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One Spirit Medicine

Villoldo, Ph.D
One Spirit Medicine:
Ancient Ways to Ultimate Wellness
Medical anthropologist Alberto Villoldo Ph.D. has
studied theByshamanic healing
Alberto practices
Villoldo, of the Amazon
and Andes for more than 25 years. In 1984 he founded
the Four Winds Society, which offers extensive education
in the philosophy and practice of energy medicine,
training students to become modern-day shamans. He
also directs the Center for Energy Medicine in Chile,
where he investigates and practices the One Spirit
neuroscience of Medicine is the new manifesto for
body and soul.
Mark Hyman, M.D., author of #1 New York Times bestseller,
In his mid-20s Villoldo was the youngest The Bloodprofessor
clinical Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet.
at San Francisco State University, where he founded and
directed the Biological Self-Regulation Lab to investigate
how visualization, energy and psychosomatic medicine
change the chemistry of the brain. He soon realized that
the microscope was the wrong instrument to answer the He learned that we are more than flesh and bone we
A paradigm-shattering
questions he was asking. Other scientists were already synthesis
are absolutely ofofwisdom
fashioned traditions
Spirit and light, surrounded
studying the hardware, Villoldo wantedand modern
to learn to sciencebythat enables
a Luminous Energythe reader
Field to move
whose source is located in
reprogram the system. from passive victiminfinity. This unending Luminous Energy Field exists in
to master of their fate.
every cell of our bodies, acting as a matrix that maintains
He heard stories about people in remoteBruce H. Lipton,
parts of the world Ph.D., ourcell biologist
physical and and best-selling
spiritual author
health and of The
vibrancy it is up
who claimed to know such things, includingBiologytheoffew to us to
Belief and co-author ofrecognize and work
Spontaneous with this gift to change the
remaining shamans among the Inka of Peru. After initial very nature of our living.
research, Villoldo decided to personally investigate this
ancient culture in order to learn about the 5,000-year-old In addition to the forthcoming One Spirit Medicine,
energy medicine known for healing through Spirit and Dr. Alberto Villoldo has written numerous
light. Recognizing this investigation would not big answer to our best-selling
be a part health-care books,problems in the
a number of which have been
time pursuit or brief sabbatical, Villoldo21st century.
resigned his post This book will change your life.
translated into Spanish, German, French, and
at the university and traded his lab coat for hiking boots Italian.
Joe Dispenza, D.C., author of New York Times bestseller, You Are the
and a ticket to the Amazon.
Placebo and Breaking the Habit of Being PowerYourself.
up Your Brain: The Neuroscience of
Scattered throughout the remnants of the ancient Enlightenment (with David Perlmutter, MD)
Amazonian empire were a number of sages or Earth Shaman, Healer, Sage
Keepers who practiced the ancestral healing methods.
Alberto visited countless villages and met with scores of The Four Insights
medicine men and women. The lack of A a written body of that
program pushes the resetThe
Mending button, paving
Past & Healing the
The Future
knowledge meant that every village brought its own flavor With Soul Retrieval
and style to the healing practices that still for health.
Illumination: The Shamans Way of Healing
David Perlmutter, M.D., F.A.C.N., author of #1 New York Times
For more than 10 years, Villoldo trainedbestseller,
with the jungle
Grain Brain. Courageous Dreaming: How Shamans Dream
medicine people. Along the way, he discovered that his the World into Being
journey into shamanism had been guided by his personal
The Four Winds: A Shamans Odyssey into
desire to become whole. He learned to transform old
the Amazon (with Erik Jendresen)
pain, grief, anger and shame into sources of strength and
compassion. A powerful blend of spiritual philosophy
Island of andthe Inca Medicine
the Sun: Mastering
scientific principles brimming with timeless
Wheel (with Erik Jendresen)
Villoldo later trekked the coast of Peru from the
wisdom. Youll want to keep
mysterious Nazca lines to the sacred Shimbe lagoons in
Power,book at your
and Spirit: Patanjali the Shaman

the north. At Lake Titicaca, The Sea onfingertips.

Top of the World, The Realms of Healing, (with Stanley
Villoldo collected the stories and healing practices of Krippner Ph.D.)
Gregg Braden, New York Times best-selling author of The Divine
people from whom, legends say, the Inka were born. Healing States: A Journey Into the World of
Matrix and Deep Truth.
Spiritual Healing and Shamanism (with Stanley
Over the course of two decades with the shamans in Krippner Ph.D.)
the jungles and high mountains of the Andes, Alberto
Villoldo discovered a set of sacred technologies that Skeleton Woman
transform the body, heal the soul, and can change the way
we live and die.
One Spirit Medicine

Villoldo, Ph.D

One Spirit Medicine offers an opportunity to move beyond misperceived limitations and
write new empowering stories for our lives. With authority and eloquence, Alberto Villoldo
presents a Alberto
Medical anthropologist paradigm-shattering
Villoldo Ph.D. hassynthesis of wisdom traditions and modern science that
studied the shamanic healing practices
enables the reader to move of thefrom
passive victim and become the master of their fate. One
and Andes for
Spirit Medicine is a powerfulfounded
more than 25 years. In 1984 he and wise prescription for self-healing and an opportunity to
the Four Winds Society, which offers extensive education
reclaim power over your health and your destiny.
in the philosophy and practice of energy medicine,
training students to become modern-day shamans. He
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., Cell biologist and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and coauthor of Spontaneous
also directs the Center for Energy Medicine in Chile,
Evolution. His most recent book is The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth.
where he investigates and practices the neuroscience of

In his mid-20s Spirit
Villoldo wasMedicine
the youngestis the newprofessor
clinical manifesto for body and soul. The wisdom of the ancients is
at San Francisco newly
State discovered
University, where he infounded
the languageand of our biology. Alberto Villoldo translates advances
directed thein the science
Biological of creating
Self-Regulation Labhealth and integrates them with spiritual and life practices from
to investigate
how visualization,
shamanic energy and psychosomatic
traditions the one medicine
medicine we all need to reclaim body, mind and soul. There
change the chemistry of the brain. He soon
is no one better to guide us on your realized thatjourney toward living a light filled, vibrant life.
the microscope was the wrong instrument to answer the He learned that we are more than flesh and bone we
questions heMark
was asking.
Hyman,Other scientists
MD, author of #1were already
New York
are absolutely fashioned of Spirit and light, surrounded
Times bestseller, The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet, and Director,
studying theCleveland
hardware, Villoldo wanted to learn to by a Luminous Energy Field whose source is located in
Clinic Center for Functional Medicine.
reprogram the system. infinity. This unending Luminous Energy Field exists in
every cell of our bodies, acting as a matrix that maintains
* * * * *
He heard stories about people in remote parts of the world our physical and spiritual health and vibrancy it is up
who claimed to know such things, including the few to us to recognize and work with this gift to change the
In Oneamong
remaining shamans SpirittheMedicine
Inka of Peru. Dr.After
initialartfully weds traditional
very nature wisdom with leading edge
of our living.
nutritional science, delivering
research, Villoldo decided to personally investigate this a program that pushes the reset button, paving the way for
ancient culture to learn about the 5,000-year-old
in order In addition to the forthcoming One Spirit Medicine,
energy medicine known for healing through Spirit and Dr. Alberto Villoldo has written numerous
David Perlmutter,
light. Recognizing MD, FACN,
this investigation would not be
author a part
of #1 best-selling
New York Times bestseller, books,
Grain Brain: TheaSurprising
number Truth
of which have
about been
time pursuitCarbs
or brief
Sugar YourVilloldo resigned
Brains Silent Killershis post translated into Spanish, German, French, and
at the university and traded his lab coat for hiking boots Italian.
and a ticket *to*the
Power up Your Brain: The Neuroscience of
Scattered throughout the remnants of the ancient Enlightenment (with David Perlmutter, MD)
Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. does a brilliant job in carefully demystifying age-old wisdom with
Amazonian empire were a number of sages or Earth Shaman, Healer, Sage
practical cutting edge science. One Spirit Medicine is the
Keepers who practiced the ancestral healing methods.
big answer to our healthcare
problems in the 21st century.
Alberto visited countless villages and met with scores of This book will change your life.

