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Elizabeth Thornell

Mrs. DeBock

English IV Honors

March 7, 2017

Neuroradiology: A Life-Saving Career

Neuroradiology is the use of x-rays to diagnose brain and nervous system disorders.

Typically, a person who is at risk or experiencing any neurological discomfort will be referred to

a neuroradiologist. The neuroradiologist uses radiation technology to diagnose the patient and

determine which treatment option would be most effective. As well as this, neuroradiologists

strive to advance the field of neurology in order to discover effective treatment and potentially

cure many common neurological disorders. Though relatively unheard of, the field of

neuroradiology is constantly advancing and the demand for neuroradiologists is increasing

throughout the world. Because of the rise in the amount of people suffering from brain disorders,

the job outlook for neuroradiological specialists is expected to rapidly increase in the next few

years. Therefore, those aspiring to become a neuroradiologist must be informed and prepared to

take on the duties of a potentially life saving profession. The responsibilities of a

neuroradiologist include using MRI and CT scanners, diagnosing and treating brain

abnormalities, and studying illnesses in relation to the brain and nervous system.

Neuroradiologists use many different types of technology during the prediagnostic phase

of treating a patient. These technologies include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),

magnetoencephalography (MEG), and computed tomography (CT). MRI scanners use radio

waves to produce images of body structures such as the brain. The patient is laid on a moveable

bed and inserted through a tube with a giant magnet surrounding it, thus creating the images. As
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stated by Herdeen, Desmond and Phal, MRI scans are advantageous because of its ability to

accurately map functionally active brain regions in a noninvasive way (page 320). MEG

scanners identify small magnetic brain waves and determine the source of different brain activity.

It is noninvasive, able to detect brain activity directly, and correlates brain function with the

unique anatomy of the patient (Mason, Ebersole, Fujiwara, Lowe and Bowyer 193). Finally, CT

scanners use x-rays to make detailed maps of structures within the body. Routine CT scans are

necessary during preoperative procedures in order to monitor a patient and their risk factor

should they require any kind of invasive treatment. These types of scans are predominantly

required when a patient has either experienced new symptoms or has endured brain and facial

trauma. As stated by Thomas and Varnamkhasti, CT is beneficial through the fact that it is fast

and accurate and can detect acute haemorrhages of the brain; it is also readily available in most

trauma centers and is the first choice of imaging technology (page 317). Overall, a

neuroradiologist acts both as a technician and diagnoses any nervous system disorder and

therefore should be educated on the proper evaluation of patients brains.

After taking scans of the brain using the aforementioned technology, the neuroradiologist

will then diagnose the patient. This is achieved by evaluating the types of trauma the patient

sustained as well as searching for common signs that would reveal a disorder or disease. If a

tumor is prevalent, the neuroradiologist must then determine if the tumor is primary or secondary

as well as benign or malignant. Primary tumors originate in the brain and are more difficult to

determine the source of while secondary tumors are the result of cancerous cells from another

part of the body spreading to the brain (Benzil 6). However, if the patient does not have a tumor,

they could potentially be suffering from another, harder to detect issue. Signs that a

neuroradiologist will look for when examining the results of the scan include developmental
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venous anomalies (DVA), optic nerve tram-track, and dural tail. On page 135, Chavhan and

Shroff discuss these as well as 17 other signs that a neuroradiologist typically searches for and

the appearance of these signs. DVAs appear on a brain scan as multiple small veins that branch

off, appearing to look like a medusa head. The optic nerve tram-track sign is shown through a

thickening of the optic nerve and a mass forming around it. Finally, the dural tail branches from a

mass on the brain and connects to other parts, usually following along the side of the skull. These

signs, when evaluated by the neuroradiologist, will allow them to diagnose diseases and

determine what treatment should be used when treating the patient.

