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In Further Remembrance of Jack Davis

Analyst, Thought Leader, Teacher Extraordinaire

By James Bruce

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.

Soren Kierkegaard , 1843

Jack Davis is a legend among intelligence analysts. Managing Editor Andy Vaarts thoughtful remembrance in the
June edition of Studies in Intelligence beautifully captured Jacks most important contributions, many published by
CIAs Center for the Study of Intelligence, as an analyst, thought leader, and teacher of intelligence analysis. Jacks aca-
demic writings, if fewer, have expanded on these important ideas.
Jack had a special gift for identifying key challenges that analysts face in the workplace. Many creep in stealthily
and appear unexpectedly. Often, by the time we see them, its too late to correct for them. In his Why Bad Things
Happen to Good Analysts below, Jack confronts the most important psychological hurdles that can trip up even the
best analysts in their daily workand often do. Here he explores perils in making analytic judgments and coordinating
them, along with the more practical issue of dealing with the bureaucracies that analysts work in, and grappling with
the insidious trap of policy bias. His remedies are found chiefly in alternative and challenge analysis, now readily
available through rigorous use of structured analytic techniques.

This article first appeared in Analyzing Intelligence, the volume that Roger George and I co-edited in 2008. When
we thoroughly revised the book for its second edition in 2014, of the dozen original chapters that we retained, Jacks
was the only one that needed no revision or updating. This was best explained by a reviewer who observed that Jacks
article was timeless.
Such contributions do not come easily. Jack demonstrated an uncommon capacity for professional growth. On the
occasion of his being honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award in July 2014 by the International Association for
Intelligence Education, he reflected on his 50-year experience as an analyst, acknowledging how hard it is to change:
It took some 20 years for me fully to appreciate and vigorously to promote the analytic benefits of structured
analysis, especially the insurance provided against the hazards of judgments based solely on internalized critical
thinking, unstructured peer debate, and subjective boss review.
Jacks own training as an analyst didnt come from the yet-to-be created Sherman Kent School of Intelligence
Analysis in CIA, but rather on the job, enjoying both successes and teaching moments along the way, and later in the
now-famous course he pioneered, Intelligence Successes and Failures. Much of what he learned and taught in that
course became case studies to identify best and worst practices. Some of the most insightful of these cases are dis-
cussed in his article, which follows.
As a lucky alumnus of the first running of ISF, I benefitted greatlyas did hundreds of his students over the years
from learning two powerful insights Jack taught: First, to understand the intelligence problem from the policymakers
trench, as he put it. And second, to know the potential sources of error in your analysis before you brief your customer
or go to press. His intensive case study method of teaching brought these and many points home in convincing ways.
Next to the durable wisdom of Sherman Kent, perhaps Jacks favorite quotation originates with the philosopher Ki-
erkegaard cited in the epigraph above. Jacks article reproduced here illustrates how we can better understand analysis
by looking backwards, and how best to conduct it into the future.

v v v
All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in this article are those of the author. Nothing in the article should be
construed as asserting or implying US government endorsement of its factual statements and interpretations.

Studies in Intelligence Vol 60, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2016) 13

The Perils of Intelligence Analysis

Why Bad Things Happen to Good Analysts

By Jack Davis

Intelligence analysisthe assess- An Introduction to Meth-

ment of complex national security odology and Definitions
issues shrouded by gaps in authentic
and diagnostic informationis es- This chapter benefits from
sentially a mental and social process. numerous discussions the author
As a result, strong psychological has had with Richards Heuer about
influences intrude on how analysts his groundbreaking book Psychol-
faced with substantive uncertainty ogy of Intelligence Analysis, which
reach estimative judgments, coor- consolidates his studies during the
dinate them with colleagues, satisfy 1960s and 1970s on the impact of
organizational norms, and convey the the findings of cognitive psychology
judgments to policy officials. Effec- on the analytic process.1 The chapter
tive management of the impact of also takes into account recent reports
cognitive biases and other psycholog- on what Central Intelligence Agency
ical challenges to the analytic process analysts did wrong and how they
is at least as important in ensuring the should transform themselves.2
Intelligence soundness of assessments on com-
plex issues as the degree of substan- The chapters insights are essen-
analysisthe assess- tive expertise invested in the effort. tially consistent with the authorities
ment of complex na- cited above. However, they were
An understanding of the psycho- independently shaped by my half
tional security issues logical barriers to sound intelligence century of experience at CIA as
shrouded by gaps in analysis helps answer the question of practitioner, manager, and teacher
authentic and diagnos- critics inside and outside the intelli- of intelligence analysisand from
gence world: How could experienced hallway and classroom discussions
tic informationis es- analysts have screwed up so badly? with CIA colleagues with their own
sentially a mental and Ironically, after the unfolding of experiences. Informal case studies
social process. events eliminates substantive uncer- presented by analysts in the Semi-
tainty, critics also are psychologi- nar on Intelligence Successes and
cally programmed by the so-called Failuresa course the author ran
hindsight bias to inflate how well for CIA from 1983 to 1992were
they would have handled the analytic particularly valuable.3 Discussions of
challenge under review and to under- intelligence challenges on an early
state the difficulties faced by analysts 1980s electronic discussion database
who had to work their way through called Friends of Analysis also were
ambiguous and otherwise inconclu- informative.
sive information.
Bad things are defined for this
chapters purpose as well-publicized
intelligence failures, as well as major
errors in analytic judgments gener-
ally. As a rule, little is made publicly
of the failure of analysts to anticipate
favorable developments for US inter-

2014 by Georgetown University Press. Jack Davis, Why Bad Things Happen to Good Analysts from Analyzing Intelli-
gence: National Security Practitioners Perspectives, Second Edition, Roger Z. George and James B. Bruce, Editors, 12134.
Reprinted with permission.