The Four Insights
medicine men and women. The lack of a written body of Mending The Past & Healing The Future
Joe Dispenza, D.C., author of New York Times bestseller, You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter, and Breaking
knowledge meant that every village brought its own flavor With Soul Retrieval
the Habit Of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One.
and style to the healing practices that still survived.
Illumination: The Shamans Way of Healing
For more than * *10
* *years,
* Villoldo trained with the jungle Courageous Dreaming: How Shamans Dream
medicine people. Along the way, he discovered that his the World into Being
journey intoOne Spirithad
shamanism Medicine is a by
been guided powerful blend of spiritual philosophy and scientific principles
his personal
The Four Winds: A Shamans Odyssey into
desire to become intoHe
whole. the perfection
learned of a practical
to transform old formula for everyday life! Easy-to-read, yet
the Amazon (with Erik Jendresen)
pain, grief, anger withinto
and shame timeless
sources wisdom,
of strengthAlberto
and leads us on a journey of discovery that shatters
compassion.common misconceptions about us, our relationship toIsland of the and
our body Sun: Mastering
the world. theIn
Inca Medicine
doing so
Wheel (with Erik Jendresen)
he reminds us that the key to our healing lies in our ability to embrace ourselves, and the
Villoldo later trekked the coast of Peru from the
world, as living, conscious and connected. Youll wantYoga, to keep
your fingertips.
the Shaman
mysterious Nazca lines to the sacred Shimbe lagoons in
the north. AtGregg
Titicaca, The Sea on Top of the World, The Realms of Healing, (with Stanley
New York Times best-selling author of The Divine Matrix and Deep Truth.
Villoldo collected the stories and healing practices of Krippner Ph.D.)
people from whom, legends say, the Inka were born. Healing States: A Journey Into the World of
Spiritual Healing and Shamanism (with Stanley
Over the course of two decades with the shamans in Krippner Ph.D.)
the jungles and high mountains of the Andes, Alberto
Villoldo discovered a set of sacred technologies that Skeleton Woman
transform the body, heal the soul, and can change the way
we live and die.
One Spirit Medicine


Ancient Ways to Ultimate Wellness

Publisher : Hay House

Release : May 5, 2015
Contact :

Today our minds, our emotions, our relationships, and

our bodies are out of kilter. We know it, but we tend to
ignore it until something brings us up shorta worrying
diagnosis, a broken relationship, the death of a loved
one, or simply an inability to function harmoniously
in everyday life. When things are a little bad, we read a
self-help book or go to a workshop. When theyre really
bad, we bring in experts to fix the problemoncologists
to address cancer, neurologists to repair the brain,
psychologists to help us find peace and understand
our family of origin. But this fragmented approach to
health is merely a stopgap. To truly heal, we need to
return to the original recipe for wellness discovered
by shamanstraditional healersmillennia ago: One
Spirit Medicine.

Unlike modern medicine, which recognizes thousands of ailments and

myriad remedies, One Spirit Medicine identifies one ailment and one cure.
The ailment is alienation from our feelings, from our bodies, from the Earth,
and from Spirit. The cure, One Spirit Medicine, is the experience of primeval
Oneness, which restores inner harmony and facilitates recovery from all
maladies, regardless of origin.

Drawing on more than 25 years of experience as a medical anthropologist and

training in the shamanic traditionas well as his own journey back from the
edge of deathacclaimed healer and teacher Alberto Villoldo introduces us to
this powerful practice, based on healing methods that our Paleolithic ancestors
knew 50,000 years ago and supported by the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience.
We learn how to detoxify the brain and gut with superfoods and supplements;
discover ways to switch off the death clocks in our cells; explore techniques for
working with our luminous energy fields to repair our bodies and our brains; and
follow the ancient teachings of the medicine wheel to shed disempowering stories
from the past and pave the way for rebirth.

Using the principles and practices in this book, Dr. Villoldo promises, you
can feel better in a few days, begin to clear your mind and heal your brain
in a week, and in six weeks be on your way to effectively growing a new
bodyone that mends rapidly, ages gracefully, and keeps you connected to
Spirit, to the earth, and to a renewed sense of purpose in your life.
One Spirit Medicine

Table of Contents
Part I: Discovering Your Inner Healer

Chapter 1: Medicine of the Shamans

Chapter 2: Spirit and the Invisible World
Chapter 3: Dethroning the Tyrant King

Part II: Shedding the Old Ways

Chapter 4: Detoxifying the Gut-Brain

Chapter 5: Superfoods and Super Supplements

Part III: Overcoming the Death that Stalks You

Chapter 6: Resetting the Death Clock

Chapter 7: Freeing Yourself from Stressors

Part IV: From Stillness Comes Rebirth

Chapter 8: Embracing a New Mythology

Chapter 9: The Journey of the Healer
Chapter 10: The Journey to the Divine Feminine
Chapter 11: The Journey of the Sage
Chapter 12: The Journey of the Visionary
Chapter 13: The Vision Quest

