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International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 2010, Vol. 16, No.

4, 465476

Bacterial and Fungal Aerosols

in Air-Conditioned Office Buildings in Warsaw,
PolandThe Winter Season
Magorzata Goofit-Szymczak
Rafa L. Grny

Central Institute for Labour Protection National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB), Poland

The microbial quality of the working environment was assessed in winter in air-conditioned office buildings
in Warsaw. The average indoor concentrations of bacterial and fungal aerosols were low (<103 cfum3),
below Polish proposals for threshold limit values in public service buildings. Even during cold months, if
the air-conditioning system works properly, people remain the main source of bacterial aerosol in offices,
whereas infiltration of outdoor air remains a major mechanism responsible for their fungal contamination.
An analysis of the bioaerosol size distribution showed that microbial propagules that reach both the upper
and lower respiratory tract may evoke numerous adverse health effects from irritation and asthmatic
reactions to allergic inflammation. A comparative analysis of viable and total airborne microbial counts
showed that viable micro-organisms accounted for up to 0.3% of the total number of microbial propagules.
Hence, a comprehensive hygienic assessment of office workplaces should include an efficient control of both
these elements.

indoor air quality office buildings bacterial and fungal aerosols size distribution

1. INTRODUCTION The atmospheric air, which is delivered into the

building through the AC system, should be free
During the past decade, there has been a rapid from most common pollutants and ensure an ideal
development of office buildings and a substantial temperature and moisture. Unfortunately, bad
increase in the number of people working in such maintenance of AC systems or their low efficiency
spaces in Poland. Comprehensive timeactivity can often lead to unintentional contamination of
studies show that an adult person spends 8789% office spaces.
of time indoors, of which ~1825% is spent at The quality of air in office buildings depends
work [1, 2, 3]. According to epidemiological data on numerous physical, chemical and biological
no less than 30% of office workers complain about factors. Regarding microbial pollutants, among
their health problems, linking them with bad air their typical indoor reservoirs are people, plants,
quality. Because of the energy crisis in the 1970s, animals, to some extent soil and water as well
new buildings with limited access to fresh ambient as human-made materials. In this type of work
air are still relatively common [4]. In this type of environment, biological agents (i.e., bacteria,
indoor environment, an air-conditioning (AC) fungi, cell fragments, structures and compounds
system is practically the only technical solution they produce including allergens, endotoxins,
used to both improve the air quality and provide glucans, mycotoxins or volatile organic
employees with proper working conditions. compounds) can cause adverse health effects

Correspondence and requests for offprints should be sent to Magorzata Goofit-Szymczak, CIOP-PIB, ul. Czerniakowska 16, 00-701
Warszawa, Poland. E-mail: <>.

