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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

2. Ollech JE, Shen NT, Crawford CV, Ringel Y. Use of probiotics the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for this
in prevention and treatment of patients with Clostridium diffi
indication. Thus, there appears to be a lack of
cile infection. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 2016;30:111-8.
3. Vernaya M, McAdam J, Hampton MD. Effectiveness of probiot convincing and consistent support from trials,
ics in reducing the incidence of Clostridium difficile-associated C. difficile infection guidelines from five learned
diarrhea in elderly patients: a systematic review. JBI Database
societies, or FDA reviews. Note that this does not
System Rev Implement Rep 2017;15:140-64.
4. Allen SJ, Wareham K, Wang D, et al. Lactobacilli and bifido mean that they do not work only that this
bacteria in the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea and recommendation needs better and more consis
Clostridium difficile diarrhoea in older inpatients (PLACIDE):
tent evidence for support. Also worrisome is the
a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial.
Lancet 2013;382:1249-57. fact that probiotics is a broad term that in
5. Golan YDE, Hanson ME, Liao J, et al. Bezlotoxumab (BZO) cludes many different products that may differ
decreases recurrence and is associated with a reduction in 30-day
substantially in their results, making product
Clostridium difficile infection (CDI)-associated readmissions in
hospitalized patients with CDI. Presented at ASM MICROBE specificity a likely need.
2016, Boston, June 1620, 2016.
JohnG. Bartlett, M.D.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1702531 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD
The editorialist replies: Probiotics were not in Since publication of his article, the author reports no further
cluded in my editorial because evidence support potential conflict of interest.

ing their use to prevent C. difficile infection seemed 1. Shen NT, Maw A, Tmanova LL, et al. Timely use of probiotics
inadequate. Admittedly, there are some controlled in hospitalized adults prevents Clostridium difficile infection:
trials that support the use of probiotics,1 but others a systematic review with meta-regression analysis. Gastroenter
ology 2017 February 9 (Epub ahead of print).
show no significant benefit.2 A review of guide 2. Vernaya M, McAdam J, Hampton MD. Effectiveness of probi
lines for the management of C. difficile infection otics in reducing the incidence of Clostridium difficile-associated
from five international societies shows that either diarrhea in elderly patients: a systematic review. JBI Database
System Rev Implement Rep 2017;15:140-64.
they have not endorsed the use of probiotics for 3. Fehr C, Mensa J. Comparison of current guidelines of five
this purpose or they have failed to address probi international societies on Clostridium difficile infection manage
otics in their recommendations.3 To my knowl ment. Infect Dis Ther 2016;5:207-30.

edge, none of these agents have been approved by DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1702531

Zombie Outbreak Caused by Synthetic Cannabinoid

To the Editor: Adams et al. (Jan. 19 issue)1 de (e.g., C9H6NO+ and C8H5N2O+) might make mass
scribe an outbreak of synthetic cannabinoid spectrometry a suitable qualitative screening test
AMB-FUBINACA intoxication that was identified for AMB-FUBINACA and other new synthetic can
with the use of a new approach that involved pre nabinoids.3-5 After qualitative screening of spe
dicting and synthesizing analytical standards cific motif fragment ions in clinical laboratories,
of possible cannabinoid analogues before their the results could be confirmed in reference labo
emergence in markets.1,2 This method is effective ratories by the approach presented by Adams et al.
for detecting new synthetic drugs that have never FengShuo Yang, M.D.
been reported. However, since there are numer ChaoJu Chen, M.D.
ous potential derivatives for every illicit drug, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital
characterizing them fully in clinical laboratories Kaohsiung, Taiwan
is impractical. YiChing Lin, M.D.
All the synthetic cannabinoids that the au Kaohsiung Medical University
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
thors mention contain structural motifs of their
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this letter was re
raw materials, indole or indazole. Because there ported.
are no indole or indazole rings in common psy
choactive substances such as amphetamines, co 1. Adams AJ, Banister SD, Irizarry L, Trecki J, Schwartz M,
Gerona R. Zombie outbreak caused by the synthetic canna
caine, and tetrahydrocannabinol, the presence of binoid AMB-FUBINACA in New York. N Engl J Med 2017;376:
fragment ions of indole and indazole derivatives 235-42.

