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Published in 83 Languages

V olun te e rs
Can They Make
a Difference? 3-12
Can the spirit of
volunteerism survive in
todays selfish world?
How does the work of
volunteers affect you?
And what is the most
important type of
such work?
COVER: UN/IYV2001 Photo

Helping Hands Are Everywhere 3

How Can Prayer Volunteers at Work 6

Help Me? 13
Volunteer Work With
Read about the power of Lasting Benefits 10
personal communication
with God. On the Brink of Extinction 16

Milan and Turin

Delightful Cities to Visit 24

Coping With an Watching the World 28

Unspeakable Tragedy 19
From Our Readers 30
The Giarrano family was pre
paring for one of lifes most Infectious Diseases
joyous events when tragedy Disastrous yet Preventable 31
struck. Learn how their faith
is helping them to cope. World UnityNot Just a Dream 32

Awake! July 22, 2001

Helping Hands
Are Everywhere
AXTER, a 15-year-old high school stu mal shelters, and more. They are virtually

B dent, has an interesting way of spend

ing his Saturday afternoons. He visits
a group of older people, playing music and
everywhere! They use their skills for activi
ties that run the gam ut from barn raising to
fund-raising and from cuddling abandoned
conducting sing-alongs at their retirem ent babies to soothing the term inally ill. They
center. He brings laughter, fun and the joy are volunteers people who make a differ
of life to the residents, says Baxters teach ence in the lives o f those in need.
er. Lucille, aged 78, perform s a sim ilar kind V olunteer w ork has been describ ed as
ness. She distributes food among the needy a noble thought turned into action. It in
and visits lonely hospital patients. A friend volves such elem ents as com m itm ent to a
says of Lucille: If the need is there and she cause, a spirit o f sacrifice, an absence of re
can be of assistance, shell be there. m uneration, and a display o f altruism . Vol
Volunteerism Defined u n teer service, say tw o longtim e v o lu n
T his approach to life Be th ere when teers, is a giving o f ourselves: o f o ur time,
the need is thereis shared by m any m il our hands and feet, o u r ideas, o u r ability
lions o f people around the world. They of to help another person, our problem-solving
fer a helping hand on c o n stru c tio n sites skills, our professional knowledge. In te r
and in offices, factories, nursing homes, hos estingly, such giving also benefits the volun
pices, refugee cam ps, centers for the hom e teers themselves. See the box Volunteers
less, fire d ep artm en ts, crisis centers, ani Also Benefit.

Awake! July 22, 2001 3

Growing Numbers Growing Need been growing by 6 percent each year during
In th e U n ited S ta te s, an e stim a te d the past two decades. However, the need for
100 m illion people perform volunteer work more volunteers has not dim inished. On the
and their num ber is rising. O ur organi contrary, U nited N ations Volunteers (a U N
zation continues to grow at a trem endous agency) states th a t viewed globally, the
pace, K athleen Behrens, executive direc need for increased volunteer effort is great
tor of the volunteer organization New York er today than ever. Says a m useum supervi
Cares, recently told sor:
Awake! Last Volunteers
year alone, are our life blood.
we had m ore than 5,000 new volunteers who Yet, there is a paradox. Even though m any
joined o u r program . European volunteer d ire c to rs , m an ag ers, and c o o rd in a to rs
groups are seeing sim ilar growth. In France, working with volunteers feel that such ones
for instance, the num ber o f volunteers has are w orth their weight in gold, m uch of

Volunteers Also Benefit

Reaching out to others has brought a deeper, richer, far more enjoyable reward than
what I could have achieved by continuing to focus entirely on my business career, says
Michael, a part-time volunteer. Michael is not alone. Sharon Capeling-Alakija, executive
coordinator of United Nations Volunteers, says: Around the world people who . . . volunteer
are fully aware of how much they gain from the experience. Dr. Douglas M. Lawson, an ex
pert on volunteer work, confirms that researchers have found that often during just a
few hours of volunteering a persons general physiological demeanor and psychological
well-being are so heightened that this has been
nicknamed The Helpers High. And helpers
high is no fleeting feeling. Researchers at Cor
nell University in the United States studied a
group of people for over 30 years and found
that those who volunteered were happier and
healthier than those who did not. Interesting
ly, the Bible states: There is more happiness in
giving than there is in receiving. Acts 20:35;
Proverbs 11:25.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Awake?---------------------------------------------------------------
W hy Awake! Is Published A w a k e ! is for the enlightenment of the entire family. It shows how to cope with
todays problems. It reports the news, tells about people in many lands, examines religion and science. But it does more.
It probes beneath the surface and points to the real meaning behind current events, yet it always stays politically neutral
and does not exalt one race above another. Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creators promise of
a peaceful and secure new world that is about to replace the present wicked, lawless system of things.
Unless otherwise indicated, New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures With References is used.

4iy<3Ae/(ISSN 0005-237X ) is published sem im onthly by W atchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.; M. H. Larson, President; G. F. Simonis,
Secretary-Treasurer; 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483. Periodicals Postage Paid at Brooklyn, N.Y., and at additional m ailing offices.
C h a n g e s o f a d d r e s s should reach us 30 days before your moving date. Give us your old and new address (if possible, your old address label).
P O S T M A S T E R : Send address changes to Awake!, c /o Watchtower, W a llk ill, N Y 1 2 5 8 9 .
Vol. 82, No. 14 Printed in U.S.A. 2001 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Sem im onthly ENGLISH

4 Awake! July 22, 2001

International Year of Volunteers
On November 20,1997, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed the year
2001 to be the International Year of Volunteers, (IYV 2001). According to the UN, there are
four objectives to be achieved during the year.
Increased recognition Governments are encouraged to recognize the importance of
volunteers by studying and recording their achievements and bestowing awards on out
standing volunteer activities.
Increased facilitation Countries are urged to encourage volunteerism by, for example,
accepting volunteer service as an alternative to military service or providing certain tax
Networking The media are invited to assist more in pub
licizing success stories of volunteer work. As a result, such
projects could be replicated, avoiding the need for each
local community to reinvent the wheel.
Promotion Volunteer organizations are encouraged to
arrange exhibitions to inform the public about the bene
fits that society is reaping from volunteer work.
The UN hopes that IYV 2001 will result in more requests
for the services of volunteers, in more offers from people to
serve as volunteers, and in more funding and facilities for
volunteer organizations to tackle societys growing needs.
A total of 123 governments have joined in sponsoring the
objectives of this UN resolution.

the work of volunteers goes unrecognized. the w orld o f v o lu n te e ris m th a t p re se n t

To begin to change th at situation, the U nit a challenge b o th fo r v o lu n te e rs and for
ed N ations decided to use the year 2001 as those who direct their work. Even so, there
a time for turning the spotlight on volun are still num erous individuals around the
teer workers. The box in te rn a tio n a l Year of world who are willing to make a difference.
Volunteers describes some o f the goals the W hat m otivates them to do so? W hat do
U N hopes to reach. they accomplish? And how may they affect
M eanwhile, changes are taking place in your life?

Would you w e lcom e m ore inform ation? W rite W atch T o w e r at the appropriate address.
Publication of Aw ake! is part of a w o rldw ide Bible educational w o rk supported by volu nta ry donations.
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# Audiocassettes also available. St. Catherine Avondale

Awake! July 22, 2001 5

Volunteers at Work
VERY F riday a fte rn o o n Sirley, a the article, is the booklet

E middle-aged teacher in Brazil, turns her Learn to Read an d Write,

living room into a classroom . About prepared by Jehovahs Wit
two oclock, Amelia, one o f the students, nesses*
arrives. She does not miss a single lesson and From Feeling
is already reading better than many young Embarrassed to
sters in high school. Amelia is 82 years old. Living With Dignity
Am elia is following in the steps o f the A nother o f Sirleys students, 68-year-old
m ore than 60 senior citizens who have grad Dona Luzia, relates that before learning to
uated from the free literacy classes that Sir- read and write, she was asham ed to talk to
ley is conducting in her hometown. Recent others. Even shopping used to be a chal
ly, Sirleys volunteer work was featured in lenge. Now 1 write letters to my relatives in
the Brazilian newspaper Jornal Sudoeste. other towns, and 1 manage my own money.
After noting that she has made a huge con No one shortchanges me anym ore, she says
tribution to com m unity life, the newspa with a smile. M aria, also 68 years o f age, re
per article said that Sirleys m ethod of teach calls how she used to feel em barrassed to
ing the elderly is so effective that after just sign her pension check with a thum bprint.
120 hours of classes, they are writing letters, * The booklet Learn to Read and Write (available in 6 lan
reading newspapers, and coping with num guages) and the more recent booklet Apply Yourself to Read
bers and other day-to-day tasks. The text ing and Writing (available in 29 languages) are published
by Jehovahs Witnesses. For a free copy, contact your local
book that Sirley uses, adds Kingdom Hall or the publishers of this magazine.