when transported in the air as bioaerosols [5, 6]. building 4: built in 2004, total office surface:
Although the air is not conducive to the growth 7400m2, number of employees: 120.
and survival of micro-organisms (no nutrients
and usually low moisture content), it is the most All these buildings had fully automatic AC
important medium for carrying and spreading of systems, comprising electronic adjustment of the
biological agents [7]. temperature, humidity, the amount of fresh air
Biological particles suspended in the air can be (supplying the volume of circulated air) and the
present in viable (culturable and nonculturable) volume of the air stream itself.
as well as nonviable forms. They can either
exist as individual entities or create aggregates 2.2. Sampling Strategies
of biological structures. They can be also
The bioaerosol sampling was carried out in
attached to dust particles formed from inorganic
four air-conditioned office buildings. The
matter or to water or saliva droplets. The range
measurements were performed during the winter
of aerodynamic diameters of particulates in
season defined as 6 months from October until
biological aerosols varies from submicron
March, when the average outdoor air temperature
values up to ~200 m. Their aerodynamic
was below 10 C for at least 7 consecutive days.
sizes determine the depth of penetration and
Viable bioaerosol samples were simultaneously
subsequent deposition in the human respiratory
taken inside and outside of the buildings using
system, which in turn determines possible health
both a six-stage Andersen impactor (model
effects [8, 9, 10, 11]. Such inhalation exposure
WES-710, Westech Instrument, UK) and a
can initiate numerous immunopathogenic
single-stage MAS impactor, (model 100Eco,
reactions including allergies, infections, toxic
Merck Eurolab, Switzerland). The flow rates
reactions and other unspecified symptoms like
and sampling times were 28.3Lmin1 and 5min
the sick building syndrome [5, 12, 13, 14].
for the Andersen impactor, and 100 Lmin1
The aim of this study was to assess the level
and 1.5min for the MAS impactor [15, 16, 17].
of bacterial and fungal contamination in air-
Additionally, indoor bioaerosol samples were
conditioned office buildings in Warsaw, Poland.
also taken using a Button personal inhalable
As energy conservation measures (such as air
aerosol sampler (SKC, UK) to determine the total
tightness of the building envelope and ventilation
(viable and nonviable) number of both bacteria
deficits) are key factors during the cold months in
and fungi. The flow rate and sampling time were
the temperate climate zone, winter was chosen to
4Lmin1 and 30min, respectively.
study the microbial quality of the air and surfaces
In each building, bioaerosol samples were
(office spaces and ventilation ducts) in this type
taken in five randomly selected offices. They
of work environment.
were collected twice a day: in the morning
at the beginning of work (to establish the so-
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS called indoor background), and at noon (after
45 h of work). All sampling instruments, i.e.,
2.1. Building Characteristics Andersen and MAS impactors as well as the
Button sampler, were placed 11.5 m above the
Four office buildings equipped with AC systems
floor (indoor measurements) or above the ground
were selected for this study. They were
(outdoor measurements) to simulate aspiration
building 1: built in 2006, total office surface: from the human breathing zone.
2800m2, number of employees: 120; To assess the level of microbial pollution in
building 2: built in 2000, total office surface: AC systems, settled dust samples were taken
5600m2, number of employees: 200; from the inner surfaces of ventilation ducts using
building 3: built in 2003, total office surface: sterile cotton swabs (FL-Medical, Italy). The
12537m2, number of employees: 270; sampled surface was 100cm2 with a 10 10 cm
sterile template limiting the investigated area.

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 4


2.3. Colony Counting and Microbiological (37%) (POCH, Poland). The resulting fluid was
Analyses stained with acridine orange (Sigma-Aldrich
Chemie, Germany), then filtered through a
Impactor samples were collected on agar
black polycarbonate filter with a pore size
media. Standard Petri dishes filled with blood
of 0.4m (Whatman, UK) and, finally, the
trypticase soy agar (TSA, 51044, bioMrieux,
dyed micro-organisms were counted under an
France) and malt extract agar (MEA, CM-59,
epifluorescence microscope (model Eclipse
Oxoid, UK) were used for bacterial and fungal
E200, Nikon, Japan).
sampling, respectively. After aspiration, the
After settled dust sampling, to extract the
plates with blood TSA were incubated for 1day
collected micro-organisms, the cotton swabs
at 37 C, then for 3 days at 22 C followed by
were vortexed for 10min using a programmable
3days at 4C. The MEA plates were incubated
rotator-mixer (model Multi RS-60, Biosan,
for 4 days at 30 C followed by another 4 days
Latvia) in 2 ml of distilled water. The spread
at 22 C. Afterwards, the number of bacterial
method was used to qualitatively identify
and fungal colonies growing on respective agar
isolated; 0.2 ml of the resulted suspension
media was counted and recalculated as colony
was spread evenly over the same media as in
forming units per cubic meter of the air (cfum3).
bioaerosol sampling and, after incubation, it was
The actual colony count per each culture plate
identified to the genus and/or species level in the
was corrected using the positive hole correction
same way as airborne microbes.
table [18].
Due to a nonparametric distribution of the
All isolated microbial colonies were
collected data (analysed with the ShapiroWilk
subsequently classified at the genus and/or
test), all results were analysed with the Kruskal
species level on the basis of their morphology,
Wallis and MannWhitney tests with Statistica
microscopic structure and biochemical reactivity.
version 7.1.
Bacterial and yeast strains identification was
supplemented with API tests (bioMrieux,
France). Filamentous fungi were identified on the 3. RESULTS
basis of their macro- and micromorphology with
several taxonomic keys [19, 20, 21, 22]. Table 1 presents the concentration of viable
The total number of micro-organisms was and total microbial aerosols in the office
estimated with the CAMNEA method [23]. In buildings. The concentrations of viable airborne
short, the micro-organisms were sampled onto microflora were low and did not exceed
a 25-mm gelatin filter with a pore size of 3m 103 cfum3. A comparison of microbial aerosol
(SKC, USA) housed in the inlet section of the concentrations at selected sampling points in the
Button sampler. After sampling, the filter was offices collected with the Andersen and MAS
removed from the holder of the sampler and impactors did not indicate statistically significant
dissolved in sterile water containing 0.01% differences between them. Therefore, when
Tween 80 (Merck, Germany). The obtained the indoor air was microbiologically relatively
suspension was treated with formaldehyde clean, both samplers measured bioaerosol

