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August 15 2007

Cover letter to the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services

I have attached a copy of a letter I sent to Judy Phillips of the Attorney General’s office which is
intent on sending me in circles until my demise rather than deal with the issues realistically in a
manner conducive to the Constitution and the well being of the people which it was enacted to
protect as defined under the Charter.

Clearly the Attorney General is in the position with superior influence to address the issues
efficiently and effectively in the spirit of the Constitution and the people but is reluctant to do so.

I offer you the opportunity to give him a nudge as I have done with the Ombudsman and the
Civilian Commission on Police Services your predecessor I presume.

I also presume the same staff is still on board and even though this is the second time around for
me with as predictable a conclusion as I expected the first time when Karen Knoakes of the York
Regional Police advised that I may forward my complaint to the Civilian Commission on Police
Services which I did on November 15 2006.

Judy Phillips was kind enough to provide me with your fax number 416-325-6067 which I use to
forward this to you.

If you are the same people operating under different name you will already have a prodigious
amount of correspondence and evidence in your files under Ontario Civilian Commission on
Police Services File 06-COM-085 including the 15 Lawyer Files and a copy of my letter to the
Toronto Sun dated October 8 2006.

In any case I presume you have access to this file and I hereby request you review it to bring you
up to speed and to get into the true spirit of my concerns and the issues addressed.

Please advise if you do not have access to these files with a brief explanation as to why not and I
will resend them to you.

I would appreciate an e-mail address for this endeavor to save me costs and time.

The letter to the Toronto Sun dated October 8 2006 includes the irrefutable evidence that Don
Wilson my former tenant committed 2 counts of fraud over $100,000 and provided the ORHT
false and misleading information which is an offense under s. 206 (2) of the Tenant Protection
Act, 1997 which would have costs me $43,000 if I had not been successful in producing the
evidence to rebut his dispute.

Once these facts are clear in your mind that these criminal acts were committed as stated at 375
D’Arcy Street Newmarket, witnessed by the judicator Nancy Fahlgren of the Ontario Rental
Housing Tribunal and is a matter of record that occurred in a public building operated by the
ORHT mandated and financed to administer justice for and to the people of the province of
Ontario you will understand that such defiance of the law can not be condoned by people who
are financed to administer law and dispense justice which ultimately means punish to deter crime
not condone to encourage it.
As per my original complaint I request the York Regional Police namely Chief Armand P
Labarge and Deputy Chief Bruce Herridge commence or cause to commence proceedings
against Don Wilson in respect of the crimes he committed in the people’s court.

Once again I request the YRP investigate the ORHT for obstruction of justice and tampering
with evidence.
I request they systematically commence or cause to commence proceedings against each and
every person detailed throughout my Lawyer Files 1-14 and 13A for obstruction of justice and
other matters detailed within the files.

Should any of these people now agree to perform their duty in dealing with the issues contained
within I request the charges against them be put on hold with the possibility they will be dropped
on proper demonstration of due diligence to the benefit of the people as per the guarantee of the
people’s Charter rights.

I find it prudent at this time to advise you to be particularly alert to the significance of your
attentiveness to your duty in the whole scheme of things and that you address the issues
responsibly as they affect the whole scheme of things.

We are talking about corruption and a government conspiracy and your focus must be
keen to the eradication of such evil.

It is incomprehensible that anyone in the employ of administration and enforcement would glean
through the evidence I provided and find the significant matter I am addressing can be resolved
in civil court.

The evidence demands a full fledged investigation by the proper authorities who should do so
with great enthusiasm in performance of their duty to eradicate immorality from the face of the
earth in respect of the people’s Charter rights who finance and trust you all to do so.

I suggest once again that the YRP, OPP and the RCMP get together to deal with these issues
competently, effectively and efficiently.

I have attached a copy of the letter from the Ministry of the Attorney General. (Page 7)

As previously stated please let me know if you require any more information and regardless
please send me your e-mail address so I can forward other pertinent information.

When you open the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services File 06-COM-085 you will
note that I had also requested they review my complaint against the OPP Anti- Rackets and the
RCMP which the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services did not respond to.
Please do so now.

