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SYSTEMATIC BENEVOLENCE fer for the very means that they have
promised to give to advance the cause.
Where Did It Originate? What Does It Include? Our God is not a taskmaster, and does
"Systematic benevolence looks to you ary was established. After presenting a not require the poor man to give means
as needless; you overlook the fact that thank-offering to God and a specified to the cause that belongs to his family,
it originated with God, whose wisdom portion to the priest the offerers were and that should be used to keep them
is unerring. This plan He ordained to to use the remainder for a religious in comfort and above pinching want.
save confusion, to correct covetousness, feast, in which the Levite, the stranger, "The calls for means at our large
avarice, selfishness, and idolatry. This the fatherless and the widow should camp meetings have hitherto been at-
system was to cause the burden to rest participate. . . . Every third year, how- tended with apparently good results so
lightly, yet with due weight, upon all." ever, this second tithe was to be used far as the wealthy are concerned. But
Vol. 1, p. 545. at home, in entertaining the Levite and we fear the result of a continued effort
Notice that systematic benevolence the poor.""Patriarchs and Prophets," to thus replenish the treasury. We
originated with God and was ordained p. 530. fear that there will be a reaction.
"to correct covetousness, avarice, self- Greater efforts should be put forth by
Does Away With Urgent Calls
ishness, and idolatry." How readily responsible men in the different
for Means
should we respond to a system that churches to have all follow the plan
would correct these things in our midst "If systematic benevolence were uni- of God's arrangement. If systematic
and "save confusion." versally adopted according to God's benevolence is carried out, the urgent
plan, and the tithing system carried out calls at the camp meetings for means
Includes First and Second Tithe as faithfully by the wealthy as it is for various enterprises will not be
"Many have pitied the lot of the by the poorer classes, there would be necessary.
Israel of God in being compelled to no need of repeated and urgent calls "God has devised a plan by which all
give systematically, besides making for means at our large religious gather- may give as He has prospered them,
liberal offerings yearly. An all-wise ings. There has been a neglect in the and which will make giving a habit
God knew best what system of benevo- churches of keeping up the plan of syste- without waiting for special calls. Those
lence would be in accordance with His matic benevolence, and the result has who can do this, but will not because
providence, and has given His people been an impoverished treasury and a of their selfishness, are robbing their
directions in regard to it. It has ever backslidden church. Creator, who has bestowed upon them
proved that nine-tenths are worth more " 'Will a man rob God? Yet ye means to invest in His cause to ad-
to them than ten-tenths. have robbed Me. But ye say, Where- vance its interests. Until all shall carry
"God has arranged systematic benev- in have we robbed Thee ? In tithes out the plan of systematic benevolence,
olence to sustain His cause and relieve and offerings.' "Vol. 3, p. 409. there will be a failure in coming up to
the necessities of the suffering and From this statement it is seen that the apostolic rule."Vol. 3, pp. 410, 411.
needy."Vol. 3, pp. 546, 548. systematic benevolence includes tithes If any people ever needed to reach
From this last statement it is seen and offerings as set forth by the pro- apostolic rules it surely is Seventh-day
that systematic benevolence includes a phet Malachi. Adventists. The world is waiting for
plan for the relief of the "suffering and Again we read: apostolic power with this movement.
needy," for which purpose the first "We are in a world of plenty. If We will have to stay here in this
tithe is not used; but the second tithe the gifts and offerings were propor- world's sin and misery until that power
was used for just that. See Duet. 14: tionate to the means which each has comes upon us. Let us not then, con-
22-29, and 26: 12-15. received of God, there would be no tinue in a course pointed out as a
Commenting upon this second tithe need of urgent calls for means at our failure, but let us all adopt systematic
and its use note the following: large gatherings. I am fully convinced benevolence and at least in this point
"To promote the assembling of the that it is not the best plan to bring meet apostolic rule.
people for religious service, as well as a pressure upon the point of means Systematic benevolence includes such
to provide for the poor, a second tithe at our camp meetings. Men and women offerings as are set forth in 1 Cor.
of all the increase was required. . . . who love the cause.of God as they do 16:1 and 2, as shown by the following
This tithe, . . . they were for two years their lives will pledge upon these oc- quotations:
to bring to the place where the sanctu- casions, when their families must suf- "Each member of the different fam-
ilies in our churches who believes the formality, a holy dignity, in the conduct The missionary volunteers presented a
truth, may act a part in its advance- of our church services." The book was model social gathering to an audience
ment by cheerfully adopting systematic issued with the endorsement of the in the chapel Monday morning, March
benevolence. General Conference, therefore is the 16, as their share of Good Success week.
"`Let every one of you lay by him proper guide to follow in questions per- Harold Mikkelsen, host, aided by
in store (margin, by himself at home), taining to the church and its officers. Helen Wolf sen, hostess, entertained a
that there be no gatherings The price is 60 cents. Order from group of friends at their home. The
when I come.' The burden of urging your Book and Bible House. setting of the scene was five years
and pressing individuals to give of their hence at Pacific Union College during
means was not designed to be the work the time of an alumni convention.
of God's ministers."Vol. 3, pp. 411, FIELD TIDINGS / Gilmour MacDonald played the part of
412. a guest of honor from abroad.