14 Studies in Intelligence Vol 60, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2016)

The Perils of Intelligence Analysis

When one is dealing with national security issues cloud-

ests, such as the collapse of the East ed by complexity, secrecy, and substantive uncertainty,
German regime and reunification of the psychological challenges to sound analysis must also
Germany, or Slobodan Miloevis be better understood and better managed.
caving in to NATO after more than
two months of bombings. But the When analysts make judgments The emphasis should be placed
pathology of misjudgment is much amid substantive uncertainty and on substantive uncertainty, incon-
the same as with harmful surprise by definition must rely on fallible clusive information, and estimative
developments, and because the assumptions and inconclusive judgment. To paraphrase a point
hindsight bias is again at play, sharp evidence made recently by former CIA director
criticism from intelligence and policy Michael Hayden: When the facts
leaders often ensues. When analysts coordinate judg- speak for themselves, intelligence
ments with other analysts and with has done its job and there is no need
Good analysts are defined as managers who are ready to defend for analysis.5 It is when the available
those well-credentialed practitioners their own subjective judgments facts leave major gaps in understand-
of intelligence analysis who have and bureaucratic agendas ing that analysts are most useful but
earned seats at the drafting table
also face psychological as well as
for assessments on war and peace When analysts, in their efforts to
substantive challenges. And especial-
and the other issues vital to national manage substantive uncertainty,
ly on such vital issues as countering
securitya prerequisite for turning confront organizational norms
terrorism and proliferation of weap-
instances of estimative misjudgment that at times are unclear regarding
ons of mass destruction (WMDs), US
into an intelligence failure. the relative importance of lucid
adversaries make every effort to deny
writing and sound analysis
Take, for example, the senior analysts the facts they most want to
political analyst on Iran who said in When analysts whose ethic calls know, especially by exercising tight
August 1978, five months before rev- for substantive judgments un- operational security and by dissem-
olutionary ferment drove the pro-US colored by an administrations inating deceptive information. In
shah from power, that Iran was not foreign and domestic political short, it is in the crafting of analytic
in a revolutionary or even a pre-rev- agendas seek to assist clients pro- judgments amid substantive uncer-
olutionary situation. The analyst fessionally mandated to advance tainty where most perils to intelli-
had worked on the Iran account for those agendas gence analysts exist.
more than twenty years, visited the
country several times, read and spoke To be sure, the countless post-
Farsi, and kept in general contact mortem examinations of intelligence Assigning Blame
with the handful of recognized US failures conclude that better collec-
academic specialists on Iran in the tion, broader substantive expertise, One does not become an apolo-
1970s. More than once in the years and more rigorous evaluation of gist for intelligence analysts if one
before 1979, I had heard CIA leaders evidence would have made a dif- proposes that an experience-based
wish they had more analysts match- ference. However, if good analysts scorecard for analytic failure
ing the profile of the senior Iran are most often held responsible for should generally place the blame
analyst.4 intelligence failures, then such im- on those most responsible for not
provements would be necessary but managing psychological and other
not sufficient conditions for sounder obstacles to sound analysis:
analytic performance. When one is
Key Perils of Analysis
dealing with national security issues If regularly practiced analytic
clouded by complexity, secrecy, and tradecraft (that is, methodology)
This chapter examines the
substantive uncertainty, the psycho- would have produced a sound
psychological obstacles to sound esti-
logical challenges to sound analysis estimative judgment but was not
mative judgments that good analysts
must also be better understood and employedblame the analysts.
face in four key stages of the analytic
better managed.

Studies in Intelligence Vol 60, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2016) 15