Thank you
Frank Gallagher

Cc YRP Chief Armand LaBarge, Deputy Chief Bruce Herridge

OPP Anti-Rackets Randy Craig, Detective Sergeant
OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino
RCMP Michael Thomson, Inspector
Ministry of the
Attorney General
Communications Branch

Attn, Judy Phillips

Manager, Correspondence & Public Inquiries Unit

720 Bay Street,11th Floor

Toronto, On M5G 2K1
Fax: 416-326-4007

August 15, 2007 Re: Your letter of August 10 2007 Your Reference #: M07-04864

Dear Ms. Phillips


Although I will agree that I am addressing the issues personally I have provided the Attorney
General a prodigious amount of correspondence and evidence clearly stating the circumstances
which have caused me to bring the issues to him.

The issues clearly are an INTERNAL problem with the Ontario Legal System which is
inconsistent with the Constitution Act 1982 which contains the Canadian Charter of Rights and

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of
no force or effect.

The evidence I have provided the Attorney General over the many passed months which include
my 15 Lawyer Files and the 73 page letter to the Toronto Sun dated October 8 2006 which
provides the irrefutable evidence that the criminal act of fraud and the filing of false and
misleading information were committed in a building financed by the people for the purpose of
administering justice to and for the people of Ontario.

I am aware that the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal, as they were called on June 30 2005 when
the crimes were committed, operates independent of the government as Hon.John Garretsen
advised in his letter dated September 6 2007 ( See pages 5 and 6 Lawyer File #3)

However the government set up the department and gave them the authority to deal with matters
related to the then, Tenant Protection Act, 1997 and Hon. John Garretsen, Minister of Municipal
Affairs and Housing was charged with the responsibility to monitor compliance with the
Tenant Protection Act, 1997

Duties of Minister

200. The Minister shall,

(a) monitor compliance with this Act;
(b) investigate cases of alleged failure to comply with this Act; and
(c) where the circumstances warrant, commence or cause to be commenced proceedings with
respect to alleged failures to comply with this Act. 1997, c. 24, s. 200.
There is nothing to argue in court.

Hon. John Garretsen is derelict of his responsibility as is his mandate as the evidence clearly
shows and according to the “Role of the Attorney General” as stated on his web site he is
responsible for Constitutional matters regarding the administration of law in Ontario and more
particularly is responsible for the protection of the people’s rights and society as a whole.

According to his web site the Attorney General should have a comprehensive knowledge of the
law considering he advises and consults with everyone as the Chief Law Officer of the Executive

He obviously plays a significant role in the administration of the Ontario Legal System and has
rare influential powers.

It appears to me that he has a better opportunity in his position to deal with the troubled state of
the Legal System than I.

He is financed by the people and has at his disposal all other personnel of the government
financed by the people to assist him in resolving the issues I have directed to his office.

It is absolutely absurd that he would pass the buck to me to finance an expedition to correct the
issues when his office has already been set up and financed by the people to see that the Ontario
laws are consistent with the Constitution Act, 1982 and the people are protected as guaranteed by
the Charter.

It is more than a presumption that the various personnel would perform their duties consistent
with the Constitution with due regard for the individuals Charter rights for it is the supreme law
of Canada.

It is either stated or implied that those people who accept positions in the employ of the
government financed by the people will perform their duties consistent with the Constitution and
no position has more authority and responsibility to that endeavor than the Attorney General as
clearly stated on his web site.

The evidence shows clearly that the structured legal system and its personnel is not serving the
people as demanded by the Constitution and given the esteemed position of the Attorney General
it is incomprehensible to suggest that he is incoherent to the facts the evidence irrefutably shows
and most importantly that he of all people knows what ultimately must be done to rectify the
errors of the modus operandi presently in place which is incapable of backing the guarantee of
the people’s Charter rights.

To not act constructively in his position which is afforded every opportunity to do so is

pathetically absurd and in fact infers that the Attorney General is not of the spirit of the
Constitution and has no concerns for the people of Ontario.

Given his influential powers it is more than just conceivable that he has no concerns that he
would be held accountable for his disrespect for the people and their rights for he knows the
whole system is set up in equal disrespect which makes it a futile effort for an individual to seek
out the services of a lawyer to fight an empire with endless resources provided by the people
who are also influenced by his office and led to believe wrongfully that he is their guardian.
The manner which the Attorney General has dealt with this individual is the same that he deals
with every individual who together make up the people of society who he is ultimately
responsible to through the legislature.

