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Spring 2017



JMU Elementary Education Program


Mrs. Gs kindergarten class has just been introduced to simple addition. With this activity, they will be
able visually see how addition plays out.
What have you observed that indicates your childrens readiness, interest, or need for this activity?
How does this lesson fit in the curriculum sequence?


Developmental Objectives Assessment

1. The students will be able to describe words like: Before distributing the differnet snack to make our Math
sum, total, addition, add, group, grouping, regrouping. Mix I will review with the students the different words that
will help their understanding of addition. Who can tell me
what a sum is? What does it mean when we add? (the
answer to this question may open doors to discuss groups)
If you have 2 orange fish in a bowl and 1 yellow fish in a
different bowl and you put them in the same bowl together
we have REGROUPED our fish into one GROUP... Making
a total of 3 fish in the same bowl.
2. The students will count two groups of objects and I will watch as students sort the different snacks and be
combine them producing a new whole number looking to see if they are able to identify the groups of
snacks and recognize that each group is a whole. As the
students begin to combine the different groups of snacks I
ask questions such as, After you combined your goldfish
pile of 4 and your marshmallow pile of 2, how many do you
have all together? I will look to see what kind of
manipulatives do they use Are they using their fingers to
add the amount they have found from each pile together?
Are they making a new pile of the two groups and then
recounting them all together? Etc.

Know/Do (Learning objectives) Assessment Plan

The students will count the different
groups of snacks, writing down each
number of the groups on the number
sentence sheet.

Spring 2017

The students will combine the different

groups according to the instruction
card and count the new group created.
The students will refer to the
instruction cards for guidance as they
proceed through the activity.



Number and Number Sense

Focus: Whole Number Concepts
K.2 The student, given a set containing 15 or fewer concrete objects, will
a) tell how many are in the set by counting the number of objects orally;
b) write the numeral to tell how many are in the set
Computation and Estimation
Focus: Whole Number Operations
K.6 The student will model adding and subtracting whole numbers, using up to 10 concrete objects.

- Mini marshmallows
- M&Ms
- Cheerios
- Animal crackers
- Gold Fish
- Chex
- Ziploc bags
- Paper towels
- Sharpie
- Number sentence sheet


Preparation of learning environment - Activity is to be completed during

math groups, so there will be two groups completing the activity at separate times.
At the brown table, the instruction cards will be set up in the middle to be visible to
each student. At each seat, there will be a paper towel, a Ziploc bag, and a
worksheet. The snacks to make our Math Mix will be off to the side ready to
distribute after the instructions are explained.
Engagement and introduction of the lesson
Spring 2017

To introduce the activity, I will have each of the students stand around the brown
table. I will ask them questions to review what they have learned about addition so
far. (Refer to Objective #1 Assessment) After reviewing terms for addition: What
are ways that we can use addition in the classroomoutside of the classroom?
(answers will vary) What about foodHow would we use addition and food at the
same time? Today we are going to make Math Mix with some of our favorite
snacks! Once this discussion is over, invite the students to sit in their chairs to go
over instructions.
Implementation of the lesson
On each napkin, students will receive a few of each of the snacks. The snacks
should be in one pile mixed up on their napkin. The students will sort each of the
snacks into separate groups. Once they have sorted all of the snacks, they are to
count the number in each group, writing the number in the corresponding blank on
the number sheet. On the number sheet, the blank following the = sign will show
which two groups should be combined to make a new whole (as well as the
instruction cards) As the students sort and count their snacks I will ask them to
explain to me what they are doing. I want to see and hear that they understand
that when two groups are combined they have created a new group (whole). If I
see a student combine two piles and begin to recount the pile after already finding
the amount when they were separate, I will ask them if they can think of a different
way to find the answer.
In closing I will ask the students to share if they have discovered anything about
addition as they made their baggies of math mix. I will tell them to look out for
ways that they use addition in and out of the classroom so we can share with one
another the next time we go review addition. It is important for the students to see
that the things they learn within the classroom are meaningful for everyday life.
After this discussion, we will clean our table and get it ready for the next group to
make their Math Mix! (The second group will help clean the table so that it is ready
to be used for what follows math centers.)

In order to reach all the needs of the students, I will show them different methods that can be used in addition. I
will encourage them to use their built in calculators (fingers) To the students who need a more challenging
number sentence I will give them a few extra snacks in each of their groups so they have larger numbers to add.
(Each student will be able to add more to their baggies to ensure that everyone has an equal amount of Math Mix
to take home and eat!) With this activity it will aid the students who are having a difficult time with the concept
of addition because they are able to visually see how, for example, 3+2=5.

- If one student gets extra snack because they need a more challenging amount to
add together it may cause other another student to think it is unfair because
Spring 2017

he/she has more. At the end of the activity I will look at the baggies to make sure
everyone has an equal portion and add to any bags that may need more.
- When an activity involves something that isnt usually involved with their learning
(such as the food) the students may get very excited and rambunctious. I will be
sure to go over the instructions explicitly and remind them that it is OKAY to be
excited about a learning but we need to make sure that we are dont let our
excitement distract us from what we are doing.
- I do not want to take away from their learning by being too focused on assessing or
worried about time. In order to prevent this, I will create a checklist prior to the
lesson with the names of all the students. Beside each name will be a yes or no
box as well as a box for comments. If the students are showing an understanding
of addition I will give them a check in the yes box. If they are struggling with the
concept, I will check the no box. The comment box will be there in case I see
something that I need to jot down so that I can address it after all of the students
have had a chance to complete the activity. This Checklist will allow me to see
which students need additional help and support following the lesson as well as
see the which students are ready for more complex addition.


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