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Pathophysiological Relationships Between Periodontitis
and Systemic Disease: Recent Concepts Involving Serum
Anthony M. Iacopino* and Christopher W. Cutler

Periodontitis has been traditionally regarded as a Chronic inflammatory periodontal disease (peri-
chronic inflammatory oral infection. However, recent odontitis) represents a primarily anaerobic Gram-neg-
studies indicate that this oral disease may have pro- ative oral infection that leads to gingival inflamma-
found effects on systemic health. The search for cel- tion, destruction of periodontal tissues, loss of alveolar
lular/molecular mechanisms linking periodontitis to bone, and eventual exfoliation of teeth in severe
changes in systemic health and systemic physiology cases.1,2 It is generally accepted that certain organ-
has resulted in the evolution of a new area of lipid isms within the microbial flora of dental plaque are
research establishing linkages between existing mul- the major etiologic agents of periodontitis.2 These
tidisciplinary biomedical literature, recent observa- microorganisms, particularly Porphyromonas gingi-
tions concerning the effects of serum lipids on immune valis (P. gingivalis), produce endotoxins in the form
cell phenotype/function, and a heightened interest of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) that are instrumental in
in systemic responses to chronic localized infections. generating a host-mediated tissue destructive immune
There appears to be more than a casual relationship response.1,3 Traditional thinking/paradigms have
between serum lipid levels and systemic health (par- maintained that periodontitis is an oral disease and
ticularly cardiovascular disease, diabetes, tissue repair that the tissue destructive response remains local-
capacity, and immune cell function), susceptibility to ized within the periodontium, limiting effects of the
periodontitis, and serum levels of pro-inflammatory disease to oral tissues supporting the teeth. Recent
cytokines. In terms of the potential relationship studies have indicated that periodontitis may produce
between periodontitis and systemic disease, it is pos- any number of alterations in systemic health. Inves-
sible that periodontitis-induced changes in immune tigators have demonstrated significant associations
cell function cause metabolic dysregulation of lipid between periodontitis and acute cerebral infarc-
metabolism through mechanisms involving pro- tion/stroke,4,5 failure of joint/organ replacements and
inflammatory cytokines. Sustained elevations of kidney dialysis,6,7 coronary heart disease,5,8,9 pre-
serum lipids and/or pro-inflammatory cytokines may term low birth weight,10-12 aspiration pneumonia,13
have a serious negative impact on systemic health. and diabetes.14 The notion that oral infection has the
The purpose of this paper is to present the back- ability to cause systemic disease is not a novel con-
ground, supporting data, and hypotheses related to cept. The theory of focal infection (seeding of path-
this concept. As active participants in this emerging ogenic microorganisms as well as their virulent com-
and exciting area of investigation, we hope to stimu- ponents and metabolites from local foci of infection
late interest and awareness among biomedical sci- to distant body sites) was first suggested by Hip-
entists and practitioners. J Periodontol 2000;71:1375- pocrates and became a popular concept in terms of
1384. the oral cavity in the 1920s.15 Resistance to this con-
cept began to build in the 1930s as convincing sci-
entific evidence failed to confirm the validity of the
Cells, immune; cytokines; lipid metabolism; theory. However, many health professionals have
systemic health; periodontitis; diabetes mellitus; remained faithful to the general principles of the oral
cardiovascular diseases. focal infection hypothesis.
The recent studies demonstrating relationships/
associations between periodontitis and systemic dis-
ease have been epidemiological and retrospective in
nature. This type of research can reliably identify
* Division of Prosthodontics, Marquette University School of Dentistry, associations, but cannot demonstrate causation. It is
Milwaukee, WI.