I am of the opinion you should go to the legislature and address the issues responsibly as per
your “Role of the Attorney General” as per your web site.

Failure to do so further supports that which I have alleged and will be where my attention is duly
directed if it is possible to acquire a lawyer prepared to assert the rights of the people above their
own interests which benefits greatly by supporting the views of the administration which is
humongously detrimental to the individual, society as a whole and the Constitution itself.

Nothing more than a thank you very much for bringing these serious matters to my attention
regarding the safety of the Canadian people and the protection of their rights and a commitment
to amend the deficiencies in the system to that endeavor will suffice.

You know full well that it is impossible for an individual to take on the challenge as you know
the challenge and responsibility is yours to commence or cause to commence proceedings which
will deal with the issues appropriately so as to be able to demonstrate due diligence in support of
the peoples Charter guarantee.

I will forward a copy of this letter along with the 15 Lawyer Files and my letter to the Toronto
Sun dated October 8 2006 which contains the irrefutable evidence as stated previously, to the
puppet Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services which is influenced by your
office as is the Civilian Commission on Police Services, the Ombudsman and the former ORHT.

This is a futile initiative as you are well aware considering the obvious intellect you must have of
the whole system but it will do more than serve your purpose to direct me to a Ferris wheel
which goes round and round until I tire or fall off.

Correspondence from them will be filed with the stack of evidence I already have which
irrefutably proves the extravagant waste of setting up these departments purportedly for the
purpose of having the people believe they are there to keep the government in check but in fact
they are there to enhance the belief, not actually keep the government in check.

How could they be anything else considering the government sets the .rules and guidelines
providing them the authority within they may act.

I highly doubt they are provided the authority to take the initiative when the government is found
to be in non compliance of the Constitution Act, 1982 in protection of the individuals guaranteed
Charter rights.

It’s all an organized conspiracy against the people individually who do not have the wherewithal
alone to deal with such matters but are led to believe the whole system which they help to
finance is tending to these matters which puts them on the Ferris wheel somewhere on the planet
which also goes round and round clocking the days of futility.

Obviously you people are fully aware of that which I write and know full well the futility of the
people under your ingenious conspiracy which is in fact just the immoral consequences of human
beings left unattended to mind another’s pot of gold.
The system can not possibly be anything else considering it is infested with lawyers who have
their personal interests to attend to.

Obviously by the time laws are enacted they have met the approval of the special interest group,
lawyers of course whose business thrives due to their input.

The system must be a non profit group if the people are to actually enjoy there guaranteed
Charter rights, protected in accordance with the Constitution but obviously the system is
designed by lawyers for their benefit based on a charade to protect the people.

Reality holds the evidence which is everywhere and my evidence merely supports that which is
fact about the system.

I reiterate that I have sent the evidence to the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services on
November 15 2006 which purportedly had oversight of the policing services at the time.

Since I began my trek for justice back on June 30 2005 all I have observed is name changes.

The ORHT are now the Landlord Tenant Board, The Tenant Protection Act is something else
which I forget off hand and I presume the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional
Services replaces the Civilian Commission on Police Services which must have taken
considerable effort and cost to the people in that endeavor but I have yet to see any realistic
constructive effort towards the protection of the individual in support of their guaranteed Charter

Surely you are cognizant to the facts the evidence represents and the inadequacies of the system
which passes me around from department to department which have declined to act responsibly
in a manner conducive to the well being of society which the system personnel will adamantly
state they are there for the people.

Without further ado I will forward the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
the evidence at my further expense.

Having gone full circle a number of times I will forward you their foreseeable negative response
as conclusive evidence the system in place is incapable of demonstrating due diligence in support
of the individuals guaranteed Charter rights and in fact the evidence demonstrates a system
which is designed for and capable of doing nothing but deprive the people to support a system
geared to benefit the upper class creating a two tiered system which only the Upper Class can
afford to benefit from.

Predictable is preventable and I have given you a prodigious amount of evidence which proves
the predictable and your consistent endeavors not to prevent them.

This is in complete conflict and contradiction with the Charter:

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal
protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without
discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental
or physical disability.


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