TABLE 1. Concentrations of Microbial Aerosols (Bacteria and Fungi) in Office Buildings

Microbial Aerosol (Bacteria and Fungi)
Sampler Type Median Range
Andersen impactor viable 84 (cfum3) 14494 (cfum3)
MAS impactor viable 105 (cfum3) 10530 (cfum3)
98301 (cellsm3) 31457157283 (cellsm3)
Button total
Notes. 1model WES-710, Westech Instrument, UK; 2model 100Eco, Merck Eurolab, Switzerland;

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 4


concentrations with the same accuracy. A fungal species, the most frequently isolated
comparative analysis of viable and total strains belonged to Aspergillus (all species:
(collected with the Button sampler) microbial 8.4%) and Penicillium (all species: 5.9%)
concentrations showed that viable organisms genera. Moreover, the analysis showed that 5
constituted 0.030.30% of the total microflora on bacterial (Micrococcus luteus, Micrococcus
the premises. spp., Staphylococcus warneri, Bacillus pumilus
An analysis of microbial concentrations and Bacillus cereus) and 4 fungal (Penicillium
measured at selected workplaces showed that chrysogenum, Penicillium citrinum, Aspergillus
building 2 differed significantly from buildings candidus and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa) strains
1, 3 and 4 (KruskalWallis test: p < .01). present in the air were also isolated in settled dust
That difference was visible mainly due to the samples from the ducts of the AC systems. The
higher (median value: 221 cfum3) than in rest of the identified microbial strains, however,
other buildings (median values: 39, 42 and were present in bioaerosol samples only. There
123 cfum3) concentration of bacterial aerosol was also a relatively high occurrence of yeasts in
(KruskalWallis test: p < .001). This building both the indoor air and settled dust samples from
was the oldest one and its AC system had not the premises.
been frequently comprehensively cleaned since Figure1 presents distributions of the groups of
its completion. Hence, a constant accumulation micro-organisms identified in indoor (background
of various contaminants (suitable as sources of and workplaces) and outdoor environments. The
both nutrients and water) could contribute to composition of the species of airborne microflora
higher concentrations of micro-organisms. at workplaces was similar to that in the indoor
Table 2 shows the concentration of bacterial background. The most numerous groups of
and fungal aerosols observed in outdoor air and micro-organisms in indoor air were Gram-
in the office rooms. The concentrations of both positive cocci, followed by endospore-forming
bioaerosols were below 103 cfum3. Fungal Gram-positive bacilli and filamentous fungi. The
outdoor background levels were significantly qualitative structure in both indoor environments,
higher than those in indoor background (Mann however, differed substantially from the
Whitney test: p < .001). These differences composition of outdoor air microflora, where
were not statistically significant for bacteria. A there was a clear domination of filamentous
comparison of microbial concentrations between fungi.
the indoor background and workplaces did Table 4 shows all isolated bacterial and
not indicate significant differences for either fungal strains from the inner surfaces of the AC
bioaerosol constituents. ducts. Six bacterial species from 3 genera and 8
Table 3 shows all bacterial and fungal strains fungal species from 6 genera were identified.
isolated from the air of the offices. Seventeen A comparison of microbial representatives
bacterial species from 8 genera and 12 fungal isolated from the air of the offices with those in
species from 6 genera were identified. The settled dust samples revealed an occurrence of
bacterial species from Micrococcus and Bacillus analogous species.
genera were predominant indoors. Among

TABLE 2. Bacterial and Fungal Concentrations (cfum3) in Outdoor and Indoor Air
Bacteria Fungi
Environment Median Range Median Range
Outdoor background 39 35126 140 42432
Indoor background 42 07262 11 00700
Workplaces 70 14494 21 00176