Conclusion: One Spirit Medicine and Beyond

About the Author
One Spirit Medicine

Villoldo, Ph.D
Villoldo, Ph.D
One Spirit Medicine
Medical anthropologist Alberto Villoldo Ph.D. has
studied the shamanic healing practices of the Amazon
and Andesanthropologist
for more thanAlberto Villoldo
25 years. Ph.D.
In 1984 has studied
he founded
the shamanic
Four Winds healing practices
Society, which of the extensive
offers Amazon and Andes
for more than 25 years. In 1984 he founded the
in the philosophy and practice of energy medicine, Four
studentswhich offers extensive
to become modern-day education the
philosophy and practice of energy medicine, training
also directs the Center for Energy Medicine in Chile,
where heto become modern-day
investigates shamans.
and practices the neuroscience of
In his mid-20s Villoldo was the youngest clinical professor
at San Francisco State University, where he founded and
directed the Biological
In his mid-20s VilloldoSelf-Regulation
was the youngestLab to investigate
clinical professor
how visualization, energy and psychosomatic medicine
at San Francisco State University, where he founded and
the brain. He soon
Lab torealized that
the microscope was the wrong instrument to answer
how visualization, energy and psychosomatic medicine the
change thehechemistry
was asking. Other
of the scientists
brain. He soon were already
realized that
studying the hardware, Villoldo wanted to learn
the microscope was the wrong instrument to answer the to He learned that we are more than flesh and bone we
questions hethe system.
was asking. Other scientists were already are absolutely fashioned of Spirit and light, surrounded
studying the hardware, Villoldo wanted to learn to by aa Luminous
by Luminous Energy
Energy Field
Field whose
whose source
source isis located
located inin
He heard stories
reprogram about people in remote parts of the world
the system. infinity. This unending Luminous Energy Field
infinity. This unending Luminous Energy Field exists inexists in
who claimed to know such things, including the Inka in every cell of our bodies, acting as a matrix that maintains
every cell of our bodies, acting as a matrix that maintains
Peru among
He heard theabout
stories few remaining shamans.
people in remote After
parts initial
of the world our physical
our physical and
and spiritual
spiritual health
health and
and vibrancy
vibrancy it
it is
is up
who claimed to know such things, including the fewthis
Villoldo decided to personally investigate to us to recognize and work with this gift to change
to us to recognize and work with this gift to change the the
remaining culture in order
shamans to learn
among about
the Inka of the 5,000-year-old
Peru. After initial very nature
very nature ofof our
our living.
research, Villoldo decided to personally investigateand
medicine known for healing through Spirit this
ancientRecognizing this investigation
culture in order to learn about would not be a part
the 5,000-year-old In addition
In addition to
to the
the forthcoming One Spirit
forthcoming One Spirit Medicine,
energy pursuit or brief
medicine knownsabbatical, Villoldo
for healing throughresigned
andpost Dr. Alberto Villoldo has written numerous
Dr. Alberto Villoldo has written numerous
at the Recognizing
light. university and traded
this his lab coat
investigation would for not
be aboots
part best-selling books,
best-selling books, aa number
number ofof which
which have
have been
and a ticket to the Amazon.
time pursuit or brief sabbatical, Villoldo resigned his post translated into Spanish, German, French,
translated into Spanish, German, French, and and
at the university and traded his lab coat for hiking boots Italian.
Scattered throughout
and a ticket the remnants of the ancient
to the Amazon.
Amazonian empire were a number of sages or Earth Power up Your Brain: The Neuroscience of
Scattered who practiced
throughout thethe ancestral
remnants ofhealing methods.
the ancient Enlightenment (with David Perlmutter,
Perlmutter, MD)
Alberto visited countless villages and met
Amazonian empire were a number of sages or Earthwith scores of
Shaman, Healer, Sage
medicine men and women. The lack of a written
Keepers who practiced the ancestral healing methods. body of
knowledge meant
Alberto visited that every
countless village
villages andbrought
met withits scores
own flavor
of The Four Insights
and style to the healing practices that still survived.
medicine men and women. The lack of a written body of Mending
Mending The
The Past
Past &
& Healing
Healing The
The Future
Future With
knowledge meant that every village brought its own flavor Soul Retrieval
With Soul Retrieval
and more than
style to the10 years, practices
healing Villoldo trained
that stillwith the jungle
survived. Illumination:
Illumination: The
The Shamans
Shamans WayWay of
of Healing
medicine people. Along the way, he discovered that his
For moreinto
thanshamanism had beentrained
10 years, Villoldo guidedwithby his
jungle Courageous Dreaming: How Shamans Dream the
Courageous Dreaming: How Shamans Dream
desire to become whole. He learned to transform oldhis World into Being
medicine people. Along the way, he discovered that the World into Being
pain, grief,
journey intoanger and shame
shamanism hadinto
guidedofbystrength and
his personal The Four Winds: A Shamans Odyssey into the
compassion. The Four(with
Amazon Winds: A Shamans
Erik Jendresen)Odyssey into
desire to become whole. He learned to transform old
the Amazon (with Erik Jendresen)
pain, grief, anger and shame into sources of strength and Dance of the Four Winds: Secrets of the Inca
Villoldo later trekked the coast of Peru from the
compassion. Island of the Sun:(with
Mastering the Inca Medicine
Medicine Wheel Erik Jendresen)
mysterious Nazca lines to the sacred Shimbe lagoons in Wheel (with Erik Jendresen)
the north. At Lake Titicaca, The Island of the Sun: Mastering the Inca Medicine
Villoldo later trekked the coast ofSea onfrom
Peru Top the
of the World,
Villoldo collected the stories and healing practices of in Yoga, Power,
Wheel (with and
ErikSpirit: Patanjali the Shaman
mysterious Nazca lines to the sacred Shimbe lagoons
people from whom, legends say, the Inka were born.
the north. At Lake Titicaca, The Sea on Top of the World, Yoga, Power,ofand
The Realms Spirit:(with
Healing, Patanjali the Shaman
Villoldo collected the stories and healing practices of Krippner
The Ph.D.)
Realms of Healing (with Stanley Krippner
peoplethe course
from of two
whom, decades
legends say,with the shamans
the Inka in
were born. Ph.D.)
Healing States: A Journey Into the World of
the jungles and high mountains of the Andes, Alberto
Healing Healing and Shamanism
A Journey (with Stanley
Into the World of
Over thediscovered a set
course of two of sacred
decades withtechnologies
the shamansthat
in KrippnerHealing
Spiritual Ph.D.) and Shamanism (with Stanley
transform the body, heal the soul, and
the jungles and high mountains of the Andes,can change the way
Alberto Krippner Ph.D.)
we live and
Villoldo die.
discovered a set of sacred technologies that Skeleton Woman
transform the body, heal the soul, and can change the way Skeleton Woman
He learned
we live and that
die. we are more than flesh and bone we The First Story Ever Told (with Erik Jendresen)
are absolutely fashioned of Spirit and light, surrounded
One Spirit Medicine

To download high resolution images, please go to:

Dr. Alberto Villoldo Dr. Alberto Villoldo Dr. Alberto Villoldo in Peru

Dr. Alberto Villoldo in the Amazon Dr. Alberto Villoldo with Inka family Dr. Alberto Villoldo
with Peruvian shaman

Dr. Alberto Villoldo with Dr. Alberto Villoldo with Dr. Alberto Villoldo
Peruvian shamans at Machu Picchu Peruvian shamans at Omega

Dr. Alberto Villoldo Peruvian shamans Peruvian shamans

One Spirit Medicine

Q: Why is One Spirit Medicine important to the average person?
A: Why
One for
Spirit Medicine
the longevity important
of the species andtonotthe
theaverage person?
individual, investing all of its resources in
A: After our reproductive years we are useless to the species human
Nature selects for the longevity of the species and not the individual, growth hormone
investingproduction andresources
all of its
free radical scavenging systems shut down.
in reproduction. After our reproductive years we are useless to the species human growth hormone
production and freesystems
Our bodies self-repair radicalhave
scavenging systems
been shut down shut down.
by western diet and western belief systems. One Spirit Medicine
details ancient methods for rebooting the biofield detoxifying the brain and body, while clearing and repairing our
Our Energy
bodies Field. Wesystems
self-repair learn thehave
keys to prevention
been and longevity
shut down practiced
by western dietbyand
shamans of old: Super
belief foodsOne
and customs that switch these systems back on again, repair mitochondria and unlock password-protected regions in
Spirit Medicine details ancient methods for rebooting the biofield detoxifying the brain and body,
DNA that activate the Sirt1 genes.
while clearing and repairing our Luminous Energy Field. We learn the keys to prevention and longevity
practiced by thetoshamans
We are not slaves of The
our genetics. old:neural
foods and customs
in our that
brains will switch how
determine thesewesystems
age, how back onand
we heal again,
repair mitochondria and unlock password-protected regions in DNA that activate the Sirt1 genes.
we may die. And we can change that. One Spirit Medicine teaches us how we can get our health span to equal our life