The Perils of Intelligence Analysis

These cognitive biases cluster into the most commonly

identified villain in postmortem assessments of intelli- overriding substantive uncertainty
gence failure: mind-set. is encouraged, or at least accepted,
by analysts managers. And because
If analytic tradecraft was available in information processing driven most of the time precedents and other
that would have produced a sound by worldview, ideology, or political elements of normal theory prevail
judgment but was not regularly preference). These cognitive bias- that is, events are moving generally
practiced because of competing es cluster into the most commonly in one direction and continue to
bureaucratic prioritiesblame the identified villain in postmortem do sothe experts mental mod-
managers. assessments of intelligence failure: el regularly produces satisfactory
mind-set. More rigorous analysis of judgments. More than one observer
If analytic tradecraft was available alternatives as an effective counter to of CIA analytic processes and the
that would have produced a sound cognitive biases is discussed later in pressures to make judgments amid
judgment but was not employed the chapter. Though there is no way incomplete information and substan-
for political reasonsblame the of slaying this dragon, analysts can tive uncertainty has concluded that
leaders. learn ways to live with it at reduced mind-set is indispensable. That is
peril. to say, an open mind is as dysfunc-
If no available tradecraft would
tional as an empty mind.9
have produced a sound judg- Mind-set can be defined as the
mentblame history. analysts mental model or paradigm All analysts can fall prey to the
of how government and group pro- perils of cognitive biases. A case can
cesses usually operate in country X be made that the greater the individ-
Psychological Perils at or on issue Y. In the intelligence ual and collective expertise on an
the Work Station world, a mind-set usually represents issue, the greater the vulnerability
substantive expertise and is akin to to misjudging indicators of develop-
To paraphrase Mark Twains ob- the academic concept of mastery of ments that depart from the experts
servation about the weather, everyone normal theoryjudgments based sense of precedent or rational behav-
talks about the peril of cognitive on accumulated knowledge of past ior. In brief, substantive experts have
biases, but no one ever does anything precedents, key players, and deci- more to unlearn before accepting an
about it. No amount of forewarning sionmaking processes. Such expertise exceptional condition or event as part
about the confirmation bias (belief is sought after and prized.7 The stra- of a development that could under-
preservation), the rationality bias tegic plans of CIAs Directorate of mine their considerable investment in
(mirror imaging), and other powerful Intelligence [since June 2015 called the dominant paradigm or mind-set.
but perilous shortcuts for process- the Directorate of Analysis] invari- This phenomenon is often described
ing inconclusive evidence that flow ably call for greater commitment of as the paradox of expertise. Experts
from the hardwiring of the brain can resources to in-depth research and are often biased to expect continuity
prevent even veteran analysts from more frequent tours of duty abroad and are hobbled by their own expert
succumbing to analytic errors. One for analystswhich amounts to mind-sets to discount the likelihood
observer likened cognitive biases to building an experts mind-set.8 of discontinuity.
optical illusions; even when an image
is so labeled, the observer still sees True, a mind-set by definition To start, the so-called confir-
the illusion.6 biases the way the veteran analyst mation bias represents the inherent
processes increments of inconclusive human mental condition of analysts
In an explanation of why bad information. But analytic processing to see more vividly information
things happen to good analysts, cog- gets done, and thanks to a well-honed that supports their mind-set and to
nitive biaseswhich are essentially mind-set, current and long-term discount the significance (that is, the
unmotivated (that is, psychologically assessments get written despite time diagnostic weight) of information
based) distortions in information and space constraints. In between that contradicts what they judge the
processinghave to be distinguished analytic failures, the overconfidence forces at work are likely to produce.10
from motivated biases (distortions inherent in relying on mind-set for Analysis by anecdote is no substi-

16 Studies in Intelligence Vol 60, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2016)

The Perils of Intelligence Analysis

The paradox of expertise explains why the more analysts

tute for systematic surveys or con- are invested in a well-developed mind-set that helps them
trolled experiments regarding analyst assess and anticipate normal developments, the more
behavior. But consider this example difficult it is for them to accept still-inconclusive evidence
from one of CIAs most bureau- of what they believe to be unlikely and exceptional devel-
cratically embarrassing intelligence
failures: the assessment informing
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on
analysts gave his explanation of the in the air. But when he read the
October 6, 1973, that war between Is-
intelligence failure: My analysts in seemingly confident assessment of
rael and Egypt and Syria was unlike-
1973 were alert to the possibility of the responsible analysts to the effect
lyhours after he had learned from
war, but we decided not to panic until that war was unlikely, he decided,
other sources that the Yom Kippur
we saw X. When X happened, we to his regret, to send the report on to
War was under way.
decided not to sound the alarm until Kissinger.14
CIA analysts were aware of force we saw Y. When we saw Y, we
said lets not get ahead of the Israelis The paradox of expertise is also
mobilizations by both Egypt and Syr-
until we see Z. By the time we saw demonstrated through the many re-
ia, but they saw the military activity
Z, the war was under way.12 membrances of the those who worked
across from Israeli-held lines as either
on the September 1962 national esti-
training exercises or defensive moves
The paradox of expertise explains mate on the Soviet military buildup in
against a feared Israeli attack. To
why the more analysts are invested in Cuba, the unpublished 1978 estimate
simplify the analysts mental model:
a well-developed mind-set that helps on prospects for the shah of Iran, and
Shrewd authoritarian leaders such
them assess and anticipate normal the high-level briefings given in 1989
as Egypts Anwar Sadat and Syrias
developments, the more difficult it is on why the fall of the Berlin Wall was
Hafez al-Assad did not start wars
for them to accept still-inconclusive not yet likely. In the latter, less well-
they knew they would lose badly
evidence of what they believe to known case, a senior analyst who
and threaten their hold on power. In
be unlikely and exceptional devel- got it wrong made a frank obser-
particular, before launching an attack
opments. This is illustrated by two vation: There was among analysts a
Egypt was assumed to need several
additional anecdotes about the Yom nearly perfect correlation between the
years to rebuild its air force, which
Kippur War. depth of their expertise and the time it
Israel had all but destroyed in the
took to see that what was happening
1967 Six-Day War. And besides, the The chairman of the Warn- on the streets of Eastern Europe (e.g.,
Israelis who were closest to the scene ing Committee of the Intelligence collapse of government controls) and
did not think war was likely until Community was concerned about the what was not happening (e.g., Soviet
Egypt rebuilt its air force. prospect of war and was ready, in two intervention). These signs could not
successive weeks, to sound an alarm trump the logic of the strongly held
As it happened, in a masterly
in his report to intelligence commu- belief that the issue of German uni-
deception campaign it was the Sadat
nity leaders on worldwide dangers. fication was not yet on the table.15
government that had reinforced the
Twice he gathered CIAs Middle East On November 9, 1989, while CIA
argument bought by both US and
experts to his office to express his experts on Soviet and East German
Israeli intelligence that Egypt could
alarm, only to bow to their judgment politics were briefing President
not go to war until it had rebuilt its air
that war was unlikely. After all, he George H. W. Bush on why the Berlin
force. All along, Sadat had planned
explained, he covered developments Wall was not likely to come down
to use Soviet-supplied surface-to-air
all over the world and only recently any time soon, a National Security
missiles to counter Israeli battlefield
was reading with any detail into the Council staff member politely entered
air superiority.11
Middle East situation. They were the Oval Office and urged the presi-
What follows is an anecdotal the experts long focused on this one dent to turn on his television setto
depiction of the power of the confir- issue.13 Similarly a top-level official see both East and West Germans
mation bias. A decade after the event, later reported that after surveying battering away at the wall.16
the supervisor of Arab-Israeli military traffic selected for him by the CIA
Watch Office, he smelled gun smoke

