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Geology of Epigenetic

Uranium Deposits in
Sandstone in the
United States

Prepared partly on behalf of the

U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
Geology of Epigenetic
Uranium Deposits in
Sandstone in the
United States


Prepared partly on behalf of the

U.S. Atomic Energy Commission

A review of the geologic studies and

explorations of uranium deposits in sandstone
in the United States from I943 to I959





William T. Pecora, Director

Library of Congress catalog-card No. OS 66-317

First printing 1967

Second printing 1967

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Washington, D.C. 20402- Price $1.50 (paper cover)
Page Pqe
Abstract------------------------------------------- 1 Character of the deposits ____________ ---------------- 69
Introduction ______________________________________ _ 1 Chemical composition ____________________ - _____ _ 69
Scope and acknowledgments ___________________ _ 1 Mineral composition ______________ -------------- 72
Geochemical distribution of uranium _____________ _ 2 Concept of primary and secondary minerals ___ _ 74
Definitions ____________________________________ _ 2 Primary uranium minerals_-- ____ ------------ 75
History of mining and production ________________ _ 3 Associated primary minerals ___ ------ __ ------ 75
General description of deposits ______________________ _ 3 Secondary minerals _________ ------ ____ -----_ 76
Geographic distribution of deposits __________________ _ 3 Ore textures _____________________________ -_-_-_- 76
Stratigraphic distribution of deposits _________________ _ 39 Paragenesis------------------------------------ 76
Age of host rocks ______________________________ _ 39 Shape and size of deposits ______________________ _ 77
Stratigraphy of the host rocks ___________________ _ 58 Alteration of host rocks ________________________ _ 78
Lithology of the host rocks __________________________ _ 60 Age of deposits ____________________ - _____ -_-_-_- 80
Tuffaceous materiaL ___________________________ _ 61 Localization of deposits _________ -------- ____________ _
Plant fossils ___________________________________ _ 82
62 Relations to sedimentary features ________________ _ 82
"Asphaltite"- ---------------------------------- 62 Relations to tectonic structures __________________ _ 82
Deposition and history of the host rocks ______________ _ 63 Relations to igneous and metamorphic rocks ______ _ 84
Tectonic setting _______________________________ _ 63
Origin--------------------------------------------- 85
Geologic history of uranium-bearing regions _______ _ 65
Guides to uranium ore in sandstone __________________ _ 92
Cordilleran-Ouachita forelands uranium region_ 65
California and Nevada __ ----- ______________ _ 67 Favorable areas and formations for uranium deposits in
Texas Coastal Plain ________________________ _ 67 sandstone---------------------------------------- 93
Eastern Pennsylvania ______________________ _ 67 Selected references _________________________________ _ 97

[Plates are in pocket]

PLATE 1. Index map to uranium deposits in sandstone in the United States.

2. Map showing distribution of uranium deposits in sandstone and of paleotectonic and paleogeographic features
in Late Triassic and Late Jurassic time in the Western United States.
FIGURE 1. Map showing location of uranium-mining districts in West-Central United States-------------------------- 40
2. Graph showing distribution of uranium deposits and ore in sandstone in the United States by geologic age of
the host formation______________________________________________________________________________ 41
3-5. Maps:
3. Tectonic setting of uranium deposits in sandstone in the United States---------------------------- 64
4. Distribution of peneconcordant and vein uranium deposits in sandstone beds of Pennsylvanian and
Permian ages and of areas where Precambrian rocks were exposed during Late Pennsylvanian and
Permian time in the Southwestern States---------------------------------------------------- 66
5. Distribution of uranium deposits in sandstone of Eocene age and the approximate outlines of major
sedimentary basins and positive areas in Eocene time in the Western United States______________ 68
6. Graph showing approximate ranges in grades and in ratios of U30 8 and V20 6 for ores from selected stratigraphic
unnsandareas_________________________________________________________________________________ 70
7. Graph of the ranges in sulfur isotope ratios for uranium deposits in sandstone and for various other types of
rocksandores---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73
8. Cross sections of roll ore bodies of the Colorado Plateau region_________________________________________ 78
9. Graph showing distribution of deposits by size in sandstone beds of Triassic age in the Colorado Plateau region__ 79
10. Histogram showing the percentage of total ore by size groups of deposits in sandstone beds of Triassic age in
the Colorado Plateau region______________________________________________________________________ 79
11. Map showing the location of uranium-bearing sandstone pipes, faults, and outcrop of the Coconino Sandstone
in the Grand Canyon area, Arizona ___ --------- ______ --------- ________ --------------- ______ ----___ 83
12. Cross-sectional sketches showing stratigraphic positions and shapes of sandstone pipes in the Grand Canyon
area, Arizona ___________ ------------- --------- ________ -------- ____________________ ------------ 84


TABLE 1. Average uranium content of selected crustal rocks and major rock types--------------------------------- 2
2. Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United
States, by States________________________________________________________________________________ 4
3. Stratigraphic units that contain uranium deposits in sandstone in the United States and a summary of the
geologic characteristics of these units ______________________________ ------__________________________ 42
4. Dominantly intrinsic elements in sandstone and in uranium ore in the Colorado Plateau region_____________ 69
5. Geometric mean content of dominantly extrinsic elements in uranium ore and barren sandstone from parts of
the Chinle and Morrison Formations, Colorado Plateau region, and their enrichment factors_____________ 71
6. Uranium minerals identified in sandstone deposits and their formulas alphabetized according to chemical
groups---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74
7. Apparent isotopic ages of selected samples from the Colorado Plateau region and age limits of the geologic
periods of the host formations____________________________________________________________________ 81
8. Summary of the historical development of the hypotheses of origin of uranium deposits in sandstone in the
UnitedStates---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86
9. Continental sandstone formations in which uranium deposits are unknown_______________________________ 94


ABSTRACT early deposits that became unstable owing to changes in

Epigenetic uranium deposits in sandstone and related rocks environmental conditions.
are formed by the precipitation of uranium minerals from Some vein deposits, however, are probably of hydrothermal
solutions. These deposits are widespread in the United States; origin from a hypogene source, some probably formed by the
they have yielded most of the uranium ore produced in this concentration of secondary or oxidized minerals derived from
country and contain nearly all the domestic ore reserves. nearby sources, and some are of undetermined origin.
Most deposits are tabular layers that lie nearly parallel to
the bedding and for that reason are called peneconcordant
deposits. 'ln these, the ore minerals mainly fill the pore spaces SCOPE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
of the host rocks, but they partly replace the sand grains, plant
fossils, and acccessory and cementing minerals of these rocks ; Epigenetic uranium deposits in sandstone and related
in some deposits the uranium occurs in asphaltic material that rocks are numerous and widespread in the United
impregnates and partly replaces the sandstone. Other deposits
are mainly localb;ed along fractures that are discordant to States; they have yielded most of the uranium ore pro-
bedding and are referred to as vein deposits. In these, the ore duced in this country, and they contain nearly all the
minerals occupy the fracture partings and impregnate the domestic ore reserves. This repo:vt reviews the geology
adjacent wallrock. of these deposits. It summarizes information obtained
Ore bodies range from small masses only a few feet across from the author's field examination of hundreds of de-
to those that are hundreds of feet across and contain a million
posits from 1949 to 1961 and information from more
tons or more of ore.
Nearly all peneooncordant deposits are in beds of Devonian than a thousand published and unpublished reports.
age or younger and correlate with the evolutionary development Most of the detailed data are presented in tables and il-
of woody land plants, which occur in abundance as fossils in lustrations. The text merely presents the general
most of the host rocks. Most of these deposits are in lenticular picture and collates the whole.
sandstone beds that accumulated from fresh-water streams in Among the published reports are many summaries of
one of three environments: (1) shallow depressions in foreland
belts which lie between the stable interior of the continent and the geology of uranium deposits in sandstone, generally
geosynclinal belts, (2) intermontane basins, and (3) coastal described as "sandstone-type deposits." They include
plains near shorelines. Drainage was poor in each of these Coffin (1921); Fischer (1942, 1950); McKelvey and
environments ; as a result, the pore waters remained in the 'beds, others (1952); Nininger (1954, p. 59-86); McKelvey
at least until structural deformation caused draining or flush- and others (1955); McKelvey (1955); Schnabel
ing of these solutions. Through reaction with the rocks these
pore waters probably became enriched in dissolved metals. (1955); Wright (1955); many reports in Page, Stock-
Tuffaceous rocks are commonly associated with beds containing ing, and Smith (1956) ; Klepper and Wyant (1957, p.
peneconcordant deposits, and this volcanic matedal could have 126) ; Melin (1957); Heinrich (1958, p. 357-452, 534,
furnished uranium and many of the associated metals. 547-551); Finnell and Parrish (1958); many reports in
Vein deposits, however, occur in beds ranging in age from lTnited Nations (1958); Finch (1959a, 1964); and
Precambrian to Tertiary, and are nearly as abundant in sand-
stone of marine origin as in that of fresh-water origin.
Garrels and Larsen ( 1959) .
Because of their common geologic relations, the penecon- The author appreciates the encouragement and useful
cordant uranium deposits probably had a similar origin, though suggestions received from many of his Geological
one that differed in detail from place to place. The metals Survey associates, and also the contributions of R~ E.
probably were derived from trace amounts in solution in the Melin, T. L. Finnell, I. S. Parrish, and Carolyn E. Fix,
pore waters when the host rocks and associated strata began
to accumulate, and from trace amounts dissolved from these
who helped compile data from 1955 to 1957. Special
rocks by pore water during diagenesis. The resulting solutions acknowledgment is made of the help of R. P. Fischer,
then probably moved slowly through the rocks, precipitating who not only contributed greatly to the clarity of the
the metals in spots of relatively strong reducing environments. text and the tabulated material, but also added some per-
Most deposits seem to have formed before regional deformation
and have since remained stable, but others are believed to rep- tinent data that became available after the author had
resent the redissolved and reprecipitated materials of those completed his report.

GEOCHEMICAL DISTRIBUTION OF URANIUM uranium. The uranium remaining in solution is either

Uranium is rather ubiquitous in the earth's crust and trapped in the rocks or moves to the surface and even-
occurs in all major types of rock in about the same tually to the oceans. There it is precipitated in moder-
average amount. It averages about 2 ppm (parts per ate concentrations only, largely in the mud containing
million) ( 0.002 percent) in crustal rocks, about 2 ppm organic material or in phosphatic sediments.
also in sandstone, a little more in clay and shale, felsic For a more detailed description of the geochemical
igneous rocks, and volcanic glass, and a little less in other cycle of uranium, the reader is referred to Bell (1954)
rocks (table 1). and McKelvey, Everhart, and Garrels (1955}.
Vanadium, chromium, and copper are commonly as-
TABLE I.-Average uranium content of selected crustal rocks and sociated with uranium in deposits in sandstone, where
major rock types
they behave geochemically somewhat like uranium.
Mean However, in igneous rocks, neither vanadiaum nor chro-
Rock uranium Reference
(ppm) mium, which are most abundant in mafic and ultramafic
rocks (Kiss, 1958; Fischer, 1959}, is closely associated
Crustal rocks------------------------ 2 Mason (1958).
Mafic igneous rocks_________________ _
Intermediate igneous rocks _________ _
.8 Vinogradov (1956). with uranium. In most vein deposits, vanadium and
1.8 Do.
Felsic igneous rocks ________________ _ 3.5 Do. chromium are sparse, but in typical hydrothermal veins,

5.6 Adams (1954).
3.2 Vinogradov (1956). uranium and copper are commonly associated.
Sandstone __________________________ _ 1.3 Rankama and Bahama (1950).
12.2 Evans and Goodman (1941).
1 Average of 5 samples, probably all marine, of Mississippian, Pennsylvanian,
Cretaceous, and Oligocene ages. An average of 1.2 ppni uranium for sandstone has
been cited as a computation of Evans and Goodman (1941) by several authors, but
Because uranium concentrations in amounts above the
this figure is an average for samples of roadway gravel, soil, sand, and quartzite, in
addition to sandstone.
average for the earth's crust occur in many kinds of rock
and result from various geologic processes, they form
The original source of most of the uranium in the several types of deposits. The deposits described in
earth's cr.1st is magmas and igneous rocks. Uranium this report-epigenetic uranium deposits in sandstone
in magmas is mostly in the low-valent ( +4) state. As and related rocks-are somewhat arbitrarily defined.
the magmas crystallize, part of the uranium is taken up Uranium deposit.-A uranium deposit, as used in
in the rock-forming minerals, especially the accessory this report, either is a body of rock that contains at
minerals such as zircon, apatite, and monazite, and part least 0.01 percent chemically determined UaOs-a con-
is deposited as film on the rock-forming crystals. Some centration at least 50 times the average concentration
uranium remains in residual magmas that form pegma- in crustal rocks, or is a body of rock which contains
tites and in solutions that form hydrothermal veins recognized uranium minerals but which has not been
(Larsen and Phair, 1954) ; in both pegmatites and veins sampled adequately to establish its grade.
it generally forms uranium-rich minerals, such as Ore.-Ore, as used here, is a body of rock that con-
uraninite (pitchblende), which-in sufficient quantity- tains at least 0.1 percent chemically determined Ua08-
are of economic value. a concentration at least 500 times the average in crustal
The accessory minerals of igneous rocks are generally rocks. No consideration is given to the many other
resistant to weathering and commonly are washed into factors that determine whether a body of rock can be
beds of detrital sediments, especially sand; some of these exploited profitably.
placer accumulations contain appreciable uranium Epigenetie deposit.-Epigenetic, as used in this re-
(McKeown, 1954; Murphy and Houston, 1955; Murphy, port, refers to the uranium deposits that were formed
1956a; Chenoweth, 1956, 1957). Most of the uranium- by precipitation from solutions that moved through the
rich minerals in veins and pegmatites, and the uranium- host rocks. The uranium was either introduced from
bearing films on igneous rocks, however, oxidize readily sources remote from the host sandstone or was derived
and release water-soluble uranium in the high-valent from uranium-bearing materials or connate water in
( +6) state, which goes into solution in surface and the host and associated rocks.
ground waters. If these waters circulate through rocks, The host rocks of the deposits described in this
especially sandstone, some uranium may be removed report are chiefly beds of sandstone, but they also in-
from solution by being adsorbed on clay minerals and clude other detrital rocks that commonly grade into or
on carbonaceous matter or may be precipitated by chem- are interbedded with the sandstone, such as conglom-
ical reaction or evaporation. Because these waters erate, siltstone, tuff, and mudstone. Many host rocks
probably have a very low uranium content, at least ini- contain much carbonate, and a few consist dominantly
tially, unusual conditions of extraction and consider- of detrital carbonate fragments. Limestone, car-
able time are probably required to concentrate much bonaceous shale, lignite, and coal also contain epi-
genetic uranium deposits, but these deposits are not Utah Geological Society (1954). A popular account
described in this report, even though some are similar of the history of these events is given by Bruyn (1955).
to and in places are closely associated with deposits in Data on production are given in statistical publications
sandstone (Gabelman, 1956b) . The geology of uranium of the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Bureau
in carbonate rocks has been reviewed by Bell ( 1963), of Mines.
and the uranium deposits in coaly carbonaceous rocks
have been described by Vine ( 1962) . GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DEPOSITS


The deposits in sandstone consist chiefly of fine-
grained uranium minerals that mainly fill .the pores of
The first reported discovery of a uranium deposit in the host rock and replace plant fossils, hut also partly
sandstone in the United States was in 1874 at Mauch replace the sand grains and the cementing minerals of
Chunk (now Jim Thorpe), Carbon County, Pa. ('Genth, that rock. Other deposits of uranium occur in asphaltic
1875, p. 144B). In 1898 a deposit of uranium-bearing material that impregnaJtes and replaces the sandstone.
vanadiferous sandstone was found at Roc Creek, Mont- Still other deposits fill fractures in the sandstone.
rose County, Colo. This deposit was soon exploited for Vanadium and copper are abundant in many deposits,
the radium content of its ore, and its discovery led to chromium and molybdenum occur conspicuously in
other successful searches for similar deposits in western some, and trace amounts of ceitain other elements are
Colorado and eastern Utah. From 1898 to 1924 these common in most. Ore bodies range from small masses
deposits yielded about a quarter of a million short tons containing a few ~tons of ore to large n1asses containing
of ore, part of which was mined mainly for radium and a million tons or more. Most ore bodies are tabular
part mainly for vanadium. From 1924 to 1945 about masses that lie nearly parallel to the bedding of the host
1 million tons of ore was mined, chiefly for vanadium; rocks and are called "peneconcordant" (Finch, 1959b).
most of this ore came from deposits in Colorado and Some deposits are localized along fractures or other
Utah, but some came from Arizona and a little from structural features that cut the host beds at steep angles;
New Mexico. these are called vein deposits.
The stimulus of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Most peneconcordant deposits are in lenticular sand-
program in the late 1940's and tJhe 1950's led to the stone beds that were deposited under continental con-
discovery of many more deposits of uranium-bearing ditions, chiefly by fresh-water streams. Fossil plant
sandstone in the Colorado Plateau region and in many material and sedimentary features in the host sandstone
States outside the Plateau region as well, especially obviously influenced the localization of many of these
Wyoming, South Dakota, and Texas. From 1948 to deposits. Vein deposits, however, occur in about equal
1961 about 35 million tons of ore was mined from de- abund-ance in sandstone beds that were deposited under
posits in sandstone, chiefly for uranium, although some marine conditions and in those that were deposited
ores yielded the byproduct vanadium. The production under continental conditions. Most vein deposits occur
of U 3 0 8 from deposits in sandstone increased from along steep-angle fractures associated with normal
about 110 short tons of concentrates in 1948 to about faults; a few are in collapsed sandstone plugs or pipes.
17,000 short tons in 1958. In 1962 uranium ore re-
serves in the United States, nearly all of which were in GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF DEPOSITS
epigenetic deposits in sandstone and related rocks, Nearly 4,600 uranium deposits in sandstone are known
totaled nearly 70 million short tons-almost a 10-year in the United States. The locations of individual de-
supply at the 1962 mining rate. posits and groups of deposits (independently numbered
Parts of the history of exploration and mining are by State) are shown on plate 1. Table 2 summarizes
presented in many technical reports, especially those of the major characteristics of individual deposits and
Hillebrand and Ransome ( 1900), Moore and Kithil groups and cites references that describe them in more
(1913), Coffin (1921, 1954), Fischer (1942), and the detail ; map numbers correspond tto those on plate 1.

TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States, by States
[Deposits are arran~d bf State and by map No. on pl. 1; on pl. 1, the map symbols show type of deposit, production and grade of largest deposit in each group, and associated
ore metals. If mdiVldual deposits differ from group type shown on pl. 1, t indicates vein deposits; , peneconcordant deposit; t, type questionable. # indicates grade or size
of deposit is questionable. For description of host-rock formation see table 3. For explanantion of symbols designating minerals, see table immediately following; all
minerals were identified by field methods (mainly observation) except those shown in italic, which were identified by precise laboratory methods. Asterisk (*) by date of
source of data indicates written commun.; double asterisk(**), oral commun.]
Symbol Mineral Symbol Mineral Symbol Mineral
A __ ----------- Uranium-arsenate mineral. 0-4 ___________ Schoepite. Si-5 ___________ Sklodowskite.
A-L __________ Zeunerite. 0-5 ___________ Fourmarierite. Si-6 ___________ Soddyite.
Metazeunerite. 0-6_ ---------- Ianthinite. - Si-7
___________ Boltwoodite.
A-2 ___________ Abernathyite. P ------------- Uranium-phosphate mineral.
A-4 ___________ Novacekite. P-L __________ Autunite. Si-9 ___________ Weeksite.
A-5 __ --------- Troegerite. Meta-autunite. Su ____________ Uranium-sulfate mineral.
A-6 __ --------- Uranospathite. P-2 ___________ Torbernite. Su-L _________ Johannite.
C _____________ Uranium-carbonate mineral. Metatorbemite. Su-2 __________ Uranopilite.
C-L _--------- Andersonite.
Schroeckingerite. P-3 ___________ Uraniferous carbonate-fluorapatite. Su-3 __ -------- Zippeite.
C-2 ___________ P-4 ___________ Uranocircite. Zippeite-like minerals.
C-3_ ---------- Bayleyite. P-5 ___________ Phosphuranylite. U
C-4 __ --------- Rutberfordine. P-6 ___________ Sabugalite. Up------------- Unidentified uranium
____________ Unidentified mineral.
primary uranium
C-5 ___________ Liebigite P-7 ___________ Bassetite. mineral.
C-6 ___________ Rabbittite. P-8 ___________ Sall!eite. Us ____________ Unidentified secondary uranium
C-7 _---------- Swartzite. P-9 ___________ Dewindtite. mineral.
M_____________ Uranium-molybdate mineral. SL ___________ Uranium-silicate mineral. V ______________ Uranium-vanadate mineral.
M-1----------- Umohoite. Si-L---------- Coffinite. V-L---------- Carnotite.
N ------------- No uranium minerals recognized. Si-2 ___________ Uranophane. V-2 ___________ Tyuyamunite.
0------------- Uranium-oxide mineral. Beta-uranophane. Metatyuyamunite.
0-L---------- Uraninite. Uranophane-like mineral. V-3 ___________ Rauvite.
0-2 ___________ Becquerelite. Si-3 ___________ Uraniferous opal. V-4 ___________ Uvanite.
0-3 ___________ Gummite. Si-4 ___________ Cuprosklodowskite. V-5 ___________ Sengierite.

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name oflocality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Apache County

Jerome Chee prospect_ __________ Morrison 1_____ Fine-grained quartzose sand- Carbonized plant remains _____ V-1----------- J. W. King (1951).

:rt~~~:~:: ~ ~:~:~: ~:~~~~: ~~~:~;;~ ~:~~:~::~:~ :~:~:~:~~~ ~~~:~;;~ ~~~~~:~~:~;:~::~:~:~~~~ -!~;~:~;~~~~~ s;~,lU'<gi~~~. a~m~.

6 Zona No. It--------------------- _____ do.I_ ------ _____ do __ ---------------------- _____ do __ ---------------------- V-S_ ---------- Chew (1956a).
7 North Mesa mines ____________________ do.I ____________ do __ ---------------------- _____ do __ ---------------------- V-L -------- __ Stokes (1951).
8 Hogan, Martin, Rattlesnake, _____ do.I _______ Fine-grained shaly and limy Carbonized logs and other C-1, V-1, V-s_ Stokes (1951); Chenoweth (1955).
Sab Tab, and unnamed sandstone and greenish- plant remains abundant.
mines. colored mudstone.
9 Eurida and unnamed mines __________ do.1_ ------ Fine-grained sandstone _______ -------------------------------- V-L ---------- Stokes (1951).
10 Unnamed mines on Sunnyside, _____ do.1 _______ Medium-grained shaly sand- Carbonized plant remains _____ V-L---------- Do.
Friday, and Segi-bo-cha stone.
11 Alcove Mesa mines ___________________ do.I_ ------ Fine-grained sandstone ____________ do __ ---------------------- V-L---------- Do.
12 Kinusta (Tree) Mesa _________________ do.1 ______ _ Fine- to medium-grained _____ do __ ---------------------- V-L __________ J. W. King (1951).
13 Cove Mesa group __ ------------- _____ do.I_ ------ Fine- to medium-grained Carbonized logs and other V-2----------- Jones (1954); Masters (1955).
limy sandstone. plant remains.
14 East, West, and Mexican Cry _____ do.I_ ------ Fine-grained sandstone ____________ do __ ---------------------- V-L---------- Dodd (1956).
15 Black No. 1, Cisco No. 1, Flag _____ do.I _______ Fine-grained quartzose sand- _____ do ________________________ 0-1, V-1, V-S- Ellsworth and Hatfield (1951);
Mesa Nos. 1 and 2, Frank stone and gray mudstone. King and Ellsworth (1951);
No.1, Mesa I through VII Masters (1955); Lowell (1955);
groups, and unnamed mines. Dodd (1956); Laverty and
Gross (1956).
16 Sweetwater Trading Post -----do.I_ ------ Fine-grained sandstone ________ -------------------------------- ----------------
17 Barton No.3 and unnamed _____ do.1 ____________ do_----------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------
18 Garnet Ridge (Keith Francis) t _ Navajo_______ Very fine grained sandstone___ None ___ ---------------------- v-s_ ---------- Malde (1954); Shoemaker (1956b).
Prospect west of Dinnehotso __ Morrison 1_____ Gray friable sandstone ________ -------------------------------- V-1 __________ _
19 Blackwater's claim, Monument Chinle 2------- Medium- to coarse-grained Carbonized a.nd silicified A-1, 0-1, 0-S, Butler and Allen (1921);
No.2 mine, South Extension, sandstone and plant remains abundant. 0-6, P-1, Witkind (1956a); Finnell
Tract No. 1 (Cato Sells), and conglomerate. Si-S, V-1, (1957); Isachsen and others
Yazzie No. 1. V-2, V-3. (1955); Witkind and Thaden
Monument No.2 mine (also Cutler ------- Fine-grained sandstone_______ None__________________________ V-L ---------- Isachsen and others (1955).
20 Tom Wilson and Tom Klee Morrison______ Sandstone __ ------------------ Carbonized logs and other Us_-----------
mine, and unnamed claims. plant remains abundant.
21 Yale Point claims _______________ Toreva_______ _ Light-gray fine-grained Abundant carbonaceous V-1 or V-2 ____ Clinton and Carithers (1956).
quartzose sandstone. seams.
22 Etsitty No.1 (M. 0.5) ________________ do_------- Fine-to medium-grained Abundant carbonized plant v-1, v-s _____ _ Do.
Ch li J N . d L quartzose sandstone. remains and coal seams.
23 S~a ~~. a~d1~~ed ----- 0 -------- ~~~;:dYq::tz~~e~~~ _____ do_----------------------- V-1 or V-2- __ _ Do.
P prospects. stone.
25 z~~~:':fjJ>~~~~~~-(aP: ____ -cii~~-c::::: -Llg:~brownand-gray-saii(f_--- -Som~0carbonaceous-trash:::::: V-1_ _________ _
proximate location). stone. V-L ----------
26 Anomaly 15-30.1---------------- Chinle________ Greenish-gray siltstone ________ Abundant carbonized and N -------------
silicified plant remains.
27 Name unknown_--------------- _____ do __ ------ Conglomeratic sandstone______ Abundant carbonized plant N -------------
28 G t t remains.
ran prospec ----------------- _____ do_------- Sandy clay and shale_-------- Carbonized plant remains _____ V-L ----------

Bee footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by. States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. N arne of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Navajo County

29 Tract No.2---------------------- Chinle _______ _ Mudstone ____________________ _ Silicified plant remains_______ _ V-L-----------
30 Little John claim, and Ruth Chinle'------- Gray medium- to coarse- Abundant carbonaceous trash_ A-1, C-1, Gruner, Gardiner, and Smith
claims. grained sandstone and gray D-1, P-S, (1954); Gregg and Moore
mudstone. Si-1, Su. (1955).
31 Curry Jones prospect _________________ do.------- Sandstone(?) _________________ _ Carbonaceous trash ___________ _ su-a __________ _
32 Hanson No. 1------------------- _____ do.-------- Light-brown coarse-grained
bentonitic sandstone.
Abundant charcoal and coaL. N -------------
33 Gerwitz prospect (Spurlock- _____ do.-------- Muddy sandstone ____________ _ Abundant plant remains______ 0-t, Up_______ Gruner, Gardiner, and Smith
Westler ranch). (1954).
34 Name unknown (sec. 23, T. Chinle ________ Sandstone and mudstone ______ Abundant carbonized plant u -------------
20 N., R. 17 E.). remains.
35 O'Haco ranch___________________ Chinle ------- Siltstone(?) _______ ----------- ___________________ --------------- _______________ _
36 O'Haco-Robinson prospect______ Chinle'------- Conglomerate(?)-------------- -------------------------------- P-1, V-2. ____ _
Sun No. 14.---------------------
Bidahochi BidahochL
Butte _____________________ __ __ Siltstone. ______________________ ------- __________________ ------ P-3?-------- ___
do ________
Shoemaker (1956b).
Massive claystone _____________ -------------------------------- ---------------- Do.
39 Morale claim_------------------- _____ do________ _ Laminated siltstone, coarse- None__________________________ Us------------ Shoemaker (1956b); Lowell
grained volcanic sandstone, (1956).
tuff breccia, and agglomer-
40 Blue Lake claim _________________ Morrison 11____ Sandstone _____________________ -------------------------------- V-L __________ _
41 Koley Black No.1 (Ben No. 2) __ Chinle ------- Conglomerate _________________ Plant remains, mostly silici- N------------- Witkind (1956a).
fied but some carbonized.
42 Brodie No.5.------------------- _____ do.'------- Conglomerate(?) ______________ -------------------------------- Us_-----------
43 Koley No.2, and Sam Charlie Chinle 2_______ Green siltstone and shale and Abundant carbonized, some P-2, V-1, V-2. Chester (1951); Witkind and
No.1, Hunts Mesa. conglomeratic sandstone. silicified plant remains. Thaden (1963).
44 Mitchell Mesa claims ________________ do.2 _______ Conglomeratic coarse-grained Some silicified and carbon- P-2, V-1, V-2. Witkind (1956a, p. 107); Witkind
sandstone. ized logs and other plant and Thaden (1963).
45 Monument No. 1, Mitton _____ do.'------- Conglomerate and medium- Abundant carbonized logs P-1, P-S Gruner and Smith (1955a);
(Mitten) No. 2, and Fern grained sandstone. and plant remains. Su-9, V-1, Holland and others (1958);
and Moonlight. V-t, V-3. Witkind (1961); Witkind and
Thaden (1963).
46 Azansoso prospect _______________ Chinle ________ L~~~~~~~e~oarse-grained A~~~f:S~ carbonized plant N -------------
47 James Sonny claim______________ Chinle'------- Sandstone(?) __________________ -------------------------------- ---------------- Gregg (1952).

Coconino County

48 Calvin Chee. __ ----------------- Chinle'------- Sandstone(?>------------------ Very abundant carbonized C-1? --------
plant remains.
49 Huskon No.4 and other mines. _____ do.------- Medium-grained sandstone ____ Abundant carbonized plant A-1?, P-1, Gruner and Knox (1957); Bollin
remains. P-2?. and Kerr (1958).
River View collapset------------ Chinle(?)_---_ Sandstone(?) __ ---- ____ ------ __ -------------------------------- --------------- _ Bollin and Kerr (1958); Kerr
50 Huskon No. 17 mine, Ramco Chinle'------- Fine- to medium-grained Abundant carbonized logs C-t, D-1 Austin (1957); Gruner and Knox
group, and other mines. sandstone. and plant remains. o-2?, 6-a?, (1957); Bollin and Kerr (1958).
P-1, P-t,

Black Polnt-Mruphy _---I~~~:::::::

Gravel. (Pleistocene)_________ None _______ ---_---------------
Fine- to medium-grained Abundant carbonized logs
and other plant remains.
P-4?, P-6,
Si-5?, Su-3?.
D-4, P-1, I
Si-B, Su-a. Austin (1957).
P-1, V-,e ___ _
sandstone and mudstone.
51 Hosteen Nez and Yellow Jeep Kayenta(?) __ _ Coarse-grained sandstone, Abundant carbonized plant 0-1, 0-2?, Gruner and Gardiner (1952);
mines. conglomerate, and shale. remains. V-2. Gruner, Gardiner, and Smith
(1954); Granger and Raup
52 Huskon No. 3, Huskon No. 7, Chinle'------- Sandy and silty mudstone _________ do.----------------------- C-1, D-1, o-s, Gruner and Smith (1955a);
Yazzie 102, Huskon No. 10, P-S, Si-1, Isachsen and Evensen (1956);
and other mines. Su-9, V-1. Gruner and Knox (1957);
Bollin and Kerr (1958);
Holland and others (1958).
53 A & B Nos. 2 and 3, and Black- Chinle 2______ _ Conglomerate _______ --------- ___ ------ _-----------------------
N -------------
hair prospect.
54 Huskon No. 1, Huskon No. 2, Chinle ------- Light-brown fine- to medium- Abundant carbonized logs and 0-1, 0-S, P-9, Bollin and Kerr (1958).
Yazzie 101, and other mines. grained sandstone. other plant remains. Su-3.
55 Jack Daniels No.1, Huskon No. _____ do.. _----- Sandstone._------------------ Abundant carbonized plant Gruner, Gardiner, and Smith
A-1, C-1, 0-1,
5, and other mines. remains. P-t, P-5,(1954); Gruner and Smith
(1955a); Gruner and Knox
P-6, Si-t,
Su-9. (1957); Bollin and Kerr (1958).
56 Shadow Mountain collapse Chinle(?)_____ Sandstone(?) __________________ -------------------------------- ---------------- Bollin and Kerr (1958); Kerr
deposit. (1958a).
57 Arizona claim, White Mesa area_ Navajo_------ White to gray sandstone_______ None_------------------------ P-2. ---------- Russell Gibson (1952*).
58 F & B claim.------------------- Chinle _______ _ Sandstone(?) __________________ -------------------------------- o-s _---------- Gruner and Smith (1955a).
59 El Pequito mine and other Lees _____ do.------- Sandstone, conglomerate, and Sparse to abundant carbo- 0-1, P-S, SUr Everhart (1950); Phoenix (1963)
Ferry occurences. mudstone. naceous material. 3.
60 Sun Valley mine . -------------- Chinle 2_______ Chert- and quartzite-pebble Some carbonized plant re- o-1, P, Su-9 __ Petersen and others (1959);
conglomerate. mains. Petersen (1960).
61 Vermillion No.1 mine and _____ do.'------- Conglomerate and siltstone ___ Some soft black carbonaceous P-t, Us _______ Petersen (1957).
Jasper group. material.
Coconino _____ }Gray very fine grained quartz- Some black asphaltic(?) blebs. D-1, P-t._____ Isachsen and others (1955);
62 Orphan Oode) mine _____________ Hermit(?)_____ ose sandstone, shale, and Gabelman and Boyer (1958);
{ Supai(?)______ limestone. Granger and Raup (1962).
63 Ridenour mine_---------------- Supai_________ Greenish-gray fine-grained None.----------------------- V-L ---------- Miller (1954).

See footnotes at end of table.


TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of indivitZ.uaZ dep08its and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rook
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Mohave County

