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Learning Contract Worksheet

Intern Name: Erica Olivo Internship: Department of Corrections: Home Confinement Unit Internship
Credits: 6

Learning Objective* Learning Resources Personal Evidence Tangible Evidence Target Completion
& Strategies of Accomplishment of Accomplishment Date
What do you want to What tasks will you do How will you KNOW you How will you PROVE you
learn or accomplish? to achieve your goal? achieved your goal achieved your goal? By what date can you
accomplish this
I will shadow the I will be confident in When the counselors End of February
How to thoroughly file counselor that files the work I am doing feel comfortable with
inmate interviews, court referrals. Along and will no longer allowing me to file
including court with asking questions. need assistance interviews
referrals independently

Learn what resources Asking questions When conducting When I can Early March
are readily available regarding resources interviews I will have a confidently recite the
for inmates who are (S/A, MH, PSY, etc.) quick and ready programs resources
released to Home response from my head

Conduct interviews Start making Once I have Similar to the first Mid-March
with detained inmates arrangements to go completed 3 one; the counselor will
inside more often interviews inside w/o feel comfortable with
assistance other than me conducting the
supervision interview without any
Understand and Know Ask each time I am Will be able to use Will be able to read April
the proper unsure terminology through inmate files
terminology and confidently and and understand the
abbreviations used for comfortably terminology being
charges used without having
to ask
Learn about the Ask about the Will be able to identify Will feel confident in Mid-March to May
structure of the pros/cons of working positions of interest the direction I want to
Department of for DOC inside vs start taking towards
Corrections from an outside; uniformed vs my career
inside view non-uniformed

*Number of Required Learning Objectives

The minimum number of Learning Objectives you create is based on the number of credits you are earning for your Field
Experience (ITR 302). See the table below. (Example: If you are earning 4 field experience credits, you will complete 3 Learning

ITR302 Learning
credits Objectives
3-5 3
6-8 4
9-12 5

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