittle regime; and decreasing strain rate and increasing pressure-temperature condition above the lowest
geothermal gradient, water content, and quartz/feldspar ratio metamorphic grade. In the case of a rift environment
in the ductile portion of the crust (redrawn from Sibson,
we must first ask whether or not the crust is in the
required mechanical and chemical equilibrium. In
dihedral angle would be <60* throughout the entire fact, brittle fracturing occurs in active areas, such
region (depth range) plotted and there would be no as rifts, even in the ductile regions of the crust as a
impermeable cap. This would be the case of con- result of tectonic stresses and igneous intrusions.
tinuous dewatering of the crust even with a continu- These transient events deviate from static equilib-
ous source of deep aqueous fluid. rium but for rocks hot enough to undergo rapid plas-
The dihedral angle considerations above present tic deformation, it is likely that equilibrium pore
two situations where deep crustal conductive zones geometries develop rapidly (Brenan, 1991). For equi-
would have sharp upper boundaries. One, where the librium wetting to occur, its rate must exceed the
geothermal gradients are high, dictates that the depth rate of ductile rock deformation; this is always the
to the conductive zone would be an isotherm. In the expected situation (Watson and Brenan, 1987).
other case, at lower geothermal gradients, a deeper It is clear from many experimental results (e.g.,
conductive zone would be at lower temperatures. Kronenberg and Tullis, 1984; Cooper and Kohlstedt,
More experimental results, such as those presented 1986) that a connected fluid phase decreases the
by Holness (1993) on actual rock/fluid assemblages strength (the viscosity) of the rock and enhances the
expected throughout the crust, are needed to con- strain rate. The strength of the crust has the general
firm or reject these expectations. Such a confirma- profile depicted in Figure 3E-17 but there are sev-
tion has just appeared (Holness, 1995) which pre- eral interdependent factors (Sibson, 1984) that can
sents results at 4 kbar pressure for the quartz-H20- perturb it. In the ductile portion of the crust an in-
CO2 system with trace amounts of feldspar. Watson crease in the geothermal gradient, water content, or
and Brenan (1987) reported on dihedral angle mea- quartz content will decrease the strength and the
surements performed principally on dunite and brittle-ductile transition will migrate upward. More
Practical magnetotellurics in a continental rift environment 127

locally, a zone of interconnected water within the and have led to continual changes and corrections.
ductile region will facilitate increased pressure so- The writing of much of this was accomplished at
lution creep which enhances the strain rate. Experi- the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), In-
mentally, this effect is large where grain wetting stitute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics where
occurs in olivine-basalt partial melts (Cooper and GRJ was on sabbatical leave in 1994. The hospital-
Kohlstedt, 1986). The process involves the diffusion ity of the staff and director of the Institute, C.F.
of dissolved minerals along grain boundaries from Keller, are warmly appreciated. Discussions with
regions of higher stress (at asperities) where the solu- LANL petrologists W.S. Baldridge and D. Hickmott
bility is high to regions of low stress where the solu- on the implications of dihedral angle wetting were
bility is low (Turcotte and Schubert, 1982). This dif- very helpful. A careful critical review by P.E.
fusion requires fluid interconnectivity. Wannamaker is very much appreciated.
Since an interconnected aqueous film has orders
of magnitude higher conductivity compared to that
of isolated pockets of H20, the connection with rhe- 3E.6. References
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sions on the magnetotelluric method appear in notes Elec. Geophys. Res. Lab. Rept., Univ. Texas, Austin, 98 pp.
Brenan, J., 1991. Development and maintenance of metamor-
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condensation of notes used at San Diego State Uni-
versity and at the SAGE program (Summer of Ap- Duba, A.L. and Shankland, T.J., 1982. Free carbon and electri-
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Chapter 4

The European Cenozoic rift system

C. Prodehl, St. Mueller, and V. H a a k

4.1. Introduction Atlas ranges. The southern continuation of the rift

system through the Mediterranean Sea and beyond,
4.1.1. Description and Location however, will not be discussed in this chapter.
The European Cenozoic Rift system (ECRS) In southern France the rift starts in the Rh6ne
traverses the lithosphere of western and central Eu- depression. While the Rh6ne valley in southeastern
rope extending from the Mediterranean to the North France is not well developed as a graben, the
Sea over a distance of some 1100 km (Fig. 4-1). It Limagne graben, west of the Rh6ne valley, is a very
is a continuous system of rift structures from the significant rift structure which traverses the Massif
Rh6ne depression in southeastern France to the Leine Central and is flankeff by volcanic chains. Further
graben in northern Germany and through the Lower north, the Bresse-Sa6ne graben system continues
Rhine Embayment in western Germany into the cen- from the Rh6ne valley and separates the Massif Cen-
tral graben in the North Sea. Also the Eger graben tral of France from the Franco-Swiss Jura and the
of the Bohemian Massif is viewed as part of the Alpine orogenic belt. Both the Limagne graben and
European Cenozoic rift system (Ziegler, 1992), but the Bresse-Sa6ne graben system terminate against
will not be discussed in this contribution. This rift the Burgundy transform fault system, which links
system evolved in the Alpine foreland during late the grabens of southeastern France with the
Eocene to Recent times. Its development is contem- Rhinegraben near Basel.
poraneous with the main and late Alpine orogenic The Rhinegraben (Fig. 4-1) between Basel and
phases (Ziegler, 1992). Frankfurt is the central segment of the European
Southwards, off the mainland of France, the Ceno- Cenozoic rift system and has been the most thor-
zoic rift system continues through the Gulf of Lions oughly investigated (Roth6 and Sauer, 1967, Illies
into the Spanish Valencia trough. Ziegler (1992) dis- and Mueller, 1970, Illies and Fuchs, 1974, Fuchs et
cusses the possible southwestern prolongation of the al., 1987). It extends as an almost linear feature for
Cenozoic European rift system into the western about 300 km from Basel to Frankfurt. In contrast
Mediterranean Sea, i.e. the Valencia trough (Banda to the Massif Central region, the Rhinegraben and
and Santanach, 1992) and the grabens of Corsica- its surroundings is almost devoid of volcanic activ-
Sardinia, which were formed when they were still ity. The only well known and prominent volcanic
attached to the Provence (Illies, 1975b). The Euro- feature is the Kaiserstuhl volcano in its southern part.
pean Cenozoic Rift system continues southwestward At the northern end of the Rhinegraben, at a triple
across the Alboran Sea to the Rif fold belt into the junction near Frankfurt (Ziegler, 1992), the rift sys-
tem splits up: to the north it follows the Hessen de-
134 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

Fig. 4-1. The European Cenozoic rift system between the Noah Sea and the Mediterranean Sea (after Echtler et al., 1994, fig. 1).

pression and the Leine graben near GOttingen and tematic variation since upper Miocene times and has
seems then to disappear beneath the young sediments changed the kinematics of this rift system (MOiler
of the North German Plain. The other branch of the et al., 1992) and its volcanic activity.
rift system has been more active in recent times. It
continues from the northern end of the Rhinegraben 4.1.2. Recognition as a rift
near Frankfurt northwestward through the Rhenish
As early as 1836 the French scientist l~lie de Beau-
Massif (Fuchs et al., 1983) into the Lower Rhine
mont studied the steep escarpments of the Vosges
embayment (referred to as Ruhr graben by Ziegler,
mountains and of the Black Forest and suggested that
1992) and from there can be traced into the North
the flat plain along the river Rhine (with the
Kaiserstuhl volcano) was the surface of a subsided
All parts of the rift system show an asymmetric
crustal block which had been downthrown along
structure; in addition the Rhinegraben is character-
converging major faults, thereby causing the uplift
ized by a north-south segmentation. The regional
of the adjacent "graben" shoulders. In a subsequent
stress field in central Europe has undergone a sys-
The European Cenozoic rift system 135

Fig. 4-2. Location map of explosion seismology surveys of the European Cenozoic rift system up to 1987. Base map showing
Cenozoic graben troughs and Cenozoic volcanism from lilies (1973, fig. 1).
136 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

publication, he was the first to outline the elements trending sinistral transform faults which may repre-
of a concept describing "modern rifts" (t~lie de Beau- sent reactivated Permo-Carboniferous fracture sys-
mont, 1841). tems (Ziegler, 1992). Subsidence of these grabens
The significant physiography of continental gra- began during the Eocene, accompanied partly by
bens is expressed by a partial parallelism of the fram- strong volcanic activity.
ing fault scarps. This is seen most clearly in the A sinistral NE-striking transform fault system
Rhinegraben, but can also be viewed in the Central forms the structural connection of the Limagne and
Massif of France along the Limagne graben and the Bresse grabens of south-central France with the
Rhfne-Sa6ne valleys, as well as, to a certain ex- southern end of the Rhinegraben. The NNE-trend-
tent, along the Lower Rhenish embayment between ing Rhinegraben shows a difference in the evolu-
Bonn and KOln. An individual average width of 30- tion of the southern and the northern parts (Roll,
40 km between both master faults seems to be a spe- 1979). Rifting started with graben subsidence in the
cific attribute of nearly all graben segments. This southern Rhinegraben about 45 Ma under an exten-
regularity is maintained by sharp curves of the main sional stress regime in the foreland of the Alps (Illies
trend. Thus, a change in the direction of one escarp- and Greiner, 1979) (Fig. 4-3). The maximum hori-
ment is closely followed by a corresponding change zontal extensional stress rotated from NNE-SSW to
on the opposite side, causing the "woodcut-like" a NNW-SSE to NW-SE direction at about 20 Ma
contours of graben systems (Illies, 1974a). (Ahorner, 1975; Illies, 1975a, b, Meier, 1989, Meier
Other typical peculiarities of a graben are its ten- and Eisbacher, 1991). Since that time, the graben
sional features and internal block tectonics as well has experienced transpression. Graben subsidence
as the seismo-tectonic activity parallel to the gra- ceased in the southern Rhinegraben (Villemin and
ben axis. Taphrogenesis is additionally influenced Coletta, 1990) and was followed by mid-Miocene
by erosional processes along the elevated graben updoming of the Vosges - Black Forest complex
shoulders and the consequent transport of debris into (Laubscher, 1987). The doming was accompanied
the graben depressions. Several thousand meters of by volcanic activity in the Kaiserstuhl area within
sedimentary infill deposited in the fault troughs cor- the graben and in the Hegau and Urach volcanic
respond to proportional denudations of the elevated fields to the east (Lippolt et al., 1974).
flanks (Illies, 1974a). As an unstable block on the perimeter of the Al-
The European Cenozoic rift system is pierced by pine collision front, the Rhenish Massif is wedged
many volcanic plugs and is partially covered by flood between the Rhinegraben and the Lower Rhine
basalts (Fig. 4-2), especially in the Hessen depres- embayment. Uplift of the Rhenish Massif of at least
sion and the Central Massif of France (Illies, 1970, 150 m was accompanied by widespread volcanism
1973). Geophysical investigations have revealed in the western Eifel and the Neuwied basin. From
anomalous physical properties of crust and mantle, the southern rim of the Taunus and Hunsrtick to the
such as high heat flow, moderate seismicity, thinned Westerwald and Eifel a belt of earthquake epicen-
crust, and anomalous upper-mantle structure, which ters and a grid of faults, partially still active and in-
may be related to the magmatic activity. dicating mild neotectonics, traverse the Rhenish
Massif in the direction of the maximum horizontal
4.1.3. Regional tectonic framework compressive stress axis (lilies and Fuchs, 1983).
Near Bonn, active graben tectonics begins again,
The Cenozoic rifts of southeastern France strike however, different from the Rhinegraben now un-
essentially parallel to the front of the western Alps der tension corresponding to the new direction of
and transect the structural grain of the Late Paleo- the axis. The Lower Rhine embayment continued to
zoic Variscan fold belt at a steep angle (Ziegler, subside during Miocene to Recent times, some faults
1992). Localization of individual grabens can be forming considerable steps. This graben feathers out
related to tensional reactivation of Late Variscan
to the northwest and gradually loses its identity
fracture systems. These grabens are linked by NE (Ziegler, 1992).
The European Cenozoic rift system 137

Fig. 4-3. Stress map of central Europe (from B. Miiller pers. comm., 1994)
138 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

4.2. Significance A review of the crustal and upper-mantle struc-

ture beneath the European Cenozoic rift system up
As in most rift systems around the world, there to 1978 was published by Prodehl (1981). Since then,
has been commercial interest for some time in ex- new data--in particular, seismic-reflection sur-
ploring and exploiting the natural resources of the veys~became available (e.g., Aichroth et al., 1992,
graben troughs. Hot springs near the edge of the gra- Bergerat et al., 1990, B r u n e t al., 1991, 1992,
ben shoulders became the site of Roman settlements. Gajewski, 1989, Ltischen et al., 1989, Wenzel et al.,
The area of Pechelbronn in the Alsace in the 1991) and were subsequently reviewed by Prodehl
Rhinegraben is known for its oil wells since 1498; it et al. (1992). In that publication, emphasis was put
is one of the oldest oil fields in Europe. Thousands on two transects through the central part of the rift
of boreholes have since penetrated into the sedimen- system, one traversing the southern Rhinegraben
tary graben fill of the Rhinegraben, with the deepest from the Vosges Mountains to the Black Forest (see
borehole reaching a depth of 3336 m, in particular AA' in Fig. 4-9 and Fig. 4-17), the other one tra-
exploring the chances for geothermal energy exploi- versing the Rhenish Massif and the Hessen depres-
tation. Many shafts for mining potassium salt, as- sion (BB' in Fig. 4-9 and Fig. 4-25). These transects
phalt, ligurite and iron ore have been sunk into the are part of a series of transects through major rift
graben and precious metal ores have been mined in structures of the world which have been compiled
the exposed flanks of the graben since the Middle for this volume.
Ages. Immeasurable geophysical investigations have
aided in the understanding of the structural features
in and around the graben. 4.A. The southern section of the Central Euro-
The seismicity of this Cenozoic rift system is pean rift in south-central France
moderate compared to other continental graben sys-
tems. Although the historical seismic record covers 4.A3. Geological information
about 1000 years, no great earthquake has been docu- 4.A3.1. Introduction
mented. The strongest event with an estimated in-
tensity of IX occurred in 1356 and destroyed the city Superimposed on old Hercynian structures, the
of Basel at the southern end of the Rhinegraben volcanic provinces together with intersecting gra-
(Bonjer et al., 1984). In modern times, mainly the ben structures form the southern part of the Euro-
Hohenzollerngraben, located to the east between the pean Cenozoic rift system (ECRS) which developed
Rhinegraben and the Urach volcanic field, has been in western Europe since Oligocene time. The
the site of relatively strong earthquakes (Schneider, Limagne graben is the most prominent segment of
1971, Illies, 1982). Occasionally, earthquakes with this Massif Central graben system. To the east, the
intensities of VII-VIII causing minor damage are Rhone depression separates the Massif Central from
felt in the Lower Rhine embayment (van Eck et al., the Alps, and the Bresse-Saone graben system, at
1993). the western margin of the Franco-Swiss Jura, con-
Since the beginning of modern crustal and upper- tinues to the north-northeast, but terminates against
mantle investigations, the Rhinegraben and the gra- the Burgundy transform fault system which links the
bens of the French Massif Central have been sites grabens of southeastern France with the
of intensive research. The crustal and upper-mantle Rhinegraben. The development of the Central Euro-
structure has been investigated predominantly by pean graben system in Cenozoic times reveals that
seismic methods with observation and interpretation the recent story of the Massif Central in the Variscan
techniques varying through time, and results have belt is connected with geological convulsions asso-
been published by various authors. Figure 4-2 shows ciated with the Alpine orogeny, thus showing the
the seismic-refraction lines observed from 1966 to complex nature of its geodynamical evolution.
1989 to investigate the crustal and upper-mantle
structure of the rift system and its surroundings.
The European Cenozoic rift system 139

Fig. 4--4. Simplified geologic map of the Central Massif of France showing neovolcanic provinces and graben areas and location of
seismic-refraction profiles.

4.A3.2. Sedimentary record Triassic peneplain reactivated since Jurassic times.

After a major Jurassic transgression covering most
The Cenozoic rifts of southeastern France strike of the peneplain, at the beginning of the Oligocene
essentially parallel to the deformation front of the a new phase of significant fracturing occurred when
western Alps and transect the structural grain of the large subsidence trenches developed as the basin of
Late Paleozoic Variscan fold belt at a steep angle Limagne d'Allier, the basins of Montbrison and
(Ziegler, 1992).
Roanne, Forez, Le Puy, and others within the Mas-
The French Massif Central is part of the late Pa- sif (Roques, 1971). Also, large subsided areas de-
leozoic Hercynian fold belt. Similar to the Rhenish veloped surrounding the Massif Central, including
Massif and the Vosges-Black Forest area, it is a pre- the Paris basin to the northwest, the Aquitaine basin
140 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

to the southwest, the Languedoc to the southeast, sition between the Rhine and the SaSne rift valleys
and the Rh6ne and Bresse depressions to the east in detail and observed two tectonic stages: the first
and northeast. Volcanic activity began at this time is a reactivation of Permo-Carboniferous fracture
in the Limagne and later migrated westwards. Si- systems and can be recognized in the Hercynian
multaneously the whole Massif Central rose and basement and its Triassic cover, the second tectonic
tilted from east to west. In Quaternary times, volca- stage is manifested in the deposition of post-Trias-
nic activity migrated back to the east and concen- sic sediments, lilies (1973, 1974c) explains the
trated on the western marginal fault of the Limagne, southern extension of the Rhinegraben by the gra-
with the most recent volcanoes being only 2500 years ben zones of eastern France in the early Tertiary,
old (Hirn and Perrier, 1974). prior to the folding of the Swiss Jura in Pliocene
The Burgundy trough has been an area of strong times, as caused by the rotation of the strain ellip-
sedimentation during most of the Permian and Me- soid when the Rhinegraben, dilatational during Oli-
sozoic times (Boigk and Sch0neich, 1974). At cer- gocene and Miocene, changed into a shear graben
tain periods, between the crystalline blocks of the in Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene times.
Massif Central and the western Alps a marine con- Subsidence of the Sa6ne, Bresse, and Limagne
nection from Southwest Germany to the Mediterra- grabens began during the middle Eocene. The Bresse
nean has been inferred in the contour maps of Boigk graben experienced its most rapid subsidence in Oli-
and SchOneich (1974) through today's Bresse and gocene times along convergent main faults and along
southern Rh6ne depressions. synthetic and antithetic shear zones with a main
The Limagne region consists of the Limagne strike direction of N20~ Syn-rift deposits of lacus-
d'Allier, also named more simply the Limagne gra- trine shales and carbonates and fringing clastics,
ben, and the Montbrison and Roanne basins, both were followed by an evaporitic sequence and distal
separated by the Forez horst. The two depressions marine incursions (Bl~s et al., 1989, lilies, 1974c,
join in the region of Moulins. Oligocene sediments Ziegler, 1992). By the early Miocene, marine con-
become progressively thinner towards north and nections between the Alpine foreland basin and the
vanish near Nevers (Fig. 4-4). The average thick- Paris and Northwest European basins were blocked
ness of the sediments shows strong asymmetries, by the thermal uplift of the Massif Central and the
being greater in the western than in the eastern part Rhenish Massif (Ziegler, 1992). After a time of de-
of the Limagne graben. The greatest depth to the creased and partly interrupted subsidence of the
basement is about 2.5 km and occurs just north of Bresse and Limagne grabens in the Miocene, possi-
Cl6rmont-Ferrand, near the western master fault (see bly in connection with the thermal doming of the
Fig. 2 of Hirn and Perrier, 1974; Morange et al., Massif Central and the Vosges-Black Forest dome,
1971). To the south, towards Brioude, the basement combined with wrench-related upwarping of the
rises and a complex faulted area shows alternating Burgundy area, the kinematics of the Bresse graben
outcrops of crystalline rocks and Oligocene sedi- changed in the Pliocene. The eastern border fault
ments which are not affected by erosion. It is not zone was overridden by west-vergent folds of the
known how far the original sedimentary cover ex- Swiss Jura, and the extensional tectonics changed
tended. into a compressional regime. At present, the Bresse
The Bresse and Limagne grabens began to develop and Limagne grabens are being uplifted.
simultaneously with the Rhinegraben, with parallel Due to the changes in the regional stress field
orientations 150-km-apart from each other, lilies (Bl~s and Gros, 1991) during the late Miocene and
(1973) suggests that the three graben segments ter- Plio-Pleistocene, the Bresse valley rift started to
minate at the same major transverse geotectonic fea- develop differently from the Rhinegraben. The
ture: the so-called Burgundy transfer zone, a sinis- highly asymmetric sedimentary fill of the Bresse
tral northeasterly striking transform fault system graben reaches a maximum thickness of about 5 km
following paths of weakness in the Hercynian base- (Bergerat et al., 1990; Truffert et al., 1990).
ment. Contini and Th6obald (1974) studied the tran-
The European Cenozoic rift system 141

4.A3.3. Igneous activity 4.A3.4. Xenolith studies

Taphrogenesis in the grabens of southeastern In the Massif Central xenoliths have been found
France was connected with intensive volcanism pro- in great numbers within volcanic rocks of Oligocene-
ducing primitive mafic alkaline magmas (Wilson and to-Recent age (Downes and Leyreloup, 1986;
Downes, 1992). The main activity concentrated in Nicolas et al., 1987; Werling, 1992). Besides well
the Auvergne, west of the Limagne graben. Here, equilibrated xenoliths, it is those showing strongly
from north to south are aligned the range of small zoned mineral alignments documenting pressure and
volcanoes forming the Cha~ne des Puys, the great temperature changes, which enable reconstruction
stratovolcano of Mont Dore, the basalt lava plateau of the spatial and temporal development of the ther-
of the C6zallier, the central volcano of the Cantal mal state of the lithosphere underneath the Massif
and the basaltic plateau of the Aubrac (de Goer and Central (Altherr, oral comm., Werling, 1992). Study-
Mergoil, 1971; Jung, 1946; Rutten, 1969). Another ing mineral zoning of ortho- and clinopyronenites
large volcanic district is the Velay in the southeast- of non-equilibrated xenoliths, many samples docu-
ern prolongation of the Limagne graben. ment simple heating and cooling processes, but in
The evolution with time can be reconstructed on others, rather complex developments also are seen
the basis of recent K-Ar dating (Briot and Harmon, where an older cooling process has been overprinted
1989; Werling, 1992). After the initiation of rifting by a younger heating event. In general, a systematic
in the Eocene, about 40 Ma, basaltic volcanism be- relation between mineral zonation and age of erup-
gan within the Limagne graben in the Lower Mi- tion evidently does not exist. According to Werling
ocene, about 19 Ma. In the upper Miocene, from 11- (1992) it is unlikely that the phenomenon of an older
12 Ma onwards, the volcanism on the western flank cooling process is connected with tectonic processes
started in the Cantal and Aubrac as well as in the during rifting, but more probably should be attrib-
Causses to the south and in the Velay to the south- uted to processes during extension of the lithosphere
east. The main activity, however, occurred in the at the Variscan orogeny in Upper Carboniferous-to-
Pliocene between 5 Ma and 2 Ma. Almost all prov- Permian times.
inces of the western flank (Petite Cha~ne de la Sioule, The alkali basalts of the Massif Central contain
Mont Dore, C6zallier and Cantal), those in the south- almost exclusively Mg-rich spinel-lherzolithes and
eastern prolongation of the Limagne graben (Dev~s, spinel-harzburgites which are rich in Mg and Cr,
Velay and Coiron), and the southernmost volcanic while garnet lherzolithes are very rare. During par-
provinces (Escandorgue and Languedoc), were ac- tial melting processes within the mantle, the Cr/
tive at that time. Recent volcanism occurred in the (Cr+A1) and the Mg/(Mg+Fe2 in the restite
Cha~ne des Puys to the northwest and in the Vivarais increase, while at the same time, a gradual deple-
to the southeast. Evidently, there is no systematic tion of basaltic components such as A1, Ca, Fe, and
connection between age of the volcanism and its Ti occurs (Werling, 1992). Nicolas et al. (1987) in-
geographic distribution with relation to the Limagne terpret the orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-spinel clus-
graben system (Werling, 1992). ters in the xenoliths as having crystallized from
With the exception of the lava plateaus, the com- magma pockets which are, themselves, formed on
position of the volcanics varies widely. Jung (1946) the sites of garnets. This melting occurred when the
has defined groups depending on their alkalinity. local geothermal gradient crossed the solidus in the
Brousse (1971) defines fourteen magmatic regions garnet lherzolithe field during asthenospheric up-
on the basis of petrology, space, and time. welling.
Downes and Leyreloup (1986) describe in detail
a systematic study of granulitic xenoliths found in
the Tertiary and Quaternary volcanics of the Massif
Central, which include immature metasediments and
calc-alkaline meta-igneous suites. According to
142 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

Downes and Leyreloup (1986), this indicates the versed the Massif Central between Limoges and
formation of the crust in an island-arc or continen- Aries (Hirn et al., 1973; Sapin and Prodehl, 1973).
tal margin environment. The meta-igneous litholo- Based on these data and confirmed by later investi-
gies of the lower crustal xenoliths in the Massif Cen- gations, the structure of the Hercynian crust of the
tral range from ultramafic pyroxenites and Massif Central outside the graben and volcanic zones
hornblendites, through granulites, to intermediate is rather uniform and is very similar to the crust of
and silicic charnockites and form about 60% of the other Hercynian areas in Europe (Prodehl, 1984).
xenolith population, while the remaining lower Two intracrustal reflectors near 10 and 20 km depth
crustal xenoliths are metasedimentary granulites can be recognized in the seismic-refraction data, and
(Downes, 1993). More recent studies by Werling the Moho is a rather flat boundary at about 30 km
(1992) result in a temperature range between 650~ depth (Hirn, 1976). However, due to the neotectonic
and 1210~ The estimated pressures and tempera- events during Tertiary and Quaternary times lead-
tures of equilibrated xenoliths of the various volca- ing to taphrogenesis and volcanic activity, the origi-
nic provinces of differing ages align well along the nal Hercynian crust of the Massif Central has been
continental "steady state" model geotherm of 85- heavily disrupted in many places.
90 mWm -2 of Chapman (1986). Two of the reversed profiles of 1970 were re-
The primitive mafic-alkaline magmas within the corded along the axis of the Limagne graben (Hirn
European Cenozoic rift system are regarded by Wil- and Perrier, 1974) and along the volcanic zone
son and Downes (1992) as the closest approach to Chaine des Puys - Mont Dore - Cantal (Perrier and
mantle-derived primary magma compositions which Ruegg, 1973). Under the Limagne graben, a strong
were erupted through variably thinned lithosphere reflector within the uppermost crust is seen at 3 km
and which have experienced a complex Phanerozoic depth. The existence of velocity inversions in the
history of deformation and magmatism in both sub- upper crust~which reaches to a depth of 16-19
duction and extensional tectonic settings. Accord- km--were not evident from existing data, but nei-
ing to Nicolas et al. (1987), in the Massif Central ther could they be ruled out. The dominant feature
the asthenospheric upwarp above 70-km-depth ap- of the crust under the Limagne graben was a strong
pears in a number of 10 km diapiric intrusions. reflector at 24 km depth. Hirn and Perrier (1974)
emphasized that there is fair evidence that this dis-
continuity is underlain by a layer with velocity in-
4.A4. Geophysical surveys and results creasing gradually from 7.5 km/s to about 8.4 km/s
4.A4.1. Seismic studies at 40 km depth and that fairly well-developed phases
can be recognized in the data which have evidently
Following various seismic investigations in the traveled below this depth with a velocity greater than
1950s and 1960s (see, e.g., Labrouste, 1970), de- 8.4 km/s. Under the volcanic region west of the
tailed seismic investigations of crustal and upper- Limagne graben, Perrier and Ruegg (1973) found
mantle structure in the southern section of the cen- also a reflector at 23 km depth, on top of a layer
tral European rift system and in the Massif Central having a velocity increasing from about 7.2 to 8.4
of France began in 1970 with modernized equipment km/s at 45 km depth. Further west, a "normal"
and were carried out during various field campaigns Hercynian crust of 30 km thickness is seen. The re-
between 1970 and 1992 (Figs. 4-2 and 4-4). sult of these investigations was summarized by
In 1970 several parallel, mostly north-south trend- Perrier and Ruegg (1973) in a cross section (Fig. 4-
ing, reversed seismic-refraction profiles were re- 5) which was also checked by gravity modeling.
corded parallel to the main tectonic structures of the In 1972 a special survey covered the Bresse and
Massif Central (Fig. 4-2 and 4--4; Hirn, 1976; Hirn Rh6ne graben system (Michel, 1978; Michel et al.,
and Perrier, 1974; Perrier and Ruegg, 1973). In 1971, 1977), which was supplemented in 1976. Contrary
a long-range profile through France from the to the Rh6ne graben, the Bresse graben was traversed
Bretagne to the Mediterranean Sea near Toulon tra- only by several unreversed lines in westerly and
The European Cenozoic rift system 143



o I I i I
!oo 200 300 4o0
10 "1 6,03 5.96 5.96

Moho 7. o


8 . 2



1 Zlkm)

,! 200
I ,

(b) -,o

g (ingot) -..-- cal culated
oltitude Ira)Iooo ~,
0 "~ "1 ~. / ~ . . . . / 7 7 7 / t / / / / / ~ /

10 2.83 2.80

30 9 3.10
I~__~ ~ 3.33 .
,oso. ~ 3 . 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

ao.p, f .~- 3.27


Z(km] 100

Fig. 4-5. (a) Crustal cross section through the Central Massif of France at the latitude of Clermont-Ferrand (from Perrier and
Ruegg, 1973, fig. 63). (b) Gravity model through the Central Massif of France at the latitude of C16rmont-Ferrand (from Perrier and
Ruegg, 1973, fig. 64).
144 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak


Pionsat Montcel Allier St. Geo.rges
i I
L II I i
Riom J,
-- II i -
Iv ontbrison
6.0 6.0 6.0 5.8
5.9 5.8 5.9 5:9

fO- 6.1 6.05 6.0 5.85 6.0 6.1 -10

. . . . . ~ ' ~

6.15 6.15 6.05 6.0 6.1 6.2

6.2 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.2

E 20- -20 E
6.5 6.5 6.7 6.7 6.6 6.7
d:: c-
6.8 6.9 6.9 El.
ra 1::3
30-" -30

6.0 = velocity (kin/s)

40 ! ! ! | I I I' I I i | I I l -40
0 40 80 120
Distance (kin)

Fig. 4-6. Crustal section across the Limagne graben approximately 30 km north of C16rmont-Ferrand (from Landes, 1994)

north-northeasterly directions. Some of these shots Egloff (1979) found depths of 27-29 km, and his
were also used to record unreversed lines into the Moho depth contour map indicates a gradual increase
Swiss Jura (Egloff, 1979). However, the Bresse gra- in crustal thickness from 26 km in the northwest of
ben is the only part of the southern European Ceno- the Swiss Jura mountains to 30 km at their eastern
zoic rift system that was investigated in some detail border. Based on the ECORS profile through the Jura
by the ECORS programme. In 1987 a detailed seis- Mountains and Bresse basin (Bergerat et al., 1990;
mic-reflection line was recorded from the western Bois et al., 1991; Truffert et al., 1990), the Moho
Alps through the Jura and Bresse grabens to the east- rises from 29 km depth beneath the Jura border to
em edge of the Massif Central near Tournus (Fig. 27 km at the edge of the Massif Central. The highly
4-2; Bergerat et al., 1990; Bois et al., 1991). asymmetric sedimentary fill of the Bresse graben is
In general, the axis of minimum crustal thickness underlain by a rather transparent upper crust with
follows approximately the direction of the northern some easterly dipping reflectors. From the Massif
Bresse and, north of the city of D61e, seems to bend Central to the center of the sedimentary basin, the
to the northwest. For profiles running from the north- thickness of the crystalline upper crust is reduced
ern Rh6ne graben into the Swiss Jura mountains,
The European Cenozoic rift system 145

Fig. 4-7. Moho map for the area of the Massif Central (from Bauer, in prep., 1995)

from 17.5 to 13 km. The top of the 10 km thick lami- middle crust is revealed, while to the east, the Moho
nated lower crust parallels the Moho, but is rather dips rapidly towards the Alps and reflections from
difficult to define in detail (Bergerat et al., 1990). intermediate boundary zones cannot be correlated
In the southern Rh6ne Valley and on its flanks, in in the data. The velocity of the uppermost mantle
the C6vennes to the west, and in the Alps to the east, immediately beneath the Moho is 8.1-8.2 km/s at
three longitudinal and two transverse profiles have the border of the C6vennes to the southern Rh6ne
been recorded (Fig. 4-2; Michel et al., 1977; Sapin graben, but under the graben area proper, where
and Hirn, 1974; Sapin and Prodehl, 1973). Compared crustal thickness is reduced, upper-mantle phases
to the structure of the surrounding Hercynian crust, cannot be correlated. Under the axis of the southern
the velocity-depth structure of the lines within the Rh6ne valley, sediments may reach almost 10 km
graben area show characteristic differences. To the thickness. Thus, the thickness of the crystalline crust
west, under the C6vennes, some fine structure of the here is reduced to about 15 km compared to about
146 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

22-23 km thickness for the crystalline crust of the Surprisingly, in spite of the fact that the southern
southern Rhinegraben. This reduction in thickness profile crosses the southernmost tip of the Limagne
is primarily attributed to the upper part of the crust, graben and various young volcanic areas, this line
the "granitic" layer (Sapin and Hirn, 1974). The simi- revealed a rather homogeneous crustal structure.
larity of the thinned crystalline crust of maximum Following a Pg-phase indicating a basement veloc-
15 km thickness, with 10 km and more overlying ity of 6.0 km/s, two well-defined wide-angle reflec-
sediments, is a feature which is also found under tions provide clear evidence of an intermediate
other basins with a very thick sedimentary cover like crustal boundary at about 17-18 km and the Moho
Northern Germany (Prodehl, 1981, 1984, Aichroth at 29-30 km depth. However, in the area of the Velay/
et al., 1992, Reichert, 1993). Dev~s volcanic fields the intermediate crustal reflec-
The joint teleseismic - seismic refraction inves- tions are masked by strong signal-induced noise
tigation of 1991-92 (Granet et al., 1994; Stoll et al., possibly originating from reverberations generated
1994; Zeyen et al., 1994) has led to a new under- within the near-surface volcanic edifices. The Pn-
standing of the geophysical data obtained hitherto. phase on this line was only recorded east-to-west,
The detailed teleseismic and seismic-refraction in- but not reversed. Based on the flat crustal structure
vestigations of 1991-92 in the Massif Central cen- defined by a series of wide-angle PMP reflections,
tered around the Limagne graben, and followed de- the unreversed velocity of 7.9-8.0 km/s is assumed
tailed petrological field studies of xenoliths in the to be a true velocity (Novak, 1993). The fan obser-
young volcanic areas surrounding the southern part vations underneath the Limagne graben to the north
of the Limagne graben described above (Werling, suggest that the Moho rises to about 26 km, but the
1992). sub-Moho velocity remains high (8.0-8.1 km/s),
In late 1992, a special seismic refraction survey while the Moho stays at 29 km depth below the west-
was carried out (Fig. 4--4) in the central part of the em flank of the graben (Zeyen et al., 1994). For the
Massif Central. About 150 mobile seismographs si- northern profile a low, unreversed Pn-velocity of 7.5
multaneously recorded 7 borehole shots along two km/s is interpreted as an apparent velocity and the
WNW-ESE traverses, 70-km-apart, across the south- resulting two-dimensional crustal model provides an
ern Limagne graben (Landes, 1994; Novak, 1993; asymmetric structure. The least depth to Moho of
Zeyen et al., 1994). The 150-km-long northern pro- 26 km is located near the western border of the
file crosses the Limagne graben north of C16rmont- Limagne graben proper (Fig. 4-6). Towards west,
Ferrand and traverses crystalline basement rocks just the crust thickens rather abruptly to 30 km; to the
north of the Chaine des Puys on the west side of the east the increase in depth is more gradual, 28 km
graben, as well as the horst of Forez to the east of depth being obtained under the horst of Forez. Fig-
the graben. Due to unfavorable noise conditions, ure 4-7 shows an updated contour map of the depth
however, stations were not deployed in the graben to Moho for the area of the Massif Central using all
proper. The southern profile of 230 km length is cen- data presently available (Bauer, in prep., 1995). The
tered at the southern termination of the Limagne internal crustal structure under the graben area con-
graben. It crosses the young volcanic fields of the sists of an upper crust with two layers of only slightly
C6zallier in the west and the Velay/Dev~s in the east. varying velocity of about 6.1 and 6.2 km/s, with an
Particular aims of this seismic-refraction survey intermediate boundary at about 12 km depth, and a
were firstly, to study the effect of rifting and volca- lower crust with 6.6-6.8 km/s below 20 km depth
nism on the structure of the Hercynian crust; and (Landes, 1994; Zeyen et al., 1994; H. Zeyen, A. Hirn,
secondly, to obtain absolute velocities, i.e. to cali- M. Landes, and O. Novak, in preparation).
brate the crust and uppermost mantle in an area The analysis of xenoliths had supplied informa-
where teleseismic tomography studies and petrologi- tion on the petrological composition as well as on
cal xenolith investigations had been carried out as the p-T conditions and the petrologically predicted
well. seismic velocities in the source regions of the lower


Fig. 4-8. Tomographic cross section through the Massif Central between Limoges and St. i~tienne traversing Mont Dore and the southern Limagne graben south of
C16rmont-Ferrand (from Granet et al., 1994, fig. 7b)
148 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

lithosphere. In order to study the velocity structure contour map of the Limagne graben and surround-
of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system beneath this ings. Compared to average values of-10 to-20 mgal
volcanic area, a teleseismic network of 80 mobile on the western flank, the Bouguer gravity values in
short-period seismographs was installed to supple- the graben proper average between -30 to -40 mgal,
ment the existing permanent 14-station-network. The but also indicate the existence of various basins. In
aperture of the array was about 300 km in the E-W general the Bouguer gravity decreases from north to
direction, and 270 km in the N-S direction. This joint south between Moulins and C16rmont-Ferrand and
array covered the central part of the Massif Central rises again further south. A minimum of-55 mgal is
and recorded more than 120 teleseismic events over observed near Riom north of C16rmont-Ferrand, near
a period of 7 months (Granet et al., 1994; Stoll et the western edge of the graben.
al., 1994). Inversion of P-wave traveltime residuals Interpreting the long-wave length Bouguer grav-
of teleseismic events recorded by this dense array ity anomalies of the l:l,000,000-scale map of
yielded a detailed tomographic image of the 3-di- France, Autran et al. (1976) define the Vosges-
mensional velocity structure beneath the Massif Auvergne block by a general low Bouguer gravity.
Central to about 180 km depth. The relative veloc- Weber (1980) interprets this block as an area of high
ity variations in lateral direction range in average metamorphism. The greatest negative anomaly oc-
from about +1% to-2.5%, which corresponds to curs south of the Auvergne, with values below -45
velocity variations of about 0.25-0.3 km/s. mgal, which according to Weber is caused by a
The three-dimensional model (Fig. 4-8) displays crustal thickening of the area surrounding the thinned
strong heterogeneities of the lithosphere down to 60 crust of the Limagne and adjacent young volcanic
km depth. Surprisingly, it does not show any evi- chains. Following Hirn and Perrier (1974), the en-
dence of velocity anomalies which could directly be tire Massif Central is under compensated, the mean
associated with taphrogenesis of the Limagne gra- isostatic anomaly being 25 mgal for a depth of com-
ben proper. However, the model suggests a strong pensation of 30 km (Airy).
correlation between volcanic provinces and the lo- After correcting for both the sediments and Moho
cation of negative travel time perturbations. Two effects, the Limagne graben does not appear as an
areas with reduced velocities may be interpreted as outstanding graben feature in the gravity data.
a thermal signal visible today and indicating a Rather, a gravity low o f - 7 0 mgal remains for the
magma ascent during the Oligocene which followed whole region where volcanic activity has occurred
zones of extended lithospheric fracturing inherited (Stoll et al., 1994). As discussed in detail in connec-
from the Hercynian orogeny and reactivated during tion with the teleseismic investigations, the areas of
the Oligocene. The weakest velocity perturbations volcanic activity are strongly related to the areal
are seen between 60 and 100 km depth. The corre- extent of the teleseismic velocity anomalies. Further-
sponding change in the velocity pattern is interpreted more, the Bouguer gravity minimum can be com-
by Granet et al. (1994) as evidence for a smooth tran- pensated directly by the teleseismic low-velocity
sition between lithosphere and asthenosphere, which areas. Stoll et al. (1994) used the 3-dimensional
at the same time defines the thickness of the lithos- tomography model of the Massif Central by Granet
phere. Below 100 km depth an extended zone of re- et al. (1994) discussed elsewhere in this paper to
duced velocities covers a large area in depth and constrain a 3-dimensional density model using a lin-
width. The authors interpret this result as evidence ear velocity/density relation for solid rocks. They
for a plume-type structure now in its cooling phase. then calculated the 3-D Bouguer gravity of this
model with an interactive computer program to
4.A4.2. Gravity model 3-dimensional density structures. The result
is a remarkable fit indicating that no--or only small
Based on a gravimetric study carried out in 1953 amounts of~partial melt can be expected under the
by the Companie G6n6rale de G6ophysique, Limagne graben area. A more detailed investigation
Morange et al. (1971) have published a Bouguer
The European Cenozoic rift system 149

of anomalous crustal effects on the Bouguer gravity point out that the seismicity shows no clear align-
field is presently being carded out by Bauer (in prep., ment of events between the Rhine and the Bresse
1995). grabens.
The recent seismicity of the Massif Central has
4.A4.3. Magnetic anomalies been monitored in detail since 1960 when a modern
seismic network was installed at the geophysical
The most prominent magnetic features of the aero- observatory of Cl6rmont-Ferrand. Present earth-
magnetic map are related to volcanic structures quake activity is much less than in the Rhinegraben
(Aubert and Perrier, 1971). From a 3-dimensional region and seems to be confined to the Limagne gra-
inversion of aeromagnetic data covering Mont Dore, ben proper. The dominant seismicity is observed west
Bayer and Cuer (1981) deduce the presence of a deep of the graben in the area of the Chaine des Puys,
magnetic source which can be related to an intru- while another cluster of activity is observed at the
sive body in a fractured basement, or to sedimen- southern end of the graben around Brioude (Dorel,
tary formations older than Mont Dore volcanism. oral comm., 1994, Nicolas et al., 1990). Weak seis-
Magnetic anomalies also seem to be associated micity is also observed in the southern Rh6ne val-
with the pre-Hercynian and Hercynian border zones ley (Nicolas et al., 1990).
(Weber, 1980). The main feature of the aeromagnetic
map in the Massif Central is the strong relief asso- 4.A4.5. Stress pattern
ciated with the Paleozoic Sillon Houiller fault zone
between Cl6rmont-Ferrand and Aurillac. According Bl~s et al. (1989) have investigated the different
to Aubert and Perrier (1971) this strong relief can stages of brittle deformation of the Massif Central
be associated with a deep magnetic layer which un- basement and the surrounding sedimentary cover
derlies all the local anomalies connected with the from the end of the Hercynian orogeny to the end of
volcanic structures. North of the Vichy and Moulins the Tertiary, using structural analysis and particu-
anomalies, the anomalies of the total magnetic field larly microtectonic methods. The prevailing com-
computed for a height of 13 km indicate that the pressional tectonic regime of the Stephanian was
Massif Central extends to the northeast as far as the followed by a series of extensional periods at Per-
south of Alsace (Aubert and Perrier, 1971). Com- mian-Triassic, Early and Middle Jurassic, and Late
paring gravity and magnetic maps, Aubert and Jurassic to Cretaceous times. Normal faults which
Perrier (1971) point out apparent large structural formed during these extensional periods have
anomalies in which the difference in values east and strongly influenced the distribution of emerging con-
west of the Sillon Houiller fault zone, together with tinental areas and sedimentary basins.
some amphibolite-rich areas, are the most promi- From 75 Ma (Campanian) to the Present, the dis-
nent features. tribution of stresses was controlled by the conver-
gence of Africa and Europe. Bl~s et al. (1989) dis-
4.A4.4. Seismicity tinguish several tectonic episodes in the Massif Cen-
tral. N-S compression dominated during the Eocene.
France is in a marginal position in relation to the In the Late-Eocene-Oligocene, general E-W exten-
principal peri-Mediterranean seismic zones, but has sion was responsible for graben genesis in mainly
nevertheless experienced several destructive earth- N-S strike directions synchronous with the forma-
quakes and many significant shocks. However, the tion of the Rhinegraben, and particularly in the cen-
main seismic activity is concentrated near the fron- ter of the Massif and at its eastern and southeastern
tiers, i.e. part of the Pyrenees, Alps and the Rhine borders (Mtiller et al., 1992). Finally, during the
sensu lato, while for the Massif Central region only Alpine orogeny and during the evolution of the Jura
little activity is shown in the seismicity maps thrust belt at the end of the Miocene, compression
(Fourniguet et al., 1981). Fourniguet et al. (1981) varying from NW-SE to E-W prevailed in the north-
ern and southern parts of the Massif.
150 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

The deformation of Neogene and Quaternary de- related to a mantle diapir ascending beneath the
posits in the Rh6ne valley proves that the Middle to Massif Central since the Oligocene, a result which
Upper Miocene molasse of the east side of the Rh6ne is in good agreement with the results and interpreta-
valley was affected by E-W compression, but that tion of recent teleseismic studies (Granet et al., 1994,
Pliocene sands and clays show only small normal Stoll et al., 1994). Lucazeau et al. (1984) describe a
faults caused by E-W to NE-SW extension (Bl~s kinematic model for a thermal diapir in the mantle
and Gros, 1991). which has a width of 40 km, starting at a depth of
Analysis of faults in post-Late Miocene basalt 150 km and ascending with a velocity of 1 cm per
flows indicates a normal faulting stress regime with year. For this diapir they assume the following sce-
an S ~ orientation of N78~ and vertical offsets of nario: Before the Oligocene, the lithosphere was
Quaternary basalt flows along N-NNW trending stable, as at present in Brittany. During the Oligocene
faults and ongoing seismicity are signs of some de- (30 Ma) stretching of the lithosphere initiates a dia-
gree of continuing subsidence (Mtiller et al., 1992). piric process. From the Miocene (20 Ma) to the
Available focal mechanism data (Nicolas et al., Pliocene (5 Ma), the mantle diapir progressively
1990), hydraulic fracturing measurements (Cornet rises. At the same time, widespread volcanism de-
and Burlet, 1992) and over-coring data indicate a velops. When the diapir reaches the Moho, the less
combination of normal and strike-slip faulting dense and more rigid crust stops the ascent and
(Mfiller et al., 1992). causes a lateral extension of the diapir at Moho
depth. The resulting pressure at the base of the crust
4.A4.6. Heat flow is supposed to be responsible for the crustal dom-
ing. According to the teleseismic model of Granet
The heat flow map of France (Vasseur, 1982) et al. (1994), some component of partial melting
shows a broad maximum (100-110 mWm -2) of el- must be assumed in order to explain all features of
evated heat flow along the European Cenozoic rift the topography, gravity, teleseismic data, and the
system. One high of 110 mWm -2 runs along the geothermal observations.
Bresse graben through northeastern France and may Consequently, according to Lucazeau et al.
continue into the Landau area of the Rhinegraben. (1984), the origin of the high heat flow values in the
Another high of ~ 110 mWm -2 is indicated in the area Massif Central can be explained by a three-compo-
of the southern Rh6ne valley. nent model: (1) The crust of Hercynian type explains
The most prominent 110 mWm -2 anomaly on the a high crustal component of 50-60 mWm -2 due to
map, however, is observed above the Massif Cen- radioactive heat production.(2) Recent Cenozoic
tral proper and is of much larger extent. Compared activity of the lithosphere is accompanied by the rise
to a continental average of 64 mWm -2, this anomaly of a mantle diapir as described above, resulting in a
with an average heat flow ~ 105 + 13 mWm -2 is eas- heat-flow component of 25-30 mWm -2. (3) The re-
ily comparable with other tectonic active regions like maining part of the heat flow of 35 mWm -2 is slightly
the Basin and Range province (Lucazeau and Bayer, higher than the heat flow of a typical cratonic mantle
1982) and is discussed in detail by Lucazeau and (26-28 mWm-2), and may be related to a residual
Bayer (1982) and Lucazeau et al. (1984). The au- thermal effect associated with the Hercynian orog-
thors conclude that the radioactive components of eny (300 Ma) and/or to different estimations of
the crust and the mantle cannot account for the en- paleoclimatic effects (Lucazeau et al. (1984).
tire surface anomaly. By removing the integrated
radioactive contribution from the surface heat flow, 4.A4.7. Geodetic data
Lucazeau et al. (1984) obtain a residual anomaly with
an amplitude of 25-30 mWm -2 involving a smaller Fourniguet et al. (1981) reviewed the available
area close to the Cenozoic Limagne graben and the data and hypotheses and compiled a tectonic map
adjacent volcanic area. The authors interpret this which, in addition to the seismotectonic field, takes
mantle heat flow anomaly as a transient component into account age and structures of ancient massifs,
The European Cenozoic rift system 151

and the basement geology of sedimentary basins. The whose thickness decreases from --18 km under the
map emphasizes fracturing by indicating the age and edge of the Massif Central in the west to 13 km un-
direction for the main movement whenever possible. der the basin center. A similar asymmetry is also
For parts of France, the neotectonic data were com- shown in the contour map of basement depths of the
pleted by comparative studies of the NGF 1885-1895 Limagne graben which Morange et al. (1971) com-
leveling and the IGN 1963-1969 first-order network piled from borehole data, shallow seismic-reflection
elevations. The map shows that the Tertiary troughs results, and a Bouguer gravity map (using an aver-
(Rhinegraben, Bresse, Limagne) are subsiding al- age density of 2.3 g/cm3). Depths to basement are
though they are not considered to be very active generally shallow and do not exceed 2.5 km. The
zones. thickness of the upper crust here is about 16-19 km
(Hirn and Perrier, 1974), and the authors point out
that velocity reductions may only be minor if they
4.A5. Structure and interpretation exist at all.
4.A5.1. Introduction The sedimentary basin of the southern Rhfne
Valley seems to differ from the other graben sec-
As mentioned above, interpretation of the recently tions. In the center of the Rh6ne depression, the cross
obtained seismic-refraction and teleseismic data has sections of Sapin and Hirn (1974) show sedimen-
not yet been fully completed, and therefore summa- tary layers with up to 10 km thickness. Thicknesses
rizing publications are still in preparation (e.g., H. and mean velocities of the sedimentary sequences
Zeyen, A. Him, M. Landes, and O. Novak, in prepa- were taken from stratigraphic indications in bore-
ration; G. Stoll, in preparation). Therefore it does holes, deep seismic logging, geophysical prospect-
not seem appropriate to construct a transect for the ing results, and Pg-arrival delays. Sapin and Hirn
southern part of the European Cenozoic rift system (1974) point out that the basement of the southern
on the basis of the presently available published and Rh6ne Valley is much more depressed relative to its
unpublished results. However, except for some mi- flanks than for the Limagne and the Rhinegrabens.
nor details in the region of the southern Limagne The underlying upper crystalline crustal layer with
graben, the older Moho contour map compiled by velocities varying regionally between 6.07 and 6.12
Prodehl et al. (1992; Fig. 4-29) probably will not be km/s was identified in the western part of the south-
changed very much compared with the new Moho ern Rhfne Valley. Its thickness ranges from 8 km
map being compiled by Bauer (Fig. 4-7; Bauer, in near the graben axis, where it is overlain by 8-10
prep., 1995). km sediments, to more than 20 km under the adja-
cent Massif Central.
4.A5.2. Near-surface rift structures
4.A5.3. Deep crust
For the graben areas many borehole data are avail-
able which have been used to compile thickness con- Various Moho maps, published for different parts
tour maps for various paleogeographic times (Boigk of the European Cenozoic rift system and adjacent
and Sch6neich, 1974). For the Bresse graben, de- areas (Edel et al., 1975, Egloff, 1979, Hirn, 1976,
scriptions accompanying the corresponding geologi- Zeis, 1988, Zeis et al., 1990), have been merged into
cal maps of France (e.g., 1:50,000-scale quadrangles a joint Moho depth contour map (Prodehl et al., 1992,
for Lons-Le-Saunier and for Ch~lon-sur-Sa6ne) give Fig. 3, reproduced below as Fig. 4-29). For the
many details on boreholes (for references see also southern Rhfne Valley and the Rhinegraben, crustal
Boigk and SchOneich, 1974). The ECORS line thinning of about 20% is seen in comparison to the
through the Bresse graben (Bois et al., 1991, Fig. 4) surrounding areas (Edel et al., 1975, Hirn, 1976),
demonstrates the strong asymmetry of the graben fill, while the new data indicate less thinning for the
which reaches maximum values of about 5 km and Limagne graben (<15%) and no thinning at all for
shows a rather transparent crystalline upper crust the Chaine des Puys. For the northern Rh6ne and
152 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

Bresse graben system, the seismic data indicate a pears in between. Another interesting feature is the
reduction in crustal thickness of only 10% in com- low-velocity subcrustal lithosphere which appears
parison with the structure beneath the flanking pla- as an inversion only where "normal" upper mantle
teau de Langres in the west and the Swiss Jura Moun- material is present. According to Perrier and Ruegg
tains in the east (Michel, 1978). The crustal thick- (1973), a high velocity layer of 8.4 km/s rises to
ness shown in this map for the Limagne graben and depths of less than 50 km under the Limagne gra-
its surroundings has been confirmed by new data ben, and resembles the high velocities found by
obtained in 1992. Under the central Limagne gra- Ansorge et al. (1979) beneath the Rhinegraben area
ben a decrease in crustal thickness has been identi- at depths below 40 km.
fied by Landes (Landes, 1994; Zeyen et al., 1994). The anomalously low upper-mantle velocities
However, beyond the southern end of the Limagne seen in the earlier investigations are only partly con-
graben, a more rapid increase of crustal thickness to firmed where the Limagne graben proper is clearly
near 30 km has been found (Novak, 1993; Zeyen et expressed as a depression, but only if the observed
al., 1994), as indicated in the new Moho contour map apparent velocity of 7.4 km/s on the 1992 northern
for the Massif Central (Fig. 4-7; Bauer, in prep., profile is interpreted as a true velocity~in contrast
1995). Also, the formerly assumed thinning of the to the interpretation by Landes (1994) and Zeyen et
crust west of the volcanic areas of the Chaine des al. (1994). Normal crustal thickness near 30 km and
Puys, Mont Dore, C6zallier and Cantal could not be upper-mantle velocities typical for undisturbed
confirmed by the new data set. Variscan crust are evidently not affected by the
Under the southern Rh6ne valley the depth to young volcanic activity and prevail near the termi-
Moho, normally about 30 km, is partly reduced to nation of the Limagne graben.
24-25 km. Considering the different tectonic devel- Interpretation of the recent teleseismic data re-
opment, it is not surprising that the structure under- veals large velocity differences of almost 3-4% be-
neath the flanks to the west and to the east differs tween undisturbed Hercynian areas and the tectoni-
considerably. Underneath the southern Rh6ne de- cally reactivated areas of the Limagne graben and
pression, the total crustal thickness is reduced to 24- surrounding young volcanic zones (Fig. 4-8). The
25 km and also the intermediate boundary between upper two layers of the teleseismic model down to
upper and lower crust rises towards the center of the 60 km depth show two low-velocity zones beneath
valley, overlain by a sedimentary cover nearly 10- the main volcanic complexes. In contrast, between
km-thick. The Moho dips gently from the Rh6ne 60 and 180 km depth, the entire south central part of
valley to the west to about 30 km depth under the the Massif Central is underlain by an approximately
Massif Central and more rapidly to the east towards -3% broad low-velocity structure which is inter-
the Alps (Hirn, 1976; Sapin and Hirn, 1974). preted by Granet et al. (1994) as a plume-type struc-
ture in a cooling stage. According to Granet et al.
4.A5.4. Upper mantle (1994), the thickness of the lithosphere is limited to
about 70-80 km. This is consistent with the lithos-
Perrier and Ruegg (1973) have summarized their pheric thickness proposed by Babuska and
results in an east-west cross section (Fig. 4-5). "Nor- Plomerova (1992). The position of the anomalous
mal" uppermost mantle immediately beneath the low-velocity regions in the lower lithosphere beneath
Moho, with velocities ~8 km/s, is present in the west the volcanic areas is supported by the Bouguer grav-
under the Limousin and Millevaches areas as well ity data. Stoll et al. (1994) compare the seismic
as east of the Bassin du Forez, but evidently disap-

Fig. 4-9. Map of central Europe with simplified geology and location of recent seismic surveys. Base map from Aichroth et al.
(1992). Key: EGT = European Geotraverse refraction line (x = shotpoints E to K), 1A ... 9S = DEKORP seismic-reflection lines.
Other seismic-reflection lines: S = Black Forest, U = Urach geothermal area, KTB = German continental deep drillhole
(Kontinentale Tief-Bohrung). Geographic areas: El = Eifel, HU = Hunsrfick, KR = Kraichgau, LG = Leine graben, OD = Odenwald,
PF = Pf~ilzerwald, RH = Rh6n, SP = Spessart, TA = Taunus, VO = Vogelsberg, WE = Westerwald.
The European Cenozoic rift system 153
154 c. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak
The European Cenozoic rift system 155

tomography image directly with the observed The general strike of the fold axes and the intru-
Bouguer gravity anomalies;and conclude that no or sive masses follows a northeasterly (Hercynian) di-
only a small amount of partial melt in the mantle rection oblique to the axis of the Rhinegraben. In
beneath the Limagne graben and its surroundings is the north, near Frankfurt, the visible Rhinegraben
needed to match the amplitudes of the Bouguer structure is truncated by the Hunsrtick-Taunus fault
anomaly field with the modeled velocity variations. zone, active since Paleozoic times, while in the
south, near Basel, the graben proper is offset by an
east-west trending fault associated with a canyon-
4.B. The Rhinegraben like trough filled with Upper Paleozoic sediments.
4.B3. Geologic information Parallel to and accompanying the young north-north-
easterly oriented border faults of the graben, there
4.B3.1~ Introduction are zones of blasto-mylonites, granitic dikes, fissure
intrusions and shear zones. Most of these lineaments
The most conspicuous segment of the European have been subjected to left-lateral strike-slip move-
Cenozoic rift system is the Rhinegraben in south- ments. According to Edel and Fluck (1989), the
western Germany (Fig. 4-1 and 4-9) which extends present picture of the Rhenish Shield basement, seen
from Basel in northwestern Switzerland to Frank- in outcrops and boreholes in the Rhinegraben area,
furt. The axis of the Rhinegraben is roughly oriented is mainly the result of late Visean-early Namurian
in a north-northeasterly direction. The length of the structural features and is represented by a linear ar-
graben between Basel and Frankfurt amounts to ap- rangement of magmatic bodies and the distribution
proximately 310 km, while its width averages 36 km. of strike-slip and thrust faults.
In its southern part, the Rhinegraben is bordered by Since Upper Permian time, the cratonic basement
the Vosges mountains in the west and by the Black has remained stable, but underwent uniform
Forest in the east. The rift flanks are less elevated in epeirogenic subsidence with subsequent sedimentary
the central part (Saverne and Kraichgau regions), depositions. Based on published seismic data, Edel
whereas to the north (the Pfiilzerwald in the west (1975) has compiled a depth contour map of the
and the Odenwald in the east) they again form higher Hercynian basement for the southern Rhinegraben.
shoulders (Fig. 4-10a). The distribution of Triassic and Lower Jurassic strata
indicates a maximum thickness of about 1.5 km for
4.B3.2. Sedimentary record the entire Mesozoic cover (Fig. 4-10b), but does not
The upper crust of the modern-day Rhinegraben show any relation to the future graben structure. The
area is composed of three different units" the Mesozoic sedimentary units encompass all series
Hercynian (Variscan) basement, the superimposed ranging from Upper Permian to Jurassic. This for-
Mesozoic cover, and the Cenozoic sedimentary fill mation is not folded, but shows signs of intensive
at the top. The Hercynian basement is exposed by dislocations by vertical movements, flexures, and
erosion in the Vosges mountains, the Black Forest, faulting. Boigk and SchOneich (1970) have compiled
the Odenwald, and parts of the Pfiilzerwald. It con- contour maps of distribution and thickness of the
sists of Precambrian gneisses, folded Paleozoic sedi- various Mesozoic layers for the Rhinegraben area
ments, and granites as well as volcanic rocks mostly and a subsequent publication by the same authors
of Carboniferous age. Locally, parts of the Lower (Boigk and SchOneich, 1974) extends these paleo-
Permian are folded.

Fig. 4-10. (a) Thickness distribution of sedimentary fill of the Rhinegraben and contours of simultaneous flank uplift (from Illies,
1974b, Fig. 1). (b) Cross section of the Rhinegraben showing its sedimentary fill (from lilies, 1974b, fig. 2). Stratigraphic key: 1 =
Lymnaea marls, 2 = Pechelbronn beds, 3 = Grey beds, 4 = Niederroedem beds, 5 = Aquitanium, 6 = Upper Miocene, 7 = Plio-
156 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

geographic contour maps from the Rhinegraben of the graben continued to subside and Pliocene-
through the Bresse-Rhfne graben areas to the Medi- Pleistocene deposits here reach thicknesses up to
terranean Sea. 1000 m (Ziegler, 1992). In total, since Eocene times
The uppermost layer is the filled sedimentary the graben has been filled with nearly 19,000 km 3 of
trough of the Rhinegraben which comprises a tem- sediments (Roll, 1979). Most of these sediments have
poral sequence spanning the period from Middle been derived from the denudation of the graben
Eocene to Quaternary. For the southern part of the flanks the volume of which has been estimated by
graben, Doebl (1970) has published detailed isopach Roll to amount to-,27,000 km 3.
maps and an isobath contour map of the base of the
Tertiary. The isobath map was subsequently redrawn 4.B3.3. Igneous activity
for the entire Rhinegraben (Doebl and Olbrecht,
1974). Development of the trough started with ir- Rift valley volcanism started in the Rhinegraben
regular flat depressions in Lower to Middle Eocene area as early as 80 Ma with pipes, dikes, necks,
time. Initial syn-rift deposits consist of lacustrine diatremes, and occasional flows, which lasted until
shales and carbonatites and fringing clastics, fol- 13 Ma (Fig. 4-2). The volcanics erupted almost ex-
lowed by an evaporitic sequence (Ziegler, 1992). clusively along faults in the highlands bordering the
Stronger depressions followed in the Upper Eocene, graben area. With the exception of the Kaiserstuhl
particularly in the south. During latest Eocene and which lies on the intersection of the north-south-
early Oligocene, marine incursions reached the striking main fault and the northeast-southwest-strik-
Rhinegraben from the West Alpine foreland basin ing Bonndorf graben fault system, the main graben
(e.g. Sittler, 1969; Doebl and Teichmtiller, 1979). fault is free of volcanics (Lippolt et al., 1974). The
During the Tertiary the area of greatest depres- Miocene Kaiserstuhl complex is the only area with
sion migrated gradually northward to the area around shallow-level fractionation of the graben-related
Mannheim (Figs. 4-10b and 4-11). After a break in volcanism (Keller, 1990). To the east, southeast of
Miocene times, the deepening process continued and Stuttgart (Fig. 4-2), the so-called Swabian volcano
is probably still active today. During the Oligocene, (Geyer and Gwinner, 1968, M/iussnest, 1974a) has
rifting reached the Rhenish Massif. This led to the perforated the Mesozoic cover with more than 300
development of a narrow sea-way linking the Alpine volcanic conduits between 16-11 Ma, while numer-
foreland basin with the Northwest European basin ous eruptions of the Hegau, west of Lake Constance
via the Rhine and Leine grabens (Vinken, 1988). (Fig. 4-2), covered the time period between 15 and
These marine connections remained intermittently 7 Ma and produced some highly visible, but deeply
open until the late Oligocene when brackish condi- eroded, volcanic edifices (Geyer and Gwinner, 1968,
tions were established in the Rhinegraben. Uplift of Schreiner, 1984). The nearest major volcanic erup-
the southern Rhinegraben-Vosges-Black Forest dome tions to the north start again in the Vogelsberg which
started during the late middle Miocene (Laubscher, is already part of the Hessen depression (to be de-
1987). At about this time, the southern parts of the scribed in the next section). The Tertiary volcanism
Rhinegraben ceased to subside (Villemin and of the Rhinegraben area is dominated by highly un-
Coletta, 1990). In contrast, the northern parts of the dersaturated primitive magmas of the alkali-basal-
Rhinegraben continued to subside during the Mi- tic series. Olivine-melilitites and olivine-nephelinites
ocene, resulting in a deposition of up to 1500 m of are primary compositions. They likely originated at
mainly shales and sands (Illies, 1974a, Sittler, 1969, ~ 100 km depth in a garnet-lherzolite mantle. Degrees
von Eller and Sittler, 1974, Roll, 1979). During the of partial melting are very low. According to
Pliocene and Pleistocene, further uplift of the Vosges geochemical and isotopic criteria, asthenospheric
and the Black Forest flanks was paralleled by slow mantle is the most likely source of these magmas
intermittent subsidence of the southern Rhinegraben, (Keller, 1990). Between 16 and 8 Ma melilite-
resulting in a relatively thin cover of the Oligocene ankaratrite and phonolites predominate in the
sediments by Quaternary gravels. The northern parts Kaiserstuhl and Hegau (Lippolt et al., 1974).
The European Cenozoic rift system 157

I moinly~
dip.slip HGZinocfive Lote Ouoternory
ond Recent
e , ~o, o, _~\.\\ .---~ , II v.

direction ~ m , , ~ $wobionJuro
of rninimurnl~" , m v~l" strike ~slipzone
compressive stress U~'6~
moin/y_ direction of
strike.slip moximum compressivestress

$tort of LRG .~ Middle Iertiory
tophrogenesis ..~
35 ~y. ego "" "

9 moincenters
of volcomsm

ond loromide
folds, HGZ Lote Cretoceous
ond LowerTertiory

foue e - - 1 ~ j, "//
[/[~ pressureoxis of
J ] / _ tl:slyloMes

ueo # ~')
slorl of tophrogenesis
~-~Snzy ago t.Ahorner Ig?l

Fig. 4-11. Rotating stress field and the tectonic evolution of the Rhinegraben system showing stress field at 40 Ma, 20 Ma, and
Recent (from Illies, 1974c, fig. 2).
158 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

f I

+ I
I,~ -t

I ~
I Id,
d,i ~'
Na I




t , , ,O, 50., km

7" 8 ~ 9*

Fig. 4-12. Location map of seismic-refraction profiles in the central and southern Rhinegraben before 1987 (extended from Edel et
al., 1975, fig. 1).

4.B3.4. Xenolith studies hornblendites (Sachs, 1988). A model crustal pro-

file has been proposed by Mengel et al. (1991) based
Crustal xenoliths were found in the Urach and on calculated or measured P-wave velocities of xe-
Hegau volcanic areas, but not in the Rhinegraben noliths and depth-Vp relationships, and has been
proper. They include medium-to-high-grade superimposed on a seismic cross section along the
metasedimentary and felsic-to-mafic meta-igneous European Geotraverse (Franke et al., 1990b, Prodehl
rocks. Also present are pyroxenites and and Aichroth, 1992). The resulting crustal model
The European Cenozoic rift system 159

Fig. 4-13. Map of the central and southern Rhinegraben showing velocity-depth distributions for the corresponding profiles (for
location see Fig. 4-12). The velocity-depth functions are representative for the area in which they have been plotted (from Edel et
al., 1975, fig. 15).

beneath the Hegau and Urach areas consists largely 4.B4. Geophysical surveys and results
of metasediments with subordinate felsic meta-ig-
neous rocks. As most of the metasedimentary 4.B4.1. Seismic studies
samples seem to be depleted in felsic components,
The first evidence for an anomalously thin crust
the authors suggest intracrustal differentiation by
beneath the southern Rhinegraben was indicated by
partial melting. The mafic and ultramafic xenoliths
Roth6 and Peterschmitt (1950) by analysis of seis-
of both areas differ in their mineralogy and chemi-
mic records from large explosions near Haslach in
cal composition from the samples found in the
the central Black Forest. However, a systematic geo-
Rhenish Massif area and thus seem to reflect a con-
physical investigation of the Rhinegraben rift sys-
trasting style of crustal evolution. Glahn et al. (1992)
tem was not started until 1965 when an international
discuss in detail the petrological composition of crust
program was initiated (Roth6 and Sauer, 1967).
and upper mantle of the Urach area in a joint inter-
Synoptic interpretations of all available seismic-
pretation of their teleseismic and xenolith investi-
refraction measurements up to 1972 were based pri-
marily on quarry blast recordings supplemented by
deep crustal reflection observations (Schulz, 1957;
160 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

Fig. 4-14. Seismic-reflection line drawing of the ECORS/DEKORP-S line (from Brunet al., 1991). For location, see 9S in Figure

Demnati and Dohr, 1965; Dohr, 1967, 1970), and above-mentioned asymmetry and would place the
led to the following results (Ansorge et al., 1970; hypocenters close to the "roof" of the crustal low-
Meissner et al., 1970; Mueller, 1970; Mueller et al., velocity zone.
1969, 1973): (6) Prominent echoes arriving at about 7.0 to 9.5
(1) A low-velocity zone was found in the upper seconds two-way traveltime (TWT) were identified
part of the crust under the western flank of the in crustal reflection work, providing evidence for a
Rhinegraben which widens considerably as the cen- lamellar structure in the depth interval between about
ter of the graben is approached. 18-20 and 25 km, i.e. within the lower crust imme-
(2) The presence of an intermediate high-veloc- diately below the crustal low-velocity zone.
ity layer (also termed "cushion") was postulated in After this exploratory phase, the first specially
the depth range of the crust-mantle transition whose designed seismic-refraction experiment was per-
dimensions, however, could not be delineated with formed in the southern part of the Rhinegraben in
data available at that time. 1972 (Rhinegraben Research Group, 1974; Edel et
(3) The width of the Rhinegraben rift system, i.e. al., 1975; Prodehl et al., 1976).
of the "modified" lithospheric structure beneath the The most important explosion source for the 1972
rift, was estimated to be about 200 km. In compari- seismic-refraction experiment was a shotpoint near
son, the morphological graben which is offset from Steinbrunn (SB) at the southern end of the
the center of the rift system has an average width of Rhinegraben near Basel (Figs. 4-2 and 4-12), where
only 36 km. a series of borehole shots was observed fan-like
(4) The most conspicuous feature of the rift was along various profiles into the Rhinegraben, into its
its asymmetry, both with regard to the sedimentary eastern and western flanks, and along the Franco-
infill of the graben and the crustal structure, indi- Swiss Jura towards the southwest (Egloff, 1979).
cating that the rifting process must have started at In 1984, within the framework of the Deep Con-
the eastern margin of the graben. It seemed as if the tinental Drilling Program (KTB), a second very de-
asymmetry reached to depths of 18 to 20 km. tailed seismic survey was carried out in the Black
(5) The depth of earthquake foci determined by Forest along a north-south line using seismic-refrac-
macro- and microseismic methods did not exceed tion as well as reflection techniques (Fuchs et al.,
12 km beneath the graben proper, while under the 1987; Gajewski and Prodehl, 1987; Gajewski, 1989;
eastern flank of the rift, focal depths of 6 to 8 km Ltischen et al., 1987, 1989).
seemed to prevail. These observations confirmed the
The European Cenozoic rift system 161

Fig. 4-15. Crustal model of the Black Forest and Swiss Jura, derived from a compilation of geophysical data (from Liischen et al.,
1987, 1989). From top to bottom: structural data from a Vibroseis seismic-reflection survey, velocity model, Bouguer gravity
anomaly (small dots) and heat flow (large dots), seismicity distribution (magnitudes between 1 and 5, projected within a strip of +10
km width). The transect of Figure 4-17 crosses this line near Haslach.

In the northern part of the graben area, no mod- the Rhinegraben (see Fig. 4-14; Brun et al., 1991,
ern seismic-refraction surveys have been completed, 1992, Gutscher, 1991, Wenzel et al., 1991). Two
and for all compilations of crustal structure, only short seismic-reflection lines were added in 1990 and
the older quarry blast observations recorded prior to 1991 in the transition from the Black Forest to the
1972 are available (Meissner et al., 1970, 1976b; Dinkelberg block at the southern end of the
Meissner and Vetter, 1974). Rhinegraben, NE of Basel (Echtler et al., 1994).
High-resolution seismic-reflection lines through Using existing data recorded by the permanent
the Rhinegraben were enabled by a cooperative local network stations that were installed around the
project of ECORS and DEKORP. In the fall of 1988, Rhinegraben by the Universities of Karlsruhe in
two ECORS-DEKORP seismic-reflection lines (9S Germany, Strasbourg in France, and Ziirich in Swit-
and 9N in Figs. 4-2 and 4-9) were recorded across zerland, in order to study the seismicity of the gra-
162 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

ben (see section 4.B4.4 - Seismicity), various seis- known as phase PR by Ansorge et al. (1970), phase 1
mic tomography studies have been made by Edel et al. (1975) or phase c by Gajewski and
(Wenderoth, 1978, Raikes and Bonjer, 1983, Koch, Prodehl (1987). Another strong reflected phase, re-
1993a, b). However, because of the small number ferred to as phase Pc by Ansorge et al. (1970), phase
and the wide spacing of the available permanent sta- 2 by Edel et al. (1975) and phase b by Gajewski and
tions, these studies lack the details that have been Prodehl (1985, 1987), is also observed on many pro-
achieved by the specially arranged teleseismic sur- files. It is identified as a wide-angle reflection from
veys using portable equipment described in the fol- the top of the lower crust or, in the classical termi-
lowing paragraphs. nology, from the top of the Conrad discontinuity,
Within the graben proper, the location of the which beneath the Black Forest and the S wabian
ECORS-DEKORP line coincides with the location Volcano, coincides with the bottom of a mid-crustal
of a teleseismic cross section through the southern low-velocity zone. The relative amplitudes of both
Rhinegraben area (Fig. 4-9) which was installed in phases vary systematically. In profiles crossing the
1988 and 1989. The array consisted of a dense net- flanks of the Rhinegraben or located entirely out-
work of short-period stations that covered essentially side the graben, the PraP reflection (phase 2) shows
two parallel lines of about 200 km length across the the strongest amplitudes and the intermediate reflec-
southern Rhinegraben between Strasbourg and the tion (phase 1) is less well developed. Within the gra-
Kaiserstuhl volcano (Glahn and Granet, 1992, Glahn ben, phase 2 is dominant and phase 1 is either hid-
et al., 1993). A depth range of about 100 km was den by the coda of the high-amplitude phase 2 or is
achieved. too weak to be recognized. As a consequence, in the
The area of the Swabian Volcano to the east of resulting crustal models (Fig. 4-13), the Moho ap-
the Rhinegraben was traversed by several seismic pears either as a first-order discontinuity (strong
surveys, most of which, however, did not reach into phase 1 = PMP) beneath the flanks, or as a broad tran-
the Rhinegraben proper. In 1978, the Urach geother- sition zone (dominant phase 2) beneath the graben
mal area was the goal of a multidisciplinary research proper.
effort (Hiinel, 1982) which also comprised detailed The most detailed and accurate crustal model per-
seismic reflection (Bartelsen et al., 1982), refraction tains to the eastern flank of the southern graben,
(Jentsch et al, 1982, Gajewski and Prodehl, 1985) underneath the Black Forest (Fig. 4-15), based on
and teleseismic (Glahn et al., 1992) investigations. the combined seismic reflection and refraction sur-
The detailed Black Forest investigation of 1984 vey carried out as pre-site surveys for possible KTB
(Gajewski and Prodehl, 1987) also comprised two drilling sites. Combined interpretation of refraction
lines from the Rhinegraben to the east: (1) a NW- and reflection data in the Black Forest has revealed
SE line through the northern Black Forest and an additional feature of the lower crust: a fine struc-
Hohenzollerngraben into the Molasse Basin, and (2) ture showing thin layers of alternating high and low
a SW-NE-line through the southern Black Forest and velocities. The possible existence of such a lamina-
along the Swabian Jura (Gajewski et al., 1987). The tion of the lower crust was proposed earlier by Fuchs
area was further traversed by the European (1970), Meissner (1967, 1973), and Mueller et al.
Geotraverse (Fig. 4-2 and 4-9; Aichroth et al., 1992, (1969, 1973), but could only be proven quantitatively
Prodehl and Aichroth, 1992). Finally, the teleseismic with the aid of detailed amplitude-distance obser-
survey in the Urach geothermal area recorded more vations together with the computational modeling
than 300 teleseismic events (Glahn et al., 1992) of synthetic seismograms using the reflectivity
achieving a depth penetration of about 70 km using method (Deichmann and Ansorge, 1983; Sandmeier
a mobile array of digital short-period stations be- and Wenzel, 1986; Wenzel et al., 1987). In order to
tween 1985 and 1987. model also lateral changes of the properties of the
The most prominent phase seen in the seismic- laminated lower crust, Gajewski and Prodehl (1987)
refraction data is interpreted as PMP, i.e. the wide- applied the ray method, in which, however, some
angle reflection from the crust-mantle boundary, also simplifications had to be introduced.
The European Cenozoic rift system 163

gravity high

v observed gravity . -*"

calculated gravity -~"

Lorraine Basin Vosges Rhine Graben Black Forest Molasse

C) " ~ " ;0 E~) I~ 11~) 1:2I) 1~) 1613 ' '

-2.62 , , ~ , 2.62 2.33
I 2.58

15 2.75

2.97 3.27

do "1 o 2'4o

Fig. 4-16. Gravity model along the ECORS/DEKORP-S line (from Prodehl et al., 1992, fig. 7). For location, see 9S in Figure 4-9.

The recent ECORS-DEKORP-S seismic-reflec- the uplifted Odenwald. At the same time the reflec-
tion profile (Fig. 4-14), crossing the southern tion signature changes, indicating in the west a re-
Rhinegraben (9S in Figs. 4-2 and Fig. 4-9; Brun et duced reflectivity between reflections originating
al., 1991), shows a sharply defined Moho at the base from the mid-crustal and the Moho level as com-
of a layered lower crust, decreasing in depth from pared to a distinctly layered lower crust in the east.
8.5 s two-way traveltime (TWT) under the Black The Moho rises from west to east from 10.5s to 8.7
Forest to 8 s under the Rhinegraben and then pro- s TWT (Wenzel et al., 1991).
gressively descending northwestward to 10 s at the
northwestern end of the profile in Lorraine, to the 4.B4.2. Gravity
west of the Vosges mountains-Pf~ilzerwald. Here, as
well as under the Black Forest, the highly reflective Magnetic and gravimetric data of the Upper
lower crust is well defined with a 3 s TWT mean Rhenish Shield basement in the Vosges, the Upper
thickness which progressively decreases to 2 s TWT Rhine segment of the Rhinegraben, and the Black
and less below the graben, with a somewhat asym- Forest were correlated by Edel and Fluck (1989) with
metric shape. geological observations on outcrops and in bore-
In the northern Rhinegraben (profile DEKORP- holes. The resulting map demonstrates a contrast
ECORS-9N), the thickness of the lower crust de- between a "heavy" and "magnetic" Saxothuringian
creases from 5.5.s TWT in the Saar-Nahe depres- basement, characterized by Paleozoic units metamor-
sion, west of the graben, where a distinct Variscan phosed to varying degrees and intruded by Early
heritage of thrusting, extension, and rhyolitic vol-
canism is evident, to 3.5 s TWT in the east beneath
164 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

Carboniferous basites, and the "lighter" 100 mgal, which could not be compensated by the
Moldanubian, consisting mainly of gneisses and Mesozoic sedimentary graben fill, as evidence of a
granites. deep-seated thermal anomaly beneath the graben.
Bouguer gravity data provide valuable informa- Elevated P,wave velocities in the lowermost crust
tion on the shallow and deep crustal structure par- of 6.7-7.4 km/s (Ltischen et al., 1987, Edel et al.,
ticularly when integrated with data from seismic re- 1975), combined with a high Poisson's ratio of 0.25-
fraction and reflection surveys (Kahle and Werner, 0.28 (Holbrook et al., 1987, 1988) suggest a pre-
1980; Setto and Meissner, 1987; Truffert et al., 1990; dominantly mafic, dense lower crust (2.9-3.0 g/cm3).
Wagener and G0tze, 1989; Gutscher, 1991; Rousset The resulting, moderate density contrast at the crust-
et al., 1993). mantle boundary of 0.3 g/cm 3 provides a good fit
Interpreting the Bouguer gravity map of Germany with the observed Bouguer values in southwestern
compiled by Grosse and Conrad (1990), Grosse et Germany for both 2-D and 3-D gravity calculations.
al. (1990) attributed the Rhinegraben minimum Such a small density contrast contradicts the pres-
largely to the Tertiary sedimentary fill of the graben ence of a large, low-density body as previously sug-
as suggested by the steep gradients. From a detailed gested by Kahle and Werner (1980).
Bouguer anomaly map, which was compiled in the The Lorraine basin gravity minimum is due to a
context of the ECORS-DEKORP project, Rousset local increase in crustal thickness and the presence
and Bayer (1990) constructed a residual anomaly of moderately dense Mesozoic and Late Paleozoic
map by subtracting the effects of the Tertiary gra- sediments. The Saverne-Saarebourg gravity high is
ben fill, the Moho depth variations and the deeper interpreted (based on its short wavelength) as being
mantle anomalies. The resultant map gives a picture caused by upper crustal crystalline units of an inter-
of the crustal density variations. It should be noted mediate to mafic composition (e.g., gneisses, gra-
that in the map of Grosse et al. (1990) additional nodiorites, diorites, and gabbros), which outcrop
positive axes are indicated along both flanks of the locally within the Saxothuringian zone in the
graben. Pfiilzerwald and in the Odenwald (Edel and Fluck,
Figure 4-16 gives an integrated 250 km long pro- 1989). The Rhinegraben minimum can be largely
file which extends from the Lorraine Basin through explained by the 1.0-1.5 km of Tertiary fill overly-
the Rhinegraben to the Molasse Basin south of Lake ing 1 km of Mesozoic pre-rift sediments. However,
Constance, and parallels the ECORS-DEKORP 9S some contribution from lateral compositional het-
reflection line (Fig. 4-9). This profile shows that the erogeneities in the crystalline basement is also re-
Rhinegraben is marked by a gravity low of about- quired, which can be correlated with Variscan gran-
30 mGal which is flanked by relative highs o f - 5 ites outcropping in the northern Black Forest and
mGal in the Vosges and-10 mGal in the Black For- the south-central Vosges.
est. Towards the SE, in the Molasse Basin the Rousset et al. (1993) have computed a similar
Bouguer gravity anomaly drops below -80 mGal. density model along the ECORS-DEKORP-9S line.
The Moho structure was taken from available seis- They emphasize the striking contrast in the upper
mic data. Total crustal thickness is 30 km in the NW crust between the dense and shallow structures of
below the Lorraine Basin, thins rapidly to 25 km Barrandian or Cadomian origin located in the
below the Rhinegraben, and increases progressively Saxothuringian domain (northwestern part of the
towards the SE as the Alps are approached, reach- seismic line in Lorraine) and the abundant low-den-
ing 32 km south of Lake Constance. sity granites in the Moldanubian domain (eastern part
In agreement with Grosse et al. (1990) and of the seismic line in the central Black Forest). Their
Rousset and Bayer (1990), the gravity cross section model also highlights the main seismic results: an
presented in Figure 4-16 does not require a thermal uplift of the Moho from 32 km west of, to 25 km
mantle anomaly as was suggested by earlier investi- beneath, the graben and a thinning and deepening of
gations (Kahle and Werner, 1980). Kahle and Werner the denser lower crust. They attribute the thinning
interpreted a pronounced Bouguer anomaly of about of the crust to the time before Cenozoic rifting be-
The European Cenozoic rift system 165

gan, based on the long-wavelength character of the Karlsruhe, seismic activity is rather moderate.
crustal thinning. In this way, they also explain the Higher levels of activity are monitored in the north-
27-29 km depths under the Moldanubian domain of ern and southern sections as shown in published seis-
southern Germany (e.g., Gajewski and Prodehl, micity maps and in depth-distribution sections across
1985, 1987; Zeis et al., 1990) with a pre-Tertiary the Rhinegraben area and along the axes of the
thinning of the Hercynian crust. Rhinegraben and the Black Forest (Bonjer et al.,
1984, Wilhelm et al., 1989, Koch, 1993a, b).
4.B4.3. Magnetic anomalies Of particular interest is an east-west variation
across the graben area; the number of earthquakes
Edel and Fluck (1989) identified highly magnetic as well as the focal depth increases from west to-
bodies in the northern Vosges as andesites and basalts wards east, as can be noted in depth distribution pro-
(Bruche valley) and micro-diorites and diorites files across the graben (Bonjer et al., 1984, Wilhelm
(Champ du Feu Massif), and they correlate gabbros et al., 1989, Koch, 1993b). This asymmetry in the
and diorites in the Odenwald with a large NE-SW seismicity pattern is particularly clear in the south-
trending magnetic anomaly seen in the aeromagnetic ernmost graben. In general, the greatest depth of
map of Germany north of Mannheim (Eberle, 1973). events is limited to 16 km, but in the Dinkelberg
During many years of elaborate fieldwork, block at the southeastern edge of the Rhinegraben,
M~iussnest (1973, 1974a, b) systematically mapped NE of Basel, and in the adjacent southern Black
basaltic eruptions on the eastern flank of the Forest, particularly deep hypocenters of more than
Rhinegraben, comprising in particular the volcanic 20 km depth have been determined (Bonjer, 1992,
provinces of the Hegau, the Swabian Jura and the Faber et al., 1994). In the Vosges Mountains and the
Kraichgau. During these investigations various ba- graben proper, focal depths of 16 km are not ex-
saltic features hidden under the sedimentary cover ceeded (Bonjer, 1992, Bonjer et al., 1984, 1989,
(dikes, small volcanoes) had been discovered. In the Gelbke, 1978). Also the apparent evidence of seis-
Black Forest and the Kaiserstuhl area similar field- mic gaps of 4-6 km width recognized along the east-
work and their interpretation had been undertaken ern master fault zone has been discussed (Gelbke,
(e.g., Greiner and Sittig, 1971; Hahn and Pucher, 1978, Koch, 1993b).
1982). An exceptionally high level of seismic activity
The transect of Figure 4-17b shows a profile of occurs in the area of the Hohenzollerngraben located
aeromagnetic observations across the Rhinegraben. to the east between the Rhinegraben and the Urach
A "pearl-string" of small magnetic anomalies in volcano. This area has been the site of relatively
southern Germany is correlated by Franke et al. strong earthquakes since 1911, which are aligned in
(1990b) with the Saxothuringian/Moldanubian an almost N-S direction, oblique to the NW-SE
boundary. The cross section makes use of a map of striking graben; the focal mechanisms are of a left-
aeromagnetic anomalies compiled by Eberle (1973) lateral strike-slip mode (Illies, 1982, Schneider,
for western Germany. 1971). The earthquake dislocations of the events af-
ter 1911, with magnitudes of more than 5, have been
4.B4.4. Seismicity estimated to be from 10 to 25 cm (M~lzer, 1988).
The seismicity of the Rhinegraben has been stud-
ied by a network of varying station-density since the 4.B4.5. Stress pattern
mid-1960s and seismicity maps have been prepared From stress tensor determinations and investiga-
spanning various time periods (Bonjer, 1992, Bonjer tions of striated microfaults and calcite twin lamel-
et al., 1984, 1989, Gelbke, 1978, Wilhelm et al., lae analyses, Larroque and Laurent (1988) develop
1989). In comparison with other continental graben a stress field evolution for the southern part of the
systems, the seismicity of the Rhinegraben is low Rhinegraben from the Eocene to the present. Their
and varies considerably with time. In the middle sec- model (Larroque and Laurent, 1988, Fig. 18) shows
tion of the graben, between Strasbourg and a relatively uniform stress field during the Eocene
166 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

with SHmaxapproximately N-S which changes to an 4.B4.6. Heat flow

extensional regime during the Oligocene in the
Rhinegraben and its northern branches. Only areas Heat flow measurements carried out during the
in the southern graben are then still subjected to a KTB pre-site investigations in the Black Forest range
compressional regime which could episodically af- from 70 to 105 mWm -2 (Burkhardt et al., 1989,
fect infilling in the southern part of the graben. Af- Wilhelm et al., 1989) and also indicate that the flanks
ter a period of relative quiescence, a second phase of the Rhinegraben are thermally influenced by the
of extension began in early Miocene. In the Miocene, taphrogenesis. Compared to the mean heat-flow den-
emplacement of the Jura caused a N-S compression sity of 70 to 81 mWm -2 for Germany (H~inel, 1982),
in that sector, and heavy sedimentation during the values measured in the Rhinegraben range from 70
late Oligocene affected only the northern graben. to 140 mWm -2 and indicate the occurrence of sig-
Since the Miocene the regional modern stress field nificant local thermal anomalies within the rift.
is characterized by a NW to NNW direction of the These anomalies have widths smaller than 1 km and
maximum compressive horizontal principal stress their intensity increases with depth (Morgan, 1982).
San~x oriented N140 ~ (Fig. 4-3), and a left-lateral Local groundwater circulation certainly contributes
strike slip faulting regime that was initiated in the significantly to the generation of these anomalies.
Quaternary (Ahorner, 1975, Illies and Greiner, Cermak et al. (1991) have compiled all heat flow
1978). data measured in western Germany. As most of these
Regional compilations of present-day stress indi- values were determined in fairly shallow boreholes
cators in western Europe (Fig. 4-3; MOiler et al., of 50-300 m depth, the authors corrected all values
1992, Fig. 11) have outlined a generally uniform for surface topography and for the effect of long-
maximum compressive horizontal principal stress term paleo-climatic changes. The resulting contour
(Sam~x) orientation of NW-SE direction (Ahorner, map (Cermak et al., 1991, Fig. 2) shows a pro-
1970, 1975, Illies and Greiner, 1979, Mtiller et al., nounced heat-flow anomaly of over 100 mWm -2 for
1992). The data obtained in the Rhinegraben show the Rhinegraben, with an inferred maximum of 120
the same trend. The focal mechanism data in the mWm -2 between Karlsruhe and Baden-Baden, and
Rhinegraben area indicate a mixture of predomi- an average of 80-90 mWm-2 under the Black Forest
nantly strike-slip faulting and normal faulting. All and the Swabian Jura to the east.
have consistent SHmaxdirection of about N150~ in
agreement with the studies of borehole breakouts and 4.B4.7. Geodetic data
hydraulic fracturing in boreholes in the Rhinegraben The map of elevation changes (DGK-Arbeitskreis,
and its vicinity (Becker et al., 1987, MOiler et al., 1979, M~ilzer, 1988, M~ilzer and Zippelt, 1986)
1992, Plenefisch and Bonjer, 1994). shows a maximum uplift in the area of the
Fault plane solutions of more than 30 earthquakes Pf~ilzerwald, underneath the northwestern shoulder
(Bonjer et al., 1984) demonstrate that the seismic of the Rhinegraben (+ 0.5 mm/yr). Under the north-
dislocations take place predominantly as left-lateral ern graben proper and to the east in the Kraichgau
strike slip mechanisms in the southern graben area, region a subsidence is observed which reaches maxi-
whereas normal faulting prevails in the north. In the mum values of-0.8 mm/yr, while the central gra-
northern graben, Bonjer et al. (1984) have observed ben around Karlsruhe is an area of uplift (0.3-0.5
that most of the seismic dislocations occur on fault mm/yr). The northern and central Black Forest seems
segments striking N30~ whereas in the south a to be a relatively stable block, while the southern
strike of N20~ or N60~ (conjugate direction) is Black Forest, south of Badenweiler-Lenzkirch fault
dominant. Furthermore the authors note a clockwise zone, may be slightly tilting towards south with sub-
rotation of the principal stress directions from north sidences up to 0.5 mm/yr. No data are available for
to south by about 40". the southwestern Rhinegraben.
The European Cenozoic rift system 167

A special investigation was carried out in the low resistivity "layer" (a conductance of about 400
Hohenzollerngraben. Here, three geodetic test-nets to 800 S) between 25 and 45 km depths must disap-
were established, and a preliminary result indicates, pear at a distance about 50 km east of the eastern
for some points, significant displacement vectors up Rhinegraben border.
to 4 mm which suggest a relative clockwise rotation A low-resistivity layer between 12 and 15 km
against a stabilized field. Also, significant subsid- depth with a conductance of 650 S has been inferred
ences of 1 mm/yr and greater were observed during by Tezkan (1988; see also Berktold, 1989) from a
a 12 year period which point to recent active verti- combined interpretation of short-period
cal kinematics (Mfilzer, 1988). magnetotellurics and geomagnetic depth sounding
data in the Black Forest. He discusses convincingly
4.B4.8. Electromagnetic studies that this layer cannot continue beneath the
Rhinegraben, but seems to be confined to the Black
Besides seismic methods, electrical resistivity Forest. From a number of 2D-model calculations,
research is a powerful tool to investigate deep crustal
Teufel (1986) concludes that this shallow low-resis-
and upper-mantle structure. In the Rhinegraben elec-
tivity layer should also be limited to a distance about
trical resistivity research started about 20 years ago 50 km eastward of the eastern graben border. This
when electromagnetic methods were still in the early agrees with several intensive electromagnetic stud-
stage of their development. Therefore, some of these ies further to the east of the Black Forest, towards
early results may be questionable due to poor data
(and including) the Urach volcanic area (inactive
quality and/or less sophisticated processing and in-
since 15 Ma), which revealed no pronounced low-
terpretation methods. Nevertheless, the results of all resistivity layer anywhere within the crust (Berktold
studies which are available today agree in their gen-
and Kemmerle, 1982, Richards et al., 1982). There
eral aspects (see, e.g., Wilhelm et al., 1989).
does not yet exist any model calculation which com-
The first magnetotelluric measurement in the
bines Tezkan's and Reitmayr's low-resistivity struc-
Rhinegraben was made by Losecke (1970) at a single tures.
site about 20 km north of Karlsruhe. The inferred
In the surroundings of the proposed Black For-
low-resistivity layer at about 25 km depth, which
est-KTB site, controlled-source LOTEM (Long Off-
was widely recognized in the literature as being typi-
set Transient ElectroMagnetic system) soundings
cal for a rift structure, appeared to be more of an
found an electromagnetically determined anomalous
accidental result. Nevertheless, this result was con-
2-km thick low-resistivity layer in the depth range
firmed by subsequent, more detailed magnetotelluric
between 7 and 11 km, which could not be resolved
profiles across the Rhinegraben (Scheelke, 1972,
by magnetotelluric depth soundings with periods
1974), one of which is coincident with the transect
greater than 10 s (Wilhelm et al., 1989). Wilhelm et
in Figure 4-17 discussed below. The final model of
al. explain such layers of high electrical conductiv-
the electrical resistivity was obtained by modeling
ity by possible horizontal movements of fluids or
the apparent resistivity and the phases of E- and B-
by a relic of overthrusted, graphite-containing meta-
polarizations at periods of 10, 100, and 1000 s at all
sediments which have been found among surface
stations into a 2D-model (Scheelke, 1972, 1974). A rocks.
very similar resistivity model has been inferred from
only electric field measurements (telluric method)
by Haak and Reitmayr, 1974). Winter (1974), using 4.B5. Structure and interpretation
the independent geomagnetic depth sounding method
along Scheelke's profile 1, derived a model compa- 4.B5.1. Introduction
rable to Scheelke's, resulting in a low-resistivity
The more recent and more detailed data that have
layer in the crust between 25 and 45 km. Based on
become available since 1972 comprise in particular
the calculation of geomagnetic depth sounding trans-
the addition of high-resolution, near-vertical, and
fer functions, Reitmayr (1975) concluded that this
wide-angle seismic-reflection data obtained in the
168 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

Rhinegraben area. These data have led to a detailed lower depths, also beneath the Black Forest.
modeling and a new understanding of the crustal and Magnetotelluric data obtained in the Black Forest
upper-mantle structure beneath the Rhinegraben and suggest that near the bottom of the seismic low-ve-
its surrounding flanks. locity zone a thin layer of high conductivity is
The transect of Figure 4-17 summarizes the avail- present at 12-15 km depth (Tezkan, 1988). The con-
able geophysical data. It extends from Lun6ville in ductivity anomaly, the seismic velocity inversion,
northeastern France to Sigmaringen in southwest and any other stronger velocity discontinuity disap-
Germany, crosses the Lorraine basin, the Vosges, the pear further east, and only under the Molasse basin
Rhinegraben about 20 km south of Strasbourg, and is a minor velocity inversion again indicated.
the Black Forest in a WNW-ESE direction. Further Information about the upper-mantle structure is
east, the transect bypasses the geothermal anomaly scarce. From traveltime residuals, Wenderoth (1978)
of Urach to the south, and crosses the Swabian Jura has deduced an intrusion of asthenospheric material
in a southeasterly direction between Rottweil and into the lithosphere under the graben proper, which
Sigmaringen to end in the Molasse Basin near seems to agree with magnetotelluric and geomag-
Saulgau. It should be pointed out that the structures netic depth sounding observations (Scheelke, 1972,
shown in Figure 4-17 have only been observed in 1974; Winter, 1974; Reitmayr, 1975). According to
the central part of the Rhinegraben and that any gen- Reitmayr (1975) the mushroom-like updoming of the
eralization may lead to contradictions with data ob- conductosphere (- asthenosphere) is restricted to the
served further south or north. This is particularly true immediate neighborhood of the graben and is not
for the polarity of main faulting evident in seismic- seen about 50 km to the east of the graben (Fig. 4-
reflection data and for the upper-mantle low-veloc- 17). The high upper-mantle velocities derived from
ity area derived from teleseismic delay time stud- long-offset observations of P-wave data for the area
ies. east of the Rhinegraben (Ansorge et al., 1979, Stangl,
The seismic data from the Rhinegraben area re- 1983), as well as the generalized updoming of the
flect a strong structural asymmetry that is not only lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary deduced from
evident in the sedimentary fill but at all crustal lev- seismic surface and body wave studies (Panza et al.,
els. The transect clearly shows the laterally varying 1980), are also shown in the transect.
asymmetric crustal structure, which is well con- The transect also includes other geophysical data
strained east of the Rhinegraben but less so to the such as Bouguer anomalies, magnetic anomalies,
west. A strong decrease in P-wave velocity is seen heat flow, and recent crustal movements, which were
under the Rhinegraben (ULV) and, shifted to shal- taken from appropriate published maps.

