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| Me wetloy dy Moopute { A styucheye iS am arsembly of diffownt dumenly . the elumonds com be, qeowped inks ghucheral & mon -shruchuzal elownonka Stuckunal elemenk & Hromalor Via load coming om the shuckoe ag: beam, columis : Slabs eke. Non. shychrol olumenlr nati fo avathebicr of the Shuck we 4 portions , obo.” The onsennbly cl shuckuol duments u called Shucheral system Tha Rumekion of Har shrnckwal sytem is lo: caxny Hae loads wl os x growitakional loads — ach im vorhcal durchon (diad load + Lie lead ) *environnenlal Leado — 4: wind load Pegpthanoke load elec: bottle, homafouin Har loads, the shuchae system should wot dhomae, ib gpomehy ,inbegai hy amd seiceabiliy While hramefering loads, elwmonts davelap shearea & shains Civdownal Pov ons & Vorrte . dio place wremby ) She aim of thuchinad amsbysis & be fend ok Hreae intanal fovero RAdpuebions | o>) We comk foke Hu orignal shuclunr for amolygia . So tre acuol shruckow u converted to a fpler Jorn which i catlhd a mathemabical modal ependi ng upon. the ype of shruckure, we choo, ID 2D & 3D elements fov maabving the wodd . iD duet —> oy: beam - : ont dimewion ig much Aoages compotd to otter a. QD ekewenh —, a slab; she oun diwemmio & wurch smaller thon olla & - aD elumewkh the shucks u idealvod waing 4D clumewts , it iecodled skeletol shuctww 4 the shuckww idralard waing 2p elwnowh vit ia colled Svaface Shrrclut y Haw shochuve u idtalerd eine 3D ehewumha, if iu called golid shruckwe . Ysng SAyelhod , we could ov oly skelbal shuckunes . tor Hie ola 2, drow f high molwmalter , theories of aaokicdy & plaokicihy ane euenkial - a) dackily , veal the churches iv comnow prackice com bei ana skeletal ghuckwe - eq: Frows Cplane Ramer & space frown) hwreo Space Yeo com be coutidentA oo am acoombly of Plame frown Plane Frames can be claacified its Gy) Rigid jointed rane — BM SF Saniol fore ee : iv mannbont wy Pim Jointed Pome — only aniat Poree The member in o suigid jormt will rotate Huovgee the Sows ownage Go Hot he angle bf Hrewr remount He Some - : ; Pin jointed Tram ow commonly calleol busses. dn * Huo wmembem can waderao sobtation - oO) MATRIX METHODS OF STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS ; Malin waekhodde of SA com be gem ie { Goabilily vralirvods & shPPrea nwulhode . Foren Displacement Relatiovr Comrider ov oust oping - A fore Pa applied ow Haw spxing vobaich ae dfte chow. D draplocene) (feet Laem cP DaP “Dp: FP dha F = Poilbilaly Whuw Pet , D=F + Pfexibilihy fhe dioplacewont produced by watt fue Hie ivie le Vo poke ute Ke shPPrea wun Det» KeP « gifRaees iatie, Bee produced by ul displace mt Commder a S88 of spom b with, conembraked ood ak avid spam : eH 5 @ > Displacemmde of waid spon divs, bo P p pe pye - 8p Me AGEL Wha Det , pe Asset vi => k= Ager : 3 Finnilorky F = VB Aget Fhexibitily Malyix Comoidar 3 Pore fi Pa Ps Be conrenponding dio placements D, Do Ds We vil comai dew owly one Yores, ok 0 Hime . fobs Pst | Pe? fs0 Qu = drop ak 1 us be wink Force ak Taking Pa=t P= P20 Pas diap ob S dus to went food of 9. Taking Pye Pod Pat By tuperpesi tion, ou diop of Lo = Fi fy + Pa fiot Pats = Di Hop ak & = Pifa + Peter Ps fas = Po Aiop- ok 3 - Pity + Pa Sea + Fabs = Ps The above equa com be expaared ba The veelor Porm Pr Sn Fa Pa || Ps pe) 2 | fan fer f2s Pe Bx 3 Pores Ds. $y Par a3 | | % Dsplocernent Flexibilihy Force veckot wmafrinc veer « For forva, “Di Pr fia - Sin Da = \fa fo San - 3 D3 : : Dn Sav Pur 7 fay Ph D i : Each { lumen on Pancibb italy mahix u called Flexibility, influence welficient Fy ou dufivadh on the Aioplacemenrt atidue bo writ Fora ak | ecporg alt the ofr forera kup . Whum taf , diay elon in F ove called duicck Prexibi iby mPuence cotfficient - one ahuaouys poot Five becoumar Hey ont Vos dio place monly ok pb of apptication of force: ioe : Off diogovah dmomk Ut) ore called cross Plexi iliby influences coefficient . They eam be +ve or ve. Plagci bc lily mohrix will always be m sprars masyix amd aloo uit be tym mely ic A Stiffness Mohix, SkPPread i the force peoducid dus bo wal Araplacernent « % Argh of ott onrcot the dia placents vidumg Mollew - ee by peovideng we Now we howe to opply wuik Arophace move * a key hoply Drei Par Pa? eee kot = force, daveloped ab 8 dus ku ; bo wwt dinpkacannanl of 4 Apply D0 Met B=? hyp Dy= Daz? Dy-4 By racthod of Super pooition , Pi = kudi+ kis Do thw ds Pa = KarDy + koe De + es Ds Ps = kay Di> kar Do + kaa Ds Sn smakrixe fornd', Pi ty Feo Fe Dr Pah =| ta tre kes [4 Pe Gor 3 daaple- Ps kay Kao bes | | D foreca Fovee. BHP Pred inp. veckor veces veel For n Porn Pi ka knot an D) fe LL] ke bea + ken » Pn Kine tae «baw. | [De Elements in Ue stiPharaa coeffvsiomba-ant vankrin ane Cold shf{freao influence coofpichewta ki Sha the force pooduced at t clus fo waist dinp ok | besptrg all ofhwr dhioplercernonks za or asnested - Wlum ie], & tha di al wae coments of the ShiPPreas mabix au cabled dicot skews Influence eoulficrantl Thay seprenents te fovers poduced at fa pb of danploace wont & Yo will olusays be+ve - wun Te}, &, He off dragonal elemento exe called cro akf frie influence coafficiembs «They cam be +ve ve. suas @ > To chow that Hexibilihy maha & stiffreas mahi x ont inverse to ove another we Rave {P= [k] {pp — © Multiplying by cy" CkY' Gry. LeTTCEICDY pee] fry tL} [cV" fr} -{0}] —— But we hove {P= CF IIPY + from @ &@ tet! [Fl To show that Pleneibi lity mabrin & ShPPnea matrix ee —oe ta Pa DD By Monwelli Reciprocal theorem , Diyj= Dif yorum Ped, DFA SGE & Paps Fry Sige Fy Yoadbiily mahi o rynmebic DLP] & wgramnabric Le]- CAT? & aloo ryranehic - Yoo Equivalent Teint Load Gn ow achiol suck, He boade will be acing ow Hw Sruthuok memberr. But im mabrix welled , tre Loade one bo be acting af the jomli - fo we shave bo owvent te mombsr Looe bo + equrivadent jos Loads +The puinciple bo convert the Loads u that He dcaplace mum wilh emai the game « Fivst of ait convert the, quem beam into a Fined beam + Steps dnvolved * Seperocte acho yor Laode , af anys + Divide the shuctwr ilo fixrd end beam , whobovov the boundary condition - a Find the fuiad ond moments & sxadkions - x Thre sroctions & moments onz placed tm denorse direction bo E get thee ETL - Co x Thio u odded, fo the exiaking jerwt leads to get the combirud. joie Lood - ap @ fonda oo fra rat ts te ey 419 bao be fo goenly aye oEN [aot : 48 4 Bm Bem Bn by aa ve a4 oF Et tas pa oe \ askn lo kN yer me 22.5 Aas: © Frexisitity Metuop [Force MeTHon] Qn thin method , Bra are taken oa wnknowwe - Bo ik & loo cabled force melhiod. “The waknowns ane solved wing covnpork thi laby conditions {aloo called cormpabibility raetleod | . eq eormutemt deformation method This method hao 2 approaches dy Physical Approach notation ob I" daw to wnt moment of 1! Apply wil moment along a Tobot diaplactment (aobation) at I! du to 1 2G! a= Pi Ot Pry Ba! Ha = fate Oily Large Oa! Sm mabrix form, : iv Plat | ar 42" Pa Patan a, % Go= fo Qo Os i element Sinalas| for Bnd elermennt, va the ame shown ae alta ih, “ o ae Y thor ore 'W no of eumewls qr a OO 0 @ G far Plat © © 0 0 20 Q:' 4! 