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1). I chose to do my topic on Drama films with a sub-genre on Comedic Drama films.

2). The two genres Drama and Comedic Drama are both focusing on the general topic of Drama
films. An example of a Drama film is Forest Gump by Robert Zemeckis, an example of a
Comedic Drama film is Groundhog Day by Harold Ramis.
3). In the film, Forest Gump, the thesis is Forest Gump who is made out to be a slow, learning
individual but in the end, is not as unintelligent as he appears. In the film, Groundhog Day the
thesis is never take life for granted. This is implied from the main character Phil who relives the
same day repeatedly. The two genres, together make up Drama films.
4). In the film, Forest Gump, the intended audience is mainly for older adults because he goes
through different parts of history and young kids do not recall some of the events that occurred in
history a long time ago, In the film Groundhog Day the intended audience is for any age ranging
from children to adults, it contains funny aspects to it, but it does contain some language not
intended for young kids.
5). The film Forest Gump teaches you important historical events throughout the film, the
assassination of JFK, Forest establishing the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company for his friend
Bubba, and parts of the Vietnam war. After watching the film Groundhog Day, the audience
learns that Phil the main character of the film ends up spending eight years reliving Groundhog
Day. Phil is a new broadcaster and during one of his segments he goes through a time loop. He
starts to do crazy things that a normal person would never do but he knows that by the end of the
day everything is erased and starts over as the same day again and again.
6). To me the two genres are really interesting, they are very serious movies that have a little bit
of a kick to them. It really depends on the person, but someone who really enjoys a dramatic
movie would really enjoy this genre but someone who enjoys horror would not like these types
of movies they would like horror films like Taken.
7). The information presented in the film Forest Gump is used to inform people of the events that
some are not even aware of occurring. Forest Gump can be used for entertainment to because
Forest is portrayed as an unintelligent individual who does certain things that are funny. The
information presented in the film Groundhog Day was used as an entertainment aspect. The
things in the film could never happen in real life, and are very false.
8). The author uses quotes throughout the story that help to give credit to himself. For example,
Life is like a box of chocolate you never know what youre going to get the famous quote in
Forest Gump is an example of an ethos. Also at the end of the film the authors names are shown
across the screen, if the movie was good it makes you want to look for the author and see who
wrote the film. The author is very effective by doing this because he quotes something and then
later explains what that quote meant. In the movie Groundhog Day, Phil Connors uses Ethos to
find happiness with Rita after many days of being trapped in Groundhog Day. Rita is the lady
falls in love with and learns that he has a crush on her half way through the movie. The author is
very effective with using ethos in the movie Groundhog day because at the end of the movie Rita
and Phil fall in love.
9). Pathos are used in Forest Gump, during the scene where the bullies are throwing rocks are
forest and chasing him and then he runs out of his knee braces, this was an emotional part for me
because it was a way to show that he was standing up for himself and growing up. It made me
want to watch the rest of the film. Pathos are used in Groundhog Day, since Phil Connors relives
the same day over and over he uses that to his advantage by the end of the film because he starts
asking Reita questions about herself and finding out things about her, then next day he takes the
statements that she told him and uses it to get her more attracted to him. By the end of the film
they are in love, this made me really happy inside because he tries so hard to get her to fall in
love with him and it finally works.
10). In the movie, Forest Gump, they use logos to explain the different pathos that are presented.
One of the pathos during the scene where the bullies are throwing rocks are forest and chasing
him and then he runs out of his knee braces. The author tries to show the audience that Forest has
officially grown into a man and is taking up for himself. This makes you feel a certain emotion
towards Forest. In the movie, Groundhog Day, the logos are not clearly explained. They are
11). The information for the two genres are found on the IMDb movie website. The IMDb movie
website is full of many different colors containing yellow, black, and white letters. Also, there is
a border that outlines each of the website it usually contains a picture of a movie. The easy to
access design helps to navigate throughout the website easily.
12). Upon arrival on the IMDb movie website, you see the title of the movie in big white letters,
and then there is a quick trailer clip of the movie you are trying to access, under that is pictures
and videos from certain scenes in the movie, under that is the complete list of the cast, and then
at the end of the website is a summary of the storyline. This is the same for both the movies
Forest Gump and Groundhog Day.
13). The structure of the two websites help to make it easier for people to find what they are
looking for. For example, upon arrival on the website, there are different titles like the titles
Videos and Cast which are easy navigation tools for people to use the website.
14). In the movie, Forest Gump, the language is formal during some parts but mainly informal.
The formal parts are where Forest is sitting on the park bench talking to the old lady about the
movie and where he meets the president, the informal parts are where Forest meets Jenny over
and over. In the movie, Groundhog Day, the language is mainly informal also until the end when
it turns formal because Phil finally falls in love with Reita.
15). Forest Gump does not use specialized vocabulary, they do not use big words, all of the
vocabulary in this movie is very informal, Groundhog Day uses the word inexplicability on their
16). Throughout both movies slang is used, the quotes run, forest run or life is like a box of
chocolates are both forms of repetition used in Forest Gump. The whole entire movie
Groundhog Day is repetitive, Phil Collins repeats the same day repeatedly.
17). The movie Forest Gump was more conveying with carrying its message because it contained
life lessons for people to live by. One of the scenes was where Forest friend Bubba passed away
during the Vietnam War and Forest ended up opening the Bubba Gumps Shrimp Company in
his honor, this is a life lesson because it shows you that no matter what happens you always have
to help others.
18). By doing this assignment it gives me a better understanding of what Genres are and what the
different types of Genres are associated with a certain Genre.


In the film industry, there are many different types of genres for films: comedy, drama,
chick flick, horror. A genre is used to relate to a certain individual. The movie Frozen was
intended for young individuals. But the movie Grownups was more intended for older
individuals. The audience watching the films are defined by age, religion, and ethnicity.
A genre is a way of defining what a movie, or piece of literature is. What is a Genre? A
genre is a way of defining a composition. A composition is something that is made up of
something else. For instance, Musical Composition. I decided to focus mainly on the drama
genre. A drama film focuses on the characters with emotional issues. A sub-genre for dramatic
films is Comedic drama. To make a drama film successful a movie must contain parts that
move their audience. Usually drama films focus on individuals that are dealing with a specific
conflict with another individual. Many well-known actors got their start with Drama films.
The two movies I decided to focus on were Forest Gump and Groundhog Day. A dramatic
film is something that is usually based on real-life experiences. A comedic drama film is a film
based on real-life experiences also but contains funny aspects to it. The movie Groundhog Day is
considered a comedic drama film because it contains funny parts to it. The movie Forest Gump is
considered a Drama film because it contains many serious parts to it, the Vietnam War, Forest
meeting the president, the assassination of JFK. (Forest Gump) (Groundhog Day)

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