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The British Journal of Psychiatry (2013)

203, 103106. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.112.120808

Risk of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia

in relatives of people with attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder{
Henrik Larsson, Eleonore Ryden, Marcus Boman, Niklas Langstrom, Paul Lichtenstein
and Mikael Landen

Background Results
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated First-degree relatives of the ADHD proband group were
with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, and it has been at increased risk of both bipolar disorder (odds ratio
suggested that combined bipolar disorder and ADHD is (OR) = 1.842.54 for parents, offspring and full siblings) and
aetiologically distinct from the pure disorders. schizophrenia (OR = 1.712.22 for parents, offspring and full
siblings). The risks of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
Aims among second-degree relatives were substantially lower than
To clarify whether ADHD shares genetic and environmental among full siblings.
factors with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Method Conclusions
By linking longitudinal Swedish national registers, we These findings suggest that the co-occurrence of ADHD and
identified 61 187 persons with ADHD (the proband group) bipolar disorder as well as ADHD and schizophrenia is due to
and their first- and second-degree relatives, and matched shared genetic factors, rather than representing completely
them with a control group of people without ADHD and aetiologically distinct subsyndromes.
their corresponding relatives. Conditional logistic regression
was used to determine the risks of bipolar disorder and Declaration of interest
schizophrenia in the relatives of the two groups. None.

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder unique personal identification number. The Patient Register has
and schizophrenia are highly heritable psychiatric disorders that nationwide coverage for psychiatric in-patient care since 1973
sometimes co-occur.14 The extent to which ADHD shares and information on psychiatric out-patient care (not provided
aetiological factors with bipolar disorder and/or schizophrenia by a general practitioner) since 2001. Every record has a discharge
has important implications for both clinical practice and research. date, a primary discharge diagnosis and secondary diagnoses
Studies suggest shared genetic susceptibility loci as well as genetic assigned by the treating medical doctor according to the World
deletions and duplications (i.e. copy number variants, CNVs) that Health Organizations International Statistical Classification of
overlap between these disorders.5,6 However, no adequately sized Diseases and Related Health Problems: ICD-8 for 19691986,
family study has explored the degree to which ADHD shares ICD-9 for 19871996 and ICD-10 from 1997.1012
familial risk factors with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, The Swedish Prescribed Drug Register is a national healthcare
and prior family studies of ADHD and bipolar disorder indicate register with data on prescribed and dispensed pharmaceuticals.
that the co-occurrence of the two disorders represents a familially Information regarding drug identity according to the Anatomical
distinct syndrome.7,8 Hence, we aimed to explore the extent to Therapeutic Chemical classification system (ATC code), quantity
which ADHD shares genetic and environmental risk factors with and dosage of the prescribed drug, and date of prescription/
bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. To this end we conducted a dispensing has been registered since July 2005 along with specific
total population study in Sweden of people with ADHD patient information (gender, age and residential area). The register
(n = 61 187) and a control group. We estimated the occurrence covers the entire population of Sweden, and the identity of the
of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia not only in the ADHD patients is available for over 99.7% of the population.13
proband and control groups, but also in the relatives of From the Total Population Register we obtained information
these individuals. To study the effect of shared genetic and on gender, birth year and migrant status for the entire Swedish
environmental factors specifically, we adjusted for the potential population. At the time of the construction of our database, this
existence of aetiologically distinct subsyndromes (e.g. an ADHD register covered all persons born up to 2009 and all migration
plus bipolar disorder subtype) by excluding from the proband events during 19692009. Information on vital status (a registered
and control groups people with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, death date) was taken from the Cause of Death Register. At the
and by excluding relatives of probands or controls with ADHD.9 time of the analyses this register covered essentially all deaths from
1952 to 2009. The Multi-Generation Register includes personal
Method identification numbers of index persons and their biological and
adoptive parents and was used to identify parents, children, full
The study was based on data from Swedish longitudinal national siblings and half-siblings of index persons. Index persons were
registers held by the National Board of Health and Welfare and individuals born 19322009 and registered as living in Sweden
Statistics Sweden, which were linked through each individuals at any time during 19612009 or who migrated here together with
one or both parents and obtained permanent citizenship before
See editorial, pp. 8183, this issue. age 18 years.