Fig. 4-17. Geophysical transect through the southern Rhinegraben from Lun6ville, northeastern France, to Sigmaringen, southwest-
em Germany. For location, see AA' in Figure 4-9.
SOURCES: Ansorge et al., 1970, 1979; Bonjer et al., 1984; Brunet al., 1991; Deichmann and Ansorge, 1983; Demnati and Dohr,
1965; Dohr, 1970; Edel et al., 1975; Emter, 1976; Gajewski et al., 1987; Gajewski and ProdehL 1985, 1987; Gelbke, 1978; Glahn et
al., 1992; Granet, 1986; Kahle and Wemer, 1980; Lauer and Peterschmitt, 1970; Liebscher, 1964; Mueller et al., 1969, 1973;
MueUer and Peterschmitt, 1981; Panza et al., 1980; Reitmayr, 1975; Scheelke, 1974; Spakman, 1986; Sponheuer, 1969; Stangl,
1983; Tezkan, 1988; Villemin et al., 1986; Wenderoth, 1978; Wemer et al., 1982; Winter, 1974; Zucca, 1984.
EXPLANATIONS: 16-095, BA-010, SB-WI, SB-BB = seismic-refraction lines of 1972 and before (Edel et al., 1975); S, SZ, U, K =
seismic-refraction lines of 1984 (Gajewski et al., 1987); 6.0 = velocities in km/s; *(18) = earthquake hypocenters after Bonjer et al.
(1984, Table 1); LVZ = low-velocity zone with moderate vdocity decrease; ULVZ = LVZ with strong velocity decrease; thick bars =
steep-angle reflections of surveys before 1968; GDR/dotted bars = steep-angle reflections after Dohr (1970); M = Moho; dashed
lines = seismic-refraction boundaries; hatched lines = magnetoteUuric boundaries; vertically hatched stripe = lithosphere-asthenos-
phere boundary from surface and shear wave data (Panza et al., 1980); dotted depth ranges = zones of decreased P-wave velocity
(open circles = 1.0-2.2%, dots = less or equal to 1%) in the uppermost mantle from teleseismic tomography studies (simplified from
Fig. 4-18 after Glahn et al., 1992).
(a) Bouguer anomalies (from Werner et al., 1982). (b) Magnetic anomalies (from Eberle, 1973). (c) Heat flow (H/inel, 1983). (d)
Recent crustal movement (from DGK-Arbeitskreis, 1979). (e) Generalized cross section AA' of the lithosphere comprising seismic-
refraction, seismic-reflection, teleseismic, and magneto-telluric data.
The European Cenozoic rift system 169
170 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

4.B5.2. Near-surface rift structures flanks, both beneath the Vosges Mountains in the
west and the Black Forest in the east (Fig. 4-15),
The asymmetric sedimentary graben fill seen in shows a distinct low-velocity zone from about 8 to
cross sections (e.g., Illies, 1974b; Fig. 4-10), con- 13-15 km depth in which the velocity decreases from
tour maps of individual layers and depth maps to about 5.9-6.0 km/s to less than 5.5 km/s. A velocity
the base of the Tertiary (Boigk and SchOneich, 1970, decrease beneath the graben proper, possibly some-
1974; Doebl, 1970; Doebl and Olbrecht, 1974) and what less pronounced, is very likely, but cannot be
the crystalline basement (Edel, 1975) is well imaged derived from available seismic-refraction data alone
in the modern seismic-reflection data (Brunet al., because of high-noise problems caused by the sedi-
1992; see, e.g., Fig. 4-14). mentary fill of the graben. Therefore Edel et al.
Both seismic-reflection lines through the (1975) have simply assumed an average velocity of
Rhinegraben illustrate the structural asymmetry of 6 km/s throughout the upper crust beneath the sedi-
the Rhinegraben. In the graben and in the Saverne ments (Fig. 4-13), although the presence of consid-
area an apparent 1.5 s thickening of the upper crust erable vertical and horizontal heterogeneities in the
is noted in the reflection section (Brunet al., 1991). upper crust is quite likely. The inclusion of deep-
The surface asymmetry of the southern Rhinegraben reflection observations from within the Rhinegraben
is possibly controlled in the west by a listric master (Demnati and Dohr, 1965; Dohr, 1967, 1970) in a
fault. The main subsidence and axis of the graben, synoptic interpretation required a pronounced low-
as reflected by the thickness of the Tertiary syn-rift velocity zone under the graben proper (Mueller et
sediments, is associated with its western border fault. al., 1969, 1973) comparable to the velocity inver-
The Tertiary sediments thin towards the eastern gra- sion zones found under the flanks of the graben. The
ben margin and are dissected by conjugate normal high-resolution seismic reflection data in the Black
faults in the central parts of the graben, whereas at Forest (Ltischen et al., 1987) show essentially a non-
its eastern margin they are deformed into a gentle reflective upper crust which agrees with the strong
anticline (Brunet al., 1992). velocity inversion derived by Gajewski and Prodehl
For the profile DEKORP-ECORS-N (Fig. 4-9), (1987) from the seismic-refraction data (Fig. 4-15).
Brunet al. (1992) and Wenzel et al. (1991) discuss At a first glance, the velocity inversion seems to be
in detail the change of the polarity of the graben from much stronger than that suggested by the data of Edel
south to north. In contrast to the southern profile et al. (1975). However, when viewing the lateral
DEKORP-ECORS-S, in this northern profile the structural variations, it is noted, that the velocity
graben-bounding master fault is along the eastern inversion underneath the Black Forest gradually dis-
flank of the graben. Here the graben also subsided appears towards south where the line SB-045 inter-
asymmetrically, with the master fault in the east and sects the Black Forest line. On the basis of his three-
without significant tilt of the sedimentary fill. Qua- dimensional plot of hypocenters based on observa-
ternary and Tertiary sediments attain maximum tions of the permanent local Rhinegraben seismic
thickness in the east and thin towards the west. The network, Koch (1993b) concludes that the lateral
Tertiary graben fill reaches a maximum thickness of extent of the low-velocity zone under the Black For-
3400 m near the eastern master fault and decreases est must be limited to the Black Forest area only.
westward stepwise across two east-dipping normal This has also been recognized by Gajewski et al.
faults to about 300 m. The dip of the master fault (1987) from interpretiation of the seismic-refraction
decreases from 55* at shallow depth to 45* at 3000 data east of the Black Forest.
m depth (Brun et al., 1992). The varying structure
seen in the sediments evidently reaches into the base- 4.B5.3. Deep crust
From models based on seismic refraction investi- The depth range below 15 km can be divided into
gations for the upper crystalline crust the following two parts: the middle crust with a mean velocity of
features can be generalized: The upper crust of the 6.3-6.5 km/s and the lower crust with 6.8-7.2 km/s,
The European Cenozoic rift system 171

but these two depth ranges are not always separated Mueller et al., 1973, Edel et al., 1975, Bartelsen et
by a distinct boundary as, e.g., in the model for the al., 1982, Deichmann and Ansorge, 1983, Gajewski
Black Forest (Fig. 4-15). and Prodehl, 1985, 1987, Gajewski et al., 1987,
The apparent "thinning" of the lower crust beneath Ltischen et al., 1987), while it dips rapidly to about
the graben, possibly caused by subcrustal physico- 30 km depth immediately west of the western flank
chemical processes, may be the reason why the crust- of the Rhinegraben (Rhinegraben Research Group,
mantle boundary does not appear as a sharp discon- 1974, Meissner and Vetter, 1974, Edel et al., 1975,
tinuity giving rise to strong near-vertical and wide- Brunet al., 1991, Wenzel et al., 1991).
angle reflections. This is in contrast to the occur- The apparent "thinning" of the lower crust beneath
rence of numerous reflections originating from the the graben was also observed along both seismic-
lamellar structure of the lower crust outside the gra- reflection lines recorded through parts of the south-
ben. Nevertheless, the well-recorded refracted Pn ern Black Forest and the adjacent Dinkelberg block
phase, showing a true velocity of about 8 km/s for at the southern end of the Rhinegraben northeast of
the upper mantle underlying the lower crust of the Basel. These profiles were interpreted by Echtler et
graben, results in the clear definition of the Moho at al. (1992) together with the data of the ECORS-
about 24-25 km depth beneath the southern DEKORP-line 9S. Significant differences in thick-
Rhinegraben (Fig. 4-13; Rhinegraben Research ness of the reflective lower crust and transparent
Group, 1974). This discontinuity dips slightly to- upper crust appear to be related to a differential
wards the north (Zucca, 1984) and reaches a depth crustal evolution. A 12-14 km thick lower crust be-
of 27-28 km south of Frankfurt (Meissner and Vetter, neath the Black Forest is associated with Permo-
1974, Edel et al., 1975), corresponding to an increase Carboniferous re-equilibration of a thickened
from near 8 s TWT in the south to 8.7 s in the north Variscan orogenic crust. A thinning of the lower crust
(Brunet al., 1991, Wenzel et al., 1991). Similar to of about 5 km in the graben and in the Dinkelberg
the attitude of the master fault, the DEKORP- block (a rifted domain in a transitional position be-
ECORS reflection data reveal deep-reaching asym- tween graben and eastern shoulder) corresponds in
metries at all crustal levels. The very detailed seis- its extent to upper-crustal faults and is thus inter-
mic-reflection data clearly show that lateral differ- preted to be related to Cenozoic rifting (Echtler et
ences occur throughout the crust srof the graben as al., 1994).
well, and that these vary considerably in the same Based on the three-component data of the 1984
way as the near-surface polarity of the graben seismic-refraction survey of southwestern Germany
changes along its trace. (Gajewski et al., 1987), a detailed interpretation of
Although the data indicate a 0.5 s step-like offset the S-waves also has been carried out (Holbrook et
of the Moho in the eastern part of the graben, the al., 1987, 1988; Gajewski, 1989; Krammer, 1988).
lack of clear reflections within the lower crust does The resulting values for Poisson's ratio are: 0.25 for
not permit the delineation of a continuous fault from the uppermost crust, as low as 0.15 within the Black
the surface to the top of the mantle (Brunet al., Forest low-velocity zone, and 0.24-0.30 in the lower
1991). As the older and newer data and their inter- crust. It is particularly interesting to note that the
pretations evidently contradict each other, the struc- lamellar structure derived from the P-wave data is
tural features derived from the reflection section in n o t seen in the S-wave data. The results of petro-
Figure 4-14 have not been transferred onto the logical modeling indicate a gneissic/granitic upper
transect of Figure 4-17e, which presents an a v e r - crust (Mueller, 1977), high quartz contents in the
a g e compilation of all available seismic data. mid-crustal low-P-velocity zone, and a granulitic
Across the graben, in the east-west direction, the lower crust of laterally varying bulk composition,
crust-mantle boundary shows an asymmetric behav- from granodioritic/quartz monzodioritic to gabbroic
ior. It dips gently to the east from 24-25 km under (Holbrook et al., 1988). Under the assumption that
the graben to 26 km under the Black Forest and 28 a rather high quartz content of 50% is acceptable
km under the Swabian Jura (Ansorge et al., 1970, for the lower crust, Sandmeier and Wenzel (1990)
172 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

Fig. 4-18. Teleseismic cross section showing smoothed velocity perturbations (in %) of a sediment-corrected model derived from a
3-D inversion (from Glahn et al., 1993, fig. 9a). For location, see AA' in Figure 4-9.

propose a slightly different, purely compositional conditions would definitely permit a detection of
model for alternating high- and low-velocity lower such a phase if it were present with comparable en-
crustal rock sequences to explain the complex ergy. On the other hand, Plenefisch et al. (1994) have
reflectivity for P-waves only. studied S~-phases generated from earthquakes. In
A specially designed S-wave reflection survey in contrast to seismic-refraction data, earthquakes with
the Black Forest, however, indicates high reflectivity deep foci (20-30 km depth) generate clear Sn
of the lower crust for S-waves as well (Ltischen et phasesmwith one exception: No Sn waves are gen-
al., 1990) which Liischen et al. explain by assuming erated at stations located on the eastern flank (Black
alternating anisotropic and isotropic lamellae. Forest and Dinkelberg) by earthquakes with foci
from the southwest, i.e. when the waves traverse the
4.B5.4. Upper mantle southern Rhinegraben, their S~-component is ab-
sorbed. Computation of synthetic seismograms dem-
Not only the crust, but also the lower lithosphere onstrates that fault plane orientations and sub-Moho
shows a highly anomalous behavior. A puzzling fea- velocity gradients and/or a high S-wave attenuation
ture of S-wave propagation in the uppermost mantle may be the causes for the disappearance of S~ phases.
is discussed in detail by Gajewski et al. (1990). On From reversed observations of seismic events in
some profiles east of the Rhinegraben a very clear the RhOn, at the southeastern margin of the Hessen
P~ phase is observed, while a corresponding S~ phase depression, and in the Dinkelberg area close to Basel,
cannot be correlated, although the signal-to-noise Ansorge et al. (1979) determined a true upper-mantle
The European Cenozoic rift system 173

velocity of 8.6 km/s at a depth of about 40-50 km. observations (Scheelke, 1974, Winter, 1974,
An only slightly lower velocity (8.4-8.5 km/s) is Reitmayr, 1975). Panza et al. (1980) concluded from
reported by the same authors and by Stangl (1983) surface and shear wave analysis that the lithosphere-
for the reversed line Steinbrunn-B0hmischbruck, asthenosphere boundary is domed up to about 50 km
extending from Basel to the northeast through the depth beneath the active Rhinegraben, the Rhenish
Black Forest and Swabian-Franconian Jura. This Massif and the Lower Rhine Embayment.
result is supported by high S-wave velocities ob- These earlier conclusions cannot, however, be
tained from the dispersion of Rayleigh waves supported by the results of modern interpretations
(Reichenbach and Mueller, 1974; Sprecher, 1976). of large-scale P-delay studies (Babuska et al., 1988,
These observations are in agreement with Koch's Spakman, 1986), and by recent teleseismic obser-
(1993b) 3-D hypocenter inversions of earthquake vations carried out in the southern Rhinegraben area
data, which result in generally high Pn velocities of during 1989, which extend 100 km to the west and
8.3-8.4 km/s, with the exception of the Kaiserstuhl southeast of the graben axis (Glahn et al., 1993). The
area where Koch (1993b) finds an exceptionally low new 3-D models of Glahn et al. (1993) reveal a rather
Pn velocity of 7.9 km/s. However, this depth range complicated depth structure of the lower lithosphere
has not been covered by seismic-refraction data. On (Fig. 4-18) indicating a graben related, NNE-SSW
the other hand, due to the small number of perma- oriented anomaly pattern involving the lower crust,
nent earthquake stations available in the Rhinegraben the Moho and the uppermost mantle to a depth of
area, it remains doubtful, how much a tomographic about 65-75 km. Below 70 km, and reaching to at
inversion is able to reveal of local details, and in least 140 km depth, E-W oriented structures pre-
particular to determine absolute velocities. vail. Of particular interest is a low-velocity area at
In contrast to high velocities of more than 8.4 km/ 80-120 km depth beneath the central Black Forest.
s underneath the eastern flank of the Rhinegraben, a These E-W oriented structures correlate with a re-
velocity of only 8.2 km/s was obtained along an gional gravity low o f - 6 0 mgal east of the graben
unreversed profile west of the Vosges at the same (Rousset and Bayer, pers. comm., 1993).
depth range of 40-50 km. Similar low velocities are The new teleseismic data do not confirm the pres-
found on long-range profiles through western and ence of an elevated lithosphere-asthenosphere
south-central France (Bottinga et al., 1973, Hirn et boundary at depths above 75 km; the lithosphere
al., 1973, 1975). Thus, the properties of the upper shows a complex velocity structure with small-scale
mantle appear to be highly anomalous beneath south- velocity anomalies. A low-velocity region beneath
western Germany, whereas on the other side of the the Moho is seen at the latitude where the transect
Rhinegraben in France, normal velocities are found of Figure 4-17 traverses the Rhinegraben; it is
(Ansorge et al., 1979). Such a change in uppermost- bounded by rather steeply dipping high-velocity
mantle velocities, however, is not indicated in re- zones located under the Vosges and Black Forest.
cent teleseismic data (Glahn et al., 1993) which cover Though of considerable extent, this low-velocity
the central Rhinegraben area and its flanks to about zone, however, can only be interpreted as a local-
100 km away from the graben axis. ized lower crust - upper mantle feature. It cannot be
From an early study of travel time residuals in a regarded as a general asthenospheric upwarping,
limited area, Wenderoth (1978) deduced that because further south, within the graben as well as
asthenospheric material was injected into the litho- underneath its flanks, this low-velocity zone fades
sphere beneath the graben. On the basis of the data out. The region of high sub-Moho velocities under-
available today, his findings could be interpreted as neath the eastern graben flank correlates with the
a crustal effect; however, they seemed to agree with high upper-mantle velocities observed by Ansorge
magnetotelluric and geomagnetic depth sounding et al. (1979) at 40-50 km depth.
174 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

4.C The two northern branches: The Rhenish undergoing uplift, a movement which seems still to
Massif/lower Rhine embayment and the be active today (Illies and Fuchs, 1983; Illies et al.,
Hessen depression 1979).
Within the scope of a priority program of the
4.C3. Geologic information German Research Society (DFG), "Vertical move-
ments and their causes as exemplified in the case of
4.C3.1. Introduction
the Rhenish Massif," the Rhenish Massif was inves-
At its northern end, in the area of Frankfurt, the tigated in detail by a broad-scale geoscientific ef-
Central European rift branches into two sections, fort (Fuchs et al., 1983). The program comprised
forming a triple junction (Ziegler, 1992). One branch geological, geophysical, geodetic, petrological,
leads to the north along the eastern edge of the geochemical, geomorphological, and age-dating sur-
Rhenish Massif through the Hesssen depression and veys. Giese (1983) and Giese et al. (1983) have com-
the Leine graben near G0ttingen and then disappears piled seismic and magnetotelluric cross sections into
under the sediments of the North German Plain. The an interpretive crustal section and discuss an evolu-
other branch leads northwestward, traversing the tionary model of the Hercynian crust in the
Rhenish Massif where it is more or less hidden along Rhenohercynian and Saxothuringian domain of west-
the Rhine river. It appears again as an active rifting em Europe.
feature in the Lower Rhine embayment (Figs. 4-1, The "European Geotraverse" (EGT), sponsored
4-2; 4-9, 4-19). by the European Science Foundation as a large-scale
The development of the Lower Rhine embayment international multidisciplinary research program, tra-
as a segment of the European Cenozoic rift system versed central Europe on a strip from Genova to Kiel
is best demonstrated by the paleogeographic maps (Blundell et al., 1992, Freeman and Mueller, 1992),
of Ziegler (1990, 1992). While rifting in the Hessen running more or less through the Hessen depression.
depression is seen since Eocene time, clear evidence The research enabled experiments on a lithospheric
of taphrogenesis in the Lower Rhine embayment scale, including petrological xenolith investigations
appears there-only since Oligocene time. The seis- and detailed seismic and magnetotelluric profiling
micity maps of Ahorner (1983, see, e.g., Fig. 4-23) (see, e.g., Figs. 4-9, 4-24 and 4-26).
show that recent seismic activity is almost com-
pletely absent in the Hessen depression, but is very 4.C3.2. Sedimentary record
well pronounced on a broad strip from the
The Rhenohercynian zone today is largely com-
Rhinegraben through the Rhenish Massif into the
posed of epicontinental and hemipelagic sediments
Lower Rhine embayment.
and volcanics. The bulk of the clastic sequences was
The Rhenish Massif is a consolidated block be-
derived from the Caledonian mountain chains of the
tween the Rhinegraben in the south, the Lower Rhine
British Isles and Scandinavia (Caledonian
embayment in the northwest, and the Hessen depres-
"molasse"). These sequences, however, only repre-
sion in the east (Fig. 4-19). It is part of the Hercynian
sent the marginal, "miogeosynclinal" part of what
mountain system of western Europe, and, as such, is
was originally a much larger basin, probably of oce-
part of the Rhenohercynian zone (Murawski et al.,
anic width (Franke, 1986). Radiolarian cherts, flysch
1983; Rutten, 1969; Martin and Eder, 1983). Ter-
greywackes, and some MORB-type spilites, con-
tiary to Quaternary volcanism is concentrated in the
tained in nappes in the southern parts of the
Westerwald, Eifel, and Siebengebirge and, as men-
Rhenohercynian zone, possibly represent obducted
tioned above, in the Hessen depression to the east.
remnants of the Rhenohercynian ocean basin.
Since Mesozoic times the Rhenish Massif has been

Fig. 4-19. Rhenish Massif between the Rhinegraben in the south and the Lower Rhine embayment in the northwest (from Illies and
Fuchs, 1983, fig. 1).
The European Cenozoic rift system 175
176 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

Today, the Rhenish Massif is wedged between the Lower Rhine embayment (named Ruhr Valley gra-
Rhinegraben and the Lower Rhine embayment (Fig. ben by Ziegler). Evidence for graben-related activ-
4-19). It is an uplifted plateau in which a dense ity only starts in Oligocene time. According to
drainage pattern has engraved several generations Teichmtiller (1974), the western margin was the more
of erosional land forms. Following Illies et al. active one. Late middle Oligocene northwestward
(1979), it is composed of a thick series of slates, rift propagation into the Netherlands is evident from
graywackes, quartzites, limestones, and locally the stratigraphic record of the Lower Rhine
volcanics of mainly Devonian and Lower Carbonif- embayment (Zagwijn, 1989, Ziegler, 1992). During
erous age. The series, generally some 4,000 m, but the Oligocene, the area of the Rhenish Massif and
locally up to 10,000 m thick, was primarily the infill Ardennes corresponded to a low-lying peneplain
of the Rhenohercynian geosyncline. The strata were onto which marine transgressions encroached along
strongly folded and slightly metamorphosed during tectonic depressions (Ziegler, 1992), while marine
the Hercynian orogeny between 330 and 300 Ma connections between the Northwest German basin
(Ahrendt et al., 1978), forming a part of the Variscan and the Alpine foreland basin occurred via the
mountain range. The first phase of uplift and ero- Rhine-Leine graben where they remained intermit-
sion occurred during Upper Carboniferous and tently open until the early late Oligocene. The Lower
Lower Permian. Subsequently, Upper Permian and Rhine embayment continued to subside during Mi-
Mesozoic seas marginally flooded the Massif while ocene to Recent times. Its strike is parallel to the
its central part remained a fiat, emerged plateau. present northwest-directed maximum horizontal
Tertiary marine transgression temporarily reached compressional stress field (Illies and Greiner, 1978;
peripheral sections of the platform, but most of the Ahorner et al., 1983, Ziegler, 1992; Eck et al., 1993).
area was covered by fluvial gravel accumulation The graben feathers out to the northwest and loses
(Quitzow, 1959; L0hnertz, 1978). Widespread domi- its identity before reaching the North Sea (Ziegler,
nantly basaltic eruptions pierced the Massif during 1992; Zijerveld et al., 1992).
Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene (Cantarel and
Lippolt, 1977). Since the Pliocene, the ancestral 4.C3.3. Igneous activity
Rhine and Mosel rivers traversed the platform and
their fluvial terraces are preserved today up to 300 The Rhenish Massif contains an enormous abun-
m above present river levels. From the Upper dance of volcanic rocks, with ages reaching from
Pliocene on, the whole unit was subjected to a re- the Middle Cretaceous to the youngest Pleistocene.
gional uplift at varying rates. The uplifted plateau K-Ar and ~4C dating are the main tools for establish-
extends over an area of about 100 x 200 km and in- ing their distribution in time (Fig 4-20; Lippolt,
cludes the Rhenish Massif and some smaller mar- 1983). The oldest post-Permian volcanic rock oc-
ginal areas overlain by outliers of the peripheral Tri- curs in the Wittlich basin and has an age of more
assic sedimentary cover. The Rhine and Mosel riv- than 100 Ma. The main volcanic activity of the
ers and a dense pattern of their tributaries have cut Rhenish Massif started in the Hocheifel (West Eifel)
deep antecedent river valleys during the uplift. Tim- area during the Upper Eocene, where it continued
ing and rates of uplift are inferred from a sequence until the Middle Miocene. Volcanic activity in the
of well dated river terraces (Bibus, 1983; Semmel, Siebengebirge, Westerwald and RhOn occurred dur-
1983). ing the Upper Oligocene and Lower Miocene. Dur-
In contrast to the deeply subsided Rhinegraben, ing the Middle Miocene, the Vogelsberg and the
the Lower Rhine embayment, the physically visible northern Hessen volcanic province were active
continuation of the European Central rift to the north- (Lippolt, 1983).
west, is characterized by a smaller thickness of Ter- The volcanism of the Rhenish Massif is associ-
tiary sediments (Teichmtiller, 1974). The paleogeo- ated with tectonic events related to the formation of
graphic maps by Ziegler (1990, 1992) demonstrate the Rhine rift system. During the Tertiary, the vol-
the history and sedimentary development of the canic activity shifted from west (Hocheifel, 46 Ma)
The European Cenozoic rift system 177

Fig. 4-20. Geographic distribution of volcanic centers in the Rhenish Massif and its surroundings (from Lippolt, 1983, fig. 1).

to east (northern Hessen depression, 20 Ma). The younger section by its relation to the volcanic rocks,
youngest Quaternary volcanism is restricted to two while for the older part one has to rely exclusively
fields west of the Rhine (Seck, 1983). on paleomagnetic observations (Lippolt, 1983).
Two late Quaternary volcanic fields have devel- The Eifel volcanic fields, about 0.7 Ma old,
oped in the West Eifel, covering an area of some formed roughly synchronously with the main Qua-
500--600 km 2 with about 220 eruptive centers, and, ternary phase of uplift. The fields (West Eifel and
about 25 km to the east, the smaller East Eifel East Eifel) are 50 and 30 km long, elongated in NW-
(Laacher See area) with some 70 volcanic centers SE direction, and contain about 240 and 90 volca-
distributed over an area of about 400 km 2 (lilies et noes, respectively. The larger West Eifel differs from
al., 1979). K-Ar dates and paleomagnetic polarity the East Eifel field by more mafic and silica-under-
narrow its time of activity to the interval between saturated magmas, greater abundance and larger size
0.7 Ma and about 10,000 a. The well-established of peridotite xenoliths, and near-absence of highly
sequence of Rhine terraces can be dated in the differentiated magmas (Schmincke et al., 1983).
178 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

The magmas of the Quaternary volcanic fields in Depleted mantle compositions are observed in
the western central part of the Rhenish Massif ap- peridotite xenoliths. The abundant depleted spinel-
pear to have been derived from metasomatically peridotite xenoliths sampled from Tertiary and Qua-
modified mantle sources (Schmincke et al., 1983). ternary alkali basalts in the Eifel, Westerwald, and
NW-SE-oriented pathways may have been largely Hessen depression areas contain on average about
controlled by the present tensional lithospheric stress 70% olivine. These lherzolites and harzburgites can-
field, local N-S and NE-SW orientations possibly not explain the chemical composition of nepheline-
being influenced by pre-existing zones of structural bearing basalts except by assuming very low degrees
weakness in the crust. Volcanic activity coincides of partial melting of the former rocks (less than 1%).
broadly with increasing rates of uplift during Qua- Peridotite xenoliths are mainly equilibrated in the
ternary times, but data are insufficient to correlate range from 900* to 1150~ related to a depth range
distinct volcanic and tectonic phases. Quaternary of 60-80 km. Coarse grained xenoliths without re-
magmas may have been generated in a low-velocity crystallization after heavy shearing are abundant in
anomaly in the mantle beneath the area (Schmincke the Hessen depression whereas porphyroclastic peri-
et al., 1983). dotites predominate in the volcanic areas of the
In the Westerwald, nepheline basanites predomi- Rhenish Massif. The latter probably indicate shear-
nate (von Gehlen and Forkel, 1983). The almost cir- ing in the border zones of uprising diapirs in the
cular Westerwald volcanic province of less than 1000 upper mantle. Metasomatically altered peridotites
km 2 has not yet been studied in the same detail as (with about 4% amphibole or phlogopite) occur as
that of the Eifel and the northern Hessen depression. xenoliths in basalts from the sampled areas. Accord-
As far as volcanic rocks have been dated (Lippolt, ing to Fuchs and Wedepohl (1983) they may be the
1983), basaltic and trachytic rocks about 25 Ma old source rock for the magmas of the nepheline con-
(Oligocene/Miocene) predominate, followed by taining basalts.
some eruptions at about 5 Ma (Miocene/Pliocene) Mengel (1992) summarizes the main results on
in the western part, and finally only a few younger chemical compositions of both localities and dis-
than 1 Ma (Quaternary) close to the Rhine, the lat- cusses the investigations of Mengel et al. (1991),
ter dates belonging to the Quaternary Eifel province who compiled thermo-barometric estimates for
(von Gehlen and Forkel, 1983). crustal and mantle xenoliths in Germany. Using the
temperature-depth relations of Pollack and Chapman
4.C3.4. Xenolith studies (1977), they arrive at thermo-barometric estimates
of 900-1000 Mpa and 800~ for mafic granulites,
Tertiary and Quaternary alkali basaltic volcanism and 700 Mpa, 600~ for medium-to-high-grade
in western Germany and in France has raised to the metasedimentary rocks which would imply a surface-
earth's surface numerous xenoliths of crustal and heat flow of more than 120 mWm -2. But the compi-
upper-mantle rocks. The area between the Alps and lation of regional heat flow patterns for Germany
the North German Plain includes several thousand reveals 60-70 mWm -2 for the northern Hessen de-
individual outcrops of Cenozoic age. In the pression and 70-80 mWm -2 for the Eifel (Haenel,
Rhenohercynian zone xenoliths are found in the 1983). Therefore, Mengel (1992) regards it as un-
northern part of the Hessen depression and in the likely that the reported thermo-barometric estimates
Eifel volcanic fields. Both localities have been sub- have any significance for the present thermal condi-
ject to extensive petrological and geochemical in- tions in the middle or lower crust. Rather, he assumes
vestigations (W0rner et al., 1982, Seck, 1983, Seck that they reflect orogenic processes affecting these
and Wedepohl, 1983, Stosch et al., 1986, 1992, crustal segments, presumably during the Variscan
Mengel and Wedepohl, 1983, Mengel et al., 1991, orogeny.
Mengel and Kern, 1992). From 1000 xenoliths from the Eifel, Voll (1983)
deduces the following profile (downwards): 0-5 km
= Devonian, 5-15 km = greenschist facies phyllites,
The European Cenozoic rift system 179

Fig. 4-21. Location map of seismic-refraction profiles in the Rhenish Massif and adjacent areas until 1987 (extended from Mechie
et al., 1983, fig. 1).

15-20 km = low amphibolite facies, 20-25/30 km = and 26 km, the increase of observed seismic veloc-
medium- to high-grade amphibolite facies gneisses. ity (Aichroth et al., 1992, Mechie et al., 1983) from
While the upper and mid crustal composition is de- about 6.8 to 8 km/s (28-34 km) is correlated with
bated, there is agreement on the amphibolite-facies the presence of mafic granulites intercalated with
sequence of the lower crust (Stosch et al., 1992). eclogites, pyroxenites and hornblendites. Beneath
While Voll (1983) based his crustal profile solely the northern Hessen depression, the granulite layer
on the abundance of rock types, Mengel (1992), as may grade into a composite eclogite-peridotite layer
an alternative, assumes that all major rock types have at the lower part of this transition zone. The crustal
been sampled but that the accidental abundance of rock composition of the northern Hessen depression
any rock type does not have any significance. On deduced by Mengel et al. (1991) is included in the
this basis Mengel et al. (1991) summarized the xe- interpretive crustal cross section of the European
nolith lithologies from the northern Hessen depres- Geotraverse through central Germany (see Fig. 4-
sion and the Eifel, and compiled crustal sections in 26, lower part; Franke et al., 1990b; Prodehl and
connection with seismic velocity information. Ac- Aichroth, 1992). Mengel and Kern (1992) discuss
cording to Mengel et al. (1991) and Stosch et al. the problem that the petrological Moho which they
(1992), the middle crust between depths of about 10 define as the boundary between non-peridotitic
and 25 km consists mainly of meta-sediments, felsic crustal rocks and olivine-dominated rocks is not
gneisses and granulites. Meta-sedimentary rock identical with the position of the seismic Moho for
types are particularly abundant in the Eifel at 5 to the case that mafic rocks are transformed into
15 km depth but less common within the northern eclogites at the base of an orogenically thickened
Hessen depression xenoliths. At depths between 24 crust.
180 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

4.C4. Geophysical surveys and results and Aichroth, 1992). In 1990, the high-resolution
seismic-reflection line DEKORP 3 was recorded,
4.C4.1. Seismic studies part 3A of which ran also along strike of the Hessen
Prior to 1974, a series of profiles based mainly depression, approximately between EGT shotpoints
on quarry-blast observations had been recorded I and J (see Fig. 4-9), but about 30 km west of the
(Figs. 4-2 and 4-21), which are described in gen- European Geotraverse (Heinrichs et al., in prepara-
eral by Giese et al. (1976). In addition, special wide-
and steep-angle seismic-reflection measurements Already, older data which were reinterpreted by
were carried out in some selected areas (Glocke and Mooney and Prodehl (1978) clearly displayed that
Meissner, 1976; Meissner et al., 1976a, 1980, 1983). lateral heterogeneities play a major role. Mooney and
Some of these early lines also cover part of the Prodehl (1978) concluded that the general pattern
Hessen depression to the east (Mooney and Prodehl, of arrivals in the seismic-refraction data could be
1978; Prodehl and Fuchs, 1986). separated into three types, which also has been noted
Within the program to investigate vertical move- elsewhere (e.g., Giese et al., 1976, Prodehl, 1979,
ments and their origin as exemplified in the Rhenish 1984). In type I, only the reflection from the crust-
Massif, a long-range seismic refraction experiment mantle boundary, PMP, were seen in secondary ar-
(Fig. 4-21) was carried out in 1978-1979 to deter- rivals. In type II, an earlier second reflected phase,
mine the velocity structure of the crust and upper- P~P, could be correlated. Finally, in type III, only
most mantle (Mechie et al., 1982, 1983; Prodehl and the phase P~P, but not the reflection from the Moho
Mechie, 1985). In order to avoid known complica- (PMP) was present. In mapping the areas where those
tions, the 1979 long-range refraction survey (Mechie phases could be seen, it appears that the disappear-
et al., 1982, 1983) avoided crossing major volcanic ance of the PMP phase (type III) is restricted to pro-
fields (Fig. 4-21). Some short steep-angle reflection files which cross major volcanic fields, such as the
lines were run at the same time across the border Westerwald and Vogelsberg flood basalts. Here the
zones of the Rhenish Massif in the north (Meissner Moho may be heavily disrupted or "smeared" and
et al., 1981) and in the south (Meissner et al., 1980). an intermediate intracrustal boundary at about 20 km
About 10 years later, two DEKORP steep-angle depth forms the main reflector for seismic waves,
seismic-reflection lines were recorded through the an appearance which had also been found by Edel et
Rhenish Massif in a NW-SE direction. BELCORP/ al. (1975) for the southern Rhinegraben proper.
DEKORP-1 runs west of the Rhine traversing the Record sections of the 1979 refraction survey
Aachen thrust, the Eifel north-south zone, the Mosel show rather uniform high velocities in first arrivals
trough, the Hunsrtick, and the Saar-Nahe basin out to distances of more than 100 km, indicating a
(DEKORP Research Group, 1991). DEKORP 2-N uniform uppermost crust with rather high velocities
crosses the Miinsterland basin, the Carboniferous of 6.2-6.3 km/s. This is in agreement with a multi-
coal basin at the northern margin of the Rhenish tude of reflections in the first 2-3 seconds of the
Massif, the Westerwald and the Taunus, but avoids DEKORP seismic-reflection data (see, e.g. Fig. 4-
the Tertiary volcanic fields of the Westerwald and 22; Franke et al., 1990a; DEKORP Research Group,
the Vogelsberg (Franke et al., 1990a). During the 1991), some of which can be related to geological
course of these steep-angle measurements, wide- structures exposed at the surface such as thrust faults
angle reflection data were also obtained (Giese et in the eastern Rhenish Massif (Franke et al., 1990a)
al., 1990). and the Aachen thrust fault (Faille du Midi), the deep
The Hessen depression was traversed in the strike extension of which could be clearly traced in the
direction by the detailed 1986 EGT long-range seis- reflection data underneath the Rhenish Massif
mic-refraction line (Galson and Mueller, 1984, 1985; (Meissner et al., 1981; DEKORP Research Group,
Freeman et al., 1986) between shotpoints H and J 1991).
(Figs. 4-9 and 4-26; Aichroth et al., 1992; Prodehl
The European Cenozoic rift system 181

Fig. 4-22. Seismic-reflection observations along DEKORP-2N (compiled from Franke et al., 1990a, and Volbers et al., 1990). Upper
part: Seismic domains recognized in the Rhenish Massif. Dotted depth range: mid-crustal zone of reduced reflectivity and identified
as area of reduced velocity, vertically hatched depth range: transparent domain in the lower crust. Lower part: Superposition of the
mid-crustal high-conductivity zone on the seismic-reflection data, coinciding to a large part with the area of reduced velocity.

Contrary to the seismic-refraction first-arrival to about 37 km. For all subsequent profiles located
data, strong variations are seen in the secondary-ar- west of the Rhine (profiles B-NE to D-SW), phase
rival phases (Mechie et al., 1983, Figs. 2 and 3) re- c is the reflection from the Moho at about 37 km
flected from the crust-mantle and intracrustal bound- depth. On the profiles continuing to the east of the
aries. In the far southwest, between Reims and Rhine (D-NE, F-SW, and F-NE), the large-ampli-
Verdun (profiles A and B-SW, i.e., well outside the tude arrivals start at much smaller distances, again
Rhenish Massif), the phase c interpreted as wide- at 70-80 km offsets, and evidently have to be inter-
angle reflection from the Moho is seen at 70-120 preted as two separate phases, c and e, the first one
km distance resulting in a Moho depth of about 30 being a reflection from about 30 km and the second
km, as is typical for Hercynian Europe outside the one from 37-38 km depth. The resulting model by
European Cenozoic rift system. However, when Mechie et al. (1983) shows a thin layer of mantle
crossing into the Rhenish Massif east of Verdun, material (velocity above 8 km/s) at about 30 km
starting on profile B-NE, the crust-mantle reflec- depth. Underneath this thin mantle layer the veloc-
tion c suddenly is seen at much greater distances, ity decreases strongly, and mantle velocities of about
implying a rather rapid increase of crustal thickness 8 km/s are only reached again below 35 km depth
182 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

(see transect below, Fig. 4-25). The splitting of the 0.6 seconds later than those immediately outside.
large-amplitude phases c and e becomes less evident Stations within the Massif also showed delays which
on the profiles further to the northeast (shotpoints G were strongly azimuthal-dependent. The major
and W), but is indicated again on the easternmost anomaly occurs west of the Rhine, beneath the West
section from shotpoint I. Eifel, where modeling shows a velocity decrease of
In the DEKORP seismic-reflection data east of 3-5 % extending from about 50 to 200 km depth. A
the Rhine, the most striking feature is the appear- shallower low-velocity region (less than 60 km
ance of an almost structureless middle crust (see, depth) seems to be located under the Vogelsberg
e.g., Fig. 4-22), which is much less prominent west volcanics at the southern end of the Hessen depres-
of the Rhine (DEKORP Research Group, 1991). On sion (Raikes, 1980; Raikes and Bonjer, 1983).
both lines strong lateral traveltime variations of the
bordering reflective areas above and below very 4.C4.2. Gravity
clearly show that the middle crust is not homoge-
neous, but that its structure varies considerably, as Based on incomplete older maps (e.g., Gerke,
is also evident from seismic-refraction data. Strong 1957) and material still unpublished at the present
reflectivity prevails generally in the lower crust, but time (e.g. Plaumann, 1987), Jacoby et al. (1983)
also here strong variations in reflectivity of the lower compiled a Bouguer anomaly contour map for the
5-10 seconds TWT reflect the heterogeneity of the area of the Rhenish Massif. More recently, Grosse
structure of the lower crust as evidenced earlier by and Conrad (1990) have compiled a Bouguer map
the refraction data. of the whole of Germany and adjacent areas, adapt-
The seismic-refraction data of the EGT (Aichroth ing the various maps to the format of the Bouguer
et al., 1992) give evidence for a narrow low-veloc- maps of the Federal Republic of Germany
ity zone (Vp= 5.9 km/s) underneath the Hessen de- (Plaumann, 1987). For the area of the European
pression, overlying a thin layer with a high velocity Geotraverse which traverses the Hessen depression,
(Vp = 6.7 km/s) between shotpoints H and I, and is the Bouguer gravity data were compiled in EGT At-
based in particular on a high-amplitude phase b. las Map 9 (Freeman and Mueller, 1992).
The crust-mantle boundary here, in particular be- The major features of the central European
tween shotpoints H and J underneath the Hessen Bouguer field are discussed by Grosse et al. (1990,
depression (Aichrath et al., 1992), appears as a sev- 1992). For the area of the Rhenish Massif and vicin-
eral km thick transition zone. Here, phase c is dis- ity, Grosse et al. (1990) point out a gravity low of
turbed and its critical distance is shifted to a dis- the Massif west of the Rhine, a gravity high of the
tance greater than 80 km. The special behavior of Hunsrtick southern margin, a gravity high of the
the Moho in this region may be viewed in context Massif east of the Rhine, a gravity low in the MOnster
with the Tertiary volcanic activity in the Hessen de- basin, and a gravity low of the Lower Rhine
pression. embayment west of K61n.
The structure of the upper mantle below the Moho The gravity lows of the Lower Rhine embayment
has been investigated from several seismological and that of the Mtinster basin to the north of the east-
data sets: A teleseismic study in the late 1970s con- em Rhenish Massif are clearly associated with sedi-
centrated on the Rhenish Massif and surroundings ment accumulations. The positive gravity of the
(Raikes, 1980; Raikes and Bonjer, 1983); and the Hunsrtick southern margin may be caused by steeply
lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary has been inclined phyllites and metavolcanics of the North-
mapped using P-delays (Babuska et al., 1988, 1992) ern Phyllite Zone (Grosse et al., 1990).
as well as by body shear wave and surface wave stud- Of particular interest are the contrasting gravity
ies (Panza et al., 1980). anomalies of the Rhenish Massif west and east of
The observation of teleseismic P-wave residuals the Rhine (see also Fig. 4-25). Over the eastern
within, and in the vicinity of, the Rhenish Massif Massif anomalies are positive (+ 10 to +20 mgal) and
showed that arrivals within the Massif were up to over the western part they are negative (-10 t o - 2 0
184 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

ferences exist in detail. Focal regions with large his- Fig. 11). The Rhenish Massif is bisected by this zone
torical earthquakes show, for instance, in general an into two parts which were pushed away from each
unusually low level of microseismicity. other in NE-SW direction (Ahomer, 1983).
The overall seismicity pattern of the Rhenish The Lower Rhine embayment has an offset of
Massif and Lower Rhine embayment is, according about 20 km westward of the northernmost faults of
to Ahorner (1983), clearly related to stress-field con- the Rhinegraben and strikes approximately parallel
trolled large-scale block movements along major to the present Sam~x orientation in western Europe
crustal fracture zones and does not show any direct (MUller et al., 1992). Quaternary extension perpen-
relationship to plateau uplift, with the exception of dicular to its flanks amounts to 100-200 m and has
some special regions such as the Hohes Venn in the occurred on preexisting rift faults. The Lower Rhine
northwest of the Rhenish Massif. embayment shows a clear predominance of tensional
dip-slip dislocations along NW-SE trending fault
4.C4.5. Stress pattern planes. Active crustal rifting can be followed over a
total length of 350 km from Nijmegen in the Lower
Stress directions (Ahorner, 1983, Fig. 7) have Rhine embayment to Heidelberg in the northern
been determined from in-situ measurements Rhinegraben (Ahorner, 1975, 1983).
(Baumann and Illies, 1983) as well as from fault Besides the prevailing tensional dip-slip disloca-
plane solutions of earthquakes which occurred dur- tions which indicate crustal extension in a SW-NE
ing 1975 and 1982 in Central Europe between the direction, also compressional dip-slip dislocations
Alps and the North Sea (Ahorner, 1983; Ahorner et indicating NW-SE crustal compression have been
al., 1983). Stress directions from fault-plane solu- found in the Taunus and the Hohes Venn. Both stress
tions are in good agreement with the results of in- directions belong to the same general stress regime
situ stress measurements. Although the maximum and are in agreement with in situ stress measure-
compressive stress shows an average direction of ments proving a quite uniform regional stress field
about 145" with respect to North in the whole area, for the Rhenish Massif and vicinity (Illies and
regional differences in the stress directions and the Greiner, 1979; Baumann and lilies, 1983). Evidently,
seismotectonic regime are recognizable. For the the mode of seismotectonic dislocations and the
southern Rhinegraben, the Swabian Jura, and the
overall pattern of seismicity are controlled by the
western Vosges Mountains, strike-slip mechanisms present-day regional stress field within the earth's
are predominant. In the northernmost Rhinegraben, crust of central Europe (Ahorner, 1975, 1983, MOiler
the Rhenish Massif, and the Lower Rhine et al., 1992).
embayment, tensional dip-slip dislocations along
NW-SE trending fault planes are typical (Ahorner 4.C4.6. Heat flow
et al., 1983).
The general seismotectonic regime of the Middle Density, specific heat capacity, thermal diffusivity
Rhine zone between Mainz and Bonn is clearly char- and heat production data have been published by
acterized by extensional rifting along a broad NW- H~inel (1983) for various sedimentary, acid and ba-
SE trending fracture zone which follows approxi- sic rock samples in western Germany, as well as the
mately the Rhine, and connects the major seismically thermal conductivity as a function of temperature.
active features of the Rhinegraben with those of the New heat-flow density determinations made in shal-
Lower Rhine embayment (Fig. 4-3; Ahorner, 1983, low boreholes and corrected for the paleoclimatic
effect result in a mean heat-flow density for Ger-

Fig. 4-23. Historical seismicity pattem and geological features of the Rhenish Massif (from Ahomer, 1983, fig. 1). Key: 1 = fault
zone active during Tertiary time; 2 = fault zone active until Quaternary and Recent time; 3 = thrust fault of Hercynian age; 4 =
major Hercynian anticline; 5 = Quaternary volcano; 6 = earthquake swarm; 7 = border line of the Caledonian Brabant massif; 8 =
Hainaut basin; 9 = seismic events due to mining activity; 10 = border line of underground salt deposits.
The European Cenozoic rift system 183

mgal). Jacoby et al. (1983) have attributed these a decollement interface coinciding with a zone of
gravity differences exclusively to crustal structure weak seismic reflectivity which may also coincide
differences, which are clearly seen in the seismic with the top of the mid-crustal low-velocity zone in
data (Mechie et al., 1983), but the contrasting ve- the seismic-refraction cross sections.
locities in the subcrustal lithosphere (Raikes and
Bonjer, 1983) may also have some influence on the 4.C4.4. Seismicity
gravity field.
Seismicity maps of the northern European Ceno-
4.C4.3. Magnetic anomalies zoic rift system clearly show the main activity in
the southern and the northern Rhinegraben as well
Magnetic anomalies correlate with outcropping as in the Lower Rhine embayment, while almost no
volcanic areas in the Eifel, Westerwald and north- seismic activity is present today in the Hessen de-
ern Hessen depression. Some anomalies can be at- pression (Ahorner, 1983; Ahorner et al., 1983). In
tributed to particular structures such as some ore particular, the Lower Rhine embayment has been the
deposits in mining areas, some thrust zones for which site of destructive historical earthquakes up to the
magnetic bodies have been modeled, or the Tertiary present (Eck et al., 1993). Another active zone north
volcanic centers near Kelberg and in the West Eifel, of the Rhenish Massif is the Belgian earthquake zone
some of which can also be recognized in the seis- which trends in an east-west direction and follows
mic-reflection data of DEKORP (Wonik and Hahn, the border zone between the Caledonian Brabant
1989; DEKORP Research Group, 1991). No imme- Massif and the Hercynian Rhenish Massif (Ahorner,
diate correlation of magnetic anomaly patterns with 1983).
rifting features is evident. A belt of earthquake epicenters traverses the
For the area of the European Geotraverse which Rhenish Massif (Fig. 4-23) about parallel to the
traverses the Hessen depression, the aeromagnetic Rhine river (Ahorner, 1975, 1983). In some areas
anomaly data were compiled in Atlas Map 10 (Free- the seismotectonic activity seems to be associated
man and Mueller, 1992). Based on the 1:1,000,000 with normal faulting of Pleistocene and sometimes
aeromagnetic map of the total intensity of the Earth's Holocene age. This intra-shield deformation is dif-
magnetic field for an altitude of 3000 m above m.s.l. fuse because lengths and vertical throws of faults
(Wonik and Hahn, 1989), Hahn and Wonik (1990) are mostly small. Only the Neuwied basin, centered
have computed the magnetic relief for the area of between both ends of the active rift valleys (north-
the seismic-reflection line DEKORP 2-N. They ern Rhinegaben and Lower Rhine embayment),
present the results in form of a depth contour map shows larger vertical motions up to 300 m (Illies et
assuming a two-layer model: an upper layer which al., 1979).
is non-magnetic, and a lower layer which is homo- Ahorner's (1983) study of earthquake activity in
geneously magnetized (M - 0.35 A/m) parallel to the Rhenish Massif (Fig. 4-23) is based on a de-
the ambient field. The depth of this boundary undu- tailed investigation of the historical seismicity pat-
lates between 6 and 15 km along the seismic line. tern since 1500 A.D., and on a special mi-
The depth uncertainty amounts to a few kilometers, croearthquake survey carried out from 1976 to 1982.
that of the magnetization to about-50% to + 150%. More than 800 local earthquakes of tectonic origin,
The authors conclude that the magnetic relief repre- ranging in magnitude from ML = 0 to 4.7, were re-
sents a boundary between two crustal layers that are corded during the 6-year-study, most of which could
clearly different regarding their mineral content, be located with reasonable accuracy (+1 km hori-
which here probably indicates low-grade metamor- zontally and +2 km vertically). Fault plane solutions
phism above the boundary and high-grade metamor- were derived for events with magnitude greater than
phism below it. Consequently, the two layers are ML = 3. The main features of the historical seismic-
regarded to be different with respect to origin and ity pattern are reproduced by the short-term mi-
diagenesis and the magnetic relief is interpreted as croseismicity study (Ahorner, 1983), although dif-
The European Cenozoic rift system 185
186 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

6~ 8 ~ 10 ~
:-.~-:~ +"
9 o

52 ~
Monster OBeEL 9 9" 50km
w,~,n 9 "

OSUE " 9


" .
| _~ ~'~~e _
9. 9 9i .9 9 4 9 BWD
9 ( 9

" . ' o ~ ' ~~o 9 9 "



,o . 51 ~
~ 9 .
p .~,~ _ ~, ~
/ .'~ -.

;o ("2
V V~ V
/'I O~K:],,0 . ,

50 ~ OKI~M

50 ~


6~ 8~ 10 ~

Fig. 4-24. Map of the magnetoteUuric surveys in the Rhenish Massif (from J6dicke et al., 1983; fig. 1).

many of 81 mWm -2. Hanel's new heat-flow density H~inel (1983) discusses also the possible existence
map shows a Hercynian trend of the is 9 within of a magma chamber under the Laacher See area
the Rhenish Massif. Two regions of high heat flow (Schmincke et al., 1983) and the absence of a corre-
greater than 80 mWm -2, the Westerwald-Taunus area sponding temperature and heat flow anomaly. He cal-
and the region around the Hunsrtick-Taunus border culates the present temperature in the center and at
fault zone, are clearly separated by a region of rela- the top of the proposed magma chamber and the re-
tively low heat flow parallel to the Mosel and Lahn suiting heat flow density at the earth's surface. From
rivers these calculations it must be concluded that heat has
The same separation is shown on maps of tem- not yet reached the earth's surface and that any pos-
perature distribution at 10 km and 30 km depth. The sible surface heat-flow anomaly due to the intrusion,
mean temperature at 30 km depth in the Rhenish about 10,000 years after emplacement, is therefore
Massif averages to 800~ (H~inel, 1983). zero.
The European Cenozoic rift system 187

4.C4.7. Geodetic data were less favorable. At its southern end, the east-
emmost line crosses the Vogelsberg in the southern
The map of height changes (DGK-Arbeitskreis, Hessen depression.
1979; Miilzer et al., 1983) is based on a 4000-km- The high conductivity found in the North Ger-
long connected leveling network and contains 4800 man sedimentary basin (Haak et al., 1986) ends
releveled points. It shows that the Rhenish Massif is abruptly at its southern border near Hannover, sig-
not uplifting as a rigid block but that the present nifying a corresponding change of crustal structure.
uplift is concentrated in limited areas. West of the Throughout the Rhenish Massif, high-conductivity
Rhine the Massif is predominantly either uplifting layers are inferred at depths of the middle and lower
or is stable, while east of the Rhine alternating sub- crust. Four profiles running from north-northwest to
sidence and uplift trends occur. On both sides of the south-southeast show low resistivity layers dipping
Rhine near Koblenz an E-W trending area of uplift from north to south to greater depth nearly continu-
is observed showing vertical movements of up to 0.6 ously. In the vicinity of the Rhine on the fifth pro-
mm/yr. file, which coincides with the present transect (Fig.
In the Lower Rhenish embayment some faults 4-25), the magnetotelluric data could not be pro-
form considerable steps within Pleistocene terrace cessed due to excessive industrial noise.
surfaces. Here, the recent height changes are a mul- Preliminary 2-D modeling indicates that there is
tiple of estimated average rates in the Pleistocene no major dislocation of this conductor at the south-
(lilies and Fuchs, 1983). In and around the Lower ern margin of the Rhenish Massif where it borders
Rhine embayment a continuous taphrogenesis is in- the Rhinegraben. In some areas, especially outside
dicated by the map of height changes (Miilzer et al., the Rhenish Massif proper, an additional increase
1983). Northeast of the Lower Rhine embayment, of conductivity at shallower depths was found
uplift of 0.6-0.9 mm/yr occurs in the Bergisches (JOdicke et al., 1983).
Land. Uplift is not only visible in the Devonian rocks The discontinuous course of the low resistivity
but also in the eastern Quaternary sediments of the layers, except for that gap on the transect shown
embayment. To the west of the Lower Rhine below (see Fig. 4-25), does not seem to be created
embayment, in the Venn Sattel and northern Eifel, by internal magnetotelluric problems such as, e.g.,
the greatest uplift rates of up to 1.6 mm/yr are ob- static shift problems, but is likely to be real. Lohr's
served. (1982) rather closely spaced stations around the
Laacher See (Eifel) confirmed the existence and
4.C4.8. Electromagnetic methods depth of the low-resistivity layer within the crust at
A magnetotelluric survey was undertaken in the the western end of the present transect. Also Bahr
Rhenish Massif and adjacent areas in 1977-1981 (1985) obtained a similar result south of the Laacher
(Fig. 4-24) (JOdicke et al., 1983) and along the 1987/ See and in the Westerwald.
88 DEKORP-2N seismic-reflection line (Volbers et Bahr (1985) also determined the upper mantle
al., 1990) at altogether 150 sites. The earlier survey resistivity at two sites, one close to the Rhine, and
comprises three parallel lines traversing the Rhenish one in the Westerwald. He applied a particular geo-
Massif in a NNW-SSE direction, and one line run- magnetic method which is free of static shift prob-
ning from WSW to ENE parallel to the seismic-re- lems. The important aspect of his models is the in-
fraction long-range line (Mechie et al., 1983). The ference of the upper boundary of the electrical as-
observations were made in the period range of 5- thenosphere (conductosphere) which appears to be
3000 seconds at more than 70 sites along the four at about 180 km at a station beside the Rhine river
profiles. The DEKORP-2N line is near the earlier and at about 80 km at a station in the Westerwald.
middle line and was observed with much greater sta-
tion density, however, natural noise conditions here
188 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

4.C5. Structure and interpretation Magnetic anomalies correlate with outcropping

volcanic areas in the Eifel, Westerwald and north-
4.C5.1. Introduction ern Hessen depression. Model calculations do not
show any significant increase over the mean heat-
The transect of Figure 4-25 is a summary of all
flow density of 70 to 81 mWm -2 for Germany (Hanel,
available geophysical data. It has been drawn be-
1983). The map of height changes (DGK-
tween Luxembourg in the southwest and the Harz
Arbeitskreis, 1979) indicates uplift for areas of the
Mountains in the northeast and follows approxi-
eastern Eifel and Westerwald (0.6 mm/yr) and sub-
mately the main line of the long-range seismic
sidence (-0.4 mm/yr) as well as uplift for the Hessen
project of 1979 (Figs. 4-9 and 4-21). The cross sec-
depression near Kassel (0.5 mm/yr).
tion contains essentially seismic information, mainly
from seismic-refraction surveys (Mechie et al., 1983;
4.C5.2. Near-surface rift structures
Aichroth et al., 1992; Prodehl and Aichroth, 1992),
but where available, also seismic-reflection results Throughout the Rhenish Massif, the uppermost
(Glocke and Meissner, 1976; Meissner et al., 1976a, part of the crust is rather uniform (Fig. 4-25) char-
1980, 1983; Franke et al., 1990a; DEKORP Research acterized by velocities increasing from about 5.1-
Group, 1991). Teleseismic traveltime studies 5.5 km/s near the surface to 6.2-6.3 km/s at about
(Raikes, 1980; Raikes and Bonjer, 1983) and body 2-3 km depth. Only in the east, beneath the Hessen
shear and surface wave investigations (Panza et al., depression, is the depth to the crystalline basement
1980) have also been incorporated. At some loca- for velocities above 6 km/s greater than 5 km. With
tions results of seismicity and special earthquake increasing depth a basement of rather high velocity
studies are available, and the position of hypocenters of about 6.3-6.4 km/s and relative uniformity is en-
has been marked (Ahorner, 1983). Zones of increased countered; velocities vary only slightly in vertical
conductivity have been obtained from and horizontal directions. Along the seismic-reflec-
magnetotelluric studies for the lower crust as well tion line DEKORP-2N (Fig. 4-22; Franke et al.,
as for the subcrustal lithosphere (JOdicke et al., 1983, 1990a), the upper crust is characterized by a multi-
Volbers et al., 1990). tude of reflections which relate to stratigraphic and
The upper part of the section contains geophysi- tectonic elements of the Variscan fold belt. Impor-
cal data which have been mapped during various tant thrust faults known at the surface can be corre-
surveys: Bouguer gravity (Gerke, 1957; Jacoby et lated with prominent reflections east of the Rhine
al., 1983), aeromagnetics (Eberle, 1973), heat flow from the Ebbe Anticline southwards. West of the
(H~inel, 1983) and uplift / subsidence data from re- Rhine the Aachen thrust belt (Faille du Midi), in
peated detailed geodetic surveys (DGK-Arbeitskreis, particular, can be followed southwards in the reflec-
1979; M~ilzer et al., 1983). tion data.

Fig. 4-25. Geophysical transect through the Rhenish Massif and Hessen depression from Luxembourg to the Harz. For location, s e e
BB' in Figure 4--9.
Sources: Ahomer, 1983; Aichroth et al., 1992; DGK-Arbeitskreis, 1979; DEKORP Research Group, 1991; Dtirbaum et al., 1967;
Eberle, 1973; Franke et al., 1990a; Fuchs et al., 1983; Glocke and Meissner, 1976; Gerke, 1957; Grubbe, 1976; H~inel, 1983; Jacoby
et al., 1983; J6dicke et al., 1983; M~ilzer et al., 1983; Mechie et al., 1983; Meissner et al., 1976a, 1980, 1983; Mooney and Prodehl,
1978; Prodehl and Fuchs, 1986; Raikes, 1980; Raikes and Bonjer, 1983; Schmincke et al., 1983; Volbers et al., 1990.
Explanations: Sp = shotpoints of 1979 survey (Mechie et al., 1983); dashed bars = steep-angle reflections: DKP2-N = line DEKORP
2N (Franke et al., 1990a); DJN 1967 = local seismic survey (Diirbaum et al., 1967); EGT = European Geotraverse; OCH =
Ochtendung fault zone (Ahorner, 1983, fig. 10); vertically hatched depth range = zone of decreased P-wave velocity (larger or equal
to 3%) in the uppermost mantle from teleseismic tomography studies (from Raikes, 1980). For further explanation, see Figure 4-17.
(a) Bouguer anomalies (from Jacoby et al., 1983). (b) Magnetic anomalies (from Ebede, 1973). (c) Heat flow (from H~inel, 1983).
(d) Recent crustal movement (from DGK-Arbeitskreis, 1979). (e) Generalized cross section BB' of the lithosphere comprising
seismic-refraction, seismic-reflection, teleseismic, and magnetoteUuric data
The European Cenozoic rift system 189
. o , ": o, _888 ~ LLI "- 0
L_.I_.._I L.~l. i L_I _ ~ . J L ~ J
i l
i~i _.,~ ~,~#~
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mOl;l lU~io,~OVl l~l~mO
~lnO tGIPll~ IPnll llJ~ H
190 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

At a depth of about 8 km (dashed interface in Fig. 4.C5.3. Deep crust

4-25) a velocity inversion is recognized along the
entire length of the transect. In the west, this upper- The middle crust, below 12-15 km depth, shows
crust low-velocity zone is rather thin and the veloc- strong vertical and lateral heterogeneity. In the west-
ity reversal relatively small, decreasing from about ern half of the transect, to some 10 km east of the
6.35 km/s to 6.0-6.2 km/s. East of the Rhine, the Rhine, a very strong velocity decrease from 6.7 to
velocity reversal is greater (6.4 / 5.85 km/s) and the 6.2 km/s is postulated. East of the Westerwald vol-
thickness of the low-velocity zone increases to a canic field, where the velocity of the overlying high-
maximum beneath the Hessen depression. This is in velocity zone increases to 6.9 km/s, the lower crust
agreement with the data of the European Geotraverse has a velocity of 6.5 km/s; i.e. the velocity contrast
(Aichroth et al., 1992, Prodehl and Giese, 1990). between upper and middle crust becomes smaller.
The DEKORP-2N seismic-reflection line, which Along the European Geotraverse, a similar locally
crosses the transect near Dillenburg (Fig. 4-25), in- confined high-velocity zone is found at 12 km depth
dicates that the middle crust has a thickness of ap- beneath the Hessen depression south of shotpoint I
proximately 3-6 s TWT and displays a considerable (Fig. 4-9; Aichroth et al., 1992). In the DEKORP-
relief. It is bounded by levels of high reflectivity, 2N profile (Franke et al., 1990a) this thin high-ve-
but is in itself relatively transparent (Franke et al., locity layer can be related to a zone of convergent
1990a). This transparent middle crustal layer corre- listric thrust faults giving rise to an anisotropic ef-
lates roughly with a zone of reduced velocity gradi- fect (Giese et al., 1990).
ent or weak velocity inversion and a remarkably Below the mid-crustal high-velocity zone, the
good electrical conductor (EREGT Group, 1990, lower crust is characterized by decreased velocities
ERCEUGT Group, 1990, 1992). The strongly reflec- ranging in depth from 15-18 to 30 km. The lower
tive levels marking its upper and lower boundary crust corresponds to a zone of increased conductiv-
appear as high-velocity lamellae in the refraction ity as observed in the area of the Eifel and
data (Aichroth et al., 1992; Mechie et al., 1983). Westerwald. However, under the Neuwied Basin, this
Immediately west of the Rhine, in the western part high-conductivity zone appears to be absent. Within
of the Neuwied basin, a seismically active fault the lower crustal low-velocity zone, strong lateral
mapped by Ahorner (1983) is shown on the transect. velocity changes are observed. Moreover, the anoma-
Hypocenters associated with this fault can be traced lous high-conductivity layer appears to change
to a depth of about 15 km, traversing the upper crust abruptly in depth and disappears altogether towards
and reaching into a high-velocity middle crustal layer the Hessen depression.
characterized by velocities between 6.6 and 6.7 km/ The DEKORP-2N reflection profile shows that the
s. This high-velocity zone is thickest (5-6 km) where lower crust is essentially non-reflective in the north,
the suggested northwestern prolongation of the outside the area of Cenozoic volcanic activity, and
Rhinegraben traverses the Rhenish Massif; eastward highly reflective in its southern parts where it passes
it thins and its velocity increases to as much as 6.9 between the Westerwald and Vogelsberg volcanic
km/s. centers.

Fig. 4-26. Crustal cross section along the EGT Central Segment between Lake Constance and the Baltic Sea. Depth versus distance
is exaggerated 4-1. Upper part: Seismic-refraction model. The contour interval of the iso-velocity lines (dashed lines) is 0.1 km/s
between shotpoints D and J, and 0.2 km/s between shotpoints J and K. Discontinuous velocity changes are indicated by thick lines
with two velocity values, above and below the boundary (from Aichroth et al., 1992; Prodehl and Aichroth, 1992). Lower part:
Petrological interpretation of the seismic cross section (from Franke et al., 1990b; Prodehl and Aichroth, 1992). The vertical
columns indicate locations where xenolith data are available from young volcanic eruptions (Mengel et al., 1991).
The European Cenozoic rift system 191
192 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

To the west of the Ardennes/Rhenish Massif 1987). It is noteworthy that the area underlain by
block, beyond the transect shown in Figure 4-25, the very distinct velocity inversion is characterized
the crust has an average thickness of 30 km. Veloci- by extensive basaltic volcanism at the surface.
ties in the lower crust immediately above the Moho
are anomalously low (6.15 km/s). Under the 4.C5.4. Upper mantle
Ardennes and the western Eifel, below 20 km depth,
a high-velocity lower crust is found. The Moho oc- Under most of the transect the lithosphere-as-
curs at a depth of 37 km (left part of Fig. 4-25; thenosphere boundary is located at a depth of 45-50
Mechie et al., 1983). Under most of the Rhenish km, as evident from teleseismic P-delay studies and
Massif, however, a thin layer with upper-mantle ve- shear body and surface wave analyses. According to
locities of 8.1 km/s at a depth of 30 km separates a Raikes (1980) and Raikes and Bonjer (1983), this
low-velocity lower crust (6.25-6.5 km/s) from a anomalous low-velocity upper mantle region is cen-
deeper lower-crust-like layer extending from 30 to tered under the western Eifel (Fig. 4-25); it may
35-37 km. The velocity gradually increases from 6.0 extend to depths of about 200 km, but terminates to
km/s under the eastern Eifel and western Westerwald, the east approximately at the river Rhine. Compared
and further east from 6.5 km/s, to mantle velocities to the average mantle velocities found outside the
of 8.3-8.5 km/s. An extensive high-conductivity Rhenish Massif, mantle velocities are here decreased
zone seems to exist in this lower-crust-like depth by 3 to 5%. As a possible explanation, it has been
range east of the Rhine at around 35 km depth which, suggested that several distinct mantle domains dif-
however, cannot be traced continuously, and at near- fering in isotope and trace element ratios were af-
constant depth level, further to the east. The data of fected during partial melting. Concentric zonation
DEKORP-2N define the Moho as the lower limit of in volume erupted, Mg-numbers and, in part, type
reflections (Prodehl and Giese, 1990). It rises from of xenoliths in the West Eifel might reflect the de-
about 11 s TWT in the north to 8.5 s TWT in the tachment level of the magmas in the mantle. Uplift
south. At the intersection of DEKORP-2N with the and volcanism may be related via ascent of hotter
transect, reflections can be identified at 30 and mantle material beneath the area, partial melting
around 35 km depth (Fig. 4-25). being due to decompression (Schmincke et al.,
At its easternmost end, the long-range line through 1983).
the Rhenish Massif crosses the Hessen depression. The map of lithosphere thickness (Panza et al.,
However, due to lack of sufficient recording dis- 1980) shows a broad thinning of the lithosphere from
tances to the northeast, i.e., beyond the Harz Moun- about 90 to less than 50 km along the area of the
tains, depth information is restricted to the upper Rhinegraben and its northwestern branch. Towards
crust. Here, the European Geotraverse supplies the the north, along the Hessen depression and its sug-
missing information. The north-south cross section gested continuation beneath the North German plain
of Aichroth et al. (1992) (see Fig. 4-26) shows the the lithosphere seems to have regained its original
Moho at a depth slightly less than 30 km and nor- thickness.
mal upper-mantle velocities above 8 km/s, but shows The results of Raikes and Bonjer (1983) gener-
no indication of the prominent velocity inversion ally correlate with the upper-mantle structure derived
between 30 and 37 km as seen underneath the by Babuska et al. (1988, 1992) and Spakman (1986)
Rhenish Massif to the west. Rather, the crust shows who defined a pronounced velocity inversion under
here a particular feature not seen prominently under the Rhenish Massif, but who could not resolve local
the Rhenish Massif, namely a strong velocity inver- details. According to Panza et al. (1980), the lithos-
sion in the upper crust below 10 km depth. Its inten- phere-asthenosphere boundary dips east of the Lahn
sity and thickness is only comparable to that found area to depths greater than 50 km. The measured
beneath the Black Forest (Gajewski and Prodehl, shear-velocity contrast, however, is not always sig-
The European Cenozoic rift system 193

nificant and varies between an increase and a de- riod of relative quiescence with stress conditions for
crease, i.e., from 4.35 km/s in the lower lithosphere which there has been some controversy concerning
versus 4.2-4.4 km/s in the asthenosphere. interpretations by different authors (MUller et al.,
1992). A second short phase of extension began in
early Miocene (Ahorner, 1975). The average direc-
4.6. Tectonic evolution of the European Ceno- tion of maximum compressive stress today is about
zoic rift system 320* (NW) (Fig. 4-3; Illies, 1974c, MUller et al.,
1992), as derived from fault plane solutions of earth-
4.6.1. Role of pre-existing geologic features
quakes (e.g., Ahorner, 1975; Bonjer et al., 1984,
According to Illies (1978), the regional setting of 1989; Plenefisch and Bonjer, 1994), over-coring
the Rhinegraben appears mainly basement con- measurements (e.g., Baumann and lilies, 1983; lilies
trolled. In the Rhinegraben area the Paleozoic base- and Greiner, 1979), borehole breakouts (e.g.,
ment is indicated by a swarm of lineaments, shear Bltimling, 1986, Becker et al., 1987), evaluation of
zones, and dikes parallel to the NNE trend of the recent crustal movements (e.g. Malzer, 1988), hy-
graben. These pre-existing features had mostly draulic fracturing measurements (MUller et al.,
formed during the Asturian phase of the Variscan 1992), and geological data (e.g., Illies, 1974c). This
orogeny and had prepared the way for rifting and modern stress field, characterized by a NW to NNW
locally attracted fault progression during the breakup SH,naxdirection and a strike-slip faulting regime, be-
of the graben in Eocene time (lilies, 1978). gan in the Quaternary (Ahorner, 1975; Illies, 1978;
This is not only true for the Rhinegraben, but is MUller et al., 1992). lilies (1974c) connects tempo-
generally seen in all grabens of western Europe. The rally the sinistral rotation of about 60* for the axes
European Cenozoic rift system follows a coherent of the strain ellipse relative to the crust of stable
belt of weakness of the basement from southern Europe with the sedimentation of the Rhinegraben
Norway to southern France, the so-called Mediter- (see Fig. 4-11).
ranean-Mj6sen zone, as already stated by Stille in The overall pattern of focal mechanisms within
1925 and never denied in recent literature (see, e.g., the Rhenish Massif and its vicinity is clearly related
Illies, 1978, and Ziegler, 1992). Localization of in- to stress-field-controlled block movements along
dividual grabens can be related to tensional reacti- major crustal fracture zones, like the Rhinegraben
vation of Late Variscan fracture systems. The gra- system, and shows no direct relationship to the up-
bens are linked by northeast-trending sinistral trans- lift of the Massif (Ahorner, 1983). Only in some
form faults that, according to Ziegler (1992), prob- special regions, e.g., the Hohes Venn in the north-
ably also present reactivated Permo-Carboniferous western part of the Rhenish Massif, where an ex-
fracture systems. ceptionally large present-day uplift rate of 1.6 mm/
yr has been found by geodetic means, does Ahorner
4.6.2. Origin and Evolution of stress field (1983) see some evidence for a causal correlation
between seismicity and plateau uplift.
According to Illies (1974c) the main features of
Rhinegraben tectonics comprise dip-slip faults, tilted 4.6.3. Generalized evolutionary stages
blocks, and antithetic block rotations, leading to a
crustal dilatation normal to the graben axis of about The changing conditions in the plate-tectonic re-
5 km. These features imply a tensional state of stress gime along the contact between the African and the
with a horizontal component of the minimum stress European plate have far-reaching implications for
direction normal to the graben axis. Thus, a regional intraplate tectonics in stable Europe (Mueller and
paleo-stress field with an average direction of rela- Kahle, 1993). Following Illies (1975) who schemati-
tive maximum stress about 20 ~ (NNE) must be con- cally sketched three major stages in the evolution of
cluded for the beginning of rifting in central Europe the Mediterranean-Alpine system (Fig. 4-27),
in middle Eocene time. This was followed by ape- Mueller and Kahle (1993) have summarized the gen-
eral evolution" The first stage (Fig. 4-27a), in late
194 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

Fig. 4-27. Changing conditions in the plate-tectonic regime

along the collision zone between the African and Eurasian
plates with implications on intraplate tectonics in Europe
and North Africa (after lilies, 1975b. (a) Eocene pattern
(about 38 Ma) dominated by a mainly NNE directed
compressive deformation. (b) Lower Miocene pattern
(about 19 Ma), governed by sinistral shear which condi-
tioned counterclockwise rotations of some interspersed
microplates and caused SW-NE oriented orogenic
processes. (c) 'Recent' phase (2-0 Ma), favoring dextral
strike-slip displacements parallel to the main plate
boundary due to a primarily SE-NW oriented compressive
stress field.

Eocene (38 Ma ago), is characterized by mainly

SSW-NNE directed compressive deformations.
This was the phase of maximum folding and
overthrusting in the Alps as well as that of most
extensive rifting in the western and northern
foreland of the arc. In a second stage (Fig. 4-27b),
in early Miocene time (-,19 Ma), a left-lateral
shear motion dominated, causing counterclock-
wise rotations of some of the lithospheric frag-
ments in the Mediterranean such as the island
chain of Corsica and Sardinia and the Apennine
peninsula. This stage also favored a SW-NE di-
rected shortening of the lithosphere in a number
of orogenic zones around the Mediterranean. In a
third stage (Fig. 4-27c), representative of Early
Pleistocene(~2 Ma)-to-Recent, right-lateral slip
displacements parallel to the plate boundary and
a SE-NW-trending compressive push against
Europe by the African plate---due to its gradual
counterclockwise rotationuare dominant. Both
interacting effects produce the stress and motion
Plete motion
relative to Eurasia
pattern presently observed in the Mediterranean-
[urosien plate Alpine region. Dewey et al. (1989) describe six
Shear motion
relative to Eurasia
smoothed and simplified phases of the African
Africen plate motion in the European frame of reference, from
Sense of rotation 220 Ma to the present (see also Mueller and Kahle,
ALpine system of 9microptote
1993, Table I). The part relevant for the develop-
Vector of
Rift lone compressive motion ment of the European Cenozoic rift system since
the end of Mesozoic times is depicted in Figure
Strike slip foutt Sense of
dilative motion
4-28 which also demonstrates the correlation be-
tween plate motion and the rotating stress field
described above.
The European Cenozoic rift system 195

Per=od Stage Age Anom. P/~loen middle Eocene and in the Rhinegraben in the
HOLOCENE late Eocene. The formation of the
Rhinegraben began in the south with the rift-
5 ing propagating northward. Magma of about
ME SSINIAN ~ 9 ' - - ' - - 5-""
the same composition as the Early Tertiary
TORTONIAN volcanics was extruded during later volcanic
! cycles, particularly in Miocene time (18 to 12
Ma), in the Kaiserstuhl and also in the Hegau
BURDIGALIAN on the eastern flank.

Gradual subsidence of the graben was

25 largely compensated by simultaneous sedi-
OLIGOCENE mentation and was accompanied by uplift of
RUPELIAN the graben shoulders. With the beginning of
"~--38 ~ 13
PRIABONIAN Lower Miocene the subsidence in the south-

BARTONIAN / , ern graben slowed down after the sediments

LUTETIAN had reached a thickness of about 2.2 km. Due
~=-51 , 2 1 ~ to uplift of the flanks, substantial erosion took
55 , 24 VERY place, which in the Black Forest and Vosges
mountains affected a layer of up to 1 km in
thickness. The load of sediments denuded
from the rift shoulders is of the same order as
i I
that deposited in the graben. At that time
taphrogenetic processes were still moving
Fig. 4-28. Correlation table showing the general direction of further northward, with the most intense ac-
African plate motion with respect to Europe (modified from
Mueller and Kahle, 1993, table 1)
tivity concentrated in the region of Heidel-
berg-Mannheim. The framework of the north-
ern trough segment of the Rhinegraben was
formed in Plio-Pleistocene time with the sedi-
Upwelling of mantle material began long before mentary strata attaining an average thickness of 3.4
the first indications of rifting and graben formation km.
and, becoming gradually visible at the surface, first A lateral gap with a width about 5 km (more re-
signaled imminent changes in the lithosphere-as- cent results: 5-8 km; R. Altherr, oral communica-
thenosphere system. In the Early Tertiary, and in tion, 1994)remains open when the vertical move-
some places during the Late Cretaceous, volcanic ments and the rotations of the tilted blocks are re-
activity appeared in some areas of the future rift sys- stored (lilies, 1974c). This is the amount by which
tem. At that time the Mesozoic cover was intruded both flanks of the graben have moved apart hori-
by several groups of volcanic necks and dikes with zontally since the Middle Eocene. In addition to ver-
absolute ages between 70 and 55 Ma. The ascend- tical movements and tilts, left-lateral strike-slip dis-
ing magma was of a dominantly olivine-nephelinitic placements have taken place in the direction of the
composition which must have originated in the up- graben axis. The amounts of horizontal displacement
per mantle at depths of 80 to 100 km (correspond- along strike are, however, rather small in compari-
ing to the "top" of the "undisturbed" asthenosphere son to those of the basement perpendicular to strike.
in central Europe). Further north, the Rhenish Massif was not again
It was only about 25 to 10 Ma later, i.e. in middle covered by the sea after Lower Jurassic time, ex-
Eocene time (45 Ma), that the first surficial changes cept for the northern and northwestern margins
became apparent. In the Sa6ne, Limagne and Bresse which were affected by short ingressions during the
grabens sedimentation commenced during the Upper Cretaceous. The first uplifting movements
196 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

took place at the end of the Cretaceous and in the 4.6.4. Reactivation
early Tertiary in the northwestern part of the Mas-
sif. But in spite of these movements the surface of Geophysical evidence in the Massif Central indi-
the entire Massif did not rise much above sea level cates an updoming of a mantle plume which con-
during the Lower Tertiary. A short marine ingres- trois volcanism, heat production, and uplift, but evi-
sion covered large areas of the western Rhenish dently occurs very quietly and at great depth, caus-
Massif in the Middle/Upper Oligocene. The main ing almost negligible seismicity. With the exception
uplift started at the end of the Oligocene and contin- of the southern Rh6ne valley, subsidence and
ued up to the present time (Meyer et al., 1983). taphrogenesis in the grabens of south-central France
Physiographically, the uplifted block of the is minor.
Rhenish Massif crosscuts the belt of active rifting. Young volcanic activity in the Massif Central and
Illies et al. (1979) suggest that incompetent rock in the Eifel as well as present-day seismicity, which
material of the upper crust covers an active rift belt is weak in the Massif Central but relatively strong
underneath and that the tectonically incompetent in the southern and northern Rhinegraben and along
behavior of the slightly metamorphosed Devonian the northwestern branch of the rift through the
slates impeded progression of the surficial rift val- Rhenish Massif and Lower Rhine embayment, indi-
ley. cate that rifting has slowed but has not stopped en-
In terms of regional tectonics the uplifted Rhenish tirely.
Massif is part of an incoherent mosaic of blocks in The general seismotectonic regime of the Middle
the northern foreland of the Alpine fold belt (Illies Rhine zone between Mainz and Bonn is clearly char-
and Greiner, 1978) which is surrounded by rift val- acterized by extensional rifting along a broad NW-
leys and fault troughs. In the west and east, extinct SE trending fracture zone, which follows approxi-
rift segments flank the unit, the Luxembourg mately the course of the Rhine and connects major
embayment and the Hessen depression, respectively. seismotectonic features of the Rhinegraben with
At the southern and northern end, active rift seg- those of the Lower Rhine embayment. The Rhenish
ments, the Rhinegraben and the Lower Rhine Massif is bisected by this zone into two parts which
embayment, frame the Massif. These active rift seg- were shifted away from each other in SW-NE di-
ments are linked together seismo-tectonically along rection. From the geological point of view, the hid-
a northeast-trending "subplate boundary" which ob- den zone of active rifting probably consists----even
liquely traverses the Rhenish Massif (Illies and deep underground--not of large pervading fault
Greiner, 1979). lines, but of numerous smaller faults, oriented in sub-
lilies et al. (1979) interpret the rift-triggered pla- parallel or en-echelon configuration. This implies a
teau uplift of the Rhenish Massif as a ductile crustal rather diffuse picture of ruptural deformation of the
elongation that causes crustal attenuation and the crust, which might be caused by the slaty composi-
subsequent processes of mantle rise and isostatic tion of the majority of rocks in the upper part of the
rebound. Hidden rift progression evolved in the crust of the Rhenish Massif (Ahorner et al., 1983).
deeper crust of a unit which surficially marks the
missing link with the central European rift belt. 4.7. General conclusions
Mantle rise and crustal doming substituted here for
the physiographic phenomenon of rift valley forma- 4.7.1. Key questions and problems
tion. Rupturally incompetent behavior of the in-
volved rock masses in the upper crust impeded the The European Cenozoic rift system is one of the
development of rift type morphostructures. currently active rift systems that evolved on old, sta-
bilized continental crust. It is considered a "passive"
The European Cenozoic rift system 197

rift system in so far as its evolution was apparently Geophysical investigations confirm a strong
governed by stress-induced lithospheric extension asymmetry of the individual grabens in various pa-
(Ziegler, 1992). Ziegler (1992) describes and dis- rameters:
cusses a number of models which have attempted to 9sedimentary fill
explain the evolution of the Cenozoic rift of central 9volcanic activity
and western Europe, ranging from a hot-spot driven 9stress distribution
mechanism (Cloos, 1939) through foreland splitting 9gravity
in response to continent-continent collision (Molnar 9earthquake distribtion in quantity and in depth
and Tapponnier, 1975; Seng0r et al., 1978; Bergerat 9crustal and upper-mantle structure
and Geyssant, 1980; Dewey and Windley, 1988) to The sedimentary fill of the individual grabens is
a new cycle of plate-reorganization during the late highly asymmetric, as has been discussed in detail
Alpine orogeny. Ziegler (1992) concludes that the above for the Rhinegraben (e.g., Illies, 1974b), the
evolution of this rift system is governed by the in- Bresse graben (e.g. Bois et al., 1991), the Limagne
teraction of the Eurasian and African plates and by graben (Morange et al., 1971) and the southern
early phases of a plate-boundary reorganization that Rh6ne valley (Sapin and Hirn, 1974).
may lead to the breakup of the present continental There is a significant difference in volcanic ac-
assembly, as suggested by Late Oligocene-early tivity between individual sections of the European
Miocene southward propagation across the west Cenozoic rift system. Increased activity is recorded
Mediterranean fold belts. in the Massif Central and in the Rhenish Massif area
In earlier models of continental rifting a sym- including the Hessen depression, while the central
metrical shape of the rift-forming structures was portion, the Rhinegraben proper is almost devoid of
assumed which should result in steep flanks and flat volcanic fields.
morphology of the corresponding graben floor. Re- A significant gravity signature is seen for the
cent geophysical investigations in a number of rifts, Rhinegraben and the Limagne graben, although, the
however, have proved that rifts in general are char- magnitudes are quite different. For the Rhinegraben
acterized by strong asymmetries. This is also true only ~20 mGal differences between graben and
for the individual parts of the Cenozoic European flanks are observed, which some authors explain as
rift system, as has been discussed in some detail in caused by the sedimentary fill only. For the Limagne
the previous sections. graben and surrounding areas of the Massif Central,
Important elements of many recent investigations up to 80 reGal contrasts are observed (Stoll et al.,
of the European Cenozoic rift system comprise: 1994).
9earthquakes: their depth distribution and their Earthquake activity shows a rather peculiar pat-
focal mechanisms, tern. Present-day activity concentrates in the Lower
9recent crustal movements, Rhine embayment, in the northern foreland of the
9direction of stress, Rhenish Massif to the west, in the northern
9 temperature-depth distribution, Rhinegraben (e.g., Ahorner, 1983), and in the south-
9basin infill and denudation of the flanks, em Rhinegraben, while the Hessen depression and
9properties of the brittle upper crust, in particu- the Massif Central show little to no activity. In ad-
lar of possible velocity inversions dition, the southern Rhinegraben shows a character-
9properties of the ductile lower crust: structure istic asymmetry in frequency and depth of events
and the nature of its lamellar structure, (Bonjer et al., 1984, 1989; Bonier, 1992).
9petrological composition of the crust and upper While for the Rhinegraben and the Rhenish Mas-
mantle, sif areas, the general trend of the stress field does
9the role of the uppermost mantle, not seem to be related to any rifting features, sparse
9anisotropy. data in France indicate a possible rotation of the
stress field towards the north, which may be an in-
teraction between Alpine orogeny and rifting. It may
198 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

not be accidental that the most recent chain of vol- There is a clear low-velocity anomaly in the up-
canoes, the Cha~ne des Puys, is also oriented in a per mantle beneath the western Rhenish Massif down
north-south direction. to 150 km depth, which is not present to the east.
Heat flow values in the Rhinegraben average Under the Massif Central, there also is a clear cor-
about 70 mWm -2, while for the Massif Central the relation between volcanic areas at the surface and
average is between 90 and 100 mWm -2. low-velocity zones in the uppermost mantle, i.e.,
Wherever modern seismic data are available, the between 25-30 km (Moho) and 60 km depth. The
lower crust under graben and flank areas is charac- deep (60-150 km), large-scale low-velocity anomaly
terized by a strong reflectivity. This seems to be a is interpreted as an indication of a postulated mantle
general characteristic inherited from the Variscan plume (Granet et al., 1994). Under the southern
orogeny and is interpreted as the presence of alter- Rhinegraben there is no clear indication of a gen-
nating high- and low-velocity layers whose thick- eral low-velocity zone in the lower lithosphere un-
nesses are estimated to be of the order of only 100 derlying the Moho, but localized, smaller-scale low-
m (Wenzel et al., 1987). For the Massif Central, it velocity areas of limited extent do exist (Glahn et
has been shown that the statistical abundance of the al., 1993).
high-velocity layers increases with depth (Novak, The recent generalized map of lithospheric thick-
1993). ness by Babuska and Plomerova (1992), derived
The laminated lower crust has been thinned con- from average P-wave residuals, shows a thin lithos-
siderably underneath the graben areas proper, par- phere of 60-80 km underneath the Rhenish Massif
ticularly beneath the central Limagne graben and northern Rhinegraben, while under the Massif
(Landes, 1994) and the Rhinegraben (Brun et al., Central a normal thickness of 120-140 km is seen.
1992; Echtler et al., 1994). A quantitatively similar result had also been obtained
The crust-mantle boundary shows rift-related earlier by Panza et al. (1980) from surface and shear
updoming, although its intensity is quite variable. wave investigations. This result is certainly in con-
Under the Massif Central, updoming seems to be lim- trast with more recent and more detailed tomographic
ited to the western sides of the Limagne (Landes, results by Granet et al. (1994).
1994) as well as the Bresse grabens proper (Bois et
al., 1991). In contrast, under the southern Rh6ne 4.7.2. Sequence of events
valley and under the Rhinegraben, the updoming
involves wide parts of the shoulders as well, though Ziegler (1992) discusses the sequence of evolu-
here also some asymmetry in the shape of the domes tionary events in detail. Initial rifting phases during
is observed; the western flank is more accentuated, the late Eocene and Oligocene, as well as compres-
while thickening of the crust is more gentle towards sional foreland stresses connected with Pyrenean and
the east (Edel et al., 1975; Sapin and Hirn, 1974). Alpine collision zones caused by African plate mo-
For the Rhinegraben and the volcanic areas of the tion (see Figs. 4-27 and 4-28), may have played a
Rhenish Massif and the Hessen depression, the major role in the tensional reactivation of Permo-
Moho, normally a first-order discontinuity, seems Carboniferous fracture systems. Such stresses thus
to be heavily disrupted, although a P~-velocity within controlled the localization of individual grabens such
a normal range slightly above 8 km/s is observed as the Rh6ne depression, the Limagne and Bresse
almost everywhere. Under the entire Massif Central, grabens, the Rhinegraben, the Burgundy transform
recent seismic observations seem to indicate the fault system, the Hessen depression, and the Lower
overall presence of a normal uppermost mantle with Rhine embayment (Ziegler, 1992).
velocities--8 km/s (Landes, 1994; Novak, 1993; Repeated changes in the stress field controlled the
Zeyen et al., 1994), in contrast to earlier interpreta- subsidence of various segments of the European
tions (Perrier and Ruegg, 1993; Hirn and Perier, Cenozoic rift system, possibly as an interplay be-
1974). tween collision-related foreland compressional and
regional tensional stresses as well as rift-induced
The European Cenozoic rift system 199

thermal uplift. Progressive lithospheric thinning may Egloff (1979) finds depths of 27-29 km for profiles
have caused thermal updoming in the Rhenish Mas- reaching from the northern Rh6ne graben into the
sif and in the Massif Central which started in the Swiss Jura, and his Moho depth contour map indi-
early Miocene and continues today. Intrusion of cates a gradual increase in crustal thickness from 26
melts into intra-lithospheric levels may have caused km northwest of the Swiss Jura to 30 km at its east-
uplift of axial grabens and erosion of their sedimen- ern border. The axis of minimum crustal thickness
tary fill as may be seen in the grabens developed follows approximately the direction of the northern
within the Massif Central and the Vosges-Black For- Bresse and, north of the city of D61e, seems to bend
est system. towards the northwest.
The late Oligocene-early Oligocene phase of In conclusion, it is well documented that the crust
foreland compression coincides with the initial rift- for the graben areas of the central European rift sys-
ing phases of the Rhine, Sa6ne, Bresse, and Limagne tem differs from the adjacent continental crust. Be-
grabens. Subsidence of these grabens was governed sides a strong seismic reflection from the crust-
by a northerly-directed compressional stress field. mantle boundary, and sometimes replacing it, a
During the early Oligocene, the Rhinegraben rifting strong-amplitude intracrustal phase is evident on
continued northwards through the Hessen depression many graben profiles indicating a good reflector at
and Leine graben to the margins of the Northwest about 20 km depth. A highly anomalous crust-mantle
European basin. A reduced subsidence rate in mid- transition---confined to the Rhinegraben proper--is
Oligocene indicates a temporary relaxation of com- superimposed on a regional uplift of the crust-mantle
pressional foreland stresses. During the late Oli- boundary which reaches well beyond the boundaries
gocene-early Miocene a second phase of rapid sub- of the graben. Such a transition zone is also well
sidence started in the Rhinegraben, at the same time documented for the graben areas of southeastern
the Lower Rhine embayment subsided, indicating a France. The updoming of the mantle (Fig. 4-29)
northwestward propagation of rifting which contin- which reflects a fairly active stage of taphrogenesis
ued into Pliocene times. The Limagne and Bresse (Menard, 1973) culminates in the southern
grabens ceased to subside during the early Miocene, Rhinegraben and the Limagne graben and, to a cer-
but the subsidence of the Bresse graben was reacti- tain extent, is also seen under the Vogelsberg and
vated again during late Miocene and Pliocene. the subsequent Hessen depression. Under the
Rhenish Massif, taphrogenesis may have just started
4.7.3. Lithospheric thinning and rifting or has been severely disturbed by the very strong
crustal block of the Rhenish Massif, and therefore
Various contour maps of the Moho, published for may not yet have reached its culmination.
different parts of the central European rift system
Teleseismic investigations of the Massif Central
and adjacent areas by different authors (Edel et al., (Fig. 4-8), the southern Rhinegraben (Fig 4-18), and
1975; Egloff, 1979; Zeis, 1988) have been merged
the Rhenish Massif (Fig. 4-25; Raikes and Bonjer,
into a joint Moho depth contour map (Fig. 4-29).
1983) provide strong evidence for considerable up-
The pronounced crustal thinning of about 20% in
per-mantle heterogeneity. Anomalous velocity-depth
comparison with the surrounding areas (Hirn, 1976),
structure at lower crustal-uppermost mantle level
as found for the southern Rht3ne valley and the
reflect a clear coincidence of two zones of decreased
Rhinegraben, does not seem to continue along the
seismic velocities and the presence of volcanic ac-
entire graben system. For the Limagne, northern
tivity which are evident from the surface to a depth
Rh6ne-, upper Sa6ne, and Bresse graben systems,
of 70 km (Granet et al., 1994). Plume interactions
seismic data also indicate a reduction in crustal thick-
causing mass intrusion, differentiation, or phase
ness in comparison with the structure beneath the
transformations may be considered as possible
flanking plateau de Langres in the west and the Swiss
causes for the low-velocity zone below 70 km depth.
Jura in the east. However, the difference does not
The graben system and the volcanic provinces of the
exceed 10% (Michel et al., 1977). For example,
Massif Central are clearly situated above a region
200 C. Prodehl, S. Mueller, and V. Haak

