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Migrating x sites from BSC X to BSC Y


The purpose of this document is to illustrate the steps of migrating a number of

sites from one BSC to another.

The below diagram simply shows the batch of migrated sites from BSC X to BSC
Y , given that these sites have external relations with BSC 1 and BSC 2.

External BSC 1


External BSC 2

Migration steps:

1. Data preparation:
- 2G and 3G NBs for Source , Target and external BSCs, then concatenate 2G
NBs in one sheet and 3G NBs in another sheet.
- 2G Ext data for source , target , and external BSCs , then concatenate all in
one sheet.
- 3G Ext data for source , target , and external BSCs , then concatenate all in
one sheet.
- Common data (Cell name , LAC , BCC NCC , CI) also add the BCCH , all in one
sheet for Source , Target , and External BSCs.
2. NB file Customization :
- After you concatenate 2G NBs in a sheet and 3G NBs in another sheet , you
should do the following:
2G NB sheet in the following format :

For source and target migrated columns :

Source BSC Source cell Source Target BSC Target cell Target
Migrated? Migrated ?
Vlookup on source & target with migrated cells , to determine if the source or target
are migrated.

3G NB sheet :

Source BSC Source 2G cell Source Migrated? Target 3G cell

3. Follow the steps of the template excel sheet of migration:

-Add list of site to be migrated

-Add list of cells to be migrated with CI , New LAC , Site ID and sector ID.

-Modify LAC in RNC

-Pool core modification ( Cell name , Old LAC , New LAC)

-Delete / Add migrated cells on PCU. (Just list the migrated cells)

-Delete 2G relations on BSC X :

In the customized 2G NBs sheet, filter for :

Source: migrated

Target: all

Also add the following relations :

Source: from BSCX and Not migrated

Target: migrated

-Delete 2G relations on BSC Y:

In the customized 2G NBs sheet , filter for :

Source: BSC Y

Target: migrated

-Delete 3G relations on BSC X:

In the customized 3G NBs sheet , filter for :

Source: Migrated
Target: all 3G NBs

-Delete 2G external definitions on BSC Y:

Check if any of the migrated cells are defined as 2G external to BSC Y , they
should be deleted.

-Define new 2G externals on BSC Y:

Here you have to define new 2G externals to the BSC Y , these cells were
having relations with migrated cells in BSC X but were not defined as
externals to BSC y.

In the customized 2G NBs sheet , filter for :

Source: Not Migrated and from BSC X

Target: Migrated only

Then check these source cells if they are defined as externals to BSC Y, if
not then define them.

-Add single direction 2G relations on BSC Y

In the customized 2G NBs sheet , filter for :

Source: in BSC Y

Target: Migrated

-Define new 2G externals on BSC X

You have to define the migrated cells that have relations with other cells in
BSC X as externals to BSC X.

-Add single direction 2G relations on BSC X

In the customized 2G NBs sheet , filter for :

Source: in BSC X and not migrated

Target: Migrated

-Add Bi-direction 2G relations on BSC Y

In the customized 2G NBs sheet , filter for :

Source: Migrated

Target: Migrated
Also add the following relations :

Source: Migrated

Target: in BSC Y

And the following relations too :

Source: in BSC Y

Target: Migrated

-Define new 3G externals on BSC Y

Check if the 3G NBs to add on BSC Y are defined , if not then define as 3G
externals on BSC Y.

-Add single direction 3G relations on BSC Y:

In the customized 3G NBs sheet , filter for :

Source: Migrated

Target: all 3G NBs

-Update 2G external definitions on external BSC 1 with new LAC for migrated cells

-Update 2G external definitions on external BSC 2 with new LAC for migrated cells

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