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Ultrasound in Med. & Biol Vol. 14, No. l, pp. 7-14, 1988 0301-5629/88 $3.00 + .

Printed in the U.S.A. 1987 Pergamon Journals Ltd.

OOriginal Contribution


A. D. W A L M S L E Y
Department of Dental Prosthetics, The Dental School, St. Chad's Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6NN

(Received 11 February 1987; in revisedforrn 29 May 1987)

Abstract--An ultrasonic descaler working at kHz frequencies is used in dentistry to remove attached deposits
from the teeth. Such devices offer many advantages over conventional hand instruments by reducing both the
work and time involved in the clinical descaling process. Although it is a recognised clinical instrument, there has
been little attempt to standardise its acoustic power output. A parameter which may characterise adequately the
acoustic emission from these instruments is the displacement amplitude of the probe tip. Modification of the
ultrasonic descaler generator has led to the further use of the instrument in other dental areas. Diagnostic
applications of M H z ultrasound is limited by the structure and arrangement of the dental tissues. Therapeutic
ultrasound has been used to treat a variety of dentally related ailments, and ultrasonic cleaning baths are used to
clean both dental instruments and materials.

Key Words: Ultrasound, Dentistry, Clinical applications.

INTRODUCTION amount of aluminium slurry used during cutting

which required removal. As a result it was superseded
The common perception of the use of ultrasound by the more effective high speed rotary drills (Street,
from a medical point of view is in its wide use in areas 1959) which were developed around the same time.
such as diagnostic imaging and physiotherapy. The role of ultrasonics in dentistry did not disappear
Within the wider aspects of medicine however ultra- altogether since previously Zinner (1955) had
sound finds considerable uses in the practice of den- adapted the original ultrasonic drill for use in the
tistry. One of the earliest references to its use in the removal of dental plaque and calculus from the sur-
dental sphere was in 1952, where an industrial ultra- face of the teeth (descaling). This process was first
sonic impact grinder was used to prepare cavities in demonstrated clinically by Johnson and Wilson
extracted h u m a n teeth (Balamuth, 1963). This (1957) and is now a widely accepted clinical proce-
quickly caught the imagination of dentists and the dure. By the seventies it was reported that within the
potential use of such an ultrasonic dental drill was United States of America there were some 50,000 to
reported by Catuna (1953), with aa instrument being 100,000 ultrasonic devices in use for descaling and
introduced eventually for cavity preparation in the periodontal treatment (Lees, 1972; Frost, 1977). At
teeth of patients (Nielsen and Richards, 1954; Roche, the present time the number of units is likely to be far
1954; Oman and Applebaum, 1955). These early in- in excess of this number worldwide although accurate
struments operated at a frequency of around 29 kHz figures do not exist.
using an abrasive slurry ofaluminium oxide particles The use of ultrasound in dentistry is not re-
to assist in the cutting process. Tooth substance was stricted to the descaling of teeth, however, and its
removed efficiently by this technique (Postle, 1958). application in other areas has been steadily increasing
There was little patient discomfort and it was sug- (Balamuth, 1967). The ultrasonic descaler has been
gested that cavity preparation could be performed modified for use also in root canal therapy (endo-
without recourse to local anaesthesia. Furthermore, dontics), amalgam packing, extraction of teeth, and
as a low contact load was employed in cutting, po- displacing cemented restorations from teeth. Other
tential traumatic effects on the underlying vascular applications of ultrasound in dentistry include the
and nervous tissues of the dental pulp were reduced. treatment of joint and muscle related ailments
However, ultrasonic cavity preparation never became around the face, the generalised cleaning of both in-
popular due to poor visual access and the large struments prior to sterilisation and dentures, and as a
8 Ultrasound in Medicineand Biology Volume14, Number 1, 1988

diagnostic procedure to detect dental caries and peri-

odontal disease.