Fig. 4-29. Contour map of the depth to the crust-mantle boundary along the European Cenozoic rift system through southeastern
France and southwestern Germany. After Prodehl et al. (1992), compiled from Edel et al. (1975), Egloff (1979), Him (1976), Zeis
(1988), and Zeis et al. (1989).

of anomalously low-velocity upper mantle (Granet However, under the western Rhenish Massif there
et al., 1994). Here, active upwelling of mantle ma- is again a distinct region of strong velocity reduc-
terial is indicated. In contrast, for the southern tion (3-5%) reaching from 50 to at least 200 km
Rhinegraben, velocity reductions are on the order depth, indicative of a unique upwarp of the lithos-
of a maximum of 2% and areas of decreased veloc- phere-asthenosphere boundary (Raikes and Bonjer,
ity cannot be traced over long distances as continu- 1983).
ous, graben-related features (Glahn et al., 1993).
The European Cenozoic rift system 201

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Chapter 5

The East African rift system

L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, R.F. W e n d l a n d t , P. M o r g a n , and M . A . K h a n

5.1. Introduction recent volumes (e.g., Ben-Avraham, 1987; Makris

et al., 1991; Altherr, 1992; Ziegler, 1992) and will
Over the years, various workers have divided the not be treated here specifically.
East African rift system (EARS) into segments in a The topographic and fault characteristics of the
variety of ways. Rosendahl (1987) provides a use- modern EARS are evident in the topographic map
ful historical perspective on early studies of the shown in Plate 5-1. Regionally, the EARS corre-
EARS. This large and classic rift system ultimately sponds to a topographically high continental area
needs to be explained with an integrated model of with average elevations generally greater than 1000
its structure, origin, and evolution. However, in spite m. Locally, the rift valleys of the EARS are narrow
of a number of recent studies, we are a long way (about 70 to 150 km) topographic lows bordered by
from having the data necessary to formulate such a uplifted "rift shoulders." Traces of the primarily-
model. In this review, primarily because of the dif- extensional faults further delineate the rifts (Plates
ferences in magmatic histories and in topographic 5-1 and 5-2).
expressions, we will employ the common division
of the rift system into two branches; the western
branch that we will call the Western rift and which 5.2. Significance
extends from Lake Mobutu (Albert) on the north to
Lake Malawi on the south (Plate 5-1), and the east- The East African rift system is generally consid-
em branch consisting of two distinct rift zones: the ered to be the classic example of a continental rift.
Kenya or Gregory rift and the Ethiopian rift which Gregory (1896, 1921) conducted early, definitive
we will consider to include southern Afar (Plate 5- studies of this rift system, and it is usually the stan-
1). As emphasized by Rosendahl (1987), these dard to which other rifts are compared (e.g.,
branches can be divided into at least six rift zones Logatchev et al., 1983; Keller et al., 1991).
excluding Ethiopia and Afar. Because our goal is a Rosendahl (1987) briefly summarizes early studies
broader view of the EARS, we will restrict ourselves and reminds us that even Gregory and his contem-
to the terms Western, Kenya, and Ethiopian rifts poraries (e.g.. Suess, 1891; de Martonne, 1897; de
(Plate 5-1). Each of these features is a complex rift Lapparent, 1898) were influenced by early work in
zone in itself and has been the object of many stud- the Rhinegraben by workers such as I~lie de Beau-
ies. The EARS can be thought of a part of the even mont (1827, 1847). In addition, classic studies of
larger Afro-Arabian rift zone which includes the Red the East African rift system such as Krenkel (1922),
Sea and the Dead Sea rift zone. The Red Sea and
Dead Sea rift zones have been the subject of several
214 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, R.F. Wendlandt, P. Morgan, and M.A. Khan

Willis (1936), Cloos (1939) and Holmes (1944) con- sions and estimates of the actual volumes (e.g., Baker
tain substantial insight concerning what are often et al., 1972; Williams, 1982; Karson and Curtis,
considered to be "modern" problems. 1989; and Mohr, 1989; MacDonald, 1994). Recently,
There are several characteristics of the EARS that Mohr (1992) compared the initial flood volcanism
make it particularly useful for studying continental in the Ethiopian, Kenya, and Western rifts, and esti-
rifting. Rift-related volcanism, faulting and topo- mated that these volumes were 400,000 km 3 (includ-
graphic relief are well-exposed in the EARS. A va- ing Afar and Yemen), 220,000 km 3, and 100,000 km 3
riety of tectonic styles, reflected in grabens and half- respectively. Volume estimates for the Western rift
grabens, transverse fault zones and accommodation vary widely ranging from 2000 km 3 (Barberi et al.,
zones, and influences of pre-existing geologic struc- 1982) to 100,000 km 3 (Mohr, 1992). However, it is
tures, are present in the rift system. Because of its clear that volume of rift-related volcanics in the
age, the EARS records a particularly significant stage Ethiopian and Kenya rifts are far greater than in the
of continental rifting in which rifting of the African Western rift. The large volume of flood basalts in
craton began about 15 to 40 million years ago (age Ethiopia (primarily in Afar) is consistent with the
of initiation varies with location) and the rift sys- suggestion that the original crust has been largely
tem continues to be active today. Finally, several replaced by magmatic products (Mohr, 1989). In
areas of the EARS are relatively well-studied with Kenya, there are significant volumes of phonolites
surface geological, geochemical, and shallow and in addition to flood basalts. However, the Kenya Rift
deep geophysical surveys. International Seismic Project (KRISP) results do not
suggest wholesale reorganization of the crust. There
is an anomalous lower crustal layer which could be
5.3. Geological framework underplated material and may have been involved
5.3.1. Overview in the generation of the phonolites (Hay and
Wendlandt, 1995; Hay et al., 1995a, 1995b).
Only regional geologic maps (1:20,000,000 scale
geologic map of the world; 1:5,000,000 scale geo- Western rift
logic map of Africa, Choubert and Fauve-Muret,
1990) exist for the entire EARS. Individual coun- Volcanism in the Western rift occurs in four iso-
tries have had geologic mapping efforts of which lated Miocene to recent volcanic provinces includ-
Kenya's is probably the most notable, and has re- ing, from north to south, the Toro-Ankole, Virunga,
suited in a series of 1:250,000 scale maps. Hack- S. Kivu, and Rungwe regions. These provinces are
man et al. (1990) present a synthesis of what has limited in areal extent and volcanic productivity and
been learned about north-central Kenya by this ef- represent the only significant centers of volcanic
fort. Much geologic mapping has been centered on activity over a distance of approximately 1200 km.
the rifted areas and specific scientific and practical The onset of volcanic activity in these districts pro-
problems, and has generally not resulted in uniform- gressed from north to south, commencing at approxi-
coverage geologic maps in the classic quadrangle mately 12.6 Ma in the Virunga Province (Bellon and
sense. The surrounding Precambrian terranes have Pouclet, 1980), 10 Ma at S. Kivu (Pasteels et al.,
also attracted considerable geologic and economic 1989), and 7 Ma at Rungwe (Ebinger et al., 1989b).
interest, but studies in these areas have usually been The earliest volcanism in the northernmost Toro-
very detailed and local in nature. Ankole province has not been established. Ebinger
(1989a) interprets the onset of volcanism to be prior
5.3.2. Igneous activity to or concurrent with faulting and rift basin devel-
opment in the Western rift. Active volcanism is con-
The difference in the volume of magmatic prod- trolled by faults and fissures parallel to basin bor-
ucts extruded in the eastern and western branches of der faults and by crosscutting transfer faults at in-
the EARS is striking. There have been many discus- tersections of rift segments (Ebinger, 1989b).
The East African rift system 215

Compositions of all lavas in the western rift are Williams (1982) and Baker (1987). Keller et al.
characterized by high incompatible element and (1991) summarize the relationship between volcan-
volatile contents. Eruptives in the Toro-Ankole and ism and tectonic evolution of the Kenya rift.
Virunga provinces are extremely potassic and silica- The age of earliest rift-related igneous activity is
undersaturated (Bell and Powell, 1969; Demant et conjectural, but may be represented by the emplace-
al., 1994; De Mulder et al., 1986; Rogers et al., ment of kimberlite diatremes in northern Tanzania
1992), in contrast to the Kenya rift where sodic vol- at about 45--40 Ma (Nixon, 1973; Wendlandt and
canism is characteristic, and to the Ethiopia rift Morgan, 1982) and, subsequently, by the eruption
where tholeiitic to weakly alkaline eruptives are typi- of alkali basalts in northern Kenya (Turkana) and a
cal. Carbonatites and leucite- and kalsilite-bearing carbonatite near the Uganda-Kenya border at ap-
lavas are reported from both the Toro-Ankole and proximately 30 Ma (Williams, 1982). Subsequent
Virunga provinces (Bell and Powell, 1969; Sahama, volcanism (23-4 Ma) was localized in broad
1960, 1973). Lavas from the S. Kivu province are downwarps that eventually became the sites of half-
much less alkaline, consisting of tholeiite, alkali graben and graben structures.
basalt, basanite, melilite nephelinite, and lesser Early-middle Miocene volcanism involved the
amounts of trachyte (Auchapt et al., 1987; Marcelot eruption of strongly silica-undersaturated lavas of
et al., 1989; Pasteels et al., 1989). Auchapt et al. nephelinite-phonolite-carbonatite affinity in eastern
(1987) identify three volcanic cycles in the South Uganda and western Kenya and approximately
Kivu province: a pre-rift stage (70-7 Ma) character- 3 5 , 0 0 0 k m 3 of alkaline flood basalts, primarily in
ized by the eruption of quartz tholeiites and olivine northern Kenya (Williams, 1982). These mafic
tholeiites, an early rifting stage (7.8-1.9 Ma) char- eruptives were followed by approximately 50,000
acterized by alkali basalts, and the most recent stage km 3 of flood phonolite (Lippard, 1973), erupted dur-
(14 Ka-Recent) involving eruption of transitional ing late Miocene (14-11 Ma), which filled and over-
to alkalic basalt. The Rungwe province is character- flowed the rift structure existing at this time. Flood
ized by the presence of olivine basalt, alkali basalt, phonolite eruptives are concentrated primarily in
basanite, and nephelinite, along with phonolite and southern Kenya (Williams, 1970, 1972; Baker et al.,
trachyte lavas (Ebinger et al., 1989b; Furman, 1990, 1971, 1972; King and Chapman, 1972). Younger
1992). volcanism was variable in composition, but included
the eruption of approximately 25,000 km 3 of flood Kenya rift trachytes and ignimbrites from about 5-2 Ma (Baker
et al., 1972; Williams, 1972, 1982), overspilling the
Lavas of the Kenya rift are dominantly sodic and rift a second time. During Quaternary time, basaltic
alkaline. Compositions range from carbonatite to volcanism shifted away from the central rift region
nephelinite, basanite, alkali basalt, and transitional to the east, approximately 150-250 km into the
basalt with extensive volumes of more evolved and Marsabit area, to the Mt. Kilimanjaro region, and
felsic eruptives. The total volume of volcanic rocks northeast of Mt. Kenya. Other Quaternary volcanic
in the Kenya rift is approximately 230,000 km 3 (Wil- activity includes the eruption of trachytic calderas
liams, 1982). A general migration of volcanism from along the rift valley floor.
north to south and from west to east and progres-
sions from strongly alkaline to less alkaline Ethiopian rift
magmatism and from mafic to more evolved and
felsic compositions are noteworthy aspects of Kenya The Ethiopian rift is characterized by largely bi-
rift magmatic evolution. Excellent discussions of modal magmatism, transitional basalts that straddle
temporal-spatial-compositional variations of volca- the tholeiitic-alkaline boundary and younger (Up-
nism associated with the Kenya rift are provided by per Miocene-Pliocene to Recent) trachyte-
pantellerite ignimbrites and lavas. Mohr (1983) es-
timates that Tertiary lavas emanating from fissures
216 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, R.F. Wendlandt, P. Morgan, and M.A. Khan

and producing plateaus may comprise as much as of volcanics was in Ethiopia, followed by Kenya.
300,000 km 3. Although volcanism started earlier, These rifts contain perhaps an order of magnitude
peak eruption volumes associated with the rift oc- more volcanic material than observed in the longer
curred during the period 32-21 Ma (Mohr and Western rift. Felsic rocks represent a significant pro-
Zanettin, 1988). Magmatism is ongoing and includes portion of the total volume of volcanic material in
< 1 Ma basalt, rhyolite, and lesser amounts of inter- the Ethiopian and Kenya rifts. In contrast, felsic lavas
mediate volcanics concentrated along the rift axes. are much less abundant in the Western rift.
The Akobo basalts in southwest Ethiopia have
been dated as Eocene, 49-47 Ma (Davidson and Rex,
1980). However, these volcanics were erupted sig- 5.4. Geophysical surveys and results
nificantly before the initiation of rifting in the Middle Because of recent efforts by the Kenya Rift Inter-
Miocene in southern and southwestern Ethiopia national Seismic Project (KRISP), Project PROBE
(WoldeGabriel et al., 1991). In the main Ethiopian of Duke University, and the Institute of African Geo-
rift, WoldeGabriel et al. (1990) recognize six epi- sciences at the University of Leeds, there has been a
sodes of volcanic activity starting in mid-Oligocene major increase in the amount of geophysical data in
or earlier, all of which involve the eruption of tran- the Western and Kenya rifts. These data, when added
sitional basalts. In Afar, volcanism started during late to earlier results in the Ethiopian rift (Berckhemer
Oligocene-early Miocene (ca. 25 Ma) with a second et al., 1975; Ruegg, 1975; Makris and Ginzburg,
episode in late Miocene (7 Ma) and oceanic crust 1987), provide a much improved, although far from
development from Pliocene to present. complete, picture of lithospheric structure and tec-
WoldeGabriel (1987) and Hart et al. (1989) tonic evolution of the EARS.
present geochemical and isotopic evidence that the
mantle sources of basalts were heterogeneous, in- 5.4.1. Kenya rift
cluding both enriched and depleted mantle, as well
as ocean island basalt (OIB)-type mantle source. Hart The Kenya rift (Plates 5-1 and 5-2) has been the
et al. (1989) determined that initial magmas were focus of the greatest number and variety of geophysi-
derived from an enriched, subcontinental lithos- cal studies. Swain et al. (1994) provide a review of
pheric mantle, but that with time, increasing contri- studies prior to 1989, the beginning of the major
butions from depleted asthenosphere are observed. KRISP effort in 1989-90 (KRISP Working Party,
1991). A series of papers contained in a special vol- Comparisons~Contrasts ume edited by Prodehl et al. (1994a) present the re-
suits of the KRISP 90 seismic experiments. In terms
Volcanic activity occurred initially in the Ethio- of crustal structure, the most surprising result of the
pian rift (ca. 49 Ma), followed by the Kenya rift (ca. KRISP experiments was the large variation along the
30-24 Ma), and most recently in the Western rift (12 rift axis. As shown in Figure 5-1, the crust thins from
Ma). In the Western rift, the onset of volcanic activ- about 35 km at the apex of the Kenya dome to about
ity progressed from north to south. Oligocene vol- 20 km at Lake Turkana. Most of this thinning oc-
canism in Kenya occurred in the Turkana area but curs in the lowermost crustal layer which Keller et
may have significantly preceded rifting. Beginning al. (1994) interpret as being dominantly underplated
about 21 Ma in northern Kenya and about 10-12 Ma material. Hay and Wendlandt (1995) summarize the
in southern Kenya, volcanism was localized in fault- geochemical data which support this interpretation
bounded rift structures. In the last 4 Ma, basaltic and argue that this layer probably formed early in
volcanism has shifted east away from the rift axis. the evolution of the rift and then acted as the source
In all three East African rift segments, volcanism of the voluminous flood phonolites.
appears to have generally preceded or in some cases The KRISP 90 refraction and teleseismic data
have been contemporaneous with major rift faulting provide an opportunity to examine the velocity struc-
(e.g. Ebinger, 1989a, b). The most extensive volume ture of the Kenya rift from the surface to about 160
The East African rift system 217

N Kenya Dome S
t2.0 Lake Turkana Baringo Naivasha Magadi -

0 ~* " ~ ~
/ 3.1 ~ ~ - ~ - f ~3,9 ~ 5.1 ~' -' --

-~/ 6.1 6.2 Upper Crust "

20 6 5 Lower Crust -
-1- - - ~ - \ x \ \ \ \ \~!-
I-- us Lower\Grust, \
uJ 30 \ \
a 7.5 -

50 ,,,,i,,,,i,,,,i,,,,I,,,,I,,,,I,,,,I,,,,i,,,,i,,~
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Fig. 5-1. Axial line (north to south, corresponding to deployments A, B, and C in Plate 5-2) seismic velocity model of the Kenya
rift (Mechie et al., 1994). Numbers are interpreted seismic compressional-wave velocities in km/s.

km depth. To simultaneously view the shallow teleseismic delay times were corrected for the travel-
(crustal) and deep (uppermost mantle) structure, we time effects of the variable velocities and thicknesses
have combined the KRISP 90 cross line interpreta- of crustal layers so that the teleseismic model repre-
tion (Braile et al., 1994) for the upper 40 km depth sents only mantle velocity structure. Because the
range, with the teleseismic upper mantle velocity upper mantle velocity model derived from the
model (40 to 160 km depth range) of Slack et al. teleseismic data consists of velocity variations rather
(1994). The crustal model consists of compressional than actual velocities, we have combined the crustal
wave velocity structure derived by travel-time mod- and upper mantle models by converting the mantle
eling of refraction and wide-angle reflection arriv- velocity differences to actual velocities using the
als from surface explosive sources along an approxi- upper mantle velocities just below the Moho that
mately west-east profile (dashed line near equator were derived by the refraction modeling as control
on Plate 5-1 and deployment D on Plate 5-2). The (Mechie et al., 1994; Braile et al., 1994; Prodehl et
teleseismic velocity model (Slack et al., 1994) for al., 1994b). Using P, velocities from refraction and
the upper mantle consists of velocity values repre- the average uppermost mantle teleseismic velocity
senting differences (in percent) relative to a "stan- variations within the rift (7.6 km/s and -4 % respec-
dard mantle" velocity-depth curve. The velocity dif- tively) we calculated that teleseismically derived
ferences were computed by simultaneous inversion velocity differences, which averaged +1.7% in the
of multiple delay times (residuals) of P-wave arriv- region immediately beneath the Moho under the east-
als recorded at the surface for raypaths from many ern flank of the rift, correspond to a velocity of 8.06
distant earthquakes. The teleseismic receiver arrays km/s. This value is very close to the 8.04 km/s ve-
operated during the KRISP 85 (KRISP Working locity for the mantle beneath the Moho in the world-
Group, 1987) and KRISP 90 experiment were lo- wide averaged iasp91 Earth model of Kennett and
cated in the region extending 200 km south of the Engdahl (1991) and is close to a typical value for a
refraction profile (deployment D, Plate 5-2). The cratonic region. For example, averages of P, veloci-
218 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, R.F. Wendlandt, P. Morgan, and M.A. Khan

ties for seismic studies in the midcontinent and shield interpretation stresses the importance of the suture
regions of North America yield a value of about 8.1 between the Tanzanian craton and Mozambique belt
km/s (Braile, 1989). A small velocity gradient with (Nyblade and Pollack, 1992). This anomaly is ob-
depth (approximately 0.00015 km/s/km above 120 scured on the profile illustrated in Figure 5-2, but
km depth and 0.0028 km/s/km below 120 km depth), its location has been highlighted. The seismic re-
consistent with the iasp91 model, was also added to suits from Kenya provide the control necessary to
the mantle velocities derived from the teleseismic present a clearer picture of the implications of the
model velocity differences. The crustal and mantle gravity anomalies. The nearly 200 mGal gravity
velocity values were then gridded, smoothed and anomaly which is observed along the axial seismic
contoured to provide a consistent P wave velocity profile (Plate 5-2) can be explained almost com-
model (Plate 5-3) of the crust and uppermost mantle pletely by the axial variation in crustal thickness
across the Kenya rift. The most striking feature of (Fig. 5-1), (Mechie et al., 1994). To investigate the
the crust and uppermost mantle velocity model is anomalies observed across the rifts, a regional Earth
the relatively narrow (100-200 km) anomalous re- model along the equator extending across the Kenya
gion and the vertical alignment of the rift valley (de- and Western rifts was prepared (Fig. 5-2). This
fined by topography and boundary faults, and the model shows that the local axial gravity maxima is
sedimentary and volcanic fill which extends to narrow and is due largely to intra-rift basement struc-
depths of greater than 5 km), the mantle upwarp ture. There is no need for an axial dike, but Swain
(crustal thinning of about 10 km), and the underly- (1992) shows that there may be a slight densifica-
ing anomalously low velocity upper mantle. This tion of the crust in the axial area caused by intru-
alignment suggest that the rifting processes at the sions. The seismic model (Plate 5-3) also shows
surface and within the crust (uplift, extensional fault- slightly higher values in the middle and upper crust
ing, graben formation, volcanism, igneous intrusion within the rift (Braile et al., 1994). Otherwise, the
in the lower crust, and shallowing of the Moho) are combined seismic and gravity data are satisfied by
the response to the hot (and therefore anomalously the model shown in Figure 5-2 which shows thin-
low-velocity) upper mantle beneath the rift. The in- ning of the mantle lithosphere to be much larger than
terpreted crustal and uppermost mantle velocity thinning of the crust. The thinned lithosphere under
structure also displays a high degree of symmetry. the Lake Victoria region represents a deeper-seated
The crustal thinning across the rift is abrupt, and the anomaly (e.g., Ebinger et al., 1989a).
narrow and steep-sided nature of the mantle anomaly
provide evidence that it is young. 5.4.2. Western Rift
Gravity anomalies in the Kenya and Western rifts
have been the object of much interest since the early In the Western rift, the area of Lakes Tanganyika,
work of Bullard (1936). Swain et al. (1994) summa- Rukwa, and Malawi has been the focus of much re-
rize the studies in Kenya and a recent study in the cent attention because extensive seismic reflection
western rift (Upcott et al., 1995) summarizes much data in these lakes have been published and analyzed
of the gravity work in that area. The source of both in detail. Project PROBE collected data for Lakes
the short and long wavelength anomalies has been Tanganyika and Malawi, and data for Lake Rukwa
debated often, and many studies have focused on the were collected as part of a program led by Amoco in
role of intrusions in the crust. An interesting new collaboration with the Tanzanian Petroleum Devel-

Fig. 5-2. Regional earth model derived for a gravity profile across the equator from 25~ to 41 *W longitudes. Numbers indicate
densities in g/cm3. A variety of near-surface geological bodies are included in order to match the short wavelength component of
the gravity field. All depths on this model are referenced to a surface elevation of ~1 km, not sea level which is the reference for the
KRISP seismic models. Dashed line indicates tie to the KRISP 90 axial line (Fig. 5-1). The interpreted position of the suture
between the Tanzanian Craton and the Mozambique Belt is shown following Nyblade and Pollack (1992). Upper crustal densities in
the Kenya rift valley are slightly (0.01-0.02 g/cm 3) higher than in adjacent areas following Swain (1992). K = Mt. Kenya. Modified
from Hay et al. (1995b) and Simiyu and Keller (in preparation),
The East African rift system 219
220 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, R.F. Wendlandt, P. Morgan, and M.A. Khan

opment Corporation. Rosendahl et al. (1992) sum- km/s appear only in about the upper 5 km (beneath
marized the results from these three lakes and com- the sedimentary and volcanic layer) of the crust
pared them to Project PROBE results from Lake within Afar, and velocities of about 6.9 km/s are
Turkana in the northern Kenya rift. These efforts reached at depths of only ~ 10 km (Fig. 5-3). The
have yielded an excellent picture of the shallow thinned crust beneath the Ethiopian rift and Afar is
structure (0 to about 10 km depth) in the area of these underlain by an anomalous upper mantle (Fig. 5-3)
lakes. with low compressional seismic velocities (7.4 to
Although these seismic reflection studies provide 7.8 km/s) which Makris and Ginzburg (1987) infer
an excellent view of the structure of the uppermost to be caused by high temperature in the mantle. On
portion of the crust, data on deeper structure in the the adjacent Ethiopian plateau, a typical continental
western rift are extremely sparse (e.g., Prodehl and crustal velocity structure was observed by
Mechie, 1991). This deficiency seems particularly Berckhemer et al. (1975), Bonjer et al. (1970),
crucial because of the large differences between the Herbert and Langston (1985), and Makris and
western and eastern arms of the EARS and the sig- Ginzburg (1987) (Fig. 5-3). It would appear that the
nificance of deeper crustal and upper mantle varia- transition from relatively thick crust (~40 km) to
tions which are visible in the Kenya rift (Plate 5-3). thinned, rifted crust is as abrupt in Ethiopia as it is
There are no deep seismic reflection or refraction in Kenya. However the velocity structure in the
data available for the Western rift, and no broad-band Kenya rift does not show evidence of the large ex-
passive seismic recordings which could provide con- tension and thinning of the continental crust and
straints on deep structure are available, although an pervasive modification by magmatism implied by the
effort is underway to obtain such data in Tanzania Ethiopian rift and Afar crustal seismic models (Fig.
(Andrew Nyblade, personal communication, 1994). 5-3). Lower crustal seismic velocities in the Ethio-
Bram (1975) used earthquake recordings to construct pian rift and Afar are about 6.9 km/s and the lower
two low-resolution profiles of seismic arrivals. These crustal layer is present at a relatively shallow depth
data did indicate crustal thinning beneath the West- (about 10 km) as compared to the lower crust of
ern rift but the interpretations are crude by modern Kenya (Fig. 5-1 and Plate 5-3). Significant crustal
standards. Nolet and Mueller (1982) used a variety thinning has apparently occurred in the Lake Turkana
of seismic data to derive a regional model of the area of the Kenya rift (Fig. 5-1) but lower crustal
Western rift lithosphere. Their model has to be con- seismic velocities (about 6.4 km/s) are not unusu-
sidered an average over a broad area (l~ to 10~ ally high. Mohr (1989) suggests that new igneous
latitudes) and contains a 35 km thick crust and low material has replaced the bulk of the original Afar
upper mantle velocities to a depth of 140 km, per- crust and the geophysical data appear to support this
haps similar to those observed for the Kenya rift. view.

5.4.3. Ethiopian rift 5.4.4. Other Geophysical Data

Knowledge of deeper structure is much better for Morgan (1982), Nyblade et al. (1990), and
the Ethiopian rift than for the Western rift. Here the Wheildon et al. (1994) provide overviews of heat
seismic studies of Berckhemer et al. (1975) and flow in East Africa. There are of course many high
Ruegg (1975) provide a good picture of crustal and, values related to volcanic activity. Nyblade et al.
to some extent, uppermost mantle structure. Makris (1990) show that the Tanzanian craton (between the
and Ginzburg (1987) reinterpreted these early data Western and Kenya rifts, Plate 5-1) is associated
with modem methods and integrated the results with with low heat flow. Wheildon et al. (1994) argue that
gravity. The resulting crustal models (Fig. 5-3) and the overall conductive heat flow in Kenya is low and
contours of crustal thickness attest to major modifi- that high values are caused by advection of heat
cation of the crust during rifting. Velocities near 6.0 (magmatism) into the crust. The lack of a thermal
The East African rift system 221

Fig. 5-3. Crust and uppermost mantle seismic velocity models for the Ethiopian Rift and Afar areas. Original models are from
Makris and Ginzburg (1987). Numbers in the crustal models are seismic compressional wave velocities in km/s. The velocity value
shown for each layer is the average velocity for layers in which a velocity gradient was interpreted in the original (Makris and
Ginzburg, 1987) models.

signature of the rifting from conduction attests to Wohlenberg (1969) and Fairhead and Stuart (1982)
the youthfulness of the tectonic activity because the provide reviews of seismicity from a regional per-
heat pulse has yet to reach the surface. spective. There are many interesting details revealed
Large (M>5.5) earthquakes are rare in the EARS, by these studies, but from a larger perspective the
but there have been many studies of local seismicity level of seismicity seems moderate and probably
from microearthquake networks (e.g., Rykounov et lower than for the Baikal rift zone (Doser and
al., 1972; Maasha and Molnar, 1972; Maasha, 1975; Yarwood, 1991). A recent (1990-91) sequence of
Bungum and Nnko, 1984; Pointing and Maguire, large events occurred in southern Sudan. Girdler and
1990; Young et al, 1990; Tongue et al, 1992, 1994). McConnell (1994) suggest that these events indicate
222 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, R.F. Wendlandt, P. Morgan, and M.A. Khan

that the Western rift extends 350 km north of Lake Seismic reflection data show that individual basins
Mobutu (Albert), (Plate 5-1). Several of the larger contain as much as 7 km of sedimentary and volca-
events have occurred at depths of 20-40 km which nic fill (Morley et al., 1992).
is rare in modern rift zones where the high heat flow In the space available here, it is not possible to
and magmatism suggests that brittle behavior should address adequately all of the detailed structural ar-
be restricted to the upper crust. Many studies in rift guments which have been made possible by the avail-
zones have found a cessation of seismicity at about ability of these seismic reflection data and the addi-
15 km which has been interpreted to be the depth of tional work that this effort has spawned. The fol-
the brittle-to-ductile transition. The deep events in lowing is an attempt to highlight a few major points.
East Africa have been the object of numerous inves- The detailed studies in the Western rift show that
tigations (Shudofsky, 1985; Shudofsky et al., 1987; fault zones which bound the basins are complex, but
Jackson and Blenkinsop, 1993; Doser and Yarwood, that the main bounding fault zone is associated with
1994; Nyblade and Langston, 1995), and it is diffi- an elevated flank which can be interpreted as a foot-
cult to determine if their foci are in the lower crust wall uplift (e.g., Kusznir and Ziegler, 1992). There
or in the upper mantle. These focal mechanisms are are both planar and listric faults present, but
consistent with the regional stress field of approxi- Rosendahl et al. (1992) suggest that the listric faults
mately E-W extension. However, their depth has may be pre-Cenozoic in age. Ebinger (1989a) ob-
implications for the composition of the crust, the serves that the deep earthquakes may suggest
nature of faulting, and crustal heat production. The steeply-dipping planar faults that penetrate the crust.
lower crust/uppermost mantle must be composed of The stress regime in the EARS has been the subject
material which exhibits brittle behavior under the of some debate (e.g., Ebinger, 1989a; Rosendahl et
P-T conditions that can be inferred; crust penetrat- al., 1992). Ebinger (1989a) argues for the importance
ing faults are implied if surface faults are projected of E-W extension while Rosendahl et al. (1992) ar-
down to the hypocenters of the deep events; and gue for NW-SE directed extension. In either case,
excess heat production in the upper crust would help the sinuous nature of the Western rift in particular
resolve the contradiction between high surface heat would produce zones of shearing and transtension.
flow and brittle behavior in the lower crust/upper For Kenya, Strecker et al. (1990) and Bosworth et
mantle (Nyblade and Langston, 1995). al. (1992) present evidence that the stress field ro-
tated from E-W to NW-SE during the Pleistocene.
The complex patterns of faulting in the Western rift
5.5. Basin structure
(e.g., Rosendahl et al., 1992, Plate 5-2) would seem
Project PROBE and recent petroleum exploration to be consistent with a changing stress field. Finally,
efforts have provided numerous seismic reflection the migration of faulting is an important question
studies of uppermost crustal structure in the West- which is still open. In the Western rift, some faults
ern rift and in the central and northern portion of the seem to grow both to the north and south to produce
Kenya rift (e.g., Rosendahl, 1987; Rosendahl et al., linked but segmented basins, and there is a tendency
1992; Ebinger, 1989a, b; Dunkelman et al., 1988; for the basins to narrow with time (Ebinger, 1989a).
Morley, 1992; Morley, et al., 1992; Strecker and However, various workers have also reported N-S
Bosworth, 1991; Chorowicz, and Sorlien, 1992). and E-W migrations of tectonism and volcanism.
These studies have shown that typical rift basins are Considering the major axial variations in lithospheric
related to asymmetrical half-grabens and grabens structure revealed by the KRISP project and our lack
which reverse polarity along the rift zones. The re- of knowledge of deep structure in the Western rift,
gions between individual structures are often struc- it probably is premature to draw generalizations
turally complex, transfer (accommodation) zones. about migration of tectonism in the EARS as a whole.
The East African rift system 223

The Ethiopian rift and Afar have been the focus Ethiopian Rift Evolution
of many structural studies. However, no seismic re-
AGE (Ma) Volcanism Tectonism
flection data are available to help understand how
surface structures continue at depth. Mohr (1978)
I o) l
provides a thorough review of studies up to the late
1970s. Exposures are good in the area although many ~ I
structures are covered by volcanics. However, in the 10-
._0 I
rifted areas, extremely complex patterns of faulting 0
are found. Mohr (1987) and WoldeGabriel et al. "5. II '
(1990) have studied the main Ethiopian rift and w|
found structures similar to those found in the West- 20- |
ern and Kenya rifts. In particular, both studies found
evidence for axial changes in polarity of the fault- (/)
ing. WoldeGabriel et al. (1990) point out differences 30-

with the rifts to the south and found evidence for .O

two stages of rift development with half-grabens (0 West
eventually developing into grabens. Southern Ethio- <l: South Plateau
pia and its connection with the Kenya rift has been 40- Ethiopian
studied by Moore and Davidson (1978), Davidson SW I Late
and Rex (1980), WoldeGabriel and Aronson (1987) Ethiopia Transitional Mesozoic
basalts Doming ?
and Ebinger and Ibrahim (1994). Here the rift wid- dominant
ens and becomes diffuse. Also, the interaction of
several phases of extension cause complexity
(Ebinger and Ibrahim, 1994). However, structures Fig. 5--4. Schematic diagram illustrating the volcanic and
tectonic evolution of the Ethiopian Rift during the last 40
in southern Ethiopia appear to continue into Kenya
million years.
east of Lake Turkana.
There have been numerous studies of the role of
older structures in the development of the EARS. significantly greater than the extension of 10 km or
On a large scale, the Kenya and Western rifts gener- less found in central Kenya (Strecker and Bosworth,
ally follow the boundaries of the Tanzanian Craton, 1991) and in the Western rift (Ebinger, 1989a, b;
an Archean feature. Studies in Kenya show that the Rosendahl et al., 1992).
rift structures are often controlled by the boundary The role of uplift in rift evolution is a particu-
(collisional zone) between the Tanzanian craton and larly important question. There seems to be agree-
the Proterozoic Mozambique belt (e.g., Smith and ment that an early phase of uplift occurred through-
Mosley, 1993; Hetzel and Strecker, 1994). For ex- out the EARS. However, the volcanic activity has
ample shear zones in Precambrian rocks control the constructed topography, and tectonism has probably
change of orientation in the rift's western margin produced foot-wall uplifts which complicate efforts
near Lake Baringo. However, Ebinger (1989a) ar- to study uplift caused by deep-seated processes such
gues that many major faults in the Western rift are as mantle plumes. Ebinger et al. (1989b) have ana-
not controlled by older structures. lyzed uplift across the Western and Kenya rifts and
In the eastern branch of the rift system, rift struc- present convincing arguments that the entire region
tures occur in broad and complex regions in Afar, including the Lake Victoria stable block must be held
southern Ethiopia, northern Kenya, and northern up by dynamic processes in the upper mantle. There
Tanzania. These areas are topographically low, and seems little doubt that a plume has caused uplift of
Morley et al. (1992) and Hendrie et al. (1994) show the Ethiopian plateau. Nyblade and Robinson (1994)
that at least northern Kenya is an area where exten- present an interpretation that uplift along the EARS
sion is high, on the order of 35-40 km. This value is
224 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, R.F. Wendlandt, P. Morgan, and M.A. Khan

Kenya Rift Tectonism is related to a large mantle anomaly that extends

AGE (Ma) North South from the Mid-Atlantic ridge across southern Af-
35-40 km of extension < 10 km of extension rica and north to Ethiopia.
Graben ~>I.o~, Graben The crustal structure data from the KRISP
project document that along-axis crustal thinning
correlates with the south to north increase in ex-
10 Ha Half-graben tension, and the decrease in elevation from cen-
/ 9 tral to northern Kenya (Mechie et al., 1994;
Keller et al, 1994). In the Western rift, there are
no seismic data that clearly constrain deep crustal
20 depression structure, but gravity studies indicate that the
Doming ? zone of crustal thinning is narrow (e.g., Upcott
Sub-Miocene erosion surface et al., 1995). Ebinger (1989a) argues that the
30- zone of crustal thinning in the Western rift is
narrow because there are few faults in the flank
Northern Kenya Rift Volcanism areas, the accommodation zones do not extend
AGE (Ma~ West Flank Rift Valle.y East Flank into the flank areas, and there is a lack of volca-
nic centers along the flanks. There are not suffi-

0 : c'', c 1' I !
cient constraints to discuss along-axis variations
in crustal structure in the Western rift.
Outside of Kenya, our main source of data on
10 . . o c , upper mantle structure is studies of long wave-
length gravity anomalies (e.g., Fairhead, 1976;
Brown and Girdler, 1980; Banks and Swain,
20 1978; Ebinger et al., 1989a, 1991). Within Kenya
there have been several seismic studies of deep
structure (e.g., Maguire and Long, 1976; Sav-
age and Long, 1985; Herbert and Langston,
30- 1985; Davis, 1991; Achauer et al., 1994; Slack
et al., 1994). These studies show that, even to
Southern Kenya Rift Volcanism depths of about 150 km, the zone of reduced

AGE (Ma) West Flank
Rift Valley East Ran.k
! velocities is not a great deal wider than the rift
valley itself (Plate 5-3).
A major point that can be drawn from the stud-
B,C ies of crustal and upper mantle structure is that
the deeper structures appear symmetrical. The
KRISP results show that the area of thinnest crust
I B is centered on the rift valley as is the region of
A low velocities in the upper mantle (Plate 5-3).
20- This observation does not favor the simple shear
Leoend: model of a lithosphere-penetrating detachment
A: Strongly alkaline -- Nephelinlte, carbonitite (Bosworth, 1987).
Gwasi-type phonolite
B: Alkaline - Basanlte, phonolitic tephrite,
Plateau-type phonolite
C: Mildly alkaline - Alkali basalt, Hawaiite, Mugearite, Fig. 5-5. Schematic diagram illustrating the volcanic and
Benmorelte, Trachyte, all(all rhyolite tectonic evolution of the Kenya Rift during the last 30
million years.
The East African rift system 225

5.6. Evolution W e s t e r n Rift E v o l u t i o n

The Ethiopian, Western, and Kenya rifts are con- AGE (Me) Volcanism Tectonism

0 i ' I lUJO
sidered to be part of a large rift system because they
share some broad similarities in timing and are re- George
lated in a geographic sense. However, these rifts are AIl~ali basalts R
distinct entities each with its own tectonic and mag- N. Lake
matic evolution. The evolution of the Ethiopian rift 10 Malawi MobutMalawi
and southern Afar has been summarized by Alkali basalts Kivu
WoldeGabriel et al. (1990) and Mohr (1978). Ebinger Lake Kivu
(1989a) presented a scheme for the evolution of the 20- area Doming begins ?
Western rift; and Hackman et al. (1990), Keller et Tholeiitic and
alkalic basalts
al. (1991), Morely et al. (1992), and Smith (1994)
have recently summarized the evolution of the Kenya
rift. We will draw heavily on these analyses in our 30-
effort to review the overall evolution of the EARS.
In any evolutionary scheme, most of Afar has to Fig. 5--6. Schematic diagram illustrating the volcanic and
be considered an extreme case (Prodehl and Mechie, tectonic evolution of the Westem Rift during the last 30
1991), because the crust there is composed almost million years.
entirely of new magmatic material (Mohr, 1992).
Primarily Miocene volcanism occurred on the Ethio- occasion (e.g., Williams, 1982). Nonetheless, the
pian plateaus flanking Afar, but in Afar, volcanism, complexity of the evolution shown in Figure 5-5 is
and possibly faulting, began at about 25 Ma. Begin- due in part to our improved state of knowledge of
ning about 4 Ma, extensive basaltic volcanism cov- this region. For example, Bellieni et al. (1987) have
ered most of Afar and obscured the geologic record used the volcanic record to infer a detailed evolu-
of events. Since that time, the history of northern tion for the Lake Turkana area in northern Kenya.
and eastern Afar is more a story of sea-floor spread- In addition, Morley et al. (1992) used a variety of
ing than continental rifting. geological and geophysical data to document the
In the main Ethiopian rift and its flanking pla- evolution of the northern portion of the Kenya rift.
teaus, volcanism began in the mid-Oligocene or ear- Smith (1994) reviewed the geomorphic, strati-
lier (Fig. 5-4). WoldeGabriel et al. (1990) found graphic, and fission-track evidence concerning up-
evidence for six episodes of volcanism but no evi- lift of the Kenya topographic dome. He concludes
dence for lateral migration of volcanism from the that an uplift of < 1 km occurred prior to volcanism.
flanks to the rift valley such as is observed in Kenya Geologic evidence only constrains the timing to be
(e.g., Baker, 1987). They also found structural evi- post-Cretaceous in age but Smith (1994) argues that
dence for pre-middle Oligocene uplift and faulting the main phase of uplift took place during the pe-
primarily because pre-Tertiary rocks outcrop in the riod of 40-21 Ma. A pre-rift depression formed in
escarpment bounding the rift valley on the west. the early Miocene, but clear development of half
Faulting in this rift has occurred in stages so that grabens did not occur until about 12 Ma. From the
initial half grabens had produced a largely symmetri- Pleistocene to Recent, there has been a tendency for
cal graben structure by 3.5 Ma. the zone of faulting and volcanism to migrate to-
Although there is still much to be learned, the ward the center of the rift valley. The main phase of
Kenya rift is the most intensively studied segment tectonism was Plio-Pleistocene (<5 Ma) in age. Vol-
of the EARS and, thus, we have considerable infor- canism initiated earlier in northern Kenya than in
mation on timing of events there. However, the ex- the Kenya dome area (Fig. 5-5). The age of the ini-
tensive volcanism covers much of the geologic tiation of volcanism generally becomes younger
record having completely filled the rift valley on southward from the Turkana region (28-33 Ma),
226 L.W. Braile, G.R. Keller, R.F. Wendlandt, P. Morgan, and M.A. Khan

through the Kenya dome region (16-20 Ma), into The presence of zones of very low seismic veloc-
Tanzania (<10 Ma). Beginning in the Quaternary, a ity in the (hot) upper mantle directly beneath rifts
series of young volcanoes developed along the rift and associated crustal thinning suggest that active
valley axis, but there are also impressive off-axis mantle processes are the primary cause of rifting in
volcanoes (Mounts Elgon, Kenya and Kilimanjaro, Kenya and Ethiopia. The timing of magmatic and
and the Chyulu Hills). tectonic events in the Cenozoic evolution of the
The Western rift generally appears to be younger EARS also supports this conclusion. For example,
than the Kenya rift. Doming began at about 20 Ma broad uplift, followed by the initiation of volcanic
and volcanism began at about 12 Ma in the north activity, generally preceded significant extension and
and at about 7 Ma in the south (Ebinger, 1989a), the development of the fault-bounded rift valleys of
(Fig. 5-6). The volcanism has continued to the the EARS.
present. The development of the many basins in the The EARS provides classic examples of continen-
Western rift began concurrently with or prior to the tal rifts in Ethiopia, Kenya and the Western rift.
volcanism. Through time, the border faults propa- However, there are strong similarities between these
gated to both the north and the south resulting in the rifts and other continental rifts such as the Rio
linkage of many basins which were initially sepa- Grande rift and the Baikal rift. In contrast, Afar,
rate features. The basins have tended to narrow with which is topographically low and characterized by a
time due to hanging wall collapse (Ebinger, 1989a). highly-extended and intruded crust, appears to be
As in the area of the Kenya topographic dome, the transitional to oceanic crust or rifted-ocean-margin
main phase of tectonism occurred in the last 5 Ma. crust.
Based on our examination of rift structure,
magmatism and geological evolution of the East
5.7. Conclusions African rift system, we suggest the following gen-
eralizations related to continental rifting:
The East African rift system displays dramatic
(1) Rifts, which are relatively narrow geologic
surficial, crustal and upper mantle contrasts, some
features in their surface expression (rift valleys, gra-
of which have been delineated in detail by geologi-
cal and geophysical studies. In the Kenya rift, where bens), may be underlain by a relatively narrow, hot,
upper mantle upwarp. However, regionally exten-
there is the greatest amount of deep structural infor-
mation largely from seismic studies, the rift is rela- sive continental rifting, such as in east Africa, may
tively narrow (about 100-km-wide) at the surface, be manifested by broad areas of high elevation,
and crustal thinning and anomalously low upper magmatism, tectonism and thinned lithosphere.
(2) Axial variations along rifts and differences
mantle velocities are confined to a relatively nar-
row zone directly beneath the rift (Plate 5-3). Crustal between rifts even within the same system (e.g. the
models derived from recent seismic studies in the Western rift and the Kenya rift in the EARS), can be
Kenya rift show no evidence for major intrusions significant. These variations are reflected in struc-
into and densification of the crust beneath the rift as tural style (near-surface faulting), volumes and com-
had been inferred primarily on the basis of gravity positions of intrusive and extrusive igneous activ-
models. The Kenya rift also displays striking east- ity, amount of extension, and timing of magmatic
west symmetry, at least at the latitude of the KRISP and tectonic events.
90 seismic survey. Along-rift (north-south) variations Despite substantial increases in geological and
in volcanism, structural style and crustal and upper geophysical information about the EARS and conti-
mantle seismic velocities in the Kenya rift are sub- nental rifts in general, there are many questions
stantial and may be at least partially related to the which remain. An explanation for the substantial
Kenya dome (Plate 5-2). variations in structural style and crustal velocity
structure along rifts and within a rift system is one
The East African rift system 227

of the outstanding problems. Additional questions Baker, B.H., Williams, L.A.J., Miller, J.A., and Fitch, EJ., 1971.
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Chapter 6

The Rio Grande Rift

W.S. B a l d r i d g e , G.R. Keller, V. Haak, E. W e n d l a n d t , G.R. Jiracek, a n d K . H . Olsen,

6.1 Introduction sional orogenic event, the Laramide orogeny, which

gave rise to basement-cored uplifts and broad thin-
The Rio Grande rift is part of a broad region of skin-style thrust sheets. The rift as a whole follows
the western United States, including the Basin and a zone of crustal deformation formed during the
Range province, that has undergone lithospheric Laramide (of middle Eocene age, c. 50-40 Ma, in
thinning and crustal extension during the middle to New Mexico) and Ancestral Rocky Mountains
late Cenozoic (Plate 6-1). The entire region is in- (Pennsylvanian; approximately 300 Ma) orogenic
cluded in the Cordillera of western North America. events (e.g., Chapin and Seager, 1975; Lucas, 1984).
The present extensional setting of the rift is gener- It cuts across a regional northeast-trending structural
ally related to plate boundary forces acting along grain of the Precambrian basement.
the southwestern edge of the North American plate, Because of the complex pre-rift Cenozoic history,
a transform boundary along which right-lateral slip basins of the rift commonly include a significant
thickness of early Tertiary sediments deposited in
In contrast to the present tectonic setting, initial Laramide foreland-style basins. Consequently, dis-
extension c. 30 Ma began in a back-arc or intra-arc placements on rift-bounding faults are difficult to
setting during east-dipping subduction of the interpret in terms of rift-related offset because ob-
Farallon plate beneath the North American plate served structural offsets on pre-Cenozoic marker
(e.g., Snyder et al., 1976; Dickinson and Snyder, horizons may be composite offsets of Laramide com-
1979; Livaccari, 1979; Eaton, 1979, 1982; pression and middle to late Cenozoic extension. All
Dickinson, 1981; Engebretson et al., 1984; Glazner of these events are thus important in the context of
and Bartley, 1984). This age corresponds with the the formation of the rift basins and their sediments,
earliest deposition of sediments in broad extensional but, as discussed below, only the latest extension
basins, but this earlier extensional event is distinct event meets the usual criteria for rifting.
in style and extension directions from the later, rift-
style extension. Without the later extension event, it Historical Note
is unlikely that the early event would have resulted
in an important continental rift. The spatial associa- The Rio Grande rift was first characterized as a
tion between these two events, however, suggests morphological depression (the Rio Grande depres-
some genetic relation. sion) extending from Colorado through New Mexico
Extension throughout the Basin and Range and (Bryan, 1938). For more than 20 years, Bryan and
Rio Grande rift is superimposed on structures formed his students and colleagues conducted a vigorous
during a late Cretaceous to early Tertiary compres- research program on various stratigraphic, structural,
234 W.S. Baldridge et al.

and geomorphic problems related to the rift (e.g., The northern rift, occurring along the central part
Bryan, 1938; Wright, 1946; Stearns, 1943; 1953a, of the Alvarado ridge, is a distinctive tectonic and
b, c). The term "rift" was first applied to the Rio physiographic feature separating the Colorado Pla-
Grande depression by Kelley (1952, 1977) in an anal- teau on the west slope of the ridge from the Great
ogy to what was then commonly referred to as the Plains, part of the stable North American craton, on
San Andreas rift (San Andreas fault). The term "rift" the east slope (e.g., Chapin and Seager, 1975;
conveyed Kelley's hypothesis that formation of the Cordell, 1978; Baldridge et al., 1983, 1984; Olsen
Rio Grande rift involved a major component of et al., 1987). The southern rift, lying along the axis
strike-slip offset parallel to the rift axis. In the 1960's of the southern Alvarado ridge and farther south in
several regional studies included the Rio Grande rift west Texas and northern Mexico, is
(see references in Chapin, 1979). Chapin (1971) es- physiographically similar to and essentially contigu-
tablished more or less the present definition of the ous with the adjacent Basin and Range province in
rift in Colorado, New Mexico, west Texas, and Chi- southern New Mexico and northern Mexico. The
huahua, and outlined its characteristic features. Ad- southern rift arguably can be distinguished from the
ditional studies emphasizing the uniqueness of the larger Basin and Range province by a variety of geo-
rift relative to adjacent tectonic provinces were pre- logical and geophysical features, including higher
sented by Decker and Smithson (1975) and Cordell heat flow, numerous Quaternary faults, thin crust,
(1978). The international scientific community was and greater basin size and depth (e.g., Seager and
largely unaware of the rift until an international con- Morgan, 1979; Sinno et al., 1986). A more impor-
ference was convened in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in tant distinction, however, is its axial position with
October of 1978. The volume published as a result respect to the Alvarado ridge.
of this conference (Riecker, 1979) established the Over much of its length the deep basins of the rift
Rio Grande rift as a major Cenozoic continental rift. are part of a broader region of late Cenozoic exten-
Since then, many general and topical studies have sional deformation, characterized by large crustal
been carried out by numerous investigators from a blocks separated by steeply dipping normal faults
large number of institutions (e.g., Baldridge et al., (Baldridge et al., 1983). In central New Mexico, west
1984; Keller, 1986; Olsen et al., 1987; Baldridge et of Albuquerque and Socorro, this region is more than
al., 1991; Keller et al., 1991). 200 km wide, extending southwestward across the
physiographic Colorado Plateau to Springerville,
Arizona, and possibly beyond (Fig. 6-1). It consti-
6.2. Regional setting tutes a transition zone along the southeastern Colo-
The Rio Grande rift extends as a series of inter- rado Plateau, though differing in its physiography
connected, asymmetrical basins from Leadville, and amount of structural offset from the more fa-
Colorado, to Big Bend, Texas, and Chihuahua, miliar transition zone of the southwestern Plateau
Mexico, a distance of more than 1000 km (Fig. 6- (Mogollon rim). The style and timing of structural
1). From central Colorado to southern New Mexico deformation of this region are similar to that of the
the rift occupies part of the axis of a broad, subcon- main rift basins, but the magnitude of structural re-
tinental-scale uplift, at least 2500 km in breadth and lief is much less; vertical offsets on normal faults
1300 km in length. The uplift, including the Colo- probably do not exceed a few hundred meters.
rado Plateau and western Great Plains, was likened The transition zone along the southeastern mar-
in physiography and scale to a mid-oceanic ridge gin of the Plateau is separated from the less deformed
and named the Alvarado (continental) ridge by Eaton "core" of the Plateau to the northwest by a broadly
(1986, 1987). The crestal region of this mammoth linear, northeast-trending array of late Cenozoic
uplift, in places exceeding 4.2 km in elevation, was volcanic fields, commonly referred to as the Jemez
defined by Eaton (1986) as the tectonic (in contrast zone (or lineament). The Jemez zone very likely
with the physiographic) southern Rocky Mountains. corresponds to a major boundary or zone of weak-
ness in the lithosphere. However, it is not an expres-
The Rio Grande Rift 235

Fig. 6-1. Tectonic map of Rio Grande rift. Shaded pattern is Miocene to Quaternary sediments and sedimentary rocks of middle to
late Cenozoic basins. "V" pattern is volcanic rocks younger than 15 Ma. Dashed pattern is Precambrian rocks of uplifts. Modified
from Baldridge et al. (1984).
236 W.S. Baldridge et al.

sion of a fault or fracture zone and does not seem to Cenozoic extensional deformation in New Mexico
correspond to any single, simple structure in the and eastern Arizona occurred in two phases: late
upper crust (Baldridge et al., 1983). Oligocene-early Miocene and middle Miocene-Ho-
South of the Colorado Plateau, the massive pre- locene (e.g., Baldridge et al., 1980; Seager et al.,
and early syn-rift Mogollon-Datil volcanic field, 1984). The earlier phase resulted in formation of
which overlies a composite upper crustal intrusion broad, relatively shallow basins bounded, in part at
of batholithic proportions (Elston, 1984), is similarly least, by low-angle faults. Crustal extension may
deformed. Narrow, deep grabens near Datil, Reserve, have been as great as 30-50%. The style of defor-
and Silver City, around the periphery of the volca- mation and the fact that extension closely followed,
nic field, are separated from the larger, main basins and partially overlapped with, widespread mid-Ter-
of the rift by a region approximately a hundred kilo- tiary magmatism suggest that the lithosphere was
meters wide in which extensional deformation relatively hot and the brittle-ductile transition rela-
formed only shallow grabens. tively shallow (Morgan and Golombek, 1984; Mor-
Recognition that this broader zone of deforma- gan et al., 1986). In the southeastern Plateau and
tion is tectonically, though not physiographically, central rift area, crustal extension began about 31
part of the Rio Grande rift significantly expands the Ma and lasted about 9 Ma (Aldrich et al., 1986). The
definition by Chapin (1971). In addition, reactiva- latter phase of deformation, part of the classical "ba-
tion of preexisting structures during late Cenozoic sin and range extensional event" which effected most
extension occurred over an even broader area, e.g., of the western United States (Shafiqullah et al., 1980;
in the Texas Panhandle over 300 km east of the rift Eaton, 1982), resulted in formation of a north-north-
(Budnick, 1987). In west Texas, Quaternary fault east-trending series of asymmetrical grabens--the
scarps are observed over a wide area (Muehlberger Rio Grande rift--and in a broad "transition zone"
et al., 1978), also suggesting that the effects of rift- along the southeastern and southern margins of the
ing were broad. Colorado Plateau (Fig. 6-1). Grabens were gener-
ally narrow and bounded by steep faults, suggesting
that the lithosphere was cooler and that the brittle-
6.3. Cenozoic evolution ductile transition was deeper than in the previous
The tectonic evolution of the Rio Grande rift is extensional event (Morgan et al., 1986). The transi-
complicated by the fundamental change in the west- tion zone is characterized by normal faults which
ern margin of the North American plate from sub- tend to be oriented in east-northeast or north-north-
duction to transform faulting that occurred during east directions and form long fault zones approxi-
the late Cenozoic. Subduction occurred for at least mately concentric to the Plateau margin (Fig. 6-1).
100 m.y. prior to extension. Laramide compressional Offsets along these faults, however, are not great
deformation, during which crustal thickening oc- compared to axial rift grabens and probably do not
curred and which lasted until about 40 Ma in New exceed a few hundred meters. The northern rift, be-
Mexico (Seager and Mack, 1986), was derived pre- cause of its position between the Colorado Plateau
sumably from coupling of the shallow subducting and the Great Plains (part of the continental craton),
plate with the overlying North American plate. Fol- is a well-defined morpho-tectonic feature. The Colo-
lowing the Laramide orogeny and lasting until about rado Plateau has acted as a semi-independent
20 Ma, a major period of magmatism occurred, char- microplate since at least the late Permian, resisting
acterized by intermediate magmas spread widely break-up except along its margins (Steiner, 1988).
throughout the southwestern U.S. and northern The southern rift, where the earliest and most ex-
Mexico. During this event the lithosphere was ther- tension has occurred, is physiographically indistin-
mally weakened, allowing later extension to occur guishable from the adjacent Basin and Range prov-
(Morgan and Golombek, 1984; Morgan et al., 1986). ince.
The Rio Grande Rift 237

The timing of uplift which accompanied Ceno- consist of interbedded red beds, dune sandstone,
zoic extension is poorly constrained, and only two shallow marine strata, and, adjacent to late Paleo-
elevation points are firmly established: (1) wide- zoic uplifts, arkosic sandstone. Triassic and Juras-
spread Cretaceous marine shales and littoral sand- sic rocks are absent from central and southern New
stones indicate that this area was at or near sea level Mexico.
at this time, and (2) the present elevation of the rift East- to northeast-directed compression resulting
floor, which ranges from <1219 m in southern New from convergence along the western margin of North
Mexico to approximately 3000 m in central Colo- America affected much of the Cordilleran region
rado (near Leadville). An erosion surface of Eocene from the late Jurassic to the early Tertiary. In the
age, which is recognized widely throughout the late Cretaceous a major inland seaway (a back-arc
southern Rocky Mountains, provides a topographic basin), extending from the Arctic to the Gulf of Cali-
datum (Scott, 1975; Epis and Chapin, 1975). fornia, developed between the emergent craton to
the east and a growing uplift to the west. In the rift
area thick units of black shale and sandstone,
6.4. Pre-rift sedimentary rocks interbedded with transgressive terrigenous sedi-
The Cordilleran region of the U. S., including the ments, were deposited. General emergence of the
area of the Rio Grande rift, lay near the Paleozoic area near the end of the Cretaceous was contempo-
western margin of the North American craton. Large raneous with compressional deformation of the
parts of the region were below sea level throughout Laramide orogeny, which near the eastern margin
most of the Paleozoic, resulting in widespread depo- of the Cordillera continued into the middle Eocene.
sition of carbonate and sandstone shelf sediments. By the late Eocene a regional peneplane was devel-
For example, in southern New Mexico, Cambrian oped across Laramide uplifts. Since the Laramide
through Devonian sediments consist of carbonate, event, the entire Cordillera has remained above sea
sandstone, and minor shale. The central part of the level. Tertiary sedimentation in the rift area is char-
rift area was effected by an elongate ridge-like struc- acterized generally by continental basinal deposits,
ture, the transcontinental arch, that stretched from including interbedded epi- and pyroclastic rocks.
northern Mexico to the Lake Superior region of
Canada. This structure remained above sea level 6.5. Geology of the rift
during much of the early to middle Paleozoic. Thus,
throughout the central rift area, early and middle 6.5.1. Geological Maps
Paleozoic strata are missing from the section. By the
end of the Devonian the transcontinental arch was Geologic maps of Colorado, New Mexico, and
no longer a dominant structure. Hence, in the Mis- Texas at a scale of 1:500,000 and larger are avail-
sissippian the entire rift area was covered by thick able from the U.S. Geological Survey, the New
and laterally extensive shallow marine limestone. Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, and
Beginning in the late Paleozoic and extending into the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology. Geologic
the Mesozoic, much of the interior of the craton was and tectonic maps of portions of the rift have been
emergent, and a steeply dipping subduction zone was published by Kelley and Wood (1946), Woodward
present along the western margin of North America. et al. (1975, 1978), Kelley (1977, 1978), Tweto
Thus, the Cordilleran region was subject to frequent (1978), Baldridge et al. (1983), and Henry and Price
marine transgressions and regressions and diverse (1985).
sedimentation. Deformation in the Pennsylvanian, In Mexico, the data available are much less satis-
probably caused by collision along the southern factory. A geologic map of the State of Chihuahua
margin of the craton with South America, effected a is available through the E1 Paso Geological Society.
broad zone from Texas to Wyoming (Kluth and Co- However, detailed mapping is sparse, and fundamen-
ney, 1981). Sedimentary rocks of the late Paleozoic tal questions such as the extent of Quaternary fault-
and much of the Mesozoic (Triassic and Jurassic) ing and young volcanism are incompletely known.
238 W.S. Baldridge et al.

6.5.2. Structure and central rift, the sense of basin asymmetry ("po-
larity") characteristically alternates between adjacent
Two generations of structures are recognized in basins across transfer faults or complex structural
the Rio Grande rift: (1) an early generation related zones of distributed strain ("accommodation zones"),
to a late Oligocene-eady Miocene (c. 30-20 m.y. which transfer fault offsets to adjacent grabens. For
ago) event, and (2) a later generation related to a example, the greatest vertical offset of the San Luis
middle or late Miocene-Holocene event (Baldridge basin occurs along its eastern margin (Lipman and
et al., 1980; Seager et al., 1984; Morgan et al., 1986). Mehnert, 1979). The Espafiola basin dips toward the
Early generation basin-marginal faults are poorly west (Biehler et al., 1991). The deep Albuquerque-
exposed, if at all, and are only locally recognized in Belen basin, which appears on the surface to consist
flank uplifts where they occur as systems of closely- of a single sedimentary basin, actually comprises two
spaced low-angle normal faults. This early, low- oppositely-hinged structural basins. The northern
angle faulting involved both domino-style and listric basin (Albuquerque basin) dips to the east, the south-
faulting. It may also have involved detachment fault- em basin (Belen basin) dips to the west (Russell and
ing. Domino-style faulting involves structural off- Snelson, 1990, 1994).
set along fault planes which were initially high-angle The dominant component of offset on bounding
and were later rotated with continued extension to a faults is vertical, with offset of pre-Tertiary units
shallow angle (Chamberlain, 1983; Baldridge et al., exceeding 10 km in some basins (Lozinsky, 1989).
1984; Morgan et al., 1986; Olsen et al., 1987). In Total thickness of Cenozoic fill alone, however, is
addition, some rotation toward a low-angle position not an accurate measure of offset on rift-bounding
may have occurred as modern ranges were uplifted faults, since early Tertiary units (Eocene and Oli-
and tilted. Many early rift basins trended gocene) predate rifting. Horizontal components of
northwestward, parallel to early extensional struc- offset along rift-bounding or intrarift faults are more
tures in Nevada (Zoback and Thompson, 1978). In difficult to establish because of the lack of suitable
the rift, this trend may suggest that bounding struc- marker units. A component of horizontal offset is
tures were controlled by preexisting Laramide struc- recognized along rift-marginal and intrarift faults of
tural grain or by a northeast-southwest extension the central rift (e.g., Woodward and DuChene, 1975;
direction, or both (e.g., Seager et al., 1984; Lipman, Muehlberger, 1979; Steinpress, 1981; Aldrich, 1986;
1981). Wachs et al., 1988; Baldridge et al., 1990; Hayden
Many outcrops of early sediments are located high and Mawer, 1991). The full extent of lateral offset
on the flanks of the rift, outside the modem grabens. along rift faults has possibly not yet been recognized,
Their position indicates that they were originally de- largely because of the lack of suitable markers and
posited in broad basins and were subsequently up- of detailed analysis.
lifted relative to the modem grabens (Steams, 1953a;
Chapin and Seager, 1975). 6.5.3. Kinematics
The modern rift basins acquired their form dur-
ing the middle or late Miocene-Holocene extension Kelley (1979, 1982) proposed that formation of
event. Individual basins are typically asymmetrical, the rift involved left-lateral transcurrent motion
with one or both sides bounded by steeply dipping along the rift axis, based on offset of Jurassic wedge
faults or by zones several kilometers wide in which edges, en echelon right lateral offset of rift basins,
numerous steeply dipping faults are closely spaced and structural ramps between en echelon border
(Callender and Zilinski, 1976; Vernon and Riecker, faults. However, wedging out of Jurassic edges may
1989; Russell and Snelson, 1990, 1994; Biehler et be an erosional phenomenon (Chapin and Cather,
al., 1991). The main basins are complex in detail, 1981).
and are themselves divided by intrabasin horsts and Muehlberger (1979) suggested that the Espafiola
grabens (Cordell, 1976; Lipman and Mehnert, 1979; basin comprises a rhombohedrally shaped crustal
Keller et al., 1984; Lozinsky, 1989). In the northern block (Espaflola block) which underwent counter-
The Rio Grande Rift 239

clockwise rotation about a vertical axis in response 1990, 1994). The Belen basin is bordered by a sys-
to left slip along the axis of the rift. Rotation of the tem of major east-facing, low-angle normal faults
block resulted in uplift at the acute ends of the block forming a west-dipping basin (Russell and Snelson,
and topographic lows at the obtuse ends. Brown and 1990, 1994). The western margin of the basin (es-
Golombek (1985, 1986) postulated from paleomag- sentially the eastern edge of the Colorado Plateau)
netic data that the Espafiola block underwent has undergone isostatic uplift of the footwall block,
17.8"+11.4" of counterclockwise rotation since 5 m.y. forming a flanking uplift. South of the Belen basin,
ago. This model has several major uncertainties, in- the rift is a broader zone of extension formed by three
cluding the fact that (1) the Espafiola block as de- east-facing, nested half-grabens (Fig. 6-2) (Lewis
fined by Muehlberger (1979) is almost certainly not and Baldridge, 1994). The arrangement of these half-
a single major crustal block, but rather is cut by nu- grabens suggests that they sole into an east-dipping
merous faults (Kelley, 1978; Vernon and Riecker, detachment.
1989; Biehler et al., 1991); and (2) the amount of
rotation determined from paleomagnetic studies is 6.5.4. Syn-rift sediments
small (6-13" above statistical error) and hence very
sensitive to small errors in correction of inclinations Basin fill of the Rio Grande rift (Fig. 6-3, Plate
due to tectonic deformation at sampling sites. Sub- 6-2) is entirely of nonmarine origin, consisting
sequent paleomagnetic studies by Salyards et al. dominantly of late Oligocene to Holocene sediments
(1991) do not support a single block undergoing and sedimentary rocks with minor volumes of
counterclockwise rotation. interbedded volcanic and tuffaceous rocks (Chapin,
Alternative models for the structure of the rift are 1988). Except for the Espafiola basin (see below),
suggested by many recent field and experimental synrift sedimentary and volcanic deposits from Oli-
studies of extensional terranes (Gibbs, 1984; gocene age to entrenchment of the Rio Grande drain-
Wernicke, 1985; Bosworth, 1985, 1987; Bosworth age in the middle Pleistocene are collectively called
et al., 1986; Rosendahl, 1987; McClay and Ellis, the Santa Fe Group (e.g., Chapin, 1988). Sedimen-
1987; Ellis and McClay, 1988). These studies show tary fill mainly comprises broad, coalescing alluvial-
that rift basins may be related to low angle listric or fan deposits that grade basinward into fine-grained
detachment faults, or ductile shear zones, at depth. alluvial-plain and playa deposits. These latter units
One side of an extensional basin is typically bounded establish that during much or most of its history the
by a single major "breakaway" fault, which is arcu- rift consisted of a series of closed basins. Freshwa-
ate in plan view and may become listric with depth, ter lacustrine deposits are present in the San Luis,
with the other side hinged. Basins are typically Espanola, and Albuquerque-Belen basins. Eolian
strongly asymmetric. Shoulder uplift and tilting ad- sands and sandstones are locally present in some
jacent to the major listric bounding fault result from basins. After establishment of the axial Rio Grande
unloading and uplift of the footwall. Adjacent ba- drainage in the Pliocene (e.g., Bachman and
sins hinged on opposite sides are bounded by trans- Mehnert, 1978) piedmont deposits adjacent to the
fer (strike slip) faults or by complex zones of dis- uplifted rift flanks interfingered with axial river
tributed deformation (accommodation zones). These sands and gravels. These axial river deposits and
models predict rotations about vertical axes, but their intertonguing piedmont facies are known by a
observed rotations are local, involve both clockwise variety of names in different parts of the rift (Chapin,
and counter-clockwise motion, and are related to the 1988). In the Espafiola basin, clays and fine-grained
lateral faults. sands indicate that the Rio Grande was locally
Recent studies in the central Rio Grande rift sug- dammed by lava flows (Manley, 1976; Waresbach
gest that these models may apply to the rift. For in- and Turbeville, 1990).
stance, the oppositely-hinged Albuquerque and In comparison with other basins of the rift, the
Belen basins are separated by an accommodation Espafiola basin underwent unusually deep dissection
zone (Lozinsky, 1988, 1989; Russell and Snelson, following establishment of axial drainage, exposing
240 W.S. Baldridge et at.

Fig. 6-2. A. Tectonic map of the Albuquerque-Belen basin, showing geometry of linked and nested half-grabens, tilted block uplifts,
and accommodations zones. Hachured lines indicate bounding faults of half-grabens; hachures on downthrown side. Shaded areas
indicate uplifts. Cross-hatched pattern indicates accommodation zones. Broad, double-barbed arrows indicate direction of dip of
underlying detachment. Small, single-barbed arrows indicate sense of strike-slip offset on faults. Large, single-barbed arrows
indicate sense of shear in accommodation zones. B. Cross section along profile C--C'-B' in A, above. Both diagrams modified from
Lewis and Baldridge (1994).

a complete range of pre- and synrift basin fill sedi- graphic reconstruction of nearly the entire Cenozoic
ments and volcanic rocks. It is one of the few loca- (Ingersoll et al., 1990). Dispersal patterns,
tions within any Cenozoic continental rift where well petrofacies analysis, K-Ar ages, and chemical analy-
exposed prerift and synrift basin fill has been stud- ses of volcanic clasts allow characterization of three
ied thoroughly enough to allow detailed paleogeo- major petrofacies in the northern Espafiola basin,
The Rio Grande Rift 241

Fig. 6-3. Summary of stratigraphic nomenclature and age constraints for axial basins of the northern and central Rio Grande rift.
Modified from Chapin (1988).

each associated with a separate and distinctive vol- nic fields formed during the magmatic event which
canic center and each encompassing an array of lo- immediately preceded rifting. Some of the early units
cal formations (Plate 6-2), within the late Oligocene now crop out on the flanks of the rift, outside the
to Pliocene basin fill. The earliest rift deposits (Oli- modern basins. Their position indicates that they
gocene to early Miocene) consist of volcaniclastic were originally deposited in broad basins and were
aprons spread over pre-existing topography, with subsequently uplifted relative to the modern basins
little evidence of syndepositional faulting. Their (Stearns, 1953a; Chapin and Seager, 1975). In middle
source areas included the San Juan and Latir volca- and late Miocene time the broad, southward-slop-
242 W.S. Baldridge et al.

ing volcaniclastic aprons in the northern basin licic. In general, compositions evolved from calc-
interfingered with, and were buried by, alkaline intermediate to more alkaline and silicic
fanglomerates dominated by clasts of Precambrian types with time (Lipman et al., 1989; Davis and
rocks derived from flank uplift along (predomi- Hawkesworth, 1993). Few basaltic lavas reached the
nantly) the eastern side of the basin (e.g., Galusha surface during this phase of magmatism. Instead,
and Blick, 1971; Cavazza, 1986; Ingersoll et al., large volumes of basaltic andesites are characteris-
1990). In this basin, the term Santa Fe Group refers tic. In the southeastern Colorado Plateau and Rio
only to basin fill of Miocene age (Plate 6-2). Grande rift areas, basaltic andesites typically have
Adjacent to the southern Espafiola and eastern 875r]S6Sr - 0.705-0.708, but occasionally range to
Santo Domingo basins, a similar, north- to west-slop- >0.71 (Bikerman and Bell, 1986; Abitz, 1989; Davis
ing alluvial fan developed in the late Oligocene from et al., 1989; Baldridge et al., 1991; Davis and
eruptive centers in the Ortiz Mountains and Cerrillos Hawkesworth, 1993). These basaltic andesites are
Hills, and underlies Miocene and later rift fill in part of the SCORBA ("southern cordilleran basaltic
much of the southern Espafiola basin (Stearns, 1953a, andesites") suite that extends from the southwest-
c; Kautz et al., 1981; Biehler et al., 1991). ern United States into western Mexico (Cameron et
al., 1989). In eastern Chihuahua, the SCORBA suite
6.5.5. Magmatism has 87Sr/~6Sr = 0.704--0.705 and er~d= +2 to --2, which
are similar to isotopic values for Pliocene-Holocene
The volume of magmatic rocks associated with alkali basalts (Perry et al., 1987, 1988, and refer-
the Rio Grande rift is small compared with rifts such ences therein) from the least-extended portions of
as the Kenya rift (Chapter 5), yet these rocks con- the Rio Grande rift region. These isotopic values are
vey unique information about thermal, composi- interpreted to represent "enriched" lithospheric
tional, and tectonic processes involved in rifting. mantle that has not yet been displaced by upwelling
asthenospheric mantle associated with major lithos- Late Oligocene to Early Miocene pheric extension (Perry et al., 1987, 1988). Higher
The largest volumes of magmatic rocks are asso- values of 87Sr[86Sr almost certainly indicate that
ciated primarily with the northern and southern parts magmas have significantly interacted with crustal
of the rift, and preceded and/or accompanied initial rocks (Lipman et al., 1989). Total volume of the
extension. Examples include the San Juan volcanic prerift and early rift magmatism in the Rio Grande
field in southwestern Colorado (Lipman et al., 1978, rift region is on the order of several hundred thou-
1989), the Latir volcanic field in north-central New sand cubic kilometers (Lipman et al., 1989).
Mexico (Lipman et al., 1986; Johnson and Lipman, The middle Tertiary magmatism in the region of
1988; Johnson et al., 1989, 1990), the Mogollon- the Rio Grande rift was part of or closely related to
Datil volcanic field in southwestern New Mexico a very widespread magmatic event that preceded and
(Elston et al., 1976; Elston, 1984; Mclntosh et al., accompanied extension throughout the western
1992; Davis and Hawkesworth, 1993), and the Trans- United States (of which early extension in the Rio
Pecos magmatic province of west Texas (e.g., Barker, Grande rift was a part). In the middle Tertiary (ap-
1979; Price et al., 1986). The San Juan and proximately 40--20 Ma), huge volumes of magmas,
Mogollon-Datil areas include numerous overlapping dominantly of intermediate to silicic composition,
calderas and doubtless overlie large composite plu- were emplaced throughout the region now occupied
tons in the upper crust (Elston et al., 1976; Elston, by the Basin and Range province and Rio Grande
1984). Other, smaller igneous areas occur along the rift, and along the margins of the Colorado Plateau.
length of the rift from northern Colorado southward This magmatism, a consequence of subduction of
into Mexico (Steven, 1975; Baldridge et al., 1984). the Farallon plate, may have thermally weakened the
Compositions of magmatic rocks associated with lithosphere, allowing it to be broken by extension.
this earlier (middle Tertiary) phase of rifting are If not part of the widespread mid-Tertiary magmatic
dominantly high-K calc-alkaline intermediate to si- event, early magmatism in the region of the rift was
The Rio Grande Rift 243

at least closely related to it in that genesis of mag- east (Baldridge et al., 1983; Aldrich et al., 1986)
mas may have been triggered by rifting of already which has undergone extension during formation of
heated lithosphere. Therefore, middle Tertiary the rift and Basin and Range province. About 5 Ma,
magmatism cannot be simply related to the modern eruption of lava, mainly basalts from small shield
basins of the rift or to the present tectonic setting. cones and from cinder or spatter cones aligned along
Early magmatism is related to rifting (lithospheric fissures, became widespread throughout the rift area
extension) only insofar as the definition of rifting is and continued into the Holocene.
expanded to include the events leading up to lithos- Currently, much effort is being expended in de-
pheric extension. veloping new techniques, including surface expo-
sure dating using buildup of cosmogenic 3He and Middle Miocene to Holocene 36C1, U-series disequilibria, and 4~ and in re-
newed application of classical techniques such as 14C
Regional distribution. Following a minimum in on charcoal beneath flows to dating of very young
eruption rates 17-22 Ma, magmatism resumed in the flows (Anthony, 1993). Recent results indicate that
Rio Grande rift and throughout the transition zone. volcanism in the southern rift is as young as 10-17
Middle Miocene to Holocene volcanism, which was ka (Carrizozo flow and Potrillo volcanic field, re-
associated with extension of the rift-Basin and Range spectively; Leavy, 1987; Anthony and Poths, 1992),
region, was widespread, though not voluminous, and and that youngest volcanism in the Zuni-Bandera
was particularly concentrated around the margins of volcanic field (McCartys flow) is--3 ka (Laughlin
the Colorado Plateau (Luedke and Smith, 1978). et al., 1994). For reasons not well understood, most
Major volcanism occurred earliest in the Jemez vol- of the eruptive activity since 5 Ma has taken place
canic field (c. 14 Ma), centered on the bounding along the Jemez lineament rather than along the axis
faults of the rift (Gardner et al., 1986; Heiken et al., of the rift.
1990), and in the White Mountains volcanic field
General petrological features. Late Miocene to
(c. 9 Ma) in eastern Arizona (Nealey, 1989), both of
Holocene magmatism is characterized by the follow-
which are central volcanoes comprised dominantly
ing general features. (1). A wide range of magma
of intermediate lavas.
types is present, from basalts to high-silica rhyolites.
These volcanoes partially define a north-north-
The greatest volume of intermediate to silicic vol-
east trending array of volcanic centers referred to as
canic rocks is associated with the Jemez volcanic
the Jemez zone (or Jemez lineament) (Mayo, 1958;
field (Heiken et al., 1990). (2). Basaltic composi-
Laughlin et al., 1982). Individual volcanic fields are
tions encompass a spectrum of both hypersthene
associated with local structures, generally oriented
(hy)- and nepheline (ne)-normative compositions,
N-S to NNE-SSW, rather than east-northeast paral-
but, in contrast to many other continental rifts,
lel to the trend of the Jemez zone. Vents are typi-
subalkaline compositions are volumetrically domi-
cally aligned along, or parallel to, faults. The trend
nant. Different compositions are typically erupted
of the Jemez zone as a whole has a well-defined in close spatial and temporal proximity. (3). All ba-
structural expression only where it crosses the Rio
saltic compositions are at least slightly evolved, with
Grande rift (Baldridge et al., 1983; Aldrich, 1986).
Mg/(Mg+Fe2*)<68. (4). Compositional evolution is
Although the zone has been compared to the Snake
controlled dominantly by low pressure fractionation
River plains-Yellowstone trend and inferred to mark
(<10 kbar); significant polybaric fractionation has
a hot spot track (Suppe et al., 1975), numerous K-
not been documented. (5). Magmatic compositions
Ar dates do not substantiate any systematic progres-
reflect multiple parents which cannot be related to
sion of ages along the zone (Laughlin et al., 1976;
each other by fractionation of observed phenocrysts
Lipman, 1980). The Jemez zone may correspond to
or by crustal contamination. (6). Compositions of
a boundary between the essentially undeformed core
the basalts, as well as of more evolved magmas, typi-
of the Plateau to the northwest, which has resisted
cally reflect variable degrees of crustal contamina-
Cenozoic breakup, and a transition zone to the south-
tion. Although crystal fractionation appears to re-
244 W.S. Baldridge et al.

| I
V Aoki and Kudo (1976)
I ubele(1978)
8- Baldridge (1979)
9 Duncker,(1988)
9 Lobato Formation(Bal&idgeet al., unpublished)

9 A 4
6- A
.I Ores
t"q ~Qt

2 I I I I
40 50 60 70
SiO2 (wt%)

Fig. 6-4. (Na20+K20) vs. SiO 2 for basalts and related intermediate rocks from the Jemez volcanic field and related Cerros del Rio, E1
Alto, and Santa Ana Mesa volcanic fields. Lines labeled MK (1964) and SIB (1971) divide the fields of alkali-olivine basalts
(above) from tholeiitic basalts (below), based on MacDonald and Katsura (1964) and Irvine and Baragar (1971), respectively. The
classification of Irvine and Baragar (1971) yields a much better fit to the normative mineralogy.

main the dominant process in the evolution of inter- crustal rocks (Dungan et al., 1986). A range of other
mediate and silicic magmas, effects of both magma rock types from "silicic alkalic basalt" and andes-
mixing and crustal contamination are documented ite, to high-silica rhyolite is also present in the Taos
(Perry et al., 1990, 1993). field, whose origins reflect combined effects of low-
The greatest volumes of basaltic rocks within the pressure crystal fractionation, magma mixing, and
Rio Grande rift, the Taos Plateau volcanic field (>200 crustal contamination processes (Lipman and
km3; Lipman and Mehnert, 1979; Dungan et al., Mehnert, 1978; Dungan et al., 1986; McMillan and
1986), and the Jemez volcanic field (>70 km3), are Dungan, 1988).
subalkaline in composition. Basalts of the Taos field Basalts from the Jemez volcanic field include a
(Servilleta basalts) are distinctive in their relatively range of by- and ne-normative compositions (Fig.
low alkali content (K20 -0.7 wt. %; Na20+K20 gen- 6-4). In contrast to the Servilleta basalts, hy-nor-
erally 3-4 wt. %) and incompatible trace elements, mative (subalkaline) basalts from the Jemez field are
implying large amounts of melting at shallow depths characterized by higher alkali contents (Na20 + K20
(uppermost mantle). They are also petrographically > 5%), intermediate between those of the low-alkali
distinctive, typically characterized by diktytaxitic tholeiites and alkali olivine basalts. Although clas-
texture and cylindrical vesicle pipes. These "low- sified as tholeiites according to Yoder and Tilley
alkali" tholeiites seem to be unique to the Rio Grande (1962), their trace-element and isotopic composi-
rift and immediately adjacent regions. Basaltic rocks tions are most closely related to the ne-normative,
from the Taos field contain strong petrographic and alkali olivine basalts. These "high-alkali" or "tran-
geochemical evidence for assimilation of lower sitional," hy-normative basalts, and the ne-norma-
The Rio Grande Rift 245

Fig. 6-5. (Na20+K20)vs. SiO 2 for selected basaltic rocks from the central Rio Grande rift. Lines labeled MK (1964) and IB (1971)
are same as for Fig. 6-4.

tive basalts to which they are related, are similar in que Volcanoes (Kelley and Kudo, 1978; Baldridge,
composition to late Cenozoic basaltic rocks widely 1979a), and some flows erupted in the Zuni-Bandera
distributed throughout the rift and western U.S. (Fig. and Lucero areas (Renault, 1970; Baldridge et al.,
6-5). The presence of quartz xenocrysts in many of 1987). Examples of high-alkali, hy-normative basalts
the basaltic units implies significant crustal contami- from the central and southern rift are the Jornado
nation. del Muerto field and the Carrizozo flows (Renault,
In the central and southern Rio Grande rift, vol- 1970; Baldridge et al., 1991; Anthony et al., 1992).
canism is less sustained and less voluminous. A range Major examples of ne-normative volcanic rocks in-
of hy- and ne-normative compositions (Fig. 6-5) was clude the Elephant Butte and Potrillo volcanic fields
erupted in numerous small volcanic fields, many of (Renault, 1970; Hoffer, 1976; Anthony et al., 1992).
which comprise only a single compositional type No pattern to the geographic distribution of the com-
(Baldridge et al., 1991; Anthony et al., 1992). Most positional groups is evident, with both major magma
of the hy-normative types are similar to the high- types occurring in the axis of the rift (Anthony et
alkali, sub-alkaline group of the Jemez volcanic al., 1992).
field. Exceptions are the small volumes of Servilleta-
type, low-alkali tholeiitic basalts of the Albuquer-
246 W.S. Baldridge et al.