Treatment options that a neuroradiologist may deem appropriate based on a patients

condition can include medication, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. If the condition of the

patients brain and nervous system does not include any tumors or severe issues, such as

headaches or vision problems, medication may be prescribed to the patient. However, if the

patient has a cancerous tumor, it will be removed during surgery and the patient will undergo

radiation and chemotherapy afterwards. Nevertheless, advancements are being made to use less

invasive technology that would not be as stressful or dramatic for the patient. These technologies

include Optune and gamma knife techniques. According to Dr. Benzil, the gamma knife

technique is minimally invasive and does not leave a scar or cause the patient to lose any of their

hair (page 6). In addition, recent advancements have yielded a technology called Optune. Optune

is a device that sits on top of the patients head and delivers electromagnetic signals to the brain

and stop the growth of malignant tumors. Overall, there are many treatment options that a

neuroradiologist can offer to a patient in order to ensure recovery and prevention of any further

issues in the patients life.

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Although the main purpose of a neuroradiologist is to diagnose and treat ailments of the

nervous system, they also play a major role in advancing the field of neuroscience. The

significance of neuroradiology is shown through the high amount of incidence of neurological

diseases throughout the world. For instance, the prevalence of strokes in people under the age of

30 has increased by over 6% worldwide since 1990 (Purcarea 117). These strokes also leave one

third of all sufferers with disabilities following the incident. Due to this high prevalence in

strokes and other brain related trauma, many neuroradiologists have begun to practice

neurorehabilitation as well. Neurorehabilitation addresses both the physical and emotional

components associated with strokes; clinical results show that this form of treatment yields

beneficial results. This gives those who have suffered from a stroke the chance to regain their

previous brain function and overcome the obstacles that arose from the circumstance. In order to

have the ability to perform these tasks, however, a student must be dedicated to completing the

educational requirements to become a neuroradiologist. After completing a Doctor of Medicine

degree program, a neuroradiologist requires 1 year of internship, 4 years of residency, and 1 year

of fellowship. Therefore, a neuroradiologist must be completely dedicated both to completing

their educational requirements and helping patients recover whilst advancing the field of

neurosciences and neurorehabilitation.

A neuroradiologist diagnoses and treats brain trauma and tumors by using MRI and CT

scanners and works to study illnesses relating to the brain and nervous system in order to benefit

the medical branch of neuroscience. When a person is experiencing any new symptoms or has

undergone brain or facial trauma, a neuroradiologist will use imaging technology to diagnose and

assess the issues. They then determine which treatment options will be most effective in aiding

the patient. In addition, a neuroradiologist studies each case individually and works to advance
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the medical branch of neurology by doing anything from refining existing methods of treatment

to discovering cures for different disorders. Due to the increase in the prevalence of nervous

system disorders and issues, the demand for neuroradiologists has increased and will continue to

do so in the upcoming years. Though the road to becoming a neuroradiologist is long and

requires extreme dedication, the educational and personal experiences are worth the effort.

Therefore, neuroradiology, though obscure and difficult, is the key to aiding millions of people

and saving lives all over the world.

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Works Cited

Benzil, Deborah L. "Brain Tumor Breakthroughs." Westchester Country Business Journal

(2016): 1-6. Small Business Reference Center. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

Chavhan, Govind B., and Manohar M. Shroff. "Twenty Classic Signs in Neuroradiology: A

Pictorial Essay." Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging 19.2 (2009): 135-45.

EBSCOhost. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

Heerden, Jolandi, Patricia M. Desmond, and Pramit M. Phal. "Functional MRI in Clinical

Practice." Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 58.3 (2014): 320-26.

EBSCOhost. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

Mason, Karen M., Susan M. Ebersole, Hisako Fujiwara, James P. Lowe, and Susan M. Bowyer.

"What You Need to Know to Become a MEG Technologist." The Neurodiagnostic

Journal 53.3 (2013): 191-206. EBSCOhost. Web. 22 Feb. 2017.

Purcarea, Victor. "A Strategic Vision in Neurology." Journal of Medicine & Life 8.2 (2015): n.

pag. EBSCOhost. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

Thomas, Allan, and Mohammed Varnamkhasti. "Brain and Facial Trauma: A Neuroradiology

Perspective." Trauma 13.4 (2011): 317-33. EBSCOhost. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

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