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Paragraph Report or Summary in Indonesian

(Zakiya Zara)
Ketahanan Bakteri terhadap Antibiotik

Banyak kasus kesehatan yang terjadi akibat penggunaan obat,

salah satunya sejenis antibiotik. Akibat penggunaan yang terkesan
sembarangan dan penyebab lainnya, menyebabkan bakteri yang
seharusnya mati setelah pasien mengonsumsi obat, namun ternyata tidak
memberi efek sesuai keinginan. Banyak bakteri yang sudah kebal
terhadap antibiotik yang diberikan. Banyak kasus terjadi dan banyak
peneliti yang hampir putus asa untuk dapat menemukan solusi terkait
permasalahan ini.

Bahkan, temuan temuan yang dulu dianggap tak terpakai, sekarang

mulai dikaji ulang untuk menciptakan antibiotik antibiotik baru untuk
menggantikan antibiotik yang sudah tidak memberikan efek lagi.

Alasan mengapa bakteri kebal terhadap antibiotik ternyata sudah

terjadi bahkan hingga 60 tahun lamanya,namun baru disadari belakangan,
akibat bakteri tersebut sering memperoleh gen resistensi di dalam
antibiotik, membantu mereka bertahan pada saat yang sama.

Tapi mengembangkan produk baru dari awal atau bahkan

mengembangkan yang lama,akan memakan biaya yang besar,jadi banyak
ilmuwan memfokuskan untuk membuat antibiotik dengan terapi
kombinasi, menggabungkan beberapa obat untuk membentuk campuran
yang lebih kuat dan sulit untuk dilawan bakteri.

B. A List of Difficult Word

( Limomy Citra Anugrah Lestari and M. Arsyad Putra Anbiar

o Resistance
: refusal to accept something new or different
: effort made to stop or to fight against someone or something
: the ability to prevent something from having an effect

:perlawanan , daya tahan

o Outstripping
: to be or become better, greater, or larger than (someone or

: melampaui , melebihi , mendahului

o Clumps
: a small ball or mass of something
: a group of things or people that are close together
: a loud, heavy sound made by footsteps

: rumpun , gumpalan

o Devastating
: to destroy much or most of (something) : to cause great
damage or harm to (something)
: to cause (someone) to feel extreme emotional pain

: sangat efektif , yang menghancurkan

o Outbreak
: to destroy much or most of (something) : to cause great
damage or harm to (something)
: to cause (someone) to feel extreme emotional pain

: pecahnya , perjangkitan

o Crumbling
: to break (something) into small pieces
: to separate into many small pieces : to fall apart
: to break down completely : to stop functioning

: runtuh , hancur , remuk

o Unveiled
: to remove a covering like a curtain from a new structure at
a formalceremony in order to show the opening or finishing of a
new buildingor work of art

: menyingkap

o Feasible
: capable of being done or carried out <a feasible plan>
: capable of being used or dealt with successfull

: layak , mungkin

o Acquisition
: the act of getting or acquiring something: such as act or
process of gaining skill, knowledge, etc.

: perolehan , kemahiran ,penerimaan

o Promiscuous
: having or involving many sexual partners
: including or involving too many people or things : not limited in
a careful or proper way

: kacau , campur aduk , tidak membedakan

o Altering
: to make a change to (a piece of clothing) so that it will fit better
: to remove the sex organs of (an animal) so that the animal is
unable to reproduce

: mengubah , permak

o Efflux
: something given off in or as if in a stream

: penghabisan

o Virulent
: full of hate or anger
: extremely or excessively harsh or strong
: extremely dangerous and deadly and usually spreading very

: jahat , sengit , membinasakan

o Sophisticated
: having or showing a lot of experience and knowledge about the
world and about culture, art, literature, etc.
: attractive to fashionable or sophisticated people
: highly developed and complex

: mutakhir

C. Note on Expression and Collocation

( Prita Rizki Nabila and Geo Ghazali Gusman )
o antibiotic resistance o novel method
o off the coast of o the most far-flung corners of
o below the surface the planet
o marine life o punches holes
o ocean floor o before you even think about
o micro-organisms ..
o captured the headlines o unexpectedly improve
o number of deaths o in decades gone by
o crumbling down o . often have to develop
o global action plan
o in the first place o Theres a lot of work from
o gene sharing .
o brand new o So I doubt well see
o in order to o Due to .
o clinical trial o may be able to
o plant-derived anti-bacterial o is/are able to
o the main focal point of o often har

D. Key Paragraph
o ( Zakiya Ifana Putri and Haddad Ishlah )
o As a result, some feel the right combinations of drugs have
major advantages when it comes to developing viable products. Given
that the individual drugs themselves are known to be safe, and can be
produced in large quantities at a reasonable cost, the path from lab to
clinic should, in theory, be much faster and less expensive.
E.Reflection Paragraph
o ( Azizi Yemahul and Mohammad Fauzan )
o From the previous text we know that antibiotic
resistence is happen when bacteria change to protect themselves
from an antibiotic. They are then no longer sensitive to that
antibiotic. When this happens, antibiotics that previously would
have killed the bacteria, or stopped them from multiplying, no
longer work. The more antibiotics are used, the more chances
bacteria have to become resistant to them. in other side antibiotic is
not suggested by big countries but the antibiotic is used from the
poor countries like placebo effect.

o This is a sensitive area, obviously, but mass produced,

low quality, inexpensive antibiotics taken for everything from
depression to infertility in developing countries needs to end.
International aid and co-ordination groups need to speed the
development of modern health care systems in poorer areas of the
world or else there is little hope of a solution

o So, we think there are several ways to prevent our

selves from antibiotic resistence. The first way is understanding that
most people don't need antibiotics for colds and flu because they
are caused by viruses. In fact, there are so many people that use
antibiotic to treat their disease, althought the disease like cold or
flu. We know that antibiotic can treat us from any disease by killed
the bacteria, but cold and flu caused by viruses, so it useless.

o The second way is telling your doctor you only want an

antibiotic if it is really necessary , you can also ask other treatment
alternatives, like herbal medicine and etc. the most important is that
you should always consult with your doctor about what medicine is
best for your disease, and avoid using antibiotics.
o The third way is taking the right dose of your antibiotic at the
right time, as prescribed by your doctor , so dont eat it overdose .
and the last is taking your antibiotics for as long as your doctor tells
you to. Maybe that just a little way to avoid antibiotic resistant, and
there are so many other ways
Sometime there are some disease that just can treat by
antibiotic and there is no other solution for that, so in here, the
doctor should give the right dose to patient, and make an informed
consent to patien that contain approval from patient about medical
action undertaken

o So the point is we should be a critical. As a patient we

should be a smart patient, we should ask why the doctor choose
that way, and dont just accept doctor opinion before you clarified it.
And as a doctor we should give the best to our patient, and serve
them as best as we can

o In other ways we should support all of research that

scientist have done, and hope that they will find the best solution to
resolve antibiotoc resistance

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