The Changing World of Volunteerism

Julie crisscrosses the Its a new trend, says Sara Me
globe on business trips, she lendez, president of a research
manages to squeeze in some group that compiles statistics
volunteer work a few hours on volunteer work. People are
here and a day there. Re volunteering, but when they do,
cently while in South Ameri its more of a one-shot deal. As
ca, she spent an afternoon a consequence, organizers are
helping out in an orphanage feeling the pinch of what some
near Santiago, Chile. She decry as volunteering lite, and
says that traveling opens up they are struggling to staff their
great options in volunteer programs.
Like Julie, a growing num Flexible Volunteering
ber of volunteers are giving Some organizers feel that
time but in ever smaller portions. this new trend giving smaller
ax Para

Sirley finds satisfaction in

I felt like an invalid, she says. But thanks teaching others to read
to the literacy classes, M aria now happily
writes her own signature.
Praise from students and graduates has An Award-Winning Program
m ade S irley s fre e p ro g ra m so p o p u la r Sirley is one of Jehovahs Witnesses. No
that her living room is getting overcrowd doubt you are fam iliar with the Bible educa
ed. Soon the class will move to a room ier tion work that Jehovahs W itnesses perform
location. as a vo lu n tary service. How ever, Sirleys

amounts of volunteer time is mentioned earlier in this series, Many volunteer organizations
caused by a change In the at feels that those who are volun now even offer one-day-only
titude of volunteers. The Tm teering on the run do so, not be projects. This allows people to
here as long as you need me cause they lack commitment, volunteer in m eaningful ways
type of volunteering is dead, but because they lack time. Peo but to have the flexibility they
says Susan Ellis, a consultant for ple who are juggling a 50-hour- need to do it on a semi-regular
volunteer groups. People dont plus workweek with care for chil basis.
make com m itm ents. Journal dren or for elderly parents simply Also, a grow ing number of
ist Eileen Daspin concurs. A f cannot volunteer on a regular ba people are volunteering from
ter interviewing several direc sis. Yet, the very fact that these their computer at home, doing
tors of volunteer groups about busy people still make commu data entry and research. Online
the shortage of volunteers, she nity service a part of their life, volunteering, notes The Wall
concluded that volunteerism is she says, shows that their com Street Journal, is perhaps the
experiencing a severe case of mitment is actually very strong. m ost unusual, and some say
commitment phobia. For such time-challenged vol m ost prom ising, of what has
However, the director of New unteers, says Behrens, flexi come to be called flexible volun
York Cares, Kathleen Behrens, ble volunteering is the answer. teering.
success is not unique. Literacy class
es conducted in hundreds o f Kingdom
Halls throughout Brazil have already
helped m ore th an 22,000 people in
that country to learn to read and write.
Similar program s of Jehovahs W it
nesses have yielded success in o th
er parts of the world. In the A frican
To the Rescue in Kobe! country of Burundi, for example, the
When an earthquake struck the thriving port city of N ational Office for A dult Literacy (a
Kobe, Japan, in January 1995, the devastation was departm ent of the M inistry o f Educa
overwhelming. With over 5,000 casualties, it was the tion) was so pleased w ith the results of
deadliest quake to hit Japan since 1923. Jehovahs the W itnesses literacy program th at it
Witnesses in Japan and around the world immediate gave an award to four of the program s
ly set about providing relief for victims. When a relief teachers for the hard work put into
fund was established, over a million dollars was con
teaching others to read. G overnm ent
tributed in three business days. Relief supplies of all
sorts came flooding into Kobe. officials are especially im pressed that
75 percen t o f those who learned to
One Christian elder involved in the relief work found
read and write were adult wom ena
that his Kingdom Hall was soon stocked with more
supplies than could be used. What was to be done group th a t usually shies away from
with it all? He suggested donating some supplies attending such programs.
to a nearby hospital. The Witnesses filled up a van In M ozambique, 4,000 students are
and made their way through the debris. The trip took e n ro lled in th e W itn e sse s litera c y
hours instead of the usual few minutes. At the hospi classes, and more than 5,000 students
tal, they offered the head doctor their supplies includ have learned to read and write over
ing blankets, mattresses, diapers, fresh fruit, and over- the past four years. One form er stu
the-counter medicines. Delighted, the doctor said that dent wrote: I would like to express my
the hospital would gladly accept anything the Witness
sincere appreciation. T hanks to the
es could give. The fruit was especially welcome, as
school, I can read and write.
there was not enough fresh food for all the patients.
As the Witnesses unloaded the supplies, the doctor Relief Aid That Is
stood there quietly watching despite the urgency of Practical Rather Than Formal
his work. Then he humbly bowed and thanked them. Relief work is another form of vol
As they drove away, he continued standing there to u n ta ry service p e rfo rm e d by Jeho-
show how thankful he was. The elder involved
noted that this same hospital later became
very cooperative with patients who are Jeho
vahs Witnesses.
vahs Witnesses. N ot long
ago a warehouse near Par
is, France, was a beehive
of activity. Some 400 vol
unteers spent their week
end filling c a rto n s w ith
food, clothing, and m edi
cine. By the end o f th e
weekend, nine large con
tainers full o f relief su p
plies worth nearly $1 mil
lion (U.S.) were ready to
be shipped. Soon thereaf
ter, the shipm ent arrived
in war-torn Central Africa, where local Wit
ness volunteers swiftly distributed the sup
plies. M ost of the supplies were donated by
Witnesses as well.
O ne n e w sp a p e r in C ongo (K in sh a sa )
praised the hum anitarian work of Jehovahs Volunteer Work
W itnesses as p ra c tic a l ra th e r th a n fo r - A Power for Good
mal. Officials o f the U nited N ations High When a group of volunteers in Kabezi, a
C o m m issio n e r fo r R efugees (U N H C R ) small community in Burundi, wanted to build a
have likewise expressed their support. One Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses, the lo
U N H C R official in the D em ocratic Repub cal administrator made an unusual request. He
lic o f Congo was so pleased with the o r asked if the Witnesses could fix the road pass
ing by the proposed construction site. The Wit
derliness of the relief efforts carried out by
nesses happily agreed to repair the damaged
the W itnesses th at she put her vehicle at roadway, doing all the work by hand. The vol
the disposal of the volunteers. Local peo unteers did the job so well that local officials
ple are also impressed. W hen onlookers no expressed appreciation for their hard work
ticed how swiftly relief supplies reached all and willing spirit. Afterward, the volunteers
in need, some asked in wonderment: How went on to build their Kingdom Hall, pictured
are you organized to be able to reach every above. Now they have a beautiful building that
one? will help to promote Bible education for years
to come. Indeed, volunteer work in its many
The relief efforts by Jehovahs W itnesses forms can have far-reaching benefits.
and their literacy program s are ju st two ex
amples o f the services that W itnesses have
been perform ing around the world for de
cades. However, the W itnesses are also in
volved in another form o f volunteer work
a service that makes a truly long-lasting
difference. The next article will consider

Awake! July 22, 2001

She Brings Help
Nadine, a 43-year-old French nurse
specializing in tropical diseases, is
one of the volunteers who has
worked in Central Africa. People ask
me why I do this, she said in a re
cent interview. I believe in God, I love
people, and I want to give of myself.
And being one of Jehovahs Witness
es incites me to bring both a reme
dy and a hope to those who suffer.
While volunteering in Africa, Nadine
divides her time between providing
relief work and participating in the Bi
ble education work that is carried out
there by local Witnesses. Nadine in Africa
ESU S C H R IS T re g u la rly p e rfo rm e d Since the Bible urges C hristians to fol

