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instagram: amirulakifroslan
behance: Akif Roslan
The History Of Malayan Campaign 1941-1942

The Malayan Campaign was one of the major battles that happened during
the World War II where the Japanese Imperial Army took over the Malaya from
British and Commonwealth forces from 8 December 1941 to 31 January 1942. This
event was one of the key components in making Malaysia as one of the tops and
developing countries in Asia and global. That is why this historical event should not
be taken lightly and should be considered as one of the major issues in every
history books in schools and university. Viewers, especially the youth should not
take this issue lightly and must know the importance of Malayan Campaign and
what happened during that period of time. They must never ignore the fact that this
event was one of the many foundations that build and transform Malaysia into one
of the fast rising country, especially in Asia region. Based on the researched that
had already been made, it is hypothesized that most people are not attracted to
historical issues especially The Malayan Campaign because of the lack of
presentation and visual aid.
That is why the main objective of this project is to create an illustrated
history book so that it would help to attract more people to read history with more
details and visual aids.

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