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Omer Ahmed

Emily Litle

ENG 121. 001

April 18, 2017

Annotated Bibliography

Statement of scope: Everyday we use all sorts of technology ranging from cell phones,

to vehicles, to robots. Technology is the center of todays society and we have become

so obsessed with it that it can led to the downfall of our humanity. I picked these sources

because they strongly illustrate reasons how machines and everyday technological

equipment can backlash on us.

Davies, Julia. "Over-Reliance on Technology Is Bad News for Care." Nursing Standard 25.3

(2010): 28. ProQuest. Web. 8 Dec. 2015.

Julia Davis teaches pre nursing students clinical skills. They use technological

equipment that alerts nurses when the patients condition is deteriorating. And with this

dominance of technology in the heath care, she believes theres no reason for her to

even wear a uniform because the machine is completing her duties. This illustrates that

technological advances in the health care system needs to be slowly reduced because it

can do many tasks and we can rely on a machine because it can break down. And that

is exactly what happened. A year ago there was an explosion in Shrewsbury in 2009
that knocked out the hospitals power for several hours. Some of the electrical

equipment did not work. The only people who did not panic were the older healthcare

professionals because we were able to use Look, Listen, Feel and knew what was

happening with our patients. We are more than capable of saving lives in the health

care business with humans that wack machines.

Wu, Tim. "As Technology Gets Better, Will Society Get Worse? - The New Yorker." The New

Yorker. N.p., 06 Feb. 2014. Web. 09 Dec. 2015.

Tim Wu is a writer for the The New Yorker, who has a quite interesting view on where

technology is directing our society towards. Wu uses the chainsaw/chisel logic as a

way to show humans are more likely to interact with technology than with human

nature and biological evolution.This chainsaw/chisel logic has led some to suggest

that technological evolution is more important to humanity near future than biological

evolution; nowadays, it is not the biological chisel but the technological chainsaw that

is most quickly redefining what it means to be human. This illustrates that we seek

more technological evolution than biological evolution because we believe that

machines can manifest our pleasures when we've been content with our lives for

centurys. Technological advances can be a good thing but not if we use it to evolve

as we do biologically.

Slutsky, Ruslan, Mindy Slutsky, and Lori M. DeShelter. "Playing with Technology: Is It All Bad?"

Dimensions of Early Childhood 42.3 (2014): 18. Web.

Ruslan Slutsky and her colleagues conducted studies on children and there interactions

with technology. Technology now plays a very large role in the way children of all ages

play. From Computers to video games to battery-operated toys, and computer screens

which leaves less time for them to engage in dramatic, constructive, or outdoor play. It

can help students educate themselves at a younger age but most kids want to play and

technology manipulates the minds of our youth. I picked this as one of my sources

because it has an opposing side on why technology is a good thing because it helps

youth learn but it also talks about the dangers of it. I will use this in my paper when I

talk about technology in the classrooms and its affectedness with children .

Young, Jeffery R. When Good Technology Means Bad Teaching: Giving Professors Gadgets

without Training Can Do More Harm than Good in the Classroom, Students Say

(n.d.): n. pag. Google Scholar. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2006. Web. 8 Dec.


Jeffery R. Young wrote about a student who Alison Lesht, a senior at Connecticut

College, dreaded going to her organic-chemistry classes, held in one of the colleges

wired classrooms. Giving professors gadgets without training can do more harm than

good in the classrooms. Students say technology actually makes some of their proffers

less effective than they would be if they stuck to a lecture at a chalkboard. I used this

paper because it is a good argument on technology and how usage should be reduced in

the education system.

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