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 4


TABLE 3. Percentage Contribution to Total Microflora of Bacterial and Fungal

Strains Isolated From Workplace Air
Contribution to Contribution to
Bacteria Total Microflora (%) Fungi Total Microflora (%)
Gram-positive cocci 48.9 Filamentous fungi 18.7
Micrococcus luteus* 23.4 Penicillium spp. 0.5
Micrococcus spp.* 14.3 Penicillium chrysogenum Thom* 1.5
Micrococcus roseus 0.1 Penicillium commune Thom 0.5
Kocuria kristinae 0.9 Penicillium citrinum Thom* 2.4
Staphylococcus epidermidis 0.9 Penicillium marneffei Thom** 1.0
Staphylococcus capitis 3.0 Aspergillus candidus Link* 7.0
Staphylococcus hominis 4.0 Aspergillus terreus Thom 0.9
Staphylococcus sciuri 1.4 Aspergillus fumigatus 0.5
Staphylococcus warneri* 0.5 Cladosporium spp. 3.0
Staphylococcus auricularis 0.5 Acremonium spp. 1.1
Staphylococcus saprophyticus 0.1 Mucor spp.** 0.3

Endospore-forming Gram-positive 23.6 Yeasts 7.0

bacilli Rhodotorula mucilaginosa* 7.0
(Jrgensen) Harrison
Bacillus pumilus* 6.5 (synonyms: Rhodotorula
Bacillus cereus* 17.1 biourgei, Rhodotorula
grinbergsii, Rhodotorula rubra)

Nonsporing Gram-positive rods 1.4

Arcanobacterium haemolyticum 0.4
Arthrobacter spp. 1.0

Mesophilic actinomyctes 0.4

Rhodococcus spp. 0.1
Streptomyces spp. 0.3
Notes. *micro-organisms present in settled dust samples, **biological agents from risk group 2 (according
to the classifications in Directive 2000/54/EC [24] and in the Ordinance of the Minister of Health [25].

TABLE 4. Micro-Organisms Identified in Settled Dust Samples From the Ducts of Air-Conditioning
Bacteria Fungi
Genus Species Genus Species
Bacillus* Bacillus spp. Acremonium Acremonium spp.
Bacillus cereus Aspergillus* Aspergillus candidus
Bacillus pumilus Aspergillus spp.
Micrococcus* Micrococcus luteus Penicillium* Penicillium citrinum
Micrococcus spp. Penicillium chrysogenum
Staphylococcus* Staphylococcus warneri Mucor Mucor spp.
Rhizopus Rhizopus spp.
Rhodotorula Rhodotorula mucilaginosa
Notes. *species from this genus were isolated in over 50% of the offices.

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 4


23.6% G+P


47.9% NG+R

1.4% FF




46.6% G+B

0.5% NG+R








Figure 1. Distribution (%) of groups of microorganisms identified (a) at workplaces, (b) in indoor
background and (c) in outdoor air. Notes. G+CGram-positive cocci; G+BGram-positive bacilli;
NG+Rnonsporing Gram-positive rods; G-RGram-negative rods; MAmesophilic actinomycetes;

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 4



workplaces indoor background outdoor background


Clog da (cfum-3)

both p < .01


p < .01



0.65 1.1 2.1 3.3 4.7 7.0 11.0

Aerodynamic Diameter da (m)





Clog da (cfum3 )





both p < .001

0.65 1.10 2.10 3.30 4.70 7.00 11.00
Aerodynamic Diameter da (m)

Figure 2. Size distribution of (a) bacterial and (b) fungal aerosols in outdoor (background) and indoor
(workplaces) environments.