Another statement will show what PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE
is a work of God's ministers. CAMPUS NEWS Students of Pacific Union College
"Systematic benevolence is dragging. "I have found that it pays to be were given an opportunity of practic-
It is one part of the minister's labor courteous," emphatically stated Elder ing what they preach Sunday evening,
to keep up this branch of the work." J. L. McElhany in a talk on "The March 15, at six o'clock, when a formal
Vol. 2, p. 120. Value of Courtesy in Christian Ser- dinner was served in the dining room
Over and over again we are ad- vice," given in vespers Friday evening, as a climax to the Good Form week.
monished both in the Bible and the March 13. The speaker said: "None but The school colors, green and gold,
Testimonies that the means leaving our a whole-hearted Christian can be a formed the color scheme. The four
purses for the cause of God should be perfect gentlemen or a perfect lady. center pillars were covered with Easter
freely and gladly given. The world appreciates a man or woman lilies and greenery. Stanley Brown,
"They first gave their ownselves" is who can interpret the words of the toastmaster, presented Elton Morel,
the Bible basis for giving. "Not grudg- Bible." Elder McElhany's talk was the senior class president, who gave a
ingly or of necessity: for God loveth given in connection with Good Form tribute to our flag. He was followed
a cheerful giver." week which was observed at the col- by Robert Tower, who gave a toast
Note the following striking comment lege from March 7 to 14. to California, and Jewell Ward, who
on this point from the Spirit of pro- proposed a toast to our school. "There
phecy: Proper order at lectures and recitals are ties that decorate, ties that bind,
"God designs that the exercise of was the program given at chapel Tues- and ties that most decidedly do neither,"
benevolence shall be purely voluntary, day, March 17, to close the Good Form said Elizabeth Evans in a speech op
not having recourse even to eloquent week. Barbara Osborne told the proper "Ties." Lawrence Skinner gave a fit-
appeals -to - excite sympathy. 'The- way to enter and leave the -auditorium ting sequel to the entertainment of the
Lord loveth a cheerful giver.' He is at a public entertainment. She em- evening in a talk on "Times." He took
not pleased to have His treasury re- phasized the fact that a person should the audience from the death chamber
plenished with forced supplies."Vol. be on time. "It is not only a bad habit to a baseball diamond, but in all he
3, p. 413. to be late ; it is also bad form." Many emphasized the importance of a mo-
(Continued). suggestions regarding conduct were ment of time. The college orchestra
given, but "the greatest rule of all is lent its share of the pleasure of the
to be inconspicuous in public places." evening. The success of the dinner was
TO CHURCH OFFICERS ELECTED Gilmour MacDonald gave some of the in a large measure due to the untiring
TO SERVE DURING 1925 responsibilities of the listener. He efforts of Matron Lysle Spear.
With the beginning of the new year, stated that the listener should be re-
many of our churches elected new spectful to the entertainer, to those
officers to serve as elders, deacons, around him, and to himself. Pacific Union Recorder
Sabbath school superintendents, and in
other positions. These officers may not Vol. 24 No. 33
Elder J. L. Shaw, treasurer of the
be thoroughly familiar with the duties General Conference, spoke to the stu- THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1925
that will involve upon them in their dents and teachers in chapel at the
new position. college, March 11, on the subject "How Published weekly by the
Have you been appointed for the Can I Succeed in Life ?" This is a PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE OF
first time to serve as church treasurer? question which everyone should always in Glendale, California, U. S. A.
or were you newly elected as church have in mind. According to the speaker, All matter of publication and correspondence
clerk? or are you the missionary vol- "a person's success is measured by the relating to subscriptions should be addressed
to Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Make money-orders
unteer leader for 1925? amount of service which he renders to payable to the Pacific Union Conference
S. D. A., Glendale, Calif.
An invaluable aid to church officers the generation in which he lives." Just
is a little 91 page book entitled "The as a young man relates himself to God, Subscription Price, Fifty Cents a Year
Officers of the Church" in which the so can he find his place of work in
B. M. Emerson - - Editor
duties of the officers of the church God's harvest field. The greatest need J. L. McElhany - Associate Editor
are described in detail. in the General Conference to-day is Entered as second-class matter January 12,
Every church officer should own one for evangelists. "The young man who 1922, in the post office at Glendale, California,
under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
of these little guides and give it care- can convince- a conference president Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of
ful study. "We must have a proper postage provided for in section 1103, Act of
that he can save souls is in demand." October 3, 1917, authorized January 12, 1922.
NEVADA Regarding the importance of this Conference? Do you not feel some
V. E. Peugh, Pres. A. W. Russell, Sec
Box 2072, Reno, Nev. work we have these words from page responsibility resting upon you in help-
5 of the "Colporteur Evangelist:" "The ing to reach the people of Arizona
ITEMS OF INTEREST canvassing work, properly conducted, is with the printed page ? There are a
The relief work is moving off nicely. missionary work of the highest order, number of places in the state where
A few of our churches have already and it is as good and successful a there should be faithful, God-fearing
disposed of their quota. At present method as can be employed for placing colporteurs stationed, and with a prayer
Brother A. B. Huenergardt is working before the people the important truths and hope of securing such, we plan to
with our churches in behalf of this cam- for this time. The importance of the hold a colporteurs' institute in connec-
paign. work of the ministry is unmistakable ; tion with the Arizona Academy, April
but many who are hungry for the 26 to May 3.
We are glad to announce that Elder bread of life have not the privilege of Elder J. H. McEachern, who has had
E. E. Farnsworth has accepted a call hearing the word from God's delegated many years of experience in gospel
to work for a time in the Nevada preachers. For this reason it is es- salesmanship, and others will be with
Conference. He has been asked to sential that our publications be widely us to give help, counsel and instruc-
labor in Bishop and the near-by towns. circulated. Thus the message will go tion needed.
We welcome Elder Farnsworth to our where the living preacher cannot go, Those who feel a burden and a call
field. and the attention of many will be called to this branch of the Lord's work may
to the important events connected with correspond with the writer.