The supporting tissues of the natural human

tooth (Fig. 1) consist of the gingivae, the periodontal
ligament, and the alveolar bone, collectively termed
the periodontium. These tissues may be subject to
inflammatory change which, if left untreated may
lead to irreversible damage with subsequent loss of
the teeth. The primary etiological factor in periodon-
tal disease is the deposition and accumulation of
dental plaque on the surfaces of teeth (Lre et at.,
Fig. 2. The ultrasonic descaler being used clinically to re-
1965). Dental plaque is a soft tenacious bacterial de- move attached deposits from the surfaces of the teeth.
posit which forms on the surface of a tooth when oral
hygiene methods are ineffective or abandoned
(McHugh, 1970), and the control of plaque forma-
tion and its effective removal is an essential require- culus deposits from the surfaces of teeth (Fig. 2) using
metn for periodontal health (Lre, 1970). an ultrasonic descaler (Suppipat, 1974). These in-
If dental plaque is allowed to accumulate, depo- struments operate at frequencies of 25-42 kHz and
sition of calcium salts in its matrix will result in the are useful in that they reduce the mechanical effort
formation of dental calculus, which consists mainly required by the clinician. Furthermore they are easy
of 80% inorganic matter mainly in the form of cal- to operate and there is a reduction in both the treat-
cium phosphate as hydroxyapatite, and inorganic ment time and the level of discomfort to the patient.
matter comprising mainly desquamated epithelial These devices utilise a rigid metal probe which is
cells and bacteria (Jenkins, 1966). Calculus acts as driven to oscillate in its longitudinal mode. It is this
tissue irritant by virtue of its roughness, bacterial vibratory motion that provides the "chipping" action
content, and by the accumulation of further dental which removes the attached deposits from the teeth.
plaque deposits on its surface (Allen and Kerr, 1965; A magnetostrictive or a piezoelectric transducer
Schroeder, 1969). within the handpiece is used to produce the ultra-
The main application of ultrasound in dentistry sonic vibrations. In magnetostrictive designs, the
therefore is to remove both dental plaque and cal- metal probe is attached to a laminated ferromagnetic
stack (Fig. 3a). Each probe has its own integral stack
being known as an "insert" and this is powered by the
same generator via coils in the handpiece. Piezoelec-
tric devices are much simpler in design in that the
~ ~ Enamel different probes are interchangeable with the one
transducer. Both designs utilise a flow of cooling
water which is passed through the handpiece and
onto the oscillating tip. The cooling water serves to

i gvia
I~ Pupl reduce frictional heating at the tooth/tip interface
and in magnetostrictive transducers it also is used to
cool the ferromagnetic stack.
tie On reaching the tip, cavitational activity occurs
Lg i de
m onnttal within the water (Walmsley et al., 1986a), and thus
may also contribute to the removal of the attached
deposits (Balamuth 1967; Walmsley et al., 1984).
Cemenutm A variety of probe tip designs are used in the
descaling process and examples of the more com-
Bone r
l eoa
l monly used probes are shown in Fig. 3b. They range
from straight or sickle probe tips approximately 2-3
cm long and 0.2 cm broad at the tip to angled/blade
Fig. 1. A schematic diagram of the constituents of the tooth designs incorporating a 0.5 by 1 cm blade tip. Such
and its supporting tissue. designs are used for different clinical tasks such as
Applications of ultrasound in dentistry A. D. WALMSLEY 9