Larsson et al

Classifications of ADHD relatives of the ADHD proband group with relatives of the control
Patients obtaining a diagnosis of ADHD between 1987 and 2009 group (parents, offspring, full siblings, and maternal and paternal
were identified in the patient register (ICD-9 code 314; ICD-10 half-siblings).
code F90). All discharges and physician appointments (other
than with general practitioners) with a psychiatric diagnosis Probands v. controls
were included and no distinction was made between primary
We initially compared the risk of bipolar disorder and
and secondary diagnoses. Patients treated with stimulant or
schizophrenia in the ADHD proband group with that among
non-stimulant medication for ADHD methylphenidate (N06BA04),
matched controls. For each case, we randomly selected 10 control
atomoxetine (N06BA09), amfetamine (N06BA01) or dexamfetamine
group members matched by birth year and gender. In line with
(N06BA02) at any time between July 2005 and December
well-established procedures for nested casecohort designs,3,15,16
2009 were identified via the Prescribed Drug Register and assigned
control group participants were alive and living in Sweden
to the ADHD proband group. In our study patients aged 365
and not diagnosed with ADHD at the time of the first ADHD
years at the time of their first ADHD diagnosis (or first
diagnosis of the proband.
prescription of stimulant or non-stimulant medication for
ADHD) were included as probands. National guidelines for
medication of ADHD, issued by the Swedish National Board of Relatives of probands v. relatives of controls
Health and Welfare in 2002, state that pharmacological treatment A family design was used to study the genetic and environmental
should be reserved for cases in which other supportive inter- sources of overlap between the disorders. We compared the risk of
ventions have failed. This indicates that individuals with ADHD bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in relatives of probands with
drug prescriptions represent more severe cases of the disorder. ADHD with risk in relatives of matched controls. To each
The authority to prescribe ADHD drugs in Sweden is restricted probandrelative pair, ten randomly selected controlrelative pairs
to specialist physicians familiar with the treatment of this disorder. were matched by birth year and gender of both proband and
We used psychiatric symptom data from 20 000 twins (born relative. This method avoids bias introduced by individuals in
19922001) from the Swedish Twin Register to explore the validity the population registries entering the study at different times (left
of the register-based ADHD diagnosis. Symptoms of ADHD in truncation) and allows equal follow-up periods of the relatives to
twins were assessed using the Autism Tics, ADHD and Other the probands and controls.3 Further, to study specifically the effect
Comorbidities inventory (A-TAC), which covers 96 specific child of shared genetic and environmental factors, we adjusted for the
neuropsychiatric symptoms.14 One study with extensive psycho- potential existence of aetiologically distinct subsyndromes (e.g.
metric analyses found excellent validity for the A-TAC ADHD an ADHD plus bipolar disorder subtype) by excluding from the
measures.14 The mean ADHD score of twins who also had at least proband and control groups anyone with schizophrenia or bipolar
one register-based ADHD diagnosis or medication prescription disorder, and by excluding relatives of probands or controls with
