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At Oxford Union, Lok Sabha MP Dr.

Shashi Tharoor through his passionate arguments demanded

reparation of payments from the UK to India for 200 years of its colonial rule. He argued that the
economic situation of the colonies was actually worsened by the experience of British rule. He cited
several examples for that: India shared 23 percent of the World economy before the arrival of Britain into
India. But when they left it was down to below 4 percent. From this it is clearly evident that India had
been governed for the benefit of the empire on which the sun never sets.

Dr. Tharoor points out the different kind of exploration the Britain had done in the nation which resulted
in the deprivation of the India. The handloom industry had witnessed a huge decline because British
imposed tariffs and duties on the clothes and looted massive amount of raw materials. Weavers in India
became beggars and India went from being a world famous exporter of finished cloth into an importer
when from having 27 percent of the world trade to less than 2 percent. He criticizes the fact that most of
the British families made money out of slave economy.

15 to 20 million Indian died of starvation in British induced famines. The great Bengal famines
during the World War , when 4 million people died because Winston Churchill proceeded to divert the
essential supplier from the civilians in Bengal and Europe.

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