Studies in Intelligence Vol 60, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2016) 17

The Perils of Intelligence Analysis

The rationality or coherence biasmirror imagingis

another cognitive challenge that helps explain why sea- cognitive biases become psycholog-
soned analysts can be blindsided by epochal events. ical obstacles for dealing with the
relatively infrequent emergence of
The rationality or coherence bias, group under assessment. The effect exceptional or unprecedented, unex-
also known as mirror imaging, that alternative, egocentric, self-de- pected, or even unimagined develop-
is another cognitive challenge that luding, and self-destructive forms of ments. And there is no known theory,
helps explain why seasoned analysts rationality have on what is usually practice, or methodological tool for
can be blindsided by epochal events. associated with exceptional events or infallible determination of whether
Obviously, analysts must understand paradigm shifts only becomes clear to a normal or exceptional course of
the modus operandi of the leaders and analysts after the failure of collective events lies ahead.21
factions of the countries and nonstate expert mind-set.
entities that are key to US national
security interests, especially regard- CIA analysts, for example, eventu- Perils of Review and Coordination
ing adversaries. A great deal of effort ally learned that Khrushchev in 1962
is spent on obtaining effective insight thought he faced less risk to his hold On intelligence problems and
into, for example, the intentions, risk on power by ignoring US warnings other complex issues, no matter how
calculations, sense of opportunity, against placing nuclear weapons in accomplished the principal research-
and internal constraints of foreign Cuba than he would by rejecting his er, subsequent review by a well-func-
leaders and groups. The effort usually militarys demands that the huge US tioning team of diversified experts
includes tracking speeches and for- nuclear advantage be reduced by a generally adds substantially to the
eign media, reading biographies and crash military production program soundness of an assessment. And as
histories, parsing human intelligence (that might have destabilized the a rule, even CIAs often labyrinthine
(HUMINT) reporting, debriefing peo- Soviet economy) or by some other review processes increase the overall
ple with direct experiences meeting costly means.18 Similarly, CIAs Mid- quality of assessments, especially
such world leaders, and brainstorm- dle East analysts eventually learned by improving poorly argued drafts.
ing with colleagues. that Egypts Sadat in 1973 was That said, psychological phenomena
convinced he would lose power if he similar to those already discussed
With justification, then, veteran did not risk war with Israel in hopes but this time reflecting the inter-
intelligence analysts bridle at charges of restarting negotiations to regain the personal dimension of intelligence
of mirror imaging and of using US Egyptian Sinai lost in 1967.19 And as cadrescan and do cause bad things
values and experience to anticipate CIA analysts learned to their regret, to happen to good analysts. These
actions of foreign leaders and entities. Iraqs Saddam Husseins deliberate phenomena include groupthink, boss
Many of the analysts, for example, ambiguity regarding possession of think, tribal think, and no think.
who tried to assess the intentions of WMDs in 2002 reflected a seemingly
Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in distorted risk calculation in which his Groupthink is a phenomenon on
the run-up to the 1962 Cuban Missile fear of Iranian knowledge that he did which critics of the analytic perfor-
Crisis were accomplished Kremlin- not have such weapons outweighed mance of the intelligence community
ologists who had spent years trying US judgments that he did.20 have leaned heavily as a psycholog-
to capture the operational codes of ical explanation of flawed assess-
behavior exhibited by Khrushchev To summarize workstation chal- ments. As originally defined, it de-
and other Soviet leaders.17 lenges, when normal circumstances picts the dynamic of a cloistered and
prevail, the hardwired cognitive like-minded small group that highly
These efforts are usually good pathways known as cognitive bi- values consensus and reinforces
enough. But the analysts psycholog- ases provide formidable benefits to collective confidence in what can turn
ical drive for coherence often causes good analysts, and their investment out to be a flawed set of assumptions
them to fill in any gaps in under- in the development, recognition, and conclusions.22 Such groups exist
standing with what they, as Ameri- and defense of established patterns in the intelligence analysis world. But
can-trained rationalists, think would of behavior underwrites timely and in my direct and indirect experiences
make sense to the foreign leader or useful support to policy clients. These with analytic failures, the process

