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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH-Health II

(Integrated with Values Education)

I. Objectives:

After a 40-minute lesson, the pupils are expected to:

a. identify the signs and symptoms of food-borne diseases, and

b. give examples on how to prevent food-borne illnesses.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Sources of Food-Borne Disease

Concept: Symptoms of food-borne illnesses depend on the cause. Common symptoms of

many food-borne illnesses include vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever
and chills. Food-borne illnesses can be prevented by properly storing, cooking, cleaning and
handling foods.

Selection: Ang Sakit ng Tiyan Ko. . .

References: Curriculum Guide K-12

MAPEH-Health Teachers Guide

Learners Material in Health II

Materials: speaker, flashcards, cartolina strips, chalkboard

III. Teaching Strategy

Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

A. Preparation
1. Performing Routinized Activities
a. Greeting
Good morning everyone. Good morning teacher.
Hows your day? Great.
Thats nice.
b. Praying
Lets take a minute of silence and feel
the presence of our Lord. (The pupils will pray the Angle of God.)
c. Singing
Do you want to sing? Yes, we do.
Do you know the song Micronutrient Yes, we do.
Everybody, lets all sing together the
song Micronutrient Deficiency.
Begin. (The pupils will sing the song
Micronutrient Deficiency.)
d. Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent for today? No, there isnt.
All of you are present for today.
2. Drill
Class, I have here a set of flash cards. As
I flash each card, identify them by saying
whether it is healthy or not. Then clap your
hands twice if it is healthy otherwise stomp
your foot once if it is not healthy.
Is it clear? Yes, it is.

Healthy. (clap)

Not healthy. (stomp)

Not healthy. (stomp)

Healthy. (clap)

Not healthy. (stomp)

Healthy. (clap)

Healthy. (clap)
Healthy. (clap)

Healthy. (clap)

Great. Not healthy. (stomp)

All of you got the correct answer.
Give yourselves five claps.
3. Review
Before we start another lesson, I
prepared here an activity if you really (The pupils will clap five times.)
understood our topic last time. Will you read
the direction? Marlon.

Direction: Identify the following foods

Thank you. by pasting the good foods on the basket and
Is the direction clear? pasting the spoiled food on the trash can.
Now I want you to form into two groups.
The first group who will finish first with Yes, it is.
correct answers will be the winner.
Are you all ready?

Yes, we are.
(The pupils will do the activity.)
Very good.
Now, lets check your answers.
All your answers are correct but Group I
finish the activity first therefore they are the
winner for todays activity.
Lets give them Ang Galing-Galing (The pupils will do the Ang Galing-
Clap Galing Clap.)

4. Motivation
Since you have mastered the difference
between the good and bad foods, let us have
our lesson for today.
I have here a picture.
(The teacher will post the picture.)

Now, what do you see from the picture?

Very good.
Do you buy street foods?
The picture is a food cart of street foods.
What do you usually eat from the street
foods? Kevin.
Yes, we do.
Thank you.
What might happen if you eat food that
I usually eat some fish ball.
is not safe? Nivea.
Very good.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Introduction We might get sick.
Our topic for today is all about Signs
and Symptoms of Food-borne Diseases.
Everybody, what is out topic for today?

Thank you.
Later, we will read a story about a boy Our topic for today is all about Signs and
who had eaten unsafe food and we will find out Symptoms of Food-borne Diseases.
what happened to the boy in the story.

What have you observed on the picture?

Thats right. COMFORT ROOM

This is an example of a person having a

Based on the given picture, what is
diarrhea? Ash.
Theres a child in the comfort room.
Thats right.
Will you please read the definition of
Diarrhea, Edessa.

Thank you. Diarrhea is when the stomach hurts and

removes excess human waste.

Diarrhea is the illness that causes you to

pass waste.
What do you observe from this picture?
This is an example of having stomache.
Based on the given picture what is
stomache The persons stomach hurts.

What is the underlined word? Jess.

Right. The sentence has an underlined word.

Based from the sentence what is the Diarrhea is the underlined word.
meaning of diarrhea? Loyd.

Excellent. Diarrhea is going back and forth in the

Everybody, will you read the definition comfort room.
of diarrhea.
Diarrhea is a condition in which
Thank you. human waste are discharge from
Based from the given definition, will you bowels frequently in liquid form.
construct a sentence using the word
dehydration? Rose.