J good deeds for those in need. For in low [Jesus] steps closely, true C hristians
stance, he fed the hungry and healed the today have clear guidance when it com es to
sick. (M atthew 14:14-21) To which activity,setting priorities in volunteer work. (1 Peter
though, did he give the highest priority? An 2:21) Like Jesus, they help people in need
incident that occurred early in Jesus m inis as the preceding article illustrates. Also
try provides the answer. It is recorded in the like Jesus, they set the w ork o f teaching
first chapter of the Gospel o f Mark. the Bibles message about the good news
While Jesus was in Capernaum , near the o f G o d s Kingdom as th eir to p p rio rity *
Sea of Galilee, he was taken to the home (M atthew 5:14-16; 24:14; 28:19, 20) W hy,
of Simon, or Peter. There Simons mother- though, should volunteering to educate peo
in-law was lying down sick with a fever, ple about the Bibles message take priori
and Jesus healed her. (M ark 1:29-31) Later a ty over other valuable form s o f volunteer
crowd including m any people ill with vari work?
ous sicknesses began to gather at the door
Why and How Bible Education
of Peters house, and Jesus cured them too.
Makes a Difference
(M ark 1:32-34) Then night came, and every
An Asian proverb points to the answer. It
one went to sleep.
says: If you plan for a year, sow seeds. If
T he next m o rn in g w hile it was still
you plan for ten years, plant trees. If you
d a rk , Jesu s q u ietly got up and left the
plan for a hundred years, educate people.
house for a lonely place, where he be
Indeed, when it com es to providing solu
gan praying. B efore long, the disciples
tions th a t are long lastin g , e d u c a tio n is
also woke up, looked out o f the house, and
saw a large crowd o f people waiting at the
door. But what were they to do? Jesus was
missing! Quickly Peter and those with him "If you plan for a year, sow seeds.
tracked Jesus down and said: All are look If you plan for ten years, plant trees.
ing for you. (M ark 1:35-37; Luke 4:42) It
seems that, in effect, they were telling Jesus:
If you plan for a hundred years,
W hat are you doing out here? Last night educate people
your healing the sick was a huge success.
Today another great o pportunity is waiting
for you! im perative because it develops a persons
But now note Jesus reaction: Let us go ability to make decisions th at will improve
somewhere else, into the village towns near his life. T hat is why today over six million
by, that I may preach there also. This re part-tim e and full-tim e volunteers are us
ply is significant. Jesus did not return to Pe ing their time, efforts, and resources to pro
ters house to heal others. He showed why vide free Bible education to the public. This
when he said: It is for this purpose [that * Jehovahs Witnesses view their preaching work in the
is, to preach] I have gone out. (M ark 1:38, same way as the apostle Paul didas a necessity for true
Christians. Paul said: If, now, I am declaring the good news,
39; Luke 4:43) W hat was Jesus telling his dis it is no reason for me to boast, for necessity is laid upon
ciples? Doing good deeds was im portant to me. (1 Corinthians 9:16) Still, their preaching work is volun
tary because they have freely chosen to become disciples of
him, but preaching and teaching G ods word Christ, knowing fully the responsibilities that come with that
was Jesus prim ary mission. M ark 1:14. privilege.

Awake! July 22, 2001 11

How Gods Kingdom Will Make a Difference
Please read these scriptures in your own Bible, vineyards and eat their fruitage. They will not build
and see how God promises to fill mans needs in and someone else have occupancy; they will not
the following areas: plant and someone else do the eating.. .. They will
not toil for nothing. Isaiah 65:21-23.
Health He willwipe out every tear from their
eyes, and death will be no more, neither will Food The earth itself will certainly give its pro
mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The for duce; God, our God, will bless Psalm 67:6;
mer things have passed Revelation 21:4; 72:16; Isaiah 25:6.
Isaiah 33:24; 35:5, 6. Social Conditions Jehovah has broken the
Education rod of
Theywill not do any harm or the wicked ones . . . The whole earth has
any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the come to rest, has become free of disturbance.
earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Isaiah 14:5, 7.
Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea.
Justice Look! A king will reign for righteous
-Is a ia h 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14.
ness itself; and as respects princes, they will
Employment They will certainly build houses rule as princes for justice Isaiah 11:3-5;
and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant 32:1, 2.

tim e-tested volunteer program conducted dreds o f thousands o f o thersyoung and

by Jehovahs W itnesses is having an impact oldwho recently began studying G o d s
on com m unities around the world. How? Word share N elsons sentim ents. In addi
As people are helped to understand and tion to helping students to find a satisfying
follow the Bibles practical counsel, they be purpose in life, the message o f G ods King
com e better equipped to deal with the prob dom provides an uplifting hope for the fu
lems o f life. They gain the m oral strength turea hope that makes life worth living,
needed to overcom e harm ful habits. N el even under the m ost trying circum stances.
son, a y o u th in B razil, stre sse s a n o th e r (1 Timothy 4:8)See the box How G ods
benefit o f Bible education: Since 1 began Kingdom Will Make a Difference.
to study the Bible with Jehovahs W itness By providing Bible education, Jehovahs
es, I have known joy because I now have a W itnesses p e rfo rm a v o lu n te e r service
purpose in life. (Ecclesiastes 12:13) Hun- with long-lasting benefits. How long lasting?
G ods Word states: This means everlasting
life, their taking in knowledge of you, the
IN OUR NEXT ISSUE only true God, and of the one whom you
sent forth, Jesus C hrist. (John 17:3) Imag
Breaking the Cycle of Hate ine participating in a program with everlast
ing benefitsnow that is a form of volunteer
service that truly makes a difference! Is that
Who Is the Antichrist?
not the type of program you would like to
learn more about? If so, contact Jehovahs
My Fight With Scleroderma Witnesses in your community. Acting on this
invitation will be a step you will not regret.

12 Awake! July 22, 2001

It was prayer that helped me
get my life back on track.
-B ra d .*

ANY young people are

M prayingperhaps even
more than you think. A G al
lup Youth Survey of 13- to
17-year-olds in the U nited
States revealed that 56 per
cent o f them say a prayer
before dinner. A survey o f
young adults indicated that How Can Prayer
62 p ercen t o f th em pray
every day.
Even so, for many youths
Help Me?
prayer is just an em pty ritual or a mere rou question is, How can prayer help you? First,
tine. Few youths have what the Bible calls lets examine how God answers our prayers.
accurate knowledge of G od. (Colossians 1:
H ow God A n s w e rs P ra ye rs
9, 10) As a result, G od does not play a big
role in their lives. One survey asked teen In Bible times some men of faith did have
agers if they had ever turned to God for help directeven m iraculousanswers to their
in making an im portant decision. A girl an prayers. When King Hezekiah, for example,
swered: I always turn to God in prayer to learned that he had a term inal illness, he sup
guide me to choose the right paths in life. plicated God for deliverance. G od respond
Still, she admitted: I cant remember any one ed: I have heard your prayer. I have seen
decision right now. Little wonder, then, that your tears. Here I am healing you. (2 Kings
many youths lack confidence that prayer has 20:1-6) O ther God-fearing men and women
any power or that it will work for them! sim ilarly experienced G o d s intervention.
Nevertheless, like Brad, quoted at the out 1 Samuel 1:1-20; Daniel 10:2-12; Acts 4:24-
set, thousands of youths have personally ex 31; 10:1-7.
perienced the power of prayer. So can you! A However, divine intervention was hardly
previous article showed why we can be confi the norm, even in Bible times. For the most
dent that God will hear our prayers* Now the part, G od answered the prayers of his ser
vants, not by m iraculous intervention, but
* Some names have been changed. by helping them to be filled with the ac
# See the article Young People Ask . . . Will God Hear My
Prayers? in the June 22, 2001, issue of Awake! curate knowledge of his will in all wisdom