Timing. In recent years, progress has been made partial melting; the mineralogy of the source (par-
in resolving episodes of magmatism within the gen- tially a function of depth); and fractional crystalli-
eral middle Miocene to Holocene time frame. On zation and wall-rock contamination en route to the
the transition zone of the Colorado Plateau and in surface. The degree of enrichment of the source
the central rift, volcanism occurred in two phases area(s), measured particularly by trace elements and
separated by a minimum 6--4 Ma (Baldridge et al., the isotopic ratios of long-lived radionuclides, is an
1987; Aldrich et al., 1986). This timing is also com- important but secondary feature in controlling
patible with major basaltic volcanism in the Jemez magma compositions. Volatile phases (mainly H20
volcanic field, which occurred <13-9 and 3-2 Ma and CO2) can critically affect magma compositions,
(Goff et al., 1989). However, large volumes of but parental magmas of the rift do not in general
dacites and andesites were erupted during the inter- appear to be especially volatile-rich.
val 6-4 Ma, possibly reflecting the transfer of heat Lipman and Mehnert (1975) proposed a model
and mass into the crust by continued basaltic invoking diapirism of asthenospheric mantle to ex-
magmatism. Thus, the absence in the Jemez field of plain the compositions of basalts associated with the
basalts erupted 6-4 Ma may not indicate that basal- rift in northern New Mexico (Taos Plateau volcanic
tic magmas were not generated, only that they were field). Beneath the axis of the rift, where upwelled
unable to reach the surface. Similar timing relations asthenosphere was shallowest, tholeiitic melts were
do not appear to hold in the northern rift (Taos Pla- generated; in contrast, beneath the flanks of the rift
teau volcanic field) or on the Great Plains (Ocat6 where depth to upwelled asthenosphere was greater,
and Raton-Clayton areas), where numerous basal- alkalic magmas were produced. Although the mantle
tic flows were erupted during this interval. source of basalts of the Taos volcanic field are now
Basalts erupted in the Lucero volcanic area of the thought to lie within ancient continental lithosphere
transition zone underwent a slight but systematic (see below), this model is largely correct in infer-
compositional shift with time (Baldridge et al., ring depth of magmagenesis.
1987). Miocene volcanism consisted exclusively of The wide range of magma types in close spatial
alkali olivine basalts. In contrast, the first phase of and temporal proximity and the generally small vol-
Pliocene volcanism (4-3 m.y. ago) included signifi- umes of magmas that are characteristic of many vol-
cant volumes of tholeiitic basalts. The most recent canic fields imply that melts form as independent,
volcanism (1.1-0 m.y. ago) consisted of both tholei- isolated batches, even within relatively small vol-
itic rocks (much lower in alkalis than the previous umes of the upper mantle. This model suggests that
phase), erupted from a single shield volcano, and a melting occurs locally in regions of the mantle where
suite of high-alkali, ne-normative basalts (Baldridge temperature exceeds a "critical isotherm." Melting
et al., 1987, 1991). No comparably long record ex- may be nucleated in regions of local enrichments of
ists for other basaltic areas of the rift or transition volatile or other low-melting-point phases in a com-
zone to determine whether such a systematic shift positionally heterogeneous mantle. The exact depth
toward more tholeiitic compositions exist in other at which melting occurs, and the amount of partial
areas, but certainly many of the youngest (less than melting, are the dominant controls on magma com-
1.5 m.y. old) basaltic rocks throughout the area are position. Once formed, crystallization in all basalts
tholeiitic (Perry et al., 1987). In the Springerville occurs dominantly at pressures <10 kbar (i.e., within
volcanic field, basaltic lavas erupted 2.1-0.3 Ma the crust), where the liquidus phases for all compo-
progressed from tholeiitic toward more alkalic com- sitions are the same or similar. Hence, basalts are
positions with decreasing age. Alkali olivine basal- not substantially diversified from each other by crys-
tic volcanism migrated eastward with time (Condit tal fractionation processes.
et al., 1989). Mantle source regions. The general enrichment
Petrogenetic model. The dominant controls on the in HREEs and LILEs that is characteristic of all ba-
compositions of parental basaltic magmas associated saltic magmas (alkalic and tholeiitic) of the rift sug-
with rifting are probably the depth and amount of gests derivation of all of the magmas from enriched
The Rio Grande Rift 247

mantle sources. The enriched sources may comprise trace elements must be significant but has not been
(1) ancient, enriched subcontinental lithosphere, well quantified. Finally, none of the basalts from the
which in the region of the Rio Grande rift ranges northern rift have the very depleted isotopic signa-
from about 1.8 to 1.1 Ga in age, or (2) an enriched tures that characterize alkalic basalts in the south-
asthenospheric source such as ocean island basalt em rift and Basin and Range province, and n o n e fall
(OIB)-type asthenosphere. An OIB-type mantle in the field of OIBs.
source may reflect the existence of deep mantle up- A petrogenetic model for late Miocene to Ho-
welling such as such as a plume or hot spot. A major locene basaltic rocks, developed by Perry et al.
challenge to petrogenetic modeling of the rift basalts, (1987, 1988), was based mainly on the correlation
then, lies in distinguishing between these two en- of Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of alkalic basalts
riched mantle sources. In either case, a progression with tectonic setting and upper mantle geophysical
in trace-element and/or isotopic composition of properties. Alkalic, rather than tholeiitic, basalts are
basalts with time might be expected as lithospheric most appropriate for interpretation of mantle sources
extension proceeds. because (1) they commonly contain mantle-derived
A model for mantle source regions was proposed xenoliths (next section), (2) and typically display
by R. N. Thompson and colleagues (Leat et al., 1988, little or no evidence for crustal contamination. In
1989, 1990; Gibson et al., 1991), who postulated, regions which have undergone at least moderate
mainly from La, Yb, Ta, and K, that Oligocene to lithospheric extension, such as the southern Rio
Quaternary basalts from the northern rift (Colorado) Grande rift and Basin and Range province, isotopic
were derived from both lithospheric and compositions are characterized by "depleted" val-
asthenospheric sources. They interpreted that oliv- ues (STSr/~6Sr= 0.7030-0.7033; e n d --" +7 to +8), simi-
ine basalts with OIB-like trace-element compositions lar to some ocean island basalts (see Chap. 3A for
were derived from an OIB-source asthenosphere, and discussion of "enriched" and "depleted"). In con-
that minettes were derived from continental lithos- trast, isotopic compositions from unextended areas,
phere. A third group of lavas with high La/Ta and such as the Great Plains, are relatively enriched (al-
generally low LIL/HFS was derived from subduc- though still slightly depleted relative to chondritic
tion-modified lithosphere. Their interpretation of an values), with a7Sr/a6Sr typically 0.7040-0.7045 and
asthenospheric source was based, in part, on the ex- end = 0 to +2. Uncontaminated alkalic basalts from
plicit assumption that the similarity to oceanic is- the northern rift also have enriched isotopic values.
land basalts in trace-element compositions (espe- In the transition zone along the southeastern Colo-
cially Ta/Yb and LaN/YbN) implied a similar rado Plateau, isotopic compositions are intermedi-
(asthenospheric) source. They recognized that crustal ate between these extreme values. This correlation
contamination played a secondary role in modify- was interpreted to indicate that the upper mantle
ing magma compositions. beneath the rift region is composed of two distinct
Trace elements may not discriminate well between geochemical reservoirs that, prior to lithospheric
subcrustal lithosphere and OIB-type asthenosphere, extension, corresponded to ancient lithospheric
however, since both sources are enriched relative to mantle and to asthenosphere, part of the convecting
MORB mantle sources. Also, trace element compo- upper mantle. Intermediate values, such as along the
sitions of basalts are very sensitive to multiple pro- transition zone, reflect mixing between these two end
cesses, including inhomogeneities in the mantle members in the source regions of the basaltic melts.
source(s), small differences in the amounts of par- This model agrees with subsequent isotopic work in
tial melting, fractional crystallization, and crustal the Basin and Range province (Fitton et al., 1991).
contamination. Isotopic data from several areas in Thus, it appears, from isotopic data, that all of
the northern rift (Perry et al., 1987; McMillan and the Quaternary basalts of the northern rift (includ-
Dungan, 1988) indicate that substantial contamina- ing and northward from the Jemez volcanic field)
tion of basalts (especially tholeiitic basalts) by both were derived from a continental lithospheric source.
lower and upper crust occurs, the effect of which on In the northern rift (e.g., Cerros del Rio and Jemez
248 W.S. Baldridge et al.

fields), where the amount of lithospheric extension pressures and temperatures can be estimated for the
is least, geochemically defined and geophysically xenoliths, information about the change of chemi-
defined lithospheric mantle do not correspond. Here, cal composition, density and temperature with depth
eNd values (+0.2 to +2.2) of alkali basalts indicate in the lithosphere can be used to better parameterize
that these basalts were derived from enriched mantle and interpret geophysical imaging data. In addition,
and that relatively little replacement of enriched the characterization of xenoliths from host magmas
mantle by depleted mantle has occurred. Yet low Pn of different ages may document temporal changes
velocities (approximately 7.7 km/s) and low mantle in the lower crust and upper mantle during the evo-
densities (3.22 g/cm3), modeled from gravity data, lution of rifting.
indicate that asthenosphere here extends upward to
near the base of the crust (approximately 35 km). It Mantle xenoliths
is likely that beneath the northern rift, enriched litho-
spheric mantle has been "thermally thinned" and Although many mantle xenolith localities exist
converted to asthenosphere, retaining its geochemi- throughout the Rio Grande rift region, the classical
cal properties, rather than being displaced by isoto- locality of Kilbourne Hole maar, located in the south-
pically depleted asthenosphere. Thus, a zone of par- ern rift near the Mexican border, is the most diverse
tially melted former lithosphere may form a cara- and well-studied.
pace above upwelling, true depleted asthenosphere Mantle xenoliths from Kilbourne Hole include
(Perry et al., 1988). Group I and II lherzolites, as well as composite spinel
The geochemistry of basaltic rocks also provides lherzolite-spinel pyroxenite xenoliths. Less common
constraints on the evolution of mantle processes as- types are clinopyroxenite, kaersutite-bearing pyrox-
sociated with rifting. Isotopic compositions of alkalic enites, and wehrlite (Carter, 1970; Irving, 1980).
basalts from the transition zone underwent a shift Group I spinel lherzolites, believed to be parental to
with time during the late Miocene to Pliocene. eNd basalt magmas, are most abundant, recording tem-
values of basalts erupted 7-8 Ma are slightly more peratures of 900-1050~ and deriving from 40-80
enriched (+3.2 to +4.2) than those of basalts erupted km depth (Bussod, 1981). These xenoliths have het-
4.3-0.8 Ma (+5.5 to +6.6), suggesting that the iso- erogeneous trace element and isotopic compositions,
topic composition of the source area changed dur- yet most show chemical and Nd-Sr isotopic affini-
ing the minimum in eruptive activity 6--4 Ma. This ties with MORB-type, depleted mantle (Roden et al.,
isotopic shift is interpreted as a displacement of 1988). This was initially interpreted as a sampling
lithosphere by asthenosphere and a shallowing of the of preserved ancient oceanic lithosphere (Reid and
lithosphere/asthenosphere boundary with late Mi- Woods, 1978), yet the isotopic data are more com-
ocene-Pliocene uplift and reactivation of rifting patible with asthenosphere (depleted mantle) which
(Perry et al., 1988). In the central and southern rift, upwelled during lithospheric extension (Perry et al.,
where extension is greater, preliminary studies 1987).
(McMillan and Dickin, 1991) indicate that lithos- The spinel lherzolites are fertile with respect to
pheric thinning occurred earlier (c. 10 Ma). the major element constituents of basalt, but have
depleted incompatible trace element abundances.
6.5.6. Xenolith Studies This suggests that the mantle below the rift has un-
dergone at least one depletion event (partial melt/
Suites of crustal and mantle xenoliths hosted in fluid extraction). In some samples, isotopic hetero-
volcanic rocks are abundant in the Rio Grande rift geneity and 143Ndp44Ndwhich are unsupported by
and Colorado Plateau transition zone. As actual present-day ~47Sm/l"Nd indicates that there has also
samples of the deeper lithosphere, these xenoliths been a relatively recent enrichment in incompatible
provide important constraints on the major and trace elements. Although age relationships in mantle xe-
element composition, thermal state, and age of the noliths are often difficult to interpret, this enrich-
crust and mantle beneath the rift. If equilibration ment probably occurred less than 750 Ma ago (Roden
The Rio Grande Rift 249

et al., 1988). The enrichment may be due to mixing, The Kilbourne Hole crustal xenolith suite is once
melting, and metasomatism associated with up- again the most well-studied. Sampling of other xe-
welling mantle beneath the rift (Roden et al., 1988). nolith localities within the Rio Granderift and Colo-
The Group II pyroxenite xenoliths and pyroxen- rado Plateau transition zone, however, indicate that
ite portions of the composite xenoliths have been the Kilbourne Hole xenolith compositions may not
modeled as dikes and crystal cumulates associated be representative of the entire region. For instance,
with the host magma (Irving, 1980). Incompatible granulite-facies xenoliths at Kilbourne Hole include
element enrichment and isotopic equilibration oc- siliceous paragneisses interpreted as tectonically-
curs in the Kilbourne Hole lherzolite wallrock adja- underplated sediments from a Proterozoic subduc-
cent to pyroxenite dikes, yet is confined to centime- tion zone (Reid et al., 1989). However, other lower
ter scale areas (Roden et. al, 1988). crustal xenolith suites from the Rio Grande rift and
Other xenolith localities include Abiquiu, transition zone do not include this metasedimentary
Cieneguilla, and Elephant Butte (Plate 6-3) in the component and are dominated by mafic, metaigneous
northern and central Rio Grande rift, and Mt. Tay- granulites.
lor, Black Range, Cerro Negro, the Lucero volcanic The metapelitic granulites from Kilbourne Hole
area, and Bandera Crater in the Colorado Plateau maar have been the subject of numerous studies.
transition zone. Inclusion types found in these lo- These garnet-bearing xenoliths are compositionally
calities are spinel lherzolites, harzburgite, pyroxeni- heterogeneous (banded), and believed to be repre-
tes, and a diverse megacryst assemblage (Laughlin sentative of in-situ lower crustal conditions
et al., 1971; Fodor, 1978; Baldridge, 1979b; Warren (Padovani and Carter, 1977a; E. R. Padovani and M.
et al., 1979). Spinel lherzolites from the Rio Grande R. Reid, in Pallister, 1989). Their major and trace
rift north of Kilbourne Hole also unequivocally rep- element compositions are similar to those of an av-
resent mantle conditions, yielding equilibration tem- erage shale, indicating a sedimentary protolith and
peratures of 935-1030~ at pressures of 14-20 kbar. a lack of extensive chemical modification during
When corresponding pressure and temperature esti- residence in the lower crust. Although evidence of
mates of crustal granulites from the same locality localized decompression melting exists, these lower
are made, a best-fit geothermal gradient of 20-30~ crustal xenoliths seem not to have suffered signifi-
km is defined for this portion of the Rio Grande rift cant partial melt extraction (Padovani and Carter,
(Baldridge, 1979b; Warren et al., 1979). 1977b; Wandless and Padovani, 1985). The relatively
pristine nature of these rocks is further indicated by Crustal Xenoliths metasedimentary ~80/~60 values, arguing against
extensive exchange with mantle fluids (James et al.,
Crustal xenoliths from the Rio Grande rift can be 1980).
used to constrain the composition and age of the Isotopic age relationships in the metapelites have
lower crust, as well as to evaluate the possibility of been determined using the compositional banding
rift-related processes such as large-scale magmatic of the samples. Rb-Sr and Pb isotope systematics of
underplating. Crustal lithologies represented in xe- separated layers from these xenoliths indicate a 1.6
noliths from the Rio Grande rift differ markedly from Ga metamorphic or stabilization age for the lower
those of the adjacent, thicker and stable crust of the crust in this region. This Proterozoic basement age
Colorado Plateau (Wendlandt et al., 1993). Whereas agrees well with metamorphic ages of exposed base-
xenoliths from the unrifted Colorado Plateau lithos- ment rocks in south-central New Mexico (Condie
phere include eclogites, granulites, and high-grade and Budding, 1979), and is somewhat younger than
hydrous assemblages, the Rio Grande rift crustal crust-formation ages for lower crustal xenoliths from
suites are dominated by anhydrous, granulite-facies the unrifted Colorado Plateau (Wendlandt et al.,
rocks. 1993). Metapelitic granulites are in isotopic equi-
librium on a mineral scale, however, and approxi-
mately zero age Rb-Sr internal isochrons suggest
250 W.S. Baldridge et al.

recent reheating. Temperatures above the blocking 20-30 Ma ago into a region from 25--45 km in depth,
temperatures of the constituent minerals are likely accompanied by large-scale partial melting, meta-
to have been attained concomitant with crustal thin- somatism, and recrystallization. This model is con-
ning associated with Rio Grande rift development sistent with observed bimodal volcanism in the Rio
(E. R. Padovani and M. R. Reid, in Pallister, 1989). Grande rift region, and with the relatively recent iso-
The existence of a significant metapelitic lower topic equilibration of minerals in granulite facies
crustal component in the Kilbourne Hole suite un- lower crustal xenoliths. After intrusion ceased, con-
derscores the potential role of non-magmatic pro- ductive cooling from this thermal event could ac-
cesses in crustal growth and evolution. A significant count for the present surface heat flow of 82 mW/
volume of metapelitic compositions in the lower m 2 (Bussod and Williams, 1991). In some cases,
crust could have important implications for heat pro- metaigneous lower crustal xenoliths may actually
duction, heat flow, seismic velocity and chemical represent younger underplated mafic magmas that
composition of the crust. Despite evidence for loss have assimilated variable amounts of the preexist-
of U during metamorphism, the Kilbourne Hole xe- ing lower crust. This magmatism may or may not be
noliths have retained high K and Th concentrations expressed at the surface. Determining the emplace-
and thus are capable of higher heat production than ment or crystallization ages of the magmas is criti-
is normally assumed for lower crust. The necessary cal, but difficult, because the mafic lithologies nor-
mantle heat flux contribution could thus be signifi- mally do not contain minerals suitable for dating by
cantly reduced if these heat-producing metapelites the U-Pb isotope method. Nd and S r isotopic com-
form a significant component of the lower crust (E. positions have recently been used, however, to place
R. Padovani and M. R. Reid, in Pallister, 1989). The constraints on the crustal residence time of two-py-
seismic velocities of the metapelitic xenoliths are roxene granulites from the Elephant Butte area in
anisotropic due to their foliation, yet are on the whole the central Rio Grande rift. These rocks, which are
less than the seismic velocity determined for lower inferred to have been derived from the lower crust,
crustal levels of the southern Rio Grande rift. Mafic have crustal residence times (i.e., Nd model ages)
lithologies with higher seismic velocities may be that are significantly younger than accepted crustal
required to make up the velocity difference in the ages determined for the central rift region (approxi-
lower crust in this region (Reid et al., 1989). mately 1.7 Ga). The Sr and Nd isotopic composi-
Other lower crustal xenolith localities in the Rio tions and the TDM ages of 0.84-0.93 Ga are inter-
Grande rift (even those relatively near Kilbourne preted to be the result of mixing between older, Pro-
Hole) are dominated by mafic lithologies (Plate 6- terozoic-age lower crust and Cenozoic underplated
4), with some retaining igneous textures (Baldridge, mafic magmas. An assimilation-fractional crystalli-
1979b; Warren et al., 1979). This lack of zation (AFC) model constrained by the isotopic data
metasedimentary xenoliths may suggest that the crust indicates that the rift granulites could be produced
beneath Kilbourne Hole is not representative of that by contamination of an underplating alkalic basaltic
beneath the entire Rio Grande rift. melt with 30-35% felsic components of the lower
Magmatic underplating, or the rejuvenation of crust (Wendlandt, 1992).
lower crust by mantle-derived magmas, has been
recognized as a potentially significant process be-
neath continental rifts. Thermometric data from 6.6. Geophysical surveys and results
Kilbourne Hole crustal and mantle xenoliths have 6.6.1. Seismic Refraction
recently been used to develop a thermal evolution
model of the southern Rio Grande rift. Bussod and Seismic refraction studies (Fig. 6-6) provide a
Williams (1991) modeled the thermal consequences general picture of crustal thickness in the region of
of massive intrusion of basaltic dikes and sills into the Rio Grande rift. Most existing refraction pro-
a pre-rift, thermally stable lower crust and upper files have station spacings greater than 5 km, thus
mantle. They envisioned large-scale mafic intrusion limiting lateral resolution of deep crustal structures,
The Rio Grande Rift 251

Fig. 6--6. Index of existing seismic refraction profiles for the Rio Grande rift. Modified from Sinno et al. (1986).

and only one is truly reversed. However, many of ning associated with the central portion of the rift is
the profiles cross each other, providing an internally wider than the physiographic expression and that the
consistent picture of crustal structure. For example, transitions in crustal structure at the rift margins are
Schneider and Keller (1994) interpreted the profiles relatively gradual. In the southern portion of the rift,
in west-central New Mexico (a and b, Fig. 6-6) in the partially reversed and interlocking refraction
an integrated analysis with gravity data. Adams and profiles of Sinno et al. (1986) correlate very well
Keller (1994) extended these results across the rift with the regional gravity anomalies in the area
by using gravity modeling to tie the seismic results (Ramberg et al., 1978; Daggett et al., 1986), and
of Stewart and Pakiser (1962), Olsen et al. (1979), delineate a broad zone of crustal thinning which dis-
Sinno et al. (1986), and Roberts et al. (1991) to the tinguishes the rift from the adjacent Basin and Range.
seismic profiles interpreted by Schneider and Keller To the north, in the region of Albuquerque, Santa
(1994). The resulting picture, discussed further in Fe, and the Jemez Mountains (35*-36* N), seismic
section 6.7.1, shows that the region of crustal thin- control is limited to a very low resolution refraction
252 w.s. Baldridge et al.

Fig. 6-7. Contour map of crustal thickness in the area of the southern Rio Grande rift. Contours are depth to Moho, in kilometers;
datum is sea level. Modified from Keller et al. (1990).

profile which recorded the GASBUGGY nuclear straints from gravity studies, surface wave analyses,
explosion (Toppozada and Sanford, 1976), to an and teleseismic studies, allows interpretation of
unreversed refraction profile in the rift (Olsen et al, crustal thickness (Fig. 6-7). In most of the New
1979), and to a receiver function study at Albuquer- Mexico portion of the rift, this map is probably a
que (Murphy, 1991). These results indicate a dis- good representation of the general crustal structure
tinct thinning of the crust beneath the rift, but the because it is consistent with a broad range of data.
width of the zone of thinned crust cannot be deter- The paucity of reversed refraction profiles is a big-
mined from the seismic data alone. The segment of ger problem in defining the true velocity of the up-
the rift north of the Jemez Mountains is essentially per mantle than in defining general crustal thickness
unstudied by crustal-scale refraction profiles. Com- values. The refraction results indicate that the ve-
bining the refraction profiles with independent con- locity of the uppermost mantle (P~) is approximately
The Rio Grande Rift 253

Fig. 6-8. Cross section across the southern Albuquerque basin, from COCORP seismic reflection profiling. Stippled pattern
represents pre-rift sedimentary rocks; SMB indicates Socorro magma body. Modified from DeVoogd et al. (1988).

7.7 km/s; this value is fairly well constrained in tion at 11-12 s (two-way travel time), at a depth of
southern New Mexico by the reversed and interlock- 33-34 km, which corresponds to the M-discontinu-
ing profiles of S inno et al. (1986). ity as mapped by Olsen et al. (1979) from refraction
Studies of regional earthquake phases in north- data. A strong reflector at about 7 s correlates with
ern New Mexico (Murdock and Jaksha, 1981) indi- the mid-crustal magma chamber detected through
cate that the average mantle lithosphere velocity is earthquake studies (Sanford et al., 1973, 1977, 1979;
about 8.0 km/s. However, this result does not rule Rinehart et al., 1979). DeVoogt at al. (1988) also
out a narrow low velocity region under the rift. Our inferred west-dipping detachment faulting at a depth
lack of knowledge of the crustal structure of the of 5-14 km beneath the basin (Fig. 6-8).
northern portion of the Rio Grande rift is a major A large amount of seismic reflection data obtained
barrier to fully understanding the formation of the by the petroleum industry has been released for ba-
rift. sin studies in the rift (Keller and Cather, 1994). Davis
and Stoughton (1979), Kluth and Schaffenaar (1994),
6.6.2. Seismic Reflection and Brister and Gries (1994) used reflection data
provided by Amoco to determine the deep structure
Deep seismic reflection profiling in the Rio of the San Luis basin in southern Colorado (Fig. 6-
Grande rift was conducted by COCORP in the south- 1). This feature is a major, complex rift basin which
ern part of the Albuquerque-Belen basin (Brown et
contains significant volumes of pre-rift Tertiary
al., 1979, 1980), and subsequently reinterpreted by
rocks. Keller et al. (1986) used a long reflection pro-
Cape et al. (1983), Wu (1986), and deVoogd et al.
file provided by Exxon to demonstrate the sub-sur-
(1986, 1988). DeVoogd et al. (1986, 1988) inter- face extent of Laramide uplifts and basins in the
preted the Moho, marked by a discontinuous reflec-
southern New Mexico portion of the rift. Figuers
254 W.S. Baldridge et al.

(1987) included a seismic reflection line in his de- crustal structure determination from refraction data,
tailed structural analysis of the northern Franklin suggesting the presence of high values (0.29) of
Mountains, near El Paso. The structure of the Huerco Poisson's ratio in the upper mantle. The phase ve-
bolson southeast of E1 Paso was delineated by locities measured were very similar to those for the
Collins and Raney (1994). Black (1984) presented East African rift path Nairobi, Kenya, to Addis
industry reflection data in the Espaflola basin area Ababa, Ethiopia (Knopoff and Schlue, 1972).
and interpreted complicated compressional structure Schlue et al. (1986) measured Rayleigh wave
beneath the basin. A limited amount of reflection phase velocities along a short path across the cen-
data for an area north of Santa Fe was obtained by tral portion of the rift. Their results indicated an av-
the SAGE geophysics program (Biehler et al., 1991), erage upper crustal shear velocity of 3.33 km/s and
who reinterpreted the data of Black (1984) in terms two low velocity layers.
of extensional structures and erosional
unconformities. Barrow and Keller (1994) docu- 6.6.4. Teleseismic Data
mented that the Estancia basin east of Socorro (Fig.
6-1) was only slightly influenced by rifting. Travel time anomalies and waveform studies for
High-quality, oil-industry, seismic reflection data phases (usually P-waves) from distant earthquakes
(Russell and Snelson, 1990, 1994) for the Albuquer- provide a valuable source of information on veloc-
que-Belen basin demonstrate that the basin consists ity structure, particularly at sub-Moho depths. P-
of two separate asymmetrical sub-basins of oppo- wave travel time anomalies across the central Rio
site structural polarity that were downdropped along Grande rift were studied by Davis et al. (1984),
low-angle to listric normal faults. The northern (Al- Parker et al. (1984), Spence and Gross (1990), Davis
buquerque) sub-basin was downdropped along a (1991), Davis et al. (1993), and Slack (1994). Slack
major west-dipping system of listric normal faults, (1994) presented the most complete analysis to date
and the southern (Belen) sub-basin along a system of teleseismic data for the central and northern Rio
of major east-dipping low-angle faults. The sub-ba- Grande rift, including the U.S. Geological Survey
sins are separated by a complex, oblique-trending data of Spence and Gross (1990). P- and S-wave
structural zone that accommodates the differential travel time delays of up to 1.5 s were recorded by
extension and polarity change between the basins stations within the central rift compared to stations
(Fig. 6-2). on stable, undisturbed lithosphere of the Great
Plains. These delays correspond to velocity reduc-
6.6.3. Surface Wave Dispersion tions of up to 8% within the uppermost mantle. The
absolute velocity reduction and the correlation with
The analysis of surface wave dispersion is a use- S-wave delays imply that temperatures in the mantle
ful but low-resolution means of determining aver- are very close to the solidus of peridotite, consistent
age earth structure along a particular propagation with but not requiring the presence of partial melt.
path. Surface waves are most sensitive to variations Tomographic models image a low-velocity body at
in shear wave velocity and are thus a valuable source depths of 35 to 255 km beneath the rift and adjacent
of information on this difficult-to-measure param- areas. At depths of 35 to 90 km, the velocity (ther-
eter. Rayleigh waves are the most often studied sur- mal) anomaly is greatest west of the rift, beneath
face wave. The world standard (WWSSN) seismo- the southeastern Colorado Plateau transition zone
graph stations at E1 Paso, Texas (EPT), and Albu- (Plate 6-5). Between 90 and 200 km, an anomaly is
querque, New Mexico (ALQ), are ideally situated still present beneath the transition zone, but is not
for an analysis of Rayleigh wave dispersion along as pronounced. Below 200 km the overall anomaly
the Rio Grande rift. Data for this path, as well as is less distinct, with the greatest velocity reduction
some complementary data, were analyzed by Keller centered beneath the axis of the rift. The teleseismic
et al. (1979a) and Sinno and Keller (1986). The re- data are tentatively interpreted to be consistent with
suits of these studies were in good agreement with a two-stage evolution for the rift (see above). In the
The Rio Grande Rift 255

earlier phase (Oligocene to early Miocene), the rift the rifting process. These elevation changes, and
opened in an east-west direction. The velocity re- large older crustal features such as early Tertiary
duction observed at depths >200 km is presumed to batholiths, produce regional gravity anomalies which
reflect an associated, axially symmetrical thermal approach 200 mGals. The most obvious gravity
anomaly, which subsequently has largely decayed anomalies associated with the rift are the gravity
away. The anomalous low-velocity body presently lows which correlate with the basins (Plate 6-6).
underlying the transition zone between the core of These anomalies have proven invaluable in provid-
the Colorado Plateau and the rift may reflect pro- ing a generalized picture of the structure of the ba-
cesses resulting from the modern (late Miocene to sins (e.g., Cordell, 1978; Ramberg et al., 1978; Keller
present) regional stress field (extension axis oriented et al., 1984; Adams and Keller, 1994).
northwest-southeast). These studies have generally shown that the sub-
In a separate study, teleseismic P-wave relative surface structure of the basins is much more com-
arrival-time data for the Jemez volcanic field (see plex than their physiographic expression would sug-
above) were inverted to image velocity anomalies gest. Many sub-basins and buried horst blocks exist
beneath the Valles caldera (Lutter et al., 1995). Re- and many features are asymmetrical. In every basin,
suits confirm the existence, inferred in previous stud- there are drill holes which increase the confidence
ies, of a mid-crustal low-velocity region beneath the in gravity interpretations. The gravity studies do not
caldera in the depth range 8-13 km (below sea level). suggest any obvious regular variation in the struc-
This feature, of about 6 km lateral extent, is inferred ture of individual basins along the rift. For example,
to be the expression of a remnant magma chamber basins with at least 3 km of rift fill are found in south-
remaining from Pleistocene caldera-forming ignim- ern Colorado (San Luis basin) and near E1 Paso,
brite eruptions. A less well-constrained lower crust/ Texas (Hueco and Mesilla basins). However, grav-
upper mantle low-velocity anomaly is also imaged, ity data agree with the physiographic expression in
and tentatively thought to reflect thermal effects of showing a north to south widening of the rift.
basaltic magmas ponded at the crust-mantle inter- Cordell (1982) evaluated the major components
face. of the rift's gravity field, observing the classic pic-
ture of three components first described in East Af-
6.6.5. Gravity Data rica (Fairhead, 1976). A long wavelength gravity low
is associated with a broad zone of low seismic ve-
Through the efforts of the U.S. Geological Sur- locities in the upper mantle (e.g., Davis et al., 1993)
vey, the University of Texas at Dallas, and the Uni- which is interpreted as evidence for lithospheric thin-
versity of Texas at E1 Paso, a good data base of grav- ning. Crustal thinning and/or mafic additions to the
ity readings is available for the entire Rio Grande crust produce an intermediate-wavelength gravity
rift area, including Mexico (Aiken et al., 1988). An high, which is illustrated in the wavelength filtered
overall Bouguer anomaly map of the rift has been map shown in Plate 6-7. In the southern portion of
published (Cordell et al., 1982), and more detailed the rift, Daggett et al. (1986) documented the close
(1:500,000) Bouguer and residual Bouguer anomaly correspondence of this anomaly to crustal thinning
maps of the State of New Mexico are also available shown by seismic data. In northern New Mexico,
(Keller and Cordell, 1984; Aiken et al., 1978). A this anomaly becomes very obscure, suggesting that
detailed gravity map for part of the Espafiola basin the zone of crustal thinning is narrowing to the north
is presented by Biehler et al. (1991), and many other
as proposed by Cordell (1982). As discussed above,
local studies have employed gravity data effectively the last major component of the gravity field is the
to study basin geometry.
short-wavelength low associated with the basins.
The Bouguer gravity field in the area of the rift is
complicated by the presence of large regional eleva-
tion variations which are not all directly related to
256 W.S. Baldridge et al.

6.6.6. Aeromagnetic Data scatter in the data makes the construction of con-
tour maps somewhat subjective (e.g., compare Reiter
An extensive data base of aeromagnetic measure- et al., 1975; Swanberg, 1979; Sass et al., 1981).
ments for the Rio Grande rift area primarily provides Decker and Smithson (1975) suggested that the
information on older structures. Cordell (1984) com- southern Rio Grande rift is characterized by a heat
piled a digital data base for New Mexico and pub- flow of approximately 100 mW/m 2. A crustal con-
lished a l:500,000-scale map of the state. An aero- ductive geotherm calculated from this value is con-
magnetic map for Colorado has been published sistent with lower crustal xenolith data on pressures
(Zietz and Kirby, 1972a, b), but is not in digital form. and temperatures (Padovani and Carter, 1977a;
Keller et al. (1985) compiled a data base for west Seager and Morgan, 1979). This conductive
Texas and conducted an integrated analysis with geotherm cannot be extrapolated far below the Moho,
gravity data. Himes (1968) studied aeromagnetic however, before it exceeds the mantle solidus, indi-
data in the northern part of the State of Chihuahua, cating convective heat transfer in the upper mantle
Mexico. De Angelo and Keller (1988) digitized these beneath the rift and perhaps also a component of
data and merged them with data from New Mexico, advective heat transfer into the crust. To the north,
Arizona, and west Texas. Their work showed a strong the rift is associated with a clearly defined heat flow
northwest fabric to the magnetic anomalies in south- high. Conductive geotherms calculated from these
ern New Mexico, which is due to pre-rift structures data exceed the crustal solidus above the Moho, re-
and may be as old as Precambrian. As north-south- quiring advective heat transfer into the crust
trending rift structures extend southward from cen- (Clarkson and Reiter, 1984; Decker et al., 1984,
tral New Mexico, they appear to be deflected to a 1988; Morgan and Golombek, 1984; Cook et al.,
northwest trend (De Angelo and Keller, 1988). The 1978). Scatter in the heat flow data in the rift is pri-
magnetic anomalies show that this deflection may marily a result of groundwater flow in the rift ba-
be a local response to a zone of weakness which is sins, with a possible contribution from upper crustal
not related to the rift. magmatic activity (Morgan et al., 1986).
Cordell (1976) analyzed aeromagnetic anomalies Reduced heat flow data (i.e, corrected for upper
in the central rift, noting a correlation between crustal radioactivity) suggest that the southern Rio
gridded patterns in the magnetic anomalies and in Grande rift is thermally distinct from the adjacent
the patterns of faulting. This correlation indicates Basin and Range province, the latter being charac-
basement control of rift bounding faults. Anomalies terized by a more stable and predictable thermal re-
in northern New Mexico were analyzed by Cordell gime (Morgan et al., 1986; Blackwell, 1978). Re-
and Keller (1984) and were found to mostly be due duced heat flow data from the northern Rio Grande
to pre-rift structures and volcanic rocks. A promi- rift confirm the inference from the surface heat flow
nent northeast trending anomaly was offset along values that an advective component of heat into the
north-trending discontinuities which could be strike- crust beneath the rift must be present (Decker et al.,
slip faults. 1984; 1988).
6.6.7. Heat Flow 6.6.8. Electromagnetic Techniques
Heat flow data delineate a major geothermal Earliest measurements of transient geomagnetic
anomaly associated with the Rio Grande rift and variations across the Rio Grande rift were recorded
adjacent Basin and Range province (Reiter et al., in 1960 by Schmucker (1964). These yielded a pro-
1975, 1979, 1986; Decker and Smithson, 1975; nounced reversal of the vertical component of mag-
Seager and Morgan, 1979; Smith and Jones, 1979; netic field between Las Cruces and Cornudas, New
Swanberg, 1979; Taylor, 1981; Reiter and Tovar, Mexico, indicating a relatively shallow concentra-
1982; Clarkson and Reiter, 1984; Decker et al. 1984, tion of electrical currents under the Rio Grande val-
1988). Although regional trends are clear, a large ley. The anomaly (first called the "Texas anomaly")
The Rio Grande Rift 257

was modeled (Schmucker, 1970) using a perfect con- middle to lower crust. The conductive anomalies
ductor smoothly rising from 200 km to a depth of were initially interpreted as evidence for magma in
100 km between the two sites. Schmucker (1970) the crust (Pedersen and Hermance, 1976; 1978;
also considered a step-like structure, wherein the Pedersen, 1980). Since seismic data compellingly
conductive horizon deepens from 180 km west of supported the presence of a magma body in the crust
the Rio Grande to 360 km to the east, when fitting near Socorro (Sanford et al., 1977), Hermance and
his data. The step-like geometry was favored by Pedersen (1980) postulated that such a body (or one
Swift (1967), who made the first magnetotelluric "generically related") extended the full length of the
(MT) measurements in the area. However, he (as did rift. Hermance and Pedersen's (1980) conclusions
Porath and Gough, 1971) placed a step from >100 were based on MT soundings at El Paso, Texas, and
ohm-m to <60 ohm-m material in the depth range Santa Fe, New Mexico. The conductive layer was
from 35 km east to 140 km west of the rift. Gough modeled at a depth of 21-28 km (perhaps approxi-
(1974) demonstrated the nonuniqueness of the ab- mately 20 km; Keshet and Hermance, 1986) under
solute depth determinations from the data. Also, El Paso and at 10-17 km under Santa Fe. The E1
Swift (1967) cautioned that his model was only dia- Paso result is compatible with Schmucker's (1964;
grammatic, since he had only two control points, one 1970) deeper sensing geomagnetic variation data.
on either side of the rift, together with Schmucker's More recent MT sounding confirm that a conductor
(1970) earlier measurements. Weidelt (1975) used at 10--15 km depth does extend under the full width
Schmucker's geomagnetic transfer functions to cal- of the rift at the approximately latitude of Santa Fe
culate a resistivity model by a new inversion method, (Jiracek et al., 1987; Rodriquez et al., 1987; Biehler
using cells which were 90 km in horizontal and 40 et al., 1991; Jiracek et al., 1993).
km in vertical extent. The final model showed a 40 In comparing the result of MT studies in the Rio
km deep low-resistivity zone between Las Cruces Grande rift, Baikal rift, East African rift, and the
and Orogrande, with a resistivity of 10 to 15 ohm- Rhinegraben, Jiracek et al. (1979) showed that all
m. The conductance (conductivity-thickness prod- were characterized by anomalously low resistivity
uct) of this block was calculated to be 3000-4000 S. (high conductivity) at depths less than 30 km, i.e.,
The geomagnetic-variation array studies of Porath in the crust. However, their MT soundings over the
and Gough ( 1971), which covered the whole of New 20-km-deep "Soccoro magma body" revealed a
Mexico with a relatively large station spacing, found depth to a conductive horizon of 10 km rather than
no clear continuation of the rift anomaly to the north the expected 20 km. This depth was confirmed by
except near Albuquerque. Towle (1980), with a more more extensive MT studies (Jiracek et al., 1983,
detailed geomagnetic variation study, demonstrated 1987; Mitchell and Jiracek, 1983; Mitchell, 1983)
a conductor in the central rift area between Albu- along the COCORP seismic profile (Brown et al.,
querque and Socorro, New Mexico. A model which 1980), 40 km north of Socorro. Given the disparity
yielded a satisfactory fit to his data indicated a shal- between the depth to magma and to the electrical
low conductor beneath the rift at 15 km depth, and a conductor, Jiracek et al. (1983) argued against
deeper conductor at 35 km extending 100 km toward magma as the source of the crustal conductors in
the east and west. Such a conductor is at least indi- the Rio Grande rift. Instead, they proposed that a
cated in the data of Porath and Gough (1971) by the conductive horizon occurs near the brittle-ductile
reversal of the geomagnetic induction arrows near transition, where an impermeable cap traps pore
Albuquerque. water beneath. Earthquake focal depths in the
The first comprehensive MT soundings were Socorro area (Sanford et al., 1979) indicate the co-
made in the Rio Grande rift in the 1970's, initially incidence of the thickness of the seismogenic (brittle)
for geothermal exploration in the Jemez Mountains crust with the depth to the conductive zone. Bailey
(Wilt et al., 1976; Hermance, 1979a). Despite gen- (1990) described a mechanism by which aqueous flu-
erally poor data quality, these studies showed that ids might accumulate at the brittle-ductile transition.
anomalously low resistivity was present in the
258 W.S. Baldridge et al.

Neither two-dimensional (2-D) modeling (Jiracek MT soundings crossing the eastern and western
et al., 1983, 1987) nor three-dimensional (3-D) ba- boundaries of the Rio Grande rift have exposed a
sin modeling (Gustafson, 1986) reveals a highly con- distinct asymmetry. Ander ( 1981) presented MT pro-
ducting layer in the crust in the immediate vicinity files in Arizona and western New Mexico, some of
of Socorro. This dilemma resulted in the suggestion which extended into the rift. These results west of
by Jiracek et al., 1983) that active, shallow magma Socorro and west of the Jemez Mountains extend
injection (evidenced by recurring swarms of earth- the crustal conductor beyond the rift itself well into
quakes) destroys the integrity of the fluid-trapping, the Basin and Range province. The intracrustal con-
impermeable cap. Thus, they concluded, water is ductor is significantly attenuated, or not present,
released, leaving a relatively resistive crust since the under the Colorado Plateau west of the northern part
injected amounts of magma are slight. The relative of the rift (Ander, 1981; Pedersen and Hermance,
resistive nature of the crust beneath Socorro is at 1981). This is similar to both measurements of the
odds with a recent geomagnetic variation profile run eastern boundary of the rift with the Great Plains
10 km south of Socorro by Hermance and Neumann province. These are along the profile 40 km north of
(1991). Hermance and Neumann (1991) point out Socorro (Jiracek et al., 1983, 1987) and east of Santa
that geomagnetic variation measurements use only Fe (unpublished data collected by one of us (GRJ)
magnetic fields, which are less contaminated by in 1993) . In both cases there is a very sharp rift
surficial (small) features than are the telluric (elec- boundary electrical signature. Jiracek et al. (1983,
tric) fields used in MT. However, large-scale varia- 1987) show the transition under the central rift-
tions in basin shapes also produce highly distorted bounding Manzano Mountains to be a deepening of
magnetic fields, as was shown by Gustafson (1986) the conductor from 10 km to about 25 km with a
to be expected in the Socorro area. Therefore, the 2- five-fold decrease in its conductance. An even larger
D modeling of both Jiracek et al. (1983, 1987) and depth increase (15 to 40 km) is detected east of Santa
Hermance and Neumann (1991) are suspect in the Fe, near Las Vegas, New Mexico. These depths to
complex 3-D structural setting of Socorro. the conductive zone in and adjacent to the Rio
Gustafson's (1986) 3-D modeling requires a crustal Grande rift are inversely correlated with heat flow
conductor 40 km north of, but not beneath, Socorro. (Reiter et al., 1978; Clarkson and Reiter, 1984). Such
Whether or not a highly conductive crustal zone a correlation with deep geothermal wells (down to
directly beneath Socorro exists, it seems certain that 4.5 km) is strongly evident in the Jemez Mountains
the intracrustal electrical conductor in the Rio along the western side of the Rio Grande rift (Jiracek
Grande rift does not coincide with a contemporary et al., 1993). This has resulted in speculation by the
magma zone. The Socorro magma body is modeled authors that the depth to the crustal conductor in this
(Brocher, 1981) as a series of partially molten region of the rift marks the depth to an isotherm that
magma pods, each 30-40 m in thickness. Therefore, may be higher (approximately 500--600~ than the
even if a full basaltic melt with a resistivity of 0.5 brittle-ductile transition (350-400~ in silicic crust.
ohm-m (Hermance, 1979b) is assumed, it is unlikely
that the integrated conductance is more than a few 6.6.9. Seismicity
100 S. Such a target would not be detected by elec-
tromagnetic measurements because of the high con- The Rio Grande rift region has been known to be
ductance, screening effect of the rift fill (see Sec- seismically active for many years (e.g., Reid, 1911).
tion 3.5). The conductances of the highly conduc- Instrumental studies began in 1960, and early review
tive zones modeled by the various researchers 40 articles were written by Sanford et al. (1972, 1979).
km north of Socorro, at El Paso, and near Santa Fe The most active area in this century has been be-
exceed 1000 S in each case, thus they are well-re- tween Socorro and Albuquerque, New Mexico (Fig.
solved by MT soundings. 6-9). The largest events in this area occurred during
a swarm which extended from July 1906 to January
1907. Two of these events reached Intensity VIII.
The Rio Grande Rift 259

Fig. 6-9. Earthquake epicenters in central New Mexicofor the period January 1976 through November 1981, undifferentiated with
respect to magnitude. Focal mechanism diagrams are lower hemisphere projections with compressional quadrants shaded. Modified
from Sanford et al. (1991).

Studies of the seismicity in this area revealed un- Seismicity in the northern New Mexico portion
usual reflected S-wave phases which suggested the of the rift (Plate 6-8) came under investigation
presence of a magma chamber (Sanford et al., 1973, through studies by Los Alamos National Laboratory
1977, 1979; Rinehart et al., 1979) at mid-crustal beginning in 1972. The western boundary of the rift
depths which correlated with an amplitude anomaly near Espaflola was found to be particularly active
in reflection (Brown et al., 1979, 1980) and refrac- (Sanford et al., 1979; Cash and Wolff, 1984).
tion (Olsen et al., 1979) data. Recent earthquakes in Seismicity data in the southern portion of the rift
the Albuquerque area were studied by Jaksha and are scarce. A seismograph station has been operat-
Sanford (1986). Their focal mechanisms indicated ing in E1 Paso since the early 1960's and was up-
WNW-ESE extension with a mixture of strike-slip graded to WWSSN status in 1977. Seismicity along
and normal faulting. the easternmost portion of the rift in west Texas was
260 W.S. Baldridge et al.

monitored between 1977 and 1981 and discussed by Reilinger et al., 1980; Larsen et al., 1986). The most
Dumas et al. (1980) and Dumas (1981). A large (M recent results (Larsen et al., 1986) indicate an aver-
6.4) earthquake occurred in this area in 1931 (Byerly, age uplift rate of 0.23 cm/yr from 1912 to 1951 and
1934a, b). Doser (1987) suggested the earthquake of 0.18 cm/yr from 1951 to 1980. Geomorphic evi-
occurred along the western boundary of a graben dence suggests an uplift rate of 0.18 cm/yr over the
which can be considered the easternmost rift struc- past 20,000 years (Ouchi, 1983). This uplift has been
ture in the area. Her results indicated a northwest- attributed to the inflation of the mid-crustal magma
trending direction of extension and a roughly equal chamber in the area (Reilinger and Oliver, 1976).
mix of dip-slip and strike-slip faulting. Larsen et al. (1986) showed that the uplift as well as
Another very large event occurred in the observed flanking areas of subsidence could be
northeasternmost Sonora, Mexico, near Douglas, modeled with deflating spherical sources at 19 or
Arizona, in 1887 (Sbar and DuBois, 1984). This 35 km feeding an inflating sill at 19 km. At a rate of
event created a fault scarp 76 km long with a maxi- 0.2 cm/yr, 40 m of uplift could occur in 20,000 years,
mum height of 4.5 - 5.1 m. Its location is about 100 which seems a reasonable value if the inflation is
km west of the accepted western boundary of the equally young. If extrapolated over a million years,
rift, but at this latitude the rift widens and becomes this rate would yield 2 km of uplift, which seems
diffuse, much as the Kenyan portion of the East Af- unlikely. Savage et al. (1980) measured horizontal
rican rift widens as it passes southward into Tanza- strain in the area and found weak evidence for a
nia. These seismic studies, along with studies of slight horizontal contraction.
Quaternary fault scarps (Muehlberger et al., 1978; Significant vertical movements have also been
Machette, 1986, 1987), attest to the continuing tec- observed in west Texas (Reilinger et al., 1980; Ni et
tonic activity of the rift. In general, this activity is al., 1981) in areas which are probably associated with
moderate and characterized by swarms of events. the rift.
Focal mechanisms generally indicate E-W extension
(Fig. 6-9), although many local variations occur
(Sanford et al., 1979; Doser, 1987). 6.7. Structure of the lithosphere

6.7.1. Crust
6.6.10. Stress Measurements
Moho depths are primarily derived from seismic
Studies of paleostress and contemporary stress
refraction studies, which indicate that the crust be-
indicators (Zoback and Zoback, 1980) indicate that
neath the axis of the Rio Grande rift is moderately
the middle Tertiary was a time of ENE-WSW exten-
thinned compared to adjacent crust (Oisen et al.,
sion in the western U.S. The stress direction rotated
1979; Cooke et al., 1979; Sinno et al., 1986). At 35 ~
about 45 ~ to WNW-ESE extension in the late Ter-
N latitude, Moho depth beneath the rift axis (Albu-
tiary (e.g., Zoback et al., 1981). Although local com-
querque-Belen basin) is about 33 km compared to
plications occur, this pattern generally holds for the
45 km under the Colorado Plateau near the Arizona-
Rio Grande rift area (Aldrich et al., 1986; Henry and
New Mexico border and 50 km under the Great
Price, 1986). Focal mechanism studies (e.g., Sanford
Plains (Olsen et al., 1979). The depth to the Moho
et al., 1979; Jaksha and Sanford, 1986; Doser, 1987)
decreases to less than 30 km beneath the southern
indicate that strike-slip movements are locally im-
rift (Sinno et al., 1986). Beneath the rift reflected
portant along the rift.
phases indicate that two major crustal layers are
present (Plates 6-9, 6-10). An additional layer is
6.6.11. Recent Crustal Movements
present at the base of the crust beneath the Great
Ongoing tectonic activity in the Rio Grande rift Plains east of the rift. In general, the upper crust, to
has been investigated through the analysis of level- a depth of 15-18 km, is characterized by Vp --6.0
ing data. The Socorro, New Mexico, area has been km/s and V, ~3.5 km/s. This depth corresponds gen-
of particular interest (Reilinger and Oliver, 1976; erally to the maximum depth of most earthquake foci,
The Rio Grande Rift 261

and may represent the brittle-ductile transition in has shown that this anomaly narrows from south to
rheological properties. Beneath the axis of the rift, north suggesting that extension in the rift also de-
the lower crust is characterized by Vp -6.5 km/s and creases from south to north. The last component of
V~-3.7 km/s. Increased temperature in the rift could the gravity field is the series of short-wavelength
explain the difference between the Vp value and the lows which are due to the large thickness of fill in
higher (-6.8 km/s) values observed at similar depths the rift basins. In the Albuquerque basin, drilling has
in adjacent area. Because of its high seismic veloc- shown the rift-related fill to exceed 4 km in thick-
ity (Vp = 7.1 km/s), lower crust east of the rift is ness. In this basin, as well as others, Eocene
assumed to be of gabbroic/mafic granulite compo- (Laramide) sediments and Oligocene (pre-rift) vol-
sition. Nothing is known of its age, and no xenolith canic rocks locally form a significant thickness of
localities are recognized by which to sample its li- older basin fill. However, gravity modeling efforts
thology. integrated with seismic and drilling data (Mattick,
Because very few detailed deep seismic profiling 1967; Cordell, 1976; Ramberg et al., 1978; Birch,
and gravity studies have been completed in the seg- 1982; Daggett, 1982; Cape et al., 1983; Wen, 1983;
ment of the rift north of the New Mexico-Colorado Gilmer et al., 1986; Adams and Keller, 1994) attest
border, details of crustal structure there are not well to the fact that the Rio Grande rift is associated with
constrained. For comparison with transects presented a generally large amount of sedimentary fill.
in Plate 6-9, Plate 6-10, and in Figure 6-11, Figure Near E1 Paso, Santa Fe, and Socorro, the inferred
6-10 presents a preliminary interpretation of a depth to the boundary between upper and lower
crustal cross section for the latitude of Alamosa, crustal layers (Conrad discontinuity) beneath the rift
Colorado based mainly on available geological, grav- axis correlates generally with regions of low elec-
ity, aeromagnetic and heat flow data. trical resistivity (Hermance and Pedersen, 1980;
In the central rift (Socorro area), earthquake stud- Towle, 1980; Rodriguez, 1987; Hermance and
ies (Sanford et al., 1973, 1977, 1979; Rinehart et Neumann, 1991; Biehler et al, 1991). Though these
al., 1979) indicate the presence of a tabular magma regions were originally interpreted as an indication
chamber at a depth of about 19-20 km. A strong seis- of magma (Hermance and Pederson, 1980), a more
mic reflector at about 7 s correlates with this magma likely interpretation seems to be the presence of hy-
body (Fig. 6-11). This body extends over an area of drous fluids trapped beneath an impermeable layer
about 1700 km 2. within the brittle-ductile transition (Jiracek et al.,
The compressional velocity in the lower crust 1983, 1987).
beneath the rift (6.4-6.5 km/s) is substantially less
than lower crustal velocities (6.7-7.1 km/s) under 6.7.2. Mantle
the flanks both to the east and west.
Gravity data provide a strong constraint on crustal From Physical Studies
structure. Most workers recognize three main com-
Upper mantle Pn velocities beneath the axis of the
ponents in the gravity field (Plate 6-9). The first is
rift are estimated to be 7.6-7.7 km/s, although no
a very long (>500) wavelength gravity low result-
truly reversed refraction profile exists along the rift.
ing from lithospheric thinning, i.e., lower density
These low Pn velocities beneath the rift axis are con-
asthenosphere replacing higher density lithosphere,
ventionally interpreted as asthenospheric values. In
beneath a broad region including the Colorado Pla-
contrast, upper mantle velocities adjacent to the rift
teau and western Great Plains (e.g., Thompson and
are typically 8.0-8.2 km/s (Olsen et al., 1979; Sinno
Zoback, 1979; Ander, 1981). The second is a much
et al., 1986; Stewart and Pakiser, 1962; Wolf and
narrower axial gravity high (Decker and Smithson,
Cipar, 1993). A simple interpretation of these data
1975; Cordell, 1976, 1978; Ramberg et al., 1978)
implies that beneath the axis of the rift, asthenos-
which in the southern portion of the rift has been
phere extends approximately (i.e., within the reso-
shown by seismic data to result primarily from
lution of the seismic technique) to the base of the
crustal thinning (Daggett et al., 1986). Cordell (1982)
262 W.S.Baldridge et al.

108" 107" 106" 105"
% I I
2 -180
0 -




0 Quaternary B Tertiary Sediments a Tertiary Volcanic Rocks a Cretaceous Sedimentary Rocks Precambrian Rocks

Tertiary Sedimentary Rocks 1 Tertiary intrusive Rocks Permian Sedimentary Rocks 4" Caldera

Y /
c - -
Q Batholith ? ',

0 50 100 150 200 250
Distance (km)
Fig. 6-10. Gravity, magnetic, and heat flow profiles, geological strip map. and crustal transect across the Rio Grande rift at
37'30". near Alamosa. Colorado.
The Rio Grande Rift 263

Fig. 6-11. Gravity, magnetic, and heat flow profiles, geological strip map, and lithospheric transect through the Rio Grande rift at
34~ near Socorro, New Mexico, showing inferred crustal magma chamber.
264 W.S. Baldridge et al.

crust (e.g., Olsen et al., 1987). Studies of regional Thinning Processes
phases (Keller et al., 1979a, b) do suggest that higher
velocity (about 8.0 km/s) material may underlie the Various mechanisms for thinning the lithosphere
region of lower velocity (Murdock and Jaksha, beneath the rift are possible. A general model of
1981). delamination of the lithospheric mantle was pro-
In contrast, teleseismic P-wave delays indicating posed by Bird (1979) as a mechanism for lithospheric
a velocity contrast of up to-8% beneath the axis of thinning in regions undergoing extension. Delami-
the rift were interpreted by Davis (1991) and Davis nation would place asthenosphere directly against
et al. (1993) to indicate that the lithosphere extends the base of the crust, which would be expected to
to a depth of approximately 70 km beneath the rift generate large volumes of melt derived from the
compared to 200 km several hundred kilometers lower crust. Since no evidence exists for major
away. This interpretation would allow for a substan- crustal melting, delamination is not a likely mecha-
tial "lid" of mantle lithosphere to be present beneath nism in the Rio Grande rift.
the rift. Part of the reason that teleseismic techniques Thermal thinning, i.e., in situ partial melting of
yield different results regarding lithospheric thick- lithosphere, was proposed by Perry et al. (1987,
ness beneath the rift than existing explosion refrac- 1988) to reconcile the disparate observations of an
tion surveys is the lower vertical resolution of isotopically enriched source of basaltic melts (in-
teleseismic techniques. The Pn velocities from the terpreted as subcrustal lithosphere) with low seis-
refraction studies also need confirmation by reversed mic P~ velocities (representing asthenosphere) in the
profiles. In general, however the different results northern Rio Grande rift (see above). Essentially, it
from the different techniques has not been satisfac- was envisioned that upwelling asthenosphere was
torily addressed. overlain by a thin (few kilometers) "carapace" of
mantle lithosphere containing a small amount of From Isotopic Studies partial melt, formed as heat is advected from the
underlying asthenosphere. Since the carapace of
Isotopic studies of basaltic rocks can directly "lithosphere" contains partial melt, it is character-
measure only the compositions of the source regions. ized by low seismic velocities and is indistinguish-
However, when correlated with certain physical char- able from seismic "asthenosphere." Yet both regions
acteristics (gravity, heat flow, seismic velocities) and can be distinguished isotopically. This carapace is
with the geologic history of different tectonic prov- probably thin (few kilometers). At any give depth it
inces, isotopic compositions can be used to infer is a transient feature. In situ melting of subcrustal
whether magma sources originate in asthenospheric lithosphere is probably not an effective mechanism
or lithospheric mantle (see section Based for major lithospheric thinning in geologically short
on inferred depth of generation of tholeiitic and time periods due to the slow rate of conductive heat
alkalic basalts, late Cenozoic basaltic magmas from transfer, unless material is displaced laterally by ris-
the northern Rio Grande rift and Great Plains origi- ing asthenosphere, a process referred to as convec-
nated in lithospheric mantle, and those from the tive thinning by Spohn and Schubert (1983). The
southern rift and Basin and Range province in effectiveness of convective thinning is limited by
asthenospheric mantle. Basalts from the transition the ability of material to be displaced laterally.
zone of the southeastern Colorado Plateau (east-cen- Erosion of the base of the lithosphere (Perry et
tral Arizona and west-central New Mexico) origi- al., 1987, 1988) may also contribute to lithospheric
nated from a mixture of lithospheric and thinning in regions of extension. The lithosphere/
asthenospheric sources. Assuming from petrologic asthenosphere contact is likely to be irregular, espe-
studies that alkalic basalts are generated from 50- cially if more enriched, volatile-rich regions of the
70 km provides a means of estimating the depth of lower lithosphere are preferentially melted by heat
the lithosphere/asthenosphere boundary (e.g., Plate advected by the convecting asthenosphere. Any
6-8). downward-projecting irregularities in the boundary
The Rio Grande Rift 265

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Acknowledgements. This work is a compilation mantle beneath the Rio Grande rift and adjacent Great Plains
of data and ideas from many sources, some as yet and Colorado Plateau. Los Alamos Nat. Lab. Rep. LA-8676,
218 pp.
unpublished. We thank our colleagues on the CREST Anthony, E. Y., 1993. Dating techniques for Quaternary lavas.
project for many stimulating discussions and ideas. Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 74: 350.
L. House provided the figure of relocated earthquake Anthony, E. Y., and Poths, J. 1992.3He surface exposure dating
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sin area (Plate 6-8) from unpublished sources. We rift, New Mexico. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 56: 4105-
thank E. Y. Anthony for contributing to the petrol- Anthony, E. Y., Hoffer, J. M., Waggoner, W. K., and Chen, W.,
ogy of the southern rift. K. Reid aided in the prepa- 1992. Compositional diversity in late Cenozoic mafic lavas
ration of Figs. 6-4 and 6-5. We thank G. A. Thomp- in the Rio Grande rift and Basin and Range province, south-
son and M. L. Zoback for valuable comments on an ern New Mexico. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 104: 973-979.
early draft of this manuscript. E V. Perry reviewed Aoki, K., and Kudo, A. M., 1976. Major-element variations of
late Cenozoic basalts of New Mexico. N. M. Geol. Soc., Spec.
portions of the manuscript. W. S. Baldridge and K. Publ., 5: 82-88.
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National Laboratory branch) of the University of tral Rio Grande region, New Mexico. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull.,
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G. R. Keller acknowledges the support of Air Force Baldridge, W.S., 1979a. Petrology and petrogenesis of Plio-Pleis-
Office of Scientific Research Contract F49620-92- tocene basaltic rocks from the central Rio Grande rift, New
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Geophys. Union, Spec. Publ., pp. 323-353.
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Chapter 7

The Basin and Range Province

T. Parsons

7.1. Introduction ince is more than 900 km across, much wider than
continental riffs such as the 100-300 km wide Rio
The Basin and Range province is a broad, highly Grande (Chapter 6) and East African (Chapter 5)
extended terrane embedded within the North Ameri- rifts. Other broadly extended regions of crust are
can western Cordillera that extends from Canada, observed, but are usually found beneath sea level,
through the western United States, and across much as in the case of the extended crust beneath the North
of Mexico. The province roughly occupies the space Sea, the Bering Strait, and the South China Sea, or
between the Cascade Ranges and Rocky Mountains beneath thick basinal sedimentary rocks. In contrast,
in the north and the Sierra Nevada and the Colorado the northern Basin and Range stands at an average
Plateau in the middle, and it engulfs the Sierra Madre 1.5 km above sea level. Much of the Basin and Range
Occidental Range in northern Mexico (Fig. 7-1). province lies within a rain shadow behind the Sierra
Seismicity, high heat flow, and recent basaltic vol- Nevada and Cascade Ranges, and the resulting dearth
canism indicate that the Basin and Range province of erosion and sedimentation has preserved excel-
is actively extending. Its descriptive name is derived lent exposures of extended crust. Good exposures,
from a particular (and most recent) mode of exten- combined with the enigmatic nature of actively ex-
sional block-faulting that left the characteristic pat- tending continental crust residing at high elevations,
tern of alternating basins and ranges across the prov- has invited a great deal of study; as of 1992 more
ince (e.g., Gilbert, 1928). This pattern is especially than 7200 papers and books have been written un-
prominent in the Great Basin, a region of internal der a subject heading of "Basin and Range". An un-
drainage that occupies most of the northern Basin fortunate sampling bias in many types of geologic
and Range province. Estimates of the total crustal and geophysical data towards the Basin and Range
extension across the Basin and Range province con- province north of the Mexico-United States border
verge to between 50 and 100% (e.g., Hamilton and causes much of the focus of this chapter to be on the
Myers, 1966; Zoback et al., 1981; Wernicke, 1992), United States Basin and Range, where more is
though it is recognized that this extension is not uni- known. Exceptions to this are included where pos-
formly distributed across the province, but instead sible, such as the more comprehensive study of
occurs as extreme extension (100-300%) in some Mexican Basin and Range crustal and mantle xeno-
areas, and as minor extension (<10%) in others. liths.
The Basin and Range is unlike most continental
rifts because of the breadth of extended lithosphere
there. At its widest points, the Basin and Range prov-
278 T. Parsons

Fig. 7-1. Location of the Basin and Range province (stippled pattern) in relation to other tectonic elements of the North American
western Cordillera. The Rio Grande Rift is treated as a separate entity in this study, though is often included as part of the Basin and
Range in other regional studies. The black areas are regions of metamorphic core complexes (highly extended terranes; usually on
apparent low-angle normal faults), and the patterned area marks the outline of the area traditionally known as the Basin and Range
province because of the signature block-faulted topography. Note that a significant part of the Basin and Range area is found in
Mexico. A to A' is the location of the cross section shown in Figure 7-15.
The Basin and Range Province 279

7.1.1. Tectonic Cycles in Western North America 7.1.2. Timing and Styles of Basin and Range Exten-
Basin and Range extensional structure overprints
a long history of tectonism that affected various parts The most current interpretation of the Basin and
of the western Cordillera (e.g., Conde, 1982). The Range province classifies all extensional phases from
region has been the locus of many cycles of exten- Eocene time to present as "Basin and Range" exten-
sional, compressional, and transform deformation. sion (e.g., Wernicke, 1992). Two distinct extensional
Late Proterozoic extension created a passive mar- styles are commonly observed across the province:
gin along western North America, opening a proto- (1) an initial stage of isolated highly extended ter-
Pacific basin. This stable continental margin may ranes such as metamorphic core complexes, (regions
have persisted until late in the Ordovician Period, where mid-crustal rocks are exposed at the surface,
when island arcs began to form as a result of con- exhumed by low-angle normal faults, uplift, and ero-
vergence and subduction. By Middle Devonian and sion), and (2) a second, later stage of higher-angled
Mississippian time, the Antler orogeny caused com- block faulting. Highly extended terranes were
pressional deformation in western North America. formed in British Columbia, Canada, and in Wash-
By Permian time, back-arc extension caused the for- ington, Oregon, Idaho, and northern Nevada in the
mation of linear basins west of the Antler orogenic United States during Eocene time. Not all of the
belt. The Mesozoic Era brought changes in the North Eocene highly extended terranes can be classified
American plate drift direction, assembling island as metamorphic core complexes, but they do tend to
arcs together, and moving the trench westward. The be localized areas of large-magnitude extension
Sonoma orogeny was active in the Great Basin, and bounded by areas that were not as strongly extended
the great thrust sheets of the Sevier fold and thrust (see Wernicke, 1992, and Axen et al., 1993, for de-
belt that extend from Alaska to Mexico were formed tailed descriptions and locations of these terranes).
as a result of subduction-generated compressional During Oligocene time, highly extended terranes
stresses. By Cretaceous time, an increase in plutonic formed in the Great Basin of eastern Nevada on low-
and volcanic activity created batholiths like those angle detachment faults that may have formed in a
that form the Sierra Nevada. An apparent flattening back, or intra-arc setting (e.g., Zoback et al., 1981),
in the angle of subduction during Late Cretaceous and clustered along the Proterozoic North Ameri-
time may have initiated the Laramide orogeny that can continental edge (e.g., Coney, 1980). Further
involved cratonic basement rocks well inboard of south, in the southern Basin and Range, the earliest
the fold and thrust belt, and persisted into the Ceno- stages of extension began by latest Oligocene time
zoic Era, ending abruptly at about 40-50 Ma. "Ba- in the southern parts of California and Arizona in
sin and Range" has become an inclusive term that the United States, and in Durango, Chihuahua, and
covers most of the extended crust found in the west- Oaxaca, Mexico. By early Miocene time, strong ex-
ern Cordillera. A variety of extensional styles were tension had begun on major normal faults across
active at various times during the Cenozoic Era, much of Mexico (e.g., Henry and Aranda-Gomez,
which left their marks across the region, and have 1992), and metamorphic core complexes were form-
come to define the extended province. In general, ing along the Colorado River between California and
Cenozoic extensional tectonism is most widely ob- Arizona (e.g., Howard and John, 1987) and along
served in areas of pre-Cenozoic tectonic deforma- the southern edge of the Colorado Plateau in south-
tion (e.g., Wernicke, 1992). Middle Cenozoic to ern Arizona (e.g., Rehrig and Reynolds, 1980). A
Quaternary transform deformation along the west- narrow zone of extension between the southern Si-
ern continental margin is partly expressed within the erra Nevada and southern Colorado Plateau, some-
Basin and Range province and links have been sug- times called the central Basin and Range (e.g., Jones
gested between the two deformational patterns (e.g., et al., 1992; Wernicke, 1992), became active during
Zoback et al., 1981; Pezzopane and Weldon, 1993). late Oligocene to early Miocene time, and some of
the latest forming metamorphic core complexes are
280 T. Parsons

found in this zone (e.g., Wernicke et al., 1988; Axen Basin and Range province and other continental rift
et al., 1992). The middle Miocene brought the re- zones may help to explain the conditions that lead
gionally broadest stage of extension to the northern to more typical rifting, as well as being important to
and southern Basin and Range provinces at about studies of continental extension.
10 and 13 Ma, respectively (e.g., Zoback et al., Internal differences in extensional style within the
1981). This late stage of relatively small magnitude Basin and Range provide further problems as well
extension on steeply dipping normal faults caused as possible clues about the extensional process. For
the characteristic block-faulted basin-range structure example, the northern part of the province stands
that gives the province its name. Widespread block- one km higher in elevation on average than the south-
faulting occurred across much of the western Great em part (Plate 7-1), even though the crustal thick-
Basin and southern Arizona, and the opening of the ness and composition are largely similar between the
Gulf of California accompanied normal faulting in two sub-provinces. This difference is a probable in-
Mexico at about 12-10 Ma (e.g., Stock and Hodges, dication of a strongly varying, regionally dependent
1989). Pliocene and Quaternary eruptions accom- mantle role in Basin and Range extension. The thick-
pany incipient rifting in the Jalisco block that lies at ness of the crust is generally uniform across the prov-
the southern edge of the Sierra Madre Occidental in ince despite highly variable surface extension. How-
Mexico (Wallace at al., 1992) (Fig. 7-1), possibly ever, the crust is thinner than adjoining unextended
indicating that the Basin and Range province is provinces like the Colorado Plateau, Rocky Moun-
growing to the south. Large-magnitude earthquakes tains, and the Sierra Nevada, an indication that
shake the Basin and Range province occasionally, crustal pure shear does occur, but on a much broader
and are distributed along its entire length, indicat- scale than that of individual basins within the ex-
ing that extension is widespread and ongoing. tended province. At an average 30 km thick, the 50-
100% extended Basin and Range crust must have
either started out thick (>45-60 km) (e.g., Hamilton,
7.2. Significance of the Basin and Range Prov- 1987), or its thickness was inflated during extension
ince in reference to worldwide rifting by magmatism and/or lower-crustal flow from out-
Two important questions about the Basin and side the province. Magmatism is ubiquitous in Ba-
Range province are: why is so much of the province sin and Range extension, and the different patterns
so high, and why is it so wide? Extension generally of Cenozoic volcanism in the Basin and Range prov-
leads to isostatic subsidence, yet the northern Basin ince allow for the cataloging and assessment of the
and Range is a high plateau. Moreover, as can be tectonic role of magmatic input into extending litho-
seen from examination of this book, the vast major- sphere. Identification of apparent low-angle normal
ity of continental rifts are narrow features, and usu- faults in the Basin and Range, whose formation
ally form as one or two chains of elongate basins. seems to have been confined to particular time in-
The Basin and Range province is made up of hun- tervals in different parts of the province, continues
dreds of basins of varying depth, age, and orienta- to cause controversy as to whether those faults
tion that stretch across several hundred km. The ori- formed at low angles, or evolved into that orienta-
gin of the extensional stresses that caused the strain- tion. The upper-crustal response to extensional stress
ing of the Basin and Range is also subject to ques- changed significantly to more numerous, higher-
tion, as is the partitioning of extensional strain. For angle faults during the latest stage of extension. The
example, why didn't a narrow rift develop into an reasons for this change remain unknown, though
ocean basin as a result of strong extensional stresses many ideas abound. In this chapter I attempt to sum-
instead of broadly distributed strain? Does exten- marize the current state of knowledge about the Ba-
sion of orogenic lithosphere manifest itself differ- sin and Range province, as well as models for its
ently from extension of cratonic lithosphere? A bet- behavior.
ter understanding of the differences between the
The Basin and Range Province 281

7.3. Geologic Observations 7-1). The eastern Snake River Plain cuts a low to-
pographic swath across the northern Basin and Range
7.3.1. Topography (Figs. 7 - 1 , 7 - 2 ) , and marks the track of the
Yellowstone hotspot (e.g., Morgan, 1972; Armstrong
At an average 1.5 km above sea level, the north-
et al., 1975, Pierce and Morgan, 1992) (Fig. 7-2).
ern Basin and Range province is unusually elevated
Surrounding the low topography of the Snake River
for a highly extended province. In general, lithos-
Plain is a rugged, actively extending part of the
pheric thinning leads to isostatic subsidence, since
northern Basin and Range province that may be
the buoyant crustal layer is thinned (e.g.,
strongly influenced by the Yellowstone hotspot (e.g.,
Lachenbruch and Morgan, 1990). The southern Ba-
Anders and Sleep, 1992; Pierce and Morgan, 1992)
sin and Range behaves more typically, and is on av-
(Fig. 7-2). There is a fairly abrupt topographic step
erage 1 km lower in elevation, with some isolated
between the elevated northern Basin and Range, and
localities below sea level. The complex tectonism
lower southern Basin and Range that is located in
associated with the formation of the continental
southern Nevada~approximately between the south-
margin, and later subduction-related orogenies cre-
em end of the Sierra Nevada and southern Colorado
ated many inherited topographic features still resolv-
Plateau (Plate 7-1, Fig. 7-2). Like most rifts, much
able in the Basin and Range. The Proterozoic rift
of the Basin and Range province is bounded by high-
that created the western North American continen-
standing margins, the Sierra Nevada on the west
tal margin left a thick sequence of sedimentary rocks
flank, and the Rocky Mountains and Colorado Pla-
still present in the eastern Great Basin (e.g., Stewart
teau on the east flank. Seismicity along the margins
and Poole, 1974). The Devonian to Mississippian
of the Basin and Range indicates that the rift-flanks
Antler orogeny left an apparent structural division
may still be rising. The reader is directed to the sum-
that bisects the northern Basin and Range province
mary of Mayer (1986) for more detailed discussion
into two roughly symmetric sub-provinces (e.g.,
of Basin and Range topographic variation.
Eaton et al., 1978). The Sevier fold and thrust belt
marks the eastern extent of the Great Basin, but is
7.3.2. Sedimentary Record- Two Example Basins
not observed in the southern Basin and Range.
Laramide deformation apparently occurred mostly Because of the large number and diverse nature
east of the present-day Basin and Range province, of the basins in the Basin and Range province, the
though Laramide structures may be masked by Ba- complete sedimentary history of the Basin and Range
sin and Range extension (e.g., Dickinson and Snyder, is beyond the scope of this review. Thus I choose
1979). two structurally different, characteristic styles of
Pervasive extension-related topographic variation basin to discuss briefly here; the Spring Valley in
within the Basin and Range are present at many dif- eastern Nevada ("SV" on Figure 7-1), which formed
ferent scales. The stage of block-fault extension that during Oligocene time and is associated with the
began in the middle Miocene left behind a series of formation of the Snake Range metamorphic core
alternating ranges spaced an average 25-35 km apart, complex, and Dixie Valley in western Nevada ("DV"
with basins about 10-20 km wide in-between. The on Figure 7-1), which formed during later stage
typical length-to-width ratio of the ranges is about middle Miocene high-angle normal faulting. The
4:1 up to 8:1 (Zoback et al., 1981). These basin-range following summary of Spring Valley is based on
pairs are most pronounced in the Great Basin, but studies by Miller et al., (1983), Bartley and Wernicke
similar structural trends are observed in the south- (1984), Gans et al., (1985), and McCarthy (1986).
ern Basin and Range as well (Fig. 7-2), with the Spring Valley is located within the Mesozoic Sevier
pattern extending across much of Mexico. Block orogenic zone in eastern Nevada, but the Paleozoic
faulted topography overprints the earlier phases of section was locally only mildly deformed prior to
low-angle faulted, domed uplift of mid-crustal rocks Tertiary extension. Oligocene normal displacement
(metamorphic core complexes; outlined on Figure on the low-angle Snake Range decollement thinned
282 T. Parsons
The Basin and Range Province 283

the Paleozoic section, opened the Spring Valley ba- in many places. They preserve a record of the earli-
sin, and elevated Precambrian basement rocks that est interruption of through-going drainage by block-
now core the Snake Range to the east. A well on the faulting and formation of basins (Stewart, 1980).
east side of the valley penetrated about 1650 m of
Tertiary and Quaternary sedimentary rocks overly- 7.3.3. Igneous Activity
ing 150 m of Paleozoic rocks separated from Pre-
cambrian quartzite by the detachment fault at about Synextensional magmatism is nearly always ob-
1800 m depth. Either later-stage, higher angle nor- served as a phase of any Basin-and-Range exten-
mal faulting (Miller et al., 1983; Gans et al., 1985), sional system. The particular manifestation of
or rotation of hanging wall blocks on higher angle magmatism is highly variable across the province:
normal faults that sole into a second detachment synextensional plutonism from silicic to mafic com-
beneath the Snake Range decollement (Bartley and positions, dike and sill intrusions of variable com-
Wernicke, 1984), caused a deepening of the western positions, rhyolite and basalt flows, ash flow tuffs,
Spring Valley, which contains 3-4 km of Tertiary cinder cones, and in some areas, flood basalts are
and Quaternary sediments above a thicker 2 km se- seen as eruptive surface features. The exact relational
quence of Paleozoic rocks. timing of extensional faulting and associated
In contrast, Dixie Valley in western Nevada was magmatism is highly variable across the Basin and
formed during the later stage of extension in the Range province, and can change with extensional
Great Basin, when higher-angled block-faulting pre- style, timing, and locality. Taylor et al. (1989) found
dominated. The following summary is based on stud- in a transect across the eastern Great Basin that only
ies by Speed (1976), Thompson and Burke (1973), one of four distinct extensional faulting episodes
and Okaya and Thompson (1985). Dixie Valley is correlated exactly with nearby volcanic activity, and
an asymmetric, westward-thickening half graben that Best and Christiansen (1991) concluded that exten-
is controlled on its western side by a -50* dipping sion during peak volcanism in the Great Basin was
(down to the east) normal fault. Alluvial fan depos- limited. In contrast, Gans et al. (1989) found cross-
its shed from the Stillwater Range fill the upper, cutting relations in the eastern Great Basin indicat-
western part of the valley, while the rest of the up- ing that voluminous magmatism slightly predated
per section is occupied by a 1-km-thick section of extension, compared those relations with other parts
Tertiary lacustrine and playa deposits. Beneath those of the Basin and Range, and concluded that
deposits lies a 500-m-thick section of Tertiary magmatism plays an active role in extension. A close
volcaniclastic rocks that rests on Mesozoic basement association in space and time between magmatism
rocks. Gravity and seismic data show a 3-km total and metamorphic core complex development has
basin depth. Offsets in 12,000-year-old lake-shore- been noted (e.g., Coney, 1980; Glazner and Bartley,
line markers constrain about 1 mm/yr of extension 1984; Ward, 1991; Axen et al., 1993). Virtually all
during that time interval, and offsets in an 8-m.y.- examples of low-angle normal faulting within the
old basalt flow constrain a 0.4 mm/yr average ex- Basin and Range province, as well as worldwide,
tension rate during the past 8 m.y. Large normal- have some form of lower-plate intrusive magmatism
fault earthquakes have occurred as recently as 1954, that can be related to the extensional episode that
and continuous microseismicity indicates that exten- caused the faulting (Table 7-1). The ubiquitous as-
sion continues in Dixie Valley. Ongoing deforma- sociation of magmatism with low-angle faulting and
tion has uplifted Tertiary and Quaternary sediments metamorphic core-complex development has led
some authors to suggest a mechanical tie between
the processes (e.g., Lister and Baldwin, 1993; Par-
Fig. 7-2. Topography of western North America (Thelin and
sons and Thompson, 1993). Further discussion on
Pike, 1991) showing the distinctive patterns of block faulting the mechanics of low-angle normal faulting can be
that pervade both the northem and southern Basin and Range found in Section 7.5.1.
province. The eastern Snake River Plain can be seen clearly as
a low topographic area in southern Idaho.
284 T. Parsons

Table 7-1

Core Complex Associated Lower-Plate Reference

Whipple Mountains- S. Calif. Mid-Tertiary dike swarms and mafic (e.g., Davis et al., 1982)
Chemehuevi Mountains- S. Calif. Mid-Tertiary dike swarms (e.g., John, 1982)
Homer Mountain-Sacremento Mid-Tertiary dike swarms (e.g., Spencer, 1985)
Mountains-S. Calif.
Castle Dome Mountains-S. Calif. Mid-Tertiary dike swarms (e.g., Logan and Hirsch, 1982)
Black Mountains - S. Calif. Miocene mafic dikes and plutons (e.g., Asmerom et al., 1990)
Eldorado Mountains- S. Calif. Tertiary Mafic-silicic dikes and plutons (e.g., Anderson, 1971)
Mopah Range - S. Calif. Cross-cutting Tertiary mafic dikes/low- (e.g., Hazlett, 1990)
angle faults
Buckskin-Rawhide Mountains- Tertiary mafic-silicic plutons (e.g., Bryant and Wooden, 1989)
Santa Catalina-Rincon-Tortolita - Mid-Tertiary granite plutons (e.g., Kieth et al., 1980)
South Mountains - Central Arizona Mafic and S ilicic Mid-Tertiary dikes (e.g., Reynolds and Rehrig, 1980)
and plutons
Pinaleno-Santa Teresa Mountains - Mid-Tertiary silicic dike swarms (e.g., Rehrig and Reynolds, 1980)
Harcuvar Mountains - Arizona Tertiary Pluton (e.g., Rehrig and Reynolds, 1980)
Harquahala Mountains - Arizona Mid-Tertiary silicic dikes and pluton (e.g., Rehrig and Reynolds, 1980)
Mojave Mountians - W. Arizona Upper plate (?) Mid-Tertiary mafic- (e.g., Nakata, 1982)
silicic dike swarms
Newberry-Dead Mountains- S. Tertiary Mafic-Silicic dikes (e.g., Simpson in prep.)
Ruby Range - NE Nevada Mid-Tertiary deep structural granitic (e.g., Wickham et al., 1993)
Snake Range- Nevada Oligocene-Miocene Mafic dikes (e.g., Lee et al., 1987)
Kettle - Okanogan Domes -E. Eocene Mafic dike swarms (e.g., Holder et al., 1990)
Mykonos, Aegean Sea - Greece Miocene dikes - plutons (Lee and Lister, 1992)
Cyclades Islands, Aegean Sea - Coeval magmatism (Lister et al., 1984)
D'Entrecasteaux Islands - Papua New Granodiorite plutons coeval with low- (Hill et al., 1992)
Guinea angle detachment

Table 7-1. Compilation of metamorphic core complexes and observed mode and best timing constraints of magmatism
in relation to low-angle faulting. Virtually all core complexes have some form of lower-plate intrusive magmatism
associated with them.

Because of the huge volume of magmatic activ- (1977), Burke and McKee (1979), Lipman (1980),
ity across the Basin and Range province, I focus here Zoback et al. (1981), Gans et al. (1989), Armstrong
on the broad space-time patterns of magmatic activ- and Ward (1991), Henry and Aranda-Gomez (1992),
ity that have swept across the province during Ter- Jones et al. (1992), and Axen et al. (1993). At the
tiary time. The following discussion is based prima- beginning of Tertiary time, magmatism occurred
rily on reviews and studies by Coney and Reynolds north and south of what is called the Laramide gap
The Basin and Range Province 285

(Fig. 7-3a), an interruption in arc-related magmatism A westward shift in magmatic activity, correlated
that extended from the middle of Nevada and Utah with incipient extension in the western Great Basin,
to the United States-Mexico border, and initiated at occurred at this time, and a northeastward shift from
about 80 Ma. This gap is thought to relate to low- southern Arizona across the southwest Colorado Pla-
angle subduction of the Farallon slab, which may teau margin was also associated with the onset of
have cooled the asthenospheric wedge where melt extension there (Fig. 7-3b). During this period,
was generated (e.g., Dumitru et al., 1991), and mi- magmatism appears to have moved into stable areas
nor volcanism was shifted eastward into the Rocky just prior to the onset of extensional faulting. The
Mountains. The beginning of Tertiary time was also Yellowstone hotspot broke through in northern Ne-
associated with the culmination in a decline of mag- vada during middle Miocene time (-17-16 Ma), and
matic activity that began at 80 Ma. From 65 to 60 created a series of northeast-younging caldera sys-
Ma, a rapid increase in activity swept through the tems as the North American plate tracked over the
region north of the Laramide gap, and the beginnings plume. Extensive flood basalts followed the earlier
of Eocene extension in southwest Canada and the stages of caldera formation; these basalts continue
northwest United States brought increased to erupt across much of the plume track (eastern
magmatism between 60 and 55 Ma. Snake River plain, Idaho). Formation of the north-
During Eocene time, a gradual southern sweep of ern Nevada rift, a 500-km-long magmatic feature that
extension-related magmatism worked its way from extends south from eastern Oregon to southern Ne-
Idaho and Montana south into northern Nevada and vada, is thought to have resulted from dike injection
Utah. These melts were typically of andesitic and from the Yellowstone plume (Zoback and Thomp-
rhyolitic compositions, and probably resulted from son, 1978); and it is possible that the Columbia Pla-
heavy contamination of mantle-derived basalts. teau flood basalt province is related to the
South of the Laramide magmatic gap in Mexico, the Yellowstone plume as well. The extent to which the
volcanism that occurred during Eocene time was Yellowstone plume has affected the extensional
probably subduction-related. By late Eocene and magmatic patterns in the Basin and Range province
early Oligocene time, a strong shift in extensional (if at all) remains controversial, and will be further
magmatic activity to the southern Great Basin oc- addressed in later sections. Magmatic activity from
curred, centered in Nevada and Utah, and is referred late Miocene time to the present has migrated away
to as the Great Basin ignimbrite flare-up (Fig. 7- from the regions of strongest middle Miocene activ-
3a). The Laramide gap persisted through Oligocene ity in central Nevada and southern Arizona, and has
time, separating an episode of magmatism that swept concentrated at the outer margins of the Basin and
westward across southeast California and southern Range province (Fig. 7-3c).
Arizona. Independent centers of activity in south-
ern Colorado and eastern Arizona were joined by 7.3.4 Xenolith Studies
magmatism associated with the opening of the Rio
Grande rift (Fig. 7-3a). Xenoliths are found in the northern Basin and
The late Oligocene and early Miocene brought a Range province in the eastern Snake River Plain in
northward sweep of core complex extension and Idaho, and in the Great Basin at one locality in cen-
magmatism from Mexico into the Colorado River tral Nevada. In the southern Basin and Range xeno-
extensional corridor, and a closing of the Laramide liths are more abundant; localities include Mexico,
magmatic gap. The joining of the Nevada and Ari- southern California, and southern Arizona. On the
zona magmatic centers was associated with a change eastern Snake River Plain, Archean lower-crustal
from primarily intermediate composition melts into xenoliths were brought to the surface by Quaternary
a primarily bimodal system predominated by basal- basalts, possibly indicating that Archean crust un-
tic eruptions. By middle Miocene time, basaltic vol- derlies that region (Leeman et al., 1985). Menzies,
canism dominated most of the active Basin and in a 1989 study that includes xenoliths from central
Range province from Mexico to northern Nevada. Nevada divides the western United States into mantle
286 T. Parsons

Fig. 7-3. Space-time patterns of

magmatic activity in the western United
States since Eocene time (after Armstrong
and Ward, 1991). The darkest areas
correspond to peak activity during the
time interval. Large arrows on the
continent show the approximate
directions of magmatic migration during
the time interval, and the smaller arrows
show plate motion in the hotspot frame.
The approximate locations and motion
directions of the subducting FaraUon
plate are also shown. The inferred
location of the Yellowstone plume is
shown in windows (b) and (c). Details on
the magmatic patterns are discussed in
the text. Contour lines are smoothed
topography in meters.
The Basin and Range Province 287

domains based on seismic tomography, heat flow, ing the presence of some mantle-derived magmas,
and xenolith thermobarometry. He places the Basin are in general too low,for massive underplating to
and Range province within an oceanic mantle do- have occurred.
main, because of similarities of xenolith isotope-sig-
nature to mid-ocean and ocean-island basalts. Up- 7.3.5 Isotope Geochemistry, Major and Trace Ele-
per mantle and lower crustal xenoliths are found in ment Studies
southern California and southern Arizona in Tertiary
volcanic rocks. The upper mantle xenoliths are The great abundance of igneous rock generated
lherzolites and harzburgites, and commonly show during Basin and Range extension has led to exten-
evidence for brittle deformation related to multiple sive study of the chemistry and composition of these
stages of intrusive events in the upper mantle and igneous rocks and inclusions. The isotope and
also ductile deformation possibly related to tectonic geochemical characteristics of mantle-derived melts
extension (Wilshire, 1990; Wilshire et al., 1991). can reveal clues about the mantle and crustal col-
Composite xenoliths containing two or more rock umns through which they intrude. Variable lithos-
types indicate that the crust-mantle boundary is very pheric-mantle ages and compositions can be deduced
likely interlayered and has evolved through multiple from isotope ratios in neodymium, strontium, and
stages of magmatic intrusion (Wilshire et al., 1991). lead. The origins of basalts from different regions
Lower-crustal xenoliths are also found in southern within the Basin and Range province vary from
California and Arizona and consist of mafic and ul- asthenospheric sources with minor lithospheric con-
tramafic gabbros and microgabbros of intrusive ori- tamination, to those that include significant compo-
gin, indicating that magmatic intrusion has also nents of melted lower crust and/or lithospheric
shaped the lower crust in the region as well as the mantle. Glazner and Farmer (1991) point out that
upper mantle (Wilshire, 1990; McGuire, 1992). subtle crustal contamination by mafic crust can be
Studies of xenoliths found in Mexico consistently mistaken for subcontinental mantle-source variabil-
report high-temperature granulite facies rocks from ity in some instances. However, there is good agree-
the lower crust and upper mantle beneath northern ment in the broad isotopic patterns observed across
and central Mexico (Nimz et al., 1986; Ruiz et al., the Basin and Range province and margins, which
1988; Hayob, et al., 1989; Roberts and Ruiz, 1989; can be gleaned from the variety of studies of exten-
Rudnick and Cameron, 1991). Upper mantle xeno- sion-related igneous rocks from the Basin and Range
liths are primarily spinel-lherzolites, and lower- province presented below.
crustal xenoliths are primarily granulites and banded Many researchers have noted extreme variability
gneisses. All the xenoliths are thought to originate in the western United States subcontinental mantle
from very near the crust-mantle boundary. Very high based on strontium and neodymium isotope varia-
metamorphic temperatures up to 950-1100 ~ tion. Menzies et al. (1983) suggested that melts from
(Hayob et al., 1989) are reported, and highly vari- the Basin and Range province tapped a source simi-
able ages suggest that this metamorphism has oc- lar to mid-oceanic ridge basalts, while melts from
curred in many stages from 1.1 Ga to as young as 1 the Snake River Plain, and Sierra Nevada retained
Ma in northern Mexico (Rudnick and Cameron, the primary isotopic characteristics of the underly-
1991), and includes a post-Oligocene stage in cen- ing mantle lithosphere. Lum et al. (1989) tested pos-
tral Mexico (Hayob et al., 1989). The high-grade sible contamination modes against the observations
metamorphism in the xenoliths from Mexico is sug- that Snake River Plain magmas have apparent litho-
gested to be the result of a regional basaltic spheric sources while central Nevada magmas ap-
underplating event that took place sometime after pear to have asthenospheric sources against possible
30 Ma (Hayob et al., 1989). However, Torgersen contamination modes; they concluded that contami-
(1993) finds that low 3He/4He ratios, while indicat- nation cannot account for the variations and that
upwelling asthenosphere beneath the highly ex-
tended Great Basin causes the observed differences.
288 T. Parsons

Leeman and Harry (1993) proposed two stages of basaltic andesite province erupted across northern
magmatism in the Great Basin; the first, from 40-5 Mexico and southern Arizona from about 32 to 17
Ma involved melting of Precambrian-aged mafic Ma and has a typical arc-like trace element signa-
veins and pods within the mantle lithosphere, and ture; stratigraphic analysis indicates these rocks were
the second (since 5 Ma) involved melting of up- emplaced in an extensional environment, perhaps
welling asthenosphere. Fitton et al. (1988) also sug- constraining initial extension in Mexico to a back-
gested an asthenospheric source for late Cenozoic or intra-arc setting (Cameron et al., 1989).
Basin and Range basalts, and further note a bilateral At about 16-17 Ma the Yellowstone plume
symmetry in basalt chemistry from the Great Basin emerged, and accompanying basaltic volcanism be-
that mirrors the topographic and gravity signatures gan to dominate in the northern Basin and Range.
pointed out by Eaton et al. (1978). They also noted Interpretations of Neogene Cordilleran basalt com-
increases in lithospheric-mantle involvement in positions vary as to whether or not they are consis-
basalts erupted around the outer margins of the Ba- tent with a mantle plume source; some workers have
sin and Range. Regional lower-crustal cooling of suggested that they are (e.g., Fitton et al., 1991;
about 300 ~ from early Oligocene to early Miocene Menzies et al., 1991), whereas others have found that
time was concluded to have caused reduced crustal isotopic signatures in places are more closely related
contribution to rhyolite eruptions as inferred from to the underlying lithosphere (e.g., Lum et al., 1989;
neodymium isotope data (Perry et al., 1993). Lipman and Glazner, 1991; Bradshaw et al., 1993).
Liviccari and Perry (1993) contoured zones of A mantle plume acts more as a source of volumi-
neodymium-depleted mantle model ages in the west- nous hot material than as a point source of heat (e.g.,
ern United States, and observed that much of the Pre- Sleep, 1990), and it is likely that conducted heat
cambrian mantle lithosphere beneath the northern applied broadly to the lithosphere by a plume head
Basin and Range province has been preserved, al- would cause some melting of the existing mantle
though the dominance of asthenospheric sourced lithosphere as well as supply more primitive melts
Late Cenozoic basalts in the southern Basin and directly from the asthenosphere.
Range caused them to suggest lithospheric removal
there. Ormerod et al. (1988) located a roughly north-
south oriented lithospheric boundary associated with 7.4. Geophysical Observations
strong variation in strontium and neodymium ratios 7.4.1. Seismicity
in the western Great Basin, near the Sierra Nevada.
They also found a second, northward-younging The Basin and Range province is a seismically
asthenospheric-source component that can be cor- active region (Fig. 7-4). Nearly as many historical
related with the trailing edge of the subducted Juan earthquakes greater than magnitude 7 have occurred
de Fuca plate. Farmer et al. (1989) analyzed isotope in the Basin and Range as have along the San
ratios in post-10-Ma basalts, and located a bound- Andreas Fault system (e.g., Ryall et al., 1966; Th-
ary in southern Nevada that separates ompson and Burke, 1974). The 1983 Ms 7.3 Borah
asthenospheric-source basalts in central Nevada from Peak earthquake that struck just north of the eastern
lithospheric-source basalts in southern Nevada. They Snake River Plain in Idaho serves as a reminder that
suggest that the Laramide magmatic gap may have the Basin and Range continues to pose a consider-
preserved the mantle lithosphere in southern Nevada, able seismic hazard. The following summary of Ba-
as did Liviccari and Perry (1993). Temporal isotope sin and Range seismicity is based on studies by Th-
and bulk chemistry variations were used to constrain ompson and Burke (1974), Smith (1978), Smith and
the depth of magma generation in the same part of Lindh (1978), Stickney and Bartholomew (1987),
southern Nevada, and 50% less thinning of the Dewey et al. (1989), Smith et al. (1989), and
mantle lithosphere than would be predicted from sur- Pezzopane and Weldon (1993). Seismicity in the
face extension was inferred there (Daley and De Basin and Range tends to occur as episodic swarms
Paolo, 1992). Further south, the southern Cordillera or clusters of events that strike previously quiescent
The Basin and Range Province 289

Fig. 7--4. (a) Western North American seismicity

(events > M 3.5) since 1700 (after Dewey et al.,
1989). (b) The patterns of extensional and
oblique seismic strain discussed in the text are
outlined in gray below. The dashed line is meant
to illustrate the apparent parabolic distribution of
seismicity around the eastern Snake River Plain.
In general the Basin and Range is most active in
the north, especially in the outer margins.
Geologic provinces are outlined as indicated on
Figure 7-1.
290 T. Parsons

areas, which after some period of activity, return to A second zone of seismicity is found along the
quiescence. Much like the most recent patterns of western boundary of the Basin and Range province.
magmatism, seismicity in the Basin and Range is This zone is interrelated to the transform domain
most active along its margins (Fig. 7-4). As would along coastal California and Basin and Range ex-
be expected in an extensional province, fault-plane tension; oblique slip, transtensional deformation, and
solutions show that normal-fault slip dominates, extensional transform faulting are commonly mixed
though many oblique and pure strike-slip earth- with normal faulting along this zone. In the south-
quakes are observed as well. The maximum observed ernmost Basin and Range, seismicity is concentrated
focal depth of earthquakes in the Basin and Range along the spreading system in the Gulf of Califor-
province is about 15 km, although the majority of nia. Further to the north this seismic belt branches
quakes are shallower. The depth to the brittle-duc- away from the southern end of the San Andreas Fault
tile transition is inferred to be at 15 km based on zone, and crosses southeastern California into Death
this observation (e.g., S ibson, 1982). Valley (Fig. 7--4). The central Nevada seismic belt,
Apart from the widespread, scattered seismicity consisting primarily of extensional earthquakes,
that occurs across the entire Basin and Range prov- branches northeast away from this zone, and includes
ince, there are two broad zones of increased activity recent large earthquakes such as the 1954 M 7.1
along the eastern and western margins of the north- Fairview Peak earthquake. The Walker Lane, a com-
ern part of the province (Fig. 7-4). Along the east- plex zone of primarily right-lateral slip, continues
ern margin, the Intermountain seismic belt extends in a northwesterly trend along the Sierra Nevada-
through Utah, eastern Idaho, and western Montana. Basin and Range boundary. Oblique rifting contin-
In southern Utah and Arizona the Intermountain seis- ues along this trend into eastern and central Oregon.
mic belt is located along the edges and outer mar-
gins of the Colorado Plateau. Generally low-level 7.4.2 The State of Stress
seismicity tends to cluster along the boundaries of
the stable Colorado Plateau crustal block, perhaps The state of stress in the Basin and Range prov-
an indication that its margins are collapsing in ex- ince has been determined from earthquake focal
tension. To the north, the rising Wasatch Front (Fig. mechanisms, hydraulic fracture experiments, recent
7--4) marks the boundary between the Basin and fault slip indicators, young volcanic alignments, and
Range province and the more stable Rocky Moun- borehole deformation studies. Some indicators, such
tains, and has created a zone of active north-south as dated volcanic rocks, allow determinations at par-
striking subparallel faults. North of the Wasatch ticular times in the past and focal mechanisms pro-
Front, the Yellowstone caldera is a center of shal- vide information at hypocentral depths. Not surpris-
low seismic activity related to the ascent and em- ingly, the dominant stress state is extensional, with
placement of magma in the crust. An apparent para- the greatest principal stress oriented near-vertical,
bolic distribution of seismicity distributed around the least principal stress oriented broadly east-west,
the eastern Snake River Plain in Idaho (e.g., Anders and the intermediate stress oriented broadly north-
et al., 1989) includes the 1983 Borah Peak earth- south (Fig. 7-5). Below, variations and features of
quake and aftershocks. The interior of the eastern the Basin and Range stress field are summarized af-
Snake River Plain is virtually aseismic (e.g., Jack- ter studies by Thompson and Zoback (1978), Zoback
son et al., 1993), and it is thought that magmatic and Zoback (1980), Zoback (1989), Zoback and
strain accommodation of some form may prevent Zoback (1989), Mount and Suppe (1992), and Suter
large earthquakes from occurring there (e.g., Par- et al. (1992). Stress-directions discussed below will
sons and Thompson, 1991; Anders and Sleep, 1992). be the horizontal component of the least horizontal
North of the eastern Snake River Plain, a diffuse zone stress, which is essentially parallel to the extensional
of intermittent seismicity trends northwest across strain direction.
western Montana, and is associated with a shear zone
known as the Lewis and Clark line.
The Basin and Range Province 291

Fig. 7-5. Directions of the greatest horizontal stress in the Basin and Range province and Colorado Plateau (after Zoback and
Zoback, 1989). The approximate direction of extensional strain is perpendicular to the greatest horizontal stress. The stress
directions are variable across the province, changing from west to east. Further discussion can be found in the text.

Stress measurements are sparse in the southern show approximately east-west least principal stress
Basin and Range. In central Mexico and along the directions, whereas the interior of the Great Basin,
spreading ridge in the Gulf of California, the least in the Nevada seismic belt, the least principal stress
principal stress direction is generally aligned in a direction is oriented more northwesterly. North of
northwesterly direction. Along the southern and the Wasatch Front, the least principal stress direc-
western edges of the Colorado Plateau, the least- tion changes again and is oriented more towards the
stress directions are aligned radially away from the southwest in the region around the eastern Snake
center of the plateau, a further suggestion that the River Plain, perhaps as a result of uplift by the
plateau margin is collapsing gravitationally. The Yellowstone plume (e.g., Pierce and Morgan, 1992).
western flank of the Colorado Plateau in Utah shows In general the variations in stress orientations across
a northwesterly orientation in the least principal the Basin and Range are not well explained, but prob-
stress (Fig. 7-5), which is parallel to the stresses in ably result from variations in crustal rheology and
the eastern Great Basin, a possible indication of forces applied from outside the domain.
Basin and Range extension encroaching into the pla-
teau. To the north, the margins of the Great Basin
292 T. Parsons

Table 7-2
Strain Rate l/s Time Interval Basis Location Reference
3.80E-16 present Plate motions and space Northern Basin and Range: 1,2,3
(lcm/800km/yr.) Geodesy Colorado Plateau to Sierra Nevada
3.80E-16 historical Summation of seismic Northern Basin and Range
(lcrn/800km/yr) earthquakes moments
6.30E-16 10 Ma +/- 4 my Lateral and vertical offsets 6,7
(10.7km/52km/10Ma) of northern Nevada rift
7.90E-16 Holocene Offsets of 12 Ka lake shoreline; Dixie Valley, northem Nevada
(10m/30km/12Ka) 30 km between ridge crests
4.10E-16 Offset of 8 Ma basalt; Dixie Valley, northem Nevada
(3km/30km/8Ma) 30 km between ridge crests
2.90E-16 Two offsets of 15 Ka alluvial Site of 1983 Borah Peak earth- 10
(4m/27km/15Ka) 15 Ka surface by Lost River fault; quake N of E. Snake River Plain
27 km between ridge crests (Thousand Springs segment)
820E-16 7 Ma (age of Dip of faults taken to be 50 degs. Three tilt-block ranges N. of E. 5,11
(~14km/8Okml7Ma) calderas longitude and strata 15 degs. Three tilt Snake Riv. Plain (Lost River,
Lost Riv. Fault) blocks spanning 80 kin. Lemhi, and Beaverhead Ranges,
11.0E-16 to 17.0E-16 16 Ma Migration rate of rhyolitic Track of hotspot from emergence
(21-34mm/600km/yr) volcanism less plate motion rate point to Yellowstone, NV and ID

Table 7-2. Northem Basin and Range extensional strain rates from Miocene time to present as derived from a variety of
methods. Opening has slowed by about 50% since middle and late Miocene time. References: 1. De Mets et al. (1990),
2. Minster and Jordon (1987), 3. Beroza et al. (1985), 4. Eddington et al. (1987), 5. R. B. Smith et al. (1989), 6.
Zoback (1978), 7. Zoback (1979), 8. Thompson and Burke (1973), 9. Okaya and Thompson (1985), 10. Scott et al.
(1985), 11. Thompson (1960), 12. Rodgers et al. (1990).

