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em } refers 10 relationships benweeh some organisms 1 Barnacles ona shark's back Sharman 1 Manmalaria protozoan 1. Whichef the following groups. 0 IN). conectly idemuifies these reiaion ships? 5 n m (8) Commensalism Predatoriprey Murualism (By Commensalism Predstoriprey Parasvism (©) Predator/prey Commensalism Murualism {D) _ Predator/prey Muroalism Parassism 2. Which ef the following statements abouts 4. Which ofthe following factors is NOT indi food chain is TRUE? cated by the direction of the arrows ina food chain? (A) Energy from the suns transferred from one organism to subsequent (A) Thedirection of the flow of energy organisms. (B) ‘The amount of food each animal eats (B) —_Eachofits memters depends on heat (C) The fact that plants start every food energy obtained dicectly from the chain sun. (D) The animels that ere predators (G)__ Energy changes from one type 10 anothe:. that 1s, from heat to light tochemical 5. Adog, killed on the roadway by a vehicle. is (D) _Thesun usps hghtenergy at the stan left to decay, Which af the following organ of the food chain sms would be directly responsible for enum ng the carbon and nitrogen compounds of the dog’s body to the environment? 3. Which of the following statements is NOT true about decomposers? (A) Saprophyus tings (By Flesh-eaung beetles (A) They release nutrients for recycling (C)_— Maggorsifly lars se) (B) They prevent the accumulation of {D) — Vultures:cortesstlohn Crow) dead organic maiter (Ci They ate more abundant in damp places 6. “Spaces’ between the vets wi the hurman bo 1Dy They are favoured by low tempera: se filled with WA) ussue Mad 1B) blood 1) serum sD) plasma Brovoes a004, The followi investigation Capillary tube diagram illustrates the result of an Level of liquid after 1 br. Original level of liquid Rubber band Dialysis tube containing, ‘sucrose solution (1) Beaker containing water (2) The level ofthe solution inthe capillary tube rose because there was a greater net movement of (A) solute molecules from 1 102 (B) solute molecules from 2 to 1 (C) water molecules from 102 (D) water molecules from 2t0 1 Ltems 8-9 refer to the following table which shows how four tubes were set up (0 investigate the conditions for digestion of a fat Test-tube] Test-tube TT Test-tube UI Test-tube 1V 1 om? Fat Lem Fat Vem’ Fat Tem" Fat 10cm? Enzyme | 10em" Enzyme 10cm’ Enzyme 10cm? Enzyme. Sem’ Bilesalts | Sem’ Dilute sodium | Sem? Dilute hydrochloric | Sem’ Distilled hydroxide acid water Which of he following vanablesisbeingin- 9. Whichof the following types of chemical re: vestigated” action is likely tokave taken place? (ay pH (A) Hydrolysis {B) Temperature (B) Oxidation (C) Enzyme concentration (©) Glycoly (D) — Fatparticle size (D) Reduction 912070107" 2001 GOON TO THE NENT PAGE n ‘The variation in cellular structure found in any complex organism is due to a process called (A) grow (B) elaboration c metabolism (D) specialisation ‘One of the problems with nutrition for a veg etarian is that (A) fats and oils are not produced by plants (B) large quantities of food are needed to supply essential amino acids (©) ___ vitamins produced by plants are of inferior quality (D) large quantities of food are needed to supply essential mineral nutri- ents, ‘The rate at which respiration is occurring in ‘a mammal can be indicated by the rate of (A) sweat production (B) —_urineexcretion (C) _carbondioxideelimination (D) _oxygeneliminanon iem 13 refers to the following characteris. ties. 1 Thin walled surfaces 1. Excellent blood supply TM Always moist IV Large surface area Characteristics [10 IV describe structures that are MOST likely to be associated with the (A) diffusion of gases (B) _productionof energy (C) movement of water (DB) wansportof digested food 14 16. tem 14 refers tothe following diagram, Ww Ina patient with a certain defective hean condition, it was found that blood flowed from. Point I to Point I]. This was MOST likely due to the malfunction of the (A) eftanium (B) —_leftventrcle (©) semi-lunar valve (D) bicuspid valve Large organisms cannot depend solely on dif. fusion for the uptake and transport of gases ‘This is because as organisms get larger the (A) surface area 10 volume ratio in: creases (B) surface area to volime ratio de. creases (©) surface area and the volume both increase (D) surface area and the volume bath decrease Which of the following numents supplies most energy per gram? tA) Glucose ‘B) Starch ©) Protein sD) Fat 1. 18. 19. Which of the following substances can be foundinhigh proportion inthe nucleus? (A) ATP. (B) ADP (AZT (D) DNA Item 18 refers to the following table which shows approximate concentrations of some substances in the blood plasma and urine of healthy man [Substance | % in plasma | % in urine] Bias | 90-53 | o80| Protein | 70 ° Glucose | 01 o Sodium | 03, 035 IChtonde | 04 06 Urea 0.03 20 Uric Acid |_ 0.008 0.05 From the table above, determine which of the following statements is NOT true? (A) Allthe organic food is retained in the blood. (B) Unc acid is more concentrated in blood than in urine. (©) Water and salts are more concen: tated in unne than in blood (D) © Ureais more concentrated in urine than in blood ‘The normal function of the mammalian kid- neyis (A) deamination (B) storage of mineral salis (©) conversion of glucose 10 glycogen (D) removal of excess mineral salts, 20. 