Awake! July 22, 2001 13

and spiritual comprehension. (Colossians 1: prayer by talking with a m ature C hristian
9, 10) Yes, God helped by strengthening his elder who knew her boyfriend. He confirmed
people spiritually and morallygiving them her fears: Her boyfriend had made little spiri
the wisdom and knowledge to make wise de tual advancement.
cisions. When Christians were in a difficult Karen says: T hat situation opened my
situation, G od did not necessarily remove eyes wide to the power o f prayer. Sad to
the trial. Rather, he provided them with the say, her former boyfriend pursued riches and
power beyond what is norm al so that they stopped serving God. If I had married him,
could endure it!2 C orinthians 4:7; 2 Timo says Karen, I m ight be com ing to C hris
thy 4:17. tian meetings alone. Prayer helped Karen to
Likewise today, an answer to your prayer make a good decision.
will probably not involve something dram at
H elp in C o n tro llin g Your E m o tio n s
ic. But as he did in the past, God can give
you his holy spirit and strengthen you to han All his spirit is what a stupid one lets out,
dle whatever situations you face. (Galatians says the Bible at Proverbs 29:11, but he that
5:22,23) To illustrate, lets look at four specif is wise keeps it calm to the last. The problem
ic ways in which prayer can help you. is that many people today live under intense
emotional pressure and often lose control
H elp in M a k in g D e cisio n s sometimes with disastrous results. Young
Karen was dating a young man with seem Brian recalls: I was having problems with a
ingly high spiritual goals. He would always workmate. One day he pulled out a knife.
tell me that he wanted to become an elder in What would you have done? Brian prayed. He
the congregation, she says. This all sound says: Jehovah helped me to stay calm, and 1
ed good. But he also talked a lot about the talked my workmate out of it. He dropped
business he was starting and all the things the knife and walked away. Controlling his
he would be able to buy me. I began to have emotions helped Brian to avoid giving in to
doubts about his sincerity. Karen prayed anger, and this likely saved his life.
about it. I begged Jehovah to open my eyes You may not often find yourself at the
and show me what I needed to know about point of a knife. But there will be many situa
him. tions in your life where you will need to con
Sometimes the very act of praying is benefi trol your emotions. Prayer can help you to re
cial, as it can help you to stop and think m at main calm.
ters through from Jehovahs perspective. But
Karen also needed practical advice. Would H elp W ith W o rry
she receive a miraculous answer? Well, con Barbara recalls going through a trialsome
sider a Bible account regarding King Da time some years ago. She says: My job, fam
vid. When he learned that his trusted friend ily, friendsnothing seemed to be working
Ahithophel was advising his traitorous son out. I didnt know what to do. Barbara in
Absalom, David prayed: Turn, please, the stinctively prayed for help. But there was a
counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness, O Je problem. I didnt know what to ask Jehovah
hovah! (2 Samuel 15:31) But David also act for, she says. Finally, I asked for peace of
ed in harmony with his prayer. He entrust mind. I asked every night that he would help
ed his friend Hushai with this mission: You me not to worry about everything.
must then frustrate the counsel of Ahitho How did that prayer help her? She says:
phel for me. (2 Samuel 15:34) In a similar A few days later, I realized that although
way, Karen took action in harmony with her my problems hadnt disappeared, I wasnt so

14 Awake! July 22, 2001

occupied or concerned with them anymore. Above all, Paul got to experience Jehovahs
The Bible promises: Let your petitions be care in a personal way. He felt the truth of the
made known to God; and the peace of God words of James 4:8: Draw close to God, and
that excels all thought will guard your hearts he will draw close to you. For Paul this was
and your mental powers by means of Christ a major turning point. He was moved to put
Jesus. Philippians 4:6, 7. Jehovah ahead of everything else in his life
and to dedicate his life to him.
Help in D ra w in g C lo s e r to God
Consider the experience of a youth named T a lk to God!
Paul. I had just moved in with some rela These positive experiences provide assur
tives, he says. One night I found myself in ance that prayer can help you. O f course, that
massive depression. I had recently graduated is so only if you are serious about getting to
from high school, and I missed all my friends. know God, cultivating a friendship with him.
Tears came to my eyes that night as I remem Unfortunately, many youths put off doing so.
bered the great times we had enjoyed togeth Carissa was raised in a Christian home. But
er. W hat could Paul do? For the first time, he she admits: I think that only in the last few
prayed fervently. He says: I opened my heart years have I fully grasped the incredible sig
and asked Jehovah for strength and peace of nificance of our unique relationship with Je
mind. hovah. Brad, mentioned at the outset, was
W hat resulted? Paul recalls: The next raised as a Christian but fell away from true
morning, I woke up feeling m ore relieved worship for a num ber of years. It wasnt un
than I ever have in my life. I went from an ag til I realized what Id lost, he says, that I
onizing frame of mind to having the peace turned to Jehovah. I now know how cold and
of God that excels all thought. Now that empty life can be without that relationship.
his heart was calm, Paul could look at things However, do not wait for a crisis to strike
from a less emotional point of view. And he before you draw close to God. Begin talking
soon realized that the good old days hadnt to him nowregularly! (Luke 11:9-13) Be
been so good after all. (Ecclesiastes 7:10) In fore him pour out your heart. (Psalm 62:8)
fact, the friends that he so sorely missed You will soon find that prayer can really help
had not really been a good influence on him. you!

Make better decisions Find relief from worry

Stay calm in times of stress Draw closer to God
On the
Brink of

AM, the three-year-old gorilla in the photo, cer

S tainly looks sad. But perhaps that should not
surprise us. Hunters killed his m other, leaving him
orphaned with no chance o f returning to the wild.
Unfortunately, just a few m onths after this picture
was taken, Sam died of a respiratory ailment. But he
was not the only gorilla with bleak prospects.
The relentless destruction of their natural habitat
has put such creatures on the list of vulnerable spe
cies. And since gorillas are actually killed for food in
some places, hunters equipped with m odern rifles
also seriously threaten the anim als long-term sur
vival. Although the future for gorillas sounds dis
mal, that of many other species is even m ore so.
A report prepared by the International Union for
C onservation o f N a tu re and N a tu ra l R esources
(IU C N ) paints a gloom y picture o f the state of
much of the worlds wildlife. During the past few
years, more species have become endangered, and
the pace o f the decline has been alarm ing. The
IUCN, an organization that m onitors the status of
thousands of species, has recently published its Red
List, designed to increase awareness o f the plight of
the planets embattled wildlife.
Nearly a quarter of all the worlds mammals and
about an eighth of the birds are now threatened with
extinction. And these are just the species th at have
been documented. The conservation status o f the
majority of our planets species remains unknown.
Awake! July 22, 2001
m gm

Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)

Estimated population in the wild:
1,000making it one of the rarest mammals
on earth
Main threats: low reproduction rates and
destruction of the mountain bamboo forests
on which it depends for food

Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus)

Estimated population in the wild:
about 20,000
Main threats: forest fires, logging,
poaching, and smugglingfor the pet
k Foto: Zoo de la Casa de Campo, Madrid

Tiger (Panthera tigris)

Estimated population in the wild: some 5,000 to
7,500 (down from about 100,000 a century ago)
Main threats: poaching, poisoning, loss of habitat,
and isolation of tiger populations
Lesser (Red) Panda
(Ailurus fulgens)
Estimated population in the wild:
unknown, but it seems to be declining
throughout its range as a result of human
encroachment and a low breeding rate
Main threats: poaching, destruction of
mountain bamboo forests, and livestock

de Campo, Madrid
Foto: Zoo de la Casa I
Foto: Zoo, Santillana del Mar, Cantabria, Espana

If this tragic situation grieves you, how m ust our C re

ator feel about it? He states in his Word, the Bible: All
the animals in the forest are mine. (Psalm 50:10, Todays
English Version) So he can hardly be oblivious to the wan
ton destruction of his own handiwork. In the book of
Revelation, God assures us that he will bring to ruin
those ruining the earth. Revelation 11:18.
Protecting both the planets wildlife and its fragile envi
ronment, on which we all depend, are just two of the ur
gent tasks G ods Kingdom will take care of when G od
makes all things new. Revelation 21:5; M atthew 6:10.

Goeldis Monkey
(Callimico goeldii)
U Estimated population in the
wild: unknown (this primate was
only discovered in 1904)
Main threats: destruction of
the Amazon rain forest and
sparseness of populations, which
could easily become isolated

Red-Crowned Crane
(Grus japonensis)
1986 Steve Kaufman

Estimated population in the wild:

about 2,000
Main threats: collisions with
electric cables, destruction of
breeding habitat, and contamination
Coping With an
Unspeakable Tragedy

Being grandparents is one o f lifes great joys. With much anticipation m y wife,
Vicki, and I awaited the birth o f our first grandchild. Our daughter, Theresa, and
her husband, Jonathan, were expecting a baby in early October 2000. We could
not have imagined that we were about to face an unspeakable tragedy.