7.4.3 Strain Rate from Geodetic and Other Obser- reconciling the difference between complete relative
vations Pacific-North American plate motion and San
Andreas Fault motion. Argus and Gordon (1991)
The present and historical extensional strain rate compared very long baseline interferometry (VLBI)
in the Basin and Range province has been determined data for motions of sub-elements within the western
from a variety of methods including the tracking of Cordillera with the NUVEL- 1 model (DeMets et al.,
geological markers, space geodesy, and summation 1990) for Pacific-North American motion. They
of earthquake moments (Table 7-2). The most re- found that the San Andreas fault motion differs from
cent (middle Miocene to present) strain rates are best ideal Pacific-North American relative plate motion
constrained in the northern Basin and Range and con- and that Basin and Range extension, westward drift
verge to an average 6 10-~6 s-~ strain rate over the of the Sierra Nevada block, and to a lesser extent,
entire interval. The present-day rate of about 3.8 10- compression across the San Andreas fault absorbs
~6 s-~ is slower than the historical average (e.g., the difference. Clark et al. (1987) determined from
Beroza et al., 1985; Minster and Jordon, 1987; Smith VLBI data that Basin and Range extension accounts
et al., 1989; DeMets et al., 1990). Extensional strain for 9-10 mm/yr of Pacific-North American plate di-
in the Basin and Range has to be considered when vergence.
The Basin and Range Province 293

7.4.4. Crustal and Upper-Mantle Structure from in the Moho across the northern Basin and Range,
Seismic Observations and the lack of a correlation of Moho structure with
upper-crustal tectonic features along the transect, the Seismic Reflection Profiling in the Basin and Moho boundary is thought to be young and to have
Range Province evolved during Cenozoic extension (Klemperer et
al., 1986). Near-vertical incidence data were col-
Deep, whole-crustal seismic reflection .data have
lected near the COCORP 40* N transect in 1986 as
been collected in the Basin and Range (Fig. 7-6)
part of the Nevada Program for Array Seismic Stud-
province along an east-west transect across Nevada
ies of the Continental Lithosphere (PASSCAL) ex-
at about the latitude 40~ (e.g., Klemperer et al.,
1986; Allmendinger et al., 1987; Jarchow et al., periment, and an extraordinarily bright, high ampli-
1993), in the Mojave Desert of southern California tude Moho reflection was observed beneath Buena
(e.g., Cheadle et al., 1986), in Death Valley, Cali- Vista Valley in northwestern Nevada. Carbonell and
fornia (de Voogd et al., 1986; Serpa et al., 1988; Smithson (1991) suggested that the high-amplitude
Brocher et al., 1993), across the Whipple Mountain Moho transition might result from interlayered melt
metamorphic core complex in southern California zones, and Jarchow et al. (1993) constrain the event
(e.g., Flueh and Okaya, 1989), in Dixie Valley, Ne- to be a single molten sill no greater than 200 m thick.
vada (Okaya, 1986), and across the southern Basin Extended correlation of industry reflection profiles
and Range and Colorado Plateau transition in south- from Dixie Valley in the northern Basin and Range
ern Arizona (e.g., Hauser et al., 1987; Goodwin and also shows a reflective lower crust and a layered,
McCarthy, 1990; Howie et al., 1991). Vertical-inci- transitional Moho boundary (Okaya, 1986). Deep
dence deep-crustal seismic data from the Basin and reflection profiles from the central Basin and Range
Range province tend to show such general features in Death Valley show a bright, mid-crustal reflec-
as upper-crustal Cenozoic extensional structures that tion that is similar to the mid-crustal melt body be-
overprint Precambrian, Paleozoic, and Mesozoic neath the Rio Grande rift (see Chapter 6); this re-
structures, all overlying a highly reflective laminated flector is also interpreted as a melt body (de Voogd
lower crust. Often, upper-crustal reflectivity is ab- et al., 1986). However, bright reflections from the
sent, and the crust is transparent until the lower- lower crust in the nearby Amargosa Desert in south-
crustal zone of reflectivity is reached (Fig. 7-7). The ern Nevada are interpreted as shear zones rather than
Moho is typically a bright, high-amplitude series of as melt bodies (Brocher et al., 1993).
reflections and/or an abrupt termination of Deep-crustal reflection data were collected in the
reflectivity and tends to be relatively flat despite the California Mojave Desert in the southern Basin and
presence of strongly varying topography and surface Range province in 1982 by COCORP. These data
extension above it. have a similar texture to the profiles collected at the
In the northern Basin and Range, the 40* N Con- Basin and Range margins along the 40* N COCORP
sortium for Continental Reflection Profiling transect in that they seem to show many preserved
(COCORP) transect showed that the reflective tex- pre-Tertiary structures, though the possibility exists
tures changed from diffuse dipping reflections within that more recent, deep low-angle normal faults were
the province margins in California and Utah into a imaged (Cheadle et al., 1986). Further east, deep-
strong, sub-horizontal pattern of reflectivity in the crustal data were collected over the Whipple Moun-
extended crust of Nevada (e.g., Allmendinger et al., tain metamorphic core complex near the Colorado
1987). Similar changes in reflectivity patterns from River in southeastern California. These data show
unextended into extended crust are noted elsewhere, ample mid-crustal reflectivity that is interpreted as
and it is thus thought that the laminated lower-crustal mylonitized lower-plate rocks beneath the Whipple
reflectors are generated during the extension pro- Mountain detachment fault extending to depth (Flueh
cess (e.g., McCarthy and Thompson, 1988). Because and Okaya, 1989). In 1986 COCORP collected ver-
of the remarkable continuity in reflection character tical-incidence data along a northeast-directed
transect that extended from the Colorado River into
294 T. Parsons

Fig. 7-6. Locations of vertical-incidence and long-offset seismic profiles in the Basin and Range province. Solid black lines are
vertical-incidence reflection profiles, while gray lines are long-offset refraction profiles.

the Colorado Plateau of Arizona (Hauser et al., Range. Vertical-incidence data collected in this re-
1987). This transect crossed a variety of extensional gion by COCORP (Hauser et al., 1987) and Stanford
provinces from the block-faulted southern Basin and University (Goodwin and McCarthy, 1990; Howie
Range, through the Buckskin-Rawhide metamorphic et al., 1991) show preserved intrusive structures of
core complex, into the mildly extended Colorado possible Precambrian age in the upper crust, but the
Plateau transition zone (Fig. 7-8). The sections from middle and lower crust show evidence of recent ex-
the southern Basin and Range are similar in appear- tensional reworking (Goodwin and McCarthy, 1990;
ance to those from the northern Basin and Range in Howie et al., 1991), including a mid-crustal magma
that bright mid-crustal reflectivity is observed above body (Parsons et al., 1992a). The reader is directed
a fiat-lying, high amplitude Moho reflection (Hauser to Smithson and Johnson (1989) for a more detailed
et al., 1987). Beneath the Buckskin-Rawhide meta- discussion of vertical-incidence studies in the west-
morphic core complex, the mid-crustal reflectivity ern Cordillera; this discussion also describes numer-
is fine-scaled and appears disrupted by the exten- ous shallow to mid-crustal reflection profiles col-
sion process (McCarthy and Parsons, 1994). The lected in the Basin and Range province that are not
Colorado Plateau transition zone is actively extend- discussed here. Also, Mooney and Meissner (1992)
ing, although the extension is of small magnitude compare vertical incidence studies from a variety of
compared with most of the southern Basin and extensional provinces worldwide.
Nevada PASSCAC Vertical Incidence Shot Gather
Distance (km)
8:Q 8.0 4,O 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0

Fig. 7-7. Vertical incidence shot gather from the Nevada PASSCAL experiment in northern Nevada (after Jarchow et al., 1993). A relatively transparent upper crust
lies above a highly reflective lower crust. The upper mantle is also transparent to vertical incidence seismic energy. This reflective texture is commonly observed in
extended regions worldwide and is inferred to be a direct consequence of the extension process. These reflections were suggested to represent a combination of
ductile shear and magmatic intrusions (Holbrook et al., 1991). A still molten horizontal intrusion was found at the Moho (Jarchow et al., 1993). h)
A -
Southern Basin and Range Colorado Plateau Crustal Section
+3.Basin and Range Province- Metamorphic Core Complex belt Transition Zone Colorado Plateau
30 50 70 w 110 130 150 170 190 230 250 270 290



30 . .
., ... , .: . . .
6.65 - -
+ - ._---
- .

- . ..
- _ -
- .
. -
~ - ' 6.85
8.0 8.0 8,O - . .


Data Windows

B S. Basin and Range Core Complex Colorado Plateau Transition




35 -20 km

Fig. 7-8. Velocity model from a seismic refraction study in the southern Basin and Range that crossed "typical" Basin and Range crust as well as a metamorphic
core complex (McCarthy et al., 1991) combined with line drawings of the COCORP Arizona seismic reflection profiles (after Hauser et al., 1987). Example data
windows are shown below of the actual vertical incidence stacks. The southern Basin and range lower crust is highly reflective and is similar to the textures
observed in the northern Basin and Range (Fig. 7-7). A thick welt of slow (6.35 km/s) lower crustal material underlies the Buckskin-Rawhide core complex, and
reflection data from this area appears choppier and more disrupted than from beneath the typical Basin and Range or Colorado Plateau transition. Up to 4 km of
2 mafic rock could have been added to the lower crust beneath the core complex if it was distributed in thin sheets (McCarthy and Parsons, 1994).
The Basin and Range Province 297 Seismic Refraction Studies: The Crustal Ve- A fascinating result of wide-angle seismic profil-
locity Structure of the Basin and Range ing in the southern Basin and Range has been the
crustal thickness determinations of the Whipple
Crustal seismic refraction studies in the Basin and Mountain and Buckskin-Rawhide metamorphic core
Range province have been carried out along very complexes in southeastern California (McCarthy et
similar transects to the seismic reflection profiles al., 1991; Wilson et al., 1991). Beneath the areas of
discussed above. Regional refraction profiles that the locally greatest extension, the crust maintains
cross Nevada east-west at 39* N, and north-south at its thickness. A 10 to 15-km-thick welt of 6.35 km/s
about 116" W were carried out in the early 1960's crust was identified on two crossing profiles just
and were reinterpreted by Prodehl (1979). These ex- above a thin higher velocity (6.6 km/s) lower-crustal
periments had large station spacings, and did not layer (Fig. 7-8). In addition, The upper-crustal low-
provide much detail within the crust, but they were velocity layer is thinner beneath the core complexes
successful in determining the whole-crustal thick- because mid-crustal rocks were exhumed on low-
ness. The wide-angle component of the 1986 Ne- angle normal faults. The refraction studies of the
vada PASSCAL experiment provides more crustal Whipple Mountain and Buckskin-Rawhide metamor-
detail in northern Nevada (e.g., Catchings and phic core complexes were the beginnings of the U.S.
Mooney, 1989; Benz et al., 1990; Holbrook, 1990). Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific to Arizona
In the southern Basin and Range province, refrac- Crustal Experiment (PACE). The PACE profiles ex-
tion studies were carried out above the Whipple tend north of the core complexes across the Colo-
Mountain metamorphic core complex in southeast rado Plateau transition zone, where the crust gradu-
California (Wilson et al., 1991), in central Arizona ally thickens to a maximum of 39 km (Fig. 7-8).
from the southern Basin and Range across the Colo- The zone of 6.35 km/s crust that was present be-
rado Plateau transition (Warren, 1969) and nearly neath the core complexes is absent beneath the more
coincident with the COCORPArizona reflection pro- weakly extended Colorado Plateau transition zone.
files, northeast from the Colorado River into the A similar increasing crustal thickness across the
Colorado Plateau (McCarthy et al., 1991). Colorado Plateau transition zone was observed by
There is some difference in the interpretations of Warren (1969) on a profile collected further to the
the Nevada PASSCAL data (Catchings and Mooney, east of the PACE transect. Braile et al. (1989),
1989; Holbrook, 1990; Benz et al., 1990), but the Mooney and Braile (1989), and Pakiser (1989) pro-
broad features are similar; the northern Basin and vide further discussion on the crustal velocity struc-
Range crust is thin, about 30 km thick, and does not ture of the western United States. A discussion of
vary more than 1-3 km along the profiles. A high the regional implications of crustal-structure varia-
velocity layer of varying extent was detected near tion can be found in Section 7.5.2.
the base of the crust in all interpretations, and mag-
matic underplating was suggested as the origin of Upper-MantlenVelocity Structure from
those high-velocity rocks. Mid-crustal velocities Earthquake-Source Studies
were reported in the 6.0-6.2 km/s range, and have
been suggested to be of granitic to granodioritic com- The upper mantle beneath the Basin and Range
position. Low velocity zones (-5.5 km/s) were found has been studied using a variety of techniques ap-
in the upper 10 km of crust, and were suggested to plied to long and intermediate period seismograms
be fractured crust (Catchings, 1992) or silicic intru- recorded by local, regional, and teleseismic earth-
sions, underthrusted sediments, or high temperature quake and large explosive sources. Depending on
zones (Holbrook, 1990). Reinterpretation of the early the source range, receiver density, and phases ana-
refraction data collected in the northern Basin and lyzed, either an averaged one-dimensional velocity
Range (Prodehl, 1979) ties well with the more re- profile, or two- and three-dimensional variations in
cent profiles in terms of crustal thickness. velocity structure are produced. A general result from
studies of the Basin and Range province is an aver-
298 T. Parsons

Southern Basin and Range Province

0 I I I I I I I I I I I I

100 100 100 -

.-.., _
E r
v - "O
,- 200 200 200 -
_ 7r
o - 3
300 300 300 -

400 I I I I I I ~ I 400 I I i
400 I I I I

6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Velocity (km/s) Velocity (km/s) Velocity (km/s)

Northern Basin and Range Province

I I I I I , 0 I I I I I I I , 0 I I I I I I I

100 - 100- lO0

E U1
.= 2 0 0 - - 200- - ,.-i.
a 3

- 300- 3oo
300 -
400 I I I I ~ 1 i 400 I I I I I I i 400 I I I I I L

6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Velocity (km/s) Velocity (km/s) Velocity (km/s)

Basin and Range From Tomography


100 -

E Fig. 7-9. Selected one-dimensional velocity depth profiles

,- 2 0 0 - of the upper 400 km of the Basin and Range province. A
thin (20-50 km thick) high velocity lid tends to be observed
above a 40-100 km thick low-velocity zone in both the
300 -
northern and southern Basin and Range. See text for more
discussion. References: (a) Gomberg et al. (1989), (b)
400 I I I t I Burdick and Helmberger (1978), (c) Walck (1984), (d)
6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Priestly and Brune (1978), (e) Helmberger and Engen
Velocity (km/s) (1974), (f) Olsen et al. (1980), (g) Beghoul et al. (1993).
The Basin and Range Province 299

age lower velocity upper mantle as compared with 7.9 km/s) than its margins (> 7.9 km/s). The mantle
the interior continental craton, including a low ve- lid beneath the eastern Snake River Plain (track of
locity zone at or near the top of the upper mantle. the Yellowstone hotspot) is especially slow (< 7.6-
The causes of these observations may include a thin- 7.8 km/s), presumably because of thermal softening
ner high velocity mantle lithosphere and a hotter, of the upper mantle (Hearn et al., 1991). However,
lower velocity asthenosphere than the continental Pn velocities determined from controlled-source seis-
interior. Variability in mantle structure within the mic studies tend to find faster velocities in the up-
Basin and Range province can be generalized to in- permost mantle at 8.0 km/s in the Basin and Range
clude the identification of the subducting Juan de (e.g., Catchings and Mooney, 1989; Holbrook, 1990;
Fuca slab beneath the northern part of the province McCarthy et al., 1991). This discrepancy may result
and a low velocity asthenosphere connected with the from a shallower sampling by the controlled sources
Yellowstone hotspot. Teleseismic shear-wave arriv- than from earthquake sources. Teleseismic residu-
als in the Basin and Range often show significant als indicate a high velocity body deep beneath the
splitting between the transverse and radial shear northern and western Basin and Range province that
components, which may be the result of tectonic de- is inferred to be the subducting Juan de Fuca plate
formation in the mantle lithosphere and upper as- or remnants of the Farallon slab (e.g., Koizumi et
thenosphere; thus splitting directions can help in the al., 1973; Solomon and Butler, 1974; Iyer et al.,
interpretation of mantle extensional dynamics. 1977; Romanowiscz, 1979; Biasi and Humphreys,
One-dimensional Q or velocity-depth profiles for 1992). The shallower velocity structure (< 250 km
the Basin and Range crust and upper mantle gener- depth) identified through inversion of P-wave residu-
ated from body and surface waves have been reported als shows northeast-trending low velocity zones be-
by Archambeau et al. (1969), Helmberger and Engen neath the eastern Snake River Plain and the St.
(1974), Burdick and Helmberger (1978), Priestly and George volcanic trend (chain of recent basaltic erup-
Brune (1978), Olsen et al., (1980), Olsen and Braile tions that crosses southern Nevada and Utah; Fig.
(1981), Olsen et al., (1983), Walck (1984), Gomberg 7-3c); the intervening zones of higher velocity up-
et al. (1989), and AI-Khatib and Mitchell ( 1991). The per mantle beneath central Nevada correspond to
velocity profiles generally show about an 80-km- areas where magmatic activity peaked during Mi-
thick Basin and Range lithosphere overlying a thin ocene time (Dueker and Humphreys, 1990; Biasi and
low velocity zone, followed by a linear velocity in- Humphreys, 1992; Humphreys and Dueker, 1994).
crease with depth (Fig. 7-9). Upper mantle Q val- Upper mantle velocities as determined from a vari-
ues tend to be lowest in the western Basin and Range, ety of methods appear to be slowest beneath areas
where the most recent magmatic and tectonic activ- that have seen tectonic and magmatic activity most
ity has occurred. One-dimensional shear-wave ve- recently, those areas near the eastern and western
locity models are also sensitive to recent volcanic margins of the province.
activity, with the slowest low velocity zones recorded It is generally agreed that upper mantle shear wave
on the volcanic plateaus. splitting results from tectonically imposed strain
Two- and three-dimensional images of portions fabric in the mantle rocks (e.g., Ribe and Yu, 1991).
of the Basin and Range upper mantle have been cre- Preferred alignment of olivine crystals causes the
ated through tomographic inversion of direct mantle shear waves vibrating parallel to the elongate crys-
arrivals from regional sources (e.g., Hearn et al., tals to arrive faster than those vibrating perpendicu-
1991; Beghoul et al., 1993), and inversion of lar to the preferred-alignment direction. Thus the
teleseismic residuals (e.g., Koizumi et al., 1973; recorded fast direction is roughly parallel to the
Solomon and Butler, 1974; Iyer et al., 1977; strain direction. The origin of the mantle strain is
Romanowiscz, 1979; Dueker and Humphreys, 1990; thought to be from internal continental deformation
Biasi and Humphreys, 1992; Humphreys and Dueker, as well as from whole plate motion. Shear-wave
1994). Tomographic studies show that the mantle lid splitting results are available from the northern Ba-
beneath the Basin and Range is lower in velocity (< sin and Range (e.g., Savage and Silver, 1993) and
300 T. Parsons

the southern Basin and Range (e.g., Ruppert, 1992). sity plutons at the heart of the bilaterally symmetric
Results from the northern Basin and Range show a pattern in the Bouguer gravity map, possibly indi-
fast direction of N 74* E with a 1 s difference be- cating a genetic link between anomalous upper-
tween fast and slow arrivals (split) in the northwest- mantle and upper-crustal plutonism. Similarly, a
ern province, while in the northeastern Basin and large quantity of basalt intruded into the eastern
Range the fast direction is about 45* different at N Snake River Plain crust causes a strong positive
72* W with a 1 s split (Savage and Silver, 1993). A crustal gravity anomaly in the northern Basin and
similar variation in the horizontal stress direction Range.
from the northwestern to northeastern Basin and Gravity data from the Basin and Range province
Range is observed (e.g., Zoback and Zoback, 1989), have been used to address problems involving the
but the present-day stress directions do not parallel extension process. Thompson and McCarthy (1990)
the fast or slow anisotropy directions. Savage and pointed out that highly extended terranes such as
Silver (1993) suggest this mismatch may be because metamorphic core complexes are not associated with
present day Basin and Range extension is too weak large gravity anomalies, and the crust beneath them
to overprint previous deformation fabric in the tends to be equally thick as less extended crust sur-
mantle. Two anisotropic layers (cumulative 0.7-0.8 rounding them. They suggested that at depth, rocks
s split) were postulated beneath the southern Basin of equal density must have replaced the 10 km or so
and Range province in southern Arizona: a N 35* W of upper crustal rock that was stripped off the top in
fast direction in the 30-50 km depth interval (paral- order to prevent a strong gravity anomaly from be-
lel to present-day extension) and an additional 80- ing created. They further suggested that the low-den-
km-thick zone extending into the asthenosphere with sity rocks must have been magmatically intruded,
a fast direction oriented N 60* E, roughly parallel to because inflow of ductile lower-crustal rocks would
North American plate motion (Ruppert, 1992). have emplaced enough dense material as to gener-
ate strong positive gravity anomalies which are not
7.4.5 Potential Field Studies observed. However, Kruse et al. (1991) fit the
Bouguer anomaly to a model of ductile lower-crustal
The northern Basin and Range province corre- flow from beneath the unextended Colorado Plateau
sponds to a regional Bouguer gravity low, the bound- to the extended Lake Mead region of the central
ary of which lies along the topographic edge between Basin and Range. The Lake Mead region lies about
the northern and southern Basin and Range (Plate 1 km lower than the Colorado Plateau and has a simi-
7-2). The sources of the high topography and low lar crustal thickness to the plateau, whereas many
Bouguer gravity in the northern Basin and Range metamorphic core complexes are mountainous and
both result from an upper-mantle low-density are elevated above their surroundings. Thus exami-
anomaly (e.g., Eaton et al., 1978). There is a bilat- nation of gravity data seems to indicate that lower-
eral symmetry in the long-wavelength gravity field crustal flow and magmatism may operate indepen-
of the northern Basin and Range province across a dently or in concert to maintain crustal thickness
north-south center line (Plate 7-2). This increase in during extension, depending on conditions within an
the Bouguer anomaly towards the Basin and Range individual terrane.
margins was noted and compared with the outward Aeromagnetic data from the Basin and Range pro-
migration of seismicity and magmatism into the vide information about crustal composition and evo-
margins by Eaton et al. (1978) and is suggested to lution. A "quiet basement zone" extends from south-
result from asthenospheric upwelling beneath the ern Nevada into Idaho (Mabey et al., 1978) and is
central northern province. Isostatic residual maps centered along the line of symmetry identified on
have been created (e.g., Simpson et al., 1986; Jachens Bouguer gravity maps. The Snake River Plain stands
et al., 1989) that remove mantle effects from the out as a strong magnetic anomaly, particularly the
Bouguer gravity so that crustal variations may be western arm of the plain. The strength of the mag-
examined. These maps show evidence for low-den- netic anomaly decreases along the eastern Snake
The Basin and Range Province 301

Fig. 7-10. Heat flow in the western United States after Morgan and Gosnold (1989). The darkest areas have the highest surface heat
flow, and the lightest are the lowest.

River plain towards the Yellowstone caldera. Blakely the Curie temperature isotherm was estimated from
and Jachens ( 1991) note that 46% of the surface area magnetic anomaly properties in the state of Nevada,
of Nevada has Mesozoic and Cenozoic igneous rocks and the basal depth of the magnetic sources was ob-
in the upper 1 km of the crust. They also identify a served to be shallowest in regions having the high-
roughly north-south trending 500-km-long magnetic est heat flow (Blakely, 1988).
anomaly across the middle of Nevada that has re-
mained essentially linear since middle Miocene time. 7.4.6 Heat Flow and Magnetotelluric Studies
This feature has been termed the northern Nevada
rift, and may represent a linear series of mafic dike A result of recent tectonic extension and accom-
intrusions (Zoback and Thompson, 1978; Zoback et panying magmatism in the Basin and Range prov-
al., 1994). The rift has been used as a marker for ince has been an increase in surface heat flow rela-
post-rift extension at an oblique angle to it (Zoback, tive to other more stable tectonic provinces in the
1978; Zoback and Thompson, 1978). The depth to western Cordillera such as the Colorado Plateau,
302 T. Parsons

Sierra Nevada, and Rocky Mountain foreland. Re- ducted across the Battle Mountain heat flow high,
duced heat flow in the Basin and Range is typically and high conductivities were observed through the
50-100% higher than the surrounding stable prov- crust at all depths, especially in Dixie Valley and
inces, and in places can be more than 300% greater the Carson Sink (Keller, 1989). A mid-crustal zone
(e.g., Battle Mountain high, northwestern Nevada) (-20 km deep) of high conductivity was also ob-
(Lachenbruch, 1978; Lachenbruch and Sass, 1978; served beneath the thermal province of the eastern
Blackwell, 1978, Morgan and Gosnold, 1989). The Snake River Plain in Idaho (Stanley, 1982). A 70-
relative highs and lows in reduced heat flow are km-wide lower crustal and upper mantle conductive
shown in Fig. 7-10, though caution should be exer- zone was identified that corresponds with the roughly
cised when making regional interpretations of Ba- north-south trend of the northern Nevada Rift, and
sin and Range heat flow contours, as flow of ground was attributed to diking and conductive permeable
water and variable magmatic advection can compli- fractures (Chau, 1989).
cate matters considerably. The source of heat loss
through the Basin and Range lithosphere has been
suggested to be a direct result of elevation of hotter 7.5. Structure and Interpretation
material closer to the surface caused by lithospheric The Basin and Range province presents some key
thinning (e.g., Crough and Thompson, 1976; crustal and mantle structural problems that bear di-
Lachenbruch and Sass, 1978; Artyushkov and rectly on the extension and uplift processes. I dis-
Batsanin, 1984). However, constraints on the tim- cuss three such problems in some detail here: (1)
ing of extension, heat loss, and the observation that the possible causes that lead to apparent low-angle
broad, unextended volcanic plateaus can be as hot normal faulting versus high-angle faulting in the
as the Basin and Range province, leads to the con- upper crust, (2) the maintenance of relatively uni-
clusion that advective heat from magmatic sources form crustal thickness despite strongly varying ex-
must play an important combined role with lithos- tension and topography, and (3) the variations in
pheric thinning in generating heat flow in the Basin topographic elevation between the southern and
and Range (e.g., Morgan and Gosnold, 1989; northern Basin and Range province despite the nearly
Mareschal and Bergantz, 1990). The southern Basin uniform crustal thickness and average magnitude of
and Range province shows very similar heat flow extension in the two sub-provinces.
values to the northern Basin and Range, though the
metamorphic core complex belt along the Colorado 7.5.1 Low-Angle vs. High-Angle Normal Faulting
River is relatively cold, while other regions of less
pronounced Miocene extension remain hot, perhaps Anderson's (1951) theory provided a general
because 10 km of radiogenic upper-crust was framework to describe faulting in relation to the
stripped off the core complexes during extension (J. ambient stress field in the Earth's crust. The theory
H. Sass et al., written communication, 1993). predicts that when the vertical lithostatic load is the
Magnetotelluric studies in the southern Basin and greatest principal stress, normal faulting ensues at
Range province of southern California and Arizona an angle-45" to 70* from vertical, when the differ-
find a highly conductive zone at depth that begins ence between the horizontal least principal stress and
approximately at the Colorado River and continues vertical greatest principal stress exceeds the shear
to the east (e.g., Keller, 1989; Klein, 1990). A strength of the rocks. As more faults are investigated
transect paralleling the USGS PACE seismic refrac- world-wide, it is increasingly clear that Anderson
tion and COCORP Arizona seismic reflection lines theory alone cannot adequately describe many ob-
shows a deep zone of conductivity that may corre- served faults. For example, shallow dipping to hori-
late with the top of the reflective lower crust and zontal fault planes are commonly observed, often
deepens beneath the Colorado Plateau transition with extreme normal displacements. Because these
(Klein, 1990). In the northern Basin and Range prov- faults are shear failures that respond to the local
ince, an intensive magnetotelluric survey was con- stress field, apparently either the greatest principal
The Basin and Range Province 303

stress direction deviates from the vertical (e.g., gravity data suggests that the load differences be-
Bartley and Glazner, 1985; Bradshaw and Zoback, tween the relatively narrow (-20 km wide) basins
1988; Melosh, 1990), or a steeply dipping fault plane and ranges in the western Cordillera of the United
rotates to a more shallow dip after displacement (e.g., States are supported by the strength of the crust (e.g.,
Davis, 1983). Reactivation along ancient low-angle Eaton et al., 1978; Kruse et al., 1991), which im-
fault planes is a less likely explanation because in plies that isostatic compensation has occurred by
most cases the shear strength of a plane of weak- midcrustal shear flow, rather than in the mantle. Seis-
ness improperly oriented to the principal stress axes mic reflection profiles from the northern Basin and
exceeds that for a new fault in fresh rock along a Range province tend to support that result, showing
more favored plane (Sibson, 1985). There is clear a flat Moho beneath both basins and ranges (e.g.,
evidence that rotation followed by initiation of new Klemperer et al., 1986). Footwall rebound should
fault planes occurs, as in the case at Yerington, Ne- occur equally on every steep normal fault of approxi-
vada (Proffett, 1977). However, evidence from struc- mately the same offset, which indicates that the ob-
tural reconstructions indicates that many detachment served variation in dip-angle is likely a consequence
faults begin and propagate at low angles, including of heterogeneities in composition, rheology, or stress
the Whipple Mountains (Yin and Dunn, 1992) and distribution.
Chemehuevi Mountains of southern California The stress field and rheology of the upper crust
(Miller and John, 1988), the Harcuvar Mountains of may be influenced towards conditions favoring low-
central Arizona (Reynolds and Spencer, 1985), and angle normal faulting by magmatism (e.g., Lister and
in the Mormon Mountains of Nevada (Wemicke et Baldwin, 1993; Parsons and Thompson, 1993). Ad-
al., 1985). vected heat from intruded magma could raise the
The expected pattern for brittle extension with a brittle-ductile transition temporarily, and shear along
vertical greatest principal stress is finite motion the ductile zone (e.g., Melosh, 1990) or shear stresses
along steeply dipping fault planes, with a new plane imposed directly by the intrusion (Parsons and Th-
forming when it is no longer efficient to continue ompson, 1993) might cause a rotation in the stress
motion along the first (much like the middle Miocene field favoring low-angle faulting. Any model for in-
episode of block faulting in the Basin and Range situ low-angle faulting must include some source of
province). Historical earthquakes have focal mecha- shear that drives the faulting, either gravitational as
nisms that indicate steeply dipping fault planes in the case of Gulf of Mexico faults (e.g., Bradshaw
(>40*) (e.g., Jackson, 1987). When lower angled and Zoback, 1988), or some other source where to-
faults occur, they tend to expose sharp divisions be- pographic inclination is not likely to be a factor, such
tween brittle deformation in the upper plate and duc- as in the metamorphic core complexes in the Basin
tile deformation in the lower plate; this has invited and Range. Furthermore, models for metamorphic
the suggestion that the low-angle faults represent the core complex development must be consistent with
brittle-ductile transition (e.g., Gans et al., 1985). the following observations: (1) the crust beneath core
Models involving isostatic uplift ("rolling hinge" complexes is often as thick as surrounding less ex-
models) suggest that unloading caused by movement tended terranes, (2) core complexes lack strong
on a normal fault causes upwarp of the footwall, Bouguer gravity anomalies, thus regardless of its
which rotates the initially steep fault plane towards source, the material that maintains crustal thickness
the horizontal (e.g., Heiskanen and Vening Meinesz, beneath the core complexes must be on average the
1958; Spencer, 1984; Wernicke and Axen, 1988). same density as the whole-crustal average, and (3)
Observational evidence suggests that isostatic re- the exposed core rocks are typically warped upwards
bound of local features such as the footwall of a into mountainous antiformal structures rather than
normal fault occurs in the middle crust, rather than buried beneath thick sedimentary basins.
involving the whole crust. For example, analysis of
304 T. Parsons

Fig. 7-11. Contour plot of the crustal thickness of the western Cordillera where estimates from seismic refraction profiles are
available (Fig. 7-6) (shown as gray lines; Warren, 1969; Prodehl, 1979; Catchings and Mooney, 1989; McCarthy et al., 1991). This
plot is similar to compilations by Pakiser (1989) and Jones et al. (1992).

7.5.2 Basin and Range Crustal Extension and Thick- and Mesozoic Eras (e.g., Bird, 1984), but it would
ness have to have exceeded the present thicknesses of the
Rocky Mountains and Colorado Plateau if the present
As the number of seismic refraction studies in the Basin and Range crustal thickness evolved through
Basin and Range increased, it became clear that the closed-system pure shear of the Cordilleran crust.
crust within the extended province is remarkably Gans (1987) inferred a 40 to 50 km pre-extension
uniform despite strong variation in the timing and crustal thickness for the northeastern Basin and
magnitude of stretching from terrane to trerrane (Fig. Range province, and reconciled the estimated 77%
7-11). Either the pre-Tertiary Basin and Range crust surface extension with the present 30-35 km thick-
was a minimum of 60 km thick, and up to 120 km ness by proposing an open-system mode of exten-
thick in places, or crustal material was added during sion that included lower-crustal ductile flow and the
extension. Long-term inter-plate convergence and addition of a 5-km-thick magmatic layer.
subduction very likely did increase the crustal thick-
ness of western North America during the Paleozoic
The Basin and Range Province 305

The maximum focal depth of earthquakes in the Mezger, 1989; Bergantz, 1989; Wilshire, 1990). The
Basin and Range province is about 15 km, an indi- seismic velocities from the highly reflective lower
cation that the crustal layer beneath the brittle up- crust of the northern Basin and Range province are
per crust responds to regional extensional stresses high (7.1-7.3 km/s) in places, and are lower (~6.6
by aseismic creep, or ductile flow. The high observed km/s) in other parts, perhaps indicating variable in-
surface heat flow indicates that the ductile layer may put of mafic magma into the lower crust there (e.g.,
have increased mobility through heat conducted from Holbrook et al., 1991). Lower-crustal velocities tend
the mantle and/or advected by intruding magma. to be slow in the southern Basin and Range prov-
Buck (1991) suggested that lithospheric rheology ince, though velocity constraints allow up to a 4 km
controls extensional modes. When thermal weaken- thickness of mafic intrusive rocks if it is distributed
ing dominates and lower crustal flow occurs very within the lower-crustal layer in thin sheets
fast, then core complexes form; otherwise either a (McCarthy and Parsons, 1994). While underplating
wide rift occurs if the lithosphere is moderately hot or intrusion of distributed horizontal mafic sheets is
and weak, or a narrow rift forms if the lithosphere is often suggested as a means to maintain crustal thick-
cold and strong. The role that the ductile layer may ness and advect heat into the lower crust to stimu-
play in maintaining crustal thickness during exten- late flow there, little attention is given to how such
sion is not well constrained, nor is the amount of sheets might be emplaced in an extensional envi-
ductile lower-crustal material that may have been ronment that should favor vertical rather than hori-
added to the extending Basin and Range crust from zontal intrusions. The rheologic boundaries of the
more stable unextended terranes such as the Colo- lithosphere such as the Moho may be traps where
rado Plateau or the Sierra Nevada. Perhaps some basaltic magma is more likely to orient horizontally
indication may come from the patterns of seismic because the rheologic differences lead to long term
reflectivity that are commonly observed in the lower changes in the stress magnitude across them. While
crust of extended terranes worldwide. As was shown the upper-most mantle lid is likely more rigid than
in Section, the lower crust of the Basin and the lower crust it is seldom seismogenic in extend-
Range province can be highly reflective at vertical ing regimes. The commonly observed association of
incidence (e.g., Figs. 7-7, 7-8). The reflective lower extension with magmatism and high heat flow is
crust does not extend very far into the more stable perhaps an indication that dike intrusion along with
terranes along the Basin and Range margins such as some amount of ductile deformation is the means
the Sierra Nevada, the northern and southern Colo- by which upper-mantle extensional strain occurs.
rado Plateau, or the Mojave block, all regions where The ductile lower crust develops less deviatoric
pre-Tertiary structures seem to be preserved (e.g., stress and may become over-inflated by dike intru-
Cheadle et al., 1986; Allmendinger et al., 1987; sion as compared with the stronger upper mantle
Howie et al. 1991). If the lower-crustal reflectivity (e.g., Parsons et al., 1992b) (Figure 7-12). Subse-
is the result of shearing in the lower crust, and sig- quent dikes in the mantle reach the ductile lower
nificant flow from stable blocks occurred, than such crust in which the horizontal stress exceeds the
fabric would be expected beneath those stable lithostatic load, and the magma is hence forced to
blocks. The absence of reflectivity from the border- intrude horizontally, underplating the Moho. Mul-
ing stable terranes suggests that significant flow from tiple occurrences of this cycle may be important in
these regions has not occurred. A further complica- the evolution of the lower crust and Moho in ex-
tion in interpreting lower-crustal reflectivity is the tending terranes.
strong possibility that at least some of the reflectors Models of whole-lithospheric extensional flow
are caused by Tertiary magmatic intrusions into the identify two wavelengths of necking instabilities, a
extended crust. local one at the scale of basin-range spacings that is
The Moho is an often-suggested locus of mag- accommodated by middle and lower crustal flow, and
matic underplating (e.g., Furlong and Fountain, a province-wide thinning of the lithospheric mantle
1986; Matthews and Cheadle, 1986; Bohlen and (e.g. Froidevaux, 1986; Zuber et al., 1986). That
306 T. Parsons

Fig. 7-12. Sequence of events leading to horizontal intrusion and underplating at the crust-mantle boundary. (a) In an extending
regime the deviatoric stress (difference of maximum vertical and least horizontal) accumulates in the more brittle upper crust and
upper mantle. The more ductile lower crust tends to flow and relax the deviatoric stress before much can accumulate there.(b) A
vertical dike initiates, and thins as it crosses the Moho, because of the smaller deviatoric stress. The strain caused by the dike in this
case imposes a stress which exceeds the residual deviatoric stress in the lower crust. The dike continues into the brittle upper crust
where it widens, and combines with normal faulting to accommodate the deviatoric stress there. (c) A second pulse of dike
intrusions form in the mantle and propagate upwards, but the dikes encounter a compressive regime in the lower crust. The melt is
induced to intrude horizontally at the crust-mantle boundary because of the new stress conditions there. The second set of dikes
accommodates the remaining deviatoric stress in the mantle, which may begin accumulating again with continued extension and the
whole cycle may repeat many times. Multiple cycles of this process would cause the lower crust to become more mafic, and would
help extending crust to maintain its thickness as well as influence the character of the Moho.

predicted local variability of extensional flow com- velocities in the lower crust of the Basin and Range
bined with the observed seismic velocity and indicate that underplating probably occurs as dis-
reflectivity observations can perhaps lead to a uni- tributed thin sheets rather than as a thick, contigu-
fied conclusion. Since it seems that significant flow ous layer. The scale length of lower-crustal reflec-
from outside the Basin and Range province is pre- tions from beneath the Basin and Range is typically
cluded by the lack of strong patterns of reflectivity short (<5 km), perhaps an indication that ductile
in its margins, then the only sources that could have crustal flow has acted to disrupt the intrusive sheets
maintained Basin and Range crustal thickness are a into small lenses, while also evening out crustal
thick pre-extension crust, and/or intrusion of magma thickness locally, pulling rock from beneath the
from the mantle. Furthermore, the variable seismic ranges into the crust beneath the basins. Underplating
The Basin and Range Province 307

as thin sheets is more effective in conducting heat compared with the topography, indicates the mantle
quickly into the lower crust than would be a mas- contribution to uplift (Fig. 7-13). Regional isostasy
sive underplated layer. Thus the granulite xenoliths is assumed because the free air gravity anomaly av-
observed from beneath the southern Basin and Range erages zero across the region (e.g., Thompson and
may have been heated by a relatively smaller vol- Zoback, 1979).
ume of mafic melt than was proposed by Hayob et The upper-mantle mass per unit area is found by
al. (1989), which is more consistent with the low dividing the study area into a grid of isostatic col-
observed 3He/4He ratios (e.g., Torgersen, 1993). umns. These columns are calculated using a two-
layer isostatic expression with a known crustal layer,
7.5.3 lsostatic Constraints on the Basin and Range and a second mantle layer that extends down to an
Upper Mantle Structure assumed local iso-density asthenosphere at a depth
of ~200 km. The problem can be viewed as a group
The mantle beneath the Basin and Range prov- of 200-km-deep columns each containing the un-
ince can be investigated if the thickness and density known boundary between the lithosphere (of un-
of the crust are known. If a good estimate of these known density) and the fixed-density asthenosphere.
two parameters can be made, then it is possible to Since the crust is treated as a known quantity, and
estimate the crustal contribution to uplift and thereby the topographic elevation is known, then the mass
isolate the remaining mantle contribution. There is
contained within the lithospheric mantle part of the
a strong indication that the southern and northern
column required to float it to its individual height
Basin and Range mantle are behaving quite differ-
can be calculated. The mantle mass per unit area of
ently, since the crust in the two regions is similar in
a given column (AM~) is found by comparing it to a
thickness and average velocity, while their topo-
reference column, which is the column in the study
graphic elevations differ by about a km. If the crustal
area that contains the greatest amount of mass (and
buoyancy alone cannot float the lithosphere enough
hence has the lowest mantle buoyancy), as
to account for the difference in elevations, then a
mantle contribution to the northern Basin and Range
elevation is indicated. The crustal-thickness infor-
mation for the western United States from seismic
refraction surveys (Fig. 7-11) was combined with
information on upper-crustal density variation from
a basin-stripped isostatic residual gravity map is a modified form of the isostatic equation (e.g.,
(Saltus, 1991). These gravity data give an indica- Lachenbruch and Morgan, 1990). The variable Lcn
tion of the relative density variation of the upper- is the thickness of the crust in column n, p is density
crustal basement rocks because the effects of sedi- with the a and c subscripts denoting asthenosphere
mentary basins and regional trends have been re- and crust respectively (Pa = 3.2 g/cm3; variation in
moved. Density perturbations of the upper-crustal the fixed asthenosphere density does not affect rela-
rocks can be approximated with the relation tive difference between columns), and En is topo-
p ~(g/O.O4L) (e.g., Simpson and Jachens, 1989), graphic elevation.
where g is gravity in mGal, and Luc is an assumed On the basis of isostatic calculations, Figure 7-
upper-crustal thickness (15 km). Lower-crustal den- 13 shows that a broad low-density anomaly under-
sities are not delimited by the data and were assigned lies the northern Basin and Range province, extend-
a uniform value of 2.9 g/cm3; the lower-crustal layer ing from the Sierra Nevada in the west to the Colo-
is too thin for even strong density variations within rado Plateau in the east. Similar results were
it to cause the large observed mass deficit. Combin- achieved by Jones et al. (1992), who used a slightly
ing the crustal-thickness and upper-crustal density different method. The peak of the anomaly corre-
data results in the approximate crustal contribution sponds approximately to the center of the northern
to uplift across the western Cordillera; this when Basin and Range province, with the bulk of the
anomaly to the south beneath the central Basin and
308 T. Parsons

Fig. 7-13. Contour plot of relative variation in upper-mantle mass beneath investigated part of the western Cordillera. Values were
calculated using a modified form of the isostatic equation with crustal depth information from seismic-refraction profiles (Fig. 7 -
11). The free-air gravity anomaly across the region is near zero, which implies that the area is in isostatic equilibrium. The thin crust
of the northern Basin and Range province associated with its high elevation requires an underlying low-density upper mantle if
isostasy is to be satisfied. The similar crust of the southern Basin and Range is a km lower in elevation, a possible indication that
the mantle asthenosphere is different from north to south.

Range. The inferred Yellowstone plume track (east- teau converge on a difference in the mantle-lid thick-
ern Snake River Plain) does not appear as a low- ness that ranges between 15 and 50 km across the
density anomaly on this image because the crust two provinces (see Section or Iyer and
there has been largely replaced by more dense ba- Hitchcock, 1989; Beghoul et al., 1993). If a reason-
salt (e.g., Sparlin et al., 1982), which has caused able density contrast between asthenosphere and
subsidence. The sum of the mantle isostatic mass lithosphere of 0.05 g/cm 3 is used (e.g., Thompson
deficit is -3.6 x 10 ~8kg beneath the region investi- and Zoback, 1979; Lachenbruch and Morgan, 1990)
gated. Extension and thinning of the Basin and Range then the mass deficit caused by lithospheric thin-
lithosphere allowed the asthenosphere to rise and ning amounts to -4.8 x 1017-1.6 x lO~8kg, or 13%-
take its place, causing some of the mass deficit. 44% of the total anomaly. If the entire anomaly is
Earthquake-source methods that measure the varia- attributed to lithospheric thinning over an adiabatic
tion in lithospheric thickness between the Basin and asthenosphere, then a mantle lithospheric layer ~112
Range province and the unextended Colorado Pla-
The Basin and Range Province 309

km thick would need to have been removed from 7.6.1 N o r t h A m e r i c a - F a r a l l o n P l a t e : B a c k - a n d

the Basin and Range province across the study area lntra-Arc Extension
to account for the entire estimated mass deficit.
The mantle lid as measured in the northern and At about 43 Ma a major global plate reorganiza-
southern Basin and Range province is very similar tion caused a change in the Pacific plate motion rela-
(Fig. 7-9), which implies that some other cause of tive to North America (e.g., Engebretson et al.,
low density mantle besides mantle lithospheric thin- 1985). The Farallon plate still intervened between
ning has occurred in the northern Basin and Range. North America and the Pacific plate at this time (Fig.
Saltus and Thompson (1993) investigated the topo- 7-3), and was isolated from the global system by a
graphic difference between the northern and south- spreading center between it and the Pacific plate and
ern Basin and Range using gravity data and found a subduction zone along the North American plate
that only half of the isostatic support could possibly boundary. The motion of the Farallon plate may also
come from the crust, while thermal expansion and have begun to slow independently of the global sys-
phase changes were unlikely sources of the density tem because the Pacific-Farallon spreading ridge
anomaly in the mantle. Instead, they suggested that drifted east relative to North America, causing the
the Yellowstone plume may be responsible for the subduction of increasingly younger oceanic lithos-
low density northern Basin and Range mantle. The phere until a plate with positive buoyancy was forced
possible role of the Yellowstone plume in Basm and beneath North America (e.g., Engebretson et al.,
Range extension is discussed further in Section 7.6.4. 1984). The rate of Farallon-North American conver-
gence at 40* N was still at its peak at 50 Ma, but
began a rapid decline shortly after that (e.g.,
7.6. Tectonic Evolution: Sources of Basin and Engebretson et al., 1984). Heaton and Kanamori
Range Extensional Stress (1984) noted a worldwide tendency for back-arc
basins to form behind subduction zones with rapid
The extensional stresses that caused the opening convergence and low coupling. Thus the suggestion
of the Basin and Range province are the conse- that the early stages of northern Basin and Range
quences of pre-Tertiary and Tertiary tectonic events. province extension that began in southern Canada
Possibly both passive and active rifting have oc-
and the northwestern United States resulted from
curred at various stages of Basin and Range exten-
back-arc extensional stresses (e.g., Zoback et al.,
sion. As was discussed briefly in Section 7.1.1, tec-
1981) seems valid. Stratigraphic constraints and
tonic cycles have worked and reworked the western
trace-element signatures of volcanic rocks that
Cordilleran lithosphere since it was a passive mar-
erupted at about 30 Ma in northern Mexico indicate
gin in the Proterozoic Eon. It would be difficult to
that the initial stages of extension there occurred in
quantify exactly how much the lithosphere was
a back- or intra-arc setting (Cameron et al., 1989).
weakened relative to the cratonic interior by those When the Farallon-North American convergence rate
tectonic cycles, but they have very likely defined
slowed because the oceanic slab buoyancy increased,
the breadth of Basin and Range extension, since
that style of extension seems to have died out in the
broad rifting is predicted in weak lithosphere, while
northern Basin and Range province. The ignimbrite
narrow, more typical rifting is predicted in cold,
volcanic event in central Nevada, the closing of the
strong lithosphere (e.g., Buck, 1991). It is a com-
Laramide magmatic gap, and associated extension
mon coincidence to observe extensional deforma-
correlates in time with the onset in slowing of the
tion overprinting earlier compressional structure
convergence rate between the Farallon and North
throughout the Basin and Range province (e.g., Co-
American plates and a possible change in the angle
ney, 1987; Wernicke, 1992). Many of the sources of
of subduction. Speculatively, this stage of extension
extensional stress can be attributed to the varying
may have been a brief period of active rifting, driven
configurations between the North American and the
by a sudden burst of magmatism associated with re-
Pacific, and the now-extinct Farallon, oceanic plates.
newed asthenospheric contact beneath Nevada and
310 T. Parsons

Utah after the slab angle steepened. Elston (1984) They also suggested that the marginal highlands of
suggested that an "extensional orogeny" caused the the Sierra Nevada and Colorado Plateau were out-
ignimbrite event, and that the subduction of hot, side the regions of upper mantle weakening and
young oceanic lithosphere enhanced the tendency of hence were not extended.
continental lithosphere to extend towards its margin
through thermal input. 7.6.3 Basin and Range Rifting as a Result of Pacific
- North American Plate Divergence
7.6.2 Extensional Spreading Resulting from Oro-
genic Over-thickening The global-circuit and hotspot-reference plate
reconstruction models (Engebretson et al., 1985;
A consequence of unstable over-thickening of Stock and Molnar, 1988) show that the Pacific plate
continental lithosphere is that it will attempt to has drifted to the northwest relative to a reference
spread back out to its pre-compressional thickness. fixed on the interior of North America since 42 Ma.
The over-thickened lithosphere can be thought of as The rate of longitudinal displacement (the westerly
storage of potential energy poised to be released. In component) has been about 30 km/m.y., depending
order for that release to occur, the outer boundaries on the latitude examined. The half spreading rate on
of the thickened lithosphere must become less con- the Pacific-Farallon ridge was slightly greater over
fined, to allow room for spreading, or the topo- the same time period, allowing the ridge axis to mi-
graphic head must overcome those constraints. Wide- grate slowly eastward towards North America. The
spread compressional features in the western Cor- initial contact of the eastern accreting edge of the
dillera indicate that lithospheric thickening occurred Pacific plate with the western edge of the North
during long-term subduction and reached far inland American plate occurred at 29 Ma just south of the
during the Laramide orogeny, perhaps because of Pioneer fracture zone (Severinghaus and Atwater,
low-angle subduction of the Farallon slab (e.g., 1990). Since then the Pacific plate has moved west
Dickinson and Snyder, 1978; Bird, 1984). Coney and by about 10.2 ~ of longitude, which corresponds to
Harms (1984) reassembled the Tertiary extension of slightly over 900 km at the latitude of 38 ~ N. This
the Basin and Range assuming extension on the or- compares to 8.3 ~ of latitudinal drift during the same
der of 40-60%, and found the pre-extension thick- time period. The segment of the North American
ness to be about 40-60 km, similar to thicknesses edge at the initial contact point has kept pace with
beneath the Colorado Plateau and Rocky Mountains. the rapid west drift of the Pacific plate for the last
Further explanation is required to explain why the 29 m.y. The Pacific-North American plate boundary
over-thickened Basin and Range province lithos- evolved in the last 29 Ma from a short simple con-
phere should have extended so readily while the tact at the subduction interface to the present com'
equally thickened Colorado Plateau and Rocky plex zone, over 2,300 km long, that partly resides
Mountains have not. Coney (1987) and Sonder et al. within the continent and partly includes a small new
(1987) suggested that a softer lithospheric rheology ocean in the Gulf of California (Atwater, 1970;
caused by the ignimbrite event may have stimulated Lonsdale, 1991). Atwater (1970) explained the plate
lithospheric outflow and allowed preferential spread- boundary evolution in the context of the migrating-
ing in the Basin and Range; they further suggested triple-junction paradigm. However, Lonsdale ( 1991)
that this spreading may have been enhanced by de- has convincingly shown that long, extinct ridge seg-
creased compressional stresses applied at the conti- ments and the corresponding fragments of the
nental margin because of slowing Farallon subduc- Farallon plate are still preserved offshore along most
tion. Harry et al. (1993) proposed through finite-el- of the Pacific-North American plate boundary, lim-
ement modeling that the orogenic over-thickening iting the applicability of the migrating triple junc-
may have caused upper mantle weakening that fo- tion hypothesis to the Californian system and indi-
cused extensional strain and re-equilibration of litho- cating that the boundary lengthened primarily
spheric thickness in the Basin and Range province. through a series of plate-capture events. With each
The Basin and Range Province 311

Fig. 7-14. Predicted locations of the coherent Farallon slab shown with the locations and timing of onset of core complex extension
and magmatism. The dashed lines mark the local northward extent of magmatic activity with time after Armstrong and Ward (1991),
and the boxed numbers are approximate time since core-complex initiation (in Ma) as summarized by Axen et al. (1993). The gray
shaded area is the uplifted Colorado Plateau. These tectonic events are part of a broad northwest-younging trend that parallels the
continental margin, and seems related to the change in subduction style.

event, a longer segment of the North American con- of activity in this belt that closely corresponds to
tinent and the corresponding subducted fragment of the northward progression of the Pacific plate con-
the Farallon plate were exposed to the rapid west tact zone between 15 and 30 Ma. It began at approxi-
drift of the Pacific plate. Cordilleran North America mately 30 Ma at precisely the latitude of the initial
expanded westward to fill the burgeoning gap be- contact. The space-time migration of the initiation
tween the rigid Pacific plate and the cratonic inte- of extension follows the position of the northern limit
rior of North America (e.g., Bohannon and Parsons, of the plate contact, and the migration of cessation
submitted, 1994). corresponds well with the northern limit of active
Many researchers have noted an apparent tie be- spreading taking place south of the Farallon frac-
tween the onset of extension in the southern Basin ture zone (Figure 7-14). By 15 Ma the Pacific-North
and Range province and the termination of Farallon American contact zone had lengthened to include
plate subduction beginning at about 30 Ma (e.g., all of the continental edge from the southern bor-
Atwater, 1970; Engebretson et al., 1984; Glazner and derland rift of Crouch and Suppe (1993) to the lati-
Bartley, 1984; Severinghaus and Atwater, 1990; tude of southern Nevada. Most of the extension that
Ward, 1991; Axen et al., 1993). Axen et al. (1993) was active in the Basin and Range province up to 15
and Gans et al. (1989) show a space-time migration Ma was taking place somewhere directly inland of
312 T. Parsons

the contact zone (Axen et al., 1993). By 10 Ma that The typical swell associated with plumes is - 1 - 2
pattern had probably changed somewhat because a km of uplift centered across a region -1000-2000
large amount of regional extension was taking place km in diameter (e.g., Crough, 1983; Sleep, 1990);
in the Great Basin that was north of the inland pro- this uplift is largely the result of isostatic compen-
jection of the Mendocino fracture zone (e.g., sation in the asthenosphere and lithosphere and, to a
Hamilton, 1987; Gans et al., 1989; Wernicke, 1992). lesser extent, a dynamic pressure gradient of flow
The direction of least principal stress (and exten- in the asthenosphere (below the limit of detection at
sional strain) had rotated about 45* by this time to a Hawaii) (Sleep, 1990). The interpreted anatomy of
more east-west direction (Zoback et al., 1981). a mantle plume consists of a starting plume head
generated during its initial ascent through the mantle,
7.6.4 Role of Yellowstone Plume in Basin and Range an active plume tail that continues to flow after the
Extension? starting plume head contacts the lithosphere, and
ponded plume-tail material that collects at the base
During the past 16-17 m.y., the North American
of the lithosphere as the active plume tail continues
plate has moved southwest over the Yellowstone
to flow (e.g., Griffiths and Campbell, 1991). The
plume, leaving the Snake River Plain behind as its
initial contact of the starting plume head with the
track (Morgan, 1972; Armstrong et al., 1975, Pierce
lithosphere heats a broad region, because the plume
and Morgan, 1992). The Yellowstone hot spot
head is much wider than its tail (e.g., Campbell and
emerged with a burst of basaltic volcanism that may
Griffiths, 1990; Duncan and Rich ards, 1991). When
have formed the Columbia Plateau flood basalts to
a hot-spot swell forms in continental lithosphere the
the northwest and the northern Nevada rift to the
uplifted crust may be raised far enough above the
southeast (Zoback and Thompson, 1978). Magmatic
level of midplate compression to be in a state of ex-
activity on the eastern Snake River Plain was ini-
tension, which results in rift formation centered in
tially characterized by pulses of silicic volcanism
the swell (e.g., Crough, 1983). The magnitudes of
(each o f - 2 - to 3-m.y. duration) progressing toward
the generated deviatoric stresses fall short of those
the present Yellowstone caldera. Most of the silicic
necessary to cause complete continental breakup
volcanic rocks decrease in age to the northeast (35
(Hill, 1991). The buoyancy and swell associated with
to 40 mm/yr) as a result of southwestward plate mi-
the starting plume head tend to move with the litho-
gration over the plume (Christiansen and Lipman,
spheric plate (Sleep, 1990; Griffiths and Campbell,
1972; Armstrong et al., 1975). Extensive basaltic
1991). The heat associated with mantle plumes tends
volcanism followed, covering the plain and persist-
to be contained in the mantle near the plume for a
ing through Holocene time (e.g., Luedke and Smith,
considerable time. For example, Davies (1992) con-
1983). Seismic-refraction data indicate that much of
cluded that the thermal anomaly associated with the
the midcrust beneath the plain was replaced by in-
Hawaiian plume has not waned during its 43-m.y.
truded basalt (e.g., Sparlin et al., 1982). The loca-
existence because the swell does not decay mono-
tion of the Yellowstone starting plume head and the
tonically with distance along the volcanic chain as
start of the plume tail is subject to discussion, be-
would be the case in a thermal decline with age. That
cause it may have encountered the subducting Juan
is, the material hotter than the normal mantle adiabat
de Fuca plate during its ascent and part of the plume-
remains ponded below the lithosphere and above
head material could have been spread westward as
normal asthenosphere because of the long time re-
far as the Juan de Fuca ridge by the descending plate
quired for heat applied at the base of the lithosphere
(R. I. Hill et al., 1992).
to conduct to the surface and because secondary con-
While the deep origin of mantle plumes is con-
vection within the thermal boundary created by
troversial, their surface expression is dramatic and
plume material is inefficient.
widely observed. Perhaps the two most ubiquitous
In Section 7.5.3 it was shown that a low-density
manifestations of mantle plumes are voluminous
mantle underlies the northern Basin and Range prov-
volcanism and a broad regional topographic swell.
ince. If the Yellowstone plume behaved like the vast
The Basin and Range Province 313

majority of plumes observed worldwide, then it prob- including the opening of a new ocean basin in the
ably had a starting head consisting of hot, lower den- southern Basin and Range. Basin and Range exten-
sity mantle compared to the surrounding Basin and sion is largely confined to the orogenic crust of the
Range asthenosphere. The emplacement of such a western Cordillera. Tectonism within the Cordillera
low-density mantle anomaly would have caused a probably weakened the lithosphere enough to enable
topographic swell across the northern Basin and the broad extension that has occurred there, in con-
Range which may have in turn contributed to gravi- trast to the more typical pattern of narrow rifting
tational spreading as discussed in Section 7.6.2 and that is observed worldwide. Also contributing to the
may have extended the Basin and Range province atypical breadth and elevation of the extended Ba-
eastward along the plume track (e.g., Anders and sin and Range lithosphere are the time-space vary-
Sleep, 1992; Pierce and Morgan, 1992). The in- ing sources of extensional stresses imposed. A com-
creased thermal input from the flux of basaltic vol- plicated series of events led to the extensional
canism may have also stimulated extension in the stresses, beginning with back-arc extension that oc-
vicinity of the plume by reducing the rheologic curred as isolated core complexes in the Pacific
strength of the lithosphere (e.g., Anders and Sleep, Northwest region during Eocene and early Oligocene
1992). The Yellowstone plume cannot be suggested time. Back-arc extension was probably also the ini-
as the sole cause of the latest phase of Basin and tial style of opening in the southern Basin and Range
Range block faulting between 10-13 Ma, because in Mexico, beginning in middle Oligocene time. In
those structures are active far south into Mexico, well order for a metamorphic core complex to have
out of reach of even a very large plume head. Thus formed, unusual conditions such as an increased ten-
if valid, the plume-head hypothesis may be more dency for lower-crustal rocks to flow beneath them,
directly applicable to the relative topographic dif- or a change in the stress field must have existed.
ference between the northern and southern Basin and Both of those conditions could have been met by
Range. increased magmatism beneath the complexes, and it
may be that subduction-related magmatism localized
back-arc extension to those highly extended terranes
7.7. Summary in the northern Basin and Range during Eocene time.
The Basin and Range province defies generali- Over-thickened lithosphere may have been weak-
ties. There are almost always exceptions to every ened by the orogenic process itself, a flare-up in arc-
broad statement that can be made. For example it related magmatism associated with slowing subduc-
might be safe to suggest that the episodes of exten- tion, or heat transferred from the younger, hotter oce-
sion on low-angle normal faulting are over and that anic lithosphere that was subducted beneath it dur-
all present-day extension occurs on high-angle faults; ing the latest Eocene. Those factors, combined with
but a seismic reflection survey in southeastern Ari- decreased convergence at the subduction margin may
zona may have identified a seismogenic low-angle have allowed the over-thickened Basin and Range
normal fault there (Johnson and Loy, 1992). Thus lithosphere to return to a more normal thickness.
all the following broad statements and conclusions However, the present-day Colorado Plateau is only
must be interpreted with the understanding that con- collapsing very weakly along its outer margins, and
tradictions may be found at a given locality or in a is for the most part a stable piece of lithosphere. Thus
specific study. it would seem that conservation of energy constraints
The entire western third of North America is el- prevent over-thickening alone from driving the Ba-
evated well above sea level regardless of whether it sin and Range lithosphere into the intense extension
was extended or not, apparently the result of long- that has occurred there, unless the lithospheric
term subduction. Extension has widened the zone of mantle beneath it was substantially different from
high elevation, causing minor subsidence in the that of the rest of the western Cordillera. In other
northern Basin and Range, and major subsidence, words, gravitational collapse undoubtedly contrib-
314 T. Parsons

uted to some Basin and Range spreading, but out- sphere beneath the northern Basin and Range prov-
side forces had to act on the lithosphere to stretch it ince, causing its high elevation relative to the south-
beyond the point of stability. ern Basin and Range. The plume may also have made
Such outside forces may have come from the di- some contribution to extension through the result-
vergence between the Pacific and North American ing topographic swell, and may have extended the
plates. Up until 30 Ma the subducting Farallon plate Basin and Range province to the northeast as the
protected the western Cordillera from the relative continent tracked over it.
northwest motion of the Pacific plate. As the Farallon Geologic and geophysical probing of the Basin
plate offshore of North America diminished due to and Range lithosphere indicate a province that is
continued subduction, the Pacific plate converged highly variable at the surface, while being far more
on North America. Asthenosphere windows have uniform at depth. This uniformity may be more ap-
been suggested to have evolved as the remnants of parent than real, however, because of the fact that
the Farallon plate sank into the mantle. There is a the resolution in methods applied to the deeper study
space problem with such models because the west- of the lithosphere is quite low as compared with di-
ward drift of the Pacific plate would have quickly rect examination of the surface. The picture of the
exposed such windows to the surface, since the North lithosphere as it emerges with the present levels of
American plate could never move fast enough to resolution (Fig. 7-15) is a brittle upper-crustal layer
cover the window if it existed at the continental that extends by a variety of modes (e.g., high and
margin. If instead, the Farallon plate was mechani- low-angle faulting, magmatism) overlying a ductile
cally underplated beneath the North American con- lower-crustal layer that accommodates much of the
tinental margin as is suggested by seismic refrac- surface variation in strain by flow that equalizes the
tion studies of the margin (Howie et al., 1993; thickness of the crust to an average 30 km (+ 5 km).
Brocher et al., 1993), then that preserved slab may The ductile lower-crustal layer is augmented by thin
have provided the link between the Pacific and North sheets of magma intruded from the mantle that give
American plates that began to move together after it increased mobility through advected heat. Simi-
contact (e.g., Stock and Molnar, 1988). The post- larly, the crust-mantle boundary is interlayered ma-
30-Ma core complex extension that began in north- fic intrusive rocks and mantle peridotites, and has
ern Mexico and trended northward with the grow- been very hot (granulite facies in the southern Ba-
ing contact between the North American and Pacific sin and Range), though 300 ~ of cooling may have
plates (Fig. 7-14) then took up the divergence be- occurred in the north-central Basin and Range lower
tween the two plates. That extension took place pri- crust. Magmatism accompanied extension, but the
marily in the weak orogenic crust behind the Meso- exact timing and relation to extensional faulting re-
zoic batholiths clustered along the coast, but also mains controversial. The uppermost mantle is a thin
may have occurred in the California Continental high-velocity zone (7.6--8.1 km/s) that is slower than
Borderlands that now lie offshore of southern Cali- the upper mantle beneath the interior continental
fornia. The growing contact between the North craton. Beneath a 20--40 km-thick mantle lid lies a
American and Pacific plates became partially re- low-velocity (7.5-7.7 km/s) zone of mantle astheno-
solved along the San Andreas transform, which is sphere that may range from 40 to 100 km thick. The
not however perfectly aligned to take up all the rela- crustal and upper mantle structures are similar be-
tive motion between the two plates. Thus broad, neath the northern and southern Basin and Range,
small-magnitude extensional deformation in the which implies that the 1 km difference in topographic
Basin and Range province became necessary in or- elevation is at least partly due to a density contrast
der to take up the remaining relative motion, which in the asthenosphere between the two sub-provinces.
may have prompted the latest phase of block fault- The chemistry of magma rising through the north-
ing across the province. Complicating matters fur- ern Basin and Range province is consistent with
ther, the Yellowstone plume emerged during Miocene upwelling asthenosphere there, perhaps because the
time, and may have emplaced low-density astheno-




Fig. 7-15. Interpretive lithospheric cross-section (A-A' on Figure 7-1) of the northern Basin and Range province. The crust of the Basin and Range is thinner (30-
35 km) than the adjacent Sierra Nevada and Colorado Plateau provinces (40-45 km), and the lower crust is highly reflective, possibly a result of ductile deformation
and magmatic intrusions. The lower crustal velocities of the Basin and Range vary from about 6.6 to 7.3 km/s, perhaps because of variable magmatic underplating.
Xenoliths from the crust-mantle boundary indicate that the Moho transition is interlayered magmatic intrusions and mantle peridotites. A thinned (30-50 km thick
compared with 100-140 km thick beneath the Colorado Plateau and Great Valley) high velocity (7.8-8.1 km/s) mantle lid overlies a lower velocity (7.5-7.7 km/s)
316 T. Parsons

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Chapter 8

The Baikal rift system

G. R. Keller, M. H. P. Bott, R. F. Wendlandt, D. I. Doser, and E M o r g a n

8.1. Introduction The Baikal rift system is composed of fifteen in-

dividual topographic depressions which are associ-
8.1.1. Description and Location ated with an approximately 1500-km-long domal
The Baikal rift system (Fig. 8-1), variously de- uplift (Fig. 8-1) referred to as the Sayan-Baikal up-
scribed as being 1800 km (Logatchev, 1984) to 2400 lift by Logatchev and Zorin (1987). The Selenga
km long (Logatchev and Florensov, 1978), is situ- saddle divides this uplift into the Baikal-Stanavad
ated at the boundary between the Siberian Platform uplift in the north and the Sayan/Khamar-Daban
(craton) to the northwest and the Caledonian Sayan- uplift in the south. However, Ufimtsev (1990) and
Baikal fold belt to the southeast (Fig. 8-2). Lake Windley and Allen (1993) show that the Baikal re-
Baikal, which is the world's most voluminous and gion is part of a larger uplifted region, the Mongo-
probably oldest lake, occupies only the central third lian plateau. Windley and Allen (1993) suggest that
of the rift system. This rift system has been the ob- this large uplift and the associated magmatism may
ject of intensive study by Soviet scientists for many due to a mantle plume.
years (e.g., Florensov, 1969), and good geologic The structural grain of the Precambrian and Lower
maps have been published for the area (Yanshin, Paleozoic basement has been a major controlling
1980; Khrehov, 1983). Summary accounts of the influence on the geometry of the Baikal rift system
structure and evolution of this complex rift system (Zamarayev and Ruzhich, 1978). The central por-
are found in the group of papers edited by Logatchev tion of Baikal Rift system is almost entirely located
and Mohr (1978) and in more recent papers by Zorin on the relatively weak and anisotropic basement of
(1981), Logatchev et al. (1983), Logatchev (1984), the Sayan-Baikal fold belt. The northeastern end of
and Logatchev and Zorin (1987,1992). the rift system penetrates the Aldan Shield. The sub-
Since the mid-1980s, a number international co- vertical crustal boundary between the Siberian Plat-
operative field study projects have been initiated form and the fold belt forms an abrupt western
between Baikal specialists of the (Former) Soviet boundary for the central portion of the rift system
Union and Western scientists in order to better ad- and its domal uplift, and in particular runs along the
dress the Baikal system in relation to other major west side of the Lake Baikal depressions.
rift systems. For example, Lipmann et al. (1989) re-
ports a preliminary multidisciplinary comparison of
the Baikal and the Rio Grande rift systems.
326 G.R. K e l l e r et al.

Fig. 8-1. Regional index map showing the major basins and volcanic fields. KD - Khamar-Daban volcanic field, K - Khubsugul

8.2. Significance (Hutchinson et al., 1992, Scholz et al., 1993). The

other depressions are up to 100-200 km long and
Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and 30-40 km wide (Fig. 8-1). Based on multichannel
contains 20% of the world's fresh water. This rift seismic data, the Selenga delta area (Fig. 8-2) pos-
system is particularly important because of its sesses a maximum sediment thickness of over 8 km
intraplate location. It is over 2000 km from the near- (Scholz et al., 1993). About 3000 m of sediment was
est plate boundary but it is the most seismically ac- penetrated in a borehole on the Selenga delta, but
tive continental rift in the world today (Doser, 1991 sediments only as old as Early Oligocene (maybe
a, b). The lithosphere of this rift may also be anoma- Eocene) were penetrated (Logatchev and Zorin,
lously cold (e.g., Ruppel et al., 1993) providing an 1987). The only other documented well control in
end member in opposing contrast to the East Afri- the rift is in the Tunka depression (Figs. 8-1 and 8-
can rift. 3), where lower Miocene sediments were penetrated
at a depth of 2100 m, and in the Barguzin and Chara
8.3. Geological information basins (Logatchev and Zorin, 1992). Bathymetric,
seismic reflection (Hutchinson et al., 1992; Scholz
8.3.1. Basin sructure et al., 1993) and gravity data indicates that the four
basins in Lake Baikal are related to complex half-
The fifteen individual topographic depressions in graben or tilted graben structures with their major
the rift system (Figs. 8-1 and 8-2) are bounded on faults close to the west edge of the lake (Fig. 8-3).
one or both sides by fault scarps. Most of the related Seismic and gravity data indicate a maximum sedi-
basins are half-graben. The deepest basins are prob- ment thickness of only about 4000 m in the North
ably the three main ones found within Lake Baikal Baikal basin suggesting it may be younger than the
The Baikal rift system 327

Fig. 8-2. Index map of the Lake Baikal region. OI - Olkhon Island, AR - Academician Ridge, S N P - Svyatoi Nos Peninsula.
Dashed line is the approximate boundary of the Siberian platform.

basins to the south. The asymmetry of the basins in of the major basins outside the lake. These maps are
the lake is not pronounced and the bounding faults based mostly on gravity inversions and indicate sedi-
are relatively linear (Sherman, 1992; Balla et al., mentary fill generally less than 3 km in thickness.
1991). Olkhon Island, the submarine Academician
ridge, the Ushkanjy Islands, and the Svyatoi Nos 8.3.2. Basin sedimentation
Peninsula (Fig. 8-2) form a complex structural high
which has some of the characteristics of a zone of Studies of the sedimentary history of the Baikal
accommodation (Rosendahl, 1987). However, any region have played an important role in interpreta-
transfer of motion is between faults with the same tions of rift evolution to date. However, the lack of
sense of motion (Hutchinson et al., 1992). A cross- deep drilling data introduces considerable uncertain-
section of the Tunka depression is shown in Figure ties about dating of sedimentary units. A widespread
8-3 for comparison with the basins within the lake. late Cretaceous-Paleogene erosion surface suggests
Logatchev and Zorin (1992) provide structural maps regional uplift of the region prior to the Eocene
328 G.R. Keller et al.

(Florensov, 1969; Logatchev and Florensov, 1978). occurs, perhaps significantly, in the southwestern
Logatchev and Zorin (1984) proposed a two-stage region, where fissure-erupted basalt sheets are
development of the rift in which subdued uplift from interbedded at various levels in the Cenozoic sedi-
about 35 Ma to about 4 Ma resulted in deposition of ment succession of the Tunka basin (Paleocene (?)
fine grained sediments, including coal, in the proto- to Quaternary).
rift basins. During this period, up to 5000 m of sedi- The temporal and spatial distributions of volca-
ment was deposited in the South Baikal basin, but nic activity are summarized in Kiselev et al. (1978).
elsewhere these units probably do not exceed 2000 and Kiselev (1987). The initial volcanism accompa-
rn in thickness. nied the development of the proto-rift basins and was
Rapid uplift from about 4 Ma to present resulted concentrated in the southwest (Sayan/Khamar-
in an abrupt change to deposition of coarse sand- Daban) and central (Vitim) regions of the Baikal rift
stones and conglomerates. A proposed order-of-mag- (Logatchev and Zorin, 1984; Kiselev et al., 1978).
nitude increase in strain rate resulted in brittle de- During Pleistocene-Recent time, volcanic activity
formation (at least of the upper crust) during this was initiated in the extreme northeast Udokan field
stage of evolution, rapid deepening of the proto-rift (Fig. 8-1) and continued sporadically elsewhere in
basins, and rift segmentation. Locally, over 5000 m the rift system. Kiselev et al. (1978) noted that only
of coarse sediment accumulated in the Selenga delta the Tunka depression experienced volcanism over
region during this period. an extended time period, accumulating thicknesses
More explicit information on ages of erosional of 500-600 m of volcanics. In most other regions,
surfaces, the initiation of sedimentation in proto-rift graben development during the rifting stage was
basins, onset of volcanism and faulting, and sedi- characterized by the absence of volcanism.
mentation rates are required to constrain the tectonic
evolution of the Baikal rift system. These deficien- 8.3.4. Compositions of volcanics
cies are discussed more thoroughly at a later point
in the chapter. Compositions of volcanic products range from
tholeiite through transitional to alkaline basalts. On
8.3.3. Distribution of volcanics a volumetric basis, alkali olivine basalts are more
abundant than tholeiites, trachybasalts, trachytes,
The three principal areas of volcanic activity are and basanites (Gerasimovskiy et al., 1980;
the Sayan/Khamar-Daban, Vitim, and Udokan fields Logatchev and Zorin, 1984). Tholeiites are the pre-
(Fig. 8-1). The predominant mildly alkaline volca- dominant basalt type in the Tunka depression (Fig.
nism is mainly found on the uplifted basement of 8-1), although Kiselev et al. (1978) emphasized that
the domal uplifts rather than in the rift depressions, normative tholeiites occur in all the volcanic regions
with the exception of the Tunka depression (Fig. 8- to a limited extent. Transitional and alkali basalts
3) (Logatchev and Florensov, 1978). A slight dis- are found in all the volcanic fields of the Baikal rift
placement of the Vitim and Udokan fields to the system. There is a general tendency for more alka-
southeast of the domal uplift axis is apparent in Fig- line and more evolved magmatic products to occur
ure 8-1. The main phase of volcanism occurred in outside the rift valleys and for the most evolved
Miocene to Pliocene time, but possibly started as magmas (mugearites through trachytes) to be located
early as Paleogene in the Tunka depression (Kiselev in the Udokan field in the northeast region; how-
et al., 1978; Barberi et al., 1982; Kiselev, 1987). ever, Kiselev et al. (1978) claimed that hawaiites
The total volume of volcanic rocks erupted in the (slightly differentiated eruptives) are common
Baikal rift system, 5000-6000 km3, is small for a throughout the region. In summary, the earliest
major rift system, being nearly two orders-of-mag- eruptives were tholeiitic and localized in the south-
nitude less than that of the East African rift system west part of the rift, while more alkaline basalts and
(Baker et al., 1972). The largest volume of volcanic intermediate composition volcanics are generally
products and the longest history of igneous activity younger (but mainly pre-rifting), distally removed

Fig. 8-3. Cross-section of three basins within the Baikal rift zone. Tunka depression after Logatchev and Zorin (1992). Baikal basins after Hutchinson et al. (1992).
330 G.R. K e l l e r et al.

from the rift valleys, and become more evolved to- of Lake Baikal, and the Vitim volcanic field (Ionov
ward the northeast. No temporal-spatial trends are and Jagoutz, 1989) which also occurs off the rift axis
evident for the alkaline and transitional basalts and is underlain by a thick lithosphere section (> 100
(Barberi et al., 1982). km; Zorin et a1.,1989). The geographic distribution
Strongly undersaturated magmas are rare although of these localities enable comparison of different
some basanites, nephelinites, and nepheline-rich mantle regions. Samples from all three locations are
basanites are found in the Dzhida River basin (south- interpreted to represent lithospheric mantle. Spinel
ern Khamar-Daban area), Vitim Plateau, and Udokan peridotite xenoliths from the Tariat depression and
fields (Fig. 8-1). These strongly undersaturated the Vitim volcanic field are characterized by strong,
rocks tend to be young (Quaternary age); Yeskin et long-term depletion (2 Ga) of incompatible elements
al. (1978), however, reported an extrusive melilitite (Stosch et al., 1986) and slight depletion of major
of lower-to-middle Eocene age (52+8 Ma) occurring elements (Pre6 et al., 1986) which are probably re-
on the northwest shore of Ushkanjy Island. Potassic lated to the formation of continental crust. In con-
alkalic magmas occur in small amounts throughout trast, spinel lherzolites from the Bartoy volcanoes
the Baikal region, but particularly in the extreme show evidence of greater thermal variability and iso-
southwestern and northeastern regions (Kostyuk, topic and chemical heterogeneity in the underlying
1983; Kononova et al., 1988; Ionov et al, 1992). lithosphere, which may be attributed to the volca-
These occurrences range in age from Oligocene to noes' close proximity to the Baikal rift and the su-
Holocene, but are mostly Quaternary. ture zone separating the Siberian Platform from the
Sayan-Baikal fold belt (Ionov et al., 1992).
8.3.5. Xenolith studies

Mantle xenoliths are apparently abundant in 8.4. Geophysical surveys and results
Baikal rift-associated volcanics (Kiselev, 1987;
Kiselev and Popov, 1992), but there are few system- 8.4.1. Seismic studies of crustal and mantle struc-
atic studies of their occurrence and provenance. Al- ture
though spinel facies peridotites are most common,
Since the early 1950s, Soviet workers have car-
pyrope garnet megacrysts, eclogites, and lherzolites
ried out an extensive program of wide-angle seis-
occurring in the potassic alkalic magmas mentioned
mic profiling, called Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS),
above (Kostyuk, 1983) suggest pressures and tem- designed to collect data on deep crustal and upper
peratures of origin in excess of 25 kbar and 1300" mantle structure throughout northern Eurasia
C. Further constraints on the depth and temperature (Egorkin and Pavlenkova, 1981; Pavlenkova and
of origin of basalts associated with the Baikal rift
Egorkin, 1983; Egorkin et al. 1987; Ryaboy, 1989;
system are provided by Polyakov et al. (1985). These
Benz et al. 1992; Belousov et al. 1992a, 1992b). The
authors estimated conditions of initial basalt gen-
DSS program is unique and has attracted consider-
esis of 60-80 km depth (garnet perioditite facies),
able interest among Western seismologists because
temperatures of 1200-1300" C, and water contents
about 50 very long profiles have been recorded out
in the source rock of 0.1 wt%. A megacryst assem-
to distances of 2000-4000 km by using both large
blage was estimated to have formed at shallower
chemical and nuclear explosions as sources (Benz,
depths, 45-60 km, and lower temperatures, 900-
et al. 1992). Over the same period, numerous more
1200" C. Details on these studies are sketchy.
regional-scale profiling studies also were done us-
Xenoliths have recently been collected from the
ing more conventional techniques and source-types,
Bartoy volcanoes (Ionov et al., 1992) which are as-
often in coordination with the longer profiles. West-
sociated with the Khamar-Daban region in relatively
ern specialists have long had considerable difficulty
close proximity to the rift (Fig. 8-1), the Tariat de-
in evaluating the DSS program and its scientific con-
pression in Mongolia (Pre6 et al., 1986; Stosch et
clusions mainly because the Soviets often published
al., 1986) which is located about 500 km southwest
just sketchy interpretations-only of crustal and up-
The Baikal rift system 331

Fig. 8-4. Lithospheric scale cross-section across the south Lake Baikal region (after Logatchev and Zorin, 1987).

per mantle structure, omitting details of techniques, Puzyrev (1981) and Egorkin et al. (1984, 1987).
profile coverage and resolutions, and particularly These studies indicate a crustal thickness of 35-40
record-section data. Also, much of the DSS litera- km beneath the Siberian Platform to the northwest
ture tended to be widely scattered in Russian lan- of Lake Baikal and a similar thickness beneath the
guage publications difficult to obtain outside the Sayan Baikal fold belt to the east of Lake Baikal
[Former] Soviet Union. However, beginning in 1990, (Fig. 8-4). A crustal low velocity zone with veloc-
various international agreements with [Former] So- ity differential of 0.2-0.3 km/s has been detected
viet seismological organizations is making DSS data beneath the southeastern shore of Lake Baikal. De-
more generally available for further analysis by in- tails of crustal structure in the regions to the south-
ternational cooperative working groups, in addition west and northeast of Lake Baikal appear to be in-
to creating opportunities for new cooperative field sufficient for assessment of local modifications. A
studies (Benz, et al. 1992; Belousov et al. 1992a, slight overall thickening of the crust to 42-46 km
1992b). appears beneath the rift flanks along Lake Baikal,
Although many significant details of DSS and but a more extreme localized thinning to 34-35 km
regional surveys covering the Baikal region are not occurs beneath central Lake Baikal based on grav-
yet available, Olsen (1983) attempted to compile the ity models of the crust in this region which suggests
extent and principal conclusions of those surveys that local Airy isostatic compensation of the basins.
were published or in progress prior to the mid-1980s. (Logatchev and Zorin, 1987).
DSS studies in the Baikal region were initiated about The uppermost mantle beneath the Baikal depres-
1968 and original descriptions and summaries can sion and a narrow flanking zone of similar width to
be found in Puzyrev et al. (1973, 1978), Krylov et the east of it yields an anomalously low Pn velocity
al. (1974, 1975), Krylov and Mishenkin (1984), of 7.6-7.8 kin/s, with normal Pn of 8.1-8.2 km/s
332 G.R. Keller et al.

beneath the Siberian Platform to west and the Sayan- cates isostatic equilibrium associated with the un-
Baikal fold belt further east (Puzyrev et al., 1978). derlying low density upper mantle, mainly associ-
This zone of anomalously low Pn has been inter- ated with the upbulge of the low density asthenos-
preted as the top of the asthenosphere which rose as phere which has been assumed to have on average
the lithosphere was diapirically thinned at the start an-0.03 g/cm 3 density contrast (Logatchev et al.,
of the later stage of evolution of the Baikal rift sys- 1983).
tem (Zorin and Rogozhina, 1978; Zorin, 1981; Zorin
and Lepina, 1985). An anomalously low velocity 8.4.3. Magnetic anomalies
upper mantle extending to depths of several hundred
kilometers is indicated by teleseismic P wave de- Aeromagnetic measurements have recently be-
lays of about 1.0-1.5 s (Zorin and Rogozhina, 1978; come one of the major publicly available data sets
Rogozhina and Kozhevnikov, 1979; Logatchev et al., for the Baikal region. A map constructed by Donald
1983). This anomalous region is abruptly terminated Adams (1993, personal communication) is shown as
to the northwest beneath the boundary of the Sibe- Figure 8-5. The outline of the Siberian Platform is a
rian Platform, but extends to the southeast beneath particularly striking feature on this map. Aeromag-
the Sayan-Baikal region and generally underlies the netic anomalies over the Baikal rift system
region of domal uplift (Fig. 8--4). The anomalous (Novoselova, 1978) primarily reflect the strike of
upper mantle must extend to 300-400 km depth ac- the Sayan-Baikal basement rocks except over the
cording to Zorin (1981). relatively small areas of Tertiary basalts. The mag-
netic anomalies along the Baikal rift zone are rela-
8.4.2. Gravity anomalies tively low and more subdued than over the adjacent
regions, especially to the east. This is interpreted by
Gravity anomalies have played a major role in Novoselova (1978) as indicating a thinner and
interpretations of the deep structure of the Baikal weaker magnetic layer along the rift zone, reflect-
rift system (e.g., Bulmasov, 1960; Stepanov, 1963; ing the relatively high crustal temperature. The base
Zorin, 1966; Artemjev and Artyushkov, 1971). How- of the magnetic layer is estimated at 18.5 km where
ever, no contour maps have been published except the temperature is about 400* C.
the very regional map of Ruppel et al., (1993) and
published profiles usually do not display precise 8.4.4. Heat flow studies
scales in milligals. Recent studies (e.g., Ruppel et
al., 1992) suggest that at least regional gravity may The general pattern of heat flow, as summarized
soon be available. by Lysak (1978, 1987, 1992), is as follows. A low
Gravity anomalies indicate large local lows (up average value of 38 mW/m 2 characterizes the adja-
to 80 mGal amplitude in southern Lake Baikal) with cent parts of the Siberian Platform. To the east of
steep gradients over the sediment-filled rift troughs Lake Baikal, the heat flow of the Sayan-Baikal zone
and a regional positive attributed to a thinning of is typically about 50 mW/m 2. Heat flow measure-
the crust beneath the deeper parts of Lake Baikal ments in the Lake Baikal depressions are much more
(Artemjev and Artyushkov, 1971; Zorin, 1971). variable 0-475 mW/m 2) and the mean value is prob-
Zorin (1981) and Logatchev and Zorin (1987, 1992) ably about 80 mW/m 2. The greatest variability is in
reported that gravity and seismically determined the south of the lake. Variable heat flow also char-
Moho depths correlate generally with topography acterizes the other rift depressions to southwest and
and that local isostatic compensation is important in northeast of the lake.
the region. Logatchev and Zorin (1992) derived a Lysak (1978), Zorin and Osokina (1984) and
relationship between Moho depth and topography Logatchev and Zorin (1987) have modeled the rise
and constructed a contour map of crustal thickness in the regional heat flow over the Baikal depression
of the Baikal region. On a broader scale, a large scale in terms of a hot lower crustal dike with its top at 15
Bouguer gravity low over the uplifted region indi- km depth and temperature at 800* C. However, the
highly variable heat flow indicates hydrothermal
The Baikal rift system 333

Fig. 8-5. Aeromagnetic anomaly map of the Baikal region. Light areas are highs.

activity (e.g. Shanks and Callender, 1992) with the much higher than beneath the adjacent regions.
possibility of smaller igneous intrusions at shallower Anomalously high temperatures within the crust
depth. It also seems possible that the high average beneath the Baikal depressions are also indicated by
heat flow of Lake Baikal can be explained by this the depressed magnetic anomalies (Novoselova,
activity without need for a wide lower crustal dike- 1978) and by magnetotelluric results (see 8.4.5).
like heat source. Either way, the average crustal tem- Thus the heat flow anomalies associated with the
peratures beneath the rift depressions appear to be Baikal rift system are almost entirely attributable to
334 G.R. K e l l e r et al.

hydrothermal and crustal igneous activity immedi- layer of their respective models is due to hydrother-
ately beneath the rift depressions. This is readily mal activity, and that the deeper layer is due to par-
understandable, since the original upper mantle hot tial melting.
region beneath continental lithosphere of normal
thickness would only marginally increase the geo- 8.4.6.Seismicity, focal mechanisms, and stress field
thermal gradient (say 10%) and the asthenospheric
upwelling beneath the Baikal rift system depressions Knowledge of seismicity is mainly based on about
only occurred 4 Ma ago which would not be long 20 seismological stations established in the 1950s
enough for thermal equilibrium to be established by and on field studies (Golenetsky and Misharina,
thermal conduction in the 30-35 km thick crust. 1978; Golenetsky, 1990). Most of the seismic activ-
ity occurs along the belt of rift depressions. The ad-
8.4.5. Electromagnetic studies jacent region to the southeast has much more sparse
seismicity and the Siberian Platform is virtually
More than 300 magnetotelluric soundings in the aseismic (Golenetsky, 1990). Earthquake epicenters
Baikal rift system and adjacent areas had been per- cluster along elongated belts along the strike of the
formed by 1977, and Berdichesvky et al. (1977) de- system and often occur along known faults with
scribed a comprehensive interpretation which was much weaker activity within the intervening blocks.
based on a subdivision of the observed types of ap- Most of the small earthquakes have foci within the
parent resistivity curves. Their 1D-model interpre- upper crust, but data are insufficient to establish
tation was based on the average effective apparent depth distributions. The magnitude-frequency rela-
resistivity curve for each region. The essential re- tionship is normal and there are no indications of
sult is the existence of a low resistivity (ca. 10 ohm- any spatial or temporal sequences of large earth-
m) layer between 15 and 45 km beneath the Baikal quakes. The largest earthquakes (M>7) occur about
region. The maximum conductance (= conductivity every 150 years.
times thickness), however, lies about 200 km to the Sparse station coverage of the regional seismo-
east of Lake Baikal with values up to 2000 S. graph network has meant that few focal depth deter-
Berdichevsky et al. (1977) offered an alternative minations can be made and that composite focal
model which consisted of two low resistivity layers, depth determinations must often be employed due
the upper layer between depths of 12 and 20 km, the to lack of data for single events. The poor focal depth
deeper layer between 35 and 60 km. This model control makes the quality of many mechanisms
would agree with the seismic model published by doubtful, since inaccurate focal depths can lead to
Puzyrev and Krylov (1977). Regardless of whether the miscalculation of take-off angles needed in fo-
this low resistivity layer is split into two layers or is cal mechanism determinations. In order better to
a single layer beneath the area east of Lake Baikal, determine the changes in focal depth and focal
it signifies an anomalous crust compared to the Si- mechanism across the rift, Doser (1991a, b) deter-
berian platform crust which has normal or only mined the source parameters for pre- and post-1960
slightly decreased resistivity. In a more recent earthquakes with magnitude >5.7 using the body
magnetotelluric study, Popov (1987; 1990; and per- waveform modeling technique of Baker and Doser
sonal communication) inferred a rather similar model (1988). Focal mechanisms obtained from this analy-
from his measurements. Moreover, he argues that sis are shown in Figure 8-6.
the low resistivity layer in the crust deepens from Parfenoy et al. (1987) used gravity, stress field,
12-14 km in the south to 25-30 km in the northeast, and seismic studies to argue that the Olekma River
while a deeper low resistivity layer rises from 110 (Fig. 8-6) represents the easternmost boundary of
to 60-70 km in the northeast. Berdichevsky et al. the Baikal rift. Waveform modeling of three earth-
(1977) and Popov (1987; 1990; and personal com- quakes occurring just west of the Olekma River be-
munication) argued that the upper low resistivity tween 1958 and 1967 indicates normal faulting is
occurring along faults that parallel the edge of the
The Baikal rift system 335

I_60~ 115~ Olekma

9SOE 1957


v 'eL i gsg lg6z
i950 ~ ..l-SO~

Fig. 8-6. Earthquake focal mechanisms. After Doser (1991 a, b). Year of the events studied are shown.

