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Final 214 Lesson Plan

Concept/Topic to teach:

The concept is the alphabet being taught at a kindergarten level. There will be a
designated letter of the week. My lesson plan is going to consist of introducing the
Letter A, a.

General Goal:

To have the students be able to identify each letter by itself by pointing at them,
saying them in the correct order, and by writing each letter by the end of the grade
year. If unable to write, atleast have the ability to trace them with a pre-formed
paper with the letters already on it.

Specific Objectives:

The student is to gain the understanding of the alphabet, the order it goes in, and
the purpose of the alphabet. The ability for the student to write the alphabet letters
unassisted, in addition to knowing the sounds of the vowels versus constants. The
ability for the student to recall basic sight words either by memory or pointing them
out on a list.

Required Materials:

Smart Board, or dry erase board if not available. A program on the computer
assuming I have access to a smart board that contains examples of the Letter A. I
would incorporate a quick video that is related to the letter A on the computer that
can also be viewed on the smart board. A construction letter already cut out in the
shape of the letter. I would also have examples of some objects that start with the
letter A (apple, alligator).

Step by step procedures:

-Introduce the class to the alphabet song, play it and invite class to join in

-Utilize the electronic dry erase board by displaying the letter of the week on the

-Ask for students to participate in coming up to the board to conduct various tasks
with the letter of the week

-Provide an activity that can be completed at their desk that corresponds with the
letter of the week

-Promote interaction between the students and myself about things that start with
the letter of the week.

-Given ample time for students to interact verbally, and by physically assisting
drawing of things that relate to the letter of the week.

-Upon completion of using the electronic white board, pass out one worksheet with
the letter of the week already outlined so that each student just has to trace the
letter. Interact with the students considerably about reminding them to turn in the
worksheet to me one at a time. As I then can assess their abilities and grade them

-Make sure I place their grade into the gradebook at the end of the lesson to keep
update records of the students abilities.

Plan for independent practice:

I would pass out a piece of paper that allows for the student to trace the letter A, in
addition to having it already printed in a big Bubble letter for the students to color.
Upon completion of that sheet, I would ask for it to be turned into my basket, and
then a small activity that they can complete at their own pace would be the next
practice. I would have an alligator on a piece of paper, also with the letter A at the
top of that paper. I would have green little pieces of construction paper precut and
placed into a basket in the middle of each group of desks. I would ask for the
students to make me an alligator by taking their glue stick and smearing it all over
the alligator. Once that is completed, each student can take a few green pieces of
cut green paper and place them onto the alligator to act as the alligators scales. I
would provide ample time to complete both of these independent activities.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set)-Summarize the lesson that has been taught

The learning of the entire alphabet, to include the phonics of the letters, blends, and
the ability to write the letters. If unable to write the complete alphabet, at least be
able to trace the shapes when provided the outline of the letter. Be able to
recognize the vowels versus constants.

Assessment based on Objectives:

Providing the student, a paper with only the lines for keeping letters straight in a
row, and asking the student to write the letter A. Placing a list of sight words on the
electronic white board and asking the student to circle a sight word out of a group of
words. Having one student at a time circle a letter on the electronic white board
when I pick a random letter. Having one student make the correct pronunciation
when asked what sound the letter I pick makes. These assessments of course, will
take place upon completion of the whole alphabet is taught.

Possible connection to other subjects:

Teaching the alphabet could lead into counting, by counting the letters in the
alphabet. It could also lead into language, by learning the correct pronunciation.
Another lead could be into the primary colors.

My special needs child:

My special needs student has ADHD, which is causes, the student the inability to
focus and concentrate solely at the task at hand. How I would handle this is by
being prepared as what the IEP reads. That is program that all special needs
children typically have when they are being mainstreamed into a classroom. In the
case of the student with ADHD, I would follow the instructions that should be listed.
For an example, allowing the student more time to complete the worksheet. By
calling on the student during the question and answer time between myself and the
students during instruction and possibly repeating what I need from that student
several times. By possibly allowing that student to remain standing versus sitting
during the worksheet time. Even offering the student more trips to the restroom or
the water fountain would be something I permit given it helps with keeping the
student more on task during instruction time. If unable to focus, possibly allowing
that students worksheet to go home with her/him could be a way I handle their
needs better.

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