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Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 103 (2000) 59

Agricultural Meteorology: evolution and application

J.L. Monteith
Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Bush Estate, Penicuik EH26 OQB, Midlothian, UK
Received 1 October 1998; received in revised form 20 May 1999; accepted 2 June 1999

Attempts to relate agricultural production to weather go back at least 2000 years and are still evolving. Mainly qualitative
studies in the 19th Century were followed by statistical analyses, then by microclimatic measurements and most recently
by modelling. From 1968 onwards, publications in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology chart the progress of research and
major trends. The main body of published work has dealt with the response of crops to climate and microclimate. Much
less attention has been paid to livestock environments and the impact of weather on pests and diseases. Models purporting
to describe the impact on production of climate and climate change have performed erratically when tested against field
measurements. 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Agricultural (and forest) meteorology; History of agricultural meteorology; Trends in agricultural meteorology; Yield models in
agricultural meteorology

1. Introduction agronomist, Fan Sheng-Chih, wrote an account of his

experience that was eventually translated into English
1.1. Early history under the title On Fan Sheng-Chih Shu An agricul-
turalist book of China (Shih, 1974). Not surprisingly,
Agriculture is an industry even more dependent on the contents are qualitative rather than quantitative
weather than other systems for harnessing biological but there are many examples of what we now refer to
resources such as forestry and fishing. Since crops as agricultural meteorology. For example, farmers
were first cultivated and livestock reared, farmers have were advised to compact snow with rollers during
acknowledged the overriding importance of weather winter and early spring in order to maximize water
in setting both potential levels of production related to stored in the soil after the snow melted. Thereafter,
sunshine and rainfall and achievable levels that depend they could look forward to the time when . . . after
on the severity of droughts, gales and the prevalence thawing, the breath of earth comes through so the soil
of pests and diseases. breaks up for the first time. With the summer solstice,
To survive, the earliest farmers must have learned the weather begins to become hot and the yin breath
from experience how to maximize harvests in good strengthens. . .
seasons and to minimize losses in bad ones; and It is salutary to remember that the branch of science
in course of time their tradition and wisdom was we now refer to as Agricultural Meteorology has its
formalized and recorded in simple agricultural hand- roots in centuries of experience gathered and organized
books. In the first century BC, for example, a Chinese by farmers. The first descriptive stage of the subject,
already illustrated by the writing of Fan Sheng-Chih,
Tel.: +44-131-445-4343; fax: +44-131-445-3943. dominated the subject for centuries and was still dom-

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6 J.L. Monteith / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 103 (2000) 59