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Copyright 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

2. Emery G. New York zombie outbreak shows value of The authors reply: In our article, we describe a
redicting future designer drugs. Reuters. December 14, 2016
proactive approach for identifying new synthetic
-idUKKBN1432WR). cannabinoids by implementing a surveillance pro
3. Banister SD, Longworth M, Kevin R, et al. Pharmacology of gram. Although this approach was effective in
valinate and tert-leucinate synthetic cannabinoids 5F-AMBICA,
responding to a cluster of cases of mass intoxica
CHMICA, and their analogues. ACS Chem Neurosci 2016;7:1241- tion, we recognize the challenges of its imple
54. mentation in regular clinical laboratories. First,
4. Akamatsu S, Yoshida M. Fragmentation of synthetic canna
our approach requires the expertise of a synthetic
binoids with an isopropyl group or a tert-butyl group ionized by
electron impact and electrospray. J Mass Spectrom 2016;51:28-32. organic chemist, not typically available in a clin
5. Umebachi R, Saito T, Aoki H, et al. Detection of synthetic ical laboratory. Second, our system relies on ex
cannabinoids using GC-EI-MS, positive GC-CI-MS, and negative
tensive collaborative work with various federal
GC-CI-MS. Int J Legal Med 2017;131:143-52.
and state agencies.1 Hence, we expect our ap
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1701936
proach to be most useful in large surveillance
programs and in partnership with regional satel
To the Editor: Adams et al. describe the close lite laboratories. It may not be directly applicable
collaboration between clinicians and public to single patients with suspected intoxication
agencies to detect the causative agent of a mass with a synthetic cannabinoid.
intoxication in New York City. The patients they Presumptive screening for specific structural
reported on had psychomotor slowing, intermit motifs that are found in synthetic cannabinoids
tent groaning, and a blank stare as signs of de is an interesting suggestion. Electron ionization
pression of the central nervous system. This find can generate indole or indazole acylium ions
ing emphasizes that the so-called Spice drugs are from indole or indazole carboxamides such as
not harmless herbal blends,1 especially when AMB-FUBINACA, which potentially allows for
very-high-potency compounds are developed by the screening of this class of synthetic cannabi
clandestine chemists to replace banned cannabi noids by means of gas chromatographymass
noids.2 As a consequence, many different psycho spectrometry. However, soft-ionization techniques
active synthetic cannabinoids might appear on that are used in liquid chromatographymass
the market,3 and it seems virtually impossible for spectrometry do not necessarily generate indole
a clinician to determine what an individual pa or indazole acylium ions in adequate amounts
tient actually ingested. How should the informa for detection, which limits the potential of this
tion provided in this article guide physicians deal approach. Presumptive screening for indole or
ing with a patient with acute psychiatric symptoms indazole ions is similarly impractical, since these
when intoxication with synthetic cannabinoids is functional groups are not unique to synthetic
suspected? cannabinoids. Tryptamines such as LSD and psilo
Ion Anghelescu, M.D. cybin contain an indole moiety, as do some en
dogenous compounds in the blood, such as sero
Klinik Dr. Fontheim
Liebenburg, Germany tonin and tryptophan. Typical blood serotonin
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this letter was re
levels are within the range of concentrations at
ported. which indole or indazole carboxamides or their
metabolites have been detected.2,3 Screening for
1. Seely KA, Lapoint J, Moran JH, Fattore L. Spice drugs are these groups would potentially lead to false posi
more than harmless herbal blends: a review of the pharmacol
ogy and toxicology of synthetic cannabinoids. Prog Neuropsy tive results.
chopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2012;39:234-43. Given the variety of chemical classes of syn
2. Brents LK, Prather PL. The K2/Spice phenomenon: emer thetic cannabinoids, a range of symptoms has
gence, identification, legislation and metabolic characteriza
tion of synthetic cannabinoids in herbal incense products. Drug been reported with intoxication. In the patients
Metab Rev 2014;46:72-85. we described, severe central nervous system de
3. Langer N, Lindigkeit R, Schiebel HM, Papke U, Ernst L, pression in the absence of typical signs of syn
Beuerle T. Identification and quantification of synthetic canna
binoids in spice-like herbal mixtures: update of the German thetic cannabinoid intoxication assisted in the
situation for the spring of 2016. Forensic Sci Int 2016;269:31- differential diagnosis. However, these clinical ob
41. servations inform only this specific syndrome of
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1701936 synthetic cannabinoid intoxication and may not

