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Course: PHYS204L Section: ___M1A1______________________

Name: _Brian Lilly_________________ Instructor Name: _Albert Lozano-Nieto_____


Title: Equipotential Surfaces and Work in the Electric Field

Abstract: The equation for work done on an electric charge is determined. The definition of
what constitutes work in the physics community is discussed. Via use of a simulator,
equipotential lines are drawn around a single point charge, a dipole and a quadrupole. By use of
electric field sensors in the simulator, the electric field is found to always be perpendicular to the
equipotential line. Since movement within an equipotential line is perpendicular to the direction
of force, it is determined that no work is done.


Introduction: In this experiment we are attempting to determine the amount of work required to
move a very small test charge along equipotential lines and surfaces.

The world around us consists of constantly fluctuating electric fields produced by trillions upon
trillions of tiny charged particles. However, in this study, we will be looking at simple systems
consisting of one to four charged particles. Taking first, a single point charge. The influence to
electrical fields surrounding a single point charge can be determined in accordance with the
following equation;

k e q1
E 1= 2

This is a vector quantity. For a positive point charge, the field will flow way from the point. For a
negative charge, the field will flow towards the point (BU, 1999). At a given distance from the
point charge, in any given direction, the strength of the electric field will be the same. This is the
equipotential line. As the number of poles (point charges) increases, it can be expected that the
structure of the equipotential line is shifted, based on the number, magnitude and polarity of the
charges introduced.

Now, by the basic laws of physics we know that the work done in a system is simply a product of
the force we apply, the cosine of the angle at which we are applying that force, and the
displacement in relation to the direction of the force. In equation form, work is
W =F cos () x

And, since the electrical force is defined as

F =q E

where q is a charge placed in an existing electric field. This is also a vector quantity, defined as
the magnitude and polarity of the charge. If q is positive, the force will be in the same direction
as the electric field. If q is negative, the force will be the opposite direction as the electric field
(BU, 1999). By substitution we arrive at

W elec =(qE) cos () x

Finally, let's discuss what exactly 'work' is. When the layman thinks about the term work they
typically think in terms of physical exertion. Am I outputting energy to accomplish something?
If they can answer, yes, then by the dictionary definition they are doing work.
defines work as exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something
(, n.d.). However, that is far from the definition in a physics sense. No matter
how much effort it costs to hold a 50lbm weight at arms length, if there is no change in it's
kinetic or potential energy, then there is no work being done on the weight. Is there work being
done in the situation? Yes. But physics puts the credit where it's due, inside the persons body,
with all the various chemical and biological processes. Most of those reactions would fall into
the realm of electric field interactions producing energy via the movement of charged particles.
So, no matter how much effort or energy is required to maintain current conditions, if there is no
movement in relation to the force applied, either in the direction of or opposition to, then there
was no work done on the system.


Methods: Once the simulator is open, place a single point charge on the field. Use the voltage
plotting tool to create an equipotential line around the charge. Then the electric field sensors
were used to investigate the direction and orientation of the field strength. Once data was
collected, the above process was repeated with a dipole (a positive and a negative point
charge) and with a quadrupole (two positive and two negative charges, placed in a square with
like charges placed on diagonally opposed corners). I found that by checking the Show E-field
box it was easier to visualize the interplay between the various poles.

Results: In an effort to determine the amount of work required to move a small test charge
along equipotential lines, we need to understand the properties that exist in an equipotential
line, namely the fluctuations in the shape and direction of the electric field, since all other factors
in the work equation are constant.

In a single point charge, the equipotential lines consisted of concentric circles, as there was
nothing to disrupt or distort the electric field emanated by the particle.

In a dipole, the equipotential lines are shaped as such;

Where as in a quadrupole the equipotential lines are even further distorted as shown;
When I used the electric field sensors I found that the direction of the electric field always
appeared to be perpendicular to the equipotential line. This can be partially seen in the above
pictures by looking at the electric field arrows placed by the simulator. As the plotting system of
the simulator was somewhat imprecise, it was hard to place the electric field sensors directly on
top of the equipotential lines, especially in the highly impacted regions of the quadrupole.


Discussion: Based on the fact that movement along equipotential lines would always be
perpendicular to the electric field (the force applied), then movement along this line would result
in no work being done to the system, regardless of the distortion due to surrounding point
charges. That distortion would only change the path of travel, not the magnitude of work

This understanding provides the basis for the Bohr's model of an atom. There are descrete
equipotential fields surrounding the nucleus within which the electrons will reside. The higher
the charge of the nucleus, the further it's sphere of influence extends, the more layers of
electrons it will collect. The fact that this is not actually the way things work is defined by the fact
that quantum mechanics do not quite work the same way that macro-mechanics works.
However, the Bohr model does give the right answer for the ionization energy, the energy
required to remove the electron from the atom. (BU, 1999)

Seeing as it became difficult at times to accurately place the electric field sensors, if the
simulator allowed the sensor to lock onto the equipotential line and simply follow that specific
path, the perpendicular nature of the field would have been easier to discern.


Conclusion: Therefore, by understanding what work is and is not in the world of physics, we
can see that, travel between equipotential lines would be changing the potential energy of the
change. Thus, work has been done. Meanwhile, when traveling within a single equipotential line
or surface, since the travel is always perpendicular to the direction of force, no work is being
done. The net change in the kinetic and potential energies only result in work when both are
non-zero in the direction of the force applied.


Brown, R. (2013) Introductory Physics II. Retrieved from:

Boston University (BU). (1999). Electric Field. Retrieved from: (n.d.) Work. Retrieved from:

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