inant when Edward Mawley, President of the Royal died in 1981, but a Fifth Edition containing new mate-
Meteorological Society in 1898, gave his Presidential rial was published posthumously (Geiger et al., 1995).
Address on Weather Influences on Farm and Gar- Eventually, in 1968, Elsevier launched a new jour-
den Crops. He wrote: There are few sciences so in- nal Agricultural Meteorology which flour-
timately connected with each other as Meteorology, ished and was expanded to Agricultural and Forest
Agriculture and Horticulture and went on to suggest Meteorology (hereafter AFM) in 1984. The titles of
that Of all the influences brought to bear on vegetable papers published in this international journal through
life by the atmosphere, that of temperature is the most the years reveal areas where the most significant work
powerful and far-reaching (Mawley, 1898). has been done and how enthusiasm for specific top-
ics has waxed and waned over the years. Some early
1.2. The nineteenth century papers were characteristic of the descriptive and sta-
tistical phases of agricultural meteorology; but over
Twelve years later, another agriculturally-minded the years a third mechanistic phase became dominant,
President, Henry Mellish, spoke on a similar theme stimulated by the development of first-class instru-
(Mellish, 1910). Like Mawley, however, he made mentation both for recording and for processing data.
no attempt to introduce quantitative relations be-
tween weather, productivity and management. The
emergence of agricultural meteorology as a science 2. Agricultural (and Forest) Meteorology
was not far off, however. R.H. Hooker, President in
19211922, advocated the use of statistics to corre- Table 1 contains data extracted (a) from the first
late yields with weather variables. He appreciated nine volumes of AFM, published from the launch of
that There is an enormous amount of work to be the journal in December 1964 to June 1972; and (b)
done before we can determine the effect of a given from June 1966 to June 1998 periods chosen to
change in any one phenomenon at any given period cover about 190 papers each. As an index of growth in
of the plants growth upon the ultimate yield of the the subject over the past 34 years, the average rate of
crop (Hooker, 1921). On a more positive note, he publication increased from about 2 per month initially,
observed that quite recently, a few writers on the to 7.7 per month today. Appropriately, the first issue,
Continent of Europe. . . have made contributions to dated March 1964, begins with an article describing
the subject, and the general subject of agricultural the origins and contemporary work of WMO and its
meteorology is there beginning to attract attention, Commission for Agricultural Meteorology in partic-
particularly in Italy. The quotation marks that appear ular. The first of these, on International Agricultural
round agricultural meteorology in Hookers paper Meteorology, was written by Milton Blanc from Ari-
are a reminder that this was a new term in the early zona and L.P. Smith from the British Meteorological
1920s, introduced to describe a field of research that Office, then President of the WMO Commission for
was essentially statistical. Agricultural Meteorology (Blanc and Smith, 1964).
In the period from 1920 to 1960, agricultural meteo- The second, by O.M. Ashford, was on Technical As-
rology and the closely-related subject of micrometeo- sistance in Agricultural Meteorology (Ashford, 1964).
rology took root and began to flourish after the Second The article was illustrated by a photograph captioned
World War in several European countries, in North A technician measuring radiation over a field in full
America, in Australia and in China and Japan. One crop the present writer, assigned by WMO to the
important stimulus was the emergence of new instru- Israel Meteorological Service with a remit to explore
mentation for measuring and recording the physical how a long series of evaporation measurements could
environments of both crops and livestock and their re- best be analysed. This assignment led directly to devel-
sponses to microclimatic factors. Initially, there were opment of the so-called PenmanMonteith equation,
few relevant text-books apart from Geigers Climate an example of how a practical problem can provide the
Near the Ground (Geiger, 1927, in German), still a stimulus for a general solution with wide applications.
good introduction to the subject but with a bias to- The titles of papers published in AFM through the
wards forestry rather than agriculture. Rudolf Geiger years reveal both the areas where most publishable
J.L. Monteith / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 103 (2000) 59 7

Table 1
Distribution of papers in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology journal
Fields December 1964June 1972 (Vols. 19; 187a ) June 1996June 1998 (Vols. 8091; 185a )
No. % No. %
Climate 5 2.9 4 2.4
Field 35 20.2 27 16.4
Glasshouses 3 1.7 8 4.8
Animal houses 3 1.7 0 0
Storage of products 0 0 0 0
Growth 2 1.2 12 7.3
Yield 1 0.6 1 0.6
Development 1 0.6 4 2.4
Temperature 16 9.2 7 4.2
Radiation 12 6.9 14 8.4
CO2 exchange 2 1.2 10 6.1
Water balance 39 22.5 41 24.8
Pests and diseases 8 4.6 1 0.6
Other damage 3 1.7 0 0
Climatic stress 1 0.6 0 0
Pest and diseases 4 2.3 0 0
Instrumentation 36 20.3 4 2.4
Modelling 2 1.2 32 19.4
a Total number of papers.

work has been done (though not necessarily the work to shorten the growing warn of determinate crops; and
that has been of most immediate benefit to farmers (iii) to shorten the life cycles of pests and pathogens.
and foresters!); and the way priorities in research have (d) A few papers on microclimatic aspects of animal
changed with time. housing were published in early issues but none have
Major topics and trends can be summarized as appeared recently. Likewise, the response of livestock
follows: to climatic stress has received little attention.
(a) The impact of weather on field crops constitutes (e) The microclimate of stored produce, a particu-
the bulk of papers in both periods (a) and (b), with a larly important issue in the tropics, is unrepresented
very strong bias in favour of water balance and evapo- in both periods.
ration in temperate climates (ca. 40%). Interest in the (f) Early interest in the development of instrumen-
agricultural implications of rising carbon dioxide con- tation appears to have been replaced by an enthusiasm
centrations has increased over the period covered but for modelling, which accounts for almost one fifth of
is still not a major theme. the papers in recent issues. This trend is an inevitable
(b) Microclimatic studies in the field constitute al- consequence of the increasing availability of PCs and
most 20% of all papers. A decrease in this fraction of relevant software.
with time has been balanced by an increase in papers
exploring the physics of glasshouse microclimates.
(c) In contrast to the literature on carbon dioxide, 3. Other issues
AFM has published relatively few papers on the ways
in which global increases of temperature are likely (i) A similar analysis of the Handbook of Agricul-
to increase crop growth rates in many environments; tural Meteorology, edited by Griffiths (1994), reveals a
but (ii) to increase rates of development and thereby greater emphasis on crop growth and yield and on the
8 J.L. Monteith / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 103 (2000) 59