21 22. ‘The reactants in aerobic respiration are (A) water and carbon dioxide (B) —waterand oxygen (©) glucose and oxygen (D) glucose and carbon dioxide The alveoli of the lungs of a mammal (A) keep the lungs filled to capacity with air at all times 5 (B) serve toincsease the absorptive sur face of the lungs (©) are filled with oxygen to keep the lungs in an expanded state (D) _pervent the lungs from collapsing Blood entering the glomerulus of the kidney differs from blood leaving it, since the blood entering has (A) more oxygen, more urea and more glucose (B) more oxygen, ess urea and more glu (©) less oxygen, more urea and less glu: (D) less oxygen. less urea and less elu: Bones act as storage depots for minerals in the body. The MOST important of the min. erals they store are (A) calciumandphosphorus (B) _calciumandpotassiun: (©) phosphorusandsodium (D) _sodiumandpotassium Which of the following groups of functions performed by a rib? 1 Blood formauon I -Protection MI. —Locomonon 1 Suppor, 26. 2. 2 ‘The MAIN function of cartilage at the end of long bones is io (A) lubneate joints {B) _ increase flexibility (©) reduce friction (D) __protectnerves Which of the following statements would NOT represent a form of excreuon in plants? (A) Gases diffusing through stomata (B) _Tannins being stored in dead tissue (©) Water vapour diffusing through the epidermis (D) Stored calcium oxalate crystals in leeves during leaf fall ‘The primary function of the neural spine of the lumbar verebrais for (A) attachment of muscles (B) suppor of adjacent vertebrae (©) protection of the spinal cord (D) movement of bones ‘The eye is sometimes referred 10 as an ef: fector organ because (A) the rods and cones are stimulated by light {B) the pupil constriets in the presence of bright light (C)_ images which fall on he enna are sent tothe brain (D) neurones from the eye lead to the ‘central nervous s3stem Insulin (a protein) is never ssken orally be cause it LA] isbroken downy pepsin (B) inhibits the action of sahvary amy lase tC) isinacuvated bs bile salts (D) _takestoolong tobe sosorbed into the blood 30. 31. 32. ge; 34. Which of the following conditions are neces: sary for germination to take place? Lair 1. Foodsupply MW. Light IV. Moisture (A) and only (B) Mand 1V only (C)_ 1, Mand TV only (D) Th. Mand1Vonly ‘Which of the following condivons MOST éi- rectly controls increase in size in the flower- ing plant? (A) Lightintensity (B) —_Avxinconcenuation (©) Carbon dioxide concentration (D) Oxygen concentration Which of the following features is NOT a function of human skin? (A) Excretion (B) Sensory perception (©) Temperature regulation (D)— ViaminB formation Internal reflection of light within the eye is prevented by the (A) lens. (B) retina (©) choroid layer (D) scleronc layer If an object isthrown towards yuu. your eves Dlink. The receptors and effe reflex action ae the os for this (A) retina and the eyeié muscles (B)—_retinaand the ciliary muscles {C) pupil andthe evelid muscles «D) pupil andthe ciliary muscies 36. 37, 38. Which of he following conditionsis likely to promote a lowering of body temperature” (A) Increaseinthe metabolic rate (B) _ Raisingofthehairsonthe skin (C) Dilation of blood vessels just under theskin (D) Decrease inthe evaporation of sweat ‘Aseedling illuminated fromone side, bends towards the light source because the concen: trationofauxinsbecomes (A) greater on the side away from the light (B) greater on the side towards the light (C) __ thesameon both sides (D) greatest ar the tip of the shoot ‘When an athlete runs a long-distance race, which of the following changes would you expecttotake place in his/her body” (A) An increase in the breakdown of maltosein theintestines (B) _Adropinthelevelof glycogen inthe liver (C)__Constrictionof the veinsinthe legs (D)__Dilationofthe blood vesselstothe gut Which of the following sequence of struc tures shows the route taken by a sperm cell ‘when it leaves the testis? (A) Epididymis— spermduct— urethra (B) —Spermduct— urethra — epididymis, (C)__Epididymis urethra —» spermduct (D) Urethra sperm duct epididyrms 39, 40. al Which of the following features are ei ples of homeostasis in mammals? 1 Control of the blood sugar level > insulin TI Limiting wemperanure changes toslight fvetwations ML Differences in the level of female hormones during the menstrv:al cycle IV. Changes in the rate of breathing 10 suit the body's activities (A) Land IV only (B) Mand Ilonly (C) I WandIVonly (D) Land IVonly Pollination is the process by which pollen wansferred from the (A) anthertothe stigma (B) stigma to the anther (©) stamento the ovary (D) _pistiltothe anther Some plants, such as Bryophyllum (Leat 0: Life, Wonder-of-the-world), can be props gated from buds at the leaf margin. The buss develop imo complete plantlets while still 31 tached to the leaf margin. These plants also. flower and produce seeds. The development of the plantlets and the seed (A) both take place by mitosis, (B) _bothiake place by meiosis (C)__ take place by mitosis for the seed snc meiosis for the plantlets (D) take place by meiosis for the se

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