5 0 Fay Fala 20 ae as! -|0 0 Puta) Put uh oO : 6 0 Gana : 7 Gan! 0 «Fasten! Pawatde |] | 0 — Ravt@nay! Pan! an! (Ou! > Y= FQ whue | = Elemenk diop: mre vecloy f = Emm Plaoabi liby matrix Q = Elment fore vector Comsiden abat ument et Sh Th ouvitth coordamates ONG. Apply unit fores on Hie elum ant & the woulling diaplacerremt tt $e Gt = Pak Qi Ap = 4px Bo [Pr @arktmabrix] ” : aa For n olumenty % fp 0 O0O--:: @') qe \ Jo fo oo --: Ge aa} lee ---: fe ie GF @ System Sle xibilihy matrix Por Dekaminate Shuckwed This ut wart to find Une dioplacmerh of detominal thutkwrea « bub R > ewdewnal force (xi) 1 —> external obirplacement oe Q@ > intanal Poree 4 inlwrol diinplacemuml es External wp . Roa (ov 7R) —_@ Intemal wp = a"g (ov 947 @) © We hove Q= beR Eqpraking O&@ L_® Rye Q"g — © Mb. @ wO Riva (be RF, ; a= bela ——O - Rb eq > eee This us called principle of tombragcadiones [eonbrogtadient dowd - Ge y hoo rym of fovea ong atokad by a mola. » Hak droplacument ui be attated the wwe order by the tome moalrix . Thia u the beenrei pe of conra.gradi me « qe £.Q —»@ wb. Ow © ce te be? @ —O Qs. Om @ T= be” P beR vba Fee = sytbem (lieibiliky mabrix for dubeuninale P Poy beam element Apply unit moment along 4 p> We com wat method — “Qi bo ind the sobabion: - > oe Coningat Beam MeHiod ie : Nae. _, «| f Sy = SFinw voyage a beam ak | Tp an = Lt ge Et & 3eL aoe 3 Sat = kL Right ard $ —ve ez owe vp ; Applyung unit moment along 2) a Siagt = Hk Sys $b GEL “Ser ; Poff Pro | = PMer Fees Cees Ls ber Foy Patan Mees Alsex PF by bor element Comaider a bas, clement Seer TTH Tiel with umath 1, aren fds A, wed. of laabichy € arene Apply nik Forer along t arr elongakiow fun = fe ” he DEN nd. dafacion, ok Hows fu ened » az R- 50 KN te 9 3 Hh ve @ We howe Y= Fees R Fer = be fbr (22) Toke & dements nee £ cha ; “ae oe a ote £, ee acl a a | Sea ete ota(* q - 4 fact : z ae (7 | * REL (: :) Flencibi thy moakrix of bean Ceystem)) $2 (fo oO} 2 a a+ 0 0 0 fo AEE |-1 2 6 0 o 0 4-8 0 D0 -2 4 To get bp mahix = Element Bree Q= be® Be be (esten K-41) Draw Hue BMD with Ro 4 ne The ordinates of BMD orc RK he ° the cements of be il Direction i tokan froma the beam by the ovdinale clock wise ve owbiclockwie —Ve ; (239 6 G- lata 7 -3 te Slee “38 . Far = bel f-bp - fe 3-3 of[21 9? b : ad Oo 3 “at O00 4-2 -3 ov -24 0 = fis 1a -1a 6 fF ay : . *4EI “3 6 = [ieax pb. “ve FF = (way x = 2025 7 [ ve er 2 ® Amd daft ckiows ok fren end ae : — : : eo ed Syatemn ecoordinalin t BOP) = av ; - Element coordinatia - 2 fa +f ee fo aor bi | i eer b} ay I EEE Gi -2 0 6etjyagsygo oO 00 6 3 o 0-3 & be mahix <5 be aici ete o 4 : be Fb 3-3 4 -a 00 | Co 4 SAE ct ata eae (ee ee UE i o 0 63 \ 3 eo 0-36 oo PEE 6er Fep = 152 §1 Ht st a4 | Ger 1. Fee R= fsa st )xt ]? : BL A 6eL |go0 H | 1p20 - : te Ge ) Ae ; wn). (loxo/eer 9 my Aw [Get ? (25) Delleckon af few end lity lo20, - To eer Lb ® Amd hevizontol Aioplacement ak A&B. EX constant Syston coordanates : ; 7 a B 20EN - ‘ 3m . 1) ote Ro= Io alan °° (Biay Element eoordinatia uv 2 Ae 0 CA. 4 3! 8) - @ © ‘ phe 7 fy = & (* aI 4 cer bt Q 4 23 fad -3 [27 = -2/' A fo 6EL (; 2 p.t [4 -2 00 co C @er j-a 4 00 Oo © 0 &24 086 00 +2 00 €0 O00 gH 00 ©o% 42 be wahix | fai 3° Pub Rie IEN - tN" = 126, AB ~Qbl GEL! 4s ay 108 -Q6) “108 S76 Ve Fee R- 1 ' 12b 45 26) Qo % ) = ger [as 8&4 ~108 | 410 7 -Q61 -lo& Sib] | o Seale aato Tee lags BEL 4 40 ~ Ez § 830 ~6300 - 3150 : Rovinoukal diopl ot A= 3150 («—) eL ut B= 1495 Ce) ex 4 4 Aon (2D o® Find the displacement ob He umbre of the SoB EL wwtlonl Riz lOkKN 1.2 (RasakNm = 2 C28) Apply umil fore. along 4, pte Draw BMD Wop glaBlg Biz Bla 4'= 0 Apply wit momenk along 3, a = pail 4 Drow BMD i“ vy ¥ eo alerYa 8's tYa ASO ee be = ee ‘ -3fa Yo a! Blo Ye 13 q o o Jf! Fer = be’ f- bp [2 ~3)a e. arto 0 o ¥2 YO fli aio 0 00 g- |. o- 0 ~1.a 0 Oo 3p Ye 32 2 0 o - 1 [th -8 3 *| a QEL -3]2 Yo Yo VB NST oy Oo 0 w BE - B a! ot -2 _IJ u 92 af 8 — o 2 ESE Wu ee es eee " 1 [90 aer| » te \ i frre} i Vex = 4slex va = Yeu *. duflection at c . 45let netakion ot © = Yer [o® Find the dipiotion ok & - 20 kw we tw EL howe pe a oo } Rk .O Sytem coordinola - —— Lo | \ Ri= Rr=0 yy 27 y= 2 a ” Pak Zo he tn es ; ee je fo -forfo- 2. [ff 1 mT goa a-l 0 0 00 Gerais ane eee od0 at 00 oo 1% 00 oo 00 art oo OD 1a Apply wit loak.olovg 4 Leen Yoo ae -alp steals ; Al =-Y3 5'= Ye b'0 Apply uit. load along ay 7 ¢ Wao ale W¥g ate ¥3 “ : [ie Ai=-afy s'2 aly 6'= 0 : ob : o 0 ba: -ala ~Ys Q)3 ¥3 “Ya -a/3 Ys 23 0 o Keter byt Fe : -al3 fs ~¥a yg o][A-1 9 9 0 O fo 748 narod eer dt : oo at 0-0 jer oo-l &o 8 ooo 0a oo 0 O-l a bao. an Tae teat e 4s 5]3 “A as Ys }e Cen 4 lals - Ys 3 Als -5]3 413 -alg {Ser Pie als ¥3 ys -al3 Ya ala 0 0 et}B Tixb — 8L 4 8 Get s(t TE HEE Belen Hore VW SXGEL [ Q Oo > UL { 160 SXGEr To = | ger FO. ex LN 2 80 y= FOL QeL Qer chow at A= 10. Defle om qei © Pints dftestion dus to movment of fur end Bee ae Re * A ex. constant m ae (32) System coodinates pe R= SoINm R= 0 AHA mw ot yy. 0 Ye = 2) 1 Jo 2 AL fa f= tL fa -! a Q Ger |-; 2a fact: a laa f. i fe -4 0 0 GEL | 2 0 0 o &-l 0 o -1 Q Apply wit rmoment oblong oct 4D Neg alan det all Uys 1 Yq wa ae all " Oy Apply ww lood oblong ee __yiky ep a to ak Alo i * v4 pola. ent Farr = bref -be athe ea OLM HiIl ee OEE Ceti A @ 9 0 x > oo aS Ger Balliol (eet >t TD een 550 = Too] GET 5 op [GEL Ye Too = % = 5D 6eL 6EL » defection, ok few md . 550 7 GEL (34) —@ Bind, Hee diaplacomend ak B va eh Pybi gy QD (elierete 4 ‘ BO ¢ eee te I To Bnd eqprivalenk ‘pout load yee 4 o (Oo a é 4 * ‘ t i o a 4 & i—Ge 4 ‘ L ae joo @ kN System, coordinates gy REN Ras BENM R= TEN Ry= 4kNm mys 2 %- 2 Y, > 2 > 2 Get -\ 0 o o a-l o Oo Fa Replying weit load along, - Yoo ato 30 A'20 ie Go bye | 29 1 0 © © “Ws -a ah 0% ap “3 o 60 0 0 Fre > bg’ f be bef Z PeeeeD Ee eerectee g -1 0.0 1 % 0 fly a oo |X op bh ao |jo o 27 0 ~ab “a 0 0. bv tv Pippa (Otero oo ; o | 0 ‘ls -9ls ae -¥s [ger 0 “Ma 8B als ~4]a als ~ 83 o %s ab alg 41a -a B agg aoeet| oO 0 oO 0 Ger | o asia Ala lq © ala ila 4ig D gla ala tela ‘ 5 o 0 0 12 wl . ajo ala ta a 4 3 GEL | 4 igla ela 41 12 % o ala 414 ola 4 ie 0 als [xt . els of © -a[a 0 “13 7 BD NN sala er Yo. %% Vy, QW Fad diplaconml ob B Soest (on deflecien) ye ye ; Es axiol pew? a i : a Le axio? em* K . 7 : fee lrn mak enti etttendes sat Syztomn eoordinakes ye t fe ropa c toe 1 fa t]-t fa-* aH Bet i “| * ger (" a | Beebe 4 “fo. ptl-a 6-3" 6xaer |-l a B6er \-3 6 Ae? fo fla bo 0 00 36er |-b 12 0 © 0 O 0 © A-Y 00d o v0 WA 0:0 0 0 o 0 63 o0 0 9 0 3 & Apply wil Pore otlowy te Veo ale als 3t= als Ais a3 S's Y3 B= 0 Apply umik Gree. olowg a eee i Yeo a's -Y3 32 Y3 : Pe a oe . 5 -al 3 ) Qs YB ) -Y3 -al3 Ys als oO Fag: bet? be bat ay -ih as “Ys Ys "| a : : ; x1 o ~¥s ¥3 -%3 Ala & i ' pan o 0 Beer oo -aae? 0 o o 0 00 6 3 : i no 0 0 0-3 4 : a -A eg ola 4 - -als -va | & EL ala Y3 36 EL “Ys ~Als Ya als oO siete BvD a Fans [>A -g ios 8/3 4 0 0 | a ~ | sala sala gafa. Gala} 36eT 1) faa sala 150 i B6EE-J6alq. 64lq 300 ~ 3433-33 2 3166-61 3GEL f - galex 84. 4b lex dafteckion of B- 99°34 €L Bo = axed amelxith . x WR tee ea : : i et = gxiol yw? x ayi’x() * = Axio (*)* s- dupe ction of B- 95°37 = 0-024 ™ —~ cee ete fe ay x 10° —aldfaon (Ao) wesdey = DePleetion of Pin. jointed “draws y. -Fea R Fer= be Fbe - lie D Cokeutobe thr vertical Afashion of jovnt B Aveo of AB = 30 em> wo BC = TO wm? € = 8107 NJew™ : Sythe coordinale fi 4 R, = 4oo kN a= 2 Ch) t % ae. 2 Elomnont Coordin & - hungth of vidio. 2 = AB_ = BC Ruzo win 30 Fin 130 ABs 5m, BC = 866m (40 fo - | Lap _ 5x10 gp Ag-f Box E 3E fo = tec = gor _ 12st Age E “1b € E Elemomk Puri bilihy worin P.[2 0 _ 1 feet e 0 as EB) 0 1887 Applyong ww load along \ Fag 00430 + Fog, tas 60 = 0 Fag = Fac - C04 b0 oot 30 Fag %in30 + Foe tin 60 +120 Fox [naps rnae + sino] el fe Rye = TH A8A EN a2 —=—— =f -1138| Ib61 0 | 0 12-34 “11329 (49 = {ib be meet x “138 5 3-118 E 4, = 63-118 x 400 € = Qed x 107 ax tot = 1-076 bea cm Find the horizontal dafteckion ak C. Aven of ACRBC = loom Aaa of AB= Loom” Ee axio! NJow 192 EN Syebem coordinate o 2 Reo < loo kN a 7 a Element erat —e : fo f Bxio0 © Gp ox e —e fo - Oxo = 100 IG XE BE fo = Sxlop - 100 Isx € 3e Pf. 100 Fefo 0 0 E 0 %5 0 oo Shs Apply uit look clon q 4 Paix A = Pale AL 5 5 Py!