Department of Periodontics, Baylor College of DentistryTexas A&M
possible that periodontitis may merely be an oral
Health Science Center, Dallas, TX. component of certain systemic disorders, may have

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common etiological features of systemic disorders, are sufficiently elevated in gingival crevicular fluid
or may simply occur together with some medical (GCF) to be dumped systemically, falling within the
problems.15 Thus, one must exercise caution when detectable range of biological serum assays.12,28,29
implicating periodontitis as the cause of major med- Thus, patients with advanced periodontitis could be
ical disorders. Additional mechanistic research must considered to be systemically compromised even in
form the basis for establishing that periodontitis the absence of overt clinical symptoms of disease.
causes negative changes in overall systemic health, However, these studies only measured GCF IL-1/
elucidating changes in metabolism and/or physiol- TNF- levels and only evaluated the cytokine release
ogy potentially responsible for observed associations. response of LPS-stimulated peripheral blood mono-
cytes in culture. Thus, there has still been no pub-
PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS lished documentation of periodontitis-induced eleva-
Periodontitis, Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines, and tions of serum pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition,
Systemic Health there have been no hypotheses put forward that
It is generally accepted that much of the periodontal include mechanistic details concerning how these ele-
tissue destruction observed in periodontitis is host- vated serum cytokines would mediate systemic
mediated through release of pro-inflammatory changes in metabolism/physiology.
cytokines by local tissues and immune cells in
response to the bacterial flora and its products/ Diabetes, Periodontitis, Lipid Metabolism, and
metabolites, especially LPS.1,16 There have been sev- Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines/Growth Factors
eral pro-inflammatory cytokines implicated in the Diabetes mellitus is a major health problem in the
immunopathology of periodontitis; however, some of United States affecting close to 17 million people.30
the most convincing evidence for destruction of the Approximately 15% of diabetics are classified as type
periodontium involves interleukin-1 beta (IL-1) and I (insulin-dependent), a condition characterized by
tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-).17-19 These abrupt onset at any age, destruction of pancreatic
cytokines are significantly elevated in diseased peri- islet cells, and dependence on exogenous insulin. The
odontal sites demonstrating inflammation and during more prevalent form of diabetes is type II (non-insulin
periods of active disease/tissue destruction.17,20 Addi- dependent or adult-onset), a condition which often
tionally, they are significantly reduced after peri- develops over a period of time, involves reduced
odontal therapy and return of the tissues to a healthy responsiveness of tissues to circulating insulin, and
state.19,20 In terms of tissue destructive effects, it is is often controlled by diet or oral hypoglycemic
believed that IL-1 recruits inflammatory cells, facil- agents. Both types are characterized by hyper-
itates polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) priming/ glycemia, hyperlipidemia, and associated complica-
degranulation, increases synthesis of inflammatory tions.30 The 5 classic major complications of dia-
mediators (prostaglandins)/matrix metalloproteinases betes include microangiopathy, nephropathy,
(MMPs), inhibits collagen synthesis, and activates neuropathy, macrovascular disease, and delayed
both T and B lymphocytes.21-23 TNF- is a major wound healing. Periodontitis has been recognized as
signal for cellular apoptosis, bone resorption, MMP the sixth major complication of diabetes.31 Despite
secretion, intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM) some conflicting studies,32-34 the majority of clinical
expression, and interleukin-6 (IL-6) production.24-26 and epidemiological evidence demonstrates that indi-
IL-6, once produced, stimulates formation of osteo- viduals with diabetes (type I and type II) tend to
clasts, promotes osteoclastic bone resorption, and have a higher prevalence and more severe/rapidly
facilitates T cell differentiation.26,27 progressing forms of periodontitis than non-diabet-
Recently, there has been great interest in the sys- ics.35-40 Additionally, patients with poor control of
temic effects of serum pro-inflammatory cytokine lev- diabetes experience more periodontitis than well-con-
els potentially elevated by periodontitis. Investigators trolled diabetics.41-43
have hypothesized that periodontitis-induced eleva- In both type I and type II diabetes, hyperglycemia
tions of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1 and is often accompanied by hyperlipidemia.44-47 The
TNF- may have a detrimental effect on the fetus and hyperlipidemia often manifests marked elevations of
play a major role in development of a variety of sys- low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), triglycerides
temic diseases (cardiovascular, circulatory, pulmonary, (TRG), and omega-6 free fatty acids.48-50 These
metabolic).4-14 In fact, recent studies have suggested serum lipid abnormalities are caused by disruption in
that in advanced periodontitis, levels of IL-1 and TNF- fatty acid metabolism and accumulation of omega-

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6 polyunsaturated fatty acids that contribute to for- pro-inflammatory cytokines predisposing them to tis-
mation of LDL and TRG. Specifically, conversion of sue breakdown and/or certain systemic diseases.