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 4


The Andersen impactor made it possible to biological agents (except for some common
divide bioaerosol particles into six fractions allergies) responsible for health effects;
according to their aerodynamic diameters susceptibility to a specific biological agent is
(Figure 2). The x axis ends at 11m because an individual feature of each organism;
the settling velocity for such coarse particles is source data on environmental and occupation
very high (i.e., it fluctuates from a few minutes al concentrations of biological agents are still
to a few seconds) and practically prevents their insufficient; and finally
massive penetration into the human respiratory sampling methods (samplers) and experimen
tract [26, 27]. The analysis of the size distribution tal procedures (commonly approved criteria
of bacterial aerosol at workplaces revealed for assessing exposure to biological agents)
that peak concentrations were observed in size have not been standardized yet.
ranges between 1.1 and 2.1m and above 7m.
That is why, the Expert Group for Biological
This indicates that bacteria were present in
Agents of the Interdepartmental Commission
the offices as single cells or large aggregates
for Maximum Admissible Concentrations and
consisting of bacterial cells and/or bacterial
Intensities for Agents Harmful to Health in the
and dust particulates. A comparison of size
Working Environment at the Central Institute for
distributions of bacterial aerosol at workplaces
Labour Protection National Research Institute
with those in indoor background and outdoor
(CIOP-PIB) has proposed a different approach
air suggests that employees activity is a major
to this problem. The assumption was that if a
process contributing to a statistically significant
solid link could not be established between the
increase in the emission of bacterial aerosol at
concentration of the investigated parameters and
workplaces (p < .01 for workplaces versus indoor
the resulting adverse health effect, then on the
background when particles are bigger than 7m,
basis of the measurements of the concentration
and for workplaces versus outdoor air within
of the biological agent, reference values should
both the aforementioned size ranges). In contrast,
make it possible to evaluate the quality of the
an analysis of the size distribution of airborne
environment and to determine what is typical and
mycoflora indicated that fungi were observed at
acceptable, and what is atypical or unacceptable
workplaces mainly as naturally dispersed spores
for a specific type of setting [28, 29]. On that
1.13.3m in diameter and infiltration of outdoor
basis the commission drafted proposals for
air was a major process contributing to the
threshold limit values in occupational and
observed levels of indoor contamination (p < .001
nonoccupational environments for several
for outdoor air versus both indoor background
microbial agents, which can be present in the air
and workplaces).
as bioaerosol components (Table5) [30].
Data resulting from this study showed that the
4. DISCUSSION concentrations of both viable bacterial and fungal
aerosols in all examined office rooms did not
Epidemiological studies have shown that a few exceed 103 cfum3. The low levels of microbial
hundred million people around the world are contamination suggest that, in most cases,
exposed to biological agents. Unfortunately, efficient and regularly maintained AC systems
there are no quantitative health-based guideline ensure proper hygienic conditions of office
values or thresholds for acceptable levels of workplaces.
microbial contamination. This is so because The concentrations of viable bioaerosols
recorded in the examined office buildings in
a doseresponse relationship for most
Warsaw were similar to those published in other
biological agents has not been determined yet
reports. For example, the average concentrations
and is controversial in many aspects;
of micro-organisms in office rooms in Upper
it is not possible to identify individual
Silesia, Poland, were 225 cfum3 for bacteria
species of micro-organisms or other specific
and 201 cfum3 for fungal spores [31]. Data

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 4


TABLE 5. Polish Proposals of Threshold Limit Values for Bioaerosols

Industrial Settings Polluted With Public Service and Residential
Bioaerosol Component Organic Dust Buildings
Mesophilic bacteria 100000 cfum3* 5000 cfum3
Gram-negative bacteria 20000 cfum3* 200 cfum3
Thermophilic actinomyces 20000 cfum3* 200 cfum3
Fungi 50000 cfum3* 5000 cfum3
Microbial agents from risk groups 3 0 cfum 0 cfum3
and 4
Bacterial endotoxin 200 ngm-3 (2000 EUm3)* 5 ngm-3 (50 EUm3)
Notes. *for respirable fraction the proposed limits should be twice as low, i.e., 50000 cfum3 for total
mesophilic bacteria, 10000 cfum3 for both Gram-negative bacteria and thermophilic actinomycetes,
25000cfum3 for fungi, and 100 ngm3 (1000 EUm3) for bacterial endotoxin; EUendotoxin unit.