= Pa’ Px 34 Paix 3 +t > 0 oS 5 Pe! (Ye) = + = le eB = 06833 EN Ps! = i 2 0-833 kN ReRiatls ple 0-661 EN Apply wit loodollong oe ot Pa'x Ug & Pe xy +1 are o Pa! x 3fe + Pal x 3]5 = 0 - Pl. — Pix + x= = Pye B= 0-685 EN 7 bye 8 - -0:-6a5 KN (4D tye Fe — Bix uls = +0:9 be = (0-667 9 0-5 0.233 0-625 0-933 -0-ba5 Fer = be" P. be bet { . [-obb1 0.933 0.833 eo! 0 DO ia 05 0-ba5 -0625 || 0 Sis © —e oo (sfis Fog = [0-534 0-978 0-248 [[-0-b6T 05 |e b-A 9-208 0-208 0-833 0-625 e 0 833 0-625 = [ 0-8943 —9-867] x too O —0-a67 Ob. t ° Ww) _ too fo-Ras ~ 9-867] ( 100 5 J © [aot OAb ° ‘ _ too i 21.93 € l-aba > o °O = [9193 [e_ ; . ba -a630/¢ 7 : 3 shor dupe ction _ —abto = —abtox'lod = 021338 009 oO ako | E axiot 2 © s 4p Vorkiook deflection of C = 8193. sagxioe c cobs Axtot = 0-Alew Find bor. diplection of Teivt ©. Area of AD BD, cD ew ow Awea f ABLE BC» 80" cmt 24.34 ae (ap eceecorecotcoe 9 oo eooocoeooc0ooooc 9000 599 an Anatysis OF Inpete RMINATE Structures USING Frexipitity metHoD A shuckwe. wsith wo - of wukmowns mone thon wo - of equokion: i said tobe imdebowminate. The exerao wukmowra ow cobled vedundants ; Almost alt shuckwus ow indebeowinate «toy tue, eve uf owt of the mabainds collapses tre load com be bromafoued, Hough than Suppor h Two hype of Indelewmninacy * Extemal *Intenal Support suachovu > Qukernah pores oa avolodt, equrakiowt eqns of eaibi bin For o plawe fame ot ST = ¥-3 who (y= wo of suppord raackiow ) : ort sxackiovs Q} v= totol wo. of ep eatin te Me wo - of womb (= j= mon of joivts foto), Si = (tt) - ay By coeds joint Jobal unlnowne ; Pri ENO yr Ovtanol Sr = Total St — Ext. ST (60) = Mr) - aj — (r-3) = m— (34-3) at %23 ack. debaminate 73 otk -indukerminak, ¥<3 washable Y mir > 2] inderterm'nols may = ay duveaminato my -3 int. ¢ indeterminate m 3p o™ ” Bmty< 35 umtoble Sk SL = ¥-3 Oy 8ST = 38m — Qj- 3) am = 3)-3 imk- dakeaminak 8m > 85-3 ink - indebanunate Bm < 3)-3 wuttoble . Beams bcaicceiiles Howe only extemal Sx. (52) oe ont, promt, SL iu rrdueed by mia)” a! = wo of womb ene watlng ab Look Aig 7 gx = Gm+7-aj) ~ (8-1) (1d | aly * : Ndyedoy Redumdannts ose heated ar exces forwa of unlmown ; moguilade : Mg 42 3" yp & equs of capil = 2 Str= 3-221 4 See ; q- 5 G fo s equs of eq = 3 A “Cy peal Reachow — Va Ve Ma ‘ “te Conmidering Vg ao He aedumdomt }——4 - — Combilewer - tanning, Vn 00 *edsndont ——, Sliding jort (Co) it * Cowsidesing Ma 00 tdundomt gf +b Simply eappor tid beam “The dehawinate chruckune obboived by adlianing The sadumdont U walled Released Struchue . © The rxdundowl Cover & comidend ao am ent nah Yoree o| wkwown moguatude ond ¥X u obtain ow : carnnp oskibi laby condition - System Flevibilih alvin Fax Leb 'R be He known enckenal Yorer | foo foven - Sy? be the caaneaponsdivig dui place rant 5¢ he: Hae wavkmowme enckaunad, forus (sdundant ) ‘be te carsaopowedling danplacewunst Tha dinplocimunt conn. fo & B alwoys zaro (%= 0) wear tur & gettleme - | ome {8 = be Re + by % Qelakion bw exkanal & ivdernal whue by = Pye hromalor maki on mrabrinc consnaponduing sd by wwkwown Foren X be = fore framefor mak on walyin courte powding lo wre ww Fores R - (5a) +0 § 2 fleiitiby alvin. = So » & Extomal Wd = Rivt+X™ x. ——@ Getenel WD Og _ @ Equeting © &@ Rly + Xx = 8%, A Sub: O vw @ Roy + XT = (be Rt bed)” 4 Sub © vn above apt | Riv + XT = (RT BT EXT") (F-(bak+b.X)) (RS +XTbT) (PER +f beX) Rates R be LbpR+ RTT L by X +XTbTP be Rt XTbE P bak HiRE [be be R + byt FX | il a [ bat Php R + ba’ f bax | poring LHS omd RUS a ioe Fax GD ir _ [Fre Frx R jefe Five bat f bx| > System Fexibilihy mahix Compokibi bby emdition :% =0 i, Fae Rt Fac X = 0 . 2 pee Fax & = Fee ® . x Le Taal Fae AZ Final woment = Bt FEM = by Rt bok + FEM or sagid, frame a Final woment = G= bp R+ baX for piv jouded ovr Steps Involved in Anolusis of ndelamninale, Shy uchwrver x Find equivalent pont \oad gaquared Yor amalysic Jponcoacecss oly Yao fore udhach, offect the omahiyat ane com dered - Yew only lore 4 ee 7 4 bonding «oly tive 4 : ey “4 \ » = (sb « Find SL & select Has ae x Remove Yr credundant (x) omd make Yhe ehrveckune duteuminae which ee ell te sadeoarh shrucluse . x Sbtowm the bp malin by applying wit value The duiechon of bmoun Povero 8 by makrix by, applying Has wil load in dake chion of xxdundowde £ Assemble Wat Saamnemt blueibi tity wavin#' By, tie system - x Find Fae = by fbx Fx = bt f be Xe ras Fre ® x Element Foren O& = beR+ bak x Finoll. Rorees = beaR tbyx+ FEM for wigid Fimods Yoreus = bpR +brX for ponjeinabed ; 0 Analyse the beaw Ei - comlont kj be >} E—— fis % C oa eee yo" es ie ' (e) ETL analysis BNIB on K fravaigie 4s Sie 4 ; Taking geatkion of B ov Atdundant - i Released Bhrrckure I EEE EEE -) “” —y (9) Kowou syslom coordinate v . : aaa Alewemt coor dinater a pL fas ae \ al: t »| er RL 1 fet When Rie 4 " yee ; fet [F a Aombowovan kyikown, oor dina: y\ 2 wee Tae aE Fer 2 TQ EL | ; Fae = bx f by = oe SEE EEE z 1 7 [a | £] 2 ie He Fxx | = EL qa X-Far! Fags SPEER 8 ts TA EL = 73 -A5.4KN Qe byR-+ bu =(]i sy + i |i 3.15) : fe | > el -19 Fores 2 bgR+ baX Fem yep) G7] 4) K-— am: Kam How point Cu adap comridoud a0 0. joivtt Rukoaed shruckure cag fo : foe a fat]. t fact GEXA [ya 6e1 ja a Sm . 2 (% VY ola f4 -8 ez |-\ & fei [ea 4 f " RO 1 o e en System coordinates - a ‘cn _ Ri = 0 aici ne Y enswon ng | wdc bx eee [ 4 a i i" ‘ey Veg ahi Q' Aa 1 32 Alo ear be. [78 be. [4] ° -3 ° a © 0 Fax = bat bbq o § bo e . [4 -a aoyfa + 9 ' [ } -1 2 00 ee 0 4 -a 0 -2 4 bathe [lo -8 8 4) wotles — Fax = 12 oO et I : ; (6b Fre = be f be wae B. [ow -2 8 -Al(-2 | e Gel 0 o = 7a0 slat Fax! : EL. 1Q X27 Fax! Fae ® ET x a0 xan = 1BO 4a GEL q ° semen lit [3) 04 = [—40|+ Fraool 9 0 too FO ° ton | 6 oO _ Fre -Wyeul +ueul 0 & Bing no equivalent roiwt load & cowidead Fore = bpR+ bet FEM ‘aaa a : = FEM=0 a F% af tns =i 9 Hell - 0 Stobic mdeheminacy . Reackions = 4 Equa 2 8 SL =A-22 9 Untmowns — Va Ma Ve Me Ridundands —> Ve & Me Rebeaned shuckw — Combilever System coor dina et : = =o > ao ‘a R25 | tron me Xa | Vortman mw. 9 Hrs 2. My =% 20000 ~ Element Coordinate . pth er Bt dela a 6er | oe Pats ayer |. a fete teten iite| ayer | =A. 8 8 ? o 0a ot GD ie 14 be [2 7 -Q i Qa =| 0 \ Fax = by § bp 3-2 20 [8 -4 600 3 7 -1 | -1 | [aber l4 g 0 0 - Xd eo eo ant a4 © 0 =..Q o 1 [2 -ae 4 3] eet qi} 12 1@ +373 : ayex ot -\16@ -66\~1_ “bu bb a il : ~66 a0 AveD (rb Be yee ey Hl 2 564 90 Fer = be f-bp ots Wd -[aa ah O10 = ~12 12-3 3 | QUEL rl ° bay “| 384 iin eee 30 +bb as ee “ea 16h (Gs) Fal = bet x adj res] wQ - 6b -bb6 30 - A4EL [30 66 ; 66 168 He4 - 2 E1f3o % aq bb 169 X= = Fee! Fae ® - 2 es [30 66 | (-be et (*] 34 66 bo || at | 2aet = 1 [-138 a4 ( i }-(51 De ecee eer ococoeoogococooooonoOsooo99o ef ob) Nee > | ! : hs SL. Raed. “Todeing suaktoints at Bad xedundant + Ruleoaed shock ure t SE eee 7 a 5 x — a “ap 0%) _ a Vis (Rs) 4 ) Kmown SC Unknown Se Elornnd eortdinakes -- 2 6 0 o oo 4-3 o Oo -8 Be matin kN Y 0 ° oO 0 by omaha Neh ara 3ba Alo fe-a azo 3:0 4'-0 a Votoalet alt gla be (4 7 fl soy 2 oO Fix = by fbx oe -gao0j,[27°? aaai).( 2 ° oo A oo et :| i -a)},1 [78 u 6 1a \ lig | oe | = ~l_ [au -30 15 66 E el 7 Ee nol ~ 986 6b = | 45/n Qsfag Qe bp + bX : 5 Sore apa] 4 faq v7) fae ; “0 || es -a | : 6 0 a ~-\ o o o \ - Fae 19-045 “18-8455 0 19 | 1 |-3-264 | > [1-364 0 3-964 3.964 0 Ae Zlk A318 “Final momen eo beR + bak + FEM _ FAB 6455 +49 res § Q B64 +\)45 |= |-3.264 } 3.964 © 3.364 7 ° > A318 A318 €It S | : — _. yen Erk fy omalysis : = Vakeat acat tions com be oo yas cae : Laken up by supperts Bod only 4uxihy ton a mamenit Sy - 3-a-4 Rrleaoed shuckure [ by basing reach on at Bos sedandant ] - System coordi nakes Cc 3 di i V fe f $ tx) t Known Unknown Element esordanatin 8. fp = 3 a t+) 1 {a -6 7 ® 6ex at [* a aeL|-B 1a f Bes fg = AS fe - 1 [a 4 . Gereetl 2a IQ EL -45q 5 43 oy eee 12 -§ 0 © atr | -g 12 oo OG OH GE tee o 0 4s 4 eos ~Y55 Yas +: -Y45 a |* 31-45 —> aaa fel a':-06 alo.6 Alo \ | 0 0 be = ee eect Ts 96 Of 0 a 06 08 OF | ae cece Veo asog 3-0-4 421 bx mobia FO ' L , 1 feo) the pets 32-1845 ybo Hen 0 1ers Bae | ets 7 ao ~\.045 0 TA Far = be’ f bx -6 Oo 0 1 res 15 -1815 0} [12 xt bert = [° ; | 41a 0 0 jeer 0 0: 9 ~-ASs Oo 0 AE YO = NaS 8ae —1b.245 ooo ococood os a7 Fb & Gn covtinuows beawa , uf Sup pork seackion u taken oy Redundomt , ealoutationa become comples ( kockiows ast imvolved >) « Some peoblem com be tlved by Faking mowuml ak B on xdundant - Procdure came HU EFL. : nk shawge Reeovaed shuotwre Srscccedaenaead kn sc meen Pa) ie Wstonounn Sc (RD bp mobiz Moment ak A will mol be brane Peed een fo the oshole beam - Considu oo & elm ents L \ ht ako go Alo ns} ies a lho a0 3:0 ak {ko als-A 30 420 | 77 be -| © =I I 0 cowridercd sipewike Fax a bef be bef > [o.-! vol 1a 4 0 0 ~G 12°00 x1 Hee ge eMte 0 0 As | Fre = = 0 [re a sti fx | t \QET ! 6 - a ; \QEL Fag = by 2 [ba a -4s] vooy, o-1 0 \2er on) 60) 2 fb 1a -4s |x bE er X= Fer! Fre R " \ 29 m 4 m= > > \ = a a eee Was Was bs Oo 9 We2rs *\, E ) 0 te \ f-3ay | =f Was BAB ~ | 929 AY BBB. \4- 32) Vs it “as WQS Atinak morumts = allags + BOA 1- as A321 VERMA 0 1S 0 ity ‘dsoday ; ok ® ob ELH STC 6 ee 4 > $I = A-a~ a Taking Ma &Me ov Atdundants Reload shuckwut t——+--4 Kmoun 8C Unknown $C Sa Ke .%) (3,9) A Etoment eoordinodes, 2° 3 at a ——_£ 7 D&E - m $ pateseet. Tater Sete (este tee) 6EL |-\ 2 © Oo ° ac © (&® a Fax = be fbx b ae eae o- yolf-! 