64 Hack Canyon mine ___________ {Coconino }Fine-grained sandstone and None.------------------------ 0-1, P-!, V-!. DeMent and Dake (1948);
Hermit------- siltstone. Grunert Gardiner, and Smith
(1954); sachsen and others
(1955); Granger and Raup
65 Katy J. claims ________________ Moenkopi(?).. Medium-grained sandstone ____ Abundant carbonized plant P-2? ----------
Rainbow (Last Chance>-------- Chinle'------- Conglomeratic sandstone
Radon claims___________________ Chinle 21_____ _ -------------------------------- ---------------- Everhart (1950).
Dreamer groupt. _-------------- ----------------
Wharton propertyt-------------- Muddy Creek.
Copper Mountain (Cox and
~~~!~~::~~~!~:~::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Supai Very fine to fine grained
None.------------------------ A-1, 0-1? ----- C. G. Tillman (19M).
Ross claim) mine. sandstone.
71 Copper Ho~ Coalition No.2. ______ do.------- Yellow-brown and white _____ do.----------------------- N ------------- C. S. Bromfield (1952*).
72 Lucky 44 claims.--------------- ---------------- Bentonitic clay and sandy Si-2 or V-1? __ _
conglomerate. (Tertiary?)
73 Red H1lls (Tate>---------------- Artillery _____ _ Fault or sedimentary breccia None.------------------------ Us ____________ Wright (1950); Hart (1955);
Granger and Raup (1962).
74 Masterson groupt--------------- _____ do.------- Mudstone _____________________ Some carbonized palmlike N -------------

Yavapai County

75 Uranium Aire group ____________ ---------------- Vitrified and silicified fine- No carbonized material, but P-2?, V-1. ---- Reyner and others (1956); Davis
grained tuff. (Pliocene.) abundant opalized palmlike and Sharp (1957).
wood impressions.
76 Pretty Folly groupt------------- Verde_________ White tuff ___ ----------------- None.------------------------ V-L ----------

Gila County

77 Promontory claim ______________ Supai _________ Sandstone(?) __________________ Carbonaceous zones 1-4 feet ---------------- R. J. Schwartz (1957*).
78 Roxy (Roxies) and Q Ranch Dripping Siltstone(?)_------------------ -------------------------------- P-!, P-8______ H. C. Granger and R. B. Raup
group. Spring. (1959*).
79 Shepp No.2 mine_______________ do.------- Dark-gray fiaggy indurated Some organic carbon __________ P-s___________ Granger and Raup (1959).
80 Rick -------------------------- do.------- Siltstone(?)_------------------ -------------------------------- ---------------- R. J. Schwartz (1957*).
81 Able mine, North Star, and _____ do ________ Clayey siltstone _______________ -------------------------------- P-S, P-7, P-8. R. J. Schwartz (1957*); H. C.
other prospects. Granger and R. B. Raup
82 Blevins Canyon, Fairview, _____ do _______ _ Mainly shale and fiaggy silt- P-S, P-4?, Granger and Raup (1959);
Great Gain, and other stone, rarely fine-grained P-7, Si-S. H. C. Granger and R. B.
deposits. feldspathic quartzite. Raul) (1959*).
83 Giger claims.------------------- ---------------- Grayish-yellow limy and Abundant carbonized plant V-1? _--------- R. J. gchwartz (1957*).
sandy silt. (Pliocene?). remains; also fossil bones.
84 Hope, Workman, Little Joe, Dripping Gray to pink hornfels, partly 0-1, P-1, Granger and Raup (1959);
and other deposits. Spring. coarse-grained and recrys- P-S, Si-1, H. C. Granger and R. B.
tallized. Si-S, Si-3. Raup (1959*).
85 Snakebit, Tomato Juice, and .. do.------- Very fine grained and 0-1, P-2, R. J. Schwartz (1957*); Granger
other deposits. medium- to coarse-grained Si-2. and Raup (1959); H. C.
quartzite, and siltstone. Granger and R. B. Raup
86 Donna Lee, Sue, and other _____ do.------- Gray siltstone and very fine P-1, P-S, Granger and Raup (1959).
deposits. grained sandstone and P-7, Si-2.
87 Red Bluff mine, Rainbow, and _____ do _______ _ Dark-gray laminated silt- Some fine-grained graphite 0-1, P-1, Kaiser (1951); Granger and
other deposits. stone and very fine grained and carbon. P-2, P-7, Raup (1959).
quartzite. P-8, Si-S,
88 Lucky Boy t, Sky, and Lucky _____ do_________ Gray siltstone, shale, and P-S, P-7, R. J. Schwartz (1957*); Granger
King deposits. very fine grained quartzite. Si-S. and Raup (1959); H. C.
Granger and R. B. Raup
89 Dale claim ______________________ Dripping (1959*).
Siltstone(?)._.---------------- -------------------------------- ---------------- R. J. Schwartz (1957*).

Graham County

90 I White Bluffs Uranium C0-------1 Gila___________ , Light-gray siliceous lake beds.l--------------------------------1 Bi-2.----------1
Maricopa County

91 Los Cuatros group ______________ ---------------- Silicified volcanic ash. -------------------------------- N -------------
92 Golden Duck group _____________ ---------------- Rhyolitic tuff. (Tertiary.)... Some sooty material---------- C-1, P-2
93 Milton Ray group (Aquila, ---------------- Drab thin-bedded tuft. Some fresh-water shells and V-J. __________ Hewett (1925); Granger and
Black Butte Uranium Corp.). (Tertiary.) bone. Raup (1962).
Jar claim------------------------ ---------------- Marl, limestone, mudstone, -------------------------------- V-1? -------
and sandstone. (Tertiary.)

Bee footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-Major characteri8tica of indwiauaZ depoaita and groups of deposita of uranium m aandatone m the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name oflocallty minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Yuma CountJ

94 Red Knob claims _______________ ---------------- Opallzed mudstone. -------------------------------- Si-9, V-1------ Outerbridge and others (1960).
Woore;~ruo~~::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: Mudstone. (Tertiary.) _______ -------------------------------- Sl-2? ----------
Vein quartz in brown sand- -------------------------------- Si-2.----------
stone and basic flow rock.
Other prospects in Muggins Mudstone and tuft. Si-2.----------
Mountains. (Tertiary.)

Pima CountJ

95 Half Moon No.3---------------- ---------------- Reddish-brown opalized clay. Si-3.----------

96 Red Hllls----------------------- ---------------- Silicified brecciated quartz- Sl-2.----------
~bble conldomerate.
97 Hopeful No. 1------------------- ---------------- Silicified quartzite. Us ___________ _

Santa Cruz County

981 Duranium cla~---------------~---------------~1 A=::.)andstone. (Creta- ~--------------------------------~ P-1, Si-2, Si-8.1

99 Santa Clara claun_______________ (?>------------ Sandstone and conglomerate -------------------------------- 0-1? ----------

Crawford County

1 I Unnamed.----------------------1 Atoka---------1 Black loosely cemented me-

dium-grained quartzose
Abundant. black organic
material. IP-'-----------1
Montgomery CountJ

21 Unnamedt----------------------1------------ ----1 Sandstone. (Ordovician?) ----1--------------------------------1 V-2~- ---------1

Pike County

31 Rankin prospect----------------1 (&)-------------1 Siltstone --------------------1 Abundant carbonized plant N -------------1 Arkansas Gaol., and Conserv.
I Comm. (1959i.

Lassen CountJ

Donald Q 1 & 2 and Inde- Poorly cemented coarse- Abundant carbon locally ______ P-1 __________ _
pendence group. grained sandstone and con-
glomerate, and tutf.
2 Lola 0-------------------------- ---------------- Coarse-grained
granite wash. Seams of carbonaceous
Noma J. group __________________ ---------------- Tuff. (Tertiary?) ______________ -------------------------------- Us------------
3 Jeanne K (Cornelia C>t and ---------------- Tuffaceous sandstone, mica- Carbon seams and beds ______ _ P-1, P-6 ______ Walker and others (1956, p.
Herbal claims~. ceous sandstone, and clay- 34); Troxel and others (1957).
stone. {Tertiary.)
4 Black Jack Nos. land 2 and Light-gray sedimentary(?) None-------------------------- P-1?, P-2?,
Daisy Mae claims. tuff. (Tertiary?) Si-2?.

Alpine CountJ

1 Mary E . ----------------------~----------------~ Gi:~*-::r~der ~--------------------------------~ P-L- ---------1

Tuolume County

61 Autunite placer and lode claims ~----------------~

and Carnotite group.
Sandstone and conglomerate
of andesite, basalt, and
pumice. (Tertiary?).
I Abund!'nt
carbonized plant I
P-1-----------1 H.IC- 8 - r (1006').
See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits ana groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Calaveras County

71 Radium No. L------------------1 (?)------------1 Coarse-grained calcareous

I Thin oarbon bands------------1 0-1, P-'------1
Madera Count;r

81 Johnson group1 Patsy Nos. 1 ~----------------~ Gr.mite wash and poorly Abund!"nt carbonized plant
and 2, and Sierra Mining Co.
sorted sand, clay, and
gravel. (Recent.)
I P-L----------1
lnyo County

9 Green Velvet group, Easter Coso_--------- Light-gay bentonitic clay None _________ -----_--------- __ P-1, Si-3, Walker and others (1956, p. 35);
fioup, Jackson and Linda, and ne-sand, coarse-grained V-1. Davis and Hetland (1956);
arrybuck, and Valley View arkosic sandstone. Troxel and others (1957).
group. _____ do _________ Poorly cemented arkosic
10 Coso Uranium, Inc., Seneca
No.2, and Inland Oil Co. sandstone and conglomer-
------ .. ------------------------- P-1, Si-!______ Troxel and others (1957); Power
ate, and multicolored ben-
tonitic clay.

Monterey County

11 IAnl---- -----------------------1----------------1 ":a".:i,.~1~=,-> 1--------------------------------1 V-U ----------1

San Luis Obispo County

12 Santa Margarita prospects _______ ---------------- Sandstone and siltstone. N ------------- Walker and others (1956, p. 33).
13 E. Campedonlco ranch l-------- ---------------- Light-gray to white siliceous N -------------
and calcareous shale. (Mio-
14 Front Door group _______________ ---------------- Brecciated conglomeratic N -------------
sandstone. (Cretaceous.)
15 Hillbilly No. 10 claimt, Owen ---------------- Gypsiferous shale and silt- P-1, V-1? Walker and others (1956, p. 33);
No.3 minet, and Mitchell stone. (Miocene.) Troxel and others (1957).

Kern County

McClananan group ______________
Four Horsemen claimst---------
Sunny Valley_------------------
Monterey ____ _ ~~!j:~~~~~~:--~~-e_r:~~~~~===
---------------- Brecciated shale and gypsite.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -g~s:::::::::::
-------------------------------- Si-2 __________ _
18 Twisselman ranch _______________ (Tertiary?).
Monterey ____ _ White and gray shale__________ -------------------------------- V-L ----------
19 K group _________________________---------------- Brecciated shale and siltstone. -------------------------------- Us ___________ _
20 High Hat----------------------- ---------------- Brecciated highly silicified P-1-----------
shale. (Miocene.)
21 Surprise No. 1 and Lopema ---------------- Brown brecciated siltstone -------------------------------- P-1, Si-2?, Walker and others (1956, p. 33);
property. and shale. (Miocene.) V-1?. Troxel and others (1957).
22 Houtz and Stonet ------------ ---------------- Shale(?). (Miocene?) _________ ------ ______________ ------- ___ -- --------------- _
Quality Oil Co. propertyt------- ---------------- Brecciated siltstone and -------------------------------- N ------------- Walker and others (1956, p. 33),
shale. (Miocene.)
23 Tres Amigo No. 1 and Three Porous fine-grained tuffa- -------------------------------- P-1, V-L ____ _
Friends.: ceous(?) sandstone. (Mio-
Phanton No. 1 l----------------- ----------------
24 Geeslin and Fiscus property t--- ---------------- ~B~fJ~e a.Jf!~~~~?)(MiO: ____ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -1>-=i::::::::::: Walker and others (1956, p. 34).
Hi-Lot------------------------- ---------------- Shale. (Miocene?) ____________ -------------------------------- P-1? _________ _
Red Cap and Watson __________ ---------------- Soft brown silty shale. -------------------------------- N -------------
25 Kern County Land Co __________ ---------------- Siltstone. (Pliocene.) _________ -------------------------------- P-L_ ---------
26 Emerald Queen claims ___________ Rosamond ___ _ Tuffaceous sandstone _________ -------------------------------- N ------------- Walker and others (1956, p. 17).
27 Bluett property----------------- _____ do ________ _ Tuffaceous sandstone. (Also -------------------------------- P-L~--------- Do.
quartz monzonite, Creta-
28 ceous?)
Rosamond prospect __________________ do ________ _ Tuffaceous sandstone _________ -------------------------------- 0-3, P-1______ Walker {1953); Walker and
others (1956, p. 15); Troxel
and others (1957).
29 Vanuray claimf----------------- Ricardo or Sandy clay ____________________ -------------------------------- V-t. __________ Walker and others (1956, p.19).

See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-M ajor characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of ura;nium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

San Bernardino County

30 Carnotite No. L---------------- ---------------- Limy nodules in tuff or Si-2? ----------

shale. (Tertiary.)
31 Kramer Hills prospects, Fiend (6)------------- Shale, marly clay, sandy V-1----------- Walker and others (1956, p. 19,
claim, and Yellow Tiger limestone, and tuff. 20); Troxel and others (1957);
claim. Dibblee (1960).
32 Coon claims_____________________ Barstow------- Calcareous sandstone__________ Fossil bones __________________ _ P-3? ---------- Walker and others (1956, p. 20).
33 Dogtag__________________________ ---------------- Iron-stained shale. (Mio- -------------------------------- N -------------
34 Norris claims____________________ Rosamond(?)_ Lake-bed rubble _____ --------- -------------------------------- V-1? ----------
35 Harvard Hills ___________________ Barstow______ _ P-1, V-1? ----- Walker and others (1956, p. 20);
Tuffaceous sandstone, chert, --------------------------------
and limestone. Troxel and others (1957).
36 United Locators ___ ------------- ---------------- Silt and mud. (Recent.) ______ -------------------------------- N -------------
37 Gopher Hole group _____________ ---------------- Tuff. (Tertiary.)--------- ________ ---------------------------- A-2?, P-L ___ _

Los Angeles County

381 Good property ------------------1----------------1 Sheared coaly grit.

Abund!"nt carbonized plant
I N -------------1
Ventura County

39 Hidden Springs group_--------- ---------------- Clay. (Miocene.) _____________ -------------------------------- C-L----------

40 Lucky Saddle No. L ____________ ---------------- Gray poorly sorted micaceous Some carbon along bedding N-------------
sandstone. (Oligocene.) planes.
Bertram lode (Florence) _________ ---------------- Iron-stained concretions in -------------------------------- Us ___________ _
sandstone. (Eocene.)
41 Gamma Queen__________________ Tejon 7________ Buff fine-grained micaceous Carbonized plant remains _____ P-L----------
H~~u~?n No.4 and Lamar {~~~~-c:::::: }B:J::e~g!:r~~~ls~:ne. _____ do _________________________ V-L----------
42 Beer Can No. 12, Payoff, Sespe __ ------- Gray poorly sorted course- Some carbonized plant V-1-----------
ggfs~~~~- ~t!r~ o. 1 grained arkosic sandstone. remains.
43 Strathearn Cattle Co.*---------- ---------------- Light-brown siltstone. N -------------

Logan County

1 IName unknown_ ---------------1 White River__ lSandstone_ -------------------1-------------------------------+---------------l

Larimer County

2 Carter Lake __ ------------------ Dakota_______ Claystone_____________________ -------------------------------- Up __ --------- E. L. Grossman and B. C.

Smith (1956*).
3 Horsetooth Reservoir----------- _____ do_________ Sandstone_------------------- Very thin seams of asphaltic N -------------
material coating fractures.
4 Wahketa lease _______________ ---- _____ do ______________ do _________________________ -------------------------------- V-1_ ----------

Jackson County

51 Sheep Mountain prospect ___ -----1 Dakota___ ----1 Sandstone and conglomerate--1--------------------------------1 N -------------1
Routt County

6 Dead Horse claims______________ (&?)____________ Well-sorted fine-grained P-1_ ----------

7 Willow Creek claims *----------- Morrison(?)___ Mudstone_____________________ Abundant carbonized plant 0-1?, P-L ___ _

Moffat County

8 Big Gulch and Golden Grain ___ Wasatch ______ Conglomeratic sandstone ______ -------------------------------- P-L---------- Bergin (1957).
9 Bobcat and Eskridge ____________ Browns Park_ Siltstone ______________________ ----~--------------------------- ---------------- P. K. Theobald, Jr., and R. T.
Chew 3d (1955*).
10 Buffalo Head Mining Co. prop- _____ do ___ ----- Light-gray friable fine- P-1, Si-S _____ _ Gruner and Smith (1955b);
erty and Sugarloaf mine. grained clayey sandstone, Bergin (1957); M. J. Bergin
and gouge. (1959*).
Leon Henderson claimU-------- _____ do _______ _ Sandstone _______ ------- _____________________ --- ______________ _ V-11- ---------- Gruner and others (1956).
11 Gertrude mine and Lucky _____ do_------- Light-gray friable fine- to Black carbonaceous(?) inter- C-5, D-1, Gruner and Smith (1955b);
claims. medium-grained sandstone. stitial matter. 0-B, D-~, Bergin (1956).
See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-Major characteristica of inaiviaua~ aepo8ita ana groupa of aepoaita of uranium in aandatone in the United StateB,
by Statea-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

.Moffat Coun~ontinued

11 -Continued
Marge (Margie) mine~t--------- Browns Park. Gray very fine to fine grained -------------------------------- P-:_tJ P-J Gruner and others (1956);
sandstone. v-1, v-1. Bergin (1957); Woodmansee
12 NShamellegunknroup+o_wn
___t_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-__-_--_-__-_- :_:-.-_ddoo __ -- -__-_-_--_-_ Silicified zone.---------------- -------------------------------- V-1. ---------- Gruner and others (1956).
+ Medium..grained silty sand- -------------------------------- ---------------- P. K. Theobald, Jr., and R. T.
stone. Chew 3d (t955).
13 Little Dazy Lede group ~------- Morrison______ Sandstone(?>------------------ -------------------------------- ----------------
14 Little Den group~--------------- _____ do._------ _____ do________________________ -------------------------------- ----------------
}g ~~eb~~~~::EiNo:-nai80______ bluriiS:-_-~~~~~= v;r:~"Ii8-grab18d-8aiid"&t<>iie::: xiiii"ii<iaiii-C8ib>"iiize<iill8iii___ v.:i::::::::::: Gale (1908); Moore and Kithll

called Little Emma., Bozo remains. 1913'); Beroni and McKeown
No. 1, Dorothy No. 2)t. 1952); Clinton and Carithers
Biles shafti- -------------------- Entrada.(?)____ Gray friable medium-grained Carbon along bedding planes ---------------- Noble and Annes (1957).
17 Elk Springs ____________________ _ sandstone.
Browns Park. Medium-grained sandstone.__ Oil seeP----------------------- ---------------- P. K. Theobald, Jr., and R. T.
Chew 3d (1955).
18 Cedar Mining Co. (Claim No. _____ do.------- Grit--------------------------- -------------------------------- P-6, Si-1, Gruner and Smith (1955b); P. K.
1). Si-3. Theobald, Jr., and R. T.
Chew 3d (1955).

Rio Blanco County

19 North Midnight (Caywood No. Morrison ---- Gray and brown medium- Abundant coalified and silici- V-1. ---------- Gale (1907); Moore and Kithll
1), South Midnight (Cay- grained sandstone. fled plant remains. (1913); Isachsen (1955).
wood No.2), Last Day
(Uriv), and other mines.
20 Burrell group and various pros- _____ do.------- Light-gray medium-grained _____ do._---------------------- v-2.---------- W. H. Boyer (1956*).
pects. sandstone, and mudstone.
21 Rila.nd mine (Stealy claims) ____ Chinle ________ Gray gritty calcareous con- Abundant carbonized logs v-1.---------- Do.
glomerate. and other plant remains.

Garfield County

Name unknown _________________ Morrison t ____ Sandstone_____________________ Sillcifled logs ________ ---------- Fischer (1960).
22 V-1-- ---------
Rifle and Glll'fleld mines._------ NavaJo(?) _____ }L~t-brown 0~0-~0-1,
23 and light-gray Sparse smallasphaltlike Burwell (1932) Botinelly and
e-grained sandstone. pellets. -1, -1. Fischer (1959~; Fischer (1960).
Chinle._------ Brown to greenish-gray
-------------------------------- ---------------- Fischer (1960).
24 End of Tra.U No. 2 claim and Morrison ---- Gray medium-grained limy Some carb<onized logs and V-1. ---------- D. R. MacLaren (1952).
other mines. sandstone. seams.

Grand County

25 Alaska Humes group ____________ Dakota._----- Friable fine-grained sandstone. Abundant carbonaceous
P-1, V-1------ Malan (1957).
26 Lucky Jack prospect------------ Middle Park Arkosic carbonaceous regolith_ Locally abundant carbonized P-1. __ -------- Do.
_____ do_________ plant trash.
Undecided claims ~- _ ----------- Bouldery regolith, red shale, ____ .do______ ---_--------------- P-1, Up _______ Do.
medium- to coarse-grained
sandstone, and weathered
27 Alta No.4, Lucky Strike No.1, Troublesome Ar osic sandstone, carbona.- Abundant carbonized plant C-1, P-1, V-L Baroni and McKeown (1952);
~~:~~Ef~&a;~area.. trash in some, but none in
ceous shale, and conglom- Schlottmann and Smith
era.te(?). others. (1954:); Malan (1957).
28 Engels ranch ---------------- Dakota._----- Gray and black shale __________ Abundant coaly material ______ Si-2 or V-2 ____

Eagle County

Tipton ranch ____________________

29 ---------------- Bluish-gray shale. (Penn-
Abundant coaly and asphal-
tic(?) material.
Entrada_ ______ Gray fine-grained quartzose V-1? __________
30 Lady Bell and Ground Hog
No.1. sandstone.
-------------------------------- Moore and Kithll (1913); Bender-
son (1926, p. 47); Hess (1933,
Dolores _______ Conglomeratic sandstone and p. 455); R. U. Kinf (1956*).
31 Arrowhead No.1, Lucky Strike Carbonized plant remains _____ V-1----------- H. S. Stafford (1955*
No.1, and Skyline Explora.- wliite conglomerate;
tion Co. mine.

Boulder County

321 Rose Mary No. 1----------------1 Da.kot_______ Sandstone---------------------1 None--------------------------1 N -------------1 E. L. Grossman and B. C.
Smith (1956*).

See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United 8tatet,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Jefferson County

33 Leyden coal minet-------------- Laramie_______ Silicified coal and sandstone Abundant coal ________________ Si-1, V-1. _____ Berthoud (1875); Wilson (1923);
Gude and McKeown (1903).
Lindsay clay pits ___________________ do_________ Gray claystone ________________ Abundant carbonized plant Us ___________ _
34 Pallaoro (Morrison)t and South Platte.. Gray medium-grained quartz- Abundant black asphalt and 0-1, V-L __ Wood (1956); Goldstein (1957).
Vanadium Queen (Mann) ose sandstone. carbonized plant remaius;
minest. some brown coal.
Stevenson prospect __________________ do ____ Sandstone_________ ------------ -------------------------------- V-1 _--------

Park County

35 Garo (Shirley May) deposit: Maroon ______ _ White fine- to coarse-grained None -------------------- 0-1?, Si-1, Wilmarth (1959).
calcareous and micaceous V-1, V-1.
sandstone, and conglom-
eratic sandstone.
Antero _______ _ Gray fine-grained
36 Carson Mining and Develop- tutfaceous P-1-----------
ment Corp. prospect. sandstone.

Mesa Couni)'

37 La Sal group, Lumsden group, Morrison ----- Butf fine- to medium-grained Carbonized plant remaius 0-t, Si-t, V-1. Weeks and Thompson (1954).
Pack Rat group, and other sandstone.
38 Black Mamma, Liberty Bell, _____ do.------- Mostly butf fine- to medium- dO------------------------- 0-t, Si-t, V-1. Weeks and Thompson (1954:);
and other mines. grained sandstone; some Cater (1955a).
Mammoth----------------------- _____ do.------- Conglomeratic sandstone ______ _____ do ________ ------ ______ ----- V-1----------- Cater (19556).
39 CalamityJ!oup, Arrowhead _____ do.------- Butf to white medium-~ained Abundant carbonized logs 0-t, Si-t, V-1, Coffin (1921); Huleatt and others
group, averick group (in- sandstone, shaly san tone, and other plant remaius. V-1, V-8. (1001~; Weeks and Thompson
eludes Hidden Treasure, and mudstone pebbles in ~1954 ; Cater (1955~ 1955c);
Small~ot, and other mines), sandstone. hoemaker (1955); tern and
Depr on group, and other others (1956); Phoenix (1956);
mines. _____ do _________________________ Bush and s~ (1956).
40 Outlaw, G-1 (Ronnie), and _____ do.------- Butf to white medium-grained V-1----------- Cater (1955c); P oenix (1956).
other mines. sandstone and green mud-
41 Blue Creek mines, Yellow Bird _____ do.------- Pink to white fine-grained Abundant carbonized plant V-1 --------- Cater (1955c).
group, Elizabeth group, and sandstone, light-brown remaius.
other mines. medium-grained sandstone,
and green mudstone.
42 Cav~ Canyon group and other _____ do.------- Butf and white medium- to Some carbonized logs __________ V-1-----------
mmes. coarse-grained sandstone.

Montrose County

43 Rajah (Roc Creek) minet ------- {~?~~~:::} Sandstone and fault breccia -------------------------------- V-1----------- Curran (1913); Shoemaker
-ew (19566}
Various minesi------------------ Morrison ---- Sandstone--------------------- -------------------------------- V-1----------- Do.
Big Chief t---------------------- Kayenta______ Light-gray fine- to medium- None------------------------- V-1---------"- Isachsen and others (1956);
grained sandstone, and Shoemaker (19668).

Summerville.-~ gouge.
Various depositst --------------- ~~:~::------ Gray sandstone and fault -------------------------------- V-1----------- Kimball (1904); Shoemaker
Chinle ~::::: gouge. (1956a).
44 Radium Cycle minehBuck- Morrison ---- Mudstone, mudstone-pebble Some carbonized, calcitic, and V-1----------- Do.
hom No. 3, and ot ermines. conglomerate, gray fine- to silicified logs and other
medium-grained sandstone, plant remains.
and limy sandstone.
45 Radium King mine, Middle _____ do.------- Gray fine- to medium-grained Abundant carbonized plant V-L---------- McKay (19Mb): Shoemaker
Red Canyon group, and sandstone, and shaly sand- remains. (1956a).
other mines. stone.
Dean and Redbed claims________ Moenkopi_____ Gray to liltht-brown mud- V-1. ----------
stone-gall conglomeratic
46 North Star, Black Rock, and Morrison ---- Sandstone _____________________ Some carbonized plant trash V-L---------- McKay (19Mb).
other mines.
47 Dolores mines (Ophir, Blue-
bird, Little Dick, and
-----do'------- Brown medium-grained sand- Abundant carbonized logs
stone. and trash pockets.
V-1----------- Curran (1913): Coffin (1921);
McKay (19Mb).
4S Club group, Wright group, -----do.------- Butf massive medium- Sparse to abundant carbon- Si-t, V-1, Curran (1911) Moore and
:::a~ock group, and other grained sandtsone and ized logs and other plant V-2. Kithll (1913); Coffin (1921);
thinly laminated sandstone remains. Fischer (1942) Huleatt and
and mudstone. others (1001); McKay (1955a,
1955b); Cater (195M); Board-
man and others (1956; 1958).
Rock Raven mine ____________________ do.. _----- Cherty conglomeratic sand- Plant remains_________________ V-L. --------- Cater and others (1955).
stone and gray medium- to
coarse-grained sandstone.
49 BitterCreekandothermines ________ do,t ______ _ Light-brown to gray medium- Some logs and abundant 0-1, V-1, Cater and others (1955); Heyl
to coarse-grained sandstone. carbonized plant remains. V-S. V-s. (1957).
Berties Beauty No.1------------ Burro Can- Conglomeratic sandstone and Abundant carbonized trash V-L---------- Isachsen and others (1955).
yon. green mudstone. and sparse silicified lop.
See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-M ajor ckaracteri8tics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data.
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Montrose County-continued

50 Long Park group, Virgin No. 3 Morrison 1_____ Gray and buff medium- Abundant carbonized logs 0-1, Si-1, Weeks and Thompson (1954);
mine, Whitney mine, and grained sandstone, and and plant-trash pockets. v-1, v-s. Cater (1955d); Cater and
other mines. mudstone. others (1955); Boardman and
others (1956); Garrels and
others (1959).
51 Cashin mine (primarily a. {Wingate_______ }Massive fine-grained quartz- Sparse asphaltite(?) ___________ 0-1_ ---------- Fischer (1936); Withington
copper-silver mine). Chinle ________ ose sandstone, breccia, and (1955); Riley and Owens
siltstone(?). (1957).
Morning Glory and other
depOE its.
Morrison o_____ Conglomerate(?) __ ------------
-------------------------------- ----------------
Rainbow _____ do.l __ ----- Sandstcne ___ ------------ ______ -------------------------------- V-1----------- Withington (1955).
Gramlich group (Morning Star _____ do.l _______
52 Brown fine. to coarse-grained Some carbonized plant re- V-1.---------- Fischer (1944).
and others), Vanadium Queen sandstone and green mud- mains and sparse logs.
mine, Yellow Bird mine, and stone.
other mines. _____ do.o _______
Lucky No. 1, Sumner, Brushy Conglomerate, mudstone, Carbonized plant remains _____ C-1, Si-S, Zareski (1954); Carter and
Basin Nos. 1 and 3, and Too and fine-grained and V-1, V-S. Gualtieri (1957).
High mines. medium- to coarse-grained
_____ do.l _______ Fine.
53 Monogram group, HappcV to medium-fine-grained Abundant carbonized plant 0-1, Si-1, Moore and Kithil (1913); Coffin
Thought, Wild Steer aden sandstone. remains; logs common. V-1. (1921~; Hess (1924); Cater
View), and other mines. (1954 ; Weeks and Thompson
Ground Hog mine and Gray _____ do.o_ ------ Mostly fine-grained sand- Abundant carbonized logs V-1----------- J. E. Morgan (1953*); Cater
and Black Point prospect. stone, locally coarse-grained, and plant trash. (1954).
and conglomerate.
_____ do.l _______ Light-gray
M Jo Dan~ group, J. J. mine, and brown fine. to Abundant carbonized plant 0-9, 0-1, Curran (1911); Moore and Kithil
Thun erbolt mine, Hum- medium-grained sandstone, remains, and sparse car- Si-1, V-1, (1913); Coffin (1921); Hess
mer mine, and other mines. shaly sandstone, and shale. bonized logs. V-S, V-9. (1924); Cater (1954; 1955f);
pebble conglomerate. Weeks and Thompson (19M);
Newman (1957); Elston and
Botinelly (1959).
55 Peanut mine, Wedding Bell _____ do.l _______ Gray very fine- to medium- Abundant carbonized plant 0-1, Si-1, Curran (1911); Moore and
group, Tea Pot Dome mines, grained sandstone. remains. v-1, v-s. Kithil (1913); Cater (1954);
and other Bull Canyon Dodd (1956); Roach and
mines. _____ do,l _______ Thompson (1959).
56 Gyp group, Raven mine, Fine. to medium-fine-grained Abundant carbonized plar.t V-1----------- Coffin (1921); Huleatt and
Terrible mine, and other sandstone. remains; some logs. others (1946); Cater (1954;
Joker minet ____________________ Entrada_______ 1955e).
Sandstone_____________________ None______ ------ ______________ V-1. ---------- Isachsen and others (1955).
{Morrison 1_____ }Brown fine. to medium-
Franklin groupt----------------- Summerville._ grained sandstone, and Disseminated in shale_________ V-1-----------
Entrada_______ carbonaceous shale.
57 Name unknown _________________ Morrison 1_____ Sandstone ___ ------ ____________ -------------------------------- ---------------- Fischer (1944).

San Miguel County

58 Lost, Pay Day, Faultless No.1, Morrison 1_____ Red-brown fine-grained sand- Some carbonized plant re- V-L __________ Huleatt and others (1946);
and other mines. stone, shaly sandstone, and mains. Cater (1955e; 1955g; 1955h).
carbonaceous shale.
59 Lookout mine and other mines _______ do.t_______ Light-gray fine. to medium- Sparse to abundant carbonized V-L__________ Cater (1955h).
grained sandstone. logs and other plant re-
Mexico group _________ ---------- ______ do.t ____________ do_____ -------------------- -------------------------------- V-1----------- Do.
_____ do. ____ ___ Conglomeratic sandstone ________ ------------------------------ V-1----------- Do.
Spaniard No.1 t----------------- Wingate_______ Gray and brown very fine None _________________________ _ V-1----------- Do.
grained sandstone.
60 Long Ridge group, Cliff Morrison 1_____ Fine. to medium-grained V-L---------- Cater (1955i).
Dwellers mine, and other sandstone.
61 Pitchfork No.1 and other _____ do,1 _______ Light-brown and gray sand- -------------------------------- V-L---------- Huleatt and others (1946); Cater
mines. stone. (1955i).
62 Empire group, Pinto mine, _____ do.1_ ___ ___ Sandstone __ ------------------- _------------------------------ _ V-L-----------
and other mines.
63 Charles T group, Golden Rod _____ do.l_______ Gray and brown shaly sand- Abundant carbonized logs v-1, v-------
Fleck and Haldane (1907);
group, Lower group, Cougar stone and fine. to medium- and other plant remains. Huleatt and others (1946);
mine, Middle group, and grained sandstone. Gruner.~..Gardiner, and Smith
other mines. (1954); weeks and Thompson
(1954); Cater (1955g; 1955j);
Archbold (1959); Shawe and
others (1959).
64 Upper group, Moon group, _____ do.1 _______ Buff and gray medium- Abundant carbonized plant V-l __ --------- Fleck and Haldane (1907);
Spud Patch group, and other grained sandstone, shaly remains and sparse logs. Cater (1955g; 1955h; 1955j);
mines. sandstone, grit, and con- Rogers and Shawe (1962).
615 Horseshoe group and other _____ do.1 _______ Sandstone and mudstone ___________ do _________________________ V-L---------- Huleatt and others (1946);
mines. Cater (1955k).
Shinarump Rim group and Chinle ________ Light-green conglomerate _____ Some coaly and sooty seams, V ------------- Cater (1955k).
other prospects. and silicified plant remains.
66 Legin group, Mercantile group, Morrison 1_____ Light-brown fine- to medium- Abundant carbonized plant 0-1, V-1, V-S_ Huleatt and others (1946);
Ownbey group, Frenchy in- grained sandstone, and gray remains and sparse logs. Cater (1955j); Bush and Stager
cline deposit, and other and green mudstone. (1956); Miesch (1963).
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of indi'ViduaZ deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name oflocality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

San Miguel County-Continued

Entrada_______ Light-gray to bufl' fine-

67 Leopard No. 3#, Omega, and
other mines. grained sandstone.
None _________ ------_---------- ---------------- Fischer and others (1947).
{Dolores_______ } Fault breccia and gouge in Abundant hard "hydrocar- D-1, P-1, P-S, Hess (1913); Wilmarth and
Black King No. 5 (Weatherly)t _ Cutler ________ quartz conglomerate and bon" and sparse viscous Si-1, Si-1. Vickers (1953); Rosenzweig
sandy shale. asphalt. and others (1954); Bush and
others (1959).
White Spar (Robinson)t--------- Cutler ________ Fault gouge in conglomerate __ Abundant hard "hydrocar- 0-1, Si-t_ _____ Moorehouse (1951): Frondel
bon". (1958) p. 28); Bush and others
(1959 .
Entrada _______ White to bufl' fine-grained
68 Bear Creek group, Fall Creek
group, Donegan group (Joe sandstone.
None _________ ------------- ____ ---------------- Fischer and others (1947); Bush
and others (1959, 1960).
Dandy), and other mines.

Saguache County

69 Elisha (La Rue) group __________ Dakota ______ _ Silicified fine-grained sand- Sparse asphaltite______________ P-1, P-S, Malan and Ranspot (1959).
stone boulders. Si-S.
Morrison _____ _ Silicified white fine-grained

Los Ochos (Thornburg) mine... --------------- Gray
sandstone and silicified
Precambrian granite
and schist.
East mine (Kathy Jo claims)____ Morrison ______ Silicified and brecciated
sandstone and mudstone.
! None(?)----------------------- 0-1, P-1, P-S,
Si-S, Su-t,
Su-S, Su-3.
0-1, P-1,
Derzay (1956); Malan and
Ranspot (1959).

Malan and Ranspot (1959).

71 Little Indian No. 36____________ Harding_______ Carbonaceous fossiliferous Abundant asphalt pellets ____ _ P-L---------- W. N. Sharp and E. W. Buel
silty sandstone. (1956); Gruner and Knox
Big Indian group ____________________ do_________ Porous fossiliferous fine- to _____ do_________________________ 0-1, 0-3, Gruner and Knox {1957).
medium-grained sandstone. Su-3.
Various depositstt -- __ --------- _ _____________ .do ______________________________ do _____ ------ __ ---_-------- ----------------

Fremont County

72 Perry DeLellis claim ____________ ---------------- Gray to brown arkosic sand- Carbonized plant remains_____ V-L----------
stone. (Permian.) .
Armstrong.--------------------- Maroon(?) ___ _ Sandstone _________________________ .do_________________________ V-1- _---------
73 Unnamed prospectt------------- (?) ___________ _ Conglomerate and sandstone .. -------------------------------- ----------------
74 Dickson-Snooper mine#_------- ---------------- Tuffaceous sandstone(?). -------------------------------- 0-L---------- Gruner and Knox (1957).
Mary Ltt----------------------- ---------------- Arkosic conglomeratic sand- Abundant carbonized plant 0-1, P-1, Simon (1956).
stone. (Tertiary.) remains. P-2.
Sunshine mine _________________ ---------------- Volcanic and Precambrian Some carbonized plant P-L---------- Do.
boulders cemented by tuff. remains.
75 Jesus lodef---------------------- Dakota ___ ---- Sandstone _____________________ -------------------------------- P-2 ___________ Wyant and others (1952).
76 Colexco. _----------------------- _____ do ________ _ Iron and manganese concre- -------------------------------- Si-2, V-L _____ R. U. King and R. L. Palmer
tions in black shale. (1955); King and Theobald
77 Brandt claimsH---------------- Dakota _______ Poorly consolidated sand- V-1-----------
Beaver Creekt_ ---------------- _____ do_________ Sandstone(?) ______ ---------- ________ -------------------------- V-L __ --------

El Paso County

78 Burgess prospect________________ Dawson_______ Arkose ________________________ -------------------------------- U _------------

79 Mike Doyle prospectt----------- Morrison______ White quartzitic sandstone ____ Abundant carbonized plant Si-2, V-L _____ Beroni and King (1952).
Various prospects ______________ ---------------- White fine- to medium- V-1-----------
grained sandstone. (Cre-
taceous and Jurassic.)

Pueblo County

80 IAvery ranch ----------------1 Dakota_______ ! Well-indurated sandstone-----1--------------------------------1 V-L----------1 Nash and Brown (1954).
Bent County

IName unknownt----------------1 Morrison(?)-- -1 Sandstone(?)---- --------------1--------------------------------1----------------1
Name unknownf---------------- _____ do. _____________ do ______ ------_------------ ____ --------------------------- _ ----------------

See footnotes at end of table.

280-261 0-67-2

TABLE 2.-Major characteri8tica of individual deposita and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Las Animas County

83 Booster No. L------------------ {R=n----- }sandstone and shale___________ -------------------------------- N _____________ Simon (1956).
84 Fan Dyke No. L--------------- __________:::::: Sandy shale. (Permian.) _____ Abundant carbonized logs V-L---------- Do.
and plant trash.

Huerf'ano County

85 Spanish Peaks___________________ ---------------- Conglomerate. (Permian.)___ Sparse carbonized plant trash V-1? ----------
and logs.
86 City Slicker claim and other ---------------- Buff sbaly arkosic sandstone. Carbonized logs and plant P-1, V-L . Brown and Malan (1954).
prospects. (Permian.) trash; thin coal seams.
McGuire lode.------------------ ---------------- Buff arkosic sandstone. Us____________ Do.
(Permian and Pennsyl-
87 Stumbling Studt---------------- Dakota ----- Purplish fine- to medium- P-1, V-L Boyer (1961).
grained fluorite-cemented
quartzose sandstone.
Various prospects______________ (?) ___________ _ Fine-grained sandstone _______ _ Some carbonized plant re- Do.
88 Security Exploration Co. prop. Farisita. Gray sandy shale and medi- Abundant carbonized plant 0-1, P-L ..
erty, Buckhorn and Mitzy \un- to coarse-grained arko- remains.
claims, and other prospects. sic sandstone.
89 Mcintire and Santa Rosa claims. ---------------- Brownish-red micaceous me- _____ dO------------------------- P-1, V-L----- Wyant and others (1952).
dium- to coarse-grained
sandstone, and mudstone.

Costilla County

90 I Parks lode claim and Loco

Allee (Blanca Trinchera
----------------j Medium- to coarse-grained
arkosic sandstone.
jj V-1, V-2? I

Custer County

91 King Midas No.8--------------- ---------------- Fine-grained sandstone. Organic odor when struck_____ Us ___________ _
92 Hom Peak (Little Hom Peak) Very bard fine- to medium- None(?>----------------------- Us, Up _______ _
and other prospects. grained quartzose sarid
stone. (Permian and

San luan County

931 Graysill grOUP------------------1 Entrada-------1 Sandstone.--------------------1 None visible; specimen con-

tamed 1.25 percent carbon.
I V-1-----------1 Bain (1952b); Gruner, Rosen-
zweig, and Smith (1954).

Dolores County

941 Barlow group. __ ----------------1 Entrada , Sandstone.--------------------1------------------- -------------1----------------1

La Plata County

951 Good Hope and Nevada groups., Entrada_______ , Sandstone.--------------------l--------------------------------l----------------1

Montezuma County

961 Pay Day No. 3------------------j ! ~

Morrison .. Sandstone and conglomerate Some silicified logs ____________ V-1
97 Karla KaY---------------------- .. do.&? _______ Brown medium-grained Some carbonized plant trash ----------------
l --------~

Hartford County

1 I I
English propertY----------------1 (ID) ____________ Light-brown to gray sand-
stone. I None......... ---1 N ... l
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 2.-Major characteri8tiC8 of irulwiduaZ deposita and groups of deposita of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
I Description
Kind and abundance of
carb&naceons materials

Lemhi County

81-2___________ Cook (1957),

1 Blackbird and Musgrove Challis "------ Sedimentary tuff ______________ Carbonized plant remains
Creeks area. . _______
2 White Horse and other Tuflaceons siltstone and fan- Present --.----------------- ()-1, P-1, Wels and others (1958).
prospects, Pabsimeroi Valley. glomerate, and car- Si-2, V-1.
bonaceous sandstone.

Bonneville County

31 Unnamed prospect, Fall Wayan ----1 Limestone-pebble con- ISome- bones, , Vlno (1.... p. 200).
Creek area.
I glomerate.

Custer County

4 Coal Creek, East Basin, and Challis 11? ----- Soft dark-gray and white Carbonized plant remains Q-1, P-1------ Kem (1959).
other claims, Stanley area. noncalcareons arkosic con-
glomerate and tuffaceous

Broadwater County

1 Cobban claim (locality A)#,

Sampson claims (locality F?), ---------------- Tuffaceous sandstone, gray
fine-grained bentonitic tuff,
Sparse to abundant carbon-
ized plant remains.
P-S, V-1. Jarrard (1957); Becraft (1958).
and unnamed localities. and carbonaceous shale.
- Beaverhead County

2 Moida claims----------------------------------- Gray tuffaceous sandstone. Abundant carbonized plant P-1-----------

(Tertiary.) remains.
3 Trapper No. -------------- ---------------- Fine-grained impure silicified Vhay (1951).
sandstone. (Paleozoic.)

Carbon County

4 Weaver property________________ Flathead ______ Sandstone _____________________ -------------------------------- P-L---------- Stow (1953).
5 Green Streak claim ______________ Fort Union(?). Sandstone and shale___________ -------------------------------- P-L----------
6 Royse claim------------------- Flathead...... Sandstone, quartzite, and -------------------------------- Us------------ Stow (1953); Armstrong (1957);
dark shale. Wels and others (1958).
Windmill No.3----------------- Tensleep ______ Sandstone _____________________ -------------------------------- V-2-----------

Big Horn County

sl Unnamed prospect--------------1 Morrison ,Shale. -----------------I--------------------------------1----------------IJ'ones (1952).

Carter County

N _____________
9 A. Richardson ranch ____________ Hell Creek(?}_ Tan to gray and greenish fine- Some carbonized plant re-
grained sandstone. mains(?). 0-1, 0-4 ______ Gruner and others (1956).
10 Lewis. Nos. 1-5------------------ Hell Creek .. Brown carbonaceous mud- Abundant carbonized plant
_____ do _________ stone. remains. us ____________
11 Vada Dee No.2 and Rock No. L. Light-brown medium-grained Some seams and fragments ____ Gill (1954).
12 School section------------------ Fort Union Gray very hard (silicified?) Locally abundant carbonized N -------------
arkosic sandstone. plant remains.

Fallon County

131 Cox Fee land, Waldron Fee

land and other deposits#.
Fort Union. White to buff medium-
grained sandstone, partly
Some carbonized plant
P-1, V-2------~ Gruner and others (1956); Towse
I micaceous.
Dawes County

1 I Chadron ""'"""""'I Brule I G - u s clay I A = carbonized plant IP-kr I Dunham (1955).

See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. N arne of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
carbonaceous materials
Humbolt County

1 Virgin Valley opal district

(Crane claims).
---------------- Greenish-gray vitric tuff,
chalk-white fine-grained
-------------------------------- C-1, Si-9,
Staatz and Bauer (1951); Lov-
ering (1954); Davis (1954).
ash, and gray, brown, and
other colors of opal. (Ter-

Lander County

2 Boon Uranium __________________ ---------------- Chert layers in sedimentary P-1-----------

tuff. (Tertiary?)
3 Pinto and Hart groupst--------- ---------------- Sedimentary tuff. (Ter- Us ----------

Washoe County

4 Hopeless_----------------------- ---------------- Tuff. (Tertiary?)_----------- -------------------------------- Us ___________ _

5 Barbara L.t and Yellow Jacket ---------------- Poorly sorted arkosic sand- Some carbon __________________ P-1, P-2.
groupt. stone, clay (tuff) and
conglomerate. (Tertiary?)
6 Good Luck group _______________ ---------------- Brecciated rhyolitic(?) tuff. Plant remains(?)-------------- Us ___________ _

Lyon County

Us ___________ _
7 Little Red Head group __________ ---------------- Silicified rhyolite and tuff.
8 White Rose No. 1 and White
---------------- Diatomaceous earth. (Plio-
cene or Miocene.)

Mineral County

9 Robinson claims ________________ ---------------- Opalized beds. (Tertiary.) ___ Opalized plant remains _______ _ V-L---------- Davis (1954).
Bubbles claims __________________ ---------------- Altered sedimentary rhyolitic Very abundant opalized plant V-1 ---------
tuff. (Tertiary?) remains.
10 Broken Bow-------------------- ---------------- Well-indurated sandstone. -------------------------------- A-4, P-2, P-8.
11 Carol R. (Hawthorne, Wespac). Esmeralda Fine- to medium-grained V-1----------- Davis and Hetland (1956).
tuffaceous sandstone, and

Esmeralda County

12 Gap Strike, Sammy, and Wolf Tuff and unconsolidated P-1, V-L ____ _
groups.t ferruginous sandstone.
13 Esmeralda Uranium Co _________ ---------------- Buff tuff and medium-grained -------------------------------- P-1, Us ______ _
sandstone. (Tertiary?)
14 Silver Queen group (Silver Esmeralda ___ _ White and brown sandy clay __ None _________________________ _ P-9----------- Davis and Hetland (1956);
Queen Nos. 2 and 3, Bonanza Finch (1956).
No. 2, and United Tonapah

Nye County

15 ~I Jeep No.2, Bobby Jack claims, I Esmeralda----~

and other claims.
Light-gray.claystone, tuff,
and arkosic sandstone.
I None --1 Us.. --------1
Lincoln County

161 White Cloud, Dorothy claim,

and Pay zone.
Panaca________ , Light-colored sedimentary
tuff (lutite or pyrolutite)
Some C!'rbonized plant
V-1-----------~ Myerson (1956); Davis and
Hetland (1956).
I and green opalized tuff.
Clark County

17 Carnotite No.1 (Overton prop- Willow Tank. Sandstone and clay, and Abundant carbonized plant V-L---------- Longwell (1928, p. 65); Barrett
erty~ Perkin Brothers claim, carbonate veins. remains. and Mallory (1955).
Golaen Glow).
18 First Chance group t------------ (?)____________ Gray clayey sandstone ________ -------------------------------- Si-2or V-L __ _
19 L~~j ~f~!-e01~~~t' Valentine, {~~~r~):::::: }sandstone _____________________ -------------------------------- V-1. ----------
unnamed locality (No. 3). _____ ---------------- Gravel. (Quaternary.) _______ -------------------------------- V-1. . -------- Barton and Behre (1954);
Lovering (1954, p. 80).
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name oflocality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials
Clark County-Continued

20 Goodsprings occurrence (locality Toroweap ____ _ Pale-yellow sandstone and V-1----------- Hewett (1923); Barton and
27). dark-reddish-brown shaly Behre (1954).
21 Unnamed localities, Erie to Gravel and well-sorted V-1.__________ Barton and Behre (1954);
Sloan (Nos. 4, 5, 11, and 14). medium-grained sand. Lovering (1954, p. 80).
22 Lakeview, Lakeview No.1, Toroweap ____ _ Buff and red fine-grained None __________________________ V-L__________ Hewett (1923); Barton and
Humdinger, and Willabelle sandstone. Behre (1954) .
Nunn, Sieber, and other SupaL ________ Red sandy shale and buff V-1----------- Do.
prospects. argillaceous and calcareous
Unnamed prospects (localities ---------------- Gravel. (Quaternary.) _______ -------------------------------- V-L__________ Barton and Behre (1954).
15 and 16).

Hunterdon County

1 Stockton depositt, Rock (10) ------------ White and brown fine- None ________ ------------------ P-S, Si-2------ F. A. McKeown, P. W. Cho-
Haven quarry, and Reading grained arkosic sandstone Cuette, and R. C. Baker
School occurrence. (See also and red-brown mudstone. 1954*); Widmer and Marke-
No. 19, Bucks County, Pa.) wicz (1957); Stieff (1958).

Colfax County

1 I Blasted Pine claim______________ I Dakota__ -----1 Sandstone---------------------1--------------------------------1----------------1

Rio Arriba County

2 Name unknown_________________ Dakota or (12)_ Limonitic fine-grained sand- -------------------------------- N _____________ Collins and Freeland (1956).
3 Vargas-Jaramillo_--------------- (12) ___________ _ Gray tuffaceous sandstone ____
4 Lucky Dog groupt-------------- Morrison _____ _ White friable fine-grained None _________________________ _ C-1-----------
Trejo and Sanches No. 1-------- Chinle or Abo. Light-gray fine-grained Abundant carbonaceous seams- N -------------
calcareous sandstone.
6 Corral No. 1 and E and B Nos. Abo __________ _ Light-gray fine- to coarse- Absent to abundant carbonized Us ____________ H. G. Brown, 3d (1955*).
1 and 3. grained calcareous arkose. plant remains.
State lease sec. 16, T. 23 N., Wasatch ______ _ Gray-green mudstone_-------- ______ -------------------------- P-1. ---------- Do.
R.1 W.
7 Hillfoot No. I, Red Bird, and ---------------- Sandstone. (Permian.)_---- __ --- ___ ---- __ -------------------- U _____________ Soul6 (1956, p. 55); L. S. Hilpert
Red Head No.2 mines. (1959*).
8 R. A. Nos. 1 and 2-------------- Chinle _______ _ Sandstone _____________________ -------------------------------- U ------------- Hilpert and Corey (1955).

San Juan County

9 Kimbeto T. P. prospect _________ Ojo Alamo. ___ Gray very fine grained sand- Abundant carbonaceous plant N -------------
stone and siltstone. remains.
10 Chitton and Son_--------------- San Jose(?) ____ Yellowish-brown very fine Abundant carbonaceous N -------------
to fine grained sandstone. seams.
Boyd deposit ____________________ Fruitland _____ Pinkish tuffaceous sandstone.. None in ore; abundant plant
11 N ------------- Clinton and Carithers (1956).
remains beneath.
12 B. B., Beclabito lease, Rocky, Morrison ---- Sandstone and mudstone ______ Abundant carbonized plant V-L _--------- Stokes (1951); Hilpert and
and other mines. remains. Corey (1955).
13 Canyon group and Cottonwood _____ do.. _----- Light-gray fine-grained sand- Some carbonized plant V-1. _--------- Stokes (1951); Lovering (1956).
Butte. stone and blue-green clay. remains.
14 Begay No.1, Eastside mines, ---- .do.t __ ----- Sandstone and mudstone ______ Abundant carbonized plant o-1, v-1, v-.e_ 1. W. King (1951); Stokes (1951);
King Tutt group, and remains. Gruner, Gardiner, and Smith
Shadyside mine. (1954); Hilpert and Corey
Minette tuff (Pliocene?) _______
Eastside diatreme prospectt -- ___ {Nav8Jo~::::::: Sandstone and mudstone(?) ___ }-------------------------------
Morrison u ___ -- do. _______________________ Carbonized plant remains
v-- ----------- Shoemaker (1956b).
~:>i-t, V-L _____
15 Enos Johnson Nos. 1, 2, and 3, Droullard and Jones (1951);
and other mines. absent to very sparse in Hilpert and Corey (1955);
ore, sparse above ore. Isachsen and others (1955);
____ .do _________________________ Gruner and Smith (1955a).
Joe Ben Nos. 1 and 3, and ---- .do.t __ ----- -- -- --------------------------- V-1----------- Hilpert and Corey (1955).
other mines.
16 Adee B. Dodge and other Dakota _______ Sandstone _____________________ L. S. Hilpert (1959*).
claims, Toadlena area.
-------------------------------- u- ------------

See footnotes at end of table.


TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name oflocality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

NEW MEXICo-Continued
McKinley County

17 Hogback No. 4------------------ Dakota _______ Mainly black fissile carbo- Abundant carbonized plant N in shale; Us Mirsky (1953); Gabelman
naceous shale; also sand- remains. in sand- (1966a).
stone. stone.
18 Becenti and Diamond No. 2 ----do__________ Brown and gray fine- to P-1, Si-2, Mirsky (1953); Gruner, Gardiner,
(Largo No. 2) mines. medium-grained quartzose V-B. and Smith (1964); Gruner and
sandstone. Smith (1966a); Gabelman
Church Rock mine______________ Morrison 111 ___ Sandstone _____________________
19 -------------------------------- ----------------L. S. Hilpert (1969*).
Various prospects __ ------------- {Dakota
Morrison u } -------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------
20 Christian 16 (U) mine and Dakota _______ Light-gray fine-grained Abundant carbonized plant V-1----------- Gabelman (1956a); Konigsmark
Deiter pros~ct. sandstone. remains. (1968).
Foutz No. 3 ( ellow Jacket) Morrison If____ Gray fine-grained sandstone Abundant coaly seams and V-1- _--------- Hilg:rt and Corey (1966);
and other mines. carbonized plant remains. S arp (1955); Konigsmark
____ ________ (1968).
21 Last Chance No. 2 and Tietjen- Medium-grained sandstone, Abundant carbonized plant C-1, V-1
Lewis No.2. and green mudstone and remains.
Silver Bit group _________________ ----do.ll?.u______ Sandstone
22 ____ -- ______ -----_---
----do.If________ White and yellow coarse- -------------------------------- ---------------- L. S. Hilpert (1969*).
23 Alta, Evelyn, and Francis
mines. grained sandstone.
-------------------------------- 0-1,V-1.
0-9, Si-1, H~rt and Corey (1965);
onigsmark (1968).
24 Silver Spur No. 5 and other Dakota _______ Coarse-grained sandstone ______ Abundant carbonized plant Mirsky (1953); Gruner Gardi-
mines. remains. ner, and Smith (19M); Hilpert
and Corey (1956); Gabe1man
Pat mine ________________________ Morrison u ____ Sandstone _____ ---------- ______ (1956a); Konigsmark (1968).
25 Poison Canyon, Mesa Top No. ----do.u________ Medium- to coarse-grained
-------------------------------- ----------------
Some "asphaltic" material P-.Jt_ Si-t, Gruner, Gardiner, and Smith
18, and other mines. arkosic sandstone. and carbonized plant -1, V-B. (1964)' Groner and Smith
remains. (1955a~; Dodd (1956); Gruner
(1956a ; Zitting and others
(1967); Hilpert and Moench
26 Dysart No.1 mine and other ----do.u ________ Medium- to coarse-grained Abundant "asphaltic" Si-L---------- Gabelman and others (1956);
mines. sandstone. material. Birdseye (1957); Hilpert and
(15) ___________ Moench (1968); Huttl (1968).
27 Green Pick 20 or 2L _____________ Fine-grained sandstone ____ ----
Morrison tf____ Sandstone_____________________ xi>W1<i8Iii'i&;piiaiiic'' ________ C-1----------- Zlttlng and others (1957); Huttl
28 Section32, T.14 N., R. 9 W.,
and other mines. material.
(1968); L. S. Hilpert (1959*).
----do.u________ ----dO--------------------------
29 Clitiside and other deposits _____ ____ do _______ ------------------- ----------------
Huttl (1968); L. S. Hilpert
----do.u________ ___ .do ________________ ------- ___
30 Marquez mine and various
____ do-------------------------- ---------------- Do.

Sandoval County

31 Dory----------------------------Morrison ____ _ White medium-grained Abundant asphalt____________ N -------------

feldspatbic sandstone.
32 Geymar lease (Collins?) #-------- ____ do _________ _
Sandstone __________________ --- Carbonized logs_______________ Us.-----------
33 Collins __________________________ ----do. _-------
Mudstone(?) _____________________ ----------------------------- ----------------
34 Name unknown (A.E.C. ----do.m ______ _ Gray fine- to medium-grained Abundant carbonized plant N -------------
anomaly No.6?). sandstone. remains.
36 Ma1din group___________________ Dakota ______ _ Sandstone _____________________ Abundant coaly(?) seams _____ ----------------
36 Spanish Queen mines ___________ Abo __________ _ Yellowish-colored medium- Sparse carbonized plant ---------------- Gott and Erickson (1952);
grained arkosic sandstone. remains. Lovering (1966); Soul6 (1956).
37 Don Dial Exploration Co _______ (8?)------------ Sandstone and shale ___________ -------------------------------- Us, C-L------
Santa Fe County

38 Rogers and J. C. Roybal (12) ___________ _ Claystone and clay-gall Abundant carbonized and V-L__________ Collins and Freeland (1956).
claims. sandstone. opallzed plant remains.
39 Gilliland claims_________________ (12) ___________ _ Coarse-grained conglomeratic -------------------------------- Sl-3___________ Do.
arkosic sandstone.
40 Name unknown (sees. 32 and (11) ___________ _ Gray limonitic sandstone______ Abundant carbonized plant N ------------- Do.
33, T. 20 N., R. 9 E.). remains.
41 Cuyamungue area_______________ (12) ___________ _ Clay and sand. __ ------------- _____ do ________________________ _ C-l,P-1, V-L-
42 Name unknown (sec. 36, T. 19 (U) ___________ _ Coarse-grained conglome.ratic -------------------------------- Si-3----------- Collins and Freeland (1956).
N.,R.9E.). arkosic sandstone.
43 Name unknown_________________ Chinle _____ _ Bluish-gray conglomerate. ____ -------------------------------- V-1-----------

Mora County

441 Arturo Le Deux, Bias Medina,

and other properties, Coyote
ISangre de
Pink medium-grained limy
micaceous arkosic sand-
I Some carbonized plant
remains. Iv------------1 T""""' ond othenl (1958).
I stone, siltstone, and shale.

See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-Major characteri8tics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
I Description
I Kind and abundance of
carbonaceous materials

NEW MEXICo-Continued
San Miguel County

45 Windy No.9 (Ban Carlos Chinle __ ------ Gray shale and shaly sand- Abundant carbonized plant V-1, V-2. -----
Uranium Co.) and Hammon- stone. remains.
tree-Burns. _____ do _________ Green siltstone and gray fine-
46 Hunt Oil Co. lease and F. Abnndant carbonized logs V-1----------- Baltz (1955).
Lujan Cattle Co. grained sandstone. and other plant remains.
47 C. Lujan ranch----------------- _________ Gray micaceous sandstone Some carbonized plant P-2?, V-L ____
and conglomerate. remains.