Siberian craton. Earthquake depths ranged from 6 motion along a high angle fault. An attempt was
to 10 km. Analysis of a sequence of earthquakes made to model the waveforms of the largest and last
occurring east of the Olekma River in 1989, how- sub-event with rupture along a low angle (<30 dip)
ever, shows strike-slip faulting, with focal depths as fault, but no suitable mechanism was found. The
great as 30 km. Thus, the source parameters obtained north Baikal earthquake of 1917 (magnitude 6.7),
from body waves support the observation of occurring about 30 km west of the 1957 event, also
Parfenoy et al. (1987) that there is a significant has a large component of strike-slip motion, but oc-
change in stress field and crustal structure east of curred at a greater depth of 16 km. Thirty kilome-
the Olekma River. The deep earthquakes are of par- ters further west, the 1952 Muyakan earthquake oc-
ticular interest and may be evidence for rift migra- curred on a normal fault at a shallow depth of 5 km.
tion (D6verch~re et al., 1991; Doser and Yarwood, Historically the central region of Lake Baikal has
1994). been the site of significant seismicity. In 1862 an
The largest instrumentally recorded earthquake earthquake of about magnitude 7 occurred in the
within the rift (magnitude 7.8) occurred in the east Selenga River delta region, producing 7 to 8 m of
central rift in 1957 (Fig. 8-6). The main surface rup- subsidence of the northern part of the delta, forming
ture trended east-west and showed left-lateral as well Proval Bay. In 1959, the Srednebaikal earthquake
as normal motion. Body waveforms indicate the occurred about 10 km northeast of Proval Bay. Wave-
earthquake was composed of at least three sub-events form modeling of the 1959 event indicates the earth-
with focal depths of about 10 km. The focal mecha- quake occurred along a northeast striking,
nisms of the sub-events are similar to the observed northwestward dipping, normal fault that bounds the
surface rupture, indicating strike-slip and normal southeastern shore of the lake. A 14 km focal depth
336 G.R. Keller et al.

places the earthquake near the top of the low veloc- 8.5. Structure and interpretation.
ity layer mapped along the southeast shore of Lake
Baikal. This suggest top of the low velocity layer There had been no deep seismic reflection stud-
may signify the bottom brittle-ductile transition zone ies in the Baikal rift system before 1992 other than
in this region. relatively shallow penetration studies within the lake
The southwestern portion of the rift system is (Hutchison et al., 1992). However, a large scale,
generally seismically active at the magnitude <5.5 multi-channel, seismic reflection survey was under-
level, with the few earthquakes above this magni- taken on the lake in the fall of 1992, and the initial
tude level occurring prior to 1960. Only the largest results were reported by Scholz et al. (1993). As dis-
event, the 1950 (magnitude 6.7) Mondy earthquake, cussed in the section on seismicity, earthquake
had sufficient data at teleseismic distances for analy- source studies indicate that high-angle normal fault-
sis. Following the earthquake, a series of discontinu- ing with elements of strike slip is predominant in
ous fractures trending northwest was found on a fiver the rift system, and these new data show that the
terrace. Waveform inversions of body wave data give primary border faults of the basins are found along
a strike-slip mechanism and a focal depth of 6 km. the northwestern shore of the lake and generally have
The mechanism is not consistent with the sense of dips >65*. Complex faulting and depositional pat-
motion (southwest side up) observed along the river terns were found to be associated with the Acade-
terrace, suggesting the surface fractures may be sec- mician ridge. This feature is clearly a major base-
ondary. ment high which separates the northern and central
All earthquakes studied occurred on high angle Baikal basins. The high angle faulting suggests mi-
faults (dip > 30~ with all but one event having a nor amounts of extension in agreement with the
dip >50*. This is in agreement with the model of rift model of Artyushkov et al (1990). This would sug-
development proposed by Artyushkov et al. (1990) gest that the estimate of 25 km in the South Baikal
that suggests thinning of the crust was not produced basin (Logatchev and Zorin, 1987; Zorin and
by stretching of the upper crust along low angle Cordell, 1991) may be high. This estimate was how-
faults but rather by thinning of the crystalline crust ever based on crustal thickness values inferred in
beneath the rift. large part from the analysis of topography and grav-
Focal depths within the rift system (west of the ity anomalies.
Olekma River) range from 5 to 16 km. This sug- The extensive DSS work in the region combined
gests the base of the seismogenic zone in the region with gravity studies provides a regional picture of
is at about 15 km. East of the Olekma River there crustal structure that suggests surprisingly short
must be a significant change in crustal properties wave-length variations in crustal thickness beneath
since studies of the 1989 earthquake sequence give Lake Baikal which indicate local isostatic compen-
focal depths of 25 to 30 km for the larger events. sation. Logatchev and Zorin (1992) used gravity and
The majority of earthquakes within the Baikal rift topographic data along with seismic results to con-
system have strikes of 240* to 280* or of 40* to 80 ~ struct a contour map of crustal thickness. Their re-
the general trend of the rift zone and of faults within suits indicate crustal thinning to less than 35 km
it. Within the rift system about 50% of the earth- beneath the lake, some areas of thick (>45 km) crust
quakes exhibit normal faulting (rakes of-60* t o - associated with the flanks, and regional crustal thick-
120"). However, the three largest earthquakes in the nesses of about 40 km. The 1992 work may also ul-
rift system (1917,1950, 1957) were associated with timately give an improved picture of crustal struc-
strike-slip faulting (rakes of-160 ~ to-180" or 0 ~ to ture at Moho depths.
-20*). East of the Olekma River both the strike and The combination of DSS and teleseismic P-wave
rake change, indicating a change in stress field. delay results provide the lithospheric cross-section
shown in Figure 8--4. However, very few of these
data are available for further study. This cross-sec-
tion shows that a very large asymmetrical region of
The Baikal rift system 337

Time (Ma) Events

I Rapid uplift and intensification of rifting

Main period
of volcanism
201 Gradual uplift

301 I Earliest syn-rift sediments

40----, ? Initial volcanism


70 I Development of an erosional surface

Fig. 8-7. Evolution of the Baikal rift zone

anomalous upper mantle underlies the whole Baikal mentation kept pace with subsidence. The greatest
rift system. It is terminated abruptly at the edge of volume of volcanism in the Baikal rift system oc-
the Siberian Platform. Zorin et al. (1989) analyzed curred during this stage, especially during the Oli-
the lithospheric thickness in the Baikal region using gocene to Miocene. The earliest volcanic rocks of
gravity and seismic data. The contour map of litho- possible Paleogene age occur in the region of the
spheric thickness presented by Logatchev and Zorin Tunka depression (Kiselev, 1987).
(1992) shows the rift zone to be associated with a The later stage occurred over about 4 Ma from
lithospheric thicknesses of less than 50 km. early Pliocene to the present, with rapid domal up-
lift at the onset leading to a greatly increased rate of
extension and subsidence. During this time, about
8.6. Tectonic evolution 1000 m of predominantly coarse sandstones and con-
Logatchev and Florensov (1978) and Logatchev glomerates have been deposited in the young rift
and Zorin (1987) described two stages in the evolu- depressions. Volcanism continued but much more
tion of the Baikal rift system. The earlier stage (Oli- subdued than earlier. Hutchinson et al. (1992) iden-
gocene, 30-35 Ma, or earlier, to early Pliocene, 4 tified seismic stratigraphic evidence to suggest that
Ma) involved subdued uplift and the development the later stage of evolution could be subdivided into
of proto-rift depressions, as indicated by the absence two phases.
of coarse sands and gravels in the sediments. Up to The evolution deduced from the sedimentary
5000 m of sediments was deposited in the South record, structure, and volcanism is shown in Figure
Baikal depression during this stage of evolution, but 8-7. Although evidence on timing of rifting is lim-
the proto Lake Baikal remained shallow since sedi- ited, the Baikal rift appears to display an interesting
338 G.R. K e l l e r et al.

progressive lengthening of the system in both direc- sive hypothesis related to plate phenomena other than
tions from the initial south Baikal depressions, which the Indian collision. However, the following features
may have started to form as early as the Paleocene of our present knowledge of the Baikal rift system
(Fig. 8-1). The adjacent northern Baikal and Tunka suggest that active processes were also important in
depressions were next initiated in the Oligocene to the formation of the rift zone: (1) the Baikal rift sys-
early Miocene. The whole system of rift basins has tem developed within continental lithosphere uncon-
continued to extend towards the northeast and south- nected to any plate boundaries; (2) the volcanism
west. The topographic relief and seismicity observed and uplift of the early stage preceded the main rift-
today attests to the fact that this rift zone is still very ing and the most intense volcanism preceded the
active. thinning of the lithosphere; (3) the volcanism mainly
occurred on the uplifted bordering regions and is
8.7. Origin and development notably absent from the rift depressions apart from
the Tunka depression; (4) the region of anomalous
Most Russian earth scientists support an active upper mantle appears to be much larger than could
origin for the Baikal rift system (Logatchev and be produced by lithospheric extension of 10-25 km.
Florensov, 1978; Zorin and Rogozhina, 1978; Zorin, Recent studies in Mongolia (e.g., Zorin et al., 1990;
1981; Logatchev et al., 1983; Artyushkov et al., Ufimtsev, 1990; Khain, 1990; Windley and Allen,
1990). The initial structure to form was the anoma- 1993) have led to the suggestion that the extension
lous upper mantle beneath the continental lithos- which formed the rift is due to mantle plume related
phere. This gave rise to the subsequent volcanic and uplift over a large area (Windley and Allen, 1993)
tectonic development of the Baikal rift system. The or that the rifting may be due to the combination of
earlier stage of evolution occurred before and pos- a plume and the Indian-Asian collision (Khain,
sibly during the thinning of the lithosphere and the 1990). The plume model is consistent with the evi-
later stage followed on from it. The tensile stress dence for an active rifting model but would suggest
system causing the rifting has been attributed to the that the Baikal rift is only part of a larger picture. It
gravitational body forces associated with the will be interesting to see if the plume hypothesis can
asthenospheric upbulge since the early suggestions be tested by future studies.
of Zorin (1971) and Artyushkov (1972). The present (and past?) tensional stress is strongly
An alternative passive hypothesis of origin was oriented in a northwest-southeast direction. The ac-
proposed by Molnar and Tapponnier (1975) and tual stress system which caused the rifting, past and
Tapponnier and Molnar (1979) and is supported by present, may thus be a superposition of a local uni-
Zonenshain and Savostin (1981) and Kiselev and directional horizontal deviatoric tension produced by
Popov (1992). They suggested that the Baikal rift the domal uplifts and the supporting low density
system was initiated as a result of the collision of upper mantle as suggested by Zorin, (1971) and
India and Asia 30 m.y. ago. The crucial difficulty of Artjushkov (1972), and a regional stress system re-
this hypothesis is that the Baikal rift system may lated to plate boundary forces producing a maximum
have started to form much earlier than 30 m.y. ago. horizontal deviatoric tension in the northwest-south-
The drilled sediments of the South Baikal depres- east direction. This regional stress system may be
sion go back to perhaps late Eocene (>38 Ma) and related to subduction at the northwestern margin of
the base of the succession was not reached. The drill the Pacific producing trench suction in a northwest-
hole was about 3000 m deep and the preliminary southeast direction supplemented by compression in
interpretations of the recent seismic reflection re- the orthogonal direction related to the India-Asia
suits would suggest sedimentary thicknesses of on collision. The grain of the Sayan-Baikal basement
the order of 5 km or more in the area. The volcanic and the boundary with the Siberian Platform has
rocks of the Tunka depression may be as old as Pa- defined the detailed geometry of the system of rift
leogene. This does not necessarily rule out a pas- depressions, with extension perpendicular to strike
in the central region of the system but a component
The Baikal rift system 339

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Chapter 9

The Oslo rift

E . - R . N e u m a n n , K. H. Olsen, and W. S. B a l d r i d g e

9.1 Introduction formed between 1800-1550 Ma and considerably

reworked during the Sveconorwegian orogeny be-
The large volumes of magmatic rocks interspersed tween 1200 and 900 Ma (e.g. Berthelsen, 1980;
with Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the Oslo Re- Skjernaa and Pedersen, 1982). It has been proposed
gion were early recognized as an outstanding fea- that the Oslo Rift may be localized along an old
ture relative to the Precambrian terrain on both sides (1750-1500 Ma) suture zone (Berthelsen, 1980).
(e.g. Buch, 1810; Keilhau, 1838). Gradually, it be- However, there are major disagreements about the
came clear that this Paleozoic province was partly accretion history of southwestern Scandinavia, no
bounded by faults and represented a younger se- model is generally accepted (e.g. Berthelsen, 1980;
quence down-faulted relative to the Precambrian Gorbatschev et al., 1987). The Skagerrak Graben and
basement to the east and west (Kjerulf, 1855; its flanks are buried under Mesozoic sedimentary
BrCgger, 1883, 1886). Cloos (1939) finally recog- rocks (Ro et al., 1990a, 1990b).
nized the feature as a graben or rift structure.
We now know that the Oslo Region is only a part
of the Oslo rift which extends SSW from lake Mj~sa 9.2. Significance
to the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone (Fig. 9-1), giving
a total length of about 400 km. The northern part, The Oslo rift is important because it presents a
the Oslo Graben, is exposed on land, whereas the view into the roots of a very magmatic continental
southern part, the Skagerrak Graben, is submerged. rift system. Oftedahl (1952) estimated the present
The term Oslo Region refers strictly to the province level of exposure to be 1-3 km beneath the original
of Paleozoic rocks (about 200 km long and 35 to 65 surface in the northern, and about 3 km in the south-
km wide) within the Oslo Graben (Dons, 1978). The ern part of the Oslo Graben. Where erosion was
Oslo rift itself represents only a minor portion of greatest, volcanic rocks have been stripped away,
the intricate system of rifts and grabens which leaving the underlying intrusive rocks and structures
formed as the result of repeated rifting in the exposed. However, also some surface features (e.g.
Skagerrak - North Sea- Norwegian-Greenland Sea intra-rift sediments) are still exposed. In addition,
and adjacent areas from Carboniferous to Cretaceous the Oslo rift allows the complete evolutionary his-
time (Ziegler, 1978, 1982, 1988). tory of a rift to be studied. The large quantities of
The Precambrian basement east and west of the magmatic rocks also represent an important source
Oslo Graben consists of amphibolite to granulite of information about the chemical character of the
facies granitic gneisses, metagabbros, and upper mantle and lower crust under NW Europe in
metasedimentary rocks, granites and migmatites Permo-Carboniferous time. The Paleozoic province
346 E.-R. Neumann, K.H. Olsen, and W.S. Baldridge



l I
l I


llilll,l Shearzone //
Fault/faultzone / /

8 10 12~

Fig. 9-1. Regional structural map of the Oslo Rift and adjacent areas based on maps by Ramberg et al. (1977), Falkum and Petersen
(1980), Ro et al. (1990b), and Buer (1990). FZ: fracture zone, GS: graben segment. The location of the seismic profile OG-7 is
shown as a dotted line.

made an important impact on geological thinking as matic and metamorphic petrology and mineralogy
early as the beginning of the 19th century (e.g. von (e.g. Bragger, 1890; Goldschmidt, 1911; Barth,
Buch, 1810; Hausmann, 1811-1818; Lyell, 1835), 1945).
and became a classical province for studies in mag-
The Oslo rift 347

Fig. 9-2. Seismic line drawing of profile OG-7 across the Skagerrak Graben (the location is shown in Fig. 9-1). The figure is
reproduced from Ro et al. (1990b) with the permission of the authors.

A considerable number and variety of metallic and gian Academy of Science series: 'Skr. Norske
non-metallic mineral deposits appear to be geneti- Vidensk.-Akad. i Oslo, I. Mat.-naturv. KI.' - includ-
cally related to the rifting processes. Most of these ing "Studies on the igneous rock complex of the Oslo
deposits are small, however, but the native silver Region. I-XXV" (1943-1975). A compilation of
deposits in the Kongsberg area were previously of papers on the Oslo Graben published before 1978
considerable economic importance. Reviews of min- was presented by Dons and Larsen (1978). Revised
eralization connected with the Oslo paleorift are geological maps of the Oslo Graben and adjacent
given by Ihlen and Vokes (1978), Sch~nwandt and areas are being published by the Norwegian Geo-
Petersen (1983), and Ihlen (1986). logical Survey (NGU). Tectonic and structural maps
have been presented by Larsen (1975), Ramberg et
al. (1977), Ramberg and Larsen (1978), and Buer
9.3. Geological information (1990).
The Oslo rift consists of a series of graben seg-
9.3.1. Introduction
ments. There appears to be some change in orienta-
The Oslo Region has been a classical site for geo- tion of the boundary faults from north to south. The
logical, petrological and mineralogical studies for Oslo Graben comprises two asymmetric graben seg-
more than 100 years. The geological data set for the ments bounded by roughly N-S trending faults, the
on-land part of the Oslo rift is therefore very good. Vestfold Graben Segment (GS) to the south, and the
Many of the data and large-scale geological maps of Akershus GS to the north (Fig. 9-1). Age relations
local areas, however, are not easily accessible as they and compositional characteristics of the magmatism
are in Norwegian and are hidden away in old, ob- are well known (Neumann et al., 1992, and refer-
scure publications (including master's theses). Dur- ences therein).
ing the period 1894-1975, a large number of papers
on the Oslo Graben were published in the Norwe-
348 E.-R. Neumann, K.H. Olsen, and W.S. Baldridge

The submerged part of the Oslo rift (the Skagerrak zone took place during the volcanic stage (e.g.
Graben) has recently been mapped by seismic re- Bragger, 1900; StCrmer, 1935; Holtedahl, 1931;
flection profiling (Husebye et al., 1988; Ro et al., Larsen et al., 1978). Laminated siltstones, conglom-
1990a, 1990b). These authors found the Skagerrak erates and breccias dominated by magmatic clasts
Graben to be defined by major, NE-SW trending also occur inside some of the cauldrons (e.g. Larsen,
faults; to the south it turns southeast into the 1978). However, all taken together, the volumes of
Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone. A number of rotated sedimentary rocks deposited in the Oslo Graben dur-
blocks topped by Early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks ing the rifting period are negligible compared to
have been observed within the graben (Fig. 9-2). those of magmatic rocks.
Small half-grabens with probable Early Paleozoic Along the boundary faults in the Skagerrak gra-
sediments outside the Skagerrak Graben suggest that ben, a younger sequence ( <_1 km thick) rests
a relatively wide area was involved in the rifting unconformably on Lower Paleozoic sedimentary
process (e.g. Husebye et al., 1988; Ro et al., 1990a, rocks (Fig. 9-2; Ro et al., 1990b). This sequence
1990b). may represent erosion products derived from the rift
shoulders or elevated parts of the rift floor, but the
9.3.2. Sedimentary record presence of lavas cannot be excluded (Ro et al,
1990b; Ro and Faleide, 1992).
The site of the Permian Oslo rift was essentially
a cratonic basin during early Paleozoic time 9.3.3. Igneous activity
(StCrmer, 1967; Ramberg, 1976; Bockelie, 1978) in
which was deposited a succession of Cambro-Sil- The magmatic history of the Oslo rift has recently
urian marine sediments and late Silurian red beds been reviewed by Neumann et al. (1992). The old-
(Fig. 9-3; BjCrlykke, 1974; Worsley et al., 1983). est known magmatic activity related to the Oslo rift-
The thickness of this sequence increases from about ing event is a series of syenitic sills and doleritic
2500 m in the Oslo Graben to _<4km in the southern dikes dated to 304-294 Ma (Fig. 9-4) (Sundvoll et
part of the Skagerrak Graben (Ro et al., 1990a, al., 1992). The main magmatic period started at 300-
1990b). The entire succession was folded during the 290 Ma with basaltic shield volcanism; these basal-
Caledonide Orogeny and eroded to a peneplain. tic lavas are generally referred to as B1 (Fig. 9-3).
Locally the Cambro-Silurian succession is The B1 lavas range in composition from nephelinite
unconformably overlain by Upper Carboniferous and to quartz tholeiite, and show a northward decrease
Lower Permian sedimentary rocks (the Asker Group) in thickness and alkalinity. The B~ sequence is over-
which underlie Permian lavas (Ramberg and lain by numerous flows of rhomb porphyry (RP)
Spjeldn~es, 1976; Henningsmoen, 1978; Olaussen, lavas (intermediate composition) inter fingering with
1981). Ooides, marine fossils, and strong basalts. Trachytes and ignimbrites are common to-
micritization of fossils found in a conglomerate in wards the top of the lava sequence. The lava se-
the Asker group imply a short, shallow, marine trans- quence reaches a maximum thickness of about 3000
gression, probably of Upper Carboniferous age m (Fig. 9-3) (e.g. Oftedahl, 1952; Ramberg and
(Olaussen, 1981). Sedimentary rocks also occur as Larsen, 1978). The estimated rate of RP extrusions
thin layers between lava flows (< 10 m), or as fill- decrease northwards from about one flow per
ings in fossil depressions. Large volumes of 250,000 years in the southern, to about one flow per
fanglomerates are preserved on some islands along 800,000 years in the central part of the Oslo Graben
the Oslofjorden fault zone in the southeastern part (Sundvoll et al., 1990).
of the Oslo Graben. These deposits, which are mainly The extrusive period culminated with the forma-
made up by lava clasts, imply that lavas once ex- tion of central volcanoes, many of which developed
isted on the eastern flank of the rift, and that large into calderas (Figs. 9-3, 9-4) (e.g. Oftedahl, 1953;
vertical displacement along the Oslofjorden fault Larsen, 1978; Ramberg and Larsen, 1978;
The Oslo rift 349

Fig. 9-3. Simplified geological map of the Oslo Graben, based on maps by Oftedahl (1960), Larsen (1975), Ramberg et al. (1977),
and Buer (1990). The location of the transect (Fig. 9-11) is shown as a dotted line marked IX.

SchCnwandt and Petersen, 1983). The youngest lavas the A k e r s h u s G r a b e n S e g m e n t ( S u n d v o l l et al.,

are dated to 268 M a in the Vestfold, and 243 Ma in 1990).
350 E.-R. Neumann, K.H. Olsen, and W.S. Baldridge

Fig. 9-4. Numbers of age determinations (Rb-Sr ages) plotted against age for the different magmatic stages in the Vestfold and
Akershus Graben Segments (northern and southern part of the Oslo Graben, respectively). Sills: syenitic sills, including one dike in
the Vestfold GS; plateau lavas: B1 basalts and rhomb porphyry lavas; central volcanoes: lavas, central intrusions and ring-dikes
related to central volcanoes and calderas; Intrusive complex: intrusive complexes. Dotted: basaltic lavas and gabbros; hatched:
rhomb porphyry lavas and larvikites; black: syenites and granites. Based on data from Sundvoll and Larsen (1990), and Sundvoll et
al. (1990, 1992). See text for further explanation.

The lava sequence was intruded by a number of Sa~ther, 1962; Nystuen, 1975; Ihlen and Martinsen,
large, semicircular, composite batholiths of interme- 1986). The intrusions are dated to 277-268 Ma in
diate to silicic composition which are now exposed the southern, and 273-241 Ma in the northern part
along the floor of the Oslo Graben (Fig. 9-3) (e.g. of the Oslo Graben (Fig. 9-4) (Rasmussen et al.,
The Oslo rift 351

1988; Sundvoll et al., 1990; Sundvoll and Larsen, fractionation processes which must have left con-
1990). A number of small layered gabbros were siderable volumes of cumulate rocks at depth in the
emplaced at the same time (about 266 Ma) (Neumann crust under the Oslo rift. The densities and seismic
et al., 1985). velocities (Vp) of these cumulate rocks are estimated
Rift-related magmatism extending far onto the to be 2.8-3.5 g/cm 3 and 7.5-8.0 km/s, respectively.
flanks of the main graben system is demonstrated Estimates based on petrological modeling, and the
by large N-S trending RP dikes (about 280-270 Ma) observed volumes of different rock types at the sur-
exposed west and east of the Oslo Graben and along face, suggest that cumulus minerals alone account
the coast east and west of the Skagerrak Graben for a net transfer of at least 2 x 10 '7 kg of magmatic
(Sundvoll and Larsen, 1993), and NW-SE trending material from the mantle into the deep crust. Extru-
dikes (300-260 Ma) along the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist sion temperatures of 1270-1340" C have been esti-
Zone in southernmost Sweden (Klingspor, 1976; mated from whole rock major element compositions
Sundvoll and Larsen, 1993). in basaltic lavas. This implies that the Oslo rift
The only ultramafic xenoliths found so far in the magmatism was not associated with a large tempera-
Oslo rift are olivine clinopyroxenites hosted by a ture anomaly in the underlying upper mantle, but
mildly alkaline basalt within the RP lava sequence rather caused by partial melting in a CO2 + H20-
at Krokskogen (Neumann et al., 1988a). The olivine enriched mantle source region(s).
clinopyroxenite xenoliths represent cumulates The isotopic compositions of the exposed mag-
formed at a temperature of about 1100 ~C and a mini- matic rocks are interpreted as the combined result
mum pressure of 5.5-6 kbar (corresponding to a of interaction between two lithospheric mantle
depth of >16-17 km). The clinopyroxene in these sources and contamination at different depths in the
xenoliths fall on the Vestfold-Krokskogen mixing crust (e.g. Neumann et al., 1988b; Anthony et al.,
trend in Figure 9-5. 1989; Neumann et al., 1990). The earliest, highly
The volcanic rocks cover an area of about 1400 alkaline basalts in the Skien area appear to originate
km 2, their volume is estimated to be about 300 km 3, in a nearly undepleted mantle reservoir with initial
of which about 25% are basaltic lavas, 60% inter- isotopic ratios of eNd: about + 1, and es,: -10 to -15
mediate rhomb porphyries and 14% trachytic and (UM in Fig. 9-5). With time, this nearly undepleted
rhyolitic flows (Ramberg, 1976). The intermediate reservoir appears to have been progressively over-
to silicic intrusive rocks cover about 5100 km 2 of whelmed by melts derived from a mildly depleted
the rift floor (Fig. 9-3) (Barth, 1945; Ramberg, source (MM in Fig. 9-5), giving rise to the mixing
1976). Gravity modeling indicates depths from 3-5 trend defined by the Skien basalts (horizontally
to 10-12 km for the silicic bodies (Ramberg, 1976). hatched in Fig. 9-5). The UM reservoir first appeared
The depths of the larvikite intrusions are uncertain to be restricted to the southern part of the Oslo Gra-
as their densities are similar to those of the Precam- ben, and explained as the possible result of local
brian country-rocks. Although large masses of both mantle metasomatism associated with the Fen
extrusive and intrusive rocks have been removed by carbonatite complex (Anthony et al., 1989). There
erosion, it thus seems clear that felsic to silicic mag- are indications, however, that this source is also
mas dominated the surface and subsurface present under southernmost Sweden, in which case
magmatism of the Oslo Graben. an association with the Fen complex seems highly
The petrology and geochemistry of the magmatic unlikely (Sundvoll and Larsen, 1993).
rocks in the Oslo rift have been discussed in a num- With eNdand es, of about (+4, -10), the MM source
ber of recent papers (Neumann et al., 1986, 1988a, is similar to the PREMA (prevalent mantle) source
1988b; Neumann 1988; Anthony et al., 1989; proposed by WOrner et al. (1986) to represent an end-
Neumann et al., 1990; Sundvoll et al., 1990, 1992; member for continental basalts in general. The MM
Neumann et al., 1992; TrCnnes and Brandon, 1992; source falls on a eNd-time trend for southern Nor-
Neumann, 1993; Sundvoll and Larsen, 1993). The way, indicating that it must represent a source which
petrological and geochemical data imply extensive has existed in the lower lithosphere under southwest-
352 E.-R. Neumann, K.H. Olsen, and W.S. Baldridge

6tNd DM I~ OSLO RIFT B1 basalt, Skien

+4 -MM
IIIIIIIIII 81 basalt, Vestfold

" -I ~// . . . . 9K
Larvik larvikite etc.
Y/~JJJ~,, syenites,granites
B1 Krokskogen
9 t, ont. in the up er
9 ~ P crust.
"UM ;1


t i t I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I i
t I ,L

-30 0 +50 +100 +150 6tSr

Fig. 9-5. Initial 143Nd/144Ndand aTSr/a6Srrelations among Permo-Carboniferous magmatic rocks in the Oslo Graben normalized to
estimated isotopic ratios for an undepleted, primordial mantle of the same age (data from Neumann et al., 1988, 1990b, 1992;
Anthony et al., 1989). The vertically hatched area includes rhomb porphyry lavas and clinopyroxenes in cumulate xenoliths from the
Krokskogen area. DM = depleted MORB source; MM = mildly depleted mantle proposed as lithospheric mantle source of mildly
alkaline to tholeiitic basalts and intermediate rocks (Neumann et al., 1988, 1990b); UM = very mildly depleted mantle proposed as
lithospheric mantle source for the most alkaline lavas in the Skien BI sequence (Anthony et al., 1989). See text for further informa-

ern Scandinavia for several hundred million years 9.4 Geophysical surveys and results
(Mearns, 1986; Mearns et al., 1986). The majority
of the mafic to intermediate rocks in the Oslo rift 9.4.1. Seismic crustal studies (reflection, refraction,
are derived from the MM source, but have suffered teleseismic)
different degrees of contamination during residence Prior to 1980, the land a r e a s of s o u t h e r n
in lower crustal magma chambers (vertically hatched Scandinavia were only sparsely covered by modern,
trend in Fig. 9-5) (Neumann et al., 1988b, 1990, high-resolution, seismic refraction and reflection
1992). Trace element and isotopic compositions of profiles. Since about 1975, large quantities of multi-
the syenitic and granitic rocks indicate that the con- channel seismic reflection data have been collected
tribution of old crustal components is quite low in the North Sea and Skagerrak by oil companies.
(Neumann et al., 1988b; Rasmussen, 1988; Sundvoll Marine profiling technology has recently been used
et al., 1990; Tr~nnes and Brandon, 1992). This im- by several national and international scientific work-
plies formation either by extensive crystal fraction- ing groups for basic tectonic studies of basement,
ation of mantle-derived melts, or partial melting of deep crustal, and uppermost mantle structures in the
Permian gabbros. The high initial Sr isotopic ratios North Sea and Skagerrak (EUGENO-S Working
exhibited by some granitic and syenitic rocks (Fig. Group 1988; Husebye et al. 1988; Ro et al. 1990a,
9-5) are typical of contamination in the upper crust 1990b). Seismic data for the North Sea rifts are
(Neumann et al., 1988b; Tr~nnes and Brandon, treated extensively in Blundell and Gibbs (1990) and
1992). will not be further considered here. Figure 9-6 and
The Oslo rift 353

Table 9-1 give details of the seismic profiles and in which the velocity is 6.6 km/s, a value character-
the permanent seismological observatories in south- istic of 'normal' continental crust; and (3) a 12 km
ern Scandinavia which have provided various types thick high-velocity (7.1 km/s) lower crustal layer
of seismic data for construction of Moho depths (Fig. from 20 km depth (labeled 'Horizon-I' by Tryti and
9-7) and lithospheric thickness maps (Calcagnile, Sellevoll [1977]) to the Moho at about 32 km. The
1982; Kinck et al., 1991). sub-Moho velocity (Pn-velocity) is 8.07 km/s, and
Seismic refraction/wide-angle-reflection data the Moho dips slightly (ca. 1~ to 4 ~ ) to the north,
have been used to model variations in crustal thick- reaching a depth of 35 km northeast of Oslo. Both
ness and structure in the Oslo rift and adjacent parts the Conrad and Horizon-I are relatively flat and hori-
of the Precambrian shield. Principal profiles of Fig- zontal. Amplitude analyses indicate that the high-
ure 9-6 and Table 9-1 relevant to rift structure are: velocity lowermost crustal layer terminates within
B, D, E3, E4, I, K, L, M, N, and O (Sellevoll and 10 to 20 km of the outside limits of the Oslo Re-
Warrick, 1971; KanestrOm and Haugland, 1971; gion, except to the east of the Oslofjorden fault zone
KanestrCm, 1971, 1973, 1977; Tryti and Sellevoll, where it extends possibly 50 km to the east beneath
1977; Bungum et al., 1980; Cassell et al., 1983; Ro the Precambrian rocks. Wide-angle reflections from
et al., 1990a, 1990b; Kinck et al., 1991). The large- the top of Horizon-I show frequency-dependent in-
aperture NORSAR seismic array is centered near terference-like effects, suggesting fine-scale high/
Lake MjOsa at the northern end of the Akershus GS low velocity lamination along the upper surface of
of the Oslo rift (Bungum et al., 1971) [the center the lowermost crustal layer. The relatively high ve-
point of the original, 100-km-diameter, 22-subarray locities and close association with the surface
system is designed as NOA in Fig. 9-6]. Because volcanics strongly supports the interpretation that
land-based and marine-based surveys employed the lowermost crustal layer is a magmatically
somewhat different observational and interpreta- underplated layer and/or zone of magmatic cumu-
tional techniques, and--in this region--were per- lates and residues ('fossil rift cushion') which de-
formed essentially in two separated time periods veloped during the highly magmatic phase of Oslo
between which seismic profiling technology evolved rift evolution. The seismic interpretation is strongly
dramatically, somewhat different aspects of crustal supported by gravity modeling (Section 9.4.2) and
structure tend to be emphasized beneath the land and petrological, geochemical, and isotopic evidence
the marine areas. In evaluating generalizations for (Neumann, 1980; Neumann et al., 1986, 1990; Sec-
the combined Oslo-Skagerrak Graben system, dif- tion 9.5.3).
ferences and limitations in resolution, types and Gundem (1984) analyzed archival NORSAR ar-
depths of emphasized structures, etc., between the ray recordings of 12 quarry and road construction
various data sets should be kept in mind (see also blasts in the Oslo area. Gundem's 'profile lines' (not
discussion in Chapter 3B and Table 3B-l, Table 3B- shown on Fig. 9-6) were essentially large-offset (--
2, this book). 80-100 km), un-reversed, mainly S-to-N profile
The refraction/wide-angle-reflection data of great- segments principally traversing the Akershus GS and
est relevance to crustal structure in the center of the the neighboring Precambrian flank area immediately
Oslo Graben Segment are the profiles of Tryti and to the east. Thus, observed phases were mainly con-
Sellevoll (1977), and the area studies of Gundem fined to post-critical wide-angle reflections from the
(1984) who used NORSAR array recordings to Moho (PmP), the Conrad, and sometimes the Hori-
model ray paths from selected quarry and road con- zon-I discontinuities. Furthermore, clustering of the
struction blasting in the Oslo Region. Three distinct widely offset sources and the NORSAR sub-arrays
layers in the crust were well observed: (1) the upper resulted in reflection turning points in which the
crust from the surface to 15 km depth, in which the crustal reflectors were only illuminated in 'spot-like'
P-wave velocity increases from 5.6 to 6.34 km/s; (2) areas of ~ 5-10 km diameter intermittently along
an intermediate layer from 15 km (interpreted to be several general profile azimuths. Nevertheless, am-
the 'Conrad' discontinuity) to about 20 km depth, plitudes were well calibrated and some useful infor-
354 E..R. Neumann, K.H. Olsen, and W.S. Baldridge

Fig. 9-6. Map showing seismic profiles and seismological observatories (stars) in southern Scandinavia which have been used as
sources for crustal structures and lithospheric thickness estimates. Details of profiles and references are given in Table 9-1.
Seismological observatories: COP = Copenhagen, HFS = Hagfors, KON = Kongsberg, NOA = NORSAR array center and NORESS,
UME = Umefi, UPP = Uppsala. Modified from Kinck et al. (1990).

mation on lateral variations in velocity contrasts of observed in the Precambrian flank (eastern veloc-
major crustal discontinuities and velocity-depth gra- ity-depth model of Fig. 9-10), but both the Conrad
dients were derived. Sharp velocity contrasts at the and the intermediate (Horizon-I) discontinuity are
Moho were observed throughout the study area: 6.7/ somewhat indistinct and appear considerably more
6.8 km/s to 8.1/8.2 km/s in the eastern Precambrian variable in both depth and in sharpness within the
flank, and ~ 7.0 to 7.9/8.1 km/s in the graben. The graben segment and the graben-flank border regions.
Conrad discontinuity near 15 km depth is fairly well
The Oslo rift 355

Seismic Reflection and Refraction Profiles in Southern Scandinavia, shown in Figure 9-6.
Map symbol Name/Area Type References
A Central Graben Refraction Barton and Wood, 1984
(North Sea)
B 1-9,12,13 Skagerrak: Deep reflection Husebye et al., 1988;
RV Mobil Search (16 s twt surveys) Kinck et al., 1990;
Larsson et a1.,1990;
Lie et al., 1990;
Lie and Husebye, 1993
B 1 - 9,12,13 Skagerrak Graben Multichannel Ro et al., 1990a, 1990b
(Oil companies) marine reflection
C More margin Expanding Spread Olafsson, 1988
D CANOBE/S. Norway Refraction Cassell et al., 1983
E 1- E5 EUGENO/S. Denmark, Refraction EUGENO-S Working Group, 1988;
Kattegat, SW Sweden Lund et al., 1987
F 1-F 3 FENNOLORA, Refraction Clowes et al., 1987
F 1-F 3 FENNOLORA Refraction Guggisberg and Berthelsen, 1987
(southern profiles)
G Swedish Lappland Refraction BAth, 1984
H Trondheim-Sundsvall Refraction Vogel and Lund, 1971
I* Oslo-Trondheim Refraction KanestrOm, 1971
J O tta-~sund R efr action Mykkeltveit, 1980
K* Flora-Asnes Refraction Sellevoll & Warrik, 1971
L* Fedje -Grimstad Refraction Sellevoll & Warrik, 1971
M- N Oslo Rift Refraction Tryti and Sellevoll, 1977
O Larvik - Lysekil Refraction Egilson & Husebye, 1991
P 1-P 4 North Sea Deep Profiles Reflection Klemperer, 1988
S Siljan impact structure Reflection Lund et al., 1988;
Juhlin & Pedersen, 1987;
Dahl-Jensen et al., 1987
* These pre-1971 profiles were reinterpreted by Kv~erna (1984) using synthetic seismogram modeling techniques.

Early seismic refraction (Weigel et al., 1970) and Precambrian basement in the flank area east of the
reflection (Aric, 1968) surveys of the deeper parts Skagerrak Graben (Fig. 9-1). The Moho depth in-
of the crust in the Skagerrak in the 1960's were able creases from about 32 km beneath the mouth of the
only to constrain the total crustal thickness between Oslofjorden to a maximum of 47 km near the inter-
29 and 32 km and to suggest the presence of section of profiles E4 and E2 (Figs. 9-6, 9-7). The
intracrustal discontinuities at depths between 12 and thickness of the upper crust (depth to the Conrad
20 km. Concurrent refraction and near-vertical re- velocity discontinuity) increases from 11-12 km in
flection data (EUGENO-S Working Group, 1988) the northern Skagerrak to about 20 km in the south-
provide crustal structure information mainly for the western Sweden ( E U G E N O - S Working Group,
356 E.-R. Neumann, K.H. Olsen, and W.S. Baldridge

Fig. 9-7. Moho depth below sea level, contour interval 2 km. Dotted area: the general outline of the Oslo Rift. Modified from Kinck
et al. (1990).

1988). Closely-spaced (300 m) marine airgun shots Large amounts of marine multichannel seismic
along the northwestern end of profile E4 were re- reflection data have been collected in the North Sea
corded by land-based recorders in Sweden (Lund et and Skagerrak by oil companies, including 1739 km
al., 1987). These records yielded high-resolution of special deep reflection seismic profiles mainly in
profiles which could be jointly analyzed and com- Skagerrak (B 1 through B 13, Fig. 9-6) (Husebye et
pared by both conventional refraction and reflection al., 1988; Ro et al., 1990a, 1990b; Larsson and
stacking techniques. The lower crust beneath the Husebye, 1990; Kinck et al., 1991; Lie and Husebye,
shield is rather reflective but the responsible lower 1993). These data show that the Skagerrak Graben
crustal reflectors appear to be less than about 10 km is bounded by two northeast trending, opposite po-
in lateral extent; the upper crust is comparatively larity faults which appear to become listric with
transparent. The character of the Moho reflections depth. The most prominent structural feature of the
indicates a narrow but finely layered crust-mantle Paleozoic sediments and Precambrian basement sur-
transition zone (Lund et al., 1987). face in the center of the Skagerrak Graben is an ap-
The Oslo rift 357

parent domal feature more or less symmetrical with (Bungum et al., 1980). Spectral ratio results of 34
respect to the graben axis and with the thickest sedi- km for KON, 45 km for HFS and 31 km for COP
ments deposited essentially in two troughs overly- were included in the data-base from which the Moho
ing the hanging walls of the flanking normal faults contours on Figure 9-7 are derived.
(Ro et al., 1990a, 1990b). It has not yet been deter- Large-scale seismic velocity anomalies in the
mined whether the doming of the basement is mainly upper mantle to -600 km depths beneath the Baltic
a structural accommodation zone between two op- Shield have been studied by three-dimensional,
posing half-grabens (Rosendahl, 1987) or may be 'tomographic' modeling/inversion techniques (See
due to a deep magmatic intrusion beneath the gra- Chapter 3.4 and Aki et al., 1977) using both
ben axis. The Mobil Search reflection data give very teleseismic P-wave delays (Husebye and Hovland,
good resolution in the deep crust. These data show a 1982; Husebye et al., 1986), and sub-Moho Pn" and
general high reflectivity in the lower part of the crust S~-wave travel-times (Bannister et al., 1991) ob-
under southeast Norway; the Moho is not a uniformly served at the Fennoscandian seismic observatories.
sharp reflector but usually can be identified by a For Baltic Shield teleseismic studies, resolution con-
marked peak in the density of reflective lamina as a straints of the technique require comparatively large
function of depth (Fig. 9-8) (Larsson and Husebye, 'computational cell' dimensions which are of the
1990; Kinck et al., 1991). However, under the same order as the rift structure itself, and, therefore,
Skagerrak Graben the reflectivity is weak, this makes finer details of lateral velocity variations in the sub-
it difficult to determine the depth to Moho. The crustal lithosphere and the asthenosphere beneath the
Conrad cannot be observed as a first-order disconti- entire Oslo-Skagerrak rift system are poorly re-
nuity (Larsson and Husebye, 1990; Kinck et al., solved. Thus, on this scale, the upper mantle beneath
1991). the Permian-age Oslo-Skagerrak 'thermal event'
does not now appear to be uniquely associated with
9.4.2. Upper mantle structure significant velocity-anomalies down to 600 km
(Husebye et al., 1986). A separate technique of analy-
In addition to providing fixed recording points for sis of long-period Rayleigh-wave dispersion at the
some regional crustal profiling studies (e.g. Cassell Fennoscandian seismic observatories gives good re-
et al., 1983; Gundem, 1984; Vogfjord and Langston, suits for the depth of the lithosphere-asthenosphere
1990), the NORSAR and NORESS arrays with their transition (--110 km) and for shear-wave velocities
unique array-processing capabilities have been used in both the mantle 'lid' and the asthenosphere
to estimate the large-scale structure and physical (Calcagnile, 1982). These Rayleigh dispersion re-
properties of the crust and upper mantle beneath the suits are consistent with those from other shields in
arrays. Spectral-ratio analysis of long-period P- that shear-velocities in the lower lithosphere-
waves (see Chapter 3.4) from earthquakes at asthenospheric depth range are comparatively high,
teleseismic distances was used by Berteussen (1975, indicating relatively low upper mantle temperatures.
1977) to derive a Moho depth of 32-34 km beneath The 1987 Mobil Search multichannel deep seis-
the northern rift which increases to --38 km beneath
mic survey in the Skagerrak employed special long
the shield to the west. Moho depth determinations
recording windows allowing processing of reflec-
by the spectral-ratio method are fairly reliable, but
tion seismic 'events' with up to 40 s two-way-time
Berteussen (1977) found that the technique cannot
(TWT) along one profile. Occasional apparent sub-
be used with confidence to delineate other finer-scale
Moho reflective regions were observed and several
structures of the crust and upper mantle. The
of these show characteristics which suggest they are
teleseismic spectral-ratio method has also been used
true mantle reflections rather than spurious signals
with data from the other Fennoscandian seismic ob-
such as scattering or diffraction associated with large
servatories to estimate Moho depths beneath the
faults in the overlying crust, 'ghost' multiples from
entire shield and the agreement between spectral-
shallower layered structures, etc. (Lie et al., 1990).
ratio and refraction results is generally good
The best candidates for mantle reflections are sev-
358 E.-R. Neumann, K.H. Olsen, and W.S. Baldridge

o 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 lOO 11o



, , - , - --I "-----~---... - -10

_ - .

E 20" .-
- 20

,,,,,,,-. ~ ___.._. _._.. - - - - - _ ~ ~ . = . . . _ ~

I--. 30- " 30
uJ .---
a ..._-.
40- - 40

50 - - 50


60 '"~ i | I , 60

Fig. 9 - 8 . Depth-migrated line drawing of profile O G - 7 (Fig. 9 - 1 ) reproduced from Ro and Faleide (1992) with the permission of
the authors. Reflectivity is weaker in the upper then in the lower crust, some reflectors are also apparent in the uppermost part of the
mantle. Moho is defined by a peak in reflectivity.

eral continuous and nearly horizontal reflections have suggested that the deep Precambrian crustal
between ca. 22 and ca. 29 s TWT (equivalent to ~ areas eastward and westward of the rift system con-
80-110 km in this region~the Moho is at ~ 30 km) stitute two or more distinct structural age provinces.
which are observed in the southwestern portion of Structural age provinces are differentiated on the
profile OG-13 (Fig. 9-8). The individual reflectors basis of their emplacement ages and styles of fold-
have lengths in the 5-20 km range and are vertically ing, faulting and metamorphism. However, while a
separated by about 10 km. Rayleigh-wave disper- few listric thrusts can be traced through the entire
sion analysis indicates the base of the lithosphere in crust (EUGENO-S Working Group, 1988), presently
this region of Scandinavia to be at 110-120 km available seismic data by themselves do not appear
(Calcagnile, 1982), about the same as the deepest adequate to definitively delineate suspected deep
reflectors observed on B-13. Lie et al. (1990) sug- lateral boundaries of these structural/evolutionary
gest that both these deep lithospheric reflections and crustal subdivisions.
the high reflectivity regions commonly observed in
the lower crust may originate in the ductile rheo- 9.4.3. Gravity
logical environments characteristic of both the deep
crust and the lower lithosphere. Analyses of Bouguer gravity anomalies have un-
Where deep seismic reflection data are available, til recently provided the principal geophysical con-
the lower crust is highly reflective and the upper straints on the deep lithospheric structure of the Oslo
crust is relatively transparent. The Permo-Carbonif- paleorift system. Although gravity models are not
erous Oslo-Skagerrak rift system approximately bi- unique and may vary considerably in fine detail, they
sects the Gothian-Grenvillian age (1700--950 Ma) can provide a useful series of solutions to aid tec-
Sveconorwegian province (Berthelsen, 1987) which tonic interpretation. Data from 5300 gravity stations
underwent strong reworking during the covering 8500 km 2 of the Oslo Graben and neigh-
Sveconorwegian orogeny (1200-950 Ma). From boring districts were collected and compiled by
plate tectonic interpretations, Berthelsen (1987) and Smithson (1961, 1963), Ramberg and Smithson
co-workers (EUGENO-S Working Group, 1988) (1971) and Ramberg (1972a, 1972b, 1976). Fifteen
The Oslo rift 359

Fig. 9-9. Simplified Bouguer anomaly map for southem Norway after Ramberg (1976). The gravity profiles consistently define a
wide (120 km), large positive gravity anomaly that generally follows the Oslo graben but extends about 50 km eastwards of the
main graben.
360 E.-R. Neumann, K.H. Olsen, and W.S. Baldridge

gravity profiles perpendicular to the arbitrary "Oslo et al., 1987; 1989). The features of the gravity field
rift axis" are shown on the Southern Norway treated by the present calculations are (1) the broad
Bouguer Anomaly map of Ramberg (1976) (simpli- positive anomaly across the Oslo Graben and adja-
fied here as Fig. 9-9). The gravity profiles consis- cent areas, (2) the >+30 mGal high along the west
tently define a wide (120 km), distinct positive side of the Oslofjord, (3) the gravity minimum over
anomaly that generally follows the Oslo Graben but the Precambrian Ostfold/Bohus granite east of the
extends about 50 km eastward into Precambrian ter- Oslofjord, and (4) the Telemark and Hardanger highs
rain. The positive gravity anomaly continues in a in central and western Norway.
ESE direction along the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone The gravity model (Fig. 9-10) is calculated with
(Ro and Faleide, 1992). a 2 1/2-dimensional, forward-modeling program. A
Ramberg (1972a, 1976) interpreted the positive mean density of 2.75 Mg/m 3 is used for the upper
gravity anomaly to represent the combined effect of crust (above 15-km-depths) throughout. This agrees
a crustal thinning of about 6-10 km along the gra- well with rock density measurements of Precambrian
ben axis and a large body of mafic to ultramafic rocks gneisses and granodiorites of southern Norway
(> 1.3 10 ~6kg) in the deep to intermediate crust un- (Ramberg, 1976). Outside the graben area a lower
der the graben. Besides the mafic rocks exposed at crustal layer of density 2.94 is chosen, which is con-
the surface, the gravity data along our model profile sistent with densities of granulite facies metamor-
(profile IX of Figs. 9-3 and 9-9) suggest at least phic rocks of the lower crust (Ramberg and
one small body of mafic rocks (2.95 Mg/m 3) in the Smithson, 1971). A two-layer crust is assumed here
upper crust under the Oslo Graben. A more detailed for computational convenience only; some NORSAR
interpretation of other localized gravity anomalies seismic data suggest a more complex layering. A
(intrusives, cauldron subsidence, etc.) within the density of 3.30 Mg/m 3 is used for the mantle. These
Oslo igneous province was presented by Ramberg assumed lower-crustal and mantle density contrasts,
(1976). together with the seismically estimated Moho depths
The gravity data were reinterpreted by Wessel and (Kinck et al., 1991), account for nearly all the long-
Husebye (1987) using a "2 1/2-D" type inversion wavelength gravity variations which constitute the
technique with a calculational crustal model consist- regional anomaly in southern Norway. Samples of
ing of a large number of rectangular prisms. Wessel the Ostfold/Bohus granite measure 2.63 Mg/m 3, sig-
and Husebye concluded that the gravity anomaly nificantly lower than surrounding Precambrian
over the Oslo rift is caused by a body concentrated gneiss (Lind, 1967). Measurements of metamorphic
in the intermediate crust (10-20 km depth), with a rocks of the Jotun, Hardanger and Telemark thrust
lateral density contrast of about +0.06 Mg/m 3 with nappes of the Scandinavian Caledonides average
respect to the country rocks. The anomalous body 2.87 Mg/m 3.
extends eastwards well outside the graben area, and The principal feature of our gravity interpretation
its size increases southwards. (shown for Profile IX in Fig. 9-10) is a 90-km-wide
A shortcoming of the Wessel and Husebye (1987) massive body which we place at the base of the
gravity model is that it is based on one particular crustwconsistent with the 12-km-thick high-veloc-
interpretation of the residual of the regional gravity ity layer observed by seismic profiling in the lower-
field. Their conclusions~particularly in regards to most crust (Tryti and Sellevoll, 1977) and petrologi-
derived depth of density anomalies--therefore may cal information (Neumann, 1980, 1988; Neumann
be biased by their a priori assumption of the regional et al., 1986, 1990). While we agree with the +0.06
gravity anomaly because the regional anomaly is Mg/m 3 density contrast of Wessel and Husebye
somewhat dependent on the local crustal structure. (1987), we believe the interpretation shown here (i.e.
We therefore present here a revised model for the location of the massive body in the lower rather than
general large-scale mass distribution that seems more in the middle crust) to be more consistent with other
consistent with all available geological, seismic, data chiefly for three reasons: (1) The Falkum-Orud
gravity, petrological, and aeromagnetic data (Olsen seismic profile of Tryti and Sellevoll (1977) shows
The Oslo rift 361




,_.. 20-


> -20 -

r I -- i I I I I I I I I ,I
180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 540


2.87 2.95 2.63

-\\\\ " II h hx~ . x\\\" II h II\\ .
"' . . . . . ij --" ......I! h . . I1\\
.~ I1\\ . g\\ -,- -r
.. . \\\\" "
-r 1- 1- -r
E 30 4 " 4" 4" "t" 4" " 4" ............... "" ................ 4- 4- 4- 4" 4"

1"9 4O
n 5o
r-'t 6o

Fig. 9-10. Gravity model along Profile IX across Vestfold Graben calculated with a 2 1/2- dimensional, forward-modeling program.
A mean density of 2.75 Mg/m 3 is used for the upper crust (above 15-km-depths) throughout, consistent with density measurements
of Precambrian gneisses and granodiorites of southern Norway (Ramberg, 1976). Outside the graben area a lower crustal layer of
density 2.94 is assumed, which is consistent with densities of granulite facies metamorphic rocks (Ramberg and Smithson, 1971). A
two-layer crust is assumed here for computational convenience only. A density of 3.30 Mg/m 3 is used for the mantle. See text for
further discussion.

a high-velocity layer (7.1 km/s) in the lowermost 9.4.4. Magnetic anomalies

crust beneath the graben and to the east; the regions
of high seismic velocity and high density are thus Aeromagnetic contour quadrangle maps at scales
well correlated. (2) The petrogenetic models for the of 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 are available for most of
Oslo rift favor crystallization in magma-chambers southern Norway from the Geological Survey of
in the lower crust (P > 5.5 kbars). (3) Combined seis- Norway (NGU). Since about 1985, digitally pro-
mic and gravity data from other continental paleorifts cessed magnetic-anomaly maps in color and shaded
also show dense, high-velocity 'pillows' at the base relief formats also have been published. The mag-
of the crust. netic anomaly map of the Oslo rift is characterized
The shallower dense mass is a basaltic intrusion by generally lower intensities and short spatial wave-
which we assume to be at about 10 km-depth. Lastly, length (< 5 km) variations in the Precambrian areas,
the Precambrian Ostfold/Bohus granite is interpreted and by much higher intensities and somewhat
as a floored batholith, consistent with field geologi- smoother spatial variations essentially coincident
cal evidence. with the magmatic outcrops of the Akershus and the
Vestfold Graben Segments. Thus, the Oslo rift igne-
ous rocks with their associated strong magnetic prop-
erties dominate the magnetic anomaly maps just as
their high densities do for the Bouguer gravity data.
362 E.-R. Neumann, K.H. Olsen, and W.S. BaMridge

Marine magnetic surveys in the Skagerrak (Sellevoll in now-stable continental interior regions (includ-
and Aalstad, 1971; Am, 1973) have shown intermit- ing the Oslo rift and New Madrid rift) suggest that
tent areas of high magnetic intensity, particularly the majority of these large shocks may be spatially
south of Kristiansand and offshore south of the associated with deep mafic and ultramafic plutons
Vestfold G S, but the possible association of these developed during paleorifting events. However,
with suspected magmatic intrusions in the crystal- stress-field modeling studies attempting to account
line crust has not been confirmed by other geophysi- for such apparent earthquake-pluton-paleorift asso-
cal or geological data. ciations have been unconvincing and so the hypoth-
esis remains unproven.
9.4.5. Seismicity
9.4.6. Heat flow
Just as for most other types of geophysical data
(heat flow, deep electrical conductivity, and contem- Heat flow measurements from lakes and drill
porary stress fields), seismicity provides informa- holes in Norway give an average of 42.8+8.8 mWm-
tion chiefly on contemporary crustal conditions and 2 (1.02+0.21 HFU), implying a temperature of about
thus may contribute only indirectly to understand- 250-350* C at the Mohorovicic discontinuity. A
ing extinct processes in paleorifts. However, the small positive heat flow anomaly (< 1.26 HFU) ap-
structural remnants of earlier tectonic and magmatic pears to exist in the Oslo Region (Hanel et al., 1974,
episodes are preserved within present lithospheric 1979; GrOnlie et al., 1977). These authors interpret
structures and these older structures may still sig- this anomaly to reflect the presence of rocks with
nificantly influence zones of relative weakness high thermal heat conductivity and/or high heat pro-
(faults, fracture zones) and/or localized regions of duction (enhanced concentrations of U, Th and K).
stress concentration. Thus, earthquake distribution Of course, contemporary heat flow data do not give
patterns sometimes provide useful clues to supple- direct information about Permian rifting processes,
ment interpretation of deeply buried lithospheric but may nevertheless provide some useful clues and
structures. constraints to help interpret the deep structural modi-
The contemporary seismicity of Scandinavia is fications of the crust which have resulted from ex-
typical of intraplate regions, that is, widely scattered tinct rifting and associated magmatic events.
and infrequent, intermediate magnitude earthquakes. 9.4.7. Electrical properties
A synthesis of instrumentally (1955-1987) and mac- Magnetotelluric studies to determine the electri-
roscopically (1880-1963) located earthquakes in cal conductivity structure and possible 'fossil'
Scandinavia covering the past century (Bungum, anomalies of the crust specific to the region of the
1989) shows that earthquakes are most frequent Oslo rift are not yet available. To date, electromag-
along the west coast of Norway. The analysis by netic surveys in Scandinavia mainly have been low-
Bungum (1989) tends to confirm a modest seismic- frequency studies of the Precambrian interior of the
ity concentration along the Oslo rift (and perhaps Baltic Shield which emphasize large-scale electri-
extending into southern Sweden?) that has been sus- cal properties of the lithosphere-asthenosphere tran-
pected for several years (Husebye et al., 1978; sition (Jones, 1982; Hjelt, 1984).
Bungum and Fyen, 1979; Bungum et al., 1986). The
sparse hypocenter and focal mechanism data for
small earthquakes in the Oslo rift seismicity trend 9.5. Structure and interpretation
show no correlation with surface faults or geologi-
9.5.1. Introduction
cal lineaments (Bungum and Fyen, 1979) suggest-
ing little relation to modern plate tectonic or glacial A large number of structural features in the Oslo
rebound forces. Alternatively, some studies (Sykes, Graben and adjacent areas have been identified and
1978; Johnston, 1989; Johnston and Kanter, 1990) mapped by a combination of satellite imagery, aerial
of historic large destructive intraplate earthquakes photographs and surface mapping (Ramberg et al.,
The Oslo rift 363

1977; Ramberg and Larsen, 1978; Buer, 1990). In that the faults were activated before or during the
the Skagerrak Graben, seismic reflection profiles earliest period of volcanism (about 295 Ma) and that
have been used to deduce the main structural fea- recurrent movements continued throughout the pe-
tures. riod of B1 and RP volcanism; the large RP dikes were
The Precambrian basement east and west of the emplaced during the latest part of this period (about
Oslo rift is dominated by a NW-SE and NE-SW 270-280 Ma; Sundvoll and Larsen, 1993). The total
trending pre-rift fracture pattern, N-S trending fea- vertical displacement on the Oslofjorden fault zone
tures are also present but less frequent (Ramberg et is estimated to be about 3 km, no estimates are avail-
al., 1977; Ramberg and Larsen, 1978). The same able for the other faults of this system.
directions are also found in a number of major shear Ring-structures associated with the calderas cut
zones (Fig. 9-1) (e.g. Skjernaa, 1972; Starmer, 1972, the N-S to NNW-SSE trending faults and fractures.
1985; Falkum and Petersen, 1980; Hageskov, 1981). However, the NNW-SSE alignment of groups of
Many of these shear zones have a history of repeated calderas in the southern and central part of the Oslo
deformation, starting in Precambrian, and ending in Region (Fig. 9-3) is clearly governed by major lin-
post-Permian time. ear structures.
Structures belonging to the NE-SW and NW-SE
9.5.2. Near-surface structures systems dissect ring-structures and silicic intrusions.
An integrated stretching model for the Oslo rift
The age relations between the structural elements (Ro and Faleide, 1992) indicate that the Oslo rift
of the Oslo Graben and their significance in the evo- formed in response to stretching of a 100-km-wide
lutionary history of the Oslo rift have been discussed area by a B-factor of 1.4-1.6. According to Ro and
in a series of papers (e.g. Ramberg and Larsen, 1978; Faleide (1992), upper crustal extension by faults
Schou-Jensen and Neumann, 1988; Buer, 1990; accounts for a stretching factor of only 1.1-1.2. The
Sundvoll et al., 1990, 1992). The main conclusions discrepancy between total and fault-related stretch-
are summarized below. ing is assigned to thermal expansion of the lithos-
The oldest structural element in the Oslo Graben phere and uplift, due to a positive temperature
is a series syenitic sills which predate all other mag- anomaly in the asthenosphere. Regional crustal
matic activity in the Oslo Region (Ramberg and stretching has been related to dextral strike-slip
Morgan, 1984; Sundvoll et al, 1992). movement along the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone in
The major structural features in the Oslo Graben Late Paleozoic time (320-300 Ma) (Ro et al., 1990b).
are N-S to NNW-SSE trending normal faults (in- A link between the Skagerrak Graben and the
cluding boundary faults), open extensional fractures Sorgenfrei-Tomquist Zone is supported by structural
of large extent, and dikes (Figs. 9-1, 9-3). NW-SE data (Ro et al., 1990a, 1990b) (Fig. 9-1) and coin-
and NE-SW trending curved and linear faults with ciding magmatic activity in the Oslo rift, and dike
minor normal displacement; tensional fractures and emplacement along the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone
dikes are also present, but much less frequent in southern Sweden (300-260 Ma; Sundvoll and
(Ramberg et al., 1977; Ramberg and Larsen, 1978). Larsen, 1993).
The vertical displacement along most faults is un-
known. An exception is the N-S trending 9.5.3. Deep crust and upper mantle
Oslofjorden boundary fault zone along which south-
ern part a vertical displacement of about 3 km has Combined interpretation of the data from all seis-
been estimated (Oftedahl, 1952; Ramberg, 1976; mic techniques implies moderate crustal thinning
Schou-Jensen and Neumann, 1988). beneath the rift area as compared to adjacent parts
The NNW-SSE to N-S trending faults and dikes of the Fennoscandian Shield, with a southwards in-
are cut by NW-SE and NE-SW trending structures, crease in the degree of thinning (i.e., depth to the
by ring-dikes, and by syenitic to granitic intrusions. Moho decreases southward) along the axial trend of
Evidence cited above (sections 9.3.2 and 9.3.3) show the Oslo-Skagerrak rift system. The crustal model
364 E.-R. Neumann, K.H. Olsen, and W.S. Baldridge

derived by Cassell et al. (1983) [profile D] shows Sellevoll, 1977; Cassell et al., 1983; Gundem, 1984)
thinning from 34 km in the adjacent Precambrian and on the gravity model of Olsen et al. (1987). Bold
Shield to 25-29 km within the northern end of the figures are seismic P-wave velocities in km/s; ve-
rift. The most recent Moho depth mapping, which locity-depth plots for the un-reversed NE-SW
incorporates results from all types of available seis- CANOBE and NORSAR profiles approximately
mic data (Kinck et al., 1991), resolves an irregular perpendicular to the transect are shown projected at
Moho contour with an increase in the crustal thick- the ends of the section. Densities from the gravity
ness from 28-35 km in the rift area, to > 45 km in interpretation (Olsen et al., 1987; 1989) are in Mg/
central and eastern Sweden (Fig. 9-7). This increase m 3. The bottom panel is a 50 km wide geological
in the crustal thickness is accompanied by a general strip map along the transect.
north-northeastwards increase in lithospheric thick- Since the deep levels of the Skagerrak region were
ness from --110 km in northern Denmark to > 170 surveyed by reflection techniques rather than by re-
km near the center of the Fennoscandian Shield in fraction profiles, the velocity-versus-depth profiles
the vicinity of the northern Bothnian Bay region within the crust are not well determined, but the pres-
(Calcagnile, 1982). ence of an intermittent Conrad and a fairly sharp
The combined seismic data also indicate some Moho are indicated. For the central Skagerrak Gra-
differences in shallower crustal structure between ben, there is no obvious indication from the reflec-
the rift area and the adjacent Precambrian Shield. tion surveys of the thick, high-velocity, lowermost
The Precambrian Shield appears to consist of dis- crustal 'rift pillow' which is so clearly observed
tinct upper and lower crustal layers each with small seismically beneath the Oslo Graben. However,
or no internal velocity gradients, a Conrad disconti- marine magnetic surveys and sparse dredging and
nuity at 14-17 km depth (velocity contrast: 0.25- drillhole data suggest that some volcanic and intru-
0.40 km/s), and a marked Moho discontinuity (ve- sive rocks are also associated with the Skagerrak
locity increase from 6.7/6.8 to 8.1/8.2 km/s). Within Graben.
the Oslo section of the rift system, the Conrad dis- The high-velocity lowermost crustal 'rift pillow'
continuity seems to be intermittent and less well observed by seismic profiling is also reflected by
defined, the lowermost crust beneath the Permian other data. Our gravity interpretation (Fig. 9-10)
volcanic areas is characterized by a thick (from ~20- places, at the base of the crust, a 90-km-wide, mas-
km-depth to the Moho at 32 km), massive layer with sive body with a +0.6 Mg/m 3 density contrast to the
relatively high (7.0-7.1 km/s) P-wave velocity, and Precambrian country rocks. There is extensive pet-
the velocity contrast at Moho is < 0.9 km/s. rological and geochemical evidence (Neumann et al.,
Figure 9-11 shows a crustal transect across the 1992, and references therein) that the excess mass
Vestfold Graben Segment of the Oslo rift. Transect in the deep crust represents dense cumulates and
location is shown in Figure 9-2 and is coincident gabbroic rocks formed from mantle-derived magmas
with gravity profile IX of Ramberg (1976). The top in deep crustal magma-chambers. These magmas
panel shows observed Bouguer gravity anomaly and were also the source for a considerable part of the
total magnetic field profiles. The center panel is a voluminous volcanic and plutonic rocks of the Oslo
crustal cross section based on interpretations of seis- igneous province. It seems clear, however, that the
mic refraction profiles (principally Tryti and magmatic rocks exposed at the surface represent only

Fig. 9-11. Crustal transect across the Vestfold Graben Segment of the Oslo rift. Transect location is shown in Figure 10.2 and is
coincident with gravity profile IX of Ramberg (1976). The top panel shows observed Bouguer gravity anomaly and total magnetic
field profiles. The center panel is a crustal cross section based on interpretations of seismic refraction profiles (principally Tryti and
Sellevoll, 1977; Cassell et al., 1983; Gundem, 1984) and on the gravity model of Olsen et al. (1987). Bold figures are seismic P-
wave velocities in kin/s; velocity-depth plots for the unreversed NE-SW CANOBE and NORSAR profiles approximately perpen-
dicular to the transect are shown projected at the ends of the section. Densities from the gravity interpretation (Olsen et al., 1987)
a r e in Mg/m 3. The bottom panel is a 50 km wide geological strip map along the transect.
The Oslo rift 365
366 E.-R. Neumann, K.H. Olsen, and W.S. Baldridge

a moderate proportion of the total mass of mantle- 1: Precursors or proto-rifting stage (>300 Ma).
derived magmas emplaced into the crust during the The Oslo rifting event appears to have started in
Oslo rifting event. Upper Carboniferous time with formation of a de-
The storage of hot mantle-derived magmas in deep pression in which sedimentary rocks and lavas were
crustal magma-chambers also caused modifications deposited (Ramberg and Spjeldna~s, 1976;
of the Precambrian lower crust through contact meta- Henningsmoen, 1978; Olaussen, 1981). This sug-
morphism and anatexis. The silicic magmas which gests that the rifting started with a period of stretch-
gave rise to the large granitic to syenitic batholiths ing and thinning of the crust well before the onset
represent anatectic (crustal) melts or mixing between of volcanism. Contemporaneous sills of intermedi-
mantle-derived and anatectic melts. Intrusions of ate to felsic composition (304-294 Ma) have been
anatectic magmas into the upper crust seem to have interpreted as a paleo-stress indicator which mark a
continued for 10-20 million years after the main stage of compression in the shallow crust prior to
period of emplacement of mantle-derived magmatic optimal extension (Ramberg and Larsen, 1978;
rocks. This suggests that the period of anomalous Ramberg and Morgan, 1984; Sundvoll et al., 1992).
heating of the lithosphere was considerably shorter No geological evidence of doming during the early
(10-20 million years) than the total period of mag- stages of the Oslo rift has been found.
matic activity (Neumann et al., 1992; Sundvoll et 2: Initial rifting stage and basalt volcanism (300-
al., 1992). 295 Ma). The main magmatic period (extrusion of
However, the present day subcrustal lithosphere B1 basaltic rocks) and vertical movement along
and the asthenosphere beneath southern Scandinavia NNW-SSE to N-S trending faults, appears to have
do not appear to have obvious special structures or started about simultaneously in response to ENE-
seismic properties uniquely associated with the WSW to E-W crustal extension. The tectonic activ-
crustal features of the Oslo-Skagerrak rift system. ity associated with the Permo-Carboniferous Oslo
rift involved reactivation of a series of prominent
Precambrian lineaments, this includes some of the
9.6. Tectonic evolution large boundary faults (e.g. Ramberg and Larsen,
The tectonomagmatic evolution of the Oslo rift 1978; Swensson, 1990; Neumann et al., 1992, and
has been discussed in a number of papers (e.g. references therein).
Ramberg, 1976; Ramberg and Larsen, 1978; 3: Main rifting and volcanic stage (295-275 Ma).
Neumann et al., 1986; Wessel and Husebye, 1987; Large vertical displacements continued along major
Sundvoll et al., 1990; Neumann et al., 1992). The NNW-SSE to N-S trending faults. The total verti-
models presented in these papers are based on the cal displacement along the Oslofjorden fault zone
large amounts of data available for the northern, (Fig. 9-3) is estimated to be about 3 km. It is likely
exposed part the rift, the Oslo Graben. Particularly that the Oslo Graben formed at this stage (Ramberg
important are the large number of age determina- and Larsen, 1978; Sundvoll et al., 1990, 1990). Also
tions by Sundvoll and Larsen (1990), Sundvoll et the magmatism continued, but this period is domi-
al. (1990, 1992) and Sundvoll and Larsen (1993). nated by the eruptions of RP lavas; basaltic flows
Information about the stress field has been inferred from this period are relatively rare. During the later
from the orientation and relative ages of different parts of this stage, block faulting within the main
groups of structural elements (Ramberg and Larsen, grabens created increasing topographic contrasts.
1978; Ramberg and Morgan, 1984; Buer, 1990). An The fault blocks are tilted so that the lavas now dip
updated review of the tectonomagmatic evolution of 10-30" (Oftedahl, 1952). The tectonic framework of
the Oslo Graben is presented below. The details of the Oslo rift may, at least partially, be controlled by
the tectonomagmatic evolution of the Skagerrak Precambrian structural elements (Ramberg and
Graben are not yet known. Larsen, 1978; Falkum and Petersen, 1980).
The Oslo rift 367

Fig. 9-12. A schematic model for the magmatic "plumbing system" at an eady stage of the Oslo rifting event, about 300 to 240 Ma.
Lithospheric thinning (indicated by the dotted line) is partly caused by conductive heating and passive transformation of lithosphere
to asthenosphere. No attempt is made to draw this effect to scale. The lithospheric mantle represents the mildly depleted source
MM, whereas the more enriched mantle source under the Skien area, UM, is indicated by hatched areas. Magma chambers are
shown in black (mafic melts) and gray (intermediate to silicic melts); anatexis in the lower crust is indicated by the crosshatched
region. See text for further explanation.

4: Central volcano and composite intrusion stage and Morgan (1984) as reflecting a period of mild
(280-240 Ma). The period of volcanism and termi- compressional stress. Buer (1990) has proposed that
nated with the formation of central volcanoes, many the new directions result from doming along a NNE
of which developed into calderas (Fig. 9-3) to NE axis, that is the rift axis. He associated the
(Ramberg and Larsen, 1978; Sundvoll et al., 1990). doming with thermal expansion caused by emplace-
At the same time the magmatism became dominated ment of large volumes of magma into the upper crust.
by intrusions of monzonitic, and later syenitic and 5: Aftermath stage. There have been suggestions
granitic, batholiths. Also large N-S trending RP that the magmatic activity in the Oslo rift may have
dikes were emplaced inside the graben and on its continued into Triassic time. However, Rb-Sr and
flanks (< 40 m wide) during the early part of this Sm-Nd isochron ages of a large number of dikes,
period (Sundvoll and Larsen, 1993). The total pe- including dikes cross-cutting all other Oslo rift fea-
riod of magmatic activity lasted considerably longer tures, give ages of 305-240 Ma, that is within the
in the northern (Akershus Graben Segment: about magmatic period for the lavas and batholiths
300-240 Ma) than in the southern (Vestfold Graben (Sundvoll and Larsen, 1993). The area thus appear
Segment: about 300-265 Ma) part of the Oslo Gra- to have been unaffected, by the Mesozoic rifting of
ben (Sundvoll et al., 1990). The change in magmatic the North Sea and the North Danish Basin.
style was accompanied by a change in structural ori- 6: Reactivation stage. Only one intra-plate pre-
entations from NNW-SSE, N-S and NNE-SSW, to Permian tectonic or magmatic event may with cer-
NE-SW and NW-SE to W-E. The new directions tainty be assigned to the general area of the Oslo
clearly reflect a change in principal stress directions. rift, that is the formation of the Fen carbonatite com-
The roundish shape of the silicic intrusions which plex near the SW corner of the Oslo Region (Fig. 9-
characterize this stage was interpreted by Ramberg 1), 540 Ma ago (e.g. Bragger, 1921; Andersen and
368 E.-R. Neumann, K.H. Olsen, and W.S. BaMridge

Sundvoll, 1987; Andersen and Taylor, 1988). It has gabbroic rocks formed by fractional crystallization
also been proposed that the Late Precambrian (750 of mantle-derived magmas in deep crustal (Fig. 9-
to 590 Ma) "Sparagmite Basin" north of the Oslo 12). The storage of hot, mafic magmas in the deep
Region may represent a pre-Permian rifting episode crust also caused anatexis of Permian gabbros and,
(e.g. Bjcrlykke, 1983). The "Sparagmite Basin" rep- to a lesser extent, Precambrian country-rocks, and
resents sedimentary deposits in a rifted basin; a few transport of light, syenitic and granitic components
tholeiitic lava flows and mafic dikes reflect associ- to the upper crust, whereas dense residues were left
ated magmatic activity (e.g. Bj~rlykke, 1983; in the deep crust together with the dense cumulates.
Nystuen, 1987). An alternative model, proposed by The mafic magmatism associated with the rift ap-
Nystuen (1987), is that this rift formed 130-230 km pears to have originated in different parts of a het-
NW of its present position, and was thrust into posi- erogeneous upper mantle which, before the rifting
tion during the Caledonian orogeny. Bj~rlykke's event, belonged to the subcontinental lithosphere.
(1983) model (the "Sparagmite Basin" formed in Important unsolved problems in the Oslo rift are
situ) implies that the Oslo rift formed along the same the relative timing of tectonic activity and
general trend as this Late Precambrian rift. magmatism between the exposed Oslo Graben, and
the submerged Skagerrak Graben, and the intensity
of magmatism in the Skagerrak Graben as compared
9.7. Conclusions to the Oslo Graben.
Available data suggest that the Oslo rift formed
in response to a combination of regional stretching Acknowledgments. We acknowledge the useful
caused by dextral strike-slip movements along the interaction with our colleagues in the CREST pro-
Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone and a positive tempera- gram during the preparation of this paper. We are
ture anomaly in the asthenosphere. The earliest mani- also indebted to K. BjCrlykke, J. I. Faleide, A. M.
festation of the Oslo rifting event was the formation Myhre, H. E. Ro, N. Spjeldn~es and B. Sundvoll for
of a shallow depression in late Carboniferous time. enlightening discussions and constructive criticism
Magmatism and graben formation started simulta- of earlier versions of this paper. Much of the data on
neously about 300 million years ago, and lasted for which this paper have been collected through grants
about 60 million years. The main rifting stage lasted from the Norwegian Council for Sciences and Hu-
from about 295-275 Ma and coincide with the most manities (NAVF). Olsen thanks the Norwegian
active period of volcanism. Subsequent erosion has Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
removed the upper 1-3 km of rift related and pre- (NTNF) for a Senior Visiting Scientist Fellowship
rift rocks in the northern, exposed part of the rift, to NORSAR. Olsen and Baldridge acknowledge sup-
whereas in the southern, submerged part of the rift, port from the Los Alamos branch of the Institute of
rift-related deposits are buried under younger sedi- Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) as well
ments. as partial travel support from NSF Grant EAR 86-
Seismic, gravity and geochemical data imply that 17315 to the CREST Project.
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Chapter 10

The Midcontinent rift system, U.S.A.:

A major Proterozoic continental rift
D. J. Allen, L. W. Braile, W. J. Hinze, and J. Mariano

10.1. Introduction et al., 1975). The associated gravity and magnetic

anomalies extend for more than 2000 km and over
Early regional geophysical studies in the central most of their lengths are the most obvious and
stable interior of the U.S.A. (Woollard, 1943; Lyons, sharply-defined features of regional geophysical
1950; Woollard and Joesting, 1964) showed the pres- anomaly maps of North America (Plates 10-1 and
ence of an intense, curvilinear gravity anomaly ex- 10-2).
tending from Kansas into Lake Superior (Plate 10- Several lines of evidence have led to general ac-
1). Except in the Lake Superior region, the surface ceptance of a rift origin for the geophysical anomaly.
rocks of this region are relatively fiat-lying Phan- First, a great volume of mantle-derived magma was
erozoic sedimentary strata that provide no clue to extruded and intruded within a relatively short time
the origin of the anomaly. This anomaly has come interval spanning a few tens of millions of years.
to be known as the 'midcontinent gravity high' or, The magmas were emplaced into and adjacent to a
more appropriately, the 'midcontinent geophysical series of structural troughs related in part to normal
anomaly', for it is both an intense gravity and mag- faulting. Normal faults are not directly observable,
netic anomaly (Plate 10-2; King and Zietz, 1971). however, because some have been modified by late
Investigations by Thiel (1956) showed that this fea- stage reverse movement, whereas others may be
ture extends into an area of exposed mafic volcanic deeply buried beneath the rift fill. Second, the MCR
and clastic sedimentary rocks of the Middle Prot- discordantly transects the structural patterns of older
erozoic Keweenawan sequence in the Lake Supe- basement geological provinces (Fig. 10-1). There
rior region, thereby providing an explanation for the are notable exceptions, however, where the rift pat-
anomaly. Subsequently, geological and geophysical tern was deflected by pre-existing zones of weak-
studies in the mid-1960's in the Lake Superior re- ness. Third, the pre-rift crust has been thinned to
gion (e.g., Smith et al., 1966; White, 1972; Ocola less than one-third of its original thickness. The
and Meyer, 1973) supported existing evidence that present crust, however, is generally thicker along the
suggested a possible rift origin for the Keweenawan axis of the rift (up to 55 km in the Lake Superior
rock package. This led Wold and Hinze (1982) to region) due to the great thickness (up to 30 km) of
apply the genetic/location name of the Midcontinent the rift-rock package and underplating of the crust.
Rift system (MCR) to the source of the anomaly. The Fourth, mafic dikes of Keweenawan age strike
MCR can be traced (Fig. 10-1) from Kansas into roughly parallel to the axis of the rift, testifying to
western Lake Superior, through the eastern portion the presence of tensional forces at the time of gen-
of the Lake (Hinze et al., 1966), and beneath the eration of the MCR.
Michigan basin into southeastern Michigan (Hinze
376 Dd. Allen, L.W. Braile, W.J. Hinze, and J. Mariano

Fig. 10-1. Basement provinces of the midcontinent of North America (modified from Van Schmus et al., 1987) showing the position
of the Midcontinent Rift system (after Hinze and Kelly, 1988). Filled circles are the locations of deep drill holes in the MCR that
have penetrated through the late-stage clastic sedimentary strata of the MCR and/or into the igneous rocks of the rift.

Numerous journal and monograph articles have (Hinze et al., in press), we also report significant
been written on specific geographic segments or new information concerning the structure and evo-
geologic aspects of the MCR. Only a few, however, lution of this "world-class" rift.
have attempted to present a comprehensive view of
the entire rift (Halls, 1978; Green, 1983; Van Schmus
and Hinze, 1985; Dickas, 1986a; Hinze et al., in 10.2. Geologic framework
press). In this paper we present a brief review of our The rocks of the MCR in the Lake Superior re-
current understanding of the structure of the MCR gion constitute the 1.1 Ga Keweenawan Supergroup
as revealed by geophysical investigations. Although (Morey and Van Schmus, 1988). They are divided
much of this paper is derived from an earlier paper into two major suites: a lower, predominantly vol-
canic sequence and an upper, overlying clastic sedi-
The Midcontinent rift system, U.S.A.: A major Proterozoic continental rift 377

Fig. 10-2. Generalized basement geology of the Lake Superior basin (modified from Paces and Miller, 1993).

mentary package. Drillhole data (Fig. 10-1) and although some extension might have occurred prior
geophysical interpretations indicate that the rock to the onset of volcanism. The igneous sequence at-
sequence observed in the Lake Superior region is in tains its maximum thickness along the Lake Supe-
general duplicated along the limbs of the rift extend- rior syncline (Fig. 10-2).
ing southwest into Kansas and southeast across the Volcanism was preceded, at least locally, by early
Southern Peninsula of Michigan (Dickas, 1986a). sedimentation. In the western Lake Superior region,
Recent seismic reflection studies (e.g., Behrendt et for example, a thin basal clastic sedimentary unit
al., 1988) show total maximum thicknesses of the lies beneath the earliest volcanic rocks. These clas-
order of 30 km in the Lake Superior region, whereas tic strata are relatively thin (~100 m) and consist
15 km thicknesses are common in the limbs of the mainly of quartzose sandstones with minor basal
rift (e.g., Fox, 1988; Chandler et al., 1989; Woelk conglomerates (Ojakangas and Morey, 1982).
and Hinze, 1991). The present edges of both the The volcanic flows are bimodal, ranging from
volcanic and sedimentary units are erosional, indi- picrite to rhyolite, although most of the rocks are
cating that the original extents of these rocks were basaltic. Rhyolites occur primarily as ignimbrites
greater than they are today. and also as low lava domes and widespread lavas
(Green and Fitz, 1993). The high-alumina olivine
10.2.1. Lower igneous sequence tholeiites, which have the most primitive composi-
tions, occur near the tops of the volcanic cycles in
The igneous sequence consists mainly of volca- the Lake Superior region (Brannon, 1984; Green,
nic flows with lesser amounts of clastic sedimen- 1987; Paces and Bell, 1989; Klewin and Shirey,
tary strata and plutonic rocks. The lavas were ex- 1992). The petrology and geochemistry of the vol-
truded contemporaneously with the rifting event,
378 D J. Allen, L.W. Braile, WJ. Hinze, and J. Mariano

canic flows have been reviewed in several recent Recent studies of isotopic systematics of the rift's
publications (Green, 1982, 1983, 1987; Van Schmus volcanic rocks (Brannon, 1984; Dosso, 1984;
and Hinze, 1985; Klewin and Shirey, 1992). Klewin, 1989; Paces and Bell, 1989; Nicholson and
Individual flows show great continuity both along Shirey, 1990; Klewin and Shirey, 1992; Van Schmus,
strike in outcrop and also across the basins as inter- 1992) have provided important information concern-
preted from seismic reflection sections. Many flows ing the source of the rift's magmas. The consensus
can be traced for distances exceeding 100 km. Mea- among current workers, based on both geochemical
sured thicknesses vary from a few meters to over and physical evidence, is that magmas were derived
100 m (Green, 1989). Seismic data show reflections from both lithospheric and mantle plume sources
extending from surface exposures of volcanic rock (e.g., Berg and Klewin, 1988; Klewin and Berg,
to depths of 15 to 20 km (Hinze et al., 1990), testi- 1991; Klewin and Shirey, 1992; Paces and Bell,
fying to the reflective nature of the volcanic sec- 1989; Hutchinson et al., 1990; Nicholson and Shirey,
tion. 1990; Cannon, 1992; Klewin and Shirey, 1992; Van
The volcanic flows are interbedded with red Schmus, 1992). The early magmas may have been
interflow clastic sedimentary rocks that range from derived from partial melting of the resident lithos-
muds to gravels (Merk and Jirsa, 1982; Wallace, phere due to the heat provided by a rising mantle
1981). These strata represent a small proportion plume, whereas the later magmas were most likely
(<5%) of the volcanic sequence (Wallace, 1981) and derived from partial melting of the plume head.
were derived primarily from the rift's volcanic rocks. Magmas derived fromthe undepleted plume head
Seismic impedance contrasts between the volcanic have e values near zero (Fig. 10-3), whereas mag-
and interflow sedimentary rocks may be responsible mas derived from lithospheric sources, such as the
for the strong reflections associated with the volca- Type II rhyolites of Nicholson and Shirey (1990),
nic sequence. However, variations in velocity and have negative e values (Fig. 10-3).
density within the volcanic rocks could produce the
observed seismic reflections (Halls, 1969; Lippus, 10.2.2. Upper sedimentary sequence
1988; Allen and Chandler, 1993).
The volcanic strata are locally intruded by plu- As volcanism in the rift waned, sedimentary strata
tonic rocks (Weiblen, 1982), although such intru- were deposited in a developing basin over the rift
sions represent a volumetrically minor proportion and in flanking basins. This sedimentary sequence
of the igneous sequence in the upper crust. These is thickest along the Lake Superior syncline (Fig.
rocks occur as layered intrusions, sills, dikes, and 10-2) and consists mainly of clastic sedimentary
isolated alkaline complexes. The layered intrusions, strata that were derived from surrounding pre-
such as the Duluth Complex (Weiblen and Morey, Keweenawan rocks and syn-rift igneous rocks. The
1980), are predominantly gabbroic with lesser gra- clastic rocks increase in both textural and composi-
nitic components. Keweenawan mafic sills and dikes tional maturity upsection, from the relatively imma-
occur throughout the Lake Superior region, but are ture Oronto Group and lithostratigraphic equivalents
concentrated in the Lake Nipigon area north of Lake (e.g., Solor Church Formation (Morey, 1977) of
Superior. Alkaline intrusions, such as the Coldwell Minnesota) to the relatively mature Bayfield Group
Complex (Heaman and Machado, 1992), are smaller and lithostratigraphic equivalents (e.g., Jacobsville
in volume than the Duluth Complex and display no Sandstone of Michigan, Fond du Lac and Hinckley
intrusive relations to other rift rocks. Additional plu- Sandstones of Minnesota).
tonic rocks may intrude the lower crust beneath the The Oronto Group includes the Copper Harbor
MCR. Such intrusions have been inferred on the Conglomerate, the Nonesuch Shale, and the Freda
basis of seismic and gravity data, although the vol- Sandstone (Daniels, 1982; Suszek, 1991). The Cop-
ume of these rocks is not well known. per Harbor Conglomerate is composed of conglom-
erates and sandstones made up largely of volcanic
detritus. In addition, occasional thin basalt flows
The Midcontinent rift system, U.S.A.: A major Proterozoic continental rift 379



Z 5-

Archean and Proterozoic


Rhyolites"i,I~ III,,
Continental Crust

-20 -15 -10 -5
4 +5 +10
Primitive mantle
(Bulk earth)

ENd(1095 Ma)

Fig. 10-3. Sm-Nd isotopic data for the Portage Lake Volcanics, Michigan. The e values of potential source regions are indicated.
(Data are from Paces and Bell, 1989. and Nicholson and Shirey, 1990.)

have been encountered in this unit in the Lake Su- contact between this group and earlier rift-rocks does
perior basin and in correlative units along the limbs not crop out, although seismic reflection studies in
of the rift in southern Michigan (McCallister et al., Lake Superior (Cannon et al., 1989) suggest an an-
1978) and in Kansas (Berendsen et al., 1988). The gular unconformity.
Nonesuch Shale, which lies conformably above the Lithostratigraphic equivalents of the Oronto and
Copper Harbor Conglomerate, has traditionally been Bayfield Groups are presumably present along the
interpreted as lacustrine, although recent studies now limbs of the rift outside of the Lake Superior region
suggest that it was deposited at least in part in a (e.g., Fowler and Kuenzi, 1978; Dickas, 1986a;
marine embayment (Hieshima and Pratt, 1991; Pratt Berendsen et al., 1988; Witzke, 1990). Stratigraphic
et al., 1991). The upper formation of the Oronto correlation has been tenuous, however, due to the
Group is the Freda Sandstone, composed primarily lack of time markers in the units and limited paleo-
of red-to-buff fluvial sandstones that are more ma- magnetic measurements.
ture than the sandstones lower in the group.
The Bayfield Group consists largely of fluvial 10.2.3. Structural elements
sandstones that increase upward in textural and min-
eralogical maturity (Kalliokoski, 1982; Morey and The fundamental structure of the MCR in the Lake
Ojakangas, 1982). The rocks of this group are be- Superior region - - an asymmetric basin containing
lieved to have been deposited in broad sag basins a thick section of mafic volcanic rocks overlain by a
encompassing both the rift basin and adjacent areas thick sedimentary sequence - - was established a
floored by pre-Keweenawan basement rocks. The century ago by geologists interested in the copper-
380 D.J. Allen, L.W. Braile, W.J. Hinze, and J. Mariano

bearing Keweenawan rocks (e.g., Irving, 1883). We the Lake Superior region have limitations because
now recognize that this basin reaches a depth of-30 they represent the upper or marginal rocks of the
km, with roughly 20 km of mafic volcanic flows rift.
overlain by 10 km of Keweenawan sedimentary
strata. The pre-rift crust has been thinned to less than 10.3.1. Gravity and magnetic surveys
one-third of its original thickness during the rifting
event. The present crust, however, is thickened along Gravity and magnetic surveys played an impor-
the rift (to in excess of 55 km) due to the massive tant role in the early definition and study of the MCR
addition of the igneous and sedimentary rocks. (Woollard, 1943; Thiel, 1956; Lyons, 1959, 1970;
Uplift has occurred along the -2000 km length of Craddock et al., 1963; Hinze, 1963; Hinze et al.,
the MCR. Early workers (e.g., Van Hise and Leith, 1966, 1975, 1982; White, 1966; King and Zietz,
1911) discovered significant reverse movement at 1971; Oray et al., 1973; Halls, 1978; McSwiggen et
the base of the Portage Lake Volcanic sequence in al., 1987) because these methods readily detect the
the Northern Peninsula of Michigan (Fig. 10-2). This physical property contrasts among the igneous and
thrusting along the Keweenaw Fault was in part con- sedimentary rocks of the rift and the surrounding
current (Kalliokoski, 1989) with the deposition of country rocks. For example, strong density contrasts
the Bayfield Group and continued after the sedimen- exist among the country rock (2.70-2.75 Mg/m3),
tation ended. Similar uplift along reverse faults is volcanic and plutonic rocks (2.90-2.95 Mg/m3),
evident from Kansas (Woelk and Hinze, 1991) to Oronto Group (2.65-2.70 Mg/m3), and Bayfield
Lake Superior to the northern part of Michigan's Group (2.35-2.45 Mg/m3). As a result, intense grav-
Southern Peninsula (Fox, 1988). Many of these faults ity anomalies, both positive and negative, are asso-
are interpreted as reactivated normal faults and have ciated with the rift (Plate 10-1). In Minnesota the
5 km or more of stratigraphic displacement (Chan- central positive gravity anomaly attains values as
dler et al., 1989; Cannon et al., 1989; Hinze et al., much as 100 mGal above background level. In Iowa
1990). Other indications of vertical movement in- marginal, paralleling gravity minima on both sides
clude anticlines within the rift-rock package (e.g., of the maximum have values more than 80 mGal
Fox, 1988; Allen et al., 1993; Mariano and Hinze, below the regional level. These intense gravity
1994a) and drag folding along reverse faults (Dickas, anomalies are the principal method for delineating
1992; Mariano and Hinze, 1994a). the extent of the rift. The location of the rift as de-
Several relatively minor cross-faults have been fined by its gravity anomaly has been corroborated
recognized along the MCR (e.g., Davidson, 1982; by deep drill holes (Fig. 10-1) in the Southern Pen-
Mariano and Hinze, 1994a; Manson and Halls, insula of Michigan (Sleep and Sloss, 1978), Wis-
1992). These faults have relatively small displace- consin (Dickas, 1992), Minnesota (Morey, 1977;
ments, do not transect the entire rift, and are prob- Allen and Chandler, 1993), Iowa (Anderson, 1990a),
ably late stage features. and Kansas (Berendsen et al., 1988) that have pen-
etrated through the overlying Phanerozic formations
into the MCR.
10.3. Geophysical surveys The related magnetic anomaly of the rift is more
complex and less consistent over the interpreted
Geophysical surveys of the MCR, as is the case length of the MCR (Plate 10-2). Problems in trac-
with many other paleorifts, have played a major role ing the rift by means of the magnetic anomaly are
in defining and determining its nature (Hinze et al., the result of complicated magnetizations of the vol-
1992). Outcrops of the rift rocks are limited, and only canic rocks. The remanent magnetization component
a few, widely and poorly-distributed deep drill holes of the volcanic rocks is of significantly greater mag-
penetrate into the rift through the overlying sedimen- nitude than the induced magnetization component
tary strata (Fig. 10-1). Even the rock exposures in and is either normally or reversely polarized in a
different direction from the induced magnetization.
The Midcontinent rift system, U.S.A.: A major Proterozoic continental rift 381

Furthermore, the volcanic sequence is deformed, 6.63 to 6.90 km/s) beneath the volcanic rocks, and a
thereby rotating the remanent vector and complicat- crustal thickness in excess of 50 km. A rift origin
ing the magnitude and direction of the total magne- for the structure was strongly suggested, but cau-
tization. tion in acceptance of the rift hypothesis was ex-
Early modeling (e.g., Thiel, 1956; King and Zietz, pressed due to the lack of clear surface evidence for
1971) ascribed the complex magnetic anomaly sig- grabens and associated normal faults (White, 1966).
nature and the positive and negative gravity anoma- Furthermore, it was at this time that the continuity
lies to upper crustal density and magnetization con- of the structure as a series of segments from Kansas
trasts related to the rift-rock package. The central to Lake S uperior and across the Michigan basin was
positive gravity and magnetic anomalies were inter- established (Hinze et al., 1966, 1975; King and Zietz,
preted as an uplifted block of mafic volcanic rocks, 1971; Oray et al., 1973). Continued crustal seismic
whereas the flanking anomaly minima were inter- studies (Cohen and Meyer, 1966; Ocola and Meyer,
preted as originating from low-density, low-magne- 1973; Halls, 1982; Luetgert and Meyer, 1982; Wold
tization sedimentary strata related to a late-stage sag et al., 1982) revealed more information on the re-
basin. More recently, models of these anomalies have gional structure of the Lake Superior basin and sug-
included mafic intrusions beneath the volcanic rocks gested a similar crustal structure in the western limb
and a thickened crust. The mafic intrusions lead to a of the rift extending from Lake Superior to Kansas.
positive gravity effect along the rift axis, adding to Seismic reflection studies of the rift ushered in a
the anomaly produced by the volcanic units, whereas new era of understanding the nature of the MCR.
the thickened crust produces a broad gravity mini- COCORP deep seismic profiling across the rift be-
mum which complicates the interpretation of the neath the Michigan basin and in northeastern Kan-
negative anomalies associated with the bordering sas revealed the presence of fault-bounded basins
late-stage sag basins. of mafic volcanic rocks overlain by thick upper sedi-
Gravity and magnetic coverage over the MCR is mentary rock units (Brown et al., 1982; Serpa et al.,
adequate for regional interpretations. Gridded data 1984; Zhu and Brown, 1986; Woelk and Hinze,
sets are publicly available for both gravity anomaly 1991). Increasing interest in the MCR as a frontier
(4 km grid) and total magnetic intensity anomaly (2 petroleum province, because of the presence of hy-
km grid) data. Of particular importance are recent drocarbons in the Oronto Group, led to a number of
high-resolution aeromagnetic surveys of Lake Su- seismic profiles by geophysical contractors. These
perior (Teskey et al., 1991) and Minnesota (Chan- profiles, with two-way-time (TWT) of 5 s or more,
dler, 1991). In Minnesota the high-resolution data were collected over the western limb and Lake Su-
permit detailed mapping of lithologic units within perior segments of the rift. In general, the quality of
the Keweenawan volcanic sequence and their struc- these data are excellent; thus, those sections made
tural disturbances (Allen and Chandler, 1992, 1993). available to the scientific community have been ex-
tremely useful for mapping the finer structures of
10.3.2. Seismic surveys the MCR not recognizable on seismic refraction pro-
files. Moreover, these data have been especially use-
Seismic refraction studies were an integral ele- ful for constraining the interpretations of gravity and
ment of early investigations of the MCR. Seismic magnetic anomaly data. The interpretation of one or
studies of the rift in Lake Superior (e.g., Steinhart more of these profiles has been reported by Dickas
and Smith, 1966) supported inferences from surface
(1986b), Nyquist and Wang (1988), Chandler et al.
geology, but showed that the crustal structure was
(1989), Mudrey et al. (1989), Hinze et al. (1990),
much more complicated than previously envisioned.
Allen et al. (1993, 1994), and Mariano and Hinze
These investigations revealed a complex crust con-
(1994a). Additional seismic reflection surveys with
sisting of low-velocity surface sedimentary rocks,
TWT of 20 s were conducted by the Great Lakes
an underlying thick section of high-velocity mafic
International Multidisciplinary Program on Crustal
volcanic rocks, a high-velocity layer (ranging from
Evolution (GLIMPCE) in 1986 over the western
382 D.J. Allen, L.W. Braile, W,I. Hinze, and J. Mariano

Great Lakes (Green et al., 1989). These surveys have western Wisconsin, have resulted in a better under-
provided unprecedented images of the rift to sub- standing of the MCR in the western Lake Superior
Moho depths. Results of these studies in Lake Su- region. This portion of the rift is of particular inter-
perior and northern Lake Michigan have confirmed est because it encompasses the transition between
the regional structure interpreted from previous geo- the Lake Superior basin to the northeast and the rift's
logic and geophysical studies and have provided western limb to the southwest. Moreover, the
critical new details concerning the rift and underly- Keweenawan rocks are exposed in northeast Min-
ing crust (Behrendt et al., 1988, 1990; Cannon and nesota, northern Wisconsin, and the western part of
Green, 1989; Cannon et al., 1989, 1991; Hutchinson Michigan's Northern Peninsula. Therefore, seismic
et al., 1990; Milkereit et al., 1990; Samson and West, reflection, both onshore and beneath Lake Superior,
1992). is readily correlated with the outcropping geology.
Combined interpretation of the seismic profiles with
gravity and geologic data reveals several interest-
10.4. Structure of the Lake Superior basin ing structural and stratigraphic features, including
In the Lake Superior region, seismic reflection two pre-Keweenawan ridges within the rift interior,
data, supported by other geophysical and geologi- the termination of major reverse faults, and, possi-
cal data, confirm the existence of a deep fault- bly, an Archean batholith buried beneath the rift.
bounded axial basin filled with a thick volcanic se- Within the Lake Superior basin, seismic data im-
quence. This basin has been subdivided into indi- age up to 9 km of sedimentary rocks (the majority
vidual segments, each of which is interpreted to have of which are likely Oronto Group strata) and up to
its own volcanic and sedimentological depositional 18 km of volcanic flows beneath the Lake Superior
patterns. The segments are commonly asymmetric, syncline (Plates 10-3 and 10-4). These thicknesses
and it has been suggested that the asymmetry of the are greater than those observed beneath the rift's
individual rift segments alternates within the basin western limb. At the northern termination of the
(Mudrey and Dickas, 1988; Cannon et al., 1989; western limb, for example, the Oronto Group is as
Dickas and Mudrey, 1989). Similar patterns of asym- thick as 4 km, and the underlying volcanic flows
metry have been observed in the western limb of the have a maximum thickness of 14 km. These maxi-
rift (Chandler et al., 1989) and in the East African mum thicknesses occur beneath the Ashland syncline
Rift system (Bosworth et al., 1986; Rosendahl, of Wisconsin which lies on top of the St. Croix Horst,
1987). This asymmetry is not universal along the an uplifted block of Keweenawan volcanic strata
MCR, however, as much of eastern Lake Superior is (Plates 10-3 and 10-4).
essentially symmetric (Cannon et al., 1989; Mariano The western limb and Lake Superior basin seg-
and Hinze, 1994a; Samson and West, 1992). On the ments of the MCR are separated by a prominent
basis of contrasting rift structure and potential field transverse ridge that was first hypothesized by White
anomaly signatures (Plates 10-3 and 10-4), the Lake (1966) on the basis of gravity and magnetic data.
Superior basin is divided into three distinct segments. Along White's Ridge, the volcanic strata are very
These segments lie beneath the western, central, and thin (<2 km) and pinch out in northern Wisconsin,
eastern portions of Lake Superior. It is also appro- placing Oronto strata directly on top of the pre-rift
priate that this discussion addresses the transition basement (Fig. 10-4). Southeast of Grand Marais,
zones between the Lake Superior basin and the rift's Minnesota, the Lake Superior syncline is deflected
western and eastern limbs. around the southern end of a similar ridge (Fig. 10-
4). Stratigraphic relations indicate that White's Ridge
10.4.1. Western Lake Superior and the Grand Marais Ridge remained topographi-
cally positive as the adjacent volcanic basins sub-
Recently released eight-second seismic reflection sided. The volcanic flows pinch out gradually onto
profiles from Lake Superior (McGinnis and Mudrey,
1991), together with proprietary data from north-
The Midcontinent rift system, U.S.A." A major Proterozoic continental rift 383

93 W 92 W 91 W 90 W 89 W
, I ! Legend
48 N _+ ,.c.~,N ~ ' ~ - - ~
B a y f t e l d Group
[Foclddu Lac, Hinckley. ,lecobsvino Snnd.~onesI
O r o n t o Group

/ 41- COMI'LEX~ Ria~.O"I ISolor Chtnch Fo~mnlionI

Volcanic Strata
JPorlago Lake. Ctml~gwalalla,
Powder Mill. North Shoro Grotlpsl
ANIMIKIE Igneous I n t r u s i o n s
BASIN IDtdull~and Molle. Complelos]

47N + .-" Pre-Rift Ridge

Ivolc.nnlcs < 2 km thick]
Archean Granite
Ibuliod tmlmath rift rocks]
eo j , , e o e eo

Fault Seismic Profile Locations

46 N + +


45 N 4- 4-

0 50 1O0 150 200 250 km

Fig. 10-4. Geologic map of the western Lake Superior region based on interpretation of seismic reflection profiles and gravity data.
Smaller map shows the locations of the seismic profiles used in this study (after Allen et al., 1994).

the ridges, with no evidence for substantial normal For example, the anticline north of the Lake Supe-
faulting. Both ridges are characterized by intense, rior syncline (Fig. 10-4) trends parallel to the syn-
negative gravity anomalies (Plate 10-3). cline and has a vertical relief o f - 1 km.
The Douglas Fault defines the western margin of In western Lake Superior, the rift's igneous and
the St. Croix Horst (Plate 10-3, Plate 10-4, and Fig. sedimentary rocks cannot fully account for the ob-
10--4). As this fault approaches Lake Superior, it served gravity signature. A northeast-striking, --30
bends east and follows the southern margin of mGal negative anomaly (Fig. 10-5(c)) persists after
White's Ridge. Displacement across the fault gradu- the effect of the rift rocks (Fig. 10-5(b)) is removed
ally decreases to the east until the fault is replaced from the observed gravity field (Fig. 10-5(a)). The
by a fold near the eastern margin of White's Ridge. trend, amplitude, and gradients of this anomaly sug-
The seismic data also indicate that in western Lake gest that it may be produced by a buried granite belt
Superior, the Isle Royale Fault gradually terminates within the Archean greenstone-granite terrane that
--40 km southwest of the Isle. Between the termina- lies beneath the rift (Allen et al., 1993). As shown
tions of the Douglas and Isle Royale Faults, late- in Figure 10-4, the Douglas and Isle Royale Faults
stage rift compressional forces resulted in folding terminate as they approach the proposed granite belt,
rather than development of major reverse faulting. both pre-Keweenawan ridges occur above this struc-
ture, and the St. Croix Horst terminates at the south-
ern margin of this feature. Therefore, this Archean
384 D J . Allen, L.W. Braile, W.J. Hinze, a n d J. M a r i a n o

batholith might have acted as a buttress throughout 10.4.2. Central Lake Superior
the history of development of the rift, redirecting
both the early tensional stresses and the late com- Recent studies of wide-angle reflections and re-
pressional stresses. fractions obtained during the GLIMPCE seismic re-
flection experiments have provided information on
basement: 2.75. The assumed regional base level is -45 mGals. (c) Residual gravity anomaly map prepared by subtracting Fig. 10-5b from Fig. 10-

gray scale. Values outside the Midcontinent Rift System are not shown. (a) Observed Bouguer gravity anomaly map. (b) Calculated gravity
5a. (After Allen et al., 1993.)

anomaly, based on the following densities (Mg/m): Bayfield Group: 2.40, Oronto Group: 2.65, Keweenawan volcanic rocks: 2.95, Pre-rift

Fig. 10-5. Results of three-dimensional gravity modeling based on interpretation of seismic reflection data. Figs. 10-5a and l0-5b use the same

the velocities and structure of the crust in cen-

tral Lake Superior and confirm the current in-
o'I ~ "* ~
terpretations of the rift basin (Chan and
~,~'~ , Hajnal, 1989; Jefferson et al., 1989; Lutter et
~ . ~.~'~ al., 1989; Meyer et al., 1989; Milkereit et al.,
0 "* 0
1990; Morel-a-l'Huisser and Green, 1989;
2 ~ 0 Shay and Trehu, 1989; Trehu et al., 1991;
Hamilton and Mereu, 1993). The subsidence
r ~ o .. required for the observed thickness of the
Oronto Group and underlying volcanic flows
~~. has led Hutchinson et al. (1990) to suggest a
stretching factor (b) of at least three. This es-
timate considers both thermal relaxation of the
asthenosphere and removal of support from a
~176 ~
mantle plume as it moved out of the region or
The wide-angle data have also resulted in
a major breakthrough in the study of deep-
rift structures. Trehu et al. (1991) interpreted
seismic data from GLIMPCE line A (Plates
10-3 and 10-4) using an iterative, forward
modeling approach together with gravity mod-
~,,,o eling. Their interpretation shows a thickened
7.'0 crust and a lower crust of higher density and
~~.. higher velocity beneath the rift. Hamilton and
Mereu (1993) performed two-dimensional
-~~" travel-time tomographic inversion on the same
data from GLIMPCE line A and confirmed the
presence of a thickened crust with a broad
(~50 km wide) zone of high-velocity (7.0-7.2
~ ~
km/s) lower crust beneath the axis of the rift.
This zone, which is similar to the lower crustal
model hypothesized for western Lake Supe-
rior, might be the result of high-velocity
mantle derivatives in the lower crust.
~..~ The central and eastern Lake Superior seg-
ments of the MCR are separated by the Thiel
Fault, a profound cross-structure that strikes
NNE-SSW across Lake Superior from imme-
diately east of the tip of the Keweenaw Pen-
"" ~ insula (Plates 10-3 and 10-4). The fault oc-
curs along the southeast edge of a buried
The Midcontinent rift system, U.S.A.: A major Proterozoic continental rift 385

Fig. 10-6. Interpreted migrated seismic reflection record section of Grant-Norpac Inc./Argonne line 36. The Keweenawan units are
identified as follows: J - Jacobsville sandstone or equivalents, O - Oronto Group, and B - Keweenawan basalts. KF - Keweenaw
Fault (after Mariano and Hinze, 1994a).