3 Oo oO 0.0 7 +o off! ? | -2 ee o | 0 © 2(2 1) xh i a | oes Fer - be f be s ooe o- " 5 — @ wo ean wR 2 Ba beRrbeX + FEM f ia i a [e| ° ° g.3} ap e541 ~@. ae - —2 54 i) él 6.414. Fao) . (-as- 74 ° 8 c D SI = 4-a-2 “Tokving Mg &Mc a sadundomls Relrord shuckurt — Kmowm SC. %, R. an on Se B® oy Untmown St 6 Re 77 Eiment coordinakea a a -t > Be AxGeEt 0 é 8 -4 -5 10 oO 0 0 0 o o -a 6B oO 0 bremabrix yen ~e eB os os 4 bez{! 0 0 © ae 0 | o 0 fetes ge 0 0 0 b, pete © 0 9 Oo gt He © 059 4 Dx -mahix A kh, bx- | O © -) 0 \ +1 oO Saat aa Bites oO 1 0 0 = Fax = be { be Se 08 o-+10]}e.t20 0 0 0 es eo 0-5 0 0 o 0-8 to O oO oo 00 16 -8 o 0 0 O ~g ib +6 -2 1 -5 0 O oo}. 0 0 6 6 -to we -@ | |b ? ner 0 mz " bee {6 -18 1@-S 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 © 5 -ID Ib -@ Leet HOO OHEO SOF ©: o o - OD o 0 0 O o 0 o -t oe “2 6 O]@% xa, © o lo 8 laer X .cFea!. Fae. - “IDET [* > \ 1 [s “125 = : a g 5Aq ® aa} merfo 0 10 8) ) 39 mele = 312 80 oy a4 BAA) — 6-6 4 30 60198 AG 7.92 eee 3-6 ial | 5A7 | onga-6 = sa ~A.136 Q- beR+bs + FEM -fl oo © 0 3.45 o") 1864 o | 0 © got | +7! 6 ~4-136 10 oe 9 © 742 fae o o -1 0 3.0 ae o 0 0° on 3-45 667 0 ~74a -3.0 2-55] -%-55) F136 ~ F136. t A. ee we gb4 +136 fe. 136 4 ~ 3-95 345 ~t0-42 +10-42 ~ 3-0 43-0 [7s SFD cpa > bo L a—ho ros —> ho 76.64 For aval yi Sr = (B49)—3 2 2 [Serv-) Releovai ng acatkions at C, Rulerard shruckwu B c Kmown SC 6 2777 Element coordimohes gD Aimkmown SC x aXe f \ « - apt fo. 2 fac! sl 4 s @Oc Ger [-1 a oer ba g et fo. 2 far! “oy Gere}, Q Gey Vi a A $14. fe -4 °° Er}-4 ¢ 0 0 DEO dace o 0 18 be mobi, be mahix ~ kN. VkN ny, dap ES " ARN — Tee | rl : C4] | {MI AEM Lt Lo i Vertes 8 EAE Weak asn\ Wa a2 t-4 a0 ao W.0 — gs4A Heo Bho AO Oo -HHEE 0 2 0 oO Fax be I bx Ce ee : ot A 0 69 9 o Bo a Fax [oes elf feet =16-0 0 fjree BEL 7 0 0 Sb 48 \ 64 Bes - fw aw lea 46 128 Ger Fer = bef be | -ah la LT LE oie cer 3a -16 0 0 oe 0g 0 Fr 2 | -%6 -128 alas €EL i 4e\f- : @n) ee Ady Vel SEEXL fias -46 2 Wig, OA hogg |7 16 104 Xx = a Fy! Fre R = egg fine -ab ) [ae 48 |x 40 F006 (46 104 | rae ae | CF Jacce sf 1936] 40) a én | |a6-61) 4096 ~40ab Bey ~ f[ 40969:12 eee +b 200° SELORUAE 4096 , 184-89. IF 3598-72 = OQ. beR + be KR FEM: =[-4 | 40 af a ea 96.69 o -t 6-64 -a 0 84-5 abga o 0 ao 6 ° oo 6 ~ (133-33 130 -2b-67 ~ag-6a | + | ao | 4] ab-6) 0 “20 oO b 0 o = |—30 ao a) 6 (Gp vr tryct ae TL boy a" 6.64 a : Be SL= 4-3-1 Rel oaine, horizontal moathon of Dp Reroaed shuckune a _Kerown S¢_ Unkmowwm SC RB Re => to ao Bi-l Also s'=0 6'-0 : Co ae Fax = be S$. be : big. fo 4-4 4-4 -0][@ + oe 00 1 2 o 0 00 a 60 a -1 °° | Ber Oo Oo -1 goo 60 e0 a4 00 0 0718 2 4 oa ia -8 4] rer ~h 3eL 4 “A 0 . [teo] x Q BEL Fee = bf bp » FA @ -1a 19 -8 4 o oO +t E } hoo | SL A a {BOE o ° ° 0 0 oO ft -aa|x_2 = Fe ta ma x 2 fot = 362 {160 | fa a BX = ~ Fax Fre ae 1 x Q 9 12 -94] [1 7 — foo} x2 E "es | 3€L x 6-6F Ge EI covalomt , gra. Chavsing Vor My ssdundouks Ruleoord shu chur fa Known Se Untmown FC —> Re + 77 7 a Xo, tx, Element coordinalia cca fo. fo=fo- A fa- © 6et |-i 2 ® ® $2724 0 6 oe “2 © © © 2 a oo & + % Oo Ber o 0-1 2 00 0 oo gy oO — He : be=|7 4 kw 4 iiiatitae ae : \ | | oe glen \| / Fax = bx’ 2 bx ee A -h +h 0.00 a -1 0 0 wea ° oO act oo 18 o 0 oo o 0 o oO ee (iS teehee HAE TO ee 4 0 “4 Q. -1R 18 “8 4 “AA A A - o 4 o -4 a) ~ | 188 -% | 2 -946 160 Bet A 0 0 0 0 o +4 0 -A 4 +4 4 o 4 oH o 0 00 Hee (eee © 0 |3Er o 0 act. 14 : Fer = bef be ha ={\a -1a &@ -4 0 O im “A & “12 10-24 -[-a# Q is | 3e2 Xs 7 aun Fee ® ~ 3f1x 1 feo % | (-4? aL : -- Be -na6a |-qg sag] fe. | 36% BEL ooo oof (a Gece ov San f Q@ -Pearm rhe D gr = 3. Choong Vp Mp Hy oo Atdundomle , Rebenaed shuckure - 27777 ce Mabmnwn $e i e eS Te OT ee &7 Sb eb = z -e -|8 “RTs 7 " a ao 7a Te TS a- 8p wT ecg eea et eau Seer 4 [a me off &|8 a ; h Ww : 2 ge 8 = EC Oo 0 00 too 00 0 a -2 ~2 4 0 0 0 0 bp modi fe £ by 1 x Fax = b | o Boo oT oo 8 OT eo 7 eo Pe coe 70° wero 0 0° ; oo << F&F — oon a eee oo mo T PT co PT ne Tt eo \ ch cS 4 -|2 eS x irfiemstat eeeccy siz 3° > 0 oO ot st erties — 4 oo. 7 a © \3 oo x w~ Oo 7 + c—_ so r es Sit se FS & eo si ieee deed Sate eg 2 ¢ 2 yo OY © eo 4 i gor 2 6 eg? 26 & 4 | 4 oy 43 2 eee ~~ SCOoCo i fleeeeHeeeHeeee no eee = ; een -|w a oe 3 Aiea x eee eet wie 0 — |@o beget it t——— $1 of ua be oe - (103) | Urdoy ANALYSIS OF PINTOINTED FRAMES L,A,E ore Same For al} member Eternenk coordi nak: fg = fo fy Comriden member BD ao mdundomt : Redeovard. shruckwu - Bytom words nokes A p> Ri A ba mabe (toa Apply mit load along, Ry “f bx mahi, hp ot lng : sv.0 ” 1x ain 30 + Ps in 60 =O i P3 - “YG en-0 P) 41x eos 30 + Pz cor bo = 0 R- YB by = [748 | Far = bx f bx rE bf = Fye t “¥eJrt |! ° ° f Je o | 0 o oF SMe trestle tp ae | Fen = 1 [se -¥a\ | ° -Ys ; (os) = ~AEx3 x 14 [20] “Y 8. @ Ae = 6-93 a ; B= bok tdeR = | | Road 4 © Jy 20 1 ~¥G 0 a Ib 6.93 Ct & = b, X + beR 08) a) . el x 2437 + yo] 192 i 0:35 — = { 10-67 —2-431 g.35 D ae AG «us L wi by LEN : i t St=m-2 =4-2= a 5. : Element eoordinalta ° / $.a foo? : Ae jo 1 0 0 oo 10 ooo | Toko BE and CE as redundant Rukeaaed shuchor » Syphon, coordi nabes NT Nw be mabrizc (109) z Poewde = I+ Py cor ag n 4 P\tinAs + Py sings -0. IkN Salving fi = ve Pee Yes, «hee | Ye i bee |g 0 “18 bx ‘mahrix Py che + 1x carbo “\ = Py x Cotas es Pa Po ginae 41x ¢nbo 4 P, vin 46-0 Py = —0-966 kN fh = —0.95q kN Peo hs = 1xeosbo + Pux cos 45" PL WAS + 1X GNLO = Pysingg Pr = 0-959 kN Py > —0-966 kW ete He 0-466 0.804 el 0 ° el - 0-954 ~4bb CHO) xf Le 1 0 0 ] o Fy =f-O4bb 10 ~ +254 =D-4bb -2259 =0-259 0 1 -0 46 7 | (2 05 oo 8 ~ 1954 abe Fea = dy’ f Bbe [0-466 1 0 -0.259 \f 42 = 0.954 0 1 0-966 ° ° he Wedge = = f 31. 98 a4 eas 3.75 fe as 2.32 ~ 31.25 lig: Q= beX +beR = eeu. | i 0 os ~ 0994 lax ® Analyte a o A,E some Por all wombexr Bm Extend ST = 4-3-1) Total St mey~ &| 7 = 644—2%4 =Q “Wh ST = a-1-1 Element coordinate lo 4 we AE -5 %=-6& :f.1 f3 99 °°? BE AE fe o 40000 ecole tite: + 0 oo to : Taking Hp 0 x2dundomk & 5 0 0 O 5 0 5 AC an ink: iedundaut- p 0 0-0 ® Relrooed structure Sytem coo dinalia Ry c 7 we INI. Cn29 1x3 = V4 x4 Vp = 3/4 kN Va =~ 3/4 kN - a0 = 3/5 "Ps =0 anne C88 = Als Bor.8 2 Pa = 3/4 EN Pox Bg Py 2-15 Pa ap Pe 088 = 0 ; : 0.48 Py = (1-88) x 4/5 = | bebe = [Oo Pr = 3lqkn - ° = 2 FSkN ~105 by malyix Pyel olhus =O: Pat 1X 4[g = 0 Pa = —Ale EN Pp+1% 8/5=0 | Ps 2-3/5 EN (iy P+ 1X 3[5 =0 => P= <2 kN Pa = -1X Mfg = ~4_ KN: it Per 36 +R =0 =5 Pe= I kN- : .| 0 -3le “be =| 416 o _sI5 1 Late © — 9 \ Ue re rie © 0 fo 400 AC | g -bh-4 -m 95 6.5 Fe Fix = bef bss f+ lls AE [-Wls 17.28 Fa = be S be = 2 (4. X= -Fx! Fee R en “ae [4] Begg jitls A to = [20-65 36-68 Q = beX HbR / ee ERS] +e | tot “lo -als + 50 : 0 nals | | 368 pT ATS 0 ees tos A 9) qis> MopuLe 2 Condon He cove of & eoninuowd \beaw Q, ond 82 ot indspondemt 7 6; com be dhomged withouk: changeng 6. (ue ; set | 6 = 6 Tat ce ster geo & & 8! we To Rnd Kinematic Iudeberminacy er DoF To find Kinemoric: Sete oe Any pt wm spac oo 3 degueee of Proedow « Pnjointed Framer Eee reece Robatowa do wol offeck Hie | an i membur oreo svolokion & | | wol cown'dinnd: Only 8 DOF ig per yout At eupports » diablaer went =O vf thas & a azackou on -- thok daicction Space vam eo ki = 3j-7 Rigid Frames — Aniol ae unealectid ce ; Gs vrenvbeut Ose imodinsible - 4,t,0 dependent ai 11318 —s dependent QS = g,i4 + « u,T parseee() Speciah Coineo : = _ Qor.travilabions axe peawevited DoF - 6. fonly gotabiows ok gornk) Oubervals fainge — don 3 DdoF > A wotakiovu & ~ 4 bravulakiou - DOoF= 5 Qn special cone, Porno, camt be waed to dutamine KE Gk & founds by imgpection - (ue) Srirrness metuon | DisPLace Ment Met Hop Two ap proaches ae Plyical Flemental Element approach t followed : t Commpotibilihy 9. Foren selation -diob. selation 3. Eoprilibsi um Peliael allies Compatibili or On pabbiliky | R» oktewal Pore. do 4 wodol disb- a Q—» cermrewt Fores 47 . diob . Yi Ya --- Yu be wodal dinp- Ar) = dub ak 1! dus fo ood ab uit dioh ab 14. sO aE PeeetE eee On = dap oF \ Toto dap. ab Ug = Ovive Ova = FAW dun fo wad a& Bn - ws Fi = Fy WABI ~~ 7 FARIA -2 Yoo! = @ Ari Gt AmIg% A= ~~ A Frat Yo Qn roabricn Pom + ai a" Oy Aig -- + Un ‘1 4! Os Mya + Fan Y, Gent f 1.0 Oyen Cmte” we % te, q say A element diapla.cument- malvix A —> dnblacement hamsformohiow malrix Coomparki bitily mabrix) Y — wodal Aiablacernennt modtrix - _ Fost wok Ro lotion blw fovee, havuporbotion mahia ‘b’ & ui plocerment romaforvnostion, matrix ‘0s Cqadng ont. Wd & ink. WD Rly = O'q —30 Q=bR a p> eqwilibriven movix wy = ay o => rnp ok bi hy mmobis wb @ iw O ety 2 WR LY) Riv - Rb AY keV Pow - => bia- 1 : { 120) wR -Y A YR = ata bR ab =7 acment slotion — Element Hf fuess Fovee - displ Malvix, Ck) Comider a beam eluent wed Poy oun aby ct of rigid. earns Hl aw as 3 S A i lion of |" ‘a “e Applying voit vobadee ol Ee, Apphyeng vik vototion af 2° pies BD a,'= kin Ql & kre Ww Q,' = kos qi + k's qs! 4m mnallyix Porm Q' ka ke a “ok 4! ie : fe val ar {ae : Gan 9s'4s" Oe 44 | _ [k's kota) 043 Roe at ' 7 2 BPR aiicke: . Ya For w elumenk @ ko a @;' ke Qe" Sr ko | Le Q > cement Fore veeloy k= & chiffnows matvix a. k4| cana , — elumnem® diva placemum’ veoRor Comidsr a bar clement Ror amolysong tases . 