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How to solve Machine Input-Output

The very first approach of these questions is to determine the logic

followed by the given input to reach the output specified in the question.
Never waste time in analyzing the intermediate steps. The logic has to be
determined by observing the input and the output only.
For example-
INPUT- house text 35 25 86 46 rolled ought
Step1-86 house 46 text 35 25 rolled ought
Step2-86 house 46 text 35 25 rolled ought
Step3-86 house 46 ought text 35 25 rolled
Step4-86 house 46 ought 35 text 25 rolled
Step5-86 house 46 ought 35 rolled text 25
Step6-86 house 46 ought 35 rolled 25 text
Step 6 is the last step of the arrangement- which means it is the output
If we observe the input and the output we can determine the logic the
numbers and words are arranged alternatively, numbers in descending
order and words in alphabetical order.
After determining the logic, there comes the role of the intermediate
steps. Now we need to analyze whether one word or more than one word
are shifted in each step. Here we observe that one word/number is
shifted in every step to reach the output.
The shifting can be diagrammatically represented as follows:

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Each step is represented by a different coloured line with numbering.
Make sure you count a step only if a number/word is stroked and shifted.
In every input output question we need to apply the logic obtained from
the given input and output and apply in another INPUT and answer
some questions.
Let the input be
76 rickets 98 rockets 42 raspberry 70 nylon
Applying the above logic ( numbers in descending order and words in
alphabetic order in alternate places ) the output should be :
98 raspberry 76 rayon 70 rickets 42 rockets

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The steps and shifts will be as shown:

Total steps= 5 to reach the output

In step 3, after 98 raspberry we need 76 but 76 is already in the
correct position and hence does not needs to be shifted. Hence, the next
required word rayon is stroked and shifted and hence will be counted
as step3.(The word 76 will not be repeated as it is and counted as step3.)

Now let us pay heed to the type of questions which are generally asked:
i. A step is given and input is asked:
In such case if definite input is asked- the answer will be CANNOT BE
But if possible input is asked- it can be determined using the diagram.
ii. A step is given and the step number is asked:

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It can be easily answered with the help of the diagram by the step
numbers and words stroked .
iii.How many steps are required to reach the output?
The last step number is the answer
iii. What is the position of different word/numbers in a specified step?
iv. Which is the last but one step?
The step earlier than the last step is the answer.

And many more.which can be easily answered if your

representation of the steps is correct and clear.

1. Strike the word/numbers to avoid re-shifting them.
2. A step is counted only if a word/number is shifted.
3. In case you are unable to deduce the logic, you can number the
words/number of the given input and hence check out their manner
in the given output . Then arrange the words of your new input in
the same number sequence .You will get your steps and sequences.
4. In case there are more than one word/numbers shifted in each step,
make sure you draw the steps clearly and dont mix up the lines.

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