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Sayfiddinovas Class News

February 2017

Myrtle Beach Elementary School transformations. The students

This month our class will focus on will learn about reflections, rotations
learning more about fiction and non- and translation. In our science class
fiction stories. Students will have the the students will learn about photo-
opportunity to write fiction and non- synthesis. Also this month in social
fiction stories of their own. In our studies class the students will learn
math class we will focus more on more about election and debates.

Birthdays during this month: Alex ( Feb. 5th) Mary (Feb 15th) Josh (Feb.25th)

Upcoming Events
Happy Birthday
Feb. 10 Test
Feb. 13 Valen-
tines Day Dance Valentines Day Dance couple dance. Parents
Feb. 18 Parent is going to be on the please join the kids on
Teacher Confer- 13th of February, and this exciting day. All
its going to the money
take place collected by
Feb. 23-Project in the gym. the dance
Everyone is will go to
welcome to the books
Star Students come and that we are
Mary have fun. trying to get
Students are advised for our students.
to bring a parent or Dance ticket: $4 per
family member with person
Tony them. This dance is a

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