6:4'<— 0 = Ora! Oy abe 929) —_- Or'a,! Qs = keto Ge a Qe Yee OF aw’ On! = Ents’ Te! 5 229 For w element Qi kw a1 a!) kay! ay! Gn kv L ae Equilibyium Relation blw R and ¥ - Shuchure SK {Peas amobix (K) Exh wb > Qwk WD Re GTQ —o an ——@ q =ar Gub-@ & O WR = 7) kay) XR = vo kay R-atkay @ R. Ky a. kK" i i eps toe fy - - ty Q = kar. | vy Element SHffrewe Malvin : r Wy Beam Element Finol 26) (21 O Awolyse : 1OkN 20 kN y EL eovabomt Dor,= 1. 5 2 5 - EIL cH eae et 1S is, €1k 5 os ag ay po —ey 28.128 DOF = Se eee \y for analysis Q Crotaliow ob B and >) conniden only Hoa boodo whieh, conrtapowd, by DOF k Er (@ 4° 0 10 4 @ 9 0 o o 0 5 o Oo 5 10 oe 4s Jj 155 ny 3S iw iF 7 -fo -+ -1 OFFA CO 0 0 oF 4 ¢ 00 bows 6 035 10 i. -¢ - -5 ]fo°| « 0 0 6 wl}t® | 0 ace =| -3 er 5 -to | 10 TR - wo fw > B25 x el 5 0-629 to (34-399 | x Er l\ay.gis | 19? kav - EYP @ 4 0% ore jo \4 @ 0D {{-1 ° o 0 ws \\-) 0 o 0 6 WJLo} C(O) 34315 | -2 0 ab 18 195 -10 6 -5 Wwe 131+ 6 \ Ee aan ~aAs * gs i. 7 ~ 204-347 at ne ase - | p-bas (43a) Aivol womml « Q+ FEM = 0-907 31.28 —tetm4 | gt 3h 28 ~).35 ~ 99-125 0625 + 9.345 ~ f-3a.139 7 24-446 - - 9.496: 10 33) ye nurse _ EN 6 aL +t ree B bk? 1 Point © & boundentd or o jomt ene Yow uo chomge in ao gcekion - por = 2 Cert & aobobiow) ec “ a Ey 4! nop ee Since. all umonk coor hinds ko = ae (* Hl ont robakions, ts vertical Aioplacerneml ab Gu ko - 2€2 [8 i convent by Biv alunk i Hee dxablacr mune : k =2€L fg 4 0 © <1 Ae eve Preventing othr didplacemt acre oe tril Ye a 1 a_mabix Re m= 91 : So; -% : 0 Pt 2-1 et “fu 42 1 0 Bl (134) Kz a ka ae aed hh ri iA toe oorl Oole kK =[4 @ 2 1 aa ocr + -6 3 3 te toy o 1 O1f0 ~e | (126) ta 0 \o~t go } der ! 2 3 3 Fs 300 Q-403 i ‘ on = \ sep [et =| 4-087 seb, 330 | ™ 2.03 AY an | 242 7 —— aga 203 2-493 26 KN ry OE z VB ete am - ‘ 1 Or le DOF = Q. — dem wo 256? Eva: ties Firs 625 A ‘ , ETA Por amolysix vx" / jes Se: aS Rites ee as 2 3 at ce es cee fa coP oop -woo woof &. a mobic (Be) Ne) { put a7 = Yeh pub %=) yy a-f-Ye © Tears Y I Y © Katka atk -([-% ~Y *] Pee oa wolfe tes] o 0 42 LK ae -3 be be |[72 © fe Yo ~I Yo © a Ge "| EL 15 6 Goss anya se -0 a he EL ag.46 [bo A5 | 4-315 ciel (65-625 4.15 ET | O- kar - [4 2 ° © Jeg * © ] 2400 = 1 002) y ¢l aurwer| 4.395 0 ol 2 Yu 0 =f -3 -a ae -3 7A 4.3.15 auy.9s 3]a -a 3la -1 =f - 15-625 \ -Q.41 = 434. 315 yas |r 4e4t 14 ..6815 3.99 $4 062% 3:60 fenod moments - Q+FEM =(-8.1 6-25 J _ (-84-96 ~a-4y | +) 6:28 3.22 3622 0 3.92 3-60 0 3.60 BMD - sg ee a *% Sine Cu tokemos a. jerk, He ‘ Ct wo weed bo Super irnpoae wi 4 only end mo wunit Cat ARB) 032 commidersd , tum Gh Hu, seouslting wowume ab fe BMD due to looding - Banonimnoae + (38) 8 20kN © Avolyse be ce Am EL combant 3 jomt ° & — DdoF.0 - _ only olakiow. possible“. DOF=1 8 (axial diform akiou vglacid ) A —. DOF-2) Conly sotakion’) - DOF of slruckuue = % (3a) ofoas Horm 0" wobviy © \ put =Ol pu 1 K-atka - «a a Cu u gle —_— —-oof ete: ey co -o ao ee -o Ls » xe 20 Final womente Q+FEM " 0 0 4.286 | 4| 2% 5-11k ~to 81959 to ” 0 4.286 ~h eb 12.994 loos A986 54 2-957 TEL : lo ] 0 BIE o 0 0 o 0 ° oO 1 e-4 00 00 A -@-0 0 0 0 15 0 0 o-. 0 O10 5 690 00 5 “OQ mahix \ ph me pub mel o a 1 lo Jo, C143) “Ke atka atk -|o -1 -1 0 0 -I g 4 oo o-t oo f\4 8 0.0 0 0° }o © oo ke Fa -g -lo -5 -6 -l0|(0 o 0 -§ “18 0 D 1 © oO 7 -fa gs] EL s wl] > ye KR = Sx 1/10 aa EL 965 |-5 %& Eee 12 SIEL | tog Q- har -[@ 4 00 of Ag oo000 |& 00 Ww 50° § 005 boo 60 6 0 wo S 60 © DS 10: 2[-A 0 ~12 Tt ~— O07 toe 6x51 - -10 -§ -5 -10 -G 0 - | 0 0000 o 0 0 O | er 5 00 | 5 5 0 0 oO. o 0 WS o oOo 6 10 ° ° er © Ss I oO 0 og A 00 ae pop 2 -1o| SIEL | toe o4 oo ~| 9 FAQ Flagg -| Xt I-& 420 Q55 ~ 1020 60 120 Rol womenta = Seer [ag -HQ -7-01 qb EEE 4-8 5.18 peat = -420 255 ie —5-68 ~ 1020 fe e to 0 0-a4 0 0-49. ae BMD Ayo | a por = 2 (Os emd &) BIL 4 fhe ohruchue ethn wot Syramelic , comet cla Vg and He a0 DOF- (ub o°0 00 00 00 105 5 10 =lo 1 t © 0:0 & 0 é oo oO -1 -1 0] {io © EL a 4 lo co F PCO ec annoo csoo--0 1 yeab 4 48 =| We -4 | ex ~A ig | 30 ye kK R- I xt fre 4 ] x fers EL 308 [4 12 62-6 = | 4A-64 | + 44.6q| &* [5 0 Adobe | y 1 xer 2a. 20 eee Eq wr | 446: Ale @ -4 118. 56/0 A 2 7 2179-5 bo o -10 ~ 4ub-4/io o ~-8 ~ BA. af a9) Fimal moment = Q+ FEM Qa. 39 ° ~ ] 4A bh fle 11-26 -4a5 11.86 bas - AWbG ° - 826399 9 Hostir edurday Analyse Hox Jeome 8 £ ales 2r 3m L 1| ow A por = 3)- (m+) prea ~ 3x (2+ 6) i 2 : eae hoo votakiow 95% 0c bomulotion (suo) uv Era: ff Ge \s> 190 ASU 9 for omodysis . 5 ¢ t: 3 u Ste eer ge ap iF “4? ‘ ; i - QEE [2.1] 2 tee dex2t |? || 1 2 6 : eee bk. ££ | 4 2 00 OD 3 2 4 0 0 0 8 o dD £2 0 0 6 0 24 0 0 6 oo 2 ° oo 1 2 ieee . hs te Rotations to be gynin te w ! sokisly eupport eomdili ous i at shal ol 6! M a=-|o 9 43 10-43 nn) ar) o -1 -% vo ~¥% EI [4 20000 a 3 240000 : o 04200 o 02400 I 6 © ogo 2} 0 028 049 z 0 AKL oo t [0 0 0 4 0 -a oo 6 Ht 0 a “bho oh RL LA ® © 2 * 0 6-2 ~Yo oO -1 ~Ye 2 i “a 6 2 3 ~2 Ye Ye ye KTR = [o.19gg 00494 0:25 150 | o-oysy ose 0 160 0-35 0 1 0 36-63 : : Bh-08 34°69 ro ip: 0 Ys 0 9 -1 0 -1 -% 0 -% et 3 ast) BQ. kay > 1 ( 4 2-00 @ 8 iss eae 3154 00° ee oo 49 0° ; % ° 9 ” oo 24 0 0 0-1 oO OF HOE HO HOEOHEt 6060 o -1 Ye oe Oo b = Ao. 72 34.08 ae Aca O 31:5 Qa -yo 0 ~Q “Ye oO -b ~ fe 144 ALB. 7 19-36 —b3-06 ~ob-A\ ~59 83 inal mom = G+ FEM e{ ThT4 ° CFO FL. 52 ie oO a qve2 49-36 is | 7 | - 41-62 ~ 63-06 +150 85-41 ~ 86.91 0 86-9) ° —Fa 83 ~F5a-$3 Cm @ Amobyer the Frame Gm eae Dor = 3\- (mt) = axa (246) = By. ETA — " : | zeit — 36 7 i ae —-80 30 pee 777 30 Ri=0 i «> Rae ee: a Rye 0 — a an os a See os = + ele 2 © £ oa qo00 8 — & £ - 2 m9 9 9 oo- ee? 904 00 ° ® festa oo6 S82 S 20" © t : pee : Blo z ; € i = ad s 2 so 3 o> > mere -_-2 eof! =o 8 fF e-7 (156) Anatysis oF PIN ToINTED FRAMES (tTRusses| Each membu im atu will have only one degeee of fuedom > axial deformation Bnovder to Bnd membu dorm okiows dundee ~extanal vodal. dialplace. mevds Williok’s Aiagtaw ‘e toushuded for each DOF seperakely » For coutrude Hin mosk wil distamen wi Hee chow of “ wodal Axaplocemumt From Hae amd pk of the moked duakamer duop popondiartors fo oll the membus ov tho extentions wi He mop - die chiova. The ois bance om Kw fook of thy by tale joiut will qu Hee dlong akion oy shortening of He memba. UY foot of Hae bv weide the wemba — cormpacasion » us evident ~ Uongahion ® Find the boa Pore > E . ewtant Free {No wud bo emtidn M a4 o rockon ak 5 7 ; Road eupperk on . Ac {1 & © | cone of buxe Dor = aj-y k= = eee nen) = ax —(2x3H) 0 =4 dst) Ry: 20 = Bo n ® = (x wabd = - ® =! \ O = Bh ‘Jo + 10 0 1 Ke atka. w Ts srs Ni oo | Yo -{l @k | “ le | (158 AG ts worstoml For all wumbur- “Als als “Als ~8)5 AIS -3)s 07) Fats als . 0 | [Als -3is ty Lals -3f6 = |-Als .4]s. Als | J-4ls as Ne 3 oS. Is -8f5 aly | [-4ls -afs, 4|s” ae [re | Ac fo-4e@ toe | ® y. Rig. B froe ove} yfa), , AE fos 699 [: 18432 Yaa} fAevt , 4 [IQ 1-e432 Q- kay - Aci! 10 0 ~us 3[5 = (AG aa: Of | | fs -3ls Ke Heygg lb 9 | hie -als : a =~ He 3h 39-64 Scene r-Fog ul ~ 180-48 | oo ~ \-94*414 > 3ab4 14-408 ot (eo? bo: DoF= Qj-% = ary —6 = 2 Bul ane bus & Bagram bk Am hm et wo hoy. wrovt p por et St: Re Ec: 6 3 hb , K Ol. a lp “= to = AE ® Ane t@ - AE A k- AE |2 1 0 © 0° Ave 1 2 0 0 0? o 0 af f2 0? oo & ae oo o 9 0 Oo 2) > ovo OH Dor = a. (eymmeby) (162) a mobrix Shy fe fe gn -|-Ba © DoF = [2 0 AL wuppark iquaie a Lees Ay joivds Bor & a h + 0 Yat -oue poise’ 7 =Dchick Ry a DOF = a. (bar a moabix fe x a A a. | ye ve o 1 “YR Ya Comparison between Slexibi lihy RH SKPnwe Methods Flextbilih SHPFne0o x Unkmowus — fore Ik Unkmowws ~ displacements x Tedisrn peoerdunt k Eooy x No wmique peorrdune kink que procedure :. cuikoble Por comput appticakion & DiPPoml poo ced ust doy _. fSane poudur Por both auberrminas Gindskeanurol| struchwuia Fore: tromajormation mobi Dubloornumt Yromaformolicin — diffi ede te obtoum mahix.