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Amazing little devil

The Thorny Devil or the mountain dragon is a small reptile which only grows
up to 8 inches long. It's a spiky lizard native to Australia.

These lizards live between 6 to 20 years. One thing about this lizard is that
it's named after a human sacrifice god and its scientific name is Moloch
Horridus. It's inspired by a poem called Paradise Lost by Milton. The poem
describes a horrible Canaanite god and king, Moloch. He was a terrible king
who smeared the blood of his human sacrifices on his body.

These lizards only eat ants. There is a scientific name for this and it is
obligate myrmecophages, but they don't hunt down their prey. They are a
more of a sit and wait type of predator. They find a feeding site and they
stick out their tongue and wait for the ants to get trapped on their sticky

The Thorny Devil can eat thousands of small black ants a day. They have
special teeth that are designed to chew through the ants tough exterior.
Thorny Devils dont like extreme hot or cold and they are almost completely
inactive during the summer.

They burrow underground during the cold winters but they are active during
autumn ( March, April, May) and also late winter to early summer when they
mate and lay eggs.

These lizards have a strange knob between their head and shoulders, which
is sometimes called a false head. When in danger they tuck their head
between their forelegs leaving the false head where the real head used to
be. Not only do their thorns protect them from predators, but it also collects
condensation. They have moisture attracting grooves between their thorns
and it is sucked into its body, acting as its mouth.

This little devil is quite an amazing creature.

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