according to our definition (mean score 9.05, s.d. = 5.32) was ADHD. Shared familial (genetic and environmental) risk factors
substantially higher (Cohens d = 1.74) than in the total sample are indicated when probands with the index disorder have
(mean 1.73, s.d. = 2.68). In addition, about 70% of twins with a relatives with the other two disorders but not the index disorder.9
register-based ADHD diagnosis were also screen-positive for We analysed first-degree and second-degree relatives separately to
parent-rated ADHD. Similar results were obtained when these assess whether the observed familial association was due to genetic
validity checks were restricted either to ADHD cases identified and/or shared environmental influences. This set of analyses were
through ICD diagnoses (obtained from the Patient Register) or based on the following assumptions: first-degree relatives (who
to pharmacological ADHD treatment (obtained from the share 50% of their co-segregating genes) are more similar
Prescribed Drug Register). genetically than second-degree relatives (who share 25% of their
co-segregating genes), and maternal half-siblings are more similar
Classification of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia with regard to shared environmental exposures than paternal half-
siblings because children continue to live predominantly with
Bipolar disorder was defined as at least one discharge diagnosis of
their mother following parental separation.3
the disorder (ICD-8 codes 296.1, 296.3, 296.8; ICD-9 codes 296A/
To describe associations, we used odds ratios (ORs) with 95%
C/D/E/W; ICD-10 codes F30F31). Individuals with bipolar
confidence intervals obtained from conditional logistic regression
disorder who had ever been diagnosed with schizoaffective
models in PROC PHREG in SAS version 9.3 on Unix. When
disorder (ICD-8 code 295.7, ICD-9 code 295H or ICD-10 code
studying associations within families, confidence intervals were
F25) or schizophrenia (see below) during 19732009 were
obtained with a robust sandwich estimator function to adjust
excluded. Similarly, we defined schizophrenia as at least one
for non-independence (PROC PHREG, covsandwich option).
schizophrenia diagnosis (ICD-8 codes 295.0295.4, 295.6, 295.8
295.9; ICD-9 codes 295A295E, 295G, 295W, 295X; ICD-10 code
F20). Individuals with schizophrenia who also had a diagnosis of Results
bipolar disorder or schizoaffective disorder (for criteria, see above)
during 19732009 were excluded. All psychiatric discharges were In total we identified 61 187 individuals with ADHD according to
included in this study and no distinction was made between study criteria, of whom 41 603 (68%) were male.
primary and secondary diagnoses.
Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in proband group
Statistical analysis Among members of the ADHD proband group without schizo-
The statistical analyses were performed using nested casecohort phrenia (n = 60 655), 4.9% had a co-occurring bipolar disorder
designs. First, we explored the associations between ADHD and diagnosis. In contrast, 0.2% of the control group had a bipolar
bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, by comparing ADHD probands disorder diagnosis. Hence, the proband group were 24 times more
with controls. Second, we addressed the familial overlap between likely to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder compared with the
ADHD and bipolar disorder or schizophrenia by comparing control group (Table 1). Of those in the ADHD proband group