At a recent conference committee the closing scenes of this world's his- J. L. Sander.
meeting Brother A. B. Huenergardt tory.
was asked to carry the work of the "God has ordained the canvassing SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
0. 0. Bernstein, Pres. S. Donaldson, Sec.
home missionary department along work as a means of presenting before 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
with the field secretary work, thus giv- the people the light contained in our
ing Brother A. W. Russell his full time books, and canvassers should be im- A MIGHTY MESSAGE DUE
in the office as secretary-treasurer and pressed with the importance of bring- On page 117 of "Testimonies to Min-
Bible House secretary. ing before the world as fast as possible isters" we find the following very in-
the books necessary for their spiritual teresting statement: "A message that
You will be interested to learn that education and enlightenment. This is will arouse the churches is to be pro-
the Nevada Conference is to have a the very work the Lord would have claimed. Every effort is to be made
colporteurs' institute. The date is May His people do at this time. All who to give the light, not only to our
20 to 28. The place has not yet been consecrate themselves to God to work people, but to the world. I have been
definitely decided, upon. Elder J. H. as canvassers are assisting to give the instructed that the prophecies of Dan-
McEachern, our new union field mis- last message -of warning to the world. iel and-the-Revelation should be printed
sionary secretary, will be with us, so We cannot too highly estimate this in small books, with the necessary ex-
we may be assured of something worth work ; for were it not for the efforts planations, and should be sent all over
while in the way of instruction and of the canvasser, many would never the world. Our own people need to have
training for the colporteurs. The resi- hear the warning." the light placed before them in clearer
dent colporteur work and the magazine Then on page 25, we read: "There is lines."
work will be especially stressed. May no higher work than evangelistic can- We are sure that our people every-
the Lord lay upon many hearts a strong vassing; for it involves the perfor- where will be glad to know that such
desire to prepare for a much more mance of the highest moral duties. a book is now ready for circulation.
definite part in His closing work. Those who engage in this work need And the necessary notes and "explan-
always to be under the control of the ations" ref erred to in the above state-
ARIZONA Spirit of God. There must be no exalt- ment have been prepared by Elder
A. R. Sandborn, Pres. R. G. Lewis, Sec. ing of self." W. A. Spicer, president of the Gen-
Box 887, Phoenix, Ariz.
From the above quotations we under- eral Conference. This book should be
DATEAPRIL 26 TO MAY 3 stand that it is an evangelizing agency, circulated by the hundreds of thou-
The colporteur work has become so and none should have a part in it whose sands. This little volume will be one
well established among us that no Sev- hands are defiled with sin or whose of the books used in the "Big Week"
enth-day Adventist who is sound in hearts are not right with God. effort this spring. Thus all of our
the faith questions it as a divine Those who have a deep love for souls people will have an opportunity to help
agency for reaching the inhabitants and are willing to spend and be spent circulate the book containing this
of earth with the message. are very much needed to-day to go out "mighty message." Retail price, 25
We are glad for so much instruction as colporteur evangelists. And as cents; when four or more are taken,
that comes to us from the servant of they consecrate themselves to this work 50 per cent discount is allowed.
the Lord regarding this work, the great they have the divine promise that as The last issue of "SUCCESSFUL
possibilities that are therein as a soul- they travel from place to place angels SELLING" has come to our desk and
winning work, who should engage in of God will be round about them, in it we find this very interesting
it, and how it should be conducted. giving them words to speak that will statement regarding our publishing
No one should think of entering this bring light and hope and courage to work: "The Seventh-day Adventists'
line of work as a commercial enterprise many souls. publishing houses in different sections
having only the financial end in mind, How does this appeal to you, my of the country, are really great factors
but from a missionary standpoint. brother, my sister, of the Arizona in circulating literature of an elevating
kind. They believe in books that help Is your thirteenth Sabbath offering NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
W. M. Adams, Pres. William Voth, Sec.
the man physically, mentally and spir- ready ? Central and North China ask Bin 7, Lodi, Calif.
itually. They are doing a world-wide for help March 28.
work both as book sellers and as pub- CONFERENCE ITEMS
lishers. Their own books are published The location of our camp meeting Elder W. M. Adams spoke in the
in 117 different languages, and they has not yet been decided upon. Elders Lodi English church at the eleven o'-
have forty-four branches throughout Neff, Wheeler and Weeks have spent clock hour the last Sabbath of the col-
America and the world. . ." considerable time looking for a site. porteurs' institute, and at three o'clock
We are indeed thankful that we have in the afternoon in the Lodi German
"literature of an elevating kind," and The offering of only eight Sabbath church.
we are thankful for a "willing people" schools averaged more than 30 cents a
to help circulate it. But are we doing week per member in February. Nine Miss Ella McBroom was called to
one-half what we should? Besides the Sabbath schools averaged 10 cents or Woodland Tuesday of last week on
literature that our people circulate in less. Unless they show a marked im- account of the death of Doctor Royles
a general way, we should have "one provement, our offerings will say to the in whose family she lived before com-
hundred regular colporteurs where now heathen, "Stay in darkness." ing to Lodi. She returned to the
we have but one," to spend their en- SOUTHEASTERN CALIFORNIA office Friday morning.
tire time in circulating this literature J. J. Nethery, Pres. H. B. Thomas, Sec.
Box 584, Riverside, Calif.
that helps people "physically, mentally
Elder and Mrs. W. A. Sweany, ac-
and spiritually." S. D. A. BROADCASTING
companied by Elder and Mrs. Fero and
A very instructive institute for col- STATIONS Mrs. Hazel Roth, attended the Sabbath
porteurs will be held for Southern Recently the writer had the privilege school convention at Modesto on Sab-
California April 16-26, and we trust that of visiting the American Bible Society bath, March 14. The nearby churches
the Lord will impress upon the hearts in San Francisco. As we were about of Oakdale, Hughson and Salida as-
of many to take up this line of soul- to leave, Mr. A. C. Deckleman of the sisted in the convention, which was
saving work. Correspond with our Society asked if we would not conduct very profitable and much enjoyed by
local field secretary, L. A. Reynolds, the daily Scripture reading that day all present.