Y W IFE and I, along with our son and his to come and look at the car they were

M wife, left for vacation on Saturday, Septem

ber 23. We were going to meet other relatives
and spend a week on the O uter Banks of N orth
na. Theresa and Jonathan had decided not to come on
selling. Afterward, Theresa was going
to run some errands. Jonathan called
hom e at lunchtim e, b u t he co u ld n t
reach her. D uring the afternoon, he
vacation with us because she was in her ninth m onth kept calling, but there was still no an
of pregnancy and it was a long driveabout 11 hours swer. When he got home at 4:15 p.m.,
from our home in Ohio. he noticed that the car was missing. He
We wanted to postpone our vacation, but Theresa in called the hospital because he thought
sisted that we go. She assured us that she would be all that perhaps Theresa had gone into la
right. Besides, her doctor felt that her pregnancy would bor. She wasnt there. He also called
probably go full term, and her due date was a couple of
weeks away.
Wednesday, Septem ber 27, 2000, was a beautiful day
that reminded me of why our family has chosen to va
cation in this area for the past several years. Little did
we know that before the end o f the day, our lives would
be drastically changed.
Th eresa Is M is s in g !
T hat evening I received a phone call from my broth
er back in Ohio. He was extremely hesitant and ner
vous. Finally, he got the words out: Theresa is miss
ing! T he police were involved because the events
surrounding her disappearance were suspicious. When
Jonathan arrived hom e that afternoon, he found the
front door unlocked. T heresas breakfast was still on
the table, and her purse was left behind. Something else
was strange: Her shoes the only ones that fit her in her
ninth m onthwere still by the door.
Jonathan had called home about 9:30 a.m. Theresa Our daughter Theresa, listening
told him that a woman had called saying that she wanted to her babys heartbeat
Awake! July 22, 2001 19
some family members, but no one had seen her. confirmed that he is indeed our grandson. Jon
He was frantic, so he called the police. About athan gave him the name that he and Theresa
6:00 p.m., the police found the car not far from had chosenOscar Gavin. After a short stay in
their home. But Theresa was still missing. the hospital, our 8-pound 1 l-ounce grandson
Back in N orth Carolina, we were stunned was released into his fathers arm s on T hurs
by the news. My wife and I, along with our day, October 5. We were thrilled to have ou r
son and his wife, packed our bags and head grandson, but words cannot describe how dev
ed home. It was a long, emotional drive. We astated we were that Theresa was not there to
traveled through the night and arrived back in hold him.
Ohio the next morning. C o m m u n ity R e a ction
A B re a k in th e C ase My family and I were moved to tears by the
M eanw hile, Jo n ath an and som e relatives, outpouring of supportin m any cases from
close friends, and others cooperated with the people we had never met. During the days that
p o lice in se arc h in g for T h e re sa , w orking Theresa was missing, hundreds volunteered to
through the night. The search continued for help in the search. M any donated money. Sev
five agonizing days. Finally, on Monday, Octo eral local office-supply stores made thousands
ber 2, there was a break in the case. By then, the of copies of flyers free of charge. And volun
police had traced the phone call that had been teers distributed the flyers over m any miles
made to Theresas house on Wednesday m orn around Theresas home.
ing. A woman who lived just a few blocks away One of our Christian sisters works for a local
had made the call from a cellular phone. attorney, and when she told him about our sit
A fter interview ing the wom an, the police uation, he offered to assist. We accepted his of
were suspicious. L ater th a t evening the po fer, and this proved to be a trem endous bless
lice returned to the wom ans home. But as they ing. He helped us to deal with the media as
approached the door, they heard a gunshot. well as with certain legal issues that arose. In
Breaking into the house, they found the wom addition, he recom mended two private investi
an dead. She had shot herself. To their surprise, gators, who did much to help with the case.
they found a new born baby boy in a room Their genuine concern for us truly touched our
on the second floor. Incredibly, he had slept hearts.
through all the commotion! After our grandson was recovered, the sup
But still there was no trace of Theresa. For port intensified. Several grocery stores sent
the next few hours, the police searched the food and household supplies. M any individu
house for any evidence that she had been there. als donated clothing for Oscar as well as dis
The search ended in the early hours of Tuesday posable diapers, baby formula, and toys. We re
m orning inside the garage. There, in a shallow ceived far more than Oscar could ever use, so
grave, they found Theresas body. The coroner we gave the surplus to the m aternity ward of a
later determ ined that she had been knocked local hospital. Because the media had picked
unconscious, then shot in the back. She had up the story, we received thousands o f cards
died instantly, and then her baby had been tak and lettersnot just from our com m unity but
en from her womb. In looking back, there is a from around the world.
measure of relief in knowing that she did not The outflow of support was particularly ev
suffer. ident at the m em orial service for T heresa,
The newborn baby was taken to the hospital, w hich was held on Sunday, O c to b e r 8. We
where he was found to be in excellent health knew that many people wanted to attend, but
not a scratch on him! A m andatory DNA test the response exceeded our expectations. Ar-
20 Awake! July 22, 2001
rangements were made to use an auditorium Christian brothers and sisters. This seemingly
at a local high school, and w ith m ore than endless support came from o u r own congrega
1,400, it was filled to capacity. In attendance tion of Jehovahs W itnesses as well as from sur
were family members, friends, police officers, rounding congregations.
the mayor, and others from the com m unity. Even before we arrived hom e from N orth
Members of the media were also present, and Carolina, the elders in o u r congregation had
local television stations filmed the discourse, helped to organize efforts to locate Theresa.
which was also broadcast live over the Inter M any of our brothers and sisters took time off
net. In addition, hundreds of people stood in work to join in the search. Some told their em
the school lobby or huddled under umbrellas ployers that they were willing to forfeit salary,
outside in the cold rain, listening over speakers but in some cases their employers gave them
that had been hooked up. The discourse gave time off with pay. During the days that The
a far-reaching witness about our Bible-based resa was missing, some o f our spiritual broth
beliefs. ers stayed with Jonathan so that he would not
Afterward, hundreds o f people waited pa be alone. A num ber o f brothers and sisters just
tiently in line to offer condolences. We stayed came over and kept our home clean and neat.
for nearly three hours, hugging all those who Others helped to feed volunteers and answer
had come and expressing our appreciation for the phones.
their presence. Following the service a local ho About six weeks after Theresas death, my
tel graciously provided a meal for over 300 of wife and Jonathan faced a daunting challenge
our family members, close friends, and others going through T h eresas things and clear
who had assisted in recovering our grandson. ing out her home. Jonathan felt that he could
We cannot adequately express how m uch no longer live in the house that he and The
we appreciate w hat p e o p le m ostly strang resa had shared, so he decided to put it up for
ersdid to help us. This experience has made sale. Going through Theresas belongings was
us more determ ined than ever to have a full a painful taskeverything rem inded them of
share in the C hristian ministry, for there are a her and how m uch they missed her. But here,
lot of kindhearted individuals whom we want too, our brothers and sisters came to our aid.
to reach with the good news o f G ods King They helped box up her things and even did
dom.M atthew 24:14. some needed repairs on the house to prepare it
for sale.
How th e C o n g re g a tio n Responded
From the beginning of this ordeal, we were
enveloped by a wave o f s u p p o rt from o u r
M ost im p o rtan t, o u r brothers and sisters heard that one day youll grow up and realize
provided our family with spiritual and emo that your best friend is your mom. Well, I just
tional support. They called and visited us to of thank Jehovah every day th at it didnt take
fer encouragem ent. M any sent touching cards me too long to come to that realization. I will
and letters. This loving support continued not always love you.
just for the first few days and weeks but for It was also painful for us to see w hat our
m any months. son-in-law went through. W hile O scar was in
A num ber of our brothers and sisters told us the hospital, Jonathan faced one o f the most
to let them know whenever we needed some difficult things he has had to do. Since he de
one just to listen, and we have taken them up cided to move in tem porarily with us, he had
on their kind offer. It is so comforting to be to move the nursery that he and Theresa had
able to share your feelings with friends you set up at their house. He packed up the rock
love and trust! Truly, they have exemplified the ing horse, the crib, and the stuffed anim als and
words o f the Bible proverb: A true com panion moved them to our home.
is loving all the time, and is a brother that is
W h a t Has H elped Us to C ope
born for when there is distress. Proverbs 17:
When you lose a loved one in such a tragic
17; 18:24.
way, a lot of confusing questions and em otions
Th e Im p a c t on O ur F a m ily arise. There have been times when I as a C hris
I m ust say that coping with Theresas m ur tian elder have endeavored to com fort and help
der has not been easy for my family and me. others struggling with such questions and feel
It has truly changed our lives. There are times ings. But when you are the one grieving, emo
when I am angry that she is not here with me. tions can cloud clear thinking.
I miss her hugs and kisses. For example, knowing Theresas condition
My wife was extrem ely close to Theresa. and that we would be away for a week, I had
There wasnt a day that they didnt at least talk prayed for Jehovah to protect her. W hen she
to each other. They spent countless hours talk was found m urdered, I m ust adm it that I ini
ing about Theresas pregnancy. They worked tially wondered why my prayers were not an
together to set up the nursery. swered. O f course, I know that Jehovah does
Vicki describes her feelings: There are so not guarantee m iraculous protection for his
m any th in g s I m iss. I m iss sh arin g in the people individually. I continued to pray for
preaching work with her. I miss our shopping understanding. I have been com forted in the
together. W hat hurts the m ost is not seeing knowledge th at Jehovah protects his people
her with her baby it just breaks my heart. 1 spirituallythat is, he provides what we need
know how m uch she loved Oscar even before in order to safeguard o u r relationship with
he was born. She knew that she was having a him. T hat type of protection is m ost im por
boy. After I made a blanket for the baby and tant, for it can affect our eternal future. In that
gave it to her, Theresa wrote me this card: sense, Jehovah did protect Theresa; she was
D ear Mom, serving him faithfully at the time o f her death.
Thank you so much for the beautiful baby I have found peace in knowing that her future
blanket. I really appreciate all of the hard life prospects are in his loving hands.
work that you put into it. I just want to thank A num ber of scripture texts have been es
you again for all the help and encourage pecially comforting. Here are some that have
m ent that youve given me to get through helped me to cope:
some of the hardest times of my life. I will al There is going to be a resurrection of both
ways rem em ber and thank you for that. Ive the righteous and the unrighteous. (Acts 24:
22 Awake! July 22, 2001
15) I have long believed the Bibles promise of until he has his Son, Jesus Christ, resurrect her.
a resurrection to an earthly paradise, but now I know that there is no safer place for her to be
that hope is even more real to me. Just know than in Jehovahs perfect memory.
ing that I will be able to hold Theresa again has In everything by prayer and supplication
given me the strength to make it through each along with thanksgiving let your petitions be
day. made known to God; and the peace o f G od
Jeh o v ah . . . is a God, not o f the dead, but of that excels all thought will guard your hearts
the living, for they are all living to him. (Luke and your mental powers by means o f Christ Je
20:37, 38) There is much com fort in knowing sus. (Philippians 4:6,7) In particular, I pray for
that the dead who will one day be resurrected Jehovahs spirit to give me strength. W hen I get
are, even now, all living to Jehovah. So from really upset, I go to Jehovah and say, I need
his standpoint, our dear Theresa is very much more of your spirit, and he helps me through
alive. another day. Sometimes I cannot even articu
Vicki would like to share some of the Bible late the words, but he gives me the strength to
texts that have been particularly strengthening go on.
to her: Jehovah truly has helped us to cope with this
It is impossible for G od to lie. (Hebrews unspeakable tragedy. Oh, we still grieve for
6:18; Titus 1:2) Because Jehovah cannot lie, I our dear Theresa. We expect that our grief will
know that he will fulfill his promise to resur not be completely erased until we can hug her
rect the dead. again in Jehovahs new world. In the meantime,
Do not marvel at this, because the hour we are more determ ined than ever to serve Je
is coming in which all those in the memorial hovah faithfully. Jonathan is determ ined to do
tombs will hear [Jesus] voice and come out. his best to raise O scar to love and serve Jeho
(John 5:28, 29) The words m em orial tom bs vah, and Vicki and I will assist him in every way
suggest that Theresa is in Jehovahs memory possible. It is our heartfelt desire to be on hand
in G ods new world to welcome Theresa back
and introduce her to the son that she did not
get to hold in her arms.