— rary to obboim - (ead Direct stiFENESS METHOD Boned ow Hin method , finite cle et appeoach i diweloped « OY wad for compuder applicaliow - Steps cSuvolved 3 ¥Sboble shucdwe & converted inte umtbable ahruckwe by sumoving adh, supporE aeolvain't - Of & Harr sptit into elumentr x Comonl tif frend mobin & writen im afoboh woordimakes foreach elunent Alobat courdinokes — Ceordinatn wl coxterian YE omnia oo rreewon. bo onli ve shruck we (qobal oni) ; eee | ot ae | | > 7 \ + Add ob the tudivedual malvinas to get Ft ee eee ee Malian For w wombus Ke ke kee kn ieee : (es The support condos ovr ivapoard om te, anrembled malyix - B, Vows Qeturnw costenpoucling fo The Auobrained bor f a ackual shucks oe dulsked bo ger tae Overall Shiver maha ye KR Element Pores 8 =k, Qe - ki % ete. * “Sh PBrean mankvin, derived wnt alobal coordinabes is colled diveck Shelia walrix ov globo oh PPneos malic - Qlobal SAPPreo mabix Fora beam element \ For beam eburnent, wo weed to ee ae aa (ov On fore » gms (9) cote as Yel, Wage %4=0 ky = Wet ky = GET (ae ri ka = “12EL kg = —beT > “3 otk ees Yael yNeIy=%H=0 {2 en ke sex ky =A we eee Yas = Aer Aansueneee ca Le in t 4ek 263 . u kop 5 ber ky = QET ete ce ue ee ‘oes i La hog = tHEL ky = ther Lr E (oer ~ger -W2ED GEL te vr U3 ie ~ber 4er Ger ar ko = Le c La L “W2eL 6eL yer eer di 4661 i a 8 os -GeL QEx Cet ae= cee I i 7 a tan Global SHPEwes malbvix Por Frome. element - Hata 2 5 Asdod daformodan be vl —eowmidentd, vo Hain wilhbe 7! a verb cak mumber - (iby) %o= 7 1 (eke) Peete &)) SEL, Chen) fe a Ger SE Cw) Vex Cher Yg=1 & (ss) ue (kes) (ot seems é f oe (ksa) meet pe ae © (kia) Cau) Vee $ 2&2 (Ks) oe i) ] iz ie J |, ae (, a Chis) ‘ ( #) Vee! 2 WH) coats Phu) cen Freel a fek ee) (168) AE 0 0 -AgiL 0 a ko = Jo See sale yerf.3 -ber]L? Ae Jes v 0 o «wbet]L> vexrlL Oo eerlt® ger|l ° ~ AG 0 0 0 ° of Fe 2 : ver]ys FF Je Age este U pitts 2 4eqy ~Ger/y2 RETIL 0 eer Global SKPRwag Malin Por Tru clomenl 4 ca ae 2 se ves & (ea) AE oa (ke) t eh ply when f . tik 7 AC site ye (ky (Kat) b> At col? (kny Le ne sindent i (kox) oe : Yel a 12. = eaee eo AC ein? 8 AC ev f 7: 2 f : Chun) Po He (ee) iit He einBeos® (kag) ‘ AE cash tk iD lao v<— - AL vind em. : . ‘ a _ — s AC ivi (rkay) (tea) eo aindeud — — cas0 ~ Gnd cor9 gindead = vO -Gnbcre —awWe eto Kin Oeard = 0 20 sn 001 & Hinder - HW'O +%nD erg HW? Analyse the beam wing diet th PPaoos watlod . > » »|+ > ot of t J \ pt > ooo ) ~S& ra a 3% oF on ° ae wl ale onl: =| (Eo we os oooh | = poms . YOWS Q ool we Snee A u Fixed, =O Yo 20 { © %5=9 J gitebed ° BAC oe supports Se Nge ke] Yo | Lf et 05 ) ex Yo + | | Va eS Re Ye ‘| Equivalent Joimt load : & 6 p—e ye_ky t, eee 1 {= EN. ys int. Bux yg [1-05 -3 % EL Log 1-61 ~3 = Jt ee ee ie | » \Ter [-3.6 EX | oy ane 7 sts Q%. a [ er ber _ et ~ber 2 6? oe ee 6? Mg Q " | -bet 4ec ger ; eee ° Qu ples ete oe & 63 ce es GF ° 6 2 6 = (0-116 €L -0:362 -Oi1b ~ 0-4) & A -b G, = | a i a = 3 7 Bele ee 7 rel 4 6b 2 1956 . 2 2% |. 4 4 yr 4 12 Ge a + wi. : : 4 4 us gy? -6 2 as & s_ at aur 4 4 Sit 1.322 ED Ex — 2-299 “1-399 =~ 4-499 ~Finat fore in @ = Ont Fem ay 3 A392 = Voy gay fa )-3{ = Joa 12d 3 vere | SEeceeee 3 0-002 O-11b -0:352 4 =0- 116 -0:704 yeah &-11b =) -b 352 5-824 6. 296 618 > BMD SFD 34-04-01 KY 2 Satirday Finlite crement Merion Diveck sHPPneas method com be wed oly Pov skeletal Shuckwuea &@ wot {oy continuum member . , Finite elumemt method &% wed for te omolysi for towlinuum mobos A continuum member uo split in by a wo of elements conneetid AL moder Sach node vall have cecbawa dagen of pudom amociated wilh it Fivike element meted ua wamene al peceed wre Por ebloiwing solukiow for mony of Hw problem emeouutead wm omg: pela. Wen, Hough. Ye dowck ch froas me Heod B a powerful compu exoed appead ely for ths omalyta f skukkoal shruckwus (assembly of 1-Delumewk) , He comfinuuum shuckwus made ef 2D VIap elements like ploter , shetls rdeep beaut sdoaws ebe comk be amaluced using Hria method - arnolagses of comkivuuwi slruckwes ore snore complen & i puferoble fo wae a compuberacd approach - By for the ma veuatile Q powefal approach, u ii tonriderned 00 aw oatevul ow of dareot Stif fea wutbod . Hae fini te element wethod ,urhich cam be Im FEM, He ceombnuum tb nepacne uled a a mel of deowke, elmer joiwed. Yogethrer, at oki freia lly carat points called modes. The elumiewl com be ef some geow ebri cal shapes such, td hromale , gprodsilod otal, tebvahedron, hucahadvon eke. An Hwa way, a cowki nuum oily jmfewile dagsces of {oudom cam be acduced be on equi valent water with file dagaeen of freedonn - We com thew proceed, mw a smo way Oa foo sheletal shuckue by votoblihang a cttfvess mahix, fov coc element ond thew ovanennnb Wing Hoar Te give am ovealt stl fruaa malriog ov We chruclwe. But eot oblir hiv Sh Uneaa wali a wol eon on for a skeletal trucks & neqyuuy Wee of omengy pened plea such, on prrnedple of virtual unvk & punciple of win. slotionssy potential emngy As He vizk of elumoent daeeones poceeskaey of gluten imecony bub the tolal wo of dagraen of fucdom meneanen eeding to Longe stiffness molrters Ay Hae WL 3 walhrix ive cornputodiion time mgd. aloo imerranes & iL becomus uneconomical The nodal degeue af kudem called nodal disblacement 4 parameteu wonokly afer by the Wowwlofow & Macke first postial darivakives Crotatiow’ . : Gu odratic Cubic elomenk LNA AR Lacewent Racken: | Piublacwmunt widely Funeliow med bo aeprrron voouiation of diapla cement wiltin cacy clumenk- ee Choice of euitable displacement funckion te Hu mock : inp: past of the whole finike elomen! method A good cbiafpl acemuml By will lad bv om elomenl of Righ aeeuracy & with converging drorack earats cx 4 4 SSE amd evoviversely % wrongly chosen dit acement ha elding poor our convetging aeoulls at Kins enn usorsk gulv dimean chaments © Se Nod owly ak pee boundary {eowlant chain i omg est | Buadnatio oburnenls * Noda art token of vid ptr aloo. caucic A Und in membrana , plate bendi va The shope o| Caments (ue aloo VOsedy fe Rt fhe shape of He shuctut being modelled . He ” The wolhod tom be eonily applied b warequtar Shaped objects composed, o several materiale thol ‘a ov homogenous & as covnplex boundany covdikion 2 DW com deal sth amy complic abd loading , omy type of Support condihows & also non. ino moderiok peopertien avd all Pypes of ivrequtan hes aat Types of Clever ts waed om Fehr ~ ewbic i@ — elemebt Lines ehrmeuk qua aR A Axaplacermont fumekion in beens of aay a chen bo sepacoemt thc displ. variation withutr encle otument - B wing yer nieipte of Vivrlual work & mm » btol pot enval , oO sh{(ners malin adele Har wodal Qorces Fo wodal duopl- com be derived » Such « diab: binckiow ual yy fo approximate fhe. ackual awl feuld over Yo Urol elament Ava mbnes ° x Comlavruund CO be daserttized im the, elononks ntho a ddl xe g shape goon to ee im aceuroey with o win _conpuatolannal hwe o ; Tat Ona d atrena coeur akon — a - Auigh. cums of elomonts (ie move yo of elumendto) & Lowe dane by 7 Cl 7 of cements ont taker claewhen- aoe Two ype A funebiow caer en actos dubl. Rae. w polyrowial with unknoww welfi cients qe 1 fanaa) 2 Us Qot OK Ks A taKd ary Vie Og tax +dsy @) Shabe Panekious C Interpolation function) They oe funetions waed to neprcooint the dish. vosiakion | field, willum Ha eluent im baw of wodal Diobloce rend - They, one woeiotory pely nomics having wit value ab o pomiiowlar yodk wurde covridexato y GQ xo valuta at ath ofr vedio. Physically the dhape fa oeoveraked vith a modal dvap. p xtameter iveo wo the diab Bold over om elemomt wham Phot particular nodal orcbl. & gen o wuik valve Kall Ober vodak diopt- porom ebow ane quan eerolers bx 1 —u 2 Ny wy L Py Ws Nily # NoMa