48 Neafus (Santa Rosa Uranium ... ----- Sandstone ___________ -------- __ Abundant carbonized plant V-1-----------
Co.). remains.

Quay County

49 Bel-Aro (Bell) ___________________ Morrison ______ Light-brown medium- Abundant silicified logs; V-L---------- Griggs (1955).
grained sandstone. some bones.
50 Bill Breen claim ________________ Dakota(?) _____ Sandstone--------------------- Silicified and carbonized plant V-1 ---------
51 G. Troutman ranch_____________ Chinle ________ Gray fine-grained sandstone __ _ Some carbonized logs _________ _ Us.----------- Anderson (1955).
52 Little RattlE.'snake Mining Co _____ do_________ Brown fine-grained sandstone. Abundant carbonized and Us.-----------
silicified plant remains.
53 Gilstrep-Truesdall ranch, and Chinle ________ Light-brown fine-grained N -------------
A.E.C. anomaly No.5. sandstone, and conglom-
54 Bill Wallace ranch ______________ -----dO--------- Chert nodules in claystone ____ Abundant carbonized plant P-2?, V-L. ___ Anderson (1955); Soul6 (1956,
remains. p. 24).
55 Lucky groUP-------------------- (16)____________ Gray conglomeratic sandstone ______ dO------------------------- us____________ Griggs (1955).

Torrance County

56 Uranium prospect, Scholle Abo___________ Sandstone and black shale____ Some carbonized plant re- N ------------- Russell Gibson (1952*); Lovering
districtt mains. (1956); Soul6 (1956).
57 Abo Mining Co. and Pioneer -----dO--------- Siliceous conglomerate, abun- -----dO------------------------- P-1, P-2,
claim. dant chert and limestone Bi-2, V-1.
pebbles, and conglomeratic
58 Copper GirL------------------- Abo(?)-------- Coarse-grained calcareous UP------------

Bernalillo County

591 Name unknown-----------------1 Abo-----------1 Silty c~y and very fine to I Silicified logs. _________________ , N -------------1
medium grained sandstone.

Valencia County

60 Chavez (Canoncito)------------- Morrison -- _ Sandstone _____________________ -------------"'"------------------ Si-1?---------- Moench and Schlee (1957a).
61 Jackpile and other mines_____________ do. u______ Gray medium-grained Abundant carbonized plant 0-S, o;...a, 0-4, Gruner and Smith (1955a);
-quartzose sandstone. remains and black brittle P-1, Si-1, Fitch and Herndon (1957);
Altered diabase minor. disseminated organic sub- Si-S, Si-6, Hilpert and Moench (1958;
stance. Si-9, V-1, 1960).
Woodrow minef---------------- do. o u_____ Heterogeneous mixture of Abundant disseminated A-4,P-1, P-S,_ Argall (1954); Gruner, Gardiner,
sandstone and mudstone. organic substance. and Smith (1954); Stem and
Si-1, Su-3.
Annen (1954); Hilpert and
Moench (1958; 1960).
62 Sandy mine_____________________ Entrada_______ Light-colored fine-grained Sparse organic substance______ 0-1----------- Moench and Schlee (1957a);
calcareous quartzose sand- Hilpert and Moench (1958;
stone. 1960); Moench (1962).
63 Paraje___________________________ Morrison - ___ Sandstone(?) __________________ -------------------------------- ---------------- Hilpert and Corey (1955).
64 Ingerson Copper __ -------------- Abo _______________ .do ______ ------------------- _------------------------------- ---------------- Do.

Catron County

65 Hogback No. 4------------------ (B)_____________ Gray sandy shale ____________ _ Abundant carbonized plant G. 0. Bachman, E. H. Baltz,
remains. and R. L. Griggs (1958*).
66 Midnight No.2 (McPhaul Point Look- Ferruginous sandstone and - Abundant carbonaceous shale Us ___________ _ Griggs (1954); Griggs and Baltz
ranch) and name unknown out(?). sandy shale. and carbonized logs and (1955); New Mexico Geol.
{sec. 11, T. 2 N., R. 11 W.). other plant remains. Soc. (1959).
Red Basin No.1 (Tietzen) _____ _ Baca __________ Light-gray fine-to medium- Abundant carbonized plant Us __ ---------- G. 0. Bachman, E. H. Baltz,
grained quartzose sand remains. and R. L. Griggs (1958*);
stone. New Mexico Geol. Soc. (1959).
67 Name unknown {sec. 31, T. 2 _____ do_________ Gray sandstone __ ------------- -------------------------------- ---------------- Do.
Name unknown (sec. 27, T. 2 Point Look- Sandstone ______________________________________________ ------- ---------------- Do.
N., R.10 W.). out(?).

See footnotes at end of table.


TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups 'Of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
carbonaceous materials
NEW MEXICo-Continued
Socorro County

68 Hook ranch_____________________ Baca _________ _ Medium- to coarse-grained Abundant asphaltic material P-1?, V-1.____ Griggs and Baltz (1955).
Rusty Atom ____________________ arkosic sandstone.
Baca(?) ______ _ Sandstone and carbonized plant trash.
_____________________ -------------------------------- ---------------- Hilpert and Corey (1955).
69 Luciel Nos. 1 through 8, Riley Baca _________ _ Buff sandstone ________________ Abundant carbonized plant Us ____________ Hilpert and Corey (1955);
area, and King. remains. Collins and Smith (1956).
70 Charlie (Jeeter) No.2----------- Popotosa _____ _ Light-gray bentonite, dark- None__________________________ 0-4, P-1, P- Hilpert and Corey (1955).
gray shale, and Precam- S, Si-S, V-
brian granite. 1?.
71 Four Jokes, Polvadera Moun- dO--------- Cherty layer in gray sand- _____ dO------------------------- Us ____________ Collins and Smith (1956).
tain area. stone and siltstone.
72 Contreras Mining Co ___________ Abo __________ _ Light-gray gypsiferous shale___ Abundant fine-grained carbon. ---------------- Russell Gibson (1952*).
73 Mariet and Aqua Torresf ______ .dO--------- Sandstone _____________________ ------------ __ ------------------ A-4- ---------- L. S. Hilpert (1959*).

Lincoln County

741 Name unknown _________________ , Dakota. ------1 Limonitic sandstone. ---------1--------------------------------1 N -------------1
Lea County

751 Moreland and Hooper___________ , Ogallala _______ , Clay_ -------------------------l--------------------------------1 V-L----------1 Waltman (1954).
Dona Ana County

761 Jordan f. ------------------------1 (?) ----------1 Red and green mudstone and
associated travertine.
I Abundant carbonaceous

Sierra County

77 Red Tiger----------------------- Abo___________ Bleached siltstone _____________ -------------------------------- Us ___________ _

78 Mitchell-Price No. 1#, Good _____ dO--------- Gray carbonaceous shale_----- Abundant carbonized plant N -------------
Luck No. 1, and Sherry No.3 remains.
79 Empire group#------------------ _____ do_________ Siltstone._-------------- ______ -------------------------------- P-1, P-2 _--- Boyd (1955).

Grant County

I Oil Center Tool Co. claims#. ---1 Beartooth _____ , Quartzite ___ -------------------1 None_ ------------------------1 Si 2?----------1
Hines No.1 prospect_ __________ Bliss(?). ______ Brecciated quartzite _______________ dO------------------------ P-1?, Si-1 _____ Lovering (1956. p. 352).

Stark County

1 Iuc~':''l'OOI, Llttlo Bod- I Chodron ______ , Opal and claY----------------+------------------------------1 SH, V-'------1 0~~~~:"'");
Adams County

21 Who"""'' Bnttes_______________ , Fort Union u -I Sandstono _______________ ------1 A=~ oarbo""'d plant 1----------------1 GUI (1955); B""'trom (1955).
Pawnee County

1 ILee Uto prospect ________________ , Wichita _______ , Sandstone _____________________ , Lignitic lenses. __ -------------1 Us. -----------1 Hill (1953); Curtis (1956).
Roger Mills County

21 Western Oklahoma Uranium

master. IBu11llmy ..,dstono---- ------I--------------------------------1 N -------------1 "'ronl (1..,.),
Custer County

31 Red Rock Co. property _________ Quarter-! I Fine-grained calcareous sandj--------------------------------~----------------1 Beroni (1956); IJurtis (1956).
Dipple and Roser farm __________ ---~~~~: _____ ---~~~~~ ----------------------- -------------------------------- us____________ Do.

See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Washita County

41 Unnamed prospect, Western

Oklahoma Uranium partner-
I Quarter-
ILl!lht-yellowish-gmy '"'''"'"-~--------- ____________________ ---~ v-2. __ --------1 Boron! (1956); cum. (1956).

Beckham County

51 Miller-Curtis propertY----------~ Quarter-

Grayish-green fine-grained
sandstone, and clay seams
Spa~e carbonized plant re-
I and galls.
Caddo County

61 Cement deposit H--------------1 Rush Springs_! Y~llow to.brown fine- to med-~--------------------------------1 V-2-----------~
Ium-gramed calcareous
Reeves (1922); McKay and
Hyden (1956); Russell (1958).
feldspathic sandstone.

Johnston County

71 Angel prospect------------------1 Paluxy --------1 Fine to medium-grained

sandstone and siltstone.
carbonized plant I N -------------1 Curtis (1956).
Jefferson County

8 Unnamed prospect._____________ Wichita_______ Arkosic conglomerate .. _______ -------------------------------- ---------------- Eargle and McKay (1956).
9 Eisele prospect _____________________ do___________ Ferruginous sandstone.------- -------------------------------- ----------------
10 Miller ranch _______________________ do ___________ Brownish-red to grayish- Overlain by bituminous U------------- Branson and others (1955}.
brown sandstone. sandstone.

Cotton County

11 Randlett property (Byars farm)_ Wichita _______ Medium-grained sandstone Abundant carbonized plant C-3?,0-1, P-1, Chase (1954); Beroni (1954b);
and claystone. remains. P-2, Si-2, Branson and others (1955);
V-1. Beroni (1956); Curtis (1956);
E. J. McKay (1958*).

Tillman County

121 Mathias and Oberlander

Wicblta _______ Arkosic conglomerate and
Some asphalt __________________ V-1-----------1 Beroni (1954b); E. J. McKay
Clackamas County

1 I Johnson and LoUd______ --------1----------------1 F~="f'""' """"tone. 1--------------------------------1 V-L-- -------I

Marion County

21 Speo"tm fa.m __________ --------1 Dlahe.. -------1 Tnftoooo"' =&tone .. -----+---------------- ---------------1 P~:J.u-3, IS<:hafer (1956).
Crook County

31 Bear Creek area (Sage Hollow

Mining Co.)
Clarno-------- Clay and porous .nlclfled tutl-1--------------------------------1 A~, 81-2.. ____ 1 Schsfu (1956); Matthew (1956).
Malheur County

41 Valley View (Rasmussen) _______ , Idaho(?) ______ , Clayey rock------------------+-------------------------------1 U _____________ , Matthews (1955).

Jackson County

51 Shaknis farm ____________________ Umpqua ______ ! Medium-grained to con-
glomeratic calcareous and
~--------------------------------~ U -------- -----~ H. F. A! boo (1957').
arkosic sandstone.

See footnotes at end of table.


TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of indi'ViduaZ deposits and groups ot deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Bedford County

1 Juniata occurrence ______________ , CatskilL _____ , Gray sandstone _______________ , Carbonized plant remains _____ , Us ____________ , Klemic (1962).

Fulton County

21 Unnamed occurrence------------1 CatskilL ______ , Sandstone and siltstone _______ , Carbonized plant remains ____ , Us ____________ , Klemlc (1962).

Huntington County

3 I
Maddensville occurrence ________ Pottsville_____ Light-yellow-green sand-
Some carbonized plant
V-L---------- McCauley (1957).
4 Unnamed occurrences ___________ {~at~killchChunk }Gray sandstone.-------------- _____ do.---------------------- Us____________ Klemic (1962).
I -------
Dauphin County

sl Unnamed occurrence____________ , Catskill _______, Gray sandstone _______________ , Carbonized plant remains _____ , Us ____________ , Klemlc (1962).
Northumberland County

I Humme'----------------------+---------------1 Sandstone. (PaleoDllc.)-- ----1 A=~ ""OOnhed plan 1----------------1

Montour County

71 Unnamed occurrence (29) _______ , Catskill _______ , Gray sandstone _______________ , Carbonized plant remains _____ Us ____________ , Klemlc (1962).

Lycoming County

81 Shoemaker property ------------1----------------1 Sandstone. (Paleozoic.) ------1--------------------------------1 P-2-----------1

9 Bart property------------------- Catskill ___________ .do ___ --------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------

Sullivan County

10 I Myers property-----------------1 CatskilL-----! Gray sandstone.. -------------1 Carbonized

trash and fish I U------------1 Klemic (1002).

Bradford County

11 IPridmore __ ---------------------1 CatskilL _____ , Shale._ -----------------------l--------------------------------l----------------1

Columbia County

121 Butties property and Fritz

Gray sandstone and siltstone . Abundant carbonized plant
Unnamed occurrence------------ _____ do.------- Gray sandstone._------------- -------------------------------- Us____________
Us------------1 Klemlc (1962).

Carbon County

14 Fourth Run occurrence _________ Catskill _______ Gray sandstone _______________ Q-1, P-9? _____ Klemlc (1962).
15 Penn Haven Junction prospects. _____ do.------- Gray to greenish-gray medi- soliiecarb"Oiiiie<i"Piaiit ________ Q-1, Si-1, Dyson (1954); McCauley (1957);
um grained graywacke. remains. Si-8. Klemic (1962); Klemic and
others (1963).
Us ____________ Klemic
Butcher Hollow (U) ------------ _____ do.------- Shaly and silty sandstone. ____ .. ------------------------------- and Baker (1954);
McCauley (1957); Klemic
(1962~; Klemic and others
(1963 .
16 Mauch Chunk (Jim Thorpe, Pottsville. ____ Gray coarse-grained sand- Abundant carbonized plant o-t, o-1, o-a, Whe~ (1912; 1915); Dyson -
Mount Pisgah). stone and conglomerate, remains; includes logs. 0-1?, Si-1?, ~1954 ; Klemic and Baker
and greenish-gray siltstone. Si-1, Sl-8?, 1954); Montgomery (1954);
V-1, V-1. Walthier (1955); McCauley
~1957~; Stie:ff (1958); Klemio
1962 ; Klemic and others
Mauch Chunk Ridge occur- Catskill _______ Greenish-gray sandstone Unidentified black (carbon?) P-1, P-1, Klemic and Baker (1954);
rences. (graywacke) and siltstone. material. P-4, Sf-1, Dyson (19M); McCaul:He
Sf-8. (1957); Klemic (1962); mlo
and others (1963).

See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of inaividua~ aepoBita ana groups of deposita of uranium in 8and8tone in the United 8tate8,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name oflocality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Sc:huykUI Couuty

171 Atlas Powder Co. property ______ , Catskill _______ , Gray sandstone.--------------l--------------------------------1 Us ____________ , Klemic (1962).

Bueks CoUDt7

18 Delaware quarry---------------- (10)____________ Medium- to dark-gray argil- N------------- F. A. McKeown, P. W. Cho-

lite and shaly argillite. quette, and R. C. Baker
(1954*); McCauley (1957);
Klemic (1962).
19 Kieffer and Lipman:quarries____ (10)____________ Yellow-white fine- and me- -------------------------------- P-2. ---------- Do.
(See also No.1 Hunterdon dium-grained arkosic sand-
County, N.J.). stone and purple-gray to
dark-purple mudstone.

Harding County

Lonesome Pete mine____________ Fort Union1s__ Gray to brownish-black phos- P-1, P-8_____ _ King and Young (1956); Kep-
phatic silty claystone. ferle and Chisholm (1956);
Pipiringos and others (1957).
2 Daisy Mae No. 6 _____________________ do u_____ _ Mudstone and fine-grained Mudstone, slightly carbo- N ------------- U.S. Atomic Energy Comm.
micaceous sandstone. naceous. (1956).
3 Thybo and C. Robbins leaset-- _____ dots_______ Light-brown to gray very Si-S__________ _ Gill (1955).
fine to fine grained quartz-
ose sandstone.
45 Square Top Buttel--------------
Cedar Canyon _______________________Chadron______ Opalized
do _________ White clay-----------------
fine-grained silicified -------------------------------- v-t___________ Gill and Moore (1955).
None _________________________ _ V-1. ---------- Gill and Moore (1955).
tuffaceous sandstone.
Arikaree ______
6 Lucky Strike No . 2 ------------- { Chadron______ }Light-green very fine grained -------------------------------- Us____________ U.S. Atomic Energy Comm.
sandstone, and mudstone- (1956).
gall conglomerate.
7 Daisy Mae No.5---------------- Arikaree ______ Light-gray very fine grained -------------------------------- V-L---------- Gill (1955).

Butte County

81 Bonato mine, Kling~N

o. 2 mine,
Apland mine, and various
I Fall River __ --~ Light-gray to brown fine-
grained sandstone, sandy
Abund!illt carbonized plant
I V-'-----------1 V!oken (1957).
prospects. shale, and shale.
Meade County

91 U.S. Government land and

Lamberton prospect.
Fall River----~ Medium-grained iron-stained
sandstone and phosphatic
~--------------------------------~ P-8, Us-------1 A. L. Nash (1955*); Vickers
I sandstone.

Lawrence County

10 I Annie Cr~k--------------------1
Dakota mme and Mill lode
Phosphatic siltstone __
Deadwood____ Altered siltstone and very
--------~--------------------------------~ P-1_ ----------~ V!ckers (1953; 1954).
-------------------------------- P-1? __ -------- VIckers (1954).
(Montesuma claim). bard quartzite.

Pennington County

11 Caylor-Preston ranch ______ ; ____ Colorado u ____ Fine-grained sandstone_------ Abundant carbonized plant Us ___________ _
12 Baxter lease (Rube claims) and Chadron _____ _ Yellowish-gray fine- to me- P-4, V-1, V-2_ Moore and Lavish (1955).
Hart Table occurrence. dium-grained and coarse-
grained sandstone.
13 Unnamed occurrence.---------- Brule ________ _ Chalcedony veins in siltstone V-1. ---------- Do.
and very fine grained sand-

Shannon County

141 Cedar Butte. -------------------1 White River_ -I Light-brown and white

chalcedony in siltstone.
1--------------------------------1 V-1- ----------1
See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-]fajor characteritttics of individual depottittt and groups 'Of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name oflocality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Custer County

15 Lakota ________ White medium-grained sand- Abundant _____________________

Lost Canyon Nos. 1-3 and V-1. ---------- Braddock (1963).
other prospects. stone, and siltstone.
16 Freezeout No. 4----------------- Fall River ____ Fine-grained quartzose sand- Abundant carbonaceous 0-1, Su-I _____ Schnabel (1963).
stone. seams. V-L __________ W. R. Homer (1952*);
Lucky Strike No.2 and various (20) ------------ Fine-grained sandstone and
mines. gray shale.
------------ --------- ---------- Schnabel (1963).

Fall River County

17 Coal Canyon group, Virginia Fall River ____ Light-brown to dark-gray Abundant carbonized plant 0-1, V-1, Weeks and Thompson (1954);
C, Road Hog Nos. 1A and very fine to fine grained remains. v-1, v-s. Bell and Bales (1955);
3A, and other mines. sandstone, siltstone, and Braddock (1955); King (1956).
18 Hot Point No.3, Pictograph, Lakota ________ White, gray, and brown fine- _____ do _____________ ------------ V-1, V-1, Page and Redden (1952); W. P.
Imogene, Holdup No. 15, to medium-grained sand- v-s. Homer (1952*); W. P. Homer
Matias Peak Nos. 1 and 2, stone, and mudstone. and J. B. Ridlon (1952*);
and other mines. Bell and Bales (1955);
Braddock (1955; 1957).
Unnamed occurrence __ --------- Chadron(?) ___ Reworked Inyan Kara sand- Carbonized plant remains in Us.----------- Gott and others (1956).
stone fragments.
Runge mine _____________________ {Fall River ____ }Fine-grained sandstone fragments.
19 calcareous Sparse carbonized plant Gott (1956); Shawe (1957);
0-1, Si-1,
Lakota ________ sandstone. remains. Wilmarth and Gott (1958);
V-1, V-S.
Lion group ______________________ Fall River ____ Calcareous and ferruginous Myers and others (1960).
20 -------------------------------- 0-1, V-t_ _____ Gott and others (1953).
quartzose sandstone.
Gould lease, Marty's Timber Lakota ________ Gray to brown fine- to coarse- Absent_ ___________ ---------- __ v-1, v-s ______ W. L. Cummings (1952*); Gott
claim, Pabst No.3, and other grained sandstone, and an others (1953; 1956);
mines. silt-gall conglomerate. Braddock (1955); Hall (1955);
Bright (1955); King (1956);
_____ do _________ White to brown well-sorted Cuppels (1962).
21 Accidental Nos. 1 and 10, Gull, Some carbonized plant V-1----------- Gott and others (1953);
Damsite, and other mines. very fine and fine grained remains. Braddock (1955).
22 Darnell lease (Hot Brook Minnelusa. ___ Shale and limestone ___________ Coaly and petroliferous shale __ us ____________ Bell and Bales (1955).
Fall River ____ Sandstone_------------------- -------------------------------- Up_---------- Post (1956).
:~~0~0~-~~:================== _____ do_________
24 Medium-grained sandstone
and mudstone.
~----- ---------------------------
V-1. ---------- Do.

Oldham County

1 IHm-Man,.old mnoh P'"Poot .. , (") . ___ . ___ .. , Sand,.one _ ________________ +--______________ ---------------1 A -;~g-}_,_ IWood (1956, fig. 177, looa!Ity 48).
Deaf Smith County

21 Mosure ranch_ ------------------1 (15) ------------1 Sandstone __ --------------- ---1--------------------------------1 U -------------1

Brisco County

31 Saul ranch ______________________ , (15) ____________ , Sandstone _____________________ , Carbonized and silicified
plant remains.
V-1 <><V-2.. .. ,

Wilbarger County

l I Unn~=~-~~-"':::::::::::::: I ~::; ::::::::::::1-8...~:~~_-_: ::::::::::::::::::I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I ~i:::::::::::I

Wichita County

61 Unnamed prospect ______________ , Wichita. ------1 Ferruginous sandstone--------1--------------------------------1 U -------------1 Eargle and McKay (1956).

Clay County

~ I Unn~=--~~~~:::: :::::::::: ~-~~~~~: ::::::1-"'"'~:~~_-_:::::::::::::::::::1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I g:: :::::::::::I E.,.Ie and MoKay (1056),
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 2.-Major characteri8tic8 of individuaZ depo8it8 and gro UP8 'Of depo8its of uranium in 8and8tone in the United States,
by StateB-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Montague County

91 Unnamed prospect--------------1 Wichita.

Sandstone.- ------------------1--------------------------------1 U -------------1
Do_______________________________ do ___ ----- _____ do.----------------------- -------------------------------- U -------------

Archer County

11 Unnamed prospect______________ Wichita_------ Sandstone.------------------- Abundant carbonized plant u _____________ E. J. McKay (1957*).
12 Do _______________________________ do __ ------ Ferruginous and manganif- U _____________ Eargle and McKay (1956).
erous sandstone.
13 Do_______________________________ do ________ Sandstone ____________________ Carbonized plant remains _____ ---------------- E. J. McKay (1957*).

Kent County

141 McArthur ranch __ --------------1 (16)------------1 Sandstone __ ------------------l--------------------------------1 U -------------1

Garza County

15 Sanderson ranch _______________ _ (16)____________ Sandstone._------------------ -------------------------------- U -------------

16 Swensen ranch _________________ _ (16) _________________ do ___ --------------------- -------------------------------- U -------------

g:~ :::::a~:=:=====================
18 Eubank
Long ranchranch_-----------------
____________________ _
19 Roddy ranch __________________ _ (16) ::::::::::::
_________________ do. __ --------------------- ================================
-------------------------------- ================
20 Kirkpatrick ranch and Post (16) __ ---------- _____ do. ___ -------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------
21 Caprock prospect.-------------- (16) _________________ do ___ --------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------

Fisher County

221 Unnamed prospect--------------1 (11) ____________ 1 Micaceous siltstone-----------1 Abundant carbonaceous

flakes. IN -------------1 Beron! (1954a).
lk-ewster County

231 Big Bend Exploration Co.:-----1 PruetL-------1 Highly altered limonitic

stone; also tuff, limestone,
sand-~ Some carbonized plant
c-1, Si-2,
V-1, V-2.
I R. U. King and C. C. Knox
and conglomerate.

Fayette County

241 Robinson lease------------------1 (">------------1 Siltstone. ---------------------1---------------------------------l N -------------1

Gonzales County

251 Jacobs ranch. -------------------1' Catahoula _____ lCoarse-grained quartzose l

Abundant silicified wood ______ P-1, V-L-----1 Steinhauser ana Baroni (1955);
I Steinhauser (1956).

Karnes County

26 Harper (Harmony) property ____ (22) ------------ Bentonitic shale--------------- -------------------------------- o-4, P-t_ _____ Steinhauser and Baroni (1955);
Us ____________ Steinhauser (1956).
27 Brysch and Jaskinla prospects._ Whitsett II____ Very fine to medium tuffs- Some carbonized plant Steinhauser and Baroni (1955);
ceous sand. remains. Steinhauser (1956); Eargle
and Snider (1957).
28 Sczepanik prospect ______________ (22) ------------ Sandstone _____________________ ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- Do.
Whitsett :u ____ Medium clayey sand __________
29 Bargmann pros~ct------------- _____ p ------------- Do.
Hackney" (Bozo , Korzekwa, do.u_______ Light-gray very fine grained sP3iieto-abWid8iiicai-"bOii=--- M, P-1, V-1, Steinhauser and Baroni (1955);
and Lyssy deposits. sandstone, laminated clay, ized plant remains. V-1. Steinhauser (1956); Eargle
and clayey and silty sand. and Snider (1957); de Vergie
(1958); MacKallor and
others (1962).
Sickenius prospect ___ ----------- ---- .do.u_______ Brown friable lignitlc clay, Abundant carbonized plant . V-1----------- Steinhauser and Beronl (1955);
and opalized sandstone. remains. Steinhauser (1956); Eargle
and Snider (1957J.
30 Hoffman prospect _______________ Oakville.----- Coarse-grained sandstone and None ____________ -------------- V-2----------- Do.
bentonitic clay.

See footnotes at end of table.


TABLE 2.-Major characteri8tics of individual depoaita and groups of depoaita of urtmium in sand.atone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Atascosa County

31 Thane prospect----------------- Whitsett 21____ Friable sand --------------- -------------------------------- V-L.......... Steinhauser and Beroni (1955):
Steinhauser (1956); Eargle
and Snider (1957).
21 Carbonized plant remains..... Us............ Do
S.ll.l.ltll' prospect {----do ------- }Light-gray clayey silt,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - do ------- lignitic tu1f, and gray sand.

Live Oak County

Duval County

34 Purscb ranch-------------------- Catahoula..... Medium-grained sandstone -------------------------------- V-1-----------

and tu1f.
35 Wiederkehr ranch--------------- .do......... Sandstone . -------------------------------- Sl-2 ------- Steinhauser and Beroni (1955);
Steinhauser (1956).
Peters ranch . ----------------- ..... do ..... Sandstone.. --- _____ ._
Palangana salt dome deposit Goliad Light-gray fine-grained cal-
_____ __ ---------- _-----------.
Sparse carbonized(?) plant
o-1.- ---------
Uranium Digest (1958);
careous sandstone, and remains and on. Russell (1958); Weeks and
calcareous clay-ball con Eargle (1960).
38 Piedras Pintas salt dome
.. do .. ~f:~:- ___________________ -------------------------------- Us
Starr County

39 Salinas ranch-------------------- <>------------

Siliclfied medium ..grained
40 Kelsey ranch-------------------- ---------------- Sandstone. (Miocene and V-2-----------

Summit County

1 M. B. C. No. 6 mine____________ Wasatch------ Gray to light-brown friable Some carbonized plant N ------------
coarse-grained sandstone. remains.
Uranium Queen_________________ Wasatch(?)_.. Brown conglomerate and gray _____ do ---------------------- N -------------
2 Big K------------------------- Kelvin........ Grit ___________________________ do ----------------- Us------------

Daggett County

31 Name unknown______ ----------1 Navajo(?).----1 Highly ferruginous sandstone.. l--------------------------------1 N-------------1

4 Dutch John Nos. 1-3------------ Navajo........ Sandstone _____________________ -------------------------------- ----------------

mntah Couuty

5 Blackie No. 1. ---------------- Morrison

6 Steinaker Draw----------------- do________ _ Sandstone(?)------------------ -------------------------------- ----------------
Dark-brown shale------------- Abundant carbonized plant ---------------- Vine and Moore (1952).
7 Jensen Draw and Miracle pros- do________ _ Dense black and gray-green dO------------------------- P-1? ---------- Noble and Annes (1957).
pects. laminated betonitic mud-
8 Devil group (Devll's Cave) _____ (8) ____________ _ Sandstone(?) __________________ -------------------------------- ----------------
9 Eaglenest Nos. 1 and 6---------- Chinle _______ _ Poorly sorted clayey grit- Abundant carbonized plant V-1? _________ _ Noble and Annes (1957).
stone. remains.
10 Bonniebell and Snow groups____ (8) ____________ _ White to bu1f-medium- dO------------------------- P-1, P-5 _____ _ Beroni and McKeown (1952);
grained clayey sandstone. Gruner, Gardiner, and Smith
11 Colute ~Co. claims_______ (B) ____________ _
12 Happy Landing group (Pay Uinta ________ _ ~~~~~~saiicisione:::::::: Xi>iiiiciimicarb-oDiiid-iois-im<i :::::::::::::::: H. C. Granger and H. L. Bauer
Day and other claims). other plant remains and (1950*).
turtle shells.
13 Keg prospect.------------------- _____ do ________ _ Dark-brown carbonaceous shale. Abundant; disseminated ______ ----------------
14 Blue Sky No. L---------------- _____ do ________ _
15 Canary Bird claim, Eureka _____ do ________ _ ~':3~~\'2n.e;sandysb8ie;-- s"P8i8ei<>abund8iitcai-"bc>n:--- :p:2::::::::::: H. C. Granger and H. L.
group, and Stain Nos. 1 and 2. and carbonaceous shale. !zed plant remains and Bauer (1950*).
16 Split Canyon claim __________________ do________ _ Sandstone and shale.---------- Abundantturtle shells.
carbonized plant Us ___________ _
17 Horse Ear.---------------------- _____ do ________ _ Sandstone(?) __________________ -------------------------------- ----------------
18 Willow Creek claim __________________ do________ _ Noble and Annes (1957).
c=ro:? sandy calcareous -------------------------------- C-1. --------
19 Blanca No. 1t and Tokay No. -----d0.-------- Sllty fine- to medium-grained None ----------------------- Si-2, Si-3.. Do.
9. sandstone.
20 Blue Knolls No. 28-------------- Green River Mudstone.-------------------- Disseminated carbon __________ ---------------- Do.

See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-MajOf" ohcwacteri8tics of indwiduaZ deposits and groups Qj deposits of urtmium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locallty minerals Sources of data
I Description
I Kind and abundance of
carbonaceous materials

Duchesne County

21 I
Lone Peak (Rainbow Ridge) ____ , Uinta---------1 Sandstone(?) __________________ , ________________________________ ,________________ ,

.{_uab County

Spider No.1 prospect: __________

22 --------------- Wblte tuft (red and black fine- None ----- ______ ---------- P-1, Si-2------ and Bauer (1950).
~ed volcanic fr~ents
a rhyolitic matrix
Goodwill claim.. _________________ gertiary.)
23 --------------- F ble coarse-grained quartz- -----do _____ -------------------- 0-1, Sf-!,
ose and volcanic sandstone, Sf-9. (1955); Outerbridge and
other (1960); Sta.atz and Carr
and limestone boulder con- (1964).
glomerate with an ashy clay
Yellow Chief____________________ matrix. (Miocene.)
24 ---------------- Altered sedimentary rhyo-
litic tuft. (Tertiary.)
-------------------------------- 0-1?, Si-2. ____
Sanpete County

251 Cotton No.1 and Hot Spot.----1 Morrison(?) ___ White fine-grained sandstone
and shale.
I Some organic ma.tter.---------1 U.------------1
Emery County

26 Helm.-------------------------- Summerville..
Siltstone.--------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------
27 Dog groUP---------------------- Cedar Sandy and shaly bentonitic -------------------------------- ---------------
Mountain. siltstone.
28 Name unknown_________________ Summerville._
Yellowish-brown mudstone Some carbonaceous material ----------------
29 Copper Rock No.1------------- Entrada. _____
Grayish-green mudstone _____ _ Some 8S}lhaltum and car- U ------------- Johnson (1959a).
bonized plant remains. Us ___________ _
White Star No.8---------------- Morrison ---- Porous conglomeratic sand- Abundant carbonized plant Do.
stone. remains and sparse asphal-
30 South Rim No.1 mine:--------- _____ do.------- Carbonaceous siltstone and Abundant disseminated car- Us ___________ _ Do.
claystone. bonaceous material.
Johnson (1957).
:~ E:r:,~o~~~Eeiime-ifOiij,:--- -~~:;:_-_::::: ~::.ta:~:imiiie<iiooaui -i:i>iiii<i&ni-bieb3{~~~ngers:---- -A:.:i;o:i;-o:-- Rayner (1950)j Gott and
Lone Tree mine, and other argillaceous sandstone, and and fracture sofas- 4, P-1, P-1, Erickson (1u52) Gruner,
mines. conglomerate. phaltite and carbonized Su-8, V-1. Gardiner, and Smith (1954);
33 Wickiup group, Donna. B No. _____ do.n______ _ Brown sandstone and mud-
plant remains. Us ___________ _ Johnson (1957).
Abundant aspha.ltite and Rayner (1950); J'ohnson-(1957).
1, and various prospects. stone. silicified plant remains.
34 Consolidated Nos.l and 2, Pay _____ do.n______ _ Light-gray ftne- and coarse- Abundant carbonized logs A-1,~1.~ Gruner, Gardiner, and Smith
Day, Green Vein No.5, and grained sandstone, lime- and other plant remains 1,~4.P-!, (1054); H. N. Jensen and
other mines. stone-pebble conglomerate, and aspha.ltite seams. Su-1, Su-s. R.. K. Pitman (1956*);
and siltstone. Johnson (1957).
Abundant plsolites, pods,
Little Joe prospectt-------------- {~~:~:::::: }Brecciated sandstone _________ _ and streaks of aspha.ltite. Kerr and others (1057).
Us, UP--------
35 Lucky Strike Nos. 1 and 2, and _____ do.n_______ Gray and brown medium- Abundant asphaltite pellets 0-6,~1.~ Weeks and Thompson (1954);
Conrad No.1 mines. grained to conglomeratic and carbonized plant !, o-6, Su- Thompson and others (1955).
sandstone. remains. 8.
36 Dirty Devil Nos. 4 and 6, and _____ do.n_______ Gray and brown coarse- ----do . -------------------- P-1, V-1, V-1- Reyner (1950); H. N.Jenson
other mines. grained sandstone, con- and R. J\., Pitman (1051*);
glomerate, and mudstone. Baln (1952a); Gruner,
Gardiner, and Smith (1954);
Johnson (1957).
87 Delta (Hidden Splendor) and _____ do.IB_______ Gray to light-brown fine- to Abundant carbonized plant A-1, 0--8,0- Keys (1954); Gruner, Gardiner,
other n;U.nes. medium-grained quartzose remains and logs. 4, ~1. ~. and Smith (19M); Isachsen
sandstone, and mudstone. ~6, P-2, and Evensen (1956); Stokes
P--6, Su--8, and Cohenour (1956);
V-1. Johnson (1957).
38 Canary prospects (Little Wlld Morrison r ___ _ Medium- to coarse-grained Abundant carbonized plant V-1 ------- Boutwell (1905); Hinckley and
Horse Mesa) and Alpha sandstone, and hard remains. Volga.more (1953).
claims. quartzltlc sandstone.
Chinle 21 _____ _ Gray
39 Desolation (VirJrlnla Valley), and light-brown coarse- Sparse to abundant carbon- ~1. P-1, P-6. Gruner, Gardiner, and Smith
Little Erma. No.2, and Little grained to conglomeratic, ized plant remains and (1954); Johnson (1957).
Wild Horse group. locally ca.le-areous, sand- a.sphaltite.
stone, conglomerate, and
40 Black Beauty (Thunderbird), _____ do. n ------ Gray fine- to coarse-grained Abundant asphaltite and A-1, 0-1, D. G. Wyant (1953*); Weeks
Temple Mountain Calyx sandstone and green con- some carbonized plant P-1, ~1, and Thompson (1954); Isach-
mines, Campbird No. 13 glomerate (mudstone remains. Si-1, S1Jr-8, sen and Evensen (1956); Keys
(North Mesa. group), Flattop matrix). V-1, V-1, and White (1956); Kelley and
Mesa group, South Temple v-s, V-4. Kerr (1958); Hawley, Wyant,
Mountain workings, Rex and Brooks (1965).
(V anadlum King) group,
and other Temple Mountain
Dennyf and other minesf. ------ Wingate_______ Gray fine-grained sand- Abundant gray to black V-1-----------
stone. bands of disseminated
Wlngate(?) ____ lGra.y to greenish-gray fine- Abundant asphaltlte pellets, A-s, P-1------ Gruner, Gardiner, and Smith
Fumerole (Fumerol) No. 2t#---- {Chinle s7______ grained quartzose sand- pods, and veins. (1054); Keys and Wblte
Coconino stone and chert-geode (1956); Thompson and others
conglomerate. (1956).
See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in tke United States,
by States-Con.tinued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. N arne of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Emery County-continued

41 Name unknown _________________ Chinle 21 ______ Sandstone_____________________ -------------------------------- ----------------

42 Cli"fi Dweller {----do. 27 ------ {Gray conglomeratic sandstone Some carbonized plant ---------------- Johnson (1957).
-------------------- Moenkopi_____ and greenish-gray shale. remains.
43 Name unknown. __ ------------- Chinle 21 _ _ ____ Sandstone _____________________ -------------------------------- ---------------- Do.
44 Do ... --------------------- .... do. 27 ___________ do _________________________ -------------------------------- ---------------- Do.
45 Green Tree mine________________ Morrison t __________ do _________________________ -------------------------------- V-L-----------
46 Betty A, San Rafael, Vanura _____ do. 1______ Sandstone, conglomeratic Abundant carbonized plant 0-1, 0-8, Clark and Million (1956);
Nos. 1 and 5 (Four Comers sandstone, and silty to remains and silicified logs. 0-6, 0-1, Johnson (1959b).
Uranium Corp.), Wedding sandy mudstone. Si-1, Su-I,
Bell, and other mines. V-1, V-1.
47 Bear Claw, Cat Bird No.2 _____ do. 1______ Buff to gray medium- to Abundant carbonized plant V-L _________ _ Johnson (1959b).
(Blue Jay), Yellow Queen coarse-grained sandstone. remains.
No.1, and other mines.
Name unknown ______________________ do. -- _ Siltstone______________________ Abundant disseminated N ------------- Johnson (1959b, p. 98).
48 Nona Bee No.1, School Section _____ do. Friable dark-gray sandy
t _____ _ Abundant carbonized plant Si-1, V-L ____ Johnson (1959b).
2, and other mines. mudstone and light-gray remains.
fine- to medium-grained
49 Mohawk and other claims. _____ do. 1_____ _ Brown to white fine-grained Some dark carbon streaks _____ V-L----------
silty sandstone.
50 Danise (Denise) No.1 mine, Chinle._------ Greenish-gray siltstone and Abundant carbonized blebs A-1, 0-1, Weeks and Thompson (1954);
Aileen, and Willow No. 1. gray medium-grained and seams. P-1, P-7, Gruner, Gardiner, and Smith
(See also Grand County.) sandstone. Si-1, Su-3. (1954).

Grand County

50 Larry group and other pros- Chinle_------- Siltstone._-------------------- Carbonized seams _____________ ----------------
pects. (See also Emery
51 Copper King and Lone Point ___ Summerville- Sandstone __________________________ --------------------------- ----------------
Highboy group and other pros- Morrison t ___ _ Sandy shale and sandstone ____ -------------------------------- N -------------
52 Sunday mine ____________________ ..... do. 1_____ _ Gray calcareous sandstone ____ -------------------------------- V-L _________ _
53 Lion No. 5 (or No.6?).---------- Wasatch _____ _ Gray to buff fine- to medium- Abundant carbonized plant 0-1, P-L ____ _
grained sandstone. remains.
54 Pine Tree No. 1----------------- Tuscher_______ Buff conglomeratic sandstone Some carbonized logs and V-1. _---------
and gray fine-grained other plant remains.
calcareous sandstone.
gg ~~~~:en~!~~n~~01!; _. ___ -~~-r:o~-~:::: -~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
57 Yellow Cat group (Allor and _____ do. 1______ White to gray fine- to coarse- Abundant carbonized plant 0-1,0-1, Moore and Kithil (1913); Dane
other mines), Parco group, grained sandstone, and grit. remains, some silicified and 0-6, 0-1, (1935); Stokes (1952a); Stokes
Telluride group, and other carboniZl'd logs, and sparse V-1, v-s. and Mobley (1954); Weeks
mines. asphaltite. and Thompson (1954);
Cannon (1964).
School section 32, T. 22 S., - _. --- Mudstone _____________________ -------------------------------- ----------------
58 Cactus Rat group, Flattop _____ do. t______ Grit and medium-grained Carbonized plant remains_____ 0-1, 0-1, Huleatt and others (1946);
No. 1 mine, and other mines. sandstone. P-6, Si-1, Stokes (1952a); Weeks and
V-1, V-1, Thompson (1954); Stokes and
V-8. Mobley (1954); Cannon (1964).
59 Squaw Park group and other 1_ --- Medium-grained sandstone___ _ Very sparse carbonized plant V-L __________ Stokes (1952a).
mines. remains.
60 Cuesta No. 3, Junction group, ____ .do. 1_. _ ___ Sandstone ____________________ _ Some small carbonized logs V-1-- ---------
and other mines. and other plant remains.
61 School section 32 and Buckhorn _____ do. t ______ Black fissile shale and white Very abundant carbonized V-1 .. ---------
claim, Glory Hole (King), sandstone. plant remains.
and other mines.
62 Polar No.3, Elva M, and other -----do. t ______ Yellow-brown sandstone ______ Very abundant carbonized v-1, v-s _____ _ Dane (1935); Stokes and others
mines. logs and other plant re- (1945); Huleatt and others
mains. (1946); Redmond and Kellogg
63 Corvusite group and other _____ do. 1_ ----- White to gray medium- Abundant carbonized plant 0-1, Si-1, Stokes and others (1945);
mines. grained sandstone. remains. V-1, V-S, Huleatt and others (1946);
V-8. Weeks and Thompson (1954).
64 Red Head group (Richardson {Kayenta ______ }White to light-gray fine- to None------------------------- V-1, V-s _____ _ Boutwell (1905); Parsons (1933);
Basin, Jesse D). Wingate______ medium-grained sandstone. Gruner Gardiner, and Smith
(1954); Shoemaker (1956c).
65 Cobalt No. 2f ------------------- Morrison t ____ Sandstone__________________________ do _________________________ P-1, P-S, P-6. Weeks and Thompson (1954).
Slick Rock group (Tenderfoot -----do. 1______ Gr.ay to light-green hard Thin carbonaceous seams. V-L _________ _
and Desert Rat claims). sandy limestone.
66 Dime mine and various pros- _____ do/1 ______ Gray fine-grained to conglom- Silicified logs and carbonized V-L _________ _
pects. eratic sandstone and clay- plant remains.
ball layers.
Shinarump Nos. 1 and 3, and Chinle ________ Greenish-gray siltstone, sand- Abundant coaly seams and 0-1, 0-1, Stieff and Stem (1952); Finch
othermmes. stone, and limestone-pebble plant remains. 0-2, 0-S, (1954); Gruner Gardiner, and
conglomerate. Si--8, S'llr-S, Smith (1954); Hurlbut (1954).
V-1, V-S.
67 Copper group and various pros- _____ do_________ Medium to very coarse Some carbonized logs and 0-1, Su-3 ____ _
pects. grained sandstone. other plant remains.
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individua~ deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name oflocality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
carbonaceous materials
Grand County-continued

68 "A" group, Mineral group, and Chinle m _____ Greenish conglomeratic and Abund!illt carbonized plant Q-1, P-S, Rosenzweig and others (1954);
other mines. sandy mudstone, siltstone, remams. P-5,P-9, Weeks and Thompson (1954).
and limestone-pebble con- Si-2.
69 Mile High group ________________ Chinle_------- Sandstone(?) _____ ------- ______ ____ do _____________ ------------ C-1, P-1, V-L
70 North Mesa group, Skeeter Morrison 1____ Gray to brown fine-grained Carbonized logs and other V-1_ ----------
group, and other Wilson sandstone and green shale. plant remains locally
Mesa mines. abundant.
71 School sec. 32, T. 26 S., R. 21 Chinle 21 ______ Green shale and sandy shale._ Abund!illt carbonized plant 0-S, o-1, A. s. Corey (1959*).
E. (See also San Juan remams. Si-7, Su-9.

San Juan County

Chinle_------- }Fault gouge ("biotite-quartz Abundant pyrobitumen ______ _ C-1, C-2, Hinrichs (1954; 1956); Isachsen
71 Atomic King (Honeybee)t ------ {C'~;Itler 29_ _____ schist"), and brecci.ated C-3, 0-1, and others (1955).
Rico ___ ------- sandstone and medmm- 0-2, Si-2,
grained arkose. Su-9, V-1,
Various minest ------------------ Rico __ -------- Fault gouge and white arkose ______ do ________________________ _ V-1----------- 0. M. McRae andY. W.
Isachsen (1958*).
Unnamed prospectst------------- Chinle 27 _____ _ Limy mudstone-pellet con- Some pyrobitumen pellets o-1, C-2, Si- A. S. Corey (1958*).
(See also Grand County.) glomerate and sandstone, and stringers, and carbon- 1, S11rs, v-
and clayey limestone. ized plant remains. 1.
72 Blue Goose group, Chess Ridge Morrison 1 ___ _ Grayish-white fine- to medi- Abundant carbonized plant V-L ---------- Baker (1933).
. gr~mp, and other Brumley um-grained sandstone, shale remains.
Ridge and Pack Creek seams, and clay-gall zones.
73 Sunflower-Snowflake, Yellow _____ do. 1 __ ---- _____ do_________________________ Abundant carbonized, silici- V-L __________ Baker (1933); Huleatt and
Circle group, and other fied, and calcified plant others (1946); Farrow and
mines. remains. others (1955).
74 Blue Jay, Prince Albert, and _____ do.'------ Gray to brown fine- to medi- Abundant carbonized plant V-L ---------- Baker (1933).
other Bliss Pasture and um-grained sandstone, and remains.
Brown's Hole mines. clay galls and bands.
75 Rattlesnake mine ____________________ do. I _____ _ Medium-grained sandstone Abundant carbonized logs V-1-----------
and siltstone. and other plant remains.
76 Fault No. 1, Lucky Strike No. _____ do. 1_____ _ Grayish-white fine- to medi- _____ do _________________________ V-L __________ Baker (1933) Farrow and
1, and other Bridger Jack ium-grained sandstone, and others (1955).
Mesa mines. light-green clay seams and
gall zones.
77 Cane Creek prospects_---------- Chinle_------- Sandstone(?) ______ ------------ ------------------------------ __ ----------------
78 Discovery No.2, Shade Tree, _____ do 21______ _ Fine- to medium-grained Sparse carbonized plant N -------------
and other prospects. sandstone, mudstone, and fragments.
79 Taylor No. L------------------- _____ do.27______ _ Gray medium-grained sand- Abundant carbonized plant Us------------
stone and mudstone. remains.
'80 Count, Crabapple, and other _____ do.27______ _ Gray medium- to coarse- _____ do_________________________ C-1, C-4, 0-1, de Vergie and Carlson (1953);
"C" group mines. grained sandstone and Su-9. Weeks and Thompson (1954).
Comoose________________________ Cutler 29 _____ _ Arkose. __________ ------------- -------------------------------- ----------------
S1 Lockhart Lulu No.1, Range, _____ do.2u______ _ White coarse-grained arkose, None __________________________ A-1, A-5 ______ Dix (1953).
and other claims. and greenish-colored mud-
stone and siltstone.
Rico Flat claim _________________ Rico _________ _ Sandy limestone __ ------------ -------------------------------- V __ ----------- E. N. Hinrichs (1957**).
82 Sodaroll claim, Sailor group, Chinle 21 _____ _ Gray coarse-grained to con- Abundant carbonized plant Su-3 __________ Weeks and Thompson (1954).
and other prospects. glomeratic sandstone, and remains, some silicified.
Airlift and Pagoda claims _______ Cutler 29 _____ _ Whitish-colored arkose and Si-1, P-L---- Hinrichs (1958); E. N. Hinrichs
sandstone. (1957**).
.84 Jet Crash and other claims ___________ do.29 ______ _ White arkose_----------------- None __________________________ ---------------- Dix (1953).
85 Cutler mine __________________________ do.2u ______ _ White coarse-grained arkose _____ do _________________________ A-J,A-5, P-S, Dix (1953); Gruner, Gardiner,
and greenish-colored mud- Si-S. and Smith (1954).
Salt Cedar claim________________ Rico _________ _ Silty impure limestone ________ -------------------------------- ----------------
.S6 Queen of Harts claim and Cutler 29 _____ _ White arkose and gray to None__________________________ Us------------ Dix (1953).
Smith group. brown coarse-grained sand-
stone and sandy mudstone.
87 Smokey No.3------------------- _____ do.29 ______ _ Sandstone and arkose _________ -------------------------------- Us ____________ E. N. Hinrichs (1957**).
:88 Unnamed prospect______________ Cutler ao ______ _ Silty sandstone ________________ -------------------------------- Up____________ R. Q. Lewis (1957**).
89 Conglomerate group and var- Chinle 27 _____ _ Conglomerate, gray medium- Abundant carbonized and 0-1, V-L ____ _
ious prospects. grained sandstone, and silicified logs and other
yellowish-brown to green plant remains.
Unnamed prospect_ _____________ Cutler 29 _____ _ Arkose and sandstone _________ -------------------------------- Us ___________ _ E. N. Hinrichs (1957**).
'90 Grey Daun (Dawn), Vana- Morrison 1____ _ Buff fine-grained sandstone Abundant carbonized plant A-1,A-4,A-6, Rasor (1952); Weeks (1957).
dium Queen, and other mines. and shaly sandstone. remains. 0-1, o--s,
P-S, P-6,
P-8, Si-1,
Si-S, Si-7,
v-1, v-s.
Chinle 211 ____ _ Gray fine-grained calcareous _____ do ______________ ------ ____ _ 0-8, C-5, o-1, Steen and others (1953); Gruner
!Ill MiVida mine, San Juan shaft,
and other mines. micaceous sandstone and Si-1, Su-9, and Smith (1955a); Laverty
greenish calcareous silt- V-1, V-S. and Gross (1956), Gross (1956);
stone. Weir and Puffett (1960).
Big Buck group and other Cutler 20 _____ _ Mottled brown, white, and None__________________________ 0-1, o-s, Dix (1954); Isachsen (1954);
mines. purple medium- to coarse- Si-2, V-1. Weir and Puffett (1960).
grained arkosic sandstone.
See footnotes at end of table.
280-261 0-67-3

TABLE 2.-Jlajor characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name oflocallty minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

San Juan County-continued

92 Utah, Wyoming, and other Morrison t_____ Sandstone __ ------------------ -------------------------------- _________ .: _____ _
93 Divide mines, Sec. 36, T. 30 S., Chinle 27?_____ Gray fine- and coarse-grained Abundant carbonized plant o-1, V-L_____ Gruner and Smith (1955a);
R. 25 E. (Continental), and micaceous sandstone, and remains. Weir and others (1957).
Serviceberry mine. conglomerate.
Bench group and various Morrison t_____ Sandstone_------------------- -------------------------------- V-1-----------
94: Liberty group ________________________ do,l ____________ do _______________________ .,: -------------------------------- ----------------
95 Waterfall group, Wilson group, _____ do.t _______ Light-gray poorly sorted fine- Sparse to abundant car- V-L----------
and other mines. to coarse-grained sandstone bonized logs and other
and gray mudstone. plant remain~
00 None Such and other mines _________ do.t _______ But! medium-grained sand -------------------------------- V-L----------
Frisco group, Sunset mine, and _____ do.t ______ _ Light-gray fine-grained sand Sparse carbonized logs and v -1 __________ _
other mines. stone. other plant remains.
98 Happy Jack and other mines_________ do,l ______ _ Sandstone_------------------- -------------------------------- V-L ---------- Huleatt and others (1946).
99 Antler, Indian Creek group, _____ do.t ______ _ Brown and gray fine- to Abundant carbonized plant V-1, V-2 ______ Witkind (1964).
and various prospects. medium-grained sandstone. remains.
100 Blue (Shay Mountain) group _____ do.t_______ Light-gray fine-grained sand- Some carbonized logs and V-1, V-2 _____ _ Do.
and various claims. stone and shaly sandstone. other plant remains.
101 Horseshoe No.1, Hot Spot No. Chinle 2T ______ Light-green conglomeratic Some silicified and carbonized Su-3, V-L ___ _
1, and other mines. mudstone and quartz- plant remains.
pebble conglomerate.
102 Blue Eagle, Verdure, and Morrison ----- Gray medium-grained Abundant carbonized logs V-L __________ Huff and Lesure (1965).
various prospects. sandstone. and other plant remains.
103 Canary, Long Shot, and other _____ do.t_______ Gray medium-grained Carbonized plant remains_____ V-L----------
mines. calcareous sandstone.
104 Cottonwood, Lucky Boy, _____ do.t_______ White and gray fine- to Abundant carbonized logs su-s, v-1, Do.
Rock, and other mines. medium-grained sandstone and other plant remains. V-1.
with some clay pellets and
105 Rusty Can, Monument No. 2, _____ do.------- But! to white medium- Abundant carbonized plant V-1, V-1------ Do.
West Cli:tl' House No. 8, and grained sandstone and remains and sparse logs.
other mines. mudstone partings.
106 Bradford Canyon No.2, Mill, _____ do.------- Gray to white medium- Abundant carbonized plant V-1-----------
and other mines. grained sandstone. remains and small logs.
107 Blue Jay, Margarite, and other _____ do.. ------ _____ do._---------------------- _____ do._---------------------- o-1, Si-1, Weeks and Thompson (19M);
mines. V-1, V-1, Huff and Lesure (1962).
108 Lone Wolf, Moab, and other Morrison t_____ Gray calcareous sandstone ____ -------------------------------- V-1, V-I ______ Huff and Lesure (1962).
100 Pete mine, Red Hot, and _____ do.'_______ Gray and buff siltstone and -------------------------------- o-1, Si-J______ Gruner (1956c).
School sec. 16, T. 39 S., R. mudstone and very fine
25 E. grained sandstone.
110 Tree group ___________________________ do.------- Conglomerate _________________ Silicified logs __________________ V-L __________ J. V. A. Sharp (19M*).
111 Hole-in-the-rock and other _____ do.ta _______
Light-gray to buff fine- Very abundant carbonized V-1----------- Do.
mines. grained sandstone. plant remains.
112 Sandy mine, Sebastapol group, _____ do.t _______
Light-gray fine-grained sand- Locally abundant carbonized V-L---------- Do.
and Birthday claim. stone. logs.
113 Sunshine (Sunrise) mine _____________ do.t _______
Light-gray fine- to coarse- Locally abundant carbonized V-L---------- Do.
grained sandstone. plant remains.
114 Gold Butte (Lonesome) group _______ do.t ____________ do _________________________ Abundant carbonized logs_____ V-L__________ Do.
115 Big Hole mine, Dinosaur group, _____ do.t _______ Light-gray and brown fine- to Abundant carbonized logs o-1, V-1, V-"'- Huleatt and others (1946)j,
Basin No.1, and other medium.grained calcareous and other plant remains. Weeks and Thompson \19M);
Blanding mines. sandstone. Dodd (1956).
116 Brushy mine and various pros- _____ do.t_______ Sandstone _____________________ -------------------------------- V-L _________ _
117 High Hopes and Pretty Girl _____ do.t _______ Light-gray shaly sandstone ____ -------------------------------- V-L----------
No. 3 mines and various pros-
118 King James mine and various Chinle 2_______ Conglomerate _________________ -------------------------------- ----------------
119 Carl, Notch group, and other _____ do.2 _______ Conglomeratic and muddy Abundant carbonized plant Weeks and Thompson (1954);
A-1, C-1, C--8,
mines. sandstone, claystone, and remains and asphaltite C-7, o-1. Rosenzweig and others (19M);
siltstone. blebs. GruneriGardiner, and Smith
(19M); averty and Gross
(1956); Lewis and Campbell
Notch No.5--------------------- Moenkopi_ ____ Gray to brown well-sorted Abundant asphaltite__________ o-L __ -------- Isachsen and others (1955).
fine-grained sandstone and
120 Sandy No. 3 mine, Wooden Chinle 2_______ Sandstone, conglomeratic Some carbonized plant re- o-1, Us _______ Fronde! (1958, p. 27); Klein-
Shoe No.1, and other pros- sandstone, and blue clay. mains and asphaltite(?). hampl (1962).
121 Hideout No. 1 (Tiger), W. N., _____ do.2_______ Gray and brown coarse- Abundant carbonized plant C-1, C-1, C--8, Stem and Weaks (1952); Gruner,
and other mines. grained sandstone and con- remains. Q-1, P-1, Gardiner, and Smith (19M);
glomerate, and bluish-gray Si-1, Su--8. Finnell and Gazdik (1958);
sandy mudstone. Froelich and Kleinhampl
(1960); Finnell and others (1963).
122 White Canyon No.1 and Scenic _____ do.t_______ Conglomerate, brown sand- _____ do_________________________ o-JJ_f.-ku-t. Weeks and Thompson (19M);
No. 4 mines, and various stone, and gray mudstone. Gruner, Gardiner, and Smith
prospects. (1954); Thaden and others
123 Found Mesa prospects ________________ do.------- Grayish-white medium- to
coarse-grained quartzose
124 Jacob Chair claims ___________________ do.t_______ Gray and brown coarse- Sparse carbonized plant re- A-L__________ Gruner, Gardiner, and Smith
grained sandstone. mains. (1954).

See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups "Of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Oo~tinued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
I Description

Kind and abundance of
carbonaceous materials

San Juan County-continued

125 Happy Jack (Blue Dike), Goo- Chinle ------- Gray and brown coarse- Abundant carbonized plant A-1, C-1, D-1,Butler and others (1~ilt 621-
way No.1, North Point, and grained to conglomeratic remains. a-s, D-4 622); Dodd (1950); er
other mines. quartzose sandstone. P-t,P.:S, (1952; 1955); Grun~ Gardiner,
P-6, Si-1, and Smith (1954); eeks and
Su-1, Su-I, Thompson (1954); Trites and
S'Ui-8. Chew (1955) ~Mace and
Oertell (1958 ; Trites and
others (1959).
126 Jomac mine _____________________ _____ do.l__ ----- Sandstone, conglomerate, and _____ do__________ ---. ___ ------.- A-1, P-1, P-1- Trites and Hadd (1958).
127 Four Aces and Hidden Valley do. ----- Sandstone and conglomeratic Some carbonized plant re- N -------------
prospects. sandstone. mains.
128 Cub group_--------------------- do.l _---- Gray coarse-grained sand-
____ .do _______ ---- ____ .--------- ----------------
_____ do _________________________ deVergie (1953); Kelley (1954).
129 Nash Car (Scenic No.2), and _____ do. ----- Gray sandstone and conglom- Si-I,Si-4,
other prospects. erate. Su-1.
Sandstone ________________ ----- Q-1 ____________
Allen No. 1 and other prospects. _____ do. -----
Blue Lizard, Joe Bishop, Posey, _____ do.------- Light-brown to gray fine- to
Abundant carbonized logs A-1, D-1, D-1 Gruner and Gardiner (1952);
Markey (Markie), and Red medium-grained and and other plant remains. P-I,P-6, A. F. Trites, Jr. (1953*);
Canyon No. 2mines. coarse-grained sandstone
and conglomeratic mud- ~~~J.Si-4, Gruner Gardiner, and Smith
(1954); Weeks and Thompson
stone. (1954).
132 Gizmo group, Maybe, and other _____ do.l _______ Sandstone ___________ ________ Carbonized plant remains _____ Su-2, Su-3 Dahl and MacDonald (1957).
mines. _____ do.l _______ Brown to gray medium- to
133 Bell Nos. 1 and 2 mines, Frey Sparse carbonized logs, and D-1, D-1, D-4, F. 1. Frankovich (1952*);
No.4 mine, Jerry group, coarse-grained sandstone. other plant remains. P-I,Si-1, GrunerWGardiner, and Smith
Yellow John (Sandy) mine, ~Su-1, (1954~; eeks and Thompson
and other mines. (1954
Red Mesa copper pit ____________ Navajo________ Light-gray fine-grained sand- None______ ____________ ---- ___
stone, and minette.
135 Mitten No.1, Skyline, and Chinle ------- Brown conglomeratic sand- Abundant carbonized plant D-JI_,o-~ P-1, Weeks and Thompson (1954);
other mines. stone and clay. remains. Lewis and Trimble (1959).
136 Taylor Reid No. 1 and other _____ do.------- Light-brown medium- to Sparse carbonized plant re- 0-1 Si-1, Lewis and Trimble (1959).
mines coarse-grained calcareous mains. V-1, V-1.
pebbly sandstone.
137 Monument No.3 mine, and _____ do.l__ ----- Light-brown medium-grained Sparse carbonized and sillci- V-1----------- Do.
various prospects. sandstone and conglomer- fied plant remains.