18 Studies in Intelligence Vol 60, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2016)

The Perils of Intelligence Analysis

Boss think . . . occurs when the more senior practitioners

most often involved a large number who have worked complex substantive issues the longest
of analysts from diverse bureaucratic often act as if they own the paradigm through which
officesmany with a penchant for ar- inconclusive evidence is assessed.
gument, some under orders from their
bosses to fix the final text so that it Tribal think, as well, is not a In another case, in 1983, eight
conforms to office or agency inter- criticism of the necessary division of years before the Soviet Union
ests. For example, Sherman Kent, the responsibility for substantive issues collapsed, an analyst invested in
renowned chief of estimates at the among many analysts within and be- extensive research and an innova-
time, observed that at least a thousand yond an analysts organizational unit. tive methodology to conclude that
intelligence professionals (probably The process of coordination allows strikes, riots, and other forms of civil
no more than a score of whom he analysts with different substantive unrest were a harbinger of substan-
knew personally) contributed direct- responsibilities and experiences to tial instability. A host of Soviet
ly or indirectly to the flawed 1962 critique and, as a rule, improve and experts within CIA strongly resisted
community judgment that the USSR enrich draft assessments. However, this departure from the established
would not install nuclear weapons in when an analyst tries to deviate from position that there was no serious
Cuba.23 Thus the malfunction of an- the prevailing paradigm, colleagues threat to regime stability. The original
alytic groups most often lies in other heavily invested psychologically text was watered down considerably
maladies, such as boss think, tribal in different parts of the issue can during nearly six months of debate.
think, and no think. be quick to prevent what they see Even after incorporating numerous
as misinterpretations of events and changes to accommodate the mind-
Boss think is not a criticism of the reports. set of the expert critics in CIA, they
dwindling cadre of CIA gray-haired refused to be associated with even the
senior analysts and supervisors who One example of tribal think came watered-down assessment, which was
have saved many a junior analyst several months before the battering then published by the National Intelli-
from flawed assumptions or other of the Berlin Wall. A CIA analyst gence Council without the formal
analytic errors on an assigned issue. circulated a draft assessment that ar- concurrence of the CIA analysts.25
Rather, it occurs when the more gued that the well-known obstacles to
senior practitioners who have worked German reunification were no longer No think, as a psychological bar-
complex substantive issues the strong enough to keep the issue of rier to sound analysis, is the analysts
longest often act as if they own the reunification off the table. This was conscious or unmotivated resistance
paradigm through which inconclu- a bold and prescient departure from to changing an agreed-on assump-
sive evidence is assessed. Thus boss CIAs prevailing expert opinion. His tion or estimative judgment that took
think can combine with the para- well-informed and well-intentioned hours, if not days, of overcoming
dox of expertise at times in causing colleagues each asked for small tribal think to reach. Even if newly
delayed recognition of a paradigm changes to avoid an overstatement obtained information poses a chal-
shift or a mind-set that was built on of the case here and a misinterpre- lenge to prevailing opinions, it can
oversimplified key assumptions. For tation of the case there. After the be difficult psychologically for the
example, some decades ago, when I coordination process had finished leading analysts to revisit agreed-
was national intelligence officer for its watering down of the original on language as long as the body of
Latin America, I delayed the publica- conclusions by the mending of small available information remains am-
tion of a junior analysts assessment errors, a senior reviewer delivered biguous, contradictory, and otherwise
because it contradicted my view of the coup de grce by all but eliminat- inconclusive. The cost of changing
the country. As it happened, events ing the innovative argument from the the mind-set of one obstinate an-
soon proved me wrong, and luckily papers key judgments. A reader of alyst, much less that of a group of
the assessment was published in time the final version of the paper would like-minded experts, can be quite
for CIA to garner praise for being on have to delve deeply into the text high. Rather than calling the consen-
top of the issue. to uncover the paradigm-breaking sus view into question, some analysts
analysis.24 might prefer not to focus attention on
nonconforming information.

Studies in Intelligence Vol 60, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2016) 19