With my wife, Vicki,

at Theresas wedding

were the Lombards, probably orig
inating in Scandinavia. They gave
BY AWAKE! WRITER IN ITALY their name to Lombardy, the re
gion of which Milan is capital.
VISIT to Italy can be a delightful experience. The food, the wine,

A the scenery, the history, the culture, the music, the languageall
combine to make this land unforgettable. This summer may be as
good a time as any for a tour, especially for those invited to attend
C om e V is it th e C ity
The history of Milan, like that
one the rest of Italy, is dominated
by the Catholic Church. Little won

1997 Digital
of the conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses being held there. Let us now
take you on a brief tour of two remarkable Italian cities and their regions. der, then, that the cathedral, or
duomo, there is the third-largest
M ila n The True C a p ita l of Ita ly? church in Europe and one of the
In terms of business and industry, Milan is often considered the true largest Gothic churches in the
capital of Italy. Compared with other Italian cities, it is not as well- world. About 500 feet long, it bris
known for antiquity and art. Here, the modern seems to dominate over tles with spires and more than
the ancient. Nevertheless, Milan is home to some outstanding art and 3,000 statues and gargoyles.
architecture that testify to an ancient past. Construction began in 1385 and
About 600 B.C.E., the region was settled by the Gauls, an ancient took five centuries to complete.
Celtic people from the area now known as France. In 222 B.C.E., the Today when Italians speak of a
Romans conquered the city and gave it the Latinized name Mediola job that is taking too long to com-
num, now Milan. Through the centuries, the Italian peninsula has been
a divided and conquered land, attaining independence only in the
second half of the 19th century. So Milan was subject to an end
less succession of invaders. Among those who occupied this area

In Milan, La Scala (above) and the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II (right)

plete, they say that it is like build Bible students will appreciate characters, as mentioned in the
ing the cathedral. the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, which New W orld Translation o f the H oly
Bible readers will be interested is a library and art gallery. There S c rip tu re s W ith R e fe re n c e s. *
to see God's name, in the form you can find the Muratorian Frag The library also possesses other
Jahve, high up in a Gothic win ment, a Latin catalog of the Chris ancient versions of the Bible, as
dow of the cathedral facade. The tian Greek Scriptures dating to the well as the Atlantic Codex, a col
end of the second century C.E. It lection of more than 2,000 draw
exterior of the facade is decorat
helps to confirm the composition ings and scientific notes made by
ed with numerous depictions of
of the New Testament canon.* Leonardo da Vinci.
Bible episodes.
The same library contains a co A useful suggestion for visitors
The Castello Sforzesco is one to remember is that many mu
dex called Ambrosian 0 39 sup.,
of the buildings that have be seums and libraries are housed
dated to the end of the ninth cen
come symbols of the city. It was in ancient buildings, splendid for
tury C.E., which renders the di
built in the 15th century by the their beauty, but easily filled to ca
vine name by the Tetragram-
Sforza family, the lords of Milan. pacity by todays ever-increasing
maton written in square Hebrew
Today it houses a number of mu flow of tourists. In many cases
seums. One famous room con * See *All Scripture Is Inspired of God and
tains frescoes that some say were B e n e fic ia lpages 302-4, published by Jeho * Appendix 1C, page 1564, published by
vahs Witnesses. Jehovahs Witnesses.
painted by Leonardo da Vinci, the
renowned artist and scientist.
Among da Vincis best-known
Scala/Art Resource, NY

paintings is a fresco in the 15th-

century Renaissance convent of
Santa Maria delle Grazie. It de
picts Jesus at what is common
ly called the Last Supper and is
judged one of the most famous
of all Renaissance paintings. The
Pinacoteca di Brera, another mu
seum, has one of the largest Ital
ian collections of paintings by
such famous artists as Bellini, Ra
phael, Tintoretto, and Caravaggio.
Mole Antonelliana in Turin; its spire is 550 feet high
Drawbridge entrance to
Turin's medieval burg
cians and famous singers are on Youll be glad you came to Mi
display* lan! But now, lets travel west
visits have to be booked in ad A tour of the modern part of Mi ward to visit an altogether differ
vance, and some museums set a lan, one of the wealthiest cities in ent great city of Italy.
time limit on visits. Europe, with its skyscrapers and
Before leaving the old part of Turin Another
sports stadium will provide you of Italys Jewels
the city, music lovers might want with an overview of the city. You
to see the outside of La Scala, Turin, a city with a population
will be able to appreciate the va
one of the most famous opera of about one million, is located at
riety, beauty, and long history of
houses in the world. Even if the the narrowest point of the Po Val
Milan. Visitors who love shopping
visitor cannot attend an opera, he ley, at the foot of the western Alps,
and sightseeing will want to vis
might like to tour the museum, and less than 60 miles from the
it the huge Galleria Vittorio Ema-
where many mementos of musi French border. It is surrounded by
nuele II, with its superb glass ceil
an awesome amphitheater of al
ing and dome.
pine mountains that reach as far
* See Awake! of July 8, 1994, page 24,
A Night at the Opera.