EA Nps lae/e Noe UL Ni —> vosiation wr disp - mw Wa dhoment who du goed bi ty g 3 ned 4 be ag 5 (uavan one ok OF Ue Nie Nein + Ngu3 Ne Vie Nivit Nove + Ng V3 been, found Hrok poly wowrtata ane wudh eastix Por mathe mob cok cperalions amd thay ov widely wad dain dvi, element onal HK Reg uirements of a Dishlace ment model 2s Convagenee Crikerio, > Dapt. Runekions should be continuous la Lae St Row goneotly @ Sbshould be capable of os body dioblacermumt a, thoin =0 . The covetant bom wr He patywowntal Sokis Py Yin oomdit ov, > Sunchion should include bevns Por Separoenhi comtomt skravn cater because ar therr ekennente al infivibeoimot ice , He Show in eads eluent aloo Op peooch, coustomt voluer. I Com potibi Liby Coikeria A Jee. dujormakion, odjocmt aumenta chouldat ovetlap cr wparsks . Thun Should wok be omy davooonbinui hy bud naj rcunh aumewd - & overlap - oS Elements cakishyin bole cownporki bi iby % conv exgeree criteria ,,fa ore colled compatible / cowkernai ng edavnennte ond Hroat. which obo wot satioy Hune ore called incompatible /mon- comforiaing ements . TL Goomehic lsobvopy or Geowmsbic Invani onc Funciow vould que equal voeighkoge lo Haw eorteat ow wordinater wtb vo wh hove omy end dusedchou - The diop La cement hope ould chowng® will drome vin looal coordwirals wyetum - The invoriomes may be auluved af Max pebyre waa isa balanced ont - A bodomerd, polywomial kor aD eluents eam be supmoonbd ming Paseals Triangle . | ! | | x y x af 2 4 0? 2 | 2 : 3 ieveiliteti 4 Acasceaana] Py mp yt 5 wy ay? ays ayt oF soxl ef syrnmntly | | | | From Hin A, we com selrob berms that make a bolomend polyno mato - for 2: For elument wilh 3 DOF, . : Us Mo FAH +OQY For element vath 4 DOF Va Mot AHA AdY + Oy HOY For IQ DOF 2 Ua Det A+ AgY + AH hay RY 4 As gre ag 24 04% Ls + 0g XY + 9 Y* + Ayo HBY + Oy KY! Principle of Virtual Work, Foy omy spon in eqpril , the eternal virial work must be equal to He inkennal virtual work. ue P= eat Loree A= covnp omaalory displace wumt 6 = ink: Shem peoduerd ¢ . iwk shoin The ext Porce P 2 int. shrevo & saparnenk o. system im equ librium - A oma & form a eyston of tompalible Yn prackice ont of te wytem eorrtaponda to a, seal ov ocho rystem for which. some gort ef golubion u reuyired while He othe & imogunatey oa virtual typtew - Y the Press amd Streases ae razah & alia plocurmente & chaivs ang virial, we howe EP. Aviva “fe Cvirheat OY N Y foves & sheer ox virhial &dvoplacewumls d Stroine an teal ,we fove 2 Paras A = [Sat @ dv v Prriviviple. of Minimum total Potewkal Energy Total Petonhal, frengy (9) = PE of enianal foree + Strowin emengyy ghved by Ww) Me chuckure (u) We —work dowe = ~2P.A (eve Hqu > whi work U dow, PE Y) ue joe av ¥ g = Wau g- —2eh + foedv v Now of Hu cuforwud tystorn u bok os woh Jackal ayshom QV a wk of gpomnitr wally compokibl, displace vnowls DA an Yan Virtuak oyster , tun Rom Hur porn cape 0 of virtual work, we howe 7 Spas. [odt.dy ——*I v How wor dar to Mar ivaposedh virtual. dvshlacwum ti , He actual syttenn will ooo wandsrgo o dhomge wr bobot PE ws by Og = OWi 9U af = -5P an + Jo de-dy 1 Fyom T&D ag¢=0 Oya oF orordo, Phe tobok Pe the Syekerm eopatl, stobionony - The stokement & aloo cabled, Exereiple of Pe amd tinct tobal PE u always a min: . Stationar ctably structs, the shuk 4 aloo wllsd frincible of miv-fotah PE» Attervadi vely ,” 94 oll vormpodible dia peacerronta aabishying quien boundary condition, tow shack sabia hy He eayuah. cord Font wake tho btal PE omuwe psbabion ony volwt-! A golukiow, sob ying bon aquil- & comp ortibi iby u of cours uae comert golution ow Dunsonsy aastic, beoblem - Howes such relutions ot hifi eute to work ou ort ol cones g maroncers dove fo asoork bo Om Cat 4 pot ble, dwalyle.ce mort aRpeon wlubow b avenue va tow with undubouw. porous olen & dubesmunwing the voluso of We param ebos such Hak the total PE of Hae tughom Ua win , Ot fotlovss bhok 4 on bok of briot dioploacement functions with unknown poromelo At it woe to ox. Ht adhtol diablawrunt ofa tystomn then ie possible bo dkevmvine gudr Ac by minimal Mig tow total PE ab = 0 Ot \ Thin eqn hon beew ward endowsively un Vee derivation of Lonitt armen sh ftw malice - Basie Principles of Shuckiral Mechanic Comrider Hu voct of a diformable body urhioh i wa equllibyium ~The body tube bd bo eck Fores amd a seb of int forero duvelop dat bo dulormation | Hae volid- “The exb- Poreo moy be dus bo 0 body forces dur to woe weight o| the body ° cembri Fugel Rovers eke. ( 4 yx + ATH + Xy SEy = 0 [ox 28s. del dyde ~ Ox dy dz a Thoy oof witluin Ha bowndaster of the body & one enpreoard oo Fores per unit vel. @ Surface, forera which ack on bowndory turf ace of Har body ond enpved as Fores unit ona. The 7 Ths tig: shows a dud exer Bod, ement of vidio dn dy de will the bowndores ef tue dyformned. body - Foren acting \| Kania On rn x . (exer Be ay] ane Cy hide Te / ay f j Chworda origin + e«' lax 4x] dxdy Crk ox 44 5 OX takin on —ve) xX. cormporunt of +X, dx dyda = 0 On body foree Iu X- dur chion \ Axdydx -O0 a4 Oz Siwi lary , Bhy +0 > Boy - asy + Oz + Y, =0 Ox ay bz Sh0 > Dl + Vy +94 Z-0 On ay OZ wher Yn, Z, oe body For cx || bo Y RZ ona. EM-0 SMy > 2My + SMe => Tey = Tyx Cy = Cen Tye > Tay Thus the stoke of shen ok auy potht cam be repreneulid om fr4. (8 om Sug Tye Sex 3 Equakiows com be rewritten ar DG 1 Ny + IT +Xp =O x yk Equilibrium = BLay + DSy + Cys + Yo =O Equotiony = On ay a2 ee 3D ¥ DCox+ Tye +52 + Z, =0 ax Oy az Equilibrium Equakiow toy QD q DTK + ATy + Xp =O Ox oy Qly + 954 + Yo = Oe ay 2 (w) Uv, wz dxoplacernents olor KY &% duiectious ya Cu,8y Ge. > Strait vn XY, tu) Z, doe chow € = Su €4 = BY pe aw On ay Oz Nyy = Ov 4 Ow Sriees wdua, Yay, Tye Tee oe the Tye = Dw 4 BY ay | 8 shear strains To-> Dut Ww : az Ox z Qn marine form , &x fy 0 u fx ay Nv tay o Ww dye a ay Tee atts v x fe} - fe] iu {L] > difPoumbok oporatvr molri « set > Show veoh uy ~ Arca ph ove nen t= veckoy \ Liveay Conshtutive Rel ationg The ehruckwres vida cowideration one made of aloake mobuiata Hak obey Vooked daus . On quesal form, Yookrs baw eboler tot tue © Componni , of shrean may be exparand 29 Vinsar function of 6 - components of Strain sa Por a Untor eloohe 5 ow volvopic hornogenans material He sulation u 3 i eats by, Cx Cy On Cy Se | Sy (eta eee ete Cx6 ey | oz : HEE ez Sy f OV Youy Tye Yye Car Ce Cor - - bee Yox {oy = [elfey phur {ce} =. coushhhive mali [2]. shen veer (o] = shew veckoy ae Cc {wv Tmeorly dlastic. isobvobic motertal + x = Ox ~ ASE ~ RSS é € é fy = —HOr + OY — poe € € € fz 2 ~KOX — BOG 4 Oe & € E Teg = Cay = & Tey Op) c.ON(ep) i e N= yz = &Tyz (+h) aCi+H) E Vex = OCax (Ip) E & 1 =f -B 0 0 0 ox a fy “BM \ Bo 09 © vy el = $i “Bh 1 0 0 0 | fsx dy 0 © o att) 0 0 a YVyp ° 0 9 Oo ali) © Tye Vex 0 0 0 o 0 ata le, OX a o o 0 Cy Sy : Bo IHW Has 0 OO By oz 4 o 68 0 € = woo LR z Sug ae o o EH oO © Y ‘ ° a *g } Cyz ae ee Vye 2 po (tex} Ff, 0 2 © 6 tM! | te Two Dimensional § tress Dishibubions Even Hho va 3D probleme . cam be solved maing finite edument beebniqae , ike very uneco rowi af. Qn many peach eal ritvobiow, te qpornabry & Wnoding voll be wud Haat He peoblems into ®or 1d peoblenat vei thouk roel boas of accwroroy . The 2D idealisahious im Shreaa omalyia awduaibed below .- ay Plain Sess Problems The ploam sheer eondihou'u choratkenaed by vey math dimenrion, tn ons of Be wor maak dwchovu - Foy ag. Hin plake mith im plane: Loading th Or omoumud thak OE = Cag * Tyz = [Sma Hricknem u vou ewiall , shreas Voriabion anos abaree He thickness =0] Stobe of shreaa cam be spevi Kea by Ox oy 1 Cry omy (funchova of x ay) Qu called plain shesg Sx 1 pO oy fy EAL ct 0 Tey © tun) Say a etal eee ee be oy TH Roi oo by Cs a J 7 0 0 ce thy [C] © Plain Shain Problems There ow chorackorised by a long body whew mebry & boading do wort vary egw Py 4 comtly in He bonghdiva ees lee 4 Y x Retai ning wall = L Long shib Fook vg Amn Kuan whakiow o cowlont ihadival Aroplace mont eomedp - ba Agi dh body th bavslahow ond Auvapl aca rwart Linsot in z come. by paged body yotaHova do vk smoult vn shrain Heme vf we comidu a c/s awoy fom Har ode , iF tombe ancumead Unod w-0-and the dunphace ments tu &v ox Punrctouw of x Ry buk am trdpendnt ef 2- Shoine ore wnfiveds bo o, plane ATG threaa eo ow wel - fy = Se — pSy — E & E €z -0 ~—poR —KSY +z = 0 € € = Sub © mO Ex = Se — ROg — p-ploatey) € E aaa E Ca (1—p?) + BC poy Se (I~n) +B CePsy a & I-p “pO oy ae A on te? | gy ay 0 0 8 by Taking invert, ox eR BO ) (Ex E vy Sane wo IER OO ty Try o 0 taal ay (c] Conversion of Polynomial dishlacement function b Shape funckow y Plow shreaa & plom shrowm problema oo teprrpembed wing Aon w elemen ks + Us Ho Foy 4 OY yz Hy $y % 4 MY : ho, a -: ds ow unknown coef. oo . 