for particulars. over the radio station K. P. 0., located
A few months ago one of our sisters at Hale Brothers of that city. We
gave a young man a copy of "The replied that we would be pleased to Elders McElhany, Martin, Ruble, and
Marked Bible," who, not being inter- do so. Brethren Emerson and Oakes of the
ested in the book, gave it to another Promptly at twelve o'clock we were Pacific Union Conference, met with the
man who was a sincere Christian and on hands, and Mr. Deckleman pre- Central and Northern California Con-
one who was seeking-for more light. sented us with a- small copy of-the ference_ committees and the. Lodi Aca-
He read the book, found the Sabbatn book of Psalms, from which we read demy board, March 15, to give counsel
truth, and every other phase of the the eighth chapter. The thought came and help in deciding some important
truth which he did not already know. to me since that time that every Sev- questions with reference to the future
He has now for several weeks been a enth-day Adventist should be a broad- improvements and developments of
regular attendant at our Sabbath ser- casting station for the truth of God. Lodi Academy.
vices, and is looking forward to uniting Recently in talking with one of the
with our church, both he and his little members of the Riverside church a Sabbath, March 7, was a good day for
girl. His wife is also becoming inter- story was related of how a colporteur the Modesto church. The eleven
ested. Moral: Let us sow more seed some years ago called at a home, and o'clock service was given to the annual
gospel literature. sold a copy of "Great Controversy," religious liberty program which was
later gave Bible studies, and now this divided between different readers. The
E. L. Neff, Pres. C. C. Mattison, Sec. sister along with members of her fam- fact that no person has freedom but
Box 1304, Fresno, Calif. ily is rejoicing in the third angel's he whom the Son makes free, and
message. that Christ said, "And if any man hear
Evangelistic colporteur work is a My words and believe not, I judge
Miss Bertha Neuf eld spent last week- soul-saving agency. Let us do more of
him not; for I came not to judge the
end at the Pacific Union College visit- it in 1925.
world, but to save the world," was em-
ing her brother who is attending school H. A. Rentfro, Field Secretary. phasized as being the basis of God's
there. 0 dealing with men, and must be a
asks Dr. Elmer F. Otis, diagnostician of the
principle in all true conversion.
Brother H. G. Warden spent a very New England Sanitarium, in his splendid ar- Neither intolerance or compulsion have
profitable week out in the conference ticle appearing in the arch "WATCHMAN
any place in God's plan. At the close
MAGAZINE." In it he gives some invaluable
in the interest of the "Ministry of advice on removing depressing influences from of the service, four willing souls were
Healing" campaign. your life. In harmony with the editorial policy
of publishing something of the full message buried with their Lord in baptism by
in every issue, the health articles are among Elder Clarence Santee, rising to walk
the foremost and best. Members of your fam-
Elders E. L. Neff and G. A. Wheeler, ily will enjoy reading the "WATCHMAN" as the new life in Him who has set them
there are articles published in every issue
with the other members of the Central with a view to interesting the old and the free. The afternoon was spent by sev-
California Conference committee, spent young, the believer and the non-believer alike. eral in handing out our papers from
Your subscription and three others can be
Sunday of last week in Lodi, attending obtained through your Bible House at only house to house. We pray God's bless-
$4.50. Why not make up such a club as a part
a meeting of the Lodi Academy board. of your missionary work for this year? ing to rest upon the silent messengers.
In a letter received from Brother appointment and found five boys await- receive the truly penitent soul.
A. E. Barton, who is located in Win- ing her arrival. It was apparent at Surely definite efforts for our boys
ters, he reports that he is holding three once from the serious manner of the and girls along spiritual lines do bring
public meetings during the week, and boys that they were greatly concerned. results, for they carry with them a
that the attendance and interest is on One of the boys opened the interview power that brings conviction to the
the increase. by saying that since joining the bap- heart. The lesson on repentance and
tismal class he felt that he must make confession had gripped the hearts of
The Lodi young people were favored some confessions, and in an open- those five boys, and they were seeking
by and very much enjoyed a talk hearted, genuine manner he proceeded Jesus through definite confession of
given by Elder J. H. McEachern the to make very definite acknowledg- sin. Our children do respond to these
last Sabbath afternoon of the colpor- ments of wrong doing. When he fin- deep spiritual truths, for they carry
teurs' institute, on personal life ished the other boys followed his ex- with them a power that brings convic-
sketches and experiences in the log- ample and were open and frank in tion to the heart. Those five boys were
ging camps of Canada. their confession of definite sins. The no more responsive than any other
teacher listened sympathetically, thank- boys or girls enrolled in our church
Brother J. M. Rowse, Pacific Press ing the Lord in her heart for this schools. May the Holy Spirit have the
Branch manager, and our home mis- manifestation of the working of the same opportunity in every school
sionary secretary met with the Ripon Holy Spirit. She felt that there were through this special soul-winning ac.tiv-
church Sabbath, March 14. The eve- other confessions that should be made ity in behalf of our boys and girls.
ning after the Sabbath Brother Rowse by these boys, but said nothing, be- Frances Fry.
gave a steropticon talk in the Salida lieving that the Holy Spirit would com-
church on' the publishing extension plete the work so manifestly begun in THE RURAL MISSION SCHOOL
work all over the world. their hearts. The little interview was WORK BRINGS RESULTS
concluded with prayer and the boys The boys who met me at the little
G. A. Roberts, Pres. R. E. Kalfus, Sec. passed out. mountain station to carry my grips and
537 25th St., Oakland, Calif. One boy, however, lingered and asked direct me to the community about two
BAPTISMAL CLASSES IN OUR for a private interview. When the boy miles distant, where one of our rural
CHURCH SCHOOLS with whom he chummed saw that he mission schools is located, were very
The plan of organizing baptismal was remaining behind he expressed a enthusiastic over the thought of having
classes has met with a hearty response desire to remain also, and two very their schoolhouse enlarged. "Why, they
from our school teachers. They are penitent boys stood before the teacher. are all at the school at work. We are go-
taking hold of the plan with earnest The first boy began to sob and con- ing to have a series of meetings in con-
enthusiasm and are giving this special fessed that he had been stealing money. nection with our school, and we need
soul-winning activity its rightful place, He told how at one, time he had stolen, more room to hold the people," was
in our daily curriculum. From the a dollar; how that at another time he the reply when I asked where I might
reports received thus far all unbap- had stolen two dollars. He confessed find some of the members.