from the Building Assessment Survey and collection efficiency from 60% (for particles
Evaluation (BASE) study showed that mean 0.652.5 m) to 90% (for particles greater than
concentrations of airborne bacteria in 100 large 4 m). The MAS impactor has the collection
office buildings were below 102 cfum3 [32]. In efficiency from 10% (for particles greater
Wong, Mui, Hui, et al.s study, the average levels than 1 m) to 60% (for particles 37 m)
of airborne bacteria and fungi in air-conditioned [37, 38]. Nevertheless, when indoor air is
offices in Hong Kong were 249 and 42cfum3, microbiologically relatively clean, both samplers
respectively [33]. measure bioaerosol concentrations with the same
The quantitative analysis of microbial con accuracy.
tamination showed that the concentrations A comparative analysis of viable (measured
of bacterial aerosol were higher indoors than with Andersen and MAS impactors) and total
outdoors. For fungi, the relationship was (measured with the Button sampler) microbial
opposite. The observed dependencies are in good concentrations showed that viable micro-
agreement with data on the sources of bioaerosol. organisms accounted for 0.030.30% of the total
People are the main active source of bacterial airborne microflora on the premises that were
aerosol indoors. A great number of those micro- studied. Hence, the use of only one measurement
organisms are emitted into the air during talking, method does not give a comprehensive
coughing, sneezing or peeling of the epidermis, characteristics of bioaerosol contamination in the
whereas fungal aerosol particulates (such as examined environment. In this type of hygienic
intake spores and mycelium fragments) can be assessment, two measurement methods need
released into the air from colonies growing on to be used, e.g., sampling to determine viable
dead organic matter, plants, soil as well as other bioaerosol components (done with an impactor)
organic and inorganic substrates [34, 35, 36]. should be supplemented with an assessment of
Hence, an infiltration of outdoor air into the the total concentration of micro-organisms (done
building envelope can be the major mechanism with a filter sampler).
responsible for fungal contamination in offices. A qualitative analysis of microbial flora
A comparison of microbial aerosol con provided additional information about exposure
centrations in selected sampling points in to bioaerosols in air-conditioned office rooms.
investigated offices measured with the Andersen The most numerous bacterial species in the
and MAS impactors did not indicate statistically air were Gram-positive cocci, mainly from
significant differences between the samplers. The genus Microccocus, and endospore-forming
six-stage Andersen impactor collects bioaerosol Gram-positive rods from genus Bacillus. These
particles with the aerodynamic diameter from species are usually the most prevalent indoors
above 7 to 0.65 m. This impactor has high [5, 13, 21]. Microccocus as saprophytic and

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 4


nonpathogenic species are ubiquitous in soil, 103 cfum3 and were thus below the
water, dust, on human skin and animals. Then, Polish proposals for threshold limit values
Bacillus endospores have an unusual resistance for bioaerosols in this type of working
to chemical and physical agents. This feature environment. The recorded low contamination
makes them predominant in the soil habitat and levels of viable airborne microflora suggest
explains their aerial distribution and subsequent that efficient and regularly maintained AC
occurrence in many indoor environments, systems ensure a proper hygienic quality of
including office spaces. office buildings.
Among the most common fungal species 2. The quantitative analysis of microbial
were those from genera Aspergillus and contaminants confirmed that during the winter
Penicillium, which are broadly present in season, the concentrations of bacterial aerosol
nature, including soil, cereal grains, hay and were higher indoors than outdoors, while the
other plant material or foodstuff. Exposure to relationship was opposite for airborne fungi.
these molds has been associated with a variety of Even during the cold months, if AC systems
adverse health outcomes including respiratory, worked properly, people remained the main
hematological, immunological, and neurological active source of bacterial aerosol in the office
system disorders and/or diseases [5, 21]. Two environment, whereas infiltration of outdoor
of the species found in the offices (Aspergillus air (through draughtiness in the building
fumigatus and Penicillium marneffei) are envelope) remained a major mechanism
classified as risk group 2, i.e., as possibly responsible for contamination of indoor spaces
responsible for allergic effects and potentially with fungi.
hazardous to workers health [24, 25]. 3. An analysis of bioaerosol size distribution in
To assess and control the quality of indoor the office buildings revealed that microbial
air, not only data on bioaerosol concentrations propagules, when penetrating the human
are important. The size and distribution of respiratory tract, may be deposited in the
bioaerosol particles should also be taken into oral and nasal cavities, secondary bronchi
account as both those parameters determine their and bronchioles and thus be responsible for a
deposition in the respiratory system [34]. The variety of adverse health effects.
analysis of the size distribution of the bacterial 4. A comparative analysis of viable and total
aerosol at the studied workplaces revealed that airborne microbial counts showed that viable
peak concentrations were recorded in the size micro-organisms constituted no more than
ranges between 1.1 and 2.1m and above 7m, 0.3% of the total microbial propagules. Hence,
whereas fungal propagules dispersed in the air a comprehensive hygienic assessment of office
were concentrated within the 1.13.3m size workplaces should include an efficient control
range. Thus, bioaerosols present in the studied of both of those elements.
office buildings, which penetrate the human
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