n engl j med 376; April 20, 2017 1597

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Copyright 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

be applicable to syndromes produced by other Since publication of their article, the authors report no fur
ther potential conflict of interest.
new psychoactive substances.
Roy Gerona, Ph.D. 1. Trecki J, Gerona RR, Schwartz MD. Synthetic cannabinoid
related illnesses and deaths. N Engl J Med 2015;373:103-7.
Axel Adams, B.S. 2. Weiss LA, Abney M, Cook EH Jr, Ober C. Sex-specific ge
University of California, San Francisco netic architecture of whole blood serotonin levels. Am J Hum
San Francisco, CA Genet 2005;76:33-41. 3. Schwartz MD, Trecki J, Edison LA, Steck AR, Arnold JK,
Gerona RR. A common source outbreak of severe delirium
SamuelD. Banister, Ph.D. associated with exposure to the novel synthetic cannabinoid
Stanford University ADB-PINACA. J Emerg Med 2015;48:573-80.
Stanford, CA DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1701936

Screening for Colorectal Neoplasia

To the Editor: The Clinical Practice article by Cancer Society, the US Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal
Cancer, and the American College of Radiology. CA Cancer J Clin
Inadomi (Jan. 12 issue)1 did not mention the 2008;58:130-60.
potential role of double-contrast barium enema. 3. Leung WC, Foo DC, Chan TT, et al. Alternatives to colonos
Double-contrast barium enema, sometimes re copy for population-wide colorectal cancer screening. Hong Kong
Med J 2016;22:70-7.
ferred to as air-contrast barium enema, involves
the study of the whole colon and rectum after air DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1702535
and barium have been injected transrectally. Mul
tiple radiographs are obtained with the use of
conventional radiographic equipment. Double- To the Editor: The article by Inadomi on
contrast barium enema can detect most cancers colorectal cancer screening considers a healthy,
and clinically significant polyps.2 previously unscreened, 79-year-old woman. For
When double-contrast barium enema is com persons 76 to 85 years of age, the U.S. Preventive
bined with flexible sigmoidoscopy, the procedure Services Task Force recommends individualized
has a sensitivity similar to that of colonoscopy screening on the basis of the patients health and
for colorectal cancer screening, although the screening history. Inadomi appropriately recom
detection rate of small polyps is lower.3 Flexible mends shared decision making; however, the mul
sigmoidoscopy with double-contrast barium tiple screening options could lead to a lengthy
enema should remain an option for colorectal and complex discussion between the patient and
cancer screening in patients who are at average clinician and prompt the clinician to focus on
risk for colorectal cancer, particularly in third- tests that are the most appropriate for the pa
world countries where colonoscopy or computed tient, particularly ones with high sensitivity that,
tomographic colonography is rarely available for if negative, could rule out cancer or advanced pre
the general population. It is better than doing cancerous lesions. The options of colonoscopy
nothing. and annual fecal immunochemical test (FIT) were
suggested, but an elderly person who has previ
Jacobo Dib, Jr., M.D.
ously avoided screening altogether is unlikely to
Hospital de Lidice
Caracas, Venezuela
adhere to annual testing. The multitarget stool DNA test (FIT combined with a stool DNA test,
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this letter was re or FIT-DNA) would seem to be a better option
ported. than FIT, because in a single application it is much
more sensitive for colorectal cancer (92% with
1. Inadomi JM. Screening for colorectal neoplasia. N Engl J FIT-DNA vs. 73.8% with FIT) and advanced pre
Med 2017;376:149-56. cancerous polyps (42% vs. 23.8%)1 and because
2. Levin B, Lieberman DA, McFarland B, et al. Screening and
surveillance for the early detection of colorectal cancer and ad this may be the only opportunity for this patient
enomatous polyps, 2008: a joint guideline from the American to benefit from screening.

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