0 0 0 up fr % y ie vj} fo o ° NESEY Ko Xs Xa “Qn quo enol ju = [élfa} —o m abix ja} a coe. guy > duoph. vecloy Lab (UsM1) (U2 M2) (U5,V3) be He wodab dwoph ob wed 1, 2&3 Uj = Kot Oy + Oh, BY, Wo= Ao + OK, +h Yn Uz = lo 40) %3 +02 Ys Ni = Og + ky MH +54) Ve 2 zg + Ay X24 Me Yo + Xe ve = Ag d Ky Ast Hs Ys Qn malice form , o uy NOC Ore, a D Us 1 2 Y2 © ° oy Us (ceiteata Hees On tEOHLEO. Oty ; Tesi Xs. Mt po o 1 * 4 : v 0 0 68 \ %2 4p xy 2 Vs 43 Xs 0 3 7 0.0 ~e [eee] —0 a4 = diohlacemen t vectoy [A] = nodal. csovdinats malin fa} = coef. wali Bie @ aye [al f4} Sub © in O iv} = (p1AT 14} fuy=(n] fay Leite [Ny z Shape funchon @ “Formutakon of SHE Press Mablx, we hove = fu} [NJ ha} ——O seq. [1 4p ——® {oy - (ce) fe3 ——~S = diaplocement & = shew = shape Runebion = nodal dio place mert ~ shan _ cmbbhtive fmebion re oMezse = liner eptatoy 9 ax Totol PE »5 g = UtWw ued | bt edv w= "[uqdv — fursda 7 A q = body Force g = Surface Pore Pot fetoav ~futgdv -futsaA ——@ fE}+ (eIIN] fay - (81 {a} [84 > devvakine of shape Panck ous ® > §- 1 [tas per tel tetiay av = fpagT owl gay — [eds (NIT sda Vaing pan ciple 4 win. foto PE, ag .0 $d" fay = a? ee p-dt. ad ad 5 / (544 (ey fcllel ay — J INIT ¢av ~ [{nITsda =0 [ke] tay - FP} =o [k]faq = fp} vos Ce} = [Lele] fe] AV SHR Lo mali x PefNTadv + {NT EAA Goustamt bond veer v A Derive ond plob the shape hunctiows of a & nodded bar. elememt a-reordung bo FEM procedamy & hun ce dunive the shines mohrio - He —>u Palibeiay gant Sere Luk ty Us be nodal dot. ok 1, a Sep - Uy = O in = ot GS fay TAL foe) {oc} Tafa Ck] = | Bre 8 dy fe} = Leitw] 2 [Ni Ne] BI a] =F F] io} = © 18] (¢) -CEY Ce] ~ fave 8 av dv. Ada = i ; ry clu vide vee “afi eEa wf vt [ke] = AE Yer yy? 4 1s “Yat ge = AE |Vi - te “Wy Va Shope Rinekion for a 3noded bon element - ot — ur Ma Va, ae uy re &» tert ee cat ae Us rote Te} | gs A obo 4M “| Jay fe ae U3 to 0 uy ap aye ap Ye -8fp AVY Ug ful = [lx we] fr oe 7 Yp -Yp ay as fe Ale Ye | fous +a dx aah | LM uw? u We Nt No Ne a 1 cot 1 le {3 + 2 I ed Ng Sat \1 : \ 3. ~«S Shope Runckion Por Beam element uy “ Up, 0. 4 175; 282 Giese ee hex ) A wodad. diaplace nent U= Ao + Ky% Fol ey ola oe? oO - du a Ox 2 BU ky + Ala H+ BMS % > Ox 7 u 1% at «3 ke iuls vo a , ae 3a |] 2 K> > Iw foe ZL) > Coordinate Systeme Au dimite elmemt solution rag, oxaluation of Wbegeaha » Soma of Hua, wUL 200i \y eluated ushile ott ant diffi cult The df olBoo eee Ce evaluoski ng om ivogeal, com often be deertaaed by chanqeng the variable of wkeqe akon - Thus invelved vow bat integral ui a neo coordinate npstem - : ‘Jy pea wf coordinate ryshona OX: Loval eeordinate Syetewn Nok wal u 4 Loot C8 = Mar iqua of co a Located ur He edumemt + aq: 2 woded bor dument eee re Ny = 1% No = 4h. Natusal Cg - Ed a booal tyetom ushida a pt within Hu element iu spect sed, by a divvwvssi onlose sno. ysrors, absolute marca bade yer oxeerda ounily 8 Uy = oo —O Ur = w+ Hh +e, P4043 —@ Or= OO -O 8p- + aa, 1+ 30h; —O Saving Yo oo & Xr. X3 From equ © oo © w® Og ~ Ort aa, L43V as Ra = 6-8) ~ Amal —@ age ©.0.6 *6 Up = Ut Ot + ad? + $3 [oan Bs 80H Bae Oye ew OE =H? iene | : Bir a, 2 Be BB fay + Buh 26, ~ Be seae ga ar fe Ae at Oy 10 0 0 Y Coy ; oy _{° Vee a | ae 32 4/1 awn Ua, at) | Be ye mae He | Le PRES rf trois tt ilo Oto o t 0.0 5 32 2fp 83N Gn) 2 yp Ye Mt o The wodal, poi whe will howe hades of 0,1 ov oo comvewmiomt sek of fackonk Tra vill obo o faci lito te wwkegeahou to covnp ati cme stif fess &u we effective mw formulating eluent peopertien : Shape funckion of 2R noded ban] ne] brea element in natural coordinate tystomn : Ka X— AiAH Kae a ra e— Ki4+%X2 5 ieee rere 2 OK HK HD Ka =%y Xa a4 2 = & (%-m1) — Cag mr) See at Hg & = Alem 4 Ka - Ad AL wodt 4,%-% > Genk AL mode 2, %=% => G= | Now wn nalural. eoordinaker , Us Oo # OF Nt Ny \- et 2 FT yg FP par Ng > 1*§ Hee a & qe gl Three noded bor element ; Shape Prnctow in nolwrol coordinates G-% > At wode 4, -% = % q > Sheoty . alte) 2 I Ha -H) a At wode A, % 2 Xo g. Bers) 2 altiy _ | Ha- Ms g At wodk 3, % = %3 & = 2l%~%) = 0 NaH U. % + mg tog” Urs oO + % Ua = lot K + % Us = Oo 7 0 -l 1 7 fet, i elt te! x 8 eee = 44 gt q mie = ere 2 oF | wee \ 1 el ° ' 5 Gel ° 1 0 Find the dioplowmuml of o. point Qu um from origan of Hat bax elewneant with Q nedea . The > wodad dial. ak 1, uy = 0-005tm Bab A, Ups -0°00Sam? Ge atk-%) =) 8 Na Ks Hr QO Aqz 86 = Nie ic& Gab Auom = 2(0-80) 06 . 36 ~ 80 No= +4 2 = NyUy+ No U2 Ur = 0.005 em ofl g\ur +t }) Ue Gaye St Wok a4 = ‘ae 05 + (1-05) -o-008 at 2 = 00085 em ——_—- Ug = ~0°005 om Avea Coordi nates Oh te vokurol coordinake tryst om for briom gut tumenk - GF & adoo eolled tri omngutor veordi nate system Constant Shain Triangle (est) oy incor Duplacumen ‘Triowgke (LPT) A plone A whoa, oad aysornti ly vary wilh eortwion coordinate X 2Y- dn streao omaliyta a bainor cap Meld produce o wovutoml stron & ike ward fo eolve ploum shesa @ plam slain peob lene (xa yay 2 Lome) Ay —y oxta opp fo vod | emdload by wodes Q,2RP- Cag) I 2 (raya ba eP (1:00) (anr,0) Ag —y 1,98P- Total oma A= Art+AytAg Anca coor dinates of Pi (Li, lo, te) tum lis At Las Po lee Aa hsi | 7 7 7 lohan P ceinades with 1, wordinalea one (10,99 Ayz\ Age O Age0 2 All. % yy Xr Ye 1 %a Ys 7 | hos I 1X2 Yn 1 3 Ys 1% Ag. [to o% : 8 tL % 2 Ys 1% y Us Oli + Hl, tagly At wode 1, biz! t=O Ly-0 UW = % Abt wde a, matin Loo to-t Ly-d as Uge Oa: AL wode 3, ba=@ , Liz lee0 Us = Oy fuje (ti Lo “Nal cONre ly Nos ly Nge Ly Clr by LaJe [mM No Ns] a (AL Aa as | ae 9 @ Find He nat ural voveldnabes 4P CVE) of Ke OST - ctumont amd henen fend dnp pow qn : doko: PCs, bs’) Cry) Node \ 2 3 Cordinate wn" can (929 Dable ament 5 315 60 Urs 185 Gu 41) —3 (1) ate Hee On, 42) — (3) Wz = 50 C5143) —> (212) W- NiUy £ Noe + N33 wy = AL Nps Az Ne = Aa A “A, A 116 15 be Ave + A 1 3 \ Feet = Do = NI t {tot } Q 134 1 Qa a La = Aa = 0 = Na A et \ tes 42 ]y a4 Los 1s 2 0:5 = Ny Lis 0-8 lo 0 Ly = 0-5 2 Un 05x%125 +-0X3764 05YD = 89-5 NoTe !- Litlstly <4 eo Lik: + Loxot Lars x 4yoe Ligitloy, + lads Dewelop thu shape Punchion Pov a cet elwnont vn Nokural wordinalis & find duiapt - cerrraponding fo Hoe potnt (Co-g, v1, 0:8) tom Hee qo data : Node. Il 2 3 Nis 0-8 Coordinatin (0,0) (011,09 (99,1) No 20 Daplacument too 300 aus Ng =0°6 ay rok P(t La Ls) = P Cou, 0-8, 0-5) 4 # covrdavotis Oss. qe Roy P Lye N= 0-4 =) nabvual lo = Noe OF toardinala Lg 2 Ng= 0°9 Woe Ni Uy Na Uae Ng ig = x 10 401% 800 + OsXaS Find the sheaen wv He elument using fem Asa4 i be ee Steg The member & drocretiaed, into 4 lumens with & nod &, 5 DOF For elumenk © ' Ap = 195 Ags 25 Ag = 35 on ite Elite ces Fine © 2O ort Fined 3 000 thoat dows & col. cam be +] 000 Aekcked gs 2 3 “ Nodal fore , 7 P QO faye Re Weyer aap “2b = Sie | 7aP M3 80? us= (NJ fa4 Element O- s We NiUr + Nova = (4) yl 2 Up = % Ue € =O. U2 2 we 2 au, Ox J 16 o= EG = 0:d666 PE Element © - We Ny Ua Ng Ug > (ie wrk Us T) on G= QU = a+ Ue - —Qu,t+ ag ax eee Se Gm = ~Ax4UaR + Ax TAP _ p.19 PE 315 1S pe rot a oH” O Steps iw FEM 23 D Decwkar He cowfnuum inbo finite elements of uitoble HAL, Shape & ovienkakiou Dlouneck the chen at nega vo - of duo eck pein Gadlid vo den ; a) The dat at woder (A) ore the bovie untmoww 4) Using thope famekion, he diapt field is oefined gud = Nid 8) Strom witim be ement §eh-(L] fut (LY LN] £43 fey. (8lid} 9} Kmowing shown , threo for3 = fe] fe} 7) Using emagy theorem formulate sHfPares motrion kc [kt = [rey cei ted dv and comilomt load veekor P as cP) = [fn Ty av + [ntsda 8) Add deoment chtfrwed marie fp get af bal shite motrin kK: kitkete- | Global lood veelor = §R] guy = CKD! ER} Q atebab displace ment a) From ae diabl, doh. dor ead dumumt can be ebbaived- fa} my Us (N]{d} mgey = fr] iuy M fogs Ife}

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