3. Reading of Guide Questions Liza went to the hospital because of
Now, before you will start the story I diarrhea.
have here some guide questions for you to
answer later.
Will you read the following guide
questions? Lloyd.

Guide Questions:
1. Who is the boy in the story?
2. What happened to him after
eating contaminated food?
3. What did the doctor advice to
do to get well?
Thank you.
4. Recalling Standard for Listening
Before we read the short story, will you
recall the standards for listening? Jesusa.

Standards for Listening:

While we are reading we have to:
Very good. 1. Sit properly.
5. Listening Period 2. Be silent.
Now, we will read the short story 3. Focus on what you are reading, and
entitled Ang Sakit ng Tiyan Ko. I want you 4. Take down some notes.
to focus on the short story so we can answer
the guide questions later.
Is it clear?

6. Comprehension Check-up
Did you enjoy our story?
Let us see if you really understand the Yes, it is.
short story. Let us answer the following guide (The pupils will read the short story.)
Will you read again the first guide Yes, we did.
question? Ken.
Thank you.
Will you answer the question? Mae.
Very good.
How about the next question? Will you
read it again? Karen. Who is the boy in the story?

Will you answer the second question? The name of the boy in the story is
Melinda. Bonn.

Correct. What happened to him after eating

Will you read again the question number contaminated food?
three? Edessa.
Bonn had a diarrhea after eating
Thank you. contaminated food.
Will you answer the last question?
What did the doctor advice to do to get
Very good. well?
Aside from the experience of Bonn in the
story of having diarrhea, what are the other
signs and symptoms of eating contaminated The doctor advised him to drink some
foods? Eve. medicine.

Very good.
Can you give another sign of eating
contaminated food? Zarah.
The other sign of eating contaminated
Excellent. food is stomach ache.
Can you give more? Jie.

How about for those people who have Another sign of eating contaminated
allergies, what happened to them if they will food is throwing up.
eat food that is prohibited to them? Earl.
Having fever is one sign of eating
Very good. contaminated food.
Now, what can we do in order for us to
avoid having those symptoms? Nivea.
Correct. The person who had allergies will have
What else aside from eating healthy rashes all over his body.
foods? Samantha.

We must eat healthy foods.

Is being aware of the expiration date of
the food can help us avoid this sickness. We can wash our hands before we eat to
How can you say so? Joy. avoid germs.

Very good.
Awareness to the food that we eat can Yes, it is.
help us avoid the food-borne diseases. Because we will know if it is still safe
C. Generalization or not.
Let us see if you really understand our
lesson for today.
Will you identify the symptoms of food-
borne diseases? Nivea.

Excellent. The symptoms of food-borne diseases

Will you tell me the ways to prevent are stomach ache, diarrhea, fever, rashes and
ourselves from having illnesses from vomiting.
contaminated foods? Earl.

The ways to prevent ourselves from

having illnesses are being aware to the
Very good. expiration date of the food, washing our hands
You understand our lesson for today. properly and checking the food we eat is clean
or not.

D. Application:

Directions: Group yourselves into two groups. Choose the best image on the shape which
describes the following statements below.

______1. Bonns most like to eat food

______2. Happened after Bonn ate the fish ball

______3. The thing went to Bonns food caused by his diarrhea

______4. Symptom of diarrhea experience by Bonn

______5. Advise by the doctor to Bonn to mix with water in order to get well

IV. Evaluation:

Direction: Draw if the sentence is true while if it is false.

______1. Germs came from contaminated foods causing stomach ache.

______2. Vomiting is caused by poison from expired foods.

______3. Children having skin rashes are caused by allergy whenever they eat prohibited foods.

______4. Diarrhea is a symptom that a person have weaken digestive.

______5. Children will not get sick if he eats clean and safe foods.
V. Assignment: Do you experience having a stomach ache or vomiting cause of contaminated
foods? Write your pass experience about it on your notebook. Sharing some experiences on the
class would be expected.

Prepared by:

Micaela N. Ongan

BEED 4-1

Approve by:

Ma. Norissa R. de Guzman

Grade 2 - Yakal

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