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Dear, Host Family!

Im Natalia Alarcn Soto and Im 21 years old.

I have living in Bogot for about 4 years, but Im from Boyac-Colombia, Boyac is like a
State in USA.
Boyac is a very important place for me, it was where I grow up, I was so close to my
family and lived and learned a lot of things. I was raised as a independent person so I
came up very strong and mature even when a was a little girl; when I was two months old
my parents got divorced for that reason now I'm a stronger woman, my father lives far
away from me, but he has always gave me advices for my life and he taught me to be a
brave woman, that my fears are smaller than me, and my mom has been the person who
has puta ll her effort in given me the best possibility to study and to become a better
peson, when she got retired, she started to be my best friend, my confident and now we
help each other. I also lived with my mom and my sister for a long time. My older sister had
to work and my other older sister lived in Bogota, for that reason I spent my free time with
my friends or my classmates and some of the children of my moms friends.
I always wanted to have a little brother or sister, so the contact I had with babies at an
early age made me love them as if they were my siblings. Then came my nephews and
niece, and Im currently taking care of them when I can, I consider them my sweet babies,
and I love them with all my life. What I habe been learning by taking care of kids is that
they act depending on the love you give them every day, on the responsability you choose
to teach them, the discipline you show them, and the respect you give them, but also you
need to teach to be independent to be brave and to become better person by giving love.

I finished my career of Criminology at the University Sergio Arboleda and I am waiting to

get my diploma. I want to continue studying psychology and do an specialization in child
and social rea. My dreams are, be part of an NGO about womens rights and also get to
work in child psychotherapy, help children with emotional problems, because I believe that
this stage of life is indicated to resolve the difficulties within the family , educational or
other environment.
I want to be clear to my host family about my job, as this will focus and will take into
account technical or guidelines for the development of skills and abilities according to the
age of the children , since much depends on this for good and correct stimulation on them,
to improve their concentration, memory , agility , order, reading, writing , mental
calculation, among others, and thus provide the most relevant activities for them.
Being an Au Pair is a great opportunity for my personal and professional life, I will improve
my English, I will learn about a new culture and I will meet new people, I will have the
opportunity to study , but more than that continue a dream being around children and learn
every day a little more of them , I will develop my abilities and that is why you can count on
my best disposition and love. I want to be a role model for them!

Best regards, with love, Natalia.

I see you son!
A hug for you!

Boyac es un lugar muy importante para m, fue donde crec, estuve ms cerca de mi
familia y fue donde viv y aprend muchas cosas. Me constru desde muy pequea como
una persona madura e independiente, el hecho de que mis paps fueran separados
desde que yo tena dos meses me ha hecho una mujer muy fuerte, mi pap aunque de
lejos siempre me ha dado sus mejores consejos y me ha enseado a ser una mujer
valiente, a que mis temores sean reducidos y mi mam ha sido quien con su esfuerzo me
ha dado la gran posibilidad de estudiar y salir adelante, desde cuando ella sali a ser
pensionada se ha convertido en mi confidente, en mi gran amiga, y nos ayudamos en lo
que ms podemos. Viv durante un largo tiempo de mi vida con una hermana y mi mam.
Mi hermana era grande y tena que trabajar y mi otra hermana viva en Bogot, por lo que
en mi tiempo libre con quien me diverta era con mis amigos de donde viva o del colegio y
tambin hijos de amigas de mi mam, fue en esto cuando por un tiempo compart y cuid
a unos bebs.
Siempre anhel a un hermanito, por eso el contacto que tuve con bebs desde temprana
edad me haca quererlos como si fueran uno. Luego vinieron mis sobrinitos, actualmente
an tomo cuidado de ellos cuando puedo, ellos son mi adoracin. La enseanza que he
obtenido a travs del acompaamiento y cuidado de nios, es que depende del amor que
les des para que sea posible la responsabilidad, disciplina, respeto, inteligencia y amor
sobre ellos mismos.
He terminado mi carrera de Criminalstica en la Universidad Sergio Arboleda y estoy
esperando a obtener mi diploma. Quiero seguir estudiando Psicologa para
especializarme en el rea infantil y social. Mis sueos son, ser parte de una ONG acerca
de los derechos de la mujer y tambin trabajar en psicoterapia infantil, ayudar a los nios
con problemas emocionales, ya que considero que esta etapa de la vida es la indicada
para resolver las dificultades que se viva dentro del entorno familiar, educativo u otro.
Quiero ser clara a mi Host Family que mi trabajo o labor se enfocar y tendr muy en
cuenta las tcnicas o pautas del desarrollo de habilidades y capacidades segn la edad
de los nios, ya que depende mucho de esta para una buena y correcta estimulacin
sobre ellos, para mejorar su concentracin, memoria, agilidad, orden, lectura, escritura,
clculo mental, entre otras, y as brindar las actividades ms pertinentes para ellos.
Ser Au Pair es una grande oportunidad para mi vida personal y profesional, mejorar el
ingls, conocer una nueva cultura y a diferentes personas, tendr la posibilidad de
estudiar, pero ms que eso seguir cumpliendo un sueo estando cerca de los nios y
aprender diariamente un poco ms de ellos, desarrollar mis capacidades y es por esto
que ustedes podrn contar mi mejor disposicin y amor.
Los ver pronto
Un abrazo!

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