are not slaves to our genetics. The neural networks in our brains will determine how we age, how we
What is wrong with the western diet?
A: andWith howthewediscovery
may die. And we can
of agriculture change
10,000 years that.
ago theOne Spirit
human life Medicine teaches
span was reduced us how
in half. we can get our
We stopped
health span toand
eating proteins equal ourbegan
fats and life span.
to eat carbs, giving rise to a new social class of masters and slaves, religions (give
us this day our daily bread) and warfare. There is no archeological evidence of warfare prior to the invention of
Q: What is wrong with the western diet?
A: With
Grains are carbsthe
thatdiscovery of agriculture
turn into sugars. Sugars feed10,000 years
our lower ago
brain, the ishuman
which lifeviolent,
predatory, span was reduced
greedy, in half.
and needs 10 We
stopped eatingsoproteins
commandments we do notand
kill fats andProteins
or steal. began and
to eat
fatscarbs, giving
the diet of ourrise to a new
Paleolithic socialclass
ancestors of higher
fuel the masters and
brain of creativity and innovation.
slaves, religions (give us this day our daily bread) and warfare. There is no archeological evidence of
warfare prior to the invention of agriculture.
Wheat contains Gluten, a protein that is not recognized by the bodies of 90% of the human population. Gluten cleaves
the tight junctions of the GI tract, allowing food particles and micro flora to get into the bloodstream and create
Grains are carbs that
massive inflammation andturn into sugars.
autoimmune Sugars
diseases. feed ouroflower
The incidence brain,
allergies which is predatory,
in non-agricultural violent,
peoples is greedy,
1 in 1,500.
and needs 10 commandments so we do not kill or steal. Proteins and fats the diet of our Paleolithic
In agricultural societies it is 1 in 3.
ancestors fuel the higher brain of creativity and innovation.
What is worse is that by losing the ancient Paleolithic belief systems oneness of spirit, oneness of life we
become disconnected, disenfranchised (in the earth, not of the earth). We ignore the voice of spirit and nature and we
Wheat contains
look at the bounty ofGluten, a protein
nature merely that is not
as resources recognized
for human by theWe
consumption. bodies of commercially
become 90% of the human population.
driven and forget
Gluten cleaves the
about stewardship andtight junctions
sustainability ofprice
the the GI tract,will
of which allowing
always befood particles
too high. and micro
The damage we haveflora to getoninto
wreaked the the
ecosystem is irreversible, and has doomed the human race to early extinction.
bloodstream and create massive inflammation and autoimmune diseases. The incidence of allergies in
non-agricultural peoples is 1 in 1,500. In agricultural societies it is 1 in 3.
Q: Why is fasting important?
A: Eating three meals a day is killing us we used to feast and fast. At the heart of One Spirit Medicine is an age-
old practice
What is worse
called is that
the Vision byThrough
Quest. losing the ancient
fasting Paleolithic
and meditation, beliefQuest
a Vision systems oneness
awakens the bodysofself-repair
spirit, oneness
and regeneration systems and reconnects you to Spirit and your own deepest purpose.
of life we become disconnected, disenfranchised (in the earth, not of the earth). We ignore the voice of
We fast to turn on the bodys repair mechanisms and clear brain fog. Even during a very short fast, amazing things
spirit and nature and we look at the bounty of nature merely as resources for human consumption. We
happen to the body and brain. In just 24 hours, the production of human growth hormone increases by 1,500 percent,
become commercially
repairing cells that make updriven and Not
our tissues. forget about
eating stewardship
sugars for as little asand sustainability
18 hours bodys
wakes up the the price of for
system which
self- will
always be too high.
repair, detoxifies Theswitches
cells, and damage on we
the have wreaked
longevity genes. on the ecosystem is irreversible, and has doomed the
human race to early extinction.
Q: What is the problem with modern health care?
A: We do not have a health care system in America, we have a disease care system. Americans are being killed
Q: Why is fasting important?
by the food we eat, the thoughts we think, and the medicine we take. Between the food industry and the medical
A: Eating
profession, three
they get meals
us from a day
cradle is killing us we used to feast and fast. At the heart of One Spirit
to grave.
Medicine is an age-old practice called the Vision Quest. Through fasting and meditation, a Vision Quest
The health
awakens thestatistics
bodysare alarming: and regeneration systems and reconnects you to Spirit and your own
deepest purpose.
Close to 70 percent of Americans are overweight, and one in three children born in America today will
develop type 2 diabetes by the age of 15.
We fast to turnpercent
Fifty on theof bodys repair
otherwise mechanisms
healthy and
85 year olds are at clear
risk forbrain fog. Even
Alzheimers during
disease. a veryisshort
Alzheimers being fast,
type 3 diabetes, linked to a gluten-rich, wheat-based diet and a stressed-out
amazing things happen to the body and brain. In just 24 hours, the production of human growth brain.
hormone One in 60 children is diagnosed autistic.
increases by 1,500 percent, repairing cells that make up our tissues. Not eating sugars for as
Millions suffer from insomnia, stress, depression, autoimmune disorders, soul loss, disempowerment,
little as 18destructive
hours wakes up and
patterns the behaviors.
bodys system for self-repair, detoxifies cells, and switches on the longevity
In the few hunter-gatherer societies that still exist, autism, dementia, diabetes, and cancer are very rare or nonexistent.
My research with Amazonian pre-agricultural societies shows that these people have none of the diseases of western
civilization no cancer, no dementia, no heart disease, because of their diet and communion with the spirit of nature.
What accounts for their health and well-being? A primarily plant-based diet and One Spirit Medicine.
One Spirit Medicine