138 Charlie No. 1 (Horsetrail claim) _____ do. ---- Greenish-colored cla~ in con- ____ do ______ ---- ___ __ -------._ 0-1, Us _______ Gregg (1952); Lewis and Trim-
and other prospects. glomerate and san stone(?). ble (1959).
139 Whirlwind mine __ --------------- _____ do. ----- Green mudstone-pebble con- Sparse carbonized plant V-1 _-------- Lewis and Trimble (1959).
glomerate and brown cal- remains.
Rincon prospect ________________ careous sandstone.
140 _____ do.2_ ------ Conglomerate(?) __ ------------
141 Happy Canyon prospects _____ -si>Bise- C8ri:ioiiiz-i<i -piimt -------
do.l7_______ Sandstone ------------------ -:p.::s::::::::::: McKeown and Hawley (1955)
remains. Us. ___________
142 Copper Queen (Hunt).--------- Entrada.----- Greenish- and brownish- None_------------------------ Johnson (1959b, p. 80).

143 Big Jim Nos. 1 and 2------------ _____ do.J _______

colored fine-grained sand-
Morrison 1_____ Sandstone(?) ____ -------------- --------------------------------
144 Billy's Dream_----------------- Light-tan medium- to coarse- ----------------------
grained pebbly quartzose
V-1. ---------- Smith and others (1963).
145 All American No. 3, Floral Reef Chinle '------- Sandstone, claystone, siltstone, Sparse carbonized plant re-
(Green MonsterH, and Capi- and jasper layers. mains and asphaltite(?).
---------------- Smith and others (1952; 1963).
tol claims.
146 Oyler mine (Old Dixon pros- _____ do.'------- Gray-green clay, gray-brown Abundant carbonized logs and o-1, o-s, 0-4, Butler and others (1920, j 633);
pect) and various prospects. coarse-grained sandstone, other plant fragments. P-S, Si-6, Hess (1924); Smith an others
and conglomerate. Su-1, Su--3. (1952); Gruner, Gardiner, and
Smith (1954); Weeks and
0-1 ___________ Thompson (1954); Huff (1955).
147 Blue Bell and Birch Springs ____ _____ do.2_. _____ Sandstone, mudstone, and Sparse to abundant carbon- Smith and others (1952).
gray claystone. ized plant fragments.
Black's claim_------------------ Moenkopi_ ____ Yellow-gray fine-grained Asphaltic(?) carbon streaks 0-1, P-2 __ ----
sandstone. and spots. 0-l_ __________
148 Tunison and Unda groups ______ Moenkopi(?) __ Bleached fine-grained sand- --------------------------------

Sevier County

149 Mt. Terrel group ________________ ---------------- Coarse-grained sandstone. N -------------

(Tertiary.) Si-2 __________ _
150 Wooley group_------------------ ---------------- Decomposed tuff and calcare-
ous clay. (Tertiary.)
151 BBB claims __ ------------------ ---------------- Light-gray soft water-laid V-1_ ----------
tuff. (Tertiary.)
152 Tiger Eye No. L --------------- ---------------- White to gray siliceous tuff. N _____________ D. G. Wyant, F. Stugard, Jr.,
(Tertiary.) and E. P. Kaiser (1950*).

See footnotes at end of table.


TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
carbonaceous materials
Garfield County

153 Oak Creek No.1 mine and Chinle 2______ _ Friable sandstone, shale, and Carbonized plant remains _____ o-1, P-2------ Everhart (1950).
various prospects. siltstone.
154 Lampstand No.1 and other ____ .do.2 __ ----- Light-brown medium to Abund~nt carbonized plant H. N. Jensen (1953*).
prospects. fine-grained sandstone. remams.
155 Centipede prospect __________________ .do.2. _----- Sandstone _____________________________________ ------ _________________________ _ Do.
156 Blue Goose and other prospects ______ .do.t. _----- Sandstone, siltstone, and Abundant carbonized plant 0-1, P-1, P-2_ Stewart (1956).
mudstone. remains.
157 Black Widow mine and various ____ _do.2 ______ _ Gray siltstone, mudstone, Asphaltite and carbonized 0-1, P-1, P-2_ Do.
prospects. and sandstone. plant remains.
158 Hot Shot No. 1, Silver Falls _____ do.t ----- Gray fine- to medium-grained Abundant carbonized plant C-1, 0-1, P-1, Everhart (1950); Kleinhampland
No. 2 (Sneaky), Yellow and brown coarse-grained remains. P-2, Su-1. Koteff (1960).
Jacket, and other mines. sandstone, and sandy
159 Moody No.1 claim __________________ do.2 ______ _ Brown sandstone __________________ .do ________________________________________ _ Everhart (1950).
160 Tulip and other prospects ____________ do.2 ______ _ Sandstone(?) _____________________ -------- ____________________________________ _
161 Rainy Day mine________________ Moenkopi._ __ _ Gray siltstone and mudstone.. Some asphaltic materiaL______ o-1. _--------- Davidson {1959).
162 pream__________________________ Morrison 1_. __ Sandstone(?) ___________________________________________________________ ------- Johnson (1959b); Kleinhampl
and Koteff (1960).
163 Pardner mine ___________________ {~h~~~-pc::: }siltstone and shale. ___________ -------------------------------- P-2-----------
Stud Horse and other prospects__ Chinle 2_______ Dark-gray silty mudstone_____ Abundant carbonized plant Q-L. --------- Stewart (1956).
164 Congress group, Daisr June Morrison 1____ Brown fine- to medium- Abundant silicified logs and V-L __________ Hunt and others (1953); Johnson
group, and other mmes. grained sandstone and carbonized plant remains. (1959b).
green mudstone.
165 Trachyte Nos. 11-19, Blitz _____ do.l .. Gray medium-grained sand- _____ dO------------------------- V-L __________ Butler and others (1920, p. 630);
group, and othermines. stone. Brooke and others (1951); Hunt
and others (1953); Johnson
166 Trachyte Nos. 1-10, June Bell _____ do.l ______ _ White coarse-grained sand- ____ .do... --------------------- V-1. _--------- Do.
group, and other mines. stone, locally conglomeratic.
167 Walter group and other mines. ____ .do.t ----- Buff medium-grained sand- V-L _--------- Johnson (1959b).
168 Delmonte group and other ---- .do.l ----- Buff medium-grained sand- Abundant carbonized plant V-L __________ Butler and others (1920, p. 630);
mines. stone and gray clay. remains. Johnson (1959b).
169 Lucky Strike group and other ... do.t ______ _ Buff medium-grained sand _____ do_________________________ V-L _--------- Hunt and others (1953); Johnson
Shootaring (Shitamaring) stone. (1959b).
Canyon mines.
170 Poison Spring Canyon mines .. Chinle 2B _____ _ Gray limestone-pebble con- _____ do _________________________ P-1, P-8...... Gruner, Gardiner, and Smith
glomerate and siltstone. (1954).
171 Hatch Canyon prospects _____________ do 28 _______ Siltstone and sandstone _______ Sparse carbonized plant P-1, P-2 _____ _
172 South Block prospects _______________ do 28 _______ Sandstone and chert _______________ do _________________________ 0-1, V-L _____ McKeown and Hawley (1955);
McKeown and Orkild (1958).
173 Unnamed prospect. __ ----------- Chinle.------- Sandstone(?) __________ -------- _----------- ____ ------ ___ ------- ---------------
174 Colorado River group ________________ do 2________ Medium- to coarse-grained Abundant carbonized plant 0-1, P-1. ----- P. C. deVergie (1952*).
sandst~ne, grit, and con- remains.

Kane County

175 Pyramid group _____________ ----- Morrison(?)___ Sandstone_______________ ------ _---- __ ------------------------- V-1-----------
176 Radiance No. 2 (Cocks Comb) .. {Kayenta._---- }Gray fine-grained silicified None.------------------------ A-2, P-1,
Moenave 31? ___ sandstone. P-2.
177 Balboa._________________________ Chinle________ Shale, mudstone, and clay- P-1, P-2------
178 Lynn No.1. .. ------------------ Winsor ________ Gray clay and iron-oxide Sparse carbonized plant N ------------- Beroni and others (1953).
concretions. remain~.
Lynn No.3 and other Bulloch {D~kota _______ }Gray clay, white fine-grained Silicified logs and carbonized P-1, P-2, Do.
claims. Wmsor________ sandstone, and conglom- plant remains common. V-1, V-2.

Washington County

179 Caliente No.5 and name Chinle________ Shale and sandstone(?)________ Carbonized logs_______________ N -------------
180 Fort Pierce _______ --------------- ____ .do_________ Sandstone(?). _________ -------- ____________ -------------------- _____ ----------- Everhart (1950).
181 Chloride Chief (Doyle shaft) Moenave a1____ Very fine grained quartzose Abundant carbonized plant V-1, V-2------ Stugard (1951; 1953); Poehlmann
and other Silver Reef mines. sandstone and clayey seams. remains. and King (1953); Proctor
(1953); Gruner, Gardiner,
and Smith (1954).

Pend Oreille County

1 I l
De Chenne prospect#-----------1 Tiger__________ Conglomerate; arkosic clayey
sand matrix.
INone-----------------------1 P-1, Si-2 ----1 Weis and others (1958).

See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
carbonaceous materials
Stevens County

2 Northwest Uranium prospect ---------------- Arkosic, tuffaceous, and con- Abundant fine-grained carbo- 0-1, 0-3, P-1, Becraft and Weis (1957); Davis
and Big Smoke mine. glomeratic sandstone and nized material. P-2, Si-2. and Sharp (1957); Norman
interbedded carbonaceous (1957); Huntting (1957).
shale. (Oligocene.)

Webster County

1 Ic...pente'........... --1 M~~k(?). ISan<Won> +------------------------------ +---------------I

Crook County

Helmer, Nelson, and other Fall River____ Gray to buff fine-grained Abundant carbonized plant P-1, V-L _____ Gray and Tennissen (1953);
properties. sandstone. remains. Thomas (1954); A. L. Nash,
2 Richards property and A. H. _____ do _________ Sandstone _____________________ -------------------------------- V-L __________ A. L. Nash (1955*).
3 J. C. Viergutz___________________ Lakota________ Light-gray fine-grained sand- Abundant carbonized plant N -------------
stone. remains.
4 C. Cochrun _____________________ Fall River(?) __ Dark-gray clay ________________ ------------------------------------------------ W. P. Horner and D. F. Olsen
Virginia No. 16__________________ Fall River ____ Gray sandstone and mud- N -------------
6 Ackerman and other prospects _______ do _________ Limy sandstone _______________ -------------------------------- V-L _________ _ W. P. Horner and D. F. Olsen
Busfield mine, Vickers (Kay) _____ do_________ Yellow-gray medium-grained Abundant carbonized plant 0-1, Si-1, V-1, MacPherson (1956); Wilson (1959;
mine, and various prospects. sandstone, and siltstone. remains. V-2. 1960); Davis and Izett (1962).
8 New Haven (Homestake _____ do _________ Fine- and medium-grained _____ do ____________ ------------_ 0-1, P-1, Gruner and Smith (1955b);
group), Lewis Dennis (So- sandstone, locally calci- Si-1, Si-S, Robinson and Goode (1957a;
dak), and other mines. tized and silicified. Si-6, V-1, 1957b); Robinson and others
V-S. (1964).
9 Poison Creek _________________________ do ________ _ Sandstone _________________________ ---------------------------- A-1, P-6 _____ _ Gruner and Smith (1955b).
10 Jubilee (Wolfskill) ____________________ do ________ _ Fine-grained silty sandstone___ Abundant carbonized plant P-2, V-1_ ____ _ Robinson and others (1964).
11 remains.
Name unknown ______________________ do ________ _ Sandstone _____________________ -------------------------------- Us ____________ Vickers and Izett (1955).
12 Myers#-------------------------- Lakota_______ _ Dark-brown friable fine- Abundant carbonized plant V-L----------
grained sandstone and light- remains.
gray conglomeratic sand-
13 Carlile (Homestake 2) mine, _____ do ________ _ stone. Thomas (1954); Bodine (1954);
Gray to buff medium- to _____ dO------------------------- Si-1, V-1,
Thorne Divide, and various coarse-grained sandstone, V-2, V-3. King (1956); Bergendahl and
deposits. conglomeratic sandstone, others (1961).
and shaly siltstone.
14 Cabin Creek No. 6, Claims Nos. Fall River ___ _ White to brown very fine to _____ dO------------------------- V-L----------
5 and nt, and Graves No.1. fine grained sandstone.

Weston County

15 Cambria ________________________ (20) _________ ---- Gray fine- to medium-grained Coal and abundant carbon-
N -------------
quartzose sandstone.
Alray and Wicker-Baldwin (Elk Fall River _____ Light-gray to yellow fine- to
ized plant remains.
_____ do _______ ------ ___ --------- v-s ___________
Brobst (1961); Gruner and
Mountain) mines. medium-grained quartzose others (1956); Cuppels (1957;
sandstone, gray clay, and 1963); Wilson (1959; 1960).
carbonaceous siltstone.

Campbell County

17 Big Tar (Kelly) mine and un- Wasatch_----- Buff medium-grained arkosic Ab~dant carbonized and V-s___________ Gruner and Smith (1955b).
named prospects. sandstone and gray fine- silicified plant remains.
grained sandstone.
18 Christenson ranch __ ------------ ___.__do _______ _ B~g,:~dium-grained sand- A~~~f:s~ carbonized plant V-L ---------- Sharp and White (1957).
19 Unnamed prospects __________________ do __ ------ Sandstone _____________________ -------------------------------- ---------------- Troyer and others (1954).
20 Orr lease, Anomaly 26 (sec. 17, _____ do _______ _ Buff fine-grained micaceous Sparse carbonized plant re- V-1, V-2_, ____ D. N. Magleby and J. G.
T. 45 N., R. 74 W.), and sandstone, coarse-grained mains. Biggins (1952*); Gruner and
K.I.s.u. mine. sandstone, and ~edium- Smith (1955b).
_____ do _______ _ grained arkosic sandstone. Troyer and others (1954); Grutt
21 Blowout (anomaly 119), Jean- Gray to brown fine- to coarse- Some carbonized plant re- 0-1, P-5,
ette No. 1, and other mines. grained arkosic sandstone. mains. Si-2, V-1, (1956); Sharp and White
V-2. (1957); Mrak (1958); Sharp
and others (1964).
22 Dome Butte and other mines ________ do __ ------ Buff fine- to medium-grained Abundant carbonized plant Si-2, V-1, Troyer and others (1954); Geslin
arkosic sandstone. remains. V-2. and Bromley (1957); Mra.k:
23 Joe No. 1, Black Star, and _____ do __ ------ Gray to brown sandstone_____ None with ore __ -------------- N ------------- Mrak (1958).
other mines.
See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
carbonaceous materials
Campbell County-continued

24 Axe, Camblin West, and other _____ do _______ _ Gray and buff fine- and Some carbonized seams __ ----- C-5, V-L ----- Mrak (1958).
mines. medium-grained calcareous
arkosic sandstone.
25 Pete group and other deposits ________ do __ ------ Reddish tine- to coarse- Us_----------- Mrak (1958); Sharp and others
grained sandstone. (1964).
26 Nero, South school section, and _____ do _______ _ Red to buff coarse-grained Some carbonized plant re- Si-B, V-1, Do.
other mines. calcareous arkosic sand- mains. V-B.
27 Blue Hill and other mines ____________ do __ ------ Buff to gray coarse-grained _____ do __ ---------------------- Us __ ---------- Mrak (1958).
arkosic sandstone.
28 Sable group and other mines _________ do _______ _ Buff to gray medium-grained -------------------------------- Us_----------- Do.
micaceous arkosic sand-
29 Locality No. 99 and other lo- _____ do __ ------ Sandstone ____________ -------- __ ---------------------- ____ ----- ---------------- Troyer and others (1954).
30 Locality No. 140 and other lo- _____ do __ ------ _____ do __ ---------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------. Do.
31 Triangle group and various lo- _____ do ________ White to yellow-brown poorly Underlain by coal bed ________ V-L _________ _ Do.
calities. sorted coarse-grained sand-
32 Jake (Pete) mine, Key (North _____ do ________ Gray coarse-grained calcare- Abundant carbonized plant Gruner and others (1956); Sharp
American Uranium Co.) ous arkosic sandstone. remains. and Gibbons (1964).
mine, and various prospects.
(See also Converse County.)

Johnson County

33 Happy No.1 and other pros- Fort Union ___ Gray and light-brown me- Some carbonized plant re- Us ____________
pects. dium-grained sandstone. mains.
34 Hanna group, Greenlee No. 1, Wasatch ______ Buff to gray coarse-grained Abundant carbonized plant v-s_ ---------- Gruner and others (1956); Mrak
and various prospects. calcareous silty sandstone. remains. (1958.)
35 Jim Dandy and other prospects_ Fort Union ___ Light-gray to brown medium- _____ do ____________ --- ___ --- ____ v-1_ ---------- Mrak (1958).
_____ do _________ grained silty sandstone.
36 Del No.1 (Linch), Kell-Roy Gray to buff fine- and me- Abundant carbonized plant D-1, P-v. P-6, Gruner and Smith (1955b).
mine, and various prospects. dium-grained sandstone, remains and some black Si-1, -1,
37 Ty Fy (Tyfil) mine and various Wasatch.-----
locally calcareous. vitreous asphaltite(?). UsV-2.
____________ Mrak (1958).
Yellow to brown coarse- Some carbonized plant re-
prospects. grained micaceous arkosic mains.
_____ do_________ sandstone. _____ do ______ ---- _______ ---- ____ Us ____________
38 Alice Mae, Antelope group, and Gray to red very coarse- and Do.
various prospects. medium-grained micaceous
calcareous arkosic sand-
_____ do _________ stone. ____ .do____________________._____
39 Van (Vance) No. 1 and various Brown to gray medium- Si-1, V-L----- Sharp and others (1964).
prospects. grained calcareous sand-
_____ do _________ stone. Us ____________ Mrak (1958).
40 Lucky 7 No.2------------------- Buff fine-grained sandstone
containing some clay.
41 Moe No. 14, Ray (Channel), _____ do_________ Abundant carbonized plant Si-1, V-1, V-&. Geslin and Bromley (1957);
Yellow-brown to grag fine- to
and other mines. coarse-grained san stone. remains. Sharp and White (1957); Sharp
_____ do _________ and others (1964).
42 Sunset and other mines _________ Gray and buff fine- to coarse- Some carbonaceous plant re- Si-1, V-1, V-1- Mrak (1958); Sharp and others
grained sandstone contain- mains. (1964).
ing clay.
43 Campbell No. L---------------- _____ do _________ Sandstone __ ------------------ -------------------------------- v------------ Gruner and Smith (1955b).
44 Desert Queen (J. Heigis ? prop- Fort Union ___ Gray to light-brown medium- Abundant carbonized plant P-1, V-1, V-1- Gruner and others (1956).
erty) and C. Maynor property. and fine-grained to con- remains.
glomeratic sandstone.
45 Jerrie-Marie No. L-------------- Tensleep ______ Hard buff fine-grained sand- -------------------------------- Si-1, Us.----- Gruner and Knox (1957).

Washakie County

46 Gag claims ______________________ ---------------- Light-colored calcareous sand- Abundant carbonized plant Us ___________ _
stone. (CretaceQus and remains.
47 Packer group (Arlostan) ________ Morrison _____ _ Shale ________ ---------- ______________________ ------------- ____ _ P-L ---------- Wilson (1959; 1960).
Light-colored coarse-grained Abundant carbonized plant Si-2 __________ _
48 Scorpion elaiJns __ --------------- ---------------
sandstone. (Cretaceous remains.
and Jurassic.)

Big Horn County

:~ ~a:::::d::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {~~:i!~====== ~:~::::i:~~~~---~~~~~:::::::: ::::~:::~:~~:::::::::::::::::::: :::~:::::~~::::: G. L. Brooke (1953*).

Shell Creek prospects_---------- Morrison______ Gray medium-grained sand- Carbonized plant remains ---------------- Wilson (1959; 1960).
stone and fossil bones. and silicified logs.
51 Big ~ill group and Lucky {Clov~ly ______ }Gray clay Abundant carbonized plant Sa-8__________ Gruner and Smith (1955b).
Stnke claim. Momson_ ----- --------------------- remains. Us ___________ _
52 Sun Up group __________________ Morrison ______ Gray silty sandstone __________ Some carbonized and silici- Do.
fied plant remains.
53 Unnamed (anomaly No.!) _____ Morrison(?) ____ Dark-green shale ______________ -------------------------------- P-L---------- Barrett (1953).
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 2.-Major characteri8tics of individual deposits and groups Qf deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Big Horn County-Continued

M Asay-Egbert claim and Dry Morrison ______ Siltstone, sandstone, and Carbonized seams_____________ u ____________ _
Creek. shale.
115 Crooked Creek group_---------- {~~~f:~~:::::: }sandstone and shale __ -------- Carbonized plant remains _____ ---------------
56 .Unnamed anomaly------------- (8) ------------ Sandstone(?) __________________ -------------------------------- ---------------- G. L. Brooke (1953*).

Hot Springs County

571 Name unknown. ---------------1 (8) ------------1 Sandstone(?)------------------1--------------------------------l----------------l G. L. Brooke (1953*).

Park County

58 Sp:~~~~~~~In~~anium {~g~:~~:::::: }sandstone and shale __________ Carbonized plant remains_____ P-L---------- Wilson (1959; 1960).
~g ~~~g~=JI8inisi::::::::::::::: ~Pa~~~~~-~== ~~~:t~?te-<1)::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
G. L. Brooke (1953*).
61 Big Wind _______________________ {~~~f~~:::::: }Greenish-gray shale ___________ A~~~f:S~ carbonized plant P-L---------- Wilson (1959; 1960).

Teton County

62[3-R mine. ----------------------1 Morrison ______ , Sandstone(?) __________________ , Carbonized plant remains_____ , U-------------1
Fremont County

63 Name unknownt---------------- Aycross ______ _ Carbonaceous shale ___________ Abundant, disseminated ______ ---------------- Wilson (1959; 1960).
64 Arrowhead (Little Mo) mine, Tepee TraiL .. Granite boulder conglom- -------------------------------- Q-1, P-1, Love (1954a); Gruner and
Hesitation No. 1, and other erate; bentonitic clays- Si-1, Si-S. Smith (1955b); Wilson (1959;
prospects. stone matrix; partly 1960).
65 Kermac No. 1 mine, Mac, and Tepee Trail Green bentonitic claystone A-2?, C-1, Love (1954a); Gruner and
other prospects. and gray coarse-grained P-1, Si-1. Smith (1955b).
arkosic sandstone.
Bonanza mine and Gem No. 1 Wind River . Carbonaceous siltstone and Abundant in siltstone_________ o-1, o-s, 0-4, Gruner and others (1956);
prospect. brown to yellow medium- P-1, P-6, Wilson (1959; 1960).
grained sandstone. Si-1.
66 Pan group#--------------------- ---------------- Mudstone concretions and -------------------------------- N -------------
dark-gray fissile shale.
67 Big Red No. 4. _. -------------- Tensleep _____ _ Well-sorted fine-grained sand- -------------------------------- V-L __________ Wilson (1959; 1960).
Little Story group t t ----------- ..... do ________ _ Gray to black variegated fine- -------------------------------- V-1. . -------- Gruner and others (1956).
to medium-grained quartz-
ose sandstone.
68 Popo Agie No. 1 t--------------- ..... do ________ _ White fine-grained quartzose -------------------------------- V-1, V-S...... Gruner and Smith (1955b).
Two C No. 1.------------------- Phosphoria___ _ White silty to fine-grained -------------------------------- V-L _________ _
cherty sandstone.
B & H No. 1 claim t #----------- Wind River. ~~~~s!~~d~~u~~t::.~~:::::: ~~:::::~::::::
King t. ------------------------- ----------------
70 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Abundant aspbaltite(?) _______ ----------1------
71 Skrubal No. 14. ---------------- ---------------- Light-buff to brown friable Zeller and Bolster (1956).
sandy mudstone. (Eocene.)
72 Canary ____ --------------------- ---------------- Light-gray to buff very fine -------------------------------- V-s___________ Gruner and others (1956).
to coarse grained arkosic
sandstone. (Eocene.)
73 Cochan (Cochran) mine _________ ---------------- Coarse-grained sandstone and Abundant asphaltite__________ P-1, Si-t._____ Zeller and Soister (1955); Gruner
gray conglomeratic arkosic and others (1956); Wilson
sandstone. (Eocene.) (1959; 1960).
74 Hades No. 11-------------------- ---------------- Light-gray fine- to medium- -------------------------------- V-1----------- Gruner and others (1956).
grained conglomeratic
arkosic sandstone.
75 B & H group____________________ Wasatch ______ _ Gray to brown sandstone ______ -------------------------------- Us ___________ _
76 Sno-Ball and other mines _____________ do ________ _ Poorly sorted coarse-grained Sparse to abundant carbon- C-1, o-1, P-1, Gruner and Smith (1955b);
arkosic sandstone, and ized plant remains. P-5, Si-S, Grutt (1956); Gruner and
mudstone. Su-2. others (1956); Whalen (1956);
Stephens (1964).
Light-gray to buff mudstone Abundantly disseminated in P-11 P-5, Stephens (1955, 1964); Gruner
77 Hazel No

at and Beatricet
Mountain Mesa Uranium Co.
property (sec. 9)t.
------ Chugwater....
and siltstone, -~d gra~ to
green glaucomt1c gypsif-
erous shale.
---------------- Gray to light-brown medium-
grained sandstone. (Cam-
mudstone. SJ-1. and Smith (1955b); Melbye
------------------------------- P-1, Sl-1 . Stephens (1964); Melbye (1957),
Helen May mine, Shinkolobwe Wasatch_ ______ Light-gray to buff fine- to Sparse to abundant carbon- Q-1, D-11 P-1, Gruner and Smith (1955b);
(sec. 16), and other deposits. coarse-grained and medium- ized plant remains. P-5, Sa-1, Whalen (1956); Melbye (1957);
grained arkosic sandstone, Si-1, V-1. Stephens (1964).
and conglomerate. . _
78 Loma Uranium Co. property#.... do _________ Sandstone(?) __________________ -------------------------------- ----------------
See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-C<mtinued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. N arne of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Fremont County-Continued

78 -Continued Us ____________
Various prospects _______________ ---------------- White to gray coarse-grained Abundant carbonized plant
arkosic sandstone. (Eo- remains.
79 Western Nuclear (sec. 32, T. Wind River ___ Sandstone _________ ---------- __ -------------------------------- ---------------- Zeller and Bergin (1957).
32 N., R. 91 W.). _____ do _________
80 Day Loma pit, Phil group, Gray to buff medium- to Some carbonized plant re- A-S P-1, P-S, Love (1954b); Gruner and
Bart group, and other mines. coarse-grained arkosic sand- mains. P-5, P-6, Smith (1955b); Zeller and
stone, and granite-pebble Si-2. others (1956).
_____ do _________ Medium to very coarse grained
81 B~n~~sh, Stan, and other -------------------------------- P-1 P-9 Si-S Love (1954b); Gruner and Smith
arkosic sandstone. sl-s, v-1, ' (1955b); Zeller and others
v-s. (1956); Gruner and others
_____ do _________ Grayish-yellow to brown (1956); Grutt (1957).
82 Lucky Me, John No. 2 (Vitro), Coal disseminated in shale _____ A-1, C-t C-5, Love (1954b); Gruner and Smith
and other mines. coarse-grained arkosis sand- M-1, -1, (1955b); Gruner and others
stone, conglomeratic sand- P-1, P-S, (1956); Zeller and others (1956);
stone, coal, and carbon- P-9, P-5, Grutt (1956, 1957); Coleman
aceous shale. P-6, Si-1, and Appleman (1957); Zeller
Si-S, Si-3, and Bergin (1957).
Si-6, Su-9.
Lucky Me (See also above.) _____ Morrison ______ Light-greenish-gray fine- None __________________ -------- P-1, Si-5? _____ Gruner and Smith (1955b);
grained, well-sorted sand- Zeller and others (1956).
83 P-C and other mines (See also Wind River ___ Arkosic sandstone _____________ -------------------------------- P-1, P-6 ______ Love (1954b); Gruner and Smith
Natrona County.) (1955b); Zeller and others
(1956); Erickson (1957);
Zeller (1957b).

Natrona County

83 A1 Job (Pay) No.9, Ranrex, Wind River .. Yellowish-gray fine- and Abundantly disseminated in 0-1, P-1, P-S, Love (1954b); Gruner and Smith
and other mines. (See also coarse-grained sandstone, shale; some petroliferous P-6, V-S. (1955b); Gruner and others
Fremont County.) reddish-brown granite- and concretions in sandstone. (1956); Zeller and others (1956);
quartzite-pebble conglom- Erickson (1957); Zeller (1957b).
erate, and brown micaceous
carbonaceous shale.
84 Wentz mine and various pros- _____ do________ _ Sandstone __________________________________ ------------------- P-2------------ Gruner and others (1956).
85 Dick and other claims ________________ do ________ _ Light-buff coarse to very Abundantly disseminated in N -------------
coarse grained and con- siltstone.
glomeratic arkosic sand-
stone, carbonaceous silt-
stone, and brown sandy
86 Bridger Trail No.1 claim and _____ do ________ _ Light-gray to brown coarse- Abundant carbonized plant P-2. V-L _____ Rich (1955J.
T-bone mine. grained arkosic sandstone. remains.
87 Split Rock_--------------------- ---------------- White tuffaceous shale, and -------------------------------- ---------------- Love (1953b).
limestone. (Pliocene.)
88 Last Chance __ ------------------ ---------------- SandRtone. (Miocene and
89 Verna Bell claims_______________ Wind River __ _ Conglomeratic sandstone______ Carbonized plant remains_____ N ------------- Gruner and Smith (1955b);
Rich (1956).
90 Name unknownt---------------- (B) ____________ _ Sandstone(?)_---------------- -------------------------------- ----------------
91 Phyllis claims___________________ Wind River __ _ Gray to buff medium- to Abundant carbonized plant P-1, P-4 _____ _ Rich (1956); Wilson (1959;
coarse-grained sandstone. remains. 1960).
92 Pine Tree group and Pipe ____ _do ________ _ Arkosic sandstone with clay Some lignite___________________ P-L _-- ------ Gruner and others (1956).
Dream claims. gall".
Clarkson Hill occurrence________ White River __ Carbonaceous siltstone, and Abundantly disseminated in ---------------- Rich (1956); Wilson (1959;
Black Cat group ________________ Wind River __ _ Buff to brown coarse-grained
Abundantly disseminated in
u ____________ _ 196:)).
arkosic sandstone and car- shale.
bonaceous shale.
94 Dyper-Bar-Mac group ___ ------- Morrison(?) __ _ White siltstone and mud- Fossil bones ___________________ P-6 ___________ Gruner and others (1956).
95 Dry Lake (Lybyer) claims______ Mesaverde s2__ Buff fine-grained sandstone Abundant carbonized plant V-1. ---------- Do.
and gray to black shale. remains.
Meyers .. _---------------------- (B)---~---- ___ _ Sandstone (?) ___________ ------ -------------------------------- V-L _________ _
96 Baker group __ ------------------ Lance ________ _ Light-gray to buff fine- Sparse carbonized plant Us_-----------
grained quartzose sand- remains.

Converse County

32 Betty mine and various Wasatch. ____ _ Gray coarse-grained cal- Some carbonized plant P-1, Si-S, Sharp and Gibbons (1964).
prospects (See also Camp- careous sandstone, arkosic remains. V-S.
bell County.) sandstone, and clay-gall
97 Great Pine Ridge anomaly Fort Union __ _ Brown coarse-grained sand- Us ____________ D. N. Magleby and G. M.
No.4 stone. Collins (1952*).
98 Wm. Moore Fee land ___________ Wasatch _____ _ Buff to light-gray coarse- Some carbonized plant Us------------ Mrak (1958).
grained arkosic sandstone. remains.
99 Birthday group __ --------------- _____ do ________ _ Buff medium-grained arkosic Abundant carbonized plant Us._----------
sandstone. remains.
See footnotes at end of table.

TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
carbonaceous materials
Converse County-Continued

100 Pat, D-10, Hardy Fee land, Wasatch _______ Gray calcareous grit, and Abundant carbonized plant C-6, 0-1, 0-S, Gruner and Smith (1955b);
Dead Cow (D-9), and other dark-gray coarse-grained remains. S-S, V-1, Gruner and others (1956);
mines. calcareous sandstone. V-S. McDaniel and others (1956);
Sharp and Gibbon!! (1964);
Mrak (1958).
101 D-7 mine and various prospects_ -----dO--------- Li;a~d~~~~:~ medium-grained So~~f:s~onized plant re- V-L _________ _ Mrak (1958).
102 D-5 __________________________________ do________ _ Sandstone __________________________________________________________ -----------
103 Box No.4, Lamb No.3, and _____ do ________ _ Buff to light-gray fine- Some carbonized plant re- V-s __________ _ Geslin and Bromley (1957);
other mines. grained to conglomeratic mains. Sharp and Gibbon3 (1964);
_____ do ________ _ arkosic sandstone. Mrak (1958).
104 Trading Post (Lila Buzz?) Buff coarse-grained to con- None_------------------------ Us ___________ _
mine and Mesa No. 5 claims. glomeratic arkosic sand-
stone, locally calcareous.
105 E. Simon and J. Keenan pros- Fort Union __ _ Claystone. ___________ --------- Some carbonized plant re- P-1_ ----------
pect. mains.
106 Betzer lease.-------------------- White River __ _ Conglomerate ________________________ ------------------ _____________ ----------
107 Name unknownt---------------- ---------------- Sandstone(?). (Miocene and -------------------------------- ----------------
108 Lucky Ann Nos. 1 and 3, Catus Opalized siltstone, brecciated, -------------------------------- V-S___________ Gruner and others (1956);
No.4 claimt, and various and gray to green conglom-
prospects. eratic sandstone and shale.
(Miocene and Oligocene.)
109 Judy No. 14, Lost Springs, and Fort Union __ _ Reddish-brown to gray me- Seams of carbonaceous ma- A-1, P-t ______ Gruner and Smith (1955b).
Henry Reese Fee land. dium-grained sandstone. terial.

Niobrara County

110 Walts No.2 (Clark) claim, Lakota________ Buff to gray fine-grained to Abundant along bedding 0-1, Si-S, Gruner and others (1956);
George Storey claim, and silty sandstone. planes. V-1. Wilson (1959; 1960);
other prospects. Gruner (1959).
111 Scott group _____________________ White River __ _ Calcareous conglomerate ______ -------------------------------- V-L __ --------
112 Moore group ____ ---------------- _____ do ________ _ Poorly consolidated conglom- Some carbonized plant re- C-1, Su-3, Bromley (1955); Gruner and
eratic sandstone and mains and silicified bones. V-S. Smith (1955b).
_____ do ________ _ bentonite.
113 Old Rocky claims, Davis Fee White and gray coarse-grained -------------------------------- P-1, Si-S, Gruner and Smith (l955b)t
land, and other prospects. to conglomeratic arkosic V-S. Gruner and others (1956J.
114 Happy Jack claims (Nelson -~---do ________ _
White to light-brown coarse- None __________________________ Si-2, V-2 ______ Bromley (1955).
ranch), Western Uranium Co. grained conglomeratic
mine, and various prospects. sandstone.
115 Drifter-------------------------- _____ do ________ _ Sandstone(?) ________________________________ ---------------- ___ ---------------
116 Altert _______________ --------- _____ do ________ _
117 Allsup_ ----------------------- _____ do ________ _
8~!~~~gi~ ~~n~;~;:(?)
grained arkosic quartzose ___ ================================ -N=============
sandstone. None __________________________ C-6, 0-1,
118 Silver Cliff mine ________________ ---------------- Brown to black calcareous Lind and Davis (1919): George
quartzose sandstone. 0-3, P-S, (1949); Wilmarth and Johnson
(Cambrian?) Si-S, Si-9. (1954); Outer bridge and
others (1960).

Goshen County

1191 Spoon Buttes locality ___________ , Ogallala(?)----1 GraveL----------------------1 Fossils.-----------------------1----------------1 Love (1953).

Platte County

120 I Unnamed localitYt--------------1----------------1 Sandstone. (Miocene.)--- ---l--------------------------------1----------------l

Albany County

121 Desert Rose claim ______________ Cloverly ______ Buff very fine to medium Abundant carbonized streaks_ V-1----------- Love (1955b).
grained sandstone.
122 Unnamed prospects __ ----------- Morrison______ Hard dark-gray mudstone_____ Abundant carbonized plant N -------------
123 Unnamed locality--------------- Wind River___ Conglomeratic sandstone ___________ do. __ --------------------- ---------------- Love (1956).
124 Nu-Hot Spot No.7------------- White River White to buff very coarse -------------------------------- N -------------
grained tuffaceous sand-

See footnotes at end of table.


TABLE 2.-Major characteriBtics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States
by States-Continued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials

Carbon County

125 Shirley Basin deposits, south Wind River Coarse-grained arkosic sand- -------------------------------- ---------------- Wilson (1959; 1960).
area. _____ do ________ stone.
126 Shirley Basin deposits, north White to light-gray very -------------------------------- V-B.---------- Gruner and Knox (1957);
area. coarse grained to conglom- Wilson (1959; 1960).
eratic arkosic sandstone.
127 Shirley Basin deposits, west _____ do._------ Coarse-grained arkosic sand- -------------------------------- ---------------- Wilson (1959; 1960).
area. stone.
128 Union Pacific
Unnamed prospectt
locality --------- Tensleep ______ Calcite veins in sandstone --------------------------------
V-B.---------- Wood (1956t table 1, no. 59).
North Gray bentonitic sandstone -------------------------------- V-J. __________ Love (1955aJ.
Park(?). and waxy claystone.
129 Lucky Annie (Anne?)# _________ Medicine Sandstone(?) __________________ -------------------------------- V-B.---------- Gruner and Smith (1955b).
Bow. Us ___________ _
130 Sunset No. 1 claim-------------- Fort Union. __ Light-gray to brown fine- to Carbonaceous shale underlies
coarse-grained arkosic sand- the sandstone.
131 Unnamed prospectst ------------ Browns Park. Light-brown to V-L---------- Love (1954a).
gray fine-grained
tuffaceous sandstone, car-
bonaceous shale, and white
chalcedonic limestone.
Unnamed prospect _____________ North Park ___ Fine-grained calcareous Us ____________ Magleby and Mallory (1954).
132 Unnamed (locality 1), Snipper North Light-brown very fine to Us ____________ Magleby and Mallory (1954);
(locality 2)) and unnamed Park(?). coarse grained sandstone, Stephens and Bergin (1959) .
(locality 18 . light-gray clayey 1:1iltstone,
and ash.
133 Unnamed (locality 16) _--------- _____ do.------- Limy sandstone _______________ -------------------------------- ---------------- Stephens and Bergin (1959).
134 Unnamed (locality 35) __________ North Park __ _ Dark-gray fine-grained silici- ________ ------------------------ Us_.---------- Magleby and Mallory (1954).
fied sandstone.
135 Unnamed (locality 37) _--------- Browns Fine-grained calcareous Do.
Park(?). sandstone.
Unnamed (locality A-2) ________ North Park Brown sandstone ___ ---------- -------------------------------- ---------------- Vine and Prichard (1959).
136 Unnamed (locality 25) _--------- North Fine-grained sandstone. ______ -------------------------------- ---------------- Magleby and Mallory (1954).
137 Cloudy and other claims.------- _____ do _______ _ Silty sandstone ___ ------------ -------------------------------- P-2? ___ -------
138 Del Oro No.2# and other North Park __ _ Buff to brown medium- -------------------------------- C-1, P-6, V-L Magleby and Mallory (1954);
Ketchum Butte claims. grained sandstone. Gruner and others (1956).
139 Crescent Uranium group________ Browns Conglomerate _________________ -------------------------------- N _------------
_____ do _______ _
140 Poison Basin group, Teton Light-brown medium-grained Sparse carbon_________________ C-1, ~-1, Si- Vine and Prichard (1954);
group (includes school quartzose sandstone and t, Si-B, V-1. Magleby and Mallory (1954);
section), Cedar Hills (pit 1), light-gray fine-grained 'cal- Grutt and Whalen (1955);
and various prospects. careous sandstone. Gruner and Smith (1955b).

Sweetwater County

141 Hays claims_____________________ Wasatch _____ _ White to gray coarse-grained -------------------------------- N -------------
arkosic sandstone.
142 Unnamed (anomaly B17-69) _ _____ do ________ _ Coarse-grained arkosic sand- -------------------------------- Us . _---------
143 Unnamed (anomaly B17-73) ____ Wasatch(?) __ _ Light-brown poorly consoll- -------------------------------- Us_.----------
dated arkosic gravel.
Wasatch _____ _ Green
144 Lost Creek (Golden Arrow to gray-green siltstone -------------------------------- C-1, Si-s ______ Wyant and others f1956);
group). and shale. Sheridan and others (1961J
145 Lone Wolfe and unnamed pros- Wasatch(?) __ _ Sandstone(?) __________________ -------------------------------- o-s, Si-S______ Gruner and others (1956).
pects. Us ___________ _
146 Lone Wolf Nos. 6 and 13 ________ Wa.'latch _____ _ Buff to gray medium- to Abund!tnt carbonized plant
coarse-grained sandstone. remams.
147 Bison Basin prospect _________________ do_________ Conglomerate _________________ -------------------------------- U -------------
148 Superior occurrence __ ----------- ---------------- Conglomeratic tuffaceous -------------------------------- ----------------- Theobald and King (1954).
sandstone. (Cretaceous.)
Mud Nos. 1 and 2 claims ________ Ericson _______ Fine- to medium-grained Abundant coal and carbona- C-1, P-t_ _____ Gruner and Knox (1957).
sandstone and dark-gray ceous shale.
sandy shale.
149 Unnamed (anomaly 57-7) _______ -----do _________ Medium-grained sandstone Abundant in shale_----------- Us_-----------
and brown carbonaceous
150 Sand Rock claims ____________________ do_________ Gray fine-grained sandstone, Abundant in shale and coaL __ ----------------
carbonaceous shale, and
151 Lucky Turk claims and Yellow _____ do_________ Gray fine- to medium-grained Interbedded carbonaceous Si-s___________ Gruner and Knox (1957);
Rose Nos. 1 and 2. quartzose sandstone. shale.
152 John group ______________________ Bridger _______ Buff to brown fine-grained C-1 __ ---------
153 Mud claims _____________________ Ericson _______ Gray sandstone _______________ Carbonized plant remains _____ Us ___________ _
154 Plne group -------------~-------- {Green River __ }Claystone and fine-grained
Wasatch______ sandstone.
-----dO------------------------- N -------------
Star Nos. 5 and 6 claims _________ Wasatch(?) ___ Buff fine- to coarse-grained N --------------
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 2.-Major characteristics of individual deposits and groups of deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United States,
1J11 States-Oon.tinued

Host rock
Map Uranium
No. Name of locality minerals Sources of data
Formation Description Kind and abundance of
I I carbonaceous materials


Sweetwater County-continued

155 Little Mountain_--------------- {~'::tc~~~~~= }Gray calc8reous sandstone ____ -------------------------------- ---------------- Theobald and King (1954).
156 Red Jeep No.1 claim ___________ Fort Union(?)_ Gray fine- to medium-grained Very abundant carbonized N-------------
sandstone. plant remains.
157 Unnamed (anomalies B-16-1, Green River __ Sandstone(?)------------------------------------------------------------------ Magleby and Meehan (1955).
-2, -3).
158 Spirit, Uinta, and Indian Green River Clastic rock___________________ A~:~~~ carbonized plant
Paintpot claims. or Bridger.

1. Salt Wash Sandstone Member. 9. Brushy Basin Shale Member. 17. Sentinel Butte Member. 25. Dubose sand and clay.
2. Shinarump Member. 10. Newark Group. . 18. Ludlow Member. 26. Olmos sand.
3. DeChelly Sandstone Member. 11. Germer Tuffaceous Member. 19. Newcastle Sandstone Member. Zl. Moss Back Member.
4. Petrified Forest Member. 12. Sante Fe Group. 20. Inyan Kara Group. 28. Monitor Butte Member,;
5. Trinity Group. 13. Recapture Shale Member. 21. Clear Fork Group. 29. Arkose facies.
6. Tropico Group. 14. Westwater Canyon Sandstone Member. 30. Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member.
7. Coldwater Sandstone Member. 15. Dockum Group. ~: ~fa:?~s~~~Esand. 31. Springdale Sandstone Member.
8. Mesaverde Group. 16. J ackpile sandstone of local usage. 24. Falls City shale. 32. Teapot Sandstone Member.

Most of the peneconcordant deposits are in four gen- rocks of vein deposits differs strikingly from that of the
eral regions. About 95 percent of these are in the west- peneconcordant deposits.
central part of the United States and extend over an Sandstone beds of Precambrian age, which contain no
L-shaped. region stretching southwestward from eastern peneconoordant deposits, contain about 30 percent of the
Montana and western North Dakota through parts of 200 vein deposits of uranium in sandstone in the United
South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah into States; and those of Miocene age, which contain only
Arizona and New Mexioo and thence eastward into 11h percent of the peneconcordant deposits, contain 15
northern Texas and southern Oklahoma. The south- percent of the vein deposits. The age distribution of
west-trending arm in this region includes the highly the host rocks of the rest of the vein deposits proba;bly
productive deposits of the Colorado P181teau and of the should be considered as haphazard, though figure 2 sug-
intermontane basins of Wyoming. The principal min- gests a possible crude correlation of this distribution
ing districts in this arm are identified on figure 1. The with that of the peneconcordant deposits. Some vein
other 5 percent of the peneconcordant deposits are clus- deposits are closely associated with peneconcordant ores
tered chiefly in southern Oalifornia, on the Texas and result from the localization of secondary uranium
Coastal Plain, and in eastern Pennsylvania. minerals along fractures that cut the peneconcordant
Of the 4,600 known deposits, about 200 are classed as ore bodies; such occurrences may contribute to this pos-
veins. The known vein deposits are widely scattered sible crude correlation.
in the Western States, and are a little more abundant in In rocks of late Paleozoic age and younger, the abun-
the Basin and Range province of southern California, dance of peneconcordant deposits correla.tes partly with
Nevada, and southern Arizona than elsewhere (pl. 1). the evolutionary development of land plants in late
Some are geographically close to peneconcordant de- Paleozoic time and with the abundance of plant fossils
posits, burt many are remote.
\- in them and in younger rocks.
The several members of the Morrison Formation of
Late Jurassic age in the Colorado Plateau region con-
tain most of the peneconcordant deposits. In this
Uranium deposits in sandstone in the United States region, the members of the Chinle Formation of Late
occur in stratigraphic units of avery geologic system Triassic age also contain abundant deposits. Deposits
except Silurian. Beds of Late Jurassic age contain the in rocks of Eocene age occur mostly in the intermontane
most deposi~a:bout 60 percent of the rtotal ore, calcu- basins of Wyoming, mainly in the Wasatch and Wind
lated in terms of produced ore plus reserves (fig. 2). River Form!l!tions. Most of the deposits in formations
Beds of Eoeene and Late Triassic ages contain about the of Cretaceous age are in units of the Inyan Kara Group
s~e number of deposits, but the Eocene rocks contain around t"Q.e Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming,
about 25 percent of the total ore and Triassic rocks only but some are in 1the Dakota Sandstone at widely scat-
about 10 percent. The age distribution of the host tered places in Colorado and New Mexico. The de-

posits in beds of Permian age are mainly in Colorado, About 140 stratigraphic units contain the known de-
New Mexico, Oklahoma, and northern Texas. Deposits posits of uranium in sandstone in the United States.
in Texas in the Coastal Plain are in rocks of Eocene, These units are listed in age sequence in table 3, which
Miocene, and Pliocene ages. The deposits in Pennsy 1- also summarizes information on the composition and
vania are in rocks of Devonian, Pennsylvanian, and Tri- depositional environment of these units and cites reports
assic ages. that describe these units in 1nore detail.

1. Gypsum Valley.
2. Bull Canyon.
3. Uravan.
4. Paradox.
5. Gateway.
6. Thompsons.
7. Moab.
8. Green River (Desert).
9. San Rafael ( Sinbad).
10. Henry Mountains.
11. White Canyon.
12. Monticello.
13. Slick Rock.
14. Cortez
15. Shiprock.
16. Monument Valley.
17. Chilchinbito.
18. Chuska.
19. Little Colorado.
20. Silver Reef (Harrisburg).
21. Sierra Ancha.
22. Laguna.
23. Ambrosia Lake (Grants).
24. La Plata.
25. Rico.
26. Placerville.
27. Rifle.
28. Meeker.
29. Maybell-Lay.
30. Uinta.
31. Poison Basin (Baggs).
32. Lost Creek.
33. Crooks Gap.
34. Gas Hills.
35. Owl Creek Mountains.
36. Oentral Powder River
37. Southern Powder River
38. Shirley Basin.
39. Lance Creek.
40. Edgemont.
41. Northern Black Hills.
42. Dakota Plains.

FIGURE 1.-Index map showing location of uranium-mining districts in West-Central United States described in this report
Indefinite boundaries indicated by dashed lines.
0 200 0 1000 2000 OF TOTAL)

c None
Pliocene Ul
N 1-3
0 Miocene ~
LL.I Tertiary Oligocene ~
0 G':l
Eocene 25 ~

Early t:1

(.) Late 60 ~
6 Jurassic Middle None None H
N t:d
0 q

Early 1-3
~ 0
Late 10
Triassic Middle None None 0

Permian tr:1
Pennsylvanian 0
0 Ul
6N Mississippian None ::3
0 Devonian None
Silurian None None

Cambrian None

FIGURE 2.-Distribution of uranium deposits and ore in sandstone in the United States by geologic age of the host formation.


TABLE a.-Stratigraphic units that contain uranium deposits in sandstone in

[The stratigraphic nomenclature used in this table is from many sources and may or may not agree with that currently accepted by the U.S. Geological Survey. Stratigraphic
shown in italic have produced or have reserves of more than 1,000 tons of uranium ore; those marked by a dagger (t) have produced or have reserves of 1-1,000 tons of ore.
units is an interpretation made by the author based on the descriptions given in the sources of data. A brief description of the environment is given where possible. The
conditions such as terrestrial, fluvial, paludal, and lacustrine. Asterisk(*) by date of source of data indicates written commun.; double asterisk (**),oral commun.]

Stratigraphic unit Age States where uranium Description Thickness

bearing (feet)

Quaternary and Tertiary Systems

1 Coso Formationt------------- Early Pleistocene or late California _____________ Poorly cemented fine- to coarse-grained arkosic sandstone, tuffa- 300+
Pliocene. ceous and bentonitic beds, and basal fanglomerate.

2 Gila Conglomerate ___________ Pleistocene and Pliocene __ Arizona ______ ------ ___ Red and gray clay and silt grade laterally into fanglomerate _____ G-200

3 Idaho Formation _____________ _____ do _____________________ Oregon ________________ Light-colored poorly consolidated shale, sandy near top and Several
bottom, few volcanic ash and diatomite beds. thousand.

4 Santa Fe Group ______________ Pleistocene(?) to New MexiCO----------- Tuff; sandstone; red and green clay, silt, and gravel; basalt and 2, ooo-r
middle(?) Miocene. rhyolite flows.
6 Verde Formation _____________ Pleistocene or Pliocene(?)_ Arizona.-------------- White sand, clay,limestone, gravel, and saline materials_________ 1, 400-2, 000

Tertiary System

Upper member-conglomerate and sandy interbeds.------------ }

6 Antero Formation ____________ Oligocene _________________ Colorado ______________ Middle member-fine-grained tuff, shaly beds, and limestone ___ _ 2,000-
{Lower member-conglomerate and thin beds oflimestone ______ _

7 Arikaree Formation __________ Miocene___________________ South Dakota _________ Gray tuffaceous siltstone and sandstone, a few thin beds of con- o-500
glomerate and volcanic ash.
8 Artillery Formation__________ Early(?) Eocene ___________ Arizona_---------- ____ Chiefly conglomerate, arkose, sandstone, shale, and limestone; 2, 600-1-
sparse clay and tuff; a widespread basalt member.

9 Aycross Formation ___________ Middle Eocene ____________ Wyoming_------------ Brightly variegated clay, shale, sandstone, conglomerate, and 100-1,000
tuff; great lateral variations in lithology.
10 Eocene(?)_---------------- New Mexico ___________ Maroon to brick-red and variegated shale, siltstone, graywacke, SG-140
Baca Formationt -------------
sandstone, and conglomerate; some volcanic sediments.
11 Barstow Formation __________ Late or middle Miocene California _____________ Coarse to fine rock fragments, pumice, and tuff; local basalt flows.

Upper member-fine- to medium-grained clayey sandstone and I 60


13 Bridger Formation ___________ Late(?) and middle

rhyolitic ash.
Bidahochi Formationt ------- Pliocene___________________ Arizona_______________ Middle member-basaltic flows, tuffs, and ashes________________ _
Lower member-mudstone, clayey fine-grained sandstone and
rhyolitic ash.

Wyoming _____________ Greenish-gray to white tuffaceous sandstone and shale; marl-


G-2, 500
Eocene. stone and conglomerate.
14 Browns Park Formation______ Miocene(?)________________ Wyoming, Colorado... Buff to light-gray soft friable very fine to medium grained sand- 1,800+
stone; few thin beds of claystone. Two facies: upper is tuffa-
ceous and basal is conglomerate.

15 Brule Formation_____________ Late and middle Nebraska _____________ Pinkish siltstone, silty clay, and sandstone; locally gypsiferous 26G-500
16 Catahoula Tuff ______________ Miocene(?) ________________ Texas_________________ Gray and brownish medium to coarse sand (2G-30 percent), tuff lSG-1,000
(60 percent), and bentonitic clay (1G-20 percent); minor con-
glomerate and lignite.
17 Chadron Formation __________ Early Oligocene ___________ North Dakota, South Gray silty clay, some of which is bentonitic and opalized; minor G-160
Dakota. sandstone.
the United States and a summary of the geologic characteristics of these units
unit listed alphabetically under systems; where uranium content justifies such listing, members are listed individually and from younger to older within formations. Units
All other units contain either any amount of rock having a grade less than 0.10 percent UaOs or less than 1 ton of ore. Environment of sedimentation of many stratigraphie
term "nonmarine" is used where the environment may include transitional conditions such as littoral, deltaic, lagoonal, and estuarine, as well as or instead of continental

Host rocks of uranium

Plant fossils Sedimentary structure Environment of Sources of data
I Mineral content

Quaternary and Tertiary Systems-Continued

Arkosic sandstone _____

---------------------------- None reported ____________ Well stratified, thinly Sandstone and tu1f are la- Schultz (1937); Hopper
(1947); Troxel and
f~~~;::i. fas~~~:~~te others (1957); Oake-
sediment was underly- shott and others (1954}.
ing granite and nearby
'Siliceous clay__________ tufis. Knechtel (1937) ___________
---------------------------- Some silicified wood
Clay and silt, thinly
bedded; conglomerate,
Lacustrine, alluvial fans,
and delta.
Clayey rock----------- ---------------------------- Abundant carbonized(?)
and silicified wood.
Well stratified------------ Chiefly ephemeral lakes;
Iocall:,v :flood-plain,
Kirkham (1931)----------- 3
alluVIal-fan, and deltaic
Tufi and sandstone ____ Lenses, crossbedded _______ Alluvial fan, :fluvial.
---------------------------- Some plant remains (leg-
ume and rush); water- Depositional areas were
Denny (1940); Dane and
Bachman (1957).
None silicified____________
wood. fault block(?) basins.
Tuffaceous sediments__ ---------------------------- Horizontally and evenly
Lacustrine._-------------- Jenkins (1923)-------------

Tertiary System-Continued

Tu1faeeous sandstone __ ---------------------------- Carbonized and silicified Lenses and irregular beds Fresh-water lacustrine---- Stark and others (1949) -- 6
wood (Pinua and of sandstone, thinly
others) very abundant bedded shale.
in some beds, especially
near top of upper
Sandstone------------- --------------------------- Present(?>----------------- Medium to thickly FluviaL------------------ Darton (1951); Gill and 7
bedded; some channel Moore (1955).
Mudstone, limestone, Rare siliei:fled and cal- Indistinctly bedded------- Conglomerates were allu- Lasky and Webber (1949)-- 8
and conglomerate. citized palm roots. vial fans; other rocks
were partly lacustrine.
Depositional area was a
fault valley(?).
Carbonaceous shale____ ---------------------------- Abundant in some shale; Crossbedded and massive Fluvial-------~------------ Love (1939) _------------- 9
less abundant in tufi. or thinly bedded.

t~~tg:iiiistone::::: -Quartz;ieidspar;C'aicare:-~Abundant fossil wood ---------------------------- -----dO--------------------- Wilpolt and others (1946}; 10
ous cement. near the base. Dane and Bachman
Conglomerate ___ ------ ---------------------------- (1957).
Clayey shale, tufiaee- ---------------------------- Present(?) ________________ _ Well strati:fled------------- Nonmarine________________ Hewett (1954); Oakeshott 11
ous marly sand- and others (1954).

Fine-grained clastics Plant impressions and Upper member-cross- U~er member :fluvial. Repenning and Irwin 12
and lapilli tufi. petrified wood in lower bedded, channel tills. ddle member vol- (1954); Shoemaker
member. Lower member-hori- canic. Lower member (1956b).
zontally and thinly lacustrine.
bedded, ripple marked.
Sandstone _____________ ---------------------------- Present(?) ________________ _ Lenticular_--------------- Fluvial and fresh-water Sears and Bradley (1924}; 13
lacustrine. Bergin and others
Love (1957) (1955}.
Tufiaeeous and non- Quartz, feldspar, volcanic None reported_----------- Poorly stratified,massive, Fluvial and eolian facies 14
tuffaceous sand- glass; clay and calcium crossbedded. distinct from lacustrine
stone. carbonate cements. facies. Uranium de-
posits are in rocks
where the two facies
Gypsiferous clay_----- ---------------------------- Locally abundant macer- Thinly bedded, channel Fluvial and lacustrine_____ Lugn (1939); Condra and IIi
ated carbonized plant tills. Reed (1943); Dunham
fragments. (1955).
Quartzose sandstone___ Quartz ___________________ _ Some silicified wood Crossbedded, lenticular___ FluviaL ________ _:._________ Plummer (1933, p. 71o- 16
(Palmoxylon) and car- 7'Zl); Steinhauser and
bonized plant(?) Beron! (1955); Eargle
remains. and Snider (1957).
Clay and sandstone.. __ ---------------------------- Some lignitic materiaL. __ _ Channel fills, lenses _______ Fluvial. Sources of sedi- Wood (1949); Gill and 17
ment were Pierre, Hell Moore (1955).
Creek, and Fort Union
Formations and vol-
canoes in the Yellow-
stone region.

TABLE 3.-Stratigraphic units that contain uranium deposits in sandstone in the

Stratigraphic unit Age States where uranium Description Thickness

bearing (feet)

Tertiary System-Continued

18 Challis Volcanics, Germer Early Miocene or late Idaho _________________ Tuff, tuffaeeous sandstone, conglomerate, and rhyolite flows ___ _ D-2, OOO+
Tuffaceous Member. Oligocene.

19 Clarno Formation____________ Late Eocene.------------- Oregon________________ Coarse and fine rock and volcanic debris; local basalt flows _____ _ 7, 000
20 Esmeralda Formation________ Early Pliocene and late Nevada.-------------- White rhyolitic tuff and flows; sandstone, siltstone, and claystone. 600+

21 Farisita Conglomerate t------ Oligocene(?)_______________ Colorado ______________ Buff conglomerate, conglomeratic sandstone, and siltstone ______ _ D-1, 200

Sentinel Butte Member-see No. 23.---------------------------- ()-660

Wyoming, Montana, rongue River Member-gray to tan sandstone, siltstone, and 600+
22 Fort Union Formation t----- Paleocene _________ ------- North Dakota, shale; quartzite lenses; persistent lignite beds.
South Dakota. { Cannonball Member-dark-gray and brown sandstone and shale. Q-300
Ludlow Member-see No. 24------------------------------------ 350

23 Sentinel Butte Member _____ do_____________________ North Dakota_________ Dark-gray bentonitic claystone and shale and buff to brown Q-660
sandstone containing numerous lignite beds.
24 Ludlow Member.. ---~-- _____ do_____________________ South Dakota_________ Gray to light-yellow-tan sandstone, gray shale, and thick lignite 350
25 Green River Formation t---- Middle and early Eocene. Utah, Wyoming ______ Gray fissile shale and oil shale, gray to buff sandstone and lime- 1, 20D-4, 900
stone, oolitic layers, and algae reefs.