tized pupils are members of the bap- having stolen six or seven dollars in We soon found a company of about
tismal classes. small amounts. He then confessed ten men, each doing his part to prepare
A baptismal enrollment of about two having stolen a book containing green the schoolroom for the minister who
hundred has been reported by our trading stamps representing one hun- was coming in a day or so, to bind
teachers. Other schools have launched dred dollars in cash purchases. The off the work begun by the faithful
this work but have not yet sent us other boy was also crying. He could teacher. They were indeed happy to
their report. We believe that we are hardly wait for his turn to speak. He know that their children could attend
seeing a new vision of God's purpose said between sobs, "I know that you a Christian school and that they too
for our schools, and we believe that think I'm an honest boy, but I'm not. could be instructed in the third angel's
if there are any unbaptized pupils in I'm a liar. I have lied to you. I am message. After a few weeks of work
our schools at the close of the present the boy who did that piece of mischief by the conference laborer and the sac-
school year it will not be because our that you have been for days trying to rificing teacher, about twenty souls
teachers have failed to put forth faith- investigate. I may lose your good were baptized, and since a little com-
ful determined effort. opinion but I must be clear before God pany organized who are now happy to
Suggestive studies based upon "Steps and make this confession to you." know that the truth was also brought
to Christ" have been arranged as the The teacher was amazed for she had to them.
basis for study and personal work in never dreamed these boys guilty of the In another place, we have a neat
these baptismal classes. These studies things they were confessing. Since the school building and about twenty-five
are heart-gripping and are opening the teacher knew that these remarkable children near-by, but no school is held
way for the deep working of the Holy confessions were coming through no this year, not only because we had no
Spirit. special effort on her part, she realized teacher for them, but they do not have
After the lesson on repentance and that she was in the presence of God the means to support one. I had the
confession of sin, some boys who have and felt in her own heart a subduing pleasure of speaking to a congregation
recently enrolled in one of our bap- influence. As the boys wept over their there that had gathered to learn what
tismal classes telephoned the teacher sins, she wept with them, and together the prospects were for a school this
and asked to make an appointment with they knelt and asked forgiveness of year. We were hoping to send them a
her before the opening of school the that sin-pardoning Saviour who longs to teacher soon, but thus far have not
next morning. The teacher met the pardon every sin and who is waiting to been successful. I spoke to them that
night about the importance of a Christ- of pain, because of a fall in infancy. work would be finished and God's
ian education, and was surprised to The baptism was quite pathetic, as the people gathered home. He leaves to
notice how readily these people accept- writer immersed her in his arms. She mourn his loss, his wife, three children,
ed the plain truths from the Word of had a bright mind and was ever an four grandchildren and four sisters.
God. I feel confident that there too, a encouragement to the family in spirit- Funeral services were held in the
goodly number could be led to accept ual duty. She sleeps in the Newberg Fresno church by the writer assisted
the message if a teacher could be sent cemetery soon to rise in immortal by Elder Frank Weeks. We laid him
to conduct the school and carry on bloom. Elder J. R. Dieffenbacher and to rest in the cemetery in Fresno to
systematic missionary work. And I Brother A. N. Bierkle assisted in the await the call of the Life-giver.
could mention other localities where we funeral services. I. Parry Dillon. E. L. Neff.
have rural mission schools from which
young people have already gone to our Gould.W. P. Gould fell asleep in Drake.Mary A. Drake, born in
advanced institutions to prepare for a Jesus, Nov. 16, 1924, in National City, Ohio, Feb. 16, 1842, died at the home
place in God's great harvest field. Calif., aged 80 years and 14 days. He of Mrs. E. M. Shafer in Glendale,
Wherever school work is carried on was a great sufferer from the three Calif., Jan. 20, 1925, aged 80 years, 10
in these rural sections, we find the peo- and one-half years of service rendered months and four days. Sister Drake
ple very susceptible to what is being his country during the Civil War. As had lived a sweet, Christian life as a
taught. Not only are the children anx- he drew nearer his end he spoke of believer in this message for many
ious to learn, but the parents can easily death as a journey he was going to years, and passed her lucid moments
be reached by those who show an in- take. His trust was entirely in God. in contemplation of the blessed hope.
terest in their young people. The He leaves to mourn, his wife, two sons She had placed her worldly all where
teachers who have a knowledge of and three daughters. Elders G. B. the moth and the rust do not corrupt,
hydrotherapy and can administer med- Starr and H. W. Decker conducted the and where thieves do not break
ical aid have a wonderful influence in funeral service. Annie Gould. through and. steal. She was laid to rest
the community. I have not been in in a beautiful crypt in Forest Lawn
this field long, and have not been able Casey.Harriet Casey was born in cemetery. Funeral services were con-
to make extended visits to the rural St. Joseph, Mo., May 28, 1874, and died ducted by Elder G. A. Snyder, assisted
mission schools, but from what I have in San Francisco, Calif., Jan. 27, 1925. by the writer.
seen, I am convinced that the Lord has She came to California as a child. She R. W. Parmele.