Q: What is the problem with modern health care?
A: We do not have a health care system in America, we have a disease care system. Americans are
Q: Why is
being killed byOne
foodMedicine important
we eat, the thoughtsto the
think, person?
and the medicine we take. Between the food
A: Nature selects for the longevity of the species and not the individual, investing all of its resources in
industry and the medical profession, they get us from cradle to grave.
reproduction. After our reproductive years we are useless to the species human growth hormone production and
free radical scavenging systems shut down.
The health statistics are alarming:
Our bodies self-repair systems have been shut down by western diet and western belief systems. One Spirit Medicine
details ancient methods for rebooting the biofield detoxifying the brain and body, while clearing and repairing our
Close to 70 percent of Americans are overweight, and one in three children born in America
Luminous Energy Field. We learn the keys to prevention and longevity practiced by the shamans of old: Super foods
and customs thatwill develop
switch type 2back
these systems diabetes by repair
on again, the age of 15.
mitochondria and unlock password-protected regions in
Fifty percent of otherwise
DNA that activate the Sirt1 genes. healthy 85 year olds are at risk for Alzheimers disease. Alzheimers is
being called type 3 diabetes, linked to a gluten-rich, wheat-based diet and a stressed-out brain.
We are not
in to60our genetics.isThe
children neural networks
diagnosed in our brains will determine how we age, how we heal and how
we may die. And we can change that. One Spirit Medicine teaches us how we can get our health span to equal our life
Millions suffer from insomnia, stress, depression, autoimmune disorders, soul loss,
disempowerment, destructive patterns and behaviors.
Q: What is wrong with the western diet?
In the fewWith the discovery of agriculture
hunter-gatherer societies 10,000 years
that still ago the
exist, humandementia,
autism, life span was reduced in
diabetes, half.cancer
and We stopped
are very
eating proteins and fats and began to eat carbs, giving rise to a new social class of masters and slaves, religions (give
rare or nonexistent. My research with Amazonian pre-agricultural societies shows that these people
us this day our daily bread) and warfare. There is no archeological evidence of warfare prior to the invention of
have none of the diseases of western civilization no cancer, no dementia, no heart disease, because of
their diet and communion with the spirit of nature. What accounts for their health and well-being? A
Grains are carbs
primarily that turn into
plant-based dietsugars.
and OneSugars feed Medicine.
Spirit our lower brain, which is predatory, violent, greedy, and needs 10
commandments so we do not kill or steal. Proteins and fats the diet of our Paleolithic ancestors fuel the higher
brain of creativity and innovation.
Q: Why are so many people unable to find happiness?
A: Our brains
Wheat contains Gluten,cannot
a protein produce the
that is not bliss molecule
recognized (tryptamine)
by the bodies if they
of 90% of the humanarepopulation.
busy producing stress
Gluten cleaves
molecules (adrenalin
the tight junctions and
of the GI cortisol.)
tract, allowingThese fight or
food particles andflight molecules
micro flora arethe
to get into a constant
massive inflammation and autoimmune diseases. The incidence of allergies in non-agricultural
culture, but when we cant fight and we cant flee we are paralyzed. Stress hormones are also deadly peoples is 1 in 1,500. to the
In agricultural societies it is 1 in 3.
region of the brain that is responsible for new learning, so we cannot recreate ourselves.
What is worse is that by losing the ancient Paleolithic belief systems oneness of spirit, oneness of life we
become disconnected,
The religiousdisenfranchised
experiences (inreported throughout
the earth, history,
not of the earth). are the
We ignore theproduct of endogenous
voice of spirit and nature and we
look at the bounty of nature merely as resources for human consumption. We become
psychedelics manufactured by the brain for its own pleasure and joy. Meditation, babies, commercially drivenpuppies,
and forgetsex
about stewardship and sustainability the price of which will always be too high. The damage we have wreaked on the
and joy increase the methylation of tryptamines, which in turn become dimethyltryptamines generated
ecosystem is irreversible, and has doomed the human race to early extinction.
by the pineal gland. This is the direct equivalent of the brain producing its own Ayahuasca.
Q: Why is fasting important?
Q: Eating three
What meals One
else does a day is killingmedicine
Spirit us we used to feast
teach us?and fast. At the heart of One Spirit Medicine is an age-
old practice called the Vision Quest. Through fasting and meditation, a Vision Quest awakens the bodys self-repair
A: We can grow a new body in one week with super nutrients and energy medicine a body that
and regeneration systems and reconnects you to Spirit and your own deepest purpose.
We fastages and
to turn ondies differently.
the bodys But thats not
repair mechanisms all: brain fog. Even during a very short fast, amazing things
and clear
happen to the body and brain. In just 24 hours, the production of human growth hormone increases by 1,500 percent,
cells thatpercent
make upof our
our DNA
tissues. Notbelongs to theformicrobes
eating sugars as little as that livewakes
18 hours withinup us.
the If the system
bodys colonyforis self-
repair, detoxifies cells, and switches on the longevity genes.
disease happens we can repair the colony with super-probiotics. Microbes are our best friends.
Nine out of ten Americans have broken brains. It is possible to upgrade our brain to create
What is the problem with modern health care?
A: psychosomatic health.
We do not have a health care system in America, we have a disease care system. Americans are being killed
by the food we eat, the is the byproduct
thoughts of athe
we think, and healed andweupgraded
medicine brain,
take. Between the not
industry and the medical
profession, they get us from cradle to grave.
Shamans were the first neuroscientists.
You cant dream your world into being until you wake up from the nightmare.
The health statistics are alarming:
Self-help doesnt help.
Close to 70 percent of Americans are overweight, and one in three children born in America today will
Q: develop
Isnt type 2 diabetes
spirituality by the age
completely of 15.
different from scientific fact?
Fifty percent of otherwise healthy 85 year olds are at risk for Alzheimers disease. Alzheimers is being called
A: Science is relatively new while spirituality is very ancient. I discovered that what the spiritual
type 3 diabetes, linked to a gluten-rich, wheat-based diet and a stressed-out brain.
traditions didinwas
One put an archaic
60 children language
is diagnosed what we describe today as neuroscience. However, what
they refer to as enlightenment
Millions is optimal
suffer from insomnia, brain function
stress, depression, thedisorders,
autoimmune ability to create
soul psychosomatic health.
loss, disempowerment,
Many people however
destructive associate
patterns the term enlightenment with organized religion when in reality its
and behaviors.
available to all people of any belief.
In the few hunter-gatherer societies that still exist, autism, dementia, diabetes, and cancer are very rare or nonexistent.
My research with Amazonian pre-agricultural societies shows that these people have none of the diseases of western
civilization no cancer, no dementia, no heart disease, because of their diet and communion with the spirit of nature.
What accounts for their health and well-being? A primarily plant-based diet and One Spirit Medicine.
One Spirit Medicine