omega-6 polyunsaturated essential fatty acids to We have published findings concerning the rela-
active metabolites is impaired because insulin defi- tionship of diabetes/serum lipids and mononuclear
ciency inhibits 6-desaturase enzyme activity. These cell cytokine production, in which we demonstrated
6-desaturated metabolites function as key compo- that PMNs exposed to TRG exhibit a significantly
nents of cell membrane structure. Increasing evi- increased production of IL-1/superoxide78-80 and
dence suggests that lipid composition of membranes that PMNs isolated from diabetic and normal patients
is a critical factor influencing cellular function.51 The with high serum LDL/TRG demonstrate impaired
physical/chemical properties of membranes are chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and killing.78,79 Thus, the
largely determined by the nature of fatty acids within effects of diabetes/hyperlipidemia on PMNs appear to
the phospholipid bilayer affecting receptor re- be similar to those observed for peripheral blood
sponses51-54 and operation of membrane-bound monocytes relative to a hyper-inflammatory response
enzyme systems.55-57 It has been demonstrated that and potential predisposition to tissue breakdown. We
diabetes-induced changes in membrane fluidity mod- performed similar studies in monocyte-derived
ulate function of membrane proteins potentially macrophages from rats and humans both in vitro and
impairing cellular function/homeostasis.46,47,50 Thus, in vivo demonstrating that high serum lipid levels,
in contrast to previous dogma concerning hyper- whether induced by diabetes or diet, alter the phe-
glycemia, abnormal fatty acid metabolism and hyper- notype of these cells as evidenced by specific changes
lipidemia are now thought to be largely responsible in surface marker antigens.81-83 Production of essen-
for impairments in a variety of cell types and devel- tial polypeptide growth factors such as platelet-
opment of many diabetic complications.58 This is sig- derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth
nificant because, even though effective management factor beta 1 (TGF-1), and basic fibroblast growth
of hyperglycemia results in amelioration of serum factor (bFGF) was significantly inhibited by exposure
lipid abnormalities for many type I diabetics, hyper- to LDL/TRG levels above the normal physiologic
lipidemia often persists in type II diabetics despite range.82,83 This macrophage phenotype was found
glycemic control.46,59 to be associated with non-healing wounds and peri-
Several studies have indicated that circulating odontitis.81,84-86 Interestingly, reduction of serum lipid
monocytes from diabetic patients exhibit an exag- levels within the physiologic range utilizing lipid-low-
gerated inflammatory response to Gram-negative ering drugs in vivo actually caused significant
bacterial LPS (particularly P. gingivalis LPS) releas- increases in macrophage growth factor production.82
ing large amounts of inflammatory mediators and The existence of the diabetes and/or lipid-induced
pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1 and macrophage hypo-response trait is significant in com-
TNF-.60-65 This hyper-responsive monocytic phe- bination with the observed monocyte and PMN hyper-
notype is not associated with hyperglycemia,64,65 can response traits. Reduced growth factor production at
exist independently of periodontitis,65 and may be local tissue sites may diminish repair capacity and
related to hyperlipidemia.66-68 Others postulate a ability of tissues to resist pro-inflammatory cytokine
genetic basis in the HLA-DR and HLA-DQ gene mediated breakdown.