Relation of ADHD to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia

Table 1 Risk of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in the Prior family studies have indicated that relatives of people
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (proband) group (cases) with ADHD and co-occurring bipolar disorder have an increased
and the control group matched for birth year and gender risk of bipolar disorder, whereas relatives of people with ADHD
Cases Controls only do not.7,8 One interpretation of those results is that the
n (%) n (%) OR (95% CI) two disorders are transmitted together in families, representing a
familially distinct syndrome. At odds with this notion, however,
Bipolar disorder 2989 (4.9) 1363 (0.2) 24.0 (22.525.7)
is our finding that pure ADHD in probands actually predicted
Schizophreniab 467 (0.8) 715 (0.1) 6.7 (5.97.5)
pure bipolar disorder in relatives. A potential explanation of these
a. Proband sample n = 60 655 for analysis of bipolar disorder risk. conflicting results is that the previous studies were insufficiently
b. Proband sample n = 58 133 for analysis of schizophrenia risk.
powered to detect a familial association between pure ADHD
and bipolar disorder. The comorbidity of ADHD and schizo-
phrenia has received less attention in prior research and no study
without bipolar disorder (n = 58 133), 0.8% were also diagnosed has addressed the occurrence of schizophrenia in relatives of
with schizophrenia compared with 0.1% of the control group, people with ADHD. Our results extend prior findings of comorbid
corresponding to a substantially increased risk of schizophrenia ADHD in childhood-onset schizophrenia (84% prevalence),20
(OR = 6.7; Table 1). and also findings from high-risk samples, suggesting that ADHD
is overrepresented in offspring of people with schizophrenia
(2035% prevalence).21,22
Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia Altogether, and in line with previous research,23,24 we found a
in proband group relatives higher risk of co-occurring bipolar disorder than schizophrenia in
individuals with ADHD, which might at least partly reflect that
First-degree relatives of those in the ADHD proband group were
ADHD shares more symptoms with bipolar disorder than with
more likely to have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder than
schizophrenia.25 However, familial aggregation patterns of
first-degree relatives of control group participants (OR = 1.842.54;
ADHD and bipolar disorder were similar to those of ADHD
Table 2), supporting familial influences for the overlap between
and schizophrenia. These results are not consistent with a
ADHD and bipolar disorder. Second-degree relatives of those in
completely aetiologically distinct ADHD plus bipolar disorder
the ADHD group were also more likely to have been diagnosed
subtype, although the finding that the overlap between ADHD
with bipolar disorder than the relatives of controls. The risk of
and bipolar disorder is due to shared genetic factors does not
bipolar disorder was statistically significant and similar in magnitude
exclude the possibility that ADHD plus bipolar disorder might
among maternal (OR = 1.26) and paternal (OR = 1.34) half-siblings,
differ pathophysiologically from the pure forms of the respective
but substantially lower than for full siblings. Further, first-degree
disorders,7,8,26 nor does it exclude specific aetiological factors for
relatives of probands with ADHD were more likely to have
each disorder. Nevertheless, the pattern of familial aggregation
schizophrenia than relatives of controls (OR = 1.712.22; Table 2).
in our study suggests pleiotropic genetic effects across the
The risk of schizophrenia was similar among maternal (OR = 1.11)
disorders. This interpretation is in line with CNV findings
and paternal (OR = 1.06) half-siblings and substantially lower than
suggesting genetic overlaps between ADHD, autism and schizo-
for full siblings.
phrenia,5,6 and also the neurocognitive deficit overlap between
ADHD, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.2729 Notably, however,
studies of CNVs indicate that disorder-specific variants are also
involved.30 Our findings lend support to comparative studies
investigating common genetic and neurocognitive factors across
We conducted a large-scale nationwide family study to elucidate
these disorders.
whether ADHD shares genetic and environmental risk factors
with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. The results suggested
increased risks of both bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in
relatives of the proband group. Moreover, risks among half- Strengths and limitations
siblings were considerably lower than in full siblings, but similar The main strength of this study was our ability to address the risk
in maternal and paternal half-siblings. This pattern indicates that of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia primarily in first-degree and
these disorders share genetic rather than environmental risk second-degree relatives of a proband group with pure ADHD and
factors, consistent with prior twin study results for ADHD, bipolar a control group. Second, the study was powered to yield robust,
disorder and schizophrenia, suggesting substantial heritability and unambiguous results. One potential limitation is that the out-
a limited role of shared environmental effects.1719 patient register is relatively new (started in 2001). Also, as already

Table 2 Risks of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in relatives of the attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (proband) group
and relatives of controls matched on birth year and gender
Bipolar disorder in relatives Schizophrenia in relatives
Proband group Control group Proband group Control group
n (%) n (%) OR (95% CI) n (%) n (%) OR (95% CI)

First-degree relatives
Parents 986 (0.95) 4835 (0.51) 1.84 (1.721.97) 366 (0.35) 1503 (0.16) 2.22 (1.992.47)
Offspring 52 (0.28) 187 (0.12) 2.54 (1.923.35) 15 (0.08) 75 (0.05) 1.89 (1.133.15)
Full siblings 319 (0.52) 1212 (0.23) 2.22 (1.982.50) 142 (0.23) 676 (0.13) 1.71 (1.442.04)
Second-degree relatives
Maternal half-siblings 88 (0.44) 135 (0.32) 1.26 (1.011.58) 33 (0.17) 54 (0.13) 1.11 (0.781.58)
Paternal half-siblings 84 (0.38) 132 (0.29) 1.34 (1.061.71) 44 (0.20) 73 (0.16) 1.06 (0.791.43)

Larsson et al

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Risk of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in relatives of people
with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Henrik Larsson, Eleonore Rydn, Marcus Boman, Niklas Lngstrm, Paul Lichtenstein and Mikael
BJP 2013, 203:103-106.
Access the most recent version at DOI: 10.1192/bjp.bp.112.120808

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