Q: What is a Luminous Body or Luminous Energy Field? Does everybody have one?
A: Yes, everyone has a Luminous Energy Field (LEF). The Luminous Energy Body/Field is an
Q: Why is One Spirit Medicine important to the average person?
invisible matrix that informs the anatomy of the body. It contains a template of how we live, how we
A: Nature selects for the longevity of the species and not the individual, investing all of its resources in
age, and howAfter
reproduction. we might die.
our reproductive years we are useless to the species human growth hormone production and
free radical scavenging systems shut down.
When there is no imprint for disease in the LEF, recovery from illness happens quickly. By the same
Our bodies self-repair systems have been shut down by western diet and western belief systems. One Spirit Medicine
token, imprints for diseases can depress the immune system, and prolong recovery time during an
details ancient methods for rebooting the biofield detoxifying the brain and body, while clearing and repairing our
Luminous TheEnergy
newsWe is: learn
When thewe erase
keys the negative
to prevention imprintpracticed
and longevity that caused
by thethe onsetofof
shamans illness,
old: the
Super foods
immune system
and customs can rapidly
that switch eradicate
these systems back the disease.
on again, repair mitochondria and unlock password-protected regions in
DNA that activate the Sirt1 genes.
The Luminous Energy Field is a reservoir of vital force a sea of living energy as indispensable to our
We are not slaves to our genetics. The neural networks in our brains will determine how we age, how we heal and how
health as the oxygen and nutrients carried by the bloodstream. When the vital reserves in the LEF are
we may die. And we can change that. One Spirit Medicine teaches us how we can get our health span to equal our life
span. through illness, environmental pollutants or stress, we suffer disease. We can safeguard our
health and vitality and extend our active, healthy years by replenishing this essential fuel.
Q: What is wrong with the western diet?
A: With the discovery of agriculture 10,000 years ago the human life span was reduced in half. We stopped
Q: How can people who dont practice shamanic work get more in touch with their Luminous
eating proteins and fats and began to eat carbs, giving rise to a new social class of masters and slaves, religions (give
us thisday
and what
our daily are some
bread) andof the benefits
warfare. of archeological
There is no that? evidence of warfare prior to the invention of
A: Detoxifying the body of toxins, heavy metals and negative perspectives will help prepare the
brain for the healing of the light body. Many of these toxins are held in our fat cells and the human
Grains are carbs that turn into sugars. Sugars feed our lower brain, which is predatory, violent, greedy, and needs 10
brain is 75% fat. In the west we live with excessive levels of stress, which cause the body to produce high
commandments so we do not kill or steal. Proteins and fats the diet of our Paleolithic ancestors fuel the higher
brain of cortisol and
of creativity andinnovation.
adrenaline both of which negatively impact us and keep the body in a permanent
state of fight or flight. With the dietary recommendations provided in One Spirit Medicine, any one of
can prepare to make
contains Gluten, a shamanic
a protein journey.
that is not recognized by the bodies of 90% of the human population. Gluten cleaves
the tight junctions of the GI tract, allowing food particles and micro flora to get into the bloodstream and create
massive inflammation and autoimmune diseases. The incidence of allergies in non-agricultural peoples is 1 in 1,500.
Q: What about chakras? How do they fit in?
In agricultural societies it is 1 in 3.
A: The chakras are the organs of the Luminous Energy Field. They transmit information of past
trauma and Whatpain contained
is worse is that byinlosing
imprints in thePaleolithic
the ancient Luminous Energy
belief systemsField, intoofthe
oneness nervous
spirit, onenesssystem. The
of life we
become disconnected, disenfranchised (in the earth, not of the earth). We ignore the voice
chakras inform our neurophysiology, affecting our moods and influencing our emotional and physical of spirit and nature and we
look at the bounty of nature merely as resources for human consumption. We become commercially driven and forget
well-being. The chakras also connect to endocrine glands that regulate all of human behavior.
about stewardship and sustainability the price of which will always be too high. The damage we have wreaked on the
ecosystem is irreversible, and has doomed the human race to early extinction.
In parts of South America the chakras are known as ojos de luz, or eyes of light. We receive impressions
ofQ:the world
is fasting our
chakras, perceiving love in our heart; sexuality, fear, and danger in our belly
A: Eating three meals a day is killing us we used to feast and fast. At the heart of One Spirit Medicine is an age-
(second chakra); and insight in our brow chakra (sixth). In a disagreeable situation, our second chakra
old practice called the Vision Quest. Through fasting and meditation, a Vision Quest awakens the bodys self-repair
andgo into spasm
regeneration and and
systems we may feel ayou
reconnects knot in our
to Spirit stomach.
and your ownFrom
deepestthe unmistakable experience of
sensing feelings
We fast to turn onthrough
the bodysthe heart
repair center, we
mechanisms andcome to associate
clear brain fog. Even love
duringwith theshort
a very heart,
fast,or refer to
amazing sadness
to the body and brain. In just 24 hours, the production of human growth hormone increases by 1,500 percent,
repairing cells that make up our tissues. Not eating sugars for as little as 18 hours wakes up the bodys system for self-
repair, detoxifies cells, and switches on the longevity genes.
The shaman can sense the luminous threads, or huaskas, that extend beyond the body, connecting us to
Q: trees,What
the rivers, and thewith
is the problem forests.
modern These luminous
health care? fibers also extend to the places where we are born
A: live, We
our personal
have a health history and
care system in our destiny.
America, we have a disease care system. Americans are being killed
by the food we eat, the thoughts we think, and the medicine we take. Between the food industry and the medical
profession, they get us from cradle to grave.
Every living being has chakras even crickets, deer, snakes and trees.
The health statistics are alarming:
Q: How can a shaman tell if something is off in a clients LEF? Can anyone learn to see this?
A: Close tolearn
Shamans 70 percent of Americans
to assess are overweight,
the quality of the LEFandthrough
one in three children
a variety ofborn in America
techniques today
such aswill
develop type 2 diabetes by the age of 15.
testing, using a pendulum to check the chakras and tracking the clients light body.
Fifty percent of otherwise healthy 85 year olds are at risk for Alzheimers disease. Alzheimers is being called
type 3 diabetes, linked to a gluten-rich, wheat-based diet and a stressed-out brain.
Q: What
Oneisinan Illumination?
60 children What
is diagnosed are the potential benefits, and is it appropriate for everyone?
A: The Illumination
Millions process,
suffer from thestress,
insomnia, core depression,
foundational healingdisorders,
autoimmune practice soul
of the
loss,Light Body School,
destructive patterns and behaviors.
is the technique used to clear imprints from a persons Luminous Energy Field. As the LEF informs
the physical body, a shift in the LEF will manifest in the physical reality. As needed, different healing
In the few hunter-gatherer societies that still exist, autism, dementia, diabetes, and cancer are very rare or nonexistent.
My researcharewithused with clients.
Amazonian Illuminations
pre-agricultural societiesare a very
shows standard
that these peopletechnique which
have none of can beof highly
the diseases western
civilizationto individuals.
no cancer, no dementia, no heart disease, because of their diet and communion with the spirit of nature.
What accounts for their health and well-being? A primarily plant-based diet and One Spirit Medicine.
One Spirit Medicine

Q: How would someone know if they need energy healing?
A: Q: It is
Whycommonplace that when
is One Spirit Medicine a person
important is inaverage
to the need person?
and ready for healing of the light body, a shaman
A: appear in their
Nature lives.
selects Signs
for the of anofenergetic
longevity the speciesimbalance
and not the can range investing
individual, from physical
all of itsto emotional
resources in distress or
discomfort. After our reproductive years we are useless to the species human growth hormone production and
free radical scavenging systems shut down.