regions and/or polymorphisms in the promoter
regions of cytokine genes.69-71 Additionally, there is Hyperlipidemia and Infection
a class of non-enzymatically glycated proteins/lipids Some studies have found no relationship or even an
formed as a result of chronically elevated serum glu- inverse relationship between infection and hyperlipi-
cose and lipids in the diabetic state called advanced demia.87 However, many recent studies have docu-
glycation end products (AGEs).72 It has been sug- mented a relationship between infection and hyper-
gested that the interaction of AGEs with monocytic lipidemia. Chronic local and acute systemic infections
receptors also contributes to this hyper-responsive have been demonstrated to induce profound changes
phenotype through activation of the transcription fac- in the plasma concentrations of cytokines and hor-
tor NF-B increasing gene transcription for pro- mones leading to a catabolic state characterized by
inflammatory cytokines.73-77 This systemic mono- altered lipid metabolism.88-90 The main features of
cytic hyper-response trait is significant in that it may this altered metabolism are hypertriglyceridemia and
cause diabetic patients or patients with high serum lipid oxidation. Most of the published studies concern
lipids to maintain continually high levels of serum severe sepsis or endotoxemia;91,92 however, there is

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evidence to suggest that even low-level chronic expo- adipose tissue lipolysis/blood flow,115-117 increased
sure to Gram-negative microorganisms and/or their synthesis or reduced clearance of TRG,90,118 and
LPS can manifest a similar response.88,92 This pos- reduced clearance of LDL due to reductions in
sibility is especially interesting relative to periodon- lipoprotein lipase activity.119,120 Thus, any condition
titis and P. gingivalis/P. gingivalis LPS as recent stud- producing elevations in serum IL-1/TNF- has
ies have shown that this organism can invade deep potential to cause hyperlipidemia. In the case of peri-
connective tissues/vascular endothelium associated odontitis, elevations of these cytokines may be medi-
with the periodontium,93-95 can be found within vas- ated by systemic dumping of locally produced IL-
cular pathological plaques,96-98 and can elicit a cir- 1/TNF-12,28,29 and/or low-level asymptomatic
culating antibody response.99-101 This suggests that bacteremia/endotoxemia.96,98 This would be espe-
even in a localized oral infection, such as periodon- cially problematic in diabetic patients who may
titis, the potential exists for chronic low-level sys- already exhibit elevated serum lipids and a systemic
temic exposure to microorganisms/LPS leading to monocytic hyper-response trait.60-65 Figure 1 repre-
generalized alterations in lipid metabolism. Indeed, sents a summary of the linkage between infection
the ability of periodontitis to produce an asympto- and hyperlipidemia.
matic bacteremia has already been established.96,98
Studies in humans/baboons have shown a number Relationship Between Periodontitis and Serum
of cytokines are produced in response to systemic Lipid Levels
Gram-negative LPS exposure.102-104 Two principal Our most recent studies80,86 involve clinical evalua-
cytokines involved in this response are TNF- and IL- tion/laboratory assessment of healthy and diabetic
1. Their appearance in the plasma has a well-defined patients (with and without periodontitis). Data from
temporal relationship indicative of a cytokine cas- these studies justify further investigation into the
cade. TNF- is the first factor in this cascade fol- potential linkage between periodontitis, elevated
lowed by IL-1.92,105,106 It is believed that these serum lipids, and level of diabetic control. Analysis
cytokines exert effects on lipid metabolism by influ- of sera from random healthy clinic patients demon-
encing production of other cytokines,107,108 altering strated significant elevations of serum lipids and P. gin-
hemodynamics/amino acid utilization of various tis- givalis antibody titers in patients with periodontitis
sues involved in lipid metabolism,108,109 or modify- compared to patients without periodontitis. Addi-
ing the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis increas- tionally, logistic regression analysis of disease status
ing plasma concentrations of adrenocorticotropic with serum lipids and P. gingivalis antibody titers
hormone, cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline, and (odds ratios) demonstrated significant association of
glucagon.110-113 Thus, through action of TNF- and the presence of disease with total serum cholesterol,
IL-1, exposure to microorganisms/endotoxin results triglycerides, and P. gingivalis antibodies. A similar fol-
in elevated levels of free fatty acids (FFA), LDL, and low-up analysis of sera from healthy clinic patients
TRG. These elevations in serum lipids are thought to demonstrated significant elevations of serum LDL and
arise from enhanced hepatic lipogenesis,114 increased TRG in patients with periodontitis compared to

Figure 1.