hand instruments may also achieve similar clinical

results. Therefore the majority of clinical investiga-
tions in relation to the ultrasonic descaler have been
concerned with its efficiency when compared to man-
ual methods and to assess which, if any, is superior.
Clinical studies on the quality of the descaling
process show that both manual and ultrasonic instru-
mentation remove the attached calculus from the
tooth surface efficiently with no apparent differences
between either technique (McCall and Szmyd, 1960;
Stende and Schaffer, 1961; Moskow and Bressman,
1964). These initial findings were followed by scan-
ning electron microscope studies of the enamel and
(a) dentinal surfaces following routine descaling proce-
dures. This suggested that ultrasonic devices tended
to remove the calculus in small fragments with bur-
nishing of the remaining deposits, whilst hand instru-
ments removed the calculus in much larger fragments
(Jones et al., 1972). However, calculus removal by
the ultrasonic descaler was superior from those teeth
where there was good access.
In patients suffering from periodontal disease
there is often a surface layer of necrotic cementum
overlying the root. This necrotic cementum contains
bacterial products which may be irritant to the peri-
odontal tissues (Hatfield and Baumhammers, 1971;
Aleo et al.. 1974) and the removal of this surface layer
of cementum (root planing) is an established part of
the descaling process (Rosenberg and Ash, 1974;
(b) Robinson, 1975).
After a course of descaling and root planing,
Fig. 3(a). An example of inserts for a magnetostrictive gen-
erator are shown; (b) Three commonly used designs of de- Torfason et al. (1979) showed that both hand and
scaling probe tips: A, straight; B, angled blade, and C, ultrasonic instrumentation produced similar rates of
sickle. resolution of inflamed periodontal tissues. However,
this result has been disputed by Nishimine and
general descaling and root planing (which will be dis- O'Leary (1979) who reported that, in root planing,
cussed below). They are all based on conventional hand instruments were superior to ultrasonic de-
hand-held instrument designs as it is assumed by both scalers. A generalised conclusion from the above
manufacturers and clinicians that both forms of de- studies is that for either root planing or areas of the
scaling achieve the same result. mouth where access is difficult, ultrasonic descalers
During oscillation, clinicians anticipate that the are relatively ineffective (Stende and Schaffer, 1961;
oscillatory movement of the descaling tip will occur Suppipat, 1974; Nishimine and O'Leary, 1979) and a
along the longitudinal axis of the instrument (John- further course of descaling with hand instruments is
son & Wilson, 1957). The direction of oscillation ob- usually required to achieve a clinically satisfactory
served, however invariably occurs at an angle O to the
longitudinal axis of the instrument (Fig. 4). This
angle is approximately 5 for the straight probe de-
signs and 30 for sickle/angled designs (Walmsley el
al., 1986b). Although most designs exhibit a true lon-
gitudinal motion, some of the more complex probe
tips demonstrate an open elliptical motion. Longitudinal
Comparison to conventional instrumentation Fig. 4. A diagrammatic representation of the probe oscilla-
Although ultrasonic descaling is effective in the tions which occur at an angle (O) to the longitudinal axis of
removal of dental plaque and calculus, the use of the instrument.
10 Ultrasound in Medicineand Biology Volume14, Number 1, 1988