The river Po passing

through Turin
as the eye can see. Almost half of 150 veteran, vintage, and clas ies of Jehovahs Witnesses were
Turins province consists of moun sic cars, including Bugattis, Ma- sent to Italy in 1946. They helped
tains, woods, and valleys. A drive seratis, and Lancias. It is obvious to put the work of the Witness
of less than an hour takes you to why the livelihood of about half es onto a solid footing. In the late
mountain resorts. In less than two of Turins present population is in 1940s and early 1950s, the first
hours, you can be on the beaches some way tied to the automotive congregations were formed in Tu
of Liguria. industry. rin. Now there are some 13,000
Turins origins predate the Ro of Jehovahs Witnesses in the city
Jehovahs Witnesses and its province. What, though,
mans. Originally a settlement of a in Turin and Milan
people called the Taurini, it later about Milan?
The valleys around Turin have
became a Roman colony, the re For a little over a year, the
for centuries had a high concen
mains of which lie in the historical branch office representing Jeho
tration of Waldenses, the descen
area. There are medieval features, vahs Witnesses in Italy was in
dants of itinerant preachers of
but most of the citys architecture Milan. It was moved to Rome in
the Protestant Reformation. It is
dates from the 17th and 18th cen 1948. The first postwar assembly
no surprise, then, that during a
turies, with the baroque style dom was held in a city theater in Mi
trip to Europe in 1891, Charles
inating among buildings lining the lan in 1947. Some 700 from all
Taze Russell, who took the lead
downtown streets. parts of the country were pres
among the early Bible Students
Turin is home to one of the best ent. In 1963 the Everlasting
(as Jehovahs Witnesses were
Egyptian museums in the world. then known), made contact with a Good News International Assem
Its exceptional collection of ob local Waldensian pastor, Daniele bly was held in Milans Vigorelli Ve
jects from the ancient civilization Rivoir. Russell made arrange lodrome, then perhaps the most
that developed along the Nile is ments with him to have a num famous cycling track in Europe.
second only to the one in Cairo. ber of Bible study aids translat The modern-day preaching of
In a visit of just a few hours, ed into Italian. The year 1903 saw Jehovahs Witnesses has met
you can admire the citys histori the formation of the first group of with great success in Milan. At
cal and artistic center, the Mada- Bible Students in this area. When present, there are 57 congrega
ma Palace, the Royal Palace, and Russell returned to Italy in 1912, tions in the city, with more than
the Mole Antonelliana, which at some 40 individuals were hold 4,000 active evangelizers, as well
550 feet high was until recently ing regular Christian meetings in as an Assembly Hall in a convert
one of the tallest masonry struc a building in Pinerolo, near Turin. ed city theater.
tures in Europe. As a city land And at Pinerolo, their first Italian Visiting Milan and Turin can be
mark, it is sometimes called Tu assembly was held in 1925. rewarding indeed. Whenever you
rins equivalent of the Eiffel Tower Thus, the first real traces of Bi go there, you are likely to find a
in Paris. Then there is Valenti ble Students in Turin date back warm welcome and have an expe
no Park, with its botanical gar to the 1920s. The first missionar rience to treasure.
dens as well as lawns, avenues,
fountains, and a medieval burga
picturesque and faithful recon
T h e S h ro u d o f T u r in A u th e n tic ?
struction of a 15th-century Pied
montese village. Perhaps the most famous feature of Turin is the shroud that
Turin is one of the most impor some believe is the winding-sheet in which Christs body was
tant manufacturing centers of Ita wrapped. A travel guidebook explains: The most famousand
ly. It is the home of the FIAT (Fab- most dubiousholy relic of them all is kept in Turins duomo
brica Italiana Automobili Torino) [cathedral]. It is permanently exhibited in one of the duomos
car company. If you are interest chapels, locked in an airtight, bulletproof glass case filled with
ed in vintage cars, the Museo an inert gas. The book goes on to say: In 1988, however,
deNAutomobile, about two miles the myth of the shroud was exploded: a carbon-dating test
from the city, has a collection of showed that it dates back no farther than the 12th century.*
* See Awake! of December 22,1998, page 23, The Shroud of Turin-Burial Cloth
of Jesus?
Mysterious Survival gers who fly more than sev Syphilis Comeback
en or eight hours at a time Syphilis had been almost to
While Frances forests were should drink more water than
badly damaged by severe tally absent from France for de
usual and take some preven cades. Last year, however, doc
storms in December 1999, re tive measures, such as stretch
cent observations indicate that tors noted a new epidemic of
ing and bending their legs, he
big game did not suffer as much this sexually transmitted dis
as anticipated, reports the Par ease, primarily among homo
is newspaper Le Monde. Only 20 Tokyo Warming Up sexuals, reports the French dai
dead animals 10 stags, 5 roe ly Le Figaro. Similar outbreaks
deer, and 5 boarswere found ; of syphilis were also noted in
in an area of 25,000 acres in Britain and Ireland in 2000.
the devastated forests of east Syphilis is a bacterial disease
ern France. Obeying mech that causes skin lesions and
anisms that are still mysteri rashes in its early stages and if
ous, the animals found ways not treated leads to neurolog
to escape, perhaps hiding un ical and cardiovascular dam
der fallen trees or gathering to age. The resurgence of syphilis
gether in the open. Jean-Paul The average number of days is worrisome, observes Le Figa
Widmer of the French National ro, as it is totally unknown
per year when the temperature
Forest Office states: We know to new generations of doctors
less about the [behavior] of in Tokyo fell below freezing de
creased by 95 percent over the who have never examined a
stags and boars than that of li single case during their medi
ons and other distant wild ani course of the 20th century,
reports The Daily Yomiuri. Dur cal training. Doctors may thus
mals. misdiagnose it, hindering ef
ing the 1990s, there were on av
Economy-Class Syndrome erage only 3.2 days per year fective treatment. Disease spe
with subfreezing temperatures cialists suspect that dangerous
Over the past eight years, sexual practices are responsible
in Tokyo, compared with 61.7
25 passengers arriving at for the resurgence of syphilis.
Japans Narita Airport have days for the first ten years of
the century. One veteran me They fear, therefore, that this
died of so-called economy-class trend could be the harbinger of
syndrome, reports the news teorologist at Japans Meteo
rological Agency commented a new explosion in the AIDS
paper The Daily Yomiuri. Con epidemic.
trary to its name, economy- that global warming has pre
class syndrome can also affect vented temperatures from fall
Caution for Older Travelers
first-class passengers. Sitting ing as low as before, and he ex
for several hours can restrict pressed concern that in Tokyo The number of older adults
blood circulation in the legs a really cold winter could traveling to less-developed
and cause blood clots to form. soon become a thing of the areas of the world is increas
If a clot moves to the lungs, past. According to the agen ing, and many become ill be
it can cause breathing difficul cy, if greenhouse gas emissions cause of ingesting bacteria-
ties and even death. Annual continue at present levels, a 2- contaminated food or water,
ly, between 100 and 150 travel to 6-degree Fahrenheit rise in says the Tufts University Health
ers arriving at Narita Airport global temperature is predict & Nutrition Letter. The result
suffer from some form of this ed to occur during the 21st cen ing travelers diarrhea can
problem, says Toshiro Maki- tury. A rise of 6 degrees across lead to more serious health
no, head of Nippon Medical Japan would result in Tokyo problems for people 60 or old
Schools New Tokyo Interna becoming as hot as present-day er. Unless you are dining in a
tional Airport Clinic. Passen Nairobi. first-class hotel or restaurant in