Q: Our bodies
types ofsystems
have beenor shut
down bycan a shaman
western diet andhelp heal
western through
belief systems.this
One kind
Spirit of work?
A: detailsWe treat
ancient clientsfor
methods with both physical
rebooting the biofieldand emotional
detoxifying theissues. Some,
brain and body,for
whileinstance, mayrepairing
clearing and be constantly
attracted to the same type of partner who is not good for them. Once the imprint which attracts
Luminous Energy Field. We learn the keys to prevention and longevity practiced by the shamans of old: Super foods
and customspartners
unfavorable that switchisthese systems
cleared back onthe
through again, repair mitochondria
Illumination process,and
theunlock password-protected
individual will cease toregions in those
DNA that activate the Sirt1 genes.
We are not slaves to our genetics. The neural networks in our brains will determine how we age, how we heal and how
die. And realm, I had athat.
we can change man who
One initially
Spirit came
Medicine to me
teaches with
us how wemarital problems
can get our andto Iequal
health span saw our
a dark
spot in his energy field just above his chest. I asked him about his history with heart disease and family
history, and to both he said no. Nevertheless I worked on his heart chakra. A few days later my patient
Q: What is wrong with the western diet?
A: to inform
With theme that his
discovery brother had
of agriculture justyears
10,000 undergone an emergency
ago the human life span wasquadruple
reduced in bypass
half. We surgery.
stopped The
Luminous Energy
eating proteins and Field can
fats and reveal
began to eata carbs,
rise tobefore it manifests
a new social in theand
class of masters physical body. (give
slaves, religions
us this day our daily bread) and warfare. There is no archeological evidence of warfare prior to the invention of
Q: A more advanced healing practice is Soul Retrieval. Can a person actually lose his or her soul?
How does
Grains arethat
that turn into sugars. Sugars feed our lower brain, which is predatory, violent, greedy, and needs 10
A: commandments
During asoSoul we doRetrieval
not kill orthe shaman
steal. Proteinshelps a person
and fats the dietaccess
of our aPaleolithic
soul partancestors
which became unavailable
fuel the higher
to them at a time of trauma in their life. It is a traumatic event which causes the soul to fracture. The
brain of creativity and innovation.
shaman will help rewrite disempowering contracts with life and reclaim and embody their lifes essence in
Wheat contains Gluten, a protein that is not recognized by the bodies of 90% of the human population. Gluten cleaves
their experience, helping them to step into a life of grace and abundance.
the tight junctions of the GI tract, allowing food particles and micro flora to get into the bloodstream and create
massive inflammation and autoimmune diseases. The incidence of allergies in non-agricultural peoples is 1 in 1,500.
In agricultural societies it is 1 in 3.
Q: What happens during a Soul Retrieval? Does the client personally experience anything?
What is worse is that by losing the ancient Paleolithic belief systems oneness of spirit, oneness of life we
A: The Laika, or Inka medicine men and women, divide the collective unconscious of humanity
become disconnected, disenfranchised (in the earth, not of the earth). We ignore the voice of spirit and nature and we
into three
look at theparts:
bountythe Lower,merely
of nature Middle and Upper
as resources worlds.
for human These areWe
consumption. archetypical and energetic
become commercially drivendomains,
and forget not
physical places. The
about stewardship andMiddle world is
sustainability thethe one
price wherewill
of which wealways
live our day-to-day
be too lives, the
high. The damage Upper
we have World
wreaked on is
ecosystem is irreversible, and has doomed the human race to early extinction.
invisible domain of our destiny and our spirit, and the Lower world is where all of the record of human
history is held, it is the realm of the soul.
Q: Why is fasting important?
A: Eating three meals a day is killing us we used to feast and fast. At the heart of One Spirit Medicine is an age-
A old
shaman journeys
practice called theto the Lower
Vision world infasting
Quest. Through orderand tomeditation,
retrieve what is necessary
a Vision for the
Quest awakens individual
the bodys to
reintegrate the lost soul part of their client. Journeying is a unique state of consciousness that the shaman
and regeneration systems and reconnects you to Spirit and your own deepest purpose.
We fast to turn
experiences, on theallows
which bodys her/him
repair mechanisms
to revisitand
theclear brain
past andfog. Even
heal duringthat
events a very short fast,long
happened amazing
and to find
happen to the body and brain. In just 24 hours, the production of human growth hormone increases by 1,500 percent,
more desirable destinies for clients. The shaman helps the client recognize and honor the traumatic event
repairing cells that make up our tissues. Not eating sugars for as little as 18 hours wakes up the bodys system for self-
repair,caused thecells,
detoxifies original fracturing
and switches on theand to renegotiate
longevity genes. the sacred soul contracts that were written as a
result. Many of these contracts were obligations we entered into during fear and stress at the time of the
original What is the and
wounding, problem with
we no modern
longer health
need care?
A: We do not have a health care system in America, we have a disease care system. Americans are being killed
by the food we eat, the thoughts we think, and the medicine we take. Between the food industry and the medical
The healed soul
profession, part
they get us can
grave. and reintegrated. Sometimes a gift forms part of the Soul
Retrieval and can enhance the experience and help the client achieve his/her best destiny.
A The
Soulhealth statistics
Retrieval is a are alarming:
deeply personal experience and is a unique to each person.
Close to 70 percent of Americans are overweight, and one in three children born in America today will
develop type 2 diabetes by the age of 15.
Q: Why didpercent
Fifty you leave a morehealthy
of otherwise traditional medical
85 year olds background
are at risk to adisease.
for Alzheimers more Alzheimers
spiritual path?
is being called
A: My training is as a medical anthropologist versus a medical doctor. As a medical anthropologist,
type 3 diabetes, linked to a gluten-rich, wheat-based diet and a stressed-out brain.
I was curious in 60 other
about children is diagnosed
healing autistic.
systems around the world. Modern medicine, which is wonderful for
Millions suffer from insomnia, stress, depression, autoimmune disorders, soul loss, disempowerment,
healing trauma (such as injuries from an automobile accident) is terrible for healing chronic conditions.
destructive patterns and behaviors.
At a laboratory at San Francisco State University that I directed we were studying how we create
psychosomatic disease and
In the few hunter-gatherer whether
societies we exist,
that still couldautism,
psychosomatic health.
diabetes, and I realized
cancer thatorto
are very rare find the
My research with Amazonian pre-agricultural societies shows that these people have none
answer I had to go study with the experts who were in true primitive societies without technologyof the diseases of western all
civilization no cancer, no dementia, no heart disease, because of their diet and communion with the spirit of nature.
they had was the minds ability to heal the body.
What accounts for their health and well-being? A primarily plant-based diet and One Spirit Medicine.
One Spirit Medicine

ALA, alpha-lipoic acid, is found in every cell in the body and plays an important role in detoxification. ALA can cross
the blood-brain barrier, so it helps release toxins from the brain. In a process known as chelation, ALA binds to heavy
metals so they can be excreted through the liver, kidneys and skin. ALA also supports the livers ability to eliminate
toxins during detoxification.

ATP is adenosine triphosphate. ATP is the bodys currency: the cells spend what they need and deposit the rest in
the bank, the liver, where it is stored until needed to power various body functions. To produce ATP, mitochondria
combust oxygen, in much the way your automobile engine burns oxygen to release the energy in gasoline, though in a
far less explosive fashion. As we inhale oxygen, it is transported through the bloodstream to the mitochondria in cells
throughout the body, where they convert energy from the food we eat into ATP.

Autophagy, Greek for self-eating, is the garbage collection service inside the cells, the process by which cellular waste
is broken down, and dead and damaged mitochondria are recycled to harvest proteins, the building blocks of new cells.

BDNF, brain-derived neurotropic factor, is a hormone that triggers the growth of new neurons and stem cells in the
brain, repairing crucial brain structures.

Clostrium difficile, or C-diff, is a debilitating form of colitis. It is linked to an imbalance in the gut caused by antibiotic

Coconut oil, while not a nutritional supplement, is jet-fuel for the brain. It is a medium-chain triglyceride, which means
it goes through the intestinal wall without causing an insulin spike and enters the mitochondria inside cells. Take 2
tablespoons daily, 1 tablespoon in the morning and 1 tablespoon mid-afternoon or at night before starting your 18-hour
fast. After your detox, you can add coconut oil to soup and tea.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in the spice turmeric, activates the genes that turn on powerful antioxidants in the

DHA-EPA, docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, are omega-3 fatty acids important for brain health and
preventing Alzheimers. Theyre found in fish, nuts, seeds, and certain oils, but supplements are recommended.

DHA, docosahexaenoic acid, is an omega-3 fatty acid that is extremely important for brain health; in fact, it makes up
40 percent of the brain. Breast milk is nearly 50 percent DHA. DHA works closely with another omega-3 fatty acid,
EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid. Both are found in fish, nuts, seeds, and certain oils. Since the body doesnt make
DHA-EPA, its recommended that you take 3 grams daily as fish oil or an algae derivative. The best DHA comes from
krill. Researchers have noted an 85 percent reduction in the risk for Alzheimers among people with high levels of DHA
in their diet. [1]

DMT, or dimethyltryptamine is a psychedelic compound that has been referred to as the spirit molecule. DMT is
chemically analogous to Serotonin which is also known as the feel good or happiness hormone.

The East direction of the Medicine Wheel is associated with the eagle and condor. This direction teaches that
everything that appears to be outside of our lives is actually inside. Owning our projections allows us to come into a
proper relationship with them and create the world of our dreams. The same is true of the back doors in our lives
which siphon our vital life force and prevent us from making our dreams reality.

GSTM1 gene is necessary for making glutathione, and nearly half the world is missing one or more of the genes
necessary to produce enough glutathione.

Gene expression refers to the process by which DNA is used to make proteins that perform essential functions in the

Glutathione is an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. And as a detoxifying agent, it serves as a sort of lint brush,
picking up toxins in the body and carrying them to the liver for processing. Glutathione boosts your immunity and
helps you build and maintain muscle.