many honest souls in these sections was married to E. G. Casey in June,
whom He wants to save. One can alsci 1894. Two children were born to them, Hardy.Doris Lillian Hardy, youngest
see that it is according to God's plan a son and a daughter. Besides her daughter of Orlen and Fannie Hardy,
to have consecrated young men and devoted husband and children, she was born in Raymond, Calif., Jan. 12,
women locate in these places, since leaves three sisters and four brothers. 1915, and died Sept. 2, 1924, in indepen-
those who live in the community as Several years ago Sister Casey and one dence, Ore. For the previous two years
teachers can wield a steady influence sister embraced the message in Moun- the family resided in Southern Califor-
that means much in stabilizing their tain View, Calif., where her children nia, and Doris was a member of the Hun-
confidence in the message. With them, attended church school. Her loved ones tington Beach Sabbath school. While
more than with the people of the cities laid her away in hope. Services were they were en route to Walla Walla,
and the richer country districts, ac- conducted by the writer and Elder Washington, she was suddenly stricken
quaintance increases confidence. E. L. Maxwell at Mountain View. with a malignant form of cerebro-
The work in the Southland is on- M. C. Wilcox. spinal meningitis. Eighty-five hours
ward. The Lord is giving us souls for later she passed peacefully to sleep to
the efforts of the laborers and the Hays.Peter S. Hays was born in await the call of the great Life-giver
means expended and there are still Ohio, April 27, 1858, and died in Fresno, at the first resurrection. Funeral ser-
thousands who as yet know nothing of Calif., Jan. 27, 1925. In November of vices were conducted by Elder Becker
the soon return of Jesus. Thousands 1884 he was married to Rebecca Patter- of the Presbyterian church of Indepen-
of our rural people do not have the son. To them were born three child- dence, Ore. The body was sent to
means with which to go and search ren, one son and two daughters, all of Walla Walla, Washington and interred
for the hidden treasure, but it must be whom survive. About five years ago in the Mount Hope cemetery at College
brought to them. Where are those Brother Hays with his family came to Place. The parents, two sisters and
who will come and teach them to ob- California making their home in one brother mourn their loss. We know
serve all things that the Lord has com- Fresno. About 26 years ago Brother that she will live again in the glory
manded us? F. R. Isaac. and Sister Hays were baptized and land. Fannie Hardy.
united with the Seventh-day Advent-
OBITUARIES ist church, under the labors of 0. F. GLENDALE SANITARIUM AND
Campbell. Brother Hays was a faith- HOSPITAL
Walker.Pauline Artie Walker was ful member of the church and served Notice is hereby given that the an-
born in Granby, Mo., Aug. 31, 1901, at different times in an official capacity. nual meeting of the Glendale Sanitar-
and fell asleep in Jesus, Jan. 19, 1925, For some time he was deacon in the ium and Hospital, a corporation, will
in Fortuna, Calif. With her parents Fresno church. His faith was always be held at the Glendale Sanitarium,
and two brothers she was baptized into strong in this message and he was always Glendale, Monday, April 6, at 10:00
a. m. This meeting is held for the
the message Oct. 7, 1922. Pauline had interested in its progress and looked purpose of electing a board of direc-
never walked, nor was she ever free forward to the glad day when the tors for the ensuing term and for the
transaction of any other business that Man or Couple wanted to live on small ranch For Sale.-Complete pumping outfit. Two-
near Lone Pine, Inyo Co., Calif. Rent free. horse power Alamo gas engine, used six
may properly come before the meeting. Inquire 0. W. Dolph, 450 Arroyo Drive, Pasa- months. Double Jack; 00 ft. three-inch pipe
The by-laws provide that members of dena, Calif. with rods; six-inch cylinder; $85.00 takes all.
this corporation shall consist of the Samuel H. Coombs, 233 California Ave., Bell,
Special Prices on hminer to Seventh-day Calif.
members in good and regular standing Adventists. Lumber as low as $22.00 per
of the Seventh-day Adventist church, thousand f. o. b. Wilmington. For further For Sale.-Called to another field. Will sell
as follows : particulars, address Loma Linda Lumber Co., equity new modern home. Five rooms, break-
Box 151, Loma Linda, Calif. fast nook, hardwood flouts, built-in features.
The members of the board of direc- Fifty-foot lot, street improvements paid,
tors of this corporation; the members Wanted.-A partner for mountain health cement garage. High land, beautiful view; 15
of the executive committee of the resort. Place is beautifully located on the minutes' walk to Los Angeles Academy. Two
shores of Big Bear Lake in the San Bernard- car lines. W. L. Mecum, 529 Isabel St., Los
Southern California Conference of Sev- ino mountains, 35 miles from Redlands. Any Angeles, Calif. 33-3t
enth-day Adventists; the members of one interested, write to J. G. Mitchell, Route
the executive committee of the Pacific A, Box 148-A, Redlands, Calif. Wonderful Opportunity for physician to lo-
Union Conference of Seventh-day Ad- cate in one of the most beautiful and pros-
Wanted.-The present address of Alma perous small cities in Southern California.
ventists; members of the General Con- (Watkins) Conragan, who was last heard from Largest practice in the city, also equipment
ference executive committee of Sev- in Susanville, Calif., in July, 1922. Anyone and reputation the best. Present owner wishes
having any knowledge of this woman will to connect with sanitarium work. Will take
enth-day Adventists in attendance at please forward same to her sister, Mrs. W. H. about $20,000 to handle home, equipment, etc.
any regularly called meeting; all or- Fox, at 139 West One Hundred Tenth St., A small first payment will be acceptable pro-
dained ministers in the employ of the Los Angeles, Calif. vided good references are furnished. Pur-
Southern California Conference of Sev- chaser must be willing to assume leading part
For Sale at a Great Bargain.-My place of in church and school work. For further infor-
enth-day Adventists; physicians and all business and residence, located in Gerlach, mation, address Box 94, Loma Linda, Calif.
heads of departments in the employ of Nev., on main line Western Pacific Railroad;
the Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital; two good pay rolls. Health resort, hot springs,
grocery, bakery, lunch counter. Residence five SPECIAL NOTICE
the delegate members of the Southern rooms; garage; 100 foot front. Best location Every Auto Owner, Attention! Louis Hennig
California Conference of Seventh-day in town. For particulars, write W. D. Moore, will open a high-class auto paint shop in the
Adventists for any regular annual meet- Gerlach, Nev. 32-3t vicinity of La Sierra Academy, May 28, 1925.