Archean basement ridge which separates two volca- of the Oronto Group sediments and was terminated
nic basins in Lake Superior (Mariano and Hinze, before the completion of the Jacobsville Sandstone
1994a). Cannon et al. (1989) interpret that the vol- sedimentation. Presumably, the compression lead-
canic basin west of the fault is an asymmetric half- ing to the anticline was contemporaneous with the
graben, whereas the basin on the east side of the fault reverse movement along the southeastern extension
is a symmetric graben. Gravity and magnetic mod- of the Keweenaw fault; this fault represents the
eling of the Thiel fault suggests that little if any southwest margin of the volcanic basin in eastern
thrusting occurred along it during the late-stage com- Lake Superior. Reverse movement is also evident in
pressional event. the drag folding of the volcanic units (Fig. 10-6) at
the western margin of the volcanic basin near kilo-
10.4.3. Eastern Lake Superior meter 30. Additional structural complexity on this
reverse fault has been observed farther northwest
A relatively symmetric cross-section of the MCR toward the Keweenaw Peninsula by Mariano and
(Fig. 10-6) is interpreted along Grant-Norpac, Inc./ Hinze (1994a). They interpret the edge of the volca-
Argonne line 36 in eastern Lake Superior (Plates 10- nic rocks as a low-angle splay off of the main re-
3 and 10--4). Figure 10-7 shows the crustal section verse fault on the basis of the seismic reflection,
derived from combined seismic reflection interpre- gravity, and magnetic anomaly data. Previous inves-
tation and gravity modeling as well as modeling of tigators (Meshref and Hinze, 1970; Behrendt et al.,
the magnetic anomaly data (Fig. 10-8). The volca- 1988; Cannon et al., 1990) have also observed splays
nic section is roughly 15 km thick with up to 10 km of the main reverse fault that merge with the main
of overlying Oronto Group and Jacobsville Sand- fault zone at depth in geophysical/geological mod-
stone. The volcanic and sedimentary units are dis- els.
tinguished on the basis of their reflectivity (Fig. 10-
A fault is indicated at the eastern margin of the
6); there is no direct information to establish the
Deer Creek anticline, near kilometer 140 on Figure
contact between the units. An anticline, the Deer Park
10-7, by the disruption of the volcanic reflections.
anticline, with a vertical relief of roughly 5 km, lies
Mariano and Hinze (1994a) have interpreted this as
immediately east of the center of the basin (Plates a near-vertical fault, the Crisp Point fault, that de-
10-3 and 10-4). Stratigraphic relations, indicated in
veloped late in Keweenawan time. Using seismic
the seismic reflection data (Fig. 10-6), suggest that
reflection profiles and gravity and magnetic anomaly
uplift of the anticline commenced during deposition
386 D ff . Allen, L.W. Braile, W.I. Hinze, and J. Mariano

Fig. 10-7. Two-and-one-half-dimensional Bouguer gravity anomaly model of extended seismic reflection line shown in Fig. 10--6.
Densities are indicated in kg/m 3 (after Mariano and Hinze, 1994b).

data, they have traced the fault northwesterly, par- common direct correlation over much of Lake Su-
allel to the axis of the anticline to 50 km due south perior. The inverse correlation coincides with the
of Michipicoten Island (Fig. 10-2), where the fault maximum thickness of a low-reflectivity zone on
turns sharply to the west and continues to the tip of GLIMPCE line F (Fig. 10-9). This unit is interpreted
the Keweenaw Peninsula (Plates 10-3 and 10-4). by Mariano and Hinze (1994b) as a magnetic, low-
As shown in Figure 10-8, only the upper 20% of density felsic volcanic unit that was extruded as the
the volcanic section is normally magnetically polar- basaltic volcanism terminated.
ized. Similar values are modeled northwest to the Using gravity modeling constrained by seismic
Portage Lake Volcanics on the Keweenaw Peninsula. data, Mariano and Hinze (1994b) also interpreted a
As a result, we infer that the normally polarized vol- broad zone of high-density lower crust beneath east-
canic rocks are equivalent to the Portage Lake ern Lake Superior. This zone is similar to the lower
Volcanics and that the reversely polarized lower crust imaged beneath central Lake Superior (Trehu
basalts are older than the reversal at ~1100 Ma. et al., 1991; Hamilton and Mereu, 1993) and is be-
Modeling of the magnetic anomaly by Mariano and lieved to be a result of a combination of intrusion
Hinze (1994b) indicates that the magnetization of and underplating. In addition, Samson and West
the basalts extends to depths in excess of 20 km. (1992) reprocessed the seismic reflection data of
Apparently the magnetization of these volcanic rocks GLIMPCE line F in eastern Lake Superior and found
has not been significantly altered by burial meta- a complex crust-mantle transition zone which they
morphism or hydrothermal alteration. interpreted as being consistent with underplating of
South of Michipicoten Island in central eastern the crust during the rifting process.
Lake Superior in the vicinity of the Crisp Point fault, Mariano and Hinze (1994a) note that there is vir-
the gravity and magnetic anomalies are inversely tually no attenuation of the rift structure in south-
correlated (Plates 10-3 and 10-4), in contrast to their eastern Lake Superior. Therefore, the transition be-
The Midcontinent rift system, U.S.A.: A major Proterozoic continental rift 387

>. 325-
t.u 50- / r. s,~
I.- -' z -

~ -225-
SHO E , E I I ,, SHO E,,
. . . . . LINE 36 . . . . . .

~ 10-
q,:4' "

D 20- :~: . - : : 7 ~ . . . .

20 ,~0 ~0 ~0 1bo 1~0 14'0 160 18'0 260 2~0 2,/0 260 280 300

Fig. 10-8. Two-dimensional forward magnetic model of extended seismic reflection line shown in Fig. 10--6 and 10-7. Arrows
indicate direction of total magnetization in the plane of the profile. The non-magnetic sedimentary strata are not shown (after
Mariano and Hinze, 1994b).

tween the Lake Superior basin and the eastern limb of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Kan-
of the MCR must occur south of Lake Superior. This sas. These data, together with gravity and magnetic
transition is poorly understood due its burial beneath modeling and direct information from an occasional
the Phanerozoic rocks of the Michigan basin and a deep drill hole (Fig. 10-1), have shown that the
lack of seismic reflection data in the eastern North- stratigraphic units and structure of the limbs of the
ern Peninsula of Michigan. However, the rift nar- MCR are essentially identical to those in the Lake
rows abruptly to the south in the eastern limb, to Superior segment (Hinze et al., 1992).
one-third of its width in eastern Lake Superior.
10.5.1. Western limb

10.5. Structure of the western and eastern limbs The interpretations of Chandler et al. (1989) in
of the rift Minnesota and Wisconsin and Anderson (1990b) in
Iowa have been particularly informative in under-
The structures of the eastern and western limbs
standing the nature of the western limb. These stud-
of the MCR are not as well known as the Lake Su-
ies reveal that the rift structure consists of a central
perior segment due to a cover of Phanerozoic sedi-
uplifted basaltic horst, bound by reverse faults and
mentary strata and fewer deeply-penetrating seismic
flanked by marginal clastic sedimentary basins (Fig.
reflection profiles. Over the past decade, however,
10-10). On the basis of a combined seismic reflec-
several new seismic profiles have become available
tion and gravity investigation, Allen et al. (1994)
over the limbs of the rift in the Southern Peninsula
388 DJ. Allen, L.W. Braile, WJ. Hinze, and J. Mariano

Fig. 10-9. Final stack seismic reflection record section detail of GLIMPCE line F in east-central Lake Superior showing the outline
of the interpreted felsic flow used in the forward gravity and magnetic models. The observed and calculated Bouguer gravity and
total intensity magnetic anomalies are shown (after Mariano and Hinze, 1994b).

suggest that the strata in the eastern marginal basin In Minnesota, a statewide high-resolution aero-
in Wisconsin, which attain a maximum thickness of magnetic survey (Chandler, 1991) was conducted by
6 km, are most likely correlated with the Bayfield the Minnesota Geological Survey. These data, which
Group. Farther south along the western limb in Kan- were collected at a terrain clearance of 150-200
sas, drilling has shown that Keweenawan igneous meters and a flight line separation of 400-500 meters,
rocks (Berendsen et al., 1988; Van Schmus et al., have provided a clearer image of the MCR in Min-
1990) occur above late-stage clastic sedimentary nesota. Figure 10-12(a) is a shaded relief magnetic
rocks that formed in sag basins over the rift. This map of the MCR, and Figure 10-12(b) is an inter-
inversion of the normal Keweenawan sequence was pretive map based on the aeromagnetic data. Areas
shown by Woelk and Hinze (1991), using repro- underlain by (essentially non-magnetic)
cessed COCORP seismic reflection data and grav- Keweenawan sedimentary rocks are characterized by
ity and magnetic modeling, to be a result of high- subdued magnetic patterns, whereas (magnetic)
angle reverse movement, along an originally normal Keweenawan volcanic rocks are often associated
fault (Fig. 10-11). with intense short-wavelength anomalies. Of particu-
lar interest are a series of alternating positive and
The Midcontinent rift system, U.S.A.: A major Proterozoic continental rift 389

Fig. 10-10. Cross-sections of the MCR based on combined interpretation of seismic reflection, gravity, and magnetic data. A -
Wisconsin, B - Minnesota and Wisconsin, C - Minnesota, D - Iowa (after Chandler et al., 1989).

negative high-frequency linear anomalies (Fig. 10- volcanic rocks in the subsurface and for identifying
12(a)). These anomalies are continuous for up to 50 internal structures within the St. Croix Horst (Allen
km and, where the volcanic rocks are exposed, trend and Chandler, 1992). The most prominent magnetic
parallel to the strike of the volcanic beds. This cor- anomalies are associated with reverse faults, such
relation has been useful for mapping packages of
390 D J . Allen, L.W. Braile, WJ. Hinze, and J. Mariano

Fig. 10-11. Crustal cross-section (W-E) of the Midcontinent Rift in northeastern Kansas based on gravity modeling constrained by
magnetic anomaly modeling and seismic reflection profiling (after Woelk and Hinze, 1991).

as the Douglas Fault (Fig. 10-12(b)), that juxtapose The log indicates two broad intervals of relatively
volcanic and sedimentary rocks along the margins high susceptibility separated by regions of low sus-
of the St. Croix Horst. In addition, abrupt termina- ceptibility, only one of which is produced by
tions of the linear anomalies are used to identify the interflow sedimentary rocks. Measurements of re-
Pine Fault (Fig. 10-12(b)), a fault within the St. manent magnetization (NRM) indicate a similar pat-
Croix Horst that strikes parallel to the Douglas Fault. tern of alternating high and low NRM intensity. The
A deep well just east of the Pine Fault (Fig. 10- volcanic rocks have intense remanent magnetiza-
12(b)) penetrated 0.98 km into the St. Croix Horst. tions, with an average Q (ratio of remanent to in-
With the exception of relatively minor interflow sedi- duced magnetization) of nearly 5. The variations in
mentary units, the interval consists of basaltic vol- susceptibility and NRM intensity of the volcanic
canic rocks. The entire interval was cored, provid- rocks are not correlated with obvious physical or
ing a unique opportunity to investigate the magnetic chemical alteration, suggesting that they may be re-
properties of the rift's volcanic rocks and therefore lated to magma chemistry. Variations in magnetiza-
the origin of the short-wavelength linear magnetic tion such as those shown in Figure 10--13 are a likely
anomalies. Figure 10--13 is a magnetic susceptibil- candidate for the source of the observed short-wave-
ity log of the well, obtained by taking measurements length linear aeromagnetic anomalies (Fig. 10-
on the core using a hand-held susceptibility meter. 12(a)). Magnetic modeling indicates that the dipping
The Midcontinent rift system, U.S.A.: A major Proterozoic continental rift 391

Fig. 10-12. Interpretation of aeromagnetic data in east-central Minnesota. (a-left) Shaded relief magnetic map. The sun illumination
is from the northwest. (b-right) Interpretive map of the MCR based on aeromagnetic data. The location of the deep well is indicated.
(After Allen and Chandler, 1992.)

layers of alternating strong and weak magnetization lower crust in the range from 28-46 km depth shows
are capable of reproducing the observed magnetic higher velocities beneath that rift than in the adja-
anomaly signature. cent crust. Beneath 46 km, he found a slightly lower
Green (1991) has performed teleseismic velocity beneath the rift axis, which might be the
tomographic inversion on the western limb of the result of a thickened crust beneath the MCR.
rift in Wisconsin and Minnesota. He found that the
392 D,I. Allen, L.W. Braile, Wd. Hinze, and J. Mariano

gravity anomaly (Oray et al., 1973; Hinze et al.,
1975). However, the lack of negative gravity anoma-
g lies on either side of the positive anomaly, together
Paleozoic tl3 with available basement drillhole data and seismic
reflection profiling, suggests the absence of late-
Ke w e e tl a z l ) a 11
stage sedimentary basins along the margins of the
o central rift basin over much of its length in
Basalt Michigan's Southern Peninsula. Furthermore, a sig-
0 nificant length of the rift has no correlative mag-
lnterflow 5ed o_
netic anomaly, suggesting either destructive inter-
ference between normally and reversely polarized
0 basalts within the rift basin or a lack of basalts. The
04 latter scenario (i.e., lack of basalts) requires that the
positive gravity anomaly is produced solely by deep
o intrusions which have a minimal magnetic signature.
._.____.__.__ r
Reverse faulting is equivocal in the Michigan seg-
S e d ~
5ed ment of the rift. Seismic reflection profiling (Zhu
and Brown, 1986; Fox, 1988), however, does indi-
w) cate that the Keweenawan formations were folded.
Although the age of the folding cannot be precisely
Basalt o determined from the seismic data (because of inter-
ference due to strong multiple reflections from the
overlying Phanerozoic sedimentary strata of the
o Michigan basin), it is interpreted that folding is the
0 20~00 40~00 60~00 80~00 result of the same late-stage compressional forces
that produced reverse faulting elsewhere along the
Fig. 10-13. Magnetic susceptibility (x10-6 emu/cc) vs. depth MCR. This compression may be associated with
(ft) for the Northern Natural Gas well near Osseo, Minnesota thrusting within the Grenville orogen to the east. The
(after Allen and Chandler, 1993).
structural relations between the eastern extremity of
the rift in southeastern Michigan and the western
The structure of the western limb of the rift has limit of the coeval (1.1 Ga) Grenville orogeny re-
been traced by Yarger (1985) in magnetic data from main an open question, but the geophysical anoma-
central Kansas to the Oklahoma border. In a more lies suggest that the extreme southeastern end of the
speculative manner Nixon (1988) suggests that the rift, near the Canadian border (Fig. 10-1), is buried
rift extends into north-central Oklahoma on the ba- by Grenvillian rocks thrust to the west. Similar
sis of gravity modeling and geologic data. Based on thrusting is observed elsewhere along the Grenville
isotopic dating of igneous rocks, surface geology, Front (Green et al., 1988, 1989; Pratt et al., 1989).
and geophysical anomalies, Keller and Adams (1992) Gravity and magnetic anomalies have been used
suggest that the MCR may extend even farther into to postulate an extension of the eastern limb of the
west Texas and New Mexico. rift beyond the limit in southeastern Michigan that
is shown in Figure 10-1. North-south striking posi-
10.5.2. Eastern limb tive gravity anomalies in southern Ohio, which con-
tinue south into Kentucky and Tennessee (Plate 10-
The extension of the MCR from southeastern Lake 1), have been interpreted as the indication of a pos-
Superior across the Northern Peninsula of Michigan sible continuation of the eastern limb of the MCR
and into the Southern Peninsula (Fox, 1988; Can- (e.g., Lyons, 1970; Keller et al., 1982; Dickas et al.,
non et al., 1991) is evident in the continuity of the 1992). This hypothesis recently has been promoted
The Midcontinent rift system, U.S.A.: A major Proterozoic continental rift 393


" ~ ~176 Elevation
E~_ -O f13

9 ...~



> o O O v
I e o
[.9 ~
~.. .Q
k_ o D
9 . . ~ ~ Q.S.O
R. o . . ~ - - ~ Gravity Ld
~o 2&o 3oo ~&o 500 o&o 7&o
m i
RodTGI Disfonce (km~


r,.9 ~_ 625 km
75 km
>.~- x ~ 2 5 km
> t,4
~475 km
tO., t


123 I - 9 |

200 2~s zso 27s 300 3z5 350 375

Elevation (meters)

Fig. 10-14. Gravimetric and topographic relations in the Lake Superior region. (a) Average Bouguer gravity anomaly versus average
elevation for radial distances between 300 and 650 km. Slope of line is - 1 1 4 + 29 mGals/km, compared to an expected value of -
112 for isostatic equilibrium. (b) Average Bouguer gravity anomaly and elevation versus radial distance from a central point in Lake
Superior. (After Allen et al., 1992.)

by drilling of Precambrian clastics in southwestern 10.6. Regional rift structures

Ohio west of the interpreted position of the Grenville
front (Shrake et al., 1991). However, these positive Combined analysis of gravity anomaly and topo-
gravity anomalies lie within the Grenville Province, graphic data by Allen et al. (1992) in the Lake Su-
east of the Grenville Front (Fig. 10-1). Recent perior region suggests a broad-scale lithospheric fea-
COCORP seismic reflection profiling and gravity ture that may be a remnant of the proposed
modeling across a central Ohio profile (Pratt et al., Keweenaw hotspot (mantle plume) (Hutchinson et
1989; Sunwoo, 1989) indicate that the positive grav- al., 1990). A broad, low-amplitude topographic high
ity anomalies are actually associated with lower centered on Lake Superior, the so called Lake Supe-
crustal rocks thrusted into place along the Grenville rior Swell (Dutch, 1981b), is associated with a re-
Front. gional negative Bouguer gravity anomaly. Allen et
394 D,I. Allen, L.W. Braile, W.J. Hinze, and J. Mariano

al. (1992) have shown that the average gravity tional volcanic rocks were once present and have
anomaly value increases and the average elevation been subsequently eroded from the margins of the
decreases in a linear manner over a radial distance MCR. As a result, Cannon (1992) estimates that the
of 300 to 650 km (Fig. 10-14(a)) from the approxi- original volume of volcanic flows was at least 2
mate center of Lake Superior. The elevation/gravity million km 3. Moreover, this volume does not con-
anomaly relation suggests that the feature is in or sider the amount of mantle-derived magma that was
approaches isostatic equilibrium (Fig. 10-14(b)). trapped in the crust and never extruded.
Allen et al. suggest that the correlated gravity and Recent U-Pb age dating of the rift's igneous rocks
topographic anomalies are vestiges of the magmatic indicates that this enormous volume of magma was
activity associated with the 1.1 Ga rifting event. The emplaced during a relatively short period of time.
mass deficiency may represent a broad underplated The volcanic and plutonic rocks of the Lake Supe-
region at the base of the crust, a modified upper rior region have ages between 1109 and 1087 Ma
mantle, or both. Underplating may result from ei- (e.g., Van Schmus et al., 1982; Davis and Sutcliffe,
ther upper mantle or plume-derived magma that was 1985; Palmer and Davis, 1987; Davis and Paces,
trapped at the base of the crust. Alternatively, ex- 1990; Heaman and Machado, 1992; Miller, 1992;
traction of basaltic melts from either the lithospheric Van Schmus, 1992; Paces and Miller, 1993). More-
mantle or plume head, which subsequently became over, Paces and Miller (1993) suggest that most of
part of the lithosphere, may lead to a less dense up- the magmatism in the Lake Superior region occurred
per mantle because the density of the depleted mantle during two major pulses from 1109 to 1106 Ma and
may decrease due to an increased MgO/FeO ratio or from 1099 to 1094 Ma. A similar U-Pb age
loss of dense garnets (Boyd and McCallister, 1976; (1097.5+3 Ma) is reported for gabbro from a well in
Oxburgh and Parmentier, 1977). northeast Kansas (Van Schmus et al., 1990), suggest-
Evidence of an isolated Keweenawan uplift in ing that there is no major age progression along the
northern Wisconsin and the Northern Peninsula of length of the rift.
Michigan has been presented by Peterman and Sims Using this information, magma production and
(1988). They mapped a region of anomalously low lava accumulation rates can be crudely estimated.
(~1.1 Ga) Rb-Sr ages in the older Archean and Early For example, assuming that a total of 2 million km 3
Proterozoic rocks of the Wisconsin arch. They in- of volcanic rocks were erupted within 20 million
terpret these ages as representing closure of the Rb- years, an average magma production rate of 0.10
Sr isotopic system as the region was arched upward, km3/yr is suggested. Assuming a thickness of 20 km
rapidly eroded, and cooled beneath the blocking tem- of volcanic strata beneath Lake Superior, an aver-
perature. They suggest that the uplift was a forebulge age accumulation rate of 1.0 mm/year is implied.
caused by loading of the crust by the dense igneous More precise estimates can be made using by com-
rocks of the MCR. However, flexural modeling of bining high-precision U-Pb isotopic ages of specific
the rift (Peterman and Sims, 1988; Nyquist and volcanic units with measured stratigraphic intervals.
Wang, 1989) does not satisfy the amount of uplift For example, Davis and Paces (1990) calculated an
required by the model of Peterman and Sims. average accumulation rate of 1.3 mm/yr and an av-
erage interflow repose period of 30 ka for the Por-
tage Lake Volcanics of the Keweenaw Peninsula. In
10.7. Rock volumes, ages, and rates addition, they estimated a magma production rate
An enormous volume of igneous material was of 0.02-0.05 km3/yr, which is of the same order of
added to the crust during the rifting episode. For magnitude as production rates for other rifts and
example, seismic reflection data suggest that the hotspot regimes (e.g., Iceland, Hawaii, and Colum-
present volume of volcanic rocks is approximately bia River Basalts). Both the magma production rate
~1 million km 3. In addition, Keweenawan feeder and the average accumulation rate are consistent with
dikes occur at distances of up to 200 km from the the crude estimates presented above.
rift axis (Green et al., 1987), indicating that addi-
The Midcontinent rift system, U.S.A.: A major Proterozoic continental rift 395

Davis and Paces (1990) also dated a basalt flow which were tightly constrained by seismic reflection
from within the Copper Harbor Conglomerate and and gravity data, suggest that the lower 15 km of
estimated an accumulation rate of approximately the volcanic section is reversely magnetized and was
0.16 mm/yr for the lower-most Oronto Group (in therefore extruded during the reversed polarity ep-
contrast to a rate of 1.3 mm/yr for the underlying och from ~1108 to 1100 Ma (Davis and Sutcliffe,
volcanic sequence), suggesting that the rate of sub- 1985; Klewin and Shirey, 1992; Van Schmus, 1992).
sidence of the rift depression decreased drastically The resulting accumulation rate is similar to the rate
concurrently with the cessation of the major volca- obtained by Davis and Paces (1990) for the normally
nic pulse and the onset of sedimentation (Cannon, polarized, 1095 Ma Portage Lake Volcanics.
1992). Assuming that this rate is representative of Allen and Chandler (1993) measured remanent
the Lake Superior basin, the implication is that the magnetization for samples from the deep well (Fig.
observed ~ 10 km thickness of rift sediments beneath 10-12) into the St. Croix Horst in Minnesota, and
Lake Superior accumulated over a period of ~62 determined that all of the samples were normally
million years (1087 to 1025 Ma). However, Cannon polarized. The volcanic strata penetrated by this well
et al. (1990) analyzed Rb-Sr data from Michigan's lie roughly in the middle of the volcanic section,
Northern Peninsula and northern Wisconsin and in- implying that a substantial portion of the volcanic
terpreted that reverse movement occurred at section is normally polarized. Subsequent magnetic
--1060+20 Ma along the Marenisco Fault, a fault modeling of the magnetic anomaly along a profile
which they interpreted as a splay off of the through the well, in addition to profiles elsewhere
Keweenaw fault. Geological evidence indicates that along the St. Croix Horst, suggests that the vast ma-
the thrusting occurred near the end of sedimenta- jority of the volcanic rocks of this segment of the
tion; therefore, a greater sedimentation rate, roughly rift's western limb are normally polarized. The im-
0.37 mm/yr (10 km / 27 m.y.), is required to account plication is that the volcanic rocks along the St. Croix
for the accumulation of the majority of the rift sedi- Horst may be slightly younger than those beneath
ments prior to the reverse faulting. Perhaps the sedi- eastern Lake Superior. Farther south along the west-
mentation rate was greater along the axis of the Lake ern limb of the rift, however, Van Schmus et al.
Superior syncline than it was on the Keweenaw Pen- (1990) have found that the volcanic rocks obtained
insula where Davis and Paces (1990) made their es- from a deep drill hole are reversely magnetized.
timate. Additional magnetic polarity measurements and
Paleomagnetic data are often useful for estimat- magnetic modeling along the entire length of the rift
ing relative ages of the rift's rocks (Van Schmus et are needed to resolve issues concerning the relative
al., 1982; Green, 1982; Halls and Pesonen, 1982; ages of the different segments of the MCR.
Palmer and Halls, 1986; Palmer and Davis, 1987).
A change in polarity from reversed to normal that
has been dated at ~1100 Ma (Davis and Paces, 1990; 10.8. Origin of the Midcontinent Rift System
Paces and Miller, 1993) is widely observed in the
During the past decade, the acceptance of a rift
Lake Superior region and, thus, is particularly use-
origin for the Lake Superior basin and the
ful as a stratigraphic correlation tool. However, evi-
midcontinent geophysical anomaly has been a criti-
dence for another reversal period (Palmer, 1970;
cal step forward in understanding the tectonic evo-
Robertson, 1973) of probable short duration in the
lution of the MCR. However, this recognition fails
Mamainse Point sequence (Klewin and Berg, 1991)
to clarify the mechanics of the causative process and
and in the lower part of the Powder Mill Volcanics
the ultimate origin of the rift. Numerous processes
(Books, 1972) complicates the use of magnetic po-
have been suggested as the cause of continental rifts.
larity as a stratigraphic correlation tool.
In general, these processes fall into one of two cat-
Mariano and Hinze (1992, 1994b) relied on mag-
egories. There are active mechanisms in which a
netic polarity to estimate magma production rates
thermal perturbation of the mantle (a plume) causes
in eastern Lake Superior. Their magnetic models,
a disturbance within the overlying lithosphere, and
396 D.I. Allen, L.W. Braile, W j . Hinze, and J. Mariano

passive mechanisms, where plate interactions cause ing vectors of the MCR are restricted to an approxi-
regional tension in the lith:osphere (Baker and Mor- mately north-south direction. However, the consis-
gan, 1981). Proposed origins of the MCR have in- tency of structures along the length of the rift and
voked both mechanisms. the lack of observed strike-slip motion on the limbs
Numerous authors have suggested an active of the rift do not support the largely transtensional
mechanism involving an upper mantle perturbation forces on the limbs of the rift predicted by this model.
associated with an asthenospheric mantle plume or The significance of the relation between the MCR
hotspot (e.g., Hinze et al., 1972; White, 1972; Green, and the Grenville orogeny remains elusive, as does
1983; Hutchinson et al., 1990; Cannon and Hinze, the source of the deviatoric tension that caused the
1992). The early papers on this subject were largely MCR. None of the proposed mechanisms for ten-
speculative, without strong, quantitative support. sional forces, such as bending or membrane stresses
This situation has changed, however, with the avail- or drag on the base of the lithosphere, provides a
ability of improved deep seismic reflection data and satisfactory explanation for the available evidence.
intensive isotopic and geochemical analyses of the Resolution of this problem awaits further studies.
rift's volcanic rocks. These investigations suggest Uplifts appear anomalous in a rift regime, al-
that the MCR is analogous to rifts associated with though they are observed in other continental rifts
passive continental margins and mantle plumes that have undergone regional compression
(hotspots). The observed high volume (Behrendt et (Milanovsky, 1981). The uplifts along the MCR are
al., 1988; Cannon et al., 1989; Chandler et al., 1989; unusual in that they occur throughout the rift, re-
Hutchinson et al., 1990; Cannon, 1992) and rate gardless of rift orientation. We suggest that this ori-
(Davis and Paces, 1990; Cannon, 1992) of volcan- gin is related to regional compressional forces asso-
ism, the lack of an associated pervasive dike swarm ciated with the east-to-west thrusting within the
with a consistent strike (Cannon and Hinze, 1992), Grenville orogen immediately to the east of the MCR
the inferred extension (Chandler, 1983; Hutchinson (Van Schmus and Hinze, 1985; Cannon, 1994). Van
et al., 1990), and the isotopic character of the Schmus (1992) indicates that the peak of the
Keweenawan volcanic rocks (Paces and Bell, 1989; Grenville orogeny was from 970 to 1030 Ma (Sch~er
Hutchinson et al., 1990; Nicholson and Shirey, 1990; and Gower, 1988). These regional forces, acting
Klewin and Shirey, 1992) support a mantle plume upon the thermally-weakened crust of the rift, could
origin for the MCR. Hutchinson et al., (1990) dis- have reactivated the normal faults as high-angle re-
cuss the geochemical and geophysical evidence for verse faults and also produced arching. Regional
the origin of the MCR with a hot asthenospheric compression may also explain the sudden cessation
plume, which they term the 'Keweenaw hotspot', and of extension and the fact that the rift did not pro-
the geologic implications of this interpretation. It is ceed to split divide the proto-North American conti-
not clear, however, how this model can account for nent, despite the nearly complete rupture of the crust.
the necessary tension to produce the observed ex-
tension associated with the MCR.
Klewin and Shirey (1992) suggest that the lithos- 10.9. Evolution of the Midcontinent Rift
pheric origin for the early basalts of the MCR, based 10.9.1. Pre-Keweenawan influences upon the evo-
on their isotopic and trace element geochemistry, lution of the MCR
indicate that a plume was not responsible for the ini-
tiation of the rifting event. Moreover, the overlap in Several lines of evidence suggest that pre-
time between the nearby Grenville orogeny and the Keweenawan structures played an important role in
1100 Ma MCR has suggested a cause and effect re- shaping the evolution of the MCR. In western Lake
lation related to a passive mechanism (e.g., Hinze Superior, for example, several structural anomalies
and Wold, 1982; Van Schmus and Hinze, 1985; Gor- of the rift are spatially correlated with the interpreted
don and Hempton, 1986). Cambray (1988) has sug- buried Archean granite belt (Fig. 10--4). The termi-
gested a passive origin wherein the opening and clos- nations of the Douglas and Isle Royale Faults, the
The Midcontinent rift system, U.S.A.: A major Proterozoic continental rift 397

termination of the St. Croix Horst, and the presence strength and other physical properties of the lithos-
of White's Ridge and the Grand Marais Ridge sug- phere. The diagrams generally represent the culmi-
gest that this ancestral feature played a significant nation of a particular episode in the development of
role in the evolution of the MCR. the rift, and absolute ages are applied to the diagram
In eastern Lake Superior, Mariano and Hinze to the extent possible. A brief description of these
(1994a) note that transverse structures in the Lake episodes follows.
Superior basin are parallel to the prevalent tectonic As suggested by the model studies of mantle
grain in the older rocks beyond the margins of the plumes by Griffiths and Campbell (1991), broad
MCR. They suggest that these rift structures may domal uplifts may occur at an early stage in the rift-
have been in part controlled by pre-existing crustal ing process, when active rifting predominates as the
features within the Archean basement. In addition, ascending plume spreads out at the base of the litho-
ancestral faults in the Archean rocks east of Lake sphere. Such a domal uplift is associated with, for
Superior were reactivated as cross-faults to produce example, the East African Rift. Although evidence
the anomalous structure associated with the basalt for early regional upwarp is subtle in the MCR, we
exposures on Mamainse Point (Fig. 10-2; Manson hypothesize that the rift was initiated with a broad,
and Halls, 1992). domal isostatic uplift over an ascending
The evolution of the MCR may have been influ- asthenospheric plume at--1110 Ma (Fig. 10-15(a)).
enced by even broader structures. For example, the Convectional movements within the head of the
Lake Superior basin is both wider and deeper than mantle plume may have caused extensional forces,
the rift basins beneath the eastern and western limbs or they may have had an external origin.
of the MCR. Interestingly, the Lake Superior basin Evidence indicates that the earliest rocks of the
formed in the Archean Superior Province, whereas MCR were deposited in a broad sag basin on a posi-
the limbs formed in younger Proterozoic terranes to tive topographic surface. Therefore, we propose that
the south. Differences in crustal strength and thick- at ~1108 Ma (Fig. 10-15(b)), extensional forces
ness may be responsible for the contrasting rift struc- reached a magnitude which, together with thermal
tures that are observed in these two terranes (Klasner weakening of the lithosphere, initiated a thinning or
et al., 1982). It has also been suggested that the seg- necking of the crust and upper mantle. As the head
mented pattern of grabens, which developed early of the mantle plume approached the base of the litho-
in the history of the rift, may have been controlled sphere, it spread laterally, and the crest of the uplift
by old zones of weakness that were reactivated by subsided (forming the broad sag basin) while the
the rifting process (e.g., Weiblen and Morey, 1980; distal portions continued to rise. Clastic sediments
Mooney and Morey, 1981; Klasner et al., 1982). were deposited in this basin at ~ 1108 Ma. Shortly
thereafter, portions of the upper mantle were melted
10.9.2. Keweenawan evolution of the MCR by the thermal pulse of the rising plume. The result-
ing tholeiitic magmas rose through developing ten-
When discussing the evolution of the MCR, it is sional cracks in the lithosphere. Evidence suggests
useful to portray the development in a series of cross- that this early-stage volcanism and the associated
sections of the lithosphere through time (Hinze et feeder dikes were much more widespread than the
al., in press). We present our current ideas of the present lateral extent of the rift (Green et al., 1987).
evolution of the rift in Figure 10--15. These cross- The head of the plume reached the base of the
sections are simplified, and no attempt is made to lithosphere (Fig. 10-15(c)) and continued to spread
illustrate the plan view of the rift. The portrayed out laterally (~1100 Ma). Major extension led to
series of 'snapshots' of the lithosphere of the MCR additional thinning of the lithosphere, both crust and
region around 1.1 Ga is speculative and highly gen- mantle, and the development of normal faults and
eralized; modifications to the sections are caused by associated grabens along the present axis of the rift.
local igneous events and structural disturbances, de- Extensional forces produced faulting in the brittle,
flections of regional forces, and variations in the upper crust which, in some segments of the MCR,
398 D,I. Allen, L.W. Braile, W.J. Hinze, and J. Mariano

Fig. 10--15. Diagrammatic sketches of lithospheric cross-sections illustrating the magmatic/tectonic evolution of the Midcontinent
Rift System from inception (a) to termination (f). Sketches are not to scale and mark different time intervals. Arrows indicate
direction of principal horizontal stress. Cross-hatched areas are regions where magmas are present. Lined areas in and adjacent to
the rift basin are volcanic rocks and overlying dotted patterns denote late-stage sedimentary rocks (after Hinze et al., in press).

was eventually completely removed. Faults penetrat- and McKenzie, 1989). Subsidence generally kept
ing the entire crust have not been observed in the pace with volcanism, with only the oldest of the
seismic data; rather, deep reflections are parallel to flows being deposited subaqueously. This subsidence
the boundaries of the lower crust. These reflections was due to a combination of extensional forces and
may originate from ductile shear zones involved in mantle plume dynamics as the head of the plume
the thinning of the lower crust during the extension rose to and spread out beneath the base of the litho-
process or from mantle intrusions. There is no evi- sphere (e.g., Campbell and Griffiths, 1990; Griffiths
dence of a laterally displaced anomalous lower crust and Campbell, 1991). The presence of a few major
beneath the MCR as would be anticipated in rifts unconformities within the volcanic rock package and
that involved simple shear (Wernicke, 1985). variations in the thickness of the rift rocks indicate
Concurrent with the graben development, enor- that subsidence was neither continuous nor uniform
mous volumes of basalt were extruded into the de- and resulted to a significant degree from crustal sag-
pression (Fig. 10-15(c)). The magmas were derived ging.
from lithospheric melting and an increasing amount
of decompression melting within the plume (White
The Midcontinent rift system, U.S.A.: A major Proterozoic continental rift 399

During the following roughly 6 m.y. (Fig. 10- high-angle reverse faults that were initiated during
15(d)), the plume continued to spread laterally, and and following deposition of the Bayfield Group. In
melts from the plume became the predominant addition, regional and local drag folding of the rift
source of volcanic flows and intrusions. The melts rocks occurred at this time.
intruded the crust and were extruded regionally over
the rift, but primarily into the axial grabens and half- 10.9.3. Post-Keweenawan evolution of the MCR
grabens which continued to develop in the colder,
brittle crust over the continually-thinning lithos- The lithospheric structures portrayed in Figure
phere. Regional crustal underplating occurred with 10-15(f) are much as they are today in many seg-
crystallization of melts ponded at the base of the ments of the MCR. Numerous observations, how-
crust and within the lower crust. With this last surge ever, indicate that the rift continued to develop after
of magmatic/tectonic activity, the mantle plume be- 1.1 Ga. Subsequent uplift has led to partial, or in
came inactive, probably because of cooling below some regions complete, erosion of both the volca-
its solidus, extension terminated, and igneous activ- nic and clastic sedimentary rocks adjacent to the rift
ity sharply declined. However, volcanic activity did and the upper rift-rocks along the axis of the MCR.
continue in a minor way to at least 1087 Ma. In addition, the MCR has played a role in the Phan-
Following the volcanism and the primarily exten- erozoic evolution of the midcontinent.
sional phase of the rifting, graben development Currently, the region centered around Lake Su-
ceased and broad sagging continued along the axis perior is a topographic high in isostatic response to
of the rift. As the head of the plume cooled (Fig. the underplated crust or depleted upper mantle (Allen
10-15(e)), its upper portions were attached to the et al., 1992) associated with the rifting event. This
thinned lithosphere and the lithosphere continued to topographic anomaly is believed to be a vestige of a
sag under the load of the massive extrusions and in- broad domal uplift that was initiated during the 1100
trusions and due to thermal collapse in the underly- Ma rifting process. In addition, continental deposits
ing mantle. Sedimentation kept pace with subsid- that may be of Cretaceous age are found in Minne-
ence, and sediments increased in maturity upward sota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and Ontario. Using
through the stratigraphic column during the history this information, Dutch (1981a) reconstructed the
of the basins. Along the margins of the rift, the vol- late Cretaceous surface. His map (Fig. 10-16) im-
canic rocks were first eroded, giving rise to the Cop- plies that the Lake Superior region has been uplifted
per Harbor Conglomerate, but the volcanic rocks ~250 meters during the Cenozoic Era, suggesting that
were soon covered by the conglomerate (which also the Lake Superior Swell may have experienced iso-
covered the axial zones) and then by the more ma- static adjustment during the Phanerozoic, long after
ture sediments of the Nonesuch Shale, Freda Sand- its origination in Keweenawan time.
stone, and the Bayfield Group in the expanding axial Reactivation of the rift's faults in post-
basins. These mature sedimentary units derived most Keweenawan time is documented by modern seis-
of their material from pre-Keweenawan terranes micity. Along most of its length, the MCR is not as-
bordering the basin. The presence of marine bio- sociated with major seismicity (Frantti, 1980;
geochemical indicators in the Oronto Group Mooney, 1981; Mooney and Morey, 1981; Mooney
(Hieshima and Pratt, 1991; Pratt et al., 1991) indi- and Walton, 1986; Chandler and Morey, 1989;
cates that the water levels in the basins at least on Steeples, 1980, 1981; Steeples et al., 1989). Recent
occasion were at sea level. microseismicity in Kansas and Nebraska, however,
Along the length of the MCR, the extensional correlates with the Humboldt fault, a fault which
forces were replaced by regional compression (Fig. parallels the eastern margin of the southern segment
10-15(f)), probably from the Grenville orogen, that of the western limb of the MCR (Steeples, 1980). In
reactivated zones of weakness within the thermally- addition, a concentration of microearthquakes oc-
softened lithosphere of the rift zone. Most notice- curs along a related hinge zone fault on the outward
ably, the graben-normal faults were reactivated as margin of the western flanking clastic sedimentary
400 DJ. Allen, L.W. Braile, W.J. Hinze, and J. Mariano

Q ,

I 4o.__.~o


__ "__ __j:ff~A'~:', o u ~
" "

4"3~," *--t---

r[- .. .


- . i I ,

Fig. 1 0 - 1 6 . R e c o n s t r u c t e d late C r e t a c e o u s surface (elevations are in meters). Stipple pattern shows areas p r e s e n t l y b e l o w 350
m e t e r s , the inferred late C r e t a c e o u s sea level (after Dutch, 198 l a).

basin in Kansas. Steeples et al. (1989) also specu- Plaine Fault (Sloan and Danes, 1962), a profound
late that earthquakes occur near interpreted trans- cross-structure within the western limb of the MCR,
form faults of the western limb of the rift. suggesting post-Ordovician reactivation of the fault.
Although evidence for present-day reactivation of
rift structures is limited to Kansas and Nebraska, I0.I0. Conclusions
several structures and stratigraphic variations in the
Phanerozoic sedimentary strata above the MCR At 1100 Ma, a major disruption of the proto-North
document that many of the reverse faults along the American continent led to a nearly complete rup-
entire length of the rift have been reactivated by post- ture of the crust along the arcuate, ~2000 km length
Keweenawan forces (e.g., Middleton, 1991; Carlson, of the Midcontinent Rift system. The majority of the
1992; McGovern et al., 1993). Recent mapping in rift's igneous rocks were derived from a melting
southeast Minnesota by Bloomgren (1993) reveals mantle plume and the overlying lithosphere over a
folding of the Cambrian and Ordovician strata. These short span of less than 20 m.y. The relation of the
folds occur directly above the Precambrian Belle plume to the extensional forces causing the rift is
presently unclear.
The Midcontinent rift system, U.S.A.: A major Proterozoic continental rift 401

The MCR is a profound disruption of the crust, magnetostratigraphy, and absolute ages of the rift
as indicated by its anomalous geophysical signatures. rocks. Geochemical and isotopic studies should pro-
The geophysical data, together with limited outcrops vide a clearer picture of the magmatic evolution of
of the rift rocks and a few deep drill holes, suggest a the rift and plume through both time and space. Ad-
general consistency in structural style, tectonic evo- ditional isotopic dating and paleomagnetic measure-
lution, and age along the length of the rift system. ments should result in a better understanding of the
Although the pre-rift crust was thinned, in places, relative ages of the rift units along the entire length
to less than one-third of its original thickness, the of the MCR. Also, efforts should be directed toward
crust beneath the rift is anomalously thick due to mapping the finer structures within the rift and ex-
the addition of up to 20 km of mantle-derived vol- panding and refining the gross structural interpreta-
canic rocks and as much as 10 km of post-volcanic tions. Of particular interest are the transitional, trans-
clastic sedimentary strata. In addition, the seismic verse zones within the MCR, along which the rift
velocity and density of the lower crust are increased, structure changes abruptly and dramatically. Are
probably due to mantle-derived intrusions and crustal these transition zones related to ancestral structures?
underplating. How did the rift evolve along them?
The original rift grabens and their volcanic and During the next decade, detailed investigations
sedimentary fill have been modified by regional of these topics, at specific sites along the rift, should
compressional forces, perhaps associated with the provide a stronger framework for developing an in-
roughly contemporaneous Grenville orogenic activ- tegrated model of the entire rift. In the future, in-
ity. The most profound of these modifications are vestigators will need to be more concerned with in-
the reactivation of the normal, graben faults as high- tegrating information from individual locations
angle reverse faults with more than 5 km of strati- along the rift and a variety of disciplines. Integrated
graphic displacement. models should consider the relative ages of the in-
During the past decade, geophysical studies, par- dividual rift segments and their structural relations
ticularly deeply-penetrating seismic reflection pro- to one another which will lead to a better understand-
filing, and isotopic analysis of the rift's volcanic ing of the spatial and temporal evolution of the MCR.
rocks have provided much new insight into the MCR
and its structural and magmatic evolution. Many Acknowledgments. We acknowledge the useful
problems, however, remain to be solved. For ex- interaction with our colleagues and the constructive
ample, of special concern is the lack of information criticism of numerous specialist working on the
concerning the degree and form of modification of MCR. Special thanks are due to Albert B. Dickas
the lower crust beneath the rift. In addition, little is and John C. Green who provided useful critiques of
known about the manifestations of the rift in the an earlier draft of this article. Financial support for
upper mantle. Other significant questions concern this overview was provided in part by NSF Grant
the nature and source of the tensional forces. Were Number EAR-8617315.
they generated entirely by the mantle plume head,
or were other mechanisms involved? Was there a
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Chapter 11

Rifled passive margins

M. H. E Bott

11.1. Introduction its edges. The ocean then starts to shrink, as the Pa-
cific is now doing. Eventually the margin may be-
Passive continental margins mark the juxtaposi- come involved in collision orogeny, and may end
tion of continental and oceanic lithosphere within up within a continental interior region which has
plate interiors. They border most of the Atlantic, suffered mountain building. In this way, remnants
Indian and Arctic Oceans which are increasing in of ancient rift systems may occur within orogenic
size by seafloor spreading as the continents drift belts.
apart. They are also located along the Antarctic edge This contribution briefly discusses the salient fea-
of the closing Pacific Ocean and occur within some tures of passive margins with particular reference to
marginal seas such as the Mediterranean. Passive the rift structures which develop during their for-
margins originate by the continental break-up pro- mation. Examples are all taken from the Atlantic
cess. At the time of their formation, they coincide Ocean, particularly the North Atlantic, which has
with newly formed accretionary plate boundaries been studied in greatest detail. There are several re-
when they form a type of continental rift system. cent compilations dealing with passive margins, and
Subsequently, as the new ocean starts to open, the for further detail the reader is particularly referred
margins cease to be plate boundaries. to Scrutton (1982a) and Sheridan and Grow (1988).
Passive margins are divisible into rifted and
sheared (offset) types. Rifted margins form where
the initial plate separation is approximately perpen- 11.2. Significance
dicular to the rupture. They show a gradational tran-
sition, and their morphology can be subdivided into Rifted passive margins are underlain by stretched
continental shelf, continental slope and continental continental crust formed prior to the final continen-
rise. Sheared margins (Scrutton, 1982b) form when tal break-up. The stretched upper crust is rifted and
the initial split is along a transform fault; they gen- often forms a region of highly extended terrain. Some
erally show a much sharper transition and a much segments of passive margins display intense flood
smaller thickness of sediments. They are not dis- basalt volcanism at about the time of the break-up
cussed here because of their limited relevance to and just before it. Passive margins thus show two of
continental rift structures. the major characteristics of continental rift struc-
Within the framework of the Wilson cycle, a typi- tures, although most of them were not domed at the
cal passive margin would eventually be expected to time of formation, rather the reverse. It has fre-
become an active margin when the adjacent ocean quently been suggested or implied that a continen-
cannot open any further and subduction develops at tal rift system such as that of East Africa may de-
410 M.H.P. Bott

velop into a future continental split (e.g. Burke and sediments of the rifting stage of margin development
Whiteman, 1973). We thus need to compare the struc- may be deposited at the time of initial rifting and
tures of the initial stages of passive margin forma- continental stretching. They can be up to about 5
tion with those of major continental rift systems. km thick but are usually rather thinner.
Passive margins are of widespread economic im- Third, post-rift sediments of the drifting stage are
portance as a source of oil and gas. The most de- deposited subsequent to continental break-up and
tailed exploration of the sediment structure stems onset of seafloor spreading. They are separated from
from the search for petroleum. However, geophysi- the underlying syn-rift sediments by the post-rift or
cal and geological data from university and govern- break-up unconformity. Provided that there is an
ment research groups, as well as industry, has sub- adequate supply of sediments, thicknesses of up to
stantially contributed to our present knowledge of about 12 km of post-rift sediments can accumulate
their structure and evolution. above the original base of the slope. If exceptional
quantities of sediments are available near the mouth
of a large river, these can build seawards over the
11.3. Geological features original continental rise to form a delta. Early post-
The sediments and igneous rocks of passive mar- rift sediments may be deposited in deep water, but
gins are discussed in this section. Commercial seis- shelf sediments are typically shallow water marine
mic reflection surveys in the 1960s indicated that clastics or carbonates depending on the environment
normal passive margins are characterized by thick of deposition. If there was restricted circulation in
piles of sediment, and this became generally recog- the early proto-ocean, salt deposits may form near
nized in the 1970s (e.g. Sheridan, 1974). However, the bottom of the post-rift sequence, with the possi-
there are a few starved margins where sediments are bility of subsequent diapirism into the overlying pile.
thin or absent due to lack of supply during their de- The post-rift sediments are generally un-faulted (ex-
velopment, such as the Biscay and Hatton margins, cept for growth faults at the slope) indicating a quiet
and these are important in enabling detailed investi- tectonic environment apart from slow but persistent
gation of the early development and of the crustal subsidence at an exponentially decreasing rate.
transition. Certain special regions suffered intense
11.3.2. Sediment structure
basaltic volcanism prior to continental break-up and
these can be referred to as plume or hot spot passive The structure of the syn-rift sediments is well
margins. At inter-plume margins the associated ig- imaged by seismic reflection lines over inter-plume
neous activity is more subdued and may be absent. margins such as the starved North Biscay margin (de
Charpal et al., 1978) but is also seen at great depth
11.3.1. Sediments
beneath the post-rift sediments of the U. S. Atlantic
The sediment structure at inter-plume passive margin (e.g. Sheridan, 1974; Klitgord et al., 1988).
margins is known as a result of commercial and other Syn-rift structures may extend into the adjacent con-
seismic reflection investigations (see section 11.4 tinental borderlands. Special cases are discussed later
below), supplemented by more sparse drill holes in- in sections 11.5 and 11.6.
cluding a substantial number of DSDP sites. Spe- Syn-rift sediments are typically deposited in half
cific examples are given in section 11.5 and here grabens formed by intense stretching and thinning
the main features are summarized. of the continental crust and lithosphere. The upper
In general, the sedimentary rocks found at pas- crust deforms by brittle extensional faulting which
sive margins have been formed during three succes- may include major sub-horizontal detachment sur-
sive stages. First, the continental basement may be faces as well as the fault wedges. The ductile lower
overlain by sediments deposited prior to rifting, such crust and upper mantle deform by plastic stretching
as the Upper Jurassic strata of the North Biscay and thinning. The style of the upper crustal exten-
margin (Montadert et al., 1979). Second, syn-rift sional deformation reflects a very low value of flex-
Rifted passive margins 411

ural rigidity. Asymmetry within the underlying con- (a)

tinental basement controls the polarity of the exten-

sional wedges and the location of detachment sur- ." 2' ;" i" 2" "" :" j" ;"" :" 2" ~" ~" ~" i" Lithospheric mantle
faces. The region where
the lower crust and lithosphere are thinned, where Asthenosphere
.... 9~. ' - ' - ' . ' - ' - ' - ~ 1 7 6 "-'-'. " l
break-up occurs, may be laterally offset from upper (b)
crustal stretching.
The two extreme models of the lithospheric
stretching process are (1) pure shear (Fig. ll-l(a))
involving uniform and symmetrical stretching across
_ J
the lithosphere (McKenzie, 1978), and (2) simple
shear (Fig. 11-1 (b)) whereby asymmetrical fault
wedges in the upper crust are connected laterally by 9 ~ . ~ .
. ..-. ". ". ".-. -.'.-. 9.'." ~176176
a detachment surface to offset stretching and thin-
ning of the underlying lithosphere (Wernicke, 1985).
As described by Lister et al. (1991), a wide variety i

of essentially asymmetric structures involving de- (0)

tachments can develop during the rift stage which
are intermediate between these two models. Two of
these are shown in Fig. 11-1. Fig. l l - l ( c ) shows __J
asymmetrical faulting in the upper crust directly 1
overlying a region of symmetrical ductile stretch-
ing. Fig. 11-1(d) shows a major offset connected by
a detachment surface which separates lower and
upper plates. Fig. 11-1. Cartoons showing some of the simple models of
Characteristic asymmetrical syn-rift structures extension of the continental lithosphere during the rifting stage
result from the prevalence of fault wedges and the of passive margin development given by Lister et al. (1991).
(a) Pure shear extension producing symmetrical conjugate
occurrence of detachment surfaces. Additional asym- passive margins (ductile stretching indicated by stippling); (b)
metry between complementary passive margins on Simple shear (Wemicke) model; (c) Asymmetrical fault
opposite sides of an ocean such as the Atlantic arise wedges underlain by symmetrical ductile stretching vertically
as a result of offsets which occur between the zones beneath; (d) Delamination model with strongly asymmetrical
of brittle upper crustal stretching and ductile stretch- stretching of the upper crust (fault wedges and detachment)
and strongly offset pure shear ductile stretching of the
ing of the underlying lithosphere in relation to the underlying lithosphere. From Bott (1992a), reproduced by
location of the final break-up. permission of the Geological Society of London.

11.3.3. Igneous activity tiary volcanism of the North Atlantic region which
The continental borderlands adjacent to the so- was associated with the early Eocene break-up of
called plume passive margin segments display ex- Greenland and North Europe, and the Karroo, Parana
tensive basaltic igneous activity at the time of con- and Deccan flood basalts which were associated with
tinental break-up. By far the largest volumes of these the break-up of Gondwanaland. Onshore volcanism
igneous rocks are the predominantly tholeiitic flood may also affect inter-plume margin segments but it
basalts, which occupy local areas of the order of one is much less intense. Here we discuss the plume
thousand to one million km 2 with average aggregate margins, with particular reference to the early Ter-
thickness of about 1 km. Central intrusive com- tiary North Atlantic province, recently described in
plexes, sills and dike swarms also commonly occur. Morton and Parson (1988). A further useful compi-
The most prominent occurrences are the early Ter- lation used below is the Basaltic Volcanism Study
Project (1981).
412 M.H.P. Bott

The North Atlantic province displays major igne- McKenzie (1989) suggested that such flood basalts
ous developments in central East Greenland and cen- result from upwelling of the anomalously hot upper
tered on the west Scotland- Faeroe region. The East mantle as it rises passively beneath stretching and
Greenland lavas are quartz and olivine tholeiites with thinning lithosphere during the syn-rift stage.
subordinate olivine basalts. Their total volume is A recently discovered type of igneous structure
estimated to be about 250,000 km 3 (Larsen et al., which occurs at most of the north-eastern North At-
1989). The Faeroe Islands are formed of quartz and lantic margins is the downward fanning group of
olivine tholeiitic lavas with a thickness of about 5 reflectors which extends along much of the conti-
km (Waagstein, 1988). Their estimated volume is nent-ocean crustal contact, as recently summarized
probably about 4,000 km 3 "The lavas of the British by Parson et al. (1988). They are typically about 20
Isles province are alkali and tholeiitic basalts, with km wide, although if non-fanning reflectors are taken
alkali and transitional types dominant; they occupy into account, the zone may be much wider. There
about 12,000 km 3. Central intrusive complexes and has been controversy as to whether they overlie the
dike swarms occur in East Greenland and the Brit- edge of the disrupted continental crust (Hinz, 1981)
ish Isles, but are subordinate in volume to the lavas. or represent the earliest subaerial oceanic crust (Mut-
Marine geophysical investigations indicate that per- ter et al., 1982), but DSDP drilling on the Voring
haps even larger volumes of lava underlie the shelf Plateau which penetrated such a sequence indicates
regions of East Greenland, Faeroe Islands and Scot- continental contamination of some of the lavas, sug-
land, the subsided Rockall and Jan Mayen gesting that at least the inner part of the sequence is
microcontinents and the earlier-formed Rockall underlain by continental crust (Viereck et al., 1988).
Trough and Faeroe-Shetland Channel (see contribu-
tions in Morton and Parson, 1988).Taking the ma-
rine developments, erosion and ice cover into ac- 11.4 Geophysical surveys and results
count, the total volume of lavas in this province is 11.4.1. Seismic
probably at least one million km 3.
The bulk of the early Tertiary igneous activity (a) Seismic refraction was the earliest method of
occurred between about 62 and 50 Ma, with the ac- investigating the crustal thickness, layering and ve-
tivity in North Scotland starting rather earlier than locity structure at passive margins (e.g. Drake et al.,
that of East Greenland (Mussett et al., 1988; Noble 1959). This method reveals the broad transition from
et al., 1988). Within each region, the flood basalts continental to oceanic crust and has been used very
are the earliest phase. The onset of seafloor spread- effectively in conjunction with gravity to model the
ing was just prior to oceanic magnetic anomaly 24B, broad structure across passive margins, using em-
at about 54-52 Ma. Thus the main igneous activity pirical velocity-density relationships such as Nafe-
took place over about 8-10 Ma prior to final break- Drake (Nafe and Drake, 1963). However, the con-
up. A more precise sequence of events can be in- ventional seismic refraction method is limited in its
ferred from the East Greenland development (Bott, resolution of the deep crustal transition. Recent de-
1987). The main lava outpouring occurring over 2- velopments which improve this resolution are de-
3 Ma preceded the formation of the coastal flexure scribed under (c) below.
and dike swarm, which appears to have been con- (b) Multi-channel seismic reflection profiling has
temporaneous with a short-lived episode of major been instrumental in revealing the structure of the
stretching and thinning of the continental crust be- thick sediment piles, including the syn-rift and post-
neath the outer shelf, which is believed to precede rift sediments and the break-up unconformity, as
the onset of seafloor spreading. This suggests that described above in section 11.3. This method also
extensive melting may have resulted from decom- led to the discovery of the downward fanning dip-
pression caused by local upwelling within the un- ping reflectors described briefly in section 11.3.
stable hot upper mantle beneath the lithosphere prior Deep seismic reflection profiling has been used with
to the syn-rift stage. Alternatively, White and some success to show up lower crustal reflections
Rifted passive margins 413

and the reflection Moho across the Goban Spur mar- Gravity profiles have been extensively used for
gin west of U. K.(Peddy et al., 1989). Across the U. modeling the crustal transition across passive mar-
S. Atlantic margin, the Moho is observed over nor- gins in association with seismic data. Examples of
mal or slightly thinned continental crust and over such applications are given in section 11.5. The
oceanic crust, but not in the transitional region where ambiguity associated with potential field modeling
the thick sediments obscure it (Klitgord et al., 1988). is greatly reduced in this way, although gravity still
(c) Large aperture seismic experiments using two cannot give detailed resolution of the deep structure.
or more ships have recently been used to extend the Satellite altimetry has directly determined the
resolution of the deep crustal structure, particularly geoid on profiles across passive margins, as can be
in the transitional region. Two methods are used seen in the oceanic geoid map of Marsh et al. (1986).
(Stoffa and Buhl, 1979). In Common Depth Point There is an abrupt change in the geoid height across
profiling (CDP), two or more ships proceeding at these margins resulting from the dipolar nature of
constant offset all shoot and receive on arrays, the isostatic compensation (Haxby and Turcotte,
thereby greatly increasing the seismic aperture en- 1978). The geoid anomaly is more sensitive to deep
abling much better deep velocity information and isostatic compensation than gravity, and thus these
lateral structural variation to be obtained at depth. profiles have the potential to yield information on
In Expanding Spread Profiles (ESP), the two ships the upper mantle density contrast between continents
steam apart at the same speed, one shooting and one and oceans.
receiving, to yield an accurate velocity-depth pro-
file through the crust. A series of ESPs parallel to 11.4.3. Magnetics
the strike of the margin enables a crustal model
across the transition between continental and oce- Most oceanic regions have been covered by mag-
anic crust to be determined with greatly improved netic profiling and surveying in sufficient detail to
resolution. Such surveys have revealed a region of show the oceanic magnetic lineations which enable
high velocity (7.2-7.5 km/s) at the base of the tran- the ocean floor to be dated. In contrast, continental
sitional crust interpreted as igneous underplating at magnetic anomalies are generally less regular and
the Hatton margin (Fowler et al., 1989) and beneath of lower amplitude except where large anomalies are
the Baltimore and Carolina trough, U. S. Atlantic caused by lavas and igneous intrusions.
margin (Diebold et al., 1988; Tr6hu et al., 1989). The edge of the oceanic magnetic anomalies can
be used to map accurately and date the oldest oce-
11.4.2. Gravity anic crust adjacent to a margin, and thus to date the
onset of seafloor spreading. As an example, the
The gravity field across passive margins is gen- complementary margins of Rockall microcontinent
erally well known from marine surveys (e.g. and East Greenland can be dated at anomaly 24B
Featherstone et al, 1977; Sheridan et al., 1988). A (52-54 Ma) by this method (Montadert et al., 1979;
free air gravity high which may exceed + 100 mGal, Featherstone et al., 1977). This method fails when
but is more typically about +40 mGal, generally oc- the oldest oceanic crust formed during a quiet mag-
curs along the outer shelf, and a low of similar am- netic period of prolonged single polarity such as
plitude occurs along the rise. These reflect approxi- occurs during the Late Jurassic and during the Late
mate local isostatic equilibrium with compensation Cretaceous. However, the contrast in magnetization
at the Moho, but there are smaller residual isostatic between the uniformly magnetic quiet zone oceanic
anomalies probably representing flexural effects as- crust and the more weakly magnetized continental
sociated with differential thermal subsidence and crust may produce a strong edge effect magnetic
sediment loading. A review of the isostatic state of anomaly. The East Coast Magnetic Anomaly of the
passive margins is given by Karner and Watts (1982). U. S. Atlantic margin probably originates in this way
(Klitgord et al., 1988). Magnetic anomalies are also
useful at passive margins for estimating the depth to
414 M.H.P. Bott

Fig. 11-2. Example of the structure of a starved inter-plume margin. Schematic crustal section through the northern continental
margin of the Bay of Biscay, showing thin post-rift sediments (Late Aptian onwards), Early Cretaceous syn-rift sediments, tilted
fault blocks of continental basement overlain by Jurassic pre-rift sediments, detachment surface separating lower and upper crust,
continent-ocean contact beyond foot of slope and pattern of crustal thinning. Seismic velocities are shown in km/s. From Bott
(1992a), reproduced by permission of the Geological Society of London.

magnetic basement, determining the fabric of the 11.4.5. Seismicity and state of stress
continental crust and mapping major igneous fea-
tures beneath shelf and slope. Passive margins display the lack of strong seis-
micity which is characteristic of plate interior re-
11.4.4. Heat flow and thermal state gions. However, earthquakes do occur in certain re-
gions reflecting local inhomogeneities and weak-
There is practically no useful observational data nesses, as in other plate interior regions. Passive
on heat flow across passive margins, mainly because margins have often been referred to as seismically
of the difficulty of making satisfactory measure- inactive margins.
ments on the shelf and slope. An exception is the Observations of the present state of stress across
Red Sea, which is treated elsewhere in the book. The passive margins depends on focal mechanism stud-
very limited data for the U. S. Atlantic margin is ies (oceans and continents) and in situ measurements
summarized by Sawyer (1988). However, consider- (continents). Measurements are incorporated in the
able insight into the past and present temperature World Stress Map (Zoback et al., 1989). Oceanic
distributions can be obtained by thermal modeling lithosphere older than about 20 Ma is under hori-
based on assumed initial conditions and sedimen- zontal deviatoric compression perpendicular to the
tary history. The subsidence history of the margin ridges. Low lying continental regions are also found
indicates the cooling history of the underlying litho- to be under horizontal compression approximately
sphere and can be determined by backstripping perpendicular to the adjacent ocean ridges, such as
(Watts and Ryan, 1976; Steckler et al., 1988). eastern North America and west Europe. The lack
of tectonic activity except flexural subsidence indi-
Rifted passive margins 415

cates that the lithosphere on both sides has been The results of these investigations have been cru-
strong enough to withstand these stresses without cial to our understanding of the general structure and
failure during the whole of the drifting stage of de- evolution of passive margins.
velopment. A crustal section across this margin is shown in
Theoretical stress modeling at passive margins Figure 11-2. The transition from normal continen-
(Bott and Dean, 1972) indicates that the continent tal crust 30 km thick to oceanic crust 6 km thick
may be in a state of deviatoric tension relative to the occurs beneath the slope which is about 150 km wide.
ocean. Combining this theoretical inference with the Thinned continental crust underlies the slope, and
observational evidence above suggests that the ad- the continent-ocean contact occurs at the foot of the
jacent oceanic regions are under moderately strong slope, where the extremely thinned continental crust
compression whereas the continents are affected by is of similar thickness to the adjacent oceanic crust.
a weaker compression. On the other hand, if sub- There is no evidence of fan-shaped dipping igneous
continental lithosphere is denser than that beneath reflectors or of any other igneous activity prior to
the adjacent ocean, this stress differential across a the oldest oceanic crust. The upper crust displays
passive margin would be reduced or even annihi- large extension by development of listric faulted
lated. wedges, with the faults facing seawards. Extreme
The extensional structures and crustal thinning thinning of the lower crust, which extends by duc-
produced during the rifting stage indicate a quite tile stretching, has occurred beneath the lower slope.
different state of stress during the initial formation It is significant that the ductile stretching of the
of the margin. A sufficiently strong deviatoric ten- lower crust appears to be much greater than the
sion to give rise to whole lithospheric extensional brittle extension of the upper crust. Le Pichon and
failure applied at this time. An abrupt change in the Barbier (1989) explained this by postulating a de-
state of stress evidently occurred at the time of the tachment fault separating the upper and lower crust.
break-up unconformity when the a more neutral The missing part of the lower crust is thus now to be
stress regime became rapidly established. This new found on the complementary margin on the other side
state of stress was probably produced by ridge push of the ocean. This emphasizes the asymmetry not
from the newly formed ocean ridge. only in the fault wedges but also between comple-
mentary margins.
The sedimentary succession, which reveals the
11.5. Structure and development
evolutionary history of the margin, is well known
Evidence is now presented of three well-studied from drilling and seismic reflection profiling. The
examples from the North Atlantic illustrating the continental basement is overlain by thin Upper Ju-
structure and evolution of a starved inter-plume rassic carbonates deposited in a shallow epiconti-
margin (North Biscay), and fairly typical inter-plume nental sea, indicating that the region was underlain
margin (U. S. Atlantic margin) and a margin in a by fairly normal continental crust prior to the rift-
plume region (Hatton-Rockall). ing stage. Syn-rift sediments were deposited in the
half grabens as they formed, reaching maximum
11.5.1. North Biscay margin thicknesses of about 2 km. The syn-rift sediments
appear to have been formed over about 25 Ma dur-
At the North Biscay passive margin the rifting ing the Lower Cretaceous although they may go back
stage structures and the crustal transition are not into the uppermost Jurassic. The post-rift
deeply buried by post-rift sediments. It is the best unconformity is of Late Aptian age. The earliest drift-
known example of a starved margin. It has been stud- ing stage sediments are Late Aptian black shales
ied by DSDP drilling (Montadert, Roberts et al., deposited in about 2000 m of water at the foot of the
1979) and by detailed seismic investigations (de slope, but shallowing towards the shelf. This indi-
Charpal et al., 1978; Le Pichon and Barbier, 1989). cates that the rifting stage resulted in overall sub-
sidence. An additional 2300 m of thermal subsid-
416 M.H.P. Bott

Fig. 11-3. A typical inter-plume passive margin. Crustal section through the U.S. Atlantic margin at Baltimore Canyon Trough. The
section shows (1) the thick post-rift sediments with a prograding carbonate reef from Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, (2) syn-rift
sediments deposited in half grabens with salt at the top, (3) the gradational crustal transition with the edge of true oceanic crust
probably marked by the East Coast Magnetic Anomaly (ECMA), (4) the high velocity lower crust, and (5) salt diapirs and mafic
intrusion penetrating post rift sediments. Redrawn from Grow and Sheridan (1988) and taken from Bott (1992a), reproduced by
permission of the Geological Society of London.

ence of the margin has subsequently occurred at the viously been postulated for passive margins in gen-
foot of the slope, decreasing towards the shelf. The eral (Sleep, 1971). This suggests that the thermal
post-rift sediments are thin and include major hia- anomaly at the onset of drifting was produced solely
tuses. by the thinning of the lithosphere and the consequent
The results from the Biscay margin indicate that upwelling of the underlying hot asthenosphere. There
in absence of thick sediments, the margin developed is no indication of any other underlying thermal
in two stages. First, during the rifting stage lasting anomaly. Second, during the drifting stage subsid-
about 25 Ma the continental crust and lithosphere ence of up to 2300 m was caused by cooling of the
was stretched causing subsidence of 2000 m at the lithosphere. Sediment loading had a relatively mi-
foot of the slope. There is no evidence for any dom- nor effect.
ing or uplift during the rifting stage such as had pre-
Rifted passive margins 417

11.5.2. U. S. Atlantic continental margin asymmetric half grabens filled with clastic Late Tri-
assic sediments. The rifting stage probably included
The Atlantic margin of eastern North America can Late Triassic and most of the Early Jurassic, lasting
be regarded as a fairly typical passive margin, with about 50 Ma. This stage was accompanied by the
a good supply of sediment during its evolution. It Newark rift basalts and by the eastern North Ameri-
has been studied in great detail by seismic, gravity can dike swarms (de Boer et al., 1988). The rifting
and magnetic methods, and some drilling, as recently and associated igneous activity probably terminated
described in the DNAG volume (Sheridan and Grow, at about 190-175 Ma, with the onset of seafloor
1988). This and the complementary North African spreading and salt deposition at the base of the post-
Atlantic margin are the oldest in the Atlantic Ocean, rift sequence. An exponentially decaying thermal
with seafloor spreading starting in the Early Juras- subsidence with sediment loading took place during
sic. The crustal transition is buried beneath about the subsequent drifting stage, as inferred from
12 km of sediments. backstripping and forward thermal modeling
A typical section across this margin, taken across (Steckler et al., 1988).
the Baltimore Canyon trough at about 38~ is shown An anomalous region of the U. S. Atlantic mar-
in Figure 11-3 (Grow and Sheridan, 1988). The tran- gin is the Blake Plateau (Dillon and Popenoe, 1988),
sition from 40 km thick continental crust to 7 km a 250 km wide and fairly flat region with 800-1000
thick oceanic crust takes place over about 250 km. m water depth between the shelf edge and the slope
The pile of post-rift sediments is about 13 km thick, between about 28 ~ and 31 ~ N. Geophysical investi-
and the main seaward thickening starts abruptly at gations show that there are about 10 km of sediments
the hinge zone. The exact contact between disrupted in the Blake Plateau basin. The sediments are un-
continental crust and clear oceanic crust may be derlain by a crust which is about 20 km thick. The
marked by the East Coast Magnetic anomaly, being thin crust giving rise to the plateau was probably
located beneath the outer shelf. The post-rift formed by stretching of normal continental crust
unconformity is underlain by a series of half gra- during the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic rifting stage
bens with seaward facing bounding faults which are of formation, giving rise to a region of uniformly
probably listric. Syn-rift deposits are locally up to highly extended terrain. This is known as a marginal
about 5 km or more in thickness. The main region plateau, and such features occur at other passive
of stretched and modified continental crust extends margins, including some subsided microcontinental
over about 120 km from the hinge zone to the in- regions such as Rockall and Jan Mayen probably
ferred continent-ocean crustal boundary. A region formed by the same process of fairly uniform exten-
of 7.2-7.5 km/s lower crust underlies the outer part sion of a region of continental crust during the rift-
of the disrupted continental crust and may represent ing stage.
underplating, as has been suggested for the Caro- The U.S. Atlantic margin appears to differ from
lina trough (Tr6hu et al., 1989). A 25 km wide zone the North Biscay margin in two major ways. First,
of seaward dipping downward fanning reflectors, some significant igneous activity is in evidence dur-
which may mark the continent-ocean contact, has ing the rifting stage of development. Second, great
been observed on a USGS deep seismic reflection thicknesses of sediment were deposited during the
line east of Georges Bank (Klitgord et al., 1988). A drifting stage. The 12 km thickness of post-rift sedi-
local mafic intrusion penetrates the post-rift sedi- ments can readily be understood in terms of syn-rift
ments of the Baltimore Canyon trough, giving rise lithospheric stretching followed by post-rift thermal
to a sharp magnetic anomaly (Fig. 11-3).
subsidence as at Biscay, with the additional factors
The evolutionary history of the margin can be
of (1) sediment loading which more than doubles
constructed from the evidence from numerous drill
the total amount of subsidence and (2) longer time
holes (e.g. Poag and Valentine, 1988) and from as-
span of development. There is no need to appeal to
sociated onshore syn-rift basins (Manspeizer and
a major thermal anomaly during the rifting stage,
Cousminer, 1988). The onshore Newark basins are
418 M.H.P. Bott

Fig. 11--4. Example of a plume passive margin. Section across the Hatton-Rockall margin at 59~ showing the seismic velocity
structure as obtained from a series of expanded spread profiles A to H. The section shows (1) the thick extrusive rocks including
dipping reflectors which dominate the upper crust beneath the thin post rift sediments (shaded), (2) the gradational crustal transition
with the lens of thick high velocity lower crust interpreted as underplated mafic material, and (3) the anomalously shallow oceanic
region. Redrawn from Fowler et al. (1989).

apart from that produced by lithospheric stretching, nearby margin was drilled by DSDP (Montadert,
although the syn-rift igneous activity does suggest Roberts et al., 1979). Seafloor spreading started in
hotter conditions than at North Biscay. the early Eocene at anomaly 24B.
A crustal section across this margin based on a
11.5.3. Hatton Rockall margin series of parallel along-strike expanding spread pro-
files is shown in Figure 11-4 (Fowler et al., 1989).
The passive margin northwest of Hatton Bank The post-rift sediments are very thin and are under-
(Rockall microcontinent) is probably the best-stud- lain beneath the slope by a series of dipping reflec-
ied example of a highly magmatic plume margin. It tors which are interpreted as thick seaward dipping
is situated on the southern flank of the region af- lavas. Any underlying syn-rift or pre-rift sediments
fected by the intense early Tertiary volcanism of the
are completely obscured by the thick lavas. The tran-
northeastern North Atlantic. This margin has been
sition from 27 km thick continental crust to 7 km
studied by wide-angle two-ship multi-channel seis- thick oceanic crust occurs beneath the gentle slope
mic investigations (White et al., 1987). Detailed which is about 80 km wide. The increasing seaward
gravity and magnetic data are also available. The thinning of the continental crust beneath the slope
presumably results from stretching, although there
Rifted passive margins 419

Fig. 11-5. Schematic cross sections across the Tucano-Gabon basin system bordering the South Atlantic Ocean at 10~ ~ S,
modified from Castro (1987). The locations of the two crustal sections AA and BB are shown on the sketch map of the continents
prior to break-up. The following structural features are shown: G, Gabon basin, J, Jacuipe basin; R, Reconcavo basin; S, Sergipe-
Alagoas basin, T, Tucano basin; Vb, Vaza-Barris transfer fault system. The upper crustal extensional faulting is separated from the
ductile thinning of the lower crust by a postulated zone of mid-crustal weakness which is shaded diagonally. From Bott (1992a),
reproduced by permission of the Geological Society of London.

is no direct evidence for this. There are two major verse ridge except by an appeal to a hot spot in the
anomalous features of the structure. First, there is a upper mantle which preceded the continental
large lens of high velocity material (7.3-7.4 km/s) breakup here, and has continued to affect a large
up to 14 km thick at the base of the crust beneath region of the northeastern North Atlantic (Vogt,
the margin, interpreted as underplated or intruded 1974; Bott, 1988).
igneous material. The intense igneous activity which
dominates upper and lower crust at this margin has
been interpreted in terms of partial melting of up- 11.6. Other rift structures near passive margins
welling asthenosphere as the lithosphere is stretched
Rift structures in the immediate vicinity of the
in a region near a pre-existing upper mantle hot spot
passive margins have been considered above. Other
(White et al., 1987). Second, the adjacent ocean floor
rift type features associated with passive margins
is anomalously shallow for its age, and reflects the
may extend further into the adjacent continents.
ongoing presence of an anomalously hot upper
Three examples of different type from the Atlantic
mantle in this region (Haigh, 1973).
region are described.
The Hatton Bank margin is south of the region of
greatest volcanism of the early Tertiary province. The
11.6.1. Tucano-Gabon graben system, South Atlan-
maximum activity occurred in East Greenland and
the region of the Faeroe Islands, which are located
at opposite ends of the aseismic Icelandic transverse The north-south oriented Tucano graben is a con-
ridge, where the most intense activity has continued spicuous feature of northeastern Brazil. It is the larg-
to form the thick oceanic crust of Icelandic type. It est of a series of deep sedimentary basins filled
is difficult to explain the early Tertiary volcanism mainly by Early Cretaceous sediments on the
and the subsequent formation of the Icelandic trans- complementary northeastern Brazil and Gabon mar-
420 M.H.P. Bott

gins. It is 400 km long, nearly 100 km wide and up 11.6.2. North Sea rift system
to 7 km deep (Fig. 11-5). The Tucano basin is sepa-
rated from the Atlantic margin by a triangular re- The Mesozoic North Sea rift system is deeply
gion of Precambrian basement. This and the other buried beneath thick Tertiary sediments but it has
associated grabens are of particular interest because been studied in great detail by seismic reflection
of their relationship to the formation of the comple- surveying and drilling because of the rich petroleum
mentary Brazilian and Gabon passive margins, as resources of the region. It exhibits very similar struc-
described by Ussami et al. (1986), Castro (1987) and tural features to those of an inter-plume passive
de Matos (1992). margin except that continental break-up did not oc-
The great thickness of sediments in the Tucano cur. It can be regarded as a failed arm of the wider
basin were mainly formed over about 24 Ma in the Mesozoic rifting along the North Atlantic border-
Early Cretaceous, contemporaneous with the rifting lands. The dominant structures are the Viking Gra-
stage of the adjacent passive margin. Significant ben in the north and the Central Graben in the south.
subsidence terminated at the onset of seafloor These join at a "triple junction" with the Moray Firth
spreading in the South Atlantic (Aptian/Albian - Witch Ground Graben which extends westwards.
boundary). The underlying crust appears to be The structure and evolution is described in Blundell
unthinned and the evidence for significant thermal and Gibbs (1990) and Hardman and Brooks (1990).
subsidence after this time is lacking. This suggested A short summary review is given by Ziegler (1992)
to Ussami et al. (1986) that the upper crustal stretch- and sections across are shown in Figure 11-6.
ing during formation of the Tucano basin was con- North Sea rifting started with a Triassic to Early
nected to lower lithospheric ductile thinning beneath Jurassic rifting stage which was followed by Middle
the incipient passive margin to the east by a mid- Jurassic doming. A second rifting stage dominated
crustal detachment surface and transfer faults, from Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, then wan-
broadly according to the simple shear mechanism ing and terminating in the Palaeocene.
of Wernicke (1985). However, such a simple detach- The syn-rift sediments reach thicknesses of about
ment surface is incompatible with the switching po- 5 km within the grabens. The predominant dip of
larity of the Tucano basin, and a model along the the faults on both sides is towards the center of the
lines of de Matos (1992) and Bott (1992a) involv- grabens, giving the overall structure some semblance
ing a mid-crustal ductile shear zone as shown in Fig- of symmetry. Post-rift thermal subsidence without
ure 11-5 better explains the observations. any conspicuous faulting occurred during the Ter-
The Tucano graben is an example of a rift formed tiary. This is greatest along the line of the main gra-
on the continental borderland during the rifting stage bens, reaching a maximum of 3.5 km over the Cen-
of passive margin development. There are numer- tral Graben, and it extends laterally beyond the rift
ous examples of this type of rift in onshore regions zone. The main associated igneous activity consists
adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean, including some dominantly of mildly undersaturated alkali basalts
failed-arms (Burke, 1976). The Tucano-Gabon is also of Middle Jurassic age (Ritchie et al., 1988; Latin
a good example of asymmetrical development of a and Waters, 1992).
passive margin. Such asymmetry of conjugate mar- The crustal structure is known from seismic re-
gins is commonly seen elsewhere, although usually fraction, seismic reflection and gravity observations
without such spectacular development. It originates (Barton and Wood, 1984; Hollinger and Klemperer,
from the combined effects of (1) asymmetrical rift- 1990). The Moho is slightly over 30 km deep in the
ing stage development with upper crustal extension adjacent regions and rises by about 9 km to 23 km
laterally offset from the ductile stretching of the beneath the Central Graben, where the sub-sedimen-
lower lithosphere, and/or (2) asymmetrical location tary crust is thinner by a factor of two, implying a
of the line of continental splitting with respect to 100 km extension of the continental crust. Accord-
the stretched upper crust and/or the region of litho- ing the Ziegler (1992), upper crustal stretching by
spheric thinning. faulting is significantly less than the stretching re-
Rifted passive margins 421

Fig. 11-6. Sections across the Viking Graben and the Central Graben (North Sea) to illustrate the relationship between rifting
(Triassic to Upper Cretaceous), thermal subsidence (Upper Cretaceous to present) and crustal structure. PT = Permian and Triassic;
JKL = Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous; KUT = Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary. Redrawn from Ziegler (1990).

quired to thin the underlying ductile crust. There is 11.6.3. Rockall Trough
also related controversy as to whether the extension
can be regarded as pure shear stretching or requires Rockall Trough and its northern extension as the
significant asymmetrical faulting. Faeroe-Shetland Channel is a major rift-like bathy-
The syn-rift and post-rift stages mimic those ob- metric depression which separates the Scottish and
served at a typical inter-plume passive margin. How- Irish shelf regions from the Rockall and Faeroes
ever, the North Sea rift system lacks the extreme microcontinental region. The transverse Wyville-
stretching of the ductile crust typically observed at Thomson Ridge separates the Trough from the Chan-
passive margins. Consequently the North Sea ther- nel. The M~re basin forms a buried northeastern
mal subsidence is smaller by a factor of three or four. extension of the Faeroe-Shetland Channel. South-
The rifting lasted 175 Ma and was complicated by a em Rockall Trough is about 200 km wide with steep
short doming between two stages of rifting, unlike margins and it is about 3 km deep, with thick sedi-
that at a typical passive margin. This is a remark- ments beneath the seabed. The depression, which is
ably long duration for continental rifting of any type about 1500 km long, narrows and shallows north-
and may have resulted from the two separate stages. wards towards the Mere basin. It has been referred
It contrasts with the more typical life time of rifting to as the proto-North Atlantic.
of about 50 Ma (see Chapter 1). The North Sea rift The origin of the wide graben-like feature formed
system also differs from the main Tertiary continen- by the Rockall Trough and its northeastward exten-
tal rift systems in that the doming was a much less sion remains controversial, as recently reviewed by
significant factor. Smythe (1989). One of the difficulties is the blan-
keting of much of the deep structure by thick Pale-
422 M.H.P. Bott

ocene and early Eocene volcanics. The most com- the South Atlantic and the Caledonian-Appalachian
monly held hypothesis is that it formed during the fold belts of the North Atlantic. An exception is the
Cretaceous, possibly mid-late Cretaceous according early Eocene split of South Greenland from Rockall-
to Roberts et al. (1981). The alternate hypothesis is Hatton Bank which broke through a Precambrian
that it formed earlier, possibly in the Late Carbonif- cratonic region (Bott, 1987).
erous to Early Permian (see Smythe, 1989). As de- (2) Continental break-up starts with a rifting stage
finitive magnetic anomalies are absent, it is disput- of development, when a strip of continental lithos-
able as to whether it formed by seafloor spreading phere about 100 to 150 km wide becomes stretched
or by extension of the continental crust or by a com- to approaching twice its original width over a pe-
bination of these. It has been claimed that the crustal riod of about 25-50 Ma. This suggests an average
structure revealed by a comprehensive seismic ex- rate of separation of about 3 mm/yr. Stretching of
periment indicates stretched continental crust (Rob- the brittle upper crust gives rise to listrically faulted
erts et al., 1988), but Smythe (1989) considered the half-grabens and detachment faults. The lower crust
evidence to be ambiguous. The most recent two-ship responds by ductile stretching. The amount of
seismic experiment (Joppen and White, 1990) indi- stretching is broadly indicated by the resulting
cated a 6 km thick crust which includes thick syn- crustal thickness, with greatest stretching produc-
rift intrusives. The nature of the crust remains un- ing continental crust of similar thickness to oceanic
certain although they favor a stretched continental crust in the central region. Thinning of the lithos-
origin. phere proportionately raises the lithospheric iso-
The favored hypothesis is that Rockall Trough is therms accompanying upwelling of the underlying
underlain by continental crust which has been hot asthenosphere. Some volcanism extending into
stretched by a factor of 6-10 during the Cretaceous. the onshore regions may occur as a result of the adia-
If this is correct, it must be underlain by a fairly batic decompression as the asthenospheric material
uniform region of highly extended terrain. The sym- upwells, but it is insufficient to swamp the incipient
metry of the structure is best fitted by the pure shear margin. The combined effect of the crustal thinning
model shown in Figure l l - l ( a ) . and the thermal anomaly is to produce a net subsid-
ence of up to about 2 km. There is no requirement
from the available evidence for a domal uplift af-
11.7. Evolution fecting the stretched region and the adjacent border-
The broad evolution of passive margins as re- lands, rather the reverse (but cf. Red Sea margins
vealed by studies of Atlantic margins is summarized and the plume margins). It must be assumed that the
here, first by reference to weakly magmatic inter- continental crust was subjected to a substantial
plume margins, and second by reference to the highly deviatoric tension during the rifting stage, and this
magmatic plume segments. may have originated from trench suction affecting
opposite sides of a large continental mass such as
11.7.1. Normal (inter-plume) margins Pangaea.
(3) The rifting stage abruptly terminates and the
The evolution of normal passive margins, as in- drifting stage starts with the onset of seafloor spread-
ferred particularly from the evidence of North Biscay ing. Extensional tectonics ceases and slow subsid-
and U. S. Atlantic margins, follows the following ence of the margin commences. Sediment piles of
stages: up to 12 km thickness may develop as a results of
(1) The margins have developed in continental (1) the initial water depth after rifting, (2) exponen-
interior regions having pre-rifting stage crust of typi- tially decaying thermal subsidence as the lithosphere
cal continental thickness with elevation at or near thickens and cools, and (3) subsidence due to sedi-
sea level. However, the line of splitting is affected ment loading. The abrupt change in stress affecting
by basement weakness reflecting the alignment of the margin can be attributed to the ridge push plate
earlier fold belts, such as the pan-African folding in boundary force at the newly formed ocean ridge.
Rifted passive margins 423

As described in the preceding section, a variety 50 Ma as is still occurring in the northeastern North
of graben type basins can form in the onshore re- Atlantic where oceanic depths are anomalously shal-
gion during the rifting stage, and the final line of low and continental borderlands are locally and re-
splitting may be asymmetrically located. gionally uplifted. A ridge of anomalously thick Ice-
landic type crust may be formed by the apex of the
11.7.2. Plume passive margins hot spot activity, forming a transverse ridge across
the developing ocean.
The evolution of the plume-dominated passive
margins of the northeastern North Atlantic differs 11.7.3. Origin of passive margins
markedly from that of the more normal inter-plume
passive margins discussed above, in the dominance How do passive margins originate? The evidence
of the associated magmatic activity. Tentatively, the suggests that they formed during a period of conti-
evolution of this type of margin is summarized as nent-wide extensional stress in the continental litho-
follows: sphere, unlike the present-day situation with com-
(1) It is assumed that the first stage is the devel- pression dominant in normal continental crust. A
opment of a hot spot in the upper mantle beneath, plausible suggestion is that their formation is trig-
probably resulting from the break-through of a lower gered by development of an upper mantle hot spot
mantle plume of the type envisaged by Loper (1985) above a lower mantle plume. The continental litho-
which carries hot material from the boundary layer sphere above the plume would be weakened and sub-
at the base of the mantle into the upper mantle as- jected to additional local tension, initiating the con-
thenosphere. The raised temperature lowers the den- tinental split, which would then readily spread lat-
sity of the upper mantle and may give rise to some erally into the inter-plume regions as a result of the
domal uplift, although detailed evidence is scanty. continent wide tension. A new more compressional
(2) Eruption of large volumes of predominantly stress regime would be abruptly introduced once
tholeiitic flood basalts, with intrusion of associated seafloor spreading started.
ring complexes and dikes, dominates the develop-
ment over about 10 Ma prior to the onset of seafloor
spreading. Stretching and thinning of the underly- 11.8. Passive margin rifting compared with
ing continental crust may occur contemporaneously, present day continental rifting
but firm evidence on how this takes place is masked
The rifting stage of passive margin development
by the volcanics. However, subsidence during erup-
has produced extensive ancient continental rift sys-
tion, thinning of the continental crust beneath the
tems of a special type. Were these ancient rift sys-
slope, and plateau subsidence indicate that such rift-
tems identical to the present-day continental rift sys-
ing stage stretching has occurred. The intense mag-
tems or is there a distinction? The difficulty in mak-
matic activity originates by upwelling within an
ing this comparison is that the passive margin struc-
anomalously hot asthenosphere. This may accom-
tures are almost all deeply buried and information
pany stretching of the lithosphere as advocated by
about them is much less well resolved. There is suf-
White et al. (1987) It may occur prior to stretching
ficient evidence, however, to point out similarities
as a result of local upwelling within the hot upper
and differences.
mantle as it develops from a plume.
Both modern rift systems and ancient passive
(3) After onset of seafloor spreading, most of the
margin rift structures form long linear belts within
continental volcanism dies out, with local activity
original continental interior regions where the up-
in central complexes continuing for a further few
per crust has been extended by faulting and graben
million years. Thermal subsidence of the margins
formation, mainly half grabens. Both types have thus
takes place as at inter-plume margins. The continen-
been formed as a result of horizontal deviatoric ten-
tal borderlands and the new oceanic region may be
sion affecting the continental lithosphere. Both may
dominated by the upper mantle hot spot for well over
be associated with syn-rift basaltic volcanic activ-
424 M.H.P. Bott

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J. A. Grow (Editors), The Geology of North America, vol. I- Tertiary volcanism and the opening of the NE Atlantic. Geol.
2, The Atlantic continental margin: U. S. The Geological Soc. London Spec. Publ., 39: 69-83.
Society of America, Boulder, Colorado, pp. 417-428. Vogt, P. R., 1974. The Iceland phenomenon: imprints of a hot
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Chapter 12

The Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen

G. R. K e l l e r and W. S. B a l d r i d g e

12.1 Introduction view by Perry (1989), and the igneous and tectonic
evolution have been summarized by McConnen and
The northwest trending structures which extend Gilbert (1990) and Gilbert and Denison (1993).
across southern Oklahoma and northwestern Texas
include some of the largest in North America (Fig.
12-1). For example, the Anadarko basin contains 12.2 Significance
more than 12 km of Cambrian through Permian sedi-
mentary rocks (Ham and Wilson, 1967). In his de- The Southern Oklahoma aulacogen is significant
finitive study, Shatski (1946) recognized the regional because it is a classic example of such a feature. The
significance of these features and compared these early and middle Paleozoic post rift subsidence and
North American structures to the Donets basin in the late Paleozoic deformation produced the Anadarko
western portion of the USSR. He defined these com- basin which is one of the deepest basins in the world
pressively reactivated rifts as aulacogens. The and is a major petroleum province (e.g. Feinstein,
aulacogen concept was put into a plate tectonic 1981). This aulacogen provides the structural frame-
framework by Hoffman et a1.(1974) and the struc- work for a major portion of the central U.S. and some
tures extending across southern Oklahoma have been related faults may have experienced recent move-
referred to as the Southern Oklahoma or Wichita ments (Meers fault, e.g. Luza et al., 1987) and could
aulacogen since that time. This set of structures be- pose an earthquake hazard.
gins at the early Paleozoic continental margin in
northeastern most Texas (Kruger and Keller, 1986). 12.3. Geological information
Additional structures as far northwest as eastern Utah
have Paleozoic tectonic histories which suggest they The post rift history of the southern Oklahoma
may be part of this aulacogen. (Larson et al., 1985). region is extremely well known because of exten-
The rift phase of this feature formed as a result of a sive petroleum exploration (10,000's of wells have
major continental breakup in latest Precambrian/ear- been drilled) and has been documented in detail by
liest Paleozoic time which formed Paleozoic North Ham et al. (1964) in a landmark paper. Our knowl-
America and a number of continental rifts. (e.g. edge of the rifting is based primarily on many stud-
Keller et al., 1983). The late Paleozoic deformation ies of the igneous rocks exposed in the Wichita up-
which formed the structures we see today occurred lift (see Gilbert, 1983 and Gilbert and Denison, 1993
as a result of the Ouachita orogeny. These structures for summaries), regional relationships (Keller et al.,
constitute one of North America's major petroleum 1983), and the post rift subsidence (e.g. Feinstein,
provinces, and have been the subject of a recent over-
428 G.R. Keller and W.S. Baldridge

1981; Garner and Turcotte, 1984). There is indirect mum associated with these rocks indicates that their
evidence for actual rift faults (Ham et al., 1964; Gil- lateral extent is greater than this and that their verti-
bert, 1983) but none have actually been mapped. The cal extent is about 10 km (Fig. 12-3).
pattern of distribution of the Carlton Rhyolite Group Massive volumes (possibly up to 40,000 km 3) of
suggests these units were laid down in and overfilled peralkaline silicic magmas were generated about 525
a trough (Gilbert, 1983). The late Paleozoic event m.y. ago, producing the Carleton Rhyolite Group and
which formed the uplift resulted in erosion of much its possible intrusive equivalent, the Wichita Gran-
of the rock record of rifting and that which is pre- ite Group (Gilbert and Meyers, 1986; Weaver and
sumably preserved is buried beneath about 12 km of Gilbert, 1986). Emplacement of these rocks occurred
younger rocks in the Anadarko basin. Perry (1989) shortly after major uplift of the rift. The origin of
reviewed the evidence for an early Paleozoic sedi- these silicic magmas, which are characterized by
mentary trough coinciding with the rift. There is high K20 (K20 = 4.2-5.3%; K20/Na20 = 1.1-1.5), en-
evidence for hinge-lines in the thickening of Silurian riched incompatible trace elements, and F-bearing
and Devonian units which suggest that the alkali amphiboles, is uncertain. Associated tholei-
depocenter in this trough was in the vicinity of the itic basalts, occurring as late-stage dibase dikes, may
Wichita uplift (Amsden, 1975; Cardott and Lambert, be genetically related or may simply represent the
1985). Control for thicknesses of Cambrian and Or- heat source for melting of preexisting crust. High
dovician units is limited, but the interpreted isop- initial a7sr/a6sr (0.707 _+ 0.001) of the silicic rocks
achs of Gatewood (1978) place the depocenter in a suggests that at least some crustal component is in-
similar position. As shown by Feinstein (1981), the volved in their origin.
rate of subsidence decreased from the Cambrian into The Precambrian basement rock provinces in the
the early Mississippian. The lack of deep water sedi- region are well known (Denison et al., 1984) and
ments indicates sedimentation kept pace with sub- suggest that an older boundary may extend through
sidence. Based on all of the considerations discussed the area. Gilbert (1983) suggests that such a bound-
above, Perry (1989) inferred the outline of the rifted ary may have played a role in controlling the loca-
area to be as shown in Figure 12-2. tion of the rifting.
Early igneous activity resulted in intrusion of a
layered gabbroic complex, the Glen Mountains Lay-
ered Complex (GMLC), (Powell et al., 1980; Powell, 12.4. Geophysical surveys and results
1986). These rocks are probably early Cambrian in There is a considerable amount of geophysical
age (577 + 165 Ma, Lambert and Unruh, 1986). The data available in the southern Oklahoma aulacogen
GMLC may have an extrusive equivalent, the area. However, there is a paucity of published seis-
Navajoe Mountain Basalt-Spilite Group, a series of mic reflection data. There are 1000's of kilometers
shallow submarine flows. Compositional data are of proprietary data which have been shown to re-
limited for these units, partly because of pervasive searchers by various industry groups, and a few
alteration. However, both units are thought to be record sections have found their way into the litera-
tholeiitic in composition. The GMLC is intruded by ture (e. g. Jacobson, 1984). Thus, our knowledge of
small, internally layered basaltic plutons, also of the post early Paleozoic history and structures is
tholeiitic composition. One of these was dated at 552 better than can be documented formally. The Con-
Ma., which provides a younger limit on the age of sortium for Continental Reflection Profiling
the GMLC (Bowring and Hoppe, 1982). The total (COCORP) recorded several profiles in southwest-
suite of basic rocks is referred to as the Raggedy em Oklahoma (Brewer et al., 1981, 1983) and a uni-
Mountain Gabbro Group (Powell, 1986) and is versity consortium conducted a wide-angle reflec-
known from drilling to have dimensions of-.40 km tion/ refraction experiment in the same area (Chang
by ~ 175 km. The large (~ 100 mGal.) gravity maxi- et al., 1989; Zhu and McMechan, 1989; Kang and
McMechan, 1990; Hamilton, 1989; Hsueh, 1991).
103 ~ 102 ~ I01 ~ IO0 ~ 99 ~ 98 = 97 ~ 96 ~ 95 ~ 94 ~ .
I I I I I i i [ I

37" I KANSAS 'i 37 ~

......... ~M,SSOUR~

OKLAHOMA I. . . . . . . .