result. This is generally related to both the lack of cult to be sure that all calculus has been removed
operator tactile sensitivity when utilising the instru- completely, a problem that does not appear to exist
ment and poor visibility created by the associated when using hand instruments (Burman et al., 1958;
aerosol spray. Moskow and Bressman, 1964; Schaffer, 1967).
The efficiency of any descaling technique may
also be assessed by the eventual healing and resolu- I n s t r u m e n t standardisation
tion of the periodontal tissues. In clinical studies, Many investigations into the performance of the
most investigators agree that tissues surrounding ultrasonic descaler, may be criticised due to the fact
teeth that are subjected to ultrasonic descaling show that there was inadequate standardisation of the
more rapid resolution to health, as demonstrated by a operating instrument. The clinical settings of the
larger reduction in the tissue inflammation, than working ultrasonic descaler have ranged from the use
where a hand instrument was used (Goldman, 1961 ; of either "medium" or "high" power levels used in
Schaffer et al., 1964; Sanderson, 1966; Walsh and conjunction with a free flow of water (Moskow and
Waite, 1978). This may be due to an increased rate of Bressman, 1964; Jones et al., 1972; D'Silva et al.,
collagen production stimulated by the ultrasonic de- 1979) to a power setting and flow of cooling water
scaler (Bhasker et al., 1972). However, at these fre- adjusted to the "operator's preference" with the pre-
quencies the effect of the ultrasound may chiefly be cise conditions not being reported (Sanderson, 1966;
hormetic (Williams, 1983), that is, a beneficial or Torfason et al., 1979). Some investigators gave no
stimulating effect resulting from the application of a details of the working conditions of their instrument
small "dose" of a harmful or irritating agent. Gener- (McCall and Szmyd, 1960; Goldman, 1961; Stende
ally, most investigators cite the presence of a water and Schaffer, 1961; Donz~ et al., 1973). Other vari-
spray, with its lavage action irrigating the tissues, as ables which are not adequately described are the time
the major reason for the superiority of the ultrasonic spent and the application loads used during opera-
descaler (Clark, 1969; Bhasker, et al., 1972; D'Silva et tion. Interpretation and comparison of the results
al., 1979). However, no consideration was given in obtained from different workers is difficult, therefore,
any of the above reports to the role of cavitational due to these discrepancies in the instrument standar-
activity within that water supply and its potential disation.
cleaning action. Although there are various methods used to
measure the acoustic power output emitted from
Clinical evaluation medical transducers operating at MHz frequencies
The main advantage claimed for the use of an (Wells, 1977), there is no commonly agreed tech-
ultrasonic descaler is that calculus removal is accom- nique used for representing the power output from
plished more rapidly than with conventional hand ultrasonic descalers working in the kHz range. The
instruments (Johnson and Wilson, 1957; Torafason majority of these instruments are designed with a
et al., 1979) and time savings of 20% (Forrest, 1967) control dial enabling the operator to vary the amount
to 50% (Donz~ et al., 1973) have also been reported. of electrical power input to the transducer, and an
However, it appears that for efficient removal of cal- estimate of this is displayed on an arbitrary linear
culus, the same amount of time is involved regardless scale. This scale, however does not provide a mean-
of the technique used (Burman et al., 1958), although ingful estimate of any relevant acoustic emission
ultrasonic descaling may be quicker for mandibular from the probe tip.
teeth (Stewart et al., 1967). A parameter which adequately characterises the
During clinical treatment the majority of pa- acoustic emission is the displacement amplitude of
tients appear to prefer ultrasonic descaling to hand the oscillating tip (Walmsley et al., 1986a). The dis-
instrumentation (Johnson and Wilson, 1957; Forrest, placement amplitude may be measured using a trav-
1967; Donz6 et al., 1973) and this may be attributed elling light microscope at an overall magnification of
to a reduction in discomfort (Johnson and Wilson, 100. This provides a direct measure of the "chip-
1957). Clearly this is an advantage in situations where ping" action of the probe tip when used clinically.
the tissues may be unduly susceptible to pain in the Displacement amplitudes for the descaling tips
presence of infection (Wilson, 1958). range from 18-27 gm for straight probes and from
In addition, many clinicians prefer using the ul- 27-65 um for sickle probes (Walmsley et al., 1986b).
trasonic descaler (Stewart et al., 1967) which may be It has been shown that differing designs of the descal-
related to a reduction in both physical effort and ing tip exhibit different displacement amplitudes at
complex manipulation. However, the possible loss of the same nominal power output from the same gener-
tactile sensation when using the device makes it diffi- ator. Furthermore, different generators from the
Applications of ultrasound in dentistry A. D. WALMSLFY 11

same manufacturer produce a different range of dis- file (Fig. 5). This oscillating file is placed within the
placement amplitudes when the same probe design is root canal of the tooth and abrades the walls remov-
used (Walmsley et al., 1986b). ing contaminated organic and inorganic material. An
The displacement amplitude not only gives a antiseptic solution (usually sodium hypochlorite) is
measure of the amount of"chipping" action but also often passed over the oscillating tip to aid in the
gives a direct measure of cavitational activity occur- cleaning process (Cunningham et al., 1982; Griffiths
ring within the associated cooling water (Walmsley et and Stock, 1986). The occurrence of acoustic micro-
al., 1986a). When measured by chemical dosimetry streaming fields developed around small irregularities
methods, an apparent "threshold" for the onset of protruding from the file surface increases the effec-
cavitational activity occurs at displacement ampli- tiveness of the disinfectant (Ahmad et al., 1987).
tude of 12 um. It is then found to increase in a linear Cavitational activity has been shown not to occur
manner with increasing displacement amplitude of along the oscillating file and this is probably related to
the probe (Walmsley et al., 1986a). the relatively low displacement amplitudes produced
A measure &electrical power input to the trans- when it is oscillating within the canal (Ahmad et al.,
ducer is meaningless (using the manufacturers con- 1987).
trol dial) because the transduction process is ineffi- These instruments have been subject to investi-
cient. This is demonstrated by a nonlinear increase in
the displacement amplitude with increasing power (a)
setting (Walmsley et al., 1986a; 1986b). As the dis-
placement amplitude appears to be a satisfactory
method of determining the efficiency of an ultrasonic
descaling tip, measurements for the individual probes
in relation to acoustic power output should be dis-
played in manufacturers literature. This is necessary
in order to regularize and improve clinical perfor-
mance and allow meaningful comparison of results
between different clinical investigators. T

