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Tyler Huch


News You Can Use #1

Tsantila, N., Karantonis, H. C., Theocharis, S. E., Iliopoulos, D. G., Iatrou, C., Antonopoulou, S.,
& Demopoulos, C. A. (2009, September 14). Atherosclerosis regression study in rabbits
upon olive pomace polar lipid extract administration. Nutrition, Metabolism, &
Cardiovascular Disease, 20(10), 740-747.

This article is a study that compares the effectiveness of virgin olive oil polar lipid extract

(OOPL) and olive pomace polar lipid extract (PPL), which both contain antiatherosclerotic

properties, to that of the effectiveness of simvastatin; a drug known to decrease the amount of

bad cholesterol [Low-Density Lipoproteins(LDLs)], while also increasing the amount of

good cholesterol [High-Density Lipoproteins(HDLs)] within the bloodstream. An experiment

was formed using four groups, groups A, B, C, and D, with 6 rabbits in each group. Each rabbit

had its blood drawn and tested at 0, 6, and 9 weeks into the study, to determine plasma lipid

levels, the extent of atheromatous lesions (the buildup of fatty plaque), platelet aggregation

(recruitment of inflammatory cells that fight off bad stuff), and plasma activity (this measures

the amt. of chemicals that activate platelets). Group A was fed an atherogenic chow, B was fed

regular chow, C was fed chow supplemented with PPL, and D was fed with simvastatin

supplemented chow. The conclusion of the 9 week study is that pomace polar lipid extract (PPL)

is just as effective in decreasing LDLs and increasing HDLs as simvastatin is.

Some questions that I had after this study were: Can we alter PPL in any way to make it

more effective? Can this substance be used not only for treating CVDs, but also in their

prevention? What makes PPL so antiatherogenic? Would combining simvastatin and PPL
improve the positive effect of the antiatherogenic properties? This study could be continued by

increasing the amount of each antiatherogenic substance used and seeing if the effect is

amplified, or if it stays the same. The study could also be performed on different animals that are

more closely genetically related to humans. The only criticism that I have for this study is the

lack of times it was performed and the number of rabbits used to prove the given hypothesis.

This study applies to my topic because it further helps me understand what causes

cardiovascular disease, how it can be treated, and why CVD is so malicious. This experiment

helps me with my project idea in the way that it demonstrates how to properly postulate an

experiment that is valid and repeatable, it shows what I should include when I finally decide on

the specific content of my experiment, and it allows me to think about other ideas that may be a

better experiment to perform.

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