36 9 !
BASIN 36 ~


'q~'~~" " 4,r 0 8"4"~/'4" SEMINOLE ARKOMA BA S I N

~,. . ARCH
35 ~

34 ~
34 ~
. . . _ __

-i--r --r" "I" "I- "r~'Y'"Y" "Y"

\% , :
' I
33 ~ -: ,,,~// i"--'-" 33 =

I TEXAS ~" ~T/.~' N I

w E
: 25 0 2,$ 50 7,~ I00 Miles ~/4(~
32 ~
L_ 32 ~
25 0 50 IOQ 1~3 Kilometers
~/~ S
I I I I I (((~ I / I I I I
103 ~ 102 ~ I01~ I00 ~ 99 ~ 98~ 97~ 96 ~ 95 ~ 94 ~

Cartography by L. Marlton

Fig. 12-1. Index map showing the major tectonic features associated with the southern Oklahoma aulacogen.
430 G.R. Keller and W.S. Baldridge

looOw 98~


,~, ~tv'~o.~a,~r

I S4s~
" ~ ~" "20
~ ~
....:........ ...~:.......,....
. : . .i.:..:
.--. 9 ..
9 ; - - 3 o ....-~.
f;:9 . . ~ .-...: i."::i.(.:.".:
:-....... . . . . : i..
~ " " ~ "'-"'-"'""
. - - . . - . . . : .'-"
. - . """ -...
"~ . . . . ~ "-40
. "'"
~,,~.'. "..." " "- 9 "...'.1".. " ' .... ....- .-..
9.'. -- . . : .. .r .. . . ." -. . . : ... i
9 " ~ ~ i - i :!:-"i- .".:-. :"i-.:. :-". '

"",4:"~: i- :..": ::i! 0...".i.: '~

I ~"
TEXAS ' , 9 :..:"i.i:~:~.".:..:"i-
~' '."..; '.:--......
. N ~ "~

.... \, N~% -. 9... ...-"..

~,, "~......-.-~.-..-....... 4
~ a, aS/~v ,~.".~."k ;..;~.~.,:i" ~~ :~
. " .r.. . .... .. ...:
" - ~ .-.-'." ~,. 1 .... - ". . . .
I 100 km I
9 "~;~..:..:..:.-........


Fault Thrust fault, sawteeth on upthrown block

--- --- Inferred boundary the of southern Oklahoma aulacogen ~ Fault having strike-slip component of displacement

Fig. 12-2. Map showing inferred extent of the southern Oklahoma aulacogen and major faults. Contours are of depth (1000's of
feet) to Proterozoic basement beneath the Anadarko basin. Modified from Parry (1989).

These results provide a good picture of the deep complex zone (Brewer et al., 1983; Chang et al,
structure of the Wichita uplift, the Anadarko basin 1989). To the north, the Precambrian basement can-
to the north, and the Hardeman basin area to the south not be unambiguously identified because of the great
(Fig. 12-2). The upper crust of this uplift is com- thicknesses of reflective sediments. However, these
posed of high velocity (>6.5 km/s P-wave velocity) data indicate that total sedimentary rock thickness
material, and it overthrusts the Anadarko basin in a estimates of 12 km may even be conservative. To
The Southern Oklahoma aulacogen 431

"~ S lg
C:~ I,

0 A

+ + Calculated
UJ -+

"'.'d * ~+ ~Observed

o Hardeman Wichita 200 300 400

0 A Basin UpliRr A AnadarkoBasin lk"
...... - ~ ~ ] _ ~ u P ' '

Upper Crust
2 I\'qPG
. . . . .


MOHO ~-.-~-

"' " "' '~J'''''''

' o o '~o'o''''''' '~o'o''''''' ',~o'o' ' '

Fig. 12-3. Crustal model across the southern Oklahoma aulacogen based on an integrated analysis of seismic, gravity, and geologic
data. UP-upper Paleozoic strata; LP - lower Paleozoic strata; A - granitic rocks; G - Gabbroic rocks; PB - Proterozoic basin; RF -
Rift fill of sediments and volcanics; PS - Proterozoic sediments or intrusions probably associated with the Midcontinent rift system.
PG - Proterozoic gabbro probably associated with the midcontinent rift system (Robbins and Keller, 1992).
432 G.R. Keller and W.S. Baldridge

Time Volcanic Volcanic Tectonic Style

Ma Style Products

No Strong

I Peralkaline
Rift Acidic Extension
600 Basalt


Gabbro ? Extension?

No Strong
/ Stress
| Intra- Rhyolite-
1400 Plate Granite

Fig. 12-4. Tectonic and magmatic evolution.

the south, Brewer et al., (1981) interpreted exten- ever, enough control exists to conclude that the crust
sive layered reflectors within the Precambrian base- is approximately 40 km thick throughout the area.
ment to indicate the presence of a late Proterozoic An excellent data base of gravity and magnetic read-
basin and Hamilton (1989) showed that a gravity low ings exists for the area (e.g. Robbins and Keller,
in this area is consistent with this interpretation. 1992). Magnetic anomalies in the Wichita uplift area
The deep crustal structure of the region is only trend parallel to the aulacogen and are complex as
generally known. The studies discussed above pro- one would expect over shallow igneous rocks of
duced limited data on deep structure, and the one varied composition.
long seismic refraction line in the area (Mitchell and The gravity data provide significant control on
Landisman, 1970) provides a low resolution picture deep structure and show that the aulacogen is asso-
because of the wide spacing of the recordings. How- ciated with a huge positive (>100 mGal) gravity
The Southern Oklahoma aulacogen 433

Fig. 12-5. Schematic evolution of lithospheric structure.

anomaly (Fig. 12-3) which requires the presence of duced a seismic model of the Anadarko basin which
a major crustal anomaly in the vicinity of the Wichita was tied to Hamilton's (1989) model. A gravity
uplift. Hamilton (1989) showed that the gravity and model based on these studies is shown as Figure 12-
seismic results over the uplift could be satisfied with 3. This crustal model represents an integrated analy-
an internally consistent model. Hsueh (1991) pro- sis of all available geophysical and geological data
434 G.R. Keller and W.S. Baldridge

and provides a generalized picture of crustal struc- very important and indicate that the early Paleozoic
ture. It has generally been confirmed by studies of continental margin to the southeast was not disrupted
reflected phases from the Moho contained in the by major strike-slip movement (Kruger and Keller,
university consortium seismic data (Suleiman, 1993). 1986). In addition, most geologic evidence favors
Although resolution in the lower crust is limited, this northeast directed compression as the main struc-
may be the best picture of the deep structure of an tural regime although small strike-slip movements
aulacogen presently available. certainly occurred implying an element of
transpression (e.g., Perry, 1989). The reconciliation
of this stress direction within the plate tectonic
12.5. Structure and interpretation framework remains an open question From the stand-
As discussed above, we can only infer the pres- point of rifting, the important thing is that this
ence of rift structures from indirect evidence. In ad- postrift deformation obliterated most of the rock
dition to the evidence mentioned above, the amount record which would reveal details of the rift history.
of modification of the crust is impressive. Little if
any of the original upper continental crust remains 12.6. Tectonic evolution
beneath the Wichita uplift. Lack of control and sub-
sequent deformation make it impossible to conclude The tectonic evolution of the Southern Oklahoma
anything about the nature of the lower crust and aulacogen has been discussed in detail by Gilbert
Moho at the time of rifting. There has been some (1983), Perry (1989), and Gilbert an Denison (1993).
debate about the source of the late Paleozoic uplift The general sequence of events in portrayed in Fig-
and deformation. The plate tectonic framework is ure 12--4. Many details are in question, but the se-
one of collision (generally from the southeast). Sedi- quence includes: 1) possible formation of a Precam-
mentary evidence clearly dates the main deforma- brian boundary which localized the later rifting; 2)
tion as being Pennsylvanian in age. The folds and Cambrian rifting and magmatism, 3) post rift sub-
reverse faults present are evidence for northeast com- sidence; 4) late Paleozoic deformation, 5) stability.
pression (e.g., Ham et al., 1964; Perry, 1989). Fold- A series of block diagrams illustrating the major
ing and basement involved thrusting progressed from steps in the tectonic evolution are shown as Figure
southwest to northeast and the presence of strike- 12-5. The most distinctive aspects of this evolution
slip faults suggest transpressional tectonism. Many are the scale of the post rift subsidence and defor-
of the anticlines formed are asymmetrical and over- mation. The total structural relief shown in Figure
turned to the northeast. The igneous rocks of the rift 12-3 is 15 km over a lateral distance of no more
were exposed by the uplift, and their erosional de- that 10 km.
bris exceeds 3 km in thickness adjacent to the
Wichita uplift.
The presence of northwest trending strike-slip 12.7. Conclusions
faults, has led to a difference of opinion about the The Southern Oklahoma aulacogen is a major
relative importance of compression and shearing in structural element of interior North America. As a
forming the structures present. Budnick (1986) ex- rift, this feature involved extensive volcanism and
plains this entire period of deformation within the modification of the crust. When reactivated by later
framework of a northwest trending megashear. How- events at the continental margin, vertical displace-
ever, Granath (1989), McConnell (1989), and Perry ments alone were approximately 15 km.
(1989) have recently analyzed subsurface data from
drill holes and outcrop data and conclude that strike-
slip movements greater than 20 km are unlikely.
Geophysical data show that reverse faulting must be
The Southern Oklahoma aulacogen 435

Acknowledgements. The authors have benefited Sims, P.K., and Van Schmus, W.R., editors, The Geology of
greatly by discussions with R.E. Denison, M.C. Gil- North America, Geol. Soc. Am., Precambrian: Conterminous
U.S., C- 2:303-314.
bert, J.W. Granath, D.A. McConnel and W.J. Perry. Gilbert, M.C. and J.D. Myers, 1986. Overview of the Wichita
R.E. Denison provided a critical review of the manu- Granite Group. Oklahoma Geol. Surv. Guidebook 23. 107-
script. 116.
Gilbert, M.C., 1983. Timing and chemistry of igneous events
associated with the Southern Oklahoma aulacogen. In: Mor-
12.8. References gan, E, and Baker, B.H., editors. Processes of continental
rifting. Tectonophysics, 94: 439-455.
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Oklahoma Geol. Surv. Bull. 121, 214 pp. Ouachita collision, Tectonics, 8:1015-1036.
Bowring, S.A. and W.J. Hoppe, 1982. U/Pb zircon ages from Ham, W.E., R.E. Denison, and C.A. Merritt, 1964. Basement
Mount Sheridan Gabbro, Wichita Mountains. Oklahoma Geol. rocks and structural evolution of southern Oklahoma. Okla-
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Chang, W.F., G.A. McMechan, and G.R. Keller, 1989. Wavefield Large Scale Seismic Experiment in Oklahoma. M.S. thesis,
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in southwestern Oklahoma. J. Geophys. Res., 94: 1803-1816. Jacobson, M.I., 1984. The Harrisburg trough, Stephens County,
Coffman, J.D., M.C. Gilbert, and D.A. McConnell, 1986. An Oklahoma; an update. American Association of Petroleum
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Denison, R.E., Lidiak, E.G., Bickford, M.E., and Kisvarsanyi, Kang, I.B. and McMechan, G.A., 1990. Two-dimensional elas-
E.B., 1984. Geology and Geochronology of Precambrian tic pseudo-spectral modeling of wide-aperture seismic array
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McConnel, D.A., 1989. Determination of offset across the north- Shatski, N.S., 1946. The great Donets basin and the Wichita sys-
ern margin of the Wichita uplift, southwest Oklahoma, Geol. tem; comparative tectonics of ancient platforms. Akademiya
Soc. Am. Bull., 101: 1317-1332. Nauk SSSR Izvestiya, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 6: 57-90.
Mitchell, B.J., and M. Landisman, 1970. Interpretation of a Suleiman, A.S., 1993. Geophysics of the rifts associated with
crustal section across Oklahoma. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 81: the Sirt basin (Noah Africa) and the Anadarko basin (Noah
2647-2656. America), Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Texas at E1 Paso, 150
Papesh, H., 1983. A regional geophysical study of the southern PP.
Oklahoma aulacogen. M.S. thesis, Univ. of Texas at E1 Paso, Weaver, B.L. and M.C. Gilbert, 1986. Reconnaissance geochem-
68 pp. istry of silicic igneous rocks of the Wichita Mountains: The
Perry, W.J. Jr., 1989. Tectonic Evolution of the Anadarko Basin Wichita granite group and the Carlton Rhyolite Group. Okla-
Region, Oklahoma, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1866A, homa Geol. Surv. Guidebook 23:117-125.
19 pp. Zhu, X. and McMechan, G.A., 1989.2-D tomographic imaging
of velocities in the Wichita Uplift-Anadarko Basin region of
southwestern Oklahoma: Bulletin of the Seismological Soci-
ety of American, 79: 873-887.
Chapter 13

West and Central African rift system

G.R. Keller, R.F. W e n d l a n d t , and M.H.P. B o t t

13.1. Introduction excellent overviews of this rift system which extends

from northeast Brazil through the Benue trough and
The separation of Africa and South America in on across Africa (e.g., Chang et al., 1992; Castro,
the Early Cretaceous was a major event in the tec- 1987; Popoff, 1988; Benkhelil, 1989; Fairhead and
tonic history of both continents which has been docu- Green, 1989; Genik, 1992; Jorgensen and Bosworth,
mented to extend well into their interiors. The Benue 1989; McHargue et al., 1994; Bosworth and Morley,
trough (Fig. 13-1) was the most prominent conti- 1994). The African portion of this rift system has
nental structure formed as these continents com- several arms and may extend as far eastward as
pleted their separation during the Cretaceous and is Kenya (Fig. 13-1), and the purpose of this chapter
associated with major reserves of hydrocarbons. The is to provide an overview of these features which
importance of rifting in the formation of this feature have been named the West and Central African rift
was recognized early (e.g., King, 1950; Cratchley system (WCARS; Fairhead, 1986).
and Jones, 1965), and it has been widely accepted
as a classic example of a failed arm of a RRR triple
junction (Burke et al., 1972; Burke and Whitman, 13.2. Significance
1973; Burke and Dewey, 1974). However,
transtension was probably dominant during the for- The Benue trough, east Niger rift basins, and
mation of the Benue trough, due to the significance Sudanese rift basins are major elements of the
of strike-slip faulting which was also recognized WCARS and are associated with major reserves of
early (e.g., Grant, 1971). More recent studies (e.g., hydrocarbons (e.g., Petters and Ekweozor, 1982;
Benkhelil and Robineau, 1983; Maurine et al., 1986; Nwachukwu, 1985; Schull, 1986, 1988; Genik, 1992)
Benkhelil et al., 1988) in fact have established that and have helped focus the attention of the petroleum
such faulting played a major role in the tectonic evo- industry on Paleozoic and Mesozoic rifting in the
lution of the region at least from the Albian (~100 African continent (e.g., Lambiase, 1989). The Niger
Ma) to the end of the Cretaceous. delta which lies at the mouth of the Benue trough
From a larger perspective, the Benue trough is one formed mostly subsequent to the rifting and is one
element of an extensive rift system which can be of the World's great petroleum provinces (e.g., Doust
studied on both sides of the equatorial Atlantic and Omatsola, 1989). Even though Benue trough is
Ocean. The importance of viewing structures in this often thought of as a classic example of a failed arm
system from such a perspective has been appreci- of a rift (Burke and Dewey, 1974), major strike-slip
ated for many years (e.g., Wright, 1968, 1981; Burke movements have also occurred (e.g. Popoff, 1988;
and Dewey, 1974). Several recent papers provide Benkhelil, 1989; Fairhead and Green, 1989). These
438 G.R. Keller, R.F. Wendlandt and M.H.P. Bott

Fig. 13-1. Regional index map of the West and Central African rift system. Southern Sudan rift is also called the Muglad rift. The
east Niger basins (Niger rift) are a complex rift zone whose major element is the Termit basin. Modified from Fairhead and Green

movements may have extended across the continent seem to have experienced a major phase of exten-
as it nearly split apart in the Cretaceous (e.g., Burke sion in the Cretaceous which is the basis for linking
and Dewey, 1974; Fairhead, 1988 a, b). Thus, the them to define the WCARS. The early history of
region is an ideal place to investigate the interac- many of these features is poorly known due to the
tion of extension and shear during major rifting thick cover of younger rocks and lack of deep drill-
events (e.g., Guiraud and Maurin, 1992). ing data, and in some cases, subsidence and presum-
ably extension extended into the early Tertiary. Vol-
canism which could help tie down the timing of tec-
13.3. Geologic Information tonic events is sparse in the central and eastern por-
13.3.1. Overview tions of the WCARS (Genik, 1992; McHargue et al.,
1992; Bosworth and Morley, 1994).
The West and Central African rift system The Benue trough (Fig. 13-2) is the most inten-
(WCARS) is a large and complex feature whose el- sively studied portion of the WCARS. The early
ements have experienced distinct, usually multi- Cretaceous history of this feature is poorly known
phase geologic histories which in some cases are because of the great thickness of marine and conti-
poorly documented. However, these elements all nental middle and upper Cretaceous rocks it con-
The Western and Central African rift system 439

Fig. 13-2. Index map of the Benue trough region. Modified from Benkhelil (1989).

tains. Benkhelil et al. (1988) produced a contour map Aptian exposures are rare, but recent syntheses by
of the depth to crystalline basement in the Benue Popoff (1988), Benkhelil et al. (1988), and Benkhelil
trough. The basement is over 5 km deep in many (1989) provide an interpreted history of the entire
parts of the central portion of the trough, and even Cretaceous. Albian/Aptian rocks were deposited in
greater depths are reached to the southwest where the series of en 6chelon sub-basins discussed above.
the trough is overlain by the Niger delta. There is a There was an episode of late Cretaceous (Santonian
complex basement ridge along the trough which to Maastrichtian) folding in the trough which
separates a series of sub-basins which may be pull- Benkhelil et al. (1988) document and interpret as
apart structures that formed during strike-slip move- being due to a combination of compression and
ments (Benkhelil et al., 1988; Benkhelil, 1989). strike-slip faulting.
There have been many studies of the sedimentary Recent studies have shown that the Cretaceous
rocks contained within the Benue trough (e.g., Carter extension was not limited to the Benue trough. As
et al., 1963; Burke et al., 1970; Petters, 1978; and suggested by Cratchley et al. (1984), the rifting ex-
Allix and Popoff, 1983). Popoff (1988) presents an tended into the Chad basin area, and Fairhead and
extremely useful overview of the tectonic develop- Green (1989) present geophysical data document-
ment of the trough from a regional perspective. Pre- ing the presence of a northwest trending arm they
440 G.R. Keller, R.F. Wendlandt and M.H.P. Bott

refer to as the Niger rift (east Niger basins, Fig. 13- 30 Ma) and volcanics (35 Ma to Recent) of the
1). At the eastern end of the Benue trough, it splits Cameroon line. A temporal succession of younging
into the Gongola and Yola rifts (Fig. 13-1). Further from NW to SE, across the Benue trough, is indi-
eastward, there is a series of east-west trending ba- cated by these three provinces. However, only the
sins (e.g. Dobas, Fig. 13-1) in southern Chad (Genik, Jos Plateau volcanics, show a systematic temporal
1992). distribution (Fig. 13-2) unto themselves as they gen-
Brown and Fairhead (1983) and Bermingham et erally increase in age to the northeast.
al. (1983) introduced the idea of rifting and shear- The alkaline complexes of the Jos Plateau con-
ing extending eastward across Africa (Fig. 13-1) to sist primarily of alkaline silicic intrusives and
connect with Cretaceous rifts in Sudan. The narrow volcanics that were erupted or emplaced between
zone of extension which extends across central Af- about 215 Ma and 140 Ma (Rahaman et al., 1984).
rica (Ngaoundere rift, Fig. 13-1) is a reactivation of Igneous occurrences are oldest in the NNE and
the Central African shear zone which is probably of youngest to the SSW. The distribution of volcanism,
Pan-African age (e.g., Browne and Fairhead, 1983; however, was strongly controlled by reactivation of
Jorgensen and Bosworth, 1989). The rifting in Sudan Pan-African structures. Well-developed temporal
is well documented due to the publication of data progressions of chains of volcanoes along ENE-
from petroleum exploration efforts in the region WSW and NNW-SSE transcurrent lineaments char-
(Schull, 1986, 1988; Mann, 1989; Jorgensen and acterize the province (Bowden et al., 1987). The
Bosworth, 1989; McHargue et al., 1992). The se- ENE-WSW structural control parallels the marginal
quence of events here is complex, but rifting appears faults of the Benue trough. The volcanic rocks are
to have spanned the Mesozoic and extended into the predominantly comenditic ignimbrites and lavas with
early Tertiary (e.g., Lambiase, 1989). The rifting in minor amounts of intercalated intermediate and ba-
Sudan may extend across northern Kenya (Fairhead, sic lavas (silica-saturated). Andesite compositions
1988a, b) to connect with a Mesozoic rift system are inferred to be the result of mixing acidic and basic
(Anza rift) present in that area (Reeves et al., 1987; end members (Bowden and Karche, 1984). The plu-
Bosworth, 1992). Bosworth and Morley (1994) and tonic rock occurrences are predominantly biotite
Dindi (1994) have recently conducted studies of the granites (concentrated in the south) and peralkaline
structure and evolution of the Anza rift (Fig. 13-1). granites and granites (in the north).
The drilling and seismic data presented by Bosworth Some latest Jurassic volcanism (147 + 7) has been
and Morley (1994) show that rifting may have oc- observed in the area of the northeast portion of the
curred throughout the Mesozoic in Kenya but was trough (Fig. 13-2) (e.g. Popoff et al., 1983), but this
widespread in the upper Cretaceous. activity pre-dates the formation of the trough.
Volcanics interbedded with sediments in this same
13.3.2. Igneous activity region also have been dated (Popoff et al., 1983)
yielding an age of 103 + 5 Ma (Albian). Other Cre-
Wilson and Guiraud (1992) reviewed the late Ju- taceous igneous activity (transitional basalts and al-
rassic to Recent magmatic activity in western and kali rhyolites) (Fig. 13-2) has been dated to be in
central Africa and showed that the Benue trough re- the range of 70 to 113 Ma (Benkhelil et al., 1988;
gion is the most magmatically active portion of the Grant et al., 1972; Umeji and Caen-Vachette, 1983).
WCARS. Three temporarily and spatially distinct The Cameroon volcanic line, located 200-300 km
volcanic provinces occur in the vicinity of the Benue southeast of the Benue trough (Fig. 13-2) is a long-
trough (Fig. 13-2). The oldest occurrences are the lived feature which has been episodically active from
pre-rift alkaline ring complexes and volcanics of the 65 Ma to the present (Dunlop, 1983; Fairhead,
Jos Plateau that are 100-200 km NW of the trough. 1988b). It extends some 1600 km in an approxi-
Synrift volcanics occur within the Benue trough and
mately NE-SW direction that parallels the southern
are frequently interbedded with sediments. The margin of the Benue trough. This feature does not
youngest occurrences are the alkaline intrusives (66-
appear to be a classic hotspot trace (Morgan, 1983)
The Western and Central African rift system 441

because all of its volcanic centers have been active indications of magmatism may not have yet been
in the last 10 Ma (Dunlop, 1983). There is no evi- found or reported. Genik (1992) tabulated the scat-
dence of a systematic age progression along the tered occurrences of igneous rocks in wells in east-
Cameroon line (Fitton, 1987), and the basalts of the em Niger and southern Chad. A number of Creta-
oceanic and continental regions are geochemically ceous ages were determined radiometrically, but the
and isotopically similar (Fitton and Dunlop, 1985). volume of magmatism appears small. McHargue et
The last eruption was in 1982. Meyers and Rosendahl al. (1992) also reported that evidence of magmatism
(1991) also argue against the hotspot hypothesis in the Sudan rifts is rare. Bosworth and Morley
because their seismic reflection data indicate uplifts (1994) report that drilling in the Anza rift has en-
along the trend which were synchronous with the countered basalts which were dated by K-Ar whole
volcanism. rock analysis to be 130 + 7 Ma (Neocomian) and
The earliest phase of igneous activity on the 82.9 + 4.1 Ma (Campanian) in age. Drilling in the
Cameroon line is represented by a series of intru- area documents that the younger of these events was
sive ring complexes of predominantly granite and limited in extent. However, the older event may be
syenite composition but with lesser amounts of gab- more widespread, and they also found seismic evi-
bro. These complexes (Fig. 13-2) range in age from dence of a possible early Tertiary sill.
66-30 Ma (Cantagrel et al., 1978; Lasserre, 1978;
Jacquemin et al., 1982). Younger volcanic activity
occurred in the same region (Fig. 13-2) from about 13.4. Geophysical surveys and results
35 Ma to Recent. The volcanoes occur in both con- The major type of geophysical data available for
tinental and oceanic settings. Basalts are of alkalic the Central and western African rift system is grav-
affinity, ranging from nephelinite to transitional ba-
ity readings. Many studies have been undertaken in
salt. Evolved magmas range from phonolite to al- Nigeria, Chad, and Cameroon (e.g., Cratchley and
kali rhyolite. In general, basalts in the oceanic set-
Jones, 1965; Cratchley et al., 1984; Hospers, 1965;
ting tend to evolve toward phonolite while those in Collingnon, 1968; Ajakaiye and Burke, 1973; Ojo
the continental setting evolve toward peralkaline and Ajakaiye, 1975; Adighije, 1981). Okereke and
rhyolite (Fitton, 1987).
Fairhead (1984) and Fairhead and Okereke (1987)
The origin of the Cameroon line is believed to be
augmented and compiled these data and produced a
related to that of the Benue trough (Fitton, 1980).
summary interpretation of crustal structure in the
Anticlockwise rotation and northward migration of western portion of the rift system.
the African plate approximately 12 (degrees) during
Aeromagnetic data coverage is complete for the
the past 60 Ma (Smith et al., 1981) moved the rifted Benue trough area (Ofoegbu, 1984, 1988; Ajakaiye
lithosphere relative to a thermal anomaly in the as-
et al., 1985). These data have been used to outline
thenosphere, in Fitton's interpretation. Moreau et al.
intrusions, estimate the depth to basement (e.g.,
(1987) and Fairhead (1988b) suggest that this vol-
Benkhelil et al., 1988), and determine the extent of
canic line may be due to strike-slip faulting, and
basement highs. Some of these highs outcrop and
Okereke (1988) discusses the differences between
have been studied extensively (e.g., Ojo, 1988).
the Benue trough and Cameroon line particularly the
Aeromagnetic data have also been used to trace oce-
associated gravity anomalies. He concludes that the
anic fracture zones under the Niger delta (Babalola
Cameroon line is associated with a mantle upwarp and Gipson, 1991).
and active rifting.
Browne and Fairhead (1983) relied mainly on
Reports of rift-related igneous activity in the re-
gravity data in their definitive study of the Central
mainder of the WCARS are rare. It is unlikely that
African rift system. This feature includes the
major occurrences of volcanism would not be docu-
Sudanese rifts which are of particular interest be-
mented in the published literature. However, minor
cause of their petroleum reserves. Gravity studies
442 G.R. Keller, R.F. Wendlandt and M.H.P. Bott

Fig. 13-3. Seismic reflection data from the Sudan rifts. Lines A and B are from the southern Sudan rift and Line C is from the Melut
rift. e - eroded fault scarp, f - eroded updip basin edge. Modified from Mann (1989)

of Sudan have been completed by Browne et al. ment the structural style in this area which involves
(1985) and Jorgensen and Bosworth (1989). Dindi both normal faults and broad folds. Genik (1992)
(1994) recently analyzed gravity and aeromagnetic presented several seismic reflection profiles from the
data in the Anza rift of Kenya. east Niger and southern Chad basins. These data
Deep seismic results have been obtained in the document a complex geologic evolution which has
Benue trough/Cameroon line area by Dorbath et al. resulted in extensional, transtensional, and
(1986) and Stuart et al. (1985). Published seismic transpressional structures. Mann (1989) and
reflection data are sparse in the entire rift system. Bosworth (1992) presented seismic reflection data
Avbovbo et al. (1986) present seismic data from the in Sudan showing the asymmetry of rifts basins there
area just southwest of Lake Chad. These data docu- (Fig. 13-3). Also, Green et al. (1991) and Bosworth
The Western and Central African rift system 443


~.o4 \ IV 1.0
2.0 2.0

0 0




1.0- 1.0
2.0 2.0

3.o I ~ / / / / / // I- 3. o

Fig. 13-4. Line drawings of seismic reflection data from the Anza rift. Bold, numbered lines are unconformities. II = approximately
the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, IV = top of synrift section. Modified from Bosworth and Morley (1994).

and Morley (1994) present several seismic reflec- 13.5. Structure and interpretation
tion profiles crossing the Anza rift which document
the rift structures present there. It is difficult to generalize about structures in the
Benue trough. Proprietary seismic reflection data
must be extensive but have been unavailable to aca-
444 G.R. Keller, R.F. Wendlandt and M.H.P. Bott

Fig. 13-5. Plate tectonic setting of the Western and Central African rift system in the Cretaceous. Modified from Fairhead and Green

demic researchers which have had to rely primarily Although complicated by a local gravity low due
on gravity and magnetic data. Models of basement to the thick Cretaceous sedimentary pile present, the
structure which have been proposed attest to the Benue trough is associated with a regional gravity
structural complexity present and to the importance high due to crustal thinning. By removing the ef-
of strike-slip movements. There is structural evi- fects of the sedimentary section and tying to the only
dence for a change in the direction of extension from deep seismic data available (Dorbath et al., 1986;
N-S before the late Aptian (-115 Ma) to ENE dur- Stuart et al., 1985), Fairhead and Okereke (1987,
ing the late Aptian-Albian. At about 80 Ma, a vari- 1990) were able to estimate crustal thickness in the
ety of data document a short period of compression lower Benue trough area to be about 20 km increas-
occurred which correlates with a period of rapid ing to about 25 km to the northeast. Fairhead and
change in the direction of plate motion (Guiraud et Okereke (1987, 1990) estimated the amount of ex-
al., 1992). tension to be 95 km in the Benue trough, 65 km in
the Gongola rift, and 55 km in the Yola rift (Fig.
The Western and Central African rift system 445

Time (Ma) Events


3o--- I
4o-- I I
Eoc I I
so-- I I
60.-. I I I I
--K/T I l l l
70 -.- M~s I I I I
8o-- SAN
90 --. CEN I~ I I I
110 ---
ALB I :~. I I I
APt I""-<- s I !-~- s I
120-- I~ I I I
I~ I I I
130 --- I~ I I I
Nzo I :~. I I I
-- I',{ I I I
150 "--- JUR

Fig. 13-6. Generalized evolution of the West and Central African rift system. Dashed lines indicate periods of rifting. Stippled line
indicates a period of significant magmatism. S - change in stress orientation. Jur - Jurassic, Neo - Neocomian, Apt - Aptian, Alb -
Albian, Cen - Cenomanian, Maas - Maastrictian, Eoc - Eocene.

13-1.). Fairhead and Green (1989) used a similar In Sudan, gravity (Browne et al. 1985; Jorgensen
approach to study the Niger rift. Their gravity analy- and Bosworth, 1989) and seismic reflection data pro-
sis indicated significant crustal thinning and up to vide a general picture of crustal structure. Sedimen-
58 km of crustal extension. Genik (1992) presented tary fill in the asymmetrical basins approaches 10
evidence that the Termit basin in this area contains km in thickness (McHargue et al., 1992), and re-
an unusual amount of sediment (-14 km). gional gravity anomalies indicate the presence of
Gravity (Fairhead and Okereke, 1987; Okereke, crustal thinning in rifted areas. Jorgensen and
1988) and teleseismic data (Dorbath et al., 1986) Bosworth (1989) have proposed a simple shear
contain negative anomalies along the Cameroon line model for the development of the region. The struc-
indicating the presence of anomalous mantle as sug- tural style of the rift basins is documented in detail
gested by Fitton (1987). by Mann (1989) and Bosworth (1992) who presented
a considerable amount of seismic reflection data
(Fig. 13-3). These data show the region to be a typi-
446 G.R. Keller, R.F. Wendlandt and M.H.P. Bott

cal extensional terrane with tilted fault blocks 6. The work of these authors shows that the sequence
bounded by listric normal faults, and McHargue et of events is undoubtedly not as simple and synchro-
al. (1992) and Bosworth (1992) document that there nous as shown. The change in rifting at about 115
were several phases of structural evolution. Ma, the transpression at 80 Ma, and renewed rifting
The work of Green et al. (1991), Bosworth and extending into the early Tertiary followed by sag
Morley (1994), and Dindi (1994) provide a detailed basin development are events shared by at least sev-
picture of the structure and history of the Anza rift. eral elements of the WCARS. Clearly there is still
This feature has experienced several stages of evo- much to be learned about this complex rift system.
lution including a marine incursion in the upper Cre- As pointed out by Fairhead (1986), the evolution
taceous (Cenomanian). The rifting may have began of the WCARS is characterized primarily by sub-
as early as the late Jurassic and may have extended sidence which is in contrast to most other rifts. Grav-
into the early Tertiary. This feature is characterized ity modeling shows that the area of crustal thinning
by complex graben structures in which several is much wider than the zone of faulting in the upper
unconformities can be recognized (Fig. 13-4.). The crust and the amount of extension is at least 4 times
total sedimentary fill may approach 10 km in places, greater than in the western and central Kenyan rifts
and gravity data indicate that the crust thins by about (Fairhead, 1986). This appears to have resulted in
5 km beneath the rifted region. an isostatic response that caused the rift shoulders
Bosworth and Morley (1994) interpret that a as well as the main rift basins to subside.
change in structural style from moderately-dipping
to steeply-dipping faults had occurred in the Anza
rift by the late Cretaceous. A similar change in style 13.7. Conclusions
has been observed in the Rio Grande rift (Baldridge The WCARS is a very large scale feature which
et al., this volume). It is also interesting to note that is distinctive in that it traverses the entire continent.
the younger Kenya rift displays no obvious evidence Its complex history involved extension, shearing, and
of control by the older Anza rift structures where compression over a period extending from the early
the two features cross in the Lake Turkana area. Cretaceous into the early Tertiary. Portions of its
history correlate with changes in plate movements,
13.6. Evolution and the basins which formed contain major petro-
leum resources. It is characterized by an unusual
The broad-scale setting of the WCARS was the amount of subsidence over most of its extent which
rifling of Africa and South America to form the At- has obscured many rift structures.
lantic Ocean (Fig. 13-5). This Cretaceous activity
apparently tried to break Africa apart as it extended Acknowledgements. The authors have benefited
eastward to Sudan and then southeastward across from many discussions with J.D. Fairhead over the
northern Kenya (Fairhead, 1988 a, b). Binks and years. Michel Popoff was also kind enough to share
Fairhead (1992) and Guiraud and Maurin (1992) his ideas.
have taken this concept further to suggest that the
continent can be divided into several large blocks
and the complex structural development of the 13.8. References
WCARS is due to the relative movement of these Adighije, D.E., 1981. A gravity interpretation of
blocks. We have attempted to generalize recent ideas the Benue Trough Nigeria, Tectonophysics, 79:109-
on the evolution of the WCARS as presented by 128.
Popoff (1988), Benkhelil (1989), Guiraud et al. Ajakaiye, D.E, 1981. Geophysical investigations
(1992), Wilson and Guiraud (1992), Genik (1992), in the Benue Trough - Review, Earth Evol. Sci., 2:
McHargue et al. (1992), Bosworth (1992), and 110-125.
Bosworth and Morley (1994) to produce Figure 13-
The Western and Central African rift system 447

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Babalola, O.O. and Gipson, M., 1991. Aeromagnetic anomalies ics. New York, Academic Press, p. 735-755.
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Chapter 14

Continental rifting: A final perspective

W. S. Baldridge, G. R. Keller, and L. W. Braile

14.1. Introduction 14.2. Magmatism and mantle plumes

Formation of extensional stresses in the Earth's The relationship of continental rifts to plumes,
lithosphere is a global tectonic phenomenon, occur- especially the question of whether rifts are initiated
ring in all plate settings. When initiated in conti- by plumes, is still a matter of conjecture. Plumes
nental lithosphere, extension can give rise to a range imply upwelling of mantle from significant depths
of tectonic features, most commonly continental rifts (several hundred km) along an adiabat, resulting in
as defined in Chapter 1 of this book. Whether the significant decompressive melting as mantle rocks
forces originate from processes operating at plate are elevated above their solidus temperatures. Plume-
boundaries or from beneath plates, rifts reflect fun- driven rifting would comprise an "active" rift mecha-
damental processes associated with plate tectonics nism, as defined by Seng0r and Burke (1978). Geo-
that affect not only the entire thickness of the litho- physical investigations, as documented in this book,
sphere over lateral distance of hundreds to thousands seem to indicate that low-velocity, low-density up-
of kilometers but also the upper part of the per mantle inferred to be at or very near its melting
sublithospheric mantle (Olsen, 1992). Nowhere is temperature is a universal feature of modern conti-
the relationship of continental rifting to fundamen- nental rifts. Recent long-offset seismic refraction and
tal plate-tectonic processes clearer than where ex- teleseismic investigations of the East African and
tension has proceeded to the point of sea-floor Rio Grande rifts (Chapters 5, 6) yield particularly
spreading, such as in the Afar region of the East compelling evidence for buoyant mantle to depths
African rift system. Yet, in these locations, later of 100-200 kilometers or more.
stages of lithospheric extension have overprinted Yet, while some upwelling undoubtedly occurs
earlier stages, obscuring some of the initial processes beneath continental rifts, the apparent lack of sig-
of breakup. Thus, continental rifts preserve the most nificant magmatism in many rifts seems to argue that
complete, and possibly the only, record of critical upwelling is not an expression of mantle plumes,
structures and of transient processes associated with which necessarily generate large volumes of basal-
the incipient stages of continental breakup. tic rocks. In fact, the very existence of mantle plumes
is inferred from such large volumes of magmatic
454 W.S. Baldridge, G.R. Keller, and L.W. Braile

rocks, with many volcanic provinces displaying age rift (Chapter 6) probably mirror upwelling of as-
progressions which correlate with plate motions. thenosphere which was advected beneath the over-
Little other direct evidence for plumes exists. "Ap- riding North American plate as the subducting
parent lack" of magmatism refers to the fact that Farallon plate increased its dip (Cross and Pilger,
some rifts such as the European Cenozoic rift sys- 1978). But asthenospheric upwelling does not nec-
tem (Chapter 4), Rio Grande rift (Chapter 6), and essarily imply a deeply rooted plume. True plume-
Baikal rift (Chapter 8) contain only small volumes driven continental rifting may necessarily result in
of volcanic rocks. The possibility that magmatic sea-floor spreading. The question of whether rifling
rocks may have been generated in the mantle and is initiated by upwelling of mantle, though concep-
emplaced into the crust without eruption to the sur- tually simple, is probably unanswerable for most rifts
face must be evaluated by geophysical means. Large due to the complex history of most continental re-
intrusions do not occur in the upper crust of these gions.
rifts, and seismic velocities of the lower crust do not Despite these complexities, some melting does
seem as high as would be expected from emplace- occur beneath all continental riffs. Basaltic magmas
ment of large volumes of mafic intrusions at or near have geochemical signatures indicating their extrac-
the base of the crust (Vp = 6.9-7.2 km/s), rendering tion from lithospheric mantle as well as from under-
it unlikely that significant volumes of magma were lying asthenosphere. Data from several rift zones are
ever generated in these rifts. This observation of little interpreted to indicate a progression from early litho-
volcanism agrees with the small amount of exten- spheric magma sources to younger, mixed
sion sustained by continental rifts (generally less asthenospheric-lithospheric or asthenospheric
than 20%), which does not permit enough upwelling sources (Anthony et al., 1990; Daley and DePaolo,
to cause significant melting of the underlying mantle. 1992). A likely melting mechanism involves partial
Thus, upwelling produces a detectable thermal melting of those regions of mantle that are enriched
anomaly but without substantial melting. Extension in incompatible elements (particularly volatile com-
of more than 100% is required before significant ponents) or less mafic, lower-melting-point constitu-
decompression melting becomes important ents (Harry and Leeman, 1995) compared with ad-
(McKenzie and Bickle, 1988; White and McKenzie, jacent regions of relatively more "depleted" (but
1989). Perhaps the best information on the lower equally hot) mantle as temperatures are raised. Thus,
crust of continental rift zones is that available for partial melts may form in isolated pockets with dif-
parts of the East African rift, due largely to the ferent compositions that depend on local bulk com-
KRISP experiments (Chapter 5). By comparison, position, extent of partial melting (which itself re-
seismic information on the lower crust in many other flects local bulk composition), interactions with sur-
rift zones is limited. As a result, many published rounding depleted matrix, and ascent histories.
conclusions (including those herein) may be altered
with better information.
Even the presence of large volumes of magmatic 14.3. Short- and long-term effects on continen-
rocks, such as in the Afar and other parts of the East tal lithosphere
African rift system (Chapter 5) and in the Protero- Continental rifts have existed at least since the
zoic Midcontinent rift system (Chapter 10), may not
Proterozoic Eon, and their effects on continental
require an explanation involving plume activity. In- lithosphere are both short- and long term (> 10 9
stead, large volumes of basaltic melts may be gen- years).
erated by relatively shallow, secondary mantle con-
vection driven by lateral temperature gradients at the 14.3.1. Crustal effects
base of the plate (Mutter et al., 1988). Also, the large
volumes of magmatic rocks associated with early The short-term effects of rifting on continental
(Oligocene-early Miocene) extension in the region crust result mainly from elevated temperatures,
of the Basin and Range province and Rio Grande which can partially or completely cancel out effects
Continental rifting: A final perspective 455

of velocity and density increases due to intrusion of nal, pre-rift thickness, overcompensating for crustal
mafic rocks. In active rifts such as the Rio Grande thinning due to extension. Such may have been the
and Baikal rifts (Chapters 6, 8), Vp of the middle case for the Kenya rift near the Kenya dome. Large
and lower crust tends to be 0.1-0.2 km/s lower than volumes of magmatic rocks within and beneath the
laterally adjacent crust. These small differences in crust of rift zones lead to significant sagging of the
velocities are interpreted to indicate that the crustal crust as the crustal density increases upon cooling
compositions are similar to those of adjacent crust, (e.g., Midcontinent rift zone, Chapter 10).
typically inferred to be of intermediate composition, In addition to density increases caused by addi-
but that the rocks are at elevated temperatures. Lower tion of magmatic material from the mantle, crustal
crustal Vp beneath the Kenya portion of the East melting spawned by intrusion of mantle-derived
African rift is 6.9 km/s, suggesting that some higher magma tends to increase the density of the lower
velocity mafic component is present. In contrast to crust relative to the upper crust because mafic and
active rifts, available crustal velocities beneath ultramafic minerals are left behind as residua of frac-
paleorifts tend to be higher than adjacent unrifted tional melting and crystallization (e.g., Oslo graben,
crust (Chapter 3B). This velocity increase is attrib- Chapter 9), and fusible material is moved toward the
uted to densification of crust by magmatism during surface (Kay and Mahlburg-Kay, 1991).
rifting, and to cooling to normal continental crustal Modification of crust may also occur through
temperatures after rifting, as discussed below. deformational processes associated directly with rift-
Continental rifting strongly affects the long-term ing or associated with post-rifting stress regimes. In
character of the crust, primarily through magmatism highly extended parts of the Basin and Range prov-
and extension. The primary effect of magmatism is ince, crystalline rocks ("core complexes"}, possi-
to transfer partial melts (basaltic melts) from the bly from midcrustal depths, have risen to the sur-
mantle to the crust, thereby increasing the overall face beneath ductile shear zones as overlying upper
density (hence, seismic velocity) of the crust crust was removed by extensional thinning (Chap-
(Wendlandt et al., 1991). Because the relatively ter 7). Lateral flow of ductile lower crust in isos-
higher density basaltic magma may be unable to rise tatic response to flank uplift may also partially com-
through the relatively more buoyant crust, it has been pensate for ductile thinning caused by extension.
widely hypothesized that magma ponds at the base Lateral flow of lower crust may be a contributing
of the crust in a process referred to as "underplating" mechanism (in addition to underplating) by which
(Furlong and Fountain, 1986; Bergantz, 1989). Yet, crustal thickness of the Basin and Range province is
with the prominent exception of several passive maintained at a relatively constant 30 km and eleva-
margins (e.g., North Atlantic, Hatton; Chapter 11) tion of nearly 2 km despite extension ranging from
and possibly the Basin and Range province (Chap- <100% to about 250%. An additional mechanism for
ter 7), little or no evidence exists for substantial modifying crust in rift zones is illustrated by the
underplating beneath many extended regions. For the Southern Oklahoma aulacogen, where subrift intru-
Kenya rift portion of the East African rift system, sive rocks may have been thrust into the upper crust
despite the large volume of volcanic rocks, lower by post-rift compressive deformation (Chapter 12).
crustal Vp is only about 6.9 km/s (Chapter 5), indi- The process of continental rifting has a long term
cating a possibly substantial mafic component within and possibly permanent effect on continental crust.
or at the base of the lower crust but probably not of The New Madrid rift zone is seismically active along
wholesale underplating. Rather, the lower crust has structures associated with the ancient rift, and both
probably undergone extensive injection by mafic the Midcontinent and New Madrid rifts have under-
magma, creating a massively intruded layer that re- gone substantial crustal subsidence (Chapter 10).
sembles underplating (Hay et al., 1995). Addition These long-lasting effects result from permanent
of large volumes of magmatic material to the lower compositional changes to the lithosphere, resulting
crust may actually thicken the crust beyond its origi- in part in densification of the crust.
456 W.S. Baldridge, G.R. Keller, and L.W. Braile

14.3.2. Long-term effects on mantle velocity, garnet-pyroxene (i.e., eclogitic) mineral-

ogy as crustal temperatures decrease. If significant
Once the thermal anomaly beneath a continental underplating occurs during rifting, rocks that were
rift has decayed away (the definition of a paleorift, originally "crustal" in their composition and miner-
see Chapter 1), asthenospheric mantle that was as- alogy could undergo phase transformation to a
sociated with the rift will be displaced relative to "mantle" mineralogy in terms of their densities, po-
the overlying lithosphere by mantle convection and/ tentially creating a high density "root" at the base
or plate motion. Hence, paleorifts such as the Oslo of the crust. However, even for the Midcontinent rift
rift (Chapter 9) and the Midcontinent rift (Chapter system such a high density lower crust is not ob-
10) apparently have no deep-seated (i.e., served (Chapter 10).
sublithospheric) signature. Lithospheric mantle, on
the other hand, is irreversibly altered by several pro-
cesses, including by the extraction of melts from it. 14.4. Timing
Melt extraction depletes the mantle lithosphere in
volatile and low-melting-point components, and by The timing of uplift, faulting, and magmatism, are
the removal of "incompatible" trace elements that of key importance in understanding processes of
preferentially partition into the melts. Partial melts lithospheric extension. Many factors complicate and/
of mantle peridotite are more iron-rich (compared or obscure the sequence of events which occur dur-
to magnesium) than their source rocks. Thus, their ing rifting. First, the response of the lithosphere is
extraction leaves behind a residue that is less dense very much a function of the state of the lithosphere
than previously, hence is characterized by lower P- at the time rifting begins. For example, the Baikal
wave velocities (Wendlandt et al., 1991). In addi- rift zone (Chapter 8) appears to have formed in cold,
tion, new lithospheric mantle is probably created as stable lithosphere, while the Rio Grande rift formed
upwelled asthenosphere cools and is converted to in a region that had experienced almost continuous
lithospheric mantle. deformation and magmatism for the previous 50 Ma
(Chapter 6). Also, in the Rio Grande rift area, crustal
14.3.3. The Moho thickening and uplift associated with Laramide de-
formation occurred prior to rifting. Differences in
Igneous processes (intrusion, fractionation, and pre-existing conditions such as these may explain
crustal melting) associated with rifting may obscure some of the differences among rifts. In addition to
both the physical and chemical distinctiveness of the real differences, apparent differences in timing of
Moho, which is defined as a seismic discontinuity events may stem from difficulties in interpreting the
at which Vp increases to greater than 7.5 km/s (de- geologic record. For example, erosion driven by rela-
pending on temperature and depth) consistent with tive vertical movements erases parts of the record
the boundary between crustal and uppermost mantle and buries other parts under basin sediments. Older
rocks. The effect of an increase in density of the faults may be buried or uplifted and eroded as the
lower crust and decrease in density of the upper locus of faulting shifts, leading to the perception that
mantle, described above, is to result in a gradual tran- faulting is younger than is actually the case. Also,
sition in seismic velocities from crust to mantle. the timing of magmatism may be misunderstood if
Much has been written about the possible effect of not expressed at the surface as volcanism, where it
phase changes in altering the nature of the "petro- is available for precise dating. Despite these diffi-
logic Moho" as the lower crust undergoes cooling. culties, enough information exists to document im-
Mafic intrusive rocks of the lower crust will invert portant similarities and significant differences
from a dominantly plagioclase-pyroxene mineralogy among different rift zones (Fig. 14-1).
to a higher density, though not significantly higher

S s RG S
Ma Ma
1060 240 -SG
F OG DG r] Ma RE W= Eifel = E

i Ma Ma Ma Ma

,I ~
- - - ~, ' ~ ~u II == un-- , ~ "--"'-"" N. Hessian Or-- I Main ~ Major basaltic 0 Basin formation I Udokan 0-- i Grabens
= II'~ / I b2" ./depression / volcanism <5 m.y. and segmentation o~
Com- _
, ~, ~
>11~, /
,L ....
Rh.e I I
L rift
', -- I Half-grabens
, pression 260 II < F iEmbayment 3. I and Basin Minor basaltic Subsiding basins,
1080 r '
and Range volcanism 17-5 m . y . Subdued regional 99%
' SGFIII / "? KEII 20/ Early [1 20 20-- Ii Pre-rift
, ~ I , I basins II Alkalirhyolite uplift? ~k'kE flank 20
Sayan, Khamar-Daban i depression
j rifting I IMaximum IIII / ' IS Urach Hegan I~,,o7 II Ca,c-a,ka,,ne Vitim, Tunka _ /
1100 f Main I
~period 280 -Main I exten- ? IIII F~
Rhine.~ IW :, Kaiserstuhl basaltic andesite,
phase sion
of raben !' / and Range IIII andesite, and
tproto-Basin W flank
Rifting II ,.
sed. basin
} Broad
-r'"'ngl ?IIU 40[--'RG' ~'~ IH~ 40I"- II LO .r..o,,,o 40 ? 40--
?domal Initi- / U / I i /
1120 uplift 300 - ation " ?O ~- i L- Lara -2 ~ N Lat.
Sed.-__- O / i Compression
_trough _-- 60 I-- i 60
S'I--~N / i K= Kaiserstuhl
? W Kal! H= Hegan SW ~ ~ ~-NE
320 - OG= Osla graben 9 ~na Ka= Kotzenbuckel
SG= Skagerrak graben / "i'' S= Siebengebirge
80 L $ W= Westerwald


Fig. 14-1. Timing of tectonic deformation and magmatism for selected modem and paleorifts, Solid lines or heavy solid bars indicate periods of mafic magmatism;
open bars denote intermediate and/or silicic magmatism. Heavy arrows show direction of extension (~--)) or compression (--)+--) relative to cardinal directions shown
above. Light arrows for Oslo rift, European Cenozoic rift system, and Baikal rift indicate south-to-north, west-to-east, and southwest-to-northeast geographic
variations, respectively. Columbia River flood basalt province shown for comparison. Figure constructed by E.-R. Neumann, R. F. Wendlandt, and W. S. Baldridge.
458 W.S. Baldridge, G.R. Keller, and L.W. Braile

14.5. Rupture of lithosphere 14.6. What's next?

Recent debate has centered on whether lithosphere Much progress has been gained in understanding
in continental rifts extends by simple or by pure shear the processes of continental rifting and on the long-
(Wemicke, 1985). In detail, crust and mantle may term effects of rifts on the continental lithosphere.
deform by either strain mechanism. In the upper As the chapters of this book document, it now seems
crust, extension occurs along planar, listric, and de- clear that, in addition to their different tectonic set-
tachment brittle faults. Paradoxically, while geologic tings, continental rifts differ from each other in im-
and seismic reflection data provide evidence for low- portant elements of their crustal and lithospheric
angle faults, earthquake focal mechanisms do not structure, magmatism, and evolution. Much remains
substantiate their role. In the middle and lower crust to be learned, as well, especially as new tools and
and lithospheric mantle, deformation occurs along techniques are developed. Certain questions such as
ductile faults (including detachments) and by pen- whether rifting of continental lithosphere proceeds
etrative ductile flow, as shown in exposed middle by propagation of stresses from a rift tip, or by in-
and lower crustal sections. Considering the lithos- stantaneous development of new rift basins (Mut-
phere as a whole, a variety of geophysical and ter, 1995), are yet to be satisfactorily resolved. Both
geochemical data from several modem rifts seems of these mechanisms may be valid for oceanic rifts,
to indicate that the region of greatest crustal thin- but continental lithosphere is much more complex.
ning approximately overlies the region of greatest For example, in most continental rifts the effect of
lithospheric thinning (Chapters 4-6). In addition, pre-existing structures appears to have some, and
data from seismic refraction lines and from possibly a major, control on the locations and types
teleseismic observations indicate that the mantle of structures that form in the upper crust. For both
anomalies underlying rifts are centered approxi- the Kenyan and Baikal rifts, the rifts themselves
mately beneath the axes of the rifts to a depth ex- appear to be localized at the suture zones of Archean
ceeding 200 km. The coincidence of the axes of and Proterozoic lithospheric provinces. Thus, propa-
crustal and mantle thinning suggests that extension gation mechanisms for oceanic lithosphere, which
of lithosphere during continental rifting occurs is much younger and therefore more homogeneous
mainly by pure shear mechanisms, at least at the larg- than continental lithosphere, may only be partially
est scale, rather than by simple shear along inclined valid for continental rifts. Another potentially im-
shear zones cutting through the lithosphere. These portant area of study, which is not limited to rift
arguments do not necessarily imply that simple shear zones, is that of mantle anisotropy. Anisotropy may
on a lithospheric scale does not occur, but at the provide an important techniques for understanding
present time it does not appear to be a major process flow patterns in the mantle, and thus the relation-
in continental rifts. In addition to simple and pure ship between rifts and plumes.
shear mechanisms, lithosphere may also be thinned Great progress has been made over the last two
by melting at its base above upwelling asthenos- decades in understanding rifts, allowing modern rifts
phere. This mechanism ("thermal thinning"), al- to be contrasted and compared better, and to be com-
though perhaps not a major process overall, is likely pared to paleorifts with more confidence. Studies of
to be important in rifts associated with large vol- continental rifts will continue to yield insights into
umes of volcanic rocks, and provides a means of fundamental processes of plates tectonics and of the
recycling compositionally enriched components of dynamics and geochemistry of the deeper mantle.
the continental lithosphere into the asthenosphere.
Continental rifting: A final perspective 459

14.7. References Kay, R. W., and Mahlburg-Kay, S., 1991. Creation and destruc-
tion of lower continental crust. Geologische Rundschau, 80/
Anthony, E. Y., Segalstad, T. V., and Neumann, E.-R., 1989. An 2: 259-278.
unusual mantle source region for nephelinites from the Oslo McKenzie, D., and Bickle, M. J., 1988. The volume and compo-
rift, Norway. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 53: 1067-1076. sition of melt generated by extension of the lithosphere, J.
Bergantz, G. W., 1989, Underplating and partial melting: Impli- Petrol., 29: 625-679.
cations for melt generation and extraction. Science, 245: Mutter, J. C., 1995. Hot, fat and falling apart? Nature, 374: 499-
1093-1095. 500.
Cross, T. A., and Pilger, R. H., Jr., 1978. Constraints on absolute Mutter, J. C., Buck, W. R., and Zehnder, C. M., 1988. Convec-
motion and plate interaction inferred from Cenozoic igneous tive partial melting 1. A model for the formation of thick
activity in the western United States, Am. J. Sci., 278: 865- basaltic sequences during the initiation of spreading. J.
902. Geophys. Res., 93: 1031-1048.
Daley, E. E., and DePaolo, D. J., 1992. Isotopic evidence for Olsen, K. H., 1992. Continental rifting. In: W. A. Nierenberg
lithospheric thinning during extension: southeastern Great (Editor), Encyclopedia of Earth System Science. Academic,
Basin. Geology, 20: 104-108. San Diego. Vol. 1: 627-641.
Furlong, K. P., and Fountain, D. M., 1986. Continental crustal Seng6r, A. M. C., and Burke, K., 1978. Relative timing of rift-
underplating: Thermal considerations and seismic-petrologic ing and volcanism on Earth and its tectonic implications.
consequences. J. Geophys. Res., 91: 8285-8294. Geophys. Res. Lett,: 5: 419--421.
Hay, D. E., Wendlandt, R. E, and Keller, G. R., 1995. Origin of Wendlandt, R. F.., Baldridge, W. S., and Neumann, E.-R., 1991.
Kenya rift plateau-type flood phonolites: Integrated petro- Modification of lower crust by continental rifting. Geophys.
logic and geophysical constraints on the evolution of the crust Res. Lett., 18: 1759-1762.
and upper mantle beneath the Kenya rift. J. Geophys. Res., Wemicke, B., 1985. Uniform-sense normal simple shear of the
100: 10,549-10.557. continental lithosphere. Canadian J. Earth Sci., 22: 108-125.
Harry, D. L, and Leeman, W. P., 1995. Partial melting of melt White, R., and McKenzie, D., 1989. Magmatism at rift zones:
metasomatized subcontinental mantle and the magma source the generation of volcanic continental margins and flood
potential of the lower lithosphere. J. Geophys. Res., 100: basalts. J. Geophys. Res., 94: 7685-7729.
This Page Intentionally Left Blank

Subject Index

A 222, 233,239, 242, 261, 281-283, 327-328,

330, 348, 356, 368, 378, 382, 387, 397,400,
accommodation zone 238,239,327 417, 419,427,428, 437,445,456
active rifting 8, 27-29, 80, 86, 95, 96, 226, 338, 395, structure 151,155-156, 170, 188-190, 222-224,
397, 453 234, 236, 238, 239, 253,254, 255, 258, 281-
Afar 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19,213,214, 216, 220, 223, 283, 326-327,336, 378, 379, 380, 382, 397,
225, 226, 453,454 417, 420, 423,427, 430, 433,439, 445,458
Afro-Arabian rift zone 213 Basin and Range 10, 19, 20, 29, 31, 35, 36, 40, 67,
anatexis 366, 368 79, 150, 233,234,236, 242, 243,247, 251,256,
anisotropy 258, 264, 277-316, 454,455
mantle 458 Benue trough 437-446
seismic 67, 70, 74, 77, 87, 197,300 Black Forest 134, 136, 140, 155,156, 160, 162, 163,
apparent resistivity 109, 167,334 165, 166, 167, 170, 171,173, 192, 199
aqueous fluid 123,124-127,257 Bresse graben 140
asthenosphere 3-4, 8, 12, 27-41, 47, 57-58, 104, brittle deformation 149, 197, 222, 287,303, 314,
148, 168, 173,182, 187, 192, 195, 200, 216, 328, 397,399,410,411,415,422, 458
246, 247,248, 261,264, 287,288, 299,300, brittle-ductile transition 103, 124, 125,222, 236,
307, 308,312, 314, 332, 357,362, 363,368, 257, 258,261,290, 303,336
384, 416, 419,422, 423,441,454, 456, 458
attenuation C
seismic 67, 72, 172
aulacogen 8, 21, 97,427-435 caldera 242, 255,285,290, 301,312, 348, 363,367
Cameroon line 440-441,442, 445
B carbonatite 215
Cenozoic volcanic.province 79,234
Baikal rift 13, 19, 21, 29, 31, 38, 53, 95, 97, 100, characteristic impedance 108
123, 221,226, 257, 325-339,424, 454,455, Colorado Plateau 234, 236, 239, 242, 243,246, 247,
456,458 249, 254, 258, 260, 261,264
Baltic shield 357,362 compatible elements 50, 51, 52
basalt 10, 47-59, 97, 141,165, 176, 178, 192, 216, core complex 279, 281,283,285,293,294,297,302,
242, 243,244, 246, 247,248,250, 255,264, 303, 313,455
283,285,287,288, 299, 300, 308, 312, 313, crustal conductors 123-127
328, 330, 348, 351, 361,366, 377, 378,386, cumulates 351,353,364, 368
387, 390, 392, 394,396, 398,411,417,423, Curie temperature 93, 96, 97, 301
428, 440, 453,454, 455
alkali olivine 54, 127, 215,244,246, 328 D
alkalic 50, 53, 55, 141,156, 178,215,244, 247,
264, 328, 351,420, 441 Dead Sea 10, 12, 19, 32, 95, 97,213
ocean island (OIB) 247, 287 Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) 330--332, 336--337
tholeiitic 50, 53,215,245,246, 264,328, 377, DEKORP-ECORS profile 161,162, 163, 164, 170,
397, 411, 412, 423,428 171, 180, 183, 188, 192
basin depletion 49, 56, 75, 86, 141,216, 247,248, 330,
sediments 139-140, 155-156, 174--176, 197, 218, 351,394, 399,454, 456
462 Subject Index

dihedral angle 124-127 420, 421,423,427, 434,437, 441,446, 456, 458

diorite 164, 165 flank uplift 27, 28, 29, 37, 40, 41,136, 138, 152,
ductile deformation 80, 124, 126, 196, 239, 287,300, 166, 195, 197, 199, 213,222, 238, 239,242,
303, 304, 305,306, 314, 358,398,410, 411, 281,455
415,420, 421,422, 455,458 flood basalt 8, 10, 136, 180, 214,215,283, 285,312,
409, 411, 412, 423
E flood volcanism 214
earthquake 61, 70, 72, 73, 136, 138, 149, 160, 165, fractionation 456
166, 172, 173, 183, 188, 197, 217, 220, 221, G
222, 227,253,254, 257,258,259, 260, 261,
280, 283,288-290, 292, 297-300, 334-336, gabbro 164, 171,261,287,345,351,352, 364, 368,
357, 362, 399, 414, 427,458 378, 394,428, 441
East African rift 3, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 29, 31, geobarometer 58,59, 178
35, 36, 55, 67, 95, 123,213-227,254, 257,260, geoelectric strike 113
277, 326, 328,382, 397,409,424, 453,454,455 geomagnetic depth sounding 167, 168, 173,256-258
eclogite 179,249, 330 geothermal anomaly 256
electrical conductivity 105,107, 124, 190, 257,302, geothermal area 162, 168,257, 258
334, 362 geothermal energy 138
electrical properties 67,256 geothermal gradient 35, 59, 125, 126, 141,249, 256,
electrical resistivity 103, 107, 127, 167, 261,334 334, 454,456
electromagnetic data 99 geothermometer 58, 59
enriched 247 GLIMPCE project 381,384-387
Ethiopian rift 95,213,215-216, 220, 225 gneiss 360
extension 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 27, graben 3, 4, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 31, 32, 37-40, 67, 94,
28-29, 31-32, 32-4 1, 47, 57, 62, 67, 73, 80, 86, 96, 97, 134, 151,195, 197, 198, 199, 200, 214,
124, 141,149, 163, 180, 184, 193, 197,213, 215, 218, 222, 223, 225,226, 236, 238, 239,
220, 222, 223,226, 233,236, 238, 239, 242, 260, 283,326, 328, 345,347,348, 351,354,
243, 247,248,254, 259, 260, 261,264,279- 357, 360, 366, 368, 381,385,397, 398,399,
285, 304, 309-313, 336, 337,338, 363,366, 401,410, 415,417, 419--420, 422, 423,446
377, 385,392, 396, 397,399,400, 410, 415, granite 155, 164, 345,360, 383, 396, 428,440
417, 420, 421,422, 423,438,440, 444,446, granodiorite 360
453,454,455-456, 458 granulite 142, 178, 179, 249, 261,287, 314, 345,360
crustal 3 graphite 123, 124, 167
lithospheric 4, 21 gravity data 94-96, 148-149, 151,164-165, 173,
182-183, 197,218, 220, 224,226, 255,283,
F 288, 300-301,303, 307,309,332, 351,358-
fault 3, 4, 10, 20, 28-29, 31-32, 37-41, 61, 62, 67, 361,364, 368, 375, 378, 380-381,382-392,
73, 80, 93, 94, 134, 136, 138, 140, 149, 150, 393, 395,413,417, 418,420, 428, 432--434,
155, 156, 166, 170, 171,180, 184, 188, 193, 441-446
196, 198, 213, 214, 218,222, 223, 225,226, H
233, 234,236, 238, 239, 241,243, 253,256,
260, 277,279, 281-288,290--291,293-302, heat flow 3, 7, 28, 30, 49, 62, 75, 76, 83, 85, 87, 99-
302-303,314,326, 327,334,335,336, 345, 101, 136, 150, 166, 168, 178, 184-186, 188,
347, 348, 353,356, 357,358, 362, 363,366, 198, 220, 222, 256, 277,287, 301-302, 305,
375, 380, 381,382, 383,384,385, 387,389, 332-334, 362, 414
395, 397,399,401,409,410, 411,415,417, Helmholtz equation 107
Subject Index 463

Hessen depression 192-201 168, 172, 173,182, 188, 192, 194, 195,198,
highly extended terrane 4, 8, 10, 12, 20, 21,277, 200, 218,220, 224, 226, 234,236, 242, 246,
279, 300, 313,409, 417,422, 455 247, 248,249, 254, 260-265,277, 280, 287,
hot spot 28, 29, 29-31, 32, 36, 37, 40, 41, 312, 393, 288, 299, 302, 305, 307, 308,309, 310, 312,
394, 396, 410, 419, 423,424,440 313, 316, 326, 330, 332, 338, 351,357,358,
362, 363,366, 368, 378, 394,395, 396, 397,
399, 400, 409,410, 412, 414,416, 419,422,
igneous activity 141,156, 176-178, 283-285,328, 423, 441,453-459
334, 348-352, 399,411-412, 415,417,420, M
igneous intrusion 126, 218,333,413,419 mafic composition 141,142, 158, 164, 177, 178,
igneous processes 456 179, 215,249, 250, 261,283,287, 288,314,
igneous rocks 287-290, 347,361,377-378, 380, 352, 360, 362, 368, 375,378, 379, 381,417,
383, 388, 392, 394-395,400, 427, 432,434 454, 455,456
ignimbrite 215,255,285,309, 310, 348,377,440 magma 8, 11, 31, 36, 37, 47, 48-49, 52-53, 53-55,
incompatible elements 50-51, 52, 56, 57,330, 428, 55-59, 103, 107, 123, 124, 141,156, 177, 178,
454, 456 192, 242, 246, 249, 257, 264,287, 290, 305,
intermediate composition 47, 51, 52, 142, 164,216, 314, 328, 330, 351,361,364,366, 368,375,
236, 242, 243,285,328, 348, 350, 351,352, 378, 390, 394,428, 441,455
366, 455 magma ascent 148, 195,397
intrusion 236, 250, 283,287, 297,301,303, 305, magma chamber 72, 186, 253,255,257, 259,260,
345, 350, 351,357, 360, 361,363, 366, 367, 261,294,352, 361,364
378, 381,386, 392, 398,399,401,413,417, magma genesis 29, 41, 47-49,216, 225,246, 288,
423,428, 44 1,454, 455,456 394, 395,398
magma volumes 214,244, 337,345,351,367, 394,
J 454
Jemez lineament 234, 243-244 magmatism 10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 41, 62, 75, 86, 87, 99,
Jemez volcanic field 243-248, 255 142, 214, 215,220, 222, 226, 236, 242-248,
280, 283,284, 290, 300, 301,303, 313,325,
K 347, 348-352, 363, 366, 368, 394, 401,423,
434, 441,453-455,456, 458
Kenya rift 15, 20, 38, 68, 70, 79, 95,215,216--218, magnetic data 97, 149, 163, 165, 177, 183, 188, 239,
242, 260, 446, 455,458 256, 261,300-301,332-334,360, 361-362,
KRISP project 216-218,224,226 364, 375,379, 380--381,382-392, 385,386,
KTB deep drilling site 160, 162, 166, 167 387, 388, 390, 392, 395,401,412, 413--414,
L 417, 418,422, 432, 441 443
magnetotelluric data 168, 173, 174, 187, 188, 301-
Lake Baikal 13,325, 326, 331,332, 335,336, 337 302, 334
Lake Superior 19, 96, 375-401 magnetotelluric method 103-127, 167,257-258,
Lake Tanganyika 218 301,362
Lake Turkana 216, 220, 223,225 mantle plume 10, 36, 56, 96, 196, 198,223,247,
lherzolite 53, 54, 57, 59, 156, 178,248, 249, 287, 285, 288,312-313, 316, 325,338, 378,384,
330 393, 396, 397,398, 399,400, 401,410, 423,
Limagne graben 133, 138 453-454,458
lithosphere 3-12, 20, 27-4 1, 47, 55-59, 61, 67, 70, Massif Central 20, 138-155
72, 84, 95, 96, 103, 104, 124, 141,148, 152, melt 285,287,293,454, 456
464 Subject Index

melting 12, 29, 34, 47, 49, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 80, plume margin 411,415,418, 420, 422-423
124, 125, 141,244, 246, 249, 264, 288,366, pluton 242, 300, 362, 364, 378,428, 440
394, 397,398,400, 412, 428,453,454,455,458 plutonism 300
metamorphic rocks 279, 360 Pn
metamorphism 124, 148, 183,250, 287, 358, 366, phase 146, 171,172, 357
386 velocity 76, 79, 81, 83, 85, 146, 173, 198,217,
Midcontinent rift 19, 21, 55, 79, 86, 96, 97, 375--401, 248, 252, 261,264, 299, 331,353
454, 455,456 Poisson's ratio 67, 74, 87, 164, 171,254
Moho 36, 40, 62, 67, 70, 73, 80, 81, 82, 95, 100, 142, pore fluid 103
144, 145, 146, 148, 150, 151,152, 162, 164, porphyry 348
171,172, 173, 179, 180, 181,182, 192, 198, potential field 382, 413
199, 217,227, 253, 256, 260, 293, 303,305, potential field methods 93-97
332, 336, 353,355, 357,360, 362, 363,364, Precambrian crust 155,214,233,242, 256, 283,294,
382, 413,420, 434, 456 325, 345,351,353, 354, 356, 358, 360, 361,
MT sounding curves 111 362, 364, 366, 368, 420, 422, 428, 430
PROBE project 216, 218, 222
N pyroxene 51, 53, 58, 59, 141,250, 351,456
Nd 55, 57,247,248,250, 351,367 pyrrhotite 97
New Madrid rift 13, 79, 86, 96, 97, 362, 455 R
North Sea rift 21, 29, 32, 277,345, 352, 356, 367,
420--421 Rb 50, 51, 56, 57
Rb-Sr 55,249, 367,394, 395
O Rb/Sr 56
olivine 34, 35, 51, 53, 58, 59, 156, 178, 179, 195, Red Sea 10, 15, 16, 18, 53,213, 414,422
299, 351,377, 412 remote reference MT 113
orogeny 345,348, 358, 368, 392, 396, 401,409,427 Rhenish Massif 20, 174-201
Oslo Graben 4, 19, 21,345-368 rheology 34, 41, 58, 104, 127, 291,303,305, 310,
Oslo rift 49, 55,345-368,455,456 313,358
Rhinegraben 4, 14, 17, 18, 20, 31, 32, 38, 100, 123,
P 133, 155-173,213, 257
Rh6ne graben 142-151
P-delay 173, 182, 192, 254,255,264, 332, 336, 357 rhyolite 243,244, 283,288, 351,377, 378,428,440
P-residual 72, 148, 182, 198, 217,299 Rio Grande rift 13, 19, 20, 29, 31, 38, 53, 67, 79, 97,
P-wave 68, 70, 168, 171,172, 254, 357 100, 115, 123, 226, 233-265,277, 285,293,
P-wave velocity 27, 68, 72, 74, 95, 158, 164, 168, 325,424,446, 453,454,455,456
171,353,364,430, 456 RockaU microcontinent 418
paleorift 6, 13, 19, 20, 21, 55, 78, 79, 80, 81, 84, 99, Rockall Trough 412,421--422
347, 361,362, 380, 455,456, 458
partial melt 49, 53-55, 56--58, 127, 148, 155, 248,
249, 254, 264,455,456
partial melting 95, 141,150, 156, 159, 178, 192, 246, S-wave 73, 171,172
250, 264, 334, 351,352, 378, 419, 454 S-wave data 70, 171,254, 259, 299-300
passive margin 4, 8, 10, 19, 20, 21, 28, 32, 79, 80, S-wave velocity 72, 74, 173
85,396, 409--424,455 saline water 107, 115, 123, 126
passive rifting 8, 27-29, 196, 338,396 satellite data 93, 96, 97,362, 413
peridotite 54, 177, 178, 179,254, 314,330, 456 sedimentary rocks 345,348, 366, 368, 375,376,
phonolite 55, 156, 214, 215,216 378-379, 381,382, 385,388,392, 399,400,
Subject Index 465

410-411, 415,439-440 T
seismic data 94, 99, 116, 124, 142-148, 159-163,
180-187, 218,220, 224, 226, 257, 261,293- teleseismic
299, 326, 330-332, 336, 352-357, 360, 361, data 148-149, 216, 217,254-255, 264, 297-300,
364, 368,378, 381-382, 382-392, 412-413, 332, 336, 352-357, 442, 445,458
417, 428-434,440, 454 methods 95,254-255,297-300, 352-357, 391,
seismic methods 61-87 453
seismic reflection 67, 95, 96, 97, 123, 138, 144, 151- teleseismic data 70--72, 150, 152, 162-167, 182-187,
155, 161-167, 180--187,218,222, 253-254, 199
293-294, 326, 336, 338, 352-357, 363,377, thermal thinning 458
378, 379, 381-382, 382-392, 394, 395,396, tipper (magnetotelluric) 114
401,410, 412-413,415,417,420, 428-434, trace element 49, 49-51, 55, 56, 287-288
442-446, 458 trachyte 55, 178, 215, 328, 348, 351
seismic refraction 68-70, 138, 142-148, 151,160-
167, 220, 250-253, 260, 297,334, 352-357,
364, 381-382, 382-392,412-413,420, 428- ultramafic composition 159,287, 351,360, 362, 455
434, 442, 444,453,458 ultramafic rocks 97, 142
seismic surface wave 61,168 underplating 12, 81, 84, 96, 214, 216, 249,250, 287,
seismic tomography 12, 68, 146-148, 152, 162-163, 297, 305,314,353,375,386, 394, 399,401,
287, 384, 391 413,417,419,455,456
seismic velocity 49, 61-87, 124, 146-148, 199, 220, uplift 223,225,226, 279, 291,302, 303,307, 312,
226, 250, 255,261,297-302, 351,401,430-- 325, 327, 328, 332, 337, 338, 380, 382, 385,
434, 454,455,456 394, 396, 397,399, 401,416, 422, 423,424,
seismicity 3, 13, 73,136, 138, 149, 150, 165, 174, 427, 428,430, 433,434, 441,456
221,258-260, 288-290, 334-336, 362, 399, upper mantle 3, 7, 12, 13, 16, 17, 27-29, 29-31, 31-
414--415,455 32, 37-40, 41, 47, 52, 53, 56-58, 61, 62, 68, 72,
silicic composition 47, 55,142, 242, 244,258, 283, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 86, 87, 93, 95, 96,
297, 312, 350, 351,363,366, 367, 428,440 126, 152-155, 171,172-173, 178, 182, 187,
Skagerrak Graben 345-368 192-193, 195, 197, 198, 200, 217, 220, 222,
skin depth 108 223, 224, 226, 246, 247,248,250, 252, 254,
Sm 50 255,261,287,297, 299, 310, 314, 330, 332,
Sm-Nd 55,367 334, 337,338, 345, 351,357-358, 363-366,
Sm/Nd 56, 248 368, 394,396, 397, 399,401,410, 413,419,
Sn phase 172, 357 423,424,453,456
Southern Oklahoma aulacogen 21,427-435,455 upwelling 8, 12, 27, 29, 30, 31, 36-37, 40, 47, 141,
spinel 53, 54, 58, 59, 141,178, 248,287,330 195, 200, 242, 247, 248,249, 264, 287, 300,
Sr 49, 50, 51, 55, 56, 57,242, 247,248, 250, 351, 314, 334,412, 416, 419,422, 423,453,454,458
352, 367,394
strain 4, 8, 35, 37, 41, 127, 140, 193, 238,260, 458 V
strain rate 35, 103, 126, 292, 328
stress 8, 9, 10, 13, 27, 29, 31, 31-32, 35, 41, 73, 124, volcanic
126, 127, 134, 136, 140, 149-150, 165-166, center 136, 183, 224, 241,243, 245
176, 178, 184, 193, 194-196, 222, 255,260, flow 377,382, 384, 394, 399
290-291,309-313, 334-336, 338, 362, 366, volcanic field 136
367, 384,396, 414-415,422, 423,424,434, volcanic province 138, 141,142, 148, 165, 178, 199,
453,455,458 214, 440, 454
surface impedance 109 volcanic rocks 96, 97, 176, 214,215,328,337,338,
466 Subject Index

353, 364, 376, 380, 381,386, 388, 394, 395,401 W

volcanic trend 133
volcanic zone 142, 146, 148, 152, 180, 198, 234, Western rift feast Africa) 214-215, 218-220
243,246, 255,328, 330, 364,440 wide angle reflection 61, 68-70, 330, 384, 418,428-
volcanism 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 27, 29, 30, 41, 49, 434
62, 136, 140, 141,149, 150, 156, 174, 176, 178,
192, 195, 197,201,214,215,216, 222, 225,
226, 237,243,246, 250, 280, 283, 285, 312, xenolith 13, 57, 58-59, 141-142, 146, 158-159, 174,
313,328, 337,338, 348,363,366, 367,368, 177, 178-179, 192, 248-250, 256, 285-287,
377-378, 386, 396, 397,399,409,410, 411, 330, 351-352
418, 419,422, 423,424,434,438, 440, 454,456
Vosges mountains 134, 138, 148, 155, 156, 163, 165,
170, 173,184, 195
Plate 5-1. Topographic map of east Africa. Colors indicate elevation in meters. Elevations higher than 2500 m are shown as dark
red. Elevations lower than -2000 m are shown as dark blue. Lakes, irrespective of their surface elevation, are colored light blue.
Elevation data were obtained from the 5-minute world elevation grid ETPOPO5 from the Global Relief CD-ROM produced by the
(US) National Geophysical Data Center. Major faults which appear to be associated with the East African rift system are shown as
light lines and are from the International Geological Map of Africa (Choubert and Fauve-Muret, 1990). Major northwesterly
trending lines northwest of Lake Malawi and north of Lake Victoria are the Tanganyika-Rukwa-Malawi fault zone (Rosendahl et
al., 1986) and the Aswa shear belt (Rosendahl et al., 1987). These features have been interpreted to be related to the segmentation
(Coussement et al., 1994) of the EARS although the Aswa shear belt is Precambrian in age. The dotted line near the center of t h e
map indicates the location of a crustal and upper mantle velocity model derived from KRISP 85 and KRISP 90 seismic refraction
and teleseismic data.


34 ~ 35 ~ 36 ~ 37 ~ 38 ~ 39 ~

Kenya Rift Topography

and KRISP 90 Seismic 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Experiment Elevation (meters)
Plate 5-2. Topographic map of the central portion of the Kenya rift. Colors indicate elevations in meters. The topographically high
region in the south-central portion of the map is known as the Kenya dome. Circles are shotpoints and heavy lines are seismograph
deployment profiles for the KRISP 90 seismic refraction and wide-angle reflection project. Labeled shotpoints are: VIC = Lake
Victoria; NAI = Lake Naivasha; BOG = Lake Bogoria; BAR = Lake Baringo; LTN, LTC and LTS are Lake Turkana North, Central
and South; and CHF = Chanlers Falls. Light black lines are major faults.
Plate 5-3. Compressional wave seismic velocity model of the CNSt and uppermost mantle beneath the Kenya rift and adjacent regions. Profile location is shown on Plate 5-1

(dotted line near equator) and corresponds (from 0 to 450 km distance range) to the cross-line refraction profile (Braile et al., 1994) from the KRISP 90 experiment (Plate 5-

CD ~
2). Velocities (in km/s) are shown by the color scale and by contours in the upper mantle. Crustal and Pn (just beneath the Moho which is shown by the heavy line) velocities


were defined by the cross-line refraction and wide-angle reflection model of Braile et al. (1994). Upper mantle velocities were converted (see text) from velocity differences
D-,l~. ~'~


computed by Slack et al. (1994) from teleseismic arrival delay times. The dashed line outlines the region of significant raypath coverage for the refraction and teleseismic


Plate 6-1. Physiographic map of the western U.S., indicating breadth of Cenozoic lithospheric extension in western U. S. Sedi-
ment-fiUed basins of the Basin and Range province and the Rio Grande rift are shown in light-brown; orange indicates basin depths
>2500 m. Location of elevation profile from 96~ to 1170W (below) is shown by heavy line. Modified from Baldridge and Olsen
Plate 6-2. Chronostratigraphic chart of middle Eocene through lower Pliocene stratigraphic units in the Espafiola and northeastern
Albuquerque-Belen basins. Section is oriented approximately from north (left) to south. Solid black pattern indicates basaltic rocks.
Much radiometric age control exists for volcanic and volcaniclastic units, but has been omitted for clarity. Modified from Ingersoll
et al. (1990).
Plate 6-3. Xenolith of spinel lherzolite (olivine + enstatite + Cr-augite + spinel, in order of decreasing abundance) included in
basalt from the Elephant Butte volcanic field in the central Rio Grande rift, New Mexico. A. Overall view showing granular texture
and slight gneissic fabric. Black and white bars are each one cm long. B. Macroscopic view. Main green-colored mineral is olivine,
dark green (nearly black) mineral is enstatite, and tiny bright green grains are Cr-rich diopside. Spinel is not readily apparent.
Black and white bars are each one cm long. C. Photomicrograph, plane-polarized light. Dark, irregularly shaped mineral at top is
spinel. Granular texture is reflected by numerous triple points, where grain boundaries intersect at approximately 120 ~ angles.
Width of photo is 7.6 mm. D. Same area as in C, crossed nicols.
Plate 6-4. Xenolith of two-pyroxene granulite (clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + plagioclase + spinel) included in basalt from the
Elephant Butte volcanic field in the central Rio Grande rift, New Mexico. A. Overall view. Well developed gneissic fabric is readily
apparent. The mineralogy and mineral compositions of this rock are consistent with a derivation from the lower crust. Black and
white bars are each one cm long. B. Macroscopic view, showing mineral segrations which define the gneissic fabric. Plagioclase is
white; pyroxenes are dark green (appear black). Black and white bars are each one cm long. C. Photomicrograph, plane-polarized
light. Pyroxenes are pale green, plagioclase is white, spinel is black (small grains). Texture is granoblastic polygonal, characteristic
of granulites. Width of photo is 7.6 mm. D. Same area as in C, crossed nicols.
Plate 6--6. Isostatic residual gravity anomaly map of the Albuquerque-Belen basin. Contour interval is 10 mGal. Color scheme is as
follows: yellow through red are low values, corresponding to thick basin-fill material; blue through magenta are high values,
coinciding with flanking uplifts. Black dots are data points. Heavy white lines indicate major faults; medium white lines demarcate
approximate edge of basin; light white lines are major roads. The city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, is located approximately in
middle of figure. Plate modified and provided by C.E. Heywood, U. S. Geological Survey, Albuquerque, New Mexico, from
Heywood (1992).
Plate 6-7. Low-pass filtered gravity map of the Rio Grande rift region. Wavelengths less than 125 km were attenuated.
1 'p 'Y 10s'
4 'Y IW'

QT T+,


---- a-a

n PC

Plate 6-9. Gravity, magnetic, and heat flow profiles, geological strip map. and lithospheric transect through the Rio Grande rift at 35"10'N, near Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Depth to asthenosphere is based on isotopic compositions of basaltic rocks (Ferry et al., 1987, 1988). For comparison, depth to asthenosphere based on teleseismic data (see
text) is also shown. Pe is Precambrian crystalline rocks, PP is Pennsylvanian sedimentary rocks, P i s Permian sedimentary rocks, TR-Jis Triassic and Jurassic (undifferenti-
ated) sedimentary rocks,~Kis Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, T is Tertiary sediments and sedimentary rocks, Ti is Tertiary intrusive rocks, TS is Tertiary intermediate and
silicic volcanic rocks, QT is Tertiary and Quaternary (undifferentiated) sediments and sedimentary rocks, Qtb is Tertiary and Quaternary (undifferentiated) basaltic volcanic
rocks, and Q is Quaternary sediments.


0 Quaternary Sediments Quaternary-Tsrtlsfy Sediments Tertiary Immsrde Rocks Ternary-Cretaceous Sedimentary Rocks Permian Sedimentary Rocks / Faun

Quaternary-Tertlary B a s a k T.rDsry Vokanr Rocks Tertiary Sedimentary Rocks CmacBous Sedimentary R O C ~ C Precamtman ~ o c k


6.05 3.5
20 - 3.65
6.1 4

E qc


Y 40-

h - M
-1. 1 0 .0..4 ~ 8.23

lo@* 106. 104' 103"
'0- 1w 101' I
ioi- I I

Plate 6-10. Gravity, magnetic, and heat flow profiles, geological strip map, and lithospheric transect through the Rio Grande rift at 32"05'N,near El Paso, Texas.
Plate 7-1. Topography of westem North America. The northern Basin and Range province is higher on average than the southern
Basin and Range, and the topographic boundary is quite distinct (located between the southern ends of the Sierra Nevada and
Colorado Plateau).
Plate 7-2. Bouguer gravity of western North America. The northern Basin and Range is a symmetric regional gravity low. See text
for discussion.
0 200 400 600 800 1000

Plate 10-1. Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the midcontinent of North America.
Plate 10-2. Total magnetic intensity anomaly map of the midcontinent of North America.
Plate 10-3. Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the Lake Superior region indicating major structural elements. Thin lines are seismic
reflection profiles discussed in the text with their designation (e.g., A). LSS - Axis of Lake Superior syncline; SCH - St. Croix
horst; W R - White's ridge; GMR - Grand Marais ridge; DPA - Deer Park anticline; DF - Douglas fault; HF - Hastings fault; LOF
- Lake Owen fault; KF - Keweenaw fault; IRF - Isle Royale fault; TF - Thiel fault: MF - Michipocoten fault; CPF - Crisp Point
Plate 10-4. Total magnetic intensity anomaly map of the Lake Superior region indicating major structural elements. Thin lines are
seismic reflection profiles discussed in the text with their designation (e.g., A). LSS - Axis of Lake Superior syncline; SCH - St.
Croix horst; WR - White's ridge; GMR - Grand Marais ridge; DPA - Deer Park anticline; DF - Douglas fault; HF - Hastings fault;
LOF - Lake Owen fault; KF - Keweenaw fault; IRF - Isle Royale fault; TF - Thiel fault: MF - Michipocoten fault; CPF - Crisp
Point fault.
Frontispiece: This spectacular photograph shows a southward view of the Rio Grande rift from the southern San Luis Valley of
Colorado to the boIsons of west Texas and Chihuahua (near top), a distance of over 700 kin. The Sangre de Christo Mountains, part
of the Southern Rocky Mountains, and the Great Plains lie east of the rift. The gypsum dunes of White Sands National Monument
are prominent near the middle of the upper (southern) block. The Colorado Plateau lies west of the of the northern and central
segments of the rift. Farther south and west, the Basin and Range Province stretches across southern New Mexico, southern
Arizona and northern Mexico to the Gulf of California and Baja California, visible near the Earth's limb. The cross section showing
crustal layers and upper mantle structure (see color Plate 6-9 of Chapter 6, "The Rio Grande Rift"), is constructed through
Albuquerque, New Mexico. At this latitude (35~ the vertical and horizontal scales are approximately the same. For conven-
tional map views of the area see Figure 6-1 and Color Plate 7-1. This photograph is number STS40-151-23, taken with the Linhof
camera from the Space Shuttle Columbia on 7 June 1991, at a nominal altitude of 287 km.
~ 0
Plate 6-8. Map of relocated earthquake epicenters in the Jemez Mountains-Espafiola basin area for the period December 1973 to
August 1994.

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