relation between weather and stress in animals. Con- Sorghum and Millet (Virmani and Sivakumar, 1984).
versely there is much less emphasis on water balance. This was followed in 1985 by a similar meeting on
However, the most significant difference between the the Agrometeorology of Groundnut (Sivakumar and
two sources is that Griffiths devoted about a third Virmani, 1986).
of his review to the impact of weather and climate Complementing these two publications, INRA and
on Decision Making, Management and Economics. others recently published Agrometeorology of Mul-
This important field is almost unrepresented in AFM, tiple Cropping in Warm Climates in which Baldy
which has a strong biophysical bias. The treatment in and Stigter (1997) bring together a wealth of tropical
Griffiths Handbook is therefore particularly welcome. measurements in physically complex systems.
An older source of information is Agrometeorolog-
ical Methods, the proceedings of a UNESCO Sympo-
sium held in Reading, UK, in 1966. This provides an 4. Models
overview of the state of the art 30 years ago, against
which one can measure progress or the lack of In the 32 years since the UNESCO Symposium
it! in particular areas. It is salutary to read the at Reading, agricultural climatology has advanced on
introduction by Austin Bourke (1968) on The aims several fronts, notably in the measurement of water
of agrometeorology. Having expressed some dissat- vapour and carbon dioxide fluxes and of polluting
isfaction with contemporary definitions of agricultural gases; and in using PCs to build models that simulate
meteorology, he framed his own in the following way. the response of crops or livestock to climate with the
The task of the agrometeorologist is to apply every ultimate objective of improving the effectiveness of
relevant meteorological skill to helping the farmer management.
to make the most efficient use of his physical en- The construction of contemporary crop models en-
vironment, with the prime aim of improving agri- tails the combination of many algorithms for physio-
cultural production, both in quantity and quality. . . logical processes and for the impact of environmental
The agricultural meteorologist can be helpful only factors on process rates. Commonly, the values of
in so far as he inspires the farmer to organize and model parameters are drawn from diverse sources but
activate his own resources in order to benefit from this procedure has two weaknesses that are avoided
technical advice. by the protocols of traditional science. First, infor-
Looking through past volumes of AFM, it is diffi- mation from different sources is usually difficult to
cult to believe that Austin Bourke would be happy to be compatible but incompatibility is usually difficult
find so much emphasis on experimentation and theory to detect and its impact on model output is hard to
and so little on helping farmers to be more productive quantify. Second, it is usually implicitly assumed
and more efficient. However, in contrast to the balance that input parameters are devoid of error so that pre-
of material in AFM, WMOs Selected list of WMO dictions from models are impressively precise and
publications of interest to agrometeorology reveals untainted by the uncertainties associated with mea-
an emphasis on the broad response to weather of spe- surements! Field tests of models, preferably over a
cific crops and on the impact of pests and diseases range of climates, are therefore essential to establish
on both crops and livestock. These topics are clearly the validity of a model but relatively few rigorous
appropriate for the agricultural arm of WMO because examples can be found in the literature. Two of these
of its concern with the many direct and indirect ways have been chosen for contrasting success.
in which weather affects agricultural production and First, Hammer et al. (1995) obtained measurements
food supplies. of peanut yields (Y) from 16 trials in Australia, one in
Two other international meetings, co-sponsored by Indonesia and eight in the USA. Using local weather
WMO, concentrated on tropical crops which received and soil information, yields were correlated with esti-
little attention from meteorologists before the estab- mates (X) from PEANUTGRO, a model in the CERES
lishment of the International Agricultural Research family, to give the regression
Centres. In 1982 and in Hyderabad, ICRISAT held an
International Symposium on The Agrometeorology of Y = (0.94 + 0.03)X + (47.1 + 1.73)(r 2 = 0.93)
J.L. Monteith / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 103 (2000) 59 9