The Perils of Intelligence Analysis

Technically specialized experts, Obstacles in the Orga- analysis as found in analyst training,
considered science and technology nizational Culture as well as in the evaluation of pub-
analysts, who work on a single aspect lished product, was often assessments
of a WMD issue can be especially As in any large organization, with catchy titles and strong topic
vulnerable to a combination of boss especially one lacking the discipline sentences that make the call and
think, tribal think, and no think. of a money-based market, CIAs marshal compelling albeit selective
Once the senior regional analysts or norms on what constitutes distinctive reporting that supports that judgment.
the well-respected national intelli- value-added analysis to policymakers
gence officers set the broad analytic have not always been made clear. This forceful and confident-sound-
framework regarding an adversarys One key to why bad things happen ing communication style has
intentions, then the science and tech- to good analysts has been conflicting worked well enough for reporting
nology specialists set about assessing organizational signals regarding pro- current normal events affecting
the available information. They are motion of overconfidence (making US interests. It often sufficed when
probably predisposed to put more the call) versus promotion of more the continuity of trends allowed the
weight on the evidence that supports rigorous consideration of alterna- experts mind-set to provide informed
the assumptions set out by the gener- tive hypotheses and the quality of linear interpretations and projections
alists rather than any disconfirming information, and thus more guarded of events. At other times, however,
evidence that would require rethink- judgments for dealing with substan- an understating of the complexity
ing or rewriting. tive uncertainty. and fluidity of political dynamics in
countries of concern to US interests
This tendency was singled out for Whatever the formal norms led to woefully inelegant judgments.
criticism in the several postmortem regarding the quality of analysis, the Twice in my years as an analyst I
examinations of the flawed 2002 operational norms over past decades won recognition by timely prediction
national intelligence estimate on Iraqi usually have prized the volume of of military coups against regimes
WMDs. In an interview, one of the production over sound tradecraft. policymakers considered a threat
CIAs weapon analysts acknowledged Emphasis on volume (as well as on to US interests. Unfortunately, my
accepting as given the principal speed and conciseness) of produc- subsequent predictions of when the
analysts judgment that the Saddam tion in turn has placed a premium on military would turn power over to
regime harbored such weapons and analytic overconfidence. Put in other duly elected civilian governments
sifting through the evidence critically terms, informal norms have tend- were off, in one case by twelve years
but with the expectation that the case ed to trivialize the complexity and and in another case by more than
for a particular suspected weapon uncertainty of many national security twenty.
system was there to be made.26 issues by encouraging analysts to de-
pict and defend a single interpretation As a result of unprecedented criti-
In sum, great deference to the of complex events or a single forecast cism of analytic performance over the
authority of the principal analysts of unknowable future developments. past decade, leaders of CIA analysis
on complex and uncertain issues and are working assiduously and with
their psychological drive to preserve In part this institutional overcon- promising initial results to change
mind-setdriven judgments work fidence reflected the aforementioned the operational norms to emphasize
well in producing reasonably sound organizational acceptance of as- quality of analysis over quantity of
assessments under normal circum- sessment via mind-setthe experi- production. As former CIA director
stances. But the practice is vulnera- enced analysts view of how things Michael Hayden has indicated, ana-
ble to missing exceptional, at times usually work. In part it reflected lysts have to distinguish between the
momentous, developments. Perhaps an unacknowledged conflation of issues on which they can use a laser
there is an analogy between analysis lucid writing and sound analysis. An beam (aimed at the right answer)
driven by mind-set and nuclear power assessment that read well was given and the issues on which drawing the
plants. Both are great for ensuring credit, deserved or not, for having an- sidelines within which policymakers
productionin between meltdowns. alyzed events, trends, and prospects will have to operate would be more
effectively. So the gold standard for suitable.27

20 Studies in Intelligence Vol 60, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2016)

The Perils of Intelligence Analysis

Up to a point analysts should prefer to be challenged

Policy Bias: The Ele- rather than ignored by their clients.
phant in the Room
policymakers goal is politicalthat in postmortem reports and academic
As other contributors to this vol- is, to use intelligence as leverage studies that analysts, in making judg-
umenotably John McLaughlin and against competing policy colleagues ments amid uncertainty at a subcon-
James Steinberghave pointed out, or to ensure congressional and public scious level, often are influenced by
tensions between intelligence ana- support of departmental or adminis- knowledge of the policy preference
lysts and policymakers are inevitable. tration initiatives. of either or both the administration
Though they point out that many fac- and Congress.29 My own experiences
tors are at play, the greatest tensions Up to a point analysts should as a producer and observer of anal-
arise essentially from conflicting prefer to be challenged rather than ysis on politically sensitive issues
professional ethics and objectives. ignored by their clients. Historically, would indicate that. Knowledge of
Analysts, as a rule, are charged with however, analysts and managers at what a president or his congressional
assessing events abroad without con- times have resorted to politicization opposition wants can subtly influence
scious biasing of conclusions to either in response to criticism by deliberate- the analytic process, and this accom-
support or oppose an administrations ly distorting a judgment to support, or modation in evaluating incomplete
foreign policy and domestic political even oppose, presidential policies.28 and ambiguous information in part
agendas. As a rule, policy officials can explain estimative malfunctions
What is of greater concern for this
feel obliged to connect and advance by experienced analysts.30
chapter is the influence of unmoti-
these agendas in any way they can. vated (psychologically based) biases
In most cases analystpolicymaker in the evaluation of evidence and the
tensions prompt both sides to enhance calibration of judgments. Whether Coping Mechanisms: The Rig-
the utility of their contributions to the acknowledged or not, there is often or of Alternative Analysis
national interest. But these tensions an elephant in the room when
can contribute to the perception as analysts and their managers know My earlier reference to the sim-
well as the commission of flawed what kind of policy support officials ilarity in benefits and risks between
analytic judgments. would prefer from their intelligence nuclear power plants and analysis by
As noted elsewhere in this counterparts. In preparing the 1962 mind-set applies as well to the solu-
volume, analysts have to get close Intelligence Community assessment tions. Redundant safeguards are fund-
enough to policymaking processes on Soviet military intentions in Cuba, ed to reduce the threat of power plant
to know where clients are on their for example, the drafters knew that meltdowns. Similarly, redundant
learning curves and decision cycles, President John F. Kennedy would safeguards are needed to reduce the
if their substantive expertise and welcome conclusions discounting the threat of analytic meltdowns caused
tradecraft are to have an impact on threat and allowing him to improve by the limitation of the mental facul-
decisionmaking. That means getting relations with the USSR so that he ties of even the brightest of analysts.
close enough to be exposed to, and could run for reelection in 1964 as the To ensure against error in established
at times seduced by, the politics of peace candidate. In preparing the analytic judgments, CIA is vigor-
decisionmaking. Policy officials Iraqi WMD estimate some forty years ously promoting alternative analysis
at times challenge the first cut of later, the drafters knew that President formats, including forms of challenge
analysts judgment and, among other George W. Bush wanted strong em- analysis (for example, Devils Advo-
things, ask them to take another look phasis on the threat that lent support cacy) and structured analysis (such as
at the evidence, rethink the judgment, to his decision to invade Iraq. Analysis of Competing Hypotheses).
or change the question. As Steinberg In a complementary effort, CIA is
Analysts in these and similar
makes clear in chapter 6, at times promoting more rigorous analysis of
circumstances admit to the presence
policymakers criticism is levied alternatives in first reaching judg-
of policy pressures but tend to deny
because of professional concerns ments on complex and fluid issues
that the pressures have an effect on
about the quality and utility of the that is, the systematic generation and
their judgments. Yet there is evidence
analysis. At times, however, the critical review of alternative hypothe-

