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Abby LoSole

3/14/16 P.3

Word Count:1501

Policy Containment effect on the Korean War

A Korean War Veteran once said, They kept us so hungry that we can't do

anything but worry about where our next meal is coming from. This is just one example

of the devastation that the Korean War caused in the lives of the American soldiers. The

end of World War II was a time of peace and prosperity for all the countries in the world.

Despite the new beginnings that the world was seeing during this time, there was still

much tension between the United States and the Soviet Union with the impending threat

of communism taking democratic countries. In response to this fear of communism, the

United States proceeded to implement a plan of containment throughout their own

country and the rest of the world. Truman was prepared to do anything to make sure

that communism didn't take over anymore countries but his true test would come with

the Korean War. At the end of World War II, the country of Korea was divided into two

sections, with the Soviet Union controlling North Korea under communism and South

Korea being ruled under democracy. Fearing that communism would take over South

Korea as well, Truman sent troops into South Korea under the containment policy.

Tensions finally broke on June, 25th 1950 and war erupted on the 38th parallel dividing

the north and the south. Truman was highly criticized for bringing the United States into

another war even if it meant the world would fall to communism. However, he knew that

he had to stay loyal to his order of containment and try to save the world from the

Russians. The Korean War and this policy that Truman implemented, affected the entire

world to this day. Hence, the Policy of Containment affected the Korean War by using

containment to stop communist aggression as a part of the Cold War, utilizing the

United Nations as a police forces, and negotiating a truce that maintained the two


During the Cold War Russia desired to spread communism throughout the whole

world. After the war Truman created the Policy of Containment to help contain

communism in all countries. Truman discusses must be the policy of the United

States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed

minorities or outside pressure. said by Westga Education. Truman believed that the

people had the freedom to decide whether or not they wanted to be communist. This

policy stopped communist aggression and prevented any more tension than there

already was but it did not stop the war. Many people resisted communism like South

Korea but on the other hand North Korea did not. North Korea wanted to invade and

conquer South Korea but Truman would not let them cross the 38th parallel. Truman

knew he was risking protecting his country but he had to stay faithful to his policy. The

idea of these historians here is that, in his speech, Truman drew a line in the sand--

communism could keep what it had got, but he would not let it grow anymore. said by

Westga Education.Truman was not forcing people the change their beliefs he was just

giving an opportunity to the people to have the choice. Even though there would still be

a spread of communism there would now be an alternative. Since the communist were

forcing their beliefs in other nations the United States decided to focus on the Policy of

Containment. Fearing that the Soviet Union intended to export communism to other

nations, America centered its foreign policy on the containment of communism at home

and abroad. said by R. A. Guisepi on America's main concern was

to first contain communism at home and then abroad. Many countries were for

communism but for the countries that were being threatened by communism the United

States would come to aid. In some cases, the policy of containment wasn't always

successful but others times it was. Many people thought that following the policy of

containment was just going to cause more problems for the united states in the future

and Truman faced much criticism and complaints from the American citizens. this was to

be the determining factor of his career and would set the course for the rest of his term

as president.

People may believe the Korean War was just fought between the two Koreas, but

in reality it was just another episode in the ongoing Cold War between the USA and the

USSR. said by The US and USSR used this to their advantage to have

war but not go to war. One of the main reason why the United States went to war in

Korea was because Truman wanted to contain communism. Truman created a Policy

that would contain communism but not force communism into people. He was worried

that, if Korea fell, the next domino would be Japan, which was very important for

American trade. said by Truman knew that if Korea fell so would Japan.

this would cut off the United States trade with Japan and also meant both Koreas would

turn communist. By containing communism, the UN was able to send troops to aid

South Korea. Although the war was mainly about communism it was also about world

dominance between the US and the USSR. By supporting South Korea, America was

able to fight communism without directly attacking Russia. said by The

US and USSR were competing between world dominance and by supporting South

Korea this led the US to the top of world dominance without having to fight Russia.

Therefore, by having the UN step in and aid South Korea it also helped contain

communism. Finally, because of the US and Soviets differences this led to the Korean

War. According to a website on UShistorrycom The Soviets wanted to expand the

sphere of communist influence into Korea. The United States countered by encouraging

the establishment of democracy. After World War II Korea though they would be free to

run their own country since they were not a part of Japans empire anymore. But since

the US and Soviet Union wanted to run Korean, they were no longer free.

Finally, in July 1953, the Korean War came to an end. In all, some five million

soldiers and civilians lost their lives during the War. The Korean peninsula is still divided

today. said by A + E Networks. The Korean War was a waste of 3 years and millions of

dollars. It ended just the way it started and caused many hardships. The battle was

ended with a truce between the two Koreas. It is stated in the armistice agreement

documents that It was the end of the longest negotiated armistice in history: 158

meetings spread over two years and 17 days. This truce maintained the two Koreas.

The policy of containment also affected the war. Without the policy their probably

wouldn't be two Koreas. Today North Korea is communist and South Korea is

republican. One thing many people don't know is that North Korea asked for aid from

People's Republic of China. When the UN came to aid South Korea, North Korea

started falling behind. Even though Truman couldn't contain all communism he still leads

part of the war to victory. This was one of the bloodiest wars fought and many soldiers

died. Lastly according to President Eisenhower, who was keenly

aware of the 1.8 million American men and women who had served in Korea and the

36,576 Americans who had died there, played a key role in bringing about a cease-fire

Eisenhower announced this cease-fire to keep a temporary suspension from fighting.

In conclusion, the Policy of Containment affected the world in many ways.

Without President Truman, Korea may have been all communist. When North Korea

crossed the 38th Parallel, not only did Truman save South Korea from communism but

saved many other countries. Truman did not physically end the Korean war but he did

lead South Korea to somewhat of a victory even though they ended in a truce. Though

Truman was highly criticized by American he still stood strong to his policy and followed

through. This war didn't do anything but add Cold War tension but with the help of the

UN South Korean battled through a 3-year war. Without the help of the United Nations

and China helping North Korea, the two Koreas probably wouldn't have ended with a

true. If Truman hadn't created the Policy of Containment the world may have been

totally different today. To conclude the Policy of Containment affected the Korean War

by using containment to stop communist aggression as a part of the Cold War, utilized

the UN as a police force, and negotiated a truce that maintained the two Koreas. Today

Korea is still the same. North Korea is a communist country and South Korea is a

democratic free country.

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