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Model for Argument

I. Introductory Paragraph (C-P-R)

Scoliosis is a disease that results from an irregular curvature in the spine. Depending

on the degree of the curvature indicates what treatment option is best. Wearing a back

brace is very common to prevent the curve from progressing in the spine, but is often

very uncomfortable, some people elect to have surgery over the brace. Surgery can be

dangerous and worry some. Why would people elect to surgery, knowing the risk that

are associated with it?

II. Body of Argument

A: Background Information: Scoliosis is an ongoing disease that has no cure. The

best treatment options are wearing the back brace or having spinal tap surgery. The

severity of Scoliosis is measured in degrees, curves that are under twenty degrees are

considered mild and usually do not require any treatment, any curve with a degree

higher than twenty, treatment is required. If the degrees are thirty-seven or above

surgery is a must. But if that is not the case than the brace is also effective. The brace

is often very uncomfortable, and is required to be worn all night or for a twenty-three-

hour period. But on the other hand, surgery requires two metal rods to be placed in

the back, this can often cause complications with everyday activities like running

jogging, and swimming. Physical Therapy is also required after surgery which can be

very painful. By wearing the back brace, you can enjoy doing the things you love and

never miss a beat.

B: Reasons: I have been a Scoliosis patient for eight years, I wore the back brace for

five years. I had a thirty-five-degree curve and the doctor gave me two options:

surgery or the brace, to me the thought of surgery scared me to death, the thought of

complications from the surgery. I was a competitive dancer during this process and

the doctor told me if I went through with surgery then the rods could potentially

prevent me from dancing so I went with the brace.

III. Opposite Side: Wearing the back brace causes someone to have surgery. In some

cases, after wearing a brace for a long period of time, some either get tired of the

brace or the curve can increase.

IV. Conclusion: In conclusion wearing a back brace in place of having surgery is cost

effective, and safer, because surgery results in two metal rods being placed in your

back for a lifetime, on the other hand wearing a brace is a temporary thing. This is

personal because I wore the brace for five years and it kept the spine in place. I feel

that wearing a brace, even though it can be troublesome is completely worth the effort

to afford going through surgery.


Scoliosis is a disease that results from an irregular curvature in the spine. Depending on

the degree of the curvature indicates what treatment option is best. Wearing a back brace is very

common to prevent the curve from progressing in the spine, but is often very uncomfortable,

some people elect to have surgery over the brace. Surgery can be dangerous and worry some.

Why would people elect to surgery, knowing the risk that are associated with it?

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