This is a highly satisfactory result justifying the to our discussions and their probable verdict upon
authors confidence that the model can be used to our work. If we do this, we shall not stray too
identify new sites suitable for development by the far from the strictly utilitarian path. . . mapped out
industry. for us.
In contrast, Landau et al. (1998) attempted to cor-
relate yields of wheat reported from 341 field trials
in the UK with estimates from the Agricultural Re- References
search Council wheat model (AFRC WHEAT2), from
Ashford, O.M., 1964. Technical assistance in agricultural
CERES-Wheat and from SIRIUS, models developed meteorology. Agric. For. Meteorol. 1, 1421.
in the UK, the USA and New Zealand, respectively. Austin Bourke, P.M., 1968. Introduction: the aims of
Weather was represented by maximum and minimum agrometeorology. Agroclimatological Methods: Proceedings of
air temperature, radiation and rainfall. The respective the Reading Symposium. UNESCO, Paris.
correlation coefficients for the three models were 0.02, Baldy, C., Stigter, C.J., 1997. Agrometeorology of Multiple
Cropping in Warm Climates. Institut National de la Recherche
0.00 and 0.04, but none of these figures were signifi- Agronomique, Paris, France; Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.,
cantly different from zero. New Delhi, India Science Publications Inc., Enfield, USA.
Given such conflicting evidence, how far can we Blanc, M.L., Smith, L.P., 1964. International agricultural
trust contemporary models, particularly those con- meteorology. Agric. For. Meteorol. 1, 313.
cerned with crop yields? Wide variations have been Geiger, R, 1927. Das Klima der Bodennahen Luftshicht. Vieweg,
found in the yield predicted by different models for a Geiger, R., Aron, R.H., Todhunter, P., 1995. The Climate Near the
specific crop in a defined environment (e.g. Matthews Ground. Vieweg, Braunschweig, Germany.
et al., 1995 for rice); or when the same crop model Griffiths, J.F., 1994. Handbook of Agricultural Meteorology.
is combined with predictions of future climate ob- Oxford University Press, Oxford.
tained from different GCMs (e.g. Seino, 1995). On Hammer, G.L., Sinclair, T.R., Boote, K.J., Wright, G.C., Meinke,
H., Bell, M.J., 1995. A peanut simulation model. 1. Model
the whole, models of water use appear more reliable development and testing. Agron. J. 87, 10851093.
because they have a much simpler basis and have been Hooker, R.H., 1921. Forecasting the crops from the weather. Quart.
tested and improved for much longer. Hopefully, yield J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 47, 7599.
models will eventually achieve comparable success. Landau, S., Mitchell, R.A.C., Barnett, V., Colls, J.J., Craigon,
J., Moore, K.L., Raybe, R.W., 1998. Testing winter wheat
simulation models predictions against observed UK grain
yields. Agric. For. Meteorol. 89, 8599.
5. Closing remarks Matthews, R.B., Kropff, M.J., Bachelet, D., van Laar, H.H., 1995.
Modelling the Impact of Climate Change on Crop Production
As we strive to maintain a sensible balance between in Asia. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon., UK.
measurements and models, between instruments and Mawley, E., 1898. Weather influences on farm and garden crops.
Quart. J. R. Meterol. Soc. 24, 5782.
algorithms, we need to remember that food supplies Mellish, H., 1910. Some relations of meteorology with agriculture.
ultimately depend on the skill with which farmers can Quart. J. R. Meterol. Soc. 36, 7792.
exploit the potential of good weather and minimize the Seino, H., 1995. Implications of climate change for crop production
impact of bad weather. I am sure this is what Austin in Japan. Climate Change and Agriculture: Analysis of Potential
Bourke had in mind when he challenged participants International Impacts. American Society of Agronomy, Special
Publication No.59, American Society of Agronomy, Inc.,
at the Reading meeting in the following terms. Madison, WI, USA.
The only valid test of an agrometeorological rule Shih, Sheng-Han, 1974. An Agriculturalist Book of China. On
or formula is this: does it give practical results? Fan Sheng-Chih Shu. Science Press, Beijing, China (English
. . . does the procedure, on average, lead to practical translation).
help for the farmer? That this vital criterion should Sivakumar, M.V.K., Virmani, S.M. (Eds.), 1986. Agrometeorology
of Groundnut. International Crops Research Institute for the
not be lost sight of, I suggest that throughout the Semi-Arid Tropics, Hyderabad, India.
coming week we should imagine that we are delib- Virmani, S.M., Sivakumar, M.V.K. (Eds.), 1984. Agrometeorology
erating in the presence of a jury of intelligent prac- of Sorghum and Millet. International Crops Research Institute
tical farmers, with constant regard to their reaction for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Hyderabad, India.

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