The latest 1925 Duco lacquer finishes will be
ing of said conference, the same to be For Sale.-Twenty-acre olive ranch four featured, with the season's newest color com-
and remain members of this corpora- miles west of Lindsay, Calif., in one of the binations. Mr. Hennig, now a student of La
tion from the convening of said con- finest fruit sections in California. Twelve acres Sierra Academy, has had five years' experience
in fourteen-year-old olive trees; seven acres in this line, his last connection being with the
ference until the convening of the next in early plums. Several olive factories near. Murphy Coach and Body Works, Pasadena,
annual meeting thereof. Good place to raise chickens. House and good Calif. High-class work, at moderate prices,
J. L. McElhany, President. pumping plant. Owner is left alone, reason with special discount to our people, will be
for selling. Place is worth $20,000; will sell the basis of this shop. Every one interested,
James Howarth, Secretary. for $16,000. What is the highest payment you kindly write, at once for details. Get your
can make down? Balance 7 per cent interest. reservation soon, as capacity will be only two
For further particulars, address J. C. Henson, cars per week. Address Louis Hennig, care
131 North Howard St., Glendale, Calif. 33-3t La Sierra Academy, Arlington, Calif. 33-3t
Colporteur Mag. or Book Hours Orders Helps Value
Advertising rate: 50 words or less, first Southeastern California-
insertion, $1.00. Each additional insertion, if H... A. Rentfro, Field Missionary Secretary
run consecutively, 50 cents. No advertisement F. C. Cisneros P. G. 22 3 $ 7.00 i$ 25.00
will be accepted unless cash accompanies the Laura Embree Misc. 16 14.75
same. H. E. Nash 0. D. 22.50
References from the conference president Kathleen Williams Magazines 13 9.75
must accompany requests for advertising space
in the "Recorder," where individuals are not 4 Colporteurs 51 3 $ 7.00 $ 72.00
personally known to the "Recorder."
Wanted for adoption, baby girl of American WEEK ENDING MARCH 13
parentage. Address Box 128, Glendale, Calif. California-
31-3t Aaron Larson, Field Missionary Secretary
H. A. Bursell, Jr. D. R. 1 $ 100 $ 2.00
E. Carpenter D. R. 19 1 3.50 10.50
For Sale.-Good producing Thompson seedless M. K. Graham Misc. 31 38.70
vineyard near Fresno, Calif. Will have $3,500 A. Hardesty G. C. 40 10 17.50 75.50
crop in August. Might consider exchange for F. H. Juers B. R. 10 1 5.50
Southern California property. Address 217 E. R. Osmunson B. R. 31 S 3.75 50.75
North Verdugo Road, Glendale, Calif. 32-3t P. U. College Class Misc. 20 11 66.00
E. J. Sharp H. P. 21 12 5.50 100.00
Am Leaving for Detroit, Mich., by auto any Mrs. E. A. Bauman Magazines 5.00
convenient time between now and May 1. Mrs. S. Campbell Magazines 12.50
Would like young man to accompany me. For Miss B. Ehrich Magazines 10.00
particulars, address P. 0. Box 592, Oakland, Miss G. Frederickson Magazihes 10.00
Calif. Bert Getman Magazines 16.85
Mrs. J. Hance Magazines 5.00
Health Seeker's Home including two apart-
ments to rent and new six-room cottage; double 13 Colporteurs 173 43 $32.25 $408.30
garage, poultry yard and buildings, well, motor
and windmill; $1,000 cash, balance like rent, Southeastern California-
or trade for California property. This place H. A. Rentfro, Field Missionary Secretary
will pay for itself. C. D. M. Williams, 1114 F. C. Cisneros P. G., H. M. 37 11 $ 7.50 $ 74.00
East Adams St., Tucson, Arizona. 27-3t Laura Embree Misc. 16 8.50
H. E. Nash O. D. 23 20 72.50
Kathleen Williams Magazines 9 12.85
For Sale.-Large view lot only two blocks
from the Glendale Academy. One block from 4 Colporteurs 76 31 $ 7.50 $167.85
Chevy Chase Drive boulevard which is being
built through to Pasadena; 65 foot frontage, Southern California-
rear 141 feet, average depth 203 feet. Price L. A. Reynolds, Field Missionary Secretary
reduced to $2,100; easy terms. D. R. Sperry, Adela Estrada H. H. 12 16 $ 64.00
420 East Broadway, Glendale, Calif. 31-3t H. Mangold P. G. 4 26.50
I. B. Winter 52 15.25 15.25
For Sale or Exchange for Southern California
Property.-Six-room house at Loma Linda, 3 Colporteurs 64 20 $15.25 $105.75
with two sets of plumbing so part can be
rented; screen porch and garage. Price, $3,200; Utah Mission-
mortgage $700. Terms $500 down, balance like J. A. Neilsen, Field Missionary Secretary
rent; or would discount equity of $2,500 30 per A. R. Robinson 47 50 $12.00 $118.00
cent for cash. Address Mrs. Mabel Bossert, 1 Colporteur
Route 2, Box 131, Glendale, Calif. Phone Glen
dale 4688-J. 31-3t 20 Colporteurs 411 197 $74.00 $871.90
PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE S. D. A. Elder David Voth is spending a few casions for reviving their colporteur
days in Utah in the interest of the work. Plans have been laid whereby
Office-603 East Broadway, Glendale, California.
