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Bacteria Bob

Komodo Dragons live in the harsh climate of Indonesia's lesser Sunda Islands and have
done so for millions of years.

These reptiles reach up to 10 feet in length and weigh up to 300 pounds (or more). The
Komodo Dragon is the heaviest lizard on earth.

As the most dominant predators on most islands they inhabit, they will eat almost
anything like carrion, deer, pigs, smaller dragons and also water buffalo and humans.
When hunting, the Komodo Dragon mostly hides in camouflage and maintains a great
deal of patience when its prey walks. The dragon springs into action, using its powerful
legs, sharp claws, and shark-like teeth to tear its prey to shreds.

Any prey lucky to escape this dragon's jaws will only die within 24 hours due to blood
poisoning. The Komodo Dragon's saliva has 50 different strains of bacteria and while
the escapee thinks its safe, as its dying from poison, the Komodo will follow it for miles,
waiting for it to finally die off. The dragon uses their keen sense of smell to track the
dead corpse. A dragon can eat up to 80 percent of its body weight in a single feeding.

Although this dragon is very dangerous and capable of protecting itself, due to poaching
and habitat destruction, they have reached the endangered list. However, they keep a
steady population of 3,000 to 5,000 dragons on the islands of Gila Motang, Rinca, and

Photo courtesy of

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