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Ekstrak daun salam (Syzygii polyanthii folium) dibuat dengan

menggunakan metode ekstraksi maserasi, yaitu dengan merendam
simplisia ke dalam pelarutnya selama 3 hari pada suhu kamar.
Standarisasi ekstrak dilakukan dengan parameter nonspesifik (Susut
pengeringan, bobot jenis, kadar air, kadar abu total, kadar abu tidak
larut asam, dan cemaran mikroba) dan parameter spesifik (Identitas,
organoleptik, senyawa yang terlarut dalam pelarut). Selain itu
dilakukan uji kandungan kimia ekstrak dengan pola kromatogram (KLT)
dan penentuan kadar total kandungan kimia (flavonoid) dengan
spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Dari hasil standarisasi, diperoleh nilai susut
pengeringan yaitu 1,87%, berat jenis 1,05 g/ml, kadar air 3%, kadar
abu total 15,58%, kadar abu tidak larut asam 11,69%, cemaran
mikroba 21,8 x 105 koloni/g, kadar sari larut air 70%, kadar sari larut
etanol 57,5%, faktor retensi (Rf) 0,62, dan uji kadar total golongan
kandungan kimia (flavonoid) yaitu 126,786%. Setelah distandarisasi,
ekstrak yang mengandung kuersetin yang berfungsi sebagai
antioksidan produksi menjadi sediaan suspensi. Sediaan suspensi ini
kemudian dievaluasi dengan memeriksa pH, viskositas, organoleptik,
dan tes kebocoran botol. Dimana pada uji organoleptik, warna sediaan
tidak sesuai dengan warna sediaan yang seharusnya, yaitu merah.

Kata kunci: Syzygium, polyanthum, ekstraksi, standarisasi.


The extraction of Bay leaf (Syzygii polyanthii folium) had been done
with maceration extraction method, by soaking teh crude drug into its
solvent for 3 days in roon temperature. Standardization of extract
had been done using nonspesific parameter (Drying shrinkage, density,
water content, total ash level, acid insoluble ash level, and microbes
contamination) and spesific parameter (Identity, organoleptic,
compounds are dissolved in a solvent). In addition to test the chemical
content of the extract with the pattern of the chromatogram (TLC) and
the determination of the total concentration of chemical constituents
(flavonoids) with UV-Vis spectrophotometry. From the results of
standardization, drying shrinkage values obtained are 1.87%, a specific
gravity of 1.05 g / ml, the water content of 3%, total ash content of
15.58%, acid insoluble ash content of 11.69%, microbial contamination
21 8 x 105 colonies / g, water soluble extract content of 70% ethanol
soluble extract content of 57.5%, retention factor (Rf) 0.62, and the
total content test group of chemical constituents (flavonoids) that is
126.786%. After a standardized extract containing quercetin which act
as antioxidants production to the preparation of the suspension. The
preparation of this suspension is then evaluated by checking the pH,
viscosity, organoleptic and leak test bottle. Where the organoleptic
test, the color does not match the color preparation dosage should be,
that is red.

Keywords : Syzygium, polyanthum, extracts, standardization.

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