Studies in Intelligence Vol 60, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2016) 21

The Perils of Intelligence Analysis

Challenge analysis serves well even if the exercise only

motivates analysts to reassess their previous line of ar- couldnt afford to get wrong. Chal-
gumentation before deciding to retain their original judg- lenge analysis usually is undertaken
ments after the analysts in charge of an issue
have reached a strong consensus and
ses, as outlined in chapter 9 by James the costs and benefits of including are in danger of becoming complacent
Bruce on epistemology.31 that alternative argument in your with their interpretative and forecast-
assessment? ing judgments. It is essentially argu-
Think of the estimative mis- ment for arguments sakethat is, a
judgments touched upon earlier in Externally structured analysis rigorous evaluation of the evidence,
this chapter. The requirement for such as the Analysis of Competing including gaps in evidence, from a
deliberate assessment of a range of Hypotheses, Argument Mapping, and plausible if seemingly unlikely set of
plausible explanations of events and Signpost Analysismight have over- alternative assumptions. As a rule, the
projections of developments might come the barriers to sound analysis primary target audience for challenge
have shown gaps and contradictions set up by boss think, tribal think, and analysis is not the policymaker but the
in the assumptions supporting the no think, as well as by the elephant in analytic community. The primary ob-
prevailing mind-set and a need for the room. As a former practitioner of jective is to test hypotheses and refine
rigorous scrutiny of the authenticity analysis by mind-set, I bridle at the judgments or confidence levels and
and diagnosticity of available infor- accusation that my judgments were not necessarily abandon judgments.
mation. As a rule, the more important intuitive or not backed by serious
the intelligence issue and the greater thinking. Much deliberative but inter- Challenge analysis serves well
the uncertainty and information gaps, nalized structuring took place before, even if the exercise only motivates
the greater need for incorporating al- during, and after the initial drafting, analysts to reassess their previous line
ternative explanations and projections including via the coordination and of argumentation before deciding to
into the text of an assessment. Even a review processes. But neither I nor retain their original judgmentsas is
high-confidence judgment implies my colleagues could take effective usually the case. Challenge analysis
enough doubt for the properly skepti- account of hidden and contradictory provides a distinctive serviceas
cal analyst to develop a list of tipping assumptions and of the overweighting is sometimes the casewhen it
points and signposts for one or more and underweighting of individual prompts the responsible analysts to
wild card developments. reports that supported a hypothesis. If alter collection requirements, analytic
I had committed to external struc- methodology, or levels of confidence
Perhaps the most important con- turing, my sleep these days might be in existing views. In the end, some
tribution managers can make when less disturbed by recall of my per- combination of the often creative
their analysts present a draft assess- sonal collection of poorly argued or insights of analysis by expert opinion
ment based on a paradigm of an issue overconfident intelligence judgments. (that is, mind-set) and the insurance
the managers were proud to have against cognitive biases provided by
developed in past years is to ask: Challenge analysissuch as Dev- more rigorous and structured consid-
(1) What new evidence would make ils Advocacy, What If? Analysis, eration of alternatives will best serve
you change your key assumptions? and High-Impact/Low-Probability the reputation of the community of
(2) Why not review all the evidence Analysismight have provided ana- intelligence analysts, the profession-
through the optic of those altered lysts and managers with an additional al needs of policy clients, and the
assumptions? (3) Why not consider measure of insurance on issues they national interest.