Linkage between infection and hyperlipidemia. Infection (chronic localized or acute systemic) causes bacteremia and/or endotoxemia producing a
cytokine cascade that leads to increased levels of serum pro-inflammatory cytokines.These biological signaling molecules have myriad physiological
effects promoting enhanced lipogenesis, increased lipolysis, and reduced lipid clearance.The end result is hyperlipidemia or an accumulation of
serum FFA, LDL, and TRG.

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patients without periodontitis. However, the existence lipid threshold value necessary for exponential impair-
of an association does not establish whether peri- ment of tissue response.
odontitis causes elevations in serum lipid levels or Of even greater interest is a 1998 study demon-
whether elevations in serum lipid levels predispose to strating that circulating monocytes may acquire this
periodontitis. Future studies are currently being hyper-responsive phenotype solely from long-stand-
designed to answer this important question. ing severe periodontitis.29 The investigators specu-
We have conducted human studies80,86 using gin- late that the increased monocytic systemic respon-
gival crevicular fluid (GCF) and gingival samples siveness may be due to hyperlipidemia but serum
involving controls and diabetics (well controlled/ lipid levels were not evaluated. Our initial data indi-
poorly controlled) without periodontitis. These data cating that periodontitis itself can elevate serum lipid
demonstrate that even in clinically healthy gingiva, as levels provide a potential explanation for their obser-
diabetic control decreases, there is an increase in vations. According to our model, elevated pro-inflam-
TRG levels, GCF/tissue IL-1 levels, and gingival matory cytokines produced by chronic severe peri-
inflammation. Additional similar human studies odontitis cause elevated serum lipid levels. This alters
involved controls and diabetics (well controlled, poorly immune cell function resulting in: 1) increased pro-
controlled) with periodontitis. These studies demon- duction of pro-inflammatory cytokines by PMNs and
strated that in diseased tissues, as diabetic control decreased production of growth factors from tissue
decreases, there is an increase in TRG levels, GCF macrophages reducing tissue repair capacity and
IL-1 levels, and gingival inflammation. leading to further tissue breakdown; and 2) a hyper-
responsive monocytic state resulting in further ele-
HYPOTHESES AND MODELS vations of serum pro-inflammatory cytokines and
Our previously published studies80,82-86 have indi- lipids. Thus, in otherwise healthy individuals, the
cated many potential interactions involving peri- potential linkage of the monocytic hyper-response
odontitis, diabetes, elevated serum lipid levels, tis- trait and systemic disease can actually begin with
sue repair, and immune cell function. periodontitis. Our previously published studies80,86
Consideration of the literature demonstrating rela- indicating that periodontitis itself elevates serum lipid
tionships between pro-inflammatory cytokines/lipid levels and P. gingivalis antibody titers also support
metabolism and observed associations between peri- the literature concerning the general relationship of
odontitis/systemic disease provides the opportunity infection, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and hyper-
to develop creative and innovative hypotheses con- lipidemia.87-92 When these relationships are consid-
cerning mechanisms by which periodontitis may ered within the context of the hyper-responsive
cause systemic diseases. Figure 2 outlines our basic monocytic phenotype,60-65 there is additional support
hypotheses and models addressing the relationship for the hypotheses and models we have proposed to
between periodontitis and systemic disease. explain the relationship between periodontitis and
Our proposed model may provide an explanation systemic disease. Indeed, the only published study
for the severe and rapidly progressive periodontitis in which hyperlipidemia was induced by exposure
observed in many diabetic patients. Exaggerated pro- to endotoxin in humans demonstrated that the sys-
inflammatory monocytic responses to LPS, enhanced temic inflammatory response was potentiated.67
PMN production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and Additionally, our laboratory and others have pub-
inhibited macrophage growth factor production may lished studies demonstrating that elevated serum