26 Goliad Sand __________________ Pliocene ___________________ Texas _________________ Limy clay, very fine to medium sand, and graveL _____________ _ 250

27 IDahe Formation _____________ Oligocene_________________ Oregon ________________ Tuffaceous sandstone and shale intruded by basaltic dikes and SOG-1, 000
Upper part-chiefly tuffaceous sandstone interbedded with
28 JackBon Group (see also
Whitsett Formation, Nos.
Eocene____________________ Texas.----------------
bentonitic claystone.
Middle and lower parts-chiefly claystone with some inter-
bedded sandstone; ligr..itic claystone common. l 500

29 Monterey Formation _________ Late and middle Miocene. California _____________ Light-brown to gray shale and siltstone; minor sandstone and 6,500
30 Muddy Creek Formation____ Miocene(?)________________ Arizona_______________ Yellowish and cream-colored silt, fine sand, and clay; grades G-2, 000
laterally into coarser slope deposits; some gypsum and salt.
31 North Park Formation_______ Late Miocene_____________ Wyoming_____________ Pumicite, calcareous siltstone, tuffaceous or calcareous sand- 1,300+
stone, and conglomerate; some colluvium.

32 Oakville Sandstone __________ Miocene __________________ Texas _________________ Light-gray sand (40 percent), sandy and ashy or bentonitic clay 20G-500
(30 percent), marl (20 percent), coquina (5 percent), and gravel
(5 percent).
33 Ogallala Formation__________ Pliocene._---------------- New Mexico__________ Mainly silt and fine sand; scattered lentils of coarse sand, gravel, 10+-550
volcanic ash, and limestone.
34 Panaca Formation ________________ do._------------------ Nevada_______________ Light-colored tuff, some sand, some dark-colored concretions ___ _ 1,000+
35 Popotosa Formation __________ Late Miocene _____________ New Mexico __________ Red, brown, and gray sandstone, silt, tuff, and graveL _________ _ 3,000+

36 Pruett Formation (Buck Eocene ____________________ Texas _________________ Chiefly grayish calcareous tuff; also includes basal limestone- 90G-1, 000
Bill Volcanic Series). pebble conglomerate, tuffaceous sandstone and breccia, lime-
stone, and trachyte flows.
37 Ricardo Formation.--------- Early Pliocene.----------- California_____________ Arkosic conglomerate, sand, silt, white tuff, cherty limestone, 7, 000-
and basalt flows.
38 Rosamond Formation ________ Miocene(?) _____________________ do.--------------- White tuff, gray sandstone, conglomerate, volcanic flows, and 1, 50G-4, 500+
39 San Jose Formation __________ Eocene ____________________ New Mexico__________ Red, tan, and variegated clay, siltstone, sandstone, and con- 1,200
40 Sespe Formation_____________ Early Miocene to late California_____________ Red, brown, and yellow sandstone and conglomerate; inter- 3, 50G-4, 000
Eocene. bedded shale.
41 Tejon Formation, Coldwater Eocene _________________________ do. __ ------------- White friable arkosic sandstone interbedded with reddish sandy 40G-2, 500
Sandstone Member. shale and coquina.
42 Tepee Trail Formation._---- Late Eocene.------------- Wyoming_____________ Green or brown strata: fine-grained tuff (southeast) to con- 2,000-
glomerate and coarse breccia (northwest).
43 Tiger Formationt------------ Tertiary------------------ Washington ___________ Conglomerate, sandstone, and claystone; some lignite. Thick- 1, 000-

44 Tropico Group.______________ Pliocene(?) and Mio-

ness very erratic.

Upper unit-fanglomerate or sequence of dolomite, limestone,

chert, shale, and sandstone.
California_____________ Middle unit-basalt flows.
{Lower unit-pyroclastic rocks, rhyolitic intrusives, and flow
l 2,800-
United States and a summary of the geologic characteristics of these units-Continued

I Host rocks of uranium

Plant fossils Sedimentary structure Environment of
Sources of data
Character Mineral content
l I
Tertiary System-Continued

Tuffaceous sandstone.. Quartz, plagioclase, pot- Abundant carbonized Well stratified_____________ Water-laid sediments and Ross (1934; 1937); Ander- 18
ash feldspar, and bio- and silicified plant extrusive igneous rocks. son (1956).
tite: glassy ash remains (Stqu01.a?).
Silicified tuff ____ ------ __________ ------------------ Abundant ____________________________ ----------------- Nonmarine _______________ _ Stock (1948, p. 332) _______ _ 19
Tuffaceous sandstone Bentonite, collophanite .. _ Some silicified wood Thinly bedded, sparely Subaerial and fresh-water Turner (1900); Spurr 20
claystone. (dicotyledon Cupressus). crossbedded. lacustrine. Deposi- (1905, p. 51-541; Fer-
tional basin was formed guson and Muller
in part by block fault- (1950).
Carbonaceous sand- Locally abundant car- Lenticular and highly Alluvial fan ______________ _ Johnson and Wood 21
stone. bonized plant remains. crossbedded. (1956); Johnson, Wood,
and Harbour (1958).
Abundant plant remains Lenses, horizontally Cannonball Member Denson and Gill (1956) ___ _ 22
in lignite and shale, bedded. (void of uranium de-
Sandstone, siltstone, and, locally, in sand- posits) is marine; other
) shale, and lignite. stone ( Cupressinoxylon). members are fluvial,
lacustrine, and paludal.

Lenses, horizontally Fluvial, lacustrine, and ____ .do _______________ --- ___
Sandstone and lignite_ ---------------------------- Carbonized plant frag- 23
ments locally abundant bedded. paludal.
in sandstone and lignite.
Sandstone, phosphatic ---------------------------- Abundant plant remains Lenses and thin and Fluvial, lacustrine, and _____ --- __ ----------- 24
shale, and lignite. in lignite. flag~y beds of sand- paludal.
Sandstone, sandy Locally thin coal beds Thinly bedded, ripple Lacustrine, minor flu viaL. Sears and Bradley (1924); 25
shale, and mud- and shale containing marked, crossbedded, Bradley (1931); Dane
stone. carbonized plant re- lenticular. (1954).
Sandstone_____________ Calcite cement (20 per- Some carbonized and Lenticular, crossbedded .. Host beds are either Barton {1925); Plummer 26
cent). silicified wood. fluvial or deltaic; over- (1933, p. 750-761).
lying clay is marine.
Tuffaceous sandstone ---------------------------- Silicified wood(?) __ ------- Thinly bedded, cross- Mainly marine, alter- Thayer (1933; 1939); 27
bedded. nated with continental Schafer (1956); R. Q.
environments. Lewis (1960**}.
See Whitsett Forma- Some lignite beds and Lenticular, crossbedded . Cyclic-partly fluvial, Eargle and Snider (1957); 28
tion, Nos. 51-54. locally abundant car- deltaic. and swampy; Eargle (1959).
bonized wood and partly marine. Sedi-
flecks. ments accumulated
while volcanoes ejected
ash and coarser frag-
Siltstone and shale ____ ---------------------------- None reported ___________ _ Well stratified; lenses Marine _____ ----------- ___ _ Simonson and Krueger 29
sparse. (1942).
Clay_----------------- ---------------------------- ____ .do ____ .---------------- Regularly bedded, Mostly lacustrine (in- Longwell (1949, p. 936) ____ 30
rhythmic banding terior basin) and allu-
common. vial far.. sediments.
Calcareous and tuffa- ---------------------------- Contains root casts _______ _ Cross bedded and channel- Flood plain, alluvial fan, Montagne and Barnes 31
ceous sandstone; fill sandstone and con- lacustrine, and sheet- (1957).
claystone. glomerate; laminated wash.
Sandstone_____________ Quartz, bentonitic clay, Some silicified wood ______ _ Crossbedded, lenticular __ . Lacustrine, lagoonal, and Plummer (1933, p. 734); 32
volcanic glass(?). swampy. Eargle and Snider

Clay and sandstone .. _ ---------------------------- Fossil grass seeds and Lenses, poorly to well Chiefly fluvial; locally Frye and others (1956); 33
fruits of herbs and trees stratified. eolian and lacustrine. Barker and Scott (1958).
(rare) are widespread.
Tuff __ --------------- ______ ---------------------- None reported._----------- Thinly bedded, locally Water-laid tuff ___________ _ Westgate and Knopf 34
crossbedded. (1932); Myerson (1956).
Sandstone, siltstone, ---------------------------- _____ do. __ ----------------- Crossbedded and lentic- Alluvial fan in a closed Denny (1940); Dane and 35
and tuff. ular sandstone; thinly basin. Bachman (1957).
bedded tuff.
Sandstone, tuff, lime- Petrified tree trunks and Thickly to thinly bedded, Fluvial, lacustrine (fresh Goldich and Seward 36
stone, and conglom- carbonized wood fairly crossbedded, lenses. water). (1948); Goldich and
erate. common. Elms (1949); Moon
Sandy clay_----------- ______ ---------------------- Abundant plant remains Thinly bedded, lenticular_ Alluvial fan, locally Webber (1933); Gale 37
(Robinia, Palmoxylon, lacustrine. (1946); Dibblee (1952).
Tuff and tuffaceous Some reeds, calcareous Thinly bedded tuff and Nonmarine ___ ------------ Simpson (1934) ____________ 38
sandstone. algae, and fragments of sandstone, thickly
silicified wood. bedded conglomerate.
Sandstone _____________________________ ------------ Abundant silicified and Crossbedded; channel ContinentaL ______________ Simpson (1948); Dane and 39
carbonized wood (in- fills. Bachman (1957).
cluding logs).
Arkosic sandstone. ____ ---------------------------- None reported.----------- Well stratified, thinly Nonmarine. __ ------------ Kew (1924); Oakeshott and 40
bedded. others (1954).
____ .do. ______ --------- ---------------------------- ____ .do. __ ----------------- Horizontally and evenly Marine._----------------- Kerr and Schenck (1928); 41
bedded. Oakeshott and others
Arkose, conglomerate, ---------------------------- Abundant tree, reed, and Well stratified ____________ Tuff is water laid; other Love (1939) __ ------------- 42
and claystone. grass rem~ins through- rocks are fluvial. Slight
out. transprt of sediments.
Arkosic conglomerate __ . --------------------------- Abundant leaves (Sequoia Poorly stratified ___________ Continental, alluvial fan, Park and Cannon (1943) __ 43
and others); some thin local swampy condi
beds of lignitic material. tions.

Shale, marly clay, Some plant remains Thinly bedded; some Nonmarine, fluvial and Dibblee (1958; 1960) ______ _ 44
tuff, and sandy (reeds, palms(?), and lenses. lacustrine.
limestone. silicified roots).
280-261 0-67-4

TABLE 3.-Stratigraphio units that contain uranium deposits in sandstone in the

Stratigraphic unit Age States where uranium Description Thickness

bearing (feet)

Tertiary System-Continued

45 Troublesome Formation _____ Oligocene. __ -------------- Colorado ______________ Dominantly variegated tuffaceous and gritty claystone and 960-
sandstone, some dark shale and white tuff; locally, in lower
part, conglomerate and basaltic agglomerate.
46 Uinta Formationt ------------ Late Eocene.------------- Utah------------------ Brown fine-grained sandstone; gray, green, and variegated 2,000+
shale; white marlstone and limestone.

47 Umpqua Formation _________ Eocene ----------------- Oregon ________________ Mainly white to brown tuffaceous sandstone, some shale and 8, 000-
conglomerate, local coal beds.

rontml Wyoorlng-poorly """"' ""'Y fbu> to""""" grnined
feldspathic sandstone; siltstone; claystone; and carbonaceous
48 Wasatch Formation___________ Eocane ____________________ Wyomin~, Utah, shale. 1, 500-2,000
New Mexico. Utah and New Mexico-variegated clay shale; gray, buff, and
pink sandstone; grit and conglomerate; coal beds.

49 White River Formation ________ Oligocene. __ --------------

North Dakota, South
Dakota, Nebraska,
r"' North Dakota, South Dakota, Nel>mska, and eastern }
Wyoming aee descriptions of Brule (No. 15) and Chadron
(No. 17) Formations.
Central Wyoming-nearly uniform volcanic tuff facies __________

50 White River Group (see

Brule, No. 15, and
--- ------------------------ ------------------------ --------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------
Chadron, No. 17, Forma-
WhitseU Formation:
51 Olmos sand._------------ Eocene. ------------_- Texas._--------------- Brown-weathering loose medium sand ---------------------- 10--15
52 Dubose sands and clays _. __ .do_____ ---------------_ ------------- Light-gray sandstone interbedded with green, gray, and pink 200+
clay; some lignite.
53 Stone's Switch sand_______ ----------------- __ ----------- Fine-grained tuffaceons sandstone and bentonitic claystone______ 12-40

Falls City shale __________

54 _---------------- ----.dO----------------- Gray to chocolate-colored bentonitic claystone; minor sand . 70:1:

55 Wind River Formation ________ Early Eocene _____________ Wyoming _____________ Upper facies-poorly sorted coarse-grained arkosic sandstone and 300-800
granite pebble and boulder conglomerate, minor mudstone,
siltstone, and carbonaceons shale.

Lower facies-siltstone, fine-grained sandstone, and claystone . 0-130

Tertiary and Cretaceous Syatenaa

Colorado______________ Varicolored clay, shale, coal, arkosic conglomerate, and sand-

56 Dawson Arkose.------------- Paleocene and Late 2,000
Cretaceous. stone; rhyolite flows.
{Upper member-conglomerate, grit (abundant carbonaceous }
57 Middle Park Formationf ____ -- __ .do_____ __ ------------_ _____ do ------------- matter), sandstone, and shale. 2,500
Lower member-volcanic breccia ------------------------------

Cretaceous System

58 Beartooth Quartzite__________ Late(?>-------------------- New Mexico---------- Brownish quartzose sandstone and greenish glauconitic sand- 180::1:
stone, calcareous near top.
59 Burro Canyon Formationf--- EarlY--------------------- Colorado ______________ White, gray, and red sandstone and conglomerate; some mud- 150-260
stone, shale, and limestone.

60 Cedar Mountain Formation.. do _____________________ Utah------------------ Variegated red, purple, gray, and white shale, some sandstone; 0-270
abundant concretions and nodules.
61 Cloverly Formationt --------- ..do_____________________ Wyoming_____________ Light-gray sandstone, chert-pebble conglomerate, and variegated 110-250
62 Cody Shale __________________ Late ______________________ -----dO----------------- Gray shale, some sandstone, and bentonitic beda---------------- 600-2,000
United States and a summary of the geologic charact~ristics of these units-Continued

Host rocks of uranium

Plant fossils Sedimentary structure Environment of Sources of data
I Mineral content

Tertiary System-Continued

Arkosic sandy con-

--------------------- .. ------ L~~~~~bonized plant I..enses. _---------------- __ Fluvial and lacustrine. ___ Richards (1941); Tweto
(1957); Malan (1957).

Sandstone, siltstone,
and shale.
----------------------- .. ---- Abundant carbonized Lenticular and massive Chiefly fluvial; minor Walton (1944); Dane
wood. or crossbedded sand- lacustrine.
stone; other rocks
regularly bedded.
Some leaves _______________ Generally massive
Arkosic sandstone _____ ---------------------------- chan Fluvial, alluvial :flats, Williams (1949); Wells 47
nel fills, crossbedded. swamps and bogs. (1956).

P'eldspathic sandstone. Quartz, quartzite, and Widely scattered plant Festoon bedded plano- Fluvial.------------------- Reeside (1924); Sears and 48
chert (40-70 percent); fossils in numerous coal convex channel :fllls, Bradley (1924); Sharp
feldspar (15 percent); and carbonaceous shale lenses, massive. and White (1957);
muscovite, biotite, seams and as finely Sharp and others (1964).
ilmenite, garnet, tourm- divided carbon (FicuiJ,
aline, epidote, hom- dicotyledon).
blende, aegirine, rutile,
hypersthene, monazite,
and zircon; mainly
carbonate cement, some

Tuffaceous sand~tone . ---------------------------- (See Brule, No. 15, and (See Brule, No. 15, and Predominantly fluvial, Wanless (1922); Wood 49
Chadron, No. 17, Chadron, No. 17, minor eolian. Source (1949).
Formations.) Formations.) of tuff was probably the
Yellowstone National
Park region.
------------------------ ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- 50

Sand._---------------- Quartz, bentonitic clay---- Some carbonized plant Crossbedded.------------- (See Jackson Group, No. Ellisor (1933): Eargle and 5
remains. _____ do _____________________ 28.) Snider (1957).
Sandstone and ligniti(t ---------------------------- Some carbonized plant ___ .do _____ ---------------- Eargle and Snider (1957): 52
clay. fragments. Eargle (1959).
Tuffaceous sandstone Quartz (30 percent), Some carbonized wood Lenticular ____ -------- ____ ____ .do-----.---.----------- Ellisor (1933); Eargle and 53
bentonite (20 percent), fragments. Snider (1957); deVergie
volcanic glass shards (1958); Eargle (1959).
(30 percent), chert (10
percent), ashy carbon
(10 percent).
Sand._---------------- Calcareous cement_ _______ Some lignitic material _____ Laminated lenses _________ dO----------------- Ellisor (1933); Eargle and 54
Snider {1957); Eargle
Arkose (coarse- Quartz (60--80 percent),
grained, locally feldspar (20-40 percent,
conglomeratic). mainly perthite and
microcline), chert, micas
(biotite); zircon main Abundant plant remains Channel fills, cross- Fluvial. Source of upper Zeller and others (1956);
heavy mineral; mostly in coal and carbona- bedded. facies was Precambrian R. G. Coleman (1959*).
calcareous cement, some ceous shale interbedded granite, lower facies was
carbonate-fluorapatite with sandstone. Mesozoic sedimentary
cement. rock.
Siltstone, mudstone,
lignite, and carbon-
aceous shale.

Tertiary and Cretaceous Systems-Continued

Arkosic sandstone_____ ---------------------------- Abundant land-plant Well stratified------------ ContinentaL------------- Brown (1943)-------------- 56
Arkosic carbonaceous Sandstone and tuff con Flaggy, crossbedded, Volcanic and continental.. Tweto (1957)-------------- 57
regolith. tain abundant plant highly lenticular, and
impressions and car- poorly stratified.
bonaceous matter.

Cretaceous System-Continued

Quartzite ______________ ---------------------------- Some coalified plant Massive, thinly bedded, Marine(?)----------------- Paige (1916); Spencer and 58
remains. and crossbedded. Paige (1935).
Conglomeratic ---------------------------- Sparse carbonized and Massive, irregularly FluviaL------------------- Stokes and Phoenix 59
sandstone. silicified wood. bedded, lenticular, (1948); Stokes (1952b);
crossbedded, and Cater and others
festoon bedded. (1955).
Siltstone _______________ ---------------------------- None reported.----------- Elongated lenses, hori- Fluvial, littoral, and Stokes (1944)-------------- 60
zontally bedded. lacustrine.
Gypsiferons or arkosic ---------------------------- Some carbonized wood ___ _ Basal conglomerate Continental--------------- Curtis (1951) ______________ 61
sandstone. lenses; thinly bedded
sandstone and shale.
Shale __________________ ---------------------------- None reported.----------- Well stratified _____________ Marine _______ .---------_-- Love and others (1955) ____ 62

TABLE 3.-Stratigraphic units that contain uranium deposits in sandstone in the

Stratigraphic unit Age States where uranium Description Thickness

bearing (feet)

Cretaceous System-Continued

63 Colorado Shale, Newcastle Early __ ------------------- South Dakota_________ Mostly very fine to fine grained sandstone, some shale and silt- 0--100
Sandstone Member. stone near top, bentonitic. N oncarbonaceous phase dominant
in South Dakota; carbonaceous phase becomes dominant in
64 Dakota Group (See South
Platte Formation, No. 81).
65 Dakota Sandstone_____________ Late and Early_---------- Colorado, New Mex- Very fine to medium grained sandstone, locally interbedded 0--400
ico, Utah. with carbonaceous shale and coal.

Upper member-massive sandstone._---------------------------~

. . .
Middle member-carbonaceous shale, lignite, and sandstone. __ _
Encson Formatwnt---------- Late ______________________ Wyommg _____________ Lower member-medium-grained well-sorted quartzose sand-

67 Fall River Formation _________ Early _____________________ South Dakota, Well-sorted fine-grained iron-stained sandstone interbedded 150
Wyoming. with shale and siltstone.

68 Fruitland Formation_________ Late . ~----------------- New Mexico__________ Gray, brown, and black shale containing coal; b~own to white 194-530

69 Hell Creek Formation _____________ do_____________________ Montana______________ Gray sandstone, greenish-colored shaly clay and mudstone, and 600--650
a few thin lignite and subbituminous coal beds.
70 Inyan Kara Group (see also EarlY--------------------- South Dakota, Fall River Formation (see No. 67)------------------------------- 150
Fall River, No. 67, and Wyoming. { Lakota Formation (see No. 72) -------------------------------- 200--400
Lakota, No. 72, Forma-
71 Kelvin Formation ____________ Late ______________________ Utah __________________ Interbedded shale, sandstone, and bouldery conglomerate_______ Several
72 Lakota Formation _____________ Early _____________________ South Dakota, Well-sorted to poorly sorted fine- to coarse-grained buff to white 200--400
Wyoming. quartzose sandstone and conglomeratic sandstone alternately
interbedded with variegated claystone. Southern Black Hills
only-two discontinuous lithic members, the Fuson Shale and
the Minnewaste Limestone Members.
73 Lance Formation _____________ Late ______________________ Wyoming _____________ Gray and brown sandstone, gray shale, thin coal beds__________ _ 3,200

74 Laramie Formation ___________ _____ do_____________________ Colorado ______________ Sandstone and shale containing interbedded coal and fire clay 250--1,200
near base.

75 Medicine Bow Formationt ________ do _____________________ Wyoming _____________ Alternating light-colored to gray carbonaceous shale, gray to 6,200
brown sandstone, and thin irregular coal beds.

76 Mesaverde Formationt, _____ do __________________________ do_________________ Gray and buff sandstone, some carbonaceous shale _____________ _ 50--160
Teapot Sandstone
77 Mesaverde Group (See also _____ do_____________________ New Mexico, Utah, Gray and brown sandstone, shale, and coal beds.--------------- 1, 000--3, 000
Ericson Formation, No. Colorado,
66; Point Lookout Sand- Wyoming, Arizona.
stone, No. 80; Toreva
Formation, No. 82; and
Tuscher Formation, No.
78 Ojo Alamo Sandstone _____________ do ____________________ _ New Mexico._-------- Gray to brown coarse-grained sandstone containing lenses of 0--400
siliceous pebbles and variegated shale.

79 Paluxy Sand _________________ Early_-------------------- Oklahoma _____________ White to yellow fine sand, clay, and basal arkosic conglomerate 400+
where it rests on granite.
80 Point Lookout Sandstone____ Late.--------------------- New Mexico._-------- Fine- to coarse-grained sandstone.------------------------------ 100-

81 South Platte Formation_______ Early--------------------- Colorado______________ Predominantly fine-grained sandstone interbedded with black 200--350
United States and a summary of the geologic characteristcs of these units-Continued

Host rocks of uranium

Plant fossils Sedimentary structure Environment of Sources of data
Character Mineral content
Cretaceous System-Continued

Sandstone _____________ ---------------------------- Abundant carbonized Thinly bedded; small- Near-shore shallow-water Grace (1952) ______________ _ 63
leaves and wood frag- scale crossbeds. environments, close to
ments (also silicified) in an island in the
carbonaceous phase. Cretaceous sea.
Quartzose sandstone ___ Quartz; calcite cement. ___ Abundant carbonized Channel fills, crossbedded_ Fluvial, deltaic, and Gregory (1938, p. 62); 65
plant impres3ions in lacustrine. Transi- Craig and others (1955);
coal, carbonaceous tional to marine Gabelman (1956a).
shale, and locally in environments.
sandstone; some silici-
fied wood.
Quartzose sandstone___ Quartz; some ilmenite Locally abundant carbon- Massive and lenticular
and zircon. ized plant remains. crossbedded sandstone, Upper member was either
inland flood plain or

Quartzose sandstone
and carbonaceous
Quartz____________________ Carbonized plant frag-
ments common.
thinly bedded shale.

Tabular beds, ripple

!alluvial fan.
Lower member was either
beach or fluvial.
Fluvial, tidal-flat, and
coastal-swamp condi-
tions in front of a trans-
)Hale (1955); Mmphy and
Houston (1955).

Waage (1959); M. H.
Bergendahl, W. A.
Chisholm, and W. J.


gressive sea. Sources Mapel (1957*).

of sediments were
mostly preexisting
sedimentary rocks and
partly metamorphic
Tuffaceous sandstone __ ---------------------------- Abundant silicified wood Lenticular_--------------- Brackish- and fresh-water Darton (1928, p. 48); 68
and other plants environments. Dane and Bachman
(Sequoia, Ficus, and (1957).
Sandstone and mud- Abundant carbonized Massive, thinly bedded, FluviaL _________________ _ Thom and others (1935); 69
stone. plant remains. lenticular. Bartram (1940); Ross
and others (1955).
(See Fall River, No. ---------------------------- Cycadeoidea, silicified (See Fall River, No. 67, (See Fall River, No. 67, Waage (1959); Mapel and 70
67, and Lakota, No. wood. (See Fall River, and Lakota, No. 72, and Lakota, No. 72, Gott (1959).
) 72, Formations.) No. 67, and Lakota, Formations.) Formations.)
No. 72, Formations.)
Grit_ _______ ----------- ---------------------------- Present(?)_________________ Lenses __ ------------------ Fluvial, littoral, and Stokes (1944) ______________ 71
Quartzose sandstone ___ Quartz; carbonate cement_ Carbonized plant frag- Lenticular, channel fills, Dominantly lacustrine, Gott and Schnabel (1963); 72
ments common. crossbedded. partly fluvial, some Waag6 (1959).
swampy conditions.
Source of sediments was
preexisting sedimentary
Quartzose sandstone___ Quartz, mica; carbon- Abundant land-plant Thinly bedded____________ Fresh-water continental Wegemann (1912); 73
ate(?) cement. flora (70 species). environments. Bartram (1940); Love
and others (1955).
Sandstone, claystone, Abundant carbonized _____ do_____________________ Nonmarine ______ ---------_ Brown (1943); Lovering 74
and coal. plant remains and Goddard (1950).
abundant, cycads not
Sandstone(?) ____________________________ ------ ___ _ Contains land plants Crossbedded and ripple- Fresh- and brackish- Bowen (1918)-------------- 75
sinlilar to those in marked sandstone. water invertebrates.
Laramie Formation. Sediments were
derived from both
igneous and sedimen-
tary rocks and trans-
ported rapidly.
Sandstone and Some plant leaves in Thinly bedded____________ Continental(?)------------ Barnett (1915) _ ----------- 76
siltstone. sandstone.
Sandstone and shale ___ ---------------------------- Locally very abundant Irregularly bedded, Intertonguing marine and Sears and others (1941); 77
land-plant remains lenticular and massive continental. Pike (1947); Heaton
(dicotyledon, sandstone beds. (1950); Curtis (1951).

Sandstone and silt- Silicified logs locally Lenticular __ -------------- FluviaL __ --------~------- Reeside (1924) _- ---------- 78
stone. abundant, carbonized
leaves (ferns and other
types) sparse.
Arkosic grit._--------- ---------------------------- Sand locally contains Lenticular, thinly bedded_ Beach or near-shore Melton (1930, p. 463); 79
silicified and carbonized environments. Miser (1954).
Ferruginous sand- Quartz. __ ----------------- Locally abundant Channel fills______________ Near-shore and beach Pike (1947); G. 0. 80
stone. carbonized wood frag- environments. Bachman, E. H. Baltz,
ments, including logs. and R. L. Griggs
Quartzose sandstone___ Quartz, kaolinite__________ Fairly abundant plant Thinly bedded and Deltaic deposition in Waage (1955) __ ------------ 81
remains in nonmarine laminated shale, front of transgressing
sandstone and shale crossbedded and sea. Uranium deposits
facies. massive sandstone. are in the nonmarine

TABLE a.-Stratigraphic units that contain uranium deposits in s.andstone in the

Stratigraphic unit Age States where uranium Description Thickness

bearing (feet)

Cretaceous System-Continued

pper memOO-thln Qnul""" ,...,_. __ - ------------------- }

Toreva Formation __ ---------- Late_--------------------- Arizona _______________ Middle member-thin carbonaceous shale_----------------------
Lower member-light-gray to buff fine- to coarse-grained arkosic

83 Trinity Group (See also Early_-------------------- Arkansas __ ----------- Gravel, fine-grained sandstone, limestone, and red or variegated o-1, 000+
Paluxy Sand, No. 79.) clay.

84 Tuscher Formationt __ ------ Late_--------------------- Utah __ --------------- Light-colored friable sandstone interbedded with minor shale ____ 130-600

85 Wayan Formation __ --------- Late and Early(?) __ ------ Idaho _________ -------- {Upper unit-chiefly alternating red and gray sandstone and shale_ }
Lower unit-limestone, red shale, and minor yellow sandstone __ 11,800

86 Willow Tank Formation _____ Late_--------------------- Nevada_-------------- Gray and buff clay interbedded with tuffaceous sandstone; 300
coarse conglomerate at base.

Jurassic System

87 Curtis Formationt ----------- Late ______ ---------------- Colorado______________ Grayish- and greenish-colored glauconitic sandstone and shale; o-250
some light-brown very fine grained basal sandstone.

88 Entrada Sandstone ____________ _____ do_____________________ Colorado, Utah, New White to light-gray and orange "clean" fine-grained sandstone, 50-1,000
Mexico. normally about 50 feet thick, that weathers to smooth bare rim.

89 Morrison Formation ___________ _____ do _____________________ Colorado, New {Colora?o Plateau-(See Nos. 9o-_94) ____________________________ _ 5oo-9oo
Mexico, Utah, Wyommg and Montana-predommantly shale __________________ _ 500-
Arizona, Wyoming,

90 Jackpile sandstone of _____ do_____________________ New MexiCO----------- Very pale orange and white fine- to medium-grained sandstone __ 1-190
local usage.

Colorado, Utah_______ Eastern Utah and western Colorado-predominantly red, green, 25()-400
and blue mudstone; conglomeratic lenses most commonly near
91 Brushy Basin Member ____ _____ do_____________________ ] base.
New Mexico___________ New Mexico-bluish-green mudstone and fine-grained sandstone, 156-370
mudstone-pebble layers.

92 Westwater Canyon Sand- _____ do_____________________ New Mexico___________ Interstratified gray, orange, and brown fine- to medium-grained o-aoo
atone Member. sandstone and minor amounts of claystone; locally stringers
and lenses of pebbles of quartz, feldspar, granite, and quartzite.

93 Recapture Member ________ _____ do _____________________ Utah, New Mexico ____ Conglomeratic sandstone facies in south part, sandstone facies
surrounding the conglomeratic facies, and claystone and sand-
stone facies to north and east-pinkish-gray to light-brown
fine- to medium-grained sandstone and red silty and sandy

94 Salt Wash Sandstone -----dO---------------~----- Colorado, Utah, Conglomeratic facies confined to south-central Utah, sandstone 200-400
Member. Arizona, New and mudstone facies surrounding the conglomeratic facies on
Mexico. the north and east, and dominantly claystone facies farther to
the northeast. Sandstone and mudstone facies-white, gray,
brown, and red fine- to medium-grained sandstone; interstitial,
galls, and seams of mudstone.
United States and a summary of the geologic characteristics of these units-Continued

Host rocks of uranium

Plant fossils Environment of Sources of data
Sedimentary structure
Character Mineral content

Cretaceous System-Continued

Quartzose sandstone.. Quartz; minor hematite, Locally abundant carbo- Crossbedded and {Upper member is littoraL } Repenning and Page 82
pyrite, and feldspar; nized plant remains lenticular sandstone. Lower member is fluvial, (1956); Clinton and
heavy minerals- (water lilies, ferns, and beach, and floodplain. Carithers (1956).
rutile, ilmenite, dicotyledons).
tourmaline, zircon,
garnet, and magnetite;
calcium carbonate
cement (0.50--0.75 per-
Tuffaceous(?) ---------------------------- Small amount of Lenticular and cross- Sandstone and conglomer- Dane (1929); Miser and 83
sandstone. carbonized and bedded sandstone; ate are marginal Purdue (1929);
silicified wood platy and ripple-marked marine; limestone is Wieland (1931).
fragments locally limestone. brackish-water and
( Cycadeoidea, conifer). shallow marine.
Sandstone ______________ Fluvial(?) ___ -------------- Fisher (1936); Fisher and 84
---------------------------- Absent _____ --------------- Massive, crossbedded ___ others (1960).
_____ do __ --- ____ -------- ---------------------------- Locally sparse to Massive. __ ---------------- Fresh-water lacustrine, Mansfield (1927). 85
abundant silicified fluvial(?).
wood, few carbonized
leaves (dicotyledon)
and bark fragments.
Carbonaceous sand- ---------------- ... ----------- Some silicified and Medium to thickly Fluvial, quiet ponds ______ Longwell (1949) __ --------- 86
stone, clay, and carbonized wood, some bedded, lenticular.
limestone. fern species.

Jurassic System-Continued

Sandstone _____________ Mainly marine; basal beds Craig and others (1955); 87
---------------------------- Very rare carbonized Thinly bedded; ripple-
containing uranium de- Clinton and Carithers
wood at uranium marked sandstone beds
locality. at base. posits are a marginal (1956).
Absent____________________ Large curving and sweep- marine facies.
Orthoquartzite or Quartz (well-rounded), Eolian ___ ----------------- McKee and others (1956); 88
feldspathic ortho- chert, potash and sodic ing cross beds. Cadigan (1959).
quartzite. feldspar; heavy miner-
als-zircon, tourmaline,
rutile, anatase, musco-
vite, epidote, ilmenite,
magnetite, and leucox-
ene; carbonate and clay
rsee Nos. 9o-94) _______ (See Nos. 9o-94) __________ Flora includes Araucari- Lenses, channel fills, Fluvial and flood plain. Craig and others (1955); 89
oxylon and Cycadeoidea. scour-and-fill structures, Sources of sediments McKee and others
(See Nos. 9o-94.) crossbedded, festoon were igneous, meta- (1956).
bedded. morphic, and older
sedimentary rocks.
Volcanic ash falls con-
tributed, particularly
to the Brushy Basin
Sandstone _____________ Quartz, feldspar, volcanic Carbonized wood frag- Lenses, channel fills; Deltaic-plain environ- Freeman and Hilpert 90
fragments; calcite and ments locally abundant. crossbedded, some ment. (1956); Moench and
clay cements. horizontally bedded. Schlee (1957b); Schlee
Conglomerate and Quartz, chert pebbles _____ Conglomerate and sand- 91
conglomeratic sand- stone are fluvial; mud- Craig and others (1955);
Mudstone and silt-
---------------------------- I
c..,bonbed and orillclfted
wood fragments locally
Conglomeratic lenses;
channel fills in New
stone is volcanic ash
fall, lacustrine, and
fluvial. Northeast
Freeman and Hilpert
(1956); Poole and
Williams (1956); Schlee
Graywacke and arkose Quartz, feldspar; kaolinite direction of sediment (1957).
to orthoquartzite. and montmorillonite transport.
Arkosic sandstone _____ Quartz (3o-65 percent), Carbonized and silicified Scour-and-fill structures, Fluvial. Main source of Craig and others (1955); 92
feldspar (1o-50 percent), wood sparse. ~O:~!:d~.and wedging sediments was silicic Poole and Williams
rock fragments (2-10 igneous rocks. North- (1956); Gruner and
percent), chert (1-2 per- east direction of sedi- Knox (1957).
cent), illite and mont- ment transport.
morillonite clay; heavy
minerals-biotite, leu-
coxene, garnet, apatite,
zircon, and rutile; cal-
cite and kaolinite
Feldspathic ortho- Quartz, potash feldspar, CarbOnized and silicified Poorly displayed lenses; Fluvial and flood plain. Craig and others (1955); 93
quartzite and plagioclase, silicified wood locally very abun- crossbedded; scour-and- Main source of sedi- Poole and Williams
arkose. and altered tuff, igneous dant. fill structures. ments was silicic igneous (1956); Cadigan (1959).
rock, quartzite, hydro- rocks. Northeast direc-
mica, montmorillonite, tion of sediment trans-
kaolinite; carbonate, port.
iron oxide, and silica
Quartzitic sandstone___ Quartz (86 percent), feld- Carbonized wood frag- Crossbedded; scour-and- Fluvial (braided streams) Craig and others (1955); 94
spar (7/ercent), silici- ments locally very fill structures; len- and flood plain. Poole and Williams
fied tu and chert (7 abundant. Silicified ticular. Sources of sediments (1956); R. A. Scott
percent); heavy min- and carbonized logs were mainly older for- (1957**).
erals-zircon, tourma- (Araucarioxylon) abun- mations to the south
line, garnet, rutile, dant. and subordinately vol-
anatase, staurolite, bio- canic debris from west.
tite, spinel, and asatite;
calcite (13 percent and
silica (4 percent)

TABLE 3.-Stratigraphic unUs that contain uranium deposits in sandstone in the

Stratigraphic unit Age States where uranium Description Thickness

bearing (feet)

Jurassic Sys~em-Continued

951 Swnmerville Formation ______ Late ___ -------------------~
Colorado, Utah -----~ Re~
silty shale; minor light-co~ored
sandstone-------------------1 o--400
96 Winsor Formationt----------- _____ do _____________________ Utah __________________ White and red-banded fine-gramed sandstone ___________________ _ 18(}-300

Jurassic and Jurassic(?) Systems

97 Navajo Sandstone ____________ ---------------------------- Utah, Arizona, Col- Light-colored massive medium-grained sandstone _______________ _ (}-2, 000

Jurassic(?) System

981 Kayenta Formationt---------1 Early--------------------~ Arizona, Utah ________ l Reddish fine-grained sandstone and siltstone, generally less than I
100 ft thick.

Triassic System

Colorado Plateau-Church Rock*, Owl Rock*,Petrified Forest, 30G-1, 200

Moss Back, Monitor Butte, Shinarump, and Temple Mountain*
Members (not all present in any one place); members having an
asteri'lk contain no deposits and consist of red and green mud-
99 Chinle Formation _____________ Late______________________ Utah, Arizona, stone and siltstone, and minor limestone.
Colorado, New ( Northern New Mexico-entire section similar and correlative to
Mexico. the Church Rock Member of the plateau region.

100 Petrified Forest Member ____ _____ do_____________________ Arizona_______________ Variegated red, green, and yellow bentonitic claystone and Q-700
clayey sandstone; poorly consolidated and cemented sandstone.

101 Mos(Back Member-------- _____ do.____________________ Utah _____ ------------- Light-brown and light-gray well-sorted fine- to medium-grained (}-150
sandstone and conglomeratic sandstone; subordinates arkose,
conglomerate, siltstone, and mudstone. Blanket of fairly
uniform thickness of 60 ft.

102 Monitor Butte Member ____ _____ do_____________________ ..do_________________ Greenish-gray and pale-reddish-brown bentonitic claystone and (}-250
clayey sandstone; a few well-cemented, poorly sorted, very fine
grained sandstone lenses; locally conglomeratic.

103 Shinarump Member------- _____ do_____________________ Arizona, Utah_________ Light-brown or light-gray medium- to coarse-grained sandstone; 0-225
conglomeratic sandstone; subordinate conglomerate, mudstone,
and siltstone. Blanket of fairly uniform thickness of 50 ft
except where it either pinches out or thickens by filling chan-

Uppermember-red and yellow siltstone containing intercalated l


Chugwater Formation.------ ---------------------------- Wyoming __ ----------- Middle
l and COJ?.glome~ate.
member-thm persiStent limestone _____________________ _
Lower member-dark-red sandstone and shale __ ----------------
Dockum Groupt------------- Late.--------------------- New Mexico, Texas ___ Red siltstone and claystone containing minor sandy lenses and
thick light-colored basal sandstone and conglomerate beds.


106 Dolores Formationt---------- _____do._------------------ Colorado______________ Interbedded red sandstone and siltstone, some conglomerate, 300-600
minor mudstone and limestone.

107 Moenave Formation, _____ do.------------------- Utah.--------------- Pale-red to brown very fine to fine grained sandstone containing 100
Springdale Sandstone greenish-gray siltstone interbeds. Top member of formation.

108 Moenkopi Formation__________ Middle(?) and Early_---- Utah, Colorado _____ Mainly pale-reddish-brown siltstone, minor very fine grained 50-1,000
sandstone, limestone member in southeast Utah.
United States and a summary of the geologic characteristics of these units-Continued

Host rocks of uranium

Plant fossils Sedimentary structure Environment of Sources of data
Character Mineral content
Jurassic System-Continued

Siltstone, mudstone,
and sandstone.
None reported.-----------1 Horizontally and thinly
Marginal marine, relative- Craig and others
ly quiet shallow water.
I (1955)----~95
I Carbonaceous clay _____ ---------------------------- Absent(?)_________________ Regularly bedded.-------- Marine(?) __ --------------- Gregory (1950).----------- 96

Jurassic and Jurassic(?) Systems-Continued

Quartz sandstone ______ Quartz, feldspar (a few Absent_ ___________________ Large curving and sweep- Eolian. Southeast direc- Craig and others (1955); 97
grains); carbonate and ing crossbeds. tion of sediment trans- McKee and others (1956);
silica cements. port. Poole and Williams

Jurassic(?) System-Continued

Sandstone------------~----------------------------1 Some well-worn silicified I Horizontally and thinly IFluviaL.----------------~ and oth"s (1955)----~ 08
wood; carbonized re- bedded.
mains very rare.

Triassic System-Continued

Calcarenite (grit)______ Carbonate and clay

pebbles; carbonate
Flora includes Araucarian
conifers, Cycadeoidea,
Limestone pebble con- Carbonate and clay tree ferns, and scouring (See Nos. 100--103) _______ _ (See Nos. 100--103)_________ Finch (1954); Stewart
(1957). 99
glomerate. pebbles; carbonate rushes. (SeeNos.l00-103.)
(See also No~. 100-
Orthoquartzitic tuff.__ Quartz, tuff, feldspar, Carbonized and silicified Lenses._------------------ Dominantly lacustrine, Stewart (1957); Poole 100
clay; iron-oxide cement. wood (including logs) minor stream action. (1957).
locally very abundant. Greatest volcanic ac-
tivity of Chinle time.
Prevailing wind was
from northwest.
Feldspathic ortho- Quartz, felspar, chert,
quartzite. clay, tuff; carbonate
and iron oxide cements. Fluvial, streams flowed
Carbonized and silicified Channel fills; lenses; from southeast. Small- Stewart (1957); Poole
wood (including logs) crossbedded; scour- scale volcanic activity. (1957); Cadigan (1959). 101
Mudstone and silt- Carbonate cement. locally very abundant. and-fill structures. Prevailing wind was
stone. from northwest.
Conglomerate ________ _ Quartz (12 percent),
quartzite (37 percent),
chert (51 percent).
Feldspathic ortho- Quartz, feldspar, tuff, Carbonized and silicified Ripple-marked, contorted Dominantly lacustrine, Stewart (1957); Poole 102

l quartzite. clay; carbonate and wood (including logs) beds, thinly bedded. minor stream action. (1957); Cadigan (1959);
iron oxide cements. locally very abundant. Large-scale volcanic Stewart and others
Conglomeratic mud- Limestone and siltstone activity. Pre\ai!ing wind (1959).
stone. pebbles. \ was from northwest.
Feldspathic ortho- Quartz, feldspar, tuff, Fluvial (streams flowed Stokes (1950); McKee and 103
quartzite. clay; carbonate, clay, from south and east), others (1953); Miller
iron oxide, and barite pediment or alluvial (1955); Albee (1957);
cements. Carbonized and silicified Channel fills; cross- fan. Small-scale vol- Poole (1957); Stewart
wood (including logs) bedded; festoon bedded; canic activity. Pre- (1957); Stewart and
locally very abundant. scour-and-fill structures. vailing wind was from others (1959); Cadigan
northwest. Wide- (1959)
Conglomerate __ ------- Quartz (82 percent), spread planation pre-
quartzite (16 percent), ceded sedimentation.
chert (2 percent).
Mudstone and silt- Some plant remains in Thinly bedded ____________ Dominantly marine; Downs (1952); Reeside 104
stone. upper part. littoral and continental and others (1957).
in upper parts.
Sandstone _____________ ---------------------------- Locally abundant plant Crossbedded and lenticu- Continental, chiefly Darton (1928, p. 32); 105
fragments and lignite. lar sandstone and con- flood plain. Adkins (1933, p. 244);
glomerate. Reeside and others
(1957, p. 1456).
_____ do _________________ ---------------------------- Some carbonized leaves Crossbedded, horizontally Fluvial. Deposited Bush and others (1959) ____ 106
and twigs (primitive or irregularly bedded, under semiarid condi-
palm and conifer). cut-and-fill structures tions on an aggrading
common. plain of low relief.
_____ do_________________ Quartz (about 90 per- Locally very abundant Crossbedded, lenticular, Eolian and subaerial, Proctor (1953); Averitt 107
cent), orthoclase, carbonized and silici- horizontally and thinly fluvial. and others (1955);
plagioclase, kaolinite(?); fied remains (rushes, bedded. Wilson and Stewart
heavy minerals- reeds, trees); numerous (1959).
hypersthene, garnet, logs.
muscovite, zircon, and
tourmaline; calcite
Siltstone and mud- Quartz, kaolinite, mica; }Traces of impressions of Horizontally bedded and Partly marine and partly McKee (1954); Reeside 108

! stone. iron oxide cement.

Sandstone _____________ ----------------------------
stems and pieces of
silicified wood (reeds
and conifer).
ripple-marked silt-
stone. Lenticular and
crossbedded sandstone.
continental in west,
entirely continental in
east. Includes streams,
lagoons, playas, flood
plains, tidal flats, and
and others (1957);
Stewart and others
(1959); Davidson
shallow sea floors.

TABLE 3.-Stratigraphic units that contain uranium deposits in sandstone in the

Stratigraphic unit Age States where uranium Description Thickness

bearing (feet)

Triassic System-Continued

109 Newark Group (See also Late_--------------------- Pennsylvania, Red arkosic sandstone, shale, and conglomerate formations, a Many
No. 110). Connecticut. black shale formation, and interbedded basic flows. thousands.

110 Stockton Formation __________ _____ do __ ------------------ New Jersey_---------- Light-colored arkosic fine- to medium-grained sandstone and 2, 300-3, 100
conglomerate containing interbedded red sandstone and shale.
Base of Newark Group.

111 Wingate Sandstonef---------- _____ do __ ------------------ Utah, Colorado _______ Yellow-gray and red fine-grained quartzose sandstone; red mud- 250-400
stone near base; forms massive cliffs.

Permian System

112 Abo Sandstone________________ Early--------------------- New Mexico __ -------- Red shale {60 percent) and red to purple coarse-grained sand- 60Q-1, 000
stone and arkosic conglomerate.
113 Clear Fork Group ____________ ---------------------------- Texas_---------------- Mainly evaporite and dolomite; in northern Texas also contains 1, 200-1, 500
arkosic sandstone.

114 Coconino Sandstone __ -------- ---------------------------- Arizona, Utah_------- Light-colored massive well-sorted very fine grained quartzose 4Q-1, 000
Colorado and east-central Utah-arkosic facies (see No. 116),

Cutler Formation_------------ ---------------------------- U~~ A~zona,
ora 0
! some conglomerate, and sandy siltstone.
Arizona and southern Utah-De Chelly Sandstone, White Rim,
Organ Rock, Cedar Mesa Sandstone, and Halgaito Members.
(See Nos. 117-118.).
Arkosic facies ______ ------- _--- ____________ ---------- __ Utah __ --------------- Dark-red, purple, and locally light-colored coarse-grained arkose
and sandstone; conglomeratic to north and east.
) Q-1, 250


117 De Chelly Sandstl)ne Arizona _______________ Red and light-brown massive fme- to coarse-grained sandstone __ o-825
Member f.
118 Cedar Mesa Sandstone Utah __ --------------- Orange and gray very fine to fine grained sandstone ____________ _ Q-1, 250
119 Hermit Shalef- -------------- ---------------------------- Arizona_-------------- Dark-red sandy shale; some layers of shaly sandstone ___________ _ 350

120 Kaibab Limestone ___________ ---------------------------- Arizona, Nevada______ Dominantly gray limestone and dolomite, abundant chert beds Q-360
and nodules, some gray fine grained sandstone.

121 Phosphoria Formation_------ ---------------------------- Wyoming_------------ Alternating red shale and gray limestone and dolomite; phos- 20Q-300
phate rock; minor sandstone near base.
122 Quartermaster Formationf ___ ---------------------------- Oklahoma _____________ Thin beds of red sandstone and sandy shale; gypsiferous shale 20Q-300
near base.
123 Rush Springs Sandstone_---- ---------------------------- _____ do_________________ Fine-grained well-sorted feldspathic quartz sandstone; thickness 4o-250
varies greatly in short distance.

124 Toroweap Formation ________ ---------------------------- Nevada_______________ Interbedded white sandstone, red beds, gypsum, and limestone __ 25Q-900

125 Whitehorse Group (See

Rush Springs Sandstone,
No. 123.)
126 Wichita Formation (of ---------------------------- Oklahoma, Texas _____ Red and gray sandstone and shale, divided near middle by the 1,500+
group rank in Texas). "t" bed-a persistent sandstone zone; upper part-randomly
distributed sandstone lenses; lower part-thick sandstone
lenses in zones. Most deposits in upper part. Blue shale and
limestone to south.
United States and a summary of the geolog~c characteristic~~ of these units-Continued

Host rocks of uranium

Plant fossil:s Sedimentary structure Environment of Sources of data
Character Mineral content
Triassic System-Continued

Arkosic sandstone _____ Quartz (50 percent), feld- Abundant carbonized Lenses __ ------------------ Lacustrine and alluvial- F. A. McKeown, P. W. 109
spar (5-40 percent), plant fra~ents fan sedimentation in Choquette, and R. C.
limonite and clay (1Q- ( Cycadoi ea, ginkgo, long narrow inter- Baker (1954*); Reeside
45 percent); heavy conifer, and monoco- montane troughs. (1957, p. 1491).
minerals-pyrite, tyledon).
zircon, mica (trace to 10
;' _____ do ___ ----------- __ Quartz (50 percent), Abundant plant remains Crossbedded, lenses, Fluvial. Source of sedi- Kummel (1940); F. A. 110
microcline and pla- (cycad and conifer). channel fills. ments was crystalline McKeown, P. W.
: gioclase feldspars (20-40 rocks to southeast. Choquette, and R. C.
percent); minor zircon Baker (1954*).
and muscovite; cla~
cement (20 percent .
Feldspathic ortho- Quartz, quartzite, feld- Absent ______________ -----_ Crossbedded ______________ Subaerial, eolian. South- Baker and others (1936, 11
quartzite. spar, clay. east direction of trans- {\;53); Poole and
port. illiams (1956).

Permian System-Continued

Arkosic siltstone, ---------------------------- Some plant remains_______ Massive, thinly to thick- Fluvial___________________ . Lee (1909, p. 12); Need- 112
sandstone, and con- ly bedded, locally ham and Bates (1943,
glomerate. crossbedded. ~- 1656).
Arkosic sandstone _____ Quartz, feldspar ________________ do.------------------- Thinly bedded ___________ _ Mostly marine; plant and Se lards (1933, p. 174); 113
vertebrate fossils in Roth (1949, p. 1663).
sandstone indicate
some nonmarine sedi-
Sandstone _____________ ---------------------------- Absent ____________________ Crossbedded (huge scale)_ Eolian. __ ----------------- Baker and Reeside 114
(1929); McKee (1934);
McNair (1951).
(See Nos. 116-118.) _____ (See Nos. 116-118.) ________ (See Nos. 116-118.) ________ (See Nos. 116-118.) ________ Fluvial, eolian, and Gregory (1938, p. 41-46); 115
lacustrine. Sears (1956); Witkind
(1956a); Stewart and
others (1959).
Arkose ________________ Quartz, feldspar ___________ Locally silicified logs and Lenticular, horizontally Fluvial. Source of sedi- Baker (1933). 116
fossil plants (Pt~copteris bedded. ments was granitic and
tenuinervis?); none are metamorphic rocks of
carbonized. the Uncompahgre
Quartzose sandstone ___ Quartz ____________________ Absent ____________________ Crossbedded, large-scale._ Eolian_------------------- Gregory (1938); Stewart 117
and others (1959).
Silty sandstone________ ---------------------------- _____ do __________ .. _________ Crossbedded, lenticular ________ do._------------------ Baker (1933; 1946); Stew- 118
art and others (1959).
Siltstone _______________ ---------------------------- Poorly preserved and Horizontally bedded, FluviaL _________________ _ Noble (1922); Moore 119
widespread plant im- thickly massive and (1933, p. 38-39);
pressions (fern 1md thinly bedded sand- McNair (1951).
other). stones.
Sandstone ______ ------- ___________________ ----- ____ Absent __________ .. ________ _ Limestone-thinly to Marine ___________________ _ Stewart and others (1959) _ 120
thickly and horizontally
bedded. Sandstone-
_____ do._-------------- ---------------------------- _____ do __________ .. ________ _ Horizontally bedded ___________ do._------------------ Thomas (1934) _----------- 121

{~::::~~-:~-~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~-r-~~~~:~--------- }~~:~~~arse

Lloyd and Thompson 122
Well stratified _____________ Nonmarine _______________ _ (1929, p. 953); Sellards
plfmt (1933, p. 186).
Arkosic sandstone_____ Quartz, feldspar; heavy None reported ___________ _ Festoon-bedded and ContinentaL _____________ _ Reeves (1922); Roth 123
minerals-leucoxene, ripple-marked, cross- (1949, p. 1684); E. J.
staurolite, garnet, bedded, horizontally McKay (1958*).
zircon, tourmaline, and bedded.
rutile; carbonate cement.
Sandstone an,d shaly Absent_ _________ .. _________ Poorly stratified, thinly Cyclic-continental, McKee (1938).------------ 124
sandstone. bedded, and cross- brackish water, and
bedded sandstone. marine.

Arkosic sandstone _____ Quartz, feldspar, clay, Carbonized fossil wood Channel fills; lenses; Red-bed series are non- Sellards (1933, p. 166, 126
limestone; heavy min- locally abundant. crossbedded; thinly marine; blue shales and 170); Miser (1954);
erals-leucoxene, bedded; slump features. limestones are marine. E. J. McKay (1958*).
staurolite, garnet,
zircon, tourmaline, and

TABLE 3.-Stratigraphic units that contain uranium deposits in sandstone in the

Stratigraphic unit Age States where uranium Description Thickness

bearing (feet)

Permian and Pennsylvanian Systems

Colorado ______________ Maroon to bright-red sandstone, conglomerate, sandy shale, and

127 Maroon Formation t ---------- ---------------------------- some shale; local interbedded limestone.

South Dakota _________ Red shale; :flaggy and massive light-colored sandstone; impure
128 Minnelusa Sandstone_------- ---------------------------- limestone.

129 Sangre de Cristo Formation __ ---------------------------- New Mexico_--------- Upper conglomeratic sandstone; variegated sandstone; red silt- 3,300
stone; gray to brown well-sorted fine- to coarse-grained sand-
stone; transitional arkosic conglomerate, limy shale, and
siltstone; basal red arkose.

Supai Formationf ____________ Arizona, Nevada ______ Alternating beds of red soft sandstone and shaly sandstone, buff
130 ---------------------------- hard sandstone, and calcareous sandstone; some thin limestone
beds in lower two-thirds.
131 Tensleep Sandstonet --------- --- . ------------------------ VVyoming,Montana __ Massive white, tan, and pink fine- to medium-grained sand-
stone; minor beds of dolomite, limestone, shale, and anhydrite.

Pennian(?) and Pennsylvanian Systems

1321 Rico Formation ______________ I----------------------------I Utah------------------1 Redstone,andandpale-reddish-brown medium-grained sandstone, silt- I
conglomerate; several thin limestone beds. 0-575 I
Pennsylvanian System

133 Atoka Formation ____________ Middle ____________________ Arkansas __ ----------- Series of beds of sandstone and shale, a few thin coal seams. 1, 750-2, 250+
Thickens greatly to the south and west from northwest

134 Pottsville Formation t-------- Middle to Early ___________ Pennsylvania._------- Coarse-grained sandstone, conglomerate, numerous coal meas- 1,300
ures, thin limestone.

Mississippian System

135 Mauch Chunk Formation ____ ---------------------------- West Virginia.-------- Alternating red shale and sandstone; some gray and green strata 3,300-

Devonian System

136 Catskill Formation.--------- Late and Middle __________ Pennsylvania __ ------- Predominantly red sandstone, shale, and conglomerate; some 4,500
gray rocks; shale dominant in western part.

Ordovician System

137 Harding Sandstone ___________ Middle ____ ---------------- Colorado ______________ Interbedded gray to reddish quartzose sandstone and green 40-150
to brownish shale, some silty and shaly sandstone, some
carbonaceous and fossiliferous (fish scales) beds.
138 Whitewood(?) Limestone _____ Late.--------------------- South Dakota_________ Green fissile shale and gray siltstone is classified as part of 80
Whitewood Limestone, which is pinkish mottled hard massive
fossiliferous limestone, 0-80 ft. thick.
United States and a summary of the geologic characteristics of these units-Oontinued

Host rocks of uranium

Plant fossils Sedimentary structure Environment of Sources of data
Character Mineral content
Permian a.nd Pennsylvanian Systems-Continued

Sandstone _______ ------ Calcite cement_ ___________ Widespread and locally Thinly to thickly and Nonmarine; periodic Stark and others (1949); 127
abundant carbonized horizontally bedded; marine invasions. Langenheim (1954).
and silicified wood and sparse lenses.
other plants (indndes
conifers, Calami'tes, and
Shale __ --------------- Absent_ __________ --------- Thinly bedded, cross-
Mainly marine, minor
Connolly and O'Harra
(1929); Dill{) (1930);
Bartram (1940, p. 116):
Condra and Reed
r;my "'ko,io , ....
Quartz (30-40 percent),
feldspar (30-40 percent), Locally abundant car- Deltaic, flood plain, and
fluvial: first cycle:
calcite cement (20-30 bonized and silicified some thin marine lime-
percent). remains (conifer, Channel fills, scour-and- stones. Uranium Tschanz and others (1958). 129
Micaceous siltstone ---------------------------- Calamites, and Lepido- fill structures, lenses. deposits are in fluvual
and sandstone. dendron). sandstone filling chan-
nels on a flood plain.
Sandstone _____________ Quartz, mica: iron Trace of plants (Walchia, Crossbedded, laminated, Mainly continental, Noble (1922); Stoyanow 130
oxide(?) cement. Cordaites, Calamites, massive. minor marine. (1936).
and others).
Quartzose sandstone Quartz------------------ Absent ____ --------------- Crossbedded; some Shallow-water marine, Agatston (1952)----------- 131
channel fills. stable shelf conditions;
beach and shore facies
indicate periodic re-
gressions of the sea.

Permian(?) &nd Pennsylvanian Systems-Continued

Sandstone, sandy and 1----------------------------1 Absent..------------------1 Horizontally bedded------1 Shallow marine --------1 Baker (1933); Gregory 1132
silty limestone. (1938, p. 41).

Pennsylvanian System-Continued

Quartzose sandstone ___ Quartz, kaolinite(?) _______ Macerated and !ragmen- Thinly to thickly Marine and locally con- Croneis (1930) _____________ 133
tary plant remains tinental(?).
common. Chiefly ~;~~~~d~~te-marked,
Lepidodendron and
Sigillaria (lycopods).
Arkosic sandstone Quartz, alkalic feldspar Locally abundant carbo- Channel fills, massive Sandstone is dominantly Moore (1933, p. 294); 134
and conglomerate. (altered to sercite and nized plant remains, sandstone; thinly continental, chiefly Dyson (1954).