Apart from the routine descaling procedures, the
basic principles of the ultrasonic descaler have found
use in other areas of dentistry. Generally the genera-
tor remains unchanged but different shaped inserts
are used to perform the particular clinical task that is

Ultrasonic vibrations may be used to prepare
and clean the root canal of nonvital teeth before fill-
ing is commenced (Richman, 1957; Martin, 1976;
Nehammer and Stock, 1985). The development of
such instruments was pioneered by Martin in the
early 1970s (Martin, 1976) and is now a well recog-
nised and documented technique which is rapidly
growing in popularity. These instruments are essen-
tially a direct adaptation of the ultrasonic descaler Fig. 5(a). A diagrammatic representation of the ultrasonic
where a rigid metal rod is driven to oscillate in its endodontic instrument showing the main longitudinal
longitudinal mode. However, unlike the descaling in- oscillation (L) occurring along the main axis. The metal file
struments, a small file is attached near the end of the is at right angles to the main instrument and a transverse
main driver and is set at an angle of 60-90 to the oscillation (T) is set up along its length; (b) The transverse
oscillation of the metal file consists of nodes (N) and anti-
main longitudinal axis. Accordingly, during opera- nodes (A). The tip of the file being unconstrained exhibits a
tion a transverse wave is set up along the length of the large oscillation (from Walmsley, 1987).
12 Ultrasound in Medicineand Biology Volume14, Number 1, 1988

gations which are mainly related to the clinical effi- teeth using an ultrasound pulse echo system. This has
ciency of the instrument. The advantages claimed for also been used to diagnose areas of early enamel de-
such treatment over conventional methods include mineralisation following acid attack (Lees et al.,
cleaner root canals with increased debris removal and 1973). However such diagnostic usage of ultrasound
a reduction in bacterial contamination (Martin et al., is limited by both the high acoustic impedance mis-
1980; Cunningham et al., 1982). The majority of in- matches between the various interfaces (enamel,
vestigators have not adequately standardised their in- dentine, and pulpal tissues) and the anatomical ar-
struments, making comparison between different rangement and geometry of the tooth. Consequently,
workers difficult. The operating characteristics of it is still at an early stage of development.
these instruments suggest that the transversely oscil- Other potential uses of diagnostic ultrasound in-
lating files (which may influence clinical perfor- clude the mapping out of the oral soft tissues overly-
mance) are highly susceptible to loading (Walmsley, ing the alveolar bone (Daly and Wheeler, 1971). This
1987). This results in the file tip being constrained technique has been adapted to assess the thickness of
within the root canal. Clearly, further work is neces- the oral mucosa in patients wearing complete den-
sary in this area of endosonics to assess adequately tures (Kydd et al., 1971). Furthermore, Spranger
the mechanism of action of these instruments. (1971) has shown that diagnostic ultrasound may be
used to provide similar information to that obtained
Surgical applications from periapical radiographs in the monitoring of
The ultrasonic descaler has also been adapted for periodontal disease.
use in dental surgical procedures such as removal of
the apical portions of roots of teeth (Richman, 1957)
and surgical extraction of teeth (Horton et al., 1981). THERAPEUTIC ULTRASOUND
The clinical advantages of such techniques appear to
Ultrasound in the MHz frequency range has
be related to good haemorrhage control and field visi-
been used therapeutically to the head and neck to
bility. No adverse effects have been reported so far by
treat a variety of inflammatory disorders ranging
such uses of ultrasound and healing appears unevent-
from temporomandibular joint dysfunction (Espo-
ful with minimal patient discomfort. The potential
sito et al., 1984) to improving the rate of healing after
hazards of utilising ultrasonic vibrations in these sur-
removal of wisdom teeth (El Hag et al., 1985).
gical situations has not been fully assessed.
The anti-inflammatory effects of such treatment
may be largely placebo in action, with the beneficial
Other dental uses
results related to patient motivation during treatment
In conservative dentistry the adapted ultrasonic
(Roman 1960; Walmsley, 1984; E1 Hag et al., 1985).
descaler has been used for the condensation of amal-
Recent work to investigate this placebo effect has
gam restorations (Skinner and Mizera, 1958) together
utilised the removal of the lower wisdom tooth as a
with restoration contouring and elimination of inter-
model of acute inflammation. The use of low inten-
proximal ledges (Forrest, 1967; Gaffney et al., 1981).
sity ultrasound (3 MHz, 0.1 W cm -2, 2 ms pulses with
The condensation of amalgam restorations in the 8 ms spaces, 5 min duration) was found to produce a
prepared tooth cavity is a dangerous practice as it
major placebo effect and this could be related to an
may produce increased levels of mercury vapour in
inhibition in the release of inflammatory mediators
the surrounding air (Chandler et al., t971) and
from cells (Hashish et al., 1986).
should be discouraged. It may also be used during
orthodontic treatment to remove interdental contacts
between teeth, cemented orthodontic brackets, and ULTRASONIC CLEANING BATHS
superficial decalcification of enamel (Gorelick and Ultrasound is often used commercially in the
Tascher, 1967; Cooke and Wreakes, 1978). The ul- cleaning of solid objects by the immersion in liquid
trasonic descaler may also be used to remove frac- and subsequent exposure to the mechanical effects of
tured metal posts from teeth by breaking the cement cavitational activity and acoustic microstreaming.
seal (Krell et al., 1985). This is also applicable in dentistry. Ultrasonic clean-
ing baths operating at frequencies of 18-100 kHz
DIAGNOSTIC ULTRASOUND (Repacholi, 1981 ) are used in dentistry for removing
The use of ultrasound in the MHz range as a debris from instruments prior to sterilisation (Gor-
potential clinical diagnostic device has been investi- don, 1973), calculus and staining from dentures
gated. Lees ( 1971 ) has demonstrated that it is possible (Abelson, 1981), and disinfecting rubber base im-
to measure the size and shape of the pulp chamber of pressions prior to casting (Lorton et al., 1978).
Applications of ultrasound in dentistry A. D. WALMSLEY 13