be related to diabetes-induced elevations in serum lipids, whether induced by diabetes, periodontitis, or
lipid levels resulting in extremely high levels of serum diet increase PMN production of pro-inflammatory
pro-inflammatory cytokines, further elevation of cytokines such as IL-1 and inhibit macrophage pro-
serum lipids, and an even greater reduction of tissue duction of essential polypeptide growth factors such
repair capacity. Our initial studies80,86 demonstrat- as PDGF, TGF-1, and bFGF both in vitro and at
ing that periodontitis itself elevates serum lipid lev- sites of injury reducing the tissue capacity for
els and recent studies by others demonstrating that repair.80,82-86,121 Thus, the proposed cyclical rela-
within diabetics,65 the degree of monocytic hyper- tionship between chronic oral infection, diabetes,
responsiveness is directly related to the severity of serum pro-inflammatory cytokine/lipid levels, exac-
periodontitis certainly support this view. Synergistic erbated tissue destruction, and systemic dis-
elevations in serum lipid levels produced by peri- eases/metabolic disturbances appears to be a likely
odontitis superimposed on diabetes may exceed the scenario. Future studies will need to address this

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Figure 2.
Serum lipids, tissue response,
periodontitis, and systemic health: A
working model A. In an ideal situation,
an individual demonstrates a certain
serum lipid profile within the normal
physiologic range.This level is highly
variable within the upper and lower
limits at a certain set point. The set
point is influenced by diet (fat content),
inherited physiology/metabolism or
presence of systemic disease
(diabetes), and periodontal status
(periodontitis).Thus, the set point
represents a serum lipid level that is
determined by multiple factors within
each individual and approaches the
upper limits of the normal range when
conditions that elevate serum lipids are
present. In cases where periodontitis is
superimposed on any of the other
factors, the set point is shifted to the
right in a synergistic manner.The
synergism is due to the fact that
different lipid elevating mechanisms are
operative for periodontitis (increases in
serum TNF-/IL-1 levels) and other
factors such as diabetes (inhibition of
6-desaturase enzyme activity) and
inheritance/diet (genetic or behavior-
induced hyperlipidemia).The upper
limit of the physiologic range
corresponds to a threshold serum
lipid value.This threshold represents a
point at which there is a significant
change in the relationship between
serum lipid levels and tissue response.
Serum lipid levels below threshold are
related to degree of tissue response
impairment in a linear fashion; however,
once threshold is crossed, the
relationship is exponential (further
elevations in serum lipid levels cause severe impairments in tissue response). B. A cyclic relationship exists between serum lipid levels, tissue
response, periodontitis, and systemic health.The cycle may begin if serum lipid levels (LDL/TRG) rise toward the upper limit of the normal
physiologic range (diet, genetics) or beyond this threshold (diabetes). Elevated serum lipids cause altered immune cell function resulting in impaired
tissue response mainly due to increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF- and IL-1 by PMNs and decreased production of
essential polypeptide growth factors such as PDGF,TGF-1, and bFGF by tissue macrophages. Additionally, elevated serum lipids may cause a
systemic monocytic hyper-response trait leading to maintained elevations of serum TNF-/IL-1. Compromised tissue response may predispose to
periodontitis. Periodontitis results in further elevation of serum lipid levels through systemic actions of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1/TNF-).This
leads to further impairment of tissue response and more severe periodontitis. Over time, chronic advanced periodontitis may cause and/or
contribute to systemic diseases through continual high serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Alternatively, in some patients, the cycle may
actually begin with periodontitis which serves to elevate serum lipid levels toward the upper limit of the normal physiologic range (dashed line).This
is a very provocative possibility as it outlines a potential causal relationship between periodontitis and systemic diseases.

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