28 Awake! July 22, 2001

a large, modern city, the Health children. It is the men who tions conference on combat
& Nutrition Letter cautions: make the wars, adds McNa ting desertification held in De
Dont drink tap water or mara. The women and chil cember 2000, one expert put
brush your teeth in it. Use only dren are the victims. Displaced partial blame on global farm
bottled, boiled, or disinfected women are in constant danger ing, which has made it hard
water. Dont use ice in drinks of rape from the forces perse for many small farmers to com
unless you are certain it was cuting them. pete. Farmers therefore aban
made from safe water. don land that had been pre
Suction-Cup Tongue served for thousands of years
Dont eat fish or meat un
by means of terracing and care
less it has been thoroughly ful irrigation, and the soil even
cooked. tually washes away. The sit
Dont eat unpasteurized uation is acute in southern
milk products or raw vegeta Italy, Spain, and Greece. Bul
bles. garia, Hungary, Romania, Mol
Dont eat fruit unless you dova, Russia, and China are
peel it yourself after washing it also facing increased deserti
in clean water. After peeling it, fication. Klaus Topfer, execu
wash your hands before eating. How can a chameleon catch tive director of the UN En
Dont eat food sold by other lizards and even birds vironment Programme, stated:
street vendors, even though it that weigh up to 10 percent Soil is a natural resource that
may be served hot. of its own weight? Until now, is no less im portant to hu
it was believed that prey got man well-being and the envi
Internally Displaced stuck to the rough and sticky ronment than clean water and
Multitudes surface of the cham eleons clean air.
There are as many of them tongue. But that did not ex Source of the Amazon
as there are people infect plain how this creature can Identified
ed with HIV, twice as many catch relatively heavy prey. To
find out, scientists in Antwerp, A 22-man team of explor
as there are refugees. They ers has confirmed the source
are w hat the intern atio n al Belgium, made high-speed vid
eo recordings of the chame of the worlds largest river,
aid community calls the in ending decades of specula
ternally displaced, reports leons lightning-fast tongue
in action, reports the G er tion and contradictory find
The Independent of London. ings, reports The Times of
Although forced by war to flee man science news service Bild
der Wissenschaft-Online. The London. The Amazon starts
their homes, they remain in as a trickle from the Neva-
their own countries. The UN scientists found that when
shooting out, the chameleons do Mismi, an 18,000-foot-high
estimates that there are 25 to peak in the southern Peruvi
30 million of such displaced tongue forms a ball at its tip.
Just before impact, two mus an Andes. From there it mean
persons worldwide. Most live, ders through a valley of grass
cles in the tongue contract,
not in refugee camps, but with and moss, where it is joined
forming the tip into a suction
other families or on the streets. by other streams and rivers be
cup that adheres to the prey.
Dennis McNamara, UN spe fore continuing its 4,000-mile
cial coordinator for the prob The Encroaching Desert journey to the Atlantic Ocean.
lem, says that rather than seek Describing the rivers source,
refuge in some other land, The Sahara has crossed the Andrew Pietowski, the teams
many try to stay as close to Mediterranean, reports The leader, said: Its a pretty spot.
home as they can: thats where Guardian of London, as a le Youre standing in a green val
the land they farm is. Re thal combination of soil deg ley at the base of an impres
lief agencies are sometimes de radation and climate change sive, almost black, cliff about
nied access to such people. Up turns parts of southern Europe 130 feet high. Its very silent
to 90 percent are women and into desert. At a United Na and serene.

Awake! July 22, 2001 29

O ce a n s Today I read the series The More than two years ago, my husband and
Oceans Reveal Their Deepest Secrets. (No I got a divorce. 1 have tried to do everything
vember 22,2000) I love nature, but the ocean possible to get my son to talk to me about
abyss was unfamiliar to me. Truly, the more the family breakup, but nothing has worked.
one learns about the earth and its wonders, Now for the first time, my son has adm it
the more one should respect this dynamic ted that he was affected by the divorce. That
planet and its infinitely wise Creator. was a hugebreakthrough. Very gradually, hes
opening up. I cant express how thankful I
C. F, Italy
am for the many helps you provide for young
Thank you for this fascinating series. I had people in all their distresses.
always wondered why Jehovah created such D. H., United States
organism s as the tu b e worm , when m ost
of mankind is unaware that such creatures With the exception of one brief statement,
exist. I liked the p o in t th a t the existence the article said that fathers leave home be
cause of misconduct on their part. However,
of these creatures shows Jehovahs concern
there seem to be a growing num ber of wives
for the cleanliness of the eartha concern
leaving their husbands. After 18 years of m ar
we should imitate.
H. S., Britain riage, my wife began a promiscuous life-style.
I was driven out of my own house. 1 feel 1 had
Reading this series was like making an ac to mention this aspect of the problem.
tual visit to the seabed and watching the won L. G., United States
ders o f the deep while receiving a detailed
and co m p eten t explanation. Your presen Asyou mention, we acknowledged that some
tation helped me to perceive more clearly fathers leave home because o f the wifes miscon
G ods qualities as evident in the things he has duct. Many o f the principles discussed in the ar
made. ticle would apply in this situation as well.ED.
J.M.M., Zambia
Anesthesia In the article From Agony to
This is one of the most fascinating series I Anesthesia (November 22, 2000), you state
have read in Awake!It presents furtherthproof
at there was no anesthesia prior to the
th a t only an intelligent Being could have 1840s. Operations were performed success
created our planet in all its detail. Articles fully in Japan by Seishu Hanaoka long before
like these strengthen our desire to serve our the 1840s.
G rand Creator. S. A., Japan
S. G., Brazil
In general, the medical world did not em
Absent Fathers My father left home when 1 brace the use o f anesthesia prior to the 1840s.
was six years old. I am now 20, and I have However, the Kodansha Encyclopedia o f Japan
not seen him since he left. I have always says that Seishu Hanaoka ( ) prepared
felt that his leaving was my fault and that an anesthetic substance called mafutsusan
he didn't love me. The article Young Peo by mixing six crude drugs. He used it suc
ple Ask . . . Why Did Dad Leave Us? (No cessfully in a surgical operation for breast can
vember 22, 2000) answered everything clear cer in 1805, about 40 years before the first use
ly. Thank you for understanding the hearts of o f ether at Massachusetts General Hospital, Bos
children without fathers. ton.Seishu subsequently used his anesthetic in
K. M., Japan a number o f operations.

30 Awake! July 22, 2001

Disastrous yet Preventable
WHILE devastating earthquakes and catastrophic floods make
front-page news, the silent spread of infectious diseases rarely at
tracts the media spotlight. Even so, the death toll from infectious
diseases (such as AIDS, malaria, respiratory diseases and diar
rhoea) is 160 times greater than the number killed in last years
natural disasters, states a Red Cross/Red Crescent press release
of June 2000. And the situation is getting worse.
Two main factors are said to be re the report says th at the m ajority o f
sponsible for this shocking figure. One the 13 million deaths from infectious
is the u n relenting spread o f AIDS, diseases that occurred in 1999 could
w hich kills 300 people every hour. have been prevented at a cost of US$ 5
AIDS is no longer a disease, it is a per p e rso n . If the w orlds govern
d isa ster, says P eter W alker, d ire c m ents were willing to spend $5 per
to r o f disaster policy for the In te r p erso n on h e a lth c a re a to ta l o f
national Federation of Red Cross and $30 billionimagine how many need
Red Crescent Societies. Such a wide less deaths could be prevented!
spread disease destroys the workforce A lth o u g h th is is a co n sid erab le
and shatters the economy. The oth am ount, it shrinks w hen com pared
er factor is the deterioration of public with what the world spends on other
health systems, resulting in a dramatic services. In one recent year, for exam
comeback of older diseases such as tu ple, global m ilitary spending topped
berculosis, syphilis, and malaria. For $864 billion $144 per person. Just
instance, one Asian country is present think of how much more is spent on
ly reporting 40,000 new tuberculosis preparing for war than on preventing
cases every year. In one Eastern Euro the spread of diseases! Perhaps stem
<r> x
pean country, syphilis infections have ming the tide of infectious diseases is
increased 40-fold in the last decade. simply beyond m ankinds reachnot
The irony is, however, that although because of insufficient funds, but for
infectious diseases have turned into deeper reasons. After all, hum an gov
<D t-
z o disasters, they are actually among the ernm ents cannot even set the right pri
m ost preventable disasters. In fact, orities.
A man in the state of Kerala, India, wrote the publisher
of this journal: Your A w a ke ! magazine certainly stands out

from all other magazines. I feel there is practically no subject
that it has not touched. I have especially enjoyed reading arti
cles on nature.

The man found Aw ake! appealing for a particular reason, ex

plaining: I don't think there is another magazine that would
equal Aw ake! in helping people of different nationalities to view
themselves as brothers. No other magazine promotes the idea of
world unity as Awake! does. When I compare the many magazines
that I read, I can certainly say that A w ake! is a valuable magazine.
The readers observations about A w ake! are in keeping with its
stated purpose appearing on page 4 of every issue, namely: It always
stays politically neutral and does not exalt one race above another.
Most important. A w a ke ! directs readers to look to our Creator for
answers to the essential questions of life.

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