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Name: Date:

Coraline: Book & Movie Comparison
Directions: Identify the information from the novel and graphic novel of Coraline. Then identify
the same information in the movie. Each question is in order of the book.
In the Books In the Movie

The story begins...

Coralines neighbors include...

Dads reaction when Coraline

says shes bored...

The door looks like...

Coraline dreams about...

Coraline goes through the door


The other mother looks like...

The other mother and father

treat Coraline like...

The book/movie left out

1. ___________________________________
Movies are shorter and more compact, so they cant tell as much story.
It takes time to introduce characters and show their motivations
2. ___________________________________
Books can be in 1st person, but movies have to be in 3rd person.
3. ___________________________________
Books can TELL readers how characters feel. Movies have to SHOW how characters feel.
4. ___________________________________
In a book its okay to have paragraphs of exposition. In a movie screenwriters and
directors have to work it into the dialogue, action, and scenery.
5. ___________________________________
Mood and Tone: feelings the text is trying to show or make the reader/viewer feel.

Directions: With a partner use your notes to determine why the screenwriter and director of
Coraline made changes from the book to the movie.
1. Why do you think the movie included Wybie as a character? Give a reason and explain.

2. List three things that happened in the books that the movie left out.
a) _______________________
b) _______________________
c) _______________________
3. Pick one event that was left out of the movie and explain why the screenwriter may have
changed excluded it.
The movie left out ________________________________ because
4. Identify a difference between how a character or object is described in the book and how
they appear in the movie. Why do you think the character might be different? (2-3

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