chlorite), shale frag- including logs. bedded shale and coal. fluvial; coai is paludal;
ments; calcite cement. limestone is marine.
Cyclic sedimentation.

Miss.issippian System-Continued

Sandstone_-------- ____ ---------------------------- Impressions o;f leaves, Medium to thickly Flood plain, passes into Barrell (1907); Willard 135
stems, and roots (reeds, bedded sandstone, marine formation in (1946).
Cordaites). thinly bedded shale. northwestern

Dt~vonian System-Continued

Graywacke (low- Quartz, quartzite, rock Some carbonized plant Lenticular, crossbedded, Eastern part is continen- Barrell (1913), Willard 136
rank). fragments, feldspar; fragments (PsUophuta, ripcf.le-marked, scour- tal, fluvial, and deltaic; (1939\\?a. 276); Klemic
heavy minerals- Lepidodendrale~r). an -fill structures, western part is marine. and arman (1957).
magnetite, allanite, thickly bedded. Uranium deposits are
zircon, ilmenite, and in the continental
leucoxene; carbonate facies.
(slight) and ferric iron
oxide cements.

Orclovician System-Continued

Sandstone and silty -------------------------- Absent----------------- Thinly bedded, massive._ Near-shore littoral Walcott (1892): Lovering 137
sandstone. environment of a trans- and Goddard (1950).
gressive sea.
Quartzitic and phos- ---------------------------- do_____________________ Massive___________________ Marine____________________ Connolly and O'Harra 138
phatic siltstone. (1929); Vickers (1954).

TABLE 3.-Stratigraphic units that contain uranium deposits in sandstone in the

Stratigraphic unit Age States where uranium Description Thickness

bearing (feet)

Ordovician and Cambrian Systems

139 Bliss Sandstone ______________ Ordovician and Late New Mexico __ -------- Brown and gray fine-grained sandstone; conglomerate common ~300
Cambrian. at the base.

140 Deadwood Formationt------- Early Ordovician and South Dakota, Upper reddish sandstone, sandy shale, brownish coarse-grained 4~500
Late Cambrian. Wyoming(?). quartzitic sandstone, and, locally, a basal conglomerate.

Cambrian System

141 I Flathead Quartzite___________ ~ Middle--------------------1 Montana--------------1 Redparts,sandstone, sandy shale, green shale; limestone in upper I
basal conglomerate. ~I
Precambrian System

142 Dripping Spring Quartzite Arizona _______________

rppor mmbe<-g<Oy to red altmmting unHs of siltston and
very fine grained orthoquartzite; most uranium deposits are in
---------------------------- siltstone unit below the middle of the member. .
(Apache Group).
Lower member-red, very fine to medium grained arkosic to
feldspathic sandstone; conglomerate near base. ) 600:1::

STRATIGRAPHY OF THE HOST ROCKS mum for uranium occurrence in many formations. In
Host rocks of continental origin contain about 97 the Morrison Formation in the Colorado Plateau re-
percent of the peneconcordant deposits, those of mixed gion, most of the ore deposits in the Salt Wash, West-
continental and marine origin contain 2 percent, and water Canyon, and Brushy Basin Members are in a
those of marine origin contain 1 percent. In contrast, mixed sandstone-mudstone facies (pl. 2), but ore de-
rocks of continental origin contain 45 percent of the posits are lacking in these members where sandstone
vein deposits, those of mixed continental and marine and conglomeratic facies dominate near the sources of
origin 37 percent, and those of marine origin 18 percent. the sediments and also where shale or mudstone facies
The formations that contain these uranium deposits dominate in areas most remote from the sources (Jones,
are considerably different in character. Most of those 1954; Craig and others, 1955 ; Mullens and Freeman,
of continental origin accumulated by stream action and 1957). In the Inyan Kara Group in the Edgemont
consist of lenticular sandstone beds that formed in the district, South Dakota, sandstone layers interbedded
stream channels; these are interbedded with mudstone with shale nre host to the uranium deposits (Bell and
layers that accumulated on flood plains. Some forma- Bales, 1955). In the Powder River Basin, Wyo., the
tions formed in shallow lnkes, where the sand lenses uranium deposits are near the center of the basin where
were deposited in deltas and along the shorelines. A the Wasatch Formation is composed of coarse-grained
few host formations of continental origin accumulated sandstone interbedded with shale and siltstone (David-
by wind action, and these consist of relatively clean and son, 1953). In the Browns Park Formation in the
massive sandstone layers. Some formations were de- Maybell-Lay and Poison Basin districts, Colorado and
posited along the margins of seas, and these are com- Wyoming, the ore deposits are in nontuffaceous sand-
posed of lenses of sand and mud that accumulated in stone layers where they interfinger with finer grained
deltaic, lagoonal, and shoreline environments; some of tuffaceous beds (Prichard, 1956; Bergin and Chisholm,
these formations contain a mixture of marine and con- 1956; Bergin, 1957).
tinental sediments. The host sandstone beds of marine Although uranium deposits in sandstone occur in
origin nre all near-shore deposits of sand distributed many stratigraphic units, in any one area the known
by wave actioh. None of the host sand.stone beds deposits -are commonly restricted to one stratigraphic
formed in geosynclinal basins. unit. -Field conditions in many areas prevent certain
Peneconcordant deposits are most -abundant in strati- determination of the number of ore-bearing units, as,
graphic units of mixed lithology, chiefly interbedded for example, where younger potential units have been
sandstone and mudstone (table 3). About equal pro- removed by erosion or where older potential units are
portions of sandstone and mudstone seem to be opti- not exposed. Uranium deposits in more than one unit
United States and a summary of the geologic characterist?.c~r of these units-Continued

Host rocks of uranium

Plant fossil:; Sedimentary structure Environment of Sources of data
Character Mineral content
Ordovician atd Cambrian S;ystems-Continoed

Absent ____________________ Massive, locally cross-

Silicified sandstone ____ ---------------------------- bedded.
Shallow-water marine,
littoral. Sea trans-
Richardson (1904, p. 27);
Sellards (1933, p. 62).
gressed northwest
across Texas into New
Quartzose siltstone ____ Quartz_------------------- _____ do_____ ---- ____________ Thlnly and horizontally Mainly marine; basal Connolly and O'Harra 140
bedded. conglomerate is a beach (1929); Moore (1933,
deposit. p. 119); Thomas (1952).

Ca10brian System-Continued

Quartzite and sand- ----------------------------1 Absent--------------------1 Thinly bedded------------1 Marine and littoral--------1 Thom and others (1935); 1141
I stone.
Thomas (1952).

Precambrian System-Continued

ugrr member-thinly
dded; scour-and-flll Probably littoral and
structures ("pseudo-
Montmorillonite clay channels") common shallow marine.

and hornfels.
Quartz, feldspar (as much
as 60 percent).
}A-.1-------------------- ~;:s~arde~=dstone.
Uranium-bearing beds
were deposited in a
shallow-water mudflat
Granger and Raup
(1959); Granger (1964). 142
Lower member environment.
dominantly cross-

could have existed, or possibly do exist, in such areas. district, Wyoming, the middle part of the upper coarse
The available evidence shows no strong tendency for facies of the Wind River Formation contains the large
deposits to overlie one another in a sequence oj: strati- ore bodies (Zeller and others, 1956) . In northeastern
graphic units. A few exceptions to this general rela- Arizona and southeastern Utah, four members of the
tion, however, are worth noting: along the southern Chinle Formation contain highly productive uranium
margin of the San Juan Basin, N. Mex., between Gallup deposits, but the sandstone beds in any one member are
and Laguna, very productive deposits occur in the ore bearing only where they lie at the base of the Chinle
Todilto Limestone and in the Westwater Canyon and and not where they overlap older members. The oldest
Brushy Basin Members of the Morrison Fonnation; member, the Shinarump, occupies the southern part of
less productive deposits also occur in the Dakota Sand- this area. Where it pinches out to the north it is over-
stone (Hilpert and Moench, 1960). Though no direct lapped shingle-fashion by the Monitor Butte Member,
vertical continuity between peneconcordant deposits in which forms the base of the Chinle for a short distance
any two stratigraphic units has been shown, certainly northward, where it in turn pinches out. Here the
areas favorable for ore in these stratigraphic units Monitor Butte is similarly overlapped by the Moss
overlap and perhaps some ore deposits actually overlap. Back Member, which extends still farther north to a
In southeastern Utah, areas favorable for ore deposits locus where it also pinches out; beyond, the sandstone
in the Morrison overlap favorable areas in the Chinle, beds of the undifferentiated Chinle lie at the base of the
but because the Morrison has been eroded in most formation. The presence of uranium deposits in
places where the Chinle is exposed, known deposits in whichever sandstone is at the base of the Chinle For-
the Morrison are 31t least a few miles distant from mation, and the possible relation of the deposits to the
known deposits in the Chinle (Finch, 1955). underlying unconformity, have been discussed by
Even within a single stratigraphic unit, the ore de- Stewart and others ( 1959). The fact that most of
posits are commonly restricted to sandstone lenses at these deposits are within 10-20 miles of the pinchout
one stratigraphic horizon rather than occurring at of each pertinent member suggests that such pinchouts
several, even though similar sandstone beds are present were a factor in ore localization ( Tr.ies and others,
at these other stratigraphic horizons. In Colorado and 1956; Finch, 1959a).
Utah the uppermost sandstone layer in the Sa1t Wash Most of the host formations are 100-1,000 feet thick,
Member of the Morrison Formation is host for most of but their ore-bearing sandstone layers, most of them
the deposits in this member, although other sandstone less than 100 feet thick, are only a small part of their
layers are present (Fischer, 1942). In the Gas Hills respective formations. In northeastern Arizona and

southeastern Utah, the Chinle Formation averages they are so abundant that the rocks are appropriately
about 500 feet in thickness; the Shinarump Member classed as arkose or tuff. Mucsovite and biotite flakes
averages only about 75 feet where it is ore bearing in are common but rarely abundant. Accessory mineral
Arizona and Utah; and the Moss Back Member, only grains are chiefly ilmenite, leucoxene, zircon, and mag-
about 65 feet where it is ore bearing in Utah (Finch, netite and, subordinately, apatite, tourmaline, garnet,
1959a). The Morrison Formation in western Colorado rutile, barite, anatase, staurolite, and hypersthene. Most
and eastern Utah averages about 750 feet in thickness, of these are original detrital constituents, but some
but in western Colorado the uppermost sandstone layer grains of luecoxene, anatase, and barite formed during
in the Salt Wash Member where it is ore bearing aver- diagenesis. Clay minerals, of which montmorillonite,
ages only about 55 feet (Weir, 1952) and in parts of illite, chlorite, palygorskite, and kaolinite are the most
Utah probably even less. In northwestern New Mex- abundant, are present in all sandstone beds and are
ico, however, where very large deposits occur in the abundant in some; part of the clay material was de-
Morrison Formation, the ore-bearing sandstone aver- posited with the sandstone, part resulted from the alter-
ages about 125 feet in thickness in the Laguna district ation of detrital grains of feldspar and fragments of
and about 200 feet in the Ambrosia district, whereas tuff, and part was introduced epigenetically into the
the Morrison Formation ranges from only 400 to 500 sandstone pores (Keller, 1962; Schultz, 1963). The
feet in total thickness (Hilpert and Moench, 1960). gritty and conglomeratic sandstone layers commonly
Within each ore-bearing sandstone lens, the deposits corrtain pebbles of quartz, quartzite, chert, limestone,
generally occur in the thicker parts, though not and shale or 1nudstone; some formations contain abun-
necessarily in the thickest part. dant pebbles and boulders of granitic rocks. Grains and
Typically the host sandstone layers are lenticular and fragments of dark-colored minerals and rocks are so
are interbedded with finer grained rocks of lower perme- sparse in most of the host rocks that only a few approach
ability: commonly, mudstone, siltstone, and argillaceous graywacke in composition.
tuff. The lower contacts of the sandstone lenses are gen- The cement of the host sandstone is mainly clay and
erally well defined and mark an abrupt change in sedi- carbonate minerals; less abundant are cryptocrystalline
mentation, which commonly occurs on a locally scoured silica and quartz overgrowths, hydromica, iron oxides,
surface. Laterally the sandstone lenses pinch out, and other minerals.
grade into or interfinger with finer grained rocks, or The host rocks range widely in grain size and in de-
coalesce with other sandstone lenses. Upward the sand- gree of sorting. These parameters are controlled by the
stone layers generally grade into finer grained rocks. type of source rocks from which the sediments were de-
Some lenses are very broad in cross section, perhaps a rived, the conditions under which the source rocks were
mile or more, and where these lenses coalesce they form weathered and eroded, the distance and character of
virtually continuous layers of sandstone over wide areas.
transport of sediment, and the conditions of sedimenta-
Such coalescing lenses are common in the upper part of
tion. A few uranium deposits are in coarse, poorly
the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation in
western Colorado and eastern Utah. This feature may sorted lenses containing pebbles and boulders of crystal-
be explained as the product of shifting braided streams. line rocks that were rapidly eroded and which were
The length of individual lenses is relatively short, rarely dumped as fans along mountain fronts. In contrast, a
exceeding a few miles; some of these lenses in cross sec- few deposits are in fine-grained, well-sorted sandstone
tion are convex both upward and downward. Some of marme, wind, or even stream origin, the grains of
lenses, however, are- well defined and are moderately which were probably transported a considerable dis-
short but relatively narrow-some are only a few times tance. Some deposits are in beds or lenses of conglo-
wider than their thickness. Such lenses, probably de- meratic sandstone, which is composed of small pebbles
posited by trunk streams, are common in the Shinarump of quartz, quartzite, or chert, and which could have sur-
Member of the Chinle Formation in Arizona (Witkind, vived transport of considerable distance, and pebbles of
1956a, fig. 15 ; Finch, 1959a). Commonly, in cross sec- limestone and mudstone, which probably were derived
tion these lenses are planar upward and convex down- from nearby sources; the sand matrix of these conglo-
ward; in plactf3 they occupy rather deep channels cut merates is quartzose or arkosic. Most of the uranium
into the underlying beds. deposits are in fine- to medium-grained, moderately to
LITHOLOGY OF THE HOST ROCKS well sorted sandstone of quartzose, arkosic, or tuffaceous
The host sandstone rocks of uranium deposits are composition (table 2). Many of these are as much as
composed mainly of quartz grains (table 3). Feldspar 100 miles from areas that could have been the sources
grains or tuff fragments are common, and in some beds of the host rock.
Most of the conglomeratic and arkosic sandstone beds layers that form the peneconcordant deposits lie nearly
probably are composed of first-generation sediments de- parallel to the major bedding of the standstone, on a
rived dominantly from granitic terranes. Some of the small scale they are undulant and cut across bedding
quartzose sandstone beds, however, probably are com- planes, crossbedding, or beds of different composition
posed of second-generation sediments derived from pre- with little or no regard for these breaks or differences.
existing sandstone. The tuffaceous material in the These layers are not localized along any obvious struc-
sandstone could have been introduced as airborne vol- tural feature of tectonic or sedimentary origin. Vein
canic ash, with or without some transport 'by streams, or deposits, on the other hand, generally follow fractures
it could have been derived by erosion of a volcanic ter- that cut across beds at steep angles.
rane, because it occurs in both the first- and second- Because many studies of these deposits suggest a
generation sediments. genetic relation between uranium and tuffaceous ma-
The distribution of peneconcordant-type deposits of terial, plant fossils, and asphaltic material, these com-
copper, vanadium, and uranium in sandstone suggests ponents of the host rocks merit special attention. The
a correlation between the metal distribution and the type tuffaceous material could have been a possible source
of deposition of the host sandstone. Copper. deposits, of uranium and other elements, which would have been
with or without uranium, are mainly in first-generation released during diagenesis or weathering of the ash-
arkosic sandstone derived from granitic terranes; de- bearing sediment. Plant fossils seem to have influenced
posits rich in vanadium, with or without much uranium, the precipitation of uranium minerals and the localiza-
are dominantly in second-generation sandstone derived tion of many deposits, possibly either by direct reduc-
from sedimentary rocks; and uranium deposits with tion of uranium in the ore-bearing solutions or by sup-
little or no copper and vanadium are either in first- or porting bacteria that generated hydrogen sulfide, a
second-generation sandstone, much of which is associ- reducing agent. The asphaltic material could have
ated with beds containing volcanic ash. This distribu- served either as a transporting or precipitating agent
tion pattern is compatible with the geochemical habits of for uranium.
these metals (Fischer and Stewart, 1960, 1961).
Sedimentary structural features within the ore- TUFFACEOUS MATERIAL
bearing beds differ according to conditions of sedi- Volcanic debris, partly glassy shards but more com-
mentation. In the host beds of stream origin, the monly clay altered from volcanic material, is abundant
internal structural features are indeed varied but in some ore-bearing sandstone layers of Mesozoic and
dominantly lenticular; larger lenses are composites of Cenozoic ages, but it is absent or inconspicuous in most,
smaller ones, and crossbedding is nearly universal. On the other hand, many of these host layers are inter-
Conformable and unconformable relations exist be- bedded with or underlie stratigraphic units containing
tween individual lenses; scour-and-fill and festoon bentonitic clay or tuffaceous sandstone. The ore-bear-
lenses are common. Composition, grain size, and de- ing sandstone layers and associated rocks of Paleozoic
gree of sorting may differ from one lens to another. age, in contrast, contain little or no recognizable vol-
Many bedding planes are filmed with clay, and thin canic debris. Furthermore, many uranium-bearing
lenses of mudstone and mudstone-pebble conglomerate vein deposits in sandstone are not intimately associated
are common. Patches of irregularly bedded and poorly with beds containing volcanic debris, regardless of the
sorted sandstone, containing fragments of plant fossils age of the host rocks.
and pebbles of mudstone or other rocks, occur in places; Important productive deposits in host beds of tufface-
they are called "trash pockets" and probably accumu- ous sandstone include those in the Petrified Forest
lated at points of unusual turbulence in the streams. Member of the Chinle Formation in the Little Colorado
Sandstone beds that accumulated in lakes or lagoons district, Arizona (Stewart and others, 1959) , and some
and along shorelines may also be lenticular, but the in- of the deposits in the Jackson Group in the Texas
dividual lenses generally are more extensive and more Coastal Plain (Eargle, 1959). Some of the less pro-
uniform in composition and texture than deposits that ductive deposits in beds of Tertiary age in Nevada and
accumulated in streams. Beds deposited by wind action California are also in tuffaceous sandstone (table 3),
are typically quite uniform in composition and texture, and most are associated with tuffaceoUs sediments,
and commonly are massive though strongly crossbedded. mainly in overlying beds.
Regardless of the characteristics and origin of the The most productive uranium deposits are in sand-
host sandstone, its texture and internal structural stone beds which contain little or no volcanic debris
features show little or no influence on the small-scale but which are closely associated with beds containing
distribution of the ore minerals. Although the tabular conspicuous volcanic ash or its alteration products.
280-261 0-67-5

These deposits include those in the Shinarump, Monitor capacity of a reducing agent, and its humic components
Butte, and Moss Back Members of the Chinle Forma- probably were water soluable.
tion in northeastern Arizona and southeastern Utah, In places the coaly sandstone and shale and lenses of
where these units are overlain by several hundred feet coal contain ore, but most of such material is only
of dominantly bentonitic argillaceous beds which weakly mineralized or is barren. In contrast, within
locally contain tuffaceous sandstone layers; the deposits the masses of uranium-mineralized sandstone many of
in the Salt Wash, Westwater Canyon, and Brushy the discrete pieces of carbonized woody material are
Basin Members of the Morrison Formation, which are richly replaced by the primary uranium minerals and
overlain by or are interbedded with the bentonitic mud- associated iron and copper sulfides; the cell structure is
stone of the Brushy Basin Member; and most of the generally preserved. The barren sandstone surround-
deposits in the Wind River and Wasatch Formations in ing ore deposits, however, also commonly contains
Wyoming, where the overlying units of Eocene and: pieces of carbonized woody material, and these remains
Oligocene ages are conspiciously tuffaceous. The de- are completely or almost barren, even within a few
posits in the Browns Park Formation in northwestern inches of ore. Fossil wood replaced by silica or carbon-
Colorado are in nontuffaceous sandstone but are close ate minerals generally is barren of uranium minerals
to where it interfingers with tuffaceous sandstone. except for secondary o:ves.
Fossil remains of woody land plants ooour in nearly The term "asphaltite" embraces all dark noncellular
all peneconcordant uranium deposits in sandstone beds carbonaceous materials, which in the literature on ura-
of Devonian and younger ages (table 2) ; in fact, the nium deposits in sandstone have been called asphalt,
absence of such plants before Devonian time may be a asphaltite, thucholite, hydrocarbon, bitumen, pyrohi-
significant contributing factor to the near absence of tumen, and kerogen.. "Asphaltite" was first described
peneoonoordant uranium deposits in beds older than by Hess ( 1922) in the deposits a;t Temple Mountain,
Devonian (fig. 2). The remains of conifers and cycads San Rafael district, Utah, but since then this type of
are common in the ore-bearing sandstone beds of Trias- material has been found in many deposits in theWestern
sic and Jurassic -ages (Knowlton, 1927; Daugherty, States, though only in sparse amounts in most deposits
1941), whereas the remains of palms are most abundant (Erickson and others, 1954; Bell, 1960) . "Asphaltite"
in the host rooks of Tertiary age (table 3). Some sand- is especially abundant in the peneconcordant deposits in
stone beds in which plant remains occur contain ura- the Moss Back Member of the Chinle Formation in the
nium-bearing vein deposits, but many vein deposits San Rafael district, Utah, and in theWestwater Canyon
occur in sandstone containing no fossil plant material, and Brushy Basin Members of the Morrison Formation
pa:vticularly in the sandstone older than Devonian. in the Ambrosia Lake and Laguna districts, New
Pl-ant remains in the ore-bearing beds consist of thin Mexico. (table 2). Of its occurrences in vein deposits,
layers of coal, lenses of coaly sandstone and shale, and it is conspieuous rut the Black King mine, San Miguel
discrete pieces of woody material, ranging from small County, and the Pallaoro mine, Jefferson County, both
fragments to large logs, scattered in the host sandstone. in Colorado.
The smaller fragments of woody material tend to be Physically, "asphaltite" ranges from a black hard
more abundant in "trash pockets." Characteristically vitreous asphaltlike substance prevalent at Temple
the larger logs are water worn and were rafted into Mountain to the gray or brown soft dull substance re-
place; within -a single sandstone lens the longer logs gen- sembling dead oil thtlit is common in the Ambrosia Lake
erally are oriented parallel to the long axis of the lens district. These substances emit a fetid odor when
and to the flow of the depositing stream. freshly broken. They are insoluble in organic solvents
Some of the discrete pieces of woody ma;terial are re- and in strong acids and bases, and are infusible except
placed by silica or carbonate minerals, but many are at extremely high temperatures.
carbonized like the coaly material. The chemical com- In chemical composition, "asphaltite" is more similar
to coal than it is to petroleum or hydrocarbons. For
position of the carbonized plant matter is mostly that of
this reason, Breger and Deul ( 1959) and Granger and
lignite or 'bituminous coal (O'Brien, 1953, 1954; Breger,
others ( 1961) suggested that "asphaltite" is redeposited
1956, 1957; Breger and Deul, 1956, 1959; Pierce and humic ertracts derived from coal and plant remains.
others, 1958). Tested samples of this earhonaceous ma- Pierce, Mytton, and Barnett ( 1958) and Pierce, Gott,
terial are now chemically inert and insoluble in water. and Mytton (1964), however, suggested that "asphal-
In the past, however, this material probably had the tite" was derived from petroleum, and believed that the
low hydrogen content results from the loss of hydrogen beds accumulated, and the concentration of salts and
caused by alpha radiation. humic acid in the waters may have increased during the
Although now solid, "asphaltite" was certainly intro- period of deposition; this water probably was entrapped
duced in a fluid state; it occurs in much the same manner in the rocks at the close of a sedimentary cycle, and
as do the epigen~tic ore minerals; that is, by coa;ting remained so at least until later deformation.
sand grains and filling pore spaces in the sandstone, Many uranium deposits, some quite large, occur in
replacing sand grains and chert pebbles, and filling frac- host beds that accumulated in intermontane basins and
ture cavities. In peneconcordant deposits it forms tab- rift valleys. Deformation that caused these basins and
ular bodies and is coextensive with uranium; although valleys consisted chiefly of differential vertical move-
the "asphaltite" and uranium content of the rock do not ments of large blocks of the earth's crust; the major
necessarily correlaJte closely. In some samples of structural features are tilted blocks and high -angle
"asphaltite," the uranium occurs as very fine to sub- faults rather than the compressional folds and thrust
microscopic grains of uraninite or coffinite, but in others faults of deformed geosynclinal belts. Because of the
it is probably present as a uranoorganic compound, for moderately high relief of the surrounding mountains,
no uranium mineral can be detected by X-ray analysis. the sediments in the basins accumulated rather rapidly
Some uraniferous "asphaltite" is similar to thucholite and are dominantly clastic, commonly very coarse
(Ellsworth, 1928; Davidson and Bowie, 1951), although grained arkose and conglomerate along the mountain
it cofiltains no thorium. fronts. The coarser sediments were laid down as pied-
mont fans and stream-deposited lenses; in places finer
DEPOSITION AND HISTORY OF THE HOST ROCKS sediments accumulated in temporary lakes, some of
Although the tectonic and depositional environments which were saline. Many of these basins were so poorly
of the host sandstone beds and associated strata (fig. 3) drained that the pore water of the sediments tended to
differ somewhat, they caused formation of rocks of be retained.
similar lithologic character (table 3}, which have had a Some uranium deposits are in sandstone beds de-
similar postdepositional history. These strata are len- posited on deltaic coastal plains bordering shallow or
ticular and of mixed composition, and they are in 'areas deep seas. Many formations that accumulated in this
where, during much of their history after deposition, environment contain alternating beds of marine and
the pore waters would have been retained rather than fresh-water origin, but the uranium deposits are mainly
drained. in those of fresh-water origin. Being nearly at sea
TECTONIC SETTING level, the pore waters would have had little tendency to
drain from these beds.
Most of the uranium deposits are in rocks that ac-
A few uranium deposits occur in formations com-
cumulated in foreland belts (Kay, 1951; Lees, 1952)
posed of thin beds of sandstone and limestone of marine
between the stable interior of the continent and the oro-
origin that accumulated in epicontinental seas. No
genic belts (fig. 3). These foreland belts are low-lying
uranium deposits are known in sandstone that was
shelves, commonly containing broad shallow basins,
deposited in a geosyncline.
where relatively thin and widespread stratigraphic units
Deformation since the accumulation of the host sand-
of continental or shallow-marine origin, or a mixture of
stone beds has been negligible in some uranium-bearing
the two, -accumulated. The sediments possibly were de-
areas, moderate in most, and intense in only a few. It
rived from local and mild uplifts in the foreland belt
consists mainly of broad tilting, wrinkling, folding of
itself or from the stable interior region, but more com-
gentle to moderate intensity, and steep-angle faulting,
monly they probably were derived from folded uplifts
chiefly normal but having some reverse displacement.
of the orogenic belt. The source of these sediments may
Details of the tectonic setting of the main uranium re-
have been igneous rocks of deep-seated origin, metamor-
gion in the west-central States are summarized by Oster-
phic rocks, or preexisting sedimentary rocks (Pettijohn,
wald and Dean (1961} for the central Cordilleran fore-
1949, 1957). The sediments were dominantly clastic
and moderately well sorted into muddy, silty, sandy, and land area, and by Kelley ( 1955, 1956) and Shoemaker
pebbly layers. Some of the sandstone beds are arkosic, (1954, 1956c) for the Colorado Plateau (fig. 1).
but chiefly they are quartzose. The low elevation and Tectonic activity contemporaneous with sedimenta-
low relief of the foreland belts and the presence of coal, tion affected many uranium-bearing sandstone forma-
and even saline deposits in places, indicate poor drain- tions. Collapse caused sandstone pipes to develop in
age and perhaps local interior drainage, especially dur- several formations (Hilpert and Moench, 1958; Puffett
ing late stages of deposition. Thus, the pore water in and others, 1957} . Earlier and concurrent folding and
these sediments would have been largely retained as the faulting in underlying beds controlled the courses of




:.... I
(' "'- ... XI " ~
~ ,_ J t:::l
.J..-...L":t':::!::.~........,. ,,
Boundaries of foreland belts
'<. y >-- , ,.... ~~~... 'x ~
., .,,
Olympic (Tertiary) ..... ~ .... !.-!-.!-.!.....,._:,.
Cordilleran (Mesozoic)
_ _ _ _ ...L...L...L_L -" ~ ,-"
.......... .
....... .'..:,.
, ...

Mexican (Tertiary) Ouachita (Paleozoic)
_______ .L_.L_.L_.L
.... . . ....
~ ~
Coastal (Tertiary) Appalachian (Paleozoic) 0 300-MILES
~, '~

FIGURE 3.-Tectonlc setting of uranium deposits in sandstone in the United States. Hachured lines indicate approximate position of orogenic belts. Dotted
line indicates approprimate position of Gulf Coast geosyncline. Age of host rock for uranium deposit indicated by symbol: X, Tertiary; , Mesozoic; 6.,
Paleozoic. Cordilleran foreland boundaries after Osterwald (1961, fig. 1); other boundaries after G. w. Walker and F. W. Osterwald (written commun.,
1957). Continental backbone after Lyons ( 1950).
many streams that deposited the sediments (Stokes and in sandstone beds of shallow-marine and near-shore
Phoenix, 1948; Cater, 1953; Stokes, 1953, 1954b, 1954c; dune origin.
Finnell and Gazdik, 1958 ; MacKall or and others, 1958 ; In Early Triassic time, marine deposits were laid
Eargle, 1960; Sha we, 1962), and also affected the dis- down in the forelands uranium region, whereas con-
tribution of various lithologies and sedimentary tinental deposits were laid down during Late Triassic
structure features. time. In the southern part of the forelands region,
widespread erosion preceded the formation of the Late
Triassic basins centered in Wyoming, Utah, Arizona,
CORDILLERAN-OUACHITA FORELANDS URANIUM New Mexico, and Texas (pl. 2). The basin in south-
western Utah might have been connected to the Cordil-
The name Cordilleran-Ouachita forelands uranium leran geosyncline, where thick sequences of marine and
region is applied to the region of abundant deposits volcanic rocks were deposited. The quartzose, arkosic,
extending from Montana and North Dakota to Arizona and tuffaceous rocks of the Chinle and correlative
and New Mexico and then eastward to Oklahoma and formations were deposited in the Triassic basins partly
Texas. It comprises the Cordilleran and Ouachita fore- as alluvial fans (Miller, 1955) or gravel pediments
lands of Mesozoi.c and Paleozoic ages (fig. 3) . These (Stokes, 1950), and partly as lacustrine beds. Because
forelands border and partly overlap the stable interior the prevailing wind in Late Triassic time was from the
region of the continent, and they are bordered on the northwest (Poole, 1957), the tuffaceous material may
south and west, respectively, by the Cordilleran and have been blown into the basins from the volcanic
Ouachita geosynclines. Most of the uranium region lies centers (pl. 2) in the Cordilleran geosyncline.
west of the continental backbone-a ridge of Precam- Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic deposits covered
brian rocks that extends southwestward from the Cana- an area about 300 miles wide and 650 miles long and
dian shield-and, furthermore, the northeastward trend extended from northern Arizona to central Wyoming
of the principal mining districts parallels the conti- (pl. 2). The Kayenta and Navajo Formations were de-
nental backbone. This forelands uranium region or posited in fluvial and eolian environments in this area.
province also contains other kinds of large uranium ore During Jurassic time, the deposits became more exten-
deposits (Butler and Schnabel, 1956; Klepper and sive and eventually covered an area more than 600
Wyant, 1956') and has been related to tectonic elements miles wide and more than 1,000 miles long that extended
in Precambrian rocks of the Cordilleran foreland by from Arizona into Canada (pl. 2). Fluvial and lacus-
Osterwald (1956). trine environments predominated for most of Jurassic
In this forelands uranium region, marine conditions time, although there were several minor marine in-
prevailed during early and middle Paleozoic time. The vasions. The Morrison Formation and the Cow Springs
depositional basins were less extensive and shallower Sandstone were the last Jurassic units deposited. At
than in the geosynclines, where the Paleozoic rocks are the southwest limit of Upper Jurassic deposits in
several times thicker than in the forelands ( Schuchert, Arizona, the rocks are conglomerate and crossbedded
1955; King, 1959). Most of the early and middle dune sandstone; northward into eastern Utah and
Paleozoic host formations in the foreland were de- western Colorado, the rocks grade into a thick sequence
posited in the littoral environment of transgressive of interbedded fluvial sandstone and mudstone (Craig
epicontinental seas (Sellards, 1933; Thomas, 1952). and others, 1955, figs. 21, 28) ; in the northern two-
These formations contain a few uranium vein deposits. thirds of the area, the rocks are largely intermixed
By the end of Pennsylvanian time, continental sedi- sandstone and shale and shale that was deposited in
mentation became more widespread, especially in lacustrine and mudflat environments (pl. 2). Uranium
Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, where deposits occur in the thick interbedded sandstone and
fresh-water sediments accumulated adjacent to positive shale (mudstone) sequence that was deposited in the
areas of Precambrian rocks in the newly uplifted parts deepest part of the depositional basin. Tuffaceous ma-
of the ancestral Rocky Mountains and the other moun- terial occurs throughout the Jurassic rocks but is most
tains to the southeast (fig. 4). Peneconcordant uranium abundant in the upper member of the Morrison (Waters
deposits in formations of Late Pennsylvanian and and Granger, 1953, p. 5; Keller, 1959). Volcanoes in
Permian ages occur in arkosic sandstone beds of fresh- western Utah and southern Idaho (pl. 2) were the most
water origin near these uplifts. Away from these up- likely sources of this tuffaceous material (Livingston,
lifts and areas of fresh-water deposition, marine and 1932; McKee and others, 1956).
shoreline conditions prevailed. In northwestern ArT- From Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous time there
zona and southern Nevada (fig. 4) vein deposits occur was a transition from continental to marine deposition.


<G I
<G I
> I
~ I I
z I a:J' I I.:"J

~ I

i I



"'--..) UPLIFT

. ----
_ _ _ _ ..\
:----------------+------- I 0
,_ ________ ,\
--------T-- ---- ------ \

... 0 \

~ ~DE, ~ ~
6 I r' I I

~0 \o oo
9, ( ' ' - 'I "" 0
KLAHOMA \ t:::l
"I T 1
'l HJ
~0 0~\GHL~~~

\ ARIZ 0 N A ME X I c0
II '""':r\__
........ .j z
,) 0 0
I MATADfi TEXAs t:::l

_} I
I .
-........... I aqRRo UF>Ltn _____ j
................ I ------

.......... , . . . . . . . . . -.., _j' II \ 100 200 MILES

......______ ---.J "

FIGURE 4.-Distribution of peneconcordant (circle) and vein (triangle) uranium deposits in sandstone beds of Pennsylvanian and Permian ages and of areas
(shaded) where Precambrian rocks were exposed during Late Pemisylvaniann and Permian time in the Southwestern States. Deposits that have yielded
ore 'shown by solid symbol. Areas of Precambrian rocks compiled from Burbank (1933, :fig. 14); Hills (1942, fig. 2); King (1959, :fig. 57); McKee (1951,
pl. 2B); Read and Wood (1947, :fig. 2); Roswell Geological Society (1952); and McKee and others (in press).
In the southern part of the region, the Dakota Sand- cycle are important host rocks of uranium only where
stone was deposited in fluvial, paludal, and lagoonal they fill intermontane basins.
environments, landward to beaches and offshore bars of CALIFORNIA AND NEV.ADA
the transgressing seas. In the northern part of the
region, the fluvial sandstone beds of the Lakota Forma- The close of marine deposition in the Cordilleran
tion, Inyan Kara Group, show an interruption of the geosyncline and the orogeny at the end of the Mesozoic
lacustrine desposition prevalent during Morrison time. left the California and Nevada uranium area high and
The Fall River Formation, which overlies the Lakota, mountainous (Mallory, 1956). During the Tertiary,
was then deposited in fluvial tidal-flat and swamp, alluvial and lacustrine rocks accumulated in fault-block
estuarine, and deltaic environments landward of the basins of the Basip. and Range physiographic province,
transgressing Cretaceous sea (Waage, 1959). Uranium and interbedded and interfingered marine and non-
deposits occur only in the nonmarine facies of the marine rocks were deposited in the troughs between the
dominantly marine Cretaceous rocks. Coast Ranges and the Sierra Nevada. Many kinds of
At th3 beginning of the Tertiary, the ancestral Rocky rocks were deposited, but the uranium deposits occur
Mountains stood high above the surrounding area, and mostly in the tuffaceous and arkosic rocks deposited
then three cycles of sedimentation occurred in the near the close of sedimentation. Most of the deposits
region. Within the Rocky Mountain region, major in California are in two narrow belts th31t parallel the
structural basins-such as the Wind River and Powder intersecting San Andreas and Garlock-Big Pine fault
River Basins, Wyo.; the Uinta Basin, Utah; the South systems.
Park Basin, Colo.; and the San Juan.Basin, N.Mex.-
were evident by Eocene time (fig. 5). Alluvial fans Tertiary sediments were deposited in and adjacent
were deposited along the peripl;lery of the basins, and to the Gulf Coast geosyncline, whose deepest part was
streams carried coarse, poorly sorted arkosic debris, de- just off the present gulf coastline of the United States
rived from Precambrian and younger rocks of the (Kay, 1951, p. 79). Marine transgressions northward
surrounding mountains, into the centers of the basins. onto the deltaic plain or coastal foreland (fig. 3) of this
Volcanic ash was showered into the basins from sources geosyncline resulted in the deposition of interfingered
to the west. The Green River Basin, Wyo., was oc- and interbedded marine, nonmarine, and intermediate
cupied by a lake in which enormous quantities of shale littoral and lagoonal sediments (fig. 5). Plummer
and tuff were deposited. The Rocky Mountains had (1933, p. 526, fig. 29) described nine major marine
been beveled by late Eocene, and the first cycle of sedi- transgressions onto the Texas Coastal Plain. As each
mentation came to an end. Epigenetic uranium de- sea regressed, clastic sediment from older sedimentary
posits are most abundant in the coarse clastic Eocene rocks and ash from volcanoes to the west and north
were deposited by rivers flowing to the sea (Eargle and
rocks of the intermontane basins. Lacustrine shales of
Snider, 1957). The chief uranium-bearing units are
this cycle contain only syngenetic uranium associated
among the ash-bearing fluvial and deltaic sediments
with phosphate (Love and Milton, 1959). laid down on the foreland during the last two or three
The second cycle of sedimentation, mainly during major regressions.
early Miocene time, spread relatively thin layers of
sandstone and finer grained material, much of its tuf-
faceous, in areas of low elevation, but these beds contain The uranium deposits in eastern Pennsylvania and
only a few uranium deposits. Erosion and planation surrounding States are in the Appalachian foreland
of the mountains continued. region, which was the site of the Appalachian geosyn-
In late Miocene time the entire Rocky Mountain re- cline from late Precambrian through the Ordovician, of
the Appalachian foreland (fig. 3) from Devonian to
gion was elevated. Streams carried coarse debris east-
the Early Permian when the Appalachian orogeny oc-
ward from the mountains onto the gentle eastward curred, and of various postorogenic troughs in the Late
slopes of the plains. Volcanic debris also was depos- Triassic. The history of sedimentation, orogeny, and
ited and, as did that in the older formations it too igneous activity in the Appalachian foreland is com-
probably came from the west. This cycle differed ' from plex (Barrell, 1913; Kay, 1951; P. B. King, 1951).
that of Eocene time in that the sediments were de- The uranium -bearing rocks of Devonian, Mississippian,
posited almost exclusively east of the mountains and and Pennsylvanian ages accumulated under continental
not in the intermontane basins. An exception, how- and deltaic conditions on foreland plains in front of
ever, was the alluvium deposited in the Browns Park newly uplifted mountains. The region was positive
Basin in northwestern Colorado. Sandstones of the from Late Permian until Late Triassic when the last

~)- -:-7-----------
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-, -----------~/

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-i-, ________ _J
,, ~\ '~"'\./-~""-../.,
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J--- //
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~: ~3

t-.- - - -

----- J
I -- v '"" ..,,)l,..l \ 1
I -,_,~~
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\J G}a
I I vv"c: \ )

\ / . 8 ~! ---~, ~-----,/
\\ I 100 d>- ) t~ ,----------"( \,
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,/ ~ ;J: I l~, '<v?-',- k/ /

-----2 I I .~ ..."'"'vif"',,-~.'
: y I
~ . .,---____.( l

. . . , ____LJ----\~----J va ~

Area of dominantly continental

Area of dominantly marine
""' "-._X ~--"

........ \

Positive area Area of volcanic activity

.....___ X
Postulated direction of Peneconcordant Vein
sediment transport Uranium deposit

FIGURE 5.-Distribution of uranium deposits in sandstone of Eocene age and the approximate outlines of major sedimentary
basins and positive areas in Eocene time in the Western States. Outlines of basins ~and positive areas modified from maps
by Hunt (1956, p. 78), Eardley (1951, p. 371), and Schuchert (1955, maps 78-80).
Positive areas Sedimentary basins
A. Bl-ack Hills uplift. I. San Rafael swell. 1. Powder River Basin. 9. North Park Basin.
B. Bighorn Mountains. J. Uncompaghre upwarp. 2. Bighorn Basin. 10. Green River Basin.
0. Owl Creek Mountains. K. San Juan Mountains. 3. Wind River Basin. 11. South Park Basin.
D. Wind River Range. L. Kaibab upwarp. 4. Shirley Ba.sin. 12. San Juan Basin.
E. Rock Springs uplift. M. Circle Cliffs upwarp. 5. Bridger and Green River 13. Black Mesa Basin.
F. Laramie Mountains. N. Monument upwarp. Basins. 14. Mississippi embayment.
G. Front Range. 0. Defiance upwarp. 6. Hanna Basin. 15. California troughs.
H. Uinta Range. P. Zuni upwarp. 7. Washakie Basin. 16. Puget trough.
8. Uinta and Green River
great subsidence occurred. The Newark and other TABLE 4.-Dominantly intrinsic elements in sandstone and in
tilt-block or rift troughs were then formed from Nova uranium ore in the Colorado Plateau region
Scotia to the Carolinas. Accumulation of sediment in [Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, Ba, and Sr dominantly authigenic. Abstracted principally from
Shoemaker and others (1959)]
the troughs resulted in thick sequences of fluvial and
estuarine rocks; these rocks are interlayered with dia- Element Mineralogic occurrence Comments

base flows and sills (McKee and others, 1959, pl. 4). SL________ Quartz, feldspar, clay, silicified wood,
One such sequence is the uranium-bearing Newark and chert.
AL_______ Clay (and vanadium clay in the ores),
Group. feldspar, and micas.

CHARACTER OF THE DEPOSITS Fe________ Oxides, sulfides, carbonates, clay, and Some oxides, sulfides, and
detrital heavy minerals. carbonates may be au-
thigenic and extrinsic.
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Mn_______ Carbonates, oxides, and heavy detrital Carbonates and oxides
minerals. locally form ores not
closely associated with
The chemical elements in uranium deposits in sand- uranium (Crittenden,
1951; Baker and others,
stone are classed in two groups. Those elements that 1952).
Mg________ Clay and dolomite _____________________ _ Dolomite may be authigenic.
are dominantly in the sedimentary and diagenetic com- Ca.------- Calcite~ dolomite, gypsum, plagioclase,
and aetrital heavy minerals.
Calcite, dolomite, and
gysum extrinsic in some
ponents of the host rocks are classed as intrinsic, and Na________ Clay, bicarbonates, and plagioclase____ _ ores.
those that dominantly have been added by mineraliza- Ti_________
K--------- Feldspar and claY-----------------------
Detrital heavy minerals and alterations
tion are classed as extrinsic. The intrinsic-element Zr_____ ____ Zircon thereof; in clay fraction as anatase(?).
_________ -------------------------_
composition of the deposits varies somewhat because Ba ________ Interstitial barite________________________ Questionably
some ores.
extrinsic in

of original lithologic differences in the host rocks, but Sr_________ Substitute

for Cain calcite and for Ba in
the major differences in composition are among the Cr ___ ----- Difficult to account for__________________ Extrinsic chrome mica
borders certain deposits.
extrinsic elements-some extrinsic elements that occur B __ ------- Tourmaline ________ ---------------------
are abundant with uranium in some deposits but sparse
in others. Some major differences in the extrinsic com- sociated with uranium in peneconcordant deposits in
position of deposits have a regional pattern and some sandstone. It is more abundant than uranium in de-
have a stratigraphic relation, but generally there is posits in some stratigraphic units and in some areas (fig.
little difference in the composition of deposits at one 6), and such deposits have been the world's principal
stratigraphic position within a mining district (Miesch source of vanadium. These deposits include all those
and others, 1960). in the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation
The elements that are dominantly intrinsic in the in western Colorado and eastern Utah, in the Entrada
uranium deposits in the Colorado Plateau region, and Sandstone in western Colorado, in the Moss Back Mem-
the components in which they occur, are listed in table ber of the Chinle Formation at Temple Mountain, Utah,
4. The same elements, all occurring in much the same and in the Shinarump Member in the Monument Valley
components, are also common in deposits outside the area, Arizona. Some vanadium has also been recovered
Plateau region. In addition to the listed elements, from deposits in the Fall River Formation in South
phosphorus is an intrinsic element in some deposits in Dakota and from the few uranium-productive deposits
sandstone of Tertiary age; in these deposits it occurs . in the Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation
mainly in carbonate fluorapatite as a cementing in western Colorado and part of _eastern Utah. De-
material. posits from which vanadium has been recovered yield
Elements that are dominantly extrinsic in deposits in ores whose average grades range from 1 to 2 percent
certain members of the Chinle and Morrison Formations V 20 5 , except those in the Fall River Formation, whose
in the Colorado Plateau region, their geometric mean average grades are a little lower.
content in barren sandstone and ore, and their enrich- Little or no vanadium is present in uranium deposits
ment factors are listed in table 5. in sandstone beds of Tertiary age in Texas and Wyo-
The average grade of ore mined from the Chinle and
lning, and in most deposits in Nevada and California.
Morrison Formations is about 0.2 percent U 3 0 8-an en-
Deposits in the Shinarump in the White Canyon district,
richment of about 800 times the amount of uranium in
barren sandstone. Uranium has the highest enrichment Utah, and in the Petrified Forest in the Little Colorado
factor of all extrinsic elements, but its average.grade is district, Arizona, contain virtually no vanadium; the
considerably less than that of vanadium and copper in same is true of some deposits in the Moss Back in eastern
many deposits. Utah, whereas others contain small amounts. Most
Most uranium-bearing vein deposits in sandstone con- deposits in the Morrison Formation in New Mexico
tain little or no vanadium, but this metal is widely as- contain only small amounts.


U30a V205
0 0.5 0 0.5 1.0 2.0

TERTIARY Wasatch and Wind River 1:0.04-1:1

1:1.5-1:7 "tj
Fall River Edgemont, S. Oak. ~
Lakota Edgemont, S. Oak. 1:0.2-1:2
Brushy Basin
Colorado and Utah, except 1:2-1:20 c
Blanding area,Utah

Brushy Basin Laguna and Ambrosia Lake 1:0.5-1:2
JURASSIC Westwater 1:0.5-1:2
Canyon Ambrosia Lake, N.Mex.
Salt Wash Western Colorado and 1:2-1:20 t:rJ
eastern Utah "d
Entrada Western Colorado 1:20-1:40 8

Forest Little Colorado, Ariz. 1:0.1-1:0.65 z
Moss Back Temple Mountain,Utah 1:2-1:4 ~t:='
Moss Back
San Rafael, Utah. other
than Temple Mountain
Moss Back Monticello and Moab, Utah 1:0.03-1:3

Shinarump White Canyon, Utah 1:0.03

Shinarump Monument Valley, Ariz. .}~~~ 1:1-1:10

FIGURE 6.-.&pproximate ranges in grades and in ratios of UaOa and V201 for ores from selected stratigraphic units and areas.
TABLE 5.-Geometric mean content of dominantly extrinsic elements in uranium ore and barren sandstone from parts of the
Chinle and Morrison Formations, Colorado Plateau region, and their enrichment factors
Enrichment factor is the estimated geometric mean concentration in the uranium ore divided by the estimated geometric mean in unmineralized sandstone.
Approximate figures based on fewer samples than shown at top of column. From A. T. Miesch (written commun., 1962)]

Chinle Formation, Shinarump and Moss Back Morrison Formation, Salt Wash Member

Geometric mean (percent) Geometric mean (percent)

Enrichment Enrichment
Barren sand- Uranium ore factor Barren sand- Uranium ore factor
stone (97 grab (87 mill-pulp (rounded) stone (97 grab (215 mill-pulp (rounded)
samples) samples 1) samples) samples)

u ____________ ~o. ooo2 0. 16 800 0.00018 0. 15 830

v--- ---------
Cu ___________
~. 002
. 002
. 16
. 0012
. 0017
. 69
. 0090
Ag ___________ ~. 000002 . 00001 ~. 000003 ~. 00005 17
Se ____________ 5
Mo ___________ ~. 00002 . 00067 35 ~. 00003 . 0014 45
~. 00003 0035 120 ~. 00003 ~. 002 65
Pb ___________ ~. 0001 012 120 ~. 00007 . 0096 135
Zn ____________ ~. 001 . 016 16 ~. 0005 . 010 20
Ni ____________ ~. 0003 . 0034 10 ~. 00008 . 00098 12
Co ___________ ~. 0002 . 0035 17 ~. 00005 . 0012 25
As ____________ ~. 0015 . 021 14 ~. 0006 . 0085 14
Sb ____________ ~. 0001 ~. 0003 ~. 00006 ~. 00009
y ____________ ~. 001 . 0024
2 ~. 0002 . 0014
Ba ___________ . 044 . 066 032 . 075 2
Cr ____________ . 0013 . 0031 ------------
2 . 00086 . 0016 2

1 About 7i of these samples are from Temple Mountain, San Rafael district, Utah.

All known vanadium deposits in sandstone contain posits of copper, generally called red-beds type, associ-
uranium, although the deposits in the Entrada contain ated with very little uranium and vanadium, are common
only 0.05-0.1 percent U sOs. in sandstone beds of Permian and Triassic ages in New
Abundant copper is associated with uranium in some Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma; a few deposits of this
vein and peneconcordant deposits (pl. 1). Copper- type occur in other places in the United States.
bearing uranium vein deposits are rather scattered. Silver is very sparse in most peneconcordant uranium
Copper in peneconcordant uranium deposits, on the deposits in sandstone. In the Silver Reef district, Utah,
other hand, has a more systematic distribution pattern however, peneconcordant deposits in the Moenave For-
that is partly stratigraphic and partly geographic. mation yielded nearly $8 million worth of silver from
Copper is most abundant in uranium ores in sandstone 1875 to 1910 (Proctor, 1953). This ore probably aver-
beds of Permian and Triassic ages in the region extend- aged about 15 ounces of silver per ton, roughly 0.05 per-
ing from southern Utah to Oklahoma and northern cent Ag, an enrichment factor of 25,000 times the
Texas. Within this region, copper is most conspicuous geometric mean silver content of samples from the
in the peneconcordant uranium deposits in the Shina- Chinle Formation (table 5). These deposits also con-
rump Member of the Chinle Formation in the White tained appreciable amounts of copper, vanadium, and
Canyon district, southeastern Utah, where the average selenium, and in the 1950's they yielded some uranium
copper content of some deposits is as much as 1 percent. ore. Small amounts of silver have been recovered from
A few scattered uranium deposits in sandstone beds a few uranium-bearing vein deposits-for example,
of other geologic ages contain conspicuous amounts of those deposits from the Silver Cliff mine, Niobrara
copper (pl. 1 ) , but most deposits contain only trace County, Wyo., which also has yielded a little uranium
amounts and many contain no recognizable copper min- ore, the Lady Bell mine, Eagle County, Colo., and the
erals. In .general, peneconcordant uranium deposits Cashin mine, Montrose Oounty, Colo. (table 2}.
that are rich in copper contain very little vanadium, Selenium is abundant in many Colorado Plateau ores,
though there are exceptions such as the deposits in the especially in the Thompsons and San Rafael districts,
lowest sandstone bed in the Salt Wash Member of the Utah, and in ores from some Tertiary sandstone in
Morrison Formation in Montrose County, Colo., where Wyoming and other States (Davidson, 1963}. Al-
the ore averages about 1 percent copper, 1-2 percent though its average grade is generally less than half the
V205, and 0.2-0.3 percent U aOs. Peneconcordant de- average uranium grade, recovery of selenium from a few

uranium ores has been considered. In the Chinle and marked enrichment in sulfides from ore over those from
Morrison ores, its enrichment factor is relatively high barren rock in the Gas Hills district, Wyoming (R. G.
(table 5). Coleman, written commun., 1959). As much as 0.05
Molybdenum is widespread, and it has a moderately percent arsenic occurs in uranium ores from the Edge-
high enrichment factor (table 5). Its minerals have mont district, South Dakota ( Gott and Schnabel, 1963).
been identified in uranium ores from the Jackson Group, Barium is only slightly enriched in most uranium de-
Karnes County, Tex.; the Wind River Formation, Gas posits in sandstone. A single report of barite produc-
Hills district, Wyoming; the Inyan Kara Group, Edge- tion is recorded from ores of only one district: the
mont district, South Dakota; and several formations in uranium-bearing veins in the Wingate and Kayenta
the Colorado Plateau region. Formations in Richardson Basin, Grand County, Utah
Lead occurs in nearly all of the uranium ores and is (pl.1, table 2; Parsons, 1913).
most noticeable in unoxidized ores as sparse minute The dominantly intrinsic element manganese is very
particles of galena. Lead and zinc minerals, however, abundant in some uranium ores: namely, those from the