SUMMARY El Hag M., Coghlan K, Christmas P., Harvey W. and Harris M.

(1985) The anti-inflammatory effects of dexamethasone and
Since its introduction in the early 1950s, ultra- therapeutic ultrasound in oral surgery. Br..L Oral. Surg. 23,
sound is now widely used within dentistry. Unfortu- Esposito C. J., Veal S. J. and Farman A. G. (1984) Alleviation of
nately, this increased usage does not appear to have myofacial pain with ultrasonic therapy. J. Prosthet. Dent. 51,
produced any similar awareness of the potential bio- 106-108.
Forrest J. O. (1967) Ultrasonic scaling--A five year assessment. Br.
logical hazards of ultrasound (Walmsley, 1988). Dent. J. 122, 9-14.
Other problems exist in that little standardisa- Frost H. M. (1977) Heating under ultrasonic dental scaling condi-
tion of the instruments such as the ultrasonic descaler tions. In Symposium on Biological Effects and Characteristics
of Ultrasound Sources. pp. 64-76. U.S. Dept HEW Publication
has been carried out. (FDA) 78-8048, Washington, DC.
It is important that such standardisation is car- Gaffney J. L., Lehman J. W. and Miles M. J. (1981) Expanded use
fled out so that the instruments may be used effec- of the ultrasonic descaler. J. Endodont. 7, 228-229.
Goldman H. M. (1961) Histologic assay of healing following ultra-
tively with the minimum of potential damage to as- sonic curettage versus hand instrument curettage. Oral Surg.
sociated biological structures. 14, 925-928.
Gordon P. D. (1973) An ultrasonic cleaner on trial. Dental ~rpdate
Acknowledgements--The author would like to thank Professor I, t25-126.
W. R. E. Laird and Dr. A. R. Williams for their assistance in the Gorelick J. L. and Tascher P. J. (1967). Ultrasonics as an adjunct in
preparation of this article. orthodontics. N.Y. State Dent. J. 33, 73-82.
Griffiths B. M. and Stock C. J. R. (1986) The etficiency of irrigants
in removing root canal debris when used with an ultrasonic
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