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22 Studies in Intelligence Vol 60, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2016)

The Perils of Intelligence Analysis

1. Richards J. Heuer Jr., Psychology of Intelligence Analysis (Washington, DC: Center for the Study of Intelligence, CIA, 1999). Also
available at
2. For example, see Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, Report to
the President of the United States, March 31, 2005 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2005) (hereafter, WMD Commission
Report); Rob Johnston, Analytic Culture in the U.S. Intelligence Community: An Ethnographic Study (Washington, DC: Center for the
Study of Intelligence, CIA, 2005), also available at
books-and-monographs/analytic-culture-in-the-u-s-intelligence-community/index.html ; and Jeffrey Cooper, Curing Analytic Patholo-
gies: Pathways to Improved Intelligence Analysis (Washington, DC: CIA, 2005), also available at
3. CIA director William J. Casey (198187), who had a low opinion of CIA analysts and averred that at least they should learn from their
own mistakes, reportedly requested this course. This story was recounted to the author by an agency training official in 1983.
4. The quoted judgment is cited by Gary Sick, at the time the Iran specialist on the National Security Council staff, in his book All Fall
Down: Americas Tragic Encounter with Iran (New York: Random House, 1978), 92. Columbia University professor Robert Jervis,
in his unpublished Analysis of NFACs Performance on Irans Domestic Crisis, Mid-1977 (November 7, 1978), comments that the
leading political analyst . . . seems to have had as good a general feel for the country as can be expected (p. 8); released under the Free-
dom of Information Act in 1995 as CIA-RDP86B00269R00110011003-425X1.
5. Office of Public Affairs Press Release, CIA, November 30, 2006,
6. For a discussion of the impact of these and other cognitive biases on intelligence analysis, see Heuer, Psychology of Intelligence Analy-
sis, 11172.
7. Jack Davis, Combating Mind-Set, Studies in Intelligence 36, no. 5 (1992): 3338; also available at
8. See John A. Kringen (director of intelligence), How We Have Improved Intelligence, Washington Post, April 3, 2006.
9. Davis, Combating Mind-Set, 33.
10. Heuer, Psychology of Intelligence Analysis, 111.
11. Richard K. Betts, Surprise Attack: Lessons for Defense Planning (Brookings Institution Press, 1982), 71, and Chaim Herzog, The War
of Atonement: October 1973 (Little, Brown, 1975), 2425.
12. Interview with CIA supervisor, 1984.
13. Interview with senior warning officer, 1987.
14. Interview with assistant to former CIA official, 2006.
15. Case study presented in a CIA seminar on intelligence successes and failures by a senior CIA briefer, 1990.
16. Ibid.
17. Sherman Kent, A Crucial Estimate Relived, in Sherman Kent and the Board of National Estimates: Collected Essays, ed. Donald P.
Steury (Washington, DC: CIA, 1994), 18384; also available at
18. Fritz Ermarth, reviews of Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis by Graham T. Allison and Victims of Group Think
by Irving L. Janus, in Studies in Intelligence 18, no. 1 (Spring 1974): 104 (hereafter, Ermarth, Book Reviews), available at http://; and Max Frankel, High Noon in the
Cold War: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and the Cuban Missile Crisis (Ballantine, 2004), 810.
19. Herzog, War of Atonement, 23. The Insight Team of the London Sunday Times, The Yom Kippur War (Doubleday, 1974), chap. 3.
20. See the Iraq Survey Group, Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraqs WMD, 30 September 2004 (CIA, 2004),
vol. 1, 46.
21. Richard Betts, Warning Dilemmas: Normal Theory vs. Exceptional Theory, Orbis (Winter 1981): 3846, makes a similar point about
academic assessments of foreign policy issues.
22. Ermarth, Book Reviews, 1056. I am indebted to Fritz Ermarth for boss think and other terms used in this section, although my
interpretations may differ from his views.
23. Kent, Crucial Estimate, 175.
24. Presentation to a CIA seminar on intelligence successes and failures by the CIA office director responsible for analysis of East Germa-
ny, 1990; interview with the office senior analyst, 2007.
25. Interview with the principal analyst, 2007. A redacted version of the assessment was declassified and cited as an example of CIAs
successful analytic tracking of the pending collapse of the Soviet Union. See Douglas J. MacEachin, CIA Assessments of the Soviet
Union: The Record versus the ChargesAn Intelligence Memorandum (Washington, DC: CIA, 1996), 18; also available as a product
of the Center for the Study of Intelligence at
monographs/cia-assessments-of-the-soviet-union-the-record-versus-the-charges/foreword.html. The 1983 assessment was Dimensions

Studies in Intelligence Vol 60, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2016) 23

The Perils of Intelligence Analysis

of Civil Unrest in the Soviet Union, NIC Memorandum 83-1006, April 1983; released in February 1994. It can be found at http://www.
26. Authors interview with a CIA weapons analyst, 2005. The general point is made in WMD Commission Report, 16971.
27. Kringen, How We Have Improved Analysis. See also Opening Statement by Michael V. Hayden before the Senate Select Committee
on Intelligence, May 18, 2006, 3,
28. Jack Davis, Intelligence Analysts and Policymakers: Benefits and Dangers of Tensions in the Relationship, Intelligence and National
Security 21, no. 6 (December 2006): 1008.
29. For example, see Robert Jervis, Reports, Politics, and Intelligence Failures: The Case of Iraq, Journal of Strategic Studies 29, no. 1
(February 2006): 3638.
30. Davis, Intelligence Analysts and Policymakers, 10079.
31. See also chap. 14 by Randolph H. Pherson and Richards J. Heuer Jr., as well as Roger Z. George, Fixing the Problem of Analytical
Mind-sets: Alternative Analysis, International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 17, no. 3 (Fall 2004): 385404.

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24 Studies in Intelligence Vol 60, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2016)

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