form ore in several veins containing uranium in north- Kayenta Formation a;t the Yellow Jeep mine, Coconino
ern Arizona (pl. 1) . The isotopes of lead in the sand- County, Ariz., from the Chinle Formation at the Jasper
stone ores consist of nonradiogenic Pb 204 and of claim, San Juan County, Utah, and from the Wasatch
radiogenic Pb206 and Pb207 . In addition to the radio- Formation at many localities in Campbell, Johnson, and
genic lead formed since ore deposition, a considerable Converse Counties, Wyo. ('table 2).
amount is present apparently as an original constituent, Chromium is nearly absent in uranium ore bodies,
either intrinsic or precipitated rut the time of ore deposi- but it is concentrated in epigenetic bands and layers close
tion ('Stieft' and Stern, 1956). The Colorado Plateau to many of them-for example, in the Entrada, Chinle,
ores contain very little of the isotope Pb 208 . and Wingate Formations in the Colorado Plateau region
Although zinc, nickel, cobalt, and arsenic have been (Hawley, 1957; Bush and others, 1959; Fischer, 1960).
enriched in some Colorado Plateau ores more than cop- As much as a few tenths of a percent Cr20s occurs in
per (table 5) , their average grades are extremely low some layers. Similar occurrences in sandstone in the
and their minerals are rare. Nickel is more abundant Mecsek Mountains, Hungary, have been described by
than cobalt in iron sulfides from ores and barren rocks Kiss (1958).
of the Wind River and Wasatch Formations in the Gas A few elements occur so rarely in noticeable concen-
Hills and Powder River Basin districts, Wyoming trations as to warrant only a mention here; they include
(R. G. Coleman, written commun., 1959; Sharp and rhenium associated with molybdenum in Chinle ores at
Gibbons, 1964). In the Colorado Plateau ores, how- the Sun Valley mine, Coconino County, Ariz. (Petersen
ever, nickel is commonly less abundant than cobalt. and others, 1959) and in Inyan Kara ores at the Runge
Studies of sulfides from various metalliferous ores and mine, Fall River County, S. Dak. (Myers and others,
rocks have shown that nickel-cobalt ratios greater than 1960), and cadmium in a few primary vanadiferous
1 : 1 are typical of sulfides of sedimentary origin, Colorado Plateau ores (Weeks and others, 1959).
whereas those less than 1 : 1 are typical of sulfides of
magmatic origin (Fleischer, 1955, p. 1004).
Few ores have been analyzed for sulfur, but many The intensive mineralogic studies of uranium during
determinations of sulfur isotope rrutios of sulfides 1948-59 resulted in the description of more than 30 new
( S 32 : S 34 ) have been made on ores from more than 50 uranium minerals, many of which came from sandstone
uranium deposits in sandstone in the United States. ores (Frondel and Weeks, 1958). In addition, several
The ranges in isotope ratios of sulfides from penecon- compilations of descriptive uranium mineralogy were
cordant and vein ores in various formations are sum- published (Weeks and Thompson, 1954; Frondel and
marized graphically on figure 7. The graph shows that Fleischer, 1955; Frondel, 1958), and several detailed
the sulfur isotope ratios of sulfides from sandstone ores discussions of the mineralogy of sandstone ores were
are distinctly more variable than those of sulfides from written (Weeks, 1956; Laverty and Gross, 1956; Weeks
igneous rocks and magmatic ores. The extensive frac- and others, 1959; T. L. Finnell and W. I. Finch, written
tionation of the sulfur in the sandstone ores is probably commun., 1959).
due to anerobic bacteria (Thode and others, 1949; Feely Uranium minerals identified in sandstone ores and
and Kulp, 1957). their formulas are listed in table 6. Relatively little
Arsenic is particularly abundant at Temple Mountain, has been reported on the abundance of the various
Utah, where there is evidence of past strong hot-spring minerals in individual deposits or districts (Botinelly
aotivity. Outside the Colorado Plateau, arsenic shows and Weeks, 1957).
Peneconcordant deposits _________________________ I I I
Tertiary sandstones: ..f\ T 'f'
Goliad Sand (Palangana dome, Texas) _______________ u 3/0
Wind River Formation (Gas Hills district, Wyoming) _______ I I I
"' I 'f'

Cretaceous sandstones: I
No data.
Jurassic sandstones:
Morrison Formation: I
Jackpile sandstone of local usage (laguna district, New
Mexico) _____________________________ I I ~

Westwater Canyon Member (Ambrosia Lake district, New

Mexico) ______________________________ ll 1'

Salt Wash Member (Uravan mineral belt, Colorado) ______

Entrada Sandstone (Rifle district, Colorado) ___________
I i I}

Triassic sandstones:
Chinle Formation:
Moss Back Member (various districts, Utah)_ _________ I !
Petrified Forest Member (Little Colorado district, Arizona) ___ ~~(/) L._j
Shinarump Member (White Canyon district, Utah, and =>lw
0:: I-
Monument Valley district, Arizona) ______________ ulo::
(/) 0
,.. ll'

Stockton Formation (Hunterdon County, New Jersey) _______

Ilwt;j I
Permian sandstones:
Cutler Formation (Monticello district, Utah) ____________ I I
Rush Springs Sandstone (Cement, Oklahoma) ___________ 0o::lo u~ LL.
LL. w 2/2

Devonian sandstones:
~ <(
Catskill Formation (Columbia and Bradford Counties, Penn
sylvania) ___________________ - ___ -- ___ --
0:: w
<( ~

Vein deposits ________________________________ I I -If\

Cretaceous sandstones:
South Platte Formation (Jefferson County, Colorado) ______ I I I

Jurassic sandstones:
I '1\

Morrison Formation: I
(los Ochos mine, Saguache County, Colorado) _________
(Woodrow mine, Valencia County, New Mexico) ________ I
li J
'I' If\

Triassic and Permian sandstones:

Dolores and Cutler Formations (Black King mine, San Miguel
County, Colorado) ________ .: ________________
~I l/5

Paleozoic sandstones:
Coconino, Hermit, and Supai(?) Formations (Orphan mine,
Coconino County, Arizona>--------------------
I L__j
Various rocks and ores:
Sulfides of sedimentary origin (C) ___________________ I

Red beds copper deposits (A, D) ____________________ I I I

Evaporites (C) ______________________________ 1 ~
Magmatic uranium ores in igneous and metamorphic rocks
(Central City, Colorado, and Marysvale, Utah) (A) _________ IL1..---J
Meteorites (B) ______________________________
Magmatic ores (C) ____________________________ 1
Ii ~ L

Siliceous igneous rocks (C) _______________________
Mafic igneous rocks (C) _________________________
21.00 23.00

~~ 14/6
Range in isotqpe ratios for non- Range in isotope ratios for ura-
uraniferous sulfide samples niferous sulfide samples taken Number of samples-uraniferous/
taken near uranium ore in sand- from sandstones and for sulfur- non uraniferous
stone bearing minerals from various
rocks and ores

FIGURE 7.-Graph of the ranges in sulfur isotope ratios for uranium deposits in sandstone and for various
other types of rocks and ores. Sources of data for other rocks and ores: (A) M. L. Jensen and 0. W. Field
(written commun., 1960); (B) Jensen (1958); (C) Ault and Kulp (1960); and (D) Phillips (1960).

TABLE 6.-Uranium minerals identified in sandstone de- CONCEPT OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY MINERALS
posits and their formulas alphabetized according to chemical
groups In all the known deposits below the zone of oxida-
[Formulas from Frondel (1958)]
tion, uranium and vanadium occur as low-valent oxides
Mineral Formula
and silicates, and iron, copper, lead, and zinc occur as
Uranium arsenate minerals: common sulfide minerals. These minerals are consid-
Zeunerite _________ Cu(U02)2(As0,)2-10-16H20
Metazeunerite _____ Cu(U02)2(As0,)28H20 ered to be primary. The vanadium silicates are stable
Uranospinite____ __ Ca(U02h(AsO,),.tOH20
Abernathyite ______ K2(U02)2(AsO,h8H20 under oxidizing conditions, but the uranium oxide
Novacekite _______ Mg(U02)2(AsO,h8-lOH20 uraninite and the silicate coffinite, the vanadium oxides,
Troegerite_------- H2(U02)2(AsO,h8H20 and the various sulfides oxidize readily and form simple
Uranospathite_ _ _ _ Probably Cu(U02) 2(As0 4, P04h
llH20 to complex secondary minerals. This concept. of pri-
Uranium carbonate minerals:
Schroeekingerite___ NaCas(U02) (COa)a(SO,)FlOH20 mary and secondary minerals fits well with theoretical
Andersonite _______ N aaCa(U02) (COsh6H20 chemistry, laboratory experiments, and nearly all the
Bayleyite _________ Mg2(U02) (COahl8H20
Rutherfordine _____ (U02) (COs) field evidence (Garrels, 1953, 1955; Garrels and Larsen,
Liebigite _________ Caa(U02) (COahlOH20 1959 ; Garrels and Christ, 1959; Evans, 1959).
Rabbittite ___ -- _-- CaaMga(U02h(COs)&(OH)
l8H20 The change from primary to secondary ore is grad-
Swartzite __ ------ CaMg(U02)(COshl2H20 ual and in vanadiferous ores is very complex. Primary
Uranium molybdate
mineral: Umohoite___ (U02) (MoO.) ores are generally black, and the early changes may be
Uranium oxide minerals: scarcely recognizable. Some of these changes are ( 1)
Uraninite ________ U02 (ideal)
Becquerelite~----- 2UOs3H20 an increase in 6-valent uranium in the uraninite struc-
Gummite_ __ ______ Fine-grained mixture ture, ( 2) pseudomorphic replacement of montroseite
consisting in part of hydrated
oxides. by paramontroseite, and (3) redistribution of ore into
Schoepite _________ Approximately 4 UOa-9H20 postmineralization fractures as a sooty variety of ura-
Fourmarierite_ ____ Probably Pb U,Ots7H20
Ianthinite_ _ ______ Approximately 2U02 7H20 ninite, as crystals of coffinite, or as crystals of para-
Uranium phosphate montroseite. Redistributed ores have been mapped in
Autunite_-------- Ca(U02h(P0,)210-12H20 the Ambrosia Lake district, New Mexico, and are
Meta-autunite____ Ca(U02h(POc)28?H20 characteristically purplish brown (Granger and others,
Torbernite_ _ _ _ ___ Cu(U02h(POhl2H20
Metatorbernite____ Cu(U02)2(POh8H20 1961).
Uraniferous car- As oxidation proceeds, uranium in nonvanadiferous
patite _________ _ ores forms hydrous oxides or is dispersed in a black
Uranocircite ______ Unknown.
Phosphuranylite ___ Ca(U02)c(P0,)2(0H),.7H20 amorphous colloidal phase (Weeks and Truesdell,
Sabugalite ________ HAl(U02),(PO,),.l6H20 1958). In vanadiferous ores, 3-valent vanadium ox-
Bassetite_ ________ Fe(U02h(P0,)2.8H20
Saleeite __________ Mg(U02h(P0,)2-8-IOH20 ides alter to 4- and 5-valent vanadium minerals. The
Dewindtite _______ Probably Pba(U02)G(PO,),(OH)o partly oxidized vanadiferous ores are characteris-
Uranium silicate tically bluish and greenish black. Complete oxidation
minerals: of the uranium ores generally results in a few very in-
Coffinite __________ U(SiO,)t.z(OH)u
Uranophane ______ Ca(U02)2(Si0ah(OH)2.5H20 soluble 6-valent uranium minerals. The completely
Beta-uranophane_ _ Ca(U02)2(Si0ah(OH)25H20 oxidized ores are characteristically yellow or green and
Uraniferous opaL_
Cuprosklodowskite_ Cu(U02)2(Si0ah(0Hh5H20 mottled brown. The degree of oxidation of a uranium
Sklodowskite______ Mg(U02)2(Si0a)2(0Hh5H20 deposit depends upon its nearness to the land surface,
Soddyite_ _ _______ (U02)&(Si0,)2(0H)a.5H20
Boltwoodite_ _ _ ___ K2(U02)2(Si0s)2(0Hh5H20 its relation to the topography, and the local climatic
Kasolite __________ Probably Pb(U02) (SiOa) (OH)t and ground-water conditions.
Weeksite_ ________ K2(U0 2)2(Sia0~)s4H20
Uranium sulfate In some deposits, 6-valent uranium minerals prob-
minerals: ably are primary in the sense of forming first rather
Johannite ________ Cu(U02)2(S04)2(0H)26H20
Uranopilite _______ (U02)6(SO,) (Oif)w12H20 than resulting from the oxidation of earlier minerals
Zippeite______ ---- K.(U02)o(SO,)s(OH)toH20
Uranium vanadate in the deposit. In these deposits, the 6-valent uranium
minerals: minerals formed from the evaporation of uranium-
Carnotite _________ K2(U02)2(V0,)2l-3H20
Tyuyamunite _____ Ca (U02) (VOh S-8%H20 bearing ground water above the water table; the term
Metatyuyamunite_ Ca(U0 2)2(V04)23<-5H20 "caliche deposits" has been suggested for them by Bell
Rauvite __ -------- Ca0-2UOs5V20&16H20
Uvanite_ _________ 2UOa3V20&15H20 ( 1954). They are common in California, Nevada, and
Sengierite ___ ----- Suggested to be Cu(U02h southern Arizona. Most caliche deposits of uranium
(V0,) 28-10H20
are small and nonproductive, but the schroeckingerite
deposit at Lost Creek, Sweetwater County, Wyo., and aggregates, and crystalline masses. These minerals
the carnotite-bearing veins at Richardson Basin, Grand occupy pores of the sandstone and replace sand grains
County, Utah, have been mined (table 2). and fossil wood. The vanadium silicates are all mi-
caceous and consist of roscoelite [K(Al, V)2(Al, Sis)
01o ( OH, F) 2] and vanadium-bearing chlorite and hy-
Uraninite, an oxide, and coffinite, a silicate, are the drqus mica. These minerals are clearly epigenetic, for
principal primary uranium minerals; both are black they coat sand grains as minute flakes standing normal
and contain 4-valent uranium. Uraninite occurs to the grain surface and partly or completely fill pores
chiefly as hard lustrous grains, either dense and struc- of the sandstone. In addition, vanadium also mineral-
tureless or microbotryoidal, but also as fairly large izes sedimentary and authigenic clay minerals in which
masses free of associatted minerals (Laverty and Gross, i~t substitutes for aluminum in the lattice structure
1956). The microbotryoidal uraninite is somewhat (Foster, 1959).
similar to the relatively large spheroidal uraninite so The primary copper minerals are sulfides, mainly
characteristic of uranium-bearing veins in igneous and chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite, and covellite. Eooh
metamorphic rocks (Kidd and Haycock, 1935; Ever- mineral may occur as discrete particles or in inter-
hart and Wright, 1953; Finch, 1959a, p. 142). Coffin- growth and replacement relations with another mineral.
ite is softer and less lustrous than uraninite and is Exsolution, lattice intergrowth, or guided replacement
mostly very fine grained and intergrown with other occurs in places. The copper sulfides most commonly
minera~s. In peneconcordant deposits, coffinite and replace pyrite in plant fossils.
uraninite mainly replace fossil wood and the sandstone Primary silver minerals are reported in only a few
immediately adjacent to it, but they also are dissem- deposits. Eucairite ( CuAgSe) occurs as small nodules
inaJted in pores of the sandstone. Uraninite preferen- in the vanadiferous deposit at the Cougar mine, San
tially replaces the cell walls of fossil wood, whereas Miguel County, Colo., and argentite occurs in the deeper
coffinite fills the cell lumens; in places, both have re- workings in the Silver Reef district, Utah. Argentif-
placed earlier iron and copper sulfides in the plant erous copper sulfides form ore valu~ble for silver in
fossils. In vein deposits these uranium minerals occur several uranium-bearing vein deposits in Colorado.
mainly in open fractures. Sooty uraninite occurs in Pyrite and (or) marcasite occur in nearly every un-
places in fractures in partly oxidized peneconcordant oxidized uranium deposit in sandstone and form as
deposits. much as 10 percent of the ore in some. These minerals
Although uraninite and coffinite commonly occur to- have at least three habits of occurrence. Very small
gether, one is more abundant than the other in certain grains of iron sulfide are scattered through the min-
groups of deposits. U raninite dominates in most de- eralized and barren sandstone and associated beds, and
posits in the Chinle Formation in the San Rafael, probably these are diagenetic. Coarser grained iron
White Canyon, and Monument Valley districts, Utah sulfides are intimately associated with some of the ore
and Ari21ona, whereas coffinite dominates in the ores in minerals, especially those that replace plant fossils;
the Morrison Formation in the Ambrosia Lake and some of these sulfides probably replaced the fossils
Laguna districts, New Mexico, in the Inyan Kara before uranium mineralization occurred and some pos-
Group in the Edgemont district, South Dakota, and in sibly accompanied this mineralization. In places, iron
many deposits in sandstone of Tertiary age in sulfides, some of which may be younger than the ore
Wyoming. minerals, partly fill fractures in the ore and adjacent
Uraniferous carbonate fluorapatite occurs in phos- barren sandstone. Some of the pyrite occurring with
phatic sandstone, siltstone, and tuff in several localities uranium minerals and plant fossils in deposits at the
(table 2) ; it is particularly abundant in deposits in the Happy Jack (loc. 125, table 2) and Mi Vida mines,
Gas Hills district, Wyoming. Uranium has been sub- San Juan County, Utah, is framboidal (C. W. Field,
stituted into the carbonate fluorapatite structure ( Alt- written commun., 1960). Such texture may be due
.schuler and others, 1958), probably during primary either to colloidal deposition or replacement of sulfate-
mineralization. reducing bacteria (Bastin, 1950, p. 30-31; Love, 1958).
Some of the iron sulfides contain selenium, cobalt, and
nickel (Coleman and Delevaux, 1957; Weeks and others,
The primary vanadium minerals are also low-valent 1959).
oxides and silicates. Haggite [V202(0H)s] and the Small amounts of galena, sphalerite, jordisite,
more abundant montroseite [VO ( OH)] are black greenockite (rare), native arsenic, realgar, ferroselite
bladed minerals that occur as single crystals, crystal (FeS 2), and other minerals occur in primary ores.

Galena is very widespread and is commonly ac- doloresite (3V2044H20), duttonite [VO(OH)2], cor-
companied by the selenide clausthalite (PbSe) in a vusite (V2046V20snH20), and navajoite (V20s
solid-solution series in ores from the Colorado Plateau 3H20); the vanadite simplotite (CaV4095H20); and
(Coleman, 1959) and from the Catskill Formation in numerous vanadates, of which pascoite (CaaV1o028
Pennsylvania (Klemic and Warman, 1957). These two 16H20), hewettite ( CaV60 16 9H20), and volborthite
minerals are commonly associated with a green chro- [Cua (V04h 8H20] are conspicuous (Weeks and
mium-bearing micaceous mineral. others, 1959, p. 68). Many of these vanadates form
The chief carbonate in primary ore is calcite, but iron, only if there is more vanadium present than that needed
manganese, and magnesium carbonates are locally to form uranium vanadates from the uranium available.
abundant. Dolomite is especially abundant near ore The most common secondary copper mineral is ma-
deposits at Temple Mountain, Utah, and siderite occurs lachite; less common are azurite, cuprite, and brochant-
in deposits in the Edgemont district, South Dakota. ite. Native copper and some copper sulfides are
(Bell and others, 1956). probably secondary (supergene) in some partly oxidized
The most abundant sulfate in the primary ore is ores.
barite. Gypsum is rare. The most abundant secondary minerals associated
Hematite stains calcite associated with uraninite or with the ore minerals are hydrous iron oxides; less abun-
coffinite in many primary ores, for example, at the Mi dant are oxides, carbonates, and sulfates of iron and
Vida ~ine, San Juan County, Utah, and at several other metals.. The minerals include goethite, lepido-
mines in the Edgemont district, South Dakota (Bell crocite, jarosite, hematite, calcite, gypsum, manganese
and Bales, 1955). These occurrences of hematite may oxides, ilsemannite, and various pinkish encrustations
be analogous to those in hydrothermal pitchblende containing cobalt.
veins (Lang, 1952, p. 25-27; Beck and others, 1958). ORE TEXTURES
SECONDARY MINERALS The ore and accessory minerals in uranium deposits
The secondary minerals are formed of elements and in sandstone are mostly very fine grained. They
ions derived from the primary minerals, from the in- mainly coat sand grains, partly or completely filling the
trinsic host constituents, and from migrating ground available pore spaces. A partial to complete replace-
and surface waters. (See Garrels and Christ, 1959, for ment of the sand grains and the cementing minerals
detailed chemical reactions and products.) occurs in places, especially near fossil wood. Replace-
The secondary uranium minerals, listed in table 6, ment of fossil wood by minerals is common; uraninite,
consist of a wide variety of 6-valent uranium arsenates, coffinite, montroseite, and iron and copper sulfides are
carbonates, hydrous oxides, phosphates, silicates, sul- the most common replacing minerals. Many of these
fates, and vanadates. The chief yellow secondary min- replacements form cylindrical masses of rich ore, which
erals are the hydrous vanadates, carnotite and tyuyam- are called logs whether or not they contain any fossil
unite, which are abundant in the Colorado Plateau wood (Coffin, 1921, p. 164) ; at the Monument No.2 mine,
region and in the Northern Black Hills and Edgemont Apache County, Ariz., where they are very abundant,
districts, South Dakota and Wyoming, and the hydrous they have been called rods (Witkind, 1956a). Partial
silicate uranophane, which is abundant in the Wyoming to complete filling of fractures is common in vein de-
Basin ores (table 2). The chief green secondary min- posits but rare in peneconcordant deposits except in
erals are the phosphate metatorbernite, which is abun- oxidized ore, where secondary minerals are common in
dant at the Hack Canyon mine, Coconino County, Ariz., fracture fillings.
and the arsenate metazeunerite, which occurs in the PARAGENESIS
White Canyon and San Rafael districts, Utah, and in The general paragenetic sequence consists of numer-
the Ow1 Creek Mountains and Gas Hills districts, ous overlapping stages that cannot be clearly separated,
Wyoming. The dark uranium vanadate rauvite is an particularly from the diagenetic stage. The earliest
abundant but inconspicuous mineral in partly oxidized detrital and authigenic constituents of the host rocks
vanadiferous ore. The uranium carbonate and sulfate include quartz, feldspar, volcanic debris, fossil wood,
minerals are rare because they are very soluble. Sec- heavy minerals, sedimentary clay, and pyrite; the com-
ondary uranium minerals in deposits containing little mon cementing minerals are authigenic carbonate, silica,
or no vanadium, copper, or phosphorus consist mainly and clay. Devitrification of glass in the volcanic debris
of becquerelite and gummite. provided silica and resulted in the formation of some
In addition to the uranium vanadates, the secondary clay minerals. Late authigenic or earliest introduced
vanadium minerals consist of the vanadium oxides minerals include pyrite, the carbonates, quartz, and feld-
spar; "asphaltite" was also introduced at this time. A or abrupt. Those parts that are thick enough and rich
small part of the ore minerals, particularly of vana- enough to mine comprise the ore bodies; they have
dium, was deposited before some quartz overgrowths various shapes and sizes.
formed and is possibly early authigenic (Garrels and Most ore bodies tend to be elongate, and their long
Larsen, 1959, pt. 21, p. 233; Fischer, 1960, p. 26), and in axes are commonly parallel to the long axis of the sand-
places much of the "asphaltite" was deposited earlier stone lens or channel in which the deposit occurs. The
than quartz overgrowths ( S. R. Austin, written com- thicker parts of an ore layer also are commonly elongate
mun., 1960). Most of the ore minerals and various as- and trend in the same direction as the ore body. Many
sociated sulfides and carbonates were deposited as void of these thicker masses of ore are in part cylindrical,
fillings and replacements after diagenesis. Solution bounded by one or two well-defined edges of ore that
and replacement of some silica accompanied the main curve smoothly across the bedding. Although their
stage of deposition in places and may have provided forms are different in detail, these masses are commonly
silica for some late quartz overgrowths. Some deposi- called rolls because of their curved surfaces (fig. 8).
tion of "asphaltite," or perhaps its redistribution, took The rolls have some concretionary habits; in addition to
place after the deposition of the uranium minerals their curved surfaces, some are composed of concentric
(Rosenzweig and others, 1954). A posturaninite stage bands of rich and lean ore, and some are bordered by
of copper sulfide formation in some ores may be thin layers of accessory minerals.
supergene enrichment. Some deposits are composed virtually of a single roll,
Oxidation produced pseudomorphic secondary miner- commonly C-shaped in cross section. Many of these
als and caused a redistribution of some metals and their are only a few feet across and no more than a few tens
re-forming into new minerals outward from their of feet long, and contain less than 100 tons of ore. In
original position. the Shirley Basin, Wyo., however, several million tons
of high-grade ore has been developed in large elongate
ore bodies that are crudely C-shaped in cross section.
Peneconcordant uranium deposits are dominantly These ore bodies are as much as a few tens of feet wide
layers, roughly tabular or lenticular, and visually recog- and high and a few thousand feet long. They border
nizable by the ore and associated minerals that impreg- and partly enclose the rounded margins of extensive
nate the sandstone. The concentration of these miner- tongues of altered sandstone (Harshman, 1962).
als may fade vertically and horizontally, and such layers In addition to the elong3ite rolls having some con-
are poorly defined; generally, however, these minerals cretionary habits, small ore 'bodies even more concretion-
are sharply limited in distribution, and the layers are ary are widespread but rarely abundant. In the
well defined. The layers are nearly parallel to the Powder River Basin, Wyo., however, spherical nodules
bedding of the host sandstone, but in detail they do not a few inches to a foot across are abundant; these are
follow the bedding consistently and are not restricted to referred to locally as "pumpkins." They consist of
certain beds; rather, they are irregularly undulant in irregular zones and concentric layers of minerals that
habit, and commonly they cut across bedding and beds impregnate and partly repl3!Ce sandstone. U raninite
with no apparent regard for them. Some layers split and pyrite, 'associated or not with oxidized products of
in two, in places with a thin bed of mudstone between these minerals, occupy the central part of the nodules,
them, and elsewhere with only barren sandstone be- which generally are encased in a zone of manganese and
tween. In other places, two or more overlapping layers iron oxides (Sharp and others, 1964). In the Monte-
occur within a thick sandstone unit, with no apparent zuma Oanyon area, San Juan County, Utah, ellipsoidal
connection between them. Generally, however, the bodies consist of cores of barren iron-stained sandstone
deposits consist of only single layers. as much as 10 feet thick and 40 feet across, which are
The mineralized layers vary greatly in dimension. enclosed by shells of uranium- and vanadium-bearing
Some are only a few feet across, whereas others extend sandstone a few inches to a few feet thick; the surround-
many hundreds of feet. In the Placerville district, ing host rock is barren gray sandstone (Huff and
Colorado, recent erosion has removed some of the ore- Lesure, 1962).
bearing Entrada Sandstone, but before erosion the min- In many vein deposits the ore bodies are also crudely
eralized layer probably extended over an area 1-11h tabular, but they follow fr3JCtures th3Jt cross the bedding,
miles wide and at least 10 miles long (Bush and others, commonly at steep angles. In places, however, subordi-
1959). Layers range in thickness from a few inches to nate masses of ore extend out from fractures as layers
several tens of feet, but mostly they are only a few feet or tongues along bedding planes or favorable beds. Ore
thick. The change in thickness may be either gradual bodies in sandstone pipes or collapsed plugs are com-
280-261 0-67-6



uranium layer



uranium ore





0 5 FEET
I 1 I I

FIGURE 8.-0ross sections of roll ore bodies of the Colorado Plateau region.
Modified from Shawe (1956).

monly irregular in shape, but generally their configura- (2 percent) of the 322 deposits contained more than
tion is controlled by the bounding fractures. 100,000 tons of ore each (fig. 9), but in aggregate 75
Deposits range in size from small pods and logs of less percent of the total tonnage.
than a ton of mineralized rock to those containing more
than a million tons of ore. Peneconcordant deposits
span the entire size range, but most vein deposits con- Alteration of the host sandstone beds and associated
tain less than 1,000 tons of ore, and only a few contain rocks is common near uranium deposits, hut the nature
more than 100,000 tons (Butler and others, 1962). The of the alteration differs somewhwt from place to place.
distribution by size classes of 322 deposits in sandstone In places the alteration was moderately intensive, and
beds of Triassic age in the Colorado Plateau region that in some of these places the alteration has been related to
had been mined or developed through 1953 is shown on ore deposition or some other specific geologic phenome-
figure 9. About 73 percent of these deposits contained non. In general, however, the alteration was of low
less than 1,000 tons each, and in aggregate only about 4 intensity, and is recognized mainly by color changes.
percent of the total tonnage (fig. 10), whereas only 7 In most places this alteration cannot be separated clearly
from diagenetic changes in the rocks; for this reason it 1955; Phoenix, 1957; Cadigan, in Stewart and others,
has not been definitely related to the process of ore 1959, p. 556; Newman and Elston, 1959; Keller, 1959,
mineralization, though the special coincidence of ore 1962; Newman, 1962), and in places pyrite in the altered
deposits and altered rocks strongly suggests mutual mudstone. Likewise, there is little or no difference in
genetic relations. In most places the ore-bearing solu- the mineral and chemical composition of the unaltered
tions obviously were nearly in equilibrium with the host and altered sandstone except that detrital grains of
rocks, and irt is difficult to find unequivocal evidence, magnetite were destroyed and some pyrite formed in
other than the existence of the ore minerals themselves the altered rock ( Shawe and others, 1959; Austin,
of effects on the rocks from the solutions that carried 1960) ; it is also obvious that the red (hematite~) stain
the ore minerals (Keller, 1959). on sand grains in unaltered sandstone was either origi-
Many of the host rocks and associated strata are nally lacking in the altered rock or was destroyed during
characteristically red, but near uranium deposits they alteration.
commonly are light shades of brown, yellow, gray, or The alteration in mudstone commonly extends a few
green, or are white. In many sandstone beds this color hundred feet away from ore deposits and that in sand-
change is not conspicuous, though it is evident, but mud- stone eX1tends a few hundred to several thousand feet
stone layers within and immediately above and below away. The dominant reactions causing this alteration
the ore-hearing sandstone have commonly been changed were evidently reducing-ferric oxide was reduced to
from bright red to gray or green. Comparative studies ferrous oxide, and pyrite was formed. The abundance
of unaltered and altered mudstone show little or no
difference in .the mineral and chemical composition of
the two except less ferric oxide and more ferrous oxide 75.0

in the altered rock (Weeks, 1953; Finch, 1954; Huff,



0 40
en w
~ 80 (!)
w <(
0 t-
u. w
0 ()
a:: ~ 30
~ 60




FIGURE 10.-Histogram show'ing the percentage of total ore by
FIGURE 9.-Graph showing distribution of deposits by size in size of deposits in sandstone beds of Triassic age in the Colo-
sandstone beds of Triassic age in the Colorado Plateau region. rado Plateau region. Production through 1953 plus indicated
Production through 1953 plus indicated and inferred reserves. and inferred reserves.

of fossil wood in and near many deposits might have of original formation) of a uranium deposit. Geo-
been responsible for or may have contributed to this logic relations, however, commonly suggest only a rela-
reducing environment, but evidence is lacking as to the tive age-the time of mineralization relative to one or
time of tthis alteration in relation to the time of ore dep- more other geologic events, which may or may not be
osition. Nevertheless, the color changes in the sand- closely dated. Determinations of isotopic ratios yield
stone and mudstone caused by alteration have been ages in years, but these calculations yield true ages only
useful exploration tools in various areas (Weir, 1952; if the geologic history of the deposit can be accurately
McKay, 1955c; Hilpert and Freeman, 1956; Isachsen interpreted.
and Evensen, 1956). Only epigenetic deposits-those having ore minerals
Somewhat in contrast to the relations just described, which in their present form were introduced after the
in which the deposits are in sandstone where hematite host rocks accumulated-are considered in this report.
probably was altered or removed by reduction, are those Studies based on the geologic field relations of these de-
in the Powder River Basin, Wyo. (Sharp and others, posits have yielded only relative ages (relative to other
1964), and in the northeastern part of the Black Hills, geologic events) . Such ages, for most deposits, fall into
S. Dak. (Vickers, 1957), where the deposits all border very broad limits of time.
areas of sandstone stained red by hematite; the hema- Many peneconcordant deposits are in areas of slight
tite probably formed at the same time as the uranium to moderate deformation, which are characterized by
gentle tilting and some faulting and jointing. Al-
In the Shirley Basin, Wyo., well-defined and exten- though published ideas differ as to the relation of
sive tongues of greenish-yellow altered sandstone, 10- the age of the deposits to the age of this deformation,
50 feet wide and several miles long, project through many geologists believe that most peneconcordant de-
thick beds of unaltered gray sandstone. The unaltered posits formed before the host rocks were tilted or frac-
sandstone contains low-iron montmorillonite, pyrite, tured. Even if this belief is correct, however, the age
calcite, and vitreous coalified plant fossils, whereas the of these deposits is not thereby closely established, for
altered sandstone contains high-iron montmorillonite much of this deformation probably occurred long after
and sooty plant fossils but lacks pyrite and calcite, the host rocks accumulated, thus a long time span was
which apparently have been largely removed. Uranium available for ore deposition. In the Colorado Plateau
ore occurs at the contact of altered and unaltered sand- region, peneconcordant uranium deposits occur in beds
stone, mostly along or near the rounded edges of the of Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous ages;
tongues; alteration and ore deposition probably oc- very little deformation with which these deposits can be
curred together (Harshman, 1962). related in time occurred until the Tertiary or possibly
Along vein deposits the most common and conspicu- very late in the Cretaceous. In the Edgemont district,
ous alteration effect is a change in color, mainly from South Dakota, fragements of ore from the Inyan Kara
red to yellow or gray, but this change is also common beds of Early Cretaceous age have been deposited in
in fracture fillings that are not known to be uranium gravels of possible Oligocene age (Gott and others,
bearing. Considerable dolomitization has occurred in 1956), which also leaves a long time interval available
some of the sandstone beds where they are cut by ura- for ore formation. However, some peneconcordant de_-
nium-bearing fractures in the Temple Mountain area, posits are younger than regional deformation of the host
Emery County, Utah (Keys and White, 1956; Kerr, beds. For example, in the Gas Hills district, Wyoming,
1958a). Patchy silicification in slight to moderate at least some of the deposits in the Wind River Forma-
amounts is common in many uranium deposits in sand- tion of Eocene age are younger than the tilting and
stone, and more intensive silicification is common near faulting of post-Miocene age (Zeller, 1957a). Deposits
deposits, especially vein deposits, in tuffaceous sand- in the Jackson Group of late Eocene age, Karnes Coun-
stone beds of Tertiary age in Nevada and California. ty, Tex., may also be younger than the faulting of prob-
Alunite and jarosite have been added to the host rocks able Miocene age (Eargle and Weeks, 1961).
near some deposits, but generally in sparse amounts Vein deposits obviously are contemporaneous with or
(Kerr, 1958a). Zeolitic alteration accompanies the de- younger than the fractures along which they are local-
posits in tuffaceous sediments of the Jackson Group in ized, but the time of formation of most of the fractures
the Texas Coastal Plain (Weeks and others, 1958). is not clearly established. Deposits in the Sierra Ancha
district, Gila County, Ariz., are in sandstone beds of Pre-
cambrian age. The ore minerals are closely associated
Data from both geologic relations and isotopic anal- with diabase intrusive bodies, which are older than over-
yses can be used in attempting to establish the age (time lying Cambrian beds. Calculations from isotopic ratios
show the uranium minerals to be about 1,000 million fore the erosion of the Grand Canyon reached its present
years old and hence of Precambrian age ( Neuerburg and stage, but they cannot be dated more closely from geo-
Granger, 1960). At the Orphan mine, Coconino Coun- logic relations alone. Isotopic analyses of uraninite in
ty, Ariz., the fractures along which minerals are local- the deposit yield an apparent age of about 100 million
ized cut rocks of Permian age and probably formed be- years (table 7).
TABLE 7.-Apparent isotopic ages of selected samples from the Colorado Plateau region and age limits of the geologic periods of the host
[Modified largely from Miller and Kulp (1958, p. 941) and partly from Holmes (1960)]

Mine Host unit Apparent age of samples determined by-

Age limits
Name Locality Formaton Geologic period (millions of Pb2ot:U238 Pb207:U231 Pb207:Pb2ot

K-168 Orphan_____________ Coconino County, Ariz.______ Coconino Sandstone.--------- Permian.------- 225-270 944 1076 40080
153 Cane Creek 1_ ------ San Juan County Utah {Cutler(Formation __________________ do_--------- } 180?-270 532 554 17550
' ------ Chinle?) Formation __________ Triassic ________ _
154 Calyx Hole 8.------ Temple Mountain, Utah ______ Chinle Formation, Moss Back _____ do_--------- 18Q-225 842 915 33575
155 North Mesa 9____________ do_----------------------- _____ (to_----------------------- _____ do.--------- 18Q-225 1025 10710 26075
152 Mi Vida_----------- Lisbon Valley, San Juan _____ do.----------------------- _____ do.--------- 18Q-225 1909 20010 39050
County, Utah.
169 _____ do __ ------------ _____ do._---------------------- _____ do.----------------------- _____ do.--------- 18Q-225 1855 2086 47060
177 Standard_---------- -----00-------------------- _________ do._---------------------- _____ do.--------- 18Q-225 1127 1157 21540
177c _____ do __ ------------ _____ do._---------------------- _____ do._---------------------- _____ do._-------- 18Q-225 29420 29520 32040
167 Cord.-------------- _____ do.----------------------- _____ do.----------------------- _____ do.--------- 18Q-225 2057 2067 24540
174 Divide._----------- _____ do __ ---------------------- _____ do._---------------- ___________ do._-------- 18Q-225 854 966 41540
151 Yazzie 102 __________ Coconino County, Ariz _______ Chinle Formation, Petrified _____ do _________ _ 18Q-225 17013 20816 680200
Forest Member.
178 Alice Tolino _____________ do.----------------------- _____ do._---------------------- _____ do.--------- 18Q-225 i3o4 21920 1,400200

1 Atomic King vein deposit.

Problems relating to isotopic dating require special In general, the Pb 207 : Pb 206 ratios yield apparent ages
explanation. Most of the uranium in nature occurs in that are much older than the age of the host rocks, a
two isotopes, each of which breaks down at a known feature that indicates that lead isotopes were added to
constant rate through certain intermediate products to the deposit or extracted from it during some episode in
stable lead isotopes : U 238 goes to Pb 206 and U 235 to its history. Apparent ages calculated from Pb206 : U 238
Pb 207 If these two uranium isotopes only were intro- and Pb 207 : U 235 ratios, however, rarely exceed the ages
duced into a deposit at its time of formation and if the of the host rocks, and in general, in the same sample,
deposit remained a closed system thereafter, the ratios the ages determined from these two ratios are about the
of Ph26 to U 238 and Pb207 to U 235 and also Pb 207 to Pb 206 same. However, samples from any one mining district
would give the same calculated age for the deposit, may show wide spreads in ages; for example, Miller
which would be the true age in years. If, how- and Kulp (1958) found that samples K-169 and K-177,
ever, the uranium orginally introduced into the deposit although from different mines but taken only a few hun-
were mixed with intermediate products and lead iso- dred feet apart, showed nearly 100 million years differ-
topes, as is common in nature, or if subtractions or ence in apparent ages.
additions of those products and isotopes occurred, as Analyses made by other workers, who used samples
can happen, calculations from the three isotopic ratios from other deposits in the Colorado Plateau region
would give discordant or different ages. The true age and who made different assumptions and corrections,
of the deposit can be determined only if. its original yielded somewhat different results. Stieff and others
com position and subsequent additions or subtractions ( 1953) preferred an age of about 60-70 million years
can be accurately interpreted and the appropriate cor- for the formation of many uranium deposits in that
rections can be made in calculations (Kulp and others, regwn.
1954; Cannon and others, 1961). Radiochemical determinations indicate a very young
Most isotopic age determinations of uranium deposits age, commonly 5,000-170,000 years, for some unoxidized
in sandstone yield discordant ages, and interpretations uranium minerals and all oxidized or secondary min-
of these results have differed. Miller and Kulp (1958), erals (Stern and others, 1956; Stern and Stieff, 1959).
after making certain assumptions and corrections, gave Some unoxidized uranium minerals from the Wind
apparent ages for samples from the Colorado Plateau River Formation of Eocene age in the Gas Hills area,
region. These ages are shown in table 7, which also Wyoming, are calculated to be 11,000-150,000 years
shows the host formations and the age limits of the old (Zeller, 1957a; Bergin, 1957; Coleman, 1957b).
geologic period in which the host rocks were deposited. Unoxidized uranium minerals in the deposit in the

Lakota Formation of Early Cretaceous age at the host rocks, and, by recognition of these features in other
Hauber mine, Crook County, vVyo., began forming lithologic units, selection of other areas that are favor-
from 40,000 to 130,000 years ago (Rosholt, 1961). able for deposits is possible. Within these favorable
units and areas the deposits are associated with some
LOCALIZATION OF DEPOSJTS smaller scale sedimentary features, but the relations are
less consistent, so it is difficult to explain satisfactorily
the exact localization of many deposits and ore bodies.
Peneconcordant deposits are most abundant in strati- The sedimentary features that localize ore minerals
graphic units of mixed lithologic character. About within the deposits are generally barren outside the
equal proportions of interbedded sandstone and mud- mass of mineralized sandstone.
stone seem optimum, as in the Salt Wash Member of the RELATIONS TO TECTONIC STRUCTURES
Morrison Formation of southwestern Colorado and
southeastern Utah (Jones, 1954; Craig and others, 1955; By definition, vein deposits are related to and local-
Mullens and Freeman, 1957), in theWasatch Formation ized by breaks that cut across the bedding of the host
in the central part of the Powder River Basin, Wyo. rocks, usually at steep angles. Some of these breaks
(Davidson, 1953), and in the Inyan Kara Group, Edge- probably are not truly of tectonic origin, but rather are
mont district, South Dakota (Bell and Bales, 1955). plugs or blocks that have collapsed into underlying so-
Within these units the uranium deposits are oommonly lution cavities, but they will be described in this section.
in or near the thicker and more permeable parts of sand- Vein deposits occur along a variety of geologic
stone lenses, the principal channelways for the move- structures, in host rocks of different lithologic char-
ment of solutions along beds. The total transmissivity acter, and even extend through more than one forma-
of these stratigraphic units, however, would be only tion. The ore minerals are mainly fracture fillings,
moderate, for the sandstone lenses are discontinuous; but in places they also impregnate the wallrock and
they are partly interconnected by interfingering and even extend short distances from fractures as tabular
overlap, but they are largely enclosed in argillaceous layers along favorable beds. The distribution of ore
beds of low permeability. Nevertheless, deposits are minerals along fractures, both vertically and horizon-
rare in stratigraphic units and facies composed of thick tally, is commonly rather spotty.
sandstone of uniform permeability and high transmis- At the Los Ochos mine, Saguache County, Colo., ore
sivity, and in fine-grained beds of low transmissive occurs in brecciated Precambrian granite and schist
capacity (Jobin, 1956, 1962; Phoenix, 1956). along a high-angle :fault of small displacement and in
Within the ore-bearing sandstone lenses, many de- tabular l'ayers in beds of silicified and brecciated sand-
posits occur at or near the bottom, but some are in the stone and mudstone of the Morrison Formation adja-
middle or upper parts of these strata and, figuratively, cent to the fault (Malan and Ranspot, 1959). At the
seem to be floating in the sandstone without any appar- Atomic King mine, San Juan County, Utah, uranium-
ent reason for their specific location. Futhermore~ bearing "asphaltite" occurs along high-angle faults
although the peneconcordant deposits form mineralized where they cut the Rico, Cutler, and Chinle Formations
layers that 'are nearly parallel to bedding, the layers are (Hinrichs, 1958). In the Sierra Ancha district, Ari-
not confined to certain beds or even to a single lithologic zona, uranium minerals impregnate quartzite imme-
type of host rook-some layers cross from beds of fine- diately adjacent to high-angle joints and faults of small
grained sandstone to beds of coarse-grained sandstone displacement ; all mineralized fractures are close to
and even into conglomerate. In some deposits, the ore diabase intrusive bodies (Neuerburg and Granger,
minerals tend to concentrate on certain planes of cross- 1960).
bedding, and cause conspicuous banding, but the ore A plug, 500 feet wide and 2,000 feet long at the sur-
minerals do not follow all such favorable planes. face and having a downward displacement of about
Most deposits are associ:ated with fossil plant remains, 300 feet, occurs at Temple Mountain, Emery County,
which are commonly more abundant in and near the de- Utah. Holes drilled in the collapse plug and outcrops
posits than away from them (Weir, 1952); withi; a adjacent to the plug show a 1,200-foot vertical range of
mass of mineralized sandstone, the fossil p].ant remains uranium-bearing material. Very little ore has been
are generally richly mineralized, but those outside a mined from the plug, but peneconcordant deposits in the
deposit, even those within a few inches of ore, are barren Moss Back Member of the Chinle Formation a few
or virtually so. thousand feet from it have yielded considerable ore.
Peneconcordant deposits show rather consistent This plug and several similar ones nearby probably
relations to some large-scale sedimentary features in the resulted from the collapse of solution cavities in lime-
stone several hundred :feet below the surface, and these o:f the host rocks. Many, however, are in areas o:f slight
cavities may have been partly localized by :folding and to moderate :folding, jointing, and faulting, and opin-
:faulting in the area (Keys and White, 1956). ions expressed in literature differ 'as to whether a par-
Uranium deposits occur in several sandstone col- ticular structural :feature influenced the localization o:f
lapsed plugs or pipes in the Grand Canyon area, Ari- a deposit or group o:f deposits or whether the structure
zona; a large tonnage o:f high-grade ore has been recov- was merely coincidental and superposed after minerali-
ered :from the pipe at the Orphan mine. The location zation.1 Certainly as a group, however, peneconcordant
o:f these deposits and their approximate positions rela- deposits are not consistently associated with any single
tive to major :faults in the area are shown on figure 11, type o:f tectonic structural :feature, except in areas o:f
and the stratigraphic and inferred structural :forms o:f relatively recent uranium movement, where oxidized
these plugs are shown by the cross sections on figure 12. and even low-valent uranium minerals commonly oc-
Several hundred collapsed pipes or plugs occur in the cupy :fracture linings. In a :few places o:f recent ura-
Laguna area, New Mexico, but only two--one at the
11. Authors who concluded that many deposits are at least partly
Woodrow mine and the other in the J ackpile mine localized by folds include Butler and others (1920, p. 157) ; Reinhardt
(table 2)-are known to be uranium bearing (Hilpert (1952, p. 10) ; Steen and others (1953, p. 6) ; Gabelman (1956c) : Gott
and others (1954) ; Everhart (1956) ; Lekas and Dahl (1956) ; Brad-
and Moench, 1960). dock (1957); Hinrichs and Krummel (1957); Robinson and Gott
Because peneconcordant uranium deposits are so (1958); Russell (1958).
Studies to relate the uranium ores to jointing were made by Benson
numerous and so widespread, their geologic settings and others (1952) (fracture control was refuted by Trites and others,
relative to tectonic structural :features vary greatly. 1956) ; Bucher (1953) ; Bucher and Gilkey (1953) ; Gilkey (1953);
Finch (1954) ; Kelley (1955, p. 49-53) ; Mitcham and Evensen (1955) ;
Some are in areas o:f virtually no tilting or :fracturing Finnell (1957) ; Mitcham (1957) ; and Kelley and Clinton (1960).

/ I
I /

+--<' (\
Hack~:-/ )::i,;: .
/Canyon ': (,: : :'
/ mine \ \ --' --,
I \ ::::-----:
,:\ __,._/--~:..J~~:_:-. :~~)
' ' ' ~' 'J '

iCft~:1?".iJl_.,':.~;_:;.:;(_O~phan m;..._n_e- + - -

,: mine -.: ..
'Q. '\)


:~ )\
1- :
:', ...
..... \_ .......... : ,'

I i

~-~ \._,_......Outcrop of Coconino Sandstone

I ' \

A v AP A"'''--)'. .\...---
I "-,
0 25 MILES

FIGURE 11.-Location of uranium-bearing sandstone pipes, faults, and outcrop of Coconino

Sandstone in the Grand Canyon area, Arizona. Modified from Darton and others (1924).

s N w E w E s N

Orphan mine

Ridenour mine Hack Canyon- mine

Copper Mountain mine

0 500 1000 FEET


FIGURE12.-Cross-sectional sketches showing stratigraphic positions and shapes of sandstone pipes 1n the Grand Canyon
area, Arizona. Locations of pipes are shown in figure 11. The karst topography and the size and location of the
caverns in the Redwa.Ji Limestone are partly hypothetical. Sources of data: McKee (1938); Koons (1945); Miller
(1954); C. G. TiJ.lmlan (written commun., 1954); H. C. Granger and M. E. Kofford (written commun., 1959).

nium movement, such as at some areas in the Gas Hills Igneous rocks of Paleozoic age consist of intrusives
(Zeller, 1957a) and the northern Black Hills (Rosholt, in the Appalachian region and of extrusives in Maine
1961), some ore bodies abut against faults, but most and the northwestern United States. If any debris were
are cut and displaced by faults, if any are present. eroded from these rocks and deposited in uranium-
bearing formations, it must have been small. None of
RELATIONS TO IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS the known deposits in sandstone of Paleozoic age are
The distribution of epigenetic uranium deposits within 100 miles of exposures of igneous rocks of that
(mainly deposits in sandstone) relative to the general age.
distribution and age of igneous and metamorphic rocks Mesozoic igneous rocks, exclusive of those of Late
is shown on maps of the United States compiled by Cretaceous age, include dioritic and monzonitic intru-
Finch, Parrish, and Walker (1959, sheets 2 and 3). sions in California, Nevada, and Idaho (Larsen and
More detailed maps of Colorado, Wyoming, and Mon- others, 1956), diabasic intrusions in the central Appala-
tana are those of Mere wether ( 1960a-c). chian region, and volcanic rocks in Montana and Cali-
Igneous and metamorphic rocks of Precambrian age fornia and possibly in southern Arizona. The volcanic
now crop out in parts of the Appalachian Mountains activity in California and Idaho almost certainly con-
region of the Eastern States and in some mountain tributed much of the ash to the Triassic and Jurassic
ranges of the Western States; however, in places in the ore-bearing beds in the Colorado Plateau region; the
Western States, outcrops of rocks of Precambrian age volcanism in Arizona possibly also contributed. Prob-
were even more extensive during late Paleozoic and ably, none of the Mesozoic igneous activity in these
early Mesozoic time. Some of these exposures con- States contributed hydrothermal solutions that formed
tributed debris to some of the uranium-bearing sand- uranium deposits in sandstone, with the possible excep-
stone beds of Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Tertiary ages. tion of a few deposits in California, for all other de-
In the Sierra Ancha district, Arizona, the uranium- posits in sandstone beds of Mesozoic age or older are
bearing vein deposits in the Dripping Spring Quartz- more than 100 miles from this igneous activity. In the
ite are probably genetically related to intrusive bodies Eastern United States, however, in Pennsylvania and
of diabase of Precambrian age (Neuerburg and New Jersey, a few deposits in sandstone beds of Triassic
Granger, 1960). age are close to diabase intrusions of the same general
age, and thus conceivably these deposits could been ore (Shoemaker, 1956b). If the metals in the uranium
formed by hydrothermal solutions derived from igneous deposits in the Colorado Plateau region were introduced
activity. The deposits in sandstone of Paleozoic age in by hydrothermal solutions from a magmatic source, the
Pennsylvania could conceivably be genetically related solutions had to have been very pervasive through a few
to Triassic igneous activity, though no Triassic igneous thousand feet of stratigraphic section and over a very
rocks are exposed near the known deposits. large area; the known intrusive masses show no localiz-
Igneous rocks of Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic ages ing influence on deposits.. Furthermore, although the
crop out in all the Western States. Extrusive rocks are time of intrusion of many of these igneous bodies is not
especially widespread in these States (Waters and Hed- well dated, most probably are younger than the deposits.
berg, 1939) , but they contribute little useful information In Nevada and Idaho, however, some deposits in sand-
relative to uranium deposits--rather they mask much stone and tuff are closely associated with igneous rocks.
country and perhaps even cover many uranium deposits. Most of these deposits are small, but a few have been
Intrusive igneous rocks also are widespread in theWest- moderately productive, such as those in the Stanley area,
ern States. Although most of the exposed intrusive Custer Oounty, Idaho. Peneconcordant deposits in this
bodies are of small to moderate size, many of the hydro- area occur in the basal conglomerate of the Challis Vol-
thermal metaliferous ore deposits of the Western States canics, which rests on an eroded surface on the Idaho
are credited to them or to related deep-seated magmatic batholith. One peneconcordant deposit is directly above
activity (Burbank, 1933; Lovering and Goddard, 1950}, a uraninite vein in the batholith. Kern ( 1959) related
Intrusives of Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic ages are the uranium deposits to the volcanic activity that pro-
absent, or nearly so, from the Central Lowlands ura- duced nonuraniferous tuffs and lava flows overlying the
nium region of Texas and Oklahoma, the Texas Gulf conglomerate. The Stanley area is near the edge of the
Coastal Plain area, the Great Plains area of the Dakotas uranium-rich Shoshone volcanic province outlined by
(except the Black Hills), and most of the uranium- Coats ( 1956).
bearing basins in Wyoming. However, in these regions ORIGIN
and in the Basin and Range province of Nevada and
adjoining States, most of the uranium-bearing sand- This report is limited to uranium deposits in sand-
stone beds of Tertiary age either are tuffaceous or are stone and related rocks in the United States. Genet,ic
associated with tuffaceous beds. concepts, based on geologic evidence, or interpretation,
had no influence on their selection. Thus it is hardly
In the Colorado Plateau, where most of the known
to be expected that all deposits included in this report
uranium deposits in sandstone occur, intrusive igneous
had the same genesis. Nevertheless, most of the de-
activity was more abundant but still relatively sparse.
posits have certain common characteristics that suggest
Activity resulted in widely scattered clusters of stocks
a common origin, though one which is different in some
laccoliths, and related bodies of Miocene to Pliocene ag~
detail from place to place. A few deposits almost
in the central part (Hunt, 1956; S:trobell, 1956; Bush
certainly had a different origin.
and others, 1957), numerous diatremes in the southern
Although most of the deposits have common char-
part (Williams, 1936; Shoemaker, 1956b), and groups
acteristics, these characteristics differ in conspicuous-
of thin dikes and sills locally. Igneous aC!tivity of this
ness from place to place, and their significance has been
general period was very intense along the east, south,
evaluated differently by individual students. As a re-
and west sides of the Plateau, as indicated principally by