Postal AddressBox 146, Glendale, California. home missionary work. A general every volunteer for the bookman army
PresidentJ. L. McElhany. meeting was held in Salt Lake City may have a ten-day course in gospel
Secretary-TreasurerB. M. Emerson.
AuditorF. T. Oakes. last Sabbath and Sunday. salesmanship. No conference in the
Educational SecretaryW. W. Ruble. Pacific Union will be neglected, only
Home Missionary SecretaryDavid Voth.
Missionary Volunteer SecretaryF. E. Painter. It is with regret that we pass to our each field must wait its turn.
Field Missionary SecretaryJ. H. McEachem.
Religious Liberty and Publicity Secretary readers word of the accidental death The next institute will be held at La
W. F. Martin. of Elder L. H. Proctor last Friday. Sierra. Early in the year, the ex-
Medical SecretaryA. W. Truman.
Executive CommitteeJ. L. McElhany, E. W. Elder Proctor was taking a bath and ecutives and field secretaries of the
Farnsworth, W. M. Adams, J. J. Nethery,
0. 0. Bernstein, G. A. Roberts, E. L. Neff, probably was overcome by gas fumes. Southern California and Southeastern
A. R. Sandbom, J. A. Neilsen, V. E. Peugh, The "Recorder" extends deepest sym- California Conferences arranged that
F. E. Painter, W. W. Ruble, David Voth,
W. F. Martin, B. M. Emerson, F. T Oakes, pathy to the sorrowing relatives and this should be a joint institute to serve
J. H. McEachern, G. W. Reaser, C. H. Jones, friends. An obituary notice will appear both fields. It will facilitate the ques-
W. E. Nelson, G. K. Abbott, H. G. Westphal,
F. E. Corson, J. A. Burden, A. W. Truman. later. tion of time, and La Sierra being
easily accessible from all parts of both
Many of our people are enjoying the SPECIAL NOTICE conferences, we believe it will be the
use of "OUR LITTLE FRIEND" most economical for all concerned.
Elder J. H. McEachern of the
among the neighboring children and Those who wish to avail themselves
Pacific Union Conference will speak
finding it bright and helpful as a means of this valuable course of training,
in the following churches, at 7:45
of opening the way for other mission- should make definite arrangements
p. m., with the exception of River-
ary service. The editor of the little with their conference field secretary.
side on April 4, which will be at the
paper is endeavoring to get articles and Remember, an institute is not just
regular Sabbath service.
series of articles for the "LITTLE like a camp meeting. While the in-
March 29Ontario
FRIEND" that teach specific points of 30Santa Ana stitute is a great spiritual uplift to those
truth in the language of the children. 31Anaheim who attend, yet it is not held primarily
April 1Loma Linda for inspiration. It is conducted for the
Parents will be much pleased with the 2Redlands
serial entitled "The Conquering Prince," training of self-supporting missionaries
3San Bernardino who will enter the field as colporteur-
by R. B. Thurber. We feel impressed 4Riverside
to call special attention to this series 5San Diego G Street Con- evangelists. There is an urgent call for
and suggest that the children who wish vention resident colporteurs, and all who ex-
7National City pect to succeed should spare no effort
to part with their papers keep these
Among the topics he will consider to get a right start. The La Sierra
numbers clean and give them out to
will be the following: institute will give you the fundamentals
their little friends.
"The Challenge of the Twentieth of approach and the true psychology
Century to the Church of To-Day." of Christian salesmanship which will
Elder J. L. McElhany left Wednes-
"The Vacant Chair in Heaven." make you more efficient in soul-win-
day of this week for Washington, D. C.,
"Trumpet Blasts of the Coming ning, as well as in selling our truth-
to attend the Spring Council of the Storm."
General Conference. filled books and magazines.
"Omens of the Latter Rain," illus- J. H. McEachern.
trated by mission miracles. 0
Elder E. F. Peterson, assistant home "On the Verge of Jordan." SAFETY FIRST
In spite of the universal slogan "Safety
missionary secretary of the General Urgent request tor all in the First," the world is fearfully unsafe for
Conference, left last week for the anybody. If it cannot be made "safe for
vicinities of these churches to attend democracy," how may we make it safe for
East. He has been visiting among the these special meetings. eternity, asks William C. Thompson in the
churches in this union since the book- March "WATCHMAN MAGAZINE." This,
and a dozen other interesting and informative
men's convention in Mountain View. articles on vital phases of the message, make
THE LA SIERRA JOINT INSTI- this issue especially valuable. Why not help
to circulate the truth by selling single copies?
Elder J. H. McEachern, who recently TUTE FOR SOUTHERN AND In lots of ten or more, they cost you only ten
SOUTHEASTERN CALIFOR- cents each. They sell at 25 cents which gives
connected with the Pacific Union Con- you a commission of 15 cents on every copy,
NIA, APRIL 16-26 or $15.00 a hundred. City workers, giving
ference as field missionary secretary, earnest application to the work, find it possible
is spending a few days in Southern Many who have heard of the re- to sell as many as a hundred copies a day.
You can earn extra funds for personal needs,
California in a colporteur recruiting freshing and instructive colporteur in- church school expense, mission funds and so
campaign. He spoke in the Glendale stitutes held in the north, have won- on very easily in this way while at the same
time doing very effective and profitable home
church last Sabbath. dered if the conferences in Southern missionary work. Your Bible House secretary
will gladly co-operate with you in this im-
California were to have similar oc- portant work.
Elder W. F. Martin returned to
Glendale Thursday of last week. After
spending a few days at the office he
returned to Sacramento, as there are Conference Place Date
a number of bills before the legislature Southern and Southeastern La Sierra Academy April 16-26
Arizona Phoenix April 26-May 3
which if become laws might seriously Central California May 10-20
hinder our work. Let all our people Nevada May 21-28
remember to pray for Elder Martin at Utah June 20-30
this critical time.

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