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'(Please wrlta gcur Exam RoIl t{o.J Exam Ro * .,. C 1.8..1.{1.0.

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EwU Tpnnn ExennuvATIoN
Cade: BCA-7O2 SttbJect: Mathemattcs

Time : 3 Hours Maxlmum

Not": Attempt angfltse questTon, lncludtng compulsary'
Select one eoeh Unlt.

Ql ial Show that:- (31

iA-B)-c = A-(BuC)
.'ll Define:-[i) UniversalSet (ii) PowerSet (iii) ComplementofSet' (3)
ici Deflne equivalence relation with example. {3}
idr Define POSET wiih examPle. {31
el Define (i) Tutolog' (ii) Contradict-ion. t2l
iil Deine Homomor,ohic and Isomorphic graph with example' (31
gr-e: f.g be iunction from N to N (Set of nahral no) for NeN s't'
,fi:r)= n+1,9?L)=2n. (31
F:nci log and gof.
:r;Secrr -&at the function f(x) = x3 and g(x) - xlls lor ai1 xe R aIe
inverses cf one another. l2l
listributed & Complemented Lattice.
:rl De:-rne (3t


Q2 la) Slro'w that the mapping f: Z'-+ V defrned by /(x) = xz,xeZ+ is se-t ol
+ve integers, is one-one & onto mapping. {6'5)
(b) Dehne parrial order relation and prove that the relation < (1ess than or
equal roi is partial order relation on N (set of natural numbers)' {6}

VJ ia) If R & S are equivalence relation in a set X, prove that R-nS is arr
equivaience reiaiiol. {6'51
ib) iir a surr'ey of 80 people, it was observed +&at 30 pecpie read
Hindustan Times, 25 read Times of Inriia, 28 read The 'fribune, 15
read both Hindustan Times and The Tri'oune, i8 read both ?imes cf
india and The Tritrune, 20 read both Hinrlustan Times ar1d Times of
india and 5 read all three nervspapers. Find:-
(ij The nura'oer- of people who read at least one of tl-e three newspapers.
ii1 fn" nurnber of people wht read no nes'spaper al ail' {6}


Q4 la) Let D:+ rlenote the set of all divisors of 24. Considering tlie partial
crde:- of divisibility in Dz+, Drar'r.' Hasse Diagra:n Dz+. {6}
{b) Define Lattice. (L,<).
Alrl prove that if a, b. c e L, then
a < c if a.nd only if and onty if aV(bAc) < (aVb)AC {6'5}

Q5 (a) Find the povuer and upper bounds of t-he subsets {a,b,c}, {i,hi and
{a,c,d,Ii in the poset with Hasse diagram shown in figure'
atso nt a the greatest lower bond and least upper bond of ft,d,g}" (6)

G,rA -\5?
,,,1 ,


(b) Let A = {1,2,3,4,5,6} be ordered set shown in ligure. Find. (6.E1

(i) Ail minimal and maxirnai element olA.
(ii) Greatest and least element of A.
l"r ,n.L
,r' '\
i!'/ L'
\,/ u_N::_E
Q6 {al Show- that the gir.n porJ of graph are isorricrphic. {6.5i
?-I :
'l ,'7- -./
>3 l:

-t'' d--r.
{1 ,,
Q7 (a) Deirne:- (i) Sub graph (ii) Cut-edges. (6t
{iii} Cut-vertices (id Harnilton Graph.
(b) Draw the directed graph for followirrg Incidence Matrix. {6.51
t z ej e4 e5 e6 e7 es
,,[*r o o o -1 -1 I o-l
,,1t I o o o o o tl
,.lo -r -l o o I o oi'
,.io o t 1 o o -1 ol
,,1_o o o -1 I o o -r.]
Also find the degree of all vertex.

A -\5?-
a)s (aj Construct the truth table of the following:-
{i) (rV- s)v - p
(b) Show that foiiowing are tautologies:-
1i1 (pA(n - q)) - q
(ij) (p + q) n (*pVq)
Qe (a) Ccnsider the followi.g:, {61
p: Today is Tuesday
q: it is raining
r: It is ccld
Wriie in simpie sentences the mea:ring cf the following:-
(i) -q - ir-.pi (ii1 1pvc1 > r.
(bl Whar is the r.ruth va-iue ot the quaitirication (: .r) Q (z). if iire
siatement (x) and inverse of discourse is given as follows:-
Q {6.5}
(i) Q(x):x)3'2, U ={a11 realnum'nersi
(ii) Q(r):x=x*2 U = {a11 realnumbers}
{iii) Qix) , x2 < l? U = ipositive integer not exceeding 3i


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