sult, various hypotheses of origin have been proposed.
flows but in places by intrusive bodies of small to medium
They fall into four principal groups: (1) syngenetic,
size. Some of the deposits on the Plateau and along its
(2) penesygenetic, (3) lateral secretion, and (4) tele-
margins are near intrusive igneous bodies, and a few are thermal hypotheses. The historical development of
even cut by dikes and sills, but such deposits are not ob- these hypotheses is given in table 8. No doubt the
viously different from those that are miles from known multiplicity of hypotheses proposed during the uranium
intrusive rocks. In northeastern Arizona sandstone studies gave objectivity to the researches and explora-
within a few diatremes contains vein uranium ' deposits, tions, and produced far more significant results than if
(table 2), one of which has yielded a small amount of one hypothesis had been generally accepted.

TABLE B.-Summary of the historical development of the hypotheses of origin of uranium deposits in sandstone in the United State8
Important scientific devel-~
opments that affected
Penesyngenetic Lateral-secretino
I Telethermal
I hypotheses
various hypotheses hypotheses hypotheses
Salient features of hypotheses
Mechanical transportation Precipitation of uranium Redistribution and concen- Deposition of uranium at Miscellaneous hypotheses
and concentratiOn of from ground-water tration of uranium con- moderate temperatures are the outcrop, mete-
uranium-bearing mate- solutions shortly after tained in the surrounding and pressures at or near oric-source, and m~
rials and (or) precipita- the enclosing sediments and (or) overlying rocks the surface from as- matic hypotheses. ach
tion of uranium from were deposited. by circulating waters, cending magmatic or is described below.
surface solutions at the probably long after the other hypogene solu-
time of deposition of enclosing rocks were tions.
the enclosing sediments. deposited.
1. Uranium was dis-
covered in sandstone Dtp0~~~!J~ :~ht!~tern ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- Outcrop hypothesis: Be-
cause known de~sits
(Genth, 1875; Ber- the result of the "con- were limited to he out-
thoud, 1875; Rolk:er, centration of vanadi- crop, the carnotite
1881). ferous pitch blende de~sits in southwestern
2. Early mining was particles by action of Co orado were thought
mostl~ at the outcrop water currents and to have resulted from "a
(Hille rand and subsequent decomposi local concentration of
Ransome, 1000: tion" (Fleck and material already existent
Moore and Kithil, Haldane, 1007, p. 56). in the sandstone, and
1913). the de~ition of this
mater ai in the form of
carnotite under condi-
tions determined by
proximity to the surface,
and probably partly
dependent utWen an arid
climate" (H ebrand
and Ransome, 1000,
Mining was extended
beyond the outcrop.
At Mauch Chunk, Pa.,
carnotite is believed ---------------------------- Examinations of the Inconclusive evidence Chemical experiments on
carnotite led Notestein
country rock of
to have formed by carnotite depo~~its in (1918) to conclusions
oxidation of uranium Colorado and Utah stone in the Placerville similar to those of
and vanadium minerals "seem to indicate that district, Colo., were Hillebrand and
that were mechanically the uranium was dis- formed from hot-water Ransome above.
concentrated into seminated in the sand- solutions of igneous
black sand lenses by stone country rock and origin (Hess, 1913b).
circulating surface has been concentrated in
waters (Wherry, 1912, ore bodies b(i the action
1915). of water." Moore and
In Utah and Colorado it Kithil, 1913, p. 31).
was suggested that Vanadium and uranium in
uranium and other sandstone and shale in
metals were weathered Colorado and Utah are
from veins and were assuredly epegenetic, are
carried in sulfate probably the products of
solution into shallow concentration by surface
seas where decaying waters below the zone of
organic matter oxidation and at less
possibly reduced the than 100" C, have been
uranium to uranium forming since the
oxide and that uplift, establishment of active
drainage, and aeration water circulation, and
caused oxidation to may be in the rocess of
carnotite deposits. forming now ( indgren,
(Hess, 1914). 1911).
At Temple Mountain,
Emery County, Utah, ---------------------------- In Utah, circulatin!!: water
collected metals dissemi-
At Temple Mountain,
Emery County, Utah,
uranium and vanadium nated in the surrounding the metals may have
were picked up by as- rocks and redeposited been derived from hot
phalt1te grains before or them on contact with springs (Hess, 1922).
during sedimentation of carbonaceous matter and (See also under "Syn-
sandstone in the Chinle earlier sulfides in posi- genetic hypotheses.")
Formation (Hess, 1922). tions controlled by struc-
(See also under "Tele- tural features. Minerali-
thermal (epigenetic) zation probably began in
hypotheses.") the Tertiary and in places
may still be in progress.
Most of the present min-
erals are alteration prod-
ucts of surface water
(Butler and others, 1920,
p. 158).
In Colorado, uranium and
vanadium migrated
downward from thick
claybeds and impure
sandbeds in sulfate waters
and were precipitated by
carbonaceous material
(Burwell, 1920).
In southwestern Colorado,
the metals were probably
introduced into the sand-
stone beds during sedi-
mentation and later re-
distributed near carbon-
aceous material by waters
that traveled along the
beds rather than across
them. Folds did not
influence localization
(Coffin, 1921, p. 186).
TABLE B.-Summary of the historical development of the hypotheses of origin of uranium deposits in sandstone in the United States-Con..

Important scientific devel-1 Syngenetic Penesyngenetic Lateral-secretion Telethermal Miscellaneous

opments that affected hypotheses hypotheses (epigenetic) (epigenetic) hypotheses
various hypotheses hypotheses hypotheses


.... --- ... ---------------------- In the southwestern The assuredly epigenetic ----------------------------
States, sedimentary deposits of coprur, lead,
deposits of copper, vanadium, an uranium
vanadium, uranium, in sandstone and shale
and silver are syn- were concentrated by
genetic-in the sense circulating sodium
that the metals were chloride and calcium sui-
concentrated in the fate meteoric waters that
host beds at the time of leached small quantities
sedimentation from of metals disseminated in
dilute solutions either
directly or indirectly by ~~1~~~:~:3Wo~~isin-
some agent, possibly tegration of Precambrian
minute organisms that igneous rocks and peg-
left no trace-but the matites (Lindgren, 1933,
present minerals all
cases are believed to be
p. 404, 414).
epigenetic (Fischer,
1937, p. 943,950, 951).
In the southwestern States
the metals accumulated
------------------------------ -----------------------------
syngenetically in shal-
low basins from rain
water that oxidized
thick beds of volcanic
ash, which represented
magmatic differentiates
of metal-rich fluids that
ejected explosively as
ash rather than entering
fractures and permeable
rocks as veins and lodes
(Koeberlin, 1938).


In Colorado and Utah the

primary minerals are
------------------------------ ----------------------------
thought to have been
localized by delicate
chemical and physical
conditions from ground
waters not long after
sedimentation. At
least three separate
periods of mineraliza-
tion were probably
required to account for
the ore in the Chinle,
Entrada, and Morrison
Formations (Fischer,
1942, 1949a).
Although no satisfactory
origin can yet be given
for the ores in the En-
trada Sandstone in the
Placerville district, Col-
orado, the ores seem to
have formed at a
slightly uneven water
table or at the contact
between ground waters
of two types after the
sands accumulated
(Fischer and others,
1947, p. 127).

TABLE B.-Summary of the historical development of the hypotheses of origin of uranium deposits in sandstone in the United States-Con.

Important scientific devel-~ Syngenetic Penesyngenetic Lateral-secretion Telethermal Miscellaneous

opments that affected hypotheses hypotheses (epigenetic) (epigenetic) hypotheses
various hypotheses hypothEses hypotheses


1. Uraninite was identified

in several Colorado
In the Plateau region the
precipitation of ura-
---------------------------- In lignitic rocks in the
Rocky Mountain region
The presence of such min-
erals as uraninite, chal
Plateau ores (Gruner nium by organic matter and in sandstone beds of copyrite, bornite, and
and Gardiner, 1950; from surface waters that the Wasatch Formation gersdorffite in unoxi-
Kerr, 1951; Rasor, deposited the basal in the Powder River dized Chinle ores at the
1952). conglomeratic members Basin, Wyo., uranium is Happy Jack mine, San
2. Uraninite was syn- of the Chinle Formation believed to have been Juan County, Utah,
thesized at room tem- is favored by Gruner extracted after Iitl!ifica- suggests a hydrothermal
perature by reduction (1951). tion by carbonaceous (magmatic) origin of
of uranyl ions with material from downward- laterally moving min-
H2S (Gruner, 1952, percolating ground waters eralizing solutions
1953; Gruner, Rosen- that derived their ura- (Dodd, 1950).
zweig, and Smith, nium content from over-
1954; Miller, 1958). lying tuffaceous sedi-
3. Uranium can be and is ments (Denson, 1952;
being leached from Love, 1952).
tuffaceous sediments
by ground water
(Denson, 1952).


Preliminary isotope age In the Moenave Formation Although leaching of vol-

determinations on many in the Silver Reef canic ash may have
carnotite ores and a few district, Utah, silver, contributed some
uraninite ores fndicate vanadium, copper, and metals to the plateau
that uranium was intro- uranium were (a) pri- uranium deposits, hy
duced into the sedi- mary constituents in tuf- drothermal solutions
ments not earlier than faceous sediments in Tri given off during the
Late Cretaceous or early assic time, (b) dissolved crystallization of large
Tertiary times-55-80 as sulfates and (or) me- deep-seated magmatic
million years ago (Stiefi chanically transported by masses that theoreti-
and others, 1953). streams eroding these cally underlay the lac-
sediments, (c) later pre- co lithic complexes are
cipitated by HaS derived believed to have con-
from decaying plant mat- tributed most of the
ter or by sulfate reducing metals, entered the
bacteria, and (d) further ground-water system
concentrated by solution reactivated in early
in circulating ground Tertiary time because
waters and precipitated of igneous activity and
by buried plant matter or structural deformation,
bacteria. Folding, ero- and precipitated uran-
sion, and exposure re- ium and other metals
sulted in the secondary near organic matter and
enrichment by meteoric clay (Waters and
water (Proctor, 1953). Granger, 1953).
(See also under "Tele
thermal (epigenetic) hy-


Experiments show that

humic materials such as
---------------------------- In the Sangre de Cristo
Formation in Mora
In the Plateau region, ma
rine waters from the Late
In Grand County, Utah ,
the Shinarump No.1 de-
low-rank coal are mark- Cretaceous sea may have posit in the Chinle
edly more effective in g:~~ ~h~:et~~an- saturated the underlying Formation is believed
extracting uranium from were probably deposit Triassic and Jurassic host to be of hydrothermal
very dilute solutions ed with the sediments sandstones. These wa- origin because of min-
than other types of or- and concentrated into ters containing uranium erals that suggest high
ganic materials, and deposits by connate dissolved from tuffaceous temperature of deposi-
furthermore the process water during compac material were circulated tion and of isotopic age
is apparently irrevers- tion and lithification because of the Laramide determinations that in-
ible (Moore, 1954). (Zeller and Baltz, 1954). deformation, and uranium dicate this deposit was
was concentrated around formed in Late Creta-
plant and hydrocarbon ceous or early Tertiary
material (Gruner, 1954). time (Finch, 1954).
In the Gas Hills district,
Wyoming, uranium in the
ores from the Wind River
Formation is believed to
have been leached from
the White River Forma-
tion or younger tuffaceous
Tertiary rocks by ground
water and transported
downward and laterally
to environments favorable
for localization (Love,
TABLE 8.-Surrtmary of the historical development of the hypotheses of origin of uranium deposits in sandstone in the United States-Con.

Important scientific devel-1 Syngenetic Penesyngenetic Lateral-secretion Telethermal Miscellaneous

opments that affected bypothesell hypotheses (epigenetic) (epigenetic) hypotheses
various hypotheses hypotheses hypotheses


Thermodynamic relations ---------------------------- ---------------------------- It was postulated that ura- The sum total of the
among uranium oxides nium, vanadium, and facts, especially isotopic
and hydroxides are con- copper in sandstone ores age determinations,
sistent with the view were derived from the suggests that deposits
that the primary low- same provenance as the in the Colorado Plateau
valent mineral assem- enclosing sediments; that region and Black Hills
blage bas been super- during sedimentation the uplift area were formed
seded to various degrees metals were removed by from deep-seated solu-
of completeness by a surface and ground waters tions, probably originat-
secondary high-valent during the weathering ing from igneous rocks
mineral assemblage and erosion cycles and that for the most part
through oxidation trapped in certain favor- did not reach the sur-
(Garrels, 1955). able continental (mainly face (McKelvey, Ever-
fluvial) environments; bart, and Garrels,
and that the initial syn- 1955).
genetic concentrations of Ores in the Morrison
metals were modified by Formation of western
diagenesis by ground Colorado are believed
water, and perhaps by to have been precipi-
hydrothermal solutions tated in favorable beds
(Wright, 1955). from solutions that
originated at depth
from an igneous source,
ascended along frac-
tures, and mingled with
circulating waters
(Cater,1955a). (See
also under "Lateral-
secretion (epiWetic)
hypotheses," right


Variations in QlBfQt& ratios Multiple-migration-accretion hypothesis: Earliest stage-in arid, poorly drained con- The sum total of the evi-
indicate that uraninite tinental environments uranium was extracted largely as CaU02(COs)a from the dence indicates that
formed at low tempera- weathering of granitic or tuffaceous terranes and concentrated by organic matter, uranium in deposits in
tures in Chinle ores in H2S, or possibly phosphate! into very low but extensive accumulations; second sandstone was derived
Utah (Hoekstra and stage-some of these accumu ations were exposed, oxidized, redissolved, and carried from a deep-seated
Katz, 1956). to a new locality for reduction; further sedimentational stages-each new oxidation- source, transported
solution-migration-precipitation cycle gave rise to a richer concentration; postsedi- along fractures to per-
mentational stages-processes of redissolving and reconcentration continued and in meable layers, formed
the Colorado Plateau region reached their climax with the Laramide orogeny at low temperatures and
(Gruner, 1956b). pressures possibly
equivalent to those for
rocks buried several
thousand feet, and
localized in sedimentary
structures by reduction
processes (McKelvey,
Everhart, and Garrels,


Thermometric evidence
indicates that in the ------------------------------ -------------------------- It was concluded that
uranium ores or the
In the Ambrosia Lake
district, New Mexico,
Meteoric-source bypothe-
sis: For the Colorado
Colorado Plateau region "sandstone-type" are liquid hydrocarbons Plateau deposits: "A
the temperatures during generally post-sedimenta- (oil) migrated into meteoric source would
mineralization were not tion, seem to have a domal traps, subse- provide heavy particles
vastly different from the nearby sedimentary quent faulting caused that would accumulate
"normal" temperatures source as opposed to a the release or hydro- in the stream channels
of the enclosing rocks distant deep-seated one, static pressure and the but would disintegrate
(Coleman, 1957a). were probably derived formation of asphalt on the adjacent land
from tuffaceous sediments residue, and then areas of these lacustrine
and also (but less easy to uranium-bearing mag- deposits" (Skerl, 1957).
explain) from arkosic matic fluids rose along
sediments, and were de- these or later faults and
posited by reducing and deposited uranium ore
(or) acidifying materials in the asphaltic rocks
(Garrels, 1957). (Birdseye, 1957).

TABLE 8.-Summary of the historical development of the hypotheses of origin of uranium deposits in sandstone in the United States-Con.

Important scientificdevel-~
opment.s that affected
various hypotheses hypotheses hypotheses


1. The broad spread of

832/S" ratios and the
---------------------------- -------------------------- ... - Uranium deposits in sand-
stone of the Sangre de
The uranium in the Colo-
rado Plateau ores seems
marked enrichment Cristo Formation in from incomplete data
of the lighter isotope Mora County, N.Mex., to have been derived
in sulfide minerals are believed to have been from magmatic fluids
from sandstone ores formed long after sedi- that mingled with
are very suggestive of mentation from a mixture ground water and was
hydrogen sulfide de- of heated (by tectonic ~recipitated by car-
rived from anaerobic activity) acid solution onaceous matter, clay,
bacteria (Jensen, and normal ground water and their associated
1958). that (1) leached uranium chemical constituents
2. Ages of uranium min- and other metals from (Kerr, 1958a, b).
erals determined by syngenetic concentrations
uranium-lead isotope which were derived from
methods are apparent Precambrian rocks and that
only and bear no rela- (2) redeposited the metals
tion to the time of in favorable sedimentary
uranium mineraliza- structures due to changes
tion (Miller and in pH or Eh, complex-
Kulp, 1958). Ion destruction, or fioccu-
lation of a colloid by dilu-
tion or mixing of unlike
solutions (Tschanz and
others, 1958).


EtJ:riment shows that

t amount of carbon- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- Uranium deposits in Trias-
sic rocks of the Colorado
-- -------------- ... ----------- Magmatic hypothesis:
The vein uranium de
tzed material in many Plateau region are be- posits in the Dripping
de~sits was probably lieved to have formed in ~ring Quartzite, Gila
su cient to form by re- early Tertiary time by ounty, Ariz., are be
ductlon the uranium ground water that lieved to have formed
and vanadium minerals, leached uranium and contem~raneously with
but not necessarily all other ore metals from the the coo mg of the closely
the associated minerals, overlying mudstone beds associated diabase
es~cially sulfides (Gar- or from the ore-bearing bodies and from ura-
re and Pommer, 1959). rocks themselves and re- nium-bearing hydro-
deposited the metals in thermal solutions emit-
favorable sedimentary ted by the diabase at a
and tectonic structures late stage of its differ-
(Finch, 1959a). entiatlon (Granger and
Geologic relations in the Raup, 1959).
Slick Rock district,
Colorado, indicate that
connate ground water,
heated by igneous act1v-
tty and set into circula
tion near the end of Cre-
taceous time, picked up
uranium and other ore
elements from the sedi-
mentary rocks where
th1 had been faulted
an brecciated, and pre-
cipitated the ore minerals
at solution interfaces
where carbonaceous mat-
ter ~ovided suitable re-
due g conditions (Shawe
and others, 1959).


The maximum tempera-

ture coal from ores in the
---------------------------- ---------------------------- Concentration of major
Colorado Plateau urani-
The spatial and geochem-
ical correlations of
Chinle and Morrison um deposits in restricted uranium deposits in
Formations could have belts suggests that the sandstone with mafic
undergone is 120 -C uranium was transported and intermediate igne-
(Breger and Chandler, in moving ground water, ous rocks as well as
1960). which derived its urani- certain uranium veins
um from local rocks with silicic igneous
perhaps following devitri- rocks strongly suggest
fication of volcanic debris, that emanations from
and was deposited where subjacent masses of
a decrease in pressure, mafic, intermediate, or
which had been built up silicic compositions
from compaction of sed1- enter into chloride-rich
ments or lateral compres- ground-water regimes
sion, would permit pre- and follow fractures
cipitation; one edge of a upward in nonporous
belt was determined by a rocks and laterally in
paleoisobaric surface porous sedimentary
where precipitation began rocks to sites of depo-
and the other edge was sition (Page, 1960).
determined where the
solutions were depleted of
uranium (Noble, 1960a).
The idea of a syngenetic origin has been discarded by concentrations (processes that conceivably could recur
all or most geologists because of the epigenetic dharac- several times). Inherently, time is not a significant
teristics of the deposits. factor in this hypotheaig---.the processes could begin
The concept of a penesyngenetic origin is primarily early and continue late in the history of the host rocks.
concerned with the time of ore deposition-a time desig- Accepting 'the general principles of this concept, Garrels
nated as relatively early in the history of each ore-hear- ( 1957) suggested that some uranium ore deposits might
ing sandstone bed, prdbably during diagenesis and be "one shot" affairs thwt formed relatively early in the
before deep burial rather than late in the history, .after history of the host rocks, as, for example, many of the
possible deformation and after the resulting changes in deposits in the Colorado Plateau region, which he sug-
channelways which aided solution movement in the gested may have formed before the end of Mesozoic time.
rocks. Of course this hypothesis cannot be applied to He suggested that, in contrast, many deposits elsewhere
deposits formed by relatively recent movement of ura- might have h-ad a more complex history, including
nium and to deposits of secondary uranium minerals, migration in rather recent time.
but it might still apply to earlier formed deposits if their The telethermal hypothesis encompasses the concept
destruction were the source of uranium in the later de- that the metals were derived from a deep-seated mag-
posits. The concept of a penesyngenetic origin, in itself, matic source and were transported by hydrothermal
does not imply a particular source of the metals in the solutions to sites of deposition in the host beds. The
deposits. Logic, however, requires either (1) the injec- concept assumes relatively low temperatures and pres-
tion of hydrothermal (or hypogene) solutions from a sures at the site of deposition; it implies movement of
magmatic source contemporary with the general period solutions across strata, probably in through-going chan-
of diagenesis of each ore-bearing bed, which might be nelways such as fractures; and it permits migration of
unlikely because of the geographic and stratigraphic solutions along beds and mixing of the original solu-
distribution of the deposits, or ( 2) it requires a source tions with ground water in these beds. Most uranium-
more universally present., such as the metals dispersed bearing areas lack many of the chamoteristics which
in the ore-bearing and associated beds and transported normally identify hydrothermal solutions, such as con-
by means of ground-water solutions. If the latter idea spicuous mineralization or alteration along the channel-
is accepted, the penesyngenetic concept must also incor- ways and deposition of abundant gangue minerals with
porate the principal idea of the lateral-secretion the ore minerals. The telethermal hypothesis requires
hypothesis. hydrothermal mineralizaJtion in areas remote from any
The lateral-secretion hypothesis mainly concerns the other areas thaJt show evidence of magmatic activity.
source of metals in the deposits. According to this These requirements present distinct obstacles to the ac-
hypothesis, metals are derived from dispersed traces in ceptance of this concept for many uranium deposits in
minerals and other materials of ore-bearing and sandstone. Nevertheless, some uranium deposits in
adjacent beds and are collooted and transported by sandstone are almost certainly of hydrothermal origin,
migrating solutions whose dominant movement is as, fur example, those in the Sierra Ancha district, Ari-
la.teral. The solutions may be either hypogene or zona ( Neuerburg and Granger, 1960).
ground water, but hypogene solutions might not be One of the earliest ideas proposed for the origin of the
present everywhere,. whereas ground water would be. carnotite deposits of the Colorado Plateau was. the "out-
The lateral-secretion idea is not concerned with time crop" or "rim rock" hypothesis. At the time of pro-
except that relative to the geologic events which might posal the only known deposits were at and near outcrops,
influence the lateral movement of solutions. and it was assumed that the ore minerals were precipi-
One specific idea that has been proposed-the multiple tated from mineralized ground water evaporating at
migration-secretion hypothesis (Gruner, 1956b)-in- these locations. Although this hypothesis is no longer
corporates the principal features of the penesyngenetic applicable to most deposits in the Colorado Plateau
and lateral-secretion concepts. It suggests the deriva- region, it probably explains the origin of caliche ura-
tion of the metals from metal-bearing minerals and nium deposits in dry areas (Bell, 1956). Few, if any,
materials incorporated in the host beds and associated of these caliche deposits have yielded commercial ore.
rocks -as they were laid down, -and perhaps even from On the basis of geologic settings, habits of deposits,
metals in solution in the pore waters. This hypothesis and geochemical relations, a migration-accretion type of
suggests that these metals were then transpovted in hypothesis, which includes the principal aspects of the
solution by the waters in the rocks and that they were penesyngenetic and lateral-secretion concepts and in-
precipitated and concentrated at favorable places, pos- volves one or more periods of migration, is favored by
sibly to be later redissolved and reprecipitated in richer the author to explain the origin of all typical penecon-

cordant deposits and most vein deposits intimately asso- nelways. Movement along the beds would have tended
ciated with them. This hypothesis embraces the major to be very slow, but intermittent and more rapid flow
concepts of Gruner (1956b) and Garrels (1957). would have resulted from ground-water recharge at
(Additional literature pertinent to this hypothesis in- distal outcrops of the sandstones and from reactivation
eludes: Bramlette and Posjnak (1933; Fischer (1942); by tectonic or igneous activity.
Ross and Hendricks ( 1945) ; Schouten ( 1946) ; McKay Precipitation of low-valent ore minerals frmn these
(1946); Hembree and others (1952, p. 49); Miholic solutions would have occurred in rocks of intense to
(1952); Hubbert (1953, p. 1955); Garrels (1953, 1955); moderate reducing capacity and under conditions of
Grim (1953); Coombs (1954, p. 102); Manger (1954, temperature and pressure about the same as the en-
1958); Goldsztaub and Wey (1955) ; Ross and Smith closing strata. Carbonized plant fossils, asphaltic
( 1955) ; Garrels and Richter ( 1955) ; Denson and Gill material, H2S gas generated by anaerobic bacteria feed-
(1956); Turekian and Kleinkopf (1956); Keller ing on organic matter, and iron sulfides could have
(1956); Hurley and Fairbairn (1957); Katayama and created a reducing environment of patchy distribution,
Sato (1957); Zitting and others (1957); Chervet and possibly like that of the deposits. If the chemical en-
Coulomb (1958); Szalay (1958); Vine and others vironment changed appreciably, especially if it became
(1958); Weeks and others (1957, 1958); Carroll (1959); oxidizing, a deposit could have been destroyed by solu-
Phoenix ( 1959) ; Noble ( 1960a, b) ; Austin ( 1960) ; and tion of uranium which, moving on, might have repre-
Bowers and Shawe (1961).) cipitated at another reducing spot. Precipitwtion of
The ore metals were derived from the ordinary trace primary ore minerals would have ceased when the min-
amounts of these metals in minerals and materials de- eral-bearing solutions were flushed out and replaced
posited in the host rocks and associated strata and from by normal ground water.
the trace amounts of metals in solution in the pore
waters when these rocks accumulated. The devitrifica-
tion of volcanic ash, where it is present, could have con- Many summaries of guides to ore in sandstone have
tributed much of the uranium and some of the accessory been published (Fischer, 1949b; Weir, 1952; Fischer
elements in the deposits; vanadium could have been and Hilpert, 1952; Reinhardt, 1952; Konigsmark, 1955;
derived from the destruction of the black heavy min- McKelvey, 1955; Mitcham and Evensen, 1955; McKay,
erals (mainly magnetite) in the sandstone as well as 1955c; Chew, 1956b; Bell and others, 1956; Page, 1956,
from the detrital clay minerals; and copper could have 1958; Wood and Grundy, 1956; Klepper and Wyant,
been derived from the arkosic minerals and the black 1957; Phoenix, 1958; Bates, 1959; Finch, 1959a; and
heavy minerals. Although these metals are normally Cannon, 1960). The important guides are listed below
present in sedimentary rocks only in small traces, the with a brief explanation of their application. These
total amounts present in moderate to large volumes of guides are based chiefly on empirical relations of the
rocks far exceed the amount of metals in the ore ores to geologic features. The indication of favorable-
deposits. ness for uranium by several guides is considerably more
The waters from which the various sediments accu- useful than indication by a single guide.
mulated undoubtedly were different in composition, but Anomalous radioactivity.-The radioactive equilib-
because most of these sediments are of continental rium of each anomaly should be studied carefully to
origin the waters probably contained a moderate amount determine the causes and significance of the radioac-
of alkaline bicarbonates. Inasmuch as these waters tivity (Wright, 1954; Rosholt, 1959). In humid cli-
remained with the ore-bearing beds during diagenesis, mates, low-intensity anomalies may be the surface
their alkaline bicarbonate content probably increased expression of highly leached uranium ore, and pitting
and made the solutions capable of dissolving and trans- or drill exploration is advisable to obtain an unleached
porting moderate amounts of uranium and vanadium sample.
(Hostetler and Garrels, 1962). Such solutions would Secondary minerals of iron, vanadium, copper, mo-
have contained considerably larger amounts of these lybdenum, cobalt, or selenium.-These colorful miner-
metals than do most modern ground waters. During als are a visual guide to associated uranium ore in many
compaction of the sediments, especially of the mudstone areas.
beds, these solutions would have been squeezed out, and Oarbonized plant remains and "asphaltite."-In
would have tended to :How downward and along more sandstone units that have other characteristics favor-
permeable parts of the sandstone beds. The flow would able for ore, abundant carbonized plant remains or
have been dominantly lateral along beds, at least until "asphaltite" may indicate nearby uranium deposits. If
fractures resulting from tectonic deformation disrupted uranium mineralized only the carbonized wood and did
this flow and offered through-going crosscutting chan- not impregnate the adjacent sandstone, however, or if
the plant fossils are dominantly silicified, large ore Diatremes.-Uranium-bearing vein deposits are as-
bodies are probably not present. sociated with a few diatremes in northeastern Arizona;
Sandstone and mudstone bleached from red to light possibly others will be found.
gray, light green, or other light colors.-Mapped color Salt domes.-A moderately large uranium deposit
intensities and thicknesses of bleached rocks, particu- occurs in Goliad Sand above the Palangana salt dome
larly mudstone within and benea;th sandstone, are
in southeast Texas (table 2) ; uranium deposits may be
very useful in guiding exploration. In prospecting,
bleached rocks are a visual guide to favorable outcrops. associated with other salt domes if a favorable host rock
Bleached rocks are the chief guide to ore in Tertiary is present.
rocks in California, Nevada, and southern Arizona.
Lenticularity.-In formations characterized by trunk DEPOSITS IN SANDSTONE
channel systems, rthe area underlain by channels may be
only a small percentage of the total area. Delineation Sandstone beds that contain most of the peneconcor-
of the edges of channels would outline the areas :favor- dant uranium deposits are of continental origin and
able for ore. A further aid in formations of this kind were deposited in poorly drained areas or in basins.
is the mapping of buried swales or broad valleys (Wit- In composition they are quartzose, arkosic, or tuffaceous,
kind, 1956b; Witkind and others, 1960; Black and and many are interbedded with or are qverlain by tuf-
others, 1962). In formations characterized by braided faceous beds. Fossil plant remains are present in al-
systems of lenses, the area underlain by the lenses may
most all of these ore-bearing beds. The ore-bearing
be a large percentage of the total. Isopachs of the
beds may be slightly to moderately deformed, but few,
thickness of sandstone would indicate the thicker parts
where initial search for ore should be concentrated. if any, deposits occur in areas in which they are in-
Heterogeneous rock.-Thick beds of clean sandstone, tensely deformed. These criteria and certain of the
having relatively large transmissive capacity, and argil- guides to ore listed above may help designate some areas
laceous beds of low transmissivity are less favorable for and formations that may be favorable for uranium ore
uranium occvrrence than are sandstone beds that con- but which contain few or no known deposits.
tain seams and lenses of mudstone. Isopleth inaps of The most general criterion of favorableness--conti-
sandstone-mudstone ratios aid in locating the more nental sandstone formed in a foreland region-would
heterogeneous parts of a lens or channel. Where two be most useful in selecting areas for prospecting in large
facies intertongue, the more permeable one is generally unexplored regions, probably on continents other than
more favorable for deposits. North America. In South America, for example,
Pinchout of a sandstone unit.-Lenses and channels uranium deposits similar to -the highly productive de-
near a pinchout are commonly more favorable for posits in the United States are known only in central
uranium than those farther away. Argentina (Linares, 1956; Angelelli, 1956 ; Regairaz
Regional unconformity.-Fluvial conglomerate and
and Pozzo, 1958). Other areas favorable for prospect-
sandstone immediately above a regional unconformity
are more favorable for ore than those farther above. ing may exist in a belt extending northward from Ar-
Faults and shear zones.-These structural features gentina through Colombia, west and south of the
are good guides to ore in beds of marine and eolian sand- Brazilian and Guiana Precambrian shields. A study
stone and in areas already known to contain vein de- of the tectonic history and stratigraphy of these areas
posits. This guide is particularly useful in the Pacific should reveal the sandstone beds most favorable for
Coast States, Nevada, and southern Arizona. prospecting.
Sandstone pipe.-Sandstone pipes are a guide to ore In the United States, the Appalachian, Coastal, Oua-
in Permian and Pennsylvanian sandstones in the Grand chita, and Cordilleran forelands (fig. 3) have been
Canyon area, Arizona. Many pipes occur in Jurassic rather intensely prospected. The Mexican and Olym-
sandstone overlying the gypsiferous facies of the To- pic forelands of Tertiary age, however, contain beds of
dilto Limestone in northewestern New Mexico (Schlee, continental sandstone that have been very little pros-
1963), but only a few are known to be mineralized; pos- pected. Because of the transitory nature of forelands
sibly other mineralized pipes exist in this area. 2
and the varied later geologic history of parts of these
1 After this report was written, two uranium-ore-bearing cylindrical
structural features were reported in the Ambrosia Lake district, New
regions, careful studies and more detailed maps than
Mexico: by Granger and Santos (1963) at the Doris 1 mine (sec. 21, figure 3 are needed to aid in selecting areas for possible
T. 13 N., R. 9 W.) and by Clark and Havenstrite (1963) at the Cliff-
side mine (table 2, loc. 29). prospecting.
280-261 0-67-7

Extension of the belt of uranium deposits along the tions. More than 100 formations containing uranium
Cordilleran foreland of the United States into the deposits in continental sandstone beds are listed in table
Canadian part of the Cordilleran foreland seems un- 3. Table 9 lists 55 formations containing continental
likely. Tuffaceous rocks in the Canadian part are sandstone beds in which uranium deposits are unknown.
sparse, and marine sediments are more abundant than About 25 of these 55 formations are in the Cordilleran-
beds of continental sandstone, most of which crop out Ouachita forelands uranium region and adjacent areas;
in areas of rather intense deformation (Goodman, 1951; the others are in the Gulf Coastal and Mississippi Al-
Ross, 1955; Sikabonyi, 1957; King, 1959, p. 137; Cham- luvial Plains and the Appalachian Highlands. This
berlain, 1960). list is incomplete; notable omissions are Tertiary con-
In compiling a map showing the general distribution tinental formations deposited in numerous fault-block
of continental sedimentary rocks in the United States, and intermontane basins in the Basin and Range prov-
Finch, Parrish, and Walker (1959, sheet 1} checked the ince and in parts of California, Oregon, and Washing-
environment of sedimentation of hundreds of forma- ton (fig. 5).
TABLE 9.-Continental sandstone formations in which uranium deposits are unknown
[Dominant environment or sedimentation: Rocks rorm.ed under conditions transitional from continental to marine are also listed. The term "nonmarine"
is used where environment may include transitional conditions such as littoral, deltaic,. lagoonal, and estuarine)

Stratigraphic unit Dominant environment

of sedimentation
I States where unit or equivalent
rocks crop out

Cordilleran-Ouaehita forelands uranium region and adjacent areas

Ankareh Shale ____ -------_ Nonmarine ___ -----_____ Adkins (1933, p. 241).
Wyoming _______ --------------
Aztec Sandstone___ -------- Eolian ______ ----------- McKee and others (1956).
Nevada --------------------
Bishop Conglomerate______ FluviaL________________ Wyoming ____________________ _
Bradley (1936.)
Cheyenne Sandstone.------ ContinentaL _____ ------- Moore and others (1951,
Kansas ___ --------------------
p. 21).
Chuska Sandstone_-------- Eolian ___ -------------- Arizona, New Mexico _________ _ wright ( 1956)
Cimarron Group ___________ Mostly nonmarine, Kansas ______________________ _ Moore (1933, p. 322).
partly lacustrine or
shallow marine.
Denver Formation_________ Lacustrine, nonmarine___ ColoradO--------------------- Moore (1933, p. 453);
Brown (1943).
Double Mountain For- Continental(?) (red-bed Texas________________________ Sellards (1933, p. 166).
mation. facies).
Eagle Sandstone___________ Nonmarine __ ----------- Montana ____ ----------------- Weed (1899) ; Hatcher
and Stanton (1903);
Armstrong (1957).
Fountain Formation ___ ---_ Alluvial, nonmarine______ Colorado_-------_-----------_ Bartram ( 1940) ; Lovering
and Goddard (1950).
Gannett Group ____________ Largely fresh water ______ Idaho _______________________ _ Ross and Forrester (1947)
Golden Valley Formation ___ Continental (land North Dakota _______________ _ Benson and Laird (1947);
plants). Johnson and Kunkel
Hanna }!,ormation ________ _ Fresh water (land plants Wyoming ____________________ _ Bowen (1918).
and vertebrates).
Harper Sandstone ________ _ Nonmarine __ ------_____ Kansas _____ -----------------_ Moore and others (1951).
Horsethief Sandstone______ _ Continental_____________ Montana ____ -------------- __ _ Armstrong (1957).
Judith River Formation ___ _ Mostly fresh water, some _____ do ______________________ _ Stanton and Hatcher
brackish water, locally (1905); Armstrong
marine at top. (1957).
Kootenai Formation ______ _ Continental (fossil _____ do-- ______ -- __ ----------_ Dawson[?] (1885) ; Arm-
plants). strong (1957).
Lennep Sandstone ________ _ Shallow water, fluviaL ________ do ______________________ _ Knappen and Moulton
(1931); Armstrong
Lykins Formation_________ Continental?_____ ------- Colorado_----- __ ------------- Fenneman (1905).
Lyons Sandstone ___ ------- Littoral and shoreline _________ do ______________________ _ ThomP-son (1949, p. 17).
North Boulder Group ______ Shoreline facies__________ Montana ____________________ _ Ross ( 1949, oral com-
mun., 1957).
Nugget Sandstone _________ Eolian and waterlaid _____ Idaho, Wyoming, Utah ________ _ McKee and others (1956);
Oriel, in McKee and
others (1959, p. 23).
St. Mary River Formation__ ContinentaL ____________ Montana ____________________ _ Armstrong (1957).
Spearfish Formation _______ ._____ do _________________ South Dakota, Wyoming ______ _
Uinta Mountain Group ____ Alluvial fan, shallow Colorado, Utah _______________ Hansen (1957, p. 52).
water, and subaerial.
Willow Creek Formation ___ ContinentaL ____________ Montana _____________________ Armstrong (1957).
TABLE 9.-Continental sandstone formaJ,ions in which uranium deposits are unknown-Continued

Stratigraphic unit Dominant environment

of sedimentation
I States where unit or equivalent
rocks crop out

Gulf Coastal and Mississippi Alluvial Plains

Citronelle Formation _______ Continental _____________ Alabama, Florida _____________ _ Stose (1932).
Claiborne Group ___________ Continental and Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas ____ _ Moore (1933, p. 525);
marine, cyclic. Plummer (1933, p.
Tuscaloosa Formation _____ _ Brackish water, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Eargle (1955, p. 9Q-94).
swamp, lagoonal. North Carolina, Tennessee.
VVilcox Group ____________ _ Largely continental Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisi- Moore (1933, p. 525);
(littoral, fluvial, ana, Mississippi, Missouri, Plummer (1933, p.
lacustrine, and Tennessee, Texas. 573).

Appalachian Highlands

Allegheny Formation _______ Fresh water and Maryland, Pennsylvania, Reger (1931).
marine, cyclic. VV est Virginia.
Bald Eagle Conglomerate___ Dominantly contin en tal __ Pennsylvania ________________ _
VVillard (1943, p. 1084).
Bellingham Conglomerate ________ do ________________ _ Massachusetts, Rhode Island __ _
Emerson (1917, p. 51).
Bloomsburg Formation _____ Continental, presumed Pennsylvania ______ ... __________ _
VVillard (1938); Swartz
alluvial. (1948).
Conemaugh Formation_____ Continental, fresh water; Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Moore (1933, p. 295);
some thin marine beds. VVest Virginia. Stout (1931, p. 201);
Reger (1931).
Dighton Conglomerate_____ Continental_____________ Massachusetts, Rhode Island __ _ Emerson (1917, p. 51).
Dunkard Group ___________ Fresh water and swamps_ Ohio, Pennsylvania, Stauffer (1916).
VVest Virginia.
High Falls (Shale) Continental _____________ New Jersey, New York ________ VVillard (1938, p. 10).
Juniata Formation_________ Alluvial plain, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Willard (1943, p. 1084);
continental. Virginia, VVest Virginia. Butts (1940, p. 228);
Woodward (1951,
p. 388).
Loudoun Formation________ ContinentaL _____ ------- Maryland, Pennsylvania, Butts (1940, p. 471).
Monongahela Formation____ Fresh water, cyclic _____ _ Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Stout (1931, p. 201);
West Virginia. Reger (1931).
Oswego Sandstone _________ Fresh water, subaerial, Virginia, West Virginia ________ _ Butts (1949, p. 221);
deltaic. Woodward (1951,
p. 381).
Pocono Formation_________ Nonmarine, deltaic______ Maryland, Pennsylvania, Cooper (1948); Willard
Virginia, West Virginia. (1946, p. 786);
Dunbar (1949).
Pond ville Conglomerate____ Continental ____________ _ Massachusetts, Rhode Island __ _ Emerson (1917, p. 51).
Potomac Group __ --------- Continental, swamps, Delaware, Maryland, Moore (1933, p. 434).
stream. Virginia.
Purgatory Conglomerate____ Continental ____________ _ Massachusetts, Rhode Island __ _ Emerson (1917, p. 51).
Raritan Formation______________ do ____ ------------- Delaware, Maryland, New Moore (1933, p. 436).
Jersey, New York.
Rhode Island Formation _________ do ________________ _ Massachusetts, Rhode Island __ _ Emerson (1917, p. 51).
Shawangunk Conglomerate_ Alluvial plain, fresh New Jersey, New York ________ _ Thomson (1957); Ams-
water. den (1955).
Skunnemunk Conglomerate_ ContinentaL ___ -------- ______ do __ ---------- ______ ----- Willard (1939, p. 262).
Unicoi Formation__________ Continental, fluviaL _____ Alabama, Georgia, North Caro- Barrell (1925).
lina, Tennessee.
Wamsutta Formation______ Continental_____________ Massachusetts, Rhode Island __ _ Emerson (1917, p. 51).
Weverton Sandstone _______ --~--do _________________ Maryland, Pennsylvania, Vir- Butts (1940, p. 471).

Many of the known uranium-bearing sandstone for- listed the Morrison, Chinle, Dockum, and Shinarump
mations extend into States where, in these formations, separately, but the latter three are now considered
uranium has not yet been found. Notable in the Gulf partly or completely equivalent rocks), but in 1959 it
Coastal and Mississippi Alluvial Plains are the Jackson was known in 30! Of the 28 formations containing re-
Group, Catahoula Tuff, and Oakville Sandstone; in cently discovered uranium deposits, the Jackson and
Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia of the Appala- Inyan Kara (Lakota) Groups are the most productive.
chian Highlands, the Catskill Formation (Chadwick, Furthermore, some fossil localities in these 28 forma-
1936); in States from Alabama northeastward to West tions are in areas where uranium has not been found;
Virginia, the Pottsville Formation (Wanless, 1946) ; notable are the Jackson Group in Louisiana and the
and in States northward from North Carolina, theNew- Trinity Group in Texas. Although silicified wood
arkGroup. alone is not a guide to ore, it is commonly associated
Paleotectonic maps, such as shown in figures 4 and 5 with carbonized wood and also tuffaceous material, both
and plate 2, may reveal some areas and formations where of which are guides. Therefore the 36 formations re-
uranium ore may occur. For example, in Upper Juras- maining in Murata's list may be considered potentially
sic rocks the lithofacies patterns of the Morrison Forma- favorable for uranium. The formations and their loca-
tion in central and western Wyoming are similar to tions, listed by State, are as follows (asterisk indi-
those in the Colorado Plateau region, the most produc- cates formations containing some volcanic material;
tive part of the Cordilleran foreland (pl. 2). This sim- Murata gave published references describing each
ilarity suggests that large productive deposits may yet locality):
be found in Morrison rocksin western Wyoming. A State Formation Location
second example, shown on plate 2, is the Cotton Valley Horsetown __________ _ Shasta County.
California ______ _
*Sonoma Andesite ___ _ Sonoma and Napa
Group in the Gulf Coastal Plains, which has lithofacies Counties.
*VVeaverville ________ _ Trinity County.
and environmental features similar to those of the Mor- VVildcat ____________ _ Humboldt County.
rison Formation in the Colorado Plateau region Colorado ______ _ *Animas ___________ _ San Juan Basin.
Kirtland ___________ _ Do.
(McKee and others, 1956, p. 3, col. 2), and this similarity *McDermott________ _ Do.
suggests the possible occurrence of uranium in the Cot- Vermejo ____________ _
Gulf Coast VVilcox _____________ _
ton Valley Group. Because the Cotton Valley Group
Idaho _________ _ *Aspen _____________ _
does not crop out, the presence of uranium is unknown
and would have to be determined by drill-hole explora- *Hagerman Lake Snake River platn.
tion, which should be preceded by careful study of *Payette ___________ _ Do.
available subsurface data. Indiana ________ _ New Albany Shale___ _ Scott County.
Iowa __________ _ Eldora Sandstone____ _ Hardin County.
Regional intertonguing of facies is known in places Kentucky ______ _ Mahoning Sandstone
where uranium has not yet been discovered. Two ex- Member, Cone-
amples are: (1) the west flank of the Powder River maugh Formation.
Maryland_--- __ - Potomac Group _____ _
Basin in Wyoming, where conglomerate of the Kings- *Eutaw----- ________ _
Mississippi_-- __ _
bury and Moncrief Members of the Wasatch Formation Forest Hill Sand ____ _
pass laterally and downdip into sandstone and siltstone MeN airy Sand Mem-
ber, Ripley Forma-
( J. D. Vine, written commun., 1955) ; and ( 2) Texas and tion.
States along the Mississippi embayment, where marine Montana __ ----- *Judith River_______ _ Ingomar anticline.
Kootenai_ __________ _ Near Geyser.
and continental rocks interfinger (fig. 5, basin 14) . Nevada____ --- __ *Upper Cedarville ___ _ VVashoe County.
A knowledge of the distribution of tuffaceous sedi- New Mexico ___ _ *Animas ___ --------- San Juan Basin.
Kirtland _______ ----- Do.
mentary rocks would be of great value in locating new *McDermott________ _ Do.
areas favorable for uranium. Ross (1955, fig. 1) pub- Playas Peak __ ------- Little Hatchet Mts.
*Ringbone Shale ____ _ Do.
lished a small-scale map showing the distribution of *Torrejon ____ ------- San Juan Basin.
pyroclastic materials east of the Rocky Mountains. Ohio_---------- Mahoning Sandstone
Member, Cone-
A search of the geologic literature for reports of oc- maugh Formation.
currences of fossil plants might aid in the discovery of Oklahoma _____ _ VVoodford Chert_____ _
uranium deposits in formations and areas that are not Oregon_----- __ _ *Calapooya_________ _ Southwestern part
of State.
known to be uranium bearing. Murata (1940) com- *Eagle Creek _______ _ Columbia River
piled a list of 66 formally named formations containing Gorge.
*John Day _________ _ Central part of
silidfied wood, and he noted that two-thirds of theni State.
contained some tuffaceous material. At that time ura- *Mehama Volcanics __ Near Mehama.
*Trout Creek _______ _ Southeastern part
nium was known in only 2 of the 66 formations (Murata of State.
State Formation Location basins to the west, and they even contain a few known
Texas _________ _ *Rockdale__________ _
*Tornillo Clay ______ _ occurrences of uranium. Nevertheless, they are con-
*1fegua ____________ _
Virginia _______ _ sidered unlikely to contain deposits of uranium of eco-
Otterdale Sandstone __ Richmond Basin.
Potomac Group _____ _ nomic value, because they were laid down on a sloping
Washington ____ _ *Eagle Creek _______ _ Columbia River plain having a homoclinal dip. As a result, their con-
*1{akima Basalt_____ _ Central part of nwte waters may have drained out or been flushed out by
*Aspen_____________ _ State. meteoric water. This draining or flushing also would
Wyoming ______ _
*Frontier___________ _ have permitted the oxidation and destruction of plant
*Meeteetse _________ _ Park County.
Parkman Sandstone __ Sheridan County.
fossils and other reducing agents.
*Wiggins ___________ _ Absaroka Range.
Murata also listed 10 unnamed rock units in which
uranium has not been found. Adams, J. A. S., 1954, Uranium and thorium contents of volcanic
Traces of uranium have been found in many forma- rocks, in Faul, Henry, ed., Nuclear geology-a symposium
on nuclear phenomena in the earth sciences: New York, John
tions in which further search might find ore-grade ma- Wiley & Sons, Inc., p. 89-98.
terial. (pl. 1 ; tables 2, 3) . Adkins, W. S., 1933, The Mesozoic systems in Texas, in Sellards,
Peneconcordant deposits so commonly occur in clus- E. H., Adkins, W. S., and Plummer, F. B., The Geology of
ters that places containing only one or two known de- Texas, v.1, Stratigraphy: Texas Univ. Bull. 3232, p. 239-518.
posits warrant extensive exploration (pl. 1). Explora- Agatston, R. S., 1952, Tensleep formation of the Big Horn Basin,
in Wyoming Geol. Assoc. Guidebook 7th Ann. Field Conf.,
tion downdip from known deposits in the Texas Coastal Southern Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, 1952 : p. 44-48.
Plain is especially recommended. Thorough geologic Albee, H. F., 1957, Comparison of the pebbles of the Shinarump
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As a result of a study of the uranium content of water Plateau] : Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 27, no. 2, p. 135-142.
in Fremont County, Wyo., Murphy (1956b) suggested Altschuler, Z. S., Clarke, R. S., Jr., and Young, E. J., 1958, Geo-
chemistry of uranium in apatite and phosphorite: U.S. Geol.
two possible uranium-bearing areas. Survey Prof. Paper 314-D, p. 45-90.
Another area that might be considered favorable for Amsden, T. W., 1955, Lithofacies map of Lower Silurian deposits
uranium by reason of its analogy to the one in the in central and eastern United States and Canada : Am.
Powder River Basin is the red zone in the Wasatch Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 39, no. 1, p. 60-74.
Formation parallel to the Forebear anticline in Park Anderson, A. L., 1956, Geology and mineral resources of the
Salmon quadrangle, Lemhi County, Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines
County, Wyo. (Pierce and Andrews, 1941). and Geology Pamph. 106, 102 p.
Climate is a factor in the preservation of outcrops of Anderson, E. C., 1900, Occurrences of uranium ores in New
uranium ore; arid and semiarid climates preserve them Mexico, in New Mexico Bur. Mines and Mineral Resources
best, as in the Cordilleran-Ouachita forelands ura- Circ~ 29 : p. 1-25.
nium region, where the rainfall is about 15 inches a year. Angelelli, V., 1956, Distribution and characteristics of uranium
deposits and occurrences in the Argentine Republic, in
Many large deposits in sandstone in countries other
United Nations, 1956: p. 63-74.
than the United States, however, are exposed to more Archbold, N. L., 1959, Relationship of carbonate cement to lithol-
humid climates. For example, the annual rainfall in ogy and vanadium-uranium deposits in the Morrison forma-
the Blind River district, Canada, and at Witwatersrand, tion in southwestern Colorado: Econ. Geology, v. 54, no. 4,
Union of South Africa, is 30-40 inches; at Moun ana, p. 666-682.
Argall, 0. 0., Jr., 1954, Why Anaconda's uranium mines are
Gabon in Africa, 60-80 inches; and at Buller Gorge,
unique: Mining World, v.16, no.10, p. 54-59.
New Zealand, 80-200 inches. Klepper and Wyant Arkansas Geological and Conservation Commission, 1959, Min-
(1957, p. 136-137) stressed that areas of extremely wet eral resources of Arkansas : Bull. 6 (revised), 84 p.
climates deserve a low priority in the search for ura- Armstrong, F. C., 1957, Eastern and central Montana as a pos-
nium. The author, however, contends that a humid sible source area of uranium: Econ. Geology, v. 52, no. 3,
p. 211-224.
climate makes prospecting only more difficult-not
Ault, W. U., and Kulp, J. L., 1960, Sulfur isotopes and ore de-
futile; if an area has the geologic features favorable for posits: Econ. Geology, v. 55, no.1, p. 73-100.
uranium outlined above, it deserves prospecting regard- Austin, S. R., 1957, Recent uranium redistribution in the Cam-
less of its climate (Lecoq and others, 1958). eron, Arizona, deposits, in Advances in nuclear engineering :
Consideration of all valid geologic factors can yield New York, Pergamon Press, v. 2, p. 332-338.
a negative as well as a favorable evaluation of prospect- - - 1960, Ilmenite, magnetite, and feldspar alteration under
reducing conditions: Econ. Geology, v. 56, no. 8, p.1758-1759.
ing possibilities. East of the Rocky Mountains, beds
Averitt, Paul, and others, 1955, Revisions in correlation and no-
of continental origin of Oligocene and Miocene ages are menclature of Triassic and Jurassic formations in south-
widespread. Lithologically, these beds are similar to western Utah and northern Arizona : Am. Assoc. Petroleum
productive rocks of Tertiary age in the intermontane Geologists Bull., v. 39, no. 12, p. 2515--2524.

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nel deposit: U.S. Atomic Energy Comm. RM0--66, 40 p., mineralization in the Hawks Crag breccia of the lower Bul-
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- - - 1952b, Uranium deposits in southwestern Colorado Pla- Jour. Geology and Geophysics, v.1, no. 3, p. 432-450.
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Baker, A. A., 1933, Geology and oil possibilities of the Moab dis- Bull. 1046-G, p. 149-164.
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B, p. 63-157.
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Berthoud, E. L., 1875, On the occurrence of uranium, silver, Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 168, 58 p.
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Boardman, R. L., Ekren, E. B., and Bowers, H. E., 1956, Sedi- Service, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
mentary features of upper sandstone lenses of the Salt ---1957, Organic geochemistry of uranium, in Geologic
Wash member and their relation to uranium-vanadium de- investigations of radioactive deposits-Semiannual progress
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in Page and others: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 300, p. 690, Book 2, p. 542-544, issued by U.S. Atomic Energy
221-226; also in United Nations, 1956: p. 331-334. Comm. Tech. Inf. Service, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
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Bollin, E. M., and Kerr, P. F., 1958, Uranium mineralization near
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Field Conf., Black Mesa Basin, northeastern Arizona, ---1959, Association of uranium with carbonaceous mate-
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- - - 1949b, Federal exploration for carnotite ore: Denver, 303-319; also in United Nations, 1956, Uranium deposits in
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