HPA axis or the fight-or-flight system, consists of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, pea-sized structures in the
brain, and the adrenal glands, which sit atop the kidneys. When you sense danger, perceived or real, the brain launches
a distress response in the HPA axis, reducing the blood flow to your prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that can see
One Spirit Medicine

IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) is a protein closely associated with insulin, and a growth factor we need when
we are young and are growing fingers and toes. But as adults, high levels of IGF-1 are associated with pathological

Illumination is a practice of shamanic energy healing used to remove imprints from the Luminous Energy Field.
Ketones are jet fuel for the brain. Consuming healthy fats like avocados, coconut oil, and olive oil fuels the brain in
the form of ketone bodieschemicals the liver makes from fatty acids when we have to burn fat instead of glucose.
Ketonogenic diet is one high in plant foods and healthy fats.

Luminous Energy Field (LEF) is an invisible matrix that informs the anatomy of the body. It contains a template
of how we live, how we age, and how we die. When there is no imprint for disease in the LEF, recovery from illness
happens at tremendous speed. By the same token, imprints for diseases can depress the immune system, and it can
take an extremely long time for us to regain our health during an illness. When we erase the negative imprint that
caused the onset of illness, the immune and repair system can rapidly eradicate the disease.

The Medicine Wheel is a teaching tool that originated with ancient indigenous people of the Americas, but is
integral to all earth-based spiritual traditions. These traditions honor the feminine principle, the Mother archetype,
and the relationship with Spirit. Though the practices associated with the medicine wheel vary among the different
indigenous groups of the Americas, I was taught by my teachers in the Amazon to begin in the South, then move
clockwise to the West, the North and the East.

MicroRNAs are single strands of plant genetic material which circulate through our bloodstream, switching genes
on and off. [2] These microscopic strands regulate our cholesterol levels and direct the destruction of invading
viruses and bacteria. MiRNAs are the ultimate social networkers, sending messages quickly to individual genes.
They have the power to switch on the genes that create health and to switch off the genes that create cancer, heart
disease, diabetes, and many of the other ailments of civilization.

Mitochondria are the power centers of your cells. Inherited only from the mother, they represent the feminine life
force. Not only are mitochondria the bodys fuel factories, metabolizing oxygen to produce the fuel for life, but they
are also the keepers of the bodys death clock, controlling the process of cell suicide, or programmed cell death,
known as apoptosis. When the death clock is running properly, old cells know exactly when they need to die to be
replaced by healthy new ones. But when the death clock is off, cells dont know they need to die, and the result is
cancer. Or they die off too quickly, and the result is accelerated aging.

The North direction of the Medicine Wheel is associated with the hummingbird, and the gift of the North is
insight. Just as a hummingbird makes the seemingly impossible migration from Canada all the way to Brazil, we
too can embark on the epic mythic journey when Spirit calls. Although we dont know where were going or how
well get there, we learn how to follow the souls guidance to the sweetest nectar to sustain us on our way. The Way
of the Hummingbird teaches the shamans practice of Invisibility and how to step outside of linear time and into
sacred time in the infinite. There, we can heal the past and chart new destinies to become self-referencing and
assume the role of author of our own story, to burn all of our limiting roles.

Power animal is an emissary from Spirit, come to guide you in taking the next step in your development. Power
animals are protectors and teachers.

Pterostilbene, found in blueberries and grapes, has been shown to lower cholesterol and glucose, and reduce blood
pressure. Working together, Pterostilbene and trans-resveratrol prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other
illnesses. Trans-resveratrol works upstream, regulating the genes that activate apoptosisprogrammed cell death,
or cell suicidewhile pterostilbene works downstream, turning off the genes that allow cancer cells to grow and

ProAlive Probotic resettles healthy flora in the gut and facilitates digestion. Take 5 drops in water. (You can order
ProAlive Probiotic at

The South direction of the Medicine Wheel. The South is considered the domain of the serpent: in indigenous
cosmology, the Milky Way is the Sky Serpent. In all cultures the serpent archetype represents sexuality and the life
force. Eastern traditions associate the serpent with kundalini, a vital force often depicted as a snake coiled at the
base of the spine. The serpent represents the instincts and literal thinking: everything is just as we see it, without
nuance or ambiguity, summed up in the expression, It is what it is. In this mode, feeling and emotion are not
involved. Like the cold-blooded serpent, we act unsentimentally.

S-Acetyl Glutathione is the first truly bioavailable form of glutathione, which scavenges free radicals. It protects
DNA from damage and is crucial for energy metabolism and optimal mitochondrial function. [3] It also supports
detoxification of the liver, lungs, kidneys, and other organs. [4] Take 1 gram daily for one week.
One Spirit Medicine

SOD, or superoxide dismutase, is the ultimate antioxidant, an enzyme that neutralizes free radicals in a ratio
of over a million to oneone molecule of SOD kills one million free radicals. You can upgrade your bodys
ability to manufacture SOD by taking supplements of trans-resveratrol and turmeric. You can also boost SOD by
adding pterostilbene-rich foods to your dieteating more blueberries and grapes, for exampleor by taking a
pterostilbene supplement.

Turmeric, a spice identified as a superfood, increases levels of SOD, or superoxide dismutase, and glutathione
two antioxidants important to brain functioning that are described in detail in Chapter 6, Resetting the Death.
Clock. The dosage is 1 gram a day of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric.

Trans-Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, red grape skins, and certain berries, turns on longevity
genes and triggers the production of antioxidants. Resveratrol also boosts SOD and glutathione, the brains super

Vitamin C is essential for detoxification processes. Take 2,000 milligrams (mg).

Vitamin B12 is essential for liver detoxification and for repairing the myelin sheath around neurons. It is also
needed for preserving the integrity of DNA for cell reproduction and for production of neurotransmitters.
Most Americans are B12 deficient. Take sublingual methylcobalamin B12a more concentrated form2,000
micrograms (mcg) a day.

Vitamin D3 is the form of vitamin D that the body manufactures when its exposed to sunlight. But even if you
spend a great deal time outdoors, its unlikely youre getting enough vitamin D3. Fish and fish liver oils are almost
the only dietary sources of vitamin D, although egg yolks, beef liver, fortified milk, and cheese contain small

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to seasonal depression, diabetes, dementia, and autoimmune disorders.
Individuals who take 600 international units (IU) or more of vitamin D3 show 50 percent less dementia and
Alzheimers than control groups. [5]

The West direction of the Medicine Wheel. The West direction is associated to the jaguar and where one explores
inherited ancestral and karmic patterns that propel you toward a certain destiny. The promise of the West direction
is to feel at home and safe regardless of any danger that surrounds us, and to live free of chronic disease. Doing the
work of the jaguar, we discover that life provides everything we need. Jaguar imparts the confidence to step out and
boldly explore, sure that were headed where we need to go and that were moving in synch with our lifes purpose.

[1] Morris, M.C., et al, Consumption of Fish and N-3 Fatty Acids and Risk of Incident Alzheimers Disease, Archives of
Neurology 60, no. 7 (July 2003): 94046.

[2] Herv Vaucheret and Yves Chupeau, Ingested Plant miRNAs Regulate Gene Expression in Animals, Cell Research 22
(October 25, 2011): 35.

[3] Parris M. Kidd, Glutathione: Systemic Protectant Ag ainst Oxidative and Free Radical Damage, Alternative Medicine Review
2, no. 3 (1997): 155176.

[4] Jeffrey D. Peterson, et al, Glutathione Levels in Antigen-presenting Cells Modulate Th1 Versus Th2 Response Patterns,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 95, no. 6 (March 17, 1998): 30716.

[5] J.S. Buell, et al, 25-HydroxyvitaminD, Dementia, and Cerebrovascular Pathology in Elders Receiving Home Services